2021 Annual Report

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HUNTERDON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mission, Vision, & Core Values Board of Directors & Staff Letter from the Chamber Board Chair Financial Statement

2 3 4 5

STRENGTHENING THE ECONOMY OF HUNTERDON COUNTY Advancing Hunterdon Pandemic Response Economic Recovery Task Force Economic Recovery Fund

6 6 7 7

DEVELOPING LEADERS Unity Bank Center for Business & Entrepreneurship Leadership Hunterdon Women's Business Forum & Leadership Summit HUNTERDON COUNTY TOURISM

15 17 18


INFORMING THE COMMUNITY Hunterdon Chamber Radio Business News Social Media Internet Communications

20 20 21 21

SUPPORTING BUSINESSES Chamber Ambassadors Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies Online Job Bank Business Directory Discount Program Restaurant Blitz Calendars Healthy Hunterdon Workforce Initiative

22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24

SPEAKING UP FOR BUSINESS Business & Government Committee COVID Business Briefings The VOICE of Business

8 8 9

CONNECTING OUR MEMBERS Business Expo Goes Virtual Connecting In New & Creative Ways Annual Golf Classic Hunterdon Holiday Motorcade 2019 Annual Meeting & Dinner Membership Committee

10 11 12 13 13 14

PRESIDENT'S LETTER Dear Membership, “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” ― Nelson Mandela First and foremost, I want to send my best thoughts to you and your families during these challenging times. The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce believes that our organization is more meaningful now than ever. Over the course of the past year, we’ve been putting together campaigns to help support our Business Community, providing resources and making referrals for our member companies. We’re also communicating accurate, dependable information and advocating with our local, county, state and federal officials to help both small business owners and their employees as they navigate these tough times. The Chamber continues to maintain our: Provide quality and timely programs and initiatives to benefit our members Advocate for the local the business community here in Hunterdon County The Chamber staff and our Board are here to help you grow your business, network among other member businesses, and to help you navigate the issues that may keep your business from realizing its full potential. We know that many of our members are being greatly impacted at this time. Please know we are here for you. We are here to help and support you in every way possible. Even with this current difficulty, we are more committed than ever to making Hunterdon County a vibrant and thriving place to live. Some of our hopes and dreams are on hold, but they have not disappeared. Your investments in the Chamber helps to build a healthier, more prosperous tomorrow. With best regards,

Christopher J. Phelan President & CEO


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement To enhance an economic climate that advances growth, prosperity and the quality of life for all who live, work and visit Hunterdon County.

Vision Statement The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce is the leading voice of business and the catalyst that drives the success of the business community.

Core Values Integrity • Professionalism • Partnership Diversity • Inclusiveness • Leadership

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors & Staff Executive Committee 2021

Chair Jeffrey Weinstein Hunterdon Healthcare, LLC

James Robinson Coldwell Banker Real Estate / Advancing Hunterdon Economic Development

Chair Emeritus Michelle L. Heide Michelle Heide & Associates

Executive Committee Ryan Reep Chick-fil-A Flemington

Executive Committee Lesley Gabel Prevention Resources

Secretary/Chamber President & CEO Christopher Phelan Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce

Treasurer Legal Counsel Daniel James Wright Nicholas Pellitta, Esq. Wright & Ford Family Norris & McLaughlin, P.A. Funeral Home & Cremation Services

Advocacy Chair William Flahive, Esq. Law Office of William P. Flahive, LLC

Board of Directors 2021

Brian P. O’Rourke Raritan Valley Community College

Nan Crowther ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Company

Andrea Bishop PNC Bank

Bruce Black Hunterdon County YMCA

Richard Hall Century Link

Shaun C. Van Doren Hunterdon County Board of Commissioners

Dr. Todd Bonsall Hunterdon County Vocational School District

Stan Prater Jersey Central Power & Light

Joseph Carducci BKC, CPA's, PC

Mary Melfi Hunterdon County Clerk

Jim Gano Crown Trophy

Paul Muir The Red Mill Museum Village

Chamber Staff

Christopher Phelan President & CEO


Ana Galietta Vice President

Mirelle White Manager, Membership: Business Development

Chris Bianco General Manager- Chamber Radio

Victoria Davis Bookkeeper

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

LETTER FROM THE CHAMBER BOARD CHAIRMAN Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Members, It continues to be my honor and privilege to serve as Chair of the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce. Since 1916, our Board of Directors have always been a group of thoughtful leaders committed to promoting and growing business in Hunterdon County. The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce board represents a broad spectrum that includes large corporations, educational institutions, small business, nonprofits, and community leaders. Our board has evolved to help shape and direct business and commercial policy throughout Hunterdon County. The board is a dedicated and engaged group whose members serve actively as committee leads and help drive the Chamber's ongoing activities, as well as its strategic direction. It is only right and appropriate that I take this opportunity to thank the Chamber board for its energy and enthusiasm, particularly through the past two years. I am grateful to each member for their contributions and dedication despite the challenges they were facing professionally and personally. It is a pleasure to work with this group. In 2021 the Chamber continued to work towards the collective good of the Business Community, representing our interests and championing issues that improve the economic viability of our region. Like many, we had to quickly change and adapt to the way we conduct our business. We are grateful for the creativity and adaptability of our community and business leaders. The Board is committed to providing leadership around critical issues that impact the business community, such as adverse business legislation, impacts of the pandemic, availability of funding and business opportunities, and to support redevelopment projects like the Courthouse Square. On behalf of the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Board, I would like to thank all the volunteers who give countless hours to keep this Chamber moving forward. The collective contributions on our various committees and initiatives clearly have a positive impact on our Business Community. I would also like to thank the members who have supported the Chamber in various ways and continue to help the organization provide an evolving body of work that benefits Hunterdon County. The work of the Chamber would not be possible without the support of its volunteers and members. We look forward to 2022 as a year of positivity and possibilities. Sincerely, Jeffrey L. Weinstein Board Chair Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Financial statement Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce has two primary sources of funding on an annual basis. The Chamber raises roughly half of its income from Membership and the other half from Programs & Events. However in 2021, as a direct result of COVID 19, the Chamber witnessed it's six annual large scale events take significant hits and or several which did not take place.

Other 45%

Membership 45%

The Chamber represents over 500 member organizations that have a combined workforce of 15,000 employees. In 2021, 34 new organizations joined the Chamber of Commerce, revenue was $324,626.76 and a surplus of just under $2,280.88.

Events & Programs 10%

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce foundation The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Foundation, as a separate 501C-3 organization, works to support the programs and initiatives of the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce that will benefit all businesses, including those beyond our Membership base. The Hunterdon Chamber Foundation's income was $171,503.79.

Other 20%

The Chamber Foundation is charged with securing grants that support Economic Development, Leadership and Entrepreneurism here in Hunterdon County. The Foundation continued to work on our to finish the Unity Bank Center for Business & Entrepreneurship. The Foundation secured a $75,000.00 grant from the USDA to outfit the Center. Direct Support 80%


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Strengthening the Economy of Hunterdon County A healthy economy is at the heart of our success as a region. The chamber works closely with the Hunterdon County office of economic development which is now housed in the large house. the chamber is active in organizations that work to promote a healthy business climate in the state and the region.

Advancing Hunterdon A major commitment of the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber's Economic Development/Advancing Hunterdon Committee drives the policy and strategy for the Chamber’s business development activities throughout the County. The committee collaborates with state, county and municipal governments, educational and regional leaders to build ongoing, lasting alliances and partnerships with common goals for enhancing the region’s growth and prosperity.

Pandemic Response At the very outset of the Pandemic, the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce responded by doing what we do best and that is to connect our members and the wider business community to the resources and information they needed. That continued through 2021 with connections to resources and relevant programming. The Chamber, in partnership with the Hunterdon County Office of Economic Development, shared information to the business community keeping them informed of critical information from state, county and regional entities on issues that impacted their organizations. Throughout the past year, we have continued to provide these resources, sometimes several times a week on resources and programs that would help with the economic challenges. In addition, the COVID 19 Business Resource page on the Chamber's website was updated regularly with help from the Office of Economic Development. Updated business news and connections are there for all to find resources and information.

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Strengthening the Economy of Hunterdon County Economic Recovery Task Force

Economic Recovery Fund

In late 2020, the Chamber formed the Hunterdon Economic Recovery Task Force which was charged with looking at-long term ways in which the Chamber and the business community would respond to the ongoing economic challenges. Chamber leadership knew that the recession and the numerous issues that had come to light during the pandemic would continue to impact our local economy.

A major commitment was to look at ways in which funds might be raised to create a Hunterdon Economic Recovery Fund. The goal of this fund is to provide direct assistance to businesses and organizations that are in need of financial help.

This group took stock of the current state of the business community through numerous surveys to the business community and communications with businesses and non-profit organizations. In addition, the Chamber began to host regular meetings with local business organizations in the County including; the High Bridge Business Association, the Clinton Guild, the Lambertville Chamber of Commerce, the Flemington Community Partnership, the Frenchtown Business and Professional Association, the Milford Merchants Association and the Hunterdon County Office of Economic Development.

The fund became a collaborative effort of the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Foundation and our local business associations. The Fund raised roughly . $10,000.00 to directly help and to help support programs that would provide technical assistance to businesses through the Unity Bank Center for Business & Entrepreneurship.

The meetings provided valuable insight into our local communities and ways to bring additional resources to many businesses throughout the County. The collaboration between the organizations was a great benefit to address issues that were happening in real time and provide various resources for businesses and organizations to respond. This ran the range from COVID 19 restrictions, best practices for reopening, business and work place safety and much more.


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Speaking up for Business The hunterdon county chamber of commerce is proud to provide advocacy on behalf of our members at the local, state and federal levels. whether assisting a small local business navigate regulatory agencies or providing support for a large scale redevelopment project, the chamber is there to be the voice of business.

Business & Government Committee The Business and Government Committee is one of the largest and most active at the Chamber. The goal of the committee is to track, analyze and communicate laws in committee or in process that have a (positive or negative) impact on New Jersey business. Notices, articles, letters to legislators, press releases and educational programming are typical responses to this review process. Responsible business advocacy is its objective. This year, the committee continued to focus on legislations and regulations resulting from the pandemic. The Committee also offered information and resources related to the legalization of recreational marijuana and its impact on business. The diverse membership of this Committee brings its perspective to the table to represent actions specific to Hunterdon County’s business and commercial concerns and desired direction.

COVID Business Briefings In response to the pandemic, we hosted programs for our members, some of which were partnerships with our neighboring Chamber like the Somerset County Business Partnership. One town hall program was with Congressman Malinowski which is an example of how we provide valuable business-centric information and updated legislation. Moreover, they provide a format where participants can ask individual, business-specific questions and establish contact with policy and law makers.

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Speaking up for Business The VOICE of Business Throughout all of 2021 the Chamber continued to be an advocate through our relationship with many Statewide Organizations like the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce and the New Jersey Business & Industry Association. The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce actively participated in the New Jersey Chamber Alliance and the New Jersey Business Coalition. The groups took positions on many issues that continue to impact the Business Community here in Hunterdon County: Limit the liability exposure for businesses and organizations as a result of the pandemic Advocate for great access to capital for business relief and to fuel economic recovery


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Connecting our members our marquee events such as the Holiday Parade, Annual Golf Classic, Women's Leadership Summit, Community Day and the Hunterdon county business expo & food showcase require yearlong involvement, committee rigor, and untold hours of volunteer time. The Chamber organizes these events to provide businesses with opportunities to make connections with each other and with the residents of Hunterdon county. A “Thank You” to our volunteers and subject matter experts cannot adequately express the gratitude due these contributors who so wholeheartedly and genuinely recreate signature events year after year and who keep activities fresh and relevant.

Business Expo Goes Virtual For the 2nd year, the Annual Business EXPO in 2021 went virtual. Once again, the Chamber got creative. The Chamber and participants created two-minute marketing videos that were highlighted on the Chamber website and social media channels for two months from November through December. The EXPO still remains the best one-shot opportunity to reach current and prospective customers. The marketing efforts presented a unique way for business and organizations to promote their organizations and services. This opportunity showcased their business' unique offerings and services. We thank PNC Bank for continuing their support as the Presenting Sponsor of the Expo. Planning for the 2022 EXPO has begun and we thank all of our volunteers who help make this marquee event a success each year.

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Connecting our members Connecting in new & Creative Ways in 2021 The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce pivoted for most of 2021 responding in even more new ways to bring our membership together due to the changing and shifting restrictions placed on gatherings Our Chamber monthly programs like Leads and Chamber Connect groups continued to meet on virtual or hybrid platforms. We teamed up with the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce, Somerset County Business Partnership, Morris County Chamber of Commerce and the Delaware River Towns Chamber of Commerce to name a few, to have a variety of programs throughout the year. The Chamber's holiday party in December was a welcome return to in-person gatherings. Despite the challenges and changes in connecting, the Chamber's membership found these creative and new ways of strengthening their business relationships to be fruitful.


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Connecting our members Annual Golf Classic - Another Success For 2021 Golf and business make good partners. View any golf course on almost any day of the week and you will witness business in action. The Chamber, like many organizations, realizes how many relationships have been cemented; how many deals have been struck ;and how many long lasting, shared stories have evolved all on the green. This year's outing was held at Copper Hill and, despite the challenges of COVID 19, we had over 80 golfers participate. Hunterdon Healthcare returned as the Presenting Sponsor. The Golf Classic committee works diligently to make this event a great success each year!

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Connecting our members Hunterdon Holiday Parade was back in 2021 Damage from Hurricane Ida forced a route change this year but that didn't impact anyone's enthusiasm for an in-person event once again. The parade traveled throughout Flemington & Raritan Township with numerous first responders, floats, marching bands, and (of course) Mr. & Mrs. Claus.

Annual Meeting Goes Virtual The Chamber traditionally has our Annual Meeting in the evening as an avenue to distribute our Annual Report, conduct the installation of new officers and discuss plans for the year ahead. Our 2021 event was held online and in the morning to accommodate more attendees. Tom Bracken, President & CEO of the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, provided the keynote address. The annual silent auction was held online over three days in March and was, once again, a huge success.


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Connecting our members Membership Committee The Membership Committee is made up of a dedicated group of individuals who are passionate about the Chamber and seek to recruit more members to join the organization. This group takes to heart our mission to "Enhance an Economic Climate that Advances Growth and Prosperity"

What our members are saying...

Periodically throughout the year, this group organizes open house style events where prospective members can visit and learn more about membership. As an incentive, any member who refers a new member receives a Chamber Bucks gift card which can be used toward the cost of events. This incentive applies to all members, not just this committee. Are you interested in making new connections? Contact the Chamber to join this committee!

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Developing Leaders We want to create a strong economy now and for decades to come. a key component to this is developing strong leaders to achieve this. the chamber provides regular professional development courses at the unity bank center for business. The Women's Business forum holds educational events throughout the year including the Women's leadership summit. Leadership Hunterdon is an immersive program that allows class members to see the county like never before.

Unity Bank Center for Business & Entrepreneurship Officially incorporated in March, 26, 2013, The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Foundation received its 501(c)3 designation in September 9, 2014. Its mission is to promote, support and fund initiatives that enhance opportunities for leadership, education, economic and workforce development. The separate Board of Directors is led by Karen Widico, of Prevention Resources, Inc. The Foundation holds the vision that it will serve as a model for innovation excellence that impacts a healthy sustainable business environment for the region. To this end, the Foundation board of directors has created The Unity Bank Center for Business & Entrepreneurship. The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Foundation is proud to bring valuable educational courses to the business community at the Unity Bank Center for Business and Entrepreneurship.

The Center is a place of collaboration for the Business Community to house critical services for existing businesses and cultivate entrepreneurship. The Center works with state, county, educational and local resources to partner and provide programs and services that support our existing business community and supports Leadership Hunterdon and its mission to transform people to become trustees of our communities. Additionally, the Center creates an appealing and inviting County Business - Visitors Information Center that enhances awareness of Hunterdon as a destination and encourages visitors to patronize local businesses throughout the county and/or relocate to Hunterdon County. The Center provides a more effective and productive environment for the Foundation to successfully work with and develop partnerships that will strengthen the business community through educational programs and support for entrepreneurship. It was a good year for the Center, with programming taking place in-person, virtually, and hybrid. High-end technology allowed all kinds of content to be delivered seamlessly.


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

The Foundation Finished Construction-Renovations on the Unity Bank Center for Business & Entrepreneurship in 2020

Above: Courses for the Center vary widely in content from personal development to pandemic response.

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Developing Leaders Leadership Hunterdon Leadership Hunterdon is an immersive program that begins in September and the class meets once a month through graduation in June. Participants attend sessions targeted to specific aspects of the County such as business; education; economic development tourism/DMO; environmental-agriculture; financial, accounting and real estate; healthcare/wellness issues; legal, criminal and prevention; legislative - government and media communications. Members of the selected class begin with a two-day retreat held at the Inn at Lambertville Station to launch the program. Individuals meet with a variety of Hunterdon County leaders and hear about their leadership successes as well as gain in-depth knowledge of these key community areas. The class also works in teams on a White Paper that focuses on an issue that is currently impacting a specific agency or organization in the County.

Individuals nominated to Leadership Hunterdon have been selected as individuals with a sincere interest in enhancing the quality of life in Hunterdon County: • Educate and challenge the participants as to the needs of the community as well as the impact of social and economic change • Provide a vehicle for working together on current or future community projects • Create a dialogue to strengthen the relationship between the participants and community leaders • Identify organizational and individual opportunities for community involvement and assist participants with placement into these positions upon completion of the program • Create a personalized leadership development plan for each participant to achieve during and after Leadership Hunterdon • Provide individualized feedback and coaching

Leadership Hunterdon class of 2020-2021 Candice Rienzo, Esq. - Norris McLaughlin, P.A. Douglas Hilgenberg - BKC, CPAs, PC Alison Castagna -Hunterdon Healthcare Marilyn Zeleny - Hunterdon Cardiovascular Associates Chris Kellogg - NightingaleNJ, LLC Dr. Todd Bonsall - Hunterdon County of Vocational School District Russell Crosby - Russ's Wrench Auto Repair


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Developing Leaders Women's Leadership Forum - Lesson in Resiliance This creative and dynamic group continues to address issues that might be unique to women in business. Periodically, they host educational events that provide professional development opportunities. Each year, the Women's Business Forum, chaired by Colleen Duerr of Shifting Gears Consulting, hosts a Women's Leadership Summit. The Women's Business Forum hosted two events in 2021, both focused on resilience. In the spring, the group welcomed Nicole Piazza, Owner of Clean Plate Kitchen and Feel Good Food at Home and Megan McDowell, Founder of the nonprofit Heartworks. Both shared their personal stories woven with practical lessons in business and left the group inspired. In September, the Women's Business Forum was thrilled to host an in-person event outdoors at the Woolverton Inn. Dr. Kathryn Foster, 16th President of the College of New Jersey, was the speaker. Once again, MSI, Plumbing & Remodeling sponsored 10 scholarships for this event providing access for additional attendees. Michelle Heide & Associates, a private wealth practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. was the presenting sponsor. Both events provided a great opportunity for networking as well as personal inspiration and valuable professional development.

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Hunterdon County Tourism Building visitor excitement and the economy

Tourism Efforts Hunterdon County’s natural beauty speaks for itself. Add its historic, cultural and recreational wealth to that beauty and you have a winning attraction for residents and tourists alike. Hiking, biking, horseback riding, cycling, golfing, tubing down the river, pick-your-own--this list is practically endless---creating an idyllic, authentic environment drawing our near-by urban neighbors to visit and return over and over. The Hunterdon County Visitor's Guide provides you with pages of beautiful Hunterdon County spots, information on great locations to spend your day or weekend. No matter what season, there's always something fun to do in Hunterdon County! The Hunterdon Living Magazine provides you with greater details regarding Hunterdon County. If looking for transportation, education, community profiles, area maps, and so much more check out Hunterdon Living. You can pick up the Visitor's Guide and Hunterdon Living magazine at the Chamber or on our website @ www.hunterdonchamber.org for electronic versions.

DID YOU KNOW? Hunterdon County visitors spend over $320 million annually on tourism goods and services.


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Informing the Community The Hunterdon County Chamber strives to provide information to the community in a variety of mediums. From a full time internet based radio station to a monthly publication, Business News, The chamber provides a variety of options to stay informed in the community.

Hunterdon Chamber Radio The Hunterdon County Chamber Radio Station was launched in 2012 and is the only Chamber in the world with a 24-hour stream of content. Each radio show is broadcast live on Facebook on the individual show pages. Some shows regularly reach over 10,000 views. A dedicated group of Chamber members host hour long segments on a variety of topics from 8AM to 6PM. We have shows relating to business, interior design, mental health, home inspection and much more. General Manager Chris Bianco has built the Station so that all shows are archived at hunterdonchamberradio.com to be listened to at future times as well. This platform is not only an opportunity for members to promote their respective businesses but to truly be a resource to the community. There are opportunities to be a guest on our radio shows or even host your own show. Contact the Chamber for more information about how to harness the power of this great resource of the Chamber.

Broadcast opportunity is available to Chamber members only, offering its worth in membership investment alone since regularly scheduled programs reach an audience in excess of 6,000 listeners of live and podcast programming. Chamber Radio brochures, along with marketing media kits, are available at the Chamber office or visit the radio section at the Chamber’s website. DID YOU KNOW? The Hunterdon County Chamber is the first chamber in the US to offer 24 hour all talk, news and information internet radio. We also feature International, National and Local News on the hour.

Business news - newsletter On a monthly basis, a newsletter publication is published by the Chamber both in print and digital format. Business News provides a consistent resource to stay in the know about hot topics relating to the business community. Inside every issue, you will also find our Hats Off section which touts the latest member accomplishments and our FYI section that contains important member announcements. Your organization can submit your announcements by the first Monday of the month in order to be included in the following issue. Contact info@hunterdon-chamber.org if you have anything we can promote for your business.

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Informing the Community Also included in the newsletter are valuable editorials about business related items like tax reform and financial topics. You can also find a list of new members who recently joined the Chamber along with relevant contact information. Of course there is also an ever evolving program of work that the Chamber is involved in and providing on an ongoing basis. Reading Business News will keep you up to date about what the Chamber has been working on lately and what is coming up for the future.

Social Media The Hunterdon County Chamber manages both the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce and Hunterdon Chamber Radio Facebook page. The Chamber boasts 3,000+ followers. Follow these pages for the most upto-date information about the organization. There is also a Visit Hunterdon Facebook page that is intended to highlight tourism events and attractions of the region. In addition to Facebook, we also share information on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. Follow us across platforms for the most comprehensive view of all the Chamber does!


Internet communications The Chamber continues to promote it's new web platform for members along with a new website was launched. This new platform has many capabilities not previously available such as a Job Bank, Business Directory and Referral Report generator. There is an online Chamber Calendar that links to the registration pages of all of our events. We also have a Community Calendar where organizations and individuals can submit their events to share with the Community. Posted in a digital format, our newsletter is available online each month as well. Since the launch of the site, 100,025 unique IP addresses visited our website. Much of the website traffic is generated from Google searches for key identifiers that link to our Business Directory. Some members have harnessed the power of our site by taking out a banner ad that cycles on many pages through our site. We have so many programs and offerings at the Chamber that we regularly send out emails with upcoming events and membership benefits. If you are not receiving our email communications, e-mail info@hunterdon-chamber.org to check your contact information!

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Supporting Business The Hunterdon County Chamber Provides resources that support our members with various benefits, whether it be for their employees or utilizing Chamber membership to improve visibility in the community. The chamber also hosts an annual awards program to highlight organizations.

Chamber Ambassadors

Online Job Bank

The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors are volunteer business leaders in the Chamber. They are experienced and active Chamber Members. Our ambassadors assist in the welcoming of new members as well as the engagement of current members. They also serve as public relations representatives on behalf of the Chamber at business openings, ribbon cuttings, Card Clubs, Chamber 101 programs and special events.

The online Job Bank is a members only benefit. By logging in to their member portal, companies can post open positions within their organizations at no cost. There is no limit to how many jobs you can post or how often! We cross promote this Job Bank on social media and through our e-mail communications.

The Chamber is a network of organizations and becoming a Chamber Ambassador means making new connections for your business. We welcome new committee members each year. If you or someone in your organization would be interested in serving on this committee, please contact the Chamber.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies The Chamber is proud to conduct ribbon cutting ceremonies in honor of new businesses, renovations, changes in offices or an opening of a new location. We invite local elected officials and provide our historic scissors to cut the ribbon!

There is also a resume bank where candidates from the public can submit their resumes for review. Members only have exclusive access to view these resumes and reach out to any potential candidates that may fit their needs.

Business Directory The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce provides each member with an online listing for their business. Here, organizations can link to their websites and social media pages. They can also choose to display a discount for members, the public or Veterans ( see next section). This business directory is highly visible through search engines and is usually on the first page of results. This generates traffic to our Member's websites! The exact statistics can be seen by viewing a Member's 'Referral Report' inside the member portal. This handy tool tracks how many people have seen the listing, engaged with it and clicked on a discount.

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report


Supporting Business Discount Program


Also an exclusive member benefit, the discount program has taken off! Inside the member portal, there is an opportunity to offer a member to member, public or Veteran's discount.

Our calendars are available to members and non-members, both Chamber and Community Calendars.

Members can take advantage of discounts offered by other companies by logging in to their portal. If the discount is for the public or Veteran's, no log in is required. Check this page periodically as discounts are always being added!

Restaurant Blitz Our Business Community has been experiencing a range of challenges associated with COVID-19, from employee bandwidth to time constraints - all within our rapidly changing environment. The Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce and Hunterdon County Economic Development launched a Restaurant Blitz Campaign to Support all of our local Food Establishments at the start of the pandemic. That effort continued throughout 2021.

You can view Chamber Organization or Community, networking, Chamber Events, and so much more. If you're looking to post your community event, from the Chamber's website, click on Community Calendar at the bottom of home page. Click on Submit an Event, complete the form and submit. Your event will be reviewed and approved by the Chamber and posted. If you want to find events being hosted by the Chamber, click on Upcoming Chamber Events. There's a filter to help you find your event(s). If you have any questions, please contact the Chamber at 908-782-7115 or email to info@hunterdon-chamber.org.

Go to https://hunterdonnjcoc.wliinc15.com/forms/1 23

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Supporting Business Healthy Hunterdon Workforce Initiative U.S. News rated Hunterdon County the 15th healthiest in the United States in 2021. The Healthy Hunterdon Workforce Initiative (HHWI) plays a part in this success by providing messages and programs to support our businesses, provide the tools and resources to promote a healthy workforce. Many businesses may not have the resources or the time to plan wellness programs. By joining this initiative, everything is done for you. Although this member benefit is included at no cost in membership, Chamber members must opt-in to this program to receive communications. The HHWI Committee creates challenges for their participants to use in their workplace, weekly e-newsletters are sent with healthy recipes, local events and helpful tips, and as a member of the initiative you can attend quarterly meetings with informative speakers. The quarterly meetings have a different topic each time that covers all aspects of “wellness” including healthy eating, staying active, mental health and more. The initiative focuses on their hashtag #SmallChangesBigImpact. HHWI believes that when you make small changes in your lifestyle it will have a big impact on your health. This initiative can help keep your employees healthy by teaching strategies to reduce stress, boost morale, increase productivity and save money. We are Creating a Culture of Health in Hunterdon County businesses. Is your business ready to make a healthy change? Join us by contacting info@hunterdon-chamber.org or online at www.hunterdonchamber.org.

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report



Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report



Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report



Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report



Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report



Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report



Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report



Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report



Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report




Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report



THANKS OUR SPONSORS Supporting Sponsors

Contributing Sponsors

Cocktail Sponsor

Media Sponsor


Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report

Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce - 2021 Annual Report





BOOK NOW info@hunterdon-chamber.org 908-782-7155 WWW.HUNTERDONCHAMBER.ORG 908.782.7115

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