Pricing Information for Graphic or Website Design Projects

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Pricing Information for Graphic or Website Design Projects

Most don’t know where to start when trying to gauge what a new website will cost. There are so many website models and options, and so many developers who have their own ways of offering the services. There are part timers, mom and pop shops, independents, kids in high school, and so many more, what ATAK Interactive likes to call, “hobbyists.” These days, everyone has an opinion on what things should cost and no one knows who to believe. Here is an honest conversation on some things to expect as far as website pricing options will go how those in this field commonly offer their services. Generally speaking, if one chooses an independent contractor, that person will pay less than he or she chooses a design agency with personnel. With an independent contractor one may or may not get the same type of manpower or hands on planning and development one will get at a medium sized or large design office, but if you are willing to take things at a slower pace (not always true but often the case), and can find someone who can do the entire job you require, you can get a just as good quality product. Website design projects most often range in price from between $1,500 and $75,000 for a standard website (enterprise level projects can be much more), and between $350 and $10,000 for a logo and style guide. A good hire knows there are only so many corners one can cut with a website, and certain time consuming things always have to be done, such as quality coding and search engine optimization best practices for a variety of browsers and operating systems. Keep Website Design Costs Down The following are all things one can do to make a website project more attractive at a lower price: •Outline or wireframe what website pages are required and the functionality you would like one ach page. •Prepare your website content so ready to put on the site, including photos and text; •Meet your deadlines. •Review design concepts quickly and be available to discuss and communicate feedback to your website design company as they request feedback be delivered. •Know your competitors and websites you are trying to beat. •Know what websites you like so your website design company knows what you like.

Hourly Rate, Fixed Price, or a Hybrid of Both? All three website development pricing options below have their advantages and disadvantages for both clients and designers. ATAK Interactive recommends the third option. Fixed Price. This model is often quite helpful to clients because budgeting is made more simple. However, if every aspect of the project is not clearly defined and articulated, a condition called “project creep” may come up where a client will make requests for little website extras at every stage of the project. Project Creep often results in quite a bit of extra work designers who do not anticipate these requests and are then expected to do for no additional fees. The benefit of a fixed price website project for the designer is there is no penalty for working efficiently and getting the job done on time or ahead of time, and that the web site designer does not have to be as strict with time tracking. Hourly Rate. ATAK Interactive finds people want to know an hourly rate up front. Less experienced designers may find it difficult to give a realistic ballpark on how many hours a project will actually take. This risk is even higher when you work with a website agency or developer for the first time. Optimists might underestimate the website project and you will end up over your budget in a very short time. An advantage to the client by working hourly is both sides can quickly move on high priority changes without the need for the estimate process. Hourly rates should vary based on project work. Agencies must understand the client can take lighter updates elsewhere for a fraction of the cost. Note hourly rates are deceptive and should be flexible based on type of work. Companies like ATAK Interactive will discount more basic work and bill fractional hours to keep the client’s business under one roof. Hybrid, Best of Both Worlds? This is a great way to work because some projects can be flat quoted and some work may be unknown. ATAK Interactive, a Los Angeles Web Design company recommends this approach, and feels hybrid style project estimation/quoting is accomplishable by clearly stating at the outset what hourly rates are and mentioning flat quotes will be delivered as much as possible and when appropriate. This way, everyone’s budget is happy and the client isn’t afraid to ask for extra work because they know they will see a quote/estimation of some sort before they approve any project. Quotes can be given, with options, and the client can decide what is best for them. The designer is compensated for extra work, and must ask for hourly hours when needed, such as when and new technologies come about and require study. Social Media Marketing, a relatively new field, would be a good example of this circumstance.

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