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Safe Fish Feed
–Safe, sustainable feed is critical –
We all know the saying ‘you are what you eat’, and because our fish eat a quality, healthy diet they are safe for you and I to consume.
Here at Huon, we have been working hard to dispel misinformation around what is, and isn’t, in our feed. We think it is great that people are curious about what goes into our fish feed because we have spent the best part of 35 years fine-tuning fish diets and this process is by no means over. Our feeds are formulated to meet a specification that changes with each stage of the salmon’s growth, and our suppliers manufacture to this specification. In Australia, feed companies are legally required to disclose ingredient details which is why Tasmanian farmed salmon is a safe, nutritious, healthy, and sustainable food
–Let’s start with what is left out of our feed. Our feed does not, and will never, contain grown hormones— by providing our fish with a quality diet and environment in which to grow, they reward us with natural, healthy growth. –
We believe that antibiotics should only be used as a last resort. If fish need to be treated, antibiotics are prescribed by a Huon vet and a special batch of medicated food is manufactured and fed to the fish when they are hungry. These fish are monitored by a vet and undergo a strict withholding period to ensure that there is no trace of antibiotics in the flesh. The last time that Huon used antibiotics at sea was in 2016.
Globally, some salmon feed contains ethoxyquin, a preservative that is approved for human consumption in Australia. Ethoxyquin is used to stabilise the pellets and preserve the nutrition value by preventing oxidation damage during transport and storage. Our primary supplier, BioMar, does not add it to the feed but other feed suppliers do, because it is safe and approved for human consumption. The raw ingredients in our feed are traceable to ensure a high standard of quality control. Our feed contains vegetables, vitamins and minerals, landanimal proteins and marine-sourced proteins. The proteins are cooked, dried and ground up before being used in the feed. This makes the core building blocks available to be taken up by our fish. Some may argue that it is not natural for a salmon to eat legumes and chicken, but including these ingredients means that our fish are not eating a diet that is 100 per cent seafood which would place further strain on the wild fish stocks that are already under pressure. A small component of marine-sourced protein comes from the marine environment, specifically fish meal and fish oil. These ingredients are sourced from responsibly managed fisheries and are often byproducts of fish that are caught for direct human consumption. Huon’s work in the area of feed is an ongoing endeavour and we work constantly with our feed suppliers to create and use the best diets possible. For example, BioMar undertakes feed trials at our New Norfolk freshwater facility. Results from these trials have enabled Huon to introduce a new diet for pre-smolt that better prepares our fish to go from living in freshwater to saltwater.
We know exactly what goes into our fish feed and what is left out—ensuring that it is sustainable, safe and fully traceable. Explore our website for more information on our fish feed.
–Inside BioMar’s Tasmanian feed mill –