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PROJECT: Architecture design - Adaptive reuse Tsingtao city, China


Proportion of special schools



Recovery situations

The talent's home is a renovation project that reshape the traditional residential community buildings in Tsingtao city, China. The aim of this project is to transform it into a school suitable for autistic children. According to the four functions of accommodation, learning, social interaction and exhibition, closely linked to the habits of autistic children and can even become a transition zone between home and society.

In China, the number of special education schools accounts for 4% of the total number of schools, and there are 1984 schools. These schools mainly teach children with mental retardation, deaf mute children, supernormal children, etc. According to the survey, 10% of the children can fully recover through training, 20% of the children are not fully recovered, but they can take good care of themselves, 25% of the children can take care of themselves, 45% of the children can not take care of themselves.

Thinking logic and social mode comparison

Through the research on the collective building, I found that the people who use the building can be divided into three groups. Students who are mainly studying, young people who are mainly working and old people who are at home. Because of their social definition in the public space, they occupy the building in different places and for different times. Based on this, I conducted a more detailed behavioral and spatial study.

Original Function Analysis Function Division

Added Building Parts

I interviewed several children with autism and recorded their daily behavior. Everyday basic needs guide the functioning of this children's community. For example, A boy says: can't concentrate in class like other people. What's more, I can't help jumping onto the desk or lying in the hallway of the classroom just to attract others' attention. So I designed the classroom in a natural environment, wooden devices to bring comfort to children.

I divided the functions of the community into three categories: learning, living and socializing. The living area should include the basic private rest space and the space for contacting with nature and society. The study area focuses on the exploration and education of various art fields. The children's work can be opened to the city as an exhibition. Social areas focus on play Spaces and provide possibilities for children to interact with each other.

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