Plant sales are
about more
than the funds raised
Westminister High School plant sale
lants sales raise much-needed funds for school programs. But for students in Landscape Career Pathways programs, the benefits go beyond simple fundraising. At schools across Colorado, plants sales are a learning opportunity, allowing students to gain not only knowledge about horticulture, but important skills including retail sales and customer service.
Westminster High School
For the plant sale at Westminster High School, benefitting the FFA program, students propagate from mother plants in the school greenhouse or transplant and care for plugs 42
Photos courtesy ALCC
Valuable business and life skills are learned
the school receives. Students rotate among sections of the greenhouse, caring for their assigned section one month at a time. “Our students show tremendous growth throughout the year as they work towards the plant sale. Normally students know basic plants (roses and sunflowers) when we start the year.” explains Westminster horticulture instructor and FFA advisor Heather Crabtree. “By the end they have seen over 100 different plants and can identify when we have a pest infestation.” They also learn about soil and about the green industry in general. In preparing for the sale, students also learn budgeting and retail sales skills. At West-