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A Word from the Conference Chair Congratulations on being participants at the annual Anthropology of Religion virtual conference. Thank you for your many wonderful presentations and for providing all of us the opportunity to learn a little about your fascinating work on a vast range of religious beliefs and practices and the complicated ways that religious ideas shape our varied realities.. As scholars in an Anthropology of Religion course (a GE course with majors from all disciplines) we have been able to undertake individual research, explore our interests and grapple with the issues involved in ethnographic representation. Each scholar has been forced to confront how to present a critical glimpse of an aspect of a religious belief system, embedded in a particular culture, and raise questions about the relationship between the two. Please enjoy this opportunity for intellectual engagement and thoughtful reflection on the cultures and religions here represented in the work of your colleagues.

Comments from Conference Technical Support Welcome to this virtual conference for Anthropology of Religion! Have fun “strolling the halls” and “dropping in” on the many interesting presentations for our virtual conference. I hope you’ll enjoy this novel approach to learning and take pride in what you helped to create! --Joan Van Duzer

TABLE OF CONTENTS ANTHROPOLOGY OF RELIGION.................................................................................................................................. 1 2015 VIRTUAL CONFERENCE...................................................................................................................................... 1 A Word from the Conference Chair.............................................................................................................................. 2 Comments from Conference Technical Support..........................................................................................................2 AFRICAN ROOTS........................................................................................................................................................... 5 The Afrikaner Way of Life.......................................................................................................................................... 5 EARLY EUROPE AND EGYPT....................................................................................................................................... 5 The Law of Thelema................................................................................................................................................... 5 ASIAN.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Death Rituals in china................................................................................................................................................. 6 Serenity in Paradox..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Shintoism: a Cultural ‘Religion’................................................................................................................................... 6 Shinto Structure and Politics....................................................................................................................................... 7 The Vital Energies of Taoism...................................................................................................................................... 7 BUDDHISM..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Evolution of Theravada Buddhism and Vipassana......................................................................................................7 Equality of Women in Buddhism................................................................................................................................. 8 Buddhism: Rituals and Practices................................................................................................................................ 8 PAGANISM & WICCA..................................................................................................................................................... 8 New Age Witchcraft: The Practices and Beliefs of Wiccan Religion...........................................................................8 An it harm none, do what ye will.................................................................................................................................. 9 Eight Words the Wiccan Fulfill: ‘And You Harm None, Do What You Will’.................................................................9 The Role of Society on Witchcraft............................................................................................................................... 9 HINDUISM..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 The Religious Character of Ayervedic Medicine........................................................................................................10 Shiva: The God of Marijuana.................................................................................................................................... 10 The Ganges River: A Sacred River Suffers..............................................................................................................10 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 ISLAM............................................................................................................................................................................ 11 The Kalesh Women.................................................................................................................................................. 11 Islamic State of Persians.......................................................................................................................................... 11 JUDAISM....................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Who Gets to Claim Validity: Looking at the Complicated Identity Crisis of the African Jew......................................12 NORTH AMERICAN...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Faith in ‘Secularism’: Understanding American Civil Religion..................................................................................12 Winnemen Wintu: The Drowning of Religious Rights................................................................................................13 Religious Identity of the Lakota Before and After Christianity...................................................................................13 Popularization of Rastafarianism in America............................................................................................................13 Scientology: A Prison of Belief?................................................................................................................................ 13 Respectable Change................................................................................................................................................ 13 OTHER SOUTH ASIAN & MIDDLE EASTERN............................................................................................................14 Muraqaba: The Art of Sufi Meditation....................................................................................................................... 14 Jain Cosmology and its Influence on India’s Religious History.................................................................................15 The Ritualistic and Ideological Differences Between Two Sects of Jainism.............................................................15 SOUTH AMERICAN...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Catholocism Can’t Change....................................................................................................................................... 15 OTHER.......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Iceland’s Asatru......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Ayahuasca................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Terrestrial Arthropods in Religion............................................................................................................................. 16 Scientology: Emerging Religion or Hoax?................................................................................................................17

Mardudjara: A Rite of Passage................................................................................................................................. 17 Dispelling Supertsitions: Ritual Practices of Vodou in Haiti......................................................................................17 Primal Religion: Aborigines of Asutralia....................................................................................................................17 Politics, Satire, and Sacrilege................................................................................................................................... 17 Druidism & Neo-druidism.......................................................................................................................................... 18 What is Christianity?................................................................................................................................................ 18 Exploring Sufism..................................................................................................................................................... 18



Photo by Timothy Tolle

T HE AFRIKANER WAY OF LIFE Samantha Reid ABSTRACT Throughout this presentation, I will discuss the Afrikaner civil religion, identity crisis, and ideologies of this particular culture. Apartheid has changed the identity, and therefore the ideology of the Afrikaner culture, as well as changing how they view, practice, and speak of their religion. I will also discuss gender roles and what effect that plays into the processes of the culture. There are also variations of Afrikaner culture throughout different countries, although the biggest population is in South Africa. I will also discuss what it means to be an Afrikaner and they myth of their Calvinist creation.

THE LAW OF THELEMA Jordan Salvador ABSTRACT The cult religion Thelema focusing on "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." This means that what you think is right, is the law. Thelema is one of the newer religions created by occultist Aleister Crowley. It started in the early 1900's and is based off of Egyptian writings and practices. We will be looking at Crowleys visit from the Egyptian god Horus as well as how he wrote Thelemas sacred text 'The Book of the Law'. Magick is also a factor in the Thelema religion. It is based on many different religions and medditiation such as Buddism and Yoga. I will be explaing how it is used and how the Ordo Templi Orientis, a free mason group, contributed it to the religion. From 666 to Liber OZ, there are lots of interesting things that you learn about this religion. By the end of this Pecha Kucha, you should be knowledgeable on the subject of Thelema and how it came to be as a new religion.


SERENITY IN PARADOX Adam Simon ABSTRACT The aim of my presentation is to explain the Taoist religion, touching briefly on how it originated, where it originated as well as how their cosmology affects their worldview and the influence this view has on the practitioner of Taoism. I will explain the fundamental beliefs of the Taoist, the goal of the Taoist and I will do so by examining a multitude of symbols and myths that are found in the Taoist religion. I will also argue that Taoism is a world religion due to its influence outside of the place it originated and how this religious view has been examined and been engrained into western culture. I will focus heavily on the Taoists’ use of paradox in explaining the way in which the universe functions and I will go into depth on the Taoist aim to act; the word that represents the active practice of the fundamental Taoist beliefs is called wu-wei.


Photo by Topinambour

DEATH RITUALS IN CHINA Alec Danielle Tan ABSTRACT Death is an inevitable part of life. To cope with death, China holds a unique set of beliefs and rituals. A religious syncretism of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism forms the basis for Chinese death beliefs and practices. Chinese people believe that when one dies, one moves on to the afterlife as a spirit with the potential to become harmful to the living. Through the practice of religious death rituals, the living can ease the rite of passage from life to death and ensure that the spirits do not harm them. By studying religious beliefs and death rituals in China, we can gain a better understanding of the Chinese culture.

This presentation examines the Shintoism ‘religion’ and examines how important Shintoism is to those who practice. I will explain the impact other religions have had on Shintoism and how, all together, Shintoism differs from most religions. I will try to demonstrate how Shintoism is viewed by the Japanese public and how these beliefs (or cultural norms) impact their daily life. This topic is very important because it shows an extremely different perspective on how to view, believe, and practice religions. By understanding Shintoism a person can start to truly understand the Japanese people way of life.



Felizitas Hernandez ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Shinto religion, but it will mainly focus on the political issues that are happening as of today and in the past and it will also focus on the different sections and categories that exist for the Shinto religion. The Shinto religion is a compilation of various cults that are now just one and, the purpose of these cults was to understand the earth and the supernatural realms. This is an interesting topic because I would like to inform others about the different sections and categories that exist for the Shinto religion and what are their specific functions within the culture, I would also like to make others aware of the political issues that are happening. By understanding the structure of the Shinto religion we will be able to learn and understand more of the Shinto religion and the role politics play in the religion.

THE VITAL ENERGIES OF TAOISM Mathew Clevenger ABSTRACT This presentation is an examination of the Taoist religion, taking focus on the physical path of the Tao. The physical path of Taoism is primarily interested in increasing the amount and flow their vital energy, qi. To increase their vital energies they must master control over their mind and body through various practices. There are also some myths that have shaped the ideal methods of practice which results in the seeking of becoming a Taoist Immortal. While this path is one of three used to practice Taoism it is important to understand them individually and collectively because they are often mixed together and shape the common practices of Taoism. By focusing on this path we can also see how it has influenced the culture in which it was initially practiced.

Photo by Aleksander Dragnes


This presentation establishes a brief history for Thervada Buddhism and its meditation ritual known as Vipassana, and then moves on to describe how these two things have changed through time. Different mechanisms such as globalization, teaching innovations, technology and other points are presented as the driving force behind this changing path for Buddhism. The threshold for putting meditation into practice has been lowered in such a way that it is now recommendable for nonordained people. By introducing recent scientific research, I show that there are empirical reasons to meditate.

EQUALITY OF WOMEN IN BUDDHISM Ashley Lopez ABSTRACT My presentation will center around women in the religion of Buddhism. Buddhism is practiced in many countries and the roles of women pre-buddhism weren't always favorable positions. I've been digging into the equality of women in buddhism and how it came to be. Buddhist's stated that "ones sex presents no barrier to attaining the Buddhist goal of liberation from suffering". They believe that Buddhist men and women are on the same path so the different between genders is insignificant. I'm excited to show more in depth the roles and freedom the Buddhism religion gives women in comparison to early Buddhism across cultures.


BUDDHISM: RITUALS AND PRACTICES Olivia Rodriguez ABSTRACT My presentation examines the Buddhist religion, specifically, the various rituals and practices that are performed within the Buddhist culture. I think this is an interesting topic because many people, including myself, are familiar with many of the buddhist practices but do not know why they are practiced. This presentation will incorporate a brief introduction of what buddhism is and the key principles and teachings such as the Three Jewels and the Four Noble Truths.There are various rituals and practices that are crucial to the Buddhist religion such as the recital of mantras, the performance of mudras, prayers, and, of course, meditation. I will go over each of these practices and rituals and explain their significance to the Buddhist religion.

Photo by MarcelGermain

NEW AGE WITCHCRAFT: THE PRACTICES AND BELIEFS OF WICCAN RELIGION Bianca Gomez ABSTRACT This presentation examines in more depth the actual practices and beliefs of Wiccan religion. Many people have heard of the religion and know they are witches, but there are many misconception about what they practices because of what history has told us about witches. I want people to know what they really practice, what they believe in, what really is the Wiccan religion. I would like people to get a better understanding of a really misunderstood practice. I also will talk about the history of witches and how it has progressed from burning suspected witches at the stake and what people used to

believe about witches to how more people understanding witch religion practice and what that means.


AN IT HARM NONE, DO WHAT YE WILL Brianna Mann ABSTRACT The aim of this presentation is to explore a Pagan faith known as Wicca, or Witchcraft, from it's European origins to it's widespread variations in present day. Using Durkheim's criteria for religion as well as other anthropological concepts that we have learned in this class to recognize or define religion, this presentation will analyze the ways that this faith meets that criteria. Over the course of this analysis, I will also endeavor to represent cultural perceptions and misconceptions concerning Wicca, and speculate how these cultural perceptions have shaped the history of Wicca. In many ways, the persecution and shaming of Witchcraft has reinfoced the solidarity of the group and their status as misunderstood, peaceful pagans.

EIGHT WORDS THE WICCAN FULFILL: ‘AND YOU HARM NONE, DO WHAT YOU WILL’ Emma Brandon ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Pagan religion, and more specifically focuses upon Wicca and witchcraft as a form of the neopagan movement in contrast to the old world religion, dating back to the Stone Age. Misconceptions in regards to such a religion have developed with the movement and this presentation focuses extensively on the negative images encouraged by mainstream religions that are in fact false. Witchcraft resonates with us as it speaks of key issues today such as respect for the environment and gender equality; however, we can overcome a religious bias through a better understanding of the tenants of Wicca and witchcraft.

ABSTRACT My main focus is on the basic belief structure of witchcraft, gender roles within the religion, how it is viewed by people, and how society played a huge part in shaping the religion to be what it is today. The basic belief structure of witchcraft is interesting because it reflects many other practices, such as shamanism. Society views witchcraft as taboo and has committed many violent crimes against it all over the world, resulting in a genocide of the people who practice witchcraft. There are positive and negative aspects to witchcraft, and I am going to compare between those two. I want to explain how society sees witchcraft today. I believe witchcraft is very misunderstood and am looking forward to sharing my knowledge about the subject.


SHIVA: THE GOD OF MARIJUANA Keith Elfstrom Jr. ABSTRACT This presentation explores the world of Hinduism, specifically its relationship with marijuana through the god Shiva. It will explain who and what Shiva is within the Hindu religion and Shiva’s relationship to marijuana, as well as what kind of affect this has in the teachings of Hinduism and how it affects the culture around it. Including how it is affecting the modern Hindu dominated country India with its laws and social issues around marijuana plus how it has changed its culture throughout its history all do to marijuana’s deep connect to the Hindu religion with their god of marijuana, Shiva.


Photo by Graham Hills

THE RELIGIOUS CHARACTER OF AYERVEDIC MEDICINE Andrew Ujita ABSTRACT Presented here is a general historical and ethnographical overview of Hinduism. Additionally, the system of traditional medicine known as Ayurveda will be briefly summarized and examined insofar as it relates to the belief system of Hinduism. This topic is of interest because certain parts of western society appear to be developing interest in co-opting the practices of traditional medicine, but may not always acknowledge their historical and/or religious background. Belief in any system of medicine, scientific or otherwise, can be well-informed by understanding its historical and philosophical foundation.

In this presentation we will take a look at the role of a sacred river in Hindu society, the Ganges river, and discuss the duality that exists between its poor ecological state and its Hindu representation of purity and holiness. A few key cities will be discussed; Gangotri, Allahabad, and Varanasi, in order to highlight the key functions of the river within Hindu religious framework. Climate Change has affected the headwaters of the river, the Himalayan snowmelt, and with India’s ever increasing population living on its banks treating the river as a wastewater refuge, the Ganges river and all those who depend on it face a real danger.


ISLAMIC STATE OF PERSIANS Starr Ford ABSTRACT The Islamic state rules a great proportion of the world with about 1.6 billion followers making Islam the second largest religion after Christianity. Instead of living by commandments Muslim people either Sunni or Shi’a live by laws. When an Islamic states takes power in regions that are culturally distinct from Islam syncretism will occur. Throughout this presentation the discussion will look at the consequences of the Islamic quest of Persia. This topic is dear to me as my partner considers himself a non-Muslim Persian Iranian. The politics involved with how Iran is run and its relations with other countries in the world is something that is real in our lives. I would like to take an Anthropological approach to trace the fine line between Islamic and Persian culture.

Photo by seier+seier

THE KALESH WOMEN Heidi Otten ABSTRACT This presentation will give an overview of how the Kalash people are and where they live. The particularly interesting aspect of the Kalash, their pre-Islamic religion in a Islamic dominated region, will be described. In particular, the Kalash women and their traditional dress will de examined. The dress of the Kalash women is in sharp physical contrast to the Muslim women also inhabiting the region. Although on the surface these women may look very different, the reasons behind their dress choices are very similar.



Photo by Amanda Anderson

WHO GETS TO CLAIM VALIDITY: LOOKING AT THE COMPLICATED IDENTITY CRISIS OF THE AFRICAN JEW Shawn Dean II ABSTRACT I would like to do a presentation on the African Jews: their politics, history, and current situation. After giving it a lot of thought, i would like to find out more about what I found on the news. Lately an influx of Jewish people from Africa are coming to Israel. They are meeting opposition to this movement by the people already living there. I would like to look into what distinguishes them from Germanic Jews and how the divide started, and ways people are finding solutions. I will use current news articles and accounts from the people on the ground to show the problems and solutions to this rising identity and cultural crisis.

Photo by Drew Zanki

FAITH IN ‘SECULARISM’: UNDERSTANDING AMERICAN CIVIL RELIGION Caitlyn Buesch ABSTRACT In my presentation, I will be talking about American Civil Religion and how it affects American culture. American Civil Religion is defined by Robert Bellah, the coiner the term American Civil Religion, as “a genuine apprehension of universal and transcendent religious reality as seen in or, one could almost say, as revealed through the experience of the American people”. The implications of this civil religion are numerous and permeate what it means to be American, from the organization of government to what becomes part of the curriculum in schools. I will be providing examples of American Civil Religion in its various versions and forms manifested in

American life and how aspects of American Civil Religion highlight certain aspects of the American experience. This will be done by relating the dimensions of religious experience we’ve studied in class like pilgrimage, ritual and myth to occurrences within American Civil Religion. By understanding how American Civil Religion functions, it can be possible to have a better idea of how American society functions and how the society itself influences and is is influenced by secular religion.

WINNEMEN WINTU: THE DROWNING OF RELIGIOUS RIGHTS Katrina Rodriguez ABSTRACT This presentation will discuss the religious rights issue currently faced by the Winnemen Wintu. As an indigenous Native American tribe of Northern California, the proposed measure of raising the Shasta Dam will consequently eliminate sacred sites, landscapes and would dismantle religious ceremonies and practices. To fully understand the detrimental effects of this measure, I will evaluate their spiritual structure of animism and the direct significance of Mount Shasta and its surrounding rivers. In addition to these traditional cultural properties, I will give details of the threaten coming of age ceremony, BaLa Chonas, as well as the symbolic resource, Chinook salmon.

RELIGIOUS IDENTITY OF THE LAKOTA BEFORE AND AFTER CHRISTIANITY Manuel Villagrana ABSTRACT The Lakota people, also known as Teton, are an indigenous group living in the current United States. I will focus on the Lakota people as they exist today and detail their religious beliefs and the changes they have gone through since since the arrival of European settlers in North America. I will be detailing the traditional beliefs and rituals of the Lakota, and how they have adapted their practices through the many challenges they've faced historically. The history of Lakota can be separated into the three stages which include their traditional beliefs, their new religious practices that involve peyote, and the advent and synthesis of Christianity.

POPULARIZATION OF RASTAFARIANISM IN AMERICA Steve Bustamante ABSTRACT The purpose of my presentation is to destigmatize the Rastafarian culture of being nothing but marijuana smokers and shed light on their true religious practices. Furthermore, I want to expand on the understanding that most Americans have of the Religion, and why it has become so popular in parts of the U.S. It has become especially popular in more liberal areas, though not all people take it quite as serious as real Rastas. Moreover, it appears as though some simply align themselves with the culture and separate it from the religion, though they should be one in the same. We could learn a lot from this peaceful religion and learning more about Rastas’ rites could allow us to improve our own lifestyles.

SCIENTOLOGY: A PRISON OF BELIEF? Shannon Townsend ABSTRACT This presentation will be on the Church Scientology. Scientology is a very controversial religion, however for this presentation I will not be looking at their scandals. I will instead be looking at how their belief system operates. The presentation will also discuss how the “religion” came to be and their practices; such as the Electropsychometer and its function in the everyday lives of those who believe in Scientology. Their practices tend to revolve around seeking self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment. I will also be examining what it takes to become a member of the Scientology church and also what is takes to leave the church.

RESPECTABLE CHANGE Wendy Bojorquez ABSTRACT This presentation focuses on the Amish culture, at first it will begin with the basic and known characteristics of the Amish culture, such as; their devotion to their beliefs and its incorporation to their lifestyle. Then followed with simplistic and non-modernized ways of living and how gradually they have encountered and adapted to change. Many believe that the Amish are not susceptible to change but what we are learning is that as long as it respects their religion and does not hinder or impose on their beliefs, the

Amish are open to listening to the ideas and methods of the outside English world. Furthermore, by understanding the culture and beliefs of the Amish we can learn how to better service their communities.


Photo by AngusKirk

MURAQABA: THE ART OF SUFI MEDITATION Brandon Swezey ABSTRACT In this presentation I examine the various stages of muraqaba, a Sufi style meditation. In order to ensure contemplation by the listener, the presentation begins with a very brief overview of Islam, Sufism, and muraqaba. Because these subjects are intertwined and connected, it is important for the listener to have an adequate understanding of each. With this completed, I continue with an in depth analysis of the multiple stages that a Sufi meditator passes through in order to achieve the goal of ascension. Because the experience and outcome of muraqaba can be so powerful, it is important to understand the journey which a Sufi embarks upon. This is especially important for any aspiring Sufis or muraqaba enthusiasts who want to give this meditation technique a try for themselves.

JAIN COSMOLOGY AND ITS INFLUENCE ON INDIA’S RELIGIOUS HISTORY James Seward ABSTRACT Jainism belongs to the Sramana tradition, and is one of India’s oldest religions. While Jainism may have primitive origins, its cosmology is one that is complex and multifaceted. This presentation will examine two aspects of Jain cosmology: the shape of the universe, and the cosmic wheel of time. Furthermore, I will investigate how these two integral aspects of Jain cosmology have influenced Indian life throughout its history. Before I discuss my findings, however, I will briefly discuss what Jainism is, what its philosophy entails, and describe key aspects of its practices so that those in attendance will be able to better understand how this cosmology resides at the core of Jainism.


THE RITUALISTIC AND IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TWO SECTS OF JAINISM Timothy Lanahan ABSTRACT This presentation will be taking a look at the religion of Jainism and will break down the ritualistic and ideological differences between the two sects of Jainism. The two sect of Jainism being Digambara [Sky Clad] and Svetambara [White (Cotton) Clad]. Both have similar goals of achieving enlightenment and purification but both take different paths to reach this purification (which is the ultimate goal of their religion). An example of this would be how the Svetambara find it okay to have a beggars bowl while Digambara think that having that would stifle their engagement with "other worldly activities". I thought this would be interesting topic as both sect have the same goal but have different rituals and ideologies in how they can reach that goal as Digambara lead a much more restrictive way of life as opposed to the Svetambara in order to reach a more enlightened and purified state.

Photo by Leonardo Pallotta

CATHOLOCISM CAN’T CHANGE Pedro Cortes-Garcia ABSTRACT The presentation examine the Catholic religion, more in detail the idea behind superstition in every aspect and how the religion has changed overtime is Latin America. The Catholic Church is considered the largest Christian church, counting with more than 1.25 billion members worldwide. Superstition is defined as the belief in supernatural connection or practice that causes individuals to accept that a positive or negative consequence will occur in their future if they break a superstitious habit. This is crucial in the religion because superstition usually makes people believe in supernatural connections and the religion says to leave everything to God as he knows what is best. On the other hand, the Catholic Church has been going through major obstacles worldwide, but the focus

here is Latin America because of the history. This is interesting because with how society is changing, it would be interesting to see how the Catholic church responds.


names and children's names. As 20th century unfolds along with religious acceptance, a desire to declare and remember history is awakened. Mainly, Asatru honors the old ways with the rituals of marriage and death and communal seasonal gatherings.

AYAHUASCA Joshua Cocis ABSTRACT This presentations looks at the history and usage of ayahuasca in the Santo Daime Religion. We will examine how the potent brew is being used outside of its original religious intent, and observe how some of the effects from ayahuasca treat drug addictions. According to the FAQ's of the Santo Daime website, when asked if one gets “high” from the drug they replied stating that getting high is not the case; one experiences an increase of consciousness about oneself. The religious group sees this drink as a gift from God and therefore not to be taken as a recreational drug. Overall the viewer will become familiar with the Santo Daime practices, understand ayahuascas use within that culture and also how it is being used outside of religious practice to treat certain illnesses.


Photo by birdfarm

ICELAND’S ASATRU Anna Ladd ABSTRACT This presentation focuses on the revival of Heathenism as a religion. Because Heathenism has many contexts, we will be looking at Iceland's particular practices which the government has given legal rights a religion under the name Asatru. Founded in 1972, the followers are not looking to revive the old ways, but honor them as part of their history and origin. Iceland was forced away from their heritage when Europes economy was heavily based on being Christian. Heathenism was banned and Christianity was recognized as the country wide faith. This was a strategic move and not one based on true conversion. The reverence of the Sagas and Eddas which holds the ancient tales of gods and goddesses remained in street

Arthropods are estimated to include nearly 1 million species and are easily the largest group of organisms on the planet. They are a part of the daily lives of almost every creature on the planet, and have influenced the lives of all humans in some way. This presentation explores the ways that terrestrial arthropods, insects and spiders, have influenced humans through incorporation into religious beliefs and practices. Several religions were explored because of their incorporation of arthropods, the importance of which varied from one religion to another, including regional religions that use them as ingredients for magical purposes and worldly religions that touch on the subject due to a single important individual.


associated with “voodoo” and instead appreciate Vodou as the innate spiritual system that is embodied by Haitian culture.

Daylen Roberts ABSTRACT I plan to explore Scientology as an emerging religion as well as uncover some of its practices and secrecy. Scientology was created by L. Ron Hubbard who was a science fiction writer. His books created a cult following which led to the creation of a religion where his books weren’t fictional but rather historical accounts of an alien religion. Scientology has secret texts that aren’t available to the public and followers can only gain access by working their way up a hierarchy.

MARDUDJARA: A RITE OF PASSAGE Heidi Bang ABSTRACT I will be discussing the Mardudjara aborigines' rite of passage, which most people are not aware of. Human genital mutilation has been around for ages, as torture, in cultures, and as part of religious acts. Even in the US, people have their boys circumcised, either because it is part of their religion, or sometimes because it is recommended by doctors. After doing research I was interested to find out the practices of this culture and how they remain one of the more traditional groups in a modern world. I think this topic is informative in learning how a different culture has kept to these traditions, specifically the rite of passage, compared to how it would be seen in our own culture.

DISPELLING SUPERTSITIONS: RITUAL PRACTICES OF VODOU IN HAITI Courtney Dexter ABSTRACT This presentation examines Haitian Vodou with an emphasis on the religion’s ritual practices in contrast to Western misconceptions of “voodoo” practices. Many Westerners are not aware that there are distinct differences between the religious practice of Haitian Vodou and the practice of voodoo as “African sorcery” perpetuated by early Western media. Because of the similarities of their names, Westerners often imagine that zombies, voodoo dolls, and witch doctors are associated with Vodou, which is not the case. By understanding Vodou ritual practices, we can dispel the superstitions

PRIMAL RELIGION: ABORIGINES OF ASUTRALIA Tony Mai ABSTRACT This presentation examines the Australian Aborigines. The Aboriginal spirituality entails a close relationship between humans and the land. The Australian Aborigines called the beginning of the world the Dreaming, or Dreamtime. In the Dreamtime, aboriginal ancestors rose from below the earth to form various parts of nature including animal species, bodies of water, and the sky. They also believe that their ancestors with supernatural powers roamed the country and left behind impressive rock formations and other natural phenomena which became sacred places for religious celebrations and spiritual activities. This presentation will provide a better understanding of the Australian Aborigine’s everyday life and how religion, art, song, and dance are important rituals they still practice this day.

POLITICS, SATIRE, AND SACRILEGE Rachel Raddatz ABSTRACT This presentation discusses the little known relationship between humor, religion, and politics exemplified in the religion known as "The Church of Euthanasia." This religion uses extreme religious satire to capture the public's attention and direct it towards their political agenda: reversing the human population's destruction of planet earth through policy and awareness. What makes this religion a satire is its perversion of common religious structures. The Church of Euthanasia's foundational beliefs, suicide; sodomy; cannibalism; and abortion, continue to be received by the public as a gross sacrilege, an outrage. What makes this discussion prevalent is its surprising effectiveness. This suggests that religious humor may be a serious means of capturing the attention of today's conventional society

DRUIDISM & NEO-DRUIDISM Laura Rice ABSTRACT This presentation will examine both the original Druids (circa 1800) and also the gaining popularity of the NeoDruidism movement (1960s-present). Like many folk religions Druidism is hard to define, however both traditional and Neo-Druidism are centered around a reverence for nature and hold the Earth as sacred. Druidism and Neo-Druidism as both a religion and a way of life. Also explored in this presentation will be the interesting relationship of both Druidism and Neo-Druidism with Stonehenge, and how this ancient site has become a current issue for the Neo-Druids..

WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY? Gianna Olivas ABSTRACT No abstract available

EXPLORING SUFISM Sarah Stawasz ABSTRACT No abstract available

Photo by Belgian Chocolate

You are searching the world for treasure but the real treasure is yourself If you are tempted by bread you will find only bread. What you seek for you become. Rumi - Hidden Music

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