Green and Ethical Checklist distributed with The Guardian

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An independent publication distributed with The Guardian on behalf of Hurst Media Company Ltd which takes sole responsibility for the content


Small steps to an eco-friendly future

FAST FASHION Slow it down, save the Earth

PLANET ACTION EARTH’S FATE IS IN OUR HANDS Decarbonise, detoxify Ditch the plastic Shop sustainable swaps


WATCH YOUR WASTE Eco-harmony is easy if you try



Editor’s letter The planet’s future is now “You say we’re on the brink of destruction and you’re right. But it’s only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment.”


s the world remains in the grip of a deadly pandemic and imminent climate catastrophe these words from the 2008 film The Day the Earth Stood Still echo with a weirdly wise resonance. The Earth does indeed appear to have stood still amid the tragedy and trauma wrought by Covid-19 and an apocalyptic ambience heightened by lethal ecological events. The figures of death and destruction on both fronts are not just sobering they are chilling – and may well be the precipice of a deep and dark abyss. Scientists’ and activists’ warnings about the consequences of climate change fell on naysaying and inert ears for decades – but the situation is starker than ever. Research suggests the threshold of irretrievable damage looms closer than was previously thought. The date of no return has been projected as being 12 to 20 years from now but a brand new study*, based on a different and more precise model, predicts that moment could come as early as 2027. In 2020 the entire globe was beset by record-breaking extreme ecological events – the Earth was burning, with soaring temperatures causing heatwaves and wildfires and with super-tycoons, major hurricanes and devastating floods on one hand and megadroughts on the other. If such portents make grim reading, though, the Covid-19 pandemic could prove a ground-

zero, or perhaps net-zero moment and from the ashes of 2020 green shoots may arise. If the pandemic has exposed fragilities and perils, it has also proved that when facing the brink there is the will to bring extraordinary change. It has shown, too, that the root problems are also the key to solutions. The crucial awakening may be awareness of how interdependent human, animal and planetary health and wealth are. Scientists have been warning that the destruction and destabilisation of nature is directly linked to zoonotic diseases that lead to pandemics. It appears Covid-19 is just the latest in a string of deadly epidemics that spilled from animals to humans as a result of environmental destruction, from habitat loss due to rampant deforestation to the trade in wildlife; wild meat consumption and intensive agriculture and animal farming. Three out of every four new infectious diseases are zoonotic; recent examples are Ebola, SARS and HIV among others. Meanwhile, biodiversity is declining faster than at any time in human history and, as forest and habitat destruction brings animals and humans into ever-closer contact, the risk of disease transmission increases. As wildlife is forced to move on to different places because of habitat loss and climate change they also mix with other species, increasing risks of new diseases emerging. Human-created climate change is also

making us more vulnerable to such diseases and creating conditions for them to thrive and spread. Air pollution, for instance, makes respiratory diseases more perilous not only because it makes our bodies more vulnerable but also because particles of air pollution act as transport for pathogens. This helps viruses and infectious diseases spread and across large distances. A major UN report released in October 2020 said up to 850,000 animal viruses could spread to humans and create future pandemics, more frequently and more deadly, if we don’t stop our war on nature. Scientists warn we must tackle underlying causes of exploiting and degrading ecosystems, urgently cut our carbon emissions, conserve biodiversity and stabilise the planet. Among the report’s recommendations is that, as well as expanding protected areas and restoring habitat, financial disincentives like taxes on meat consumption and encouraging sustainable behaviour should be implemented. Societal and individual behaviour change is imperative because soaring consumption is driving the planet to the brink of destruction and creating pandemic conditions. Therein may be seeds of hope, though. If human action and overconsumption are undeniably the planet’s biggest problems that means every consumer holds the world’s fate in their hands. If the twin harbingers Covid-19 and global extinction have brought us to the brink of destruction ending the war on nature could indeed be our moment to evolve.

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Green and Ethical Checklist is published and wholly owned by Hurst Media Company Ltd. Every care is taken in compiling the contents of the publications but the publishers assume no responsibility in the effect arising therefrom. Readers are advised to seek professional advice before acting on any information which is contained in the publication. Hurst Media Company do not accept any liability for views expressed, pictures used or claims made by advertisers.

Sarah Halford, editor

Win one of five Cakehead Vegan hampers! Worth £100 each!


Delicious pecan and caramel, raspberry and coconut, or tempting chocolate brownies don’t sound like they should be on the vegan allowed list, but thanks to the Cakehead Vegan and GlutenFree Cakeout boxes they so totally are! Enter to be in with a chance of winning a Vegan Cakeout box, plus a bottle of Champagne, all wrapped up in a luxurious wicker hamper. Visit Enter at:


Contents 4 NUDGING US TOWARDS A GREENER FUTURE It’s the little things that can make a big impact on the planet

18 FLUSH OUT BEAUTY’S HIDDEN HORRORS Navigate natural beauty without falling foul of greenwashing

29 INSPIRING TRAVELLERS TO CHANGE THE WORLD Travel the world while looking after the planet – and transform tourism’s impact on nature

38 GROWING YOUR INVESTMENTS THE GREEN WAY You can turn a profit while supporting sustainable endeavours

7 TACKLE THE TOXIC NASTIES AT HOME Plastics and chemicals are forming an unholy alliance at the heart of the home

21 THE HEALING POWER OF GREEN Simply getting into the great outdoors can help maintain mental wellbeing

31 JOHNSON’S BAN ELECTRIFIES INTEREST IN GREEN MOTORING The year 2030 is proving a huge driver of interest in electric vehicles


10 CLEAN UP YOUR LIFE – STYLE Using environmentally-driven products can make a world of difference

22 WORLD CHAMPIONS – AND VEGAN TOO Top athletes prove that a meat-based diet is not essential to strength, stamina and fitness


12 FASHION IS PLAYING FAST AND LOOSE WITH THE PLANET Fast fashion followers can help end clothing production’s destructive impact

25 FOOD PILES A LOT ON THE PLANET’S PLATE The consequences of food production on the planet is not only inglorious, but dangerous

34 THE GOOD LIFE OFF-GRID An increasing number of urban households are looking to utilise the natural environment

42 GREEN INNOVATION ‘CRITICAL’ TO CARBON ZERO FUTURE While the UK is a strong innovator, it’s not yet realising the full potential of green innovation

15 SUSTAINABLE STYLE PICKS Green fashion is the hottest new trend – so give your wardrobe an ethical makeover

26 GET THE GREEN LIGHT! Are you in search of food that is delicious, hearty, and healthy?

37 HOUSEHOLD CARBON EMISSIONS MUST BE CUT BY 95% We face a huge challenge if the country is to meet this target 2050


Building a zero carbon home is easier and more feasible than you may think

Charities exist to make the world a better place; so why not focus on the planet itself?

46 INNOVATIONS TO WATCH There are numerous ways to help deliver a green recovery

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Nudging us towards a greener future Everyday decisions we make about the environment can be given a nudge in a more eco-friendly direction


Easy chieving a carbon-neutral UK This could be simply making the desired option by 2050 will require major the default. Take this for example: in Germany, changes in the way we behave, a study found that defaulting people to green a fact acknowledged by the energy tariffs led to 10 times the number of Government which has set up an environmental people on those tariffs. In equal measure, ‘nudge unit’ to encourage us to adopt more undesirable behaviour can be made more environmentally-friendly behaviours. difficult, which can include something as The unit’s existence was revealed in a report simple as providing fewer car parking spaces by the National Audit Office which warns that but placing more bike racks the country faces a “colossal at a railway station in order to challenge” in achieving carbon encourage cycling. zero. The unit, part of the Little things can make Department of Business, a big difference and Attractive Energy and Industrial Strategy you only have to tip Installing eye-catching recycling Department, is looking at how the balance slightly bins to inspire recycling or to get the public to accept the promoting sustainable food necessary changes to what we as tastier and more indulgent are other eat, how we travel and how we heat our homes. examples of this. Another study found that at Nudge theory is based on the idea that little a large university cafeteria, they found that by things can make a big difference and you only describing vegetables in glowing terms resulted have to tip the balance slightly to steer people in 25 per cent more diners choosing them. into making better decisions, especially if those decisions align with their personal values. Social This concept came to the fore back in 2010 These nudges harness the power of peer when the Cameron Government adopted pressure. You can be very easily influenced by the concept and launched the Behavioural being told most people are already doing the Insights Team, unofficially known as the Nudge desired thing: studies have shown areas with Unit. Since then, it has grown from being an more visible solar panels on roofs also have initial seven-strong group into an entire global greater growth in solar power; likewise letting operation. Nudge theory argues that nudges people know they are spending more money should be easy, attractive and social. Studies have on energy bills than their neighbours can found that nudging can produce results, however encourage them to reduce consumption. can it be harnessed to promote sustainability?


Why is it so hard to shop sustainably? Conscious consumers are increasingly asking this question, and for good reason; there’s too much to take in and greenwashing forces us to read between the lines in order to understand whether a business is sustainable or not. This is where ethy comes in. ethy accredits sustainable businesses to save you the hard work and presents them within a fun and engaging app to make it easy for you to make environmentally friendly lifestyle changes. Explore and connect with thousands of sustainable businesses online and in your local area. ethy accredits ethical businesses with ethyBadges; each badge represents a specific type of sustainable practice and allows you to identify why the business is sustainable at a glance. From Carbon Conscious to Living Wage employer, every ethyBadge relates to at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The app can also integrate with your


Discover the luxury of minimalism TAKK delivers a new way of getting just what you need when you need it without the marketing bombardment, gender stereotyping or greenwashing

bank account(s) via Open Banking tech, so you can see just how sustainable your own spending is. Does your favourite supermarket take steps to minimise plastic? Are your cosmetics cruelty-free? Was your morning coffee fairtrade? Once connected, ethy keeps you informed on the most important environmental and social issues seamlessly as you spend.

Looking for an easier way to shop sustainably? Download ethy for free today and make eco-friendly lifestyle changes with ease! Available for iOS and Android users in the UK only.

TAKK offers products for dental, body, hair care and shaving needs. TAKK developed its formulations in collaboration with experts, with one key principle in mind: to keep the products to their essentials, avoiding all branding tricks and gimmicks. The team believes in one winning formula for each product, eliminating the choiceoverload forced on us. What it focuses on the most is how a product is sourced, as well as the eco-system behind it. TAKK’s sustainability has two pillars. First, local sourcing first policy, which minimises the distribution waste and, second, radical transparency. All products are cruelty-free and suitable for vegans. To tackle hygiene poverty, with every sale made, TAKK pairs each purchase with an identical order to someone in need. TAKK believes that the burden of the personal care market on the environment goes beyond the packaging. The ecosystem that encourages over-consumption, global supply chains and the war for shelf space at the retailers, is not only causing serious damage to our environment but also hindering the true innovation efforts.

The ethical brand shares extensively detailed information about packaging, ingredients and sourcing on its website to focus all innovation efforts to eco-solutions rather than launching a trendy product every year.

Less is more. Join TAKK. Visit the website






Tackle the toxic nasties at home Plastics and chemicals may once have been considered the way to domestic cleanliness and godliness but they can also form an unholy alliance right at the heart of the home


deadly cocktail of toxic chemicals and plastics, in the form of ingredients and packaging, lurks in countless cleaning and lifestyle products to unleash innumerable inside and • illsFor a lower file size, this is a low-resolution proof. A outside our homes. Everything in our homes and • lifestyles This advertorial has been designed according to impacts on the environment. Furniture can the house style pre-approved by the publisher be the seat of many ethical and sustainability issues, from sourcing to chemicals, (including resources typography, which can’t be changed). to labour and emissions impacts, from timber to cotton, leather and toxic flame retardants. • Copy has been subedited by the editorial team as There’s a long list of toxic nasties in the per that the publisher’s house style (including copy in most mundane of products, substances have been linked to a host of healththird problems, person). including allergies, hormone disruption, organ damage, cancer and birth defects. Add other eco-evils like plastic pollution, palm oil and animal testing into the mix and you have a perfect, calamitous, environmental storm. In the spotlight: Ethiqana Chemicals are present in so many household Ethiqana is a convenient, stylish, ethical and personal care products. They can destroy and sustainable alternative to the usual. the delicately-balanced ecosystems where they Economic empowerment, creative pursuit end up, poisoning and sapping nutrients and and eco-friendliness form the core of their oxygen in rivers and streams, suffocating and mission. Their range of handcrafted, nonstarving aquatic life and marine vegetation. toxic, sustainable wooden toys are safe Then there’s plastic – in micro and macro for kids and encourage forms – from the particles clogging up air and imaginative play. water to vast waves of discarded packaging floating in oceans across the globe. Plastic particles, hidden in everything from sun cream

PROOF INFORMATION high-quality version will be sent to press.

LIFESTYLE 7 Clean up your act EcoVibe

You can make a huge dent in the plastic waste mountain and cut chemicals that are harmful to the planet, animals and your family. With some 35.8 million plastic bottles used daily in the UK, sachets of powerful, plastic- and toxin-free cleaning fluid make perfect eco-sense. EcoVibe’s sachets are vegan; crueltyfree; biodegradable; contain up to 70 per cent natural ingredients; RSPO certified sustainable palm oil; SLS and BPA free. They’re tough enough to tackle every spot in your home and, made in the UK, reduce transport carbon footprint by 94 per cent. Available in packs and with a kit, with reusable glass bottles and labels. Visit

Not necessarily indicative of final positioning EarthBits within the publication. Your advertorial willthat bedo dishes can shrink your Hands plastic footprint, thanks to abundant placed as per your booking.

doeswithin a range of natural, 100 per cent Please return your feedback or approval plastic-free wood dish brushes, with 48 hours of receiving this proof, unless advised reusable heads, for cleaning pots, pans otherwise by the production team. and bottles. The full zero-waste cleaning

sustainable washing-up swaps. EarthBits

to hair products, are inhaled and ingested by animals and humans alike. It is estimated that one in three fish eaten by humans contains plastic. Researchers are also seeing the impact of plastics on UK seabirds, many of which are declining at an alarming rate. They ingest it, get fatally entangled in it and use it, equally lethally, in their nests. A post-plastic planet is easier to imagine when you know how, though, as sustainable swaps abound. There’s a green and ethical, plant-based, chemical-free, zero-waste, cruelty-free alternative now available for every aspect of our lifestyles.

range includes everything from ecofriendly sponges to washing-up soap bars. Visit EcoEgg

Laundry is where you can make a big, detoxifying, depolluting difference, with a large cohort of sustainable, chemical-free laundry products available. The refillable ecoegg contains natural mineral pellets and replaces detergent and softener. In one wash a day it saves 40 bottles of detergent and softener a year and lasts around 210 washes. Visit


Become an ecochampion by making this savvy ethical swap Until now, many of us have used the yellow and green foam sponge-scourers in our kitchens and homes, but now there is an eco alternative, the Scrubby, a natural multi-surface non-scratch cleaning pad. Which is more ethical? Scrubbies are 100% cotton and pesticide free and use a tree based resin to stiffen the textile. They are fully biodegradable with the world’s leading product safety mark OEKO-TEX Standard 100. � Scrubbies have a lifespan of many months � Can decompose in compost or soil � Are delivered in paper based packaging � They can be cleaned by hand or in the washing machine � They are truly versatile and bring joy to cleaning. On the other hand, foam sponge-scourers are made from polyurethane foam (the yellow part) taking 20 years to biodegrade. The polyester and nylon blend (the green part) needs 200 years to biodegrade! After one week of use, these foam spongescourers are destined for the landfill. Plus the foam material is a source of microplastics, the packaging is plastic and non-recyclable and most are cleaned with bleach or by microwave.


Brightly coloured with zany abstract designs, just picking up a Scrubby brings joy and mastery over the most dreaded cleaning tasks. Take your eco-cleaning adventures all the way with the Soapnuts for shiny surfaces and antimicrobial Hemp Oil Soap for difficult cleaning tasks. Ready to swap? Shop now Choose from two sizes of Scrubbies, normal and large. Use the code CLEAN25 to get 25% off three or more Scrubbies at until 30 April.


Did you know almost every plastic toothbrush ever made still exists?* It’s time to shake up your oral care routine. In the UK alone, 260 million toothbrushes end up in landfills and find their way into our oceans polluting and harming marine life. Even worse, they break down into microplastics and find their way back into the food we eat and the water we drink. It doesn’t have to be like this. Georganics can help you make a difference with simple changes. Georganics created a zero-tolandfill scheme to battle this problem as even the heads on most sustainable toothbrushes cannot be recycled at home. When you buy their beechwood or sonic toothbrushes, you can send the heads back to them (four minimum) and they will recycle them in a way that council recycling schemes won’t. Georganics make natural, organic and sustainable oral care products in the UK. Their products range from refillable toothpaste tablets to compostable beechwood toothbrushes, and their mission is to help their customers live more sustainably. They use only natural ingredients in their oral care range and all of their packaging is compostable,

recyclable or re-usable. Nothing that comes from them ever needs to end up in a landfill or the ocean.

Start your switch to a more sustainable bathroom Use the code CHECKLIST20 to get 20% off your first order from *Source: National Geographic – How your toothbrush became a part of the plastic crisis








ODE 10% OFF CLEAN SPRINGC Who knew you could battle bacteria with bamboo? Well, we did. But we bet YOU didn’t, did you? Our Anti-Bacterial Wipes and Handy Wipes are wonderful when it comes to wiping out germs, whether that’s at home during a sustainable spring clean, or keeping hands clean on the go.

@CheekyPandaHQ @checklistsocial


Shell out for toothbrushes that save turtles


So how can you help our sea creatures with a toothbrush? Around 300 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year*. Half of that is single use plastic and 8 million tonnes of it is dumped into our oceans*. Clearly, our plastic problem is polluting the water and harming sea creatures. Bamboo Club is the passion project of best friend duo, Maggie and Kim. Their idea is simple and it’s potential to impact plastic pollution is huge. Switch your plastic toothbrush for a compostable bamboo toothbrush and the team at Bamboo HQ will ensure you receive a new brush through your letterbox every eight weeks.

Sparking conversations with children on how they can help protect the planet is a big focus for the company. They launched a children’s range of brushes – Bambino Club, which has been a huge hit. Each brush has been engraved with a sea creature that has been affected by plastic in the ocean. Maggie says: “Sustainability is such a hot topic in schools. The ‘bambinos’ are keen advocates of our brushes – many using them as their ‘show and tell’ item at school to help spread the word with their classmates. “It also gives parents the chance to teach their little ones the importance of doing their bit for the environment as well as brushing their teeth of course!” Bamboo Club have generated a solid following through their Instagram channel. With over one billion users on Instagram, the platform allows them to market the brushes to a huge audience. “We showcase our products and help spread the word by encouraging our customers to get involved and share pictures of them using the brushes,” says Kim. With 10 fun colours to choose from and brushes for both adults and children, there is lots to get excited about. Bamboo Club has huge plans for 2021.

They recently launched in one of the UK’s largest online supermarkets. They said: “We are also extremely excited to kickstart ‘plastic workshops’ in local schools to discuss other ways children can help contribute in making their future more sustainable. Our children can save the planet, if we teach them how!” If you want to make the switch Head to and enjoy 25% off your first order with the code TURTLE25. Follow them on Instagram at *Sources:


Go back to your roots, with ROOTSTOCK


For too long, eco-friendly has been a luxury afforded to those who could afford it Before the first 2020 lockdown came to an end, ROOTSTOCK’s vision had manifested itself and before they knew it, Meg and Soph were packing boxes in a garage to sell as sustainable kick-starter kits. • Providing For a lower file size, this is a low-resolution proof. customers with the tools and the knowhow to start their eco-journey, they aim to • This advertorial has been designed according to re-root everyday lives within the household and outside of it. the house style pre-approved by the publisher Bathroom boxes, kitchen kits and pet (including typography, which can’t be changed). packs include an array of sustainable products to overhaul our habitual • disposable Copy has been subedited by the editorial team as preference of convenient and essentials. ROOTSTOCK’s revolution perwas the publisher’s house style (including copy in well-received and alas, a local refill shop third person). supplying dried pastas, grains, cereals, beans, herbs, and spices in the town of Bollington, Cheshire was born, yet accessible store and service. the dream to kit-out the UK to increase Shopping sustainably can be a minefield. sustainability continues. Buzzwords, misleading information, and claims ROOTSTOCK understands that can often confuse the consumer leading sustainable sometimes means more to either lack of confidence in choosing expensive, more labour-intensive, and sustainable alternatives or misinformed somewhat inaccessible. Yet, their passion shopping at the expense of our pockets, or the aims to break down these barriers by environment if businesses are unfortunately creating an affordable, more convenient,

Image credit: Lauren Stout – Little Lens Photography



A high-quality version will be sent to press. • Not necessarily of final positioning ‘greenwashing’. ROOTSTOCKindicative tackles this by ‘rooting’ hands and soles firmly in the soil. gradingwithin every single on a traffiYour c light advertorial From litter theproduct publication. will picking be and rewilding with their system. They negotiate the different levels up-and-coming wildflower seed campaign, placed as per your booking. of how sustainable a product is and provide to donating to various charities such as transparency on the potential downfalls 1% for the Planet, they have many more Please return feedback or approval within of •certain products whilst your acknowledging campaigns to come. compromises such as and functionality. 48 hours ofprice receiving this proof, unless advised However, they still provide you with a otherwise by the production team. much more environmentally friendly and honest option than those found in regular supermarkets. As well as providing detailed product information, ROOTSTOCK have created an online community hub, updating followers with regular educational and informative blog posts, book recommendations and reviews, Shop online gifting books to customers each month. Not Visit or find them here to simply create profit, ROOTSTOCK work on social media at @wearerootstock directly with nature and the community –


Clean up your life – style B

e mindful about minimising the use of excessive plastic goods and packaging whenever possible by instead using only consciously made, environmentally-driven products. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Greeting cards

Incredibly, there are greetings cards that can be planted. These cards are made with 100 per cent recycled paper, embedded with wildflower and herb seeds. They’re handmade in the UK and come in packs or singles for various occasions. They come with growing instructions and even extra seeds. Available from

Phone cases

Pet care

All pet shampoos are not green and ethically equal. Certified organic ones must meet strict criteria proving they’re genuinely natural, eco-friendly and pet-safe. Green People’s AllPaws range is certified by the Organic Food Federation and approved by PETA; made with natural, non-irritating ingredients that gently cleanse and care for all dog and cat breeds. They’re concentrated so a little goes a long way. The range includes wild mint shampoo and a sensitive, scent free one. EarthBits also does a plant-based dog shampoo bar that’s 100 per cent organic, vegan and free from palm oil and harsh chemicals. Visit and

An everyday plastic item that often goes overlooked is the phone case – some one billion are made every year. Step up the world’s first truly sustainable phone case, by Pela. The fully compostable case is made from flax shive and plant-based biopolymers and is free of phthalates, BPA, cadmium and lead. The cases are durable, slim and flexible and come in a range of colours. Available from In the spotlight: Branche d’Olive

Infuse your home with Branche d’Olive’s stylish Garrigue room diffuser. Sustainably packaged, this delicious cologne fragrance is made from 97% naturally derived ingredients, with top notes of bergamot and citrus around aromatic lavender and thyme. Get yours for £29 (100ml).


Lifestyle luxuries don’t have to sacrifice green and ethical credentials – Elvis & Kresse makes a range of gorgeous home and fashion wares from reclaimed materials. They rescue leather off-cuts, decommissioned fire hose, military parachute silk, printing cast-offs, tea and coffee sacks, shoe boxes and discarded auction sale banners and give them a new, innovative, life. Their stunning range for the home includes the award-winning Beam Bench, in collaboration with designer Katie Walker; leather off-cut rugs, cubes and door stops, plus bags, belts and accessories galore, all handcrafted and unique, from reclaimed materials. They donate 50 per cent of profits to charities. Visit


Plastic Freedom says its best selling product by far is the Zero Waste Club stainless steel razor. It comes in rose gold and other colours including metal grey and with spare blades. Switching to a safety razor means you’re saving plastic waste for years to come as well as saving money. Available from

We recommend Branche d’Olive

Infuse your home with Branche d’Olive’s stylish Garrigue room diffuser. Sustainably packaged, this delicious cologne fragrance is made from 97% naturally derived ingredients, with top notes of bergamot and citrus around aromatic lavender and thyme. Get yours for £29 (100ml).



Edgard & Cooper does pet food differently They’re on a mission to help you, your pets and our planet to feel good! The founders Louis, Koen and Jurgen set up the company after they became frustrated at the lack of tasty healthy options available for their dogs – named Edgard and Cooper. Their aim was to create a product that was packed with high quality and easy to recognise ingredients, while treading as lightly on the planet as possible. Edgard & Cooper understand that the great outdoors our pets love and thrive in, is under threat. There are millions of dogs and cats on our planet – and in keeping with their mission to be the most sustainable pet food brand – Edgard & Cooper recognise that they have to do

more in reducing their environmental impact. Since the beginning Edgard & Cooper have led the way – like becoming the first brand to offer a full range of products packaged in 100% biodegradable materials (or endlessly recyclable metal). This commitment to packing their products as sustainably as possible, has saved over 7 million plastic bags from being produced across Europe. Besides their sustainable packaging, they are stepping up to do more for the planet. In 2020 Edgard & Cooper unveiled their Zero Pawprint Plan, a strategy set to make a positive impact on the planet. They have committed to making real, lasting change through their science-

based targets of zero carbon, fully sustainable packing and 100% ethical sourcing by 2025. In addition to this, the company takes pride in doing business with a heart and donates 1% of sales to The Edgard & Cooper foundation – a standalone charitable entity set up to improve the lives of dogs and cats around the world. To date, they have donated over €160,000 to both the Dog Care Clinic in Sri Lanka and most recently Mayhew International’s rabies

eradication programme in Afghanistan. It’s their commitment to ongoing projects with a purpose like these that set Edgard & Cooper apart. They recognise that they are not perfect yet, but with many animals still in need of care and with our planet under greater threat than ever before, Edgard & Cooper are proud to offer products that allow you to live more sustainably without compromising on quality or taste.

Join the movement for better pet food for your pets and our planet Learn more about Edgard & Cooper’s sustainability mission and Zero Pawprint Plan at



Stay fresh while soaking up travel experiences

Ethical, sustainable, logical – perfect eco-friendly toys for budding minds! Isn’t it best to keep things simple and natural, especially when it comes to our children?

PROOF INFORMATION • almost For a lower file size, this is a low-resolution proof. This space-saving soap does everything except book your insurance for you. Friendly Soap’s cleansing and advertorial has been designed according to • This deodorising properties make it a luxurious the house style pre-approved by the publisher little soap, shampoo or body wash. (including typography, can’tfactor. be changed). all they add which is a feel-good It’s also naturally antiseptic, anti-fungal Each bar is packed into plastic-free boxes and is designed to harmlessly repel insects. are recycled recyclable. Friendly Meanwhile, if bush craft or•backpacking is beenthat Copy has subedited byand the editorial team as Soap are also registered with The Vegan your thing, you can even use it for handper the publisher’s house style (including copy in Society and Cruelty-Free International so washing clothes. third person). you can enjoy a spotlessly clean face, body Each Travel bar is handmade with and conscience. coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint and tea tree essential oil blends. You won’t find even the smallest smidgen of palm oil, preservatives or sulfates in any Friendly Soap products; A discount on your next Friendly Soap order Visit and use coupon code TRAVEL15 to get 15% off* your order. *This is a single use coupon expiring 17 April and is not valid with existing offers including My 14 Collection.


A high-quality version will be sent to press.

Ethiqana’s range of handmade wooden toys are coloured with organic plant-based • dyesNot necessarily indicative of final positioning without any chemicals making them completely kids. As all parents foundwill in battery withinsafe thefor publication. Your advertorial be operated toys. know, there isn’t much that escapes the Their production partner is a non-profit placed as per your booking. mouths of toddlers and sustainable livelihoods initiative for artisans young children. that helps preserve this ancient artform • AllPlease return your feedback or approval within Ethiqana’s toys are and also looks after their welfare. carefully craftedof andreceiving this proof, unless advised 48 hours rigorously tested for otherwise by the production team. Find out more safety to comply with Visit and get 10% off CE safety standards. using code SPRING10 until 2 May. Their bright colours Follow @Ethiqana and tactile nature encourage children to use their imagination and creativity without being influenced by sounds commonly


Fashion is playing fast and loose with the planet Dedicated followers of fast fashion need an eco-epiphany to end the devastation wrought on the planet by clothing


ashion has become a high-profile the health of humans, animals and earth alike. political issue in the last two years, It’s a mass consumer and producer – as concern for its impact on the guzzling resources and spewing out toxic planet saw ever-louder demands chemicals, waste and carbon. The textiles that the clothing industry industry emits more clean up its act. In 2019 greenhouse gases a year than The textiles industry Extinction Rebellion held-up all international flights and emits more greenhouse shipping combined, with an London Fashion Week, while gases a year than all the House of Commons annual carbon footprint of produced a damning report international flights and 3.3 billion tonnes – around 1.2 on the fashion industry’s billion tonnes from fast fashion shipping combined environmental and social ills. alone. In the UK we buy more clothes than any country in Europe – two tonnes every minute. Fast fashion means just that – fast Producing vast quantities of new designs It’s produced at break-neck speed, for rapid takes its toll not only on the quality of consumption, is dumped equally quickly and garments, which generally have a short lifespan the train hurtles on to the next trending ‘mustand are made with non-recyclable materials. have’. This throw-away culture plays fast and Exploited textile workers, communities and loose with ethics and sustainability, with the ecosystems often pay the high sheer volume, speed and impact of the entire price of ‘cheap’ clothing, with toxic chain from seed to disposal wreaking havoc on chemicals and waste ending up in rivers and lungs and precious

resources plundered and polluted. Fabric production is the cause of 20 per cent of all industrial water pollution and annually consumes some 93 billion cubic metres of water, enough to meet the needs of five million people. The textile waste mountain is equally staggering – 92 million tonnes a year. One lorry load every second is burned or buried in landfill. And the problem is growing – the average consumer buys 60 per cent more clothing than 15 years ago, while the number of times a garment is worn has decreased 36 per cent. If fast fashion’s pile ‘em high, sell ‘em cheap then dump ‘em ethos is unsustainable, the

antidote is less is more, quality over quantity – and consumers are key to slowing the train. Shopping sustainably and ethically can be a minefield

Consumers don’t have to wear sackcloth to make a difference to the planet we live in – the key is to find out what clothes are made of, where they’re made and by whom. It is also worth buying less but seeking out better quality items, in order to keep them for much longer. Extending a garment’s life by nine months can reduce its carbon, water and waste impacts by up to 30 per cent and buying second-hand supports a circular model of regenerating materials and resources.




Design with a long lifespan Meet the vibrant Scandinavian concept label that dances to a different beat than the many fast fashion brands on the market today Textile artist Gudrun Sjödén started her There is a warm and creative community around own brand in the 1970s with a clear vision the Gudrun brand – including regular workshops of long lasting, colourful and talks in the London concept and functional clothes for store on topics such as DIY I think this is my most women of all sizes, shapes crafts and sustainable life hacks. and ages. Timeless cuts Summer 2021, launching 23 important contribution and dazzling prints that March, is a collection of textile to a greener, more express a Scandinavian stories; meetings and places wonderful world! identity fused with that has inspired Gudrun over – Gudrun Sjödén handicraft inspiration the years – a trip down memory from around the world. lane. This imaginary voyage also Garments to be worn throughout the reflects a year where the only traveling available seasons by green minded women. for most was mode of daydreaming.

Gudrun’s summer collection revisits four magic spots on the global handicraft map that inspired the different chapters: � Botswana inspired designs in a warm palette of spicy reds, juicy citric yellow and cooler agave notes with bold, contrasting black patterns. � Jaisalmer is a chapter inspired by its namesake city of sandstone and its rich handicraft community. Garments that feature dip dye, indigo and other plant dyes, intricate embroidery with mirror details and ikat weaving. � Muhu the small Baltic island with a heritage of intricate hand embroidery and signature yellow colours scale inspired a fun range of design to layer for summer. � Matsumoto capsule collection is a love letter to Japanese culture and its recurrent theme of the curcular form. Lotus flowers framed by rounds and beautiful indigo and inky black notes. Create a harmonious look with wide cut dresses, trousers and kimono jackets! Gudrun Sjödén is a fashion brand that wants to be an inspiration and an advocate for change. Each year they support a chosen deserving project, often with an environmental focus: the protection of old woodland in Sweden, support for the honeybee community in the UK or the development of sustainable cotton farming in Gujarat, India to mention a few.

Food labels clearly state if they are organic or locally produced but it is often up to customers to find out for themselves on how sustainable a garment is when shopping for clothes. This is why Gudrun Sjödén has created their own green labeling system that makes it easy for customers to let sustainability be part of the decision factors when shopping.

You are welcome to be inspired by Gudrun’s world Shop online at and in the beautiful London concept store at 65–67 Monmouth Street, WC2H 9DG, set to reopen in April.



Why Ninety Percent is the responsible fashion brand you need to know about When Shafiq Hassan and Para Hamilton launched Ninety Percent in 2017, they wanted to prove that a fashion brand could also be a force for good in the world

Ninety Percent’s factory, Echotex, is in Bangladesh, a country that has suffered with a reputation for producing fast fashion with little responsibility to the workers or the environment. For the founders, Ninety Percent was a way to change the narrative. By sharing 90% of distributable profits with a range of charities, as well as the workers who make the clothes, each purchase benefits not only its customers, but the producers they work with and the planet we all share. “It is perhaps a mad concept,” says Hassan, “but it was developed with real passion that is alien to the traditional business culture. “Our life experience has taught us to focus on two aspects, protecting the most vulnerable wildlife and environment plus disadvantaged women and children.” Every time you buy an item, you can choose from five charities to support with the profits from your purchase. The spring and summer collection includes the comfortable basics we have all come to rely on for working from home, and, as restrictions lift, freshening up the new season wardrobes, made in a way that you can trust. Signature tie-dye hoodies in Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certified cotton are hand-dyed in Bangladesh, using non-toxic dyes, with zero hazardous effluent. Lightweight tops, trousers, cardigans and dresses – perfect for layering until the weather gets warmer – are soft to touch but keep their

workers, fair wages, productivity bonus, and a free lunch and dinner, every day. The wellbeing of the workers is their highest priority; they have invested over $2 million in fire safety infrastructure and management. Echotex is a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum certified establishment and also rated Platinum on The Higg Index. Equally, they are rigorous in the certifications of their raw materials and processes to show they are using the environmentally safest dyes and chemicals. They operate a pioneering water stewardship and carbon emissions reduction programme. Their recent Waste Not collection makes use of ends of rolls of fabric to ensure nothing is left behind. Join them. They share 90% of their distributable profits with the people who make the clothes and five social and environmental causes: Big Life, BRAC, Children’s Hope, War Child UK and Wild Aid. Simply enter the code in the care label of your garment to vote for your cause. You choose, you vote, they share.

shape beautifully and will become your new wardrobe staples. They are made using Lyocell from Tencel’s Refibra closed loop technology to upcycle cotton scraps into new virgin fibre. There is also a luxurious new yarn made from 54% cotton and 46% linen, all grown without chemicals for knitwear with a delicious marly finish. Ninety Percent’s core production is done at Echotex in Bangladesh. It was the first factory in Bangladesh to offer health insurance for all

Shop Ninety Percent Get 20% off on all full price items with the code WORLDWEWANT20. Find them at and follow them at @ninety_percent Code valid until 10 April.


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Please return your feedback or approval within 48 hours of receiving this proof, unless advised otherwise by the production team. Sustainable underwear, swimwear, tops & socks. Certified organic cotton & recycled marine plastic. Made in Portugal with 100% renewable energy.

15% discount code: BLUEWEEKEND



Sustainable style picks


Images courtesy of Rapanui/Teemill, Know the Origin, Prota Fiori, DESSERTO®

The latest fashion trend isn’t a new style or a must-have accessory – it is the concept of an environmentally-friendly wardrobe

DESSERTO® Prota Fiori


Know the Origin

Rapanui, owned by Teemill, was one of the first companies to feature a traceability map on its website and customers can scan the code inside every product to find out about its origins. Customers can also send back worn-out garments for recycling into new ones and get £5 credit. Rapanui makes products in real time, seconds after ordering, so there’s no waste. It only uses organic materials and renewable energy and all its products are shipped in plastic-free packaging. Available from


Know the Origin (KTO) is an ethical stalwart, with all its own label clothes made from 100 per cent organic and three quarters using Fairtrade cotton. It is fully traceable at every stage of its supply chain and its shopping platform curates a range of sustainable fashion and lifestyle brands to make ethical shopping as easy as a fast-fashion fix. It offers an impact calculator so customers can see how much good shopping ethically does, from plastic saved to hours of fairly-paid work supported. Available from

Italy is famous for sophisticated style and fine wine – and you can have both while indulging your flair for chic fashion, sustainably. Prota Fiori combines Italy’s oldest winemaking and artisanal shoemaking traditions to make luxury, handmade footwear – from wine grape waste! After a decade working with giants like Armani and Valentino, Jennifer Stucko wanted to marry her passion for the planet, for handcrafted luxury footwear and her Italian heritage and founded Prota Fiori, meaning protect the flowers. These stunning, strong, elegant shoes are chemical free, vegetable tanned and made in a solar-powered facility with plant and upcycled materials like brass. Available from

Mexican innovators Adrián López Velarde and Marte Cázarez formed DESSERTO® through concern for the environment and to create jobs. They discovered cactus, the most abundant plant in Mexico, could be made into organic, biodegradable, durable, cruelty- and chemical-free leather. Cactus absorbs carbon dioxide, regenerates soil and doesn’t require lots of water. Only the mature leaves are cut, leaving the plant to re-grow. The leather is flexible, breathable, doesn’t stain and can me made into everything from bags and shoes to car upholstery. Available from

Sustainable style picks continues on page 16



Sustainable style picks continued

Knowledge Cotton Apparel

Brothers We Stand

Brothers We Stand is one of the best ethical brands out there – an Ethical Consumer ‘Best Buy’ label. It was set up with the twin vision of solidarity with the men and women who make our clothes and helping consumers build a wardrobe of stylish, sustainable and longlasting garments. It sells its own labels as well as from other ethical companies, conducting rigorous research on every aspect of the supply chain. Every item on its website has an invaluable footprint tab detailing its the social and environmental impact, listing the supplier, working conditions and areas for improvement. Available from

Pioneering Dutch circular brand MUD Jeans produces high-performing, long-lasting and sustainable clothing that gets top billing from Ethical Consumer for its commitment to organic cotton. Brothers We Stand stocks MUD denim in various styles, including shorts and jacket and pledges that if after many years of wearing them customers no longer need them, they will pass them back to MUD to be turned into new jeans. Available from

Winter to spring – this jacquard knit in a warm blend of organic cotton and organic wool fits the changing seasons perfectly. Danish menswear brand Knowledge Cotton Apparel use cutting-edge technologies to create organic garments that never compromise comfort nor quality. Available from

In the spotlight: 3RD ROCK

Ethical activewear made from recycled materials and organic cotton, built with longevity and movement in mind. From leggings and tops with show-stopping prints to EcoMORPH denims, these exude comfortable, sustainable style. Get 15% off with code SPRINGCHICKEN at

H&M Elvis and Kresse

Accessorise and share the love – Elvis and Kresse’s exemplary range of bags, belts and wallets are made entirely of upcycled materials, from British fire hose and military parachute silk to antique brass and silver buckles and eyelets. The West End belt (pictured) is unisex, handmade and vegan. Available from

Fashion majors are taking up the gauntlet. H&M is launching Innovation Stories, a series of collections using more sustainable materials, technologies and production processes, including DESSERTO®’s cutting-edge cactus leather and EVO by Fulgar®, a bio-based yarn derived from castor oil. The first collection, Science Story, was launched on 18 March 2021. Available from


Making the world go round – all Comfyballs are now climate-neutral


It’s a new ball game – traditional boxers aren’t designed to keep your equipment sufficiently in place. Comfyballs wanted to change that, as every man, of every age, deserves comfort, so the company developed what it believes are the most comfortable boxers ever made. Comfyballs has worked long and hard to find the perfect cut. Comfyballs boxers are tailored using at-lock seams and superior fabrics for the ultimate comfort and breathability. All its boxers incorporate the company’s own PackageFront®, a unique design that lifts and supports without the squeeze. PackageFront design reduces heat transfer by lifting your equipment away from the thigh. Material matters! The super-soft Oeko-Tex

Standard 100-certified fabrics provide superior comfort and breathability, making them antichafing and super-fast drying. Whether you’re into extreme sports or simply chilling on the couch, Comfyballs has you covered. You’ll feel particularly comfortable knowing that Comfyballs has gone climate-neutral and also introduced new eco-friendly packaging. The team has calculated the total carbon emissions from the first stage of production through to the product being in the customer’s hands. They then off set this through participating in two carbon-off set projects. This includes a hydropower project in a mountain gorilla sanctuary in Congo and a biomass project in India. A Comfyballs or Comfy item has a Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) of approximately 1.6kg CO 2 . This corresponds to the carbon footprint of one glass of milk or half a cheeseburger. Although this may seem marginal, the sum of many small individual efforts aggregates to

measurable impact. By choosing climate-neutral products, you contribute to achieving the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. You wouldn’t think there’d be a lot to learn about underwear – wear it, change it, wash it, repeat – but there’s actually more to it than most men think, so why not breathe new life into your top drawer? You deserve the ultimate comfort. Comfyballs has also recently introduced the Women’s Comfy range. The Performance Hipster was named ‘best value’ by Women’s Running magazine.

Feel the ultimate comfort Get a 20% discount* using the code TOP-DRAWER20 at checkout. Shop online at or email info@ for more information. *Valid on all products except products already on offer.


Images courtesy of Brothers We Stand, H&M

MUD Jeans





One to watch – Ksana the sustainable timepiece brand

Clothing that puts people and the planet before profits

Ksana was born from one obsession: time. They are not only obsessed with it in its physical form – creating beautiful, reliable movements in their watches – but also in observing it. And observing theversion potentiallywill be sent to press. high-quality limited chance we all have left to act to • Not necessarily indicative of final positioning reverse humanity’s withinimpact. the publication. Your advertorial will be environmental Ksana strive to make placed as per your booking. a difference with their time. They aim to • Please return your feedback or approval within reduce the fast fashion 48by hours of receiving this proof, unless advised obsession creating a perfectly engineered otherwise by the production team. and timeless piece to last a generation. All their products are vegan, cruelty-free, and they or recycle 100% of your original purchase use fully recycled and if returned to them. They love the potential recyclable materials where possible. of time. They manufacture their pieces in a solar-powered factory with sustainable manufacturing processes. They even offer a watch recycling scheme for watches at the end of their life, where they will reuse

Manchester-based WAWWA Clothing is a sustainable brand making organic, fairtrade, vegan, planet-friendly clothing with a positive social impact. WAWWA offer a wide range of casual and wearable styles as well as accessories which work on the model of one bought, one donated, as part of their 1+1 Collection. Designed with durability in mind, WAWWA utilise sustainable materials to create functional garments that minimise their impact on both the environment and those that inhabit it. WAWWA partner factories are all carefully selected. Each one is familyowned and shares their passion for producing garments in the most sustainable and ethical manner. WAWWA have also recently started production in-house, in their new Manchester based factory. The factory was set up when the pandemic hit, as a reaction to the need for face masks and to reduce demand on PPE at the time. Now the majority of the accessories on offer and a good proportion of their woven styles are being made in-house. Going forward, the Manchester factory will be the lifeblood of the brands sustainable approach, enabling ultimate control over how the pieces are produced, creating a truly transparent supply chain. The factory also enables WAWWA to train local people, stemming the migration of talented designers, cutters and seamstresses out of Manchester, a city draped in textile heritage.


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To help you live your time more sustainably Ksana are currently offering £10 off all their watches using the code KSANA10 at checkout. Visit and check out their Instagram at @ksanawatches

Shop online Receive 20% off when shopping at with the code CHECKLIST20 until 3 May.



69b Boutique – make sustainable shopping simple

69b Boutique has been championing sustainable fashion on east London’s Broadway Market since 2011, proudly claiming to be the capital city’s ‘first store dedicated to a better fashion industry’. They stock around 50 different men and womenswear brands from around the world, all of whom operate in a socially and environmentally responsible way. Look out for innovative products for conscious consumers like the urban backpacks made of recycled plastic PET bottles from Lefrik, and Pala’s achingly cool sunglasses which help to fund eye-care projects in Africa. Then there’s denim from Armed For a lower file size, this isdetox a low-resolution proof. Angels, who use 100% organic cotton, much less water and modern techniques This advertorial has been designed according to like ozone treatment instead of toxic the house stylechemicals. pre-approved publisher Plus, look by outthe for vegan wellies from Matt &which Natt (perfect walking the (including typography, can’tforbe changed). dog in), handcrafted stand-out dresses from local brand Conditions Apply and Copy has beenPivot subedited by the editorial team as earrings, made by a social enterprise per the publisher’s house styleLondoners (including copy in that trains homeless to make sustainable jewellery. third person). 69b work hard to ensure that all the products they sell are both people and planet friendly. There’s a click and collect service for locals, and free delivery for orders over £50.

A Different Ball Game – helping to save our oceans Did you know that 12 million tonnes of plastic end up in our oceans every year?* Together, people can change this. A Different Ball Game is now helping to eradicate this annual plastic-pollutionnightmare. Personal consumer choices will reduce the plastic that goes into our oceans and landfills. A Different Ball Game is working in collaboration with SEAQUAL INITIATIVE to take ocean plastic and convert it sent to press. high-quality version will be into yarn, that in turn is woven into a wide range of textiles. • ItNot necessarily is already producing indicative of final positioning woven and knitted PPE, within the publication. Your advertorial will be scrubs, gowns, masks, sports placed as per your booking. clothing, alongside other viable products including • bagsPlease return feedback or approval within for life from PET, your PP and 48 HTPE pellets. anything from new hours of receiving this proof, unless advised Their group uses all forms of used plastic again. otherwise by the production team. If we each do a little, plastic, upcycling them into a wide range of products. In this way, there is no need to then we all do a lot. create new plastics for many years to come, Kick carbon now! helping us all to tackle climate change. In addition to reusing waste plastics, the Find out more textile products are antimicrobial and will Visit make dramatic savings in both energy and call 020 3488 2132 or email water with very significant carbon savings. There is so much to be created from


• •

Shop sustainable fashion Get 20% off at using the code GOGREEN20 at the checkout until 18 April.



upcycled plastic. A Different Ball Game hope that no one will ever have to make



Flush out beauty’s hidden horrors Greenwashing is so prevalent in the beauty and cosmetics industry that it’s easy to be hoodwinked even whilst trying to do the right thing


or instance, ‘natural’ has become a synonym for everything benign and wholesome yet, as we know from history, this isn’t necessarily so. Unlike in the food industry, claims for all • For a lower file size, this is a low-resolution proof. A things natural – and those other ubiquitous buzzwords plant-based and organic – are • This advertorial has been designed according to largely unregulated in cosmetics. There are all manner of hidden foes theand house style pre-approved by the publisher woes for humans, animals and the planet (including typography, which can’t be changed). lurking in innocuous- and even saintly-seeming make-up and toiletries. Copy has been subedited by the editorial team as A long list of toxic chemicals• includes substances linked to all sorts of nasty per the publisher’s house style (including copy in conditions and consequences, such as those that on average each of us absorbs the weight third person). of a credit card in plastic every week, which that can cause allergies, hormone disruption, cancer, organ damage and fetal malformations accumulates in organs and blood vessels. to name a few. Synthetic fragrances used in Then there are ubiquitous liquid polymers, personal care and other products often contain which take years to biodegrade and are hidden some 200 ingredients with a number of health in everything from sun cream to thickeners and risks for humans and the planet. fillers in hair styling products. And that’s before we consider issues like The issue of animal testing is also far from plastic pollution, palm oil and animal testing, clear cut, despite EU-wide bans in 2004, 2009 where the goal posts often shift. and 2013. The first was on testing finished For instance, although the use of microbeads cosmetic products on animals; the second on in wash-away cosmetics was banned recently individual ingredients and the third banned because of their devastating impact on the importing and selling cosmetics tested on oceans, microplastics are still prevalent in animals abroad. leave-on ones like foundation and lipstick. However, conflicting legislation and These plastic particles are everywhere in the loopholes mean animal testing continues and, air, water and soil and recent research found in fact, 80 per cent of the world still allows


Beautiful inside and out Plastic Freedom

Plastic Freedom brings together a host of ethical, sustainable products under one roof. It stocks products for all areas of life, such as make-up, food and clothing, and supports a host of top ethical brands. One includes Zao, a range of bamboo and refillable make-up that’s certified organic, vegan and cruelty-free. Find everything from powders, bronzer, blush, primers, concealers, mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks and more. Visit Green People

The brand’s first ever face mask has become something of a hero product. Its high-quality version will be sent to press. coconut charcoal purifying face mask is a pore-purifying detox mask, designed • Not necessarily indicative of final positioning to mattify and balance all skin types; fix skin emergencies fast, clearing impurities within the publication. Your advertorial will be and calming break-outs. It is cruelty free, placed as per your booking. vegan, contains 87 per cent certified organic ingredients and is sustainably • Please return your feedback or approval within produced using coconut shells that are a by-product 48 hours of receiving this proof, unless advised of other coconut-based cosmetics to be tested on animals. China’s products. Visit otherwise by the production team. requirement that imported cosmetics be tested on animals meant many firms that were UpCircle hitherto cruelty free added the caveat that they Pioneers of by-product beauty, UpCircle don’t test on animals ‘except when required transforms food industry cast-offs into by law’, in order to sell their wares in China. gorgeous beauty and skincare products. Chinese law, though, is about to change. From chai to lemongrass, peppermint to There are several logos to watch for to apricot, and coconut to dates, they use make sure you’re getting the sustainable and every ingredient going for their multiethical product you’re paying for. Cruelty award-winning products. The range is Free International’s Leaping Bunny is the gold incredible, from cleansers to creams, masks standard on animal testing, which firms must to masks, and scrubs to serums. Products jump through extremely stringent hoops over are UK-made, with exemplary ethical and above legislation to gain and keep. For credentials – from the COSMOS-approved assured organic certification look for the Soil vegan, organic ingredients to recyclable Association logo in the UK and COSMOS in packaging. Visit 70 countries.


Eco-friendly home fragrances and haircare products Branche d’Olive offers elegant home fragrances, carefully curated lifestyle accessories and naturally derived bath and body products which have sustainability as a core influence Founder Jane Comyn relaunched Branche d’Olive in 2020 with a renewed focus on environmental consciousness and a determination to follow the simple ethos of sustainable quality without compromise, style without complication. Working with master perfumers from Grasse to create exquisite, complex home fragrances which pay tribute to mother nature, the deliciously evocative scents show that eco-conscious can also smell gorgeous. The newest addition to the collection is Bergamot, a blend of basil, lemon and bergamot softened by orange blossom, cedar, sandalwood and musk. The commitment to less waste is evident in every element of the brand: reducing over packaging, replacing ‘chrome’ wrapped non-recyclable bottle closures and working towards banishing all single use plastics by exploring diverse and innovative replacements. The majority of Branche d’Olive packaging is now glass, highly reusable and recyclable, and all the bath, body, and hair ranges are packaged in 100%,

UK manufactured PCR (post-consumer recycled), which can also be 100% recycled. These ranges, recently reformulated and averaging 96% naturally derived ingredients, are offered in Cloud, a combination of blackcurrant, fresh rose and violet enhanced with notes of soft vanilla and sandalwood and Olive - the brand’s signature fragrance. With its infusion of citrus top notes sitting on eucalyptus, olive, jasmine, rose and woody musk, the Olive range also includes haircare. Full of enriching olive, coconut and Inca Inchi oils which are designed to help revive, moisturise and strengthen hair, the formulations are also rich in antioxidants to combat damage caused by free radicals. The 97% naturally derived conditioner beautifully compliments the gentle shampoo to give deliciously fragranced, silky smooth hair. Dermatologically tested as suitable for sensitive skin, the products all exclude animal products, mineral oils, parabens, phthalates, silicones and synthetic colouring. Branche d’Olive feels that while they are by no means perfect, they hope you can join them on their journey to achieve lifestyle luxuries that are kind to you and the planet.

For conscientious shopping Enjoy a 15% discount on Branche d’Olive’s gorgeous haircare or across the entire range using the code GREEN at





Step into your very own par adise Our wood fired hot tubs are made for carefree relaxation and offer a break from the stresses and strains of everyday life. We pride ourselves on sourcing all of our wooden materials from sustainable sources. Add more luxury and enjoyment to your precious leisure time, and spoil your body with a healing and invigorating air massage. Atmospheric underwater LED lighting will also help you to unwind, turning your spa into an oasis of beautiful colours. When the experience of warmth, bubbles, light and colour are combined with the sweet aromas of wood fire fragrances, your Eco Tub will truly offer a sanctuary of relaxation for all the senses.



The healing power of green


One in five UK adults is now likely to be experiencing some form of depression, according to the Office of National Statistics. That’s double the number before the onset of Covid-19


tudies have shown that England’s natural environment in England, said of the green and pleasant land (and that project: “Natural England’s evidence has made of Scotland, Wales and Northern clear that nature is good for our health. For Ireland) has the power to heal. many years we’ve been working closely with Simply by getting into the great outdoors and our health professional colleagues to make enjoying nature where possible is included sure we can create a healthy society, which in the government’s advice for is even more important as part maintaining mental wellbeing of a green recovery to help during the pandemic. everybody cope with the longThere is really In addition, the government is term impacts of the restrictions something that can spending £5.77 million on seven on day-to-day life necessitated appeal to all interests sites across England that will test by the coronavirus.” and walks of life over two years the ways in which All of these fantastic and connecting people with nature worthwhile projects will can improve their mental wellbeing. The sites, be managed by NHS England and NHS on the Humber coast and in South Yorkshire, Improvement. This comes with additional Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Greater support from Defra, Department of Health and Manchester, Surrey and Bristol – will focus Social Care, Natural England, Public Health on the communities that have been hardest England, Ministry of Housing, Communities hit by coronavirus. This includes those living and Local Government, the National Academy in deprived areas, people with mental health for Social Prescribing and Sport England. conditions or BAME communities. They will explore and bring together In the spotlight: The Global opportunities for communities to get involved Collective You in their natural environment. There are a Get online access to quality yoga and number of ways for people to get involved, fitness classes, wellness sessions, which could include more active activities such workshops and training. The Global as walking or cycling in the area. Other ways to Collective You includes teachers and take part could be community gardening and coaches from all around the world food-growing projects. Plus there are other who care about creating unity and more practical conservation tasks such as treeequality within planting in the local area – so there is really the wellness something that can appeal to all interests and community, walks of life. and the world. Marian Spain, chief executive of Natural England, the government’s adviser for the



Something to think about


When nature called, smartass answered

A natural approach to looking after your hair Our hair is easily affected by the stresses of modern life and can benefit from the occasional boost. Hair Divine is a vegan food supplement exclusively made from natural sources and developed for women to help promote and improve the growth, quality and regeneration of their hair. It has been developed as a plant-based supplement designed to be additive and preservative free. A special formula of ingredients — including bamboo shoots, brewer’s yeast, amino acids and B vitamins — work together to deliver the right balance of

nutrients and vitamins, with the aim of helping with hair regeneration. Developed specifically for women at all stages in life, Hair Divine is also suitable during pregnancy, for breastfeeding women, and those with dietary restrictions. Formulated so just one tablet per day will suffice to help support the growth and health of your hair.

Get yours now Available at and, only £29.99 for a two-month supply.


The National Trust has a wealth of opportunities for volunteers to work out in the open at some of the country’s most beautiful locations. Garden volunteers get involved in planting, pruning, cataloguing seeds, establishing boundaries, or supporting community groups to grow With over 27,000 trees being flushed down their own produce on some of the the loo every single day, smartass wanted trust’s allotments. Coast and countryside to produce toilet paper from a material volunteers work conserving precious that would have as little impact on our natural environments and get involved in environment as possible and completely tasks like dry stone walling, woodland work remove the need for cutting down trees. and maintaining fencing and pathways. smartass is made from a combination of bamboo and bagasse, two of the world’s most sustainable resources. The benefits of bamboo are that it’s fast-growing, has a simple ‘diet’ of rainwater and sunshine, and it has little wear and tear on soil quality. Smartass then teamed this with bagasse, which is a waste product from the sugarcane harvesting process – name a better duo! As a Toitū Carbon Zero certified organisation, you can be sure all carbon from shipping is being tracked, managed and offset by investing in planting initiatives and installing solar energy stations around the world. This means your smartass is delivered with no carbon footprint. Whether it’s toilet paper, tissues or paper towels, smartass has more than your backside covered. With simple ordering and delivery, smartass aims to make sustainable household essentials accessible to everyone, removing any plastic, carbon and hassle involved.

Subscribe to a sustainable lifestyle Signup for a subscription to receive free shipping on every order and make your life hassle-free, tree-free and plastic-free. Shop at


World champions – and vegan too An increasing number of top athletes are vegans, proving that a meat-based diet is not essential to strength, stamina and fitness


mong them are UK Formula One World Champion Lewis Hamilton, Wimbledon tennis champion Venus Williams, England and Premier League footballer Jermain Defoe, ultra-marathon runner Scott Jurek, who covered 165.7 miles in 24 hours, and bodybuilder Ferdinand Beck. A vegan diet can reduce the chances of obesity and the risk of heart disease. It also lowers blood pressure, is richer in antioxidants and can help in reducing inflammation. Venus Williams went vegan when she was diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disease in 2011. The change of diet gave her relief from extreme fatigue and joint pain which, in turn, led an improvement training and performance. in her athletic ability. Lewis Hamilton reckons However, it is clear that elite athletes of all a vegan diet helps him control his weight, disciplines can meet their energy and nutrient allowing him to eat more needs on a vegetarian or vegan carbohydrates, while Scott Jurek diet that contains a variety of Athletes can meet adopted a vegan diet to avoid a foods, including grain products, their energy and family history of chronic disease. fruit, vegetables, protein-rich plant nutrient needs Research strongly suggests foods and, if desired, eggs and on a vegetarian that plant-based vegetarian and milk-based products. or vegan diet vegan diets may offer many Certain nutrients, including health benefits to athletes and non-athletes alike, though there is currently little evidence that meat-free diets are specifically better for improving athletic

protein, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, vitamin D, iron, zinc, iodine, vitamin B12 and riboflavin, can be less abundant in plant compared to animal foods or are less


Top vegan contenders Vegums Iron starter pack

Sweets that are good for you? Absolutely. Vegums are gummy bears on the outside and multi-vitamins through and through. Formulated by vegan pharmacists, Vegums are certified by The Vegan Society and contain no artificial colours or flavourings. The range includes FishFree Omega-3, multi-vitamins and the new Iron gummies. Packaging is 100 per cent plastic-free and recyclable. You can buy gummy refills and they’re suitable for the whole family. Weed & Wonderful seaweed capsules

well absorbed. However, including in the diet a selection of foods containing these nutrients, with occasional supplements, will achieve healthy nutrition. A number of studies have also found that athletes who get rid of dairy, often find that it has been the source of causing inflammation in their bodies. So when they make the move to ditch it, many have found that they are able to push their fitness levels to the next level. There’s a big emphasis on the best training techniques to increase performance. However, training smarter is only half the equation – diet makes a huge difference.

The NHS says adults need 140 micrograms of iodine per day as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Seaweed is the only significant vegan source of iodine, which plays a crucial role in the production of thyroid hormones, used to regulate the cell health and metabolic rate. Doctor Seaweed’s Weed & Wonderful seaweed capsules contain as much iodine as three mackerel and one a day is all you need. They’re organic, sustainably sourced and available as an awardwinning culinary oil. Green Beauty supplement

Nutrient-rich superfoods are the star of a signature supplement, Age Defy+ Green Beauty with Astaxanthin, from Green People. These vegan capsules contain six superfoods – Astaxanthin, Seagreens® Seaweed, Barley grass, Wheatgrass, Spirulina and Chlorella. Astaxanthin is 550 times stronger than vitamin E, 10 times stronger than beta-carotene and designed to help protect against the effects of pollution, UV light and immune stress.


Plastic-free alternatives to everyday life LivEcoFriendly is a family-run, UK-based business with a mission to show others that as individuals we are not powerless. Together, we can reduce the amount of plastic polluting our planet and help to protect the environment for future generations. Everything they stock has been carefully selected to ensure it is plastic free, ethical and sustainable. With packaging contributing to around 50% of global plastic pollution they ensure theirs is either recycled, recyclable or compostable.


wax wraps to cover leftovers and non-toxic cleaning sprays for your kitchen, to sensual soy wax candles and face creams for a relaxing evening, LivEcoFriendly have your next sustainable choice covered. Get started

LivEcoFriendly believe that everything adds up, and you can make a difference. All it takes is a small step forward. Start your journey online where you can read their blog for eco tips, environmental news, and browse their shop to find your next plastic free alternative.

Sustainable swaps

They know that breaking habits can be tough, but don’t worry, they have done all the heavy lifting for you. From reusable Find out more Until 30 April, they are offering a 10% discount on everything in their shop with the code LIVECO10 at


Looking to nourish your skin with natural ingredients? Get with the movement, make eco-friendly, luxury skincare a part of your life We all want a radiant complexion – but what if it could be achieved simply by using clean, green skincare that makes you feel as good on the inside as it does on the outside? Introducing Pureganics skincare, lovingly handmade in rural Lincolnshire. Pureganics have created a luxurious yet affordable skincare range that is planetfriendly and uses 100% organic, vegan, cruelty-free, palm oil free ingredients. All sourced from suppliers that share the same ethical priorities. Your skin deserves the very best, so after extensive research into selecting the finest, most effective plant-based ingredients, they formulated them into pure and undiluted skincare products. Produced in small batches, without the need for preservatives, thickeners or emulsifiers, each individual product is of the highest quality and rich

with concentrated goodness, so a little goes a long way. Sustainability goes hand in hand with being organic, and therefore, as a small family business, Pureganics strive to be as eco-friendly as possible by ensuring that everything is reusable, recyclable and with absolute minimal plastic usage. The Pureganics range includes moisturising face souffles, rich body butters, beauty balms, intensive foot treatments and more. Available for all skin types in a variety of fragrant essential oil combinations to rejuvenate, replenish and uplift your skin, body and mind.

Discover the range Head over to the website at and use code ECO10 to receive 10% off your first order.







Food piles a lot on the planet’s plate The impact of food on the planet is not only inglorious, it’s dangerous – the global food system now accounts for more than a quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions

being swathes of land cleared for animal food carbon footprint by a massive 60 per feed. Animal agriculture is responsible for cent, which is the equivalent of up to 1.5 91 per cent of Amazon rainforest destruction tonnes of CO 2 a year. and its emissions are According to The Food expected to increase to a Climate Research Network worrying 80 per cent by 2050. one kilo of UK-reared beef Animal agriculture Experts agree that produces around 16kg of is responsible for 91 the biggest reduction in CO 2 emissions. This is the per cent of Amazon environmental impact is equivalent to driving 100 miles rainforest destruction achieved through diet – in a car, in comparison with namely by cutting meat and 0.8kg per kg of wheat. One dairy consumption. The kilo of soya beans creates just UK annual CO 2 emissions by diet are: meat three car miles’ worth. Which means that if every UK family removed meat from one meal 2,055kg; vegetarian 1,391 and vegan 1,055. a week, this would be the equivalent to taking An Oxford University study found that by 16 million cars off the road. going vegan, this would cut just one person’s


Fight plastic pollution with just one change As the tables finally start to turn on Covid-19, it is time to once again focus on what impact we personally have when it comes to the issue of plastic pollution Even if you are yet to start on your journey to reduce your single use plastic waste, Onya encourage you to take a closer look at simple changes you can make that add up to a huge positive impact. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming when dealing with a global problem on a personal level, however if you start by focussing on just one change, your positive impact can start, and then grow. Since 2004, Onya have been helping individuals like you reduce single use plastic in their lives. In the past five years alone through the use of Onya products, they have diverted more than 165 tonnes of single use plastic from landfill. Making the switch to reusables over single use items is easy. Consider reusable produce bags instead of ripping off one of those plastic produce bags at the supermarket. Try reusable bread bags at an independent baker instead of pre-packaged bread or use a reusable lunch wrap instead of cling film. These are just a few ways you can change out just one thing and then once you have mastered that one thing, add to it.


Some things to think about Waste not want not

Around 14 per cent of food purchased in the UK is thrown away. That’s 10 million tonnes of wasted food and 60 per cent of it avoidable. The average UK household throws away £730 worth every year, a waste mountain that creates over 20 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention methane, which is 25 times more potent than CO 2 . Ethical dairy


t is now well understood that carbon-heavy agriculture, particularly intensive factory farming, is a prime cause of every environmental ill, including greenhouse gases, deforestation, species extinction, soil degradation and ocean depletion, as well as posing threats to human health from antibiotic resistance and zoonotic diseases that are the cause of pandemics. But why exactly are agricultural emissions getting so much attention, and why is it important to manage them? Based on the most recent research and data, here are some of the top things you need to consider about agriculture’s climate footprint. To contain global warming to +1.5°C and avoid a complete climate catastrophe, the food system needs radical change – and urgently. Scientists have found that at the current rate greenhouse gas emissions from food production alone would hit 1.5°C by 2050. From 2010 to 2017 the food system accounted for some 16 billion tonnes of carbon emissions annually, which, without a dramatic overhaul, could eventually hit 1,365 billion tonnes. Food is also responsible for 60 per cent of global biodiversity loss, one of the chief culprits


Want to know more? Use the code CHECKLIST20 to get 20% off your next purchase at until 15 April.

There are some pioneers of more ethical dairy, in terms of welfare and fairness for animals, farmers and the planet – including The Ahimsa Dairy Foundation and The Calf at Foot Dairy. Ahimsa means non-violence and the ADF farm is slaughter-free. Cows are hand-milked, pregnant only two-yearly at most and never separated from calves. CAFD calves stay with their mothers until natural weaning at about nine months. Cows graze on pasture and are milked once daily. Visit and Bird-friendly brew

There are greener ways of sustaining our caffeine habits so the planet and wildlife take less of a hit. Bird & Wild produces multi-award-winning coffee that does that – and more. Its coffee is shade grown – a traditional, seasonal, sustainable method – and certified bird-friendly, Fairtrade and organic. It donates six per cent of sales to the RSPB, £16,000 since 2017, and supports the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Centre’s research and conservation. Fill your cup with a truly ethical and ecofriendly brew. Visit


There’s nothing common about this coffee Common Coffee is roasted in Scotland for the common good. For their team, good coffee starts with a responsible supply chain and a commitment to innovative sustainable practices. They recently launched their revamped packaging and subscription service, aiming to reduce waste, lower carbon emissions and encourage reusing packaging over recycling or disposal. Now when you sign up for the subscription service, your first batch of coffee will be shipped in a recyclable and compostable cardboard tube with fully biodegradable inner sleeves. Subsequent coffee orders will arrive in minimal biodegradable packaging that fits through your letterbox. Convenient, check! Low-waste, check! What’s more, there are no strings attached – you can cancel your subscription at any time. The most exciting thing about this project is that the tubes will eventually be refillable at seven locations (and growing) across London and Edinburgh, giving you a zero-waste refill option. To celebrate their new packaging launch, Common is sponsoring a grove of native Scots Pine with Trees for Life, Scotland’s Highland rewilding project. The company

pledges to plant a tree for every coffee subscription lasting three months or more.

Interested in damn good coffee with a conscience? Head to the online store at and use code CHECK&CHECK for 40% off your first subscription payment. You can also follow Common’s Instagram page @iicommon to learn more about their coffee and team or check out the Common blog for a closer look at their packaging and rewilding projects.



Get the green light! Increased demand for more ethical options has opened up a whole new world of delicious animal and planet-friendly alternatives

Refill it

A growing crop of zero-waste or refill shops has emerged to help revolutionise the way we shop and cut down on plastic and food waste. If there isn’t one near you never fear – there’s Good Club. You can save money and lower your impact, with Good Club’s 3,000-plus eco-friendly products delivered to your door in zero-waste pots that are collected the next day, free. Visit

Go vegan

Ditch the dairy

If you take your cuppa with milk make it plant-based – a glass of cow’s milk produces nearly three times more emissions and consumes nine times more land. Dairy is the second biggest GHG emitter in the food production industry. There are numerous animal welfare issues associated with intensive dairy production, including the separation of mothers and calves after birth. Intensively farmed cows live around six years, a fraction of their 20-plus year natural life expectancy. UK dairy consumption has halved since 1974.

Vegan and plant-based lifestyles are a gamechanger for animal, human and planetary health, saving energy, resources, emissions and lives. One in three Brits has stopped or reduced their meat consumption; the number of vegans in the UK shot up by 62 per cent in the last 12 months. Vegan and plant-based products and menus are now abundant and resources for help and advice are plentiful – Viva! and The Vegan Society are just two. In the spotlight: AEG

For over 130 years, AEG have been at the forefront of innovation in home appliances, creating remarkable products that help you make great tasting food, but doing so in the most sustainable ways possible. For more information on how they Challenge The Expected, visit

Toast to change

You can help save the world one beer at a time, thanks to Toast Ale’s mission to bring positive change to the planet. It brews with surplus bread instead of virgin barley, reducing emissions, land, water and energy, as well as the food waste mountain – some 44 per cent of UK bread is never eaten. It also donates 100 per cent of its profits to charities that fix the food system. Its extensive range of planet-saving beers includes everything from crumpet beer to chocolate stout, craft lager to pale ale – even a beer bread-making kit. Find out more at

Go organic

Research shows clear nutritional advantages of organic milk and meat, both of which contain, among other health benefits, around 50 per cent more omega-3 fatty acids than non-organic. Organic fruit and veg also have numerous benefits, including fewer pesticides, other chemicals and antibiotics and organic farms have better ecosystems, biodiversity and animal welfare. Look for the Soil Association symbol, which certifies that every step in the supply chain has met and proved strict organic standards.


Vegan Caribbean food that will have you running back for seconds!


Are you looking for something delicious, hearty, and healthy? Perhaps you’re craving some homecooking but are too tired to make it yourself. Or maybe, you just want to support small businesses? Now more than ever, it’s super important to make sure we eat healthy foods, while also fulfilling our desire to try new foods. All Nations is a familyowned Caribbean spot in Dalston, London that pays homage to their Rastafari

background for all to enjoy. They serve a fully plant-based menu also known as Ital food, developed and spearheaded by the Rastafari community in the 60s and 70s. Small, family-run businesses have been hit especially hard during lockdown, so if we can support them, let’s do it! The next time you’re on your lunch break, or you haven’t got dinner ready, try All Nations! Made with real ingredients, and more importantly, real love, All Nations is for...well, all nations! Totally inclusive, wholesome good food. And the folks over at All Nations know that people want options, which is why they offer a wide selection of vegan food for eat-in, collection and takeaway. You can order from their wide menu via Deliveroo, Uber Eats, Just Eat or simply over the phone. Go on down and pay them in person at 8 Sandringham Road, Dalston, London, E8 2LP. They’ll be happy to see you! Find out more Check out to take a look at their extensive menu. For more information, call 07508 237717 or 020 7254 0023. Follow them on Instagram at @allnationsveganhouse




Inspiring travellers to change the world Travel and tourism can generate a hefty carbon footprint. Here’s how you can make an effort to lighten the load on the planet and transform tourism’s impact on nature



re-Covid, aviation•emissions For awere lower file size, this is a low-resolution proof. climbing – by 32 per cent between 2013 and 2018. Lower air fare • This advertorial has been designed according to prices are seeing more people the house style pre-approved by the publisher flying, more frequently. Trains and coaches, though often more expensive, have(including far less Travel less typography, which can’t be changed). impact. While the most spartan eco-warriors may call for us to ground ourselves entirely, the number of flights you take and the • Copy has beenReduce subedited by the editorial team as there are some things all environment-minded distance travelled. The flights with the highest per the publisher’s house style (including copy in travellers can do lighten their impact. emissions are long-haul – one return ticket

third person).

from London to New York is the emissions equivalent to heating an average home for a whole year.

A high-quality version will be sent to press. offsetting •Support Notcarbon necessarily indicative of final positioning within the publication. Your advertorial will be You can often make the relevant donation at placed asbuy peryour your booking. the same time you ticket, or your

ticket may already include an appropriate contribution in the price. your Checkfeedback that your • Please return or approval within offset contribution really does cover all your 48 hours of receiving this proof, unless advised trip emissions. Many schemes involve planting trees that will in timeby absorb dioxide team. otherwise thecarbon production from the atmosphere. Others involve supplying energy-efficient light bulbs to developing Try eco-tourism countries to lower their demand for electricity.

Avoid unsustainable tourism

Be aware of the damage over-tourism can cause fragile environments. For instance, some 20 million people visit Venice each year, crowding out and making the city largely unaffordable for locals. As many as 44,000 visitors a day arrive on cruise ships that dwarf the Grand Canal and the historic palazzos that line it. Use an environmentally aware travel agent such as Responsible Travel to plan your trips.

Travel better

Choose airlines that fly newer, more fuelefficient planes. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is estimated to use 20 per cent less fuel than a comparable sized aircraft. Or better still, avoid air travel completely and take a train or a coach. They have far less environmental impact though they do cost more per passenger mile.

Calculate your carbon emissions

You can use a carbon calculator to add up your carbon emissions for flights and car travel – such as annual usage as well as the cost for individual trips. You can also work out the equivalent of compensating these emissions. Visit

In recent years firms have emerged that provide for eco-tourism catering for those who wish to explore the world without damaging or disturbing it too much. Typically, they arrange small-scale, responsible travel, instead of mass tourism, and ensure that visitors’ money goes towards protecting what they have come to see by way of supporting local ecological conservation projects and ventures that directly benefit the communities involved through economic development and political empowerment. However, it should be remembered that even small-scale tourism still involves carbon emissions generated through travel and the destruction of some of the destination environment in order to provide visitor accommodation.


Campsites that are gentle on the environment The Greener Camping Club gives you access to beautiful campsites in the heart of nature, allowing you to enjoy holidays that don’t cost the Earth A more sustainable approach

The Greener Camping Club’s campsites include facilities powered by renewable energy with recycling schemes and zero waste initiatives to ensure low environmental impact. Over 10% of membership fees are

used for environmental projects including the ‘Trees for Life’ scheme: one tree planted for every membership, every year. With almost 100 campsites throughout Wales and England, you can be part of a movement that puts something back into the environment. Escape the crowds

All campsites are carefully assessed for their location, sustainability, impact on the environment and opportunities for wildlife. Careful consideration is given to the quality of facilities and spacing of pitches to give members, and nature, the best possible experience.

Interested in glamping? They have that covered too

Many campsites have glamping structures; from yurts to domes or ‘tiny homes’. So if you prefer a bit more comfort, don’t own all the gear, or want to arrive on public transport, Greener Camping campsites can still accommodate you for a sustainable, away-from-it-all experience.

Find out more Membership is just £10 a calendar year. Find out more at





Johnson’s ban electrifies interest in green motoring The government’s announcement that the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans will be banned from 2030 is proving a huge driver of interest in electric vehicles (EVs)


he ban is part of what Prime Minister Boris Johnson has described as a “green industrial revolution” to tackle climate change and create jobs in industries such as nuclear energy. The aim is to•achieve zero Fornet a lower file size, this is a low-resolution proof. A carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions in the UK by 2050. Transport is the largest source of such • This advertorial has been designed according to emissions, accounting for 34 per cent in 2019. thetax, house style pre-approved by the publisher Changes over recent years to road as Vehicle Excise Duty is commonly called, have (including typography, which can’t be changed). encouraged the use of less polluting cars and now, according to the latest analysis from the • Copy has been subedited by the editorial team as leading online vehicle marketplace Auto Trader, the sale of new EVs could overtakeper petrol theand publisher’s house copyanin 63 per cent ofstyle drivers(including were considering diesel sales by as early as 2025. And a recent third person). EV for their next car. Out of this percentage, survey of nearly 2,000 drivers, commissioned drivers cited environmental benefits, being by car benefits provider Tusker, revealed that able to charge at home and being taxed less on


In the spotlight: Econic One

The SUV of smart e-bikes that gives you the freedom to explore with peace of mind. The Econic One empowers sustainable travel, smart routines and moves in the cities of tomorrow. Be Econic and follow |

their salary as the top three main reasons. Although all new conventional petrol and diesel cars and vans are to be banned from sale in 2030, hybrids, that is those that run on a combination and electric and petrol/ diesel power, will be given a stay of execution until 2035, on the condition they are capable of covering a “significant distance” in zeroemission mode. To help facilitate the transition to EVs cars, £1.3 billion is being invested in charging points across England. Government grants are available through the Office for Low Emission

high-quality version will be sent to press. •

Not necessarily indicative of final positioning within the publication. Your advertorial will be placed as per your booking.

Please return your feedback or approval within 48towards hours the of cost receiving thisnew proof, unlessBut advised Vehicles of selected as we inch closer to the ban, it will electric vehicles. For models, the team. become more common for drivers to see otherwise byqualifying the production grant is for 35 per cent of the retail price, up to a maximum of £3,000. A similar grant scheme also operates for low-emission vans and motorcycles. Also, electric cars are exempt from car tax, in both the first and subsequent years, as they emit zero CO 2 . Those cars costing more than £40,000 are also exempt from the ‘expensive car supplement’ until 31 March 2025. This means that the clock is very much ticking for petrol and diesel cars, with only 10 years left for buyers to purchase these vehicles new. However the short term, you still shouldn’t expect too much to change, because most of us will change cars at least once more in that time.


A box is just a box, isn’t it? Maybe it is, when carrying fish. But not as the most compact, discreet, featurespacked, SMART-tech fed and the easiest installation (under two hours) in the fastgrowing electrified vehicle (EV) domestic charger scene. HRH Prince Charles used to talk of architectural blights, a factor that led installers Paul Delahay and Ben Coombes to design, develop and manufacture their own ultra-compact (little larger than a 35mm camera) and discreetly installed EV chargers. Judging by innumerable electrical contractors’ social media comments, the SYNC EV charger is an efficiency booster and money saver combined. In many ways, the SYNC EV charger could be described as an equivalent to the iPhone in the communications industry. It looks great. It feels good. It installs easily, without a need for time-wasting groundworks. It is intelligent enough to use SMART technology (with an inbuilt SIM) to ensure a blend of updates and lower electricity tariff s that save cash and highlight its overall effi ciency.


increasing discounts on any remaining new petrol and diesel cars and vans. Meanwhile, there will be more incentives created to get you driving around in an electric model instead. Similar to what is already happening today, consumers will see more fully electric models go on sale. This way, buyers have as much choice as possible and are able to get used to the idea of going electric. The UK’s decision to bring forward the ban will put us ahead of France, which intends to ban non-electric cars from 2040. It also puts us on a par with Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands, all of which have already confirmed a 2030 ban.

Even in this formative period, the SYNC EV charger is regarded as unproblematic and reliable; qualities that make it ‘the installer’s favourite’. For the end-user it means all the benefits of a 7kW fast-charger on the doorstep, or placed discreetly around the corner at least. Thanks to ingenious electronic management, which includes flexible pulse technology, unlike some devices that will allow your EV to go to sleep and stop recharging its battery pack, the SYNC EV sends a tiny pulse to keep it awake, only allowing it to sleep once fully charged. The SYNC EV is accessible using a dedicated and secure app on the user’s smartphone. Monitoring energy consumption and even

the rates payable is as simple as a finger-flick. Yet, more importantly, thanks to its intelligent design, a SYNC EV charger can be front-end replaced within minutes, without dismantling. When relocating, this is a boon. Yet, its greatest benefit is that ALL EVs and plug-in hybrids can be fast-charged from a single box immediately. So, hopefully this has convinced you that the SYNC EV box is not just any box!

Find out more For more information, please visit


Aiming for ‘carbon zero’ new homes Under building regulations, new homes must now meet certain criteria. But building a zerocarbon home is more•feasible For a lower than you might think


PROOF INFORMATION file size, this is a low-resolution proof. A high-quality version will be sent to press.

This advertorial has been designed according to

Not necessarily indicative of final positioning

uilding the average house results in the house within the publication. Your advertorial will be 50 tonnes of CO 2 emissions so, as style pre-approved by the publisher the UK strives to become carbon (including typography, which can’t be changed). placed as per your booking. neutral by 2050, developers of new homes are increasing looking to eco• Copy has been subedited by the editorial team as • Please return your feedback or approval within technologies to help adapt to a low carbon per the 48 hours of receiving this proof, unless advised future. Achieving ‘carbon zero’ is possible by publisher’s house style (including copy in a blend of old and new technologies, fromperson). third otherwise by the production team. reconditioning old timber to incorporating new eco-materials such as Hempcrete, a mixture of hemp and lime. With building regulations in place, new homes must now meet certain criteria. This can include the likes of boiler performance, There is a lot to consider for this, from the currently under development. One of the first insulation and water storage, as well as modern creation of the materials it is built from, the in the UK was in Denby Dale, in West Yorkshire, lighting. However, the ultimate challenge is to Something to think about building process itself and the way heat and which was completed in 2010. create an eco-home that emits zero carbon electricity are generated and conserved. Although eco-homes are harder and more Choose a truly green energy supplier into the atmosphere. Among the leaders in this expensive to build than traditional According to the Committee on Climate field are Passivhaus, a German ones, buyers should not be Change, consumers urgently need a Achieving ‘carbon concept, brought to this country undeterred by the resulting In the spotlight: Miele lower-carbon energy switch for the UK to 11 years ago. Passivhaus buildings higher cost because of the longzero’ is possible by Miele are obsessed with quality that lasts. meet its decarbonising targets. But home are so highly insulated that they term savings on utility bills. a blend of old and For a better tomorrow, all Miele appliances front consumers can still play a huge role have almost zero heat loss and can At the Denby Dale Passivhaus new technologies are designed to conserve energy and by cutting energy use and supporting be kept warm by the heat of the tenth anniversary celebrations natural resources every step of the way. green energy companies. Ethical sun, domestic appliances and the last year, owner Kate Tunstall From when they are built, to when you Consumer investigates, scores and ranks occupants alone. Over 65,000 buildings said: “It still works! It feels comfortable and use them, day after the environmental and ethical credentials have been designed, built and tested to this serene. The average annual gas usage (heating, day, year after year. of companies, products and services. standard worldwide, more than 1,375 of them hot water and cooking) is 3,300kWh, with an Find out more at in Britain, with a further 5,000-plus units annual gas bill of £200 last year.”


Providing sustainable housing for decades Our focus on the environment has never been more prevalent than it is now, and for good reason. The way we live our lives contributes to the world around us, so doesn’t it make sense that we should try and live sustainably? Baufritz have been researching and building sustainable houses since the 1970s. All their houses are sourced from natural materials, primarily local wood from certified sustainably managed forests. As a house manufacturer, they operate a closed loop manufacturing process where their waste is reused. The team at Baufritz believe that this is how a company should behave, so that their clients and the environment are not exposed to potential hazardous chemicals, and when it comes to recycling houses, future generations will not have disposal issues. Economical and healthy living

Every Baufritz house overachieves against UK energy efficiency building regulations and they are also able to deliver against Passive house standard*. Baufritz building scientists are continuously developing their elements. They use triple glazing, and their natural insulation is Cradle to Cradle Certified™. By including heat pumps, PV and heat recovery technology, the internal ambience and building carbon footprint is further improved. As a manufacturer, Baufritz believe in being honest and open with their clients. Creating houses to match their requirements is ethically correct. Insulation credentials of their products should align to the local climate rather than being the

best possible. They sign a fixed price contract at the very start of the process, so costs are fully understood. Processes and materials are externally certified to ensure the quality of their final product. Baufritz housing works with the environment, not against it. Every Baufritz house has its own unique story

The best part of creating a Baufritz green house is that you are not limited by design choices. No two Baufritz houses are the same and they are able to build a wide range

of building styles and finishes. People come to them with their treasured dreams, ambitious visions and inspirations. But no matter how different those are, they all have one thing in common: a wish to build a healthy Baufritz eco home for a better, happier future! If you’re interested in sustainable housing Visit the website at, email or call the office on 01223 235632 for more information. *Source:





Image credit: George Sharman Photography

Handcrafting captivating spaces with bespoke design, build and renovation Work, rest and play; our homes are fulfilling every aspect of life. Are you craving more space? Visualise a unique garden building that serves as a home office, gym or workshop. Your place of solace; an escape from the confines of the same four walls. Maybe you imagine a treehouse to keep the children happy. Far from a pipedream, this could be your reality. Master craftsman, Evan Hamilton-Pike, creates unique Handmade Hideaways. These garden sanctuaries optimise space, natural light and vistas. With a focus on eco pods, he champions reclaimed materials to add character and reduce environmental impact. Green credentials are further enhanced with off-grid solutions for power and water supplies, including solar and rain harvesting. Would you be tempted by a green roof or vertical planting to increase biodiversity? Quality craftsmanship and proficient project management produce unique spaces with structural integrity and aesthetic appeal. Separate from the house, the interiors do not need to blend into the existing design, so imaginations can run wild!

Painting a better future It’s a shocking fact that every single plastic paint tray ever made is still in existence today. Whether languishing in landfill or floating with the flotsam in the ocean, not one would have yet begun the degradation process, with millions of these cheap innocuous receptacles consigned to ‘the dump’ without a second thought. And there are no alternatives as you walk through the decorating aisles with rows of plastic…until now. Ecotray is made from waste pulp that is biodegradable and compostable, and can be used once, or forever, depending on your needs. At the end of a days’ work, the paint dries in the tray and creates a permanent layer. This means no paint goes down the

Tailored design and build services are just an email away Are you yearning for a private retreat or a home office away from the kitchen table? Contact to arrange a site visit. Learn more at

sink, and no-one gets the job of washing out the paint tray. And when a new project starts, the new colour goes on top with no risk of the old colour flaking or peeling, this continues on and on. To prove the strength of the tray, the company behind Ecotray, Eco-Union have released a series of videos showing the tray carrying such things as a round of eight beers without any problem. Handy after a day’s painting! The Ecotray, from Eco-Union, is available in nine, seven and four inches, both in liners and packs. Eco Union have a full range of eco decorating tools, including Made in Britain handmade brushes, which are used in the Royal Household.

Find out more For more information, and a list of stockists visit or find them on all the usual social channels under @ecodecoratingtools


Be part of the UK’s bee boom!


Beebombs are native wildflower seedballs, with the goal of bringing the bees back. They create beautiful wildflower blooms, ideal for gardens, plant pots and have been confirmed as ‘perfect for pollinators’ by the Royal Horticultural Society. The team handmake them in Dorset with each pack of Beebombs containing hundreds of seeds and 18 species of wildflowers. The seeds are mixed with clay powder and locally •• For For aa lower lower fifile le size, size, this this is is aa low-resolution low-resolution proof. proof. AA high-quality high-quality version version willThe be be sent sent to to press. press. sourced, unfortifi ed will soil. clay supports and protects the whilst they germinate • This This advertorial advertorial has been beenthat designed designed according to •• seeds Not Not necessarily necessarily indicative indicative of of fifinal nal positioning positioning Recycling where we can is •emphasised thehas hundreds they stockaccording from trusted to and spreads them as it breaks to be a personal responsibility now brands. What’s more,by youthe can publisher take advantage the themore house house style style pre-approved pre-approved by the publisher within within the publication. publication. Your Your advertorial advertorial will will be be down under the watering. Zero than ever. Whilst we may think that the of a free next working day delivery service, gardening skill required, asbooking. (including (including typography, typography, which which can’t can’t be be changed). changed). placed placed as asis per per your your booking. materials that comprise our mattresses meaning you will be on your way to better they just need to be scattered aren’t exactly harmful, it can take decades sleep not only because you’ll have a new onto clearedreturn ground to create a wildflower • • Copy Copy has has been been subedited subedited by by the the editorial editorial team team as as • • Please Please return your your feedback feedback or or approval approval within within to deteriorate if disposed of at your local tip. bed, but also because you’re recycling your meadow that will bring the bees back. So, if you’re due a mattress upgrade, old one and doing right by our planet. per per think the the publisher’s publisher’s house house style style (including (including copy copy in in 48 48 hours hours of of receiving receiving this this proof, proof, unless unless advised advised Beebombs make the perfect gift for of Mattressman’s recycling service, where yourself, a loved one, friend or family third third person). person). otherwise otherwise by by the the production production team. team. they’ve been operating under a zero-landfill member. Your help can start to restore policy for almost six years. the lost wildflower habitat and make an With their service, they will collect, important contribution to the biodiversity transport and recycle your old mattress. of Great Britain. Springs are recycled in steel mills, foams are sanitized and repurposed for padding, and anything that is unusable or contaminated is Find out more Find a sleeping solution for you used for energy production. You can buy them in a one pack, five pack or 10 pack. Or as a box of 20 as ‘favours’ with a Visit the website at When you’re looking to purchase a personalised tag on every bag – with every order receiving free next day shipping. and get 15% off any mattress with the new sleeping solution, you can find the To order phone on 01202 985213 or visit code APRIL15. perfect one for the way you sleep with


Mattressman is here to rescue your sleep – and the planet



The good off-grid life Discover a range of domestic renewable energy technologies that are available to non-isolated households looking to utilise the natural environment


or many people, the idea of living off the grid, completely independent of energy and water supplied by utility companies, seems an idyllic way of life. But in really, for most householders living in isolated parts of the country, this has actually been a reality for generations. Isolated homes with no mains electricity either have to make do without or generate their own. Usually, this took the form of an expensive, noisy and polluting diesel generator. But now, new technologies have made it possible for them to harness solar, wind and water to generate power. Those domestic renewable energy technologies are also available to non-isolated households who want to live the green life and make green improvements. The vital first step in this process is to focus on minimising your electricity use. This then enables you to reduce the size and capital cost of an off-grid system using a range of renewable energy sources such as ground- and air-source heat pumps, biomass burners, solar and wind power.

hot water system of the house. Those who use heat pumps, usually expect to pay between £9-11,000 for a typical system. Ground-source heat pumps

These are more expensive to install than air source heat pumps but more efficient. The pump circulates a mixture of water and antifreeze around a loop of pipe buried in your garden. Heat from the ground is absorbed into the fluid, which is then compressed, raising its temperature, so it can heat water in your home. The longer the loop the more heat can be drawn from the ground, but the more space in your garden will be needed. Expect to pay £14-19,000 for a typical system. Solar power

You can harness the power of the sun by using photovoltaic (PV) panels to convert the energy of sunlight into electricity to run appliances or by using solar collectors to heat your domestic water. Most PV panel systems are designed to be installed on your your roof and generate a DC current so you will need an inverter to convert the power to AC. Solar collectors are also fitted to your roof.

They absorb the sun’s heat which is then used to heat water stored in a hot water cylinder. A boiler or immersion heater can also be used as a back-up to heat the water further to reach the temperature you want.

Wind turbines

These come in two forms, the more expensive, free-standing, pole-mounted turbines and the smaller, building mounted ones. In a suitable position, the former can generate about 5-6kW; those mounted on buildings around 1-2kW. According to the Energy Saving Trust, a 6kW pole-mounted turbine system will set you back £23-34,000 and could save you around £250 a year on your electricity bills and around 2.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year. Water turbines

If you are lucky enough to have a suitable water source on your property a microhydroelectric generating system may be the solution for your energy needs. It will cost rather more than a PV system generating

Air source heat pumps

FEATURE XX an equivalent amount of power, however, providing the rate of water flow is steady and doesn’t dry up in times of drought, a domestic turbine will provide electricity 24/7 with relatively little maintenance. Energy storage

If you want power 24 hours a day then you will need a way to store energy for when it’s night, if you have solar panels, or when the wind isn’t blowing. There are thermal stores, highly insulated tanks that can store heat as hot water for many hours; heat batteries which work on the principle that heat is stored when a material changes phase from a liquid to a solid and released when the process is reversed, and electricity batteries which can typically store 4kWh of power. At the centre of most off-grid systems is a bank of batteries that will store surplus electricity when it is generated and release it when there’s no wind to drive your wind turbine or too little sun for your solar panels to be effective. Of course, you may not want to isolate your home entirely from the National Grid. Smart storage systems can keep track of your energy use online and so that you draw electricity from the batteries when the price per unit is high and recharge the batteries when it is cheap, as you do with tariffs like Economy 7. In addition, you can sell any surplus electricity you generate back to the National Grid. For comprehensive advice on what’s available, check out the Energy Saving Trust’s website.

These absorb heat from the outdoor air, even when it is a low as minus 15°C. They need electricity to operate but, because they extract renewable heat from the environment, their output in heat energy is greater than the electricity energy input. They work by absorbing heat from the air in a fluid. The fluid flows through a compressor, which raises its temperature and transfers it to the heating and


The green self-build home This year could be the year we start to rebuild a greener future After a year of living on hold, we’re all looking forward to the world opening up again. Everywhere, the green shoots of spring promise a brighter future. At the same time, it is becoming ever clearer that we face critical challenges – the world is waking up to the effects of climate change. So, when people ‘build back’, how does Caber House make sure they do it in a way that has positive effects on our lifestyle and the global environment? Their ‘home’ starts with the walls surrounding us, but it also includes the local environment, and beyond that the wider world. Caber House believe it’s possible to make a green and sustainable home for everyone.

Their super high-efficiency self-build homes are designed to have a positive impact on the environment. For anyone considering a move forward, it’s worth making sure your new home will be as protective of the future as it is nurturing of your day-to-day lifestyle. Caber House are founded on the twin principles of sustainability and service, offering a stress-free build with a positive effect on the environment. With a choice of flexible living accommodation tailored to each individual site and your requirements, a Caber House offers a simple way to a greener lifestyle. Low-energy details reduce the need for heating, providing a warm, cosy home that doesn’t overheat in summer. Using

natural materials and a breathing building construction, building a Caber House sequesters more carbon than it releases in construction (meaning it locks in more carbon than it releases). The house designs have been developed by highly qualified architects, using cutting edge technology and Passivhaus principles, to ensure a healthy, low-energy build. Combined with renewable energy systems, the houses can achieve zero carbon running throughout their lifespan. Completed houses, from the Western

Isles of Scotland to the south of England, have proven the year-round comfort and efficiency of these homes, demonstrating the versatility and resilience of the designs. Priding themselves on exemplary service, professionalism, and attention to detail, excellence comes as standard.

Caber House is pioneering the way forward in sustainable home-building Visit to find out more about zero carbon self-build homes. You can also contact Caber House on or 01369 701988.





Every company on the planet is talking about sustainability, but how will they achieve it? Steering your company toward a sustainable future doesn’t need to be an uphill battle Imagine that you are on the sustainability team and have been chasing your facility managers for last month’s waste output numbers for weeks now. They just do not seem to prioritise it, perhaps because they never found out what happens to the numbers that they already gave you? Hint: it’s on page 69 of the 178-page sustainability report that you pulled two all-nighters to write. After another follow-up email, you flip through the news and see that one of your competitors just entangled into a messy lawsuit over inaccurate key disclosures around their raw material sourcing practice. Now your mind is racing: “Are our practices similar to theirs? Did the new supplier we signed last year provide their certifications already?” You wish you can just see these things with a few clicks on the screen instead of digging through the filing cabinet. Ring! The human resource director is calling to tell you about an employee group complaint that the company is not being transparent enough around its supply chain labour practice. How are you supposed to know if your tier-three supplier in Bangladesh is protecting its labour force from exposure to harmful chemicals?

Last year, management announced an aggressive commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Now they are depending on you to come up with what you are going to accomplish in the next five years? The next six months? How can you mobilise all the diverse stakeholders to focus on sustainability while keeping track of a dozen initiatives and issues?

Despite the challenges to implement a robust sustainability strategy, compelling business cases exist to justify pushing ahead: 66% of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable goods, according to the latest Nielsen Global Corporate Sustainability Report. The pandemic has exposed the fragility of our current fragmented and optimised-forcost-efficiency global supply chain. Businesses are demanding more connected, transparent and ethical practices from their up and downstream supply chain partners in order to build resilience. The weakest link on the chain will simply be replaced in this age of rapid technological innovation. The UK is a leading center for sustainability finance: in 2015, the London Stock Exchange was one of the first exchanges globally to launch dedicated segments for green bond issuers. Sustainable bond issuance totaled around $360 billion in the first nine months

of 2020, up 96% from the same period in 2019. ESG funds delivered a return of 22.3% in 2020 as opposed to the global fund average of 13.2%. Investors are increasingly balancing their portfolio toward sustainability-linked investments. The companies with a robust sustainability program and data system enjoy superior access to financing as compared to their peers who merely settle for regulatory compliance. How can you take advantage of these growing benefits offered to a sustainable business while meeting your requirements?

Carbonbase offers technology solutions to help your company track your carbon footprint, streamline reporting for regulatory and financing needs according to international standards, and customise a portfolio of decarbonisation solutions to achieve your carbon-neutral goals, all the while contributing positive co-benefits aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The team behind Carbonbase combines experiences in data science, financial services, carbon accounting, software development and public policy to help companies meet the sustainable transition challenges. They develop user-friendly software tools to make sustainable calculations a breeze with automatic data parsing, carbon and

environmental metrics calculation, and carbon credit marketplace, all secured by a blockchain backend. Microsoft awarded them first place at their annual AI for Good Challenge for their solution empowering individuals and organisations to identify pollution sources and protect our biodiversity. Carbonbase are also working with leading nature conservation groups to use digital assets to finance environmental conservation. They are already working with some of the largest companies in the world in shipping and transportation, consumer goods, supply chain management, real estate and financial services. Let’s see what they can do for you.

Set up a free consultation Email to discover how Carbonbase can help you and your stakeholders to align value and work together. Sources:;;;




Household carbon emissions must be cut by 95 per cent The UK faces a huge challenge in the area of home energy if the country is to meet the Government’s target of being carbon neutral by 2050


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Know what it costs n most households, around half Those appliances that generate heat – tumble the money spent on fuel bills goes on heating andwill supplying hot to press. driers, cookers, kettles and toasters – are the high-quality version be sent most expensive. This is why you should fill the water. But to meet that 2050 net kettle only with the amount of water you need. zero target, household carbon emissions will • Not necessarily indicative of final Ifpositioning you have a cup of tea each day filling the have to be cut by a whopping 95 per cent. This thechanges publication. be when you only need one kettle forwill five people will requirewithin significant in way weYour heat advertorial will cost around £20 a year more. On average, our homesplaced but, in the meantime, you can make as per your booking. tumble driers use 2.5kWh of energy per cycle. a start by making your home more energy If your electricity costs 14p per efficient immediately. • Please return your feedback or approval within kWh that totals 35p Home heating systems, a cycle. Using your 48 hours oforreceiving this proof, unless advised whether boiler-powered drier three times electric, have a set of controls otherwise by the production team. a week will cost you can use to control when you £54 a year. your heating comes on, Dry your clothes which rooms it comes outside in warmer on in, as well as the months and use the temperature in those drier only in the winter rooms. Thoughtful and you could save adjustments to timings £41 a year. and temperatures will not only reduce the Insulate amount of carbon About a third of all the dioxide your home heat lost in an uninsulated generates but home escapes through the also save walls. Consider insulating cavity money on walls if you have them or installing heating internal or external insulation to solid walls. bills. Make sure your loft insulation is up to scratch. An uninsulated home loses a quarter of heat through the roof. Lag hot water tanks and pipes and fit insulation behind radiators to reduce the amount of heat loss.

Stop those draughts

Fit draught excluders to all external doors, seal any holes in the fabric of your home, including the chimney if you don’t have open fires, but remember to allow some fresh air circulation to prevent damp and condensation. Investigate further

ENERGY SAVING 37 Worth thinking about... Turn them off

Switch off electrical devices completely instead of leaving them in stand-by mode. Turning home appliances off at the plug could save you anything from £40-£80 a year, depending on how old they are. Turn them down

Turning down your home heating by just 1°C could save you up to £75 a year. Also, you should set the temperature of hot water generated for washing and showering at an ‘eco’ level. There’s no point in having it so hot that you have to add cold to make it useable. Around 40°C size,should this is low-resolution proof. A be aabout right.


Check out the independent Energy Saving Trust website for advice on•howFor to save a lower file energy and reduce your carbon emissions. The trust is an independent organisation effidesigned cient • This advertorial hasBuy been according to working to address the climate emergency. When you replace an appliance go for one the house style pre-approved by the publisher A respected and trusted voice on energy with a high energy efficiency rating. You can efficiency and decentralised energy systems, typography, (including which can’t changed). find out how effi cient be an appliance is from it empowers millions of householders every the energy label displayed on it. The most year to make better energy choices, delivers efficient products those rated as “A”as and • Copy has been subedited by the are editorial team transformative energy programmes working the least efficient are those rated “D”. the publisher’s house style (including copy in with governments and supportsper businesses with energy efficiency strategies, research, third person). Install energy efficient light bulbs assurance and communications. These typically use 25-80 per cent less In the spotlight: Ecotricity

Ecotricity are Britain’s greenest energy company, they supply 100% renewable electricity and carbon-neutralised gas, and they’re not for dividend so you’re getting a truly green outcome for your energy bill. Plus when you switch you get £50* credit. 0808 123 0123 |

*£25 per fuel and incompatible with pay as you go meters.

electricity and can last three to 25 times longer. Replacing a single standard incandescent light bulb (60 watt) with an energy saving one (14 watt) will save you £18 a year per light. Cooler laundry

Washing clothes at 30°C instead of 40°C can be a third cheaper, which could mean a saving of up to £52 a year for an average family. 30°C is kinder to clothes as it reduces colour loss and fabric damage. However, run the odd hot load to keep the machine clean and bacteria free.



What is voltage optimisation? Homes in the UK receive electricity at an average of 242v but can be as high as 253v! Whereas most of our electrical devices are designed for the European market at 220230v, so this leads to: � Oversupply of electricity � Paying for energy you don’t use � Shortened life of electrical appliances � Greater impact on the environment. By matching your voltage supply to your electrical appliances and equipment it is possible to make a substantial energy saving and prolong their life expectancy. You will get instant savings by having any qualified electrician install a maintenancefree Eco-Max Home Voltage Optimiser and you could start saving £100’s per year! So, a voltage optimiser would not only: � � �

Reduce the carbon footprint of your home But it will reduce your annual electricity costs by up to 15% and, Extend the life of any item plugged in!

Find out more Email or call 01732 865435. Email in with code DELTAOPT2901 along with your name, contact email and phone number to get 10% off *. *Discount applies to the first 10 customers only.



Your home’s future is bright with solar power With electricity rates rising annually, and the devastating effect burning fossils fuels has on global warming and climate change, solar energy is becoming a more and more popular choice for consumers. Solar energy systems use the sun’s rays to generate unlimited clean and free energy, not just for a year or two, but for decades. Solar panels are designed to operate for 20 years plus and the cost of these systems has dramatically fallen in recent years as more products have become available, making them more affordable for those who are interested in being a little greener.

Advantages of installing solar energy in you home include dramatic reduction in monthly electricity bills and greener credentials, an important factor in selling your property and also in reducing your carbon footprint.

Find out more For more information on the many benefits of solar visit GEI at or call GEI today on 02476 590210 for a free no obligation quote.


Growing your investments the green way


Looking to turn a profit and do some good? Here’s how you can invest your cash, while making the world a better place


he fast-growing awareness of international ‘green’ issues has been matched by an equally fast-growing awareness of the contributions – good and bad – made by industry, business and commerce to the environment. This has spurred the growth of ethical investing, in which investors take account of companies’ ethical stance on a range of issues such as the nature of their products, the impact their operations have on the environment, their commitment to green and ethical policies and their consideration of consumer and worker rights. Essentially, it is an approach to investing that considers values as well as returns. It considers such issues including, but not exclusively, arms sales and manufacture, climate change, sale of harmful products such as tobacco and alcohol, gambling and gender equality. In the spotlight: Shared Interest

Shared Interest is an ethical investment organisation which aims to alleviate poverty by helping people in remote and disadvantaged communities, to trade and earn a living. Your money will help support fair trade farmers and handcraft producers across the globe.

There are a number approaches: Ethical investing

In its broad sense involves ‘negative screening’ by avoiding investments in “sin stocks” – companies that profit from sales of products considered harmful, such as tobacco, gambling and weapons. Other activities that might be considered a bar to investment could be deforestation, intensive farming or genetic engineering. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Focuses on companies that show excellence in their environmental impact, social responsibility and internal governance practices. Environment-minded investors might consider how much energy a company wastes and how its activities affect the wider world. Those with social concerns might check on whether a company donates to charities, supports gender and race equality, gives something back to its communities and insists suppliers adopt values. Light Green or Dark Green Investing

Dark Green Investing can apply to a strict screening process which is put in place in order to eliminate any company or industry that does not meet its criteria. Meanwhile Light Green Investing identifies companies that are doing good as opposed to excluding the companies that are considered to cause harm.

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

Sustainable Investing

Is a blend of Ethical and ESG investing that aims to generate positive social outcomes through investment. Fund managers first screen out ‘sin stocks’, before applying an ESG scoring system to identify companies that demonstrate good environmental, social, and governance policies. This blend of positive and negative screening aims to capture the best of both worlds.

With the likes of plastic pollution at large in news headlines, sustainable investing has now gone mainstream. Investors are now more more aware of how their money is being put to use and want to match this with their values. Focuses on environmental and social sustainability issues help deliver strong investment returns and address issues such as climate change.



Rebuilding shattered lives


How does someone become homeless and what’s the best way to help them?

A better way

The solution is a simple idea: give someone their own place – their own tenancy – and work with them to build the bespoke package of support, care and treatment that they need to keep it. Framework has a proven model for this transformative approach: Opportunity Nottingham is a Big Lottery-funded service managed by Framework for people with multiple and complex needs which has been piloting the principles of Housing First. With Housing First there are no conditions around ‘housing readiness’ before giving a rough sleeper a tenancy. Instead, by putting housing first rather than last, it provides a

Self-contained flats at Michael Varnam House, Nottingham – the model for Housing First accommodation provided by Framework’s Building Better Futures appeal.

secure and stable platform from which other issues can be addressed. According to Opportunity Nottingham’s research, at least 66% of rough sleepers in the city present with two or more health conditions related to substance misuse, alcohol, and mental health. More than 80% of its Housing First tenants remained in their homes after 12 months. Life-changing impact

“Having a place to call home makes me feel that other things could be possible. I’ve been helped to get my life back on track in all sorts of ways”

Sarah (name changed to preserve anonymity) was leading a normal life when her home was invaded at gunpoint while her daughter slept upstairs. This terrifying experience initiated a spiral of events which led to Sarah spending 14 years between prison, homeless hostel accommodation and rough sleeping. Things changed in 2019 when Sarah settled in a ‘Housing First’ property provided through Opportunity Nottingham. Housed in her ‘nest’, and with Housing First’s intensive support, Sarah began to rebuild positive connections with her daughter and family and developed skills to reduce her drug use and become almost completely clean. She returned to activities she once loved, such as swimming and listening to music, all of which supported the improvement of her mental health, and in May 2020 she was signed off from the probation service.

Your life-changing help

Based on the success of the Opportunity Nottingham pilot, Framework plans 200 units of accommodation with intensive support in the next five years across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and Sheffield. Framework is launching its Building Better Futures appeal this month to raise the £3 million needed to make this plan a reality and transform the lives of hundreds of people like Sarah. The charity invites you to join in helping to build better futures for homeless people in need of specialist housing and support.

Find out more Please call 0115 970 9558 or email to find out more about Framework’s Housing First project and the Building Better Futures appeal.


Registered charity number: 1060941

There are as many reasons for homelessness as there are homeless people – everyone’s story is different. In many cases the reasons are not straightforward, often resulting from a trauma beyond the individual’s control. What is clear is that someone who is homeless, and particularly someone who has been sleeping rough, has to address a range of challenging issues which are often interrelated in their causes and consequences. The multiple and complex health and social care needs arising from extensive periods of homelessness and entrenched rough sleeping may include mental and physical health issues, drug or alcohol dependency, involvement with the criminal justice system, including time in prison, and experience of domestic violence and abuse. It is evident that failing to tackle homelessness effectively has dire consequences for individuals and their families, and carries very significant social and financial costs for communities and society. Unfortunately, in many cases, we are failing to help people effectively as they are not receiving the housing and support they need. Framework is a registered charity and housing association whose mission is to end homelessness and tackle disadvantage. It supports around 18,000 homeless and vulnerable people each year across Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and Sheffield and at any one time can house around 1,200 homeless people. For many years Framework has been funded to deliver a pathway of housing and support for homeless people which begins in a hostel and ends with an independent tenancy. This works for some but not all: it is hard to break unhealthy habits while living alongside people who are also challenged by drug and alcohol misuse. In addition, time-limited, one-size-fits-all support does not meet everyone’s needs.



Charity begins at home – the Earth Charity, it is said, begins at home. Today, with the planet that is home to us all hugely under threat from human activities, charity now encompasses the Earth itself

Friends of the Earth

This grassroots environmental campaigning community pushes for change on issues that matter to members of its 130 or so groups in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The charity has recently helped to set up more than 200 Climate Action groups to help fight against climate-wrecking projects. Green Alliance

Since 1979 this independent think tank and charity has been working with influential leaders in business, NGOs and politics to accelerate political action for a green and prosperous UK. Its projects involve research and advocacy by experts, often in partnership with other organisations and interests. High-profile events also provide opportunities for dialogue with key decision-makers.


or over 90 years the Charities Aid Foundation has been helping donors, companies and charities make a bigger impact. A search of its database reveals 19,037 UK charities involved with the environment, heritage and conservation. These range from modest local concerns, such as the Nailsea Environment Wildlife Trust (annual income range £1,000£9,999) to the mighty National Trust (annual income £10+ million).

Vegan Society

But having chosen your environmental charity, can you be sure it is using your money ethically?

Charities exist to make the world a better place and their trustees have a duty to maximise the financial return on the assets they control. Historically, some have focused on the maximisation obligation alone without considering the wider ethical consequences of their investment policies. That is now changing with UK charity regulator, the Charity Commission, urging charities to consider whether their investments are consistent with their charitable aims. There are two reasons for this, according to the commission’s strategic policy adviser Sian Hawkrigg. Firstly, the public is placing an increasing value on transparency, which

Some charities to think about

research shows is a key driver of public trust in charities; secondly, it is increasingly prudent for trustees to consider the factors affecting the longer-term financial sustainability of their investments. The law allows charities to take ethical and other non-financial considerations into account when deciding how to invest their assets and there is evidence that removing certain industries or companies from a charity’s investment portfolio doesn’t necessarily impact financial, says Hawkrigg. The Charities Aid Foundation advises

charity trustees that in order to safeguard their reputation they should weigh up whether their investment policy matches their mission and whether an ethical fund could match their donors’ expectations. The Ethical Consumer, the independent, not-for-profit co-operative that provides the public with information to make ethical choices, offers members guidance on selecting appropriate investment funds. Join thousands of others and become an ethical consumer by learning how to use your spending power to help change the world for the better.

Established in 1944, the Vegan Society works towards a world in which humans do not exploit other animals. It remains determined to promote vegan lifestyles, not just to the benefit of animals, but for people and the environment too. The Vegan trademark shows that over 47,000 products worldwide have been free from animal ingredients since 1990. WRAP

The Waste and Resources Acton Programme works with governments, businesses and citizens around the globe to create a world in which resources are used sustainably. It looks at the entire lifecycle of the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the products we buy, from production to consumption and beyond.



An adoption can change lives On New Year’s Day 2020, no one could have envisaged how challenging the coming year was to be. By March, the whole of the UK was in lockdown because of the spread of the Covid virus and for the Owl Trust, the future looked very bleak. Fortunately for them, they have their amazing supporters to thank for ensuring that they are still here today and able to carry on their work caring for their fabulous collection of owls, and also caring for all the injured wild owls and birds of prey brought to them. The Owl Trust holds one of the most comprehensive collections of owls on display to the public. This includes Orion, their young African Pel’s Fishing Owl and Monticello, their Forest Eagle Owl who comes from South East Asia.

Educating young people about our environment

Registered charity number: 1085403

You can help, perhaps by making a simple donation or adopting one of their owls for someone special. Or even just treat yourself.

The National Association for Environmental Education (NAEE) is a UK charity that has supported the work of schools and teachers since the 1960s. This is when the world first started to become aware of the environmental issues being caused by how we were living on the planet.

This work was important before climate change became problematic, but is even more so now.

Educational responses were clearly needed and NAEE began to support young people’s learning. It still does this in a number of ways: � Producing a termly journal for teachers � Providing bursaries to help young

Why not adopt an owl? The Owl Adoption Pack can be posted to you or directly to your very special person. Just go to the adopt section at for information. Alternatively you can call 01492 870719 or 07776 416922, or email to find out more.

� �


people experience the natural world Writing curriculum reports and guidance Working with others to support learning about climate and the environment Supporting a lively website.

NAEE is a long-standing and trusted voice

If you would like to support this work by becoming a member or by donating, please go to or contact


Green innovation ‘critical’ to zero carbon future The time for change is now – which is why green innovation is crucial to future-proof the economic recovery and meet the country’s net zero and environmental goals


But government action is essential to address the barriers and policy gaps that are holding up progress. In particular, the commission observes that green innovation policy requires a stronger emphasis on the deployment and diffusion of existing and close-to-market green innovations. The commission calls for a crossgovernment approach to green innovation and urges action across six policy areas: to create demand for green innovation, to boost green innovation investments, change regulatory frameworks, nurture innovation eco-system and make infrastructure work for a greener economy.

Breathing buildings

EcoLogic Studio has invented an algae-based cladding system called PhotoSynthetica comprising panels that ‘suck in’ unfiltered and polluted air from the street. The algae capture the CO 2 and other pollutants and release photosynthesized oxygen back into the street or the building’s interior. As the algae grow, they are harvested to produce fertilisers, bio-plastics, cosmetics and more. The company claims that two square metres of PhotoSynthetica panels can absorb as much CO 2 as a mature tree.


Image courtesy of PhotoSynthetica

he Covid pandemic is showing what the world can achieve when faced with a potentially existential threat and brings into sharp focus what might be achieved if similar energy and inspiration were invested in green science and technology. Thus, it was timely in January this year that, just as we all began to breathe a little easier thanks to the Covid vaccines, the Green Innovation Policy Commission published its report on how policy can best support green innovation across the UK economy and identify and reward the innovators, entrepreneurs and investors who create solutions to the global environmental challenge. To accelerate the transition to a net zero, The commission, comprising leading nature rich economy and ensure that UK academics and progressive business people, businesses are best placed to compete was set up in 2019. Its report, ‘Innovation for internationally, the commission a Green Recovery: Business and calls for a new settlement between Government in Partnership’, While the UK is a business and government. highlights that green innovation strong innovator, it Businesses have a vital role to is critical to future-proof the is not yet realising play in facilitating green innovation, economic recovery and meet the full potential of says the commission, and it calls the country’s net zero and for more ambitious action by green innovation environmental goals. However, companies, including embedding while the UK is a strong sustainability into their corporate innovator, it is not yet realising culture and adopting net zero commitments the full potential of green innovation and the and delivery plans, with sector associations commission found that a number of barriers taking a leadership and coordination role. and policy gaps are holding up progress.


The ultimate sustainable garden plant The award-winning Willow Wand is a living stem of stunningly elegant design, which magically sprouts an easy-care topiary crown in as little as six weeks. Coming in a range of stem heights to suit all garden spaces and budgets, simply push the Wand into the ground or pot, water the bottom and trim the top. Reviving rural industries, protecting precious English wetland habitats and handcrafted in the UK, the wildlife-friendly Wand has grow-your-own appeal and brings sensational results within easy reach of even novice gardeners.

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Join the fight for a world without electronic waste Recycling is now non-negotiable for many of us at home but can be more challenging for businesses, especially IT asset disposal. It’s often placed firmly in the ‘too difficult box’ to revisit another day. That day rarely arrives. The Reconome team understands this dilemma. They witnessed it daily in their previous roles working within large corporations, so they joined forces to take action. Now, they make it easier for businesses to reach their sustainability and corporate social responsibility goals. Building a circular economy

Special offer Buy two Small Wands and get one free (RRP £10 each). Get three Wands delivered directly to your door for just £24.99 including P&P. Simply enter the discount code SPRING21 at checkout. Go to to buy online.

They’ve been called the Robin Hoods of IT, although rest assured, they don’t steal from the rich or wear green tights! Instead, they help you see that moving closer to a world without electronic waste is simpler than you think. When you dispose of (or donate) your end-of-life IT assets, they data-wipe, refurbish, then remarket them at incredibly affordable prices to high impact sectors like schools and charities, creating a circular economy where nothing is wasted.

They also share the environmental impact you will make, such as the number of carbon emissions per kilogram avoided by recycling your IT. And the social impact – you’ll know which school or charity has benefitted from your devices. Their mission is ever-evolving and always inclusive

They have partnered with O2 and Hubbub on the Community Calling Campaign, with a target to connect 10,000 digitally excluded individuals during the current global pandemic. Ready to join their cause by donating or recycling your smartphones and other IT?

Find out more Email or visit to find out more.



Offsetting your carbon footprint, together Whether it’s by opting for a plant-based diet, choosing a staycation or reusing our shopping bags, we make decisions every day to help reduce our carbon footprints. But on their own they are not enough to stop the climate high-quality version will be sent to press. crisis. For any of us it is extremely hard to realistically • andNot necessarily reliably reach carbonindicative of final positioning neutrality. carbon withinThat’s the why publication. Your advertorial will be offsetting is so important. placed asEuropean per your booking. The average citizen generates 8.6 tonnes • of CO2 Please return emissions per your year feedback or approval within - but do you know how to 48 hours of receiving this proof, unless advised compare your own impact otherwise by the production team. developing countries. and see how you can reduce your footprint? With membership myFootprint can help! In less than five starting from £5 a minutes, their calculator estimates your month you can offset carbon footprint, offers advice on how to your carbon emissions reduce them and recommends an offsetting and make your entire plan for the rest tailored to your needs. lifestyle carbon neutral. By joining their community, you can contribute to projects such as reforestry in Guatemala, building a wind farm in India or providing access to clean water in Uganda, which not only offsets your carbon footprint, but also supports communities in

Cleaning up the world PROOF INFORMATION with an ambitious new • For a lower file size, this is a low-resolution proof. A environmental campaign •

This advertorial has been designed according to

Ontex, a leading global provider of become a carbon neutral operation, the house styleTopre-approved by the publisher continence care products, has launched an the company has committed to: typography, which can’tWorking be changed). environmental policy to become(including a carbon 1. Reducing emissions: to neutral operation by 2030 with zero waste reduce direct and indirect emissions using to landfill in the samewill science-based aligned with the as high-quality version to press. • sent Copy has been subedited bytargets the editorial team With a company ethos to make a reductions called for by climate scientists. per the publisher’s house style (including copy in by building a world where of final positioning 2. 100% renewable electricity: Aiming to • difference Not necessarily indicative third person). everyone has access to affordable, source 100% renewable electricity in their within the products, publication. Your advertorialown will be personal hygiene sustainability operations by 2030. is a placed fundamental part of theirbooking. strategy 3. Climate resilience: This can be as per your moving forwards. supported by methods such as carbon To achieve this ambitious goal Ontex has sinks, which are natural or artificial • Please return your feedback or approval within set out an upscaled sustainability strategy deposits that absorb and store carbon 48 hours of receiving this proof, unless advised with three clear goals: from the atmosphere and reduce greenhouse effects. 1. Recycling and recycled packaging: team. otherwise by the production 100% of all packaging will be recyclable by 2030 and they will increase renewable and recycled plastic in their plastic packaging. 2. Zero production to waste: By 2030 For further information all Ontex production sites will have zero Visit or search waste to landfill and they will be in a ‘Ontex Sustainability Strategy’ on YouTube. position to turn waste into resources. To find out more about the iD range of 3. Circular solutions: Circularity will incontinence solutions, visit be a prime design consideration for or call 0800 3896 185. absorbent hygiene products.


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Join the myFootprint community today Become part of this global movement for change! Use code GREEN21 and they’ll top up your impact by planting 10 trees on your behalf. Visit or email



Helping us live sustainably

Image credits: ZLC Energy and University of Exeter

Through its education, research and operations, the University of Exeter is leading the way on local, national and global efforts to respond to the environment and climate emergency The University has one of the highest concentrations of researchers tackling climate change and sustainability. With more than 350 researchers studying every aspect of climate change – from human behaviour and environmental intelligence to marine science, energy and ecosystem regeneration – Exeter has led the identification of the risks posed by climate change, and is now leading the search for solutions. The Joint Centre for Excellence in Environmental Intelligence in partnership with the UK Met Office positions the city of Exeter as a global hub for climate research. The University is also in the UK’s top ten for Geography and Environmental Science in The Complete University Guide 2021, and is 15th worldwide for Geography in the QS World University Subject Rankings 2021. University researchers advise policymakers and regularly contribute to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports. Working with collaborators worldwide, Exeter is driving improvements in renewable energy technology, and experts from multiple disciplines are seeking ‘positive tipping points’ where small changes can trigger transformative change. Exeter is also training the next generation to join the fight. Students are empowered to take a leading role in transforming societies, with flagship programmes such as the Exeter MBA and Masters courses in Global


Solar panels on the roof of the Sir Christopher Ondaatje Devon Cricket Centre in Exeter

Tree planting at the Penryn Campus

Sustainability Solutions and Sustainable Development. The University helps others transition to ‘net zero’. Researchers are already supporting this drive in Exeter, Devon, Cornwall and the wider south west, working with partners such as NHS trusts and councils, including in the Devon Climate Emergency Response Group. Researchers advise local and regional businesses on decarbonisation and developing a ‘circular economy’ to reduce waste. Businesses are urged to get in touch to learn more about how the University can help. Exeter is putting its research leadership in climate change at the heart of its own strategy. The University has created an innovative plan to cut emissions and improve the environment

on its campuses and beyond; reducing emissions by 30% by 2025 (relative to 2018/19) – then 100% of scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2050 at the latest. The plan – which earned Exeter the sustainability prize in the 2020 Guardian University Awards – relies on evidence, transparency and partnerships. Professor Lisa Roberts, vice chancellor of the University of Exeter, said: “As a university, and as a community, we are working together to tip the scales towards positive change. We will continue to pioneer new ways of thinking and acting across societies to ensure a safe and stable climate for future generations. And we stand ready to help others to do the same.”

Join the University of Exeter in fighting for transformative change Businesses wanting to work with the University on their net-zero plans can email To find out more about Exeter’s education and research, visit the website at


Join the conscientious film-making movement Got Soul Films understands that there is much work to be done if we’re going to protect the environment and the planet. That’s why, as an altruistic film production company, they create authentic, thoughtful and conscious films that instigate social, cultural and environmental change. Their aim is to remind people that they are part of the natural world, and not separate from it. What better way to communicate this than through film? As

an experienced collective of visual artists, cinematographers, directors, colourists, and producers, they feel it is their duty to use this powerful media for the greater good – and tell stories that help create a more sustainable and ethical future. Working alongside businesses, brands, events and other organisations that share their ethos, they raise them up and increase engagement with the beautiful solutions and cultural revolutions this planet and its inhabitants so dearly need.

The way they produce, develop and create their films is also game-changing too. All their projects are zero waste and the carbon emissions, offset. Their creative process changes the standard cutthroat production paradigm often associated with their industry. In fact, everyone at Got Soul feels like extended family. Being much more inclusive and fluid, they merge roles and welcome all new ideas in both workflow and stylistic innovation – creating a more dynamic and social way of working. As a progressive and bold outfit, Got Soul Films walks the walk, doing everything in their power to contribute. That’s why they’re proud members of 1% For The Planet, 8 Billion Trees and Carbon Footprint. At their core, they’re artists with a hunger high-quality version willfilms be–sent to press. to create stunning, unique that also yield results. Combining the creative with the means they understand the of final positioning • strategic Not necessarily indicative importance of conveying the brand values within the publication. Your advertorial will be of businesses. Similarly, they are always on the placed as per your booking. look-out for organisations, big or small, whose ethics align with their own – prioritising alignment over profi t. By your findingfeedback ways to • Please return or approval within maximise their output and impact, they hope 48 hours of receiving this proof, unless advised that they, along with their supporters, can otherwise team. help make this worldby andthe this production life a better one for everyone.


For a lower file size, this is a low-resolution proof. A

This advertorial has been designed according to the house style pre-approved by the publisher (including typography, which can’t be changed).

Copy has been subedited by the editorial team as per the publisher’s house style (including copy in third person).

Find out more If you’re looking for a film and digital media production company whose morals match your own, consisting of forward thinking and committed people to conceptualise and shoot your next film campaign then drop them at email at Their founders, Sean, Nic or Barney, would love to chat through your creative concept. Visit for more information.




Innovations to watch There are countless ways to help deliver a green recovery and transform sustainability. Despite a turbulent year, innovators continue to create solutions to some of the biggest sustainable development challenges in the world

Airlines across the world are working on plans to cut carbon emissions by going electric. Among them is Easyjet which is collaborating with an American firm, Wright Electric, on developing an engine for a 186-seater plane which could be flying in 2030. The aircraft will be able to fly for around an hour, meaning it could be used on short-haul flights such as between London and Paris or Amsterdam.

Smog vacuum cleaners

Dutch artist and innovator Daan Roosegaarde is the mastermind behind the world’s first smog vacuum cleaner. The Smog Free Tower measures almost 23 feet high and sucks in polluted air, cleaning it through a process of ionization before releasing it again. At its peak performance, the tower cleans 30,000 cubic metres of air per hour. You can even wear rings made from the compressed smog particles collected from the tower. By buying and wearing a Smog Free Ring, you’re contributing to over 10,700 square feet (1,000 square metres) of clean air. Mushroom leather

In 2017, an increased demand from brands seeking sustainable alternatives to leather and a rise in consumer interest for animalfree options led to the company Bolt Threads to focus on Mylo – an animal-free material that looks and feels like leather. Made from infinitely renewable mycelium – the branching underground structure of mushrooms – Mylo is intentionally designed to be low-impact on the environment. Mylo products will come to market through partners adidas, Stella McCartney, lululemon and Kering.

In the spotlight: Tungsram

Whether your goals are business-related or personal, you need to disinfect more regularly than ever. The easy-to-use and highly efficient UV-C Sanitizer by Tungsram eliminates harmful viruses (including Covid) and bacteria from your products and business tools in just 5 minutes.

Greener phones

To combat the growing waste caused by discarded electronic goods, Fairphone has designed modular smartphone with fair work practices and recycling in mind. Rather than replacing the entire phone if a component fails, Fairphone allows you to simply replace the broken module. Everything from the battery to the audio jack can be replaced, meaning fewer phones should end up in landfills. The company has adopted responsible material sourcing and workers’ welfare policies and reckons to have set new standards for the industry.

Greening the desert

The Groasis Waterboxx was created by Dutch flower exporter, Pieter Hoff. The Groasis is a planting device made from recycled egg cartons that makes growing crops in the desert possible and resource-efficient. It consists of an ‘intelligent bucket’ made from recycled paper, which can germinate seeds, incubate saplings, and water plants. It requires 90 per cent less water than traditional growing methods and can be used in some of the most extreme climates on Earth. Pictured above are lemon trees growing in Groasis Waterboxxes in the Agua Vida y Naturaleza Project, Ecuador.





Sustainable creations from Revive Innovations

Living cleaner with metalorganic frameworks Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a new class of materials that are improving many areas of our lives. MOFs are spongelike materials that can capture, store, and deliver gases in large quantities, such as, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. At MOF Technologies, a high-tech start-up based in Belfast, they believe that every person, everywhere, will experience an improved quality of life thanks to their MOF-enabled products. MOFs are being applied to our world in ways once thought unimaginable, providing many tangible societal and environmental benefits, such as capturing clean drinking water from air, reducing the amount of food wasted globally through freshness

management technologies, enabling the microchips of the future, and fighting climate change to improve the quality of the air we breathe, to name but a few. Whilst the destructive impact of our high energy-driven lifestyles is accelerating glacial retreat and global warming, MOFs are enabling the more efficient use of our planet’s natural resources. They are being used to actively combat many of the key issues responsible for harming the world we live in.

Find out more You can find out more about how their magical MOF materials are transforming a variety of industries and the quality of our lives by visiting

Revive Innovations transforms CDs into a colourful, sparkling, reusable ‘RE-CD’ material. The material contains no epoxies or other additives, it is manufactured from 100% recycled CDs and can be formed into anything from bar stools to earrings. The Bristol based company is on a mission to prove that recycled products can deliver added character without compromising on aesthetics or functionality. By facilitating the entire process from waste collection to product sale, Revive can guarantee that sustainability is considered at every level. Their products are crafted to last from locally sourced materials by their in-house design team, alongside local independent fabricators. Revive was founded by 23-year-old product designer Kieran Devlin who has recently won a Young Innovators Award from Innovate UK and the Princes Trust. The company’s first circular economy waste system has already recycled around 50,000 discs, collected via public and small business donations. Revive envisions a more effective localised recycling infrastructure, establishing interactive collection stations

that educate consumers and save discs from languishing for over a million years in landfill. Each RE-CD product has its own unique colour palette determined by each disc’s individual artwork, alongside iridescent holographic highlights that glisten to create visually exciting, smooth surfaces.

Find out more Visit to shop bespoke products or design your own. Use code REVIVE5 for 5% off purchases.


Images courtesy of Mylo, Daan Roosegaarde,, Fairphone, Groasis Waterboxx

Electric aircraft

GREEN I S NOT A SIDE DISH For over 130 years, AEG have stayed at the forefront of innovation in home appliances. Our focus is on manufacturing remarkable products that help you create great tasting food, but doing so in the most sustainable ways possible. We believe the right technology in your home can help you make healthier choices and eat more sustainably without ever sacrificing on taste. Don’t settle for more of the same. Set a new standard.


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11/03/2021 13:56

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