Husena Tinwala Architecture Portfolio

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HUSENA TINWALA 20-11-1998 Indian


+919426029890 I-5, Noor Mohallah, Ukardi Road, Dahod, Gujarat- 389151



Institut e of A rchit ctu re an d Pl an n i n g , N i r m a Un ivers ity, Ahm eda ba d, India 2 0 1 6 - P resent

Con s tru c tion Works h op

Ba ch e l o r o f A rch i tectu re

H i g h e r S e c o n da r y S ch ool

St. Ste phens Higher S e c o n d ar y S c h o o l , Dah o d , In dia 2 0 1 4 - 16

S e c o n d ar y S c hool

St. Ste phens Higher S e c o n d ar y S c h o o l , Dah o d , In dia 2 0 1 1 - 14


Ro o fing Syst ems

E mbo d ied E nergy C ou nt An In trodu c tor y Works ho p

Fur nit ure Design

HANDS ON SKILLS Mo d el Making Hand Draft ing Sket ching

Hin d i | E n g l i s h | G u j a ra ti | Ara b i c

STUDY TRIPS A rch i te c tu ral Visits - Jaisalmer, Ra ja st han - D elhi| C ha ndiga r h|Ag ra - Aurov ille, Ta mil N ad u - Rajk ot , Guja ra t - P une, M a ha ra sht ra

D ocu m e n tati o n

- Pond icher r y - Renda r i, Ra ja st ha n - D hal N i Pol, Ahmed ab ad


Be st S tu d i o Per f orma n ce 2016-17 Institut e of A rchit ctu re an d Pl an n i n g , Nirma U niver sit y, Ah m e d ab ad , I n d i a

SOFTWARE SKILLS Auto d esk Auto cad Auto d esk Revit Sket chup Ad o be Pho to sho p Ad o be Ind esign Rhino cero s Micro so ft Office

INTERESTS Travelling Read ing Mo d el-making Inst allat io ns

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Visualising 3-d spaces from 2-d patterns

Architectural Visits





Semester 5 | 2018

Semester 1 | 2016


Elements of Space Making

Centre for Material Exploration

Semester 3 | 2017






Semester 6 | 2019

Life on Streets

Semester 4 | 2018


Working Draw- Basic Design ing


Mass Housing

Architectural Representation Techniques

Building Construction Techniques

Related Study Programme


Architectural Graphic Skills

Semester 2 | 2017




CENTRE FOR MATERIAL EXPLORATION Location- Navrangpura, Ahmedabad Site Area- 2080 sq. m. Project requirements Laboratory/ Workshop area Reception/ Office Meeting room Storage space Toilet/ Pantry Display area Library Residential unit for the professional The studio was focused on understanding and development of design based on the knowledge related to a material and the act of construction. The idea was to explore the aesthetic and experiential quality of the materials by understanding the structural systems, assembly techniques, joinery and construction methods. The program was to design a center that would be a material incubator which would help in knowledge creation of innovative and indigenous construction techniques. The material chosen is wood. The center is designed as a linear block with a louvered facade using the material wood. Subtraction and addition of blocks in the framework helps define various spaces.


Top view of the 1:100 scale model

Concept models showing addition and subtraction of cubes View of the extended double height corridor space

Section EE’

Section DD’

Section CC’

Section BB’

Section AA’




1:20 scale model showing one module

MASS HOUSING Location- Anna Salai Road, Pondicherry Site Area- 6000 sq. m. Project requirements Small, medium and large units with sizes 45 sq. m., 90 sq. m., 130 sq. m. Attached activity space in the medium and large unit Common amenities comprising of about 500-600 sq. m. The studio exercise was to design dwelling units for about 60 families. The main focus was the contextual and cultural dimensions of space. The site being in Pondicherry has a rich fabric with cultural diversity. Hence, the design caters to the needs of the community resulting in a homogeneous community housing. The house form responds to the context of the region (climate, resources, and materials). A common community space should also be a part of the design. To respond to the cultural requirements of the people an open space at every level as open terraces are provided which helps in the interaction between the residents and emphasizes community living. The terraces open towards the central open space giving a sense of belonging. Also, all the houses have fenestrations in the north-south facade creating cross ventilation taking advantage of the wind direction.

Conceptual massing models by addition of blocks


Conceptual diagrams showing interaction of terraces

1:200 scale model showing the massing

Site Plan


Section AA’

Section BB’

Section CC’

Section DD’


Cluster section AA’

Type C- 120 M2


Cluster section BB’

Type B- 90 M2

Type A- 45 M2

The cluster results from the idea of terraces on each level. It encourages interaction between units on various levels as well as adjacent units and between the units and the common community space. The block model shows the massing which results in the open spaces on various levels. The staircase at the center also acts as a common meeting place at various levels.

Isometric showing various units of the cluster

INSTITUTION Location- Gomtipur, Ahmedabad Site Area- 2130 sq. m. Project requirements Teaching Administration Support -Classrooms -Staffroom -Assembly space -Activity Room -Principal office -Toilets -Library -Meeting room -Pantry -Computer Lab -Sports room The main focus of the studio was to experiment and explore different design ideas of institutional character in organization, form, new techniques, and materials and work out the appropriate structural system to support the entire design development. The program was redevelopment of a dilapidated municipal school in the dense fabric of Ahmedabad in Gomtipur. The basic idea of the design is to provide different scale of open spaces according to the behaviour of the students. Moreover, there is a heirarchy in the connection of the open spaces to the built form. The classrooms of the smaller kids are the nearest to the large open space and are even connected visually, while as the classes get higher, the connection to the open spaces become indirect. The major open space is connected to the community space, so they can get a larger open space which benefits both the school and the community.

Conceptual models showing major concerns for the design


Conceptual sketches

Site model showing the building in the context

Site plan


Section AA’

Section BB’

Section CC’

Classroom and admin

Open Spaces

Model view of the backyard

Model view of the classroom

Model view through the central courtyard

Model view through the central courtyard




Model view through the entrance


WORKING DRAWING Location- Gomtipur, Ahmedabad Site Area- 2130 sq. m. The primary objective of this studio is to understand the importance of working drawing in the design development process and how at various stages the process helps to understand tectonics of built environment form macro-level to micro-level of how various materials are used together to produce a unifying architectural language that achieves, in Vitruvius’s words ‘commodity, firmness and delight’. While reinforcing this understanding, the studio aimed at producing good construction drawings of given project. The material used was brick along with a concrete frame structure. The studio exercise began with resolving the typical wall section along with a detailed understanding of various layers of construction from foundation till roof/parapet level. The detailed understanding of various layers of material of construction along with finishing layers was explored at the beginning of semester in drawing and model. After resolving the vocabulary (language of building) of the final design to be taken up for the development the actual working drawing set in progressive stage is prepared. The project for the institution was taken for developing the construction drawings. The program was redevelopment of a dilapidated municipal school in the dense fabric of Ahmedabad in Gomtipur.


Wall Section





LIFE ON STREET Location- Sunrise Park road, Ahmedabad Site Area- 120 sq. m.

Section BB’

The studio aimed at understanding the human body proportions, activities and the usage of space. The exercise was to design a street with spaces for various activities using architectural elements such as the wall, plinth, columns, etc. RequirementsSpace for- Mehndi artist Florist Cobbler Nat Bajaniya Vada pav wala Juice centre

Isometric view of the florist shop


Section CC’

Section AA’



ELEMENTS OF SPACE MAKING The studio aimed at understanding attributes of ‘space-making’ elements like roofs, walls, doors, windows, columns, stairs and floors and analysis of their implicit influences in the design of space. The concept of the design was to create a hierarchy in terms of height. Pause points are designed on various levels.

Model showing the elevation


Isometric Drawing with sciography

Model through the entrance showing heirarchy

Dhal Ni Pol, Ahmedabad

Ground floor plan- Ceiling plan

First floor plan- Ceiling plan

27 Section BB’

Section AA’


RELATED STUDY PROGRAMME Measure drawings are done to understand the building by measuring its footprint and the various spaces to understand its scale and proportions. It also helps us understand the culture of the people, their lifestyle and the architecture it generates. Ahemdabad- Dhal ni Pol Project Partners- Aarniya Shah, Aayushi Patel, Dhaval Vamja, Tejshree Joshi, Yash Mevada Pondicherry- Cazy Street, Cafe De Arts Project Partners- Yash Mevada Ground floor plan- Ceiling plan


Section CC’

Luni- Rendari Project Partners- Archi Rojivadia, Rutvi Vyas, Yash Dodwani

Section EE’

Section DD’

Key plan



Cazy street, Pondicherry

Rendari, Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Key plan

Section DD’


Section EE’

Section DD’


Construction of walls with buttress to support the vault

Setting up formwork for construction of vault

Segmental arched vault Project Partners- Aayushi Patel, Kosha Majithya, Yash Mevada

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES The subject aims at understanding various construction techniques. The workshop of roofing systems conducted as a part of the subject helped comprehend the various roofing system and its construction. A segmentalarched vault was made using bricks and mud- lime mortar. The walls to support the vault were made of concrete blocks. Buttress was made to counter the arch action.

Half completed vault after removal of formwork

Models were made to understand various long-span structures. The model of the Sama Canal in Vadodra was made to understand the construction of portal frames for long-span structures.

Completed vault Model view of Sama Canal Vadodra- Portal frame structure Project Partners- Aayushi Patel, Archi Rojivadia, Yash Mevada


BASIC DESIGN The subject helps develop designing skills and visual expressions. It helps to learn the basic principles and elements of design. It develops different skills such as observation, perception, registration, expression and critical thinking. The exercise involved selecting a geometric shape and making patterns through its repetition. The patterns have also been used to visualize 3-dimensional spaces.

34 Pattern made using geometric shapes

Sketch of Pinecone

Abstraction of Pinecone

The exercise was to select, comprehend and represent a natural object in an abstract form. The next step was to use the visual design elements solid, plane, line, and point to create a unit and use such multiple units to represent the natural object’s abstract form. Pinecone growing around an axis in a spiral form was chosen and depicted in the model using a cuboid, triangular plane, line and a point. The triangle edge and the point were both aimed towards the main axis and a spiral was formed.

Sketch of Pinecone

Representation of form using visual design elements




Detail- Abstract model of Khaman

ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHIC SKILLS The course enables us to understand the significance of graphic design as a communication tool. Various drafting and visualizing software are learned and exercises done help us represent objects graphically. To create a lamp a fractal was made and superimposed on a transparent sheet. Also, a slice model was made to learn SketchUp by abstraction of a nylon khaman.

Lamp with graphics of fractals

Abstraction of khaman


Fatehpur Sikri

ARCHITECTURAL VISITS Architectural visits are a tool to inculcate the learning process through field experiences. The visit to Delhi, Agra, and Chandigarh helped us understand the history of Architecture and its evolution over a period of time by looking at structures built in the Islamic to the colonial to the modern era. The work is a part of the visit done with an intention to visualize the spaces and perceive the details of the architectural elements.

Central Pillar, Diwan-e- Khas , Fatehpur sikri

Buland Darwaza , Fatehpur sikri


Fatehpur Sikri

Red Fort, Agra

Palace of the assembly- Chandigarh

Red Fort- Agra

Wall painting

INSTALLATIONS Installations were made as a part of the annual student’s festival, “Kalp” of the Institute of Architecture and Planning, Nirma University. A platform to apply our academic knowledge in bringing out innovations to create aesthetically pleasing structures. With the constraints of space and time, the installations bring out the best of ideas in students.


Slice Model Material- Corrugated Sheet


Husena Tinwala +919426029890

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