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Get On the First Page of Google

Note: This is not a free ebook. It is for personal use only and cannot be given away, resold, or altered in any way.

Get On The First Page Of Google Disclaimer: These steps, if used properly and consistently, will help you get your site or Squidoo lens to the top of Google for keyword phrases that aren’t super duper competitive. I can’t guarantee you the very top spot. I can’t guarantee you anything as I’m not running Google. Google algorithms change from time to time. But following these steps give you a very good shot at getting to the top, even the very top, of Google. Remember, Google adjusts itself every few days. Your site or Squidoo lens may get toward the top of Google and then disappear for a day or two, or drop down to #25 or so, while Google goes through its adjustments. But your site or lens will show back up toward the top after a short time.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google

Table Of Contents Intro The Method In A Nutshell Google Loves Squidoo First Things First. Key Phrase Research The Squidoo Lens Tags Are Super Duper Important! If You’re Building A Site Too Now The Fun Begins Make A Hub Scribd Blogger More Is Better The Secret Steps That Make A Difference Pingomatic & Pingoat Can You Digg It? Any Others? A System and A Schedule Monetize Your Success Summary Of Resources

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Intro Remember those blog farms in years past? The idea was to build a blog with frequently updated content and link to it via many other blogs that you owned on various C blocks and IP addresses around the world. You could buy links and exchange links for your feeder blogs to eventually gain some page rank for them. When they gained page rank, you could easily link to your main blog(s) with whatever link text you Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google wanted and immediately give them credibility and eventually page rank. This is kind of the idea behind bum marketing and article sites. Post your article in many different article directories and get quality links back to your site from all over the world. One of the newest article sites that will seemingly be taking the web by storm is Article Sense. It is free to join and you will share the adsense revenue generated, unlike ezinearticles and other article sites that keep the profits for themselves.

Now we don’t have to build blog farms. We can cut out all that work of setting up blogs everywhere to gain credibility and page rank with Google. Instead, we can tap into the credibility and page rank of all kinds of sites that Google already loves. The Method in a Nutshell: build a site and/or a Squidoo lens that targets a particular key phrase. Push the lens and eventually the site to the top of Google by backlinking from authority sites. Monetize the traffic you gain from being on the first page of Google.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google

Google Loves Squidoo! For unknown reasons, Google loves Squidoo! Squidoo has a page rank of 6. Even though a new lens has no page rank, somehow

Google smiles on the content there. From our blog farm example above, our Squidoo lens will be our main blog that we point all our links toward. The Squidoo lens can be the “final stop” or you can use it to point to a site you want to get ranked for. Building The Squidoo Lens Itself This report does not deal with how to best monetize your squidoo lens, make it pretty, or gain lens favor in the Squidoo community itself. Tiffany Dow runs a service where you can get a nice looking lens built at Build My Lens. There is a lot of good information available about Squidoo in many places. In this report I’m just concerned with the steps necessary to make this particular technique of getting to the top of Google work.

First Things First. Key Phrase Research I’m assuming you have already signed up for a free account with Squidoo. The first thing you are going to have to do is pick the key phrase you want to focus on. Put that phrase in quotes and

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google Google it. How many results are there? This is your direct competition. For my keyword research, I use Keyword Elite. Another tool I like to use, when it is working, is the Overture Keyword Selector Tool. I recommend, when first starting out, focusing on phrases with less than 100,000 results when put in quotes. When you go for phrases with results higher than that, it will take a lot more work and a lot more time. It can be done, but you will have to be patient and persistent. Some super competitive phrases, with results over 1 million when put in quotes, may never reach Google’s first page.

Here, “Toyota camry sedan” has 40,800 results when put in quotes.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google Ok, now you have the phrase you want to focus on. You MUST put that phrase as part of the name of your Squidoo lens. For your site, you MUST have that phrase as part of the domain name. Back to our example. The phrase ‘Toyota camry sedan’ must be in the name of the domain name and Squidoo lens. If that phrase is already taken, it’s ok. Just add a number or some letters on the end. Google will pretty much ignore numbers on the end. As long as the keyword phrase is there, it will come up in the results.

I wanted the phrase ‘mega traffic secrets’. ‘megatrafficsecrets’ was taken. ‘mega-traffic-secrets’ was taken. So I went with ‘mega-traffic-secrets-101’ I like to put my key phrase with dashes in my Squidoo lens. SEO experts don’t agree on whether this is a good or bad idea. But I think it has been proven that with a domain name it is best not to use any dashes. So would be much better than

The Squidoo Lens Itself Because Squidoo has made a serious effort to clean up their site of all the junk there, Google has seemingly rewarded it. One written or unwritten rule is the fact that each lens must have at least 3 modules. Anything less that that and you are Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google in danger of getting your lens locked. That means you can’t access it and Squidoo puts a big “Lens Locked” sign on the front door. I like to use two text modules and one video module. You can do what you please. But please, at least three modules. More would be even better. Inside the Lens Itself I try to think basic SEO when building my lens. I bold the key phrase I’m targeting a few times within the lens. I include the key phrase in my author bio box and bold it. I only include two or so affiliate links or banners leading away from the lens. I think all good basic SEO rules will help you here. You can probably do better than what I have done in the example here.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google Tags Are Super Duper Important!! One of the most important steps to the success of this method is proper tagging. We are going to use the tags you choose in a “unique” way to help get to the top of Google. You must spend some time in properly researching the proper tags for your lens. I go to and put in the keyword phrase I’m building my lens about. What comes up? Use the tags others have used. Also, make sure one of your tags is your keyword phrase. Use individual words of your keyword phrase for tags as well. So, for our example, as a tag I would have 1)‘Toyota camry sedan’ 2)‘Toyota’ 3)‘camry’ 4)‘sedan’ 5) any other good related tags you can find Squidoo has a place to enter tags as you edit your lens. Enter all your tags there. After you edit and enter tags, Squidoo will even suggest tag variations. Use some! We will come back to these tags, why they are so important, and how we will use them, later.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google If You’re Building A Site Too Do some reading on SEO optimization. If you Google it you can find a lot of information out there. If the phrase you are targeting is not too competitive, your optimization will not have to be extensive. If you are targeting a very competitive phrase, you need to spend much more time and have the site highly optimized to compete. For many of my simple sites I use the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) website builder called Xsite Pro. It optimizes the site somewhat automatically and has a built in checking system that will give you suggestions on what you can do better. Buying Xsite Pro was one of the best $197 I ever spent! Great training comes with it and it is very simple to use – and super powerful if you want to dig deeper. Click here to watch a short video, 7 Reasons Why You Need Xsite Pro Now. Now The Fun Begins We have our site and/or lens built. We are targeting one key phrase. What now? Just a quick note. It should be much easier initially to get a Squidoo lens to the top of Google than a brand new site because Google already trusts Squidoo. Google knows nothing about you or your new domain name. We are going to help Google by linking to your site from trusted sources,

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google but your Squidoo lens should be way ahead initially as it is located in a trusted location that Google knows well. I expect your lens to get to the top quickly. Your site will lag behind. But if you are consistent and persistent, your site can eventually get there also. Ok, now we need to link back to our site and lens with some quality links. Fortunately, we can gain quite a few for free with just a little work. Write at least one article, with the key phrase in the title, and post it on Google seems to love In the resource box at the end of the article, link to your site and your Squidoo lens using your keyphrase as the link text. Here is how linking is done in the resource box: <a target="_new" href="[your lens title here]/" title=>[Your keyphrase here]</a> So here may be a typical resource box: To learn more about the <a target="_new" href="" title=>Toyota camry sedan</a> check out this <a target="_new" href="" title=>Toyota camry sedan</a> information. It would look like this when it is seen online: To learn more about the Toyota camry sedan check out this Toyota camry sedan information.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google Now change a few things in the article and upload it to Article Sense after signing up for a free account there. Keep that article handy because we are going to use it in a more unique way shortly. Make A Hub

The same materials you used to make your Squidoo lens you can use to make a hub page. is just like Squidoo except that instead of lenses, they are called hubs. The same rules apply for your Hub as for the Squidoo lens. Your key word phrase must be part of the name of your hub. You need at least three modules. I use the same modules Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google as I used for Squidoo, with some slight changes so it is not totally duplicate. Google loves hub pages! Sometimes your hub will outrank your Squidoo lens. Hub pages only allows you to link to the same outside URL one or two times. So, to keep my outward links to a minimum, I’ll link to my site one or two times and to my Squidoo lens one or two times somewhere in my hub page using the keyword phrase I’m focusing on for the link text. Very important: make sure you tag your hub the same as you did your Squidoo lens. Scribd is a great site and Google seems to like it a lot! Click the login button on the top right and then sign up for a free account. Remember that article I told you to keep handy? We are going to upload it to Scribd. Scribd accepts most document formats. I use Microsoft Word. I edit my article by bolding my keyword phrase and linking it to my site, my Squidoo lens and my Hub page. Microsoft Word has an option in the toolbar to insert a hyperlink into your document. You can put as many links in your document as you want. But I wouldn’t overdo it. Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google Important: when you save this version of your article to your hard drive, name it your keyword phrase. Now when you upload it to Scribd, your keyword phrase will be part of the URL name where it is located.

Here you can see ‘megatrafficsecrets’ is part of the URL.

Blogger Since Google owns Blogger, it just makes sense to set up a Blogger blog. Again, make sure your keyword phrase is part of your blog’s name.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google Since there is a good chance the name is already taken, add a number to the end of the phrase. To help your cause, please post to your blog at least once a week. In each post, include a text link, with your keyword phrase, to your site and your Squidoo lens. I also throw in links to my Hub page and Scribd doc. More Is Better Continue this same procedure with other prominate web 2.0 sites. In each one, link to your site and your Squidoo lens. When possible, throw in a link to your Hub page and your Scribd doc. Here are some sites you may want to consider putting a blog with links:

PageRank 9

PageRank 8

PageRank 8

PageRank 7

PageRank 7

PageRank 8

There are many more out there that you can find with a little research.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google Remember: for the blogs you create, when possible, name them with your keyword phrase so the keyword phrase is part of the URL of the blog’s location.

The Secret Steps That Make A Difference Now we have some good blogs online on prominate sites that Google loves which point to our site and our Squidoo lens. How will that help us? It really won’t unless we help Google a little. Remember the old days when we would ping the search engines? Then came the tag and ping days. Now we are going to apply some of those principles with a twist. We are going to use the sites Google already likes and trusts.

Pingomatic and Pingoat Pingomatic and Pingoat are two free sites you will use often in this method.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google

Everyone thinks that because it says “Blog Home Page” it has to be a blog. It doesn’t. Any page on the web is good for pinging.

Alternate between Pingoat and Pingomatic so you don’t get slowed down by too many pings in a short span of time.

In the “Blog Name” put your keyword phrase with a descriptor. In the “Blog Home Page” put the URL of your site, then the URL of your Squidoo lens. See example picture on the next page.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google Don’t check the special services, but check all the common services to ping. Click “Send Pings”.

Now follow the same procedure for your Squidoo tags that relate to your keyword phrase. Do the same at Hubpages. The URL of your hub plus the relevant tags. The same for Scribd, and Blogger, and any other blogs you put up that point to your site and your Squidoo lens. Can You Digg It? Let’s use some of the power of Digg! Who cares if others Digg our stuff or not? We will Digg it and ping it.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google After you login, click on ’Submit New’ and enter you Squidoo lens, your Hub page, your Scribd doc, and your Blogger blog. Now go to ‘My Profile” and click on your first listed “blog”. Ping that page with Pingoat or Pingomatic. Do the same for the next blog, and the next, etc. You can also add them to your favorites and ping the favorites page.

You can see the Mega Traffic Secrets name as part of the URL.

Any Others? I have found that Google loves Bumpzee. You really need to set up a free account at I know it is only a

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google PR 5, but Google picks up big time on the tags there. Click on “Sign In” and set up an account. When you get in click on Add Your Blogs. Put in your site URL, Squidoo lens, your Hub page, Scribd doc, and everything we did earlier. Make sure to list your usual tags. After that, go to your “Manage Blogs” page which you get to by clicking on Dashboard, My Blogs. Click on the relevant tags listed with your “blogs”. Find the page your blog is listed on and ping that page with Pingoat or Pingomatic.

This is page 9 for the tag “blog” where my Scribd doc was.

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google It is really nice if only your blogs are listed on a tag page. That should be the case if one of your tags is your keyword phrase. Another site, along the same lines, that Google loves is Blue Dot. Sign up for a free account. If you can, use your keyword phrase for your user name. Now go to “Tools”. Click on Dot From Anywhere. Now add all site and all your blogs. After your done, go to “My Dots” page. Ping it with Pingomatic. I’ve heard that simpy gets some good results also although I have not personally used it. I have used Technorati, Stumbleupon, and Delicious. But these sites don’t seem to have the impact as those I listed above. There are tons of social bookmarking sites out there. Find some and experiment on your own. The more, the better.

A System and A Schedule It is important to have a system and a schedule for how you update your site and Squidoo lens and how often you use Pingomatic and Pingoat to ping your pages and tags. I suggest editing your site and your lens at least once a week. Add a sentence somewhere. Change some wording around. Do something. Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google After your initial pinging of everything to get Google’s attention, I suggest pinging everything only once a week and on a rotating schedule. Maybe on Monday you slightly edit your site and ping it. On Tuesday you ping your Squidoo lens and its tags along with Bumpzee tags. On Wednesday you do your Hub page and tags and Digg. On Thursday…. You get the idea. If you are working on a more competitive phrase, you need to keep adding backlinks on a regular basis. On Monday, set up a blog on On Tuesday, set up a blog at On Wednesday… Make sure to tag and ping each one initially and then weekly. Even better, outsource these tasks. Monetizing Your Success One of the purposes of getting to the top of Google is to draw more traffic that you can change into dollars. Just think, with different holiday seasons you can make a Squidoo lens for different items people are searching online to buy. I’m sure you know of many other good ways to monetize a site and a lens. Good luck!

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


Get On The First Page Of Google Summary Of Resources For Keyword and Keyphrase Research Keyword Elite Overture Suggestion Tool To Submit Articles Ezinearticles Article Sense To Build A Site Xsite Pro To Ping The Search Engines Pingomatic Pingoat A Sample Squidoo Lens Mega Traffic Secrets

Copyright 2007 by Dan Ellenwood


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