3 minute read
Natural Instinct is an award-winning raw pet food manufacturer passionate about pets. Just like pet owners up and down Britain, Natural Instinct knows dogs and cats are part of the family. That’s why Natural Instinct’s raw food diet for dogs and cats follows the motto “you are what you eat.” Its wholesome and delicious meals are the no-stress, no-mess way to feed raw. It echoes the food hunted, scavenged and eaten by the ancestors of today’s dogs and cats.
Following the belief that raw is the best natural option, Natural Instinct’s recipes are as nature intended – free from artificial additives, colours, preservatives and fillers. Showing strong support for British produce, the recipes are made using only the best human-grade, DEFRA-approved, 100 per cent British raw meat and bone and the freshest vegetables and fruit. The
‘Superfood’ Country Banquet range contains superfoods such as spirulina, curly kale and wheatgrass.
Natural Instinct works closely with a highly skilled product development team, including veterinary surgeon and homeopath, Sue Armstrong VetMB VetMFHom CertlAVH MRCVS RSHom, and pet nutritionists. This gives customers the assurance that they are feeding their pets the very best, just as nature intended.
Happy customers say that their dog’s itchy skin, coat, teeth and joint conditions have been improved and often resolved following a transition to a raw food diet. Customers have also seen improvements in problems relating to digestion, unpleasant breath and behaviour.
For more information contact retail@ naturalinstinct.com, telephone 01276 608500 or visit www.naturalinstinct.com consider carefully the commitment required to keep it active and well trained. Springer and cocker spaniels can be very high-energy dogs and require lots of active exercise. They should not be expected to settle easily into a sedentary lifestyle that amounts to a quick walk in the morning, settle into its bed for the day, and get another walk in the evening after dinner. Huntpoint-retrieve breeds, just like spaniels, need to run and again benefit significantly from exercise and stimulation. Retrievers such as the Labrador can be a bit more laid back, but those from working stock do have a higher need for stimulation and exercise, so the main point to make is, dogs need exercise and stimulation as well as good obedience training if you are to enjoy their company indoors as well as out in the big wide world of the countryside. There are many distractions in this environment so it is essential that owners avoid problems and that they can maintain complete control at all times and in any situation.
Ian Clinton is a director and principal gundog trainer for the Working Dog Company based in North Hertfordshire. For more information see www.workingdogcompany.co.uk or call 01462 450830.
Five Key Components To Training Any Dog
Before taking a gundog into advanced work such as retrieving and distance control, I establish five key behaviours that I consider to be the foundation stones of all further work. Good foundations in basic obedience are required, whatever the final use of the dog, whether that be for working, pet or companion. The five key foundations are:
■ To sit – a simple task but one that should be responded to instantly when the command is made
■ To stay, again a key obedience behaviour to allow the handler to leave a dog where it has been told to sit whilst the handler engages in another activity, such as unloading the shopping from the car
■ To come, the recall is a very important command and should be practiced to ensure it is acted on without fail 100 per cent of the time, you never know when this command could just prove to be a lifesaver
■ Walk nicely on the lead without pulling. It is so pleasant to walk a dog close at heel without tension on the lead, sore arms or hands
■ To walk at heel without a lead on when required. This always looks impressive and demonstrates that the dog understands how it should behave and enjoy being close to its handler in spite of other distractions.
I’m a fan of Natural Instinct for bringing convenience into feeding a raw, I like to say ‘natural’ feeding choice. Simply store, thaw and serve! It’s also about the peace of mind that my ‘furkids’ are eating ‘well’ with nutritionally dense and completely balanced meals.