Bespoke Shirts - Collars
* C/FEN medium spread collar. Back height collar band > 3,2 cm - front collar band > 2,6 cm - points length > 8 cm)
* D/10H semi spread collar. Back height collar band > 3,2 cm - front collar band > 2,6 cm - points length > 8,2 cm.
Bespoke Shirts - Collars
* Hammick/HMK collar. Hammick collar House style.
* ES/DRK English spread. Back height collar band > 3,6 cm - front collar band > 2,8 cm - points length > 8,2 cm.
Bespoke Shirts - Collars
* Huntsman/UOC collar. House style. Back height collar band > 3,6 cm - front collar band > 2,8 cm - points length > 8 cm.
* H/BIG classic point collar. Back height collar band > 3,2 cm - front collar band > 2,6 cm - points length > 8,4 cm.
Bespoke Shirts - Collars
* Regent/ZIL collar. Back height collar band > 3,2 cm - front collar band > 2,7 cm - points length > 8,3 cm.
Bespoke Shirts - Cuffs
* Double/G round cuff (7 cm high)
* Double/D square cuff (7 cm high)
Bespoke Shirts - Cuffs
* Rounded/6 1 button cuff (7 cm high)
* Mitred/X 1 button cuff (7 cm high)
Bespoke Shirts - Cuffs
* Squared/I 1 button cuff (7 cm high)
* Rounded/T2B 2 buttons cuff (8 cm high) - the roundness of our cuff is slightly different from that of your cuff
Bespoke Shirts - Cuffs
* Mitred/Z 2 button cuff (8 cm high)
* Squared/Q 2 button cuff (8 cm high)
Bespoke Shirts - Cuffs
* Cocktail/U 2 buttons cuff (7 cm high)
Bespoke Shirts - Monograms