“Hun students can thrive in a variety of educational
service and scholarship. It’s not just a place for parties; it’s
backgrounds,” says Davirah Timm-Dinkins, associate director
beyond that. There is a real commitment to community and
of college counseling, “but for those students who may be
a mission linked to higher education.”
seeking a college experience more reflective of their racial background, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, or HCBUs, are often a good fit.” The number of Hun students applying to HBCUs has nearly doubled since 2018 and typically each graduating class has at least one student matriculating at one. “Students from families who have graduated from HBCUs are more inclined to look at them,” explains Mrs. Timm-Dinkins. “It’s an easy conversation with those students because they know the
Black excellence,” she says. “They continue to be the top producers of college graduates that receive doctorates in science, engineering, and medicine.” Choosing the right fit for college is difficult, but for some students considering HBCUs, comfort is a deciding factor. “I love that I will be able to see people every day that look and think like me,” explains Bailey Kolaras ’21, who applied
importance they hold.”
to two HBCUs, along with eight other colleges this year.
The Higher Education Act of 1965 defines HBCUs as “…any
“For a lot of our students, it is very affirming to be somewhere
historically black college or university that was established
that everyone looks like you but you are still able to retain
prior to 1964, whose principal mission was, and is, the
your individuality,” says Mrs. Timm-Dinkins. “It’s a very
education of Black Americans…” Currently, there are 107
comforting environment, not dissimilar from those students
HBCUs; 56 are private institutions and 51 are public.
looking at women’s colleges. The classroom looks different
With historic in the name, HBCUs are synonymous with a rich
Scholarship is intrinsic at these schools. “HBCUs celebrate
and it allows you to thrive in a different way.
history of celebrated traditions. “Music, dances, marching
Most recently, Bailey received her acceptance from Spelman
bands… they are huge at HBCUs,” shares Mrs. Timm-Dinkins.
and did not think twice before accepting. “My mother
“Homecoming is always big. Black Greek life is also part of
attended Spelman College, so I was introduced to HBCUs
the experience and those organizations are very focused on
at a young age. It is the sisterhood at Spelman College that
Hun Today