Education Checklist distributed with The Guardian

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An independent publication distributed with The Guardian on behalf of Hurst Media Company Ltd which takes sole responsibility for the content


Back to school

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A return to normal learning?

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Supporting your child Flipped classrooms Change your career

The importance of early learning

Top private schools in the countryside

Getting involved for fun and your future

Top destinations for upskilling online

Why are the first days of life so significant? See page 4

Inspire a love of nature and the great outdoors. See page 17

The benefits of extracurricular activities. See page 29

Raise your game while working from home. See page 43

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Make studying healthier At school and at home

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WITH POSTURE PACK: great posture!

Editor’s letter 3

Editor’s letter

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Time to appreciate teachers The world has changed since the Covid-19 virus took its grip on the world. Life quickly had to shift as lockdowns and curfews were introduced around the world, with the UK fi rst announcing schools would close part-way through March last year. For most of us the old days of rushing out the door every morning to work, training or education, were put on hold. Schools closed for all but a few – children of key workers who continued to keep essential services running under the most difficult and stressful of circumstances, vulnerable children and those with special educational needs. The majority of people were confi ned indoors and working from home quickly became the new normal. Once seen as a bit of a doss – perhaps by people who had never had the option – many soon realised that working from home was anything but. Those with children at home were hit with the stark realisation that teaching is no picnic either. Trying to keep children motivated, engaged and inspired was no easy feat, especially with limited outdoor access and socialisation at a minimum. Yet while some workers who couldn’t work virtually received furlough and were getting bored of watching box sets and reading

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Managing Director James Hurst Finance Director Wes Stanton Head of Marketing Miguel Chalabardo Editor Kate Stanton Editorial Team Laura Forsyth, Shannon Maher

all the novels they’d never had the time for, teachers and other nursery, school, college and university staff, had to hit the ground running. Schools remained open for the children of essential workers, meaning teachers and childcare workers had to juggle classroom teaching with online lessons. Overnight, everyone had to get acquainted with Zoom, Teams and other software, while some commentators tried to suggest that teachers were enjoying ‘time off ’. Even as schools began to open up again at the beginning of the 2020 academic year, many quickly closed again as diagnoses were made, tiers were implemented or staff were unable to work. University students complained of being ‘trapped’ in halls, unable to leave for weeks at a time, and

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Design Manager Stefanie Ward

6 Preparing for a smooth start to school life 9 Why the outdoors provides a better learning environment than a classroom

10 Inspiring ideas to encourage children to do homework 15 Lockdown increased our appetite for videos; homework should reflect this 17 10 top private schools in the countryside 20 A-level alternatives


Design and Production Team Katherina Bradshaw, Liana Schultz, Michael Jackson, Nicola Charalambous Marketing Assistant Nadeem Vadva Publishing Associate Hannah Morgan

often, it was those in traditionally student-facing roles who took the brunt of the criticism. Young people have been hit particularly hard. It is not just their education that has been disrupted. It is the social lives many of us were able to take for granted in our youth. In adulthood friendships can largely be maintained throughout periods of absence through occasional phone calls or social media messages. Relationships can be picked up after years of not seeing someone. For young children it is not that easy. Just a few weeks without their most important friends can feel like a lifetime, and be hard to recover. Teenagers will have missed huge milestones, such as leaving school, birthday celebrations, their fi rst legal drink in a pub or a summer of festivals. Graduating from university online is unlikely to hold the same sense of achievement for students. It has been a tumultuous time. No one can be sure what the

Contents 4 The importance of early learning

Designer and Press Coordinator Sarah Somerton-Jones

Hopefully, the role of educators will be afforded more respect as societies reappraise the true essential workers of our communities

next few months or even years will look like. The emotional and social effects are likely to be felt for some time by all who survived the pandemic – after all, relatively speaking, we are the lucky ones – and teachers and educators will play a large part in that recovery. Hopefully, the role of educators will be afforded more respect as societies reappraise the true essential workers of our communities. Those that kept us going throughout a period of great fear, horror and uncertainty. The cleaners, the delivery workers, health and care workers, supermarket and emergency service workers. And those who continually strive for the improvement of others – academically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. The educators. The teachers.

by Kate Stanton

Business Development Team James Taylor, Maddie Black, Chris de la Prida, Jack Periccos, Daisy Heyes, Kyle Stephenson, Joseph McLaven, Amy Tegerdine, John Fox, Emily Saunderson, Luke Manning, Anthony Wynne, Rob Williams, Jamie Philips Accounts Team Onitha Antoine, Michael Yabbey, Sharon Warne, Eric van Langenberg, Curtish Haree, Dylane Menga Executive Assistant Harriet Tracey

Education Checklist is published and wholly owned by Hurst Media Company Ltd. Every care is taken in compiling the contents of the publications but the publishers assume no responsibility in the effect arising therefrom. Readers are advised to seek professional advice before acting on any information which is contained in the publication. Hurst Media Company do not accept any liability for views expressed, pictures used or claims made by advertisers.

Read more at: Let’s get social: 23 10 top free Open University courses 27 Thriving under an alternative education provision 29 Getting involved for fun – and your future 30 A remote work-life balance

32 School closures, remote learning and back-tonormal: ideas for a smooth transition 35 How ‘flipping’ classes can be a blessing for teachers and learners


40 Could your career path take a change in direction? 43 10 top destinations for upskilling online 46 Helping hands for teachers to bring classrooms to life

39 Looking ahead to next year’s exams and assessments


4 Schooling


The importance of early learning More than 100 years ago Dr Maria Montessori reported that a child’s development lasted from the age of newborn to 24 years Research is now confi rming what she was telling us – the area of the brain controlling social behaviour and rational decision-making keeps on developing until we are well into our twenties. But Dr Helen Stevens, a clinical psychologist who runs early • attachment services across Greater Manchester, would argue it begins even before birth. • “Through pregnancy and during the first two years of life a baby’s brain is very sensitive to the context in which it is growing and the care they receive – it has a physical • impact on their developing brain,” she said. “An infant whose parent or carer can meet their emotional needs is able to develop skills in emotional regulation, attentional control and empathy. They will also develop a sense of themselves as worthy and the world and other people as trustworthy.” Georgina Hood, the founder of Paint Pots Montessori Schools, believes encouraging independence from an early age is key. “You can make the child’s environment more accessible by creating a home and classroom that encourages independence. For example, by installing low hooks so they can hang their own coats up

and low shelves so they can reach and choose books and toys and put them away.” But time to do things in their own way is also important for children, she said. “To develop in a happy and healthy way children need time to develop skills and they also need time that is not rushed and is sometimes unscheduled for wonder and to develop curiosity,” Georgina said. “Children need the freedom and time to be curious about the world around them.”

Sarah Sutherland, head of pre-prep at Windlesham House School in West Sussex echoed the value in allowing to children to fi nd their own way. “The independence to make decisions, self-select activities and negotiate social situations is fundamental to positive wellbeing,” she said. “Supporting wellbeing in the early years ensures our children grow up happy, healthy individuals who understand the importance of looking after themselves, those

Tinker Tray Play offer a wide range of engaging, open ended, and educational resources with a focus on play in the early years

a story. There’s no better way to encourage a lifelong love of reading. An environment where children can run, stretch, leap and be active enables those essential gross motor skills to develop. While fi ne motor activities strengthen little hand muscles to prepare them for holding a pen. Games give the opportunity for social and

emotional growth. At Tinker Tray Play they understand all of this, so when you choose from their carefully curated collection, you are giving your child the chance to love learning through endless hours of play!

Visit the website at today or follow them on


around them and the world in which they live. It is all too easy to want to push children on to the next phase of their lives but we need to allow them to be children. “Covid has shown us how we can change the way we work and still be successful. The most creative solutions being the most successful, our children are witnessing that first hand from us. “By shifting away from teaching children what to learn and in

contrast supporting them in understanding how to learn, we are shaping the future. They will be risk takers and confident problem solvers. We have the ability to do that and there is no better time than right now.” As The Foundation gets to work promoting and commissioning high-quality research to increase knowledge and share best practice – working with people from across the private, public and voluntary sectors to collaborate on new solutions and develop creative campaigns to raise awareness and inspire action. It is hoped that with real, practical solutions the social problems of today and tomorrow can be reached.

Baby’s first and best teacher – it’s you! Baby College is on a mission to keep the UK’s parents and their little ones educated, supported and entertained Babies don’t come with a manual so how do you fi nd out what is best? With the overwhelming amount of information there is to plough through, it can become confusing. So, is there an alternative? Yes! By attending Baby College classes, you will gain confidence to parent your baby with knowledge and understanding, and the team will help empower you in your role of teacher and supporter. At Baby College they also know that no-one ever tells parents that you

are doing a good job – but they love to! Classes like their fun development sessions give you gentle challenges for little brains and bodies and stimulating sessions for grownup brains too, with activities like dancing and sensory play to get you smiling, laughing, and moving together. There’s something new to learn every week for up to four years from their inspirational teachers in bite-size chunks; from fun facts to in-depth handouts. The classes

provide an opportunity to make new friends and to bond with your child. At Baby College, they believe that baby’s parents or carers are their best fi rst teachers, and the Baby College team are here to help you on your journey.

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They will be risk takers and confident problem solvers

Learning through play is the best way! Children are born curious and are naturally inclined to play. From babies who grasp and mouth, to those makebelieve moments under a blanket tent; what appears to be simply ‘play’, is a complex and essential way for the brain to learn and make connections. Open ended toys like magnetic tiles and wooden blocks give fl ight to a child’s imagination; one day a fair ground, the next a castle, the opportunities are endless. And as children play, they talk and build communication skills. And as they build, they learn about shape and space and measure. And all the while they are using logic and making decisions. What looks like ‘just play’ is so much more! Through nursery rhymes, story sacks and picture books, children learn to listen, retell, and understand


You can fi nd a class near you or even start your own. Find out more at


Schooling 5


For tomorrow’s Montessori Dukes Education is opening its own early years training academy for staff – its new principal, Aimee Kimbell, explains why “I know how important an early years education is. I have seen first-hand how children flourish and grow in the right surroundings, and with the right support. But a good early years education does so much more than help a child to grow in the here and now; it is sowing the seeds for the adult that child will become,” says Aimee. “A child’s first years are critical; this precious period of time will have an extraordinary impact on the rest of their life. The foundations of a healthy, happy adult are laid out in our nursery classrooms; their future – and our future – will be shaped by what we do today. “Neurological research in the past few decades has proven that our experiences in early childhood – pregnancy to five years old – have implications for our development


that go far beyond our physical abilities. Indeed, investing in the early years doesn’t just make sense for parents, it is one of the best ways to ensure long-term health, wellbeing and happiness for us all.” As the Duchess of Cambridge, an early years champion, has recently said: “The early years are not simply about how we raise our children. They are about the society we will become.” Dukes Education is a UK-based family of nurseries, schools and colleges. Little Dukes is the early years arm, with nearly 20 independent nurseries across London and the south of England. They have a wide variety of sites and settings, from Reflections – their award-winning nursery and forest school in Worthing, West Sussex – to Miss Daisy’s, their group

of village-like nursery schools in the heart of London. They have a group of nurseries in south-west London – Riverside Nurseries – and Hopes and Dreams nursery on the edge of the City of London, in Islington.

The early years are not simply about how we raise our children. They are about the society we will become – The Duchess of Cambridge Each nursery is different, but each has the same aim – to provide an extraordinary education for every child in their care. It is this commitment to offering an outstanding early-years experience that has inspired an exciting new initiative from Dukes Education. In September, they are opening the Little Dukes Training Academy. The Little Dukes Training Academy (LDTA) will offer a range of early years training courses with Montessori Centre International and Reach4Skills. They will be providing three Montessori courses delivered in partnership with the Montessori Centre International (MCI); they will be the fi rst UK training centre to offer a certificate in Integrating Montessori Practice Infant Specialism (birth to three years) course. And they will be offering five early years apprenticeship qualifications in partnership with Reach4Skills, an innovative training provider that delivers

blended-learning courses tailored to the individual. So, whether you want to develop in the childcentred Montessori approach, or grow as an early years educator, the LDTA will have the right course for you. Aimee says: “We want to attract and train the very best people at the LDTA, based at our premises in south-west London. We want to foster and encourage educators who will establish a gold standard of early years education, not just within the Dukes family but across the whole sector. The LDTA is our way of establishing excellence in early years education. By training

our educators ourselves, we not only ensure that we have the very best staff, but we are also securing the recruitment process for our early years settings. We want to be sure that we have the best nurseries, not just now but in future years. “The LDTA is our commitment to providing an extraordinary early years education for every child.”

Find out more If you are a teacher interested in early years training opportunities at the LDTA please email If you are a parent and want to fi nd out more about Little Dukes family of nurseries please visit


6 Schooling


Preparing for a smooth start to school life Starting reception is a huge deal for children – and the whole family. Help your little ones get • day ready for their big first It is a massive milestone. Your • little angel is four and set to begin primary school in September. Reception is intended to be a transition – play is still central and there will be lots of toys and •games in the classroom. Three prime areas of learning and development are focused on: � Personal, social and emotional development � Communication and language � Physical development. You’ll have helped your child prepare for these already through typical day-to-day situations. Simply spending time with children – ideally some of it oneon-one – is incredibly valuable. Role play develops empathy, and turn-taking games are good for communication and patience. New faces can be daunting so if you know other children joining the same class, get them together for a few playdates in the run-up

to September so they have a familiar face with them.

Primary schools are big on independence. If you’re still tying your child’s shoelaces and buttoning up their coat, start allowing them to have a go themselves if it’s appropriate. It will take longer for them at fi rst, but being self-reliant is good for their self-esteem and will mean they’re not left frustrated. Same goes for toileting and eating. It can be tempting to baby them a little – they’re still so small – but they’re learning independence and need to be able to look after themselves a bit more without relying on others.

Be ready for their emotions If your child is anxious about school, listen and allow them to explain. It’s possible they won’t

Be patient – this is probably one of the most significant changes they will have gone through be able to pinpoint a reason for their nerves. Calmly talking them through what to expect, without going over it incessantly, can help them prepare mentally and emotionally. Consider walking or driving the route a few times in advance so there’s less uncertainty. Some children may want to try their

The Ma Nanny & Moi Box is designed to keep the kids entertained during the summer holidays, whatever the weather

uniform on a few days beforehand or talk about what their lunches will be like. Be patient – this is probably one of the most significant changes they will have gone through. Children need to be listened to – don’t dismiss their feelings or just insist everything will be alright. Explain you understand this is a big change and it is not surprising they feel a bit scared. Chat about what they might expect and refer to their teacher by name to give a sense of familiarity. There is, of course, a good chance your child is just excited

and it’s only the adults that are wracked with worry. This too, is perfectly normal, so try not to panic, and avoid showing your child anything but positive vibes. And remember, after all the build-up to the big day, don’t be too disappointed if your child doesn’t want to talk much when you pick them up. It doesn’t mean they necessarily had a bad day; they are probably exhausted and haven’t processed it all yet. Chances are they’ll start chatting once they’ve relaxed and you’ll soon know absolutely everything about what they’ve been up to.

Outside education that breaks free from the classroom walls Outdoor Owls are creating an ‘owlstanding’ early years education outdoors for two to five-year-olds

items that you won’t use. Monthly subscriptions can be cancelled at any time, or you can take out a longer one for a fi xed period of up to a year if you like. It’s completely down to you. They might not be able to control the weather,

but nothing says ‘summer holidays’ like a box full of fun turning up on your doorstep once a month!

Find out more Visit the website at or email the team at

Going it alone

Keeping the kids entertained at home After what must have been the most challenging school year in living memory, kids all over the country are breathing a sigh of relief, chucking the school uniform in a pile, and getting their sun hats on. But hang on – this is a British summer. What if the weather doesn’t play ball? Luckily, Marion Girard and Aris Atto of Ma Nanny & Moi have got you covered. Marion is an experienced French nanny living and working in London. She spotted a gap in the market, and teamed up with entrepreneur Aris to launch a subscription box that includes everything you’ll need to keep your little and not-so-little ones amused indoors. It’s got the lot: games, toys, craft and engineering materials, snacks, and even the odd gift for the grown-ups. The boxes vary by age range, so you don’t need to worry about ending up with


The nursery adopt a fully rounded approach, preparing their pupils not just for school but for life. Outdoor Owls want the children in their care to be healthy, happy and to flourish. They currently have a single site in Richmond, near London but this will be joined in autumn by a second at Cobham, Surrey. Open 51 weeks a year, the nursery offer a very full day – 8am to 5.45pm – as well as sessional places. Outdoor Owls want to ‘break free from the classroom walls’ with committed staff creating natural learning experiences within a unique curriculum based on body, mind, soul, nature, world and expression. Being in a ‘wall-less’ environment throughout the seasons helps children develop independence, creativity, resilience and empathy. Through using organic

and open-ended resources such as sticks, leaves, mud, and puddles children are allowed to get messy and learn via play. There’s a carefully tended campfi re, too! The nursery allow children to breathe fresh air and develop healthy fitness levels. By being outside they can learn best through seeing, touching, smelling and listening to the world around them. Witnessing life cycles around them encourages them to develop empathy which can inspire future generations to care for the planet. One satisfied parent put it succinctly: “Your child will thrive and become a loving, resilient human being from their care and attention. I could not recommend Outdoor Owls more!”

Find out more Visit and register online at


8 Schooling


A safe, caring and happy environment dedicated to supporting individual needs Muntham House School is an all through special school, providing boarding and day provision for boys aged five to 18-years-old The school is set in 23 acres of beautiful West Sussex countryside, with excellent sporting facilities and an extensive Forest Schools programme. The equipment and facilities are state of the art across the school, supporting pupils to learn. Their dedicated staff team are both highly trained and experienced in working with pupils with SEN. The dedication and commitment of the staff at Muntham House School is excellent. The pupils at Muntham House School have challenging behaviours linked to ADHD, autism, and other SEN conditions. The school also work with pupils with social emotional and mental health needs, and always strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for all of their pupils. Whatever stage of learning their pupils are at when they arrive, academically, the staff will work hard to motivate and engage them in order that they re-engage and start to enjoy learning again. The Muntham House residential programme provides life skills

and independence for all pupils who board. Care staff focus on developing pupils’ confidence and raising their self-esteem, by ensuring that they have a carefully planned and structured care curriculum. Social skills development is a key area of focus, and all pupils who board have the opportunity to participate in sport or social clubs within the local area. At Muntham House School, they believe everybody will reach their potential if they know they are safe, feel cared for, and are given experiences and opportunities to ensure their happiness. The staff instil this culture into all the areas of school life, with the aim that all pupils are healthy, resilient, confident, and ready for their next stage in life when they leave the school. The focus as pupils move through the school is to prepare them for adulthood ensuring that pupils develop into well-rounded young people. The journey through Muntham House School starts with infants.


Here the pupils’ classroom is nestled safely in the Secret Garden. This is where the pupils learn through play and outdoor learning, while building on their needs and learning how to engage in their learning. They then move on to the Junior Unit. In Juniors, pupils have the chance to become more independent and their experiences become more challenging as they venture into the woods for Forest School. Once

Everybody will reach their potential if they know they are safe, feel cared for, and are given experiences and opportunities to ensure their happiness they have achieved their target of becoming ‘secondary ready’, pupils are welcomed into Main School. Here they have a range of specialist teachers to help and encourage every pupil to achieve GCSEs and other accredited qualifications. All of the pupils take GCSE examinations and the school have had a 100% pass rate for the past six consecutive years. The fi nal part of the Muntham journey is the Post-16 Unit, where pupils can not only continue their studies, but also become work life-ready for when they leave the school at 18-years-old. To facilitate success, Muntham House School determine admission by whether the parents or carers are willing to enter into a partnership in developing their child’s education and behaviour. The Family Support and Pupil Induction Team are

dedicated to initiating and maintaining links with parents, and supporting them through visits and providing advice. In addition, the Family Support and Pupil Induction Team host regular workshops and year group days, giving parents and carers the opportunity to meet with each other, discuss topics of interest and share strategies and experiences. Muntham House School have a local, regional and national reputation for innovation and outstanding practice. They provide training to other schools within West Sussex and other education authorities. They hold

the International Award with the British Council, and were the fi rst special school to achieve this accreditation due to their extensive partnerships and collaborative work with African schools.

Find out more Visit to fi nd out more.


Schooling 9


Why the outdoors can provide a better learning environment Studies over the last century have pointed to improved wellbeing and better emotional, mental and physical health for children who spend more time in nature

SOURCES: 1Climate change ranks highest as vital issue of our time – Generation Z survey (Amnesty International, 2019). 2 The rainforest is being clear-cut on Sumatra – for our paper (Rainforest Rescue, 2011).

The benefits of outdoor learning have long been celebrated by education experts. Probably the most well-known method is Forest• School, though there are many disciplines which use the natural world•as a teaching opportunity, under titles such as field studies; bushcraft; Earth education; horticulture and environmental education. Many mainstream and • independent education institutions have incorporated these fi ndings into their approach. Reception classes and nurseries will typically have outdoor learning areas, while some forest and woodlands now have dedicated spaces for children to gather in for educational activities. This kind of outdoor learning is perfect for developing the minds of primary school aged children. As young children adapt easily to changing surroundings and often embrace the outdoors. Being in an inner-city urban area does not preclude schools from getting involved in outdoor learning – a park, stream or even the school playground can provide an appropriate space.

Caroline Jamieson is a BTEC level 3 Forest School Leader focused on Outdoor Education. Caroline says: “Learning environments should cater for the children in them. Problems occur when there is only one outcome provided – like trying to fit a round peg in a square hole, children come in all shapes and sizes and

Something to think about Advocates for outdoor learning say participants develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. Outdoor learning is said to improve young people’s self-esteem; problem-solving; motivation; confl ict resolution • and behaviour. It provides a fruitful environment for the developing minds of primary school aged children.

differ from year to year, so learning environments need to be flexible and transient to meet the needs of the cohort.” The Forest School concept originated in Scandinavia and this learning method recognises the importance of children’s contact • It is a holistic and with nature. sensory learning environment that provides•inclusive opportunities for children to learn through practical activities regardless of their individual needs.

• It removes the pressures of academia and allows pupils to enhance their strengths at their own pace Shifting weather patterns and seasons can offer intrigue and discovery for children and provide different educational opportunities which arise spontaneously. Forest school provision provides a relaxed and effective way of learning and caters for children’s unique learning styles while promoting independence, teamwork and increased self-esteem. Forest school is particularly

Secondhand books can teach kids about sustainability

Tuition, with a difference

Using books as a basis, start a conversation about the impact of environmental issues on people and places around the world

Covid-19 has had a significant impact on children’s learning in the UK, particularly for pupils from low-income backgrounds, who are on average 18 months behind their peers by the end of the GCSE period. This figure hasn’t improved since 2014 and, due to Covid, is set to increase in the years ahead, having a negative long-term impact on social mobility. A London-based collective of inspiring tutors and teachers with a difference, 40% of their profit is donated to organisations working with students from low-income backgrounds in the UK. Their mission has attracted an array of highly-qualified and compassionate educators who want to contribute to the cause – giving Ripple

Climate change is the biggest challenge facing the world today 1 and as the crisis worsens, parents, teachers and caregivers must help children learn about the impact of climate change, and how they can help, from an early age. Secondhand books can play a key role in helping children to understand climate change and sustainability. Using a gentle, educational approach, books can spark children’s curiosity about the environment, and help them to understand the importance of reuse in a warming world. Percentages and kilowatt hours are tricky concepts for kids, so try to use ideas they can understand, for example, the idea that cutting trees down for paper makes it difficult for animals to fi nd food and water2 . Once your children have a better understanding of where books come from, you can explain how secondhand


books are more sustainable than new books and e-readers, since they don’t use up any new resources. This approach also helps children learn to appreciate books for their stories, rather than their novelty. Children’s subscription book boxes are both eco-conscious and exciting. They’ll spark your child’s interest in environmental issues and help them see the value in words and stories.

Find out more Subscribe to monthly secondhand book boxes at

effective for primary school children and those who fi nd it difficult to learn in a traditional classroom. It removes the pressures of academia and allows pupils to enhance their strengths at their own pace. Outdoor learning provides a wealth of opportunities for pupils to learn physical skills like sawing, drilling and whittling in a calm, non-invasive setting. Children learn to carry out their own risk assessments and make informed decisions and choices where they can test their own abilities and challenge their boundaries. This results in children becoming more confident in utilising large spaces and also helps to grow their love for their environment for generations to come. Caroline adds: “With technology and screen time so prevalent in our society, it is especially important now to counteract the previous two years of online learning to balance children’s mental health and wellbeing by ensuring our future generations go back to nature and children have the time and space to appreciate and learn from the world around them as there are so many more learning opportunities in nature than anything we could create.”

Ripple Learning was created to show how the private tuition sector can play a role in reducing educational inequality

the freedom to be selective and pass on the quality and choice that families look for when it comes to their children’s learning. Whether in preparation for important exams such as the 11+ or SATs, or simply to consolidate learning and boost confidence at school,

they have a wide range of one-to-one tutoring options for each child’s needs, always emphasising a fun-based approach that cultivates creativity and curiosity.

Find out more Visit the website at to fi nd out more, or to arrange a free trial session for your child, contact Jamie at 07723 214148 or


10 Schooling


Inspiring ideas to encourage children to do homework Whether it’s actually beneficial seems to be a matter of opinion – but either way, most children have homework. How do we get them to do it? US comic, Rob Delaney, tweeted last year that he was sick of how much homework his sons were given. The Catastrophe star, who lives in London, said he would prefer his kids playing in their free time. Of course, Piers Morgan soon weighed in, saying British children needed to study more, not less, outside of school hours. It’s a debate that surfaces again and again. While there are those who say homework improves self-discipline and teaches that hard work is the route to success, others feel there is enough pressure on youngsters already, and that more emphasis should be given to them pursuing their own interests or relaxing with friends and family. But while the arguments rage on, the fact remains that the vast majority of schools do give out some homework every week, even in reception classes. Victoria Hearn, principal of

Impington Village College, is aware of the challenges facing teachers, pupils and parents. She says: “Inspiring young learners to be excited to approach, let alone complete, homework is no mean feat. That’s why we have changed the language that we use surrounding homework to remove the stigma attached to completing work outside of school. “Our students now undertake ‘ home learning,’ where they clearly understand the purpose, and value, of the tasks they are completing.”

Some children like quiet and creative activities, others prefer more noise and movement Child psychologist, Dr Amanda Gummer, suggests focussing on making it fun, especially for younger children. Dr Gummer says: “Young children can often be inspired to do their homework by making it more playful. This is how children learn best because it’s fun and pressure free. Every child has different interests so it’s important to think about what your


child enjoys and what inspires them. Some children like quiet and creative activities, others prefer more noise and movement.” “You could create a game of bingo, or a family quiz with a mix of homework and funny questions. Or you could try playing catch while testing your child’s knowledge. For example, they have to give the answer to a times table each time they catch the ball,” she suggested. It is quite an obvious one, but students engage far better with home learning if they think it is important. So, teachers and parents alike should treat it with the same

importance as the work that needs to be completed in the classroom. Teachers like Victoria believe that home learning should only be set when it will have a positive impact on student progress and study habits. Home learning provides opportunities for structured independent study that are meaningful and challenging. It should be aimed at preparing students for assessed tasks in class, or for end of topic examinations, but the main objective is to allow students to establish routines and become independent learners, responsible for their work and progress.

In the spotlight Sydenham High School Sydenham High School GDST empowers pupils to write their own future. They are proud that they are ambitious, resilient, independent thinkers with a strong moral compass and global perspective, accepting and respectful of themselves and others. Find out more at


Schooling 11


Where ‘everybody matters, everybody succeeds’ New Horizons Seaside Primary are passionate about turning the school ethos ‘everybody matters; everybody succeeds’ into an everyday reality New Horizons have a very clear knowledge-led curriculum, carefully designed to ensure that your child has access to well-planned, wellresourced and engaging lessons across the full breadth of the richly enhanced national curriculum. The school is committed to helping your child reach their full potential, in terms of academic achievement and personal development, fostering and nurturing the key DREAMS (diligence, resilience, enthusiasm, aspiration, motivation and selfbelief) learner qualities in your child as they go through the school, setting them up for success in their next steps in education and life. In the core subjects of English and maths at Key Stage 2, New Horizon’s results are consistently well above the national average. The school is committed to maintaining all aspects of its outstanding grade. Your child will access the school’s 118 Exploring New Horizons enrichment activities, from holding a sparkler at the Year R Bonfi re Night


to learning to bodyboard on the Year 6 residential. These events are commemorated as your child progresses through the school in a glossy journal which can be kept as a treasured memento.

New Horizons Seaside Primary is dedicated to upholding all aspects of its outstanding grade New Horizons Seaside provides a safe purpose-built and modern learning environment for your child with inviting and engaging classrooms and lots of space to take the learning outside into the school’s generous grounds. The school focuses on all children and has excellent and robust provisions in place for those children with a whole range of SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and those who are from disadvantaged backgrounds. No child will be left behind.

New Horizons’ residential offer is committed to developing your child from a sleepover at school in Year 3, staying on the Isle of Wight in Year 4, camping in the New Forest in Year 5 and camping in Cornwall in Year 6; all jam-packed with character-building activities and opportunities. The school also works hard to support you as a parent or carer by running these at a reasonable cost. New Horizons offer flexibility to you, by providing your child with wrap-around care through their breakfast and after-school clubs. These clubs are run by the school’s own staff who know all the children well and provide a calm and nurturing environment for them.

Find out more Visit the website at or email to fi nd out more.


12 Schooling




Schooling 13


Benefit from an international multilingual education with EIFA An interconnected world requires a generation of creative thinkers and problem solvers who can understand challenges from different cultural perspectives In an increasingly global workplace and constantly changing world, parents are looking for a school that will provide their children with • ‘international-mindedness’ and improve their learning experience. You may be looking for wider • options than those offered by the local school; you may be an expatriate family relocating and looking for education continuity or you may be a student wanting • to improve your language skills and broaden your horizons. In all these instances, international education is the ideal solution.

EIFA International School (L’École Internationale Franco-Anglaise) students are drawn from over 40 nationalities. The 300 students, aged 21 months to 18-years-old, benefit from an internationally-focussed, multilingual education within a diverse student community which helps create that all important international-mindedness and understanding. Learning programmes and qualifications extending beyond national boundaries are key to an international education. Up to Year 8, EIFA students follow the

French programme, recognised for its sound academic foundation approach to learning, in addition to elements of the British curricula. From Year 9 onwards, students sit the IGCSE exam followed by the world-renowned International • Baccalaureate ® Diploma Programme (IBDP). Bilingual English and French education means that students are not only fluent in more than one • language but that they are also academically prepared for future study in other languages. Additional languages such as Spanish and German are an integral part of EIFA curriculum. With globally recognised qualifications, students are well prepared for the university of their choice, whether in the UK or anywhere in the world. Higher education admission officers often consider the IBDP as a better preparation for university than A-levels. Universities as employers, highly value experience in an international environment, as they look for candidates with transferable skills and the ability to collaborate. Independent inquiry, self-management skills and open-

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mindedness – all core to the IDBP education – are essential aptitudes needed to thrive at university and the workplace. The team believe that a balanced school life is key to developing happy and confident students. EIFA have a dynamic and exciting mix of co-curricular and extracurricular activities, and they help each student realise their potential in everything they do. The development of self-awareness, selfconfidence, and enhanced flexibility to adapt to various perspective and environments provide students with long-term benefits.

Find out more Private visits and “Taster Days” are available all year long online, or onsite by appointment with the registrar at For more information visit

What is a Quaker boarding school?

There’s no place like Kingsley

The Obama family sent their daughters to a Quaker school and UK Quaker schools achieve some of the best academic progress in the country

Be the best version of yourself at The Kingsley School

So, what is a Quaker school? Anyone can go to a Quaker school and the focus is much more about values than religion. These same values helped establish famous UK

companies like Cadbury, Rowntree and Clarks shoes, as well as organisations like Greenpeace, Oxfam and Amnesty International. Great emphasis is placed on mutual respect, social justice and the pursuit of a more peaceful world. Quaker schools look for opportunities for selfdiscovery, giving students the time, space and support to develop character and independence. Matthew, head at Leighton Park School in Reading near London, elaborated:

“A student’s academic development cannot be understood in isolation but must be considered in conjunction with their emotional and physical wellbeing, confidence, maturity and happiness.” Quaker schools give their values purpose and currency. Sidcot, a school near Bristol, has a Centre for Peace and Global Studies, while Leighton Park is well-known for its cross-curricular problem-solving approach to STEAM subjects and focus on Ethical Enterprise.

Find out more To fi nd out more, book for Leighton Park’s Annual Open Morning on 25 September or visit to fi nd a Quaker school near you.


Since 1884, The Kingsley School have had an excellent reputation for high academic standards and fi rst-class pastoral care, based in the heart of Royal Leamington Spa. An all-through school for girls aged three to 18, with a co-educational prep school also taking boys aged three to 11, Kingsley is small enough for everyone to be known, and large enough to offer a range of opportunities to develop gifts and talents. At Kingsley, you are a name and not a number. Kingsley combine high academic performance with a determination to offer a broad, deep and enriching curriculum, demonstrating how hard work and effort alongside kindness, team work and a strong moral code are vital for a fulfilling life and personal success. A Kingsley education is a holistic education – their aim is to develop strong, independent young adults who are well mannered,

well qualified and resilient. Leavers take up places at fi rst choice universities and prestigious apprenticeship schemes, pursuing a range of ambitious careers. The school maintain a sense of tradition, whilst keeping up with the modern and preparing children for the future. The beautiful Edwardian buildings are warm and welcoming places of learning, where a sense of community and family

permeates. When people walk through Kingsley’s doors, they often say they feel like they have come home.

Find out more Visit the website at or call 01926 425127.


14 Schooling


It is never too young to be bilingual The Collège Français Bilingue de Londres (CFBL) provides a French-English bilingual education from nursery to Year 10 pupils CFBL is a listed Victorian school building designed by Edward Robert Robson in 1874 and was completely refurbished in 2010. The school, established in 2011, is located in • Kentish Town, between Hampstead and Camden • Town, and provides pupils with an excellent education, underpinned by a special commitment to language learning (Mandarin, • German, Latin, Spanish) and digital culture.

The maximum capacity is 700 pupils which means the school is on a human scale and allows everyone to thrive in a warm and friendly atmosphere, which is conducive to wellbeing and effective learning. Pupils are close to the teaching staff and have a constant dialogue with their teachers. Tolerance and openness are central to CFBL’s philosophy. The school has students with 35 different nationalities.

The education at CFBL and the learning experiences pupils have outside the classroom prepare them for leadership roles, no matter where they go next. In the graduation year of 2021 more than 67% of the Oxbridge applicants from Lycée International de Londres were CFBL alumni students. CFBL’s mission is to provide pupils with the best of French and British educational cultures. They aim in particular to give advice and help to pupils, as well as their families, in order to help them achieve the best possible educational path. The school is located at 87 Holmes Road, London, NW5 3AX.

Find out more Visit or contact or 020 7993 7400.

Continuous excellence at Alderley Edge Alderley Edge School for Girls is an independent day school based in the heart of Cheshire Alderley Edge School (AESG) caters for pupils aged two to 18, providing both secondary and primary school education, as well as a nursery and sixth form. Benefitting from fantastic transport links across the region it, offers an excellent and well-rounded education

in a wonderful location. They have been celebrating throughout the summer, with students receiving outstanding A-level and GCSE grades earlier this month. In addition, the school was inspected this summer and found to be excellent in the quality of the pupils’ personal development and in the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements. Students at AESG can expect to enjoy small class sizes, a huge range of

enrichment activities, excellent pastoral care and fantastic results – allowing for progression into selective universities and courses throughout the UK. Their quality teaching adds real value to each students’ attainment and is supported throughout their time by utilising technology to enhance their learning. They are proud to be a registered Apple Distinguished School and an Apple Regional Training Centre.

Find out more If you would like to learn more about what’s on offer at AESG, then contact them today about attending Open Events or to arrange a visit. Visit the website at or email



Schooling 15


Lockdown sparked an appetite for videos; homework must reflect this People are using screens more than ever before and more than half of students want to maintain this in the future The fi ndings from Ofcom’s research suggest it would be foolish to retreat from some of the learning methods used during the home learning • of the last 18 months. Teacher Andrew Walls, assistant principal • at Sidney Stringer Multi Academy Trust in Coventry, discusses how he uses video content to ignite the imagination and critical thinking of his pupils. • Andrew says: “We all know that students learn best when teachers harness social practices, and especially today our students’ preferred way of accessing and processing information is through videos, such as on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram, all of which revolve around short, snappy videos they can access on demand anywhere they go.” These platforms are so popular partly because young people who visualise (or internalise) information are far more likely to retain it and be able to apply it in a meaningful and relevant way. Andrew often asks his students to watch short videos as part of their homework. They can be used as a springboard for broader and

more in-depth discussions when they return to the classroom, as they provide students with a strong foundation for learning, or to consolidate learning already done. Videos are effective at creating a mental connection between existing knowledge, and the knowledge being taught. They can help to bolster the teaching of almost every subject. Often the challenge is sourcing appropriate, curriculum aligned content on YouTube.

Students can pause at vital points, rewind and replay as many times as they need Some video providers, such as ClickView are aligned directly with the curriculum, which means you are always assured the video content you set as homework will support and enrich your wider teaching objectives and any exams your students will be expected to take. For example, clippings of news coverage of the vaccine can support science classes, while

• In the spotlight University College School Hampstead

news segments covering recent developments in acceptance of same-sex marriage could be an interesting watch as part of religious education homework. These will help students think critically and independently about their subjects and how the world is responding to topics they’re learning. Andrew said: “I have found students respond well to videos being set as homework because they offer an opportunity to learn at their own pace. Students can pause at vital points, rewind and replay

as many times as they need. Videos allow students to consider what they need to consolidate learning and offer a counter narrative to competing with their peers and trying to finish tasks as quickly as possible. The questions students ask when you discuss the video later in class are also very valuable. They reflect how well students have understood topics independently, where they need support and where learning gaps exist.” Videos inspire students, too. For example, when teaching about rights

At University College School, independence of mind and intellectual curiosity are fostered. The Good Schools Guide noted the “infinite opportunities for thought, exploration and discovery” at UCS. Find out more at and freedoms in subjects such as world issues, history, politics, PSHE or philosophy, you might want to set watching videos of current events as homework. This will not only help nurture the imagination of students, but also it will inspire them to critically assess their own rights and possibly act to protect them.

Pioneering education at Taunton School Taunton School may be steeped in history, but its focus has always been on the future, adapting to the needs of each generation which passes through its halls Since its humble foundation, in 1847, as an establishment for the boys of the county town, Taunton School has consistently been an educational pioneer. It was the fi rst independent school to appoint a black head boy in 1962, one of the fi rst in the UK to admit girls, in 1971, and 25 years ago, the fi rst school to open its own international school on site. Now, as the school prepares to mark its 175th anniversary, it has notched up another fi rst: it is the only secondary school in the UK to offer four alternative pathways to university. As well as A-levels, the International Baccalaureate, and BTECs, there is now a bespoke foundation course for overseas students – an option which leads directly to studying at top universities in the UK, the US, and Australia. Headmaster, Lee Glaser says: “We are a rural school with a global outlook, we have always welcomed international students to this


beautiful corner of south-west England. They bring the world to our school, making for a rich and diverse community which benefits everyone.” “Affordability should not be a barrier to access,” says Mr Glaser. “Our job is to nurture. While our outlook is global, we also celebrate our role at the heart of the local community as both educator and employer.”

It is the only secondary school in the UK to offer four alternative pathways to university The globally recognised NCUK International Foundation Year, preceded by Taunton’s bespoke Pre Foundation Year, enables 16 and 17-year-olds to get up to speed with English for academic study, while acquiring the knowledge they need for university. Some 94% of Taunton students go on to higher education. The challenges of the past year have not thwarted other major developments on the school’s 56-acre site. A state-of-the-art

dining hall costing £3.6 million was completed during 2020 and officially opened by the Princess Royal. With student wellbeing a priority, a central open-air plaza has been created to provide a space for students to meet, relax and socialise. Taunton School offers many

assisted places and scholarships to students who would not otherwise be able to afford an independent education. In the sixth form alone, 27 students’ fees have been fully funded by the school’s foundation during the past five years.

Find out more To fi nd out more about Taunton School, visit the website at


Schooling 17


10 top private schools in the countryside Ensure your child gets plenty of the great outdoors with one of these rurally positioned institutions Millfield Somerset is the setting for Millfield, a co-educational secondary school with its own pre-prep and preparatory school in nearby Glastonbury. The campus spreads across 240 acres in and around the village of Street. Millfield has students from more than 65 nationalities enjoying the benefits of its expansive land. Fees: Start from £3,020 per term. Find out more at

ACS Cobham ACS International School Cobham enjoys 128 acres of leafy green campus in Surrey. Learners are admitted from the age of two, with boarding available for those aged 12 upwards. With 1,300 students representing more than 70 different nationalities, the coeducational school prides itself on having an international ethos. The campus is complete with soccer and rugby fields, softball and baseball diamonds, an all-weather track, tennis courts, and a six-hole golf course. Fees: Start from £4,115 per semester. Find out more at

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• Windlesham House is set in 63 acres of countryside

Windlesham Windlesham House has 63 acres of Sussex Downs countryside for pupils to play and relax in. Popular activities include polo, tennis and golf, all on-site in Pulborough, West Sussex. It’s co-educational, progressive and includes sports stars Thom Evans and Tom Williams, both England rugby players, Olympic Horse Eventer Tina Cook and swimmer Duncan Goodhew, in its list of former students. Fees: Start from £3,185 per term. Find out more at

Students of Millfield co-educational school

Kilgraston An hour’s drive from Glasgow or Edinburgh, Kilgraston is set in the countryside of Perthshire. With 54 acres of parkland to roam across, the scenery and wildlife is very much part of the experience here. 50 different activities are supported at the school, including raising social awareness and considering the importance of ethical and fair trade practices. Fees: Range from £4,080 to £11,845 per term. Find out more at

10 top private schools in the countryside continues on page 18

Kilgraston school has 54 acres

of parkland to roam across

Inspiring academic success Hampton Court House is an independent co-educational school situated in its own private parkland in East Molesey, Hampton Court The reputation of Hampton Court House (HCH) is on the rise since being shortlisted for the ‘Senior School of the Year 2020’ category in the TES Independent Schools Awards – and there’s no stopping them now. The independent coeducational day school caters for pupils from nursery to Year 13. The trend of ever improving results at

HCH has continued with a higher proportion than ever before getting A grades or equivalent. HCH’s Year 11 students achieved 98% grades 9 to 6 (A*to B) and 83% grades 9 to 7 (A* to A) in their GCSEs this summer. At A-level they achieved 81% grades A* to B and 95% grades A* to C. In a year with more than its fair share of challenges, these

grades are a testament to the determination of the pupils and the levels of support and subject specialism within the teaching community.

There is a breadth of curriculum and cultural understanding which further enriches the lives of students and the school community These exceptional results have enabled Year 13 students to attain highly competitive placements at top UK universities, including many Russell Group universities. This year’s cohort have secured places at: London School of Economics and Political Science, University of St Andrews, Imperial College London, University of Manchester, University of Bath and the University of Southampton, to name a few. Underpinning this academic success and challenging curriculum is a unique ethos.


At Hampton Court House the headmaster, Dr Adrian Rainbow and the wider community instil the notion that success can be achieved through encouragement not pressure. There is a breadth of curriculum and cultural understanding which further enriches the lives of students and the school community with strong value placed on scientific, artistic and sporting pursuits. The younger age groups have a focus on the learning of languages,

with children aged five to nine taught 50% of the time in French. From Year 5, all children learn Mandarin and Latin, as well as French. HCH believes that by speaking a foreign language, lives are enriched and understanding of other cultures is deepened.

Find out more To book an open event or enquire about late application for September this year, please contact the head of admissions, Natalie Barker, on 020 8614 0857 or book online at


18 Schooling


10 top private schools in the countryside continued Haberdashers Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools is a small group of schools set in the Wye Valley of Wales. It includes pre-prep and nursery and separate boys and girls’ prep and boarding schools. Ultra-modern, purposebuilt facilities – including a fully equipped recording studio – sit alongside restored listed buildings on campus. Fees: Start from £1,580 for nursery, to £11,389 per term. Find out more at •

Giggleswick Set across 215 acres of stunning Yorkshire countryside, Giggleswick School also boasts 500 years of heritage. It’s one of the leading independent co-educational boarding and day schools in the north of England. Pupils are taken from two-years-old all the way to 18, though boarding is only available from Year 5. The school focuses particularly on performing arts but has excellent sports, technology and science facilities too. Fees: Start from £2,950 to a maximum £11,900 for senior boarders. Find out more at

Sandroyd is set in 60 acres of outdoor space in Wiltshire


Stonyhurst is set on 1,000 acres

One for the pony-mad set, Sandroyd is set in 60 acres of outdoor space in Wiltshire, Salisbury. It caters for day and boarding pupils, boys•and girls, aged two to 13 and riding is a big part of school life. The main building is 19th century Rushmore House, which sits in the Rushmore estate, now playing fields, • woods and parkland, near Tollard Royal village and the county border with Dorset. Fees: Start from £3,190 per term. Find out more at

of Lancashire rural estate

Repton Once the school of BFG creator Roald Dahl, Repton School and Repton Prep are found in a south Derbyshire village of the same name, surrounded by rolling hills and greenery across 50 acres. The co-educational, independent day and boarding schools are Christian, and take pupils aged three to 18. Fees: Start from £3,172 (prep) and £9,096 per term. Find out more at

Repton was founded in 1557 on the site of a 7th century abbey

St Columba’s College is going co-ed St Columba’s College in St Albans is to welcome girls as pupils in Year 7 from September 2022 The independent, Catholic day school took the historic decision last year to move from boys-only to coeducation via a phased transition. In the fi rst phase, girls have already started in reception, with many more joining the school in Years 1, 2 and the lower sixth in September. The girls will then progressively move up through the senior school, year-on-year. This means that St Columba’s will become the only co-educational, aged four to 18, independent school in St Albans. To support the move to co-education St Columba’s is creating new sports, music and drama facilities, and will open a newly refurbished sixth form Centre in September 2021. Headmaster Mr David Buxton is confident that the school’s distinctive pastoral approach will fully support

girls and boys: “At each phase of education, Prep, Senior and Sixth, we nurture the key Columban qualities of courage, courtesy and compassion. “This creates fine young adults equipped with the resilience necessary for the world and workplace of tomorrow.”

Find out more Visit for more information. St Columba’s College open morning is on Saturday, 2 October – scan the QR code to book your place.


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Christ College

Another one for the North, Stonyhurst is a Catholic co-ed school with a whopping 1,000 acres of Lancashire rural estate. It’s the oldest continuously active Jesuit school in the world. The day school takes children from three-yearsold, with boarding available from ages seven to 18. Along with its many sporting facilities, the school, situated near Clitheroe, has its own working observatory. Fees: Range from £7,250 to £12,200 for full UK boarding per term. Find out more at

Situated in the heart of the Brecon Beacons, Christ College makes the most of its surroundings to extend classrooms beyond the walls of the school. The school’s adventure programme is offered to pupils from Year 4. It comprises a series of progressive and challenging outdoor activities to build on pupils’ physical, spiritual, social and moral development. Fees: Range from £3,194 to £6,528 per term. Find out more at

World of opportunities The curriculum at Europa School UK develops bright, engaged students that think independently and have a high degree of cultural awareness Europa School UK is the only state school in Oxfordshire to offer a multilingual and multicultural education for children aged four to 18, and the globally recognised International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. The school curriculum is broad and covers both traditional academic subjects and the arts. Over a million students worldwide study under the IB system and benefit from a rich, broad and inclusive education. Languages and STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are a strong element of their curriculum. Bilingual teaching in English, and one of French, German or Spanish begins at the age

of four. As students progress to secondary, they study humanities subjects in their second language. This is an immersive experience akin to studying abroad. As the UK forges its new place in the world, the Europa School is well placed to develop the bright, outwardlooking talent that can seize the new opportunities that will arise. As an all-through school, Europa accepts children in reception and also for sixth form. For admission into the

sixth form, they welcome students with five good GCSEs including English and maths, and a stream language at grade six to nine. For more information about other year groups contact the school.

Find out more Visit their website for more information at or call 01235 524060.


Schooling 19




20 Further education


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A-level alternatives • Going from GCSEs to A-levels to university is the traditional route to higher education, but it doesn’t appeal to everyone Post-16 learning isn’t confi ned to A-levels and apprenticeships. There are lots of options, though the majority of BTECs look set to be phased out over the next couple of years in favour of T-levels – a new two-year technical qualification. The Department of Education wants to make A-levels, apprenticeships and T-levels the main options for school leavers wishing to continue in mainstream education.

BTECs Some BTECs will remain in place beyond 2023 but campaigners want to keep funding for all of them. BTECs are vocational Level 3 qualifications which provide work-based skills in areas such as business, engineering and health care. They are not as academically rigorous as other qualifications but concentrate more on practical matters. They are usually offered by sixth form and further education colleges. Entry requirements are generally GCSEs at grade 4.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme aims to

develop a breadth and depth of learning and understanding in participants. It is a highly regarded and recognised alternative to A-levels and, as the name suggests, is studied by young people around the world. Advocates say it is effective in preparing students for university, work and life. The programme encompasses languages, social sciences, experimental sciences and mathematics and arts and also focuses on personal development and community work. The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is open to any student aged 16 to 19, at schools that have been authorised to implement the programme.

Access to Higher Education Diploma For more mature students wishing to return to learning at a later time, the Access to Higher Education Diploma may be suitable. Access can be taken as a oneyear intensive programme, so is a quicker route than taking on A-levels, but is also available to do part-time, so can fit around work, childcare or other considerations. You will probably need GCSEs in English and maths but the requirements vary according to each institution and each individual student, so it’s worth contacting colleges to fi nd out your options. Many universities will accept an Access to HE Diploma but if you have a specific one in mind it is worth checking well in advance. Most assessment is done via coursework, though there may be

exams as well. As well as actually studying, students are taught how to study, getting them prepared for entering into higher education. The diploma is equivalent to three A-levels.

T-levels Equivalent to three A-levels and completed over two years, T-levels launched in September 2020. They combine classroom learning with ‘on-the-job’ experience via an industry placement of at least 315 hours. The qualification has been designed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work, further training or study. Students will be graded at pass, merit or distinction, with the highest possible grade equivalent to three A*s at A-level.

Outstanding results for Oxford’s leading International Baccalaureate school St Clare’s is a co-educational, independent school in north Oxford offering world class education without boundaries The word ‘unprecedented’ has been used a lot over the past 18 months. However, it is hard to think of a better word to describe the impact the pandemic has had on school education. The cohort of students who have recently received their International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma results started their course at St Clare’s, Oxford in September 2019. Since March 2020, they have experienced an unending sequence of lockdowns, quarantines and phases where ‘normal’ lessons were conducted wearing masks in socially distanced classrooms. Against this backdrop, they are incredibly proud of the fantastic results their students have achieved, scoring an average of 39 points out of a possible 45, a score which could be considered at least the equivalent of A*, A, A in A-levels, supplemented by an A or A* grade in the Extended Project Qualification. Although the fi nal exams could not take place this year, the IB results were based on a combination of teacher predictions and externally marked coursework. There are so many highlights to celebrate in the results. Six of St Clare’s students attained a perfect score of 45 points, placing

They are incredibly proud of the fantastic results their students have achieved them inside the top 1% of students globally. Nearly half of the cohort scored 40 points or more, scores which give access to the top universities worldwide including Oxford and Cambridge. Alastair Summers, vice principal academic, commented: “In many ways we learn more about people from how they behave in adversity than when things are easy. I feel a huge sense of pride when I think


about what our students have achieved under the most challenging of circumstances. Not only are the results they have produced simply outstanding, but their resilience, determination and collective spirit have been quite humbling. I am confident that our graduates will take these experiences with them, and they leave ready to excel in the next stage of their educational journeys.

I hope they will look back with fondness and gratitude when they think about the amazing team of people who supported and guided them during their time at St Clare’s, Oxford.”

Open Morning The team would be delighted to welcome you to St Clare’s, Oxford, at 11am on 25 September. Register now at


Further education 21


Kent’s affordable boarding school Outstanding facilities, an all-round education and rich heritage – there are many reasons to consider the Duke of York’s Royal Military School, says principal Alex Foreman The country’s only state full-boarding school, the Duke of York’s Royal Military School (DOYRMS), offers an affordable option for parents• seeking a boarding school with high standards of • education. Set on top of the renowned White Cliffs of Dover, the schools 150-acre parkland estate offers unrivalled • facilities and a wide breadth of opportunities for its students. DOYRMS, open

to 11 to 18-year-olds, is based on an independentstyle model with Saturday morning lessons and co-curricular activities throughout the week. However, parents are only required to pay for boarding, as the government pays for the education. This means the inclusive boarding fee is only £5,166 per term (£15,498 per year, correct at time of writing), with limited scholarships available. This

fee covers full-boarding, catering, laundry, and over 80 clubs and activities per week including Combined Cadet Force and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme for which the school is an accredited centre. Official progress figures for GCSE place DOYRMS in the top 2% of schools nationally. In recognition of the exceptional academic standards, the school has achieved the SSAT Educational Outcomes Award 2020.

Find out more This award-winning school, with outstanding managers and leaders (Ofsted 2018), has an open morning on 9 October – book now at

Life at the Independent Co-educational School of the Year St Dunstan’s College, located in Catford, provides an environment that champions individuality through • a broad, liberal education, whilst retaining historic • and valued traditions Pupils can begin their journey at St Dunstan’s in the junior school (three-plus and four-plus entry), before joining the senior school (11 plus and 13 plus) and the sixth form (16 plus). Despite the unprecedented challenges of the last 18 months, the school was named Independent Co-educational School of the Year by the prestigious Independent School of the Year Awards who praised St Dunstan’s for: “Their renaissance education, their pupil voice and their championing of the individual.”

Most recently, the College opened a new, £25million junior school building, STEM centre and sixth form centre with state-of-the-art facilities, which will continue the school’s long tradition of education ‘being ahead of its time’ – something the original 1888 founders believed in. The Good Schools Guide recently said: “The St Dunstan’s ethos could come across as a bit ‘woke’ on paper, but in real life we found the school to be inspiring, both liberating and liberal thanks to interesting leadership, and committed teaching, with a very engaged student body. A great school for unstuff y polymaths.”

Find out more Find out more about life at St Dunstan’s College at their whole-school Open Day on Saturday, 25 September from 9am to 3pm, and their sixth form Open Evening on Thursday, 7 October, from 6pm to 8pm. Bookings can be made at

A brighter future ahead As the new term approaches, it is time time to reflect on what has been learned, and look towards the future As society heads towards what is hopefully the light at the end of what has been, at times, an extremely dark tunnel, it’s time to be reflect on what has been learned. The importance of community, values and caring for one another. The ways in which people have adapted and evolved:


with technology at the forefront and a deeper focus on mindfulness and staying active away from devices. Innovative teaching and more efficient working practices have meant that ahead of the new term in September, schools and their pupils are perhaps in a better position to thrive than ever before. As it stands, pupils have the best chance in nearly two years of having an uninterrupted year of learning and being around their peers. Mental health has become a bigger priority across the board, and at Sydenham High School they welcome athletes as role-models

for the importance of mental fitness alongside physical health. Something they have long heralded. Though moving towards familiar behaviours and routines at the end of last term helped to provide stability, the necessary adaptability required by the pandemic has fostered key skills of resilience and problem-solving which will stand pupils in good stead for the future. If another lockdown occurs, pupils are well equipped to deal with, and overcome, the implications that come with that. The foundations of wellbeing at Sydenham High come from the three pillars of body, mind

and soul, and their co-curricular programme was adapted so that it could be just as beneficial in a home environment. Throughout the pandemic their pupils learned to “ keep finding joy in small things and remember for every negative situation, if you look hard enough, you can always find a positive!”, which is a lesson everyone can benefit from. It’s been said countless times, but the past 18 months have not been easy for anyone, especially not for the children whose learning and childhoods have been interrupted. But now is the time to look forward. Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and get back to work, building something better than what came before. The summer holidays provided a time for rest, relaxation and reflection and enabled all facets of the school to be able to go full steam ahead come September.

The new term brings with it something of a new beginning and at Sydenham High School, they are more than ready for it.

Find out more To fi nd out more about Sydenham High School join their Open Day on 18 September. Visit their website to book your place


22 Higher education


Calling all musicians, gamers and other creatives Start your journey towards a career in the creative industries with ACM, in the place where all creativity matters ACM is a specialist alternative option for uni or college that you might not already know about. If you want to learn how to earn a living from doing something that you love, then look no further; this is a place where creativity is nurtured and celebrated, and a place of learning that a whole manner of musicians, technicians, engineers, game developers and other creatives alike can call home. At ACM, students are taught by industry professionals who are already enjoying careers in the same industries that their students one day want to work in.

ACM offers specialist programmes in bass, drums, guitar, keyboards, vocals, rap and lyricism, artistry, songwriting, business, technical services, electronic music, audio production, game development and more, with study options at both diploma and degree level – making it a great alternative to attending a traditional college or university. What’s more, if you’re under 19, then studying with ACM at diploma level could be free! With campuses in Guildford (Surrey), London and Birmingham, each with a unique and different


vibe, ACM is also home to Europe’s largest recording facility – Metropolis Studios, where 70% of this year’s UK BRIT award winners were mixed, mastered or recorded. Artists such as Queen, Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson have made Metropolis their workplace over the years, with a current client list that includes Stormzy, Drake, Clean Bandit, Elton John, Adele, Madonna, Kylie Minogue and Beyoncé to name just a few. This means that ACM’s students can walk the same hallowed halls as their musical idols, work in the same studio environments in which their favourite tracks have been recorded, and learn from the same Grammy-award winning team that have helped produce them. It’s not just all about the music, though. This September, ACM Guildford launches its brand new Games Academy, working with pioneers like Supermassive Games, Alienware, UKIE, TIGA and more. Students will have access to world-class computing facilities and industry-grade game development software such as Autodesk Maya, Unreal Engine

and Unity. You’ll learn about all the different disciplines within Games Development, covering audio, art, design and programming. In celebration of of its inaugural intake, every student will be gifted a specialist Dell or Alienware gaming laptop by ACM to help

them with their studies. With a brand new master’s degree programme on the horizon (estimated to begin January 2022), and plenty of freshers activities planned for the newest cohort of students joining this autumn, there has never been a better time to join.

Find out more It isn’t too late to apply to start studies in September. Visit the website at or call 01483 500841 to fi nd out more.


Higher education 23


10 top free Open University courses Effective communication in the workplace

Since 1999, The Open University has been making free learning available to everyone online

Many of the problems encountered in the workplace are the result of poor communication. Whether frustrated by a lack of information from senior managers or worrying about how to break bad news to a colleague, communication is often at the root of the issue and the solution. By learning to communicate more effectively, you can stop problems from escalating and make the workplace a more efficient and harmonious environment to be in. You can also present yourself more positively, both to existing colleagues and future employers during the job application process. Areas covered include verbal and non-verbal communication; written communication and using communication skills in challenging and diverse situations.

The OpenLearn website has thousands of free learning items from games to full online courses.

Entrepreneurship – from ideas to reality Using case studies, this course goes through the decisions you • need to make when building a business, from generating initial • ideas to deciding what you will do and how you will establish your business and grow it. It will guide you through business models, funding options, business types • and the influence of location and assessment of your own skills, values and attitudes to risk. The course is focused on practical advice from real entrepreneurs, and will signpost you to where you can fi nd additional support and how you can further develop your own capabilities.

Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online Gain essential cyber security knowledge and skills, to help protect your digital life. As many lives increasingly depend on digital services, the need to protect our information from being maliciously disrupted or misused is vitally important. This course will help learners

Succeeding in • postgraduate study

to understand online security and start to protect their digital life, whether at home or work. It will teach students to recognise threats and the steps you can take to reduce the chances that they will happen to you. It also provides an introduction to different types of malware, including viruses and trojans, as well as concepts such as network security, cryptography, identity theft and risk management.

An introduction to the nature of master’s level study, this course offers essential preparation for pursuing learning at this level. Students are helped to become familiar with the requirements and demands of study and to develop the skills and confidence for critiquing academic writing. It will help learners develop their understanding of the challenges of demonstrating critical awareness of a subject area. The course covers the nature of master’s level study and distance learning; essential information and digital literacy skills for postgraduate study; approaches to critical thinking, analysis and reflection, and applying critical and reflective thinking in academic and professional contexts.

Understanding autism In the spotlight The Brilliant Club This award-winning UK-wide education charity mobilises the PhD community to support students who are less advantaged to access and succeed at the most competitive universities. Parents, teachers and PhDers join the club at

This course introduces the autism spectrum and how it is experienced by different individuals and families. It looks at how ideas about autism have evolved, diagnosis, causes, intervention and life-span development. Widely varying perspectives on autism are illustrated and key societal and cross-cultural issues highlighted.

10 top free Open University courses continues on page 24

Are you rethinking university? Do you see yourself studying an undergraduate course in the university city of Oxford? Oxford Media & Business School, a small independent business school in central Oxford, offer undergraduates and post-graduates The Professional Business Diploma – a one-year study programme. This programme teaches students the skills that companies really look for, whilst also offering a shared accommodation uni experience. From social media, and digital marketing to business communications and advanced IT, the Professional Business Diploma covers all aspects of modern business. This ensures that OMBS graduates have the best opportunity to secure a job. Of the OMBS 2020 graduates, 100%


are in employment and graduated with zero debt. With 13 student houses in the trendy areas of Oxford, OMBS students get to experience the student lifestyle in one of the most famous university cities in the world!

The perfect choice for students who want to fast-track their way to the world of work Jobs are the focus at OMBS, and principal Andrea Freeman plans into the academic year that all

students will receive a week’s worth of real-life work experience during their time at OMBS – a full and valuable CV is the aim here. The course also includes guest lectures by industry experts: think Condé Nast for those budding journalists, media companies for students with an interest in pursuing a career in TV, and for the students with a more corporate ambition – Douglas & Gordon and Goldman Sachs love to speak to OMBS students. Along with networking events during term and an extensive alumni pool to connect with, the value of this course for students is unrivalled. The Professional Business Diploma is an intensive, 21-hour week taught over three academic terms and is often the perfect

choice for undergraduate students who want to fast-track their way into the world of work. Every OMBS graduate leaves the course as a confident and effective communicator, with an in-depth knowledge of virtual platforms and the current job market, and a CV that packs a punch! Plus, a more indepth understanding of themselves through the teaching of MyersBriggs Personality Profiling.

The next OMBS virtual Open Day will be held Wednesday, 15 September, at 4pm.

Find out more Visit the website for more information about upcoming Open Days, college tours and events. Contact the registrar, Sarah Badger, at for a copy of their latest prospectus or call 01865 240963 to fi nd out more. To visit the school in-person, the address is: Oxford Media & Business School, Southern House, 1 Cambridge Terrace, Oxford, OX1 1RR.


24 Higher education


Everyday maths 1

10 top free Open University courses continued

This course serves as good preparation for Level 1 Functional Skills in maths. It doesn’t cover all aspects of the current 2019-20 curriculum, but it is designed to inspire students to improve their current maths skills and remember any areas they may have forgotten. Working through the examples and interactive activities in this course will help learners run a household or make career progress. All learners need to complete the course is access to a calculator, notepad and pen.

Introduction to bookkeeping and accounting Learn about the essential numerical skills required for accounting and bookkeeping and the fundamental rules of double-entry bookkeeping. After studying this course, learners should be able to: understand and apply the essential numerical skills required for bookkeeping and accounting; understand and explain the relationship between the accounting equation and• double-entry bookkeeping; record transactions in the appropriate • ledger accounts using the doubleentry bookkeeping system; balance off ledger accounts at the end of an accounting period, and prepare a trial balance, balance sheet and • a profit and loss account.

MSE’s Academy of Money The Open University has joined forces with MoneySavingExpert (MSE) to give everyone the skills and knowledge to master their own fi nances. The course was written by The OU, with MSE providing support and guidance. Packed with videos, audios, quizzes and activities, it covers all the key aspects of personal fi nance in six sessions of study. It also looks at how to be savvy when spending and borrowing money and at the behavioural and marketing pressures that try to influence what consumers buy. Budgeting, tax and household fi nances, investments and pensions are covered too.

Children’s mental health is a global concern and children are increasingly being diagnosed with

Forensic psychology Explore how your own mind works, and discover how the limitations of the human brain can lead to major miscarriages of justice. Despite advances in forensic science, eyewitness testimony remains a critical component of criminal investigations. Research has revealed the dangers of relying on eyewitness evidence and how careful police need to be when questioning witnesses. Using videos of real witnesses and from cameras that go behind the scenes of a police investigation, this course explores the psychology of eyewitness testimony. You will get the chance to test your own cognitive skills and see whether your powers of investigation are as good as a squad of police officers, as you try to solve a crime using nothing but evidence from eyewitnesses.

Supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing

mental health conditions. This course focuses on the mental health and wellbeing of babies and young children, from birth to eight-years-old, and its importance. There are many factors that influence children’s enjoyment of their lives. Some are within each child, such as their personality and their level of resilience. Other factors include where they live, who they live with and the relationships they have with others. While the context of children’s lives undoubtedly contributes to their sense of wellbeing, this course highlights that there is much that can be done within society to improve children’s sense of wellbeing and prevent poor mental health.

In the spotlight Oxford Media & Business School Are you looking to fast track your way into business? Oxford Media & Business School offers an alternative to university with the uni lifestyle. See what doors The Professional Diploma can open for you today! Find out more at

Pathway to higher education Smart Move Education Group have successfully been recruiting thousands of students for multiple universities throughout the UK for a number of years Smart Move Education Group are a student recruitment consultancy based in London, who offer support for those looking to get into education, both with and without prior qualifications. Smart Move Education Group are affiliated with over 20 reputable

institutions, with campuses in London, Manchester, Birmingham, and Leeds. All of which are offering a huge range of courses such as Business Management, Health and Social Care, Criminology, Public Services, Computing, Law and many more.

A flexible timetable of two days per week, with evening and weekend options also available

Their services include covering every aspect of the application process for the student, from completing their application up to when they have successfully enrolled.

Smart Move Education Group free services include: � � � � � �

Their partner institutes offer a flexible timetable of two days per week, with evening and weekend options also available. Smart Move Education Group are also currently assisting students who are applying through clearing.

Finding the right course and institute Career advice Assisting with creating a CV Personal statements Interview preparation Assessment preparation.

Find out more Scan the QR code to get started or visit the website to fi nd out more. Alternatively, contact the team by email at info@smartmove-eg. com or call 020 7790 9233.



26 Special education needs


Soothing sensory products to help reduce anxiety Sensory Hugs is an online shop selling a constantly increasing range of sensory items including body socks, sensory swings, fidget toys and weighted soft animals and blankets • •

Founder of Sensory Hugs, Paula, is mum to an autistic boy • and knows how anxiety can play a large part in daily life. Sensory Hugs’ products aim to help children and adults feel safe and secure at anxious times and more able • to settle and sleep.

It feels as though the teddy is hugging you back Many of their customers are autistic or have ADHD, PTSD, or depression. At Sensory Hugs, they want to help provide a calm home for people struggling with

anxiety and stress, whatever the reason. Cuddling one of their 35cm weighted soft animals is great for calming an anxious child or adult. The small glass beads in the lower body, hands and feet provide a reassuring weight. It feels as though the teddy is hugging you back. Due to popular demand, Sensory Hugs will soon be adding a smaller 20cm, 2lb weighted sloth which can sit on a child’s lap at school and help with the pressures of a school environment.

Find out more Follow Sensory Hugs on and for new products and offers. Visit the website at or call 07789 707589 to fi nd out more. Until 1 September readers can receive a free fidget toy on any order over £20 with code 1FREEGIFT.

Really caring for those you care about Over the years Rita Sen solicitors will ensure that they keep up to date with your wishes and fi nances and if you require, they can act as trustees or attorney to protect your loved ones with their care in the way that you would wish.

The team offer fi xed fees wherever possible and monthly fi xed retainers when they act as attorney or trustee to ensure that all charges are proportionate, fair and affordable. Plus, all systems are set up to ensure that in an emergency, they

can act immediately. If you’d prefer, the team can simply draw up documents to enable others to act. Rita Sen solicitors are happy to offer meetings by Teams or Zoom if this helps and can share screens and files so that you can see what has been done. All services are completely transparent, from shared files, regular meetings to update and fi xed fees.

Find out more To get it touch, email, call 01243 263658 or visit, alternatively, to speak to the team directly, visit 4 Nyetimber Lane, Rose Green, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO21 3HG.



Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No. 572652. Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners

Rita Sen solicitors are here to look after you and your family. That is why they specialise in drafting powers of attorney and Wills – to create trusts to protect your family when you are no longer able to do so


Thriving under an alternative education provision

Special education needs 27

The Cavendish School, Cambridge, is the world’s first International Baccalaureate (IB) special autism school, and it’s opening this autumn There are a number of reasons that the IB is a remarkable alternative learning option for students • with additional education needs. With relationship-building and • development of the individual student at the core of the programme, the IB supports students’ growth into globallyminded citizens, who can recognise • their place in the world and meaningfully contribute to a more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. At the Cavendish School, they are starting their IB journey with the Primary Years Programme (PYP), which provides a curriculum framework of education that can be tailored to students’ individual strengths. The learning has been established to ensure it is both contextualised and all-inclusive, removing the barriers that some young autistic people may face within education. Stephanie Smith is deputy headteacher of the Cavendish School, she explains how the programme can help students flourish and thrive: “Our teaching

will be adapted and differentiated for the needs of the individuals and the curriculum model will also allow for a wide range of activities, including Forest School, Lego therapy and life skills, all supporting the idea of what it means to be inclusive.” Moreover, the IB offers an alternative to the implicit learning within the English national curriculum, often known as the ‘hidden curriculum’; lessons which are learned but not actively taught in a school such as the societal cues, values, and beliefs conveyed in a social environment.

Look for a school that is prepared to listen and learn, that will develop its staff through training and research Implicit learning is a consistent barrier to education for children with autism. The flexibility of the IB enables each individual’s needs and development demands,

In the spotlight

• School Muntham House An all through special school, providing boarding and day provision for boys aged five to 18-years-old, the pupils at • Muntham House School have challenging behaviours linked to ADHD, autism, and other SEN conditions. The school also work with pupils with social emotional and mental health needs, and always strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for all of their pupils. Visit regardless of age and key stage, to be catered for. Inter-disciplinary study allows students to make connections between subjects, and develop appropriate transferable skills, such as communication, research and independence, supporting them with successful progression with their own education and adulthood goals.

Therapies and intervention expertly complement the IB programmes to facilitate balanced and holistic learning. Another barrier facing autistic children is anxiety, often as a result of the lack of control they have over their environment. According to Stephanie: “We firmly believe you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of your performance, so coping strategies are taught as part of the IB Core Studies. These include controlled breathing and muscle relaxation activities, mental games and learning to leave a situation which has the potential to trigger anxious behaviour.” As a fi rst step for parents

considering SEN learning options, all Local Education Authorities provide information on their local offer to help parents understand what is available when they are considering their choices. Look for a school that is prepared to listen and learn, that will develop its staff through training and research. As Stephanie says: “As our knowledge of autism and other neuro-divergent behaviours increases, it is important for educators to stay abreast of the latest research so they can truly understand the benefits your child and their personal education progression will gain from different approaches.”

Noticed your child is struggling? Do they need additional support? SEN Legal believe that everybody should be able to fulfil their potential, regardless of their disability SEN Legal have been operating for over 20 years as a national and highly specialist legal practice with an excellent reputation. They are laser-focused on special educational needs and disability work, acting on behalf of parents to solve complex problems and to secure special educational provision for children and young persons up to the age of 25. They also support adults to get proper social care support, continuing healthcare funding and applying for Deputyship Orders so you can rest assured that your young person will continue to receive the right support into adulthood. One client remarks: “The team are always helpful, responsive and wellinformed, and they have expert knowledge of the SEND Melinda Nettleton sector.”


SEN Legal services are offered throughout England and Wales, so it does not matter where you live, they can help. They run all kinds of appeals to the SEND Tribunal every year. These vary from Refusal to Assess, Refusal to Issue an EHC Plan, obtaining ABA provision in a mainstream school to obtaining very expensive independent specialist placements. They also support the initial stages of applying for an EHC Plan and preventing local authorities from taking them away. They act on behalf of parents, grandparents, guardians, carers and the young person against local

authorities to resolve whatever problem you have, big or small. If your school is having difficulties securing your child’s SEN funding, they can help with that too. SEN Legal remain one of the most successful practices in the area of special educational needs and are extremely proud of their consistent success rate of over 90% for the last decade (current success rate 98%). They do not perform any other type of law so you can be reassured that all their solicitors are experts in what they do. Many of their team also have personal experience of SEN and disability, so can understand your concerns on a personal and professional level.

SEN Legal remain one of the most successful practices in the area of special educational needs Principal solicitor Melinda Nettleton and senior solicitor Hayley Mason, were both ranked as ‘Leading Individuals’ in The Legal 500 2021. Do not delay. Provision delayed is provision denied.

Contact the SEN Legal team

Hayley Mason

Email or call 01284 723952. Alternatively, you can visit their website at or follow them on @senlegalltd


28 Extracurricular




Extracurricular 29


Getting involved for fun – and your future Extracurricular activities are becoming more popular as the range offered by institutions broadens. What benefits do they offer learners? The benefits of taking on extracurricular interests are numerous. Participation helps with • social skills, confidence, and can also improve the academic work • students are working on. Studies point to an increase in concentration skills, focus and time management found among those who follow pursuits outside of • school, college and university. For some, it’s a case of wanting to build on what they are already studying. Gifted chemistry students may feel held back by the pace of lessons in school and so will thrive in a club filled with similarly enthusiastic scientists. They can also fill in gaps in learning. Institutions can only offer a fi nite amount of subjects on their curriculum, so for those who want to study more niche pursuits, say trapeze skills or Russian philosophy, these are often more easily found outside of mainstream education offers. And of course, these kinds of groups can be vital support for those who feel they need a little more understanding or a different

approach in order to master some areas. When applying for further or higher education or joining the job market, evidence of an advanced or broader experience base can only work in the applicant’s favour. Not only is the extra knowledge and understanding a bonus, it also shows initiative and resourcefulness to pursue them for oneself. On an emotional and mental level, sports and arts clubs can be particularly beneficial in providing a space for learners to switch off from more academic pressures. In the same way, stress stemming from cerebral subjects such as maths or languages can often be tempered by spending time doing something more practical or creative, such as gardening or pottery, for example. For those feeling the pressure on the sports pitch or in the arts studio, however, it could be a chess or debating club that provides that time out from the norm. Shared-interest clubs can also provide support and understanding

• •

Of course, life is about more than just educational and career success to people who feel they are alone in their peer group in caring about a certain issue. Finding like-minded people can boost self-esteem and where a common cause is involved, such as animal rights or environmental matters, can help lessen anxiety around feeling powerless in the

face of such huge issues. Of course, life is about more than just educational and career success. At the heart of it, any extracurricular activities should be based at least on some interest in, if not passion for, the subject. Life skills such as making new friends, having conversations with people of different ages and backgrounds and learning to de-stress after a busy day are all fundamental to good social, mental and emotional health. If you can’t fi nd an established one that appeals to you, start your own!

In the spotlight Scarborough College As an International Baccalaureate World School, academic progress is at the heart of everything they do, but Scarborough College believe that co-curricular activities are vital to a student’s development. Imagination is the only obstacle, with infants enjoying Beach School, and juniors scaling the Three Peaks. Find out more at

Study abroad – Raising students’ scholarships in the USA activity and physical literacy levels with fun athletics InmersiónUK scholarship awards are for sports and academic students and are awarded based on sporting performance and academic results For over 20 years, InmersiónUK have successfully placed students within leading universities in American cities and states such as Boston, Chicago, Florida, Houston, LA, Miami, New York and San Francisco. Each year, millions of dollars in scholarship money and grants are awarded by the US Department of Education and the nation’s colleges and universities. The average USA awarded scholarship fee is between $15,000 and $45,000 (£32,601) per year. More than 4,000 accredited and recognised universities amongst one of the most prestigious education systems in the world are waiting for you. Significant numbers of students have decided to attend their dream university in the USA, pursuing their academic career, and followed by prestigious master’s degrees, facing an ultimate doctorate of their choice. To achieve such great results, universities in


Help your school’s children learn the fundamental movement skills of running, throwing and jumping

the USA invest millions in infrastructure, building renovations, state of the art facilities and new dorms for incoming students, state of the art libraries and everything students need to be successful in the classrooms. Included in your fees will be tuition, room, board, transfers, books, health Insurance, and InmersiónUK Support throughout your stay. Register your details and destination, and InmersiónUK will provide you with a choice of the very best scholarships available.

Find out more Visit to fi nd out more. Contact the team at or call 07306 424994 or 07581 323495 for further information.

In these challenging times, children’s physical and mental health is more important than ever. Finding inspiring and easy-to-implement activities that help children get active, learn and develop can be a difficult task. Introducing funetics – the new, innovative and ‘fun athletics’ programme from England Athletics. Developed for primary school children aged four to 11 years, funetics reflects the requirements of National Curriculum Key Stage 1 and 2, inspiring pupils to succeed and excel in sport and other physically demanding activities. The time to start young children’s journey to a happy, healthy and confident future is now! England Athletics’ vision is for every primary school aged child in the

country to be able to access funetics sessions. Physical activity, education and literacy are always important. England Athletics recognise that resources and expertise aren’t always readily available, but the good news is: the UK Government has confi rmed that it’s primary PE and Sport Premium will continue for this next academic year 2021 to 2022. funetics is available throughout England via England Athletics partners with specialist school provision expertise and experience. funetics is available for use in both a curriculum setting and in after school clubs.

Find out more To access funetics in the next school term or a term later in this academic year email


30 Home learning


A remote work-life balance

Keep a routine

Make a space

If you have room, a dedicated workspace is a good idea. That way you can keep it contained and you won’t be distracted by home life while working or vice versa. • Get comfortable, but unless it’s

unavoidable don’t work from the sofa or your bed. Ideally a desk and adjustable chair are the best furniture to use. See NHS guidelines for setting up for optimum physical health and comfort.

Breaks Even at your busiest, taking time away from what you’re doing • is invaluable. Regular screen breaks and periods of

• not being available on the phone are really important to cut down on stress • and preserve some energy. You will actually return to work more focused and better prepared to be productive. Don’t just switch to social •media or television while you’re eating lunch either – try and take a walk around your neighbourhood for some fresh air and a change of scene.

Don’t be a stranger It can be easy to slip into reclusive habits after a while, particularly if you live alone and work alone. Even if you can’t go out for any reason, try to stay connected to other humans. Make phone calls rather than emailing all the time – it can feel daunting if it’s been a while, but it can make a huge difference. Your employer has a duty of care to you, so if you are really struggling, speak to your manager about how you are feeling – you should be offered advice and support.

Be realistic Things are still very different from what we were used to before the pandemic hit. Some people may feel more anxious than ever – about their health; their job security and the emotional wellbeing of such as children or older relatives. There is only so much you can do – try not to be pressured into taking too much on. Try to make sure you have time for yourself and your own interests as well as spending time with friends and family where possible.

Something to think about As of mid-July 2021 1, 35% of UK workers reported they had worked from home, while nearly 65% said they had travelled to work in the last week.

Top tutors help make up for lost learning

Academic tuition support

With the new academic year approaching, tutoring companies like Titanium Tutors are getting ready to meet the increased demand for private tutors

Visionaries Learning Centre CIC removes barriers to academic tuition support for young people

Many parents are looking to plug educational gaps or to motivate their children after a period of Covid-19 disruption, and Titanium Tutors are here to help. “It’s been a challenging time, but finally our industry is being seen as a positive solution and a healthy complement to mainstream education,” says founding director, Joe Hytner, who studied Classics at Cambridge before doing his teacher training and setting up the company in 2011. Joe continues: “We’ve seen an increased demand for online tutors, but now that things are opening up, some parents are starting to request face-to-face lessons at their own homes again, so we are continuing to recruit tutors in London and other UK cities”. The company check all tutors’ ID, DBS certificates, qualifications, and testimonials from previous parents. Tutors are selected following a thorough

assessment process, run by teaching experts, and once they start tutoring, they provide a lesson report after each session so that parents can track progress and (if desired) homework. The company also closely monitor each tutor’s parent feedback. “We know our tutors well and pride

ourselves on making thoughtful matches to ensure the best personality fit for our students” says Joe. Over 200 subjects are on offer, with rates ranging from £30 to £96 per hour.

Find out more Visit to fi nd out more. Contact Titanium Tutors at or call 020 7164 6455 for further information.


The pandemic has brought with it debilitating effects for families, businesses, the education sector and the infrastructure of economies. Perhaps the hardest hit are young people, many of whom face a long journey ahead of them to make up for lost time, particularly those from disadvantaged families. Visionaries Learning Centre CIC (VLC) provides the peace of mind that academic support is available for young people who are from but not limited to socially deprived backgrounds. Their primary and secondary tuition in maths, English, science and drama caters for students and young people of all abilities. Whether your child

Josiah Obeng and Nicole Brown Directors of VLC

is in a mainstream school, alternative provision or out of mainstream school, the team believe in providing that chance to help them to progress to the next level of further education. VLC is located in Enfield, Haringey and Highbury and Islington in London as of September, and will

be offering ‘catch-up programmes’ with limited places available in each location.

Find out more Email or visit Alternatively, call 020 3488 8523 or 07487 640737.


SOURCE: 1Coronavirus working location trends in Great Britain 2020-2021 (Statista, 2021).

Life is still very different to how it was 18 months ago. Many of us are still working from home, which as well as having some benefi • ts, can have drawbacks too

It can be tempting to sleep in longer, work in your pyjamas and sneak a quick nap into your lunch break. While this might sometimes be just what we need, generally it’s better to try and stick to a schedule. Otherwise you run the risk of blurring the boundaries between home and work. Rather than working from home it becomes more like living at work. So try to stick to normal working hours – or at least make sure you only work at set hours. Get showered and dressed as if you were attending work in person – and take all your allotted breaks. Do not be tempted to login to work • emails in your free time.

Home learning 31




32 Home learning


School closures, remote learning and back-to-normal A global approach along with a blend of technological knowhow and emotional support helped one school and its learners through the lockdowns and towards a new approach Victoria Hearn, principal of • Impington Village College, East Anglia, explains some of the issues • they were – and are – faced with. Victoria says: “We have made a conscious effort to ensure that all students learning with us – whether they are based around the world or • local to our college – felt involved and included in the learning process, especially within our sixth form, where last September, students from 13 other countries in addition to the UK joined our learning community.” Many students are now more insecure and worried about the world around them than they were at the beginning of the pandemic, and Victoria believes it is the schools’ duty to nurture their abilities while alleviating their anxiety. Impington Village College achieved this through a number of different approaches and continue to reflect on, and adapt, the methods and tools they use to combat the disruption and isolation their students have suffered during the past 18 months.

One example of this is their IB Japanese Ab Initio Sixth Form group and Year 7 and 8 enrichment groups, who took part in a number of virtual exchanges and live lessons with their partner school in Morioka, Japan, to engage both sets of students with new cultures and classrooms. Victoria believes that this was important for them to do as it allowed the students to see that, despite the pandemic, they were not cut off from their international neighbours.

Technology has transformed the way we approach education Victoria continues: “These initiatives have not only helped our cohort recover from the impact of isolation, but they continue to strengthen our core ethos and culture of international-mindedness, connectivity and inclusivity.”

• In the spotlight Uptime Uptime helps you hack your learning through • five-minute summaries of the best books, courses, and documentaries. Since launching this year, they’ve hit 200,000 users and have hacked books from the Obamas, Stephen King, and Tim Ferriss. Defi nitely worth a go! Download the app or visit to find out more. Technology has transformed the way education is approached. It has allowed schools to keep the essential interactions between their students, teachers and pastoral team in place, with online informal chat functionalities replacing classroom interactions.

Victoria is confident that they will continue to utilise these tools, enabling parents and students to contact their teachers at the click of a button. They also implemented virtual coffee mornings and video calls with students’ deputy head of houses to cultivate connectivity between staff, students, and their families. According to Victoria: “Providing students with a safe space to voice concerns and worries they have to their peers, and experienced members of staff, in group and individual sessions, played a significant role in their wellbeing. After reflection on the evolution of our tutoring groups, we have made adjustments to our tutoring model.”

From September, they will be moving to a mixed model with vertical groups in Years 7 to 9 and 10 to 11, with less than 20 students per tutor group, to enable students to build robust relationships with their tutors and benefit from sharing slightly more ageappropriate content through the tutor time programme. Victoria concludes: “By continuing to utilise technology and focus on communication and cultivating connectivity, online and offline, our new approaches to learning after lockdown will provide students with the support they need to develop into caring, inquiring individuals who will succeed in the post-pandemic landscape.”

The greatest gift you can give yourself Learn to find the gift within your problems – Leaves Institute teaches you to let go of your worries and fears, and replace them with confidence and trust

The Leaves Institute approach focusses on ‘self-healing’ – looking for the answers within to improve or optimise wellbeing. This is one of the most celebrated forms of holistic healing because it empowers people to be selfaware and self-reliant.

Learn to manage worries The team are not suggesting that self-healing can replace conventional approaches to medicine, but there’s a growing belief that many physical symptoms stem from emotional anxiety. Learning to manage this more effectively can inspire individuals to feel a better sense of overall wellbeing.

Continuous ‘self-healing’ At Leaves Institute, they teach a form of continuous ‘self-healing’ called Jikochiyu (literally ‘selfheal’ in Japanese). This unique approach – created by the founder Yumiko Asakura, a master ‘healer’ from Japan – helps you to gain a better understanding of who you are and what you need to do to experience greater fulfilment


in your life. It uses vibration and universal energy, with the aim of educating the body to feel more ‘rejuvenated’. You don’t have to ‘believe’ in it to benefit from it. Yumiko teaches Jikochiyu via a short online course, consisting of a blend of talks, meditation and online discussion. You’ll also be encouraged to keep a reflective journal.

Master ‘healer’ Yumiko is well-known in her native Japan and has hosted mass ‘healing’ events attended by over 3,000 people at a time. Descended from Samurai, she was raised in a remote village in the mountains and has connections to the Onmyōji (masters of astronomy). From a young age, Yumiko meditated and began formulating her philosophy of life. Throughout her life, people have been drawn to her practices. Yumiko has also studied extensively and holds several degrees and clinical qualifications. She’s taught Jikochiyu to many medical professionals as well as complementary therapists, healers and spiritual leaders. Despite her extraordinary pedigree, Yumiko remains very humble, approachable and warm, with a great desire to share her knowledge.

Learning to manage this more effectively can inspire individuals to feel a better sense of overall wellbeing Jikochiyu is taught over a four-week period. Alongside the taught classes, Yumiko will offer distant classes to all participants to maximise their learning. Each prospective participant is invited to have a short telephone call with Yumiko before the programme to discuss individual objectives and answer any questions.

Find out more For more information visit and fi nd them on @leavesinstitute. The course costs £495 but readers can receive an exclusive 10% discount using the code LEAVES10.


34 Education essentials


Turbocharge your admissions journey with conversations Purlos is an innovative London-based start-up changing the lives of students across the UK Currently the only product of • its kind, Purlos have created a human-assisted chatbot on • WhatsApp which answers college applicants’ questions quickly and accurately. Students benefit from a more positive application experience as there is no risk of a missed email or phone call. • Purlos’s service allows busy admissions teams to focus on helping the students most at risk of dropping out of the application process, as Purlos can answer repeat questions and provide important information at the press of a button. Students are more likely to continue their application journey when they are supported through the process by their prospective college, and with the speed and ease of WhatsApp, colleges can

support thousands more applicants through this journey. In 2020, Barking and Dagenham college worked with Purlos to help engage 500 applicants who had enrolled to begin at the College on 1 September but never turned up on their fi rst day. The college had already tried to contact them by phone and email to no avail. Purlos managed to get 61 applicants to turn up to college over a short twoweek period making the college over £300,000. With so much more funding, colleges can invest in students and their learning experience. Whether it is encouraging students to accept their offers, increasing

turn-ups to events, or chasing up students who have missed an interview, Purlos’s experts in conversation design understand how to capture the attention of these students and make it as simple as possible for them to enrol at college. Purlos’s technology sorts through student conversations and highlights to the college those students that are at risk of dropping out of the application process and in which areas of the curriculum. Another Purlos client requested a custom survey to fi nd out if applicants had any additional

Students are more likely to continue on their application journey when they are supported through the process learning support requirements that they had not already disclosed. Purlos’ survey identified 149 students who needed additional support and passed these on to the college’s support team so that they could provide individual outreach and prepare for the students’ arrival in September.

Students are delighted by the ease of contacting an admissions team on their go-to channel of communication and are encouraged by the friendly conversation that ensues. Purlos are well on the way to achieving their goal of helping 10 million students complete their education by 2025.

Find out more Visit the website at

YPO can help you to help future generations catch up With the new term almost here, YPO can help and support you with any back to school supplies you might need From essentials such as stationery, curriculum necessities, arts and crafts and jotters, to PSHE and

wellbeing resources, YPO can help with everything. At YPO, education is their heritage. Since 1974 they’ve been supplying school resources to schools across the UK, helping them to buy better. They’re here to help you shape future generations with a huge range of school supplies from UK leading suppliers, to help you run your school.

By being at schools’ and education establishments’ side for over 45 years, YPO can help you with any challenges that may come your way. Such as getting the most out of the recent catchup premium funding. In June 2020, the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up on missed

Your school has the flexibility to spend your funding in the best way for your cohort and your circumstances


learning caused by the pandemic that can be used for the 2020 to 2021 academic year. Schools are being encouraged to use this funding for specific activities to support pupils to catch up for lost teaching, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year. Your school has the flexibility to spend your funding in the best way for your cohort and your circumstances, and YPO want to make sure they help you achieve just that. At YPO, they care about helping you shape future generations, and they want to help you get the most out of your catch-up premium funding. That’s why YPO are giving customers 10% off over 100 maths items during September. Use code

CATCHUPMATHS when checking out to receive your discount. YPO can help you save time and money, and they have everything you need in one place. The large choice of products makes it easy and convenient for you to get the right resources at the right quality, delivering better value for your school and its pupils.

Shop the range Remember to make the most of your funding by using code CATCHUPMATHS for 10% off at


Education essentials 35


How ‘flipping’ classes can be a blessing for teachers and learners More educators are looking at the flipped learning method which turns the conventional approach on its head •

‘Flipped learning’ or ‘fl ipped classrooms’ is a model in which • the conventional approach to teaching is inverted. Students are given learning to do at home prior to lessons. They then discuss, implement or do problem solving • in activities based on that learning order to embed it. In the more traditional teaching method, students are ‘taught’ knowledge in class, then expected

model maths concepts. These are to be accessed at home and school. The team identified the huge benefits of video during remote learning and wanted to fi nd a way to use the same tools which worked well remotely, as part of their blended learning.

• Each video has mini tasks, and the aim is to develop children’s confidence and use it as a tool to • revisit concepts in the lesson These videos are shared on an online platform called Showbie – the children can watch these at home as a ‘pre-learn’. Each video has mini tasks, and the aim is to develop children’s confidence, and use it as a tool to revisit concepts in the lesson as Y3 through to Y6 children have iPads in class. The videos are also there to share with parents and show the methods taught in school. Each class has a focus group of children who the videos are targeted at, but all children can access them too. According to Jenny: “This is a whole school project we are

undertaking to support our digital journey and try new ways of supporting children in a time when group work, one-to-one support and interventions are possibly not as easy as pre-pandemic. “The videos are there to complement interventions in school. We are at the early stages of this implementation – it formally began with communicating the project with parents in April, though some teachers were creating these videos as an option prior to this.” Critics of the practice have pointed out that the fl ipped model will not suit all learners, however. On a practical level, most will

require students to have access to technology such as laptops or tablets and to have working Wi-Fi available as well as access to a suitable environment in which to study. Some learners will struggle with motivation and self-discipline, particularly younger people, whose ability to take on responsibility for their own progress has not yet developed, and for those with certain neurodiversities. Many educators will therefore aim for a mixed pedagogical approach, differentiating between students and methods according to their needs.

Can you develop mental toughness?

Making the world more active

The last 18 months have created incredible challenges for the wellbeing and mental health of students and teachers alike

miMove app gives schools the data needed to make inactivity a thing of the past

Mental toughness determines an individual’s performance when exposed to stressors, pressure and challenge, and is increasingly used as a measure of mindset. It can be developed to help improve performance, wellbeing and positive behaviour.

How is it measured? Mental toughness is measured through the use of a psychometric test (MTQ) and provides a pupil, teacher or school with a reliable assessment of their resilience and ability to cope with pressures.

Who is it for?


to apply it during homework. The fl ipped aim is for a blended approach to learning in which lesson time is dedicated to practical tasks and applying concepts and ideas they have been considering beforehand. Jenny Hinton, digital lead at Parkdale Primary, part of Transform Trust, explains how the Nottingham school has implemented the ethos. “At Parkdale our homework across year groups is now predominantly set on our online platforms Showbie and DoJo and each year group does different tasks for this,” she said. Parkdale Primary have been trailing a Flipped Learning project across the school which has consisted of teachers making prerecorded teaching videos mainly to

This mental toughness test can be beneficial for school staff in many ways. It can help with personal development of a school’s speech and language therapists. It can be useful for general staff development – in terms of their mental toughness. It can also be beneficial for development of


counsellors, teachers, tutors, mentors and coaches. The MTQ can also provide insights into the performance and wellbeing of students. Studies have emerged which show that mental toughness is strongly correlated with: performance and attainment, transition and productivity behaviour, retention and drop-out rates, and employability. Anna consistently receives positive feedback from her clients and takes pride in customer satisfaction. One client said: “Anna was a really amazing course leader.” A recent testimonial said: “I really enjoyed this course, Anna was a great instructor!” According to another client of the course: “Anna was a brilliant trainer who included everyone in the course and was very engaging.”

Anna Golawski is a highly effective, postgraduate qualified coach and facilitator, specialising in mental health and wellbeing and managing pressure and stress. She is a published author and has co-written Coaching in education and Developing mental toughness in young people.

The best way to let students know you care about their physical activity is to know what they do and how they feel about it. miMove is a new, groundbreaking digital platform that tells you just that. With miMove, students use a mobile app to record their physical activity and reflect on how it makes them feel – be it netball in PE, swimming training, or skateboarding with friends. There is no intimidating step-counting or intrusive GPS tracking. Teachers can then easily access this information via a web app, showing powerful, live data about what your students are doing and their emotional responses.

miMove lets you see how active your students are and how they are coping. It triggers conversations, helping you connect with your students to encourage, support, and celebrate their achievements. It also helps you see the impact of your work and review your practice. The app has been described

by one parent at Crispin School as “genius”, and according to miMove: “40% of students said they have increased activity levels and 31% are now more active with their family members.” Join the miMove community in making the world more active.

Find out more

For a chance to win £200 of sports equipment for your school

For further information on mental toughness, free webinars or training, email

Go to and complete the contact form using code GMM21 in the enquiry box to enter. Visit to fi nd out more.


36 Education essentials


E-Cargo bikes — the future of urban transport The world is on the cusp of a bike revolution Raleigh – the UK’s best-known bike brand with over 130 years of experience – have recently announced the launch of their brand-new family focused Stride E-Cargo range. Employing some of the best technology available to offer families and business owners a replacement for short journeys, previously mundane trips around town just became interesting. With a whole section of Raleigh’s company dedicated to encouraging

the use of cargo bikes for greener ‘last mile solutions’, Raleigh have long advocated cycles designed specifically for carrying heavy or bulky loads, and now people. Previously used most often by delivery riders, new e-bike technology has seen recent demand for everyday family use grow across cities. With 68% of journeys in the UK under just five miles, E-Cargo bikes offer a sustainable, time efficient and fun


alternative for short trips like the school run or weekly shop. The new family range encompasses two different models; the two-wheeled Stride 2 bike and the larger three wheeled Stride 3 trike. Coming in a sophisticated black colourway, with a dash of playful mustard-yellow, the bikes can be sure to turn heads wherever they’re taken. The business bikes are also available in two models, a small nimble two-wheeler with capacity for an 80kg payload and the larger three-wheeler with capacity for 100kg payload. The enclosed, lockable cases keep equipment, groceries and anything else you want to carry safe and dry and has been the choice of bike for many small businesses looking to diversify their fleet of cars and vans. In a recent trail with Holkham

E-Cargo bikes offer a sustainable, time efficient and fun alternative for short trips like the school run or weekly shop Hall in Norfolk, Dave Pearson, from the visitor experience team said: “The Bikes are a welcomed source of transport for us in Visitor Reception, they enable us to reach various destinations which we staff during the day, quickly, effortlessly and most importantly they greatly reduce our use of fossil based fuels. Thank you Raleigh.” Both Stride cargo cycles come with a top of the range Bosch Performance CX Cargo Line motor. Purpose-built specifically for carrying heavy loads, the 500 watt Bosch Powerpack battery makes light work of any hills on your way home – even when stacked to the brim with the kids and shopping. Whilst designed primarily for everyday use, the new Stride range is also perfect for small independent business owners looking to become more ecofriendly (without burning the

bank, or their legs). Cargo bikes are increasingly used for delivering goods in record time, or moving tools around congested built-up cities. Commenting on their new range of cargo bikes, managing director at Raleigh – Lee Kidger, said: “We are thrilled to unveil our new range of Stride E-Cargo bikes. Having worked closely with businesses in recent years to help them find greener, quicker and more enjoyable last mile solutions, we’re excited to create a bike that passes on all of these benefits to everybody. With 130 years of experience building bikes, we’re confident that E-Cargo cycles will play a central role in our future and are proud to play a role in that.”

Find out more The Stride family models will be available on the Raleigh website and in select retailers. Visit for full details, and if you are a business wanting to trial a cargo bike get in touch, email


Education essentials 37


Create memories for the family – while keeping the kids fit and healthy! During Covid-19, Zinc have observed an increasing demand in scooting not only with children, but also with teens and adults • The Zinc team are fi rm believers that youngsters should continue • to keep up the healthy habits that they have adopted during lockdown whilst the UK is coming out of Covid, by continuing to scoot to school, as well as in the park.•

Zinc Big Wheel Scooter

Zinc Stunt Scooter

Zinc Electric Scooter

Zinc have noticed over the past year that their scooters with bigger wheels have become more popular with kids, although they were initially designed for adults to commute. This trend has seen a surge in popularity for the Zinc Trace Scooter which is available at Argos for only £45. Big wheel scooters are less effort, and cover more distance, and since they are built with adults in mind, one scooter fits the whole family.

Freestyle scooting, BMX and skateboarding have long been the popular choice for children through to teens. Following Sky Brown’s bronze medal in skateboarding at Tokyo 2020, the growing skateboarding trend will continue to grow. Zinc offer the Zinc Void and Backbone • stunt scooters so kids can take to the skate parks and practice their own stunts.

Zinc Beam (pictured right) has been one of the most popular electric scooters in the country for the past two years, and it’s still growing! Kids aged six and over can develop scooter motoring skills at an early stage with this scooter whilst having fun! The multi-colour lights on the side of the deck and the wheel make sure kids will Beam (pun intended).

Safety first!

Zinc 3 Wheel Scooter

Don’t forget to always stay safe and ensure that children wear protective helmets.

Nowadays, schools are encouraging not using cars and rewarding kids with stickers for scooting or walking to school. Younger kids, aged three and over can scoot to nursery on the Zinc T-motion (pictured right). It is light, easy to steer and fun to ride with glowing light up wheels. By using this scooter, kids can develop their balancing and motoring skills whilst also gaining a sense of freedom and independence. This scooter can be used every day, unlike many other kids’ toys which are forgotten about after just a few hours. Best of all, this product is maintenance free, so that’s one less worry for parents.

Buy online Visit to shop the full range of Zinc products and use code ZINC25G for 25% off the Zinc T-motion, Zinc Void, Zinc Backbone and Zinc Beam. Find the Zinc Trace Scooter at Argos. Offer valid from 21 August to 5 September.

5-minute Knowledge Hacks

SOURCE: 1Want to be happier? Learn something new (Psychologies, 2015).

How edtech is making lifelong learning more accessible When the fi rst Covid-19 lockdown hit last year, many people put their new-found time into learning to bake sourdough, fi nally tackling that bookshelf of must-read books, or mastering an instrument. But as time went on and home-schooling, caring, and working from home dominated, those well-intentioned plans went out the window. This hasn’t just been an issue caused by the complexities of the pandemic. Everyone knows the pressure that comes with starting a new course or committing yourself to fi nally reading that hyped non-

fiction book everyone is talking about. More than 2 million books a year are released and there are thousands of online courses that are often left uncompleted. Anyone who has ever been stalked by app notifications will understand. Yet, education has the potential to make a real difference in people’s lives instead of swiping through endless photos, videos, and inane status posts. Societies with higher rates of degree completion and levels of education tend to be healthier, have better economic stability, lower crime, and greater equality. People want to feel inspired and empowered but they just don’t always have time or can simply feel overwhelmed with the choice of educational content available.

That’s why Uptime was created. The 5-minute Knowledge Hacks are expertly curated to condense key insights from the world’s best books, courses, and documentaries. You can either watch a Hack, read it as text or listen to it. When information is presented in this way that combines reading, listening, and seeing, it could be more easily retained than if it was simply read.

The 5-minute Knowledge Hacks are expertly curated to condense key insights from the world’s best books, courses, and documentaries

Users report how Uptime easily fits into their day – a five-minute burst of inspiration here and there – helping them feel smarter and more creative, instead of endless ‘doomscrolling’. Most people have an intrinsic desire to learn and progress1 . Learning can help people to build confidence, connect with other people, fuel creativity, and encourage mindfulness, by allowing them to be totally focused on one task.

The most popular Uptime Hacks include Ali Abdaal’s How To Be Happier, Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Work Week, and Matt Haig’s Reasons to Stay Alive.

Jamie, Patrick and Jack, Uptime founders


At Uptime, they’re making it easier for anyone to access these benefits, for just five minutes a day, so people can then take what they’ve learned and put it into action.

Find out more Download Uptime on iOS and Android or visit


38 Education essentials


Cambridge Guardians – bespoke UK guardianship and educational advice Cambridge Guardians provide a deep understanding of the challenges facing parents and their children over large distances and across different time zones Founded in 1995, Cambridge Guardians have a wealth of experience supporting students while they study in the UK. Their experience is rooted in education, having an in-depth knowledge of the UK school system and first-hand knowledge of excellent schools. Based in Cambridge, a city renowned for educational excellence, Cambridge Guardians are ideally situated to provide guardianship services to international students throughout the south-east of England.

Why international students need a guardian A guardian, or more accurately, an educational guardian, is a UK-based adult over the age of 25, appointed by parents to look after their children while they are studying in the UK. Many international students who are under the age of 18 study at boarding and day schools across the country. The UK guardian acts ‘in loco parentis’ or ‘in the place of a parent’ taking responsibility for the care of the students’ welfare and educational needs. While this can be a friend or family member, it is a big responsibility, and many people feel that it is too much to ask of someone they know. This is where Cambridge Guardians can help. With Gold Standard accreditation by AEGIS, (the Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students), parents are assured of excellent service and care.

Professional guardianship

Educational advice

School selection

A professional service ensures children are safe and well looked after, offering not only emergency support, but a close relationship between parents and school. Safe travel plans are put in place for half terms and holidays and a friendly, fully DBS checked, host family provides a home from home. Alternatively, students can join a residential programme for holidays where they can meet friends and experience a range of trips and activities. The Covid-19 pandemic caused a great deal of worry for everyone. With professional guardianship, parents are reassured that their children have somewhere safe to stay even at very short notice. Safe and caring families are willing to host students over Christmas, Easter and summer holidays and provide quarantine for students on arrival to the UK.

With a background in teaching and education, Cambridge Guardians offer educational advice as an integral part of the package. International parents and students need support to navigate and explain the UK school system, students need help fi nding the path to the university they aspire to join. By representing parents at school meetings and maintaining regular contact with housemasters, matrons, form tutors and subject teachers, independent advice can be given at every stage of a child’s education. For parents, regular updates explaining school reports can be invaluable.

Cambridge Guardians support parents with school selection by not only looking at high academic standards but also at the caring atmosphere and ethos of the school, helping parents choose an environment where their child is both happy and successful.


Parents are assured of excellent service and care

� �

Cambridge guardians Successful guardianship is more than a contact name for someone who will help in an emergency, it includes: � Confi rming travel arrangements, scheduling reliable transport, escorting students to the airport and making sure the student has a safe travel plan � Organising a caring and responsible host family for the student to stay with when their school is closed for holidays � Liaising regularly with school, parents, and the student. Safeguarding the student’s welfare is of utmost importance

Helping to select the right school for success Being a 24/7 point of contact in an emergency. Helping when any unforeseen problem should arise Being available for students and parents if there is anything that they are concerned with Regularly meeting students and attending parents’ meetings at school Supporting your child by attending important extracurricular events, such as a concert, sports match or science fair Monitoring emails from school to check that everything is up to date and any necessary consent forms are signed Providing Educational Advice throughout the student’s time in the UK Arranging appropriate tutoring.

Find out more If you have any questions regarding educational guardianship in the UK, please contact Cambridge Guardians by email, alternatively you can visit and follow @cambridgeguardians @Cambs_Guardians. Receive a 10% discount on guardianship with code CHECKLIST10.


Education essentials 39


Looking ahead to next year’s exams and assessments Exams are expected to take place next year as the government and Ofqual launch consultations on arrangements to mitigate disruption • Confi rmation is set to come this autumn but the government•has set out proposals for next year’s exams. The Department of Education and Ofqual have been seeking views from students, parents and teachers on proposed arrangements for • GCSEs, AS and A-levels for summer 2022, and vocational and technical qualifications across the academic year 2021 to 2022. Suggested arrangements include giving students choices about the topics they will be assessed on for some subjects. Schools and colleges may also be given information about the focus of exam content in advance. Education secretary Gavin Williamson, said: “Exams will always be the fairest way to assess students, which is why they will take place next year, but it’s right that next summer’s arrangements take into account the disruption young people have faced over the past 18 months.” The consultation proposes a range of measures to help mitigate the

impact of disruption to students’ education, focussing on the following areas: � Giving schools and colleges some choice about the topics or content their students will be assessed in GCSE English literature, history, ancient history and geography � Providing advance information of the focus of exam content, to help students focus their revision � Giving students a formulae sheet in GCSE mathematics and an expanded equations sheet in GCSE physics and combined science

Changing requirements for practical science • work and practical art and design assessments. Ofqual and the department are also running a consultation �

on arrangements for vocational, technical and other general qualifications (VTQs). This builds on the 2021 arrangements, which enabled awarding organisations to put in place adaptations such as streamlining assessments, providing revision guidance, and making changes to invigilation, including the introduction of remote invigilation and remote assessment. Plans for VTQs in 2021 to 2022 are intended to be confi rmed to enable assessments to commence early in the autumn term. Since March 2020 awarding organisations offering VTQs have adapted qualifications where appropriate and are now well placed to take these adaptations into the next academic year. Ofqual is proposing minimal changes to the VTQ arrangements,

and is consulting on the impact of the move away from teacher assessed grades and on minor updates to regulations to take account of current circumstances. Simon Lebus, Ofqual interim chief regulator, said: “With things slowly returning to normal we are launching a consultation so that the flexibility we are building into qualifications will future-proof them against any public health crisis. “We want employers, colleges and universities to have the confidence in those qualifications to allow students to move to the next stage of their lives.” Plans for summer 2022 GCSE, AS and A-level exams are expected to be confi rmed early in the coming autumn term. While the government intends for exams to go ahead in 2022, it will continue to work with Ofqual on contingency plans in the event that it is not possible for exams to go ahead fairly and safely in 2022. It is believed these arrangements will not be necessary for exams in 2023.

Something to think about The proposed arrangements to assessments come alongside a £3 billion government package of measures to support students’ education recovery, including tutoring, summer schools and mental health support, as well as further training and development for teachers.

Suggested arrangements include giving students choices about the topics they will be assessed on for some subjects

A small key that opens big doors Education Choices is an informed and unbiased magazine that explores the choices available to children, families and young people in the UK and across the globe Education Choices magazine (alongside CJA Educational Consultancy) actively builds relationships with nurseries, day and boarding school options and universities. The magazine aims to be the key that opens the door to exciting futures for its readers and their families. The purpose of the magazine is to raise awareness of the wide-ranging options that educational institutions provide, whether through education grants, bursaries, scholarships or more practical and career opportunity based approaches. Furthermore,


Education Choices magazine features up to date news about bursary and funding schemes that can support children from lower income families in accessing the same educational experiences as other children from more affluent backgrounds. The Spring Edition of the magazine was bursting with content from many top schools such as: Reed’s School, Churcher’s College, Wetherby Senior School, Lancing College and more. Latymer Upper shared news about the work being completed as part of their Attain project which supports many children in the local community. This edition had updates from many universities including: Exeter, Aberdeen, SOAS and South Bank UTC. There was also a university directory and advice from leading experts at Putney High (GDST) and Surbiton High on completing UCAS and applying to university both in the UK and US.

The Summer Edition of Education Choices magazine included a variety of nursery, school and university features including a Tennis Special feature and several leading school’s tennis programmes, some useful competition advice from Alison Battista (LTA) and top tennis tips from parents. David James, deputy head (LEH), discusses the pros and

The magazine aims to be a key to unlock educational opportunities and choices cons of single sex education and Mrs Fionnuala Kennedy, Wimbledon High (GDST), discusses her first year as headmistress and coping with the pandemic. Moreover, this edition highlights several podcast interviews with leading head teachers including: Mrs Beth Dawson from Sutton High (GDST) and Mr Bart Wielenga from Blundell’s, Devon. Inclusion and diversity remain integral to the content: XULA, the Cranleigh school bursary scheme and Emanuel’s Ascent Programme feature alongside a review of how the Black Lives Matter movement has impacted education and a parent writes about her son coping with additional learning needs.

The Education Choices team are now gathering content for their fi fth edition and are booking podcast interviews with many leading and influential head teachers. They welcome experts in education giving their thoughts and news on current trends and issues. The magazine aims to be a key to unlock educational opportunities and choices and to share information and news with families both in the

UK and around the world, which will enable them to open doors to exciting possibilities.

Education Choices magazine: the key to your child’s success! Please contact for more information. To fi nd out more about Education Choices and to access the magazine please visit and


40 Careers and training


Could your career path take a change in direction? The days of ‘one job for life’ are mostly behind us. It’s no wonder people are more likely to change career now than in the past Going through lockdown led many people to reconsider their lives and careers. Reassessing a work-life • balance, getting used to working from home or being made redundant are just some of the factors that • may have prompted a rethink. A survey of more than 5,000 people found that nearly 9 in ten of us were looking for a new job and career security is a big concern • for many. Jobs board Totaljobs, which carried out the research, found that more than a third of UK workers were looking for a fresh start and 52% are keen to relocate within Britain. Around 30% of people are estimated to have picked up new skills or qualifications during the lockdowns of the last 18 months but even if you didn’t, there’s plenty you can do to fi nd a new career. Adzuna, another jobsite, found that men are more likely to be looking for a career change, with 10.4% claiming they were actively seeking out new opportunities, compared with 4% for women. That may be linked to the fact that sectors predominantly staffed by women, such as charity, voluntary, hospitality and catering,

have seen a reverse in recruitment since Covid hit. Changing careers can be lifechanging and it is important to be prepared in advance. Make time to research to see if you’ll need to retrain, gain new qualifications or move location. And you’ll no doubt need to make long-term plans if a significant drop in salary is likely. “Career change takes time, and big journeys are much easier with a team of supporters,” advised Natasha Stanley, Careershifters head coach.

“Surrounding yourself with other career changers, trusted family and friends, experts and mentors can inspire you, help you find solutions to obstacles and stay accountable.”

In the spotlight Little Dukes Training Academy Dukes Educations new early years training academy will encourage excellence across the sector. The Little Dukes Training Academy will offer a range of courses with Montessori Centre International and Reach4Skills. To find out more email info@littledukestraining

Changing careers can be life-changing and it is important to be prepared in advance Some online career quizzes – even the jokey ones – can get you thinking about different directions you might want to consider. Many skills are transferable between different sectors even if you don’t have much handson experience. Managing staff, controlling budgets or training junior colleagues, for example, are all valuable achievements worth

highlighting, regardless of whether they were officially in your job description. Think about all the different skills involved in the roles you have had and how they could apply to other roles. Also, accept that things may have changed since you were last actively seeking work. If you’ve been settled for some time you may not have an online professional profile. There’s plenty of help online to help you put together something effective. Even if you are already on all the job and careers sites, make sure you update them with relevant skills and experience and let employers know what you’re looking for.

Start your legal journey Graduates now have a new route to a rewarding career in the law following the launch of a fresh approach to qualifying as a lawyer Following wide consultation with law fi rms and other employers, the new CILEX Professional Qualification (CPQ) is open, providing a more practical-based approach to qualifying as a lawyer. Unlike other study routes, a CILEX student specialises early in their chosen field. In addition, CPQ recognises that a successful career in the law requires more than just legal knowledge. The

course introduces mandatory legal technology, business skills and emotional intelligence study for the fi rst time in legal training. As a result, those qualifying through CILEX are recognised by employers as work ready and more rounded than their counterparts. Students with undergraduate or postgraduate legal qualifications do not have to start at the beginning of the three-stage

qualification either. Where you start depends on your previous academic experience. Law graduates can study towards becoming a: � CILEX Advanced Paralegal: aimed at those handling cases in a firm � CILEX Lawyer: for those who want to be specialists and have full practice rights, practising alongside solicitors and barristers.

You could qualify as a CILEX Lawyer in under four years


CILEX-qualified professionals are currently working at every level of the legal profession. Many CILEX Lawyers are partners in law fi rms or run their own fi rms, while some are judges. With each stage taking between 18 months to two years to complete – although students can progress at whatever speed suits them – you could qualify as a CILEX Lawyer in under four years. As a CILEX student, you will become a member of a large and supportive membership community connected via the CILEX portal. You will also have access to an unrivalled range of study and career resources, including career guidance, legal updates and the award-winning CILEX Journal.

Today’s modern legal world is more competitive than ever before. Employers are looking for work ready graduates who not only have the right legal knowledge but also have the practical, commercial and interpersonal skills to make an impact from day one.

Find out more Get ahead of the competition and start your legal career journey with CILEX today. Visit to fi nd out more.


Careers and training 41


From medical school to GPs Pass your medical exams and progress your medical career with Arora Medical Education Dr Aman Arora, founder and CEO of Arora Medical Education, has been training doctors and medical students – both in the UK and internationally – for over 10 years. The pressure that has been placed on the National Health Service during the last 18 months has meant a heightened demand for fullypracticing doctors in the UK. As a result, national recruitment drives are focussing on not only getting more people through medical school, but also helping junior doctors to pass the exams needed to practice as general practitioners (GPs) and medical specialists. In addition to this, there are also many international doctors who wish to practice in the UK – currently on long waiting times to sit the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board, PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 exams, which are necessary for most doctors to be able to practice medicine in the UK.

Why do some candidates struggle? Medical examinations ask for candidates to show that they have in-depth clinical knowledge. This means they are required to retain great quantities of information, which cover medical conditions, diseases, illnesses, medications, case studies and best practice legislation – examples include the MRCGP AKT (applied knowledge test) and MSRA (multi-speciality recruitment assessment).


Many candidates struggle not only with retaining knowledge, but also knowing how to effectively apply it during practical assessments such as the MRCGP RCA (recorded consultation assessment) and PLAB 2, which ask them to demonstrate their medical knowledge in a patientdoctor scenario.

Carefully designed revision packages Arora Medical Education are a medical education company that specialise in providing in-depth exam revision courses and training for junior doctors, international medical graduates (IMGs), and medical students. Their materials are designed and taught by Dr Aman Arora – a general practitioner and fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners – who is now dedicated full-time to the role of medical educator. He has had various former roles within medical education such as examiner, question-writer, and programme director – and has taught thousands of doctors as they prepare for multiple different exams. Their learning materials are all carefully created and updated regularly to help candidates break down, understand and retain each area of the clinical curriculum they are being tested on. They are also designed to promote a more lateral

understanding of this information, which improves candidates’ technique for practical assessments. Arora Medical Education courses include those tailored towards several crucial GP or speciality training exams, including the MRCGP AKT and RCA and the MSRA. They also provide PLAB 1 and PLAB 2 training and revision bundles, which are catered for IMG’s looking to practice medicine in the UK. Alongside these resources, Arora Medical Education have also designed revision materials for UK medical students, including several medical fi nals packages. Each of their packages are designed to boost candidates’ curriculum knowledge, and improve their technical and communication skills.

Easily accessible materials During the pandemic, Arora Medical Education have shifted the majority of their courses to a remote format; more than 90% can now be accessed online or are delivered digitally – in formats and at times that are more convenient to the user. Their courses also include review features and unlimited long-term access, meaning you can go back and rewatch or re-listen as many times as you need. This means that no matter where you are or how busy your daily schedule is, their courses and revision materials are easily accessible.

Formats to suit every learning style

Discounts and course bundles

Arora Medical Education deliver training through multiple teaching methods and in an array of formats. Their resources include live training sessions, subscriptionbased online courses, time-saving audiobooks, physical fl ash cards and online mock exam papers.

Arora Medical Education have one of the widest range of revision and training materials available in their field, with courses to cover multiple areas of clinical education and practice, wherever you are in your medical career journey. As well as being able to access all of their educational materials – including their fl ash card sets, mock exams and audiobooks – separately, you can also buy discounted all-inone bundles for each curriculum area. These allow you access to all the revision materials they have available on the subject, for a discounted cost. These are ideal for those who want to make sure they cover all their bases when preparing to sit their exam.

Social media teaching Arora Medical Education aim to revolutionise how doctors learn material on social media. With approximately 100,000 social media connections and followers across multiple social media platforms, Dr Arora reaches out with around 60 to 70 free video, text and image-based teaching posts per day – every single day. In addition to this, thousands of doctors worldwide receive Dr Arora’s free daily teaching email – last year over a million teaching emails were sent out – and this year over two million will enter email inboxes. As well as providing high quality, paid courses and teaching, Arora Medical Education pride themselves on regular, free teaching content for all.

Find out more To fi nd out more about the different revision and training materials that Arora Medical Education provide and to try free samples of their packages, visit their website


42 Careers and training


Retrain in nutritional therapy for a flexible, rewarding career If you are passionate about wellbeing and nutrition, join a growing • industry as a registered nutritional therapist •

Faced with current health challenges, many people are becoming increasingly interested in improving their health and wellbeing, so this is an exciting time to train as a nutritional therapist. The Institute for

Optimum Nutrition (ION) offers a fully supported, part-time degree. Validated by the University of Portsmouth, the course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and clinical competencies required to practise as a registered • nutritional therapist, and to make a real difference to the wellbeing of clients and those around you.

• Registered nutritional therapists find the right plan for the individual client Research shows that due to genetic make-up and health history, one size does not fit all when it comes to health and wellbeing. That’s why registered nutritional therapists adopt a personalised approach. People may present with similar symptoms, but their triggers can be very different; so a plan that worked for one person may not work for someone else. Registered nutritional therapists fi nd the right plan for the individual

client, supporting them with targeted advice, tailored health plans and personalised lifestyle change. Many of ION’s students have gone on to study nutritional therapy after addressing their own health issues. Registered nutritional therapist Angelique Panagos consulted a nutritional therapist about her own health conditions, before going on to study with ION. She says: “This sparked that passion for a path I now know I was destined to follow… I haven’t looked back and love every minute of what I do. I feel healthy, energised, my hormones are balanced and I am able to focus.” ION graduate Claire Doherty, also now a registered nutritional therapist, says: “If you are considering ION or you’re considering training as a nutritional therapist, then my recommendation would be definitely to go for it. You will not regret it. Even the

effects on your own health and for your own family will be absolutely phenomenal. I have not looked back and you won’t either.” So, a flexible, rewarding career in nutrition and wellbeing might just be right for you.

Find out more Discover the benefits of becoming a registered nutritional therapist at

Didn’t think you could qualify as a solicitor? Think again Qualifying as a solicitor just got more accessible The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) launches this September with the fi rst SQE1 assessment running this November. The SQE is the new qualification examination for aspiring solicitors in England and

Wales and will eventually replace the Legal Practice Course (LPC). The College of Legal Practice are now offering flexible SQE preparation courses, to help students pass the SQE exams.

Your path to qualification This introduction opens a range of opportunities for you to become a solicitor, particularly if you need to

work alongside your studies. Firstly, the SQE has two separate assessments – SQE1 and SQE2. The two assessments don’t need to be taken straight after each other. You can take them quickly, supported by intensive full-time study, or spread out the learning and the cost to take them at a pace that suits you and your situation. Secondly, the two years’ Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) that you need to complete alongside the SQE to become a solicitor, can involve previous work experience, and a range of paralegal and short contracts with up to four employees. There are organisations such as Accutrainee and Flex Legal who will ‘employ’ you so your experience across a range of fi rms counts towards your QWE.

Flexible courses, designed for you You can prepare for the SQE in many ways through full-time or part-time courses. The College of Legal Practice offers highly flexible online courses, where most of the learning can be carried out at a time to suit you.


High value, low cost

Most of the learning can be carried out at a time to suit you The College recognises that everyone’s learning needs and experiences are different, so you receive personal supervision by experienced practitioners every week. The College’s students preparing for the SQE1 in November this year come from a range of backgrounds and experiences, some working as a paralegal for many years, and others who have just fi nished their undergraduate study. The College also offers a route to qualify as a solicitor for those with a non-law degree.

The cost of the SQE has been much discussed, The College of Legal Practice offers preparation courses starting at £1,800, with no hidden extras, accommodation, or travel costs. Combining the exams and course fees, you can pass the SQE with The College for just over £8,000 compared to over £10,000 to £15,000 for an LPC.

Find out more To fi nd out more about The College’s courses visit


Careers and training 43


10 top destinations for upskilling online Here are some of the best resources for raising your game while working from home Reed


Jobs and recruitment company Reed have tens of thousands of courses available to help • you improve your employment opportunities. There is a mixture • of free courses; discount courses and university courses listed on the site. Subjects include food hygiene, child psychology, digital marketing and job interview masterclasses. • Find out more at courses

Degreed is an online upskilling platform that consolidates all learning, formal and informal, into one place so you can track everything that you’ve learned. It covers everything from coding and data science, to leadership and communicating with others. Because it can consolidate existing learning resources online, new courses and learning pathways can be set up

• •

quickly – for example,• when the fi rst lockdown happened, pathways on remote working and mental health were set up within days. Find out more at

The Skills Network

Google Analytics Academy A range of free online courses are run by the tech giant’s academy. Get to grips with the fundamentals with Google Analytics for Beginners, then move on to Advanced Google Analytics, which teaches learners to customise, segment and leverage data. This resource aims to equip learners to be ready for digital graduate jobs and also offers recognised qualifications. Find out more at

Something to think about The term ‘portfolio career’ was coined in the 1990s by philosopher and organisational behaviourist Charles Handy. It refers to a career that encompasses a number of jobs in different industries over a person’s working life.

The Skills Network is the UK’s largest online learning provider, having supported over 1.6 million individuals reach their training and development goals. With more than 100 online courses on offer – many of them fully funded – individuals can choose when and where to study, achieving new qualifications with the support of an assigned tutor and a learner support advisor. Subject areas include accounting and fi nance, children and education, retail and hospitality and health and fitness. Find out more at

10 top destinations for upskilling online continues on page 44

Work in design without a degree You can build an exciting career in design without the huge expense and disruption of uni The Designer Development course at London Fields Design School will teach you everything you need to know about your area of passion. Whether you want to be a furniture maker, architectural assistant, graphic designer, 3D printer or something else, they cover it. London Fields Design School’s pro designers, who’ve been in the business for years, will help you master design software and teach you about design culture, industry news and career trajectories. They’ll help you discover your specific talents, and how you can use them to


Urgently required: full-time, fractional appointments and part-time lecturer ICON College of Technology and Management seeks to appoint full-time, fractional and part-time lecturers for the following courses

pursue your ambitions. They’re all about flexibility and inclusion. You can study any time, online or in class, over six months to two years, and you’ll always be in control of your own projects and schedule. London Fields Design School are proud to say that many of their former students (aged 18 to 70) have moved into full-time design employment or set up their own businesses. They’ll tap into their creative network to connect you to jobs and mentors, and support you while you build your own creative community. By the end of

the course, you’ll have built a professional portfolio of work with which to launch your design career.

The lecturers will be required to teach a diverse range of students at both degree and HND levels from September. They should have at least three years’ experience of teaching subject-related courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the UK. They should have a flexible approach to work by working in the evening and on Saturdays. They should also have the ability to work with students from various backgrounds.

They should have at least a postgraduate degree in a related subject area for HND courses and a PhD for BSc (Hons) degree courses. � BSc (Hons) and HND in Business and Management � BSc (Hons) and HND in Computing (Network Engineering & Software Engineering) � BA (Hons) and HND in Tourism and Hospitality. Applicants must have the right to work in the UK,

as the College is unable to provide a work permit. If you have not heard from the College within four weeks of the closing date for the receipt of applications, please assume that, on this occasion, your application has not been successful. The closing date for the receipt of applications is 31 August by 5pm.

Find out more Sign up for free introductory courses at and fi nd out more.

How to apply If interested, please submit your CV to by 31 August. Alternatively, you can post your application materials to: Ms Shaila Ahsan, ICON College of Technology and Management, Units 21-22, 1-13 Adler Street, London E1 1EG by mentioning the course name.


44 Careers and training

10 top destinations for upskilling online continued My Learning The My Learning offering from Hays provides the latest insights into the skills in demand and career trends. From here, professionals have direct access to free courses that enable them to reskill and upskill – putting them on the path to secure new opportunities in a constantly evolving world of work. Courses include change management, customer service, project management, coding and programming and communications – all of which are highly sought after by employers. Find out more at


General Assembly Workshops from locations all over the world teach users to upskill in a number of areas such as tech, data, design and business. Using video tutorials and livestreamed lessons GA offers award-winning curriculums and expert instructors as well as a global, professional community of more than 40,000 full and part-time alumni. Courses range from short-term to part-time or full-time. Find out more at

CoursesOnline This course comparison website offers upskilling opportunities to individuals and workforce teams who are looking to enhance their skills.

The courses cover everything from cyber security to floristry, with options for both newcomers and those who already have experience within the field. Each course comes with its own respective cost, which gives a user access to teaching from top educational institutions in the UK and the vast majority can be studied at the learner’s leisure from home. Find out more at

CourseBuffet A catalogue for free online college courses from all the providers out there put in one place. Listings include those from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) such as Coursera, Udacity, edX, etc, and other providers such as the OpenCourseWare consortium, Saylor, and others. Each course is classified by subject and level, with information on video, audio or textbook learning included. Find out more at




Free, bitesized language lessons designed to be as much fun as playing a game on your phone or computer. The website and app currently offers more than 105 different courses in 40 languages. Users develop vocabulary and grammar through practising reading, writing, listening and speaking through a mixture of implicit and explicit learning. More than 300 million learners are said to be picking up new languages with the platform. Find out more at

A diverse selection of courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world. Futurelearn believes learning should be an enjoyable, social experience and so offers the opportunity to discuss what you’re learning with others as you go. Users can unlock new opportunities with unlimited access to hundreds of online short courses through a subscription, though many courses are free to join. Find out more at


Careers and training 45


Become a certified dog trainer Dog trainers are in high demand with the global pandemic having a major impact on dog behaviour There has been a marked increase in the need to address separation related problems and aggression as well as the more pleasurable task of puppy training. With a

need building internationally for these services, there has never been a better time to start a career as a dog trainer. The Dog Trainer Certification Programme is a six-month accredited, online training course designed to turn those with a passion for dogs into confident, competent and credible professional dog trainers.

Students learn from home on desktop or via a purpose-built mobile app. Lessons are delivered by leading experts via on demand and live-streamed lessons. The curriculum is comprehensive and covers training, behaviour, legislation and marketing. Each student is assigned a mentor to support them throughout the programme – students are also encouraged to take on cases prior to graduation so that they have the supervision of their mentor.

With a need building internationally for these services, there has never been a better time to start a career as a dog trainer Students are eligible for a Totum Card to benefit from student discounts at over 200 popular retailers including Apple, ASOS, PC World and Co-op. Upon graduation students can benefit from receiving referrals directly from the college. There is also an opportunity to join an alumni membership scheme to receive supervision, CPD, marketing training and ongoing support.

Dog Training College is multiaward-winning, accredited and trusted by over 25,000 students worldwide. It has achieved Investors in People accreditation and is a Disability Confident Committed College. The current 2020 to 2021 tuition fee is only £1,996. Enrolment is by application only. Successful applicants will also be required to attend a telephone interview to ensure they are suitable for the programme.

Find out more Visit the website at or call Student Support 24/7 on 0800 471 4742 for more information.

Helping learners reach their full potential The ESP vision is to become the preferred choice of learning and skills for all, delivering outstanding quality and results alongside individual aspirations and abilities The Education and Skills Partnership Ltd, more commonly known as ESP, are a national training organisation that specialise in apprenticeships and commercial training. They support medium and large organisations to achieve their objectives through training and development. They also support large numbers of those looking to enter or return to the workplace through employability programmes and partnerships with employers. The ESP mission is to provide skills and knowledge as well as a safe environment that enables all learners to achieve their full potential. With ESP, no learner is left behind.

Managing director, Jason Hargreaves says: “Our team are very much dedicated to learners achieving their full potential. We will do everything that can be done to support a project and will talk with openness and honesty.”

When life gives you lemons

Leaders in innovation ESP have always been innovative. They were one of the fi rst providers to be accepted as an Official National Kickstart gateway, currently working with over 100 companies, with the fulfilment of nearly 550 new employment roles in support of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. They have also been innovative in supporting learners and employers alike during the transition from Framework Apprenticeships to


Jason says: “We really enjoy what we do, and by bringing our enthusiasm and energy through to the learning, everyone benefits. ESP is a great place to work, study or partner with.”

Standards, adapting to live online classrooms, assessment and exams. This has allowed them to continue to support their partners and learners during the pandemic. Their new innovations include the development of projects to support Covid affected parts of the economy in London, the South East, and Greater Manchester. The ESP team work hard to support all their partners and learners.

With ESP, no learners are left behind The key to success As an established and growing business, the organisation strive to develop long-lasting partnerships with other established companies and identify the best solution to training needs for learners and employers.

At the start of the pandemic, the ESP team adapted quickly. They moved their classroom delivery to live virtual classrooms, and developed engagement and delivery systems to allow their team to maintain the quality and compliance required.

Find out more To fi nd out more about ESP visit their website at and fi nd them on social media @eduskillpartner to follow their journey. If you would like to know more about their Kickstart, apprenticeship and commercial programmes call 01233 632111, or alternatively you can email


46 Teachers resources


Helping hands for teachers to bring classrooms to life Prestigious organisations such as the Royal Shakespeare Company and Khan Academy have worked to develop lesson plans and resources The Education Exchange is a free learning platform and community with workshops, classes and resources designed to ignite creativity in the classroom • – whether virtual or in-person. Developed by expert teachers, • and run by Adobe, the Education Exchange includes thousands of resources to help students grow their digital and creative skills across all subjects – from art and design to • maths and science. The materials help students develop essential digital skills and build confidence in Adobe’s products from Photoshop to Adobe Spark – an application available to all primary and secondary schools for free – that can turn traditional projects into engaging digital stories. Spark projects can bring subjects to life in new ways, tasking students with writing social media posts, creating short videos and infographics to bring their creative expression to life. Using Creative Cloud gives students the tools to take a more engaging and vibrant approach to their work, such as making brochures to present historical

research, animations to demonstrate scientific concepts, or videos to deliver critical responses to literature. For teachers looking to develop their own skills, there is also a massive range of self-paced courses in things like teaching creativity and the basics of teaching online as well as more

The materials help students develop essential digital skills and build confidence

software specific courses on things such as digital storytelling, image design and video app building. These come with certifications that can boost teachers’ CVs as well. If it’s reading that needs some extra fun, Storytime Hub • is an online platform which makes Storytime’s extensive catalogue of more than 80 magazines, 700 stories and 80 home learning packs accessible digitally for pupils to use anywhere, • at any time – with new content uploaded monthly. It supports the National Curriculum for reading, writing and comprehension and teachers use the stories and resources for planning lessons and guided reading. It’s fully searchable and contains a variety of story lengths and topics to suit different needs. Leslie Coathup, publisher of Storytime explained: “We very quickly appreciated how crucial it would be for children to get goodquality, fun reading material in the most accessible format for them, at home as well as in the classroom. “Word of mouth really started to spread and before we knew it we were reaching over 100,000 extra children a month.”

• •

The monthly teaching resource packs contain lesson ideas, glossaries, comprehension exercise, craft activities and colouring, and from September audio versions of each story will be introduced – ideal for children who have English as an additional language. At under £2 per child per year Storytime Hub is a low-cost way to help children catch up with their reading – and one of the most complete literacy resources available for primary school children right now.

Something to think about Storytime also developed a special spin-off mini magazine series called We Are Heroes, addressing mental health concerns that children may have had during the various lockdowns. This was made available for free in online and print versions to all primary schools in the country.

Don’t believe in language barriers Try the primary foreign language teaching resources used by over 10,000 teachers in more than 2,000 schools around the UK, completely free Language Angels’ resources enable primary schools to teach and sustain foreign languages, whether they have a specialist language teacher on the staff or not.

More than 2,000 schools can’t be wrong Over 2,000 primary schools already use Language Angels’ resources successfully in their schools – facilitating a broad and ambitious curriculum, fully compliant with the DfE

Languages Programme of Study for Key Stage 2.

Improve and support teacher wellbeing Deliver a fully compliant, primary foreign language curriculum without adding to teacher stress levels or workloads and without impacting on stretched school budgets. Teachers can deliver foreign language lessons successfully and stress free as part of their normal teaching day. All lessons are ready to

go, including interactive whiteboard materials with audio files to deal with pronunciation, as well as games, songs, desk-based activities and full teacher support documentation.

Demonstrate learning and progression The Language Angels builtin tracking tool links the teaching done in class to the DfE Languages Programme of Study. Teachers and school leaders get detailed reports so they can evaluate the progress of pupils and classes.

Take a test drive Visit the website at and take a completely free six-week trial. This is the best way for you and your colleagues to see exactly what Language Angels resources can help you and your school achieve.


Helping teachers get mortgages Getting your dream home is easier with Teacher Mortgages Teacher Mortgages are award-winning specialists in getting mortgages and insurance for teachers. It can be hard to get a mortgage as a teacher. Often you will have fi xed-term contracts, or you’re just looking to borrow more than a standard lender will allow. At Teacher Mortgages, they help teachers throughout their career, from training, to being a newly qualified teacher all the way through until retirement. As the leading UK specialists in

mortgages for teachers they have seen it all, and help thousands of teachers a year to get their dream homes. With access to a wide array of specialist products and lenders, Teacher Mortgages help teachers maximise their mortgage and home buying options whilst offering a huge discount as well! Teacher Mortgages have been helping education professionals save thousands across the variety of different services they offer, from Will writing, to mortgages and

insurance. The team have decades of experience in the fi nancial services industries.

Find out more Visit the website at teacher-mortgage. com for more helpful information and tips.


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