Miracle Mineral Solution

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Table of Contents Copyright Notice ............................................................................................................................ 3 About this Book ............................................................................................................................. 4 IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE - DISCLAIMER................................................................................... 4 Foreword....................................................................................................................................... 5 Meet Jim Humble – the man behind MMS .......................................................................................... 5 Below: Jim Humble being interviewed by Bill Ryan from Projectcamelot.org ..................................... 6 What is MMS? ................................................................................................................................ 7 About MMS - The Miracle Mineral Solution ......................................................................................... 7 The Fundamentals for using MMS ................................................................................................... 10 Six proven ways to move MMS into your body. ............................................................................. 11 Basic Standard MMS Method .......................................................................................................... 14 How to Prepare MMS in a nutshell: .............................................................................................. 15 What to Do if You Take Too Much MMS ........................................................................................... 17 MMS Maintenance Procedures ........................................................................................................ 18 Dealing with Viruses with MMS ....................................................................................................... 20 MMS Protocol for New Flu Strains ................................................................................................... 21 Suggested Procedure for Using MMS as a Flu Deterrent or Remedy: ................................................ 22 MMS Methods for Babies and Pregnant Women ................................................................................ 23 Cancer – MMS being used as a Cancer Preventative and Remedy ....................................................... 25 What is Chlorine Dioxide? .............................................................................................................. 27 What is a Pathogen? ..................................................................................................................... 28 Example of Oral Hygiene using Chlorine Dioxide ............................................................................ 29 MMS Video Media Online ............................................................................................................... 36 MMS Products .............................................................................................................................. 37 MMS Education ............................................................................................................................ 41 Understanding MMS DVD .............................................................................................................. 44 MMS Related Website Links ........................................................................................................... 45 Categories and Topics discussed on Jim Humbles MMS questions and answers website ......................... 46



Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2006 Jim V. Humble

This eBook has been written with permission of Jim Humble. Quotations up to one full page may be used when the author is given credit. Other copies, even full copies, may be used under certain conditions. Please contact the author for further information. Possible cancellation of copyright: In the event of the death of the author, for any reason, or the detention of the author, for any reason, for more than 60 days during any 6 month period, or if the author is missing for a period of more than 60 days after being reported as missing to a police station in the State of Nevada, the Copyright 2006 by the author, Jim V. Humble, is cancelled and this book becomes public domain. In addition, the author grants permission to any person, group, or entity to distribute this book free or for profit throughout the world should any of the conditions mentioned in the above paragraph come about. The author’s email address is jim@jimhumble.com.

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About this Book This book has not been written just for the good of my own health but also for the good of everyone’s health who takes the time to read through it and study the information given together with following some of the external links provided which we have filtered from the many and varied websites out there online. NOTE: Please feel free to send this eBook to your friends and family and spread the word about MMS. We are few in numbers but grow by the thousands on a daily basis. There are simply not enough people “in the know” about the beneficial effects MMS can have on everyone’s health. To send this information further help and others today by clicking on the Tell a Friend button.

In this book you will find questions and answers to almost 800 questions which have been posted to Jim Humble, the discoverer of MMS. Jim has taken lots of time in answering these questions and placing them online. For your convenience we have placed them all in this eBook. Miracle Mineral Solution is a 28% solution of sodium chlorite in distilled water. Miracle Mineral Solution is a water purification product. It is NOT a mineral supplement nor is it sold as a mineral supplement of any kind. Though often referred to in acronym (i.e. "MMS"), an important distinction must be made between Miracle Mineral Solution and the "MMS Protocol" established elsewhere and detailed exhaustively by third party sources. While it is true that when Miracle Mineral Solution is activated, the chemical compound chlorine dioxide is produced, MMS is NOT chlorine dioxide. If your privately intended use for Miracle Mineral Solution is to activate it (i.e. convert it to chlorine dioxide) it is advised you thoroughly read all related material, consult a healthcare professional and study various third party resources, some of which, are made available here for your safety and convenience.

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE - DISCLAIMER Warning: Certain statements expressed within this eBook may not have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any and all information and/or statements found within this eBook are for educational purposes only and are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent disease or replace the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner. Note also, this eBook may contain links to other websites operated by other parties. These links are provided for your convenience and reference only. I am not responsible for the content or products of any linked site or the links contained therein. Also I do not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. Any views and ideas expressed by me are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical advice or service. You agree that no responsibility or liability will be incurred to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained within this eBook. If you have a severe medical condition, please see a licensed healthcare practitioner.



Foreword Why MMS and why go to the effort of putting this book together in the first place? This is what I have asked myself before even deciding to want to share information and basically spread the word to you all as this information is for everyone to read worldwide and for free. With great appreciation to the man who came across his MMS discovery. Jim Humble, who is now living in Mexico, has had several carriers in his lifetime all of which have had their success and not without their own adventures. From being an Inventor to gold prospecting in Africa and South America to working for NASA on repairing the Moon Lander and to developing his Miracle Mineral Solution, MMS. After having learned all of the above mentioned about Jim Humble in this interview, he then went on to tell just how he made his discovery of MMS. While gold prospecting in South America a few of his men fell very ill with acute cases of Malaria. Being surrounded by jungle and at least 2 days walk from the nearest hospital moving was not an option for these men who were getting worse with every hour. These men were very susceptible to contracting malaria being in the jungle but did not have any medicinal supplies to tackle the illness. Jim asked the men if they would be willing to try a few drops of his water purification mixture which he had been taking himself for a long time already. They were willing to try anything as they had all the symptoms of Malaria. Jim gave them quite a few drops of his purification solution and within 4 hours they were up jumping and laughing about how sick they were a few hours previous. Jim went further to treat a lot of people in the jungles and became well known for being the man with the cure for Malaria. Jim presents all of this and tells more of the success of his MMS.

Meet Jim Humble – the man behind MMS The following information is published and quoted from Jim Humbles Website: http://jimhumble.biz/biz-generalinfo.htm Yes, that's me, Jim Humble, over on the left on the DVD cover. I have a few things I want people to see on this site. More things will be added as time goes by. Please look at what I have and I hope you will return later after I get more things posted. What is available that I hope you will look at is listed below. Briefly let me state the situation. I wrote the book that got MMS started in the world. I did not sell MMS for 10 years. Now some people pay me a royalty on MMS sold and I make money on my book being sold. The money that I receive from MMS book sales is being used to further MMS in the world and to treat any and all people possible. At this time, I do not have a big organization with legal nonprofit structures, so you have to just trust me for now when I say the money I receive will be used for treating people, for my expenses, and for furthering the use of MMS



throughout the world. In Africa I treated over 2000 persons personally. Here in Mexico I have treated over the phone more than 2000 persons, by email over 10,000 persons in various non-us countries. Plus at least 500 people in Mexico directly or by supervision in person. In this manner I have seen more people get well from more "incurable" diseases than probably anybody in history. I don't feel that I am bragging. I just want you to know what has been happening here in Mexico with me and the group that is helping me here. I say I have seen them get well, but I don't have the before and after scientific papers yet. I just looked at them and saw that they were well. I now have quite a number of very good doctors here in Mexico helping to get clinical trial proof. Because I want the data to get to the public I have answered or supervised the answer to every email that has been sent to me which is over 10,000 persons. Below: Jim Humble being interviewed by Bill Ryan from Projectcamelot.org

The video above is the first time I ever set my eyes on Jim Humble. In this interview he goes on to tell just how effective his discovery is and has been worldwide attacking and killing major diseases leaving people to live their lives normal. After having watched the video and paid attention to the details which Jim openly gives about MMS, and the chemical reaction as a result of citric acid having a synergistic influence on the Sodium Chlorite, activating it to create chlorine dioxide, the pathogen, bacteria, virus and fungus killing substance. Adam Abraham, the maker of Jim Humbles DVD documentary explains just how important he feels MMS can be to everyone who is lucky to have gained knowledge of its benefits. Click on the video picture to load the YouTube Video of Adam Abraham speaking about Filming and also his word on MMS. Naturally, I have done some more research into the findings and reported successes of the use of MMS and I am personally interested enough to share this information with anyone who cares about their health and the health of their loved ones. As already mentioned in the disclaimer, I am neither a doctor nor practitioner of any kind, nor am I qualified to tell people to get MMS. I have bought my own batch; I have used it and reaped the benefits that for me personally meant a development in my good health at a very quick pace. I have placed many links to external websites in this eBook. Please feel free to visit them and do your part in creating a better awareness of MMS for yourself and everyone around you. Also feel free to send this eBook on to your friends via email. I am not asking for money for my efforts in gathering the information for this eBook. I simply want to share with as many people as possible information about development which can have major beneficial effects on mankind in general. Source: http://jimhumble.biz/biz-generalinfo.htm



What is MMS? The next few pages will be explain just what MMS is. For those also interested in understanding MMS then take a look at then this information is explained in the next pages. These excerpts have been taken from Jim Humble’s “Understanding MMS”. When reading further in this eBook you will also come across more video’s available online where Jim is interviewed and talks about MMS.

About MMS - The Miracle Mineral Solution Miracle Mineral Solution is a 28% solution of sodium chlorite in distilled water. Miracle Mineral Solution is a water purification product. It is NOT a mineral supplement nor is it sold as a mineral supplement of any kind. Though often referred to in acronym (i.e. "MMS"), an important distinction must be made between Miracle Mineral Solution and the "MMS Protocol" established elsewhere and detailed exhaustively by third party sources. While it is true that when Miracle Mineral Solution is activated with citric acid, the chemical compound chlorine dioxide is produced, MMS is NOT chlorine dioxide! If your privately intended use for Miracle Mineral Solution is to activate it (i.e. convert it to chlorine dioxide) it is advised you thoroughly read all related material, consult a healthcare professional and study various third party resources, some of which, are made available in this eBook for your safety and convenience. The following information is taken from Jim Humbles website: I hope you do not think that The Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) is just another very interesting solution that can help some people after taking it for several months. Not so. MMS often works in a few hours. It destroys the #1 killer of mankind, malaria, in 4 hours. The victim goes back to work the next day. If patients in the nearest hospital were treated with this Miracle Mineral, over 50% of them would be back home within a week. Amazing as it might seem, when used correctly, the immune system can use this killer to only attack those germs, bacteria, viruses, molds, and other microorganisms that are harmful to the body. It does not affect friendly bacteria, including the intestinal flora, nor healthy cells. MMS is the greatest solution to mankind’s diseases and ills now known, and it is not a drug. If you will go over the data here, and read my book, and read the success stories provided I believe you will be convinced enough to try it. That is all I ask. Up to this time, I have not yet had a doctor read my book and read the success stories and then say that he didn’t believe it. The reason for this is not the success stories as anyone can write up a bunch of success stories, but the book tells of chemistry. Chemistry doesn’t lie. Science is science and doctors have enough understanding of science and chemistry that they know there is no point in arguing that chemistry doesn’t work.



MMS is the purest of all things that you might take. Drugs and even nutrients have dozens of different combinations of chemicals and different elements. That’s generally the reason for side effects. There are just any number of things that can happen from a drug, and even from a nutrient. Look at any drug formula. Sometimes the formula is a foot long. But not so MMS. It is only two simple items once it is dissolved in water. It consists of the type of harmless chlorine that is in table salt, and oxygen. There is some sodium, before it is dissolved in the water, but that becomes harmless as it is so small. There is nothing else, and this combination results in the most powerful killer of pathogens known to man. It has been used in stock yards to kill pathogens on meat, and on slaughtered chickens; it has been used to sterilize hospital floors and benches, and to kill pathogens in water works without killing friendly bacteria for over 70 years. Now this same formula is used in the body, and the same situation results. No damage is done to the body, but the pathogens are destroyed. In its powerful form MMS is chlorine dioxide that reverts back to harmless chloride and neutralized oxygen. It leaves nothing behind to build up. Take your time. Learn what you can. Read my book and you will know that a new age has come to mankind. I didn’t bring it. I was lucky enough to discover what many men were already doing; they were using MMS under different names. What I was lucky enough to discover was a way to bring the information to the general public instead of it lying dormant in hospitals and clinics not being used. Well, I sort of invented it in that I discovered it cured malaria while I was in the jungle, but I soon found that others have been using it sparingly on certain diseases for as long as 20 years or more. The fact is, it treats almost all diseases, including the so called incurable diseases. I’m just glad I was able to bring it to the public. So now find out for yourself.

More MMS description details The following information is published on


MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution), is a newly released super-healing solution that kills deadly pathogens (disease-carrying micro-organisms), strengthens the immune system, cleans the body of poisonous toxins, heavy metals and deadly infections. A real break-through solution that sends negatively-charged chlorine dioxide ions into your bloodstream, to help your immune system do its job! This break-through healing solution enables the immune system to eliminate the causes of many diseases and ailments. It is not a drug. It consists of 28% sodium chlorite (stabilized oxygen) and 72% distilled water, a simple mineral dietary supplement, that can be made and activated in your kitchen, and is perfectly harmless at the normal dosage levels recommended by its inventor Jim Humble. MMS was discovered in 1996 by Mexican-based inventor and humanitarian, Jim Humble, while working in the jungles of South America. Over the past 12 years, MMS has been observed to rapidly eradicate malaria (which kills one million people each year), successfully overcome the symptoms of AIDS in almost 100% of cases, and is now making ground-breaking in-roads as a killer of virtually any pathogen-borne disease. According to Jim Humble, the thing that kills older people is a poor immune system. As you get older, your immune system goes bad. MMS changes that. When one is taking the MMS on a regular basis, your immune system becomes super-charged. There is little to nothing that can get by the immune system in this case. How MMS works in the body: Once it is introduced into the bloodstream, chlorine dioxide performs a highly energetic acceptance of four electrons, when it comes across any cell that is below a pH value of 7. This means that diseased cells are essentially vaporized (i.e., “oxidized”) while healthy cells are



unaffected. Here is what occurs: Red blood cells that are normal carriers of oxygen throughout the body do not differentiate between chlorine dioxide and oxygen. Therefore, after ingesting the MMS/chlorine dioxide-rich solution, red blood cells pick up chlorine dioxide ions that are deposited onto the stomach wall, where it normally gathers nutrients of various kinds before journeying throughout the body. Then, when the red blood cells armed with chlorine dioxide encounter parasites, fungi, or diseased cells that all have low pH and a positive ionic charge, the “aliens” are destroyed along with the chlorine dioxide ion. If, no such encounters occur, the chlorine dioxide will be carried to a point in the body where oxygen normally oxidizes poisons and other harmful agents. If the chlorine dioxide doesn’t hit anything that can set it off, it will deteriorate, and thus lose an electron or two. This may allow it to combine with a very important substance that the immune system uses to make hypochlorous acid. This compound kills pathogens, killer cells, and even cancerous cells. Hypochlorous acid is so important; its diminished presence in the body is described medically by the term myeloperoxidase deficiency. Many people are afflicted by this condition. The immune system needs a great deal more hypochlorous acid when disease is present. Facilitated by the MMS solution, chlorine dioxide delivers it in spades, as does magnesium chloride, but as some of you may be aware, that’s another part of the health discussion. The most salient point to know, is that chlorine dioxide has 100 times more energy to do what oxygen normally does, and yet, will not harm healthy cells. By the way, if you are totally healthy, and have nothing in your body that is at an acidic level below 7, there are no ill-effects from taking chlorine dioxide. However, your stores of hypochlorous acid will be increased. MMS works best to destroy pathogens that may be present in the body, when 2 or 3mg of free chlorine dioxide are in the solution at the time it is swallowed. However, the body is supplied with chlorine dioxide in a “timed release” manner lasting about 12 hours. Be aware, that before you feel better, it is likely you will feel ill. Ps: If you are suffering from chemtrail-related symptoms, try MMS! Source: www.transformation2012.net



The Fundamentals for using MMS The following information is published on Jim Humbles Website:

http://jimhumble.biz/biz-fundamentals.htm Fundamental One: Repeated small doses are more effective than large morning and evening doses. It has been demonstrated more than 1000 times that small doses administered often, up to once each hour, are more effective than large doses administered once or twice a day.We now know that the chlorine dioxide chemical generated by MMS does not remain in the body more than one or two hours at most. The size of the dose does not seem to make a great deal of difference to the amount of time that MMS remains active in the body. That basically is because it doesn't matter if it is a large amount or small amount it still deteriorates into mostly just table salt in an hour or two. So in reading the various methods of using MMS elsewhere on this web site, keep in mind - it is going to be much more effective to take MMS either each hour, or each two hours, and with smaller doses that will be equal to - or maybe larger than - one large dose. If you are in the habit of taking larger MMS doses only in the morning and evening as was suggested in the past, MMS will still cleanse the body of microbes and pathogens. However, new research clearly reveals that a smaller-but-continuous circulation of ClO2 prevents regrouping and reproduction of pathogens, especially in situations where you are fighting a specific health issue - whether a cold or herpes or hepatitis.

Fundamental Two: Put as much MMS into the body as you can without causing an increase in sickness, nausea, or diarrhea. Always start out with a one drop dose at first and increase the drops every time you feel you can. That means, of course, that you activate each MMS drop with 5 drops of citric acid or vinegar and wait the 3 minutes and add juice or water as always. So, on the second dose you could increase to two drops if the first drop didn't seem to increase sickness (in most cases it won't). Generally, that would be in two hours after taking the first dose. Then keep increasing each one or two hours until you feel that you have reached maximum or until you notice a slight nausea. Generally two or three or four drops each time is all that is needed. However, you could increase the drops up to 10 drops per hour if there is no increase in nausea and if you feel that more is needed. I would put a limit on 10 drop doses and normally you would never need to go to 10 drops doses if you are doing 5 to 10 doses a day. You stop when you are well. Or if you are just trying to clean yourself out then you could try the 15 drops dose three times a day as that has always been the standard. If you can take 15 drops three times a day for a week without nausea or diarrhea or other negative effects, then most likely the majority of the infections and pathogens and parasites are gone. After you are cleaned out a maintenance dose is still the same as always, 6 drops a day of MMS along with the citric or other acids required for activation. That's for older people and 6 drops twice a week for younger people, older people being over 60.

Fundamental Three: Decrease the number of drops as needed if diarrhea or nausea occur, but do not stop taking MMS. Nausea and diarrhea are both good indicator signs that MMS is working. Diarrhea lasting for an hour or two is very good, but to keep it up for days at a time can cause more harm than good. So always decrease the drops when these temporary barriers arise - they are temporary in most cases.

Fundamental Four: Avoid all forms of Vitamin C for two hours before and after use of MMS. This is a temporary requirement, necessary during the significant weeks of your ramping up to the level of drops where you can be considered to be "Cleaned Out." If you are taking Vitamin C capsules marked as "12 hour" type, you will have to discontinue their use and only take capsules or tablets that do not indicate a timed action and take them only at night after MMS hours. See more information at http://JimHumble.biz/biz-normal.htm



Fundamental Five: Thoughtfully maintain a nutrition program adequate to maintain your immune system. MMS takes unwanted pathogens and parasites out of your body with great efficiency but it provides no nutritional minerals or vitamins. Maintain intake of friendly micro-organisms (acidophilus, and other flora). MMS itself does not kill intestinal friendly micro-organisms but forceful diarrhea can sometimes reduce their numbers. Similarly, maintain intake of minerals - especially calcium and magnesium. Nutritional intake is critical to the immune system. Daily sunshine on the skin will maintain your vitamin D or, if you rarely see the sun, you must maintain "D" with supplements - - essential for maintaining the immune system. While MMS is the most potent germicidal agent on the planet, only the immune system produces healing and maintenance of health. Read my books on this topic, available at www.humblemms.projectgreenlife.com The five fundamentals above are basic to all the various methods and protocols that are explained on this Web Site. Be sure to click through to the various specific protocols that are highlighted below.

Six proven ways to move MMS into your body. 1. Drink it. Swallow activated MMS with any amount of water or juice flavoring added. This is the most common method. Adding water or limited juice to the mix after the three minute wait enables you to drink the mixture. The amount of water matters very little provided that you drink it all - typically one half to a full glass of water. If you drink the entire amount you will get all of the MMS benefit. Diluted little or much it will still do the same cleansing within in your body. After the three minute wait, when you add water or juice, no more chlorine dioxide is generated. It is locked into the water or juice. After drinking the mix with the water added, the ClO2 gas will circulate in the body for less than two hours as described above. Insignificant amounts of ClO2 are generated after the water is added, but not enough to consider. You could repeat any MMS dose every two hours (or less) without harm provided you observe the temporary barriers created by diarrhea or nausea. Important additional information is here:

http://JimHumble.biz/biz-normal.htm. 2. You can spray activated MMS on skin anywhere. It is effective against localized skin sores or diseases. The mixture must have a small amount of water added to make the liquid ready for spraying. It does not bleach hair and does not harm the skin. If you have open sores or cuts, it may cause sensations of burning but it promotes rapid germ-free closure of wounds. See http://jimhumble.biz/biz-skin.htm. 3. MMS retention enemas are effective in cleansing intestinal walls. They also cause the ClO2 to be absorbed and mixed with the plasma of the blood - the blood liquid. MMS benefits are more available to more parts of the body more quickly when the ClO2 is carried in the plasma. Further information is here: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-enema.htm. 4. Hot tub baths with activated MMS in the water expose the entire skin surface to ClO2 ions. Add hot water continually while sitting in the tub. Skin pores open and the ClO2 ions pass deep below the skin and into muscles. Since blood is always present in muscles, the ClO2 ions merge into the plasma of the blood providing greater concentration of detoxifying action against parasites, yeast, fungus and other pathogens. Further information is here: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-tubbath.htm. 5. Some people briefly breath the ClO2 gas into the nose, head, and sinuses. DO NOT DEEPLY BREATH the ClO2 gas into the lungs because of unexpected depletion of oxygen. Sitting with your mouth or nose over a cup of activated 2 drop mixture (definitely no more than 4 drops), and with no water added, draw the odorous ClO2 gas into the nostrils or mouth. Approach this with caution. If it seems too strong move the cup further away or prepare a weaker mixture. This has proven effective in killing germs in the sinuses that are often the cause of post-nasal drip. One or two brief nasal breathing session have been reported to eliminate post-nasal drip after all other medicines had failed to stop it.



Caution: If you have any history of asthma, use low doses and stop immediately if you have any sensation of an asthma attack. Never exceed the 4 drop maximum. This method is effective in situations where sinuses, vocal cords, or ear infections are retaining germs or pathogens. Remember, it is the ClO2 Ion - the gas that you can smell - that is the germicidal agent. Use a 2 to 4 drop dose activated with 5 drops of citric acid or vinegar for each drop of MMS that you use. There's no need to add water since you won't be drinking it. Germs live and thrive in MUCUS and PHLEHM. The odor of ClO2 can kill them and prevent further production of mucus. NOTE: Some people report "catching a cold" when using this method. Yes, there can be dried mucus plugs in your lungs from a cold you had a year ago. a few of those germs are sometimes encapsulated in the dried mucus. The ClO2 gas weakens the mucus and the former cold attempts to redevelop - symptoms appear. In this case, continue with internal 2 drop doses of activated MMS every hour (drink it), and continue deep breathing every half hour from the cup (Observe the limits and cautions above). The cold will soon vanish. CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED the 4 drop maximum mixture and take periodic breaks often by breathing normal air to assure replenishment of oxygen to the lungs. You can always mix a second dose later if you want more time span. Bird cages and free-flying house birds should be kept in another room because of their sensitivity to various gases. HEED THESE CAUTIONS. You are responsible for using this strategy responsibly so avoid prolonged deep breathing of the ClO2 gas, always separated with deep breathing of normal air. 6. DMSO can sometimes be added to the MMS activated mix in special or life-threatening situations. Special DMSO instructions are provided under the topic "Life Threatening Diseases" at this address: http://JimHumble.biz/biz-life-threatening.htm. Always test yourself first with a small DMSO spot on your arm. People who have a damaged or weakened liver should reduce the use of DMSO if any aching or pain is felt in the liver area. Put 5 drops of DMSO on your arm and rub it in. Wait for several hours. If there is no liver pain, you are probably safe in using DMSO. One tablespoon of DMSO with two or more tablespoons of water can be taken internally by drinking it once or twice a day while fighting a severe disease. Normally use juice and dilute the DMSO much more. A 50-50 dilution will burn most people's throat. It's best to dilute DMSO with at least 2 parts water or juice to 1 part DMSO. Important additional DMSO information is in two articles at http://MMS-articles.com/ Caution One: DO NOT ATTEMPT any experimental intravenous injections in your home. There are health clinics that can administer such therapies. Seek qualified professionals who can take responsibility for proper dosage, administration, and predictable outcomes from any IV process. Health clinics may charge up to $100 per intravenous treatment. Intravenous provides about the same benefits as methods 4 and 5 above, but at a high cost. Caution Two: If you choose to put activated MMS into a dehumidifier or room fogger, keep the MMS mixture at no more than 10 activated drops per gallon of water. (Must be activated in a cup with the three minute wait before dropping it into the water tank.) People have written asking about this. They want to use the humidifier because ClO2 is a powerful deodorizer and air purifier. Remove canaries and parrots from the room. It is best not to sleep in the room where the humidifier is fogging the room with ClO2 in the mix. Your lungs pick up the ClO2 gas (which is beneficial) just as readily as they pick up oxygen. While the ClO2 is received willingly by your lungs and red blood cells, you could unknowingly reduce oxygen intake and suffer harm. Remember this also if children are playing or sleeping in the same room. A limited amount of ClO2 in the air would be helpful for children and adults, but only if alert people are present and are knowledgeable about the nature of ClO2 as a germicidal agent.



It is equally effective to rid a closet or room of mold, odors, or germs if you set a 10 drop mix of activated MMS on a saucer in the middle of a closed room and let the ClO2 gas arise out of the liquid naturally. Do not add any water in this case. Do not exceed the 10 drop suggestion. It's more effective and safer to do several repeated room cleansings every hour than to release too much ClO2 at one time into a closed room. The odor does not linger and will not harm cushions, curtains, or lampshades. After 2 hours, the odor will have sacrificed itself and any room odors will be gone. If the normal small from shoes and clothes in a closet are still present, then a second ClO2 saucer or cup should be repeated. ClO2 gas is a powerful deodorizer and germicidal agent. Drifting through the air, it will eventually kill all germs in the air and in furniture fabrics. After about two hours, the ClO2 gas disappears. It deteriorates into two molecules of water vapor. Activated MMS can restore lawn chairs thought to be ruined by skunk spray. Scrub the MMS mixture into car carpets, smelly shoes, and under arms. Will the whole house start to smell like a motel swimming pool? No. Not possible. When using MMS as a room deodorizer or fungus eliminator, close the room doors and remove all pets and birds from the room for one or two hours. Caution Three: Regarding Citric Acid: It is unusual to experience any nausea when starting MMS with a one drop dose. if you experience nausea after taking the first one-drop dose of MMS, it's rare, but you may be allergic to citric acid at the 10% solution strength. To quickly stop the nausea, wait ten minutes, then counter it with a teaspoon of baking soda in water if the nausea persists. Also eat an apple if you can keep it down. Wait overnight, then try a one-drop dose again, but use unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar as the acid instead of citric acid. It is very rare, but a few people are allergic to 10% citric acid in water, even though they may easily tolerate weak forms of it as in lemonade. The solution is to adopt unfiltered vinegar as the acid of choice because it is non-allergenic. Therefore try MMS again using unfiltered unpasteurized vinegar as the activating acid and slowly ramp upward in the number of drops as is described in the normal process at

http://jimhumble.biz/biz-normal.htm. Source: http://jimhumble.biz/biz-fundamentals.htm



Basic Standard MMS Method The following information is published on Jim Humbles Website:

http://jimhumble.biz/biz-normal.htm Note: When following the suggestions below, keep this sentence in mind: Always activate one MMS drop with five drops of one of the food acids, either unfiltered vinegar, fresh lemon or lime juice, or citric acid solution (10% strength). To make citric acid solution, use a clean pint bottle with screw-on lid. Add 1 level tablespoon of citric acid powder and 9 tablespoons of water. Repeat that again if the bottle will hold it. Shake and store it in a capped jar. Refrigerate for longer life and to prevent thickening. Citric acid powder is available in most drug stores, enabling you to mix your own 10% liquid for storage. In a cup or small glass always mix 5 drops of one of those food acids to each one drop of MMS. Swirl and wait at least 3 minutes, then add 1/3 to 2/3 to a full glass of water or thinned juice (but without any vitamin C) - then drink it. (You can expand the 3 minutes out to 10 minutes but no longer.) After adding the juice or water it is best if you drink immediately, but you can drink some, then wait as long as 30 minutes before drinking the second half without losing a lot too much of the beneficial ClO2 gas. 1. All methods for taking MMS in the Americas starts with one or two drops. Never start with more than one or two drops. People who are very sick and/or sensitive should start with ½ drop (drink only half the glass of a one drop dose). Activate the MMS drops as given above. 2. If you proceed OK with no nausea on the first dose, increase by one drop for the second dose. If you notice nausea reduce the amount of MMS for the next dose. It is important to understand that the chlorine dioxide (not the same as chlorine) that does all the good in your body only lasts a little more than one hour and then it is gone. Therefore to really do any good against the pathogens you are trying to kill, you need to keep giving the MMS to your body continuously to the extent possible. Every two hours is usually OK. However, some people may prefer a morning and evening dose at first, then adding in a noon time dose while getting acclimated to the process. Some people want to ramp up faster than others, so proceed at your own speed. Increase the number of drops taken each two hours very slowly and if you begin to feel sick (or feel nausea or diarrhea) reduce the number of drops you take. Do not make yourself feel worse. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO VALUE IN EXPERIENCING NAUSEA. You always take the maximum amount of MMS that you can possibly take without getting nauseous or having diarrhea. Note: If you notice diarrhea, or even vomiting, that is not a bad sign. You are killing pathogens faster than your liver can process them for elimination. Therefore slow down the killing process. The body is simply throwing off poisons and cleaning itself out. Everyone says that they feel much better after the diarrhea. You do not have to take any medicine for the diarrhea. It will go away as fast as it came. It will not last. It is not real diarrhea as the body is just cleaning out, and it is not caused by bacteria or virus. When the poison is gone, the diarrhea will be gone. You must not continue to take so much MMS that it causes continued diarrhea or nausea. If diarrhea continues more than two days, keep reducing the dose and putting more hours between doses until there is no diarrhea. You lose too much water, minerals, and vitamins with continued diarrhea. That will slow your desired improvements or recovery from illness. During the Diarrhea stage watch for possible and unexpected parasites dropping into the toilet. There are dozens of types and varieties. Watch for small eggs which were going to hatch into parasites. If you see them, you should not assume that this is the last of them because if you skip days of MMS benefits, the parasites can reappear a month later unless you continue with more complete detoxification. Avoid time gaps and keep a



small amount of MMS circulating day and night to the extent possible. With parasites you will want to achieve complete clearance. 3. Continue to follow the procedure given in 2 above until you reach 12 drops taken every 2 or 3 hours - if possible - ALWAYS STAYING JUST UNDER THE NAUSEA BARRIER. Continue at three or more doses per day for at least one week and then reduce the drops to 4 to 6 drops a day for older people and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for younger people - known as "maintenance" mode. If nausea does occur, please read the article "How to avoid Nausea Completely." It describes the signals that let you predict where the nausea barrier may be. It offers two ways to stop nausea if you missed the signals, and how to control it at http://MMS-articles.com Note: Once you have completed step 3 above most of the viral, bacteria, mold, and yeast load will be gone from your body. Your body will be clean and cleared of the pathogens you picked up and hosted since childhood. You no longer have to worry about feeding the microorganism load. You can base your diet on nutrition, rather than not feeding the load. Diabetes often goes away as inflammation of the pancreas diminishes. Your body will be able to easily absorb vitamins and minerals and many other nutrients it might have been missing up to this time. You should feel better as time goes by. Do not quit taking the MMS, Be sure to take vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that you know are good. MMS supplies no nutrients, so your normal program of nutrition should be maintained between doses or at night. For Children the protocol is essentially the same. One should usually start at 1/2 drop. Just make a one drop drink and pour out 1/2 of the drink before giving it to the child. Then increase from 1 to 2 to 3 drops as given above, but do not go beyond 3 drops for each 25 pounds (11.4 kg) of body weight. With a baby start with 1/2 drop every 2 or 3 hours and stop when the baby is well. If the baby or child should become nauseous wait an extra hour or two before giving another dose and also give a smaller dose. Give smaller doses until the baby or child can tolerate more, but do not stop giving doses until they are well. Children that are sick with the flu or other diseases should have 1/2 drop every hour during most of the day.

How to Prepare MMS in a nutshell: Dosage instructions: Go very slow. Always start with 1 drop of MMS and 5 drops (always use a 1 to 5 ratio: eg- 5 drops of MMS and 25 drops of Activator) of Activator (Citric Acid, Lemon or Lime Juice) in an empty glass. Swirl the glass to mix the two. Let sit for 3 minutes, or until the solution goes green (but for no more than 10 minutes), and then add 1/4 to 1/2 glass of water or juice to mix. The juice could be apple, cranberry, or pear juice for example, but must not have added Vitamin C. Not only is artificial Vitamin C damaging to your health, it will render the MMS useless! Drink within one hour maximum. Ps: You can purchase tinned pear juice from the supermarket, and it has no added Vitamin C. For diabetic sufferers (or anyone else for that matter, it is my favorite), I recommend 100% carrot juice, again available from supermarkets. Increase the application of 1 or 2 drops of MMS each time you take it morning and night (mixing with the appropriate amount of Citric Acid, Lemon or Lime juice) until you build up to 15 drops per day. When you are feeling well, and your immune system is strong enough to protect you from any illness, you can go onto the maintenance of 6 drops of MMS daily. If you feel nauseous, drop back 2 drops on your next application. (Original instructions talk about ingesting MMS twice per day. This is more for people who are ill. Once a day, for general wellness is sufficient).



Maintenance Dose: Work up to 6 drops once a day, twice a week for young people, 6 drops once every day for older people. Always use 5 drops of Activator per drop of MMS, swirl the glass, wait 3 minutes, then add the water or juice. Most people on the maintenance dose, can start off at 6 drops MMS a day and do not need to build up to it. Only a very few will feel any nausea from six drops. Source: http://jimhumble.biz/biz-normal.htm Below you can view the video which shows you just how to mix and activate your MMS before consumption. WARNING: Always follow the instructions provided when using MMS. A golden rule for people who have either taken too much MMS as a result of a lack of concentration or simply moving on to higher dosage without slowly working to that amount is DRINK PLENTY OF WATER AND TAKE SOME VITAMIN C DIRECTLY! This in return will quickly stop the side effects of your overdosing. View the Video below by clicking on it. You will be redirected to YouTube

To order the MMS professional as shown in the above video



Below are a few of the books available online. Click on the book in question to be redirected to the website online.

What to Do if You Take Too Much MMS This is a question that seems to be posed by people who have already taken too much MMS or taken it wrongly. Users of MMS that do not follow the instructions and protocols according to their instructions run the risk of developing certain symptoms dependent on the amount and strength of the mix they have taken. There have been cases of people not starting off with 1 or 2 drops and gradually working their way up to a higher dosage resulting in adverse effects on their body. One couple decided to try MMS and being avid takers of natural products they started at 5 drops the first day and second day jumped to taking 10 drops and with the third day they had raised their intake to 15 drops until they eventually reached 30 drops in 6 days to which they began to feel really ill. After 3 days of constant vomiting and sleepless nights they decided to ring another user of MMS who immediately advised them to drink a lot of water and some vitamin C. If they would have done this at first they would have had little or no bad reactions in their bodies. This example is a true case and is explained in the video above by Jim Humble himself. As with everything it is always advised to follow the instructions given and dosage levels. In the case of MMS taking too much or mistakenly can be combated by a large intake of water and vitamin C. Watch the video for more instructions.



MMS Maintenance Procedures The following information is published on Jim Humbles Website:

http://jimhumble.biz/biz-maintenance.htm After achieving a relatively complete detoxification, there are several methods for maintaining freedom from pathogens and other harmful poisons and metals. Many people do not understand the importance of taking maintenance doses of MMS every day or at least twice a week. Most people interested in detoxifying the body realize by now that new diseases have come on the scene in the past 50 years and they are not natural diseases. Nature hasn't invented any new diseases, they have all been invented by man. I'm talking about HIV/AIDS, lyme disease, morgellons disease, hepatitis C, and a whole host of other diseases that the human race is now facing. Millions upon millions of people are suffering and dying from diseases created by man. Some of these diseases are transmitted by personal contact or sex, but others are spread by mechanisms that are not yet understood. Especially Lyme disease and morgellons diseases are transmitted by unknown means. Yes, ticks are one source of the Lyme disease, but I have talked to many who have Lyme disease who never got near a tick. And there are thousands who have "Morgellons" disease who have no idea where it came from. And guess what. Medical doctors can't tell you where cancer comes from. Oh, they have a lot of ideas that you cannot catch cancer, but all the guys who said that cancer was cause by a microorganism have been either killed or persecuted until they were dead or imprisoned. Then there is the flu. Every year thousands of older people and young people die from the flu. So, the point being that a tremendous amount of diseases are out there where you are, and everyone is at risk. MMS maintenance doses and can reduce your risk by a very large amount, maybe as much as 95%. MMS supercharges your immune system by providing a chemical that the immune systems needs to kill various pathogens. Assuming you have "graduated" from the body cleansing process in which you took more and more drops of activated MMS (morning and night) up to a maximum of 15 drops morning and night holding that level for five to seven days, then in most cases you are probably quite well cleared of body toxins, poisons, heavy metals, yeast, and fungus. Having achieved that 15 drop level - and understanding that you may or may not get to that level in one month due to temporary diarrhea or temporary nausea barriers, after graduation, you should drop back to a lower maintenance dosage. One example might be one eight-drop dose on Monday and Thursday mornings at 6 am, then breakfast at 8 am, thus achieving maximum Cl02 benefits. Another example might be taking a six-drop dose every morning, except Saturday and Sunday. One factor to consider is that MMS doses at almost any level are one of the best cancer preventatives. It seems certain now that that cancer is caused by a morphing microbe that gets inside a normal cell after circulating by blood to its resting place. That microbe would never find a hosting place among your cells if even a little MMS was circulating as often as possible. A small amount taken frequently might prevent the formation and development of cancer. By the time a person is diagnosed with cancer, he or she may already have millions of cancer cells before most cancer tests come back with proof. Therefore it's far better to take preventative actions. We know that sunlight and vitamin D is a critical requirement - so don't neglect it - this is one of many cancer prevention options. We know there are a few human cultures (populations) that have no cancer cases at all - and their diets have huge amounts of Vitamin B17, so don't neglect that as a possible preventative action. We know that if sugar and sugar-forming foods could be almost eliminated (even the carbohydrates) then cancer cells will die because they live and reproduce wildly by consuming sugar - either from the blood or from surrounding tissues. So, reduce your intake of sugar, high fructose corn syrup sweeteners, and foods that convert to sugar (potato chips, French Fries - as another cancer prevention action.



We know that in many or most cases a microbe converts normal cells into cancerous cells. We have 50 years of proof that Cl02 kills all known microbes and bacteria. So don't neglect MMS. MMS maintenance mode will assist greatly in the prevention of microbial spreading of cancer, so don't neglect it. MMS is possibly the best disease preventative in the world. So, a disciplined MMS maintenance schedule should be established. I hope you are never diagnosed with cancer. Those who get that bad news are immediately worth $80,000 to $200,000 dollars to the drug stores, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, nurses, surgeons, radiation specialists, post-operation care providers, and insurance companies. And without MMS awareness that costly process is sometimes repeated two or three times - if cancer re-occurs again and again. You have a very serious reason to establish one or another schedule of periodic MMS doses. Compare two cents per dose to the costs above. At two cents per dose you may be able to completely avoid the terrifying CANCER word in your home or family. Some people just "play around" with MMS. They wait for a toothache to happen, then brush their teeth with MMS - after the problem has arrived. MMS will usually stop a toothache almost immediately. But don't wait until you feel a lump, or a growth, or a tumor, or a swollen gland and (too late) remember that maybe MMS will help it. Your tumor may grow faster than MMS can nibble away at it. Then you will expect the MIRACLE mineral solution to work a miracle. And it often does - unless you wake up too late. Source: http://jimhumble.biz/biz-maintenance.htm



Dealing with Viruses with MMS The following information is published on Jim Humbles Website:

http://jimhumble.biz/biz-handlingviruses.htm MMS behaves as an anti-bacterial agent and also as an anti-viral agent. Viruses are killed by MMS in a different way from the killing of bacteria. The methods are explained here. Viruses are a thousand times smaller than bacteria and thus are not killed in the same way. Bacteria are killed by an explosive oxidation reaction, whereas viruses are killed by keeping a virus from forming over a period of time. MMS prevents the protein of the virus from growing into its final configuration and thus they die. Where viral diseases are present, you must keep MMS present in the body for an extended period so that viruses cannot continue to build their special proteins. The various protocols take this into consideration. For viral infections, normally the chlorine dioxide needs to be continuously present in low-dose amounts for at least 12 hours, and sometimes even longer. This is in contrast with bacterial infections where a large dose of MMS in the morning, noon, and evening will be effective in a fast kill of bacteria. We know for certain that activated MMS (chlorine dioxide) only remains present in the body for about 1 hour. That means you must take a small amount of MMS every hour for an extended period of time to keep the viruses from forming, and thus they die by never reaching maturity. Take as much MMS as you can handle without getting sicker or nauseous. Start out with one drop, and in an hour take two drops, then three drops at the third hour. Keep increasing, but drop back a drop or two if you notice nausea. It's OK to sleep without taking MMS through the night but begin again the next day until you are well. (Remember always use 5 drops of citric acid or unfiltered vinegar to each drop of MMS and wait three minutes before adding water or juice.) Use this information here with any of the other protocols. Source: http://jimhumble.biz/biz-handlingviruses.htm



MMS Protocol for New Flu Strains The following information is published on Jim Humbles Website:

http://jimhumble.biz/biz-newflu.htm Regardless of the strain or variant of flu viruses, MMS is a deterrent and a remedy for flu of all types. NEW FLU VARIANTS are being reported on television and in newspapers with dire warnings that we may face a global pandemic. These new strains could spread rapidly from country to country. Five years ago the SARS flu strain caused numerous deaths primarily in China. Later, in 2007 bird flu variants were tracked as they spread from country to country. Now, as of April 13, 2009, Swine Flu cases were identified and reported in Mexico on April 13, 2009 and three days later in the US and England. MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) is a germicidal agent capable of attacking and killing evolving flu viruses. It operates without regard for the strain or variation that may evolve from time to time. This opinion is based on the chemistry and behavior of activated MMS when it is used according to the instructions below. Unlike antibiotics or vaccines, activated MMS (chlorine dioxide) is pathogen-cidal without regard to strains or evolving variants of Flu viruses - as has been known since 1950. Methods for using activated MMS as a universal flu deterrent will be described herein. Flu Facts To Consider: The recent strain of swine flu, for example, is claimed to be new and different from any seen before. Unlike bird flu, or SARS, this virus attacks pigs, producing lung congestion that sometimes results in death (not always). Now, suddenly the virus began to spread to people who work with pigs and then it was observed to spread through the air from person to person. Within two weeks, over 1000 people in Mexico were hospitalized with Pig Flu and 60 deaths were reported within the first two weeks following April 13. Then the virus spread quickly to the US and England. The number of deaths and people in hospitals are tracked daily on Internet sites. The Center for Disease Control provides a web site where statistics about flu cases are maintained and reported. You will not catch Swine Flu from eating pork or pork products. It is spread through the air from pigs to people who can then spread it to other people primarily through the air. Face masks are being handed out by the Red Cross and other agencies for hospital visitors or for people working where they might be at risk. MMS is a broad-spectrum germicidal agent, but it is quite different from antibiotics in its approach to the killing of viruses and bacteria. Persons who are curious about the germicidal properties of MMS can review a graphic brochure [ Here ] dealing with the oxidative chemistry properties of chlorine dioxide. You can use MMS both as a preventative and as a remedy to overcome Swine Flu. The method is to take MMS on an hourly basis. See instructions below.



Suggested Procedure for Using MMS as a Flu Deterrent or Remedy: 1. In a cup or glass mix 1 drop of MMS with 5 drops of unfiltered vinegar or fresh lemon juice. Swirl and wait three minutes for activation to be completed. 2. Add ½ glass of water or juice that does not have added ascorbic acid or vitamin C (Vitamin C prevents proper functions of this solution). Drink this whole amount as quickly as possible. 3. If you felt absolutely no change during this first hour, go ahead and go to 2 drops on the second hour. (Always use 5 drops of vinegar or lemon juice for each drop of MMS, and of course, the three minute wait) Go to 3 drops on the third hour if you have not felt any change in nausea) The nausea is not bad. It indicates that the MMS is killing pathogens. But do not cause yourself nausea by taking more. Over time increase to a maximum of 6 drops MMS with 30 drops of the acid. If you weigh over 200 pounds then 10 drops might be the maximum. Keep in mind that most people will not go over 3 or 4 drops an hour before they begin to feel added nausea. Upon any sensation of nausea, they must reduce the number of drops by at least one drop. Nausea occurs when MMS is killing germs and viruses faster than your elimination system can handle the debris. There is no benefit in tolerating nausea. 4. Continue taking MMS each hour for 12 hours. The flu should be gone by the end of 12 hours; however, in any case, do not stop taking MMS until you are sure you have recovered. If you still feel flu symptoms the next day be sure to continue on the same hourly doses. Children can have the same treatment except be extra cautious to prevent nausea or sick feeling. Do this by using smaller doses. Increase by 1/2 drop each time and never go above 3 drops an hour. 5. Continue to take a six drop dose twice a day for the next week or two. 6. To prevent the flu and maintain you immune system in top condition take one 6 drop dose of MMS every day for adults and children should take a dose each day depending upon their age or size. Use 1 drop for each 25 pounds of body weight, and 1 drop for babies. Educational information about MMS has been collected at this site where there are no marketing or purchase options. Click here: http://MMS-education.com MMS can be purchased from various labs and MMS resellers, visible on the Internet search engines. It remains to be seen if one or another flu strain will develop into a serious epidemic. A number of people die each year from influenza and other typical flu viruses but those events are rarely classified as an “epidemic” or health emergency. By the end of May 2009, the Center for Disease Control will have official statements about the severity of the virus. Some researchers argue that there are risks associated with stockpiled flu vaccines. Most vaccines are preserved not only with mercury but also with aluminum – heavy metals that scientists claim are harmful to nerves, glands, and brains – long-term. Vaccine critics argue that it is contradictory to state that Swine Flu is new, quite unlike any flu virus seen before, while at the same time promoting millions of stockpiled vaccine vials that were manufactured months or years prior to any given outbreak. If a new strand of virus is "new and different” then older vaccines will probably be useless. Numerous Internet articles expose the debate about vaccine effectiveness as is shown when searching for terms such as “vaccine risks.” Recent laws passed by Congress make the government immune from law suits if a government vaccine appears to cause harm or damage to one’s health. This immunity applies even if you are forced to receive a shot by military or



federal officials. MMS is in daily use by at least 230,000 individuals since its public release in 2006. No one has died from its use – even when they mixed it backwards – or overdosed by mistake. MMS is attracted to germs and viruses because it seeks to rip electrons out of the walls of pathogens, causing them to implode and die. Swine Flu viruses have electrons to give up and MMS will never know that this virus was a slightly different viral strain. Source: http://jimhumble.biz/biz-newflu.htm

MMS Methods for Babies and Pregnant Women The following information is published on Jim Humbles Website:

http://jimhumble.biz/biz-babies.htm Suggestions for the safe use of MMS with babies and pregnant women based on actual cases and personal experience. There have always been pregnant women and babies treated with MMS since the year 2000 when MMS was invented, although many more have been treated after 2004. Some of the women at the hospitals had malaria, but there were a number of other diseases and problems most of which were overcome as they used MMS according to various methods and tested procedures. One of the babies I treated in 2004 is on You-tube. You can see it [Here] titled "Malaria Baby." I treated hundreds of people and their babies that year. That baby had a fever of 104 degrees which came down in two hours to 101 degrees. There were at that time many pregnant women who were treated. I was at a mission hospital in Kenya. The doctors there were following my recommendations. A couple of web sites have written that you should not risk giving MMS to pregnant women or babies. One web site said, "Take this very seriously." Almost as if babies were going to be harmed. Well all that web site is going to do is result in the death of some babies and pregnant women. MMS has saved the lives of quite a few babies so far. If people read those web sites and are afraid to treat a sick baby that only MMS might have saved, the baby is not going to be saved. These people all of a sudden decide that for some reason they know best. They don't bother to ask me, or review the evidence. They just start sounding off. If they really knew what they were talking about that would have been OK. I realize that I don't know everything and that I am not one of the world's greatest scientists. I am not a scientist at all. I'm an inventor, however, and inventors are responsible for more important changes on this earth than any other group. The inventors create probably most of the really radical inventions and the scientists then take over and make them better. So that's what I am hoping for, that many scientists will come along and make MMS treatments even better. But what we don't need is people coming along and deciding they know best from ignorance and then refusing to search out the facts. One girl, with no knowledge at all, told me that since MMS kills all the flora in the stomach I should advise everyone not to take it for more than a week or so.



Well it doesn't kill the flora in the stomach. MMS is a weak oxidizer that cannot oxidize normal body cells, or the beneficial bacteria in the body or in the digestive tract or any place else. I have used it on rashes and the most terrible things on the baby's skin. It has never caused a bad reaction on the baby's skin. I used a strong solution 3 times stronger than the strongest recommended dose by mouth to spray my own skin in the most sensitive areas of my body everyday several times a day for more than a year. At the end of a year there was absolutely no difference in my skin where sprayed as opposed to areas where it was not sprayed. Pregnant women should have at least a maintenance dose of 6 drops a day. It will maintain their immune system at peak condition that is needed for all pregnant women. There are thousands of web sites talking about MMS on the Internet. A few give bad data. I can't check them all. I don't have the time to cover that many sites and talk to the owners. But this is serious business. Lives are at stake. We are not talking about the nicest DVD or a great movie, we are talking about people's lives. For someone to just write up their opinion without checking the facts is extremely irresponsible. Up to this point out of hundreds of thousands of people following my recommendations, there have been no reported terrible situations such as a death. There are many things that only MMS will treat successfully. So if a baby has one of those diseases or conditions please treat him or her. (See my list of "methods." A baby can usually take one drop activated with 5 drops of lemon juice or citric acid 10% solution, added to a baby bottle of juice.) Also, I know those people were just trying to make sure babies and pregnant women were not subjected to something that could hurt them. I know that they were trying to do what they thought was best. Good people always are, so if you can please tell those who are misleading people concerning babies and pregnant women to ask me, or read my site, or read my book.

Source: http://jimhumble.biz/biz-babies.htm



Cancer – MMS being used as a Cancer Preventative and Remedy The following information is published on Jim Humbles Website:

http://jimhumble.biz/biz-babies.htm Although there are 66 types of cancer, MMS has been helpful in killing underlying microbes and viral pathogens that often trigger normal cells to become cancerous - according to recent publications of research scientists. This cancer procedure has been used enough times to convince us that it is the most successful so far for life threatening diseases. Normal flu and colds treatments do not need to be as intense as is described here. This method uses two different techniques to get the chlorine dioxide into the body. The first technique is what we first called Clara's 6 and 6 protocol. That was where we gave a person 6 drops of MMS with the activation and then waited one hour and then gave another six drops. Many amazing things happened when using this six and six. However the thing that developed from this method was to use the 6 and 6 three times in a day. In the morning, at noon and in the evening before retiring. The results were in many cases quite amazing as I was mostly suggesting the use of both techniques together. Cancers dried up and tumors simply began falling apart and other problems began to drop away. You probably know that we don't have any millions or even thousands of dollars for research, but many people do call and I suggest things to do, and some call back to say how they are doing. I base my conclusions on those who call back or those who come by my house in Mexico. One cannot begin to use the 6 and 6 technique with persons that are very sick. They must be treated very carefully. We usually start new cancer patients that are very sick on 1 drop doses. So we use 1 and 1. That is we do a single drop dose and then wait an hour and then do the second drop dose. We do this in the morning, at noon and at night. That makes for 6 drops during a day for a very sick person. Some people might start at 2 and 2. Again that would be 2 drops and wait an hour and then two more drops. This would be done in the morning, at noon, and then in the evening before bed. OF COURSE, WHEN I SAY 2 DROPS OR 5 DROPS OF MMS OR ANY OTHER NUMBER I ALWAYS MEAN THAT 5 DROPS OF CITRIC ACID SOLUTION OF LEMON JUICE IS USED WITH EACH DROP OF MMS. ONE THEN WAITS 3 MINUTES BEFORE ADDING JUICE OR WATER TO THE DOSE. ALWAYS, 5 DROPS OF CITRIC SOLUTION OR LEMON JUICE IS ALWAYS ADDED TO EACH DROP OF MMS. Depending upon how sick the person is, that determines the number of drops to use in the starting doses. A person who is running around OK could be started at 6 and 6 drops doses. However, no matter how many drops one starts with, if he does not notice any nausea the next day he should increase the number of drops by plus one. If the person started with 6 and 6 then the next day he would go to 7 and 7 three times during that day, and the day after it would be 8 and 8. Anytime one notices nausea, always drop back a drop or two for up to a day before increasing the drops again. That is the technique for using Clara's 6 and 6 drop doses one hour apart. They should be increased slowly, carefully one drop a day until you are at 15 and 15. It may take a while to get to this point as the cancer should be almost cured by this time. Often the patient will get nauseous and you will have to drop back.






What is Chlorine Dioxide? Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula ClO2. Prominent uses include water purification, oral hygiene, and more recently, oral supplementation. According to third party sources: Chlorine dioxide is used in many industrial water treatment applications as a biocide including cooling towers, process water and food processing. Chlorine dioxide was the principal agent used in the decontamination of buildings in the United States after the 2001 anthrax attacks. Chlorine dioxide was also used after Hurricane Katrina (2005) to eradicate dangerous mold from houses inundated by water from massive flooding. Chlorine dioxide is less corrosive than chlorine and superior for the control of legionella bacteria. Chlorine dioxide may be more effective than chlorine against viruses, bacteria and protozoa including the cysts of Giardia and the oocysts of Cryptosporidium (parasites). Chlorine dioxide is the topic of author, scientist, chemist and humanitarian, Jim Humble's book entitled, "Breakthrough, The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century". In Breakthrough, Humble describes how he discovered the use of chlorine dioxide as an alternative treatment for Malaria, which has since led to over 75,000 documented successful treatments of the disease in Africa. Humble's research aims to establish chlorine dioxide as a powerful alternative treatment to many pathogen-borne diseases. Chlorine dioxide may be used to against "disease-bearing bacteria, yeasts, molds, fungi and algae", including MRSA and other deadly pathogens. Sources:

http://mmsmiracle.com/about/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine_dioxide- Wikipedia, see "Uses" http://miraclemineral.org - Breakthrough, The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century, by Jim Humble, available in hardcopy or as a free download at http://miraclemineral.org) http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/30105.php- "New MRSA Bacteria Killer Registered by EPA"



What is a Pathogen? Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogen A pathogen is described as "any biological agent that causes disease or illness to its host". Types of pathogens include Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, Parasites and Proteins.

Examples and/or typical effects of Bacteria pathogens include: Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogen Urinary Tract Infection Peritonitis Typhoid Food borne Illness (i.e. Salmonella, E. coli) Tuberculosis Anthrax Toxic Shock Syndrome Pneumonia Strep Throat Stomach Ulcers Tularemia Lyme Disease Examples and/or typical effects of Virus pathogens include: Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogen HIV / AIDS Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E (liver disease) Herpes HPV (i.e. Genital Warts; HPV infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of Cervical Cancer.[) Warts Chickenpox, Smallpox, Cold Sores and Measles Colds, Influenza Virus (i.e. H5N1, "Bird flu")



Examples and/or typical effects of Protozoa pathogens include: Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogen Malaria Giardiasis Cryptosporidiosis Chagas Disease Examples and/or typical effects of Fungi pathogens include: Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogen Opportunistic Pneumonia Ringworm Candidiasis (i.e. Yeast Infection) Histoplasmosis (i.e. "Darling's Disease") Cryptococcosis Examples and/or typical effects of Parasite pathogens include: Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogen Roundworm Tapeworm Examples and/or typical effects of Protein pathogens include: Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogen BSE (mad-cow disease) vCJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)

Example of Oral Hygiene using Chlorine Dioxide http://www.frontierpharm.com/bacteriakill.php Excerpts from the research paper "War against Microbes" written by the Bradford Research Institute. The following is a description of the characterization and mechanism of action of Dioxychlor, researched and developed by American Biologics, as relates to its antiviral, antibacterial, antimycoplasmal and antifungal activities. Dioxychlor has been in clinical use for over fifteen years with tens of thousands of infusions at the American Biologics Integrative Hospital and Medical Centre as well as other clinics and hospitals throughout the world. To understand fully the action of Dioxychlor on target organisms, it is necessary to describe in detail the chemical structure of this oxidant as well as the biochemical structure of substances found in these target organisms with which Dioxychlor interacts. These targets include viruses (the nucleic acides, RNA, DNA), bacteria and fungi.



The formula known as Dioxychlor is the same active ingredient derived from activated MMS, only weaker (chlorine dioxide)





Jim Humble Copyright Š 2009. All Rights Reserved



Jim Humble Copyright © 2009. All Rights Reserved …



Jim Humble Copyright Š 2009. All Rights Reserved



Jim Humble Copyright Š 2009. All Rights Reserved



MMS Video Media Online There are a multitude of videos available online, uploaded by general users of MMS with statements about their usage of the solution and the benefits it has proven to deliver for those people in question. By clicking on the various video screenshots below you will be redirected to their corresponding webpage’s online whether it be at YouTube or other external websites.

ProjectCamelot Interview

Jim Humble talks about his book

Jim Humble in Mexico

Taking too much MMS

Dr. John Humiston Interview

Ph Booster with MMS

Taking MMS Orally

Mixing 15 Drops

Adam Abraham – Film maker



MMS Products There are many different varieties of MMS available online today. For the purpose of this eBook I have chosen a popular reliable MMS manufacturer found here: http://www.projectgreenlife.com/humblemms. All products below are delivered Worldwide. I myself have made an order and it was delivered within 3 days of my order made by using This Supplier. Something worth remembering before purchasing your own MMS. Jim Humble has made his discovery freely available to everyone who wishes to produce MMS themselves on ONE condition; the price of MMS worldwide should not exceed $20. The below mentioned MMS product falls within the $20 price range and are some of the best known MMS products available online today.

Miracle Mineral Solution (Professional Grade) Healthcare professionals and retailers provide only the best to clients and customers. Order MMS Professional here also for family and friends. 100% authentic and original "breakthrough" formula. PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE CITRIC ACID POWDER ACTIVATOR Attention Retailers and Healthcare Professionals: MMS Professional is a professional grade MMS manufactured by a GMP Certified Nutraceutical company and packaged with the utmost attention to quality and safety. Look for the MMS Professional label when using MMS or recommending it to clients or customers.



Professional Grade MMS Activator Kit Each kits makes 20 ounces of citric acid activator and includes: One (empty) 4 oz. blue bottle One 20/410 cap for empty bottle One 2 oz. packet of Citric Acid Crystals PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE MMS PROFESSIONAL Attention Retailers and Healthcare Professionals: MMS Professional is a professional grade MMS manufactured by a GMP Certified Nutraceutical company and packaged with the utmost attention to quality and safety. Look for the MMS Professional label when using MMS or recommending it to clients or customers.



Miracle Mineral Solution (Professional Grade)

X5 Pack Save money and order for your family or friends. Remember each bottle will last you personally 1 year. PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE CITRIC ACID POWDER ACTIVATOR Attention Retailers and Healthcare Professionals: MMS Professional is a professional grade MMS manufactured by a GMP Certified Nutraceutical company and packaged with the utmost attention to quality and safety. Look for the MMS Professional label when using MMS or recommending it to clients or customers.



Miracle Mineral Solution (Professional Grade)

X10 Pack Save money and order for your family or friends. Remember each bottle will last you personally 1 year. PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE CITRIC ACID POWDER ACTIVATOR Attention Retailers and Healthcare Professionals: MMS Professional is a professional grade MMS manufactured by a GMP Certified Nutraceutical company and packaged with the utmost attention to quality and safety. Look for the MMS Professional label when using MMS or recommending it to clients or customers.



MMS Education Here you can find a variety of books written by Jim Humble himself and Dr. Larry Smith. Larry has been writing about MMS for a number of years now. These books are the best known available instances of MMS literature to the general public. When doing research into any claims being made about “Miracle” products it can be easy to lose your way in the volume of various and even sometimes contradicting information being made available by many different sources. The books mentioned in this eBook have been chosen due to the authors including Dr. Larry A. Smith and Jim Humble, the discoverer of MMS. These two men have been pillars in their endeavors to make the Miracle Mineral Solution common to all households on the planet and especially for the benefits MMS has already proven to have had in third world countries in the successful treatment of 75,000 malaria cases. Due to the hard work of all individuals promoting MMS around the world because of its health benefits and pathogen killing staying power

Breakthrough - The Miracle Mineral of the 21st Century (English - 4th Edition) This book tells of the discovery and development of a new protocol that cured many people of malaria in the jungle of S. America. Later more than 75,000 cases of malaria were treated successfully in Africa. At the same time more than 388 cases of AIDS were successfully treated, and clinical trials were run with 100% success in the country of Malawi. Since that time, thousands of people have successfully used the solution that is described in the book. People have reported recovery from Hepatitis C, diabetes, cancer, TB, colds, flu, lupus, and many other diseases. This protocol creates an internal environment boosting the immune system that disease borne pathogens cannot survive in. More info…



MMS Simplified for Hepatitis (English Version - 2nd Edition) by Dr Larry A. Smith PhThD 2008 OHP BOOK OF THE YEAR "MMS Simplified for Hepatitis," 2nd Edition contains a brief history of MMS. This 170+ page book covers all types of Hepatitis and contains specific MMS protocols, alternative therapies, iatrogenic-caused hepatitis. Drug warning: statins, acetaminophen, etc....and much more One of several in the "MMS Simplified for ____series of books, designed to apply MMS to various health challenges. More info‌

MMS Simplified for Lyme Disease (English 2nd Edition) by Dr Larry A. Smith PhThD This book contains the newest suggested protocols for battling Lyme Disease. Jim Humble praises Larry's writings, "I am very impressed... I wish you every success in the world with your books... that could be important." MMS offers a uniquely diverse arsenal for assaulting Lyme Disease. Though it may prove to be the best alternative weapon to destroy tick-borne pathogens, Dr. Larry Smith refuses to be disingenuous by offering unsubstantiated claims and false hope. Instead, he believes it may take years and double-blind studies before success may be assured. This book may offer major help against this monster. More info‌



MMS - What You and Your Loved Ones Need to Know (English Version - 2nd Edition) by Dr Larry A. Smith PhThD

This book contains everything you never knew about MMS and what you actually should and need to know for a balanced health for both you and your family. More info…

MMS for Newbie’s by Dr Larry Smith This book is the briefest telling of the MMS story and is in a 16-page booklet form for those who seek only an introductory booklet to accompany their initial usage of MMS. More info…

The Official MMS Journal (English Version) "The Official MMS Health Journal" contains a two-page daily journal of health and dietary matters critical to personal improvement, unique MMS Dosage Charts, Protocols, brief MMS history and more. It is 200+ pages in length...spiral bound for easy recording of information. More info…



Understanding MMS DVD A feature-length documentary on the origin, science, and proper use of the Jim Humble MMS protocol. Produced and directed by Adam Abraham.

Download the Free eBook The miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century




MMS Related Website Links Jim Humbles Websites

http://www.jimhumble.biz/ http://www.mmsanswers.com/ http://mmsadvancedstudies.com/ YouTube Channel (MMS Related)


Twitter MMS Sites

http://twitter.com/HumbleMMS http://twitter.com/jimhumble http://twitter.com/mmsnederland (Dutch MMS Supplier)

Websites mentioning MMS

http://webtalkradio.net/shows/talk-for-food/ http://anitabeggs.com/?p=47

MMS Forums


Sites of Interest




Categories and Topics discussed on Jim Humbles MMS questions and answers website Q: How does MMS kill the bacteria? If the MMS kills bacteria, how does it deal with the body’s natural bacteria which consist of 80% good and 20% bad? I know you state that it leaves healthy cells and kills the harmful ones, but can it differentiate between bacteria and leave the body’s natural bacteria (good and bad) alone? If all the bacteria is destroyed are you promoting a probiotic?

A: Good bacteria in the body are known as aerobic bacteria (that means that they use oxygen). Disease causing bacteria are Anaerobic (that means they do not use oxygen). You might suppose then, that there is some sort of a difference between them and that is true, there is a difference. Guess what, the unique qualities of the MMS ion (chlorine dioxide) allows it to see the difference between the two different bacteria, and thus it only destroys the anaerobic bacteria (that’s the disease causing bacteria). This is also controlled by the white blood cells in the immune system which have the ability to use chlorine dioxide against the diseases.

Q: Will MMS help with Allergic Bronchial Aspergillosis? A: MMS has been use for a lot of disease, but not all the people that take MMS let me know if it has helped them. I’m sure it will help you with your problem. Visit www.humblemms.projectgreenlife.com for the MMS book or DVD and www.jimhumble.com for more info.

Q: How should I handle my cat Allergy? I am allergic to cats, in Panama I caught some kind of fungus or mold or something in my lungs. Maybe because of my allergy, my infection has been worst. I am up to 15 drops a day of MMS How many times a day should I take it?

A: Continue taking 15 drops. I think you should take it 2 or 3 times a day for at least a week. Then check to see how your allergies are doing. Then revert to 6 drops a day maintenance. Oh and remember when you are taking some kind of medicine/drug separate them by three to four hours.



Animal Treatment with MMS

Q: My cat has kidney failure and hyperthyroidism, will MMS help? Hello– I have a 20 yr old cat with a bit of kidney failure and hyperthyroidism. The tapazole that I was giving him for the thyroid has now made him disoriented, headachy and his health seems to be deteriorating fast. I just ordered MMS for him. 1) What is the proper dosage for a 8 lb cat? 2) Are there any side effects to watch out for since people sometimes feel nauseous? do animals respond differently? 3) Should I include other supplements? 4) Is it ok to give him the thyroid meds also, although I am stopping them today to see if he improves for now? 5) How do I work around the meat eating issue since he only eats wet food and can’t wait several hours with the allotted dosage times?

A: For animals, take 3 drops of MMS for each 25 pounds of body weight. An 8 pound cat would take 1 drop. Animals respond same as people. I don’t normally recommend supplements. That’s for doctors or other professionals. Thyroid meds are ok when separated by several hours from the MMS dose. If you don’t have several hours, separate them as far as possible. There really is no meat eating problem. Some people have got that idea erroneously.

Q: What’s the recommended dosage for a cat? A: Here is a way to prepare a dose for a cat. With humans we usually start with one drop and increase to 2 drops and then to 3 drops and so forth. So lets start the same way, but for a cat. Make up a one drop dose (1 drop of MMS, 5 drops of citric acid or lemon, wait 3 minutes, ad 1/2 glass of water). Now a human would drink the whole 1/2 glass, but the cat weighs about 1/00th the amount of a human. So lets take out about 1/2 eye dropper full and give that to the cat. The next time, make up a 2 drop dose and do the same thing. And continue doing it that way until you are making up a 15 drop dose. If the cat gets sick, reduce the dose until the cat is not sick. Keep increasing the doses if you can. Keep up the doses until the cat is well.



Animal Treatment with MMS

Q: How much MMS should I give my cat who is suffering from cancer? Have a small cat with cancer. Started to give her ½ drop to start. It would be very difficult to put it in 1/3 to 2/3’s of liquid. Is that amount necessary? What’s the smallest amount I can get away with since I am using an eye dropper to give it to her?

A: Here is a way to prepare a dose for a cat. When treating humans, we usually start with one drop and increase to 2 drops and then to 3 drops and so forth. So let’s begin the same way, but for a cat make a one drop dose (1 drop of MMS, 5 drops of citric acid or lemon, wait 3 minutes, ad 1/2 glass of water). Now a human would drink the whole 1/2 glass, but the cat weighs about 1/00th the amount of a human. So let’s take out about 1/2 eye dropper full and give that to the cat. The next time, make a 2 drop dose and do the same thing. And continue doing it that way until you are making up a 15 drop dose. If the cat gets sick, reduce the dose until the cat is not sick. Keep increasing the doses if you can. Keep up the doses until the cat is well.

Q: What's the protocol for treating chronic sinus problems and for yeast overgrowth? How can I treat my dog that has Cushing's disease? Hello. I am interested in taking MMS for chronic sinus problems and for yeast overgrowth. I would also like to give it to my dog that has Cushing’s disease. I am going to order MMS, but would like to know a recommended dosage for my 8 lb. Maltese.

A: Do the standard protocol. Go to www.jimhumble.com and under protocols you will find the standard protocol. For animals, use 3 drops for every 25 pounds of body weight.

Q: How long should we stay on 15 drops a day dose before we go to maintenance? I am on 15 drops a day and feel stronger and happier every day. My 75 lbs. golden retriever is on 9 drops a day. How long should we stay on this amount before we go to maintenance? With my dog I put 9 drops with 45 drops of lime juice to activate the MMS then after 3 minutes I mix the solution with organic chicken broth and dog food is that ok?

A: For you and your dog stay at that dose for 1 week. After that, do the maintenance dose. This is from 4 to 6 drops a day for older people and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for younger people. I would prefer if she took it with only water, but if you just need the soup, you can add 2 teaspoons of citric acid solution or lemon juice to the soup to make it acid. The 45 drops of acid that you used for the MMS is not enough for the soup too, so use the extra acid. The dog will be able to drink it OK.



Animal Treatment with MMS

Q: How can I treat my cocker spaniel puppy for cancer? I have a cocker spaniel puppy 24 lbs recently diagnosed with Mast Cell Tumors level 2 cancer. Do you think it would also be healthy and beneficial for my best friend? I can not stand the thought of losing her, she is only 20 months old. If you think it would be safe how much should I give her? the standard 2 drops to start?

A: Here is a way to prepare a dose for a pet. With humans we usually start with one drop and increase to 2 drops and then to 3 drops and so forth. So lets start the same way, but for a cat. Make up a one drop dose (1 drop of MMS, 5 drops of citric acid or lemon, wait 3 minutes, ad 1/2 glass of water). Now a human would drink the whole 1/2 glass, but the pet weighs less than a human. So lets take out about the percentage that the animal weights in relation to the human. If the pet weighs 1/10th as much as the human, take out 1/10th the amount of liquid and give it to the pet. The next time, make up a 2 drop dose and do the same thing. And continue doing it that way until you are making up a 15 drop dose. If the pet gets sick, reduce the dose until the pet is not sick. Keep increasing the doses if you can. Keep up the doses until the pet is well.

Q: What is the protocol for livestock? A: For animals the dose is 3 drops for every 25 pounds.

Q: How much water or juice should I add to the activated MMS to treat a cat with kidney failure? I am not clear about whether it matters how much water or juice you add to the activated MMS. I want to treat a cat with kidney failure and can get a 1/2 a syringe of activated MMS in a 1/2 tsp of water into her is this adequate or is there a danger in taking too little liquid with the MMS? Please explain the logic. Could I kill my cat if the toxin load discharges, since the kidneys have to process it?

A: Here is a way to prepare a dose for a cat. With humans we usually start with one drop and increase to two drops and then to three drops and so forth. So, let’s start the same way, but for a cat. First, make a one drop dose (1 drop of MMS, 5 drops of citric acid or lemon, wait 3 minutes, ad 1/2 glass of water). Now a human would drink the whole 1/2 glass, but the cat weighs about 1/00th the amount of a human. So let’s take out about 1/2 eye dropper full and give that to the cat. Next time, make a two drop dose and do the same thing. Continue doing it that way until you are making a 15 drop dose. If the cat gets sick, reduce the dose until the cat is not sick. Keep increasing the doses if you can. Keep up the doses until the cat is well.



Animal Treatment with MMS Q: Have you any information about using MMS for worms in cats and dogs? Have you any information about using MMS for worms in cats and dogs? What dosage would be used i.e. drops/Kg weight? Would it be effective?

A: For pets use 3 drops for every 25 pounds of body weight. We have had many good reports.

Q: How many drops can I give my dog? Is it OK to feel nauseous and get cold chills after taking 6 drops of MMS? How many drops can I give my dog? He weights 80 lbs. also I am taking 6 drops a day and I am currently on my 9th day and I have been feeling slightly dizzy nauseous and get cold chills can I stay at 6 drops per day?

A: For pets the correct dose is 3 drops per every 25 pounds. Add the citric acid, let it sit for three minutes then add 1/2 glass of water and give it to the dog. Yes, it is ok to stay at 6 drops. That is the maintenance dose. If you feel a little nausea just lower the dose a little bit so that you are not feeling nauseous. Keep attempting to increase the dose but only when you think the nausea is gone. Keep attempting to increase the dose in this way until you have reached 15 drops at least twice a day.

Q: Is it better to give a pet the MMS on an empty or full stomach? I am treating a dog diagnosed with lymphoma. I am doing an aggressive treatment, 3 drops per 25 lbs. I wanted to ask you if its better to give the treatment before or after eating?

A: MMS is more effective on an empty stomach, however, because of this effectiveness, your pet is very likely to experience nausea. By eating prior to taking MMS there will be less nausea . You are doing well. If the dog does not get nauseous with 3 drops go to 4 or more and maintain the dosage. As for cancer, always go with as much MMS as possible. Visit www.miraclemineral.org for the MMS book or www.jimhumble.com for more info.



Animal Treatment with MMS Q: I have a small cat with cancer. How much MMS can I give her? A: Here is a way to prepare a dose for a pet. With humans we usually start with one drop and increase to 2 drops and then to 3 drops and so forth. So lets start the same way,but in this case it will be for a cat. Make a one drop dose (1 drop of MMS, 5 drops of citric acid or lemon, wait 3 minutes, ad 1/2 glass of water). Now a human would drink the whole 1/2 glass, but the pet weighs less than a human. So lets take out about the percentage that the animal weights in relation to the human. If the pet weighs 1/10th as much as the human, take out 1/10th the amount of liquid and give it to the pet. The next time, make up a 2 drop dose and do the same thing. And continue doing it that way until you are making up a 15 drop dose. If the pet gets sick, reduce the dose until the pet is not sick. Keep increasing the doses if you can. Keep up the doses until the pet is well.

Q: Will MMS help my two-month old puppy to fight megaesophagus that might lead to pneumonia? We have been given a 2 month old puppy with what they call megaesophagus that apparently can lead to pneumonia. I want to know if you think MMS would help the mega-e as well as the pneumonia in the event that he gets that. How would I go about giving the puppy a maintenance dose in the meantime. Could I put it in goat’s milk. He loves that but doesn’t drink water much.

A: MMS will overcome that problem. Here is a way to prepare a dose for a pet. With humans we usually start with one drop and increase to 2 drops and then to 3 drops and so forth. So let’s start the same way. For a cat, make up a one drop dose (1 drop of MMS, 5 drops of citric acid or lemon, wait 3 minutes, ad 1/2 glass of water). Now a human would drink the whole 1/2 glass, but the pet weighs less than a human; so let’s take out about the percentage that the animal weights in relation to the human. If the pet weighs 1/10th as much as the human, take out 1/10th the amount of liquid and give it to the pet. Use an eye dropper. The next time, make a 2 drop dose and do the same thing. Continue doing it that way until you are making a 15 drop dose. If the pet gets sick, reduce the dose until the pet is not sick. Keep increasing the doses if you can. Keep up the doses until the pet is well.

Q: How can I get Chlorine Dioxide to treat my dog? There is “something” inside my dog, I had her treated for tape worm. Do you think I could use it on her and get rid of the beast in her once and for all? Also, I’m a bit confused…would I treat her with drops of SODIUM CHLORITE or mix per instructions to get CHLORINE DIOXIDE and treat her with that? Please advise and thanks for any info you can give me.

A: Dear Marge, my book contains valuable information that could help you. Chlorine dioxide is generated from sodium chlorite with the addition of a food acid. Follow the same procedure as the standard protocol as described in my web site and remember that for animals, the dose is 3 drops for each 25 pounds of body weight. That’s 1 drop for each 8 pounds of body weight. But don’t start out with that much. Follow the procedure. Visit www.humblemms.projectgreenlife.com for the MMS book or DVD and www.jimhumble.com for more info.



Animal Treatment with MMS

Q: What is the recommended dose for animals? Can you tell me what dose would be good for an animal (cat) this size and how to give it to her?

A: Dear Gary, For animals, give them 3 drops of MMS for every 25 pounds, for each drop of MMS, put 5 drops of citric acid, wait 3 minutes then add half glass of water. It’s ok if they don’t drink it all, for it can probably last from 20 to 24 hours; so it is ok for them to drink it throughout the day. If they won’t drink it, use a turkey baster or eye dropper for a small animal. Visit www.humblemms.projectgreenlife.com for the MMS book or DVD and www.jimhumble.com for more info.

Q: What is the recommended dose for animals? Can you tell me what dose would be good for an animal (cat) this size and how to give it to her?

A: Dear Gary, For animals, give them 3 drops of MMS for every 25 pounds, for each drop of MMS, put 5 drops of citric acid, wait 3 minutes then add half glass of water. It’s ok if they don’t drink it all, for it can probably last from 20 to 24 hours; so it is ok for them to drink it throughout the day. If they won’t drink it, use a turkey baster or eye dropper for a small animal. Visit www.humblemms.projectgreenlife.com for the MMS book or DVD and www.jimhumble.com for more info.

Q: Is it OK to mix a dosage of MMS for my cattle and pour it over two handfuls of grain so that he eats it immediately? I have a head of cattle that has a bad infection on the back of its rear leg. It has swollen up pretty bad. His weight is about 1700-2000 lbs. I have been giving him 150 drops twice a day. The question is… Is it OK to mix up the MMS, wait the 3 minutes and then pour it over two handfuls of grain (feed) so that he eats it immediately? He then generally takes a nice big drink of water (about 5 gallons). Let me know what you think about this “pouring the MMS over a couple of hand full of grain”.

A: Dear Martin, I think it is best for you to give it to your cattle in the water. Remember, for animals give 3 drops of MMS for every 25 pounds of body weight. When mixing MMS, let say your cattle weights 1700 pounds, that would be 204 MMS drops with 1020 drops of citric acid, wait 3 minutes and pour that to the animal’s water. The cattle can drink it throughout the day. What you can also do is spray some in its infected area. To do this, take a 2 oz bottle, add 20 drops of MMS, mix it with 100 drops of citric acid, wait 3 minutes and pour it to the 2 oz bottle; add some water to that solution then spray the affected area. Let me know how everything goes. Visit www.humblemms.projectgreenlife.com for the MMS book or DVD and www.jimhumble.com for more info.



Animal Treatment with MMS

Q: Does having breakfast affect my MMS treatment? Can I also use MMS on my puppy? Could you please tell me if I can take MMS in the morning and still have breakfast which includes milk and cereal? I also have a Newfoundland 11 month old puppy who has severe allergies and I believe she has a yeast infection, Can I give it to her and how much should I start her on, many, many thanks. Shirley.

A: Dear Sophie, yes, you can take MMS after eating. Just wait a couple of minutes. I always suggest people to wait 1 or 2 hours, but that is only because MMS works better on an empty stomach. You can also give some to your puppy. Three drops of MMS for every 25 pounds of body weight, remember that for each drop of MMS you should add 5 drops of citric acid, lime or lemon juice, wait 3 minutes and then add water to it. Visit www.humblemms.projectgreenlife.com for the MMS book or DVD and www.jimhumble.com for more info.

Q: For how long should I continue with a dosage of MMS If I already feel better? How long is it ok for me to do 8 drops daily and my 80 pound dog 5 drops daily? We all feel better on these dosages

A: You can take it as long as you are feeling ok, but you are going to eventually have to take the maintenance dose, which is 4 or 6 drops a day for older people (+50) and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for younger people. For more information on this regard, please visit www.humblemms.projectgreenlife.com for the MMS book or DVD and www.jimhumble.com for more info.

Q: How much MMS is required for a small cat with cancer? I have a small cat with cancer. How much MMS can I give her?

A: Here is a way to prepare a dose for a pet. With humans we usually start with one drop and increase to 2 drops and then to 3 drops and so forth. So let’s start the same way, but for a cat. Make up a one drop dose (1 drop of MMS, 5 drops of citric acid or lemon, wait 3 minutes, ad 1/2 glass of water). Now a human would drink the whole 1/2 glass, but the pet weighs less than a human. So let’s take out about the percentage that the animal weights in relation to the human. If the pet weighs 1/10th as much as the human, take out 1/10th the amount of liquid and give it to the pet. The next time, make up a 2 drop dose and do the same thing. And continue doing it that way until you are making up a 15 drop dose. If the pet gets sick, reduce the dose until the pet is not sick. Keep increasing the doses if you can. Keep up the doses until the pet is well.



Alzheimer Disease (1) Alzheimer’s Disease (2) anaerobic (2) Animal Treatment (19) o Cancer (2) o Cushing’s Disease (1) o hyperthyroidism (1) o Kidney failure (2) o Megaesophagus (1) o Pet Cancer (2) o Pet Health (9) o Pet Parasites (1) Ankylosing Spondolitis (1) antibiotics (5) Antioxidants and Proteins (2) Arthritis (14) o Degenerative arthritis (1) atrial fibrillation (1) Atypical Urothelial Cells (1) Back Problems (3) Bacteria (7) bartonella (2) bipolar disorder (1) Blood (20) o Anemia (4) o Babesia (2) o Beta Thalassemia Minor (4) o Blocked Artery (2) blood brain barrier (1) Blood Thinner (2) Bone cancer (4) Bone Conditions (3) o Osteopenia (1) o Osteoporosis (1) o Osteosarcoma (1) Brain Disorders (6) o Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (1) o Autism (3) o Chronic Depression (Dysthymia) (1) brushing teeth (12) Cancer and MMS (86) o Bladder (6) o Breast Cancer (18) o Cervical Cancer (1) o Chemotherapy (5) o Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CCL) (1) o Esophagus (1) o Leukemia (5) o Lung Cancer (6) o Lymphoma (4) o Metastatic Breast Cancer (1) o Multiple Myeloma (MM) (2) o Oral Cancer (2) o Prostate Cancer (7) o Retinoblastoma (1) o Tumors – cancerous (8)



o Tumors – not cancerous (2) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (1) Chickenpox (2) o Shingles (2) Children (9) o Babies (3) o Breastfeeding (3) o Pregnancy (4) cholesterol (1) Chronic Fatigue (3) chronic obesity (1) Cirrhosis (1) Colds and Flu (1) colon cancer (1) Cystic Fibrosis (1) Dengue fever (3) Diabetes Mellitus (9) dialysis (2) diet (2) Digestive System (28) o Bowels (1) o Colon (3) o Constipation (2) o Crohn’s Disease (6) o Diarrhea (6) o Diverticulitis (2) o Giardia Lamblia (2) o Gut (3) o Peptic and Gastric Ulcers (4) o Stomach (1) o Stomach ulcers (1) DMSO (13) Edema (2) Endogenous Retrovirus (2) Erythema nodosum (1) Eye and vision disorders (2) o Blindness (1) o Cataracts (1) Eye and vision disorders (4) FDA (1) Fibromyalgia (2) Fungi (29) o Candida (17) o Nails (1) o Yeast (4) gallbladder (1) Gout (2) gum disease (1) Hair (5) Hearing Conditions (1) o Tinnitus (1) Heart Conditions (12) o Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy (IDC) (1) o Myocardial infarction (Heart attack) (1) o Palpitation (3) heavy metal poisoning (5)



Hepatitis (15) o Hepatitis C (14) Herpes (15) Herxheimer reaction (4) high blood pressure (8) high cholesterol (2) HIV (21) o AIDS (15) Hives (1) Hypothyroidism (4) Immune system (8) o Chronic Immune System Dysfunction (1) o Sarcoidosis (1) Infection (14) o Dental Infections (4) o Ear (1) o Eye (1) o Nose (1) o yeast infection (3) insect bites (3) Insomnia (1) interstitial cystitis (2) Iodine Levels (1) Kidney (14) o Chronic Kidney Disease (1) o Transplant (1) kidney infection (2) kidney stones (2) leishmania (1) Leprosy (1) Leukytosis (1) Liver (10) liver cancer (1) Longevity (1) low blood pressure (5) Lungs Conditions (2) Lupus (8) Lyme Disease (21) lymphatic system (1) Malaria (4) Melanoma tumour (1) meningitis (1) mercury (1) metal fillings (5) metastatic bone cancer (1) migraine (1) Mission, Purpose (1) MMS General (357) o Dosage (119) o Effects (72) o Elaboration (36) o Enemas (7) o Interactions (74) o Intravenously (IV) (11) o Topical (10) MMS Miscellaneous (114)



o Activator (3) o Bad Supplement (1) o Chlorine (2) o Chlorine dioxide (14) o Citric Acid (13) o Disinfection (1) o Heavy Metals (12) o large doses (3) o Medical Drugs (9) o Minerals (4) o Paradophilus (1) o Sodium chlorite (12) o Sun exposure (2) o Suppliers (1) o Vaccines (1) o Vinegar (10) o Vitamin C (39) o Water purification (3) Morgellons (2) Mouth Wash (7) MRSA (1) Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (1) Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (9) Muscular Distrophy (1) Myasthenia gravis (1) mycoplasma (1) Nausea & Stomach (7) neuroendocrine tumor (1) neuropathy (1) Ovarian Cyst (1) ozone therapy (1) pacemaker (2) Pancreas (6) o Pancreatitis (1) pancreas transplant (1) pancreatic cancer (1) Paraplegia (2) parasites (8) Parkinson’s Disease (3) pathogens (6) Periodontal (1) Pimples (1) Pituitary tumors (1) Pneumonia (1) Poisons (1) prostate (3) Protocol-MMS (15) Q fever (1) Radon Gas (1) Respiratory Conditions (11) o Asthma (3) o Emphysema (1) o Influenza (The flu) (3) o Lungs (1) o Sinus (1) o Sinusitis (2)



Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (3) Ring cell carcinoma (1) Sciatic Nerve (1) Scoliosis (1) seizures (1) Silver solution (2) Skin (20) o Actinic Keratosis (3) o Breakouts (2) o Burns (2) o Eczema (2) o Melanoma (2) o Psoriasis (3) o Rash (2) o Warts (3) Skin Cancer (4) Sodium Bicarbonate (2) South Africa (1) Spinal Stenosis (2) Stomach cramps (2) Strokes (3) surgery (4) Tapeworm infections (3) Teeth and Mouth (28) o Aphtas (1) o Canker Sores (1) o Gingivitis (2) o Gums (7) o Jaw (1) o oral treatment (5) o Periodontitis (1) o Toothache (2) Test (1) Tetanus (1) Thrombocytopenia (1) thyroid gland (3) Thyrotoxicosis (1) Tonsillitis (1) Topical Applications (1) toxins (5) transplants (1) Tuberculosis (1) Type 1 Diabetes (1) type T lymphoma (2) ulcerative colitis (2) ureter (1) Water (2) water treatment (2) Wegener’s granulomatosis (1) Weight problems (3)


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