T H E S C H O O L M AG A Z I N E • A P R I L 2 0 1 7
Dr. Annette Smith 2000–2017: A SCHOOL TRANSFORMED
A Lasting Legacy
D R . A N N E T T E S M I T H ’ S TO P AC C O M P L I S H M E N T S 1 7 Y E A R S AT H U TC H I S O N
Transformed curriculum for 21st century skills Based on research about how girls learn best
Ushered in a comprehensive technology program & 1-to-1 laptop initiative Built Abston Center
Technology integrated within curriculum
The early childhood building
Started a program for 2-year-olds Completed three endowment and capital campaigns Increased endowment by more than $16 million
Developed the master teacher initiative
Built Dobbs Field A regulation field for soccer & lacrosse
Built Crain Center
Professional development for teachers
Started a lacrosse program The first girls’ team in Memphis
A program to increase teacher compensation
Implemented visiting scholars program
The first of Memphis’ private schools
A fitness and conditioning training center
Created Hutchison Leads A leadership development program
Added a working farm to campus A real-life outdoor learning laboratory
Built Labry Hall
D E PA R T M E N T S 3 News from Hutchison FEATURE STORIES
Created the Center for Excellence Creative programs for the Mid-South community
6 How the Smith Era Began: From Vision to Action Focus On: 9 Facilities 15 Fiscal Strength 19 Academics 25 Student Life 31 Athletics 37 Fine Arts 43 Center for Excellence 48 Leadership
The upper school building
ALUMNA PROFILE 50 Colonel Julie Rim Huygen ’87
Tripled Annual Fund To help supplement tuition for programs
Created Hutchison Serves
GIVING 54 Anne Marie Newton Walker ’47 Society ALUMNAE NEWS 52 Alumnae Award Honorees 55 Remembering Suzy Satterfield ’73
A school-wide service learning program
56 Alumnae Gatherings 57 Professionally Speaking 58 Milestones
Increased enrollment One of the largest girls’ schools in the country
60 Class Notes POSTSCRIPT 72 What’s Next for Annette Smith?
Created Hutchison Invests A financial literacy and entrepreneurial program
Hutchison | 1
dear friends, As we prepare to say goodbye to our sixth head of school, Dr. Annette Smith, I would like
MISSION Hutchison School is dedicated to
to take this opportunity to share a little about
a c a d e m i c exc e l l e n c e a n d t o t h e
the remarkable woman who has taken our
a n d spirit a s it edu cates young wom e n
beloved school from a good school to a great
integrity and responsible citizenship.
p a ra l l e l d eve l o p m e n t o f m i n d , b o d y, fo r s u cce ss i n co l l e g e a n d f o r l i ve s o f
school. She is a woman I am blessed to call a dear friend. While serving as board chair, I have gotten Jeanne Bowen Hollis ’75
to know Annette both personally and professionally and witnessed firsthand the integrity,
H U TC H I S O N M AG A Z I N E April 2017 HEAD OF SCHOOL D r. A n n e t t e C . S m i t h
commitment, and resilience she has brought to the demanding role of head of
school. As with most leaders who leave indelible marks, Annette is a woman of
Communications Director
vision and action. What she has accomplished during her tenure is nothing short of miraculous. The evidence of Annette’s extraordinary leadership is the spectacular school
L o r i G u y, S t ra t e g i c lguy@hutchisonschool.org E D I TO R Max Maddock, Senior Communications Director
she leaves behind for Head of School-Elect Dr. Kristen Ring to soon lead. During
m m a d d o c k @ h u t c h i s o n s c h o o l .o r g
her tenure, Annette has opened up possibilities for our girls that they had not
dreamed of or even considered. However, Annette will be the first to tell you that
m s t a f f o r d @ h u t c h i s o n s c h o o l .o r g
no leader achieves anything great or long-lasting alone. The magic for her has
M a r y A u b r ey L a n d r u m S t a f f o r d ’ 10
always happened through collaboration—talented, hardworking people uniting
J u d i C e n t ko, L o r i G u y, J e a n n e B owe n
to create ideas, programs, and new directions.
M a x M a d d o c k , G a b r i e l l e P r ew i t t ,
While she is often uncomfortable with praise or adulation of any sort, the
H o l l i s ’ 75 , M a r y M i l e s L ove l e s s ’ 7 2 , M a r y A u b r ey L a n d r u m S t a f f o r d ’ 1 0 , a n d C o n c h i t a To p i n k a
board and I believe it is only right that we as a community honor her hard work and service to Hutchison. And so, this magazine is a tribute not only to Annette’s incredible leadership, but also to those trustees, administrators, teachers, staff, parents, alumnae, and friends who have joined her on this journey as our school has taken the monumental leap from good to great. I hope you will enjoy the stories of change and renewal as we celebrate what we have accomplished together and commend Annette for a job very well done. Sincerely,
P H OTO G R A P H Y C a t h y B a r b e r, B ra n d o n D i l l , G a b r i e l l e P r ew i t t , N i c k S i m p s o n , a n d va r i o u s H u t c h i s o n c o n s t i t u e n t s DESIGNER B a r b a ra H i m b e r H u t c h i s o n M a g a z i n e i s p u b l i s h e d by t h e H u tc h i s o n Co m m u n i c a t i o n s O f f i ce . Please forward address changes to: H U TC H I S O N S C H O O L 1 74 0 R I D G E WAY R OA D MEMPHIS, TN 38119
Jeanne Bowen Hollis ’75 Chair, Board of Trustees 2 | Hutchison
o r t w h i t e @ h u t c h i s o n s c h o o l .o r g
Girls Win National Awards in Writing and Art The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers selects the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards from more than 300,000 submissions annually. This year, five Hutchison girls earned National Scholastic Medals for writing and art. They are, pictured above, L to R: Jamie Sokoloff ’21 (Silver writing), Jenna Davis ’21 (Silver writing), Corinne Williams ’17 (Silver art), Kate Grace Cunningham ’17 (Gold art), and Samantha Tancredi ’18 (Silver writing). Additionally, a number of Hutchison girls competed at the regional level, earning 36 writing Scholastic Awards. Of those 36, nine girls received Gold Keys—pictured top left, back row, L to R: Carmyn Harrison ’21, Jamie Sokoloff ’21, Justine Ettingoff-McGhee ’21, Jenna Davis ’21; front row, L to R: Anna Rose Thomas ’21, Ann Grimes ’22, Avery Clinton ’22, and Eliza Kamara ’21. Samantha Tancredi ’18 (not in picture) won two Gold Keys. In art, Hutchison girls earned 38 Scholastic Awards at the regional competition. Six girls received Gold Keys—pictured bottom left, L to R: Eva Grace Leake ’19, Corinne Williams ’17, Ruthie Montague ’17 (two gold keys), Kate Grace Cunningham ’17 (two gold keys), Heidi Seuss ’18, and Elizabeth Wood ’21. Hutchison | 3
Seniors Earn Prestigious National Scholarships
Arden Farr ’17
Annually Hutchison is invited to nominate seniors for some of the most prestigious scholarship programs in the country. This year, Arden Farr ’17 received the Indiana University Wells Scholarship. She is also a recipient of the University of Georgia’s Foundation Fellowship. Both scholarships are selected based upon academic excellence, leadership, and service.
Middle School Teacher Recognized by National Geographic
Francie Sentilles ’17
Francie Sentilles ’17 has been named a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Morehead-Cain Scholar. She is Hutchison’s fourth Morehead-Cain Scholar in six years. Sentilles also received the Coca-Cola Scholarship, a national award given to less than one percent of this year’s 86,000 applicants.
Two Seniors Sign Letters of Intent
Hutchison seniors Griffin Gearhardt ’17 (pictured above) and Jasmine McGill ’17 (pictured below) signed letters of intent to play college sports. Gearhardt will play lacrosse at Vanderbilt University while McGill will play soccer at Delta State University.
National Geographic featured Dr. Becky Deehr, seventh grade life science teacher, as a Female Environmental Superhero in its educator blog in January 2017. Dr. Deehr’s student project fused art and science, recognized female environmentalists, and inspired our girls to fight for what they believe in. 4 | Hutchison
Upper School Head’s Article Published in National Journal Dr. Barry Gilmore, upper school
head, published an article titled “10 Ways to Promote a Culture of Literacy” in the February 2017 issue of Educational Leadership magazine, one of the nation’s most respected journals for educators. Having authored several Dr. Barry Gilmore books on literacy instruction, Dr. Gilmore is a national thought leader on the subject. In the article, he provides readers with a glimpse of how Hutchison has created a learning environment in which girls love to read and write.
Hutchison Mounts Two Impressive Shows
Above: The cast of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast; below: The magic of A Midsummer Night's Dream
In the fall of 2016, more than 1,900 people came out to see Hutchison’s production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. During the winter, more than 800 people came to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream. New Orleans-based Shakespearean actor Tony Molina worked with director Anne Marie Caskey ’80 and the cast for two days during the rehearsal process, helping to make the show a great success. Both shows featured incredible costumes and scenery. Hutchison | 5
How the Smith Era Began: From Vision to Action by Mary Miles Loveless ’72
In the year 2000, I was on two plane flights that changed my life—and that of my alma mater. ON JA N UA RY 9TH OF THAT Y EAR , Hutchison Board
try to convince her to take a look at Hutchison. I don’t know
Chair George Griesbeck, Board Vice-Chair Reid Sanders,
how he did it, but somehow he coaxed a reluctant Annette
and I, all members of the head of school search committee,
to Memphis to meet with the search committee. Once, twice,
along with Hutchison’s Assistant Head for Program Laurie
three times Annette came to visit, as we wheedled and ca-
Stanton, flew to Houston, Texas, to visit St. Francis Episcopal
joled. We finally broke down her defenses and managed to
School. Everyone at that terrific K–8 school was gracious
persuade her that she and Hutchison would be a perfect fit.
and accommodating, but our presence there was decidedly
So there we were in Houston, assuring the heartbroken
unwelcome. We were there for the final steps of hiring away
St. Francis staff that we would take good care of their
their beloved Head of School Dr. Annette Smith. When I sat
Dr. Smith. On the plane ride home, the four of us were
down with St. Francis’s board chair, she began by saying,
ecstatic at Annette’s willingness to accept the position
with a laugh, “You know I don’t want to be talking to you.”
of head of Hutchison. We sensed that great things would
Although everyone was thrilled for Dr. Smith’s new opportu-
happen under her leadership. Another milestone occurred
nity at Hutchison, they were distraught to see her leave.
on that same flight, when George and Reid asked me to
Until that point, the search for the new head of school
become Hutchison’s next board chair—and the first woman
for Hutchison had been fruitless, and before Dr. Smith
to hold that position. (I love the fact that our second woman
entered the picture, the committee had become frustrated.
board chair Jeanne Bowen Hollis ’75 bookends Annette’s
We knew that Hutchison was a good school, but we were on
tenure, making for a nice symmetry and a fitting send-off
a quest to find the leader who could make it a great school.
into retirement for Annette.) What I didn’t realize on that
We needed a head of school with an understanding of and
plane ride was how head-spinning it would be over the next
a vision for educating girls in the 21st century. We were not
three years trying to keep up with the whirlwind of vision,
willing to settle for anything less than the best, and we were
courage, and transformation that was Dr. Annette Smith.
certain that the right person was out there somewhere. Suddenly, our deus ex machina appeared, in the person
Flash forward. Dr. Smith had been warmly welcomed by the Hutchison community as she set up shop as our
of Louis H. Hayden, Hutchison’s interim head of school. Louis
new head that next summer, but there was no calm and
told us about his friend and former colleague Dr. Annette
leisurely “honeymoon” period for her. She had already
Smith, who was a seasoned head doing excellent work at
brought in a top-notch educational consultant to help the
St. Francis but not at all interested in leaving. He said he’d
board and school leadership formulate some short-term
Annette was looking at Hutchison with decidedly ‘fresh eyes’ while formulating her vision for our ‘Good-to-Great’ goal. MARY MILES LOVELESS
6 | Hutchison
strategic goals; she was looking at Hutchison with decidedly
significant changes she has made. I watched with amaze-
“fresh eyes” while formulating her vision for our “Good-to-
ment as every facet of Hutchison life made that “Good-to-
Great” goal.
Great” leap—facilities, faculty development, academic rigor,
On September 23, 2000, Annette and I were on a plane
program, athletics, arts, school culture, development and
bound for Chicago for a National Association of Indepen-
endowment—absolutely everything. I have seen Annette
dent Schools (NAIS) workshop for heads and board chairs.
blaze through several strategic plans with alacrity, and I’ve
Before we were airborne, Annette started unfurling her
watched her build a leadership team second to none. She
plans. Hutchison’s most pressing need, she said, was a new
has the humility to learn from others and deftly encourages
facility for the early childhood division, as our current
and empowers her team members. Her wisdom and calm
facility was woefully inadequate to support its fine program.
and steady servant leadership have stood her in good stead
We noodled around with ideas and possible locations and
as she transformed Hutchison into that “great” school we
came up with the idea of a “cottage on the hill.” The second most urgent item she had identified was the need to pay our faculty salaries commensurate with their worth. No more “genteel poverty” for the superb teachers who were the lifeblood of Hutchison. At the NAIS workshop, we bumped into my old friend and former Memphian Hal Daughdrill, board chair at the McCallie School in Chattanooga. Annette and I were so energized by what Hal was telling us that we invited him to speak to Hutchison’s Board of Trustees. At the October 9 board meeting, Hal shared his message: “Plan With Courage!” And plan with courage we did. Annette was simply bursting at the seams with innovative ideas for Hutchison’s future, and she knew her two most pressing agenda items couldn’t wait. The trustees, equally energized and operating with a sense of urgency, helped make Annette’s visions reality. By start of the next school year, we had
Mary Miles Loveless ’72, Dr. Annette Smith, and Jeanne Bowen Hollis ’75
embarked upon a bond issue (true courage for an independent school), had opened the state-of-the-art
envisioned all those years ago. Add to this mix Annette’s
Abston Early Childhood Center (not exactly a little “cottage
resilience and grit, and you’ve got a head of school who
on the hill”), and tuitions had been raised by double-digit
would indeed make Miss Hutchison proud.
percentages to fund a new “Master Teacher Program,”
But the true essence of Annette’s leadership is her love
ensuring top pay for Hutchison’s superior teachers (amaz-
for and consideration of the needs of Hutchison girls. In
ingly, with almost no community pushback).
every decision she has made as head, her guiding question
And that was just the first year. At the beginning of
is always, “What’s best for the girls?” Not what’s best for
Annette’s second year, one trustee summed it up perfectly:
the trustees, the administration, the faculty, or the parents,
“Hutchison’s trajectory is vertical!”
but the girls. She has transformed this “school we all love”
To say that Dr. Annette Smith’s leadership at Hutchison
for the benefit of the girls. She loves them, and they love
has been “transformational” is a tremendous understate-
her right back—bee costume and all. I may not be a girl any-
ment, as is calling her a “visionary.” Her specific accom-
more, but I definitely share that love. Thank you, Annette,
plishments are too numerous to mention in one person’s
for 17 years of extraordinary leadership to Hutchison. I’m
account, but this magazine’s stories detail some of the most
grateful that I got to be along for the ride.
Hutchison | 7
Our campus is more than just bricks and mortar. It is a learning laboratory for all of our girls. Our classrooms, buildings, lake, and farm provide girls with the best environment to learn and open up endless possibilities for what they can achieve. DR. ANNETTE SMITH
8 | Hutchison
How Hutchison’s Campus Has Changed Over 17 Years HUTCHISON’S 52-ACRE CAMPUS has seen remarkable growth and revitalization during Dr. Annette Smith’s 17-year tenure. New construction started with the creation of a vibrant early childhood center, continued with a two-story, contemporary upper school building, and ended with a state-of-the-art athletic training center. Dr. Smith also oversaw the addition of a working farm and a new turf field. She dedicated two buildings constructed previous to her arrival and directed renovations on every other part of the campus.
A B S TO N E A R LY C H I L D H O O D C E N T E R | Opened in 2001 The first building project that Dr. Smith took on was the construction of the Abston Center. This facility houses Little Hive (2-year-olds), Pre-Kindergarten (3-year-olds), and Junior Kindergarten (4-year-olds). The girls learn in the Reggio Emilia style that engages them in hands-on projects and real-life experiences that are relevant to them. Learning centers throughout Abston integrate different aspects of the curriculum to develop thinking and motor skills.
Hutchison | 9
D O R OT H Y L E E W I L S O N A DVA N C E D L E A R N I N G C E N T E R | Opened in 2000 Built on the former site of the Hull Gymnasium, Dr. Smith dedicated this two-story, multipurpose building when she first arrived. On the lower level is the spacious Anne Marie Newton Walker Library, which allowed for significant expansion of the library’s assets and study areas for girls. On the upper level is the Anne Mayfield Morrow Children’s Library and the Frances Patton Ellis Technology Center, where the school’s extensive technology resources are centralized.
R O B I N S O N C E N T E R R E N OVAT I O N S Completed in 2001 The Robinson Center is one of the first buildings guests see and visit upon entering the Hutchison campus. It contains the head of school office, lower school offices, and admissions offices. Renovations refreshed the entryway, carpeting, furniture, and offices. Additionally, lower school classrooms were updated.
G O O D L E T T AT H L E T I C C E N T E R Opened in 2000 Dr. Smith dedicated this new gymnasium when she arrived. Adjoining the Dunavant Gym, the Goodlett gym seats over 1,000 and allows for the use of two full-size basketball courts simultaneously. It also houses the athletics department offices, a training room, and concession stands.
D O B B S C E N T E R R E N OVAT I O N S Completed in 2001 and 2006 The Dobbs Center was the first building built on the Ridgeway campus in 1965 and at one point contained the school’s library. In 2006, renovations brightened the common areas with comfortable furniture and colorful fixtures. The west wing houses the third- and fourth-grade classrooms, offices, and common area, as well as studios for digital media, music, drawing, painting, pottery, and dance. The east wing contains the middle school classrooms and common area.
10 | Hutchison
L A B RY H A L L | Opened in 2006 With rising enrollment, Dr. Smith identified the need for a larger upper school facility. The result is a 40,000-square-foot, two-story building just east of the Wiener Theater. The modern facility boasts the full-size Sanders Lecture Hall, advanced laboratories for scientific discovery, and wireless classrooms. The building also houses counseling and college counseling offices, offices for Hutchison Leads, Serves, and Invests, conference rooms, and common areas for each grade.
R U S S E L L C H A P E L R E N OVAT I O N S Completed in 2009 Hutchison girls participate in chapel services weekly. In 2009, the pews and altar were restored to their original states. Wood paneling, tapestries, and stained glass were also added.
C E N T E N N I A L M O S A I C , CO U R T YA R D, A N D PAT I O | Completed in 2001 and 2002 To celebrate the centennial of Hutchison’s founding in 1902, a 500-square-foot mosaic mural was created and installed across from the Wiener Theater in 2001. The theme of the mural is The Four Seasons, and all girls were involved in designing and mounting the mosaic. In 2002, renovations were made to the centennial patio and courtyard.
Hutchison | 11
W I E N E R T H E AT E R R E N OVAT I O N S Completed in 2007 and 2016 The Wiener Theater is a 600-seat, professional theater that enables Hutchison girls to stage impressive productions. Seating was updated, and a rehearsal studio/black box theater was renovated behind the stage for girls to rehearse and mount smaller shows.
B R I N K L E Y B U I L D I N G R E N OVAT I O N S Completed in 2006 With more girls on campus, there was a need to expand the kitchen, serving, and seating areas in the Welsh Dining Hall, part of the Brinkley Building. Additionally, middle school science labs were created on the second floor.
H U TC H I S O N FA R M | Added in 2007 The Hutchison Farm is a real-world, working farm that enables girls in all grades to take a hands-on approach in exploring the natural world. Through planting and harvesting, the worlds of organic farming, environmental sustainability, and food stability come to life. The farm also features an apiary for the study of bees and a butterfly garden that lower school girls use in their study of the butterfly life cycle.
12 | Hutchison
DOBBS FIELD & LIGHTING Added in 2010 and 2016 As the athletic program continued to grow, including the addition of a lacrosse team in 2002, there was a need for an athletic field in addition to the North Field. The Dobbs Field features a multiuse turf field, a large, LED scoreboard, and bleachers for fans to watch games. Field lighting was added in 2016.
B R E N DA & L E S T E R C R A I N C E N T E R | Opened in 2016 The two-story Crain Center features modern athletic training and conditioning rooms with equipment that is designed specifically for girls’ training. The building also contains home and visitor locker rooms, public restrooms, a concession stand, an aerobics/dance area, and a balcony that overlooks Dobbs Field, where Hutchison’s soccer and championship lacrosse teams compete. The center is used by upper school girls to monitor their health and fitness goals under the tutelage and coaching of dedicated strength and conditioning specialists.
Hutchison | 13
Hutchison’s fiscal strength is the story of everyone who has given to the school to help our girls attain an unparalleled education. It is also about how we’ve been faithful stewards of our financial resources and facilities. Our culture of philanthropy asks ‘what can we do
next?’ and enables dreams to be realized. DR. ANNETTE SMITH
14 | Hutchison
A Skilled Fundraiser Ushers in a Culture of Philanthropy and Fiscal Strength It was an auspicious sign of things to come. As Dr. Annette Smith was being installed as the sixth head of school on September 17, 2000, the brand new Goodlett Athletic Center and the Dorothy Lee Wilson Advanced Learning Center were both being dedicated that same day. The Hutchison community was simultaneously celebrating its visionary new leader and the generosity of supporters. Over the next 17 years, Dr. Smith’s tenure would be defined by her extraordinary foresight as an educator. She also would create a culture of philanthropy and raise more than $50 million. Following Dr. Smith’s installation, Board Chair Mary Miles Loveless ’72 invited Hal Daughdrill, a former Memphian who at the time was board chair at McCallie School in Chattanooga, to speak to the Hutchison board. His advice was simple: “Plan With Courage.” The board took that message to heart and the work began immediately. Reid Sanders, a longtime Hutchison trustee and former board chair instrumental in recruiting Dr. Smith to Hutchison, recalls that by 1999 the board recognized that the school was lagging from a facilities and programming point of view. It was clear that the new head of school would have to lead the charge for a major investment in the school, he said. In recruiting Dr. Smith, board members Mary Miles Loveless ’72
convinced her this was a unique opportunity to leave an indelible mark on a school. “Annette saw a lot of potential at Hutchison, and the challenge of leading our school into a new millennium of growth appealed to her, especially when she realized she would have the full support of the board,” Sanders said. M A K I N G R O O M F O R T H E YO U N G E S T Soon after her arrival, Dr. Smith shared with the board what she deemed to be the school’s top priorities. Plans for the first of three major capital projects, funding for the Abston Center for Early
Reid Sanders
Childhood, got underway amidst a renewed focus on raising funds for sustained growth. The building was miraculous in that it was completed in one year. The Abston Center was a happy space awash in light designed explicitly for curious little minds. All the pre-kindergarten classes moved there, alleviating space constraints in the Robinson Center, where the lower school resided. Eventually, the Abston Center paved the way for Dr. Smith to propose expanding the curriculum to include two-year-olds, a strategic move that opened up a whole new entry point to Hutchison as young families embraced the Little Hive program. Not content to stop there, Dr. Smith worked tirelessly to strengthen the school’s financial footing, with an eye on providing the older girls the same age-appropriate amenities and sense of place that
David Popwell
the younger girls now enjoyed. David Popwell, who was chair of the Hutchison Board of Trustees for six years during Dr. Smith’s tenure, witnessed firsthand the remarkable growth. “We went from having a very marginal balance sheet to a very strong balance sheet. At the same time, we were making improvements to the program, which helped enrollment,” he said.
Hutchison | 15
A succession of major gift campaigns sparked tremendous growth at Hutchison. The Anne Marie Newton ’47 and Tom Walker Endowment Challenges generated upward of $13 million over six years, and the Second Century Campaign brought unprecedented expansion to the southeast side of campus. As Hutchison expanded the curriculum and cemented its reputation as a leading college The Abston Center was named in honor of Dunbar and Connie Condon Abston ’57.
preparatory school for girls in the Mid-South, Dr. Smith realized the next obvious physical expansion
would have to build capacity in the middle and upper schools. Six years after Abston Center opened its doors, the state-of-the-art Labry Hall opened to house the upper school and provide a bookend to the early childhood facility. Labry Hall created 44,000 square feet for the new upper school and renovations of the Dobbs Center provided more room for the middle school and the planned Center for Excellence. To look back now over the totality of Dr. Smith’s physical imprint on the campus and marvel at the cohesiveness of it all would be an oversimplification of what was a very deliberate strategic planning process. Dr. Smith’s careful stewardship brought every project in on budget and on time. In addition to countless hours of research and expert consultations, every decision was ultimately driven by what was in the best interest of the girls. When completion of one project opened up other opportunities, there was a plan in place to maximize all the spaces on campus. For example, construction of Labry and renovation of Dobbs opened up space for new programs and gathering spaces. In addition to adding labs and classrooms, girls now enjoy room to congregate, collaborate, or simply relax in a safe space designed uniquely for them.
Groundbreaking for Labry Hall: Ed Labry, David Popwell, and Dr. Annette Smith do the honors.
“It’s not just about what Annette did, but how quickly she did it,” said David Popwell. “There are a lot of people who can do one or two things; she was out there focused on seven or eight things. The speed with which she turned things around was incredible.” It is worth noting that some of the growth happened during the recession. Popwell credits the foresight of a proactive board and agile planning from Dr. Smith and Randy Olswing, assistant head of operations, with helping the school navigate the downturn without missing a beat. “I find it remarkable that we actually got stronger during the recession. Not many other schools can say the same,” said Popwell.
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F I N A N C I A L S T R E N G T H H E L P S B O L S T E R AC A D E M I C S Dr. Smith’s ambitious plans also included opening up the Hutchison campus to better serve the community at large. In 2007, the Center for Excellence was created to share Hutchison’s resources with the greater Mid-South community. Six academies expanded learning already happening at Hutchison to local students and adults. Each year, the Center for Excellence welcomes more than 10,000 children and adults from over 110 regional schools for a variety of activities ranging from robotics and STEM to sculpting, filmmaking, dance, leadership, and athletic skills-building. “Annette is a great administrator, but first and foremost she is an educator. She recognized that preparing our girls for success in a 21st-century workforce required changes in the classroom,” said Popwell. “Through the Master Teacher Program, we increased teacher salaries, which allowed us to retain and recruit outstanding faculty and strengthen the academic program.” The quest to attract and develop outstanding faculty and offer unique experiences at Hutchison never ends. The Boundless Campaign focused in large part on creating endowments for new programs such as Hutchison Serves, debate, and computer programming, as well as expanding well-established programs such as Hutchison Leads. The campaign also paved the way for the Crain Center, an impressive 8,000-square-foot facility complete with training equipment and certified strength and conditioning specialists, to accommodate the school’s growing athletic program and support a philosophy of health and wellness. The major gift campaigns that came to fruition under Dr. Smith’s Dr. Annette Smith sits with Lester and Brenda Crain at the Crain Center dedication.
leadership are notable because they encompassed physical enhancements that maximized an already beautiful campus, and through the aggressive pursuit of endowments, the campaigns ensured fiscal strength
and stability in the face of unforeseen external forces in the future. Creating a culture of philanthropy includes engaging a wide constituency. A more formalized development program allowed the school to expand its base of support to an ever-growing constituency of parents, grandparents, and alumnae. Today Hutchison is fortunate to have a strong base of support from all of these groups. Their commitment is unwavering. That’s a comforting thought because the school needs support from every corner to remain competitive as one of the leading all-girls schools in the nation.
$3.8 million $20.5 million
Hutchison | 17
Our teachers create opportunities for each girl, every day. We entrust them to make learning exciting and relevant, and we support them with professional development so they have the tools they need to accomplish this. They are the key component to Hutchison’s educational experience. D R . ANN E T T E S M I T H
18 | Hutchison
F O C U S O N AC A D E M I C S :
A Shift in Teaching Languages Makes a World of Difference The story is repeated time and time again when you talk to recent Hutchison alumnae studying a world language in college. A Hutchison graduate is starting her freshman year, ready to continue her studies in Spanish or Chinese, but she either tests out of the basic freshman language class or the professor tells her she belongs in a higher-level course. Her proficiency is that high.
Alejandra Lejwa, upper school Spanish teacher, works with Mary Demere ’19 (left) and Madyson Bolton ’18 (right).
Harvard Spanish class and to Isabel Risch ’16 in her Wash-
was guided by one principle: make decisions based on what is best for the girls. One of these decisions was determining
ington University Spanish class. Both Amira Coger ’16 at
what programs would advance girls’ skills for the 21st century.
the University of Mississippi and May Montague ’13 at the
Dr. Smith understood that being able to speak a second
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were more profi-
language was a vital skill in a global world. But she also
cient in Chinese than many of their fellow classmates.
knew that world language instruction had evolved, and
They weren’t just lucky, and it didn’t happen by accident. When Dr. Annette Smith arrived at Hutchison in 2000, she
Hutchison’s program needed to evolve too. In 2001, Dr. Smith called on a consultant that she had
Hutchison | 19
20 | Hutchison
worked with previously—Dr. Audrey Heining-Boynton,
teacher, this method makes it easier for young students to
Professor of Foreign/Second Language Education at the
start learning another language. “A girl not only learns to
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Edu-
say ‘water,’ she learns to say ‘agua’ in Spanish and the equiv-
cation. At the time, Dr. Heining-Boynton said, Hutchison’s
alent in Chinese too,” Lejwa said. “It makes so much sense in
program was highly traditional, with a lot of English being
her brain when she does that and that’s how she learns the
spoken in the classroom and not enough of the target
language naturally.”
language. But a movement toward oral proficiency had
Lejwa also pointed out that the earlier a girl starts a
become the primary goal for teaching world languages.
language, the higher level of proficiency she can reach.
“The outcomes for Hutchison’s program had to be changed.
“If you start a program at age two, the girls can reach an
The curriculum had to be rewritten, and different classroom
advanced-mid level of proficiency, at least, by the time they
materials needed to be purchased,” she said. “Then there
graduate from high school. And advanced-mid is almost like
needed to be teacher training and professional development
a native speaker.”
for the teachers.”
Alumnae are the proof that this works. “I was learning
The professional development was key, and the visiting
Spanish in pre-k right off the bat,”
scholar model has served to inform other program advance-
said Kelley Guinn McArtor. “One of
ments. “Dr. Smith understands that professional develop-
the reasons I stuck with the language
ment is not a one-shot deal,” Dr. Heining-Boynton said, “and
program was the exposure that I
that it takes time to deliver new information to teachers,
gained so early on and the level of
giving them opportunities to put it into practice, and then
comfort that came from that. I had
coming back with support and critiques so that the teachers can learn new skills.”
Kelley Guinn McArtor ’12
so much confidence.” When McArtor arrived at Harvard, she was told she
was too advanced for the Spanish class she had selected C O N N E C T I N G L A N G UAG E S TO
and moved up to a more advanced class.
OT H E R C U R R I C U LU M Another decision was to start world languages with Hutchison’s youngest girls, in early childhood, but to make
CHOOSING CHINESE When Dr. Smith came to Hutchison, Latin was taught,
it more rigorous. Dr. Heining-Boynton said that one of the
as well as two modern languages, Spanish and French.
hallmarks of the program is that words are learned in con-
Alejandra Lejwa remembers being asked by Dr. Smith, “Are
text with other curriculum. For instance, if the girls are
we teaching the languages for the 21st century?” Lejwa replied
learning about minerals or the weather in science class,
that her research showed that there was a need for Chinese.
they’ll learn the same words in Spanish or Chinese. It’s a
Dr. Heining-Boynton concurred. “The two languages
win-win scenario because the consistency of content gives
taught most these days in schools are Spanish and Chinese.
meaning to the language learning, bolsters the science
For Hutchison girls to be competitive in the decades to come
content, and engages the student more thoroughly.
they truly need to have an understanding of Mandarin. Is it a
According to Alejandra Lejwa, Hutchison’s world languages department chair and upper school Spanish
profoundly difficult language? Absolutely, which is why it’s important to start young and to have the right teachers.”
Dr. Smith understands that professional development is not a one-shot deal, and that it takes time to deliver new information to teachers, giving them opportunities to put it into practice … DR. HEINING-BOYNTON
Opposite page: Lynn Tian, lower and middle school Chinese teacher, illustrates Chinese characters for students in middle school. Hutchison | 21
I learned a lot of different ways of thinking and approaching problems through learning a language. KELLEY GUINN MCARTOR ’12
At the same time that Hutchison was exploring adding Chinese, May Montague returned to the eighth grade after
either economics or international business and hopes to be able to use her Chinese language skills in her work.
living for several years with her family in China and studying Chinese at an international school. She wanted to continue advancing
May Montague ’13
TA L K I N G T H E TA L K Today, Latin, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese are taught at
her Chinese language skills, so Hutchi-
Hutchison. If you ask students why they are studying a
son arranged to have a teacher work
language, it’s not just because they want to learn to con-
with her one-on-one as they prepared
jugate Spanish verbs or how to draw Chinese characters
a full Chinese language program.
or even memorize key phrases for
“Hutchison was so open and receptive
when they travel. It is oral and written
to growing a language program from
scratch,” Montague said. “As it was happening, I had no idea,
Isabel Risch said having native
but in retrospect, it was entrepreneurial because it wasn’t
speakers throughout her time at
there before.”
Hutchison helped immensely. “In my
Montague majored in Chinese at the University of North
Isabel Risch ’16
Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she graduates this year. She’s
Spanish class at Washington University, my Spanish teacher, who is from
already accepted a job in Shanghai where she will work for a
Peru, said to me: ‘You’re not a native speaker but you sound
company that helps Chinese students navigate their appli-
like you’ve had some training with native speakers because
cations for admission to American universities. “I’m really
you’ve picked up on the accent.’ So having native speakers
passionate about education and particularly girls’ education.
at Hutchison definitely made a difference to me.”
I love working with students.” Amira Coger also benefitted from the Chinese program at Hutchison. While here, her Chinese teacher, Hong Lin,
language is being spoken so much in our country, and it’s
recommended that she travel to
only going to continue, so it’s going to be imperative that as
China. Coger went three times in
a doctor, I understand my patients. I don’t want anything to
the summer while at Hutchison, and
be lost in translation.”
then more recently she spent eight weeks in China as part of her studies in college. “In my Chinese class at Amira Coger ’16
Risch said that although she’s pre-med, minoring in Spanish was always a non-negotiable. “The Spanish
All of the alumnae agreed that learning a language helps broaden your horizons and think differently. “It’s a flexing of the mind,” McArtor said, “and I learned
Hutchison, we would only speak
a lot of different ways of thinking and approaching prob-
Chinese. That helped me get more
lems through learning a language. And that was something
confident in speaking.” And it helped her immensely in Chi-
that was threaded through my entire Hutchison career, and
na. On her most recent trip, she had to sign a contract that
I think it’s really affected the way that I learn and how I
she would only speak Chinese. Coger is planning to major in
approach situations.”
22 | Hutchison
Micaela Dusseault ’19 and Avery Boals ’19 read Julius Caesar.
supporting literacy growth Hutchison’s teachers are always learning new methods for teaching. To support this professional development, Dr. Annette Smith started to invite visiting scholars to the school on a regular basis to share their innovative teaching ideas with our faculty. Two such visiting scholars are Dr. Wendy Ellis and Ken Stamatis, professors at Harding University in Arkansas. They work with schools across the nation on literacy development. At Hutchison, they focus on growing literacy with third through eighth grade teachers. “A valuable piece of what I bring as a scholar,” Stamatis said, “is the exposure to all the different schools that I work with and the sharing of ideas and best practices.” One important shift, he said, is spending equal amounts of time teaching students to be writers as well as readers. When girls study a skill, such as how to write dialogue, they first watch someone else use it by reading examples and then practice the skill through a writing task. In this way, the skill is more thoroughly ingrained in the girls’ minds. Equally important is how to engage readers. “You can’t walk through a Hutchison classroom without every girl having a book that they’ve self-selected from the classroom library,” he said. “The research on choice as a motivator for lifelong reading is irrefutable.” With technology so prevalent in girls’ classrooms and lives, Stamatis has also discussed teaching girls how to use the information they access. “How do I analyze it? How do I assess it? How do I integrate it? How do I make it relevant? For instance, I can know all the facts about the American Revolution, but what good does that do me if I can’t apply it to things that are happening today?” The visiting scholars program has been a vital part of inspiring a love of reading and writing at Hutchison.
You can’t walk through a Hutchison classroom without every girl having a book that she has self-selected from the classroom library. KEN STAMATIS Hutchison | 23
Hutchison is committed to developing a girl’s mind, body, and spirit. Beyond our academics, we pride ourselves on helping girls become
mindful, resilient, and ethical citizens. DR. ANNETTE SMITH
24 | Hutchison
Creating a Culture of Belonging It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly is the “secret sauce” that infuses every aspect of life at Hutchison. But there is ample evidence of the confident, resilient young women it produces. BONNER WILLIAMS ’12 FELT EMPOWERED when she
to speak their minds? Do they have an adult whom they
was a wide-eyed line leader in kindergarten. Years later
can trust? Do they feel supported and do they readily offer
she had graduated from line leader to campus leader at
support to others? Most importantly, is this a place where a
Washington University in St. Louis,
young girl can thrive intellectually, socially, and emotionally?
garnering national attention for her
If comments from recent graduates are any indication,
leadership at the school.
Hutchison is certainly hitting the mark by placing a heavy
“As silly as it sounds now, being line leader or door holder in kinder-
emphasis on what happens both inside and outside the classroom.
garten helped lay the foundation for Bonner Williams ’12
the confidence that is needed for the opportunities and experiences that
come your way,” said Williams, featured in MSNBC’s Women
T H E P OW E R O F E M P OW E R M E N T “When you’re surrounded by people who believe in you and help you realize your potential, it’s empowering,”
in Politics, College Edition.
said Mary Elizabeth Kakales ’12. “I
By all accounts, Dr. Annette Smith leaves her mark on
definitely would not be the person
Hutchison through tangible enhancements, including broader
I am today without Hutchison.”
course selection, enriched arts programs, professional
Creating this environment has
development for teachers, and improvements to the facilities.
been the professional goal for Pam
She was equally vested in something else: the culture of the
Patteson ’88 throughout her 19 years
school. Dr. Smith created a learning community. She found ways to foster the intangible personality traits that result
Mary Elizabeth Kakales ’12
at Hutchison. Patteson is a licensed clinical social worker and now over-
in the confident, resilient, and independent thinkers that
sees a staff that has tripled in size since Dr. Smith’s arrival.
founder Mary Grimes Hutchison envisioned.
She said social-emotional learning is the fabric of life at
Dr. Smith asked all the right questions. Do girls feel free
Hutchison’s recipe for success • R EINFO R C E positive values • EM P OW E R with words of affirmation • AD D unconditional support • ENCOU R AG E teamwork • R EWAR D resilience • M OD EL compassion and selflessness • STIR FR E Q U E N T LY and mix generously into every girl’s experience Hutchison | 25
L to R: Ella Watson ’20, Caroline Swaim ’20, and Canale Tagg ’20 meet in an advisory with Kim Ware, director of Hutchison Invests.
“We focus on communication, self-care, appreciating
A good community also offers
differences, and ethical decision-making, in age-appropri-
unconditional support: the teachers,
ate ways,” said Patteson. “We want girls to be self-aware,
counselors, and coaches who nurture
be part of the broader community, and make meaningful
and encourage girls to do better.
Amber Kiner ’14 said her vocal instruc-
In early childhood and lower school, girls meet with a counselor for “Special Time” to discuss building friendships
tor asked her to lead warm-ups. “I Amber Kiner ’14
and conflict resolution. As girls get older, they tackle meat-
really didn’t know what I was doing, but she saw something in me and
ier topics. They also meet with teachers, staff, and fellow
pushed me. She believed in me,” said Kiner. “Having some-
students in advisories and participate in class activities to
one other than my parents believe in me and really push me
help them build community with their peers. The advisories
to become a better singer, to become
also ensure girls build rapport with caring adults invested in
classically trained, was a great gift,”
their overall well-being.
added Kiner, now in her third year at
“The advisor is a person who really has his or her finger
the Berklee College of Music in Boston.
on the pulse of what is going on with each child. Advisors
Charlotte Nichols ’13 said serving
see their girls daily, will notice if a girl seems to be struggling, and will respond with support,” said Patteson. “We want our girls to know they can, and should, ask for help
on the Philanthropic Literacy Board Charlotte Nichols ’13
opened her eyes to problems she never knew existed in her community.
when they need it. We try to ensure that every girl has at
“I remember walking into the office of Caroline Blatti, former
least one adult she can trust and confide in.”
upper school head, one day and saying ‘I need to go speak
26 | Hutchison
with the mayor,’ and she said, ‘Okay.’ Literally, by the end of
graduates would be college ready and prepared for success
the day I had a meeting scheduled with the mayor in a few
in the 21st century. Nowhere is this more evident than in the
weeks to talk about issues in the city that were important to
college counseling office, unparalleled among peer schools.
me and discuss what we could do going forward. I was 16!”
Hutchison’s three full-time college counselors are essentially
she said. “Since then, if I’ve set my mind to do something, I
academic advisors who are assigned a roster of girls in their
won’t take no for an answer. Hutchison pushes you in ways
freshman year. With them every step of the way during
that other places just don’t.”
their upper school experience, the counselors are intimately aware of each girl’s strengths, making it that much easier to
S M O OT H T R A N S I T I O N S When it comes to creating a culture of belonging, Dr. Smith has put her money where her mouth is. Full-time
advise them through the college selection process and to find a good fit. Martha Campbell Robertson ’05 said most of her success
staff now includes three licensed clinical social workers.
as an adult can be traced back to her years at Hutchison, in
Patteson says counselors work closely with students and
one way or another. She also admitted that while Hutchison
their parents and teachers on psychosocial concerns and
provided an excellent education, she learned just as much
make referrals to professionals in the community if needed.
outside the classroom. Robertson said the empowerment
Learning specialists monitor academic progress and focus on skill building in early childhood and lower school. The middle and upper school learning specialists develop
and strong social skills she learned at Hutchison have played a pivotal role in her life. “People skills are a necessity in life, and Hutchison is
individual learning plans and work with girls who meet
where mine were developed and evolved. I also grew com-
admissions requirements and have a documented learning
fortable stepping outside my comfort zone,” said Robertson,
a realtor in Memphis. “My greatest successes in life have
A common thread throughout healthy student culture
come from taking a leap of faith and not being afraid to fail.
is the interdepartmental collaboration among all the adults
I am always reminded of where I first grasped that concept—
who engage with the girls beyond the classroom. As direc-
tor of counseling, Patteson chairs the Navigation Team,
Under Dr. Smith’s leadership, Hutchison embarked upon
comprised of counselors, learning specialists, leadership
a deliberate effort to enhance girls’ experiences beyond
program directors, middle and upper school administrators,
the classroom. This focus on student life was mentioned in
and the athletics staff. Together, this group decides on
strategic plans; it was based on best-in-class practices in
school-wide programs to highlight relevant issues ranging
schools from other states; it was vetted by trained counselors
from safety and social media use to the unique needs of
and professional educators. It was not happenstance. Intel-
students from diverse backgrounds.
lectually, educators understand and can explain in nuanced terms the value of social-emotional learning. Hutchison
C O L L E G E B O U N D. WO R L D R E A DY. Dr. Smith was motivated to make culture changes because she felt an urgency to make sure Hutchison
graduates, however, offer a simpler assessment. In the words of Bonner Williams: “Hutchison gave me opportunities, flexibility, and a safe place to create and try new things.”
Dr. Smith created a learning community. She found ways to foster the intangible personality traits that result in the confident, resilient, and independent thinkers that founder Mary Grimes Hutchison envisioned.
Hutchison | 27
getting high tech DURING DR. ANNETTE SMITH’S TENURE, Hutchison implemented a comprehensive technology initiative to bring digital tools within reach of every girl on campus. This included creating a wireless campus for
easy access to information and implement-
Our youngest girls use
ing a One-to-One Laptop Program for girls
iPads in their classrooms
in kindergarten to twelfth grade.
to develop their thinking and fine motor skills.
There were three goals for including technology as part of the educational journey: • Help girls become comfortable with technology at the youngest ages • Integrate computers within the class room, extending curriculum and working in partnership with the teacher’s goals • Prepare girls to master technology for use in college, career, and life
UPPER SCHOOL Upper school girls use their laptops extensively for research, writing, and presentations. They learn how to use a breadth of programs and resources that will help them in college and careers. Opportunities for extended learning are offered in computer science and digital media classes.
LOWER & MIDDLE SCHOOL In lower school, girls use Chromebooks to expand their understanding of computer capabilities and encourage creativity and problem solving. Middle school girls use laptops to learn how to navigate the digital world and become savvy researchers.
28 | Hutchison
the annual fund keeps Hutchison
Your donation supports
academics athletics financial assistance fine arts technology
Give now at hutchisonschool.org/give
participation matters It is the proud philanthropic support of the greater Hutchison community—the collective spirit of giving by parents, alumnae, parents of alumnae, grandparents, faculty, and staff—that keeps Hutchison strong. It takes gifts at all levels to achieve our goal. Hutchison | 29
When girls participate in sports, they develop grit and determination, learn how to support their teammates, and grow in ways they never imagined. These are lessons that stay with them forever.
30 | Hutchison
F O C U S O N AT H L E T I C S :
How to Grow a Lacrosse Team from Scratch These days, it’s easy to look at the Hutchison lacrosse team in awe. Over the past 15 years, the girls who have played lacrosse at Hutchison have combined skill, teamwork, and determination to build the best team in the city and state. The Hutchison Sting has captured six consecutive Tennessee state lacrosse titles since 2010 and seven total state titles to date.
What makes it all the more amazing is that back in 2000,
Catherine Chubb and floated the idea: would Hutchison be
when Dr. Annette Smith arrived, there was no lacrosse team
interested in fielding a lacrosse team? Chubb said although
at Hutchison. Hutchison’s next door neighbor, Memphis
they had considered the idea before, the timing felt right
University School, had a lacrosse team, but there was no
now, with one condition—would Gibson be willing to coach?
girls’ lacrosse presence at any school in the city.
She was happy to agree. Chubb and Dr. Smith were quickly
Enter Mimi Gibson and her daughter Megan Gibson Quinn ’06. In 2001, the Gibson family had just relocated
supportive of the idea. “I had no question that it was the right thing to do, it was just how to get it done,” Mimi said. “With all the people and support, it was so easy to do, because the kids wanted it and the parents wanted it.” “I give all the kudos to my mom because she was the one who really had the persistence and drive to make sure there was the infrastructure to have a successful program in place,” Megan said. “Being on the player’s side, it was fun to share a sport that I loved with friends.” So in 2002, Hutchison was the first girls’ school in the city to have a lacrosse team. What was created here has inspired other schools and left a legacy of players for current Hutchison girls to aspire to. F R O M C R A D L E TO S E N S AT I O N The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Although
Mimi and Megan Gibson ’06
lacrosse has a long history, with its beginnings as a Native American game, for many in the south it often was considered a “sport played in the northeast.” Indeed, that is
to Memphis from Connecticut. Megan had played lacrosse
where it is most popular. But since 2000, lacrosse has grown
in middle school in Connecticut and Mimi had done some
explosively across the nation. According to the National
coaching. After sitting out the spring of her seventh grade
Federation of State High School Associations, participation
year because there was no team at Hutchison, Mimi recalled
by boys and girls in high school lacrosse nearly doubled
Megan coming to her and saying: “Mom, this is crazy. We
from 2000 to 2008, growing from 74,225 players to 143,946
have to do something about this!” Lacrosse was Megan’s
players. It is now considered one of the fastest growing
sport, and she didn’t want to live without it.
sports in the United States.
Mimi Gibson approached Hutchison’s athletics director
But it wasn’t just about keeping up with a fad. “If you’re
Hutchison | 31
32 | Hutchison
I can’t say enough about Coach Chubb or Dr. Smith, because I know I wouldn’t have had the opportunities I’ve had without them. CAROLINE SCHAEFER ’08 a soccer player and you understand a little bit of basketball, lacrosse is the perfect combination of the two,” said Jill
GETTING THE BALL ROLLING So how do you start a team from scratch? First, you
Allen, a full-time physical education teacher at Hutchison,
recruit. Mimi started by asking Megan’s friends if they might
who served as assistant coach when Gibson was head
be interested in lacrosse. Most of them had never played the
coach. “The movement up and down the field is similar to
sport; some may never have even heard of it.
soccer, and the movement right around the goal is similar to basketball.”
Caroline Schaefer ’08 was one of the girls Megan and Mimi invited to try lacrosse. “They gave me a stick, and I
Allen suggested another reason that she thought lacrosse
loved it, and the rest is history,” she said. She started playing
appealed to the girls: “It’s a pretty sport, even though it’s
her sophomore year and was on the team when Hutchi-
a gritty sport. I think a girl can feel strong and gritty and
son won its first state championship in 2007. “I remember
graceful at the same time. There’s a gracefulness in it that
from that point on everyone taking pride in the team and
you don’t see in a lot of sports. Just the motion of lacrosse,
Hutchison. That feeling was pretty awesome. The people I
where there’s the stretch and reach and catch and throw, or
played with on that team are still some of my best friends. I
the way in which you
grew a lot from being on that team. It contributed to me as
keep the ball in your
a person, not just an athlete.”
stick. So, I think for us as girls growing into
Knoxville where she played club lacrosse. After graduation,
women, many sides of
she returned to Memphis and was an assistant coach for the
our natural tempera-
Hutchison team for three years. Each year those teams won
ments get to come out
the state championship. Schaefer’s time playing lacrosse
in the sport.”
and working as an assistant coach encouraged her to return
Mimi Gibson also
to Knoxville and get a master’s in sports management,
believed that lacrosse
which she just completed. “I can’t say enough about Coach
offered more than just
Chubb or Dr. Smith, because I know I wouldn’t have had the
an athletic pursuit.
opportunities I’ve had without them.”
“Lacrosse was the Shelton Wittenberg ’14, Dr. Smith, and Caroline Schaefer ’08 after Hutchison won its fourth consecutive state lacrosse championship.
Schaefer went on to the University of Tennessee at
But that first team still had to learn an entirely new sport.
avenue, the vehicle, by
Although Mimi Gibson had coached some in Connecticut,
which these kids could
she had another idea: to reach out to Cathy Swezey, the
really see themselves
head coach of Vanderbilt’s Division 1 women’s lacrosse
succeed and work hard
team, and ask her to run a clinic in Memphis. “She hopped
toward something that
right on it and the girls were fantastic. The ball got rolling,
made a huge difference
and it’s never stopped.” The clinic was open to all girls in
in their lives. And, if they could succeed in lacrosse, they
Memphis, and shortly afterward St. Mary’s started a team.
could succeed in anything.”
The Vanderbilt coach and players returned to run clinics
“Dr. Smith realized that lacrosse would help our girls grow,” added Allen.
before several other seasons as well. “I actually went through the clinic with the girls,” said
Opposite page: Griffin Gearhardt ’17 (foreground) and Daisye Rainer ’17 (background) are part of Hutchison’s current championship lacrosse team. Hutchison | 33
Chubb, “so I learned to catch and throw. Beyond the Gibsons, nobody at Hutchison had been exposed to lacrosse, so everyone started out as newbies,” she added. “There was no fear of how to compete with the player who had been playing since she was four. There’s a certain level of confidence that you have when everybody’s new; that we’re all going to figure this out together and build from there.” “Dr. Smith enabled people to be creative,” said Allen. It was this creativity that jump-started the team. There were other challenges as well, like how to find referees that knew enough about the game to officiate. And, of course, until there was a more established girls’ lacrosse presence in Memphis, the Hutchison team put on a lot of miles traveling to Nashville to play. They played the best teams in the state in the beginning and that helped them learn quickly. Because lacrosse requires hand-eye coordination, it was important to get the girls learning younger, so Hutchison started a middle school lacrosse program in 2003 as well.
Loring Gearhardt ’14 (right) plays lacrosse at Johns Hopkins University.
This fed the varsity team. Nowadays, the middle school boasts over 80 girls playing lacrosse. It’s one of the most popular sports for middle school girls to sign up for.
L AC R O S S E AT H U TC H I S O N A N D B E YO N D Sandy Smith ’14 started playing lacrosse in the seventh grade. “Coach David Gearhardt pulled me aside one day and said, ‘Would you like to try and play this sport?’ It was exciting and new and something I’d never seen before. Having a background in soccer and basketball, it was an easy transition, and it was something my friends and I bonded over.” One of Smith’s favorite memories was hosting the state championship game in her senior year, when she helped Hutchison to its fourth consecutive Tennessee state title. During her senior year, Smith scored 45 goals and had 14 assists. She also earned U.S. Lacrosse first-team All-American. But she admits lacrosse meant so much more than just statistics. “What’s cool is all those relationships that I’ve kept and fostered through lacrosse that are still going strong,” Smith said. It also helped her in college. She attends Stanford where she plays lacrosse and majors in science, technology, and society. While she was at the top of her game at Hutchison, she realized when she got to Stanford that she was surrounded by women who were also at the top of their game. “Lacrosse builds that mindset of being driven, getting better at something, challenging yourself to something you’ve never done, and stepping out of your comfort zone. That’s definitely prepared me for stepping out of my com-
Sandy Smith ’14 (right) plays lacrosse at Stanford University.
fort zone in college. Being faced with new challenges and having people go through the exact same things with you and be there for you every step of the way.”
34 | Hutchison
1999–2000 2015–2016
Smith’s classmate, Loring Gearhardt ’14, has fond
absolutely not the normal college experience. It was one of
memories of watching her father, David, coach at Memphis
the most challenging and, by far, one of the most rewarding
University School (MUS) when she was young. “I remember
things that I’ve done.”
being on the sidelines of all the MUS games and just falling
Quinn now has a daughter and another on the way and
in love with the game,” she said. “And when I came to
works for Nestlé in sales, so she has a lot to manage. She says
Hutchison and got to start playing in fifth grade, it became
lacrosse taught her a lot about how to juggle everything.
pretty much everything for me.” David Gearhardt now
“The prioritization and time management extend further
coaches Hutchison’s varsity team.
than sports and into your professional career. Being able to
When she joined Hutchison’s varsity team as a freshman, the team won a state championship that year and the next three years. “We were the first class to go through and win
have a competitive mindset and perseverance and figure out how to prioritize is really important every day.” But above all else, she said, it was the relationships she
all four state championships. And we took a lot of pride in
made. “The community that goes along with the sport is so
that,” she recalled. Gearhardt now plays lacrosse at Johns
outstanding anywhere you go in the country,” she added.
Hopkins, where she’s majoring in economics with a minor in
“Truly it is the people that have made a difference in my
business and entrepreneurship.
life, not necessarily the sport. It’s the people and what I’ve
“Lacrosse got me where I am today,” Gearhardt said. “It’s taught me how to be a team player. You work your hardest to make the person next to you work her hardest. You learn
learned from them and the relationships that I’ve built that have helped shape my life.” And together it was all the people involved in starting
that you are part of something so much bigger than your-
the Hutchison team—the players, the teachers, Dr. Smith,
self. That’s helped me with other aspects of my life.”
Coach Chubb, the parents, and the coaches—that have won
Megan Gibson Quinn was the first Hutchison graduate to go on to play Division I lacrosse. She went to Vanderbilt
those six consecutive state championships. Because as the old adage states, there is no “I” in team.
and said, “It was a full-time job. To be a Division I athlete is Hutchison | 35
Creativity is inherent in every girl. We provide opportunities for girls to explore and discover their creative passions whether it is studio art, theatre, music, dance, or digital media and communications. We employ professional, working artists so that the girls see arts as an
important part of life. DR . ANN E T T E S M I T H
36 | Hutchison
Finding a Voice, Finding a Calling Hutchison has always had a stellar reputation for its fine arts program. Whether one is viewing the exceptional drawings or sculptures produced in visual arts or watching a moving theatre, music, or dance performance, it is evident that Hutchison has excelled in providing artistic endeavors that help students discover a new passion and creative voice.
Caitlin Robinson ’19 gets some guidance from Jeanette Leake, middle school and upper school art teacher.
“We know what these girls are capable of, and they’re
sionally for my drawing.” She recalled Gwen English’s
capable of a lot,” said Anne Davey, upper school art teacher
classes fondly. “She was good at knowing each individual
at Hutchison. “We help them succeed at a top level of
student’s strengths and weaknesses and would give us
quality. That’s our goal.”
feedback that was particular to our own needs as artists.”
Jeanette Leake, middle school and upper school art
Smythe even credits Hutchison for helping her realize
teacher, added: “Our art program has a different vibe than
that art could lead to a career. “I didn’t know that animation
other schools. We are allowed to do what’s best for the girls,
was a thing one could do. In one of my AP classes, we had a
not what’s best for the system. And that’s a big difference.”
guest speaker from the Savannah College of Art and Design,”
Louise Smythe ’06 actually transferred to Hutchison
Smythe said. “One of her friends was working at Pixar and
in ninth grade because, “I liked drawing and theatre, and
was a storyboard artist, and it dawned on me that someone
Hutchison was well-known for both,” she said.
actually draws those characters.”
She enjoyed both drawing and sculpture. “Sculpture was a fun challenge,” she said. “It helped me think three-dimen-
After undergraduate work at Washington University in art and design, Smythe went to the California Institute of the
Hutchison | 37
Our art program has a different vibe than other schools. We are allowed to do what’s best for the girls, not what’s best for the system. And that’s a big difference. JEANETTE LEAKE
Arts to study character animation.
She now works as a storyboard
artist at Pixar in California, where
So the challenge when
she’s been for almost five years.
Dr. Annette Smith arrived in
Smythe said her interest in the
2000 was how to take an aspect
theatre department at Hutchison was beneficial, too. “Being in productions at Hutchison helped
of Hutchison that was already inspiring students to do amazing
Louise Smythe ’06
work and make it even better.
me come out of my shell. It also
Dr. Smith knew that the staff
helps me at Pixar, where you need to think on your feet when you are presenting things and be able to act out your story ideas.”
and programs could grow. Tracey Zerwig Ford, director of Fine Arts and the Center for Excellence, said that when she started at Hutchison in 2003, there was one upper school visual arts
teacher. Now there are three in the day program and four
Caroline Hurley ’00 recognized how supportive the arts programs were at Hutchison.
we’re able to offer now is so much stronger because the
“We had wonderful teachers
girls are taking art from teachers with different perspectives
in the fine arts department
and different strengths.”
who fostered that creativity.” Hurley, who channeled
The curriculum also has expanded. Now, there is Intro to Studio Art, Studio Art, Advanced Honors Drawing, AP
her creativity to get into the
Drawing, AP Sculpture, and AP Art History, plus an entire
prestigious Rhode Island
digital design and communication strand through upper
School of Design, is a painter
and now owns a textile Caroline Hurley ’00
more in the extended day Arts Academy program. “What
The arts program specifically hires working artists, and
business and storefront in
all art teachers are encouraged to work on their own art
Brooklyn, New York. She
within their classrooms so that students can see their work
produces textiles for the home, including fabric, rugs, quilts,
progress and ask questions. Davey and Leake show their
pillows, throws, and blankets.
work in the Mid-South region as well as nationally.
Hutchison’s classes were beneficial, Hurley added,
Ford and Dr. Smith conceived the Certificate of Arts
because they let her discover different interests. “In high
program, which “keeps girls engaged in art-making so that
school, you’re still developing and still trying to figure out
they are able to track their skill building and growth as
who you are, and it’s about exploring and not necessarily
pre-professional artists,” said Ford. The certificate is open to
having one tone of voice. The classes that I took at
girls interested in studying visual arts, dance, theatre, music,
Hutchison supported that kind of exploration.”
digital design, and film.
Opposite page: Anne Davey, upper school art teacher, works with Emma Lou Tillmanns ’17 in AP 3-D Design. 38 | Hutchison
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TA K I N G A C U E F R O M T H E TO P “I didn’t think about becoming an artist,” said Elizabeth Blankenship ’08, whose long-term plan was to attend Vanderbilt and study
wasn’t just going to be a job, but also would be something that I really loved.” During AP Sculpture class, she decided to do sculptural
economics or finance. “Dr.
pieces with found objects that were all wearable art. “That’s
Smith personally encouraged
where I figured out that I wanted to get into fashion.”
me to consider art as a career.” Blankenship was in
Elizabeth Blankenship ’08
“The fine arts program pushed me to find something that
Stone attended the University of Alabama and completed a double major in fashion design and business. “The reason I got the business degree was something
Dr. Smith’s advisory, which
Hutchison taught me. You have to market yourself. I decided
met weekly to help girls make
that a fashion degree wouldn’t be enough for me personally.
important decisions about
I wanted to be able to offer more.”
their futures. “Dr. Smith saw something in me and my
She now works for Global Purchasing Companies, a boutique consulting firm for fashion clientele. She consults
interests and suggested the Certificate of Arts program. It
with retailers, manufacturers, and designers. “Hutchison
planted the seed in my mind for me to actually continue in
always taught us problem-solving skills,” Stone added.
the arts.” Blankenship took extra art lessons after school in
“Instead of just memorizing your work, you actually get to
the arts academy and arranged to take the AP Drawing class
craft a solution. And that’s something that I do every day.”
twice so that she could build an outstanding portfolio. After an interior design apprenticeship, she applied for
“Because of our growth under Dr. Smith, our fine arts program has advanced to a whole new level,” said Ford.
a summer fashion design camp at the Fashion Institute of
“Students are producing stellar work and creating portfolios
Technology (FIT) in New York. “That is what sealed the deal.
that enable them to get into the best design schools and
I loved it, and I came back from that summer and worked on
land incredible jobs. We couldn’t have done that without the
my portfolio.” Blankenship’s portfolio was strong enough for
support of the head of school.”
her to gain admittance to FIT for college. Afterward, she attended graduate school at Central Saint Martins in London. She now works in fashion design at Proenza Schouler, a top women’s wear company based in New York. She draws almost every day and helps prepare the company’s collections for runway shows in New York and Paris. “I would not be on the path I’m on now if I hadn’t had access to extra art lessons, one-on-one advice, and the concentration of art classes that I was able to take in high school.” AB Stone ’12 had a similar trajectory. “I was not at all interested in art, surprisingly enough, and now it’s ended up dictating my life. I took the Intro to Studio Art course, and my teacher, Anne Davey, said, ‘you are really good at this.’ I think when Mrs. Davey had me AB Stone ’12
step back and take a look at the bigger picture, that’s when
Dr. Smith saw something in me and my interests and suggested the Certificate of Arts program. It planted the seed in my mind for me to actually continue in the arts.
I really realized that I was onto something.” Stone planned on studying business in college, but said,
40 | Hutchison
Audrey Jones ’19, Halle Dougher ’19, and Lauren Ma ’19 use Final Cut Pro X for video and sound editing and a professional microphone and mixer for recording voiceovers.
a burgeoning fine arts program There’s been even more growth in Fine Arts during Dr. Annette Smith’s tenure. “The theatre program, which provides our girls with a deeper understanding of the human experience through role play, analysis, and design, has grown extensively,” said Tracey Ford, director of Fine Arts and the Center for Excellence. Annual productions now include four main stage plays and two black box theater productions, as well as four lower school grade level plays. As soon as early childhood, girls are introduced to elements of theatre, including story structure, characters, and language development. Skills are further developed in lower school, and girls in middle and upper school start to audition for roles and take on other responsibilities, such as designing and constructing scenery, gathering props, and practicing lighting, sound, and makeup. Recent additions to the fine arts program include the digital media and communications strand. In digital media classes, girls explore expression through the written word, short videos, podcasts, and web projects. Graphic design courses introduce girls to color, composition, design, layout, and typography and the use of professional programs such as Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. In film production, girls produce short fiction films and documentaries, all while learning about camera operation, lighting, storyboarding, scriptwriting, directing, and editing. They also evaluate cinema as an artistic medium by analyzing classic and modern films. And in debate, girls practice public speaking and methods of persuasion, improvisation, and argumentation. They also gain a deeper understanding of current events by debating about issues from social, cultural, and political arenas. “Throughout all of our fine arts studies, Hutchison girls learn to express themselves, collaborate, and give and receive meaningful criticism,” said Ford.
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We have incredible resources at Hutchison, so we created a way to share them with the Mid-South. The Center for Excellence opened up our campus to girls, boys, and community partners, which enriches our community as well.
42 | Hutchison
F O C U S O N C E N T E R F O R E XC E L L E N C E :
A World of Opportunity for Hutchison Girls and the Community If you’re ever on the Hutchison campus after school or during the summer, there’s often a flurry of creative activity going on in the classrooms. On any given day, students might be shaping clay in a pottery studio, sharpening writing skills in a poetry class, or exploring the world of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) in a marine biology or robotics workshop. They also may be learning ballet, drawing, taekwondo, leadership skills, tennis, acting, singing, babysitting basics, or taking lessons on an instrument. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are more than 100 classes and workshops in the fall, spring, and summer available through Hutchison’s Center for Excellence. What makes it all the more exciting is that many of these offerings are open to both girls and boys, from Hutchison and from the greater Memphis community, and there are even some classes for adults. The Center welcomes more than 10,000 children and adults from over 110 regional schools for a variety of activities each year.
Girls and boys learn about insects on Hutchison’s farm.
The Center for Excellence is a fixture on the Hutchison campus. The flagship of the Center is the Mary Miles Loveless Arts Academy, founded in 2004. The Arts Academy grew out of a brainstorm between Dr. Annette Smith and then-board chair Mary Miles Loveless ’72. They were looking for a way to offer deeper learning opportunities for Hutchison’s girls while extending learning to more people in the Memphis community. Because the Mary Miles Loveless Arts Academy was so successful, five more academies and institutes were added to form the Center for Excellence in 2007. These include the Irene Leatherman Orgill Scholars Academy, the Abigail Ware Williams Leadership Institute, the Margaret Celeste Cates Sports Academy, the Edna Kimbrough Crain Educators Institute, and the Bernice Hederman Hussey Parent Center. Dr. Smith’s vision was that these six diverse academies and institutes would encapsulate many of the other activities that were going on around the Hutchison campus. “The Center is a great way to extend learning for Hutchison girls and to open up the campus to girls and boys in the community,” said Tracey Zerwig Ford, director of the Center for Excellence and Fine Arts at Hutchison. “For instance, we realized that certain kids loved pottery but there wasn’t time in our regular curriculum to dive deeply into such a medium. The Center, however, provided the time and space for students to spend significant time with potterymaking. Because of this supplemental experience, some students have been taking ceramics for many years and have developed a strong sense of aesthetic and technique. When Hutchison girls taking these classes move into our AP Hutchison | 43
improve her music skills during the summer. She found the Delta Girls Rock Camp (DGRC) at the Center for Excellence. In the camp, girls learn an instrument, form bands, work together to write songs, and put on a concert for friends and family. “I enjoyed DGRC because there were a lot of other people that liked making music for the fun of it,” Albright said. “It gave me exposure to performing in front of larger crowds and collaborating with people. I made good friendships with people who I’m still close to.” Albright plays piano, sings, and also learned bass guitar while at DGRC. “I think the CFE is a great outlet for girls who have talents that maybe they don’t even know they have,” she said. “You take a chance, go to a CFE class, and find out that you love something a whole lot, and you keep it up for the rest of your life.” “A big part of Delta Girls Rock Camp is encouraging individuality and uniqueness and embracing that,” said Melanie Girls participate in a Center for Excellence gymnastics class.
Isaksen, director of DGRC. “We encourage the girls’ selfesteem and empower them through the music. They can say, ‘I did this and it only took me a week to do it.’ ” The Delta
Sculpture program, they’re going to be phenomenal,” Ford
Girls represent Hutchison every year at mile two of the
St. Jude Marathon route, where they perform for the runners.
“I’ve participated in Center for Excellence (CFE) classes since I started at Hutchison in pre-kindergarten,” said student
Irene Keeney ’19
In her third year at CFE, Albright started interning. She said it was her first leadership role. “I got more involved and
Irene Keeney ’19. Keeney has taken
served as peer mentor for the younger girls.” She found it
ballet, violin, and theatre workshops,
was easy to do because she could relate to the campers.
among other classes. “I like that the
Albright has continued to come back to CFE during the
CFE covers all forms of art, not just
summer, even now that she’s in college at the University of
visual art or dance or theatre. The
Tennessee at Knoxville studying French and journalism. This
classes bring out a student’s inner
summer, she’ll work as an instructor at DGRC.
artist. It’s helped me know what I’m passionate about.”
Keeney is most passionate about theatre. She’s participated
“Overall, I think that if I hadn’t gone to rock camp, I wouldn’t have a lot of the skills that I have now, both musically and socially. And I always felt very welcome at Hutchison.”
in more than 10 theatrical shows at Hutchison, and has found that the CFE workshops helped her find her voice. “The workshops focus a lot on projection and character work. It’s
T H E C F E I N S P I R E S A PAT H Chigozie Akah went to school across the street from
really encouraging because I’ve learned how to articulate
Hutchison at Ridgeway High School and also interned at the
and project.”
Center for Excellence. She helped out with Delta Girls Rock
She’s also interned at the Center for Excellence. “I have a lot of fun teaching, helping out, and watching kids perform.” Keeney said her work at CFE has even informed what she
Camp and with a girls’ empowerment workshop called Bright Girls, Bright Futures. “It was working at the Center for Excellence that made
might want to do as a career. “I love the theatre and love to
me start thinking more about my place as a woman in the
act, so I’ve thought about becoming a drama teacher.” She
world and informed my passion for working with youth as
said that the best compliment she ever received was when a
well,” Akah said. “The experience that I had there guided me
camper thanked Keeney for helping teach her about acting.
in my decision to continue working with young women and girls throughout college and today.”
F U E L I N G A PA S S I O N AT T H E C E N T E R Jorden Albright attended Houston High School, but when she was 15 she was searching for a place to practice and
44 | Hutchison
Akah went to Columbia University in New York and studied political science and African studies. During college she got involved with an organization called the WomanHOOD
project, which puts on workshops around topics like feminism
week performing arts workshop during the summer and
and community history for young high school girls of color in
helps stage their annual show. When Hutchison offered space
the Bronx. She still volunteers part-time for the organization
to Company d, it helped broaden the scope of the training for
today. “The skills that I learned specifically from leading that
the dancers. In addition to dance instruction, the two-week
CFE empowerment workshop, I took with me into college and
workshop features theatre art, visual art, and yoga.
my volunteer work.” She thinks the CFE is a great opportunity for girls and
“The Center for Excellence just radiates with creativity and passion,” Winters said, making Hutchison the perfect
boys because the programming stimulates and challenges
place for the workshop. Additionally, Company d’s partic-
them. “It’s such a wonderful space for kids of all backgrounds
ipants have an opportunity to perform on a large stage in
to be able to come together and learn from each other and
front of an audience. “Hutchison has this professional respect
try new things.”
for what the company is about artistically. I always feel like Hutchison values what we are doing.”
C R E AT I N G L A S T I N G PA R T N E R S H I P S In addition to offering classes and workshops, the Center
The relationship is mutual too. Beyond Company d using Hutchison’s facilities, there are opportunities for interns
At Delta Girls Rock Camp, girls learn instruments, write their own songs, and perform.
also acts as a creative partner with a number of organizations
during the two-week workshop. Both Irene Keeney and
in the Mid-South community.
Chigozie Akah interned with Company d. Interns help Winters
One such partner is Company d, a nationally recognized
administratively but also take part in the classes with the
dance company of young adults with Down syndrome. The
Company d participants. “It was different than anything
company’s goal is to “inspire, empower, and teach individuals
I’ve ever done before, especially because I’m not a strong
with Down syndrome who have an inherent aptitude for the
dancer,” said Keeney. “It was cool to see the different things
performing arts,” said Darlene Winters, artistic director and
they were learning.”
choreographer. The Center for Excellence has been a partner with Company d for 10 years and hosts the dancers for a two-
Another strong partner is Girls Scouts Heart of the South (GSHS), the local Girl Scout council that serves 59 counties in West Tennessee, North Mississippi, and Crittenden County,
Hutchison | 45
46 | Hutchison
Arkansas. The organization hosts a number of meetings and
Schild said Hutchison’s partnership has been invaluable.
events at Hutchison, including a forum for its National Stand
“Hutchison is always willing to be a part of the greater
Beside Her Movement, which brings women business profes-
community and to serve all girls, not just those girls who are
sionals together to talk about how they’ve mentored other
members of the Hutchison family. I think that’s admirable. It’s
women. According to Melanie Schild, chief executive officer
no longer just a school; it’s an organization for change within
of GSHS, the goal of the movement is “to mentor, support,
our community.”
and develop women and girls and to end comparison and
That brainstorm about an arts academy between Dr. Smith
competition and create more collaboration and support for
and Mary Miles Loveless has led to something innovative and
one another.”
lasting. “The Center for Excellence is a public platform for a
While working with Hutchison, Schild said the idea came
private institution that is helping girls to define and refine
up to form a Stand Beside Her Memphis group so that all
their passions,” said Tracey Zerwig Ford. “We can’t wait to
women’s and girls’ organizations in the Mid-South area could
see what opportunities and partnerships will come our way in
communicate, collaborate, and share resources.
the future.”
cfe community partners Hutchison partners with many different kinds of organizations in the Mid-South to offer space, present forums, share resources, and build a stronger community. • Aztec Dancers/Latino Memphis/El Mercadito • Ballet Memphis • Big Brothers, Big Sisters • Bridges • Boys and Girls Club of Greater Memphis (multiple locations) • Danny Broadway - Visual Art/Gallery Owner • Brown Girls Dreams • Catholic Jubilee Schools • Child Advocacy Center • Children’s Museum of Memphis • Company d Dancers • Common Ground • Concord Academy • Coon Creek Fossil Center • Creative Aging Inc • DeNeuville Learning Center • Destination Imagination Tennessee Association • Dixon Gallery and Gardens • Exceptional Foundation • Facing History and Ourselves • Frayser Achievement Elementary • Freedom Prep Charter School • George Hunt - Visual Art
• Germantown Performing Arts Center • Grace St. Luke’s Episcopal School • Girl24 Movement • Girl Scouts Heart of the South • Hattiloo Theatre • Hispanic Flamenco Ballet • International Children’s Heart Foundation • IRIS Orchestra • Joyce Cobb – Jazz Musician • Junior League of Memphis • Kenneth Jackson - Blues Man • Knowledge Quest • Knowledge Tree • Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Ceremony • Salvation Army’s Kroc Center • Salvation Army’s Purdue Center of Hope • Lane Music/Circle Music Center • Larry Clark - Magician and Circus Artist • Leadership Memphis • Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital • Let’s Innovate Through Education
• Memphis Men’s and Women’s Vocal Chorales • Memphis Symphony Orchestra • Mid-South Chess • Midtown Taekwondo • Nancy Apple - Songwriter and Musician • National Civil Rights Museum • New Hope Academy • New Memphis Institute • Orpheum Theatre • Overton Square • Playhouse on the Square • Pink Palace Museum • Project Motion Dance Company • Shelby County Chess • Sportime School Specialty • St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital • Tennessee Association of Independent Schools (TAIS) • Tennessee Shakespeare Company • Theatre Memphis • University of Memphis • West TN STEM Hub • Wings Gymnastics
Opposite page: Kids discover their creativity in a variety of Center for Excellence arts classes. Hutchison | 47
Connecting the Classroom to the Real World In promoting a culture focused on nurturing young women of strong character, Dr. Annette Smith’s vision was a catalyst for creating three signature programs that emphasize living lives of purpose—Hutchison Leads, Hutchison Serves, and Hutchison Invests. Leads and Invests are upper school experiences, while Serves extends to girls in every division.
These three programs work individually and collab-
By infusing leadership, service, and entrepreneurship
oratively. Leads was the first program, started in 2010. It
skills into the curriculum, these programs provide outlets
provides experiences in public policy development, private
for girls to explore their passions while making an impact in
sector initiatives, and civic responsibility. Serves, started
the community. All of these experiences build confidence,
in 2015, empowers girls to make a difference in the lives
character, and awareness of what it means to be a global
of others, both locally and globally, inspires them to be
citizen. The ultimate goal is to develop the next generation
servant leaders, and instills a lifelong interest in philanthropy.
of leaders.
Invests, the newest part of the triad, focuses on creative entrepreneurship, micro and macro economics, responsible investments, and the civic role
Recent internships and fellowships had Hutchison’s senior girls out in the world learning, leading, and making a difference.
of business and finance.
Anna Apollonio Hutchison Leads Fellowship at M. Lynn Reichert, LLC. Anna Apollonio ’17 gained real-world experience in family and juvenile law at the office of M. Lynn Reichert, LLC. in St. Louis, Missouri. During her fellowship, she reviewed case briefs and court orders, attended court hearings and adoptions, and developed a deeper appreciation for this complex and challenging area of the law. She is considering a career in the legal field where she can provide a voice for some of our community’s most vulnerable members.
Maggie Loftin Hutchison Leads Fellowship at Willow Bend Animal Clinic Maggie Loftin ’17 completed an animal behavior fellowship with Willow Bend Animal Clinic that gave her the opportunity to participate in both clinical and field work. She studied the training and individual development of a variety of dogs. She plans to make working with animals a career and has her sights set on becoming a veterinarian. Her fellowship experience helped her gain acceptance into Mississippi State’s early entry program for the College of Veterinary Medicine.
48 | Hutchison
We developed Hutchison Leads, Serves, and Invests to help girls build their leadership skills for real-world situations. These programs enable girls to define their passions while learning how to work together and with others in the community.
D R . A N N ET T E S M I T H
Daisye Rainer Hutchison Leads Internship at Charlottesville Daily Progress Daisye Rainer ’17 took one step toward her dream of becoming a journalist with her internship with the Charlottesville Daily Progress. While with the paper, Daisye learned about the many facets of the news business—writing, editing, photography, and sales and marketing. She recently published an article in 4Memphis magazine about the ripple effect of domestic violence in the Mid-South community.
Stewart Nichols Hutchison Serves Fellowship at Latino Memphis and Christ Community Health Services Stewart Nichols ’17 partnered with Latino Memphis and Christ Community Health Services to research the obstacles between Latino Memphians and adequate public and private healthcare. This fellowship gave her the opportunity to marry her love of Spanish and medicine. In the future, Stewart sees herself as a physician with Doctors Without Borders— helping the neediest patients across the world.
Olivia Shawkey Hutchison Invests Internship at Duncan Williams Olivia Shawkey ’17 explored the world of financial services through her internship with Duncan Williams. This internship partnered her with two Hutchison alumnae, Huxley Brown Maury ’04 and Ragan Mueller Washburn ’05. She gained exposure to the firm’s businesses and expanded her knowledge of the investment banking industry while developing important analytical and communication skills.
Hutchison | 49
A L U M N A P R O F I L E | J U L I E R I M H U YG E N ’ 8 7
Distinguished Alumna Goes Far Afield, but Keeps Ties to Hutchison For Julie Rim Huygen ’87, Hutchison’s 2017 Distinguished Alumna recipient, attending law school and working in politics were always in the cards. It turned out, however, that her route there was somewhat circuitous.
She started with a definite plan. After
catch. She also wanted to travel, interna-
graduating Hutchison, she intended to go to
tionally if possible. Because lawyers are tied
Harvard, major in government studies, intern
to a state bar, she knew that wouldn’t be so
on Capitol Hill, and then head to law school.
easy to pull off. At the time, she was working
But while at Harvard, majoring in govern-
in the general counsel’s office of a federal
ment, something unusual happened.
agency and a few people there had been in
“In my sophomore year, I volunteered and
the military. They suggested she consider
became the assistant manager for the men’s
joining the military as a lawyer, or Judge
ice hockey team at Harvard. This was despite
never having been involved in athletics at Hutchison.” The hockey team ended that season as the NCAA Division I Champions,
“The Air Force active duty has about Colonel Julie Huygen, Class of 1987, has 19 years as a Judge Advocate in the Air Force.
and Huygen continued the job into her junior and senior years. “Even though I took the LSAT my senior year, I was on the fence about law school right away,” she said.
1,200 lawyers or Judge Advocates. About 70% of us have no prior military service,” Huygen said.
The next thing she knew, she was in an officer’s training program. Her second career was about to begin.
When she graduated, she worked for a year at USA Hockey, one season for the Memphis Chicks, and then for the Baltimore Orioles as an assistant in their scouting and player development office. There was a bit of serendipity to the Orioles job placement.
NEVER A DULL MOMENT Regarding traveling the world, Huygen got her wish. She started her career at Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane, Washington, then spent a year in Korea. After that post, she
The University of Maryland’s law school was just down the street
transferred to England, working in international and operations
from the stadium. And they had a night program. Her boss
law doing humanitarian relief and disaster assistance across
encouraged her to take classes, and Huygen decided it was time.
Europe, including eastern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.
So while studying law at night, she continued to work for the Orioles during the day. A year before she was going to graduate from law school,
“Everywhere you find the Air Force, you’ll find an Air Force lawyer,” she explained. Depending on where she was, some of her responsibilities included employment law, criminal prosecu-
though, Huygen got another unusual offer—to work as a coordina-
tions, working with the local government (or host nation, when
tor for Grant Hill in his rookie season with the Detroit Pistons.
overseas), as well as questions about jurisdiction, real estate,
Huygen thought it was too good to pass up. She took a year off
complying with local standards, taxes, and whether or not military
from law school and never regretted it. Before Hill’s second season
members overseas can carry firearms, to name a few.
started, Huygen returned to Maryland to complete law school. Once finished, she was ready to go to work. There was just one
50 | Hutchison
“One of the huge advantages of being a Judge Advocate as opposed to a civilian attorney is that we get exposure to all
I never feel that far from Hutchison. So much of how I identify myself has to do with those years at Hutchison. different areas of practice. I enjoy doing a lot of different things, because it never gets boring.”
She says having those friends is invaluable. “It makes it possible for somebody like me to go off and do something as crazy
Quite a few assignments followed. She moved to Washington,
as work in professional sports,” she said, “or to join the service
D.C., to work at the Pentagon;
when I don’t have a family
Shreveport, Louisiana to work
history of military service. It’s
with the B-52 bomber wing;
infinitely harder to do that
Washington, D.C., and the
and to have that sense of self
Pentagon for a second time; a
and confidence if you don’t
stint in Afghanistan with the
have that grounding in people
Air Expeditionary Wing; Col-
around you.”
orado to work with a space
What’s next? First, Huygen
wing that oversees satellites;
returned to Hutchison in April
and finally, back again to D.C.
to accept the Distinguished
Now a Colonel, Huygen is
Alumna award as part of
Chief of the Military Justice
Alumnae Weekend.
Division, Air Force Legal Operations Agency at Joint Base Andrews, which in layman’s terms roughly
She’s also thinking about Huygen (second from right) gathered with fellow officers in Washington, D.C., where she served as the Senior Military Mentor for the United States Senate Youth Program, which mentors over 100 high school juniors and seniors.
her future. She’s served 19 years in the Air Force, and members of the military are
translates to working with
able to retire once they have
members of Congress on
served 20 years. If she retires,
legislation. She is married to
she dreams of spending days
Lt. Col. Conrad L. Huygen,
on the beach, but more likely
who retired as a Judge
will stay involved in some type
Advocate from the Air Force.
of public service work, which
Her time in England was
she believes is important.
one of her favorite assign-
She encourages Hutchison
ments. “We were working in
girls to try everything. “If it’s
humanitarian assistance and
something that you’re inter-
disaster relief. When 150 of
ested in and if it’s something
us packed our bags and flew off to Mozambique to get a clinic up and running and
Huygen (second from left) deployed to Afghanistan from July 2012February 2013. She’s shown with her staff, an Air Force Judge Advocate and two paralegals.
provide immediate assistance
that you’re passionate about, you learn what you need to know to be good at it,” she said, adding that she still
to villages in the surrounding area, you could see the impact. That
loves the practice of law. “But you begin with that basis of interest
kind of assignment can’t be equaled.”
and passion, which allows you the possibility of being good at something and achieving some measure of success.”
M A I N TA I N I N G H U TC H I S O N T I E S No matter how far Huygen has traveled, she has never dis-
“Hutchison girls are so well positioned to do a lot of good and to have a really positive impact, however they choose to define
connected from Hutchison. She has seven classmates from the
their community. There’s that notion that if much has been given
Class of ’87 that she stays in touch with. “We’ve managed to get
to you, much is expected of you.” She added that while the
together in some form or fashion, some combination of us, if not
military is not for everyone, she hopes Hutchison girls will continue
all of us, every year since we graduated.”
to think of public service as an option.
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alumnae award honorees Distinguished Alumna Award The Hutchison Distinguished Alumna Award recognizes and celebrates alumnae who are making a difference in the world through exceptional professional achievement, singular artistic creation, and selfless and visionary service. We are proud to announce the recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Alumna Award is Colonel Julie Rim Huygen ’87, who serves in the Air Force as a Judge Advocate. Colonel Huygen is Chief of the Military Justice Division, Air Force Legal Operations Agency at Joint Base Andrews, and has a 19-year career in the Air Force. She states, “I remain a true believer that the law can be a positive force for other people.” About Hutchison, she added, “I never feel that far from Hutchison because those years did have an impact on me. So much of how I identify myself has to do with my time spent at Hutchison.”
Anne Marie Newton Walker Philanthropy Award The Anne Marie Newton Walker ’47 Philanthropy Award is presented to an alumna who has advanced philanthropy to Hutchison through her example of generosity and longstanding engagement. Like the award’s namesake, these alumnae are passionately committed to enhancing and sustaining Hutchison’s commitment to developing the mind, body, and spirit of our girls for success and fulfillment in college and in life. This year’s Philanthropy Award recipient is Chris Robinson Sanders ’72, dedicated alumnae volunteer, charter member of Hutchison’s Norfleet Society, and mother of Aubrey Sanders ’04. Chris cites gratitude as her chief motivator for giving back to her alma mater. “As I reflect on my Hutchison years, I can’t do so without smiling. Hutchison provided me, and eventually my daughter, with a safe place to learn, grow, and even fail, to experience and experiment, and to form lifelong friendships. I give back because my daughter and I would not be the women we are today without Hutchison.” 52 | Hutchison
Alumna Service to Hutchison Award The Alumna Service to Hutchison Award recognizes the school’s appreciation for exceptional and longstanding service to and advocacy for Hutchison. The recipient of the 2017 Alumna Service Award is Jeanne Bowen Hollis ’75. Having served for more than 20 years as a Hutchison trustee and as board chair for the past four years, Jeanne has donated significant time, talent, and resources to our school. Jeanne’s daughters Bowen Hollis Cook ’01 and Martha Hollis Williams ’03, along with her granddaughter, have all attended Hutchison. In describing why she remains so committed to her beloved school, Jeanne had this to say: “Hutchison is a source of great pride for me. I feel blessed to have attended this school and fortunate to have my daughters, and now granddaughter, attend. I am proud of the impact Hutchison has had on the lives of so many strong, smart, and compassionate women. Serving the school has been a tremendous honor for me.”
Honorary Alumnae Honorary Alumnae are active, vibrant individuals with a caring concern for their communities, their families, and for Hutchison. They have brought honor to themselves and the school, and demonstrably reflect Miss Hutchison’s values and her passionate commitment to girls’ education. This year we welcome Jane Allen and Brenda Crain, two outstanding women who join the distinguished list of individuals awarded Honorary Alumna status.
Jane Allen will be retiring at the end of the 2016–2017 school year after 24 years of service as a pre-kindergarten teacher. Her two daughters, Sarah Lawrence Allen ’02 and Katherine Allen Towner ’04, are both Hutchison alumnae. “Hutchison has always held a very special place in my heart, from the time my girls started and throughout my teaching years,” she said. “What I treasure most are the friendships I have formed with my colleagues and the families and children I have taught.”
Jane Allen
Brenda Crain has been a constant supporter of our school over the years. Her two daughters, Barbara Crain Williamson ’77 and Kim Crain Lowrance ’86, along with her four granddaughters, have all attended Hutchison. In describing her passion for our school, she states, “One of my biggest regrets in life is not having the opportunity to attend a school like Hutchison. It has made an indelible mark on the lives of so many Crain women, and I am both humbled and delighted to now be an Honorary Alumna of this extraordinary school.”
Brenda Crain
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Anne Marie Newton Walker Society In recognition of Anne Marie’s vision and generosity in support of her alma mater, and with gratitude to those who have followed her extraordinary example, Hutchison celebrates the creation of the Anne Marie Newton Walker Society.
in a 15-year span of transformational philan-
Anne Marie Newton ’47* and Thomas B. Walker, Jr.*
thropy at Hutchison, leaving an indelible mark
Elizabeth Cates
on her beloved school.
G. Staley Cates
generosity, Anne Marie Newton Walker ’47 ushered
In 2003, Anne Marie and her husband, Tom, issued the Walker Endowment Challenge, a $1 million commitment contingent upon the
Elizabeth and Giles A. Coors, III Brenda and J. Lester Crain, Jr.
school raising $5 million. Inspired by the energy
Cindy and Edward J. Dobbs
and direction they saw in the Hutchison commu-
Kirby Dobbs ’82 and Glenn Floyd
nity, the Walkers delivered yet another challenge in 2005: a pledge of $2 million provided the school
Anne Orgill ’85 and Michael Keeney
secure $8 million in current or planned gifts in eight
Elizabeth and Richard W. Hussey, Jr.
years. The challenge was an unprecedented success,
Kimberly and Edward A. Labry, III
sparking a period of extraordinary momentum for Hutchison. Measured in dollars, the Walkers’ impact exceeds $15 million, and the effect of their generosity on the school’s quality and sustainability is immeasurable.
Betty and Jackson W. Moore Carole and William H. West Abigail Ware ’89 and Duncan F. Williams Susan and Robert A. Wilson Norma and C. Kemmons Wilson, Jr. Rebecca and Spence Wilson, Sr. u * denotes deceased
54 | Hutchison
I N M E M O R I A M | S U Z Y S AT T E R F I E L D ’ 73
Left, Suzy with husband Dr. John Pickens, and right, with daughter Amy Pickens ’11.
REMEMBERING SUZY SATTERFIELD ’73 Earlier this year, Hutchison lost a cherished friend. Dr. Suzy Satterfield ’73 passed away on January 15, 2017, leaving behind her husband, Dr. John Pickens, and their two children, Amy Pickens ’11 and Will Pickens. Suzy had many loves—her children, Idlewild Presbyterian Church, and teaching medical students at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center—but another of her great loves was Hutchison School. As an alumna and parent of an alumna, she supported Hutchison in any way she could. She served on the Alumnae Association Board, one year as president. She also served as a trustee on the Hutchison Board. Whenever there was a Career Day program, Suzy was the first to volunteer to speak or serve as an alumnae mentor. She was always willing to give back to the school she loved so dearly. Dr. Suzy Satterfield is a role model for the type of woman every Hutchison girl should aspire to be. She set the bar high. We will miss you, Suzy. Left, Suzy with classmate Laurie Braden Hudson ’73
Dr. Annette Smith, Toni Ledbetter Kaiser (Honorary Alumna), Bernice “Buzzy” Hederman Hussey (Honorary Alumna), Bette Carol Scott (Honorary Alumna), and Dr. Suzy Satterfield ’73, who was Alumnae Association Board president at the time.
Hutchison | 55
P O S T S C R I P T:
What’s Next for Annette Smith? WHEN THE SCHOOL YEAR BEGINS in August of
She also said working on jewelry opens her eyes up to
2017, Annette Smith said she and her husband Rod won’t
discerning things around her. She notices textures and shapes
be syncing their iPhone calendars so that they can check
in ordinary, everyday things, like a piece of window screen,
each other’s schedules.
which she likes to incorpo-
Instead, she and Rod and
rate into her jewelry when-
their poodle, Toby, plan to
ever possible. “One of the
pile into their car and take
gifts of being a craftsperson
the great American road
is that you look at your
trip across the U.S. She said
world in different ways.”
they’ll plan the states they
Annette said when she
want to see, but not much
sits down in her workshop,
else. The strategy sounded
it is very peaceful and time
reminiscent of the journey
absolutely flies. She wears
John Steinbeck took with
her jewelry and gives
his poodle and described in
pieces away to family and
the classic book Travels with
friends. She’s started to
Charley: In Search of America,
stock an Etsy shop called
a book Annette admires.
AlchemybyAnnette. She also
When they return to
plans to do some crewel-
their home in Sewanee,
work, a kind of embroidery Annette and Rod Smith
Annette and Rod both
with wool thread, and join
have plenty to keep them
an oil painting class that a
busy. Rod is a woodworker
neighbor teaches.
who makes furniture and has rented a 3,000-square-foot
When they’re not crafting furniture or jewelry, Annette
workspace to spread out in. For Annette, she works on a de-
and Rod plan to be active members in Otey Parish in
cidedly smaller scale, creating earrings, necklaces, bracelets,
Sewanee. The Episcopal church offers an extensive outreach
jewelry boxes, and other pieces out of precious metal clay.
program, including a project called Folks at Home, which
She read about the precious metal clay medium and
offers services such as transportation or grocery shopping
was fascinated by the process it goes through: she shapes
for elderly or homebound members of the community. The
a piece of jewelry out of clay and then fires it in a kiln where the binder fires off leaving pure silver. She ordered a small starter’s kit, outfitted a workshop, and taught herself. “I like the transformational part of it,” Annette said, or what she likes to refer to as alchemy.
services are provided by volunteers or reputable paid vendors that the organization has verified. They also plan to visit family, which has been challenging with her head of school duties. “We are looking forward to spending time with our three children and five grandchildren, as well as my sisters and brothers.”
“I was thinking about ‘why is this medium
Of course, she will miss Hutchison. “I feel so fortunate to
so attractive to me?’ and I think it is because it’s
have had the opportunity to be part of this school communi-
what I’ve liked to do my whole life. I’ve been an
ty,” Annette added. “My focus has been Hutchison School by
educator for 50 years, and I like the
choice, and I have loved every minute of it. I have found the
transformational aspects of the work
girls to be delightful and the parents grateful and supportive.
of education, that you take a child
Our alumnae are an inspiration to our girls. The faculty,
and the child is transformed from
staff, and administrators are so keyed in and excited about
two years old to 18 years old.
leading a vision and being a part of a place that is its own
And to me, I’m not the change agent. I’m the facilitator of the
alchemy. So I feel very blessed to have been here 17 years. And there’s not a minute of it I would erase.”
72 | Hutchison
Opposite page: Annette works on jewelry making in her home studio in Sewanee, Tennessee, where she and her husband Rod will retire.
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PARENTS of ALUMNAE: If your publication is addressed to your daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Alumnae Office of her new mailing address at (901) 762-6664. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED. DATED MATERIAL—PLEASE EXPEDITE ©Hutchison School 2017
Hutchison accepts qualified female students regardless of race, color, religion, or national origin.
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