Green and Ethical Checklist distributed with The Guardian

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An independent publication distributed with The Guardian on behalf of Hurst Media Company Ltd which takes sole responsibility for the content

Our fight to save the planet Singular actions can help fight global threats

Win one of two bundles of eco-friendly Ecozone products! Worth £300!

A race to net-zero emissions Moving towards a stable future

Plant-based for the planet

Supercharge the Earth

The most eco-friendly diet

Make the switch to green energy

The dos and don’ts of recycling!

Palm oil: a catalyst for destruction

What’s in your chocolate?

Stamping out wildlife crime

What can go in your recycling bin and what can’t. See page 4

It’s a controversial ingredient in countless products. See page 18

Help farmers with the chocolate you choose. See page 28

There’s no place for culling in the 21st century. See page 45

Read more online at

Editor’s letter 3

Editor’s letter

Published by

Hurst Media Company, United House, North Road, Islington, London, N7 9DP

We can’t ignore the planet’s stark warnings

This is our planet, alive with flora and fauna, with each one of us driven by our own purpose and aspirations. But our hopes all depend on the survival of this fragile world. So now, all of us hold such an enormous, shared responsibility to shield ourselves from a crisis of our own doing. More than ever, we must unite. Human activity is destroying our brilliant Earth. Since the eighteenth century, when the Industrial Revolution went into full speed, we have been pumping pollution into the atmosphere, upsetting nature’s well-tuned and complex system. Turning the climate’s balance upside down, eradicating species and polluting our lungs. Now, the harsh consequences are beginning to close in around us. Temperatures across the globe have hit an all-time high, with this decade being the warmest ever recorded. Wildfi res are burning down homes and livelihoods. Last month, Death Valley National Park’s Furnace Creek Visitor Center in California, USA hit an astounding 54.4°C. Over the last 30 years, our coral reefs have been halved. Chemicals are tainting the air and the life that depends on it. Deforestation is accelerating fast. Half of the planet’s original forest cover has already been wiped out and with every passing year, an additional 32 million acres are eradicated. Agriculture, which is one of the major drivers of forest degradation, is responsible for over 80% of tropical deforestation alone. This is sparking a chain reaction of increased greenhouse

gas emissions across the world. Saying that, so many Brits are unsure of why it is so important to be eco-friendly. But if we put off acting on these stark warnings, these disastrous effects will only spiral further, becoming more frequent and perilous. Plummeting the world into a disaster that we have never witnessed before, that future generations will hold us accountable for.

020 3478 6017 Managing Director James Hurst Finance Director Wes Stanton Head of Marketing Miguel Chalabardo Editor Laura Forsyth Editorial Team Shannon Maher, Marie Ellis, Barnaby Dracup, Kate Stanton Design Manager Stefanie Ward Designer and Content Marketing Coordinator Sarah Somerton-Jones

Ecozone specialise in powerful and effective eco-friendly cleaning products. They are giving away two lucky winners a bundle of their cleaning and home essentials to last you a whole year, worth £150 each, including a selection from their plastic-free range. Visit to view their full product range.

fight global threats, no matter how small they may seem – there is huge power in the collective. We can all make an impact in the fight to save the planet, simply by making informed daily choices – by putting our efforts together it is possible to make a difference. Turning up the volume on each other’s voices, making small changes in our everyday lives, or by making it clear to political leaders that sustainability is important to us. There’s no need to simply accept a fate of gloom and doom for the Earth. Our planet’s response is a hopeful wake-up call however, the damage can only be reversed if we act now, and with great urgency. We can work towards new beginnings with clear air and a flourishing ecosystem, protecting the planet from the terrible effects of climate change. It can be a place to create jobs and prosperity, without hurting the Earth. It isn’t a matter of choosing between cleaning the planet and letting our economies flourish. We are very capable of both. If we join forces together now, the UK could be on its way to becoming a beacon of green growth.

Enter online for free at:

by Laura Forsyth

It is easy to accept that our singular actions don’t matter, but it doesn’t have to be this way This is why now we must put the same urgency into fighting climate change, as we have in any other worldwide catastrophe, to lead us to a more stable future. With the

population returning to their busy schedules following the worst of the pandemic, it’s easy to neglect the simple, sustainable swaps we can be making day-to-day to protect the planet. It can be as easy as where we get our coffee, cutting down on our plastic use, or paying more attention to recycling at home. It is easy to accept that our singular actions don’t matter, but it doesn’t have to be this way. So as consumers, what is the most effective way to respond? We need to mount the pressure on companies and demand that they contribute to a more sustainable world. Individual actions can help

Win a year’s worth of eco-friendly Ecozone products — two prizes worth £150 each!

Contents 4 The dos and don’ts of recycling! 6 Footwear with soul

37 Are e-bikes the future of sustainable transport?

21 Full of beans

30 What is responsible furniture?

38 Popular e-bikes that are leading the way to change

33 Jellyfish — creating a buzz in solar power

40 Accelerating the move towards fl ight-free travel

35 How going green can save you money

43 Simple ways to make your money greener in 2021

15 Sustainable summer fashion and accessories

27 Going plantbased is good for you and the planet

Commerical Manager James Taylor Publishing Associate Hannah Morgan Business Development Team Jack Periccos, Daisy Heyes, Joseph McLaven, Kyle Stephenson, Amy Tegerdine, Luke Manning, Maddie Black, Jesse Green, Gary Bryant, Rob Williams, Neil Bhullar, John Fox, Chris de la Prida, Jamal Philips, Elliot Munroop, Alexia Economou Accounts and Administration Manager Onitha Antoine Accounts Team Samantha Coventry, Michael Yabbey, Sharon Warne, Eric van Langenberg

Green and Ethical Checklist is published and wholly owned by Hurst Media Company Ltd. Every care is taken in compiling the contents of the publications but the publishers assume no responsibility in the effect arising therefrom. Readers are advised to seek professional advice before acting on any information which is contained in the publication. Hurst Media Company do not accept any liability for views expressed, pictures used or claims made by advertisers.

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28 The secret ingredient — what’s in your chocolate?

22 Ethical treats your tastebuds will thank you for

Marketing Assistant Nadeem Vadva


Let’s get social:

18 Palm oil: a catalyst for destruction

11 Eco-friendly products for a greener lifestyle

Design and Production Team Katherina Bradshaw, Liana Schultz, Michael Jackson, Nicola Charalambous

45 Stamping out wildlife crime 47 The green revolution 48 The best green innovations for sustainable living 50 The sustainability of the paper industry


4 Lifestyle


The dos and don’ts of recycling! We all recycle, but what common mistakes are we making? Here we look at what can go in your • recycling bin and what can’t

Where possible, sort your recycling by type Sort your recyclable materials by the following types: glass, aluminium and plastic together, mixed paper, cardboard, and compost separately. By separating your recycling it ensures your rubbish stays ‘clean’ during transport to the recycling depot, which makes the processing

easier and more efficient for them. Separating your recycling leads to higher recycling rates and significant cost savings. While throwing everything into one bin is the simple option, sorting by type retains the value of the materials as much as possible, reduces crosscontamination and significantly increases your recycling rate.

Clean food containers, bottles and packaging Although time consuming, any plastic, metal and glass materials containing foodstuffs must be completely emptied and fully rinsed clean before going into your recycling bin. Do not recycle any materials that have food or drink contamination because they will soil the whole load and that means the potentially recyclable materials will be made useless, getting sent off, at the cost of extra transport emissions, to end up in landfill.

• Separating your recycling leads to higher recycling • rates and significant cost-savings And do not recycle greasy pizza boxes! Any cardboard or paper contaminated by foodstuffs – grease, oil or otherwise – cannot be recycled because the oils cannot be separated from the fibres. Never recycle fibrous materials that have been soiled in this way.

Plastic bottle tops Probably one you hadn’t thought about – plastic bottle tops can throw a spanner in the works. Although on the whole, most plastic bottle caps can be accepted by your recycling centre, it is very

Eco-friendly cardboard designers think outside the box Derbyshire-based Deckle & Chop creates environmentally friendly and fully recyclable products for people who care about the planet and appreciate Great British design Using recycled corrugated cardboard as the main substrate, Deckle & Chop products are fun and stylish and range from children’s play dens to home furnishings and accessories. The business was brought to life in March 2020 after a long-term ambition to create products out of corrugated cardboard rather than just boxes. The designers at Deckle & Chop have created a collection of unique products that make very little impact on the environment and are all handmade in the UK. All products are cut using a DYSS X5 Digital Die Cutter (for more information email All designs can be tailored to meet customers’ individual requirements and personalised for any occasion.

Delivery within the UK via courier or collection is available upon request.

TerraCycle Zero Waste Box

dependent on your local facilities. Some places say you can keep them on, and some require you to remove them all together and place into the normal bin. The important thing to do is to check with your local recycling centre beforehand. You can easily check on your local council’s website.

TerraCycle offer programmes to help recycle hard-torecycle waste, including standard toothbrushes, electric toothbrush heads and cosmetics. The Zero Waste Box can sit in your kitchen or bathroom alongside your other waste bins and be filled with bathroom and oral care products. Once the box is full, it can then be sent back to TerraCycle who will safely recycle all of the contents. TerraCycle have recently partnered with Colgate to create a free recycling programme for all oral care products and packaging, aimed at schools and charities. Find out more at

Don’t recycle plastic shopping bags Plastic shopping bags are generally made from thin plastics, which can clog up processing equipment at the recycling centre. Plastic shopping bags require special recycling facilities. Most supermarkets or food shops will collect and properly recycle your plastic bags for you. Instead of using plastic shopping bags, reusable bags made from recycled materials or from natural fibres are a much better alternative.

by Barnaby Dracup

It’s time to tackle that packaging from your weekly shop Although you’re armed with all the reusables and only buying package-free fruit and vegetables, your recycling bin is still overfl owing Food for thought: almost 50% of supermarket packaging is not easily recyclable1 and only 9% of plastic has ever been recycled 2 . There is an alternative: refill shopping is gradually becoming more widely available, with over 210 refill stores across the UK selling loose food. But, sadly, a lot of consumers are currently unable to shop this way, for many reasons. unpckd’s refill milkmanstyle delivery service was founded by a fulltime working mum who wanted to shop without the packaging, but needed the convenience of delivery to fit in with a busy family life. Using unpckd, many

others with the same sustainable mindset and time-saving needs, have collectively diverted over 30,000 items of waste from their homes – no longer relying on recycling, saving emissions from landfill and avoiding plastic.

Refill shopping is gradually becoming more widely available Delivering in 100% electric vehicles, currently to Hertfordshire, East Bedfordshire and Cambridge, unpckd have plans to make refill doorstep delivery available across the UK.

The possibilities are endless Use the code GREEN5 at the checkout for 5% off all orders at Email or call 01246 860 990. The team at Deckle & Chop welcomes any enquires or feedback.


Do you want to be a part of this hassle-free refi ll revolution? unpckd guarantee to save you time and waste! Check if they deliver to your postcode or sign up for their location waitlist at Use code CHECKLIST20 for 20% off your order.

SOURCES: 1What are supermarkets doing about plastic? (Which?, 2021). 2 A whopping 91% of plastic isn’t recycled (National Geographic, 2017).

• of When it comes to the mysteries the recycling bin, there can often be some confusion as to what goes in, and where. How clean do the bottles need to be? Can I recycle this pizza box? What symbols do I need• to look out for? The reality is that recycling practices can change from borough to borough, based on council facilities or even which companies services are contracted out to – so what are the general dos and don’ts of recycling and how can you maximise your efforts?

Something to think about

Lifestyle 5


Made in Britain — officially

SOURCE: 1Two-thirds (66 per cent) of British consumers are more likely to buy more British goods post Covid-19 to support the economy (Made in Britain, 2020)

The registered mark for British quality and provenance As the nation’s shops begin to open their doors again this summer, there is a renewed enthusiasm for buying locally made products, as we try to support our manufacturers and producers and get the British economy moving again. Looking out for the distinctive Made in Britain symbol on packaging or websites is the•best way of fi nding out whether the product is made to high standards • in the UK, where ethical business and sustainability are priorities for businesses and consumers alike. Made in Britain represents over 1,700 British manufacturing • companies, the majority of

which are small or medium sized enterprises. The award-winning licence mark provides consumers with a badge of reassurance that the product was substantially made in the UK, therefore meeting quality, safety and employment standards. Its website now offers people a growing directory of British businesses to shop from – for consumers and businesses – helping point people in the direction of ethical, quality British companies that make their products within our shores. The organisation is also dedicated to helping each of its members reach their sustainability

goals. In July this year, Made in Britain launched a new ‘Green Growth Programme’ for its members to track and assess their progress towards achieving net-zero by 2050, in line with the Government’s COP26 ambitions.

Its website now offers people a growing • directory of British businesses to shop from — for consumers and businesses •

• •

CEO John Pearce says: “Our aim is to help all of our members grow their manufacturing business greener, faster and together. We also provide a live dashboard with benchmarking across universally agreed sustainability themes, mapped from the UN’s SDG12, Responsible Consumption and Production.” A survey of 2,000 people conducted by Made in Britain last

year1 found that many people were keen to shop more locally, but 48% said they didn’t buy as many British products as they’d like to because they didn’t know which brands were actually made in Britain, even if it was a British registered brand. 71% agreed that buying more products made in Britain could help the UK combat climate change.

Find out more From dog beds to kitchens, to clothing or widgets, look out for official Made in Britain companies on the website

Delphis Eco, eco-friendly cleaning products

Break the cycle of poverty for good Recycling Charity answers “The Cry of The Earth and The Cry Of The Poor” with a single solution

CHARITY NUMBER: 1115608 | *Discount excludes elephant bikes.

Hugo & Otto, British dog atelier

Climate change looms over all countries with severe droughts, unprecedented storms, and unpredictable weather events. But poor countries are hardest hit, where fragile communities mean they are ill equipped to prepare for such extreme events, and makes the recovery process from the subsequent devastation extremely difficult. Recycling helps to tackle climate since less energy is needed to make products, fewer materials are incinerated, and less waste is sent to landfills meaning a decrease in greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. UK charity, Cycle of Good, is collecting landfill waste and turning it into useful products in one of the world’s poorest townships in Malawi. Cycle of Good Manager, Zoe Kasiya is working hard to equip a new Malawian school with profits from the enterprise, remarking: “It is amazing when you see the quality of

The cleanest protein shakes on the planet! Win five cases of GROUNDED shakes and a 3-month membership to GymBox. Worth over £200! Enter online at GROUNDED are all about cutting the cr*p, and they do just that with their 100% natural, sustainably packaged plant-based protein shakes. They were the fi rst to launch a plant-based shake in their unique 100% recyclable paper-based packaging,

products when you look at what the raw material was. Pope Francis asked us to listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor and that’s what we are doing: recycling, making beautiful things, slowing climate change, and helping to break the cycle of poverty for good!”

made from sustainably sourced FSC paper board, which cuts CO 2 by 75% compared to glass bottles, and 41% compared to plastic. As for what’s inside, their pea protein is locally sourced in Europe (even transported from the farm by barge), and the sunflower seed protein comes from organic farmland in Europe. Coming in two fl avours, Chocolate and Mint Chocolate, each carton contains a unique blend of plant protein, fair trade

cocoa and coconut cream to create a shake that avoids the use of artificial sweeteners, thickeners, and chemicals you can’t pronounce. Perfect as a post-gym shake, afternoon pick me up or protein boost, GROUNDED has already gained a legion of fans from Planet Organicwhere they’re the number one selling protein shaketo Selfridges, Soho House gyms, GymBox, Virgin Active and Amazon.

Find out more Find out more Visit and use the code ETHICAL10 for 10% off*.

Visit the website at and use code CHECKLIST15 for 15% off your first order. GROUNDED shakes are available for purchase via their website, Amazon, Planet Organic, GymBox and many more.


6 Lifestyle


Footwear with soul Footwear companies are taking great strides towards sustainability, creating eco-friendly leisure and sports footwear to meet consumer demand With our mental and physical • health in the spotlight like never before, increasing numbers of us are taking • to the streets and parks to improve and maintain our health through exercise and other outdoor pursuits. With this rise in active lifestyles, combined with increasing ethical • awareness, footwear manufacturers are rising to the challenge and meeting consumer demand head on; getting fit and being friendly to the planet can go hand-in-hand. In meeting this demand, footwear manufacturers are increasingly looking for sustainable, durable and carbon neutral materials to work with, and when it comes to sustainability, the environment and ethical production, then bamboo – yes the plant – comes near the top of the list. It’s the fastest growing plant in the world, is 100% biodegradable and requires no fertiliser. As the bamboo grows, it sequesters carbon, making it carbon neutral and harvesting methods do not kill the plant, allowing for perpetual growth. It can easily be turned

into a durable, moisture-wicking, breathable and antibacterial fabric, perfect for leisure and sports shoe applications. Processing the raw materials and creating the multiple components means making a standard pair of sports shoes generates approximately 13.5kg of CO 2 emissions – in an average of 300 to 400 processing steps – so one way manufacturers are

Manufacturers are increasingly looking for sustainable, durable and carbon neutral materials to work with creating footwear that is better for the environment is to simplify the process, design and materials they use in their shoes, not only saving on labour intensity (money which

• Cariuma CATIBA Pro

can then be paid to the workers • themselves in fair and ethical payments), but also on pollution and extraction of materials from the planet itself. Brazilian footwear company, Cariuma (, are one such manufacturer making waves, offering carbon neutral footwear in leisure, sports and even skateboarding ranges. Uppers are knitted from a blend of bamboo and recycled plastic, avoiding older processing methods that involve dissolving the bamboo with toxic chemicals, and instead mixing bamboo ‘powder’ with recycled PET plastic. This can then be turned into a durable thread as using woven thread instead of larger pieces of fabric reduces waste. The foam in the sole, normally

made from petrochemicals, is made from sugarcane, which sequesters carbon as it grows and the insoles are made from recycled cork. Any remaining emissions the company create, including from shipping and transport, are offset through projects protecting the Amazon rainforest. So, buying sports and leisure footwear that is environmentally conscious is now easier than ever. Buyers should keep their eyes peeled for recycled materials, such as post-consumer recycled plastics which are repurposed into yarn or shoelaces. Of the plant-based materials, eucalyptus fibres, fl ax, hemp and organic cotton also have significantly smaller environmental footprints than virgin plastics. by Barnaby Dracup

Something to think about Cariuma CATIBA Pro The handmade Cariuma CATIBA Pro has been engineered for durability, movement and the best grip possible. It’s built for feel, traction, and ultimate comfort and ankle stability. Made from premium organic cotton canvas, the 100% natural rubber sole is slip-resistant and highly durable. The insole is made from Mamona oil, bio-based cork and the laces are made with recycled plastics, and debossed metal aglets. Find out more at

Recycled plastic products with KBS Garden Furniture KBS products offer the distinct advantages of being longer lasting, weatherproof, rotproof, sustainable and almost completely maintenance-free Recycled plastic furniture is becoming increasingly popular, not just because of its incredible longevity, strength, and robust build quality, but also because it helps decrease the amount of plastic going to landfill. And to add to the environmental benefit, KBS have committed to planting five new trees (via More Trees) for every customer that makes a purchase from their website – so you can also feel good, knowing that your purchase has helped grow future forests around the world.

Picnic Table 1.8m 2

and seat height of 420mm. It seats up to eight people and is available in black only. This item is delivered semiassembled and made to order – lead time is estimated at three to four weeks. The picnic table is £765 including VAT and delivery.

Space Saver Deluxe

Space Saver Deluxe Picnic Table Set 1.5m

Picnic Table Set 1.5m

The Space Saver Deluxe set includes a table and two benches, which store underneath the table when not in use. It is a great space saving solution. The table is 1,500mm long by 640mm wide and 750mm high. The benches are 1,300mm long by

320mm wide and 450mm high. The set can comfortably seat four people, but can fit up to six at a squeeze. It is available in all black or all brown only. This item is delivered fully assembled and made to order – lead time is estimated at eight to


10 weeks. The black is £850, and the Brown is £928 including VAT and delivery.

Picnic Table 1.8m2 This new design picnic table measures 1,820mm 2 by 725mm high, with a table size of 1,200mm 2

KBS have committed to planting five new trees for every customer that makes a purchase from their website

Apart from a range of recycled plastic furniture solutions, KBS Garden Furniture are also proud to offer a broad range of competitively priced and stylish products in other materials to suit most tastes – including teak, rattan, steel, polypropylene and treated spruce wood.

Find out more Check out their website at which provides more information about every product. Call the team on 01366 310501 or email to fi nd out more.

8 Lifestyle

Home growing made simple and sustainable


Why you don’t need a big garden or budget to grow your own herbs and veggies

• Each kit comes with five seed varieties and five coir discs make products that are sustainable, purposeful and close to nature.” Whilst Pronto Seed sells various garden growing items, its Stadium Eco Grow Kits have been the most popular through the pandemic. These small but mighty kits come in a fl at-packed, postal-sized recyclable box and contain everything you need to get started on growing your own chillies and herbs in the comfort of your own home. The kits don’t stop there either,

you can grow your own bonsai, mini succulent plants or a butterfly friendly garden. Each kit comes with five seed varieties and five coir discs. The discs are compressed

coconut husk, considered a sustainable alternative to compost, being peat-free and a by-product of the coconut farming industry. The dip tray and planting cells are made from 100% recycled PET plastic and can be recycled again and again. “For me, growing from seed isn’t just about the sustainability of having your own produce or an environmentally friendly garden,” says Darren. “It’s about the process and education that comes with nurturing and growing something new. It allows you to take time out and understand life cycles and the wonderful nature around us.”

Ready to have a go at growing your own basil, or maybe bonsai tree? Shop at and use code CHECKLIST10 to get 10% off*. Follow on @prontoseed

*One use per customer

Buying organic and growing your own produce has become • increasingly popular, with consumers becoming more aware • of the environmental impacts and health benefits of sustainably grown food. With documentaries and reports constantly showcasing facts and figures regarding the • food industry across the globe, it’s understandable that so many citizens want to be part of a positive change for a better planet. There’s no one place to start; it can look different for every person. For Darren, co-founder of Pronto Seed, it began with simplifying the way we look at growing our own plants whilst being conscious of packaging and other factors that come with selling grow-at-home kits. “Throughout my 40 years in the retail industry, I began seeing the impacts packaging and transport had on the environment and how it can contribute to overall pollution,” Darren explains. “So when I got the opportunity to start up Pronto Seed, I wanted to

High quality CBD could make a difference in your daily life By now, you have probably run into a product containing cannabidiol, also known as CBD. It is in everything from drinks and pet products to lotions and chewable gummies.

But what is CBD actually?

also important to further look at the different types of CBD products, that is full-spectrum, broad-spectrum or isolates, before deciding what type of product you want to buy. Full-spectrum CBD can be taken to mean an extract of the ‘full plant’

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is an active compound derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant -the scientific name for the nonpsychoactive plant that’s also known as hemp - and is used in a wide range of products like oils and edibles to impart a feeling of relaxation and calm. Unlike delta-9tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the major active ingredient in marijuana, CBD is not psychoactive. In addition to understanding the difference between CBD oil and THC, it is

and is sometimes called ‘wholeplant CBD extract’ for this reason. This means that CBD has been extracted from the hemp plant along with many other different naturally occurring cannabinoids, terpenes and fl avonoids. Broad-spectrum has a similar make-up to full-spectrum CBD, but all traces of THC have been removed. Broad-spectrum can, therefore, be thought of as the middleman between full-spectrum and isolate CBD.

CBD Isolates or zero THC* products In a chemical extraction process, the CBD molecule is isolated from the rest of the cannabis plant. CBD isolates, therefore, have zero THC and do not cause a stimulating, euphoric high. Some of the benefits of CBD isolate include the option of having higher concentrations of CBD per dose, lower cost per milligram for the customers and easier way of achieving the desired level of CBD content. Whether you decide on full-spectrum, broadspectrum, or isolate


CBD oil, the most important thing to consider is the quality of the product. High-quality CBD from a reputable manufacturer will ensure that you are able to enjoy the benefits of the product safely with the knowledge that you are consuming a product that will optimally support your health and wellness goals. High quality, organic CBD products should be backed by third-party lab testing reports and excellent customer reviews. This gives you peace of mind knowing that what you consume will produce the desired results.

Hemplix is a part of the Neuraxpharm Group Neuraxpharm is the leading European speciality pharmaceutical company in the treatment of central nervous system disorders. As a manufacturer of CBD products, Hemplix have already applied for a Novel Food license. Their goal is to make the benefits of the natural isolate product available to everybody. The Hemplix product portfolio comprises a wide range of CBD products: oil drops, cosmetics,

tea and pet products. With high quality natural products and pharmaceutical standards they support their customers and their families in living a better life.

Find out more Order from the website at or get in touch via email at

*Verified to a sensitivity level of < 0.05 % testing standard.

What is CBD and could it help you?


Cafés Novell ‘No Waste’ coffee Wake up and smell the sustainable coffee The global pandemic saw a huge rise in coffee consumption, with reporting a 412% increase in the sale of coffee machines during England’s second lockdown. While most • coffee packaging is made from single-use plastic, Cafés Novell is determined • to change this with its 100% compostable ‘No Waste’ range. Fully degrading in as little as 12 weeks, Cafés Novell’s • ‘No Waste’ range offers a viable alternative to aluminium coffee capsules

and plastic barrier coffee packs, without compromising on the premium taste UK consumers expect. Cafés Novell’s 100% compostable ‘No Waste’ range of grounds, beans and capsules comes in a range of five unique blends of certified organic beans that ensures an excellent body, fl avour, strength and creaminess. Cafés Novell has been producing excellent, premium coffee since 1958, which is as delicious as it is responsible and is committed

to the sustainability of each and every stage of manufacturing its coffee. Cafés Novell cares about the environment and the consequences of its everyday processes. That’s why enjoying a Novell coffee is a great moment in every sense of the word.

Enjoy responsible pleasure in a unique cup of coffee

Lifestyle 9

Win a three-month flower subscription. Worth £108! Enter online at owersty

Enter the competition to win a subscription of eco-friendly fl owers delivered direct to your door Flowers To Yours are a unique • online florist who deliver beautiful flowers, designed by florists, just for you. Their florist-choice bouquets come with a choice of•colour pallets, you choose the one you feel is best for the occasion and their florists will design your bouquet from the fresh flowers they have at that time of year. They are not like the rest, who concentrate more on fancy boxes, they just use a simple box that can go in your compost bin or paper recycler, so you get more fantastic flowers to enjoy. Flowers To Yours designs mean everything you

Shop ‘No Waste’ coffee at Get in touch by email or call 0800 157 7703.

receive is completely home compostable. They also give you some free bee, butterfly and insect-friendly wildflower seeds for you to sow and help the fragile bee and insect population.

Find out more Check out their online store at and use voucher code HAPPYTIME to order some beautifully designed flowers especially for you. They also have three and six-month flower subscriptions.

Purify your tap water the traditional way — forever plastic free SOURCES: 1, 2Microplastics in drinking-water (World Health Organization, 2019), 3 Sink to River – River to Tap, A Review of Potential Risks From Nanoparticles and Microplastics (UK Water Industry Research, 2019), 4

A few years ago, a London campaign set out to eliminate single use plastics from bottled water consumption — the average Londoner was drinking 175 plastic bottles of water every year1 Consumers are aware that tap water is free of bacteria and generally significantly lower in microplastics than bottled water2, 3. However, tap water can contain chloride, heavy metals, pesticide and fertiliser residues plus pharmaceuticals remnants such as oestrogen. Improving tap water has involved plastic water filter jugs, reliant on over-engineered plastic replaceable filters, or expensive high-tech home installations. Is there a better solution? Yes!

Tap water can be transformed using low-tech, ancient methods such as those practised by the Greeks and Romans using clay amphorae. The World Health Organisation has established that clay vessels provide the best way to reduce chloride levels in water and to keep water bacteria free. For over a decade, Natural Spa Supplies has been manufacturing clay amphorae and laboratory tests 4 have shown that these amphorae reduce chloride levels, ammonia and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury. There are no replacement cartridges or filters – from time to time, the amphorae just need a scrub on the outside and a sun bath! Perfectly proportioned, inside and out, the amphorae have eggshaped interiors with the point near the base, allowing convection currents to circulate the water in columns, spirals and curves. It is analogous to free-flowing water in nature, where trickles of water in mountain streams spiral and great rivers form oxbows, while purifying the water. Added to

this, the clay wall of the amphora, slightly permeable, acts like our skin, sweating out toxins, leaving the freshest, purest, most delicious tasting water within.

How do you use a clay amphora? Just add tap water and let time do the rest. Natural Spa Supplies’ test results are based on an eighthour cycle, so each amphora can produce three batches of purified water every day. They are available in different sizes depending on your needs.

Find out more Call 0800 023 5008 or visit the website at naturalspasupplies.


10 Lifestyle


Lifestyle 11


Eco-friendly products for a greener lifestyle There’s so many simple choices that we can incorporate into our dayto-day lives to protect the environment, and benefit our own wellbeing


• •

Neat Neat is the plant-based cleaning range designed to give people the tools to make small changes to their daily routine, that it will make a big difference to the planet. The Neat range offers a ‘neat’ 30ml vegan and cruelty-free cleaning concentrate that is mixed with 470ml of water at home in a refillable aluminium spray bottle, to create a highly effective plantbased and biodegradable cleaning solution. These revolutionary and aesthetically pleasing products come in a range of scents including Fresh Sage, Yuzu & Freesia, and Mango & Fig. Available from

Pure Sport CBD

In the spotlight Natural Spa Supplies Make ‘spring-like’ water in your home using these time tested amphorae and provide health giving, delicious water for your family, pets and plants. Help make London plasticfree by making this simple eco swap now. Find out more at amphora

This CBD brand was launched with a mission to help frequently drug-tested professional athletes be less reliant on painkillers and be able to use an effective, healthier alternative, safe in the knowledge that it’s completely risk-free, as each batch is tested independently in a laboratory to guarantee there is 0% THC. Made purely from natural ingredients and free from any artificial additives, all products are veganfriendly, no animal products are used or animal testing carried out. Available from

Make your own tofu — another step towards sustainable living High in protein and calcium, tofu is nutritious, versatile and environmentally advantageous It’s often difficult to combine sustainable food choices with a zero-waste lifestyle. Enter Zofu: a way to eat fresh, fl avoursome tofu without the throwaway plastic packaging, made authentically and exactly to your taste. Whether you want to impress friends with homemade tofu at your next dinner party, enjoy a fun family project, or move towards eco-friendly living in your kitchen: experience the satisfaction of making your own delicious tofu at home with the Zero-Waste Tofu Box. This little UK company help you bring tofu to the table, with as little negative impact on the environment as possible. For every 10 kits sold they will plant a tree with the UK National Trust to replenish local woodlands,

These great-tasting beers create waves of people-positive change in the world. For every can or pint of beer enjoyed, Brewgooder are committed to ensuring that 100 times that amount will be provided in clean water on projects undertaken by their trusted impact partner, Charity Water. Available from

Silent Pool Distillers With pressure on the drinks industry to reduce their carbon footprint, Silent Pool Distillers have launched the fi rst spirit in the world to be packaged in a cardboard bottle, Green Man Woodland Gin. The bottle is five times lighter than its glass counterparts, uses 77% less plastic than other plastic offerings and has a carbon footprint six times lower than glass or PET plastic bottles. The cardboard layer is made from 94% recycled paper and it’s possible to recycle the inner lining, making the bottle 100% recyclable. Available from

NONA The team at NONA are turning plastic pollution into a useful, durable, and attractive clothes pegs, while helping the environment at the same time. The pegs are made in the UK and designed to last a lifetime. If they do break, however, they can easily be recycled again! Available from

Eco-friendly products for a greener lifestyle continues on page 12

Shop green with My Valley Discover the UK’s new online marketplace for eco-friendly, natural, and organic products

and to help combat carbon emissions. Each kit includes a beautifully designed and sustainably sourced bamboo tofu box, unbleached muslin cloth, and easy instructions. Who knew you could cook

up a block of tofu at home, simply with soybeans, lemon juice and water?

Find out more From now and through the month of August, Zofu are giving readers 10% off with code ZOFUTOFU2021. Find them online at and @zero_waste_tofu

Nestled in the foothills of the Brecon Beacons National Park, My Valley is a new online marketplace. They pride themselves on their sellers, commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. At My Valley they inspire a community of like-minded people and encourage creativity to bring together the most unique products. With the help of My Valley, you will be able to purchase from their wide range of ecofriendly products including reusable water bottles, coffee cups, food wraps, cleaning products, mineral makeups, and natural deodorants. Sourced from the best eco-friendly businesses, be confident in the integrity of the supply chain. Eco-friendly products

promote green living that help to conserve energy and prevent air, water, and noise pollution. They prove to be boon for the environment and prevent human health from deterioration. Let’s make a difference together!

Find out more For more information, visit the website at Follow @myvalleymarket and @myvalleyltd


12 Lifestyle


Eco-friendly products for a greener lifestyle continued

In the spotlight Pronto Seed

• allplants

Looking to feel better about yourself and the planet, but not sure where to begin? Discover the UK’s award-winning vegan food delivery service and sustainable • lifestyle brand allplants. With a sweep of Great Taste Awards, allplants dishes are chef-made from their kitchen in north London, fl ash-frozen to lock in nutrition, made with 100% wholefoods, with their in-house nutritionist. So this plant-powered food is super tasty as well as balanced. As a B Corp, all packaging is 100% recyclable, reusable or compostable and their kitchen works to a strict minimal waste policy. They have recently partnered with Soil Heroes to sponsor a farmer to move towards regenerative practices. Why not try a limited-edition summer bundle, which can include a selection of main dishes, sides and desserts? Available from

Experience versatile, technical clothing for everyday adventures. Meander Scotland source premium performance materials to craft functional clothing inspired by Scandinavian, minimalist design. They make clothes that are comfortable for enjoying the outdoors in all weather conditions. Sustainability is at the core of what Meander Scotland do, from the fabrics to the suppliers and the packaging the clothes arrive in. Since the beginning, they’ve offset carbon emissions by partnering with Forest Carbon and planting trees in local woodland. Around 90% of the collection is either natural or recycled and by 2022 they’ll make sure that’s 100%. They are members of 1% For The Planet and each year give back to amazing charities by donating at least 2% of sales. So whether you’re a casual cyclist meandering to the office, climbing a mountain or walking the dog – Meander Scotland have got you covered. Available from

• • Beco Pets

Planet Junko Planet Junko’s ZOOMER! kit makes thousands of toys, without costing the Earth. The ZOOMER! Kit allows kids to create all kinds of toys using household recycling. Kids can play whilst also developing their design and creativity skills. Available from kit/zoomer-kit

Beco Pets is one of Britain’s biggest manufacture and designers of • pet products, who eco-friendly pride themselves on making affordable, non-toxic toys and accessories. The team are a band of animal-loving sustainability enthusiasts who work all day, every day to make sure your pets can enjoy the best quality products with as little environmental impact as possible. It’s their job to make sure they get the best for you, your dog and our planet. Wherever possible Beco products are made from natural, renewable and recycled materials. From tough, springy and interactive toys for heavy chewers, to squeaky soft toys for dogs to wrestle or cuddle, Beco use sustainable sources, and work ethically with suppliers. Available from

Award-winning Agua de Madre is at the forefront of a new and exciting category of live feel-good drinks. This seriously delicious vegan water kefi r, which has the same amount of live cultures as most milk kefi r, with none of the acetic mouthfeel of kombucha, is the ultimate superfood promoting a healthy gut and positive mental wellbeing. Fermented in London, Agua de Madre is founded by foodie and film producer Nicola Hart. Packed with fl avour, this is the only water kefi r on the market with 55 billion live cultures per 100ml. A wonderfully sophisticated fresh reset, it is packed full of goodness, organic, vegan, naturally fermented, sparkling and low in sugar – what’s not to love? Available from by Laura Forsyth and Shannon Maher

Earth kind paper goods for the wild and joyfully curious Why choose Bambino Bamboo for your plastic alternatives? Bambino Bamboo want to enhance your child’s eating experience, while also providing an opportunity for them to practice alliteration The Bambino Bamboo brand was created based on three characters, Monty the Monkey, PanPan the Panda and Gigi the Giraffe. With these three main characters your child will be able to practice alliteration every day. All of Bambino Bamboo’s products are made from bamboo fibre, they are colourful, lightweight, reusable, eco-friendly and

child friendly. The dinner set range includes a diverse multifunctional cup which can also be used as a snack pot. According to the founder of Bambino Bamboo: “Being a mum-of-two I found it difficult to find the perfect mealtime plastic alternative.” Bambino Bamboo provide fun, interactive, affordable substitutes to plastic. They want to bring you eco-friendly

goods that will change your home and your daily life. Join Bambino Bamboo on their journey to help make meal times fun.

Purchase the perfect mealtime buddy for your bambino Visit and enjoy 20% off using the code BAMBINOBAMBOO.


Delightfully colourful, quirky and eco-friendly stationery, journals, cards and gifts created by Somerset-based illustrator and product designer Mell Oliver With a heart to uplift and encourage kindness for people and planet at the centre of their story, The Sunshine Bindery’s stationery products are crafted using recycled, sustainable and locally sourced materials as much as possible, while choosing to champion plastic free, biodegradable packaging

Agua de Madre

to lessen their impact on the environment. Inspired by the incredible beauty found in exploring the wilds of nature and the joy of nurturing creative self-expression, their paper goods collection is a heartwarming blend of colourful tones, motivational lettering, botanical motifs and playful pattern design. They stock everything including journals, notebooks, greeting cards, prints, planner pads, gift-wrap, stickers and gifts, all centred around spreading joy while living lightly on the planet. Stocked in over 50 independent retailers across the UK, USA and Australia, you can fi nd their quirky

illustrated paper goods and gifts over on The Sunshine Bindery website for that low waste, gift giving alternative, whether it is a little treat to nourish your creativity, add some colour to your living space, or spread some sunshine to a friend.

Find out more Use code CHECKLIST20 for 20% off at, offer ends 21 August. Join them on socials and say hi @thesunshinebindery

*One use per customer

Meander Scotland

Ready to grow your own produce? Start small with Pronto Seed’s Eco Grow Kits and have access to your own home-grown chillis and herbs. Use code CHECKLIST10 at checkout for 10% off your order* at•

Lifestyle 13


The world’s first Norwegianinspired vegan deli lands in London Discover handcrafted, plant-based treats including vegan cured meats, tasty cheeses, moreish sauces and decadent baked goods

While Norway’s renowned carnivorous diet might not seem much like a vegan’s dream, a new online delicatessen based in London is using Nordic inspiration • to develop a range of plant-based comfort foods. Now operating in Maida Hill, SPIS Vegan combinines • 100% animal-free ingredients with Norway’s exotic fl avours and cherished culinary culture. Viking-approved treats are influenced by the natural splendour • of the Fjords, the relaxed atmosphere of the Lofoten Islands and the urban grandeur of Oslo. Its cruelty-free

alternatives to some of Norway’s best loved dishes bring the majesty and fl avour of the Nordics right into the heart of London. Every product is created by SPIS Vegan’s innovative chefs using traditional Nordic techniques and umami-rich fl avours. SPIS Vegan founder Lanya Michele said: “Our goal is to make delicious vegan food more accessible than ever before, while also sharing the fl avours, aromas and ingredients of Norwegian cuisine. Our savoury products are all-natural, healthy, and delicious, brimming with the taste

• •

Lanya Michèle, founder

and zest of Norway, but • created right here in our north London kitchen.” With traditional Norwegian cuisine heavy in locally-sourced meats, fish, and dairy, SPIS Vegan has faced quite the challenge in adapting the nation’s dishes into plant-based alternatives. The ultra-creative team has launched a menu like no other, which is all certified vegan friendly, with standouts including truffle and seaweed-infused nut-free cheeses, vegan salami, no-fi sh smoked salmon, and plant-based brisket made from beetroot. Smoky BBQ sauces, intense garlic aiolis, refreshing kale salsas, and fl avoursome veggie side dishes also showcase the food culture of the UN’s designated happiest country in the world.

Great tasting, ethical speciality coffee Independent artisan roasters, Footprint Coffee are all about quality, ethical choices and looking after the environment At the top end of the quality spectrum Footprint Coffee offer speciality coffees and subscriptions by post. And with most of their coffees achieving quality scores well in excess of 84 you can expect exceptional singleorigin coffees, unique blends and some very special micro-lots too. Roastmaster Greg says “At the roastery it is Footprint’s job to tease out all of those irresistible fl avours locked within the beans. Each batch is carefully assessed and roasted by hand using a blend

A great way to try a bit of everything is with one of SPIS Vegan’s curated picnic bundles, packed with appetising vegan goodies. Perfect for sharing, they’re delivered in locally-made recyclable boxes and are bursting with big, bold favours, herbs, spices and traditional Nordic ingredients. In addition to serving up Nordicinspired vegan delicacies, the food brand offers carefully curated

corporate gift boxes to bring the magic of authentic Norwegian food to offices nationwide, and supplies other delis and retailers around the country.

Find out more SPIS Vegan’s plant-based Norwegian comfort foods can be ordered online for local and national delivery. Visit the website at

Win a voucher to spend at People Tree. Worth £150! Enter online at

Why settle for ‘ethical lite’?

of traditional techniques and state-of-the-art technology. And because every coffee is roasted to order the coffee you receive always arrives super fresh, perfectly roasted, rested and ready to drink.” The team at Footprint are very proud of their beans and all the hard work their farmers put into making them the best they can be. Footprint makes sure its growers receive substantially

better than fair trade prices and support projects that contribute directly to the coffee growers, their community and their environment. When it comes to packaging, Footprint posts out its coffees in compostable packaging and each pack is personalised with your name or message, a great idea for gifts.

First delivery free Visit and use the code GREEN to get your first delivery completely free with any subscription of four deliveries or more.

30 years ago, People Tree was founded to create beautiful fashion in harmony with the planet – using organic yarns and safer dyes – and with those who made it, placing fair trade and human rights at the heart of its supply chain. While fast fashion has rushed to greenwash its image, People Tree has never needed to. The brand rejects fortnightly ‘drops’ and instead produces two seasons of garments each year, designed to build a wardrobe that will last and look stylish wear after wear. It’s a conscious decision, encouraging customers to invest in a wardrobe they’ll love, not wear once and regret. The whole range is the

‘sustainable collection.’ Well-known for collaborating with cultural icons like the V&A to produce beautiful prints, People Tree also incorporates traditional crafts like ikat weaving, hand embroidery and hand knitting for a modern look whose heritage can be felt in every stitch.

The whole range is the ‘sustainable collection’ People Tree is the fi rst fashion company to be awarded the World Fair Trade Organisation product label.

See and feel the difference Find People Tree at,





14 Fashion and accessories


Threads of fairness, equality and longevity throughout the chain Burrows & Hare are shortening the chain! Independence means less dependence Since the summer of 2015, familyrun Burrows & Hare, of Oxford, have been developing a men’s collection fuelled by meticulous design, tangibility and transparency.• The essential use of regional production underpins Burrows & Hare’s • approach and the preservation of such manufacturing heritage offers contentment for all involved. Informed by fit, fabric and the future, Burrows & Hare makes • wardrobe-backbone staples that are built for longevity and crafted to be worn in, not worn out. Be it the sourcing of a 6oz British Halley Stevenson, UK-made dry waxed cotton outer for their new trinity jacket or the Brisbane Moss

corduroy that adorns its collar, each aspect of this small-batch, Midlandmade piece has been scrutinised and chosen for a reason, as an ethical commitment made to their customers. UK from start to fi nish, the fastenings come from the only button maker in the British Isles, whilst their labels are woven in British factories and are fi nally completed with locally printed tags.

Burrows & Hare offers men’s lifestyle and grooming for a new generation of discerning gentleman In showcasing local makers, design revisions are fewer and a genuine pride and excitement has been felt from customers in the realisation that their prized additions are conceived and actualised closer to home than they might have fi rst thought. Burrows

Did you know traditional plastic eyewear frames take upwards of 450 years to decompose? Keep image captions in corners of images

intrinsic to each owner. Burrows & Hare’s longstanding and ongoing relationships with fairly paid craftspeople make repairs and alterations possible. From mill to factory to maker to customer, it’s paramount that fairness and equality touches every aspect of what Burrows & Hare does.

Find out more Visit and use the code MADEINBRITAIN for 15% off your next order. Follow @burrowsandhare, or come and visit them in store to get the full experience of Burrows & Hare.

Win a RockStars 18ct Fairtrade Gold pendant. Worth £995! Enter online at

Wear your jewellery with a clear conscience

Proceeds also go to good use, with every sale funding the removal of 12kg of ocean litter (equivalent to over 900 plastic bottles), as well as eye care operations to restore vision for people in need. To ensure its products never go to waste, Ozeano Vision’s ‘circular economy’

allows you to return sunglasses at any time to receive 25% off your next purchase. This impressive company embodies exactly what it means to be truly sustainable.

So for biodegradable eyewear look no further Visit and enter code CHECKLIST20 for 20% off, expires 1 September.

& Hare’s paired back cotton basics (sweatshirts and T-shirts) are a testament to this ethos. Constructed using sustainably sourced extra long staple pima cotton yarn from English Fine Cottons Manchester, knitted in the Midlands, then stitched in Manchester, ensures its status as a timeless wardrobe essential. By navigating the principle of buying less but buying better, Burrows & Hare cherishes the idea that over time their pieces will develop indexical traces of wear,

Vision for a greener future Ozeano Vision is an innovative eyewear company tackling this environmental issue with its unique plantbased sunglasses, which are 100% biodegradable within 110 days (when in compost conditions). The frames are ethically handmade in Australia using traditional artisanal methods, combined with cutting edge innovation, producing premium eyewear made from the fi nest natural and sustainable materials. Ozeano Vision’s commitment to sustainability is evident in every aspect of the business and products. All accessories are 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton and FSC-certified Portuguese cork, and all products are certified carbonneutral and PETA-approved vegan. Worldwide shipping is carbon-neutral (and free), and courier packaging is 100% biodegradable.


East London’s Gemmologist Jeweller, The Rock Hound, is known for using responsibly sourced, raw materials to create striking design-led fi ne jewellery whilst holding ethics at the core of the brand. Since launching the brand has received multiple industry accolades in the UK and US including New Designer of the Year 2017 at the UK Jewellery Awards. Proud Fairtrade Gold licensees since 2015 they’ve searched worldwide for artisan lapidaries and gemstone sources which match their ethos: tumbled

stones from Muzo Emerald Colombia dripping with molten Fairtrade Gold, spinel crystals enveloped in native gold from Turquoise Mountain Myanmar and the unisex RockStars collection paying homage to their favourite crystal form in solid Fairtrade Gold. “Our lives and livelihoods whilst worlds apart are inextricably linked with the miners through gold and gemstones – and I for one want that link to only be a positive one. So when it came to creating a jewellery brand having this duty of care was at the very heart of all my decisions,” explains Susi Smither, founder of The Rock Hound. As a social impact jewellery brand The Rock Hound has incorporated structures

to donate upstream to these communities by working with The Fairtrade Foundation and Crystal Clear CIC. This has proven even more vital during the current Covid-19 pandemic as these communities are often remote and in lowincome countries where national lockdowns have brought instability and disrupted supply chains. Enter online to be in with the chance of winning this RockStars necklace with 18ct yellow Fairtrade Gold sliced pendant suspended on a 32” silver necklace coated in blue lacquer – diamond-cut to give an undulating shine.

See the full collection Visit the website at to fi nd out more.


Sustainable summer fashion and accessories

Fashion and accessories 15

Putting sustainability at the heart of your new summer wardrobe has been made so much easier with all these wonderful companies offering a variety of eco-friendly fashion and accessories

• •

Critically Endangered

Glasses Direct Lagatta

Sourced by Oxfam

Founded by ex-athlete Stephanie Reynders and her mum Dimitra. The entire collection is sustainable and made with Italian fabrics which use over 78% of recycled yarn from abandoned fi shing nets. Each piece features built-in ShapeTech and is UV protective, moisture-wicking and breathable. The fabrics are OEKO-TEX® certified. This means that each one has been put through extensive testing to ensure that they have not been unnecessarily treated with harmful chemicals like pesticides and lead. Available from

There’s a world of ethical, sustainable and brand new items available at your local Oxfam shop and online. The carefully chosen great food, gifts and homewares that are made with care, protect the planet and help the women and men who produce them to earn a decent living. For example, these Raffia Fan Earrings earrings have been handmade by traditional jewellerymakers in India. Both modern and stylish, they are the perfect addition to any jewellery collection. Find out more at onlineshop.

Every year 640,000 tonnes of fi shnets are lost or discarded in the ocean. Samples of plastic waste accumulated in the ocean reveal that 46% of this plastic is attributed to fi shing gear. Waterhaul is a Cornish-based social enterprise that produces eyewear from plastics found in the ocean and along our coastline. Glasses Direct has partnered with Waterhaul to stock its stylish sustainable spectacles. Each ontrend frame is made from 100% recycled fi shing nets and sold with a sustainable folding cork case. Available from waterhaul-glasses

Valentina Karellas Valentina Karellas is an independent knitwear brand focussing on sustainable, zero waste pieces which are handmade in London. A sustainable approach to urban chic, every piece of knitwear is one-of-a-kind. Valentina Karellas’ commitment to source surplus yarns and knotting materials means that this reduces wastage and is zero waste. Every piece is an origina and has a story. Available from

Critically Endangered is a sustainable sock company that’s saving some of the world’s most endangered animals by supporting charities that protect them – their main partner is WWF. Socks are made from GOTScertified organic cotton and come in a recycled cardboard box, making them as sustainable as possible. Critically Endangered have also teamed up with World Land Trust to protect 20 metres squared of tropical forest every time someone makes a purchase – and who doesn’t need more socks? Available from

Sustainable summer fashion and accessories continues on page 16

icebreaker continue to lead the move to natural in their relentless pursuit of better Natural performance brand reach 91% progress of their plastic free by 2023 goal For more than 26 years, icebreaker have worked with what nature provides to create natural, highperforming outdoor clothing as an alternative to plastic-based synthetic apparel. Made from natural merino fibres, their clothing is soft on the skin, thermo regulating, moisture managing, and naturally odour resistant. In 2017, icebreaker launched their inaugural Transparency Report detailing what it means to be a truly sustainable business, and in 2019 the brand announced their boldest ambition to date: to become plastic free. Now, icebreaker have released the fourth installment of their annual Transparency Report with a focus on their plastic-free initiative. A major highlight in this year’s Transparency Report reveals that as of this year, 91% of icebreaker’s total fibre composition is now merino or plant based, with 65% more styles (compared to 2020) being made with 100% merino or plant-based fibres. According to Jeremy Moon, icebreaker founder: “I founded icebreaker to offer a natural choice to adventurers and disrupt the outdoor industry, towards more

natural solutions. It’s why we exist. We are constantly struck by the irony of the outdoor industry to promote petroleum-based synthetic fibres such as polyester. Really? Plastic against your skin? We believe there is a better way and nature has the answers.’’

icebreaker have worked with what nature provides to create natural, highperforming outdoor clothing icebreaker were the fi rst company in the world to develop deep, long-term relationships with merino farmers, which provides the growers with the security to invest in their businesses, land, animals and people. Their grower relationships guarantee the highest standards of animal welfare, which ensures a healthy, low-stress quality of life for the sheep, and this is turn enables the merino sheep to produce healthy, high-quality

icebreaker merino fibre. icebreaker lead in the industry when it comes to traceability and transparency, being one of the few competitors to publish their full supply chain, right down to the details and address of every supplier from buttons to trims. icebreaker believe this is critical to ensure ethically-made clothing, and challenge the industry to do the same. icebreaker are committed to moving to regenerative practices and are part of the ZQRx program with Allbirds, Smartwool and

NZ Merino. This partnership will help to ensure the merino in icebreaker’s clothing is grown using regenerative principles. icebreaker’s commitment to becoming plastic free is especially vital now more than ever as a result of Covid-19. The pandemic not only disrupted everyday life, but has skyrocketed the use of single-

use plastic consumption as more consumers have shopped online, purchased disposable protective gear, and opted for bagged or wrapped produce and other grocery items.

Discover more Visit and @icebreakernz to fi nd out more.


16 Fashion and accessories


Sustainable summer fashion and accessories continued

Luxtra Luxtra uses plant-based leathers to make timeless accessories. The range of handbags and accessories are crafted from vegan friendly materials including pineapple leaf, apple skin, cactus leaf, corn and mango leathers. Founded and designed by Jessica Kruger, the range includes belt bags, totes, cross body and clutch styles for both men and women. Available from

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• •

Cool Earth by Vivienne Westwood

In the spotlight

Vivienne Westwood has designed a T-shirt exclusively for rainforest charity Cool Earth. Cool Earth by Vivienne Westwood is an organic, sustainably produced T-shirt sure to be your new summer favourite. Helping you make a colourful statement and a hugely positive difference to the future of Earth’s rainforest The organic cotton T-shirts are printed in the UK in a renewable energy powered factory, and made in real time using lower impact inks, software, machinery and automation technologies. Available from

ONC Natural Colors

Pikol Having never used a sewing machine before, founded by Dan Branston taught himself to repurpose vintage embroidered tablecloths into beautiful, one-ofa-kind men’s shirts. Since March, he has made over 100 unique shirts. Clients have included celebrities such as One Direction’s Niall Horan and Roger Taylor of Queen. Available from

Get the healthier hair you’ve always wanted. Over 20 years expertise of hair colouring has gone into the creation of ONC Natural Colors permanent hair colouring kit. It’s innovative ammonia free one bottle formula only includes certified organic ingredients that guarantee healthier hair that looks great too. Available from


LØCI sneakers are 100% vegan and unlike many vegan footwear brands, they don’t imitate leather. All LØCI sneakers are made using recycled•ocean plastic sourced from the Mediterranean and Atlantic Coast of Africa. Every pair of LØCI made ensures 20 plastic bottles are saved from polluting our world. LØCI footwear is versatile and effortlessly cool, adding a distinctive sense of minimalist style to any outfit, dressed up or dressed down. The sneakers adopt a clean, sleek design, with a core debut collection of eleven different two-tone colour palettes, and a capsule collection designed by Twilight actress, environmentalist and designer, Nikki Reed. The 10% of profits on every pair purchased is donated to ocean conservation sites and protecting endangered ocean species. Available from

Kind Bag Totes Kind Bag transforms old plastic bottles originally destined for the ocean and landfill into beautifully printed design-led bags. Maria launched Kind Bag in 2019 following a holiday to Asia, where she was horrified by the amount of plastic pollution on the streets and beaches. She developed a printed shopping bag made 100% from recycled bottles spending 18 months researching fabrics, testing her designs and using her own savings. New totes have just launched (each recycling 18 old plastic bottles) and all bags are despatched in 100% recyclable packaging. Available from by Marie Ellis

Weapons transformed Where function into symbols of love meets sophistication ARTICLE22 jewellery is upcycled by Lao artisans who turn Vietnam War era shrapnel and other scrap into art

Worn by sustainable fashion pioneer, actress, and activist Emma Watson, the jewellery became the subject of discussion on The Ellen Show. “It’s such a lovely idea to turn something so negative into something beautiful”, Watson said. The jewellery creates a

virtuous circle that heals land in Laos and builds livelihoods. Each piece sold contributes to MAG (Mines Advisory Group), a UKheadquartered charity that trains local experts to clear the 80 million unexploded bombs contaminating their land. Pieces of history, the designs start conversations and celebrate the positive transformation of those who make, wear, and share them. Telling stories and creating tangible impact, ARTICLE22 jewellery is making the world a safer and more beautiful place through stunning design.

An exquisite collection of handbags in universal shades of nude, burgundy, tan and black LANDA celebrate traditional manufacturing expertise, working with small factories that handcraft each item. The materials are carefully sourced as part of the brand’s

The iconic TECA bag in burgundy RRP £315

commitment to conscious and ethical production. With fond memories of her Italian grandfather, Silvana Landa launched her accessories brand in 2018. She says: “My grandad was a cobbler who emigrated to Argentina after WW2. I remember spending time at his workshop and seeing the passion, love and creativity going on with his designs.” As a brand, LANDA are constantly developing their

products and processes to deliver the highest quality in beautiful, trans-seasonal and functional designs. They work closely with their customers and are successfully expanding and exporting into the US and EU markets while maintaining their local and very valued customers. LANDA see sustainability as an ongoing journey and are constantly looking at improving every step of the business. All products come to life using the highest quality raw materials made to last forever, crafted by artisans at different factories who follow traditional methods and techniques.

Shop the LANDA collection

Shop meaningful modern heirlooms Use code CHECKLIST10 for 10% off at


Visit the website at and use code TREAT15 for a 15% off at checkout on your first order until 15 September. Follow @bagsbylanda

Fashion and accessories 17


The ultimate shaping and support swimwear — Bodylift by Arena Swimming has some fantastic benefits for both body and mind, with more and more people jumping in to seek the benefits

*Only applies to Bodylift products. Discount code expires 31 August.

If you are already a seasoned swimmer or looking to dip your toe, arena’s Bodylift shaping swimwear collection, designed for women, guarantees freedom • of movement, curve control, extreme support, adjustable straps • and different back styles, giving you the confidence to be you! Using an Italian fabric, SensitiveR Fit reshapes and

profiles, giving fl awless wearability and performance every time. A common area of concern for most women is the tummy, an almost challenging area regardless of age or shape. Power Mesh and Silicon Flock technology smooths out the stomach, hiding undesirable curves without affecting breathability and comfort. It also provides excellent performance in terms of

chlorine resistance, quick drying, breathability, and UV protection.

Choose something that is not just good • for you, but also good for the environment

Choose something that is not just good for you, but also good for the environment. The Sensitiveco system is a sustainable process with environmental sustainability,

economic and social responsibility. This vision is focused on cutting down water, energy and chemical consumption, and reducing waste and carbon emissions.

Jump in and try Bodylift for yourself To get 35% off use code BODYLIFT35 at checkout*. For more information on body, or all of your swimming needs visit the website at or you can email

Modern tie-dye Be comfortable in your own second skin — it’s a family story Discover luxurious Organic Pima Cotton and silk underwear that’s allergy-friendly and ethically made Juliemay Lingerie makes its bra sets from Certified Organic Pima Cotton and Pure Silk to bring the most comfortable wearing experience. 100% Pure Silk is used for the bra inner layers and the brief crotch, which are luxuriously soft. Its cotton and silk collections are AllergyUK accredited as friendly for people with sensitive skins and allergic reactions to synthetic fibres. All under bands and waistbands are covered by Pima Cotton to avoid direct contact with

Breathe easy and be comfortable in your underwear choices Shop now at and use the offer code JULIEMAY for 10% off your first order.

the skin. Garments are free from synthetics, nickels and latex and elastic is allergy-friendly. One of the main reasons some bras are not breathable is that the fabric is loose, creating thermal insulation. Organic Pima Cotton is tightly woven to eliminate that sweaty feeling. Pima Cotton is three times softer than ordinary cotton, which makes Juliemay collections luxuriously soft and long-lasting. All Juliemay products are designed by local UK designers and made by sustainable production, conforming to ethical, Fair Trade and sustainable standards. Juliemay’s mission is to help women fi nd their confidence in the cotton and silk collections and, most importantly, feel comfortable without any skin reactions.

A mother and daughter tie-dye collective producing high quality organic clothing, homeware and accessories The Dyer’s Daughter is a London-based fashion label founded in 2020 by a creative mother and daughter who found themselves unexpectedly bubbled up together during the pandemic, throwing both of their careers off track. Ann, a lifelong textile artist and expert dyer along with daughter, Frances, an emerging opera singer, found themselves in need of a new creative focus when the world came to a standstill. After whiling away the hours of lockdown together, playing with colours and dyeing techniques at the kitchen table, The Dyer’s Daughter was born. The mother and daughter team now create expertly hand-dyed homeware, functional accessories and unisex kids and adult

clothing, as worn by fashionforward celebrities including Fearne Cotton and Jasmine Hemsley. The collection is sustainably made from organic, ethically produced cotton in Fairwear™ certified work places. The pieces are then hand-dyed in small batches by The Dyer’s Daughter in vibrant colour

combinations, each telling a story. The duo produce soft but hard-wearing T-shirts, robust aprons and tea towels, summery picnic sets and entertaining tableware. Each piece unique! The Dyer’s Daughter celebrates beautiful modern tie-dye for an environmentally conscious age.

Find out more Get 15% off using the online checkout code GREEN15. Shop the range and discover the story at or on @the_dyers_daughter


18 Health, wellbeing and beauty


Palm oil: a catalyst for destruction Environmentalists, human rights campaigners and animals are all against it. It makes up a multibillion-dollar-a-year industry and you can fi nd it in food as well as • beauty products and cosmetics. Yet despite being such a common, everyday ingredient, palm oil is facing increasing opposition due to the widespread deforestation it has led to, particularly in Indonesia and Malaysia. A vegetable oil made from oil palm trees, its cultivation has grown rapidly and seen rainforests razed in order to grow it. It is estimated that an area equivalent to 300 football fields of virgin rainforest is cleared each hour to plant the palm. Greenhouse gas emissions are produced when clearing forests. The lack of forest then also leads to less carbon dioxide being removed from the atmosphere, making the practice doubly problematic. Much of Indonesia’s forest grows

in deep, swampy peat which stores huge quantities of carbon. For a healthy oil palm plantation, dry land is needed, yet draining the peat – as is the practice – leaves the peat highly fl ammable. Huge forest fi res have broken out as a result, causing major health problems for those living downwind.

No crop can be highyield enough to justify such widespread deforestation and species annihilation – Preyanka Clark Prakash Palm oil cultivation is estimated to be responsible for 10% of all greenhouse gas emissions globally. People and animals indigenous to the forest are also displaced and

• many animals will not survive outside of their natural habitat. Added to which, plantation workers in Indonesia consider orangutans a pest and are believed to have killed as many as 1,500 orangutans in a single year. Having seen fi rst-hand the implications of palm oil production while living in Bali, Preyanka Clark Prakash felt compelled to fi nd alternatives. This led to her and her husband setting up Bloomtown, an ethical beauty brand which uses no palm oil. “Those who argue that palm oil is necessary because it’s a high yield crop don’t seem to understand that no crop can be high-yield

enough to justify such widespread deforestation and species annihilation,” said Preyanka. Lower-yield crops planted in less ecologically sensitive regions would be far more preferable. “They do exist, they’re just not as cheap.” In 2004, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was set up to reassure consumers that palm oil didn’t have to be a no-no. Members include Unilever, Cadbury and L’Oreal. Around 19% of the world’s palm oil is now RSPO-certified, but not everyone is convinced it’s the solution. “Sustainable palm oil really just means using already cleared land, and because the global demand for palm oil is ever increasing, we need to prevent more virgin forest from being cleared by reducing overall demand,” said Preyanka. “Reasonably priced, palm oil-free alternatives are a necessary part of the sustainability equation.”

In the spotlight Kloris Supercharged with high performing natural ingredients KLORIS CBD Superboost Face Oil is a sophisticated way to nurture your skin’s vitality and defend against ageing external stressors. Rigorous testing in an independent perception trial1 showed impressive results: 88% felt their skin was less dry, 85% felt skin was smoother and softer, 80% reported a healthier glow. Find out more at

by Kate Stanton

SOURCE: 1 Ayton Research, March 2021

It’s a controversial ingredient in countless products, but what is the problem with palm • oil — and can it be avoided? •

Happier Beauty have created a sustainable and recyclable toothpaste that’s good for your teeth and the planet

The team at Happier Beauty want to play their part in a circular economy, they have set up a Return & Reuse scheme so you can return your used lids for free, and they’ll wash, sterilise them and reuse them on a future order. However, don’t worry if you forget to return them, their lids are recyclable,

Did you know that 1.5 billion single-use plastic toothpaste tubes go to landfill every year because they cannot be recycled 1? People brush their teeth everyday, but unfortunately toothpaste tubes are made of lots of different materials laminated together, meaning it’s impossible to recycle them. Happier Beauty toothpaste is different. It has an easy to recycle aluminium tube. Aluminium can be recycled almost indefi nitely without energy loss, meaning it’s nearly an endless loop. And around 75% of all aluminium ever created is still in use today2 (unlike plastic) meaning aluminium is a great choice for the planet.


and they deliberately made them white, so they are easier to recycle. There is also a reusable Squeeze Key available to help squeeze out every drop from your Happier Beauty tubes. This reduces waste and helps to make sure your tube is ready for recycling. Their Squeeze Key is 100% plastic free and reusable on all aluminium tubes, even your tomato purée! Happier Beauty toothpaste itself is different. It is suitable for sensitive teeth, and they use four different types of natural mint plant to get a fresh, 100% natural mint fl avour. It does not contain any SLS, antibacterials, petrochemicals or colours. Happier Beauty have added papaya enzymes for gentle, natural whitening, vitamin E for gum health, and dentist approved minerals like fluoride and hydroxyapatite to help strengthen teeth enamel. Hydroxyapatite is the mineral used by the body to make teeth and bones. It’s highly biocompatible with humans and the planet, and works alongside fluoride to help remineralise tooth enamel, and is the gold standard in dental care in Japan. Happier Beauty toothpaste is cruelty free and certified vegan too. Happier Beauty have just launched a new, flexible

subscription service with savings of up to 25% off. Each subscription is completely flexible allowing you to pause, skip a month, or cancel at any time, without any problem. Happier Beauty toothpaste is priced from £7.50 each with Squeeze Keys at £4, only available from their website.

Find out more Use code HAPPIER15 for 15% off Happier Beauty toothpaste*. Only available from

SOURCES: 1Colgate leads toothpaste tube recycling innovation (Recycling International) 2 | *See website for offer details

Clean teeth, clean conscience


An ambitious new environmental campaign With a company ethos to make a difference by building a world where everyone has access to affordable, personal hygiene products Ontex, a leading global provider of continence care • products, have launched an environmental policy to become a carbon neutral • operation by 2030 with zero waste to landfill in the same year. To achieve this ambitious goal Ontex have set out an upscaled sustainability • strategy with three clear goals: 1. Recycling and recycled packaging: 100% of all packaging will be recyclable by 2030 and they will increase renewable and recycled plastic in their plastic packaging. 2. Zero production to waste: By 2030 all Ontex production sites will have zero waste to landfill and they will be in a position to turn waste into resources. 3. Circular solutions: Circularity will be a prime design consideration for absorbent hygiene products.

Win a luxury hamper of ethical natural products. Worth £154! Enter online at

Gift Wellness are an award-winning UK-based ethical • toiletries business • • Since 2013, as part of their Buy1 Gift1 programme, for every pack of their Anion menstrual pads they sell, they donate pads to women

To become a carbon neutral operation, the company have committed to: 1. Reducing emissions: Working to reduce direct and indirect emissions using science-based targets aligned with the reductions called for by climate scientists. 2. 100% renewable electricity: Aiming to source 100% renewable electricity in their own operations by 2030.

in crisis and so far they’ve donated over 6 million pads to homeless women and foodbanks in Britain, as well as refugee camps and schools in poor parts of the world. Their new Period Gift Box is designed to give daughters everything they need to help them navigate their menstrual journey with confidence.

Filled with premium, natural, practical and comforting products, it is quickly becoming the musthave gift that parents are buying for their daughters. The prize hamper also contains a family bundle of 11 exquisite vegan and organic cleansing bars with pure essential oils and Epsom salts; including shampoo and conditioner bars, body wash, face wash, hand wash, intimate wash and all-in-one bars. Everything you need to go plastic free in your bathroom!

For further information Visit sustainability or search ‘Ontex Sustainability Strategy’ on YouTube. To fi nd out more about the iD range visit

Find out more Visit, contact@giftwellness., or 0844 772 5578.

Toilet roll that’s kind to behinds and kinder to oceans

Created for today’s frantic modern lifestyle

Oceans Toilet Tissue are making waves in the eco scene with their 100% plastic-free loo roll

Potyque was founded to help bring balance to busy lives

It is far from bog standard, not only is it super soft and strong, but 25% of profits from every pack are donated to the Marine Conservation Society, helping to keep the oceans free from plastic and

* FSC® C074684.

Health, wellbeing and beauty 19

protect sea creatures. Oceans Toilet Tissue is three-ply, super soft and strong quality. It is also 100% plastic free and sustainably sourced from FSC® certified* materials. The products are

made in the UK, and they offer fast and free delivery as well as convenient subscriptions tailored to your lifestyle. The toilet paper comes wrapped in recyclable packaging and is safe for septic tanks and composting toilets. Sign up to the Oceans toilet roll subscription and receive 5% off every order, as well as fast and free delivery direct to your door whenever you need it. Enjoy convenient shopping that can help save the planet with loo roll that is ‘abso-LOO-tely’ sustainably sourced and made in the UK.

Michelle Rust, founder of Potyque, says: “Potyque was created for today’s frantic modern lifestyle. The busier we become, the less quality time we’re able to enjoy. Because we all need balance in our busy lives, the unique properties of Potyque CBD help us enjoy more of the moments that matter, and let go of the ones that don’t.” Potyque’s fi rst-class biodynamically grown hemp is extracted using only supercritical (low temperature/ high pressure) CO 2 to produce the fi nest grade CBD, the basis of the Potyque range, delivering a full range of terpenes (plant oils) and giving Potyque a distinctive

‘earthy’ taste, carried in a coconut oil (MCT) base. CBD will not make you high or fail a drug test. CBD is extracted from hemp not marijuana and, whilst both are members of the same plant family, the level of THC (the psychoactive terpene) in hemp is so low as to be almost non-existent. The legal limit of THC in CBD is 0.2% or 1mg per product. Potyque’s advises to choose carefully and check the certificate of analysis for any oil – available to view on its website.

Find out more and subscribe

Celebrate being the best

To sign up to Oceans Toilet Tissue please visit or follow them on @OceansPlasticFree, @OceansPF and @oceanspf

Potyque recently won Indy/Best on Test, so to celebrate is offering 10% off its entire range using INDYBESTONTEST. Visit the website at for more information.


20 Health, wellbeing and beauty

Discover KLORIS’ award-winning range for ultimate wellbeing If you’re looking for natural ways to soothe your body and mind • or enhance your skincare • and wellness, KLORIS’ award-winning range features something for you •

Made in the UK, KLORIS is all about harnessing the healing power of nature, combined with good science, ethical business and respect for the environment. Start your journey with the KLORIS CBD STARTER KIT, designed to provide the perfect introduction to high quality CBD, giving you the experience of KLORIS’ bestselling products.

The product range includes: • CBD Oral Oil Drops 500mg (5%) – comes in a 10ml bottle of approximately 200 drops or around one month’s usage • CBD Superboost Face Oil – comes in a 10ml• bottle of approximately 200 drops or around one to two month’s usage • Travel CBD Balm Pot – comes • in a 5ml pot for approximately three to four weeks usage. All products come in a beautiful, natural cotton ‘Let Nature Love You’ pouch. These products are the perfect starting point for your CBD journey, all wrapped up in a beautifully designed kit, with everything you need to start adding CBD to your daily wellness ritual. Already a CBD aficionado? The range also features high-strength drops, coveted gifting items and award-winning skincare with potent

Designed to provide the perfect introduction to high quality CBD, giving you the experience of KLORIS’ bestselling products doses of KLORIS superior CBD, the latter having undergone recent independent consumer trials with impressive results. KLORIS are a brand with ethics at their heart. The entire product line is formulated under the guidance

of leading plant scientists and expert formulators. Having won numerous sustainability awards for their efforts in biodegradable and minimal (but beautifully designed) packaging, KLORIS continue their environmental efforts in a number of ways – 2020 alone saw KLORIS plant over 40,000m 2 of trees globally.

Get your starter kit Visit and use the code GREEN for 20% off*.

Win Love to b’s full Natural Skincare range. Worth £100! Enter online at

The prize includes a moisturiser, hot cloth cleanser, serum, and toner together with their ‘bamboo’ cleansing cloth and a spatula Love to b Skincare was founded in 2010 from a mother’s love for her daughter Bea, who suffered from childhood eczema. Nothing that the doctor prescribed, nor high-end, expensive skincare products had helped to cure it. In desperation, her mother, Julie, studied natural remedies from around the world and was amazed to fi nd scientific evidence that many were effective. The kitchen table in her Dorset home quickly became a laboratory for formulating natural, moisturising skincare and soap. Soon, Bea’s eczema disappeared and the equilibrium of family life resumed. Meanwhile, Julie was inundated with calls from friends to help with their own skin issues. The experience with her daughter fuelled Julie to analyse the leading, expensive, skincare brands that she had always used, believing if you pay more, they should be better! She discovered that very few natural and active ingredients were included.

Love to b is now synonymous with a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Julie passionately believes that what you put on your skin is as important as what you eat for your body’s wellbeing – hence ‘skin food’. Within the skincare and cosmetics world, there is a growing movement away from

The range provides a harmonious balance of natural oils, botanicals and uplifting aromatics synthetic and toxic chemical cosmetics towards natural skincare. Love to b are proud to be part of this movement and consider that the holistic approach to health and beauty should include being mindful of your family’s skincare routine. The ‘Love to b’ range provides a harmonious balance of


natural oils, botanicals and uplifting aromatics, offering a sensuous, cruelty free answer to your skin’s everyday needs. At their Ringwood store, Love to b are a big part of the local community, an organic, homegrown brand. The company offer facial skincare, bath and body products, candles, and wax melts. All Love to b products are handmade using natural, vegan ingredients. The company stick

to their founding mantra – that everything they create is made with love and devotion to one principle, a desire to develop a truly natural brand that is ethical in every way.

The company have always had their eye fi rmly on sustainability and their environmental footprint, aiming for continuous improvement.

Find out more Enjoy 10% off their entire range using code SUMMER10 at Stay up to date on @lovetobskincare

*Cannot be used with any other offer, offer ends 21 August, one per customer.


Health, wellbeing and beauty 21


SOURCES: 1The impact of coffee on health by A Cano-Marquina, J J Tarín, A Cano, 2013 2 All coffee types decrease the risk of adverse clinical outcomes in chronic liver disease: a UK Biobank study by Oliver J. Kennedy et al

Full of beans

Ethically sourced coffee is both good for you and the planet. Here we take a look at the health benefits of coffee and what to look out for when sourcing your favourite beans Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world but with this popularity comes a considerable ethical footprint. Despite being one of the most valuable commodities grown by developing countries, and with global sales of coffee reaching billions of pounds, •the famers and agricultural workers actually producing the beans• are disproportionately living in poverty. Land of valuable ecological diversity is often cleared for the growing of coffee plantations and the large demands for water •that these projects require often puts a great strain on local ecology, infrastructure and communities. All this environmental cost, and the growing awareness among consumers of the injustices of some food production industries, means the consumer demand for fair trade and organic coffee is growing rapidly.

What to look out for when sourcing your coffee ethically For imported foodstuffs, such as coffee, transparency in its ‘fieldto-table’ lifecycle can be more problematic than usual, however, there are a few simple things you can look out for, such as checking

the packaging to see if it’s marked with the Fairtrade logo to show that it has been developed in accordance with the Fairtrade Foundation’s strict standards – that it has been fairly produced and traded, and is directly traceable through all stages of production.

Coffee consumption seems to reduce mortality

• •

In the spotlight

Jimmy’s Iced Coffee This organisation often also contribute a ‘social premium’ towards coffee operations which can be used towards projects which are beneficial to the whole community such as primary schools or medical dispensaries. Also, look for certifications such as Rainforest Alliance or Utz. These organisations have principles embedded in International Labour law (ILO) which assure that fair prices are paid to the farmer and to all of the farm workers too. Such certifications also include environmental standards designed for the sustainability of agricultural land used for coffee growing and its natural eco-systems.

Jimmy’s refreshing Original and Mocha Iced Coffees are now available in infi nitely recyclable, aluminium BottleCans. The switch will save the planet from 12 tonnes of plastic this year alone. Made using only Rainforest Alliance Certified Arabica Coffee and best served ice cold, the brand’s Iced Coffee range is available in most major supermarkets. Find out more at

Cut the costs of waste on the planet and your pocket Do you love health products but hate unnecessary waste? Since 2015, Love Health Hate Waste — the short-dated and expired product specialists in health foods, supplements, and beauty — has saved over £10m of perfectly safe, healthy food, drink and much more from going to landfill. With over 150 lines at any time and an average 70% off RRPs, fi nd a wide range of recognisable ethical and health-driven brands like KIND snacks, Bounce balls, Amisa, Biona Organic, NINE bar, Solgar supplements, and so many more — at a fraction of their usual price. The company sells items that would have gone in the bin. Not for any good reason beyond the date printed on the packaging, or the fact that they are overstocks. Even the NHS says: “Every year in the UK we throw away 7.2m tonnes of food and drink, most of which could have been eaten. So think carefully before throwing away food past its ‘ best before’ date”.

The company is precisely about what its name suggests – lovers of health products, haters of unnecessary waste.

And it’s making a big impact, both on food waste reduction and making healthy food and drink more accessible.

Find out more Visit and get 30% off its already massivelyreduced prices with code CHECK30, valid until 14 August.

What of coffee’s reported health benefits? Coffee has been long-known to offer increases in sports and cognitive • performance, allowing users to maximise their workout and training sessions to achieve those personal bests, training harder, for longer. Coffee has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, stimulating glucose uptake in skeletal muscle when adequate carbohydrate intake is observed. In a modern systematic review 1, it was found that while there is a significant impact (non-negative) of coffee on the cardiovascular system, and on the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids (in boosting muscle recovery and fat breakdown), they also found that: “Coffee is associated with a reduction in the incidence of diabetes and liver disease. Protection seems to exist also for Parkinson’s

disease among the neurological disorders, and its effect on cancer risk appears to favour risk reduction. Coffee consumption seems to reduce mortality.” More recently, a large scale UK study2 analysed data from 494,585 participants and showed that people who drank coffee had 49% reduced risk of dying from liver disease and other associated conditions, adding weight to much previous research which has shown that coffee drinking can help to stave off liver cancer, and reduce the risk of alcohol-related liver diseases. The team undertaking the UK study reported the effectiveness of the ‘protection’ increased with the amount of coffee consumed, plateauing at three to four cups a day, over which drinking more cups provided no additional benefit. by Barnaby Dracup

Bye bye disposable, hello reusable! Little Gubbins offer a range of reusable baby wipes that are better for your baby and for the environment If you are a parent, then you know a few things about little ones; they are messy and expensive. They also don’t like cold wet wipes and will do anything to avoid being cleaned up. Your baby’s skin is delicate and can react to even mild chemicals found in wet wipes, and what’s more, they are really bad for the planet. All parents want to do their best to create a better world for their children in the future, and switching to reusable wipes is a positive change that can really help. Reusable cloth wipes are the perfect alternative to disposable wet wipes. Natural, eco-friendly, super soft, perfect for sensitive skin and long lasting, they will defi nitely save you money in the long run. They can be used on their own or with a little water to clean any little one in any situation.

Choose to reuse today Shop the full range on Amazon or via Contact the team to fi nd out more at Follow them on @littlegubbins


22 Food and drink


Ethical treats your tastebuds will thank you for Make your next caffeine or chocolate fix a sustainable one with these delicious chocolate bars, coffee and tea options

Happi Free From

Love Cocoa

Presto Coffee From ethically sourcing its coffee beans to eco-friendly packaging, sustainability is at the very heart of Presto Coffee. It’s important for Presto to have nurtured, deep-rooted relationships with every farm. Every coffee bean is hand-selected by the team to ensure each Presto cup tastes as delicious as the last. Roasting in small batches to optimise fl avour, ensure perfection and minimise waste, products like Presto’s best-selling House Espresso Coffee Beans deliver a perfectly smooth drinking experience. Available from

Love Cocoa by James Cadbury, the great-great-great grandson of Mr Cadbury, reinvents British chocolate classics with a contemporary twist. The bars use sustainably sourced Colombian cacao and are palm oil free with 100% recyclable packaging. The mainstream chocolate industry is shrinking our rainforests and seriously contributing to global warming. The problem begins right at the source: with the farming of the humble cocoa bean. Love Cocoa aim to tackle this problem head on by planting one tree for every product sold. Discover luxury chocolate bars, truffles, hot drinks, hampers and gift boxes to suit all occasions, with beautiful packaging that looks as good as the chocolate tastes. Available from

In the spotlight Joob Joobs Joob Joobs are on a mission to bring together the best independent sweet brands and recreate the sweet shop experience! Stocking the largest vegan pick’n’mix in the UK (at a massive 10kg) with products that aren’t in UK supermarkets – giving you a unique sweet and tasty experience! Joob Joobs also donates a percentage of all orders to a great charity called Ten Foundations. Available from |

This Oat M!lk chocolate brand uses ethically and sustainably sourced chocolate in all its products. Happi buys its cacao directly from Colombian farmers, who the founder has personally visited, and can guarantee that it is paying a fair price for it. Available from

Dragonfl y Tea With a passion for sharing authentic, delicious and rare teas, Dragonfly Tea deal directly with farmers wherever possible, to actively support organic practices and small-scale production. The organic string and tag teas come in plastic-free teabags, and all boxes and tins are recyclable. Available from

HiP Chocolate HiP (Happinesss in Plants) Oat Milk Chocolate is a brand new ethical, plant-based chocolate brand, producing delicious, creamy chocolate from a slavefree supply chain. This new British brand is a tasty alternative to milk chocolate featuring Smooth & Creamy, Cookies NO Cream, Salted Caramel and Salty Pretzel fl avours. The bars are handmade blending sustainably-sourced single origin Colombian cocoa with creamy oat milk and use 100% plastic free packaging. Get a 70g bar for £3 to satisfy your sweet tooth and give back to farmers. Available from by Laura Forsyth

Being sustainable never tasted so good OGGS® Egg Alternative Aquafaba is the sustainable, plant-based alternative for baking and cooking It’s no secret that we need to make changes to what we eat if we are going to have a sustained planet for the future. With that in mind, OGGS® have created a 100% plantbased, sustainable and natural egg alternative that whisks, whips and binds just like an egg. Not only does OGGS® Aquafaba work just like an egg in baking and cooking, but it also needs 75% less CO 2 emissions to produce than eggs, so for every egg swapped out for OGGS® a positive impact on the planet is being made. OGGS® are on a mission to make it as simple as possible for everyone to make small changes that together have a big impact on animals and the planet, with little personal compromise. Their solution? OGGS® Egg Alternative Aquafaba; an easy-to-use egg

alternative for baking and cooking in a convenient and consistent format. The entire OGGS® range is sustainably packaged in recycled and plant-based materials, and the company is working to offset their carbon emissions by planting 3,000 trees each year. For home baking enthusiasts, the OGGS® Egg Alternative Aquafaba, made from chickpea water, is available as a baking ingredient nationwide in 200ml cartons. Aquafaba is traditionally available from a can of chickpeas, but as a waste product, is not stable and doesn’t always produce consistent results. OGGS® have worked to create a product that


works every time – no mess, no fuss, just brilliant baking. From brownies, cookies and cakes to meringues and macaroons, the only thing you can’t do is scramble it. Founder, Hannah explains: “For us, this is the future of food. Aquafaba is more environmentally sustainable and better for animal welfare than the majority of traditional eggs. It has the potential to replace much of the hidden animal protein in our food chain – from egg whites used in baked goods, to the eggs that are still used to produce lots of ready-made food products.”

OGGS® also produce the UK’s top vegan bakery range made using OGGS® Aquafaba. From rich Chocolate Fudge, Zesty Lemon and Victoria Sponge cakes to Millionaire Bites and Mince Pies, there’s something for everyone’s sweet tooth. Since launching into supermarkets just two years ago, OGGS® has saved 1.4 million eggs and over 311 tonnes of CO 2 by

using aquafaba in its cake ranges and selling aquafaba vs. eggs – the equivalent of driving around the world 65 times.

Good for you, the planet and the animals! The OGGS® range is available nationwide at Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, ASDA, Ocado, Co-op and TheVeganKind Supermarket. Find out what all the fuss is about on, and follow @loveoggs

Food and drink 23


24 Food and drink


Welsh food and drink leading the way on sustainability Earlier this year the Welsh Government launched its future strategic vision for the industry Wales is a land of rugged coastlines shaped by deep blue sea, flowing rivers, proud mountains, thick green grass and ingrained with heritage and culture – so no wonder it is home to such a rich and diverse food and drink industry. Dubbed the ‘green shoots’ vision, by focussing on sustainable growth and productivity, climate and

ecological impact, fair work and raising standards throughout the industry, Wales can create one of the most environmentally and socially responsible supply chains in the world, and all without compromising its global reputation for excellence. While accepting the nation isn’t quite there yet, the foundations are set on a fi rm footing.

Commenting on the announcement the Welsh Government’s Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd, Lesley Griffiths MS, said: “Here in Wales, we’ve always known the importance of doing things sustainably, so the larder is well-stocked for future generations. Those values now seem more important than ever. Our future vision is in step with this drive to make Wales the definition for quality and sustainable food and drink.” Sustainability enthusiasts won’t be surprised by this, of course;

No wonder it is home to such a rich and diverse food and drink industry

the Welsh Parliament was one of the fi rst in the world to declare a climate emergency and they embedded sustainability at the heart of law-making back in 2015, by enacting the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act – another world fi rst. Wales played a historic role in fuelling the industrial revolution, and the country seems ever conscious of its present-day role in tackling climate change, with sustainability at its core. It is also a neat fit that it’s once again Wales’ people and natural resources – the plentiful raw ingredients that fuel the food and drink industry – that are driving another revolution, this time in food sustainability. Nobody’s pretending it’s not a

challenge. One way the Welsh Government is currently looking to mainstream sustainability ethos throughout the industry is supporting trail-blazing innovators through its Food and Drink Sustainability Cluster. The group have already been inundated with interest from businesses keen to collaborate and share best practice, as they seek to work together to raise standards and implement the vision.

Learn more about food and drink from Wales Visit to fi nd out more. Follow @FoodDrinkWales, @Food_Drink_Wales, @FoodDrinkWales


Food and drink 25


Food and Drink Wales Sustainability Cluster The Cluster concept, pulling together like-minded businesses to develop further synergy and interconnection, has had real success in Wales over recent years The Cluster concept has brought together industry practitioners to share ideas and collaborate in their specialist areas, be that seafood, horticulture, nutrition foods, and more. The Sustainability Cluster is open to all specialist areas, but its sole focus is on the quest to have one of the most sustainable supply chains in the world. It’s hoped that by providing a forum for sharing

sustainable practice, what’s been successful in one part of the industry, may also be successful elsewhere. Not surprisingly, given the focus on the climate emergency, and consumer and legislative pressure to cut waste and increase efficiency right across the food manufacturing journey, the Sustainability Cluster is popular right across the industry and is growing month by month

in numbers and cross-working innovations that has not been seen before. The Sustainability Cluster is a multi-criteria approach to support businesses on their journey of continuous improvement to deliver the values of resilience, quality, responsibility and authenticity. And, of course, the Sustainability Cluster utilises the successful triple helix approach and includes government, industry and academia working hand in hand to tackle common industry problems. Not for the fi rst time does Wales have a grand ambition, and it’s one

underpinned by fi rm foundations that support businesses nurtured in Wales while having a global reach that is fi rmly based in the interests of food system sustainability.

Find out more If you’re looking for companies that have signed-up to strive towards the very highest sustainable practices, then look no further than Food and Drink Wales Sustainability Cluster. If you’re searching for products or raw ingredients for your company’s needs, then email for all enquiries.

Learn more at BlasCymru/ TasteWales 2021 Wales’ Premier food and drink event will take place on 27 and 28 October at the International Convention Centre Wales Food and drink buyers will once again converge on the five-star Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, to view over 2,000 products and talk to leading food and drink suppliers about what products are new on the market to be sold both at home and abroad. Princes Limited, one of the largest names in the UK food and drink industry, has been unveiled as the key sponsor for the upcoming international trade event BlasCymru/TasteWales 2021. Among a packed programme of activity will be a high-level food and drink conference that will feature sessions looking at a number of issues affecting sustainability, as the industry and Welsh Government work collaboratively to create a green future that the nation can be proud of. Over 190 trade buyers attended the event in 2019 and had the opportunity to network with Welsh food and drink producers. The event attracted international visitors and buyers from 18 countries across Europe, North America, Middle East and the Far East. BlasCymru/TasteWales 2021 will provide the platform once again for the launch of over 200 new

products, with over 100 food and drink producers taking part who collectively produce a wide range of food and drink, including speciality items for niche markets to high volume items for major distribution networks. The event looks to connect with food and drink retailers, importers and distributors with a view to visiting Wales in October 2021 to meet with a large number of food and drink suppliers over the twoday event packed with supplier face-to-face meetings, products demonstrations, tastings, products showcases, a full conference agenda and the opportunity to network with the industry.

Reasons for visiting the event include: •

Over 200 products being launched – be the fi rst to discover the latest on-trend innovative products Meet an industry under one roof – from largescale companies to artisan producers – representing a broad and diverse range of product categories Product showcase and

tastings – display of all products across a broad range of categories including private label, foodservice and retail products.

Find out more For further information about the trade event or to register your interest to attend the sustainability conference then visit


26 Food and drink


Balancing your sweet tooth with your environmental impact Everything in moderation is an effective life motto, and that applies to selecting the occasional sweet treat You may be after something to satisfy your sweet tooth, as well as wholesome ingredients. Most people • are fully aware that ‘something sweet’ will affect their waistline, if not part of • little a balanced diet, but there’s very information about the environmental impact of sweet snacks. A little bit of research into the topic will lead you to the multi-award• winning Foxcombe Bakehouse. Their website says their packaging is ‘plastic free’ and goes on to talk about many other initiatives they have put in place to mitigate their impact on the environment – they even have an online shop. Foxcombe Bakehouse are a farm-based business, deep in the Westcountry. Owner and founder, Helen Spooncer says: “As farmers,

we’re very lucky to live and work in an incredible place. We’re passionate about the environment and want to make sure it’s every bit as amazing tomorrow as it is today.” In response to what their secret is for having received so many awards, Helen says: “We bake all products from scratch in small batches, and carefully select our ingredients from local suppliers where possible, including free range eggs and real butter”. This small business are also doing lots of things to mitigate their environmental footprint: • Plastic free packaging – the bags are made from natural renewable resources and are both biodegradeable and home compostable, and all board

• Tasty, wholesome products will satisfy any sweet tooth, and ordering online makes things so much easier •

• •

comes from FSC certified stock Waste – all waste is either recycled or is processed in an anaerobic digester to provide renewable energy Energy – the energy used is from 100% green sources Palm oils – alternatives to palm oil are used wherever possible. Where no suitable alternative can be found they take great care to only use RSPO certified products

Tree planting – the impact of commuter and delivery miles are offset by planting trees on steep ground around the farm. Foxcombe Bakehouse’s tasty, wholesome products will satisfy any sweet tooth, and ordering online makes things so much easier. If you are a retailer, and would like to stock Foxcombe Bakehouse products, they are now looking for stockists nationwide, and would encourage you to get in touch. •

Get in touch Check out their website at or social media pages for more information.

Shop for real food at Real Foods Real Foods have been trending for over 40 years with their healthy, natural and ethical product range arriving daily, ensuring they get the highest quality products to all their customers.

You’re sure to find what you’re looking for with Real Foods Looking for something different? With over 7,000 products available to buy from their online shop, you’re sure to fi nd what you’re looking for with Real Foods. They can source and supply any product within the natural foods and alternative therapies market, so please get in touch if you can’t

fi nd what you need. Their friendly webshop customer service team are on hand and happy to advise, by phone, by email or through their staff-operated online chat service.

From fi ngertips to doorstep with free delivery Real Foods started providing healthy goods by mail order back in 1975. As times changed, their mail-order service developed into today’s thriving, five-star, excellent rated webshop, and their orders are now dispatched daily, across Scotland and worldwide, to customers in need of the lifestyle groceries they can often fi nd hard to source elsewhere. Customers who shop online with Real Foods are tapping into trusted

expertise that has maintained Real Foods at the forefront of natural food retailing for over 50 years. When you place an order with them, you’ve given your order to a dedicated, hard-working, independent team that are working tirelessly to pick, pack and dispatch your order as quickly as possible to your door, via their free* delivery service. Why not read what their customers have to say about them on Trustpilot?


Shop the Real Foods range online Don’t delay further! If you’re looking for good healthy food and sustainable groceries that cater to all your needs, shop online now at and get free delivery*.

*Free delivery: Applies to UK mainland only with a minimum order value of £39. Excludes bulk wholesale items. Please see their delivery page for details at

For over 40 years, Real Foods have been selling natural, organic, plantbased, free-from, sustainable and plastic-free groceries in Scotland and across the world through their two Edinburgh shops and their established international web shop. When you shop with Real Foods you’re shopping with the largest independent Scottish retailer of vegan, vegetarian, organic, Fairtrade, ethical, gluten-, wheatand dairy-free products. Real Foods have been selling natural, healthy food from their base in Edinburgh since 1975. They have hundreds of suppliers, many of which are small local businesses, and fresh products

Food and drink 27


SOURCE: 1Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers (J. Poore, and T. Nemecek)

Going plant-based is good for you and the planet Experts say reducing meat “is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth” If the government is to meet its new emissions target of a 78% reduction on 1990 levels by 2035, how much difference would it make if everyone turned to a plant-based diet?• Over the past year, there has been a marked increase (66%) • in the number of people looking to reduce their meat consumption, with a third of Generation Z eating mainly meat free. There are two main reasons • to move away from eating meat: for the environment and for health. But there has also been a marked change from people thinking of it in terms of hardcore vegan or full meat eater. Nowadays people’s dietary choices and preferences are far more flexible, and as a result, restaurants and retailers are providing a far greater variety of exciting and delicious options. No more nut roasts or mushroom Wellingtons on the menu – nowadays the meat free options are often the most innovative and creative. Everyone from big supermarkets to little independent cafes are offering a wide variety of plantbased options for people to

incorporate into their lives as much or as little as they choose. Healthy ready-meal fi rm BOL, is one company that completely dropped dairy, meat and fi sh from its offerings.

If 50% of the world population halved their meat intake, it would have a massive global effect Founder Paul Brown said: “Four years ago, I made the decision to turn BOL plant-based overnight, removing any animal and dairy ingredients from our recipes. This was a risky decision back then, but in just a few short years, many more people have come round to our way of thinking.” Statistics show that if 50% of the world population halved their meat intake (as simple as going from two meat focused meals to just one) it would have a massive global effect. For example, 660 gallons of water is needed for a single

• • In the spotlight

Genuinely iconic Welsh food and drink ‘Geographical Indication’ (GI): such a modest term,• but one that makes a world of difference when it comes to the quality, authenticity and heritage of Welsh food and drink. Wales currently boasts 16 products accredited with GI status and it just goes to show that working with nature pays back in deeper flavours, as the Welsh food and drink industry strives to fulfil its vision of becoming the most environmentally and socially responsible in the world. Find out more at foodanddrinkwales

hamburger, which is the equivalent of showering for months. Animal agriculture is also behind 18% of greenhouse gas emission. This is more than the combined exhaust from all transportation, which comes in at 13%. As well as the positive impact on the environment, it is also much better for your health to go plant-based. The British Heart Foundation says that meat is a major source of saturated fat – too much of which can increase bad cholesterol levels, which is a real risk factor for heart and circulatory diseases. The government has

shared evidence that red and processed meat can increase our risk of bowel cancer too. Which is why it may not be too surprising that an Oxford University study 1 found that reducing meat “is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use.” So, it could well be time to hold the meat, as the plant-based revolution starts to take its hold on the world. by Laura Forsyth

Join the heroes of zero Home compostable Discover the award-winning returnable packaging system for food and beverage brands that’s making takeaways more sustainable The glorious takeaway – everyone loves it. And while it’s easy to polish off food or drink that tastes so good, the same can’t be said for getting rid of single-use plastic packaging. By 2050, the oceans could be filled with more plastic than fi sh, so there’s no better time than now to help reduce waste and make a change.

Win an Opal One coffee pod machine and a year’s supply of Coffee Factory pods. Worth £267! Enter online at

Their reusable containers use up to 50% less CO2 than regular disposable packaging That’s why CLUBZERO have joined forces with food and beverage brands in the King’s Cross area with supporting partners Just Eat, King’s Cross Argent and First Mile, to trial out new, reusable food and beverage containers. Their reusable containers use up to 50% less CO 2 than regular disposable packaging. Plus, they’ve even been designed to keep

coffee subscription

your food hotter and fresher for longer. Once you’ve fi nished enjoying your takeaway, drop off their reusable containers to any location that’s registered with CLUBZERO, or arrange a home pick up in the app – it’s that easy.

To register with CLUBZERO Scan the QR code or visit Join the push towards zero waste.

The Coffee Factory provide all you need from a coffee subscription: ethically sourced, freshly roasted specialty grade arabica coffee. It is sent when you want, in the pack size, grind and delivery frequency you need. But what makes them really stand out is that their coffee is packaged in plastic-free, HOME COMPOSTABLE refill sachets (up to 500g pack size). Although there is a huge range of compostable and biodegradable packaging available, many require the conditions of an industrial composting plant to break down, or can leave harmful chemicals or micro-plastics behind, causing harm to the environment. Coffee Factory’s certified home compostable pouches are made of paper, eucalyptus fibre, cassava and corn starch and will break down into water, CO 2 , and biomass, whether in your home compost bin, local authority food waste

Find out more collection, or landfill. The pouches are delivered to your door in easily recyclable cardboard packaging and are perfect for refilling your storage tins.

Visit the website at and enjoy 25% off your first delivery with the code GREEN25.


28 Food and drink


The secret ingredient — what’s in your chocolate? When you’re next craving a treat (that you definitely deserve!) here’s why it’s the perfect chance to help cocoa farmers with the chocolate you choose We’ve all been there – it’s been a • hectic day and you have more than earned something sweet. And it’s all too easy to grab • something from the shops for a sugar hit or to savour at home. However, a small bar of chocolate for us is usually at the huge expense • of others. Exploitation and poverty are sadly still very often the price someone else pays for our quick chocolate fi x. Which is why consumers need to consider how their purchasing decisions can either exacerbate or ease the situation faced by farmers at the other end of the supply chain. Cocoa farmers in West Africa typically work gruelling days, but don’t earn enough to provide the basics for their families. According to Rainforest Alliance, it is estimated that cocoa farmers receive between just three and six percent of the retail price of a chocolate bar. Clearly, they bear a heavy disadvantage in the market, with few opportunities to negotiate a better price for their product. In

In the spotlight Nucao The plastic problem won’t disappear, so nucao wrappers do instead. All the creamy chocolate joy with 100% homecompostable packaging, 65% less sugar, zero plastic and zero excuses. Food for a nu world – now available at your local Holland & Barrett. Find out more at

turn, they carry a disproportionate risk in the supply chain and are impacted dramatically• when the market price drops. Farmers are also on the front lines of the climate crisis, which leaves them vulnerable to drought, pests, and diseases that can decimate a harvest. Such climaterelated losses are devastating to small-scale cocoa farmers whose farms are, on average, only about three hectares (7.4 acres). Another huge problem in West Africa’s cocoa sector is deforestation. Farmers that suffer from extreme poverty have been moving into protected forest as they look for more fertile land, hoping to boost their revenues. A historical lack of enforcement in protected areas, along with the absence of a market reward for

protecting the environment, have allowed conditions for this type of encroachment.

There’s no better time than now to start buying ethical chocolate With that being said, there’s no better time than now to start buying sustainable chocolate. When you choose an ethical brand, you know that you are standing in solidarity with the farmers who work tirelessly to grow one of the UK’s favourite treats and support a brighter future for their families. Certification can support farmers by addressing some of these challenges. It can help

them improve farm productivity by increasing yields while minimising costs. Crucially, it can also help introduce climate-smart agriculture methods, including planting drought-resistant trees, diversification of crops, and good soil management. Training programmes by organisations like the Rainforest Alliance also include techniques like composting, manual weeding, and pruning, which can further increase productivity and sustainability. So, let’s keep our eyes on those labels! Whenever we can, let’s choose certified cocoa, coffee, tea, bananas and the other products sourced from farms where nature is better protected, and communities can thrive. by Laura Forsyth

A delicious way to connect to your monthly cycle Discover handmade vegan truffl es, crafted with herbs and fl owers to support and enhance your natural cycle With menstrual cycle awareness and selfempowerment becoming increasingly celebrated, you can honour and connect with your cycle by enjoying Moon Time Chocolate. Try the Rose & Cramp Bark truffle on the fi rst day of your bleed for a delightful, nurturing floral treat. Or the Raspberry & Raspberry leaf and calming Lavender, Chamomile & Calendula truffle for when you’re premenstrual. If you’re beyond menstruating years, there are some for you too; a Moonpause selection containing herbs traditionally used to balance hormones for support through perimenopause and beyond. Each truffle is a wonderful

Award-winning and sustainable teas Westcountry Tea Co. are a family business, blending and packing 100% plastic-free, award-winning teas in Cornwall

combination of handmade chocolate, nut butters, herbal tinctures, oils, and flowers, sweetened with coconut sugar. Made in small batches using organically grown ingredients wherever

possible, they come in 100% recycled and recyclable packaging, direct to your door. The chocolates make a lovely gift. Subscriptions available so you can enjoy a fresh box every moon cycle. Each box has an informative leaflet about the traditional herbs used and can be enjoyed if you have a menstrual cycle or not.

For more information and to order Visit the website at or follow @moontimechocolate Get 10% off with code GREENSUMMER until 21 September (excludes subscriptions).


In 2018, Westcountry Tea Co. took the leap to become one of Britain’s fi rst 100% plastic-free tea companies. Their teabags are made from corn starch and are packed into compostable cellulose film, made from fast-growing eucalyptus. Their tea boxes are printed with vegetable ink and even their packaging tape is made of paper with a potato starch glue. Many people are now aware that most teabags contain plastic (not theirs)! But what about the hidden plastics

in tea envelopes found in hotel rooms? For many years Westcountry Tea Co. have been asked for a selection of their teas to be available in envelopes, but they refused to produce envelopes containing plastic, and no other material was available at the time. They therefore set about researching and developing Britain’s first, 100% plastic-free tea envelopes. They are delighted to have proven that this is possible, and have just launched their first compostable, enveloped tea range.

Find out more Visit to shop the full range.

All of their products are 100% plastic free, biodegradable, compostable and recyclable, a fact that they are extremely proud of! From classic black and herbal teas to unique blends such as Camomile & Elderflower and Nettle & Rose, their teas are popular worldwide and are available in both plastic free tea bags and loose leaf! If, like them, you love a great cuppa and care for the planet, choose wisely, choose Westcountry Tea Co.

30 Eco homes and improvements


What is responsible furniture? Fast fashion describes clothes which are produced both quickly and cheaply. The benefits to the consumer? Cheap prices and accessible items that are quick to buy. The downside? Clothes that are thrown away after minimal usage, with £140 million worth of clothing • sent to landfill each year in the UK according to Wrap1 . Fast furniture, similarly, is• produced quickly, to mass demand. But what is the negative cost to the environment as the popularity of fast furniture grows? • According to the North London Waste Authority (NLWA), nearly 22 million small items of furniture are thrown away each year across the UK when they are damaged 2 . Sometimes furniture doesn’t even make it to landfill and is just left on the street or thrown away with household waste. It’s easy to see why. Many people have been renovating their homes or moving house due to lifestyle changes and a stamp duty holiday during lockdown, and in turn have bought new furniture to replace old items. It’s our ‘throwaway culture’ that is having such a highly negative impact on the environment. London-based sustainable furniture company, Grain, are one

Grain’s sustainable wooden furniture can elevate any space

company putting sustainability at the heart of their business. Grain’s mission is to bring an end to fast furniture after realising few companies were producing furniture in an environmentally conscious way.

Not all companies are equal in this mission Founders Tom Allen and Robin Tyler are looking to make and sell furniture that serves people and the planet by taking responsible craftsmanship to another level. Grain’s sustainably resourced furniture is circular (zero waste) – they choose to build customisable products in their London HQ, and manufacture in trusted factories across the UK local to the customer. Using fl at pack furniture means that furniture can be easily reused or recycled, and nothing should ever go to landfill at the end of the product’s lifespan. Recycling furniture is great in theory, but due to the Polypropylene (plastics) found in furniture, it often means that many items are neither recyclable nor biodegradable. Polypropylene is

considered to be one of the safest plastics, but off-gassing from new furniture can release chemicals indoors, that are potentially harmful to both us and the environment. Grain have researched this, and now use a water base fi nish for their products, which seeps into the wood naturally. Another devastating impact on our environment from the furniture industry includes deforestation, as so much furniture is made from wood. The furniture industry is becoming more self-aware and accountable, as it seeks to reduce its overall carbon footprint and

emissions during the lifecycle of a product, including energy use through the manufacture process and distribution across the world. Not all companies are equal in this mission. As part of this changing conversation, when we look to buy furniture, we should be asking ourselves: what furniture do I really need? Can I buy second hand? And which are the sustainable and eco-friendly furniture brands that are offering an ethical alternative to fast furniture right now? by Marie Ellis

Something to think about Buying second-hand and recycled furniture means that you have not directly contributed to deforestation. If you are not buying second hand, or furniture made from reclaimed wood, check whether the furniture is 100% FSC Certified. Buying locally is another way of reducing your carbon footprint. The Ethical Consumer provides some guidance. Find out more at


Companies on a mission to bring an end to fast furniture to protect the planet

Reduce the amount of water you use with Waterblade Big on washing, small on water consumption

Waterblade has been saving water and energy in the UK on thousands of taps, for businesses as diverse as Microsoft, Unilever, RS components, and Lazy Days B&B for the last two years. This follows a successful collaboration between inventor Nigel Bamford and the global leader in tap nozzle manufacture, Neoperl. This easy-to-fit to your tap nozzle is now available to all via their new website, Waterblade is ideal for your bathroom and cloakroom mixer taps, at home or work. It can offer great washing and rinsing on your kitchen tap too, but shall take longer to fill your kettle because it uses so little water! Typically, Waterblade shall save you £25 to £75 per tap per year on your water and water heating bills*, reducing your carbon footprint in the process, both from heating less water, and the carbon used in treating and processing the water, which with several water companies in the UK building desalination plants, is set to rise. Waterblade is easy to fit, it’s as simple as changing the nozzle on your mixer tap. Fit one today

Waterblade is easy to fit, it’s as simple as changing the nozzle on your mixer tap and start saving. You can order Waterblade and fi nd all the information you need on their website, including frequently asked


questions such as ‘Will it fit my tap?’ Answer: ‘Waterblade fits most mixer taps, to check for sure, check the size of your tap nozzle with a 10p coin, the website photo makes this much clearer!’ Waterblade is Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS) approved and UK manufactured to a high standard of quality (ISO9001) and environmental responsibility (ISO 14001).

awards. Including Water industry achievement Awards 2016 and M&S Big Innovation Pitch Eco Build 2017, plus many others. Waterblade regulates the taps maximum flow to 2.7 litres per minute. Typical unregulated tap flow can be 10 to 20 litres per minute at three bar which is the typical mains pressure.

Find out more Waterblade has appeared on the Dragons Den and won the top UK innovation and Water Industry

Visit to get your Waterblade today and fi nd out more.

* The savings quoted use typical usage data from UK water utilities. Full calculation is available on request.

Waterblade offers a revolutionary new way to use your tap, with great washing and rinsing whilst saving water and energy

Eco homes and improvements 31


Win one of two bundles of eco-friendly Ecozone products. Worth £150 each!


Enter online at

Keep up the good habits that you adopted during Plastic Free July, and continue to go plastic free with the chance to win £150 of Ecozone products• to last you a whole year Ecozone are the eco-friendly • experts, providing households with over 100 different products that are clean, ethical and effective. The problem with plastics is that they live forever in landfills, and pollute • the streets and oceans – a problem Ecozone aim to tackle. Only 9% of plastic produced is recycled, making it more important than ever that to say no to single-use plastics and switch to recyclable and plastic-free options. Every year, millions of people take the Plastic Free July challenge to form new habits and make small switches that create lasting change. In fact, more than 300 million people have already taken action, and Ecozone want to encourage people to think about how they can reduce their plastic consumption beyond July. Ecozone know it’s important for people to make these small changes in their everyday lives in

order to make a big difference in the long run, which is why they make their products as eco-friendly as possible, from production to the products themselves. Many people often don’t consider cleaning products when they think

of plastic consumption. Of all the single-use plastic bottles wasted every years, 500 million of those are used for cleaning products1 . When you think about how to reduce your plastic consumption, it’s important to consider cleaning products too. Currently, Ecozone’s certified plastic-free range includes everything from their all-in-one dishwasher tablets to washing • machine and dishwasher cleaner in a range of scents, as well as compostable caddy liners and pure oxygen laundry tablets. As part of Ecozone’s ongoing • mission to reduce as much plastic

• •

use as possible, this range is expanding, including adding bigger sizes to their Power Whitening & Brightening Pure Oxygen Laundry Tablets range, that will be launching soon. Ecozone know that being 100% plastic free isn’t always possible. Many of Ecozone’s products containing plastics are recyclable and made from already recycled plastics. Their bin bags for example, are made with special oxo-biodegradable materials that help to accelerate biodegradation in landfill and are compatible with recycling also, unlike standard plastic bin liners. Enter the competition to start your plastic-free journey.

Find out more Ecozone specialise in powerful and effective eco-friendly cleaning products. They are giving away two bundles of their cleaning and home essentials to last two winners a whole year, worth £150 each, including a selection from their plastic-free range. Visit to fi nd out more about Ecozone and to view their full product range.

Reduce your annual energy consumption Give your interiors a new lease of life Floortherm Renewables provides an all-in-one solution for homeowners, with energy efficiency at the forefront Floortherm Renewables associates itself with only the most recognisable brands on the market, aimed at lowering annual energy consumption and reducing carbon emissions, while helping to protect the environment. Whether you’re involved in a new build or looking to improve the energy efficiency of your existing property, Floortherm can cater for all your needs. The new Daikin Altherma HHT high temperature heat pump, the fl agship product in Floortherm’s range, is the ideal replacement for

any fossil fuel boiler while offering efficiencies of up to three times that of a conventional system. Floortherm’s in-house design team provides complimentary heat loss calculations, estimated running costs and system layout drawings for all installations. This ensures energy efficiency and reliability to the homeowner, resulting in greater savings throughout the lifespan of their heating system. Floortherm’s approach to the design of each project it tenders is reinforced with

rigorous technical integrity – by its in-house pre-sales design team and support by its service engineers constantly on the road, ensuring all queries are dealt with in a timely and efficient manner.

Find out more Visit the website at, call 02830 050350, or email

After a spring clean, many of us realise our homes could do with a makeover The wide range of home improvement products from Hemway Home Collection will give your interiors a new lease of life. The high-pigment Chalk Paint provides a smooth, long-lasting, matte fi nish that will transform furniture and walls without the need for sanding or

priming – perfect for a shabby-chic effect. Hemway is also the home of glitter, paint, grout and pigments, with a wide range of products to add a little – or a lot – of sparkle to just about anything. For instance, use Hemway Glitter Grout Additive to transform ordinary tiles with a glittery shimmer. It’s available in six different sizes and more than 50 colours for a truly bespoke design. Hemway is proud to say all its products are vegan friendly and 100% cruelty free. Its Eco-Friendly Glitter

was also launched to spread the ‘reduce plastic’ message. You can make the most of the three-for-two sale on at the moment, to create a fresh combination of matte colour walls and stylish sparkling tiles.

Add a bit of sparkle Use code 3for2 across the full range of products at





£4995 FITTED


• Free design • Free installation • 25 year warranty • Open 24/7 • UK wide service • Homes and businesses


Energy saving 33


Jellyfish — creating a buzz in solar power

In the spotlight BeZero Carbon This London-based Climate Asset and Liability Management (CALM) solutions business offers innovative data, products, and services for the entire climate economy: decarbonisation, offsetting, natural capital. Their Carbon Engineering partnership allows anyone to buy Direct Air Capture carbon dioxide removal technology and achieve true net-zero. Find out more at

Sometimes you’ve got to think outside the box when it comes to saving the world While solar panels and wind farms may be leading the way in renewable energy sources, there’s • up. other surprising ways to power Jellyfi sh, traditionally have a poor reputation – anyone who • has been stung at the beach can testify to this! However, as well as being studied for their potential to help combat major diseases from Alzheimer’s to cancer, these •marine creatures could assist us with something that affects everyone on Earth; renewable energy. While using these sea creatures as a means to target the planet’s ever worsening fuel crisis could be considered as a pretty far out concept, it is proving to be surprisingly beneficial. The secret lies within a jellyfi sh’s green fluorescent protein (GFP), which gives them their glowing appearance. This substance then reacts to UV light and stimulates electrons. In the context of solar panels, many homeowners or businesses are investing in panels for renewable energy as a way to become more eco-friendly. However, in reality it could take

years for them to actually bring in any real return on investment. The majority of commercial solar panels operate at between 15 to 20% efficiency, and only last for around eight years, resulting in technology that’s far from perfect. Also if you consider their structure using silicon materials, the actual process of creating solar panels is rather energy-intensive. By substituting this silicon with jellyfi sh GFP, this could minimise this energy-consuming process. The plus-side of using glow-inthe-dark jellyfi sh protein is that it does not need pricy materials such as titanium dioxide particles in order to facilitate photovoltaic energy generation. So if anything, this can encourage fi nding cheap new ways of making renewable energy pricecomparable with fi nite fossil fuels. Jellyfi sh are not the only sea creatures that could be used to generate energy either. Algae could prove useful as a way to power floating devices in the ocean. Researchers at The University of Cambridge have been developing biophotovoltaic devices based on

This substance then reacts to UV light and stimulates electrons algae and photosynthetic bacteria. Scientists place a film of photosynthetic cells on top of a transparent conductive electrode. This faces a carbon cathode seeded with platinum nanoparticles.

After being exposed to sunlight, algal cells start splitting water and produce oxygen, electrons and protons. Normally these would be used by the algae to convert carbon dioxide into organic compounds. But the device siphons them off to make electricity, as the algal cells produce electrons very generously. In fact, wildlife has been considered as useful for renewable energy sourcing. It’s a known fact that the agricultural industry is responsible for 18% of greenhouse

gas emissions. In particular, cattle produce a staggering amount of methane, with one dairy cow, or two beef cows, producing 110kg a year. While the obvious way to increase this impact is to consume less meat and dairy, scientists have shown that collecting the gas that cows emit can have a more useful purpose. Known as a methane backpack, they harvest the gas and use it as fuel instead. Gadgets and tech can only take us so far, so we need to become more creative and flexible in our quest to tackle decarbonisation. And some of these solutions could be in front of our very eyes! by Laura Forsyth

Is your electricity really renewable? As the world wakes up to the urgency of climate change, more and more people want to do their bit to help fight it One of the easiest ways to do this is by switching to an energy company that supply 100% renewable electricity. Or at least it should be. Unfortunately, ‘greenwashing’ and the loopholes around green tariffs are making it harder to know what you are really getting when you switch to 100% renewable.

Why choose a green tariff? Good Energy’s research has shown that 65% of people would switch to a green tariff if it meant they were helping support the transition to a clean energy system. It would be reasonable to assume that this is exactly what a tariff labelled ‘green’ or ‘100% renewable’ does, and more than half of the tariffs available on the market today are marketed this way. But in the vast majority of cases, the suppliers offering these tariffs are in fact buying dirty power from the wholesale market, and labelling it green through a regulatory loophole. Meaning they are not doing what customers are expecting them to do – supporting the growth of renewables.

How do greenwashed energy tariffs work? No energy supplier hooks up your home to a wind or solar farm directly, but every electricity supplier must match the amount their customers use, with power sourced from somewhere. Suppliers offering green tariffs are supposed to source this power from renewable generators. However, most suppliers offering ‘green tariffs’ simply buy power on the wholesale market, which is a mix of all sources including fossil fuels and nuclear. They then separately acquire cheap renewable certificates to label this brown power ‘green’. The certificates are either Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) or European Guarantees of Origin (GoOs).

What does real renewable look like? Check out your supplier’s fuel mix or info on how they source energy. If they’re just talking up REGOs, that’s a red fl ag. A real, 100% renewable supplier should be sourcing real, 100%

renewable electricity, either through their own wind and solar farms or direct agreements with generators. Good Energy have two wind farms and six solar farms of their own. They also buy power directly from a community of over 1,600 independent renewable generators across the UK. This is a model which has been proven to support the growth of renewables — helping to drive the transition to a clean energy system.

Find out more Visit to fi nd out more about greenwashing energy.


34 Energy saving


Carbon reduction — combatting the climate crisis

Large scale renewable energy projects have a positive impact on the UK’s decarbonisation goals

SOURCE: 1Progress Report to Parliament (Climate Change Committee, 2021)

The Energy Consultant — renewable energy and sustainability specialists with extensive experience of the UK energy market We are facing one of the biggest challenges of our time – climate change. The science is undeniable. Rising temperatures, wild fi res, and an increase in precipitation • leading to flooding are all evidence of global warming. • To prevent global temperatures rising more than 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, urgent action needs to be taken. Without accelerated action, the worst • impacts of climate change could be irreversible by 2030, and more than 1 million animal species will

be at risk of extinction. Whilst the UK has made some positive steps towards decarbonisation, according to the Climate Change Committee, climate goals will still be missed ‘by a huge margin’, due to a policy gap and the rhetoric not matching the reality. The sixth carbon budget, the world’s most ambitious climate change target, which was set in law last month, aims to cut emissions by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels. For the fi rst time freight and aviation will also be included.

Biodiversity and climate change are inextricably linked. Conserving and managing biodiversity is critical to mitigating the harmful effects of climate change

Achieving this goal would bring the UK more than three-quarters of the way to net zero by 2050. Emissions are now almost 50% below 1990 levels, with the majority of reductions as a result of a rapidly decarbonising power sector, which • saw emissions fall 65% from 2009 1 to 2019 . UK emissions dropped by a record 13% in 20201, partly due to the global pandemic, the effects of which are not expected to be permanent. The•resilience of renewables was also a contributing factor, with increased investment giving the sector a boost. Think Tank Embers Global Electricity Review ranked the UK sixth globally for renewable generation, with approximately 29% of electricity coming from wind and solar. Large scale renewable energy projects will continue to make a significant difference to the UK’s decarbonisation goals and the enhancement of biodiversity. There is currently over 1GW of installed subsidy free capacity with a pipeline of 17GW. With an increasing number of councils declaring a climate emergency and recognising the need for accelerated and measurable action, it is expected

that the investment in renewables will continue to grow. Collaboration is essential in mitigating the harmful effects of climate change. Individuals and businesses can make a difference by understanding their impact and having a clear plan of action to reduce emissions. A robust carbon reduction plan will increase sustainability and resilience whilst enhancing supply chain relationships and competitive advantage. For habitats to survive, civilisations to function and thrive, and economies to continue to grow, significant steps towards decarbonisation are required by all. The time to act is now.

Anya Ghalayini is founder and director of The Energy Consultant, helping businesses across the UK to decarbonise and become more sustainable.

Sustainable Energy Solutions

Find out more Visit for more information.

Looking for truly green energy? Time to switch to Community Power For anyone trying to live sustainably, switching to renewable energy is a big step in reducing your carbon footprint If like many eco-conscious households, you’re keen to switch to renewable energy, ensuring the energy powering your home is truly green will be a main priority. Many energy deals claim to offer 100% renewable energy to their customers. The problem is, not that many are as green as they fi rst seem.

Truly green energy at a great price Community Power from Your Coop Energy is the only tariff to source 100% community generated energy from wind, solar and hydro. It’s the UK’s largest buyer of communitygenerated energy and on track to power 55,000 homes with truly green energy. As a socially conscious co-operative, Your Co-op Energy ensure community energy producers are paid a fair price. Their Community Power tariff is currently the same price as their 12-month fi xed product and cheaper than other renewable energy providers. Like for like, they are the best value, truly green energy supplier on the market today.

What is community generated energy? Community energy projects and local energy groups bring together like-minded people to invest in community generation projects such as solar panels on rooftops, adding wind turbines to farmland and harnessing the power from rivers. These projects are owned and run by the communities they power.

It’s simple. You sign up. They give back. Which? recommended Thanks to Your Co-op Energy’s partnership with award-winning Octopus Energy, the Which? recommended energy provider, Community Power customers can expect their home to be powered by clean, green energy. They will also receive the five-star customer service Octopus Energy are renowned for, and that Your Co-op Energy pride themselves on.


When you switch, Community Power gives back When you switch to Community Power, a £20 donation is made to the Powering Communities Fund which funds new community energy projects, so they can grow, create local jobs, and power local economies with truly green energy. And, as a thank you for signing up, customers receive £20 towards their fi rst energy bill.

Become a member and they’ll plant two trees Your Co-op Energy, part of The Midcounties Co-operative, are the UK’s only member-owned utilities supplier. Become a member when you sign up to Community Power and they’ll plant two trees in your name to thank you for helping them create a greener, better world. You’ll also earn a share of the profits for every pound you spend on your energy and every time you shop with them.

Join a truly green energy community and sign up to Community Power For more information visit and quote code GRDSWITCH20.

Energy saving 35


How going green can save you money SOURCES:

How to reduce your energy bills and help protect the environment • Green energy has often been • considered a pricier option for consumers. Did you know that by committing to a green energy supplier or tariff, it might not just reduce your carbon footprint, but • also save you money? Increasing awareness of climate change has led consumers to seek ways to reduce their carbon footprint. One of the easiest and most effective ways to do this is by switching to a low-carbon, renewable energy provider

Green Accreditation to guide you. This new scheme is led by a panel of independent experts, to help energy customers understand what makes a tariff green.

It might not just reduce your carbon footprint, but also save you money

Using a green tariff means that your energy supplier is investing in renewable energy and pumping it back into the Electricity Grid.

According to a Uswitch survey 1, more than 76% of consumers said that renewable energy is important to them when choosing a new energy deal. You can run an energy comparison to check how ‘green’ your energy tariff really is.

Uswitch Green Accreditation for green energy

How do energy providers save the environment and money?

Ready to go green? Choose an energy tariff using the Uswitch

Octopus Energy are an energy supplier based in the UK,

How does a green energy tariff work?

• Guide to lower your energy bills: In the spotlight • Good Energy Good Energy is a real renewable electricity supplier that’s been powering homes with sunshine, wind and rain since 1999. All of their 100% renewable electricity and carbon neutral gas tariffs are Uswitch Green Tariff Gold Standard accredited. Find out more at

committed to offering ‘green energy’ to their customers. The company plan to increase their new renewables division to generate as much clean electricity as they sell.

on standby, that amounts to a bigger cost-saving throughout the year.

Just as much as you can save money by switching energy provider. You can also save money on your energy bills using these simple moneysaving tips by Octopus Energy. •

standard light bulbs with an energy saving one can save you around £18 a year. That cost-saving increases for as many as you swap out in your home.

Check you’re not overpaying and are on the right tariff:

60% of the UK is on an overpriced tariff. By switching energy provider, you can potentially save up to £244 a year. •

Turn the heating down:

Turning down the heating by just 1 degree, can save you up to £75 a year. It’s worth checking your thermostat to save you money.

Switch off devices on standby mode: According to Octopus

Energy you can save between £40-80 a year by switching off appliances in the home such as digital TVs, games consoles and computers, rather than leaving them on standby mode. If you have multiple people in the home all leaving appliances

Use energy efficient light bulbs: Replacing your

According to Octopus Energy2 you could save up to £672 a year with their energy saving tips. It does pay to switch off to save the planet and your money. by Marie Ellis

A UK-first scheme monitoring the outcome of domestic energysaving retrofits It’s worth checking your thermostat to save you money

SOURCE: 1UK housing: Fit for the future? (Climate Change Committee, 2019)

As part of the National Energy Foundation’s mission to promote sustainable housing and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing UK properties, they have recently relaunched their SuperHomes project The SuperHomes project aims to create a network of home retrofit supporters and has introduced the UK’s fi rst verification scheme which independently measures the outcome of domestic energysaving retrofits. The project has inspired and celebrated the achievements of homeowners since 2007 by creating a community of individuals keen to reduce the environmental impact of their home and share their experiences to help others on the journey. The SuperHomes Network has been redeveloped to give members access to knowledge about domestic retrofit, energy efficiency, renewable energy and home comfort as well as access to free events and workshops. Members will be able to share retrofit knowledge, resources and best practice to deliver high performing homes whether they be homeowners, landlords, professionals or suppliers to the industry.

The SuperHomes Rating Scheme builds on the network to monitor and evaluate homes against three criteria – energy demand for space heating per square metre per year, residual (regulated) annual carbon dioxide emissions and health and comfort. After 12

months of monitoring, homes are awarded a star rating of between one to five, with five being a zerocarbon retrofit. Funding for the redevelopment of the SuperHomes Rating Scheme was provided by the MCS Charitable Foundation and Innovate UK.

The UK’s 29 million homes account for around 14% of the UK’s CO 2 emissions1 . In order to reach the government’s legislative goal of becoming net zero by 2050, the retrofitting of housing to improve energy efficiency is a vitally important step in the path to being carbon neutral.

Get started on your home retrofit journey SuperHomes will be hosting a free event on 28 September at 6pm to talk more about the project and how homeowners can get involved. To register for the event and fi nd out about green living, visit the website at


36 Eco motoring and transport


Rebrand your lifestyle with E Movement Wise people have already started integrating unique, innovative electric bikes into their lives, and E Movement have made this possible There is no doubt that these past years have been hard for everyone – with the lockdown and the frustration that came along with it. Everyone needed renewal in their lives, a sort of rebranding, and E Movement were right on time to make that reinvention possible. It’s true that rapid developments in the field of technology have always been influential with the way people travel, but bicycles have been overlooked in that aspect. Fancy cars and heavy motorbikes

have long been associated with a tech-savvy element, but there was little to no attention paid to the bicycles department. E Movement changed that. The family-run business, E Movement, launched in 2019 with the aim to make innovation, comfort, and convenience as accessible as possible. Founded on deep-rooted research and comprehensive knowledge about the fulfilment of market gaps, they were one of the very fi rst brands of electric bikes in the United Kingdom that modernised and revolutionised the daily commute in the simplest forms. The co-owner of E Movement, Haider Kamal, announced that E Movement encountered a 30% sales increase in electric bikes over the pandemic, and there were two probable reasons for that, he said. One was people’s ability to ditch their cars and choose the convenience of a bike instead, and the second was the fact that


an electric bike turned out to be a safer, more protective, and a germ-free method of transport that prevented the exposure to germprone public transport.

You can find something for daily city rides, or you can opt for a heavyelectric bike to ride around the mountains and steep terrains However, being safer than public transport and more accessible than a car isn’t the only reason electric bikes are considered innovative. They are also environment friendly. While designing the formula for a futuristic way of commuting and leisure riding, the team at E Movement stressed the integration of the ‘Carbon-Smart’ feature in their e-bikes. Carbon-Smart refers to the elimination of carbon footprint and cutting down the emission of carbon dioxide. In this way, e-bikes are much better than cars. Electric bikes operate on a battery, that powers the motor for assistance, in pedalling and providing maximum speed. While there might be a concern about electricity involved in the charging of a battery, the impact is minimal

compared to the energy one could save by avoiding a car. E Movement don’t use lowquality batteries. They only use LG or Samsung batteries in their electric bikes. In addition to batteries, other major components are also from high-end brands. For instance, the electrical integration and motors are from Bafang, tyres are usually from Maxxis, and RST hydraulic system and Logan brakes are used for top-notch suspension. The team at E Movement have made convenience their priority. This is why they go out of their way to add features to their e-bikes that offer comfort and satisfaction, such as foldability. This is also why they are open to different fi nancing methods, instead of only upfront payments. With the wide range of e-bikes available at the E Movement store, you can fi nd something for daily city rides, or you can opt for a heavy-electric bike to ride around the mountains and steep terrains. Whatever expectations you have from a bike, there is a great chance that you are going to meet them at the

E Movement store. Some of the most popular series E Movement bikes have been Thor, Panther, Commute, and Hunter, with more in the funnel. One great thing about electric bikes is that you can get speed assistance without a lot of effort, due to the motor. And if you turn a motor off, you can use the bike normally. E-bikes haven’t only recreated the whole sport of cycling, but also provided an awesome way to commute and explore places that you have never been to before. What’s more, E Movement are offering these bikes at extremely affordable prices. Although electric bikes are the product that creates the most impact, E Movement also have a sleek variety of electric skateboards and e-scooters.

Find out more Visit or call 01483 363063 to fi nd the perfect electric bike for you.

Eco motoring and transport 37


Are e-bikes the future of sustainable transport? Why actively integrating an e-bike into your lifestyle is not just better for the environment — • it’s better for you •

Transport plays a key role in the economy reaching net-zero carbon by 2050. The government plans to make cycling and walking the natural choice for all • shorter journeys or as part of a longer route by 2040. With prices of electric vehicles remaining out of reach for mass adoption and climate change high up on the agenda, e-bikes offer a convenient and sustainable solution. During the pandemic, tens of thousands of people returned to their trusty bikes or bought new ones, to avoid the public transport system. More so as compared to a few years ago, e-bikes have become cheaper, lighter and faster. So it is no wonder that they are growing in popularity, as they are so easy to integrate into our daily lives, especially in ultraurban environments.

Ben Mowbray from electric bike supplier e-bikeshop, advises that an entry level UK or European manufactured e-bike with a Bosch drive system and a rock-solid warranty can cost around £1,700. Manufacturers are doing everything they can to better serve those looking to ditch their vehicles and fulfil demand. Brands like Tern and Gocycle make folding e-bikes with more than enough power to get you up the worst hills on your commute or shopping trip, yet they still fit in the boot of a small hatchback or under your desk.

An e-bike is cheaper than a car, doesn’t require a license, insurance, nor an MOT. Servicing costs can average as little as £50 a year and

Their carbon footprint is of course considerably•less than a standard vehicle even then, much of it can be done • yourself with a few YouTube how-tos, saving you even more time and money.

Something to think about Cycle to Work Scheme Did you know that an e-bike (EAPC) qualifies for the Cycle to Work Scheme? As long as you can prove that at least 50% of the cycle’s use is for ‘qualifying journeys’ commuting to work. Your employer can buy the bike for you, and you enter into a salary sacrifice scheme to pay this off, saving you money. Find out more at electric-bike-rules

Many e-bike owners are returning to bikes for the fi rst time since childhood and replacing their sedentary lifestyle with exercise. Any time you spend on a bike is helping you get fitter and healthier. Despite what some people say, an e-bike doesn’t do all the work and certainly isn’t cheating! Feeling energetic? You can just turn the power mode off and it’ll work exactly like a normal bike, albeit a bit heavier. Had a long day and just desperate to get home? Put it in turbo mode to get home with minimal effort. Almost any e-bike is a sustainable product or contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle. They cost just a few pence in electricity to recharge and the batteries, and if looked after, can last as much as 10 years. Their carbon footprint is of course considerably less than a standard vehicle. Most bike shops also store bike components for recycling. Currently, there are ongoing trials for national, mandatory recycling of bicycle tyres and innertubes to keep them out of landfill and turn them into more useful things like rubber matting or ground coverings for children’s play areas. Bosch and Yamaha along with other major e-bike battery manufacturers have switched to using lithium-ion battery technology and these too, at the end of their life, can be handed in to your local bike shop or Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) waste facility for recycling. by Marie Ellis

Electric motorcycles — a revolution in personal transport? With the economy getting back on its feet after an extended period of furlough and home working, many will be reviewing their commuting options Commuters may feel uncomfortable with infection risks associated with public transport and if more people use cars to avoid it journey times could increase. This may also lead to more pollution and a less healthy environment for cyclists and pedestrians. Cycling can be a great option, although not ideal for longer distance commutes and its appeal diminishes in the dark, cold and damp winter months. E-bikes have an important role to play and take a lot of the physical strain out of the daily commute but being limited to 15.5 mph can make them vulnerable outside cycle lanes. Petrol mopeds, scooters and motorcycles offer greater comfort than a bicycle, improved road presence and multiple safety features, including better grip; superior brakes, swift acceleration and access to uncluttered bus lanes. Whilst 100 per cent electric cars have started to take a significant share of new vehicle sales, the public seem largely unaware of the advantages of electric motorcycles. These include no starting concerns; no noise, no emissions,

no vibration, no clutch, no gear changes, no chain to oil, no road tax and no congestion or ULEZ charges. And, with a cost per mile starting from below 1p, they can deliver over 600 mpg (around £10 for 1,000 miles). Electric motorcycles charge from a standard mains socket, many models having removable batteries for easy charging at home or at work. They also offer very low maintenance costs due to the tiny number of moving parts. Based in Addlestone in Surrey, two minutes from the M25, Spark Motos offers nationwide delivery across a wide range of 100%

electric mopeds, scooters and motorcycles, with prices starting below £2,000. There’s a model to suit everyone, from those who are new to motorcycles to passionate enthusiasts looking for the most pleasurable, high-performance ride available. If you’re having to rethink your commute, try one of Spark Moto’s many electric demonstrator models, which can often be registered and delivered within 24 hours.

Getting on the road only requires a one-day CBT course, costing around £150, and gives access to what’s likely to be the quickest, most convenient and cost-effective, door-to-door commuting option available.

Want to join the electric motorcycle revolution? Visit for more information.


38 Eco motoring and transport


Popular electric bikes that are leading the way to change If you are thinking about making the change to electric, then it’s worth doing your research before you buy

• •

Apache Wakita City 2020 Step Thru • Electric Bike Sky Blue

Giant AnyTour E+ 2 2021 Step Thru Ladies Electric Bike

This is the ideal entry point for electric bikes at an affordable price. It’s a great choice for commuting, riding around town, or travelling a little further out for weekend adventures. It’s low maintenance but has plenty of comfort-oriented features like the suspension seat post and adjustable stem. With the built-in rack, you can carry luggage easily whether you are commuting to work or on more long-distance tours. If you are looking for an e-bike for general use, then this may suit your budget. Battery: 468Wh | Range: 45-55 miles | Charge time: 5 hours Available from £1,149

As the name suggests, the Giant is basically suitable for any tour – it’s the best choice here for longer distance commuting. The 625Wh battery is the largest of the three which means it has the biggest range and can cover the most distance on a single charge, while the suspension fork makes more mixed terrain more comfortable and rideable. While it would handle a commute comfortably, this is really your premium option for taking on the back of a campervan for weekends away. Battery: 625Wh | Range: 60-75 miles | Charge time: 4 hours Available from £3,499.99

Tern Vektron S10 2021 Folding Bosch Electric Bike • Tern has been a brand name synonymous with exceptional quality folding bikes since their launch in 2011 and more so recently with powerful Bosch driven machines. The Vektron S10 uses the latest Bosch Performance Line motor fed by a 400Wh powerpack mounted neatly under the seat and rear rack, providing fast and easy access to recharge both on and off the bike. Its rear luggage rack is cleverly designed for Tern’s everexpanding range of accessories, including rear mounted full height child seats for the school run. Battery: 400Wh | Range: 30-110 miles | Charge time: 3 hours Available from £3,699

The smartest way to charge your car Buying a new car and thinking about going electric? Hypervolt is here to help you switch with fast, smart and simple home charging– not to mention offering £25 off. With 100% five-star Trustpilot reviews Hypervolt is the UK’s highest rated home EV charging company, thanks to its focus on powerful software, design and simplicity. The state-of-the-art Hypervolt Home 2.0 is made in Britain, with iOS and Android apps, tariff

and solar charging, Alexa integration, intuitive LED glow, and free software updates for life. Hypervolt is compatible with all EVs, connects to your Wi-Fi, and is available now from more than 100 trusted installers countrywide. The company’s friendly, expert customer care team is on-hand to help. Hypervolt believes in providing unparalleled, future-proof technology and that green should look good, be affordable and not cost the earth. It has developed a fl awless, smart and beautifully-designed charger that meets all your


domestic charging needs, providing luxury without the premium.

Specialized Como 3.0 Low Entry 2021 Electric Hybrid Bike The Turbo Como 3.0 700’s sleek and stylish design seeks to combine speed and comfort, to make riding this bike as fun as it is functional. Its integrated Specialized 1.2 E motor, the Turbo Como proves itself to be the ultimate city bike. With its Custom Rx Street Tune, accelerations from a standstill such as traffic lights are both quick and efficient. The belt driven motor is also silent and free of any annoying vibrations. The custom Specialized U1-460 battery which is seamlessly integrated into the frame is lockable, and easily removed for charging at home. The battery guarantees you enough juice to commute, shop and go about on your daily travels. Battery: 460Wh | Range: 50 miles | Charge time: 3 hours Available from £2,880

Furo X - Light Carbon Folding Electric Bike The Furo X’s carbon fibre frame is manufactured using state-ofthe-art aerospace technologies to present one of the lightest electric bikes in the world. The Furo X’s frame is engineered to be folded in seconds and is easily transportable, which means you can take it on the train, in your luggage or car trunk. The high-performance motor means that you can drive up steep hills and city streets effortlessly. The Furo X’s removable lithium-ion battery is the same as that used in a Tesla car. You can also power up your phone as you go with the 5V USB output, which means you can reach your destination with fully charged. Battery: 314Wh | Range: 45km | Charge time: 4-5 hours Available from £1,799 by Marie Ellis

The greenest power plant in your garden We all need a bit of green in our garden. Thankfully, the Solivus Arc® provides a lot of green

Get in touch for a free, no obligation quote Call 0333 090 3093 or email sales@ and quote HV25PROMO for £25 off, or £50 for blue badge holders and defence staff. For more information visit

In fact, the Solivus Arc® is estimated to provide enough green energy to power an EV for approximately 5,000 miles a year or a washing machine 833 times a year, every year for over 20 years*. It’s unique curved shape

is designed to capture the maximum energy from the sun’s rays whilst it’s solar fabric is made from planetfriendly organic materials. Get ready for the cleanest, greenest energy ‘grown’ in your garden.

Find out more For a full brochure and your chance to pre-order † the Solivus Arc®, visit the website at

*Depending on car and washing machine type, location, solar batch and optimisation. †A fully refundable deposit of £100 will be required to reserve each Solivus Arc®.

Eco motoring and transport 39 ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE


E-Cargo bikes — the future of urban transport We’re on the cusp of a bike revolution Raleigh – the UK’s best-known bike brand with over 130 years of experience – has recently announced the launch of its brand-new family focused Stride E-Cargo range. Employing some of the best technology available to offer families and business owners a replacement for short journeys, previously mundane trips around town just became interesting. With a whole section of Raleigh’s company dedicated to encouraging

the use of cargo bikes for greener ‘last mile solutions’, Raleigh has long advocated cycles designed specifically for carrying heavy or bulky loads, and now people. Previously used most often by delivery riders, new e-bike technology has seen recent demand for everyday family use grow across cities. With 68% of journeys in the UK under just five miles, E-Cargo bikes offer a sustainable, time efficient and fun

alternative for short trips like the school run or weekly shop. The new family range encompasses two different models: the two–wheeled Stride 2 bike and the larger three wheeled Stride 3 trike. Coming in a sophisticated black colourway, with a dash of playful mustard-yellow, the bikes can be sure to turn heads wherever they’re taken. The business bikes are also available in two models, a small nimble two-wheeler with capacity for an 80kg payload and the larger three-wheeler with capacity for 100kg payload. The enclosed, lockable cases keep equipment, groceries, and anything else you want to carry safe and dry and has been the choice of bike for many small businesses looking to diversify their fleet of cars and vans. In a recent trial of the business

trike, Joe Bacon, Owner of Brunswick East Bake House said: ‘’Raleigh’s use of best-in-class componentry means you can enjoy a smooth ride – devoid of clunky gear changes and delayed power assistance. With a total range of between 30 to 40 miles, the batteries can be easily removed from the frame and recharged indoors within just 4.5 hours.”

E-Cargo bikes offer a sustainable, time efficient and fun alternative for short trips like the school run or weekly shop Both Stride cargo cycles come with a top of the range Bosch Performance CX Cargo Line motor. Purpose-built specifically for carrying heavy loads, the 500-watt Bosch Powerpack battery makes light work of any hills on your way home – even when stacked to the brim with the kids and shopping. Whilst designed primarily for everyday use, the new Stride range is also perfect for small independent business owners

looking to become more ecofriendly (without burning the bank, or their legs). Cargo bikes are increasingly used for delivering goods in record time, or moving tools around congested built-up cities. Commenting on their new range of cargo bikes, Managing Director at Raleigh – Lee Kidger, said: “We are thrilled to unveil our new range of Stride E-Cargo bikes. Having worked closely with businesses in recent years to help them find greener, quicker, and more enjoyable last mile solutions, we’re excited to create a bike that passes on all these benefits to everybody. With 130 years of experience building bikes, we’re confident that E-Cargo cycles will play a central role in our future and are proud to play a role in that.”

Find out more Visit for full details on The Stride family models, and if you are a business wanting to trial a cargo bike get in touch by emailing


40 Eco travel


Accelerating the move towards flight-free travel Holidays built around experiences away from the crowds have never been more needed When the brakes went down on global travel, a new type of slow, hyper-personal holiday • trend emerged as a result, taking travellers off the beaten path by train, boat and bike. • According to the UN World Tourism Organization, tourism was responsible for at least 5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. So, it’s clear that some • forms of transport are incompatible with the sustainability agenda. But with borders reopening and international travel resuming, what is next for your travel plans? It is worth noting that even before the pandemic, interest in ecofriendly holidays was on the rise. For example, travel business TUI Group reported an 84% increase in the number of its clients choosing ‘greener and fairer’ holiday packages between 2015 and 2020. Observing this trend, Cat Jones launched no-fly travel company Byway in March 2020. She said: “Even before the pandemic, there was a surge in consumer consciousness and the number of businesses being built on sustainability.

“During the first lockdown, I knew that if there was ever a time to give people a travel experience based on the fact that they aren’t flying, this was it.” In a post-Covid world, fl ight-free holidays are blossoming more than ever, and a vibrant travel ecosystem is flourishing. It is accelerating the transition to sustainable leisure travel and drawing tourists away from airport hubs suffering overtourism to the wonderful places in between, boosting local economies. With rail travel accounting for just 14g of CO 2 per passenger mile, compared to 285g for air, you could get the train from London to Edinburgh and back five times. Even then, your carbon footprint would have less of an impact than if you flew there! In fact, there’s so many fascinating places to stay in the UK and businesses are now really doing their bit for green tourism. Whether that’s using renewables, sourcing local produce or encouraging public transport use, it’s about time we celebrated the staycation. From hotels, B&Bs, campsites and glampsites that go

• In the spotlight Biostays Welcome to the world • of ecotravel and adventure. Biostays is the world’s first and leading travel website where you can book a selection of stunning and off-the-beaten-path ecohotels and ex-periences globally while also protecting the rainforests simultaneously. Join the adventure! Find out more at

a whole lot further – there’s so many ways one can go environmentally friendly. The UK’s eco-retreats range far and wide, from Cornwall to the Highlands, or hostels to

farmhouses. Make your next trip a little bit out of the ordinary with off-grid locations, compost toilets, wood-fi red hot tubs, solar lighting, borehole water and homegrown produce. Those looking to take a breather from city life have also been turning to ‘conscious camping’, a recently coined term about camping without leaving a trace. Adventurous types have also been championing a resurgence in bikepacking, a combination of bike riding with lightweight camping. Rather

than using racks or carrying everything in a rucksack, your kit is strapped onto your bike itself, in specially designed bags. Holidays built around experiences away from the crowds have never been more needed, and lockdowns have shown us the environmental recovery that’s possible when we stop flying. So, why not discover the beauty of the world by travelling through it, rather than flying over it? by Laura Forsyth

Carrying your commitment to the environment Win the ultimate backpack bundle. Worth £270! Enter online at Fast fashion and our throwaway culture are burdening our planet with a growing mountain of waste. Trakke does things a little differently. Based in Glasgow, Trakke makes vegan-friendly backpacks, messenger bags and accessories that bridge the gap between fashion and function. Trakke bags are crafted from waxed canvas – a traditional fabric woven from natural fibres that are proven to stand the test of time. During production, the densely woven cotton is saturated with wax, which naturally repels water. Unlike synthetic waterproof fabrics that can degrade over time, waxed canvas can be reproofed time and time again – ensuring that Trakke bags will remain functional for many years to come. Indeed, a Trakke bag might well be the last bag you ever need. Trakke is so confident of this that it offers a lifetime guarantee – with an in-house repairs department to fi x products that need a bit of TLC. Founder, Alec Farmer, explains “it’s all about keeping our products in use for as long as possible. The majority of any product’s carbon footprint is generated during the manufacturing

process, so we try to reduce the impact of our workshop, then spread that impact over as many years as possible. We call it ‘sustainability through longevity’”. Trakke’s repairs service offers an unexpected benefit. Repairing bags at every stage of their lifecycle means Trakke learns more about the weaknesses of any product, so can quickly update designs to prevent fl aws of the past from becoming repairs of the future and make continuously evolving products that last in an ever-changing world. Trakke produces bags in small batches that don’t follow seasonal


trends, minimising waste. Materials and hardware are sourced from UK manufacturers, reducing transport distance and thereby overall carbon footprint. Investing in locally-made materials also helps support the manufacturing economy across the UK. Whether you’re preparing for your next adventure or trying to carry your commute, Trakke combines timeless design with

the highest quality Britishmade materials to create stylish, sustainable and durable bags that are guaranteed for life.

The ultimate backpack bundle includes: A Bannoch Backpack; Lunch Bag; Pencil Case and Key Fob. Trakke’s award-winning Bannoch Backpack is ideal for daily life or as a stylish work backpack.

Bag for life Get 10% off the entire range of backpacks, messenger bags and accessories using GREEN10 at Follow on @trakkebags

Eco travel 41


Welcome to the world of eco-travel and adventure Grab your adventure boots and let’s go! Biostays is the world’s fi rst and leading travel website where you can book a selection of stunning and off-the-beaten-path ecohotels and global experiences, while also protecting the • rainforests simultaneously. The northern Japan alps are • supposed to receive meters of fresh powder snow every year, which attracts swarms of tourists and locals from near and far. However, in January 2020, just as • Covid-19 was starting to emerge, founder of Biostays, Edgar – who himself is half Japanese and also the founder of a Japan travel website –was sitting in a hotel in Myoko looking out of the window at exposed rocks and mud. The lack of snow was yet another sign of climate change.

you can book the best handpicked eco-hotels and experiences around the world while also protecting the rainforests at the same time!”

Edgar’s realisation

The origin of Biostays

Edgar came to the realisation that there aren’t really any hotel booking websites out there that have an exclusive selection of eco-hotels and experiences, while also directly protecting the environment with each booking. Then a metaphorical lightbulb appeared above his head. “I’ll make a really cool travel website where

After eight months of solo research, Edgar put together a young diverse, and ambitious team to build the dream and Biostays was born. Every booking on will automatically save a minimum two acres of rainforest, as a proportion of revenue generated goes directly to their global rainforest protection partner. Many of the hotels on

Book the best handpicked eco-hotels and experiences around the world aren’t on other major travel websites. Moreover, every hotel or experience provider on their website is fully vetted to ensure maximum suitability to the Biostays vibe and standard.

Biostays’ strive for change The pandemic has been tough for everyone, yet the travel industry remains one of the worst industries for the environment. But Biostays wants to change that, and the team fi nds motivation in the steadfast dream of helping people to explore the great outdoors and getting close to nature while also protecting it. Edgar explains: “Humans need to unite and mobilize now, just as we’ve done during major world events, to fight the climate crisis. If nothing is done, in the next

few decades we will have little wilderness left to explore and enjoy. Biostays is not just a start-up, but a pioneer in the travel industry. We want to get people travelling to epic and awesome places while also knowing that their holiday has just saved a bunch of acres of rainforest. We also want to educate the next generations. Our planet is precious and crying out for help and we want to do something about it. Happy rainforests, happy animals, happy biodiversity, happy planet.”

Join the adventure Visit to view their featured locations and follow @biostays

Travelling Whale’s sustainable travel tips Travelling Whale is a female-founded sustainable travel company with a philosophy that small ripples make big waves Following the tips below, you can be sure to make a positive impact whilst you travel.

Slow travel Take longer, more meaningful adventures rather than lots of short trips. See the journey as part of the holiday, such as travelling from London to Venice by train and enjoying the breathtaking scenery.

Make your money count According to the United Nations Environment Programme, only $5 of every $100 spent by tourists is fed back into the local area. Spending money effectively with locallyowned businesses helps protect communities and keeps the money within the local area.

Accommodation with the right ethos Sustainability doesn’t just mean solar panelled lighting and composting toilets. It’s also about social and economic impact, such as 4 Rivers Floating Lodge in Cambodia that invests in the local community by training and employing villagers.

Be mindful Leave no trace by using reusable items such as water bottles and respecting the environment, people and culture.

Consider wildlife Animals belong in the wild; make sure all animal interaction is in their natural environment or in a conservation area that helps protect the wildlife.

Did you know... can whale watch from land in Scotland? Check out Travelling Whale’s exclusive Whale Watching itinerary.

The name ‘Travelling Whale’ was inspired by how Great Whales help combat climate change. Travelling Whale pledges a donation of 1% of annual profits to Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust. Travelling Whale embodies the message that travelling more sustainably is possible and is committed to creating positive change in the collective quest to protect the planet. Founders Annabel and Hattie said: “Our priority is to deliver personalised adventures so that our travellers can have the best time away from home, whilst travelling more sustainably.” Travelling Whale offers bespoke itineraries and small group tours domestically and internationally. The majority of trips can be amended to the traveller’s personal

needs, whether they’re looking to stay in a treehouse in Costa Rica, trek to see gorillas in the Ugandan forests or climb Little Adam’s Peak in Sri Lanka.

Book a trip that makes a difference Visit and use code GREEN100 to get £100 off your next tailor-made trip – valid until 31 August. To get in touch email info@ or call 020 8064 0330, and follow at @travelling.whale and @travellingwhale


42 Ethical investments and financial services

The transition to a more environmentally sustainable future is already underway but you wouldn’t know it from the way that climate change is reported in the news Climate change stories are invariably about extreme weather events like floods, heatwaves, and droughts. It’s because these images are so captivating that another important climate-risk doesn’t get our attention.

What is this overlooked risk? This risk is known to the fi nance sector as ‘transition risk.’ It is a matter of great concern to government regulators and policymakers tasked with implementing regulation to guide the world’s economies towards a more environmentally sustainable future. It is also a matter of great concern to every company, every bank, every insurer, and every investor in the world, who are adjusting their business models and developing credible plans for the great transition.

How Urgentem are looking to tackle this risk It’s precisely because ‘transition risk’ is of great importance that a new breed of specialised hi-tech fi rms have emerged to supply the fi nance sector and the businesses they serve. These eco-fi ntech

specialists provide the climate data and analytics that enable fi nanciers to make decisions about how to manage their climate risk and implement their transition plans. Urgentem are the company to watch in this new space. The company have consistently punched above their weight, winning a coveted industry award for their technology platform, Element6. Urgentem also have a suite of global blue-chip clients

such as banks, pension funds, asset managers and hedge funds. Earlier this year Urgentem helped a central bank pioneer the world’s fi rst climate-risk stress-test which evaluated the future viability of 4 million companies worldwide.

Learn more about Urgentem’s innovative products and services Visit the website at You can also book a demo of their award-winning climate risk platform, Element6, at To view their insightful infographics on a wide range of climate and sustainability topics, follow them on @Urgentem

The Net-Zero Atlas*

Question and answer session with Girish Narula, Urgentem’s CEO What is the secret of Urgentem’s success? “The fi nancial sector has a pivotal role to play in the transition by acting as a catalyst for change. But it can’t play its part without data and science-based analytics on which to base its decisions. Our strategy was to create a new kind of company that provides data and analytics that have three ‘trust markers.’ The fi rst trust marker is transparency. Transparency about data is essential to decisionmaking. Our clients can unpack the details that lie behind our data collection and processing so that they can understand it. We also provide them with a complete understanding of the analytics and methodologies. The second trust marker is granularity, or detail. For many participants in the fi nancial sector, a high-level rating for climate risk is not sufficient or fit for purpose, so we knew we’d need to provide in-depth carbon emissions data at a granular level. Our customers can capture the subtle nuances of climate-risk in their portfolios and identify sustainable investment opportunities at a level of detail that’s hard to match. The third trust marker is collaboration. Our analytics are produced in collaboration with climate scientists and academics as well as research institutes and climate-risk focused NGOs so that they are aligned with the latest scientific reports and frameworks.”

So, it’s all about data? “Trustworthy data is our foundation but it’s not enough if clients can’t use this data easily to make decisions. So, we created our climate risk platform, Element6,

to provide the analytics that can be used to make decisions. The platform is easy to use and allows our clients to understand their exposure to climate-risk at the company, sector, and portfolio level, as it stands now, and in the future, based on different climate scenarios. The forward-looking analysis is backed by state-of-theart technological capabilities and a suite of advanced analytics. It’s essentially a one-stop climate-risk management product, offering easy-to-understand and use tools.”

What would you say to anyone looking to join you? “We are privileged to have an incredibly diverse and brilliant team of people who are all experts in their fields. They’re committed to the company’s purpose because they know that our success contributes to the wellbeing of the biosphere that supports all life on earth. If that sounds like you, get in touch with us.”

Carbon neutrality commitment by law

United Kingdom

European Union (approved by European council)

New Zealand


$4 trillion


is the annual clean energy investment needed by 2030 to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 globally 1

2060—2070 2050—2100 No target announced yet


*Selected countries; target year covers varying levels of commitment: proposed law, policy, law. Few countries have implemented targets into law. INFOGRAPHIC DATA SOURCES: Visual Capitalist, Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, Carbon Neutrality Coalition, Climate Action Tracker, European Commission SOURCE: 1IEA Net Zero by 2050 – A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector report 2021

Is data the key to a sustainable world?


Ethical investments and financial services 43


Simple ways to make your money greener in 2021 The guide to making greener ethical and financial investments How green is your money? Do you • know where your money goes after you save or invest? Have you looked • into the investments your bank makes on your behalf? Do you want to make greener fi nancial decisions? It’s time to look at the benefits of responsible and ethical investing. • 2021 is the year of green investing whatever your income. According to Wealthify there’s

estimated to be over £19 billion invested in ethical funds in the UK alone. Globally the figure is more like £57 billion. Ethical investing has only started to grow in popularity over the last few years. Ethical investments can focus on anything such as climate change, social responsibility and sustainability. Companies are being held more accountable

by consumers for not just how they operate in markets, but their policies and governance. • in an By choosing to invest ethical fund that will benefit the environment and society, investing responsibly seems an increasingly attractive proposition. Something • growth which is reflected in the of green investment funds this year. Ethical investing also means that fi nancial institutions will look to exclude those industries and companies that they consider harmful to the environment and society. So, you know that your money isn’t supporting causes that do not align to your values. All while having a clear investment strategy to grow your money.

Switch to greener banking It’s worth looking at all of the banks and building societies, to understand what their policy is regarding climate change, their commitment to the United Nations SDGs, reducing their carbon

A guide through the eco-jargon to balance people and planet with profit EKKO FCA NUMBER: 900785 GYDELINE SOURCE: 1Eco-credentials impact purchase choices (YouGov, 2021)

52% of UK shoppers are infl uenced by a brand’s eco credentials, according to a YouGov Survey1 As you’re reading this you’re probably part of the 52% who are looking for better companies to buy from. But it’s difficult to be an ‘eco-brand’. All companies should want to understand their positive and negative impacts on people and the planet. Some struggle to report their green and ethical position. Others don’t know how to ‘build back better’ or ‘greener’. And a few are growing so fast that it is their systems that are holding them back. What every business needs is someone to cut through jargon like NetZero, ESG, Climate Positive, Social Responsibility, Triple Bottom Line and so on, and work with their team to make things simpler and better.

Gydeline have a purpose to make your business better by understanding your impact, fi nding the best solutions and supporting the changes which make everyone happier. Get some inspiration and listen to Gydeline’s Better Business podcast, the Green Elephant Show.

Improve your impact, fi nd your purpose and use your business as a force for good Gydeline can help you with a free, no obligation discussion of your green and ethical challenges. Visit or email

• footprint• and policies against modern slavery such as Triodos bank, Starling, Charity Bank, The Co-Operative Bank and Monzo

• a greener Choose pension Many of us may have a pension put in place by the workplace, but that doesn’t mean to say that you are not in control of your money. Talk to your HR department about your workplace pension. You can also set up your own self-invested pension plan (SIPP). It’s worth looking at pension investment funds like Nest and PensionBee, which have a great reputation for their green investments.

Invest in ethical investment funds Investing your money directly gives you control over your fi nances but do your due diligence fi rst. Traditionally, tobacco, gambling

and oil industries were avoided by ethical investment funds. Something to look out for now are ‘ESG Funds’. 73% of Morningstar’s 56 ESG indices outperformed their non-ESG equivalents since inception, with Sustainable Fund Flows hitting a new record in May 2021.

Invest in a green mortgage Did you know you could buy a ‘green mortgage’ which may be able to offer you a lower rate for buying a more energy efficient home? Green mortgages are available to anyone who wants to buy environmentally friendly homes or make energyefficient improvements to their property. Barclays, Nationwide and NatWest all offer these mortgages. You will need to check out the qualifying terms to apply. by Marie Ellis

Turn the tide on climate change with your daily spends ekko launches debit card that makes it effortless to plant trees and clear ocean bound plastic bottles ekko launched with the ambition of becoming the easiest way to turn the tide on climate change without doing anything differently. ekko offers an iconic debit card that spreads good vibes around the world. You just keep doing all the things you usually do – shopping, buying coffee, paying bills with ekko and you’ll make a tangible difference on climate change, as with ekko every five transactions pays for one plastic bottle being collected before it enters our oceans. And, every 50 transactions pays for a tree to be planted. Watch your own forest and bottle count grow in your ekko app. Using the latest data sources, ekko also shows you your own carbon footprint from everything you’ve bought and gives you access to a list of sustainable partners, offering climatefriendly goods and services. It’s easy to open and

you use it for your daily spends whilst keeping your banking, salary and savings with your existing bank. ekko is running a waitlist for customers wanting to get their hands on the card

so sign up now for early access at

Join the waitlist Visit – just joining the waitlist will prevent five bottles from entering our ocean.


44 Charities


Plant trees like you mean business Trees are vital to our very existence, and currently, the world urgently needs more inspire and drive ITF’s forest restoration work. These are the people who are most affected by forest degradation. They are closest to the causes and understand the solutions best. With a little help, these communities will become the forest’s stewards as it grows for decades to come, ensuring the trees’ vital role in carbon capture, protecting biodiversity and landscape restoration. ITF was founded in 1922 as a community-led forest restoration movement. As communities

• When reforestation is done right it improves ecosystems, • landscapes and lives reforest their landscapes, they join a growing global movement. In partnership with ITF, local knowledge and training is put to work to strengthen ecosystem and community resilience, helping to mitigate the catastrophic threats of the climate crisis for us all. ITF is a community of tree planters, farmers, foresters, members and supporters, community organisers, entrepreneurs, and teachers who share a vision of a world in which trees and forests flourish and their vital role in sustaining planetary and human wellbeing is valued.

Find out more Visit to fi nd out how you or your business can plant trees and participate in forest restoration.


There are many ways to plant a tree, and not all are created equal. The charity, International Tree Foundation (ITF) was founded 100 years ago in Kenya. Today they plant trees across Africa, the UK and Ireland. They are dedicated to planting the right species, in the right place, for the right reasons. • But who decide which reasons are right? With ITF you can be • confident that the communities whose livelihoods and wellbeing depend upon the health of local forests are the very people who

Helping to save African Elephants with beehives Wild & Free – Rehabilitation and Release is a UK registered charity created in October 2014, with the mission to support wildlife centers and organisations worldwide to rescue, rehabilitate and successfully release endangered species back to their natural habitat. The charity also supports innovative solutions to help wildlife thrive in their environment. The latest project addresses the human and wildlife confl ict that threatens endangered African elephants in Tanzania. With the installation of beehives along the borders of national parks in problem areas, elephants do not trespass the boundaries with neighboring villages and do not destroy farmers’ crops due to their fear of bees. This not only prevents the elephants from being injured or killed but it also keeps farmers safe. In addition, the honey produced

Protecting Africa’s remaining natural spaces by bees generate a muchneeded revenue for the local communities. Wild & Free aims to fi nish fencing a village near Arusha National Park with 100 beehives before doing the same in Lake Manyara National Park, and other parks in the future. You can sponsor your own beehive, personalise it

with a name of your choice and follow the progress of this project through Wild & Free regular updates.

Find out more Visit and email


Space for Giants address climate pressures to ensure a future for people and wildlife Africa is home to some of the most biodiverse ecosystems left on Earth and they are disappearing at an alarming and accelerating rate. If these wondrous national parks and conservation areas are not protected now, they will be lost forever.

There is hope. Space for Giants work with national and community partners throughout Africa to preserve and restore some of the world’s most important natural ecosystems and the wildlife they hold. Unwavering in their commitment, they are strengthening our collective response to the crisis to achieve a meaningful impact for people and wildlife alike. Humanity can no longer dream about the world that was. Urgent action must be taken now to ensure these wild spaces survive long into

the future. What we do now will have a direct impact and ensure that future generations will inherit a healthy planet.

Find out more Help Space for Giants protect these natural spaces by visiting and donating at


A simple, efficient solution that contributes to peaceful co-habitation between humans and elephants


Stamping out wildlife crime Elephant populations can be saved with successful conservation, including anti-poaching measures, supportive legislation and land use planning, to enable humans and wildlife to coexist For many of us, the image of living next to wildlife seems idyllic and exotic. However, the reality for those living in impoverished parts of the world, where endangered species are a part of their daily lives, is often far from this. Rather a constant confl ict and serious problem where people and wild animals coexist. Nowhere is this more evident than in Botswana, southern Africa which is home to the largest population of elephants left on Earth. For most rural people in these areas, elephants are considered to be a problem. While elephants are highly intelligent, majestic creatures, they are also permanently hungry and sometimes aggressive, which can make them a threat for those who grow crops in areas where elephants also live. With this, the response to elephant deaths is often mixed. Most farmers feel a sense of relief that the population has been reduced, as it means that their crops are safe. Farmers and smallholders can lose a whole year’s worth of income in a single raid by elephants. Humans are often trampled by elephants defending what they believe to be their territory. Homes can be destroyed by the large creatures, in search of food.

In the spotlight The Word Forest Organisation

In saying this, this is nowhere near as hard as what humans infl ict on elephants. In the 1980s in Africa, an estimated 100,000 elephants were killed each year to supply demand for ivory, and up to 80% of herds were lost in some regions. Although poaching levels have levelled off in recent years, up to 20,000 African elephants are still being killed each year for their ivory – that’s an average of 55 a day. Elephants also need a lot of land to fi nd enough food and water. They are capable of walking across

over 30,000 sq km, but the space available to elephants in Africa has decreased by over 50% since 1979. Their habitat is under continued pressure and fragmentation due to ongoing land conversion, infrastructure development and expanding agriculture, which leads to increased risk of confl icts with people. National Park Rescue is Africa’s frontline emergency service, rescuing dying national parks and the wildlife they protect. They work with local wildlife authorities

Powered by plant-loving environmentalists, this holistic, #SmallButMighty charity plants trees, builds schools, facilitates education and supports women’s empowerment in rural Kenya. Watch their documentary #TreesAreTheKey narrated by Kate Winslet to see their positive impact in action. Find out more at

to design and implement rescue operations that restore national parks on the brink of collapse, engaging local communities, tackling corruption, boosting resources and stopping poaching.

Charities 45

Mitigating human-elephant confl ict is a crucial conservation tool. It minimises the risk to both people and elephants, while inspiring local goodwill towards wildlife and promoting a more balanced coexistence. To this date, ‘rogue elephants’ are routinely killed as a part of ‘Problem Animal Control’ policies. However this is not a sustainable solution to human-elephant confl ict. Which is why conservationists have created non-lethal tools for keeping elephants out of agricultural land. This ranges from bee fences, to chilli bombs, and strobe lights. But the most effective method is to protect elephant habitats and the corridors that link them. This allows elephants to travel between parts of the land without coming across a higher concentration of people. Taking care of habitats and habitat corridors has the added bonus of providing ecosystem services like clean water and air, pollination services, flood mitigation and other ecosystem services that allow the population to thrive. There’s no place for culling in the 21st century. Rather, the best solution for humans, elephants and the environment is to protect habitat corridors, so these natural environments can support humans and wildlife long into the future. by Laura Forsyth

Mitigating humanelephant conflict is a crucial conservation


46 Green innovations


Green innovations 47

SOURCE: 1Plastic Waste Makers Index (Minderoo Foundation, 2021). SOURCE: *Far-UVC light (222nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses by Manuela Buonanno et al


The green revolution

We have entered a decade of change and ambitious government legislation will oversee the decarbonisation of business and industry throughout the UK The past year or so has seen •a rise in widespread awareness of the effects that we have on the • environment. There seems to have been a communal shift towards reducing our carbon footprint, and everyone is following suit. One thing that has become clear, • however, is that an individual household can only do so much. The Plastic Waste Makers Index recently found that just 20 companies are responsible for more than half of the single-use plastic produced globally 1 . This statistic is disheartening for anyone trying to reduce their mark on the planet. Thankfully, the carbon emissions and waste production of all businesses and industries are about to be curbed like never before. The UK government is now taking the lead in a universal mission to combat climate change. In mid-2019 the UK became the fi rst major economy to introduce a net-zero emissions law. This means that all UK businesses are required by law to bring their greenhouse

gas emissions to net-zero by 2050. This policy is designed to entirely end the UK’s contribution to global warming by that time. Since passing this law, the UK government has decided to speed things up, by declaring a target to cut emissions by 78% compared to the levels of the 1990s, by 2035.

All UK businesses are required by law to bring their greenhouse gas emissions to netzero by 2050 This step would serve as a huge stride towards the 2050 target. Announced just this year, this is the world’s most ambitious target of its kind to date. The UK has already reduced emissions by around 44% from 1990 to 2019 and plans to continue on the path to set an example for economies worldwide.

With UK businesses cutting their emissions by 85% in the next 14 years, a huge need will open up for more renewable ways of doing business. This means that fossil fuels will begin to be replaced by low-carbon alternatives such as hydrogen and electrification, which in turn will increase the demand for such forms of energy, and subsequently make sustainable energy forms more accessible to the country at large, not just businesses.

It should go without saying that complete decarbonisation will be no easy feat – it is not simply a matter of intent. This will involve a complete transformation of industrial processes, and in turn, it will completely change the dayto-day activities of all businesses. Moreover, the majority of the work needed to clear the path for these milestones, will take place in this decade. This roadmap will lead to a renaissance of green innovations, as businesses and industries set out to achieve zero emissions. This is not business as usual. This is a time to create new, exciting, and entirely creative ways of doing things that not only do not cause harm, but actively benefit the planet and all of its inhabitants. It’s time to make way for the new, greener industrial revolution.

In the spotlight Tungsram UV-C Sanitiser A scientific study demonstrates that UV light is one of the most effective ways to destroy SARSCoV-19 in five minutes*. UV light exists naturally, so no chemicals are used, and UV lamps are fully recyclable. To find out more contact

by Shannon Maher

Meet Subpod — greener than solar power, cleaner than electric cars Subpod is the Australian-invented compost system and worm farm that installs directly into your garden bed

SOURCE: 1 IMAGES: Luca Fox ©Subpod

The Subpod mission is to make composting an everyday part of life, as reducing food waste is fundamental to reversing climate change. Globally, food waste

contributes 8% of the overall emissions causing climate change today 1 . In 2017, Project Drawdown ranked reducing food waste as the third most promising climate

change solution out of the top 100 options – beating both solar farms and electric cars. The average couple threw away roughly 300 kilograms of food waste last year, but Subpod are hoping to change that. This year, they’ve made composting more accessible than ever with their new compact system, Subpod Mini. Many gardeners have a compost heap of their own, but for those living in cities it can be difficult to fi nd the right system. Subpod Mini is odourless, compact and doubles as a tidy garden seat, perfect for anyone wanting to make a big difference in a smaller space. If just 1% of people living in cities around the world composted, it would have the same environmental impact as planting a 3.5-million-acre forest! If you do one green thing today, make it composting.

Find out more Visit the website at or email at


48 Green innovations


The best green innovations for sustainable living Discover the most innovative green products to make your switch to true sustainability that little bit easier


• •

InSinkErator AllotMe A revolutionary UK-fi rst digital platform described as ‘Airbnb for gardens’ has been launched to help tackle a chronic shortage of available outdoor space to grow fruit and vegetables in London and other major cities. AllotMe pairs anybody with available outdoor space with people seeking somewhere to grow their own – known on the platform as ‘Greenfi ngers’ – allowing them to rent plots in just a few clicks. Find out more at

An InSinkErator food waste disposer is a must-have eco-gadget for the home. Food waste is ground into minute-sized particles, thanks to the innovative system of stainless steel grinding rings. It is then dispatched and simply rinsed away down the drain, through the standard plumbing. Not only does this offer an alternative to traditional disposal methods, but by reducing food waste to landfill sites, it also helps to decrease greenhouse gases and the household’s carbon footprint. Visit

Giki Zero is a free online tool that helps users to understand the impact that their actions are having on the planet, and how to reduce their carbon footprint accordingly. Users simply input data on their habits and activities, and Giki helps them to make a difference. Sign up at

In the spotlight One Life One Tree The average UK person’s lifetime CO 2 footprint is 520 tonnes, whereas the world’s largest Giant Sequoia has captured over 1,400 tonnes. To start your net zero journey become a Sequoia Patron, and plant Giant Sequoia to capture your lifetime carbon footprint. Find out more at

GrowPod The GrowPod allows people to cheaply and sustainably grow fruit and vegetables in their own homes with no need for soil or electricity. The new low-tech, grow-at-home kit has everything home gardeners need to get growing in one box complete with seeds. Available from

ReZorce® Circular Packaging Beverage cartons may be effective at keeping products fresh, but they are difficult to recycle, making closed-loop production almost impossible. Zotefoams have created ReZorce ® Circular Packaging – an effective alternative to current packaging. This packaging is lightweight, versatile, low cost and hygienic, and has been developed to meet or exceed all food industry standards and is ready to replace packaging that is harmful to the environment. Visit by Laura Forsyth and Shannon Maher

Is net-zero enough to halt the impact of climate change? The past year has seen wave after wave of bold commitments from businesses and governments, to dramatically reduce carbon emissions Most recently, the European Union has announced a plan to cut its emissions by 55% by 2030, compared with 1990 levels. These moves are vital. It is absolutely imperative that we drive down our carbon emissions – and fast. But we also need to appreciate that decarbonisation on its own isn’t sufficient to protect us from the changes we’ve already lockedin to our climate. Even if we managed to reduce our carbon emissions to zero tomorrow, we would still be at risk from the impacts of climate change. The heavy rainfall in southeastern England in recent weeks is

Iggy Bassi, Cervest’s founder and CEO

one example. It pales in comparison with the tragic aftermath of the floods in western Germany at the same time (45mm of rain in one day, compared with over 150mm). Yet, the impact was tangible enough for those affected: damage to homes and businesses that will cost millions to put right. This begs the question: even as we reduce carbon emissions, what do we need to do to help communities, businesses, healthcare systems and ecosystems prosper – as the weather becomes more volatile? The answer is, they need to become more resilient to climate change. Just like decarbonisation, building resilience depends on people knowing precisely what they need to do, and by when. Cervest is at the forefront of efforts to give organisations and stakeholders the insights they need, by translating advanced climate science into actionable insights they can have at their fi ngertips. Climate Intelligence, the new era of business intelligence that Cervest is pioneering, quantifies the risks individual assets face across multiple climate events, such


Cervest is making Climate Intelligence open – so anyone will be able to see and understand these risks as rainfall, heatwaves and storms, in the past, today and decades into the future. Crucially, Cervest is making this Climate Intelligence open – so anyone will be able to see and

understand these risks. Whether it’s a home, workplace, factory, office building or any other physical asset of value, you can assess climate risk just like any other form of due diligence. The next time you see a company – or a whole country – making a big net-zero pledge, look at what they say about adapting to our changing climate.

Find out about Climate Intelligence Visit for more information.

Green innovations 49 ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE


Get set for the future of zero-waste spirits Discarded are turning trash into treasure

SOURCE: 12021 Cocktail trends, Spirits Business

Discarded Spirits Co. are on a simple mission – to reverse needless waste. With 70% of food and drink waste avoidable, and almost half (43%) of people planning on using zero-waste ingredients at home this year1, Discarded are adopting a new philosophy to champion that waste today can be reused for treasure tomorrow. By reusing traditionally ‘wasted’ ingredients, a purposeful new dawn for the spirits industry and cocktails can be unlocked – discovering ‘undiscovered’ fl avours, bringing back to life ‘redundant’ ingredients, and inventing techniques to ‘reuse creatively’. Discarded Spirits Co. transform what would otherwise be ‘trash’ and turns it into unexpected treasure with its delicious range of zerowaste spirits: Discarded Grape Skin Vodka, Discarded Banana Peel Rum, and Discarded Sweet Cascara Vermouth, complete with 100% recyclable packaging.

Discarded Grape Skin Vodka A brand new addition to the range, the base of Discarded Grape Skin Vodka is made by distilling all the parts of the wine-making process that are normally discarded – the skins, stems, the seeds – otherwise known as the pomace. This is typically sold on or, in most cases, destroyed. The pomace distillate is then blended with Chardonnay wine alcohol – a waste product from the dealcoholising wine process. In a bid to combat this needless waste, Discarded have inventively repurposed these by-products to create an utterly delicious, innovative and sustainable spirit. Smooth and perfectly balanced with aromas of green apple, lychee and almond croissant, Discarded Grape Skin Vodka is luscious, tropical with a rich mouthfeel that lends itself beautifully to cocktails – like this Sustainable Spritz: Pour 50ml Discarded Grape Skin

The Discarded Banana Colada Spritz

Vodka, 50ml (slightly fl at) sparkling wine and 25ml lemon juice in a wine glass over ice. Top up with lemonade. Garnish with lemon wheel.

Discarded Banana Peel Rum In 2019, Discarded released their second variant, Discarded Banana Peel Rum. A fruit-forward rum that has notes of liquid banana bread and banoffee – it is made by infusing Caribbean rum (which was used to season whisky casks) with banana peel, which is recovered and dehydrated, before being steeped in alcohol for two weeks to extract maximum fl avour. What’s better than Piña Coladas and singing in the rain? Knowing that your Banana Colada Spritz cocktail is helping champion the Discarded. That – and pineapple with banana – is a match made in heaven: Add 50ml Discarded Banana Peel Rum, 5-6 pineapple chunks, and 25ml coconut water to a shaker. Muddle pineapple, then shake hard over ice. Double strain into a wine glass over cubed ice, top with prosecco.

Discarded Sweet Cascara Vermouth In 2018, Discarded launched their fi rst product, Discarded Sweet Cascara Vermouth, a sweet vermouth made from leftover cascara, which is the discarded fruit of the coffee cherry. Millions of tonnes of cascara are discarded as waste every year. To combat this mammoth waste, Discarded take the cascara to dry and ferment, before steeping in alcohol for two weeks to extract the optimum fl avour and then blending with

sherry that was used to season whisky casks. The result is an innovative reuse of cascara to create a rich, fruity and complex vermouth like no other. A simple drink for every occasion, and showcasing the rich, fruity notes of cascara with a smooth sherry fi nish, this Discarded & Tonic is light, refreshing and surprisingly complex: Combine 50ml Discarded Sweet Cascara Vermouth with 150ml tonic water in a highball glass over cubed ice, and garnish with orange zest. The innovative new Discarded Spirits Co. bottles feature labels made from fasson cane fibre (made from sugarcane waste), a unique cork that repurposes excess ground cork granules (only 30% of harvested cork currently makes the grade for the

drinks industry) and a bottle that’s made from at least 65% recycled glass content. Discarded Spirits Co. range is available at Waitrose, and online at Clink* and Amazon.

Join the sustainable spirits revolution Become part of the sustainable spirits revolution when you buy the Discarded Spirits Co. trio for just £65.45 online at Clink*, saving £11 off the RRP of £77, as well as receiving free shipping worth £4.95, while stocks last. Scan the QR code, which will take you straight to Clink* the offer will be automatically applied. Or, simply visit discardedoffer and use the code DISCARDED21 at checkout. Follow Discarded Spirits Co. on @discardedspirits to learn more about turning trash into treasure and discover ways to #reusecreatively.


50 Green innovations

The sustainability of the paper industry


You would be forgiven for assuming that perhaps reading an • article on sustainability, in a print publication, made from trees, may be inherently contradictory. This level of self-reflection and critical thinking is absolutely fundamental to the ongoing fight against •climate change. However, in this case it is unfounded. It is a common misconception that newspaper printing is an environmentally unfriendly practice.

Sustainably managed forests All of the paper in Europe and the UK is sourced from fully sustainable sources, in the form of well-managed, purpose-created forests. The key to the sustainability of these forests, is continually planting more trees than are harvested. Planting more trees has even been touted as a potential way to tackle climate change, so the process of using purpose-grown forests for printing paper is not only

unharmful to the environment, but can be actively beneficial. This is a natural, green innovation that can contribute hugely to the reduction of CO 2 in the atmosphere.

Energy efficiency The production process of paper, just like any other, requires energy. In the case of the paper industry, a degree of innovation has made this process more sustainable. According to the Confederation of Paper Industries: “The UK pulp and paper sector has already reduced absolute emissions by 50% since 1990” 1 . Some larger paper mills in the UK have even transitioned to sourcing their own energy, with the heat generated from the production process, and wood waste. These renewable innovations all contribute to a closed-loop production system, which has become a primary goal for any business or industry to reach the zero-carbon target.

In fact, paper is the most recycled material in the UK Paper is recyclable and renewable Woodpulp, the primary raw material of the paper production industry, is infi nitely renewable. On top of this, most paper is biodegradable by default, as well as recyclable. According to CPI statistics, up to 70% of the fibres that are used to make paper in

UK, are made up of recycled paper as opposed to virgin fibres1 . A somewhat commonly known fact, is that paper can be recycled up to seven times, significantly more than most materials, after which point the fibres in the paper begin to degrade. In fact, paper is the most recycled material in the UK 1 .

An example to follow An estimated total of 3.9 million tonnes of paper and paperboard were produced in the UK in 2017 2 , this is made up of graphic papers, sanitary and household papers, and packaging materials, among others. Paper in the UK is produced in an atmosphere that considers its effect on the environment, and its capacity to contribute to sustainability. Perhaps all industries could benefit from taking a leaf out of their book. by Shannon Maher

SOURCES: 1Myths and Facts of the Paper Industry (Confederation of Paper Industries, 2017). 2 Production of paper (Forest Research, 2017).

With a combination of sustainably managed forests, energy efficiency, and recyclable products, the paper industry is more eco-friendly than people may think

Paper packaging to protect products and the planet Flexi-Hex packaging was born out of a love for the sea, and a desire to design an environmentally friendly packaging solution • • •

Packaging makes up 40% of plastic produced globally1 An estimated 91% of plastic produced isn’t being recycled2 Around 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the oceans every year3

The solution Flexi-Hex are here to help your brand go plastic free! They have created a patented, honeycomb sleeve made from 100% recycled and FSC Certified paper. Renowned for its strength, the innovative hexagonal cell structure provides incredible protection for fragile products and creates a flexible sleeve that forms to the shape of products placed within. Flexi-Hex pride themselves on being a superior alternative to single-use plastics, such as bubble wrap and air-filled sacs, with far less impact on the environment. To date, with the help of their customers, Flexi-Hex have prevented over 1,641km of plastic from being used. This is equivalent to, as the crow fl ies, the distance from Cornwall to Rome!

• • •

100% plastic-free Recyclable and biodegrades in six weeks Compact – one pallet of FlexiHex is equivalent to five pallets of bubble wrap, reducing shipping and storage costs Protective – they’ve passed European drop tests from 1.2 metres and their own drop tests from 4 metres


• • •

Easy to assemble Customisable Flexible – a sleeve can expand to up to 35 times its size, making it adaptable to protect products of all shapes and sizes

Flexi-Hex have tailored ecofriendly packaging solutions for the following industries: boardsports, bottles, cosmetics, electronics, commercial, and homeware.

According to artist and designer, Tom Raffield: “Flexi-Hex is the perfect solution for our more fragile pieces and gives us the confidence they will arrive with our customers safely.” The boardsports company, Surfdome, says: “The moment we saw Flexi-Hex we knew we were looking at the future, of not just boardsports packaging but in fact protective packaging as a whole. For us, the key driver is around sustainability, the fact that Flexi-

Hex offers more protection, and is quicker to use for our customers, are all just a bonus!” The non-alcoholic spirit brand, Seedlip, are also fans of FlexiHex. They say: “Flexi-Hex really have created something special. We at Seedlip believe it to be best in class for e-commerce packaging – durable, sustainable, unique and beautiful.”

Win a bottle of Seedlip For a chance to win a bottle of Seedlip, visit @flexi_hex and tag a brand you’d like to see using Flexi-Hex packaging. To fi nd out more visit the website at, contact the team at or call 01326 702110.

SOURCES: 12021: The Year of The Package (Forbes, 2021) 2A Whopping 91 Percent of Plastic Isn’t Recycled (National Geographic, 2019) 3Issues Brief: Marine Plastics (International Union for Conservation of Nature, 2018)

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