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Associate Dean’s Message
Dianna dinevski, MBA, MA, PhD (abd), Associate Dean, Research & Development, Research & Innovation
WELCOME TO OUR FOURTH ISSUE of SPARK, a place where faculty, researchers and students are supported to follow their curiosity for innovation and research.
As Associate Dean of Research & Development, I am proud to be a part of such a vibrant research culture here at Humber, where faculty find support and are encouraged to take risks because we believe “there are no mistakes…only research.”
One of our newest ventures includes the newly formed “PhD study group” of approximately 16 faculty members and staff, who are all pursuing doctoral degrees while working full-time/part-time. Our second newest venture is our pilot summer inclusive innovation challenge to discover and celebrate Humber College’s front-line hidden innovators.
We continue to support faculty growth in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). We are relaunching our Scholar’s Café in the Fall, where faculty will regain the opportunity to meet monthly and discuss scholarly literature related to teaching and learning.
It is always a pleasure to serve the research community. Have a lovely summer!