Hutcheon and Pearce High Performance Newsletter v7 q1 2016

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The MD’s message

IN THIS ISSUE Arron’s Message & JDNA


Arron Hutcheon- Managing Director

JDNA Blood drive dates for next quarter


Welcome to our Autumn edition of High Performance.

Parkes Team Day


I am pleased to communicate to you that we have now secured a piece of land at the central west livestock exchange in Forbes, where we will be relocating the Parkes dealership in early 2017. There were a few factors that led us to making this decision.

Gold Challenge Cotton Wrap


WH&S & Riverina Plains Sprayer Day


Apprentice Class of 2016


Firstly, our current lease at 32 Clarinda Street is coming to the end of its term in 2017. Apprentice Rotating Roles, RITAFE Award While this facility has served us well, we believe this is a great opportunity to improve our Header Driver’s Convention, Demo Days operation efficiencies and also get some much needed space that has been a restriction to Newstarters, Apprentice of Year Awards us in Clarinda St. Secondly, while going through the process of finding the right location to move to, we tried to make the decision as commercially as possible. One of our main objectives was to have Newell Highway frontage. Given that we need this new building to serve Hutcheon and Pearce for the next 20+ years, we tried to factor in any potential /or planned town and heavy vehicle bypasses, along with any other potential changes to the Newell Highway in the future. From all the information we could gather, we are confident that this stretch of the Newell has the lowest chance of any change in the future. I look forward to keeping you all updated over the next 12 months. Lastly, I wanted to remind you all about our 2016 JDNA blood drive. Book in and prove that you have the JDNA. The simple reality is that 1 in 3 Australians will need blood in their lifetime and it only takes a single blood donation to save 3 lives! I have been a passionate blood donor for many years with over 65 donations. I urge you all to roll up your sleeve, sit back, relax and help us save 1000 lives. Don’t forget to join up to our Red25 group to make the donations count! Thanks again to our staff, for your ongoing efforts and our customers, for your ongoing business. Arron Hutcheon 0428502454.

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Wagga Workshop, John Deere Masters


High Performance Academy - MANAGE


Vacancies, JDF, HPHub, Tassie, Breakfast


Anniversary milestones this Qtr

20Years Glen Montgomery (Albury) Gavin Graetz (Wagga) 15Years Arron Hutcheon (Group) 10Years Peter Curtis (Parkes) 5 Years Darcy Munro (Condo), Ben McIntosh (Griffith), David Chambers (Cowra), Emily Gordon (Lake), Matt Bradley (Wagga), Matt Duffy (Group).

Congratulations and Farewell This quarter we say farewell to Lorraine and Trevor Breen who retired before Easter. We thank them for over 25 collective years of service at TECSight and the Parkes and Wagga Branches. We wish them well on their travels in the van over the next years. A farewell evening was held on the 27th March in Wagga at the Commercial Club. Thanks and good luck.

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance


Our commitment to JDNA continues

As part of Hutcheon and Pearce’s commitment to our local communities, we have chosen to partner with the Red Cross to assist with increasing our region’s donations. Our teams in all Branches are assisting the Red Cross with taking donations from the local community as well as, donating their own precious blood. Thanks to all who have and plan to donate. The Griffith Team (left) and Temora began the process in February.

Join the RED25 group and help us save 3 lives each 4th -5th April - Narrandera & Parkes 6th -7th April - Temora & Parkes 14th,15th, 28th, 29th April - Griffith 4th,5th May- Temora 12th,13th, 26th, 27th May - Griffith 16th,17th, 30th June - Griffith 20th -23rd June - Cowra 16th June - Condobolin

the perfect storm is brewing at all Hutcheon & Pearce dealerships and our competition are green with envy

Buy any new John Deere 7R, 8R and 9R Agricultural tractor and get 5 years/5000 hour John Deere PowerGard Protection Plan™ included free. THIS INDUSTRY LEADING WARRANTY OFFER CAN’T LAST LONG SO SPEAK TO YOUR LOCAL HUTCHEON AND PEARCE TEAM TODAY.

Terms and conditions available at

Why start a career with H&P? 1. S tudy locally with H&P and RITAFE in rural NSW.

Apprentice Recruitment Drive for class of 2017

H&P invite you to participate in next year’s recruitment intake for Agricultural Technicians and Rotating Parts/Sales/Service Apprentices.The High Performance Academy (HPA) is the platform of our learning and development growth model and the opportunity for employees to build their career. You will attend RITAFE H&P John Deere training to do a Certificate III in Agricultural Mechanical Technology. So, if you are a school leaver from Year 12 or are looking for a change of career, please apply. See our website at for application details, call Matt Duffy on 0428 613284 or email

Applications close for our 2017 intake on 16th June, 2016. Don’t delay.

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance

2. G row your capabilities and discover a great work lifestyle. 3. B e job ready on John Deere products in your Apprenticeship earlier. 4. B ecome the ultimate Service Technician, Service Advisor , Sales Representative or Parts Sales Interpreter. 5. G row to be the leaders of today and tomorrow in your field of excellence. 6. L ead the industry best practices with a fulfilling career.


Parkes Team Splash

Barry Reidy and Preston Burns- Parkes/Condobolin Branch and Service Managers


ith the outstanding effort the team at Parkes and Condobolin have put in over the past 12 to 18 months, we elected to do a trip away to an undisclosed destination for any of the staff that were available on Saturday the 2nd of April. We ended up with 16 staff members loading onto a bus in Parkes at 7am and then heading east for Penrith White Water Stadium for a session of white water rafting. As the destination was not disclosed until we hit Lithgow, there were a lot of nervous bodies on the bus thinking we could have been doing an army boot camp, mud running, sky diving, bungie jumping or even paint ball; white water rafting was not hitting the radar. With that, I would now like to thank Preston Burns for arranging the day and leave it to him for some comments about the day. Barry Reidy


t 7am we all met up at the Parkes branch to board a bus to an unknown location. There was plenty of excitement about not knowing where we were going to end up or what we would be doing. The trip started off with a quick stop in Orange to pick up our 1st year apprentice and from there we moved on to Sydney with the help of our bus driver Scott Baker, who delivers a lot of our John Deere machinery on his 24/7 truck. We arrived in Penrith and at this stage everyone knew that we were going white water rafting. After signing our life away we suited up in wetsuits ready for our safety talk. It all sounded simple; if we fall out of the boat, try and stay on top of the water. We entered 2 rafts which had 7 members in one and 8 in the other. Both rafts had a rough start on the course until we gained some experience and worked in sync with our fellow team members. After the second lap our instructor decided to mention to us that he had a team the week before in which someone fell out of his raft and broke his leg sideways on a rock. Talk about putting the wind up us for the rest of the day. After 40 minutes, it was time for water survival. We were instructed to stop half way down the course and throw away our paddles. We were then pushed into turbulence and had to hold on for dear life. The raft was sucked into the rapids were it then took in water and threw us into the turbulent pool. It was an unpleasant feeling falling

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into the water and being stuck under the raft not knowing which way to swim to get to safety. After taking in a bit of water and making it to the bank, we were instructed to take a big dive back to the boat and get back in. Both Mitch Dunn and Preston Burns were tossing up who was going to take the leap of death first. Preston took a dive and his fellow members lifted him into the raft which lasted for a split second before being thrown back out the opposite side. At this point Mitch decided to take a dive towards the boat and ended up head butting Preston in the stomach who was trying to recover himself from the water the second time. It was time to grab our paddles and follow the course again, I do not think any of us could handle swallowing any more water. It was not long until we became marooned on a rock. It all seemed ok until the poor guys sitting on the left hand side of the boat mentioned that there was a 1 meter drop below them. It took 5 minutes but we managed to get free without going over the edge, however we took the last 4 rapids backwards until we reached the bottom of the course. On was the last lap for the day it was on for young and old and neither team wanted to lose. Team 1 managed to get a lead to the first rapid and pushed team 2 over the rock ledge as there was only room for 1 raft to enter the rapid. As Team 1 celebrated their moment of glory, we looked back to see team 2’s raft being flipped in the air and bodies being thrown into the river. The last person I could see looking back was Josh Douglas with a startled face flying through the air until he landed on top of Barry Reidy who softened his fall. 7 people were floating in the rapids & rocks trying to get out and there was only one life rope to pull them out. At this stage Team 1 were laughing so hard they were not paying any attention to what was going on with their own raft and almost lost control themselves. We all made it back at the end of the day feeling sore but no injuries. It was 3pm when we stopped for lunch in the Blue Mountains then arriving back in Parkes at 7pm. The idea of the trip was to get everyone in a situation that required team work which enhanced the skills needed in our daily work environment. It was perfect timing with our 2 new apprentices and 2 new technicians getting an opportunity to spend some time with everyone from both the Parkes and Condobolin branches which work together frequently in the background. Preston Burns


Golf News

Cotton Harvest looming

David Kidd - Griffith Sales Representative

Grant Barber - Griffith Parts Manager

Tony Glennon, Branch Manager Griffith, decided to sponsor a hole in the 2016 Griffith Charity Pro Am. This annual event raises money for a different local charity each year. This year Country Hope received close to a $3000 donation raised from the event. Cameron Williams, Ian Robertson and myself took place in the sponsor’s afternoon on Thursday 10th with a number of customers for a social hit and numerous beers. Ian ‘TIGER WOODS’ Robertson proved to be the star among us, claiming a nearest the pin prize on a par 3 hole. The club was good enough to allow us to park some small machines (see pic below) on the course for the 2 days. It was a prime spot with visibility from the 1st tee, 9th green and Clubhouse balcony.


otton harvest is fast approaching and wrap is being delivered on farm and into the Branch. It certainly looks like it is going to be another busy season.

Have you secured your wrap? Talk to Grant and his team in the Griffith Branch to ensure you have planned ahead for your requirements and are ready for the big season.

MAKE T RAC KS TO T HE HUTC HEON & P E ARC E 9RX AND 8RT JOHN DEERE RIDE AND DRIVE DAYS Come and see for yourself the features and benefits of the new John Deere 9RX and 8RT track machines. Working demonstrations and technology options from Tecsight will also be on display.

Places are limited so call your local Hutcheon and Pearce store today! Wed 23 March – Finley Wed 30 March – Coleambally Fri 1 April – Narrandera Tue 5 April – Lockhart Thu 7 April – Yenda Mon 11 April – West Wyalong Wed 13 April – Grenfell For more information


Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance


Workplace Safety Peter Goodsell - Work, Health and Safety Manager

Don’t Take Shortcuts “A shortcut is the longest distance between two points”. (Issawi’s Laws of Social Motion (book) Stepping over the Power Take Off (PTO) shaft instead of walking around the equipment. Concern: A PTO shaft rotates very quickly! An average PTO shaft can spin between 9 and 16 times per second. Clothing, hair, jewellery, shoelaces or hoodie strings can quickly become entangled resulting in severe injury or death. Best Plan: Pocket the key and walk around the entire unit. Enjoy the time to stretch your body and get some fresh air! Have a good look around and under the vehicle and implement as you walk, especially to look for anything that may have changed since you parked. Shortcuts may only save about 30-60 seconds, yet come with huge risks to personal safety! An injury could result in days, weeks, months or even years of downtime. If keeping safe on the job simply requires rethinking shortcuts, consider sparing the 30-60 seconds required.

Riverina Plains Sprayer Day Clare Robinson - TECSight


utcheon and Pearce are a proud sponsor of Riverina Plains Inc again in 2016 and recently attended the Riverina Plains Inc Sprayer Day which was held at Rennie on the 5th of February, 2016. The day saw around 80 growers attend to hear from Craig Day of Spray Safe and Save. Craig is always very well received for providing practical and invaluable tips and training on how to ensure you are getting the most out of your spray applications. He provided a range of information from understanding the impacts of nozzle choice and pressure, through to the impact of adjuvants and their importance in efficacy of the various types of pesticides. Hutcheon and Pearce supported the day by providing an R4045 self-propelled sprayer with a 120’ boom with individual nozzle control and the optional ARAG Seletron solution system. The ARAG Seletron system delivers a 12 tier nozzle control system allowing on-the-go optimum application arrangements at all times. Combining the ARAG Seletron system with the R4045’s high-output, dual flow meter and it’s automatic boom control, BoomTrac, means effective product application every time, with minimal crop damage or pesticide waste. If you would like to know more about our Self-Propelled Sprayers and their options, please contact your local dealership.

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance


Apprentice Class of 2016 Jacqueline Negline-Smyth- HR Manager


e are pleased to announce the 12 new Service technicians for the class of 2015 intake of the TOPGUN recruitment program. The dozen Service Apprentices across nine branches share their career aspirations, why they joined H&P and the most interesting job they have done in their first 7 weeks at H&P.


att Booth joins us in Griffith. “I became a member of the H&P team because I have always been interested in this field of work, the opportunity became available and I had no hesitation in applying for a position with such a successful and rewarding family owned company servicing the local industry. The most interesting thing I’ve done with H&P so far would be going out in the field, meeting the different customers and working with different Techs. All in all I would have to say turning up for work everyday knowing that there is a challenge waiting for me every day is a new challenge! I desire to be the best Service Tech I can possibly be. I wish to one day pass on my skills and knowledge to future Service Tech apprentices. Most of all is to continue learning through my entire career, I guess it goes back to there always being a challenge to keep things interesting.”


romeo Purtell joins us in Finley from Berrigan. “I’m off a farm and have always enjoyed working on engines and equipment. Splitting a 9420 in half to replace a bearing has been the most interesting. I aspire to rise through the ranks and become a mechanic that others seek advice from.”


uke Wood joins us from Walwa to Wagga. “I wanted to join a company with a strong and experienced background. The most interesting thing so far has been pulling a transmission out, and apart, of a 6820. I aspire to become a qualified service technician and maybe even workshop foreman.” illy Fogerty joins us from Bundalong to the Narrandera Branch. “I recognised benefit in the opportunities available to become a first class Ag Technician. Every day is interesting as there is always something new to do. I aspire to try and learn as much as possible regarding John Deere machinery and be a stable and top notch service technician. uke Baker joins us from Panuara and operates from the Pakes Branch. “I joined Hutcheon and Pearce because I have always had an interest in mechanics and growing up on the farm made the decision to work on agricultural equipment an easy one. The reason I chose Hutcheon and Pearce is that being from a farming family I learnt by word of mouth that Hutcheon and Pearce was leading the pathway for agricultural machinery. The most interesting thing I have done so far is removing and rebuilding the transmission out of a 6630. I wish to become a fully qualified technician and completing mostly off site repairs for our customers. achlan Foster joins us from Colleambally in the Finley Branch. “I believe H&P have the best training. Matt got me interested when he came to school and H&P ‘s reputation for supporting apprentices. So far, injector cleaning, engine diagnostics, helping Eric doing an engine rebuild and adjusting tappets has been interesting. I aim to become a qualified diagnostic technician and to have an apprentice myself someday to mentor and guide. ryan Green hails from Corowa and joined H&P “because who wouldn’t want to work for them? I have always had an interest in mechanics and have wanted to pursue this career. The opportunity came up to put in an application for the job and I took it in my stride not expecting much to happen but I was accepted. I believe the most interesting thing I have done is working on a header out in the field with one of the fellas here and then being trusted to replace cab mounts out in the field, with the eye of another qualified technician looking over you of course.” Bryan hopes to become a completely qualified technician and then move up through the ranks to be classed as a Diagnostic Technician. hannon Lewis grew up in Tumbarumba and works from the Temora Branch. “I joined H&P because I believe that Agriculture is the one thing that keeps us all going - without Agriculture we would have no food or many of the everyday products that we all know and love. John Deere has been the company that has appealed to me since I was a young boy so that’s why I joined Hutcheon & Pearce. It’s hard to come up with the most interesting thing that I have done since I’ve arrived here. Every day I’m faced with new challenges and exciting tasks that make me excited to come back to work the next day. At the moment I would like to continue through my apprenticeship and become one of the best technicians that Hutcheon & Pearce have to offer.



avey Jones joins us from Myrrhee in Victoria to Griffith. “I chose H&P because of the great apprenticeship program they offer and the large amount of effort they put into their apprentices. I also have a big interest in John Deere and Ag. The most interesting learning thus far would be learning the complexity of the cotton pickers and how they work. I aspire to being a well respected JD Tech.”




uke Ryan joins us from Forbes in the Lake Cargelligo Branch. “ I joined because H&P are a big company and I like John Deere. The most interesting thing so far was meeting everyone at O-week and I aim to be the best of the best service technician.”


am Cropley joins us from Orange in the Wagga shed. “I joined H&P because it intrigued me when Matt came to school explaining what is involved. It combines my two favourite hobbies: computers and mechanics. Now I get paid to do the things I love. There are many interesting things that I have done, but the one I find most interesting is when I escorted an air seeder four and a half metres up a bridge that is only six meters. My career aspirations would have to be later on in life working on Deere logging machinery overseas and I would also like to strive in the company and hopefully end up at the top.”


ock Cusack joins us from Galong in the Cowra shed. “I joined H&P to pursue a career in agricultural machinery mechanics with one of the leading John Deere dealers in Australia. So far, repairing and installing a front axle hub on a 7710 John Deere tractor has been interesting. My aim is to become one of the leading diagnostic technicians in Hutcheon and Pearce.”

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance



Rotating Apprenticeships Class of 2016 Jacqueline Negline-Smyth - HR Manager


016 is the inaugral year for a new group of roles at H&P. In many of our Branches, especially the smaller ones, we need the ability to have employees multi-functional; that is, able to traverse departments and fill in for each other, despite the team’s movements in a day. This rotating role is therefore different across the four Branches, depending on the Branch or Department need and the individual’s skill and career aspirations. This rotating role exposes the apprentice to formal TAFE Cert III in Agricultural Technology at the H&P John Deere specific class with sales and parts courses inserted. The time on the job will predominantly be in Parts supported with mechanical hands-on training, service advisor administration and sales selling exposure. The four apprentices that comprise the class of 2016 share their experiences and aspirations thus far, from Temora, Wagga, Finley and Parkes respectively:


uke Jordon was born in Temora and has lived most of his life in Temora. He is married with 3 kids. Luke’s children are very sporty which has him involved in swimming, little athletics, rugby league & rugby union. Luke and the family love camping and fishing, as well as, restoring old cars like his current project rebuilding a LX Torana. Luke worked as a Repco store manager for 13 years, and started in the Ag industry recently with the New Holland dealership in Wagga. Luke sees a lot of future for himself in the Ag Industry and has explored many options with many businesses. He feels that Hutcheon & Pearce has the structure and reliability with their products and service teams to provide a career for himself that he is very excited about.


ophie Kleine joined Hutcheon and Pearce as she feels that the company is full of great opportunities. She has always had a strong interest in Agriculture, as well as Mechanics, and towards the end of her schooling was really unsure on what she wanted to do. Hutcheon and Pearce have given Sophie the opportunity to combine her interests with her career. Sophie feels that her job in general has been the most interesting thing so far. She has been lucky enough to experience two departments. From being based as a Parts Interpreter in Hunt Green to working in the workshop and attending TAFE as a first year apprentice. Sophie has been able to see how the company runs from both departments and finds that it is very interesting and a huge advantage for her. Sophie hopes to complete her apprenticeship and take out as much of it as she possibly can. She plans to keep on working to the best of her ability and hopes this will help her work towards a management role. “I plan to give back to the company as much as they have given me.”


ames Beattie joined us from the Yarrawonga area and was brought up on a farm. James’ family have always been strong John Deere machinery owners and James has loved being surrounded by green machinery. James is enjoying the diversity in the rotating role from being out the back packing shelves, attending TAFE, to on farm visits with PJ and Mitch and in the workshop completing repairs. James aspirations are to work his way up the Parts Department at Hutcheon and Pearce.


rad Herbert joins us from Forbes in the Parkes Branch. Brad joined the Hutcheon and Pearce crew because he saw it was a great job opportunity and has had a love for big machinery from a very young age. The most interesting thing that Brad has done so far has been going out into the field. He enjoys field work because he gets to do what he loves and sees the country side. He hopes to finish his trade and do his job to the best of his ability. If you would like any more information on the Rotating Apprenticeshhips please get in contact with me at:

Another award for the High Performance Academy


utcheon and Pearce have been recognised again for our commitment to breeding our own employees from the apprentice level up through the organisation. Last Year H&P won the RITAFE Wagga Campus Employer of the Year Award and have now been awarded the Riverina Institute of TAFE’s overall Employer of the Year for the entire region. The High Performance Academy continues to develop new ideas and opportunities to improve the tailored curriculum program with RITAFE. Our intent is to have more apprentices ‘green’ job ready earlier in their career. This not only delivers better customer service but provides a more challenging and stimulating role for our employees to build their career upon. A big thanks go to all our apprentices that represent the company and continue to demonstrate their will to learn and the speed at which they absorb the H&P tailored John Deere Certificate III in Agricultural Technology curriculum. The photos below are out at the new TAFE PIC campus at Bomen, called the Agricultural Centre of Excellence. (Left) Year 2 class in action and (right) Matt Duffy, the HR Mentor for apprentices, showing off the new workshop and all the green machinery and components the HPA and RITAFE have secured for apprentices to learn on

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance


Header Driver’s Convention a success Malcolm Locke - Narrandera Service Manager


utcheon & Pearce again sponsored the 2016 Header Driver’s Convention. The photos below demonstrate the great night had by many in the district. See you all next year!

Demo Day in Corowa H Keith Kilo - Albury Sales Representative

utcheon & Pearce at Albury had the opportunity to demonstrate the latest in baling technology, the 990 round baler from Europe. Our customer, Troy Kilsby had grown forage sorghum under a centre pivot and this proved to be an ideal opportunity to give this new machine a run. Troy had also just taken delivery of a 7210R with E23 transmission and was keen to use the tractor for this demo. The baler performed extremely well producing a 5’x 4’ silage bale, including wrapping, and with the quick eject system was ready to start the next bale within 45 seconds. We invited a few hay contracting customers to have a look and drive the baler. They had some very positive comments on the machines performance, as well as the heavy duty construction, simplicity of the drives and easy service features like the grease bank and auto chain oiler. We have since taken a retail order for a 660 5’x 4’machine and are currently supplying some quotes to some of the customers from our demo day.

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance

Demo Day in Finley D Myles O’Kane- Finley Sales Representative

uring the month of February a new 8320R with e23 transmission has been floating around the district doing on-farm demonstrations. The new tractor features the recently released e23 semi auto powershift transmission. This transmission features three modes where the operator can drive the tractor to suit their requirements. The Full Auto mode allows for maximum power whilst also giving best fuel economy. The transmission features an Eco setting which allows up to 50km/h road speed at 1450RPM which is very handy during transport applications. The photo is from a demo at Rorato Brothers Farm “Billabong Produce”, Jerilderie. Sergio, Glen, Alan and Sandra are a family business who focus mainly on Tomato, Cotton and Corn production along with large scale winter crop. They are keen John Deere owners with two 7760 Cotton Pickers, 9860STS Header and 9460RT, 8310R and 6150R Tractors. The Demo here is pulling a 6 row tiller with centre and side busting tools. It was a good test for the tractor with great power output and fuel use figures. The tractor is available for an on-farm demo. Contact the Finley Sales team for more information.


New starters this Year Jacqueline Negline-Smyth -HR Manager


elcome to the team! The new year always brings about changes with the movement of people.


atie Smith moved to Parkes from Canberra a couple of years ago to enjoy the country life with her partner and 2 children. Originally from Bribie Island in Queensland, were she grew up in a family hardware business, she moved to Canberra and contracted to the Department of Defence as an IT support analyst for about 4 years. Katie then left there to start family life with her 2 children and to study her Cert IV in bookkeeping. Whilst in Parkes, she completed temp work for Local Land Services as an administrator and Parkes Shire Council as an accounts payable officer and then secured a full time position with H&P as a Sales and Branch Administrator.


aryll Hannaby started with Griffith branch last month. Daryll is 23 years old and he gained his trade certificate as an Agricultural Mechanic in St Asaph, Wales. He is experienced with running dyno machines together with New Holland and John Deere tractors. Daryl left his Mum, Dad and little brother at home when he came to Australia 16 months ago. Daryl came first to WA, then Brisbane, Sydney and finally Griffith, and hasn’t left. He has spent his time here doing some farm work and working with other Agricultural dealerships. While he has experience with New Holland and John Deere tractors Daryll is impressed with the larger machines we have here. Daryll enjoys

off-roading and fishing and says he is looking forward to his first cotton season.


att Pike has returned to H&P in the Wagga Service shed. Matt completed his apprenticeship at H&P and has been working as a contractor specialising in header repairs. Matt has joined the team for stability and future prospects. Welcome back Matt!


imon Snaidero was born in Griffith and went to St Francis College, Leeton. Simon completed his apprenticeship at Todd Williams Automotive. He then went to Cummins at Leeton where he learned about parts and other roles in the heavy automotive industry. Simon’s hobbies are drifting and motorcross and he loves driving tractors on weekends.


renda McKinnon is originally from up near Tamworth (Quirindi), but has been down in the Riverina area since 2001. After nearly 15 years on a dryland broadacre farm, two hours NorthWest of Wagga (Weethalle) she moved to Coleambally at the end of 2014 into Club Management until she started at H&P. “I have three gorgeous children (11, 7 & 5) who fill in my spare-time; we enjoy any kind of sports including water-skiing, cricket and touch footy. I find I am really enjoying my role here at H&P; I am a bit of an accounting

nerd and the more I delve into the various programs and the differing challenges each one presents, the more I enjoy it.”


ebecca Newton has joined the Cowra crew as the Brand and Sales Administrator. Bec lives in Canowindra on small acreage and was originally from Newcastle but moved to Canowindra from Brisbane just over 3 years ago. One of the most enjoyable things about H & P for Bec has been learning about all the tractors, the service and parts and also talking to the farmers.


len Dunkley recently joined the Cowra crew too as a Service Technician originally from Canowindra off a mixed farming operation. Glen started his career off as an apprentice in the mines in Orange, then New Holland. Glen’s interests are restoring vintage John Deere tractors and spending time on the farm with his family. He has had the passion for John Deere since restoring a model G for his HSC project. John Deere has been in his family since his grand father brought his first John Deere AR in 1947 which still plows the occasional fire break to date.


hris Anderson has transferred his apprenticeship over to H&P in Parkes. Chris is now 4th Year, finishing his 3rd year at TAFE in Dubbo.

2015 Apprentice of the Year Awards Matt Duffy - HR Mentor


ongratulations to the runners-up and the Award winners for 2015 apprenticeship groups. It was a tough competition and a well deserved result by all. Our three winners receive a plaque to mount on their toolbox and a payrise.

1 2 3

st Year - Awarded to Evan Gargaro (Griffith), seen on the left in a clipping from the local paper, and runner-up Vaughan Glass (Finley). nd Year - Awarded to Luke Hayes-Beetson (Finley) and runner-up Jamie Emerson (Albury) rd Year - Awarded to George Galbraith (Albury) and equal runners-up Mitchell Dunn and Ben Schofield (Parkes)

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance


Wagga Workshop forging ahead Andrew Jones - Wagga Service Manager

Arenewed era for the Wagga Workshop.

With massive changes in the Wagga workshop over the last 18 months, the Wagga workshop is now forging ahead and showing dividends after shifting the focus to extensive on the job training within the workshop, complemented by RITAFE and the John Deere University There has been a huge change in requirements from techs in recent years and the Wagga workshop quickly recognised this and has invested heavily in IT training along with concentrating on the John Deere brand specifically. Although questioned by some at the time, the decision to concentrate on what we do best, sell and service Ag machinery and remove the truck servicing operation, has proven to be a huge success. The workshop workload is now busier now than at any time in it’s history. Our customers have quickly embraced the changes and recognised where we are heading. The Wagga workshop’s priority is customer focused and the standard of customer service going forward has to be second to none . We consider our brand the “Rolls Royce “of the Agriculture industry. Time and time again we are proving the JD back up is second to none and with no customer broken down for more than 16 hours during the harvest, that alone speaks for itself . At any stage where the breakdown looked like it would take longer, the customer received a S670 harvester dropped on site to use. How many of our competitors are able to offer that service? With the upturn in the volume of work, new staff were required .Two

header specialists, Matt Pike and Graham Wood were brought on board along with 3 apprentices, Luke, Sophie and Sam, coming through from the Top Gun Program. These were complemented by recent addition and hydraulic specialist Luke Butler and our full time lawn care specialist Callum Dumesney . The workshop also works closely with Tony Salafia, lecturer at the RITAFE, who spends quite a lot of time on the floor in the workshop, working with both staff and customers alike. These recruits working along with our highly experienced and long serving techs, gives us the know how to tackle all our future workload . Moving forward for the year we already have a full schedule. An exceptional performance from our sales team has guaranteed busy times ahead with both new tractor and combine harvester sales up considerably on the past few years. This along with a high volume of retail work, gives us the capability to continue ongoing training and investment in the workshops most precious asset, it’s staff.

The Wagga workshop recently hosted the media team filming and photographing the Wagga and other Branch employees hard at work on the job, for the new TopGun and recruitment advertising due to be released in April. Watch your favourite social media, TVs and newspapers for the JDNA and TopGun Recruitment drive.

Master Tech Awarded by John Deere Universtity Jacqueline Negline-Smyth - HR Manager

ver the past 4 years Hutcheon and O Pearce have focused on enabling our employees to get their core and

fundamental training done to enable further face to face formal training to occur in Brisbane, Melbourne or Wagga. As a result, several employees have made it over the line with their JD Master Technician training finally awarded. There are many troops not far behind with only a few courses left on their personalised training plans in the JDU. Congratulations and well done to all who have been

consciensciously studying, and an even bigger thanks to their managers for encouraging the chance to grow our John Deere knowledge. Graduation morning teas or lunches will be held to celebrate the recognition of the recipients in each Branch. ongratulations to all and well deserved.



DVANCED PARTS MANAGER: Warren Lister - Parkes

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance


ASTER SERVICE TECHNICIAN: Matt Pether - Finley Adam Kent - Finley Trent Royston - Finley Aaron Amery - Cowra Russell Wood - Albury Greg Holyman - Albury Rod Pearce - Albury Craig Thorp - Temora Lincoln Mead - Narrandera Brendan Lilford - Narrandera Simon Soligo - Griffith


High Performance Academy Jacqueline Negline-Smyth - HR Manager


he HPA’s MANAGE program this quarter has been rather eventful with two key focuses. Firstly, the MANAGE group (right) have continued their Leadership program working on Change Management, Innovation and Financial Management. Their graduation event is looming in June with a presentation to the Management Team and an assignment prepared to demonstrate their efforts over the year’s training. It has been a pleasure working with each of the MANAGE dozen in each of the monthly sessions to enable the team to explore the topic trained and apply it in their real life setting in the workplace. The problem solving and peer training has been a credit to all involved: CarelFrik Meintjes (Cowra Service), Craig Thorp (Temora Service), Dave Lucano (TECSight), Brooke McCormack (Group Aftermarket), Jason Harmer (Group Finance), Preston Burns (Parkes Service), Matt Duffy (Group HR), Steven Partridge (Group Aftermarket), Simon Garbett (Griffith Service), Grant Barber (Griffith Parts), Myles O’Kane (Finley Sales) and Trent Royston (Finley Service). Last year we had our lunch break out on the lagoon soaking up the sunshine (right). The call to action has begun with the new group of nominees from across the group. The 2016-17 MANAGE program shall kick off next July. Invitations out soon. The second MANAGE program for this year has been the start of a tailored program for supervisors of apprentices and those who manage a team. The course has been developed with Catherine Jones from RITAFE Business Department to provide four units of competency from a Certificate IV in Management or Training. Forty two (42) employees divided into three groups have conducted their formal component of the training over 2x2 days. The units of competency have taught us all how to mentor a subordinate or apprentice, how to work more productively as an effective team, how to better provide workskill instruction and how to fairly assess competency in an apprentice. The four units will run between February to September 2016 to provide ample time for the trainees to embed their learning and demonstrate their own competency in their roles with their new skills. Each trainee has chosen an apprentice or learner in a new role to mentor. The huge cultural advantage is for the mentor to foster the mentee, their career aspirations, assist with any problems at work or in their personal life and most importantly to motivate and challenge the mentee in their role.

The above photos are of the groups participating in the workshops and the below photos are the third group participating in the communication exercise. It was a great activity to test each other’s team work skills, ability to question and listen to each other. Below left is Matt Bradley interpreting his picture and how it related to the others in the sequence of the story. Next is Matt Hudd sharing his part of the story with the team, while Brett Norman directed the group. Thirdly, the final attempt at the sequence, all done without any visual communication to each other, just listening and interpreting skills. This group got the right order too- albeit back the front. Well done to all.

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance


Employment Vacancies

Kuhn Sales Training

Jacqueline Negline-Smyth - HR Manager


Service Technicians, and Service/ Parts/Sales Rotating Apprenticeships for 2017 applications due 16.6.16. Apply online

Service * Ag Diagnostic Technicians – Griffith, Albury, Coleambally, Cowra, Wagga, Temora, Parkes * Workshop Foreman - Coleambally, Condobolin Sales * Small Ag Sales Representative - Cowra


hursday 17th March saw several Sales Reps from various Branches gather for the Kuhn Sales training in Coleambally to ensure they are up to date with the latest features and benefits Kuhn have to offer.


* Option AgParts (A&I) Parts Interpreter/Warehouse If you are looking for a career change or know of someone who is, please pass on the lead to send a resume and cover sheet with why you are interested and suited to the role to

HPHub coming soon

Jacqueline Negline-Smyth - HR Manager


ver the last few months we have been working with our website developers to build an internal communication function for H&P staff and potentially our customers. The HPHub will provide updates on staff changes, news and events, calendars for training and meetings, provide a quick reference for training videos and forms found on the infamous black hole of our N:Drive. An exciting feature is the forum centre where branches or departments can create chat rooms to assist with helping each other in their role without email overload and backlog. | Coming to your PC, laptop, phone or tablet soon.

Tasmanian Trip

Who at your place reads the HP news?

John Russell - Narrandera Parts Manager

Col and Sue Dunan, of “Weeroona”, Narrandera were last year’s winners of the flight centre voucher for the John Deere Oil promotion. Col and Sue spent their holiday in Tasmania and had a fantastic trip. Col and Sue thanked H&P for the trip.

Arron Hutcheon recently shared this picture of breakfast at the Hutcheons the after last edition was published. Who reads your copy?

JDF Awards H&P for 2015 efforts


aura Donoghue from John Deere Finance recently awarded Hutcheon and Pearce the Silver Medalion Award for the 2015 calender year. The Medalion Award recognises dealers whose

customer’s benefit from JDF’s flexible financing options and competitive interest rates. Individual Awards went to Sales Reps whose customers consistently benefited from the JDF opportunities: Matt French (Cowra), Ian Robertson (Griffith), Gavin Graetz and Graham Woolnough

(Wagga), Ben Silk (Temora).

Albury Coleambally Condobolin

Cowra Finley Griffith

Lake Cargelligo Narrandera Parkes

Temora Wagga

Newsletter submissions to:


PUBLISHED March 2016

Ph: 0408 745522

Hutcheon & Pearce - High Performance


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