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Have your say on Auckland’s 10-year budget

Members will be aware that for around 18 months Business North Harbour (BNH) has been working on a major advocacy initiative, scoping the feasibility of a collaborative approach to the development of the wider North Shore. The Shore Unity project, following a mandate from members at the AGM to proceed, has taken a significant step forward with the formation of a business-led working group. This group’s initial assignment is to agree and prioritise the outcomes and associated tasks highlighted in the final report, leading, over time, to the development of an integrated plan which will form the platform for advocacy to central and local government and other identified key stakeholders. This is the start of what I am hoping will develop into an exciting long-term project regarding which BNH will keep you regularly updated. Please view the full report at businessnh.org.nz/shore-unity

BNH has already identified the need for members to participate in Auckland Council’s 10-year Budget 2021-2031 (Long Term Plan) consultation, which closes on 22March 2021. We have issued a member survey relating to this which you can access via our website.

A brief summary of the proposed Mayoral 10-year Budget 2021-2031, on which your views are sought, includes: • Locking in $90m of savings • Selling surplus properties to realise $70m • Increasing debt to 290 per cent for three years • A 3.5 per cent annual increase in average general rates (with a one-off increase of 5 per cent for 2021/22) • $150m in climate change commitments There are also a number of other proposals which will affect you and your property or business. So please make sure you have your say before the deadline by going to akhaveyoursay.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/ about-the-10-year-budget

BNH continues to advocate on behalf of our members via a number of different platforms, with the theme of continuing to buy local and utilise locally available goods and services being a common thread. A number of articles have been published highlighting the need to support our local businesses, as collectively we look to recover stronger and re-establish a thriving local economy. These articles can be viewed on our website at businessnh.org. nz/category/media-releases

Another issue that we have drawn attention to is the frustration for many businesses and consumers alike of the continued problem of goods being marooned in containers on ships instead of being available for purchase, a situation which we believe is completely unacceptable. I sincerely hope that a solution to this issue can be found sooner rather than later, so that businesses and consumers can return to an appropriate level of supply and demand that will serve to effectively stimulate local economic recovery.

Following a submission last year to the Upper Harbour Local Board (UHLB) Plan which has now been adopted, BNH successfully initiated a meeting in January with UHLB and Auckland Unlimited (formerly ATEED) to discuss and agree a collaborative approach whenever possible, to providing support for local economic development through the development of resources and other initiatives.

Moving forward, BNH will continue to dedicate time and resources to advocating for the best possible outcomes for our members whenever opportunities arise.

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