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Click Here to READ INSIDE! Get Step-by-Step Instructions to Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Own Home with No Weird Gadgets, Doctors, Steroids, Creams, Surgery, Pain or Embarrassment!
Cure Tight Foreskins Naturally! In the Privacy of Your Home By Chris Moore Š Copyright Chris Moore, All Rights Reserved
Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home Table of Contents Introduction ……………………..…………………………………………...
Anatomy of the Penis ………………………………………..……………… 15 Frenulum Breve ……………………………………………..………………
Phimosis …………………………………………………..…………………
BXO ……………………………………………………..…………………..
Degrees of Tightness …………………………………..……………………
Childhood Care ……………………………………….…………………….
Why You Should NOT Be Circumcised ……………………………………
Smegma ……………………………………………..………………………
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Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home What causes a tight foreskin? …………………..…………………………...
Stretching methods ………………………………..………………………...
A Word of Caution! …………………………………………………………
Cleaning out the Smegma ……………………………..…………………….
The Magic Ingredient Needed to Stretch Your Foreskin …………………… STEP 1 ………………………………………………………..……………..
STEP 2 ………………………………………………………..……………..
STEP 3 ………………………………………………………..……………..
STEP 4 ………………………………………………………..……………..
Maintaining Your Fully Retractable Foreskin ……………………………… 59 Conclusion ……………………………………………………..…………… 60
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Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home Introduction Hi! My name is Chris and I am a Medical Researcher. First of all I would like to personally thank you for your interest in my program. I am certain that it holds the answers you are looking for. I spent countless months researching information trying to find the answer to my own personal struggle with a tight foreskin. The amount of misinformation out there is staggering! The complete lack of information about how to cure this problem without surgery was even more discouraging. Happily though, I did finally come up with a method that will loosen 98% of tight foreskins. I was fortunate enough to be left with a fully intact foreskin as I believe we were meant to be. When I was 24, I started to notice that my foreskin was getting tighter. In my early twenties I had what I thought to be a normal working foreskin. I later found out there was a whole lot I didn’t know or understand about my foreskin. I
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Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home also found out that I wasn’t the only person out there looking for information and answers. When it come to men talking about problems with our penises, we tend to keep very quiet. After a lot of medical research, I discovered that my foreskin was not as it should be. My foreskin was fully retractable when I was younger, but it was tighter than it should have been. At the time it didn’t really bother me that much, so I really wasn’t concerned about it. As time went on, it started getting tighter and tighter. I was too embarrassed to talk to anyone in my family, my friends or even the Doctor about it. During that time I started doing some research and buying some men’s health related books trying to find an answer. After spending a lot of money and a lot of time, I found out that 98% of what I read was completely wrong and completely worthless. About this time, I got married! That did not help the situation. I got more desperate to find a cure. It got to where it hurt just to get an erection. I was scared
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Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home to death of tearing something and causing even more pain. I was very anxious during sex and not enjoying it at all. Soon, it reached the point where sex of any kind was out of the question or I would suffer very painful consequences. My new wife was NOT happy at all. I don't know about you, but doing without sex was definitely not an option I could live with for long. I spent more time and money with the end result being little or no success. The time finally came when I had no choice but to go to a Doctor. I had learned enough to know that if I didn’t do something soon that I could face even more serious problems. Paraphimosis is when the foreskin is retracted and gets stuck behind the glans (the head of the penis) and will not go back into place. The consequences of paraphimosis can be horrid things like gangrene and auto amputation. The mere thought of this was disturbing enough to drive me rushing to see the Doc! I will explain more about paraphimosis later on in the book.
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Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home I went to my Doctor already knowing what he was going to tell me. I still kept my head up in hopes that my Doctor could offer me some other solutions. My hopes were soon crushed as I expected. Sure enough, after the examination, he said that I was going to have to be circumcised. That is not the answer I wanted to hear. I went into a state of denial. His only other suggestion was that I could go see another health specialist. He said a Urologist would be better qualified for this situation since they specialize in the male reproductive organs. Since I didn’t want to get circumcised I figured that it was in my best interest to get a second opinion. My Doctor referred me to a Urologist that he highly recommended. I had some hope that I could be given a less drastic solution. To say I was disappointed to receive the same prognosis from the Urologist is a gross understatement. I was now facing a very difficult decision that could change my life and my manhood forever. The Urologist gave me a prescription for some ointment to put on
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Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home my foreskin until I could have the dreaded surgery. I very reluctantly set the appointment for two weeks later. With the ointment to help keep things manageable, I dug deeper with more determination for information. I was really desperate for an alternative solution. I started to modify and combine some of the suggestions I found with some of my own ideas. I started testing these combinations of techniques. The “prescription” ointment the urologist gave me was definitely helping to loosen things up when I tried the stretching exercises. I was shocked when I looked at the ingredients and discovered this “prescription” was a common over-the-counter household ointment! I decided to postpone my surgery for another week when I started to see results. By the time I was due for my surgery I decided that this time I was going to cancel it, hopefully for good. I kept proceeding, testing and tweaking my new found techniques. I started seeing and feeling very noticeable progress. I still couldn’t fully retract the foreskin, but I was feeling much more comfort than before. This gave me added confidence to
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Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home keep trying. Now I had reasonable hope that these methods would work to fix my tight foreskin when I figured it all out. To make a long story short, I ended up with a happy, healthy foreskin that is fully retractable at all times! The very best part of all is that Sex for my wife and I both, is so much better than ever before now that my foreskin is working properly! Just sit right back and relax because what you are about to read will change your life forever. I am sure you will gain all the knowledge you need to solve your problems with your tight foreskin for good. All your questions will be answered too. You are about to learn the methods I discovered through all of my research. These methods actually work to loosen the foreskin so that it is fully retractable at all times and stays that way. You don’t have to wade through all the garbage and worthless remedies that I tried. You can just go right from stress, to success and avoid all the problems and aggravations that I went through. The number of people that are left with no other choice than to be circumcised due to a tight foreskin is less than 2%. This means there is hope for the other 98% of
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Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home us that were fortunate enough to be left with what nature intended us to have. I want you to know that there is an alternative to getting circumcised. I wish I had this information when I first started with my tight foreskin problem. Its also important for you to understand the many undesirable effects and complications you could suffer from circumcision so that you can make an informed decision. You’re going to learn about the benefits of being uncircumcised and how many thousands of circumcised men are struggling and even having surgery to get their foreskin restored to its original state. This was a HUGE eye-opener for me! I became all the more determined to hang on to what I had. Well I know you’re going to enjoy the results when your problem is gone forever. Stick with the program until your foreskin is fully retractable and fully functional. You’ll be SO glad you did!
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Cure Your Tight Foreskin in the Privacy of Your Home
To Receive the Complete Instructions Right Now, go to to Instantly Receive the Continuation of these Instructions including the Magic ingredient needed to stretch your foreskin easily.
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