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Charting our course for the future
HVGS is poised for a thrilling new chapter as we embark on an exciting new strategic plan that will guide us over the next five years. Throughout the process of bringing the plan to life, we have stayed committed to acknowledging the importance of knowing who we are and where we want to go. As a community we have imagined our possible futures and now enter a period of possibility, consolidation and growth for the School, our students and community. During Term 1, we were delighted to unveil our new Strategic Plan, Future Directions 2023 – 2028. This plan is the culmination of extensive feedback from the Association of Independent Schools Perspectives Survey in 2022 and community engagement workshops with staff, students, parents, and the School Board. Over the next five years, we will work together as a community to build on the legacy of previous generations to realise a bold vision for the future, all while remaining agile within the ever-evolving educational landscape.
A major focus of our strategic planning process has been to consider our HVGS identity – who we are and how we operate. Additionally, we have remained mindful of the broader cultural changes taking place in Australia. With over 50% of the population being first or secondgeneration Australians and increasing numbers of people identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; we understand that it is vital that we value and honour all cultures and histories.
Our new strategic direction acknowledges that we must also prepare our young people for the rapidly changing landscape of work, where hybridity, purpose, relationships, and connections are becoming increasingly important. Additionally, schools must help students connect with their “why” and develop their capacity for ethical thinking, as people are seeking purpose in their work and a desire for employers and businesses to operate from a strong ethical framework. We know that it is crucial that students have a strong sense of efficacy and understand the power of collective responsibility and action, especially when confronting prickly problems like environmental decline, global warming and educational disruption.
Future Directions considers these significant challenges. Through our four Priority Areas:
• Excellence in Holistic Education
• Connected and Flourishing Community
• Inclusion and Belonging

• Human-Centered and Sustainable Systems
The plan seeks to define our vision for excellence and articulate the future skills and competencies students need for the future, including deep understanding of knowledge and truth, curiosity, creativity, and compassionate thinking.

Connection is fundamental to human flourishing at all levels, and connected communities thrive. Over the next five years, we are committed to connecting with and giving back to our local and global community. We recognise that young people thrive when their identity is valued within a connected community, which is why building more inclusive practice is a critical focus for us over the next five years. We are also committed to developing humancentered, purposeful systems that prioritise connection and sustainability, including our desire to enhance our green campus complemented by purposeful learning spaces and environments conducive to flourishing and belonging.
Future Directions 2023 – 2028, is an exciting roadmap for our School’s future. It provides a clear vision for excellence, fosters critical skills and competencies in our students, and prioritises connection, inclusion, and sustainability. We are thrilled to embark on this journey together as a community and look forward to the many possibilities that lie ahead.

Australia is multicultural and diverse, and this too is reflected in the HVGS experience. When schools foster a deeper understanding of our broader cultural diversity it promotes inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone in our School community.

At HVGS, we strive for intercultural understanding and hope to create a culture of inclusion and agency, where all voices are valued in a welcoming and supportive environment for all. students’ perspectives and enhance their understanding globalised world and promotes our aspiration for students to

In witnessing the joy and laughter of HVGS students during community and togetherness that Holi brings to the School

To learn more about Holi from one of the families from the HVGS community, scan the QR code below!