Center for Excellence & SPARK Day Camp Summer Catalog | 2019

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Day Camp


Welcome! Two programs,

one beautiful campus.

Tracey Zerwig Ford Center for Excellence Director 901.507.2461

The Annette C. Smith Center for Excellence (CFE) offers one-time events and week-long skill-building workshops and clinics, available individually or in combination with SPARK. SPARK is a day camp for boys and girls available from May 28-August 9, with fun weekly themes that add “spark” to your child’s summer. Available individually or in combination with a CFE camp.

Get ready for the



Lisa Campbell SPARK Director 901.762.6674


DAY CAMP THEMES....................................................................................3

DAY CAMP INFORMATION..................................................................... 4

EARLY & LATE CARE INFORMATION..................................................... 4


HUMANITIES................................................................................................... 8

STEM............................................................................................................. 9-10

FURTHER STUDIES.....................................................................................11

BACK-TO-SCHOOL OFFERINGS............................................... 12



CITIZENSHIP & SERVICE........................................................................15

INTERNSHIPS . . .............................................................................. 15

Mary Miles Loveless ARTS ACADEMY

DANCE & THEATRE.............................................................................17-18


MEDIA ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS........................................ 20

VISUAL ARTS. . .............................................................................20

Margaret Celeste Cates SPORTS ACADEMY


CLINICS. . ....................................................................................... 23


BY WEEK................................................................................................ 24-29


REGISTRATION & GENERAL INFORMATION.....................30-34


SPARK DAY CAMP WEEKLY THEMES Session 1: May 28-31 Off to Camp Session 2: June 3-7 Game On Session 3: June 10-14 Welcome to the Jungle Session 4: June 17-21 Neverland Session 5: June 24-28 Barnyard Bonanza Session 6: July 1-5 Stars and Stripes *no camp July 4 Session 7: July 8-12 Aloha, Aloha Session 8: July 15-19 Kamp Kitchens Session 9: July 22-26 Around the World Session 10: July 29-August 2 Happy Holidays Session 11: August 5-9 Back to School


See Page 28 for SPARK Registration Information.

SPARK Day Camp

For Hutchison girls entering grades PK-K, girls entering grades 1-7, and boys entering grades K-4. HUTCHISON’S SPARK DAY CAMP is a traditional day camp that girls and boys have loved for years. We offer 11 weeks of camp, making it easy to fit one or more weeks into your vacation schedule. Our “drop in for a day of camp” option is $60 per day, and is based on availability. Girls must be 3 years of age by June 1, 2019, and boys must be 5 years of age by June 1, 2019. All campers must be potty trained. Campers are grouped by grade and gender. Rising pre-kindergarten Hutchison girls are Bumblebees; rising junior kindergarten and kindergarten Hutchison girls are Ladybugs; rising first and second grade girls are Butterflies; rising third and fourth grade girls are Sting; rising fifth through seventh grade girls are Hive. Our boys are Dragonflies and participate in activities as one group. On our secure, beautiful, 52-acre wooded and gated campus, campers enjoy a broad array of daily activities, taking advantage of all of Hutchison’s facilities, including soccer fields, athletic center, lake, swimming pool, and theater. Campers have the opportunity to canoe and fish in our campus lake, swim daily at the Hutchison swimming pool staffed by a certified lifeguard at all times, slide on our waterslide, play games, create theme-related arts & crafts, sing silly camp songs, and much more. We incorporate time for academic pursuits with campers in grades 1-7 to work on summer reading and math packets. Quiet activities and games will be available for campers who do not have summer packets. Camp Hours and Pricing: SPARK Day Camp is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 am-3:00 pm with these two exceptions: SPARK Day Camp will not be in session on Monday, May 27, and Thursday, July 4. The weekly camp rate is $235 ($188 for sessions 1 and 6). Early Care: Early care is available to registered campers from 7:30-9:00 am for an additional charge: $35 per session ($28 during sessions 1 and 6). No deposit is required for early care; however, campers must sign up in advance to ensure we have available space. The full early care fee is due on Monday of each week of attendance. Extended Care: Extended care is available to registered campers from 3:00-6:00 pm for an additional charge: $65 per session ($52 during sessions 1 and 6). No deposit is required for extended care; however, campers must sign up in advance to ensure we have available space. The full extended care fee is due on the Monday of each week of attendance.

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HUMA N I T I E S ITTY BITTY ZOO CREW For girls and boys entering grades PK-JK Read books about zoo animals, learn about natural habitats in hands-on projects, and take a field trip to the SPARK Petting Zoo. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 24-28; 9:00–10:30 am instructor: Ashton Guard (third grade teacher) cost: $100 FAIRY ADVENTURES For girls and boys entering grades K-2 Create “fairy magic” by exploring literature, art, and the world of fairies. Read fairy stories, design and build tiny fairy gardens, create tooth fairy keepsakes, and end the week with a fairy tea party. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 24-28; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Heather Fontana (kindergarten teacher) cost: $175 FANCY NANCY CAMP MAGNIFIQUE! For girls and boys entering grades JK-4 Calling all Fancy Nancy fans! Join us for a week of fun as we celebrate Fancy Nancy with a week-long unique (that’s fancy for one-of-a-kind) camp. Imagine the adventurous fun you will have at this summer camp filled with fancy stories, creative crafts, pirouettes (that’s a fancy ballet name for spins), tea parties, indoor campout, spa day, and other activities that are tre’ magnifique. Based on books from the Fancy Nancy series by Jane O’Conner. date/time: Monday–Friday, July 8-12; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Linda Winchester (first grade teacher) cost: $175 ZOO CREW For girls and boys entering grades K-2 Read books about zoo animals and learn about natural habitats in hands-on projects. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 24-28; 1:00–4:00 pm instructor: Ashton Guard (third grade teacher) cost: $175 HOGWARTS AT HUTCHISON For girls and boys entering grades 2-5 Learn about the care of magical creatures, participate in potions class, and play in quidditch matches all while reading and analyzing the original literature. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 17-21; 9:00 am–noon instructors: Katharine Kent (second grade teacher) & Lucy Wesson (lower school science teacher) cost: $175

FLAVORS OF MEMPHIS COOKING CLASS For girls and boys entering grades 3-6 Explore what makes Memphis unique as a city and how that transfers to culinary flavors and traditions throughout its history. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 8-12; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Amanda Killen (CFE Assistant Director and professional baker) cost: $175 MEMPHIS COOKBOOK CREATIONS For girls and boys entering grades 3-6 Collaborate on a cookbook of Memphis recipes. Photograph food for the book and set the layout. Each student will receive one of the cookbooks they design as a class. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 8-12; 1:00-4:00 pm instructor: Brianna Lofton (CFE Manager and photographer) cost: $200 CREATIVE WRITING: DESIGNING A MYSTERY PARTY For girls and boys entering grades 4-7 Using creative powers and research, develop a live interactive mystery from history. Write up character descriptions, weave fact and fun together in a storyline, and stump your guests at your very own Mystery History Party. date/time: Tuesday-Thursday, July 16-18; 9:00 am-1:00 pm instructor: Erika Cain (Erika Cain & Co. Founder) cost: $100 CREATIVE HISTORY: MYSTERY PARTY DINNER GUEST For girls and boys entering grades 4-7 Play a role in this fun, fast-paced experience and immerse yourself in a story. Learn how to apply deductive reasoning and solve a mystery over “dinner.” Critique the experience for the creative team. date/time: Thursday, July 18; 10:30 am-1:00 pm instructor: Erika Cain (Erika Cain & Co. Founder) cost: $20 JOURNALISM AND BROADCASTING INTENSIVE For girls and boys entering grades 7-10 Gain an interest in composing articles for publishing and copy for broadcasting. Learn interviewing techniques and in-and behind-camera skills. date/time: Tuesday-Thursday, June 4-6; 10:00 am-3:00 pm instructor: Nick Simpson (media arts and film teacher) cost: $175


SC IEN C E , T ECH NO LO GY, ENG I N EERING & MATH FAMILY FISHING RODEO For families Ever want to fish in the Hutchison lake? Here is your chance! date/time: Friday, July 26; 4:00-6:00 pm host: Hutchison staff cost: free INCH WORMS & BOOK WORMS For girls and boys entering grades PK-JK Explore fiction and non-fiction books, storytelling, counting, and other hands-on activities in this great fun-filled class to exercise your reading and math skills over the summer. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 10-14; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Heather Fontana (kindergarten teacher) cost: $175 BUILDING MATH SKILLS For girls and boys entering grades K and 1-2 Sharpen your spatial reasoning and apply math concepts to real world problems - like how to build a circle out of LEGOS! Math facts will be a focus. date/time: Monday–Friday, July 29-August 2; 1:00–2:30 pm instructor: Kindergarten: Heather Fontana (kindergarten teacher) Grades 1-2: Jennifer Stanford (second grade teacher) cost: $135 WE DO LEGO ROBOTICS For girls and boys entering grades K-2 date/time: Monday–Friday, June 3-7; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Lucy Wesson (lower school science teacher) cost: $175 BUGS AND BIRDS For girls and boys entering grades 1-4 Learn where and how to collect insects like a scientist. Investigate habitats and migratory paths for birds. Explore ways to use your bird-watching notebook to record sightings in the field. This camp will go on two field trips to Strawberry Plains Audubon Center and work with environmental scientists onsite. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 24-28; 9:00 am-noon instructors: Lucy Wesson (lower school science teacher) cost: $175 BOARD GAME DESIGN For girls and boys entering grades 2-4 Explore various board games to analyze different game designs. Come up with your own design and build prototype board games as you hone strategic thinking skills. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 8-12; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Ashton Guard (third grade teacher) cost: $175


UNICORN ROBOTICS For girls and boys entering grades 3-5 date/time: Monday-Friday, July 15-19; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Amanda Killen (Destination Imagination team manager) cost: $175.00 MAD MATH SKILLS For girls and boys entering grades 3-4 and 5-6 Change your ADDitude about math with this fun, fast-paced, skill-building experience. Improve math skills and gain confidence. Speed and accuracy of math facts will be a focus. date/time: Monday–Friday, July 29-August 2; 1:00–3:30 pm instructor: Grades 3-4: Nancy Fields (fourth grade teacher) Grades 5-6: Molly Prewitt (upper school math teacher) cost: $150 WOODWORKING For girls and boys entering grades 3-10 Start a business by first learning to make useful, beautiful items using tools and finishing wood projects. date/time: Monday–Friday, July 22-26; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Marques Brown (Theater Technical Director and designer) cost: $175

STEAMING THROUGH MEMPHIS For girls and boys entering grades 4-7 Exploring science in the city! Three days, three hours, three deep dives into science in action throughout the city. date/time: Tuesday-Thursday, June 18-20; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Dr. Becky Deehr (middle school science teacher) cost: $200 CITIZEN SCIENTIST For girls and boys entering grades 4-8 In partnership with Strawberry Plains Audubon Center Did you know snapping photos of smog and listening for frog calls can help scientists? Get ideas for how you can participate in citizen science projects in which volunteers and scientists work together to answer real-world questions and gather data. Citizen science projects are activities sponsored by a wide variety of organizations so non-scientists can meaningfully contribute to scientific research. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 24-28; 9:00 am-noon Field trips to Strawberry Plains on Wednesday and Friday instructor: Mary Riddle (Director of Environmental Education & Sustainability) cost: $175 FASHION AND COSTUME DESIGN For girls and boys entering grades 5-8 Learn the basics of patterning and sewing. Design an article of clothing for yourself and costumes for theatre. date/time: Monday-Friday; 9:00 am-noon Session One: June 10-14, A Midsummer Night’s Dream Session Two: June 17-21, The Lion King instructor: Alex Perel (fashion designer) cost: $200

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FURTHER STUDIES PASSPORT TO SPANISH For girls and boys entering grades 2-5 Immerse yourself in the language and culture of far-off lands through cooking, crafts, and games. Use your passport to visit a new country each day. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 15-19; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Kenna Chelsoi (Spanish teacher) cost: $175 FLOWER ART AND DESIGN For girls and boys entering grades 3-6 Explore your green thumb through hands-on gardening and floral designs in art & crafts projects. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 8-12; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Mary Riddle (Director of Environmental Education & Sustainability) cost: $175

ACT TEST PREP For girls and boys entering grades 10-12 Improve your scores on the ACT by reviewing the content covered in each test and developing strategies for success in each area. This prep will cover all portions of the test. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 3-7; 10:00 am-noon instructor: ACT prep instructor cost: $400

STUDY STRATEGIES For girls and boys entering grades 5-6 Jumpstart your school year by learning how your brain works. Learn to use your time efficiently in planning and prioritizing tasks. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 15-19; 1:00-3:00 pm instructor: Middle School Staff cost: $125 SAT/ACT REVIEW FOR BASIC SKILLS For Hutchison girls entering grades 9-12 Put yourself in the best position to succeed on the SAT and ACT through targeted test preparation. Seminars are organized by section subjects and include in-depth reviews of key content areas, corresponding practice question walkthroughs, section tips and strategies, and access to a full-length practice test for future use. Each class includes an introduction to overarching standardized test strategies to help you maximize your potential on test day. date/time: 8:00 am-noon SAT Writing, Language & Reading: Tuesday, June 25 SAT Math: Thursday, June 27 ACT English & Reading: Monday, July 8 ACT Math & Science: Wednesday, July 10 instructors: Bonner Williams (Data Analyst/Test Prep Specialist) cost: free

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BACK TO SC H O O L O F F ER I NG S KIDS CONNECTION For Hutchison girls entering pre-kindergarten date/time: Monday–Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Lynn Erickson (pre-kindergarten teacher) cost: $175 JUMP INTO JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN For Hutchison girls entering junior kindergarten date/time: Monday–Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Tanya Crump (junior kindergarten teacher) cost: $175 SAIL INTO KINDERGARTEN For Hutchison girls entering kindergarten date/time: Monday–Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Heather Fontana (kindergarten teacher) cost: $175 FLIP INTO FIRST GRADE For Hutchison girls entering grade 1 date/time: Monday–Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Linda Winchester (first grade teacher) cost: $175 CRUISIN’ INTO SECOND GRADE For Hutchison girls entering grade 2 date/time: Monday–Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Jennifer Stanford (second grade teacher) cost: $175 TAKE OFF FOR THIRD GRADE For Hutchison girls entering grade 3 date/time: Monday–Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Maggie Haire (third grade teacher) cost: $175 FLY INTO FOURTH GRADE For Hutchison girls entering grade 4 date/time: Monday–Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Nancy Fields (fourth grade teacher) cost: $175 GIRLS GUIDE TO MIDDLE SCHOOL For all Hutchison girls entering grade 5 and new Hutchison girls entering grade 6 date/time: Tuesday–Wednesday, June 25-26; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Christine Saunders (Middle School Head) and middle school faculty cost: free SWING INTO SENIOR DIVISION For all Hutchison girls entering grade 7 and new Hutchison girls entering grade 8 date/time: Tuesday–Wednesday, July 16-17; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Hollis Ligon (Middle School Assistant Head) and middle school faculty cost: free 121




EN TRE PR E N E U R S HI P HUTCH POPS For girls and boys entering grades 1–4 Learn business basics by creating frozen treats, designing a stand, and marketing them through an original marketing plan. date/time: Monday–Friday, July 22-26; 1:00–4:00 pm instructor: Mary Riddle (Director of Environmental Education & Sustainability) cost: $175 WOODWORKING For girls and boys entering grades 3-10 Start a business by first learning to make useful, beautiful items out of wood using tools. date/time: Monday–Friday, July 22-26; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Marques Brown (Theater Technical Director and designer) cost: $175 BABYSITTING BASICS For girls and boys entering grades 5-8 Create your own babysitting business. Learn skills you will need for caring for small children. Gain an overview of basic childcare, including feeding, diapering, and safe playing. date/time: Wednesday, August 7; 9:30 am-2:30 pm instructor: Ashlee Marshall and Elizabeth Farm (CFE staff) cost: $75

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PROJECT MANAGEMENT 101: HOW TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN For boys and girls entering grades 9-12 In today’s ever-changing workforce, highly skilled project managers are in-demand across many industries. In this workshop, participants will acquire key project management skills such as problem solving, communication, organization, and goal setting by engaging in interactive small group activities. This is a great opportunity to learn marketable career skills, especially if leading a service or capstone project is in your future. date/time: Tuesday, June 18; 9:30 am-2:30 pm Instructors: Sophia Fils-Aime & Adrian Smith (LITE Memphis Staff) Cost: $75 PLANNING FOR PROFITABILITY-UNIT ECONOMICS AND MAKING YOUR BUSINESS WORK FOR YOU For boys and girls entering grades 9-12 In this workshop, participants will learn what stops 99% of great ideas from success profitability. Participants will learn the various costs that go into launching every business or service project, the difference between fixed and variable costs, and margins you’ll need to make to bring home lots of cash! Participants will also learn how to price a product or service, and how to project future cash flow and revenue for their businesses. date/time: Tuesday, June 18; 2:30-4:30 pm instructors: Samuel Hasty (LITE Memphis Staff) cost: free BRANDING 101: GROW YOUR ONLINE FOLLOWING For boys and girls entering grades 9-12 Learn how to build a personal or professional brand on social media. After leaving this workshop, you will know how to create professional accounts on social media platforms, create and schedule content, and interact with your online community in a professional manner. This workshop is great for students who are interested in marketing, business, or leading service projects. date/time: Wednesday, June 19; 9:30 am-2:30 pm instructors: Alexandra Thompson (LITE Memphis Staff) cost: $75


C ITIZ E N SH I P A ND S E RVI C E GIRL SPROUTS For girls entering grades PK-JK In Partnership with Girl Scouts Heart of the South and Hutchison’s Early Childhood Program Leadership skill-building starts early with the Girl Scouts! Come learn how to be a helper at school and at home. Learn about nature and responsibility in fun activities designed for our littlest leaders! date/time: Monday-Friday, July 15-19; 9:00-10:30 am instructor: Mary Riddle (Director of Environmental Education & Sustainability) cost: $135 TEA TIME For girls entering grades JK-K Explore table manners and politeness. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 3-7; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Heather Fontana (kindergarten teacher) cost: $175 KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS For girls entering grades 2-6 You can be a part of the change! Spend the week exploring kindness and spreading joy throughout the Memphis community. Have you ever wondered how kindness affects people? Come spend the week with us and see for yourself. We will create kindness care packages, visit a local nursing home, make kindness count within our families, and much more! Caution, this camp might make you a more thoughtful person! date/time: Monday-Friday, July 8-12; 1:00-4:00 pm instructor: Linda Winchester (first grade teacher) cost: $175 CAMP CRISIS For girls entering grades 4-7 It’s the end of the world as we know it; good thing we have our girl think tank to reason through survival and create new ways of structuring industries and governing society. Explore social science theories, civics, and leadership in this fun, fast-paced immersion camp. This unique experience will be captured for friends and family through hilarious newscasts and documentary-style photography and video posts. date/time: Tuesday-Thursday, June 4-6; 10:00 am-3:00 pm instructor: Kathryn Jasper (Hutchison Leads Director), LaTonya Faulkner (Hutchison Serves Director) & Kim Ware (Hutchison Invests Director) cost: $125 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEMPHIS For girls entering grades 4-7 Celebrate Memphis’ 200th birthday by diving deep into the history of people, places, and things that make Memphis unique. Explore architecture, music, and culture of Memphis in only three days! date/time: Monday-Wednesday, June 17-19; 9:00 am-3:00 pm instructor: Kathryn Jasper (Hutchison Leads Director) cost: $125


INTERNS HIP S CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE SUMMER INTERNSHIPS For girls and boys entering grades 9-12 Please contact the CFE office at 901.507.2460 or with questions. Register and fill out an application at date/time: Mondays–Fridays, June 3–August 2; 8:30 am–4:30 pm coordinator: Tracey Zerwig Ford (CFE Director) cost: your time and talent COMPANY d INTERNSHIP For Hutchison girls entering grades 9-12 Space is limited. Assist dancers and theater artists with workshops for Company d dancers. This is a great opportunity to learn the non-profit industry and gain experience teaching in the arts. For more information email date/time: Monday-Fridays, July 22-August 2; 8:00 am-4:30 pm instructor: Darlene Winters (Founder/Artistic Director Company d) cost: free, lunch provided





DAN C E A N D T HEAT R E BOOKS AND BALLET For girls entering grades JK-K Explore a book through beginning ballet technique. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 3-7; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Louisa Koeppel (dancer, teacher, and choreographer) cost: $175 FAIRY BALLET For girls entering grades 1-4 Learn ballet dance technique and choreography from A Midsummer Night’s Dream ballet to perform in A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Friday. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 10-14; 1:00-4:00 pm performance: Friday, June 14; 4:30 pm instructor: Katie Stanfield (dancer, teacher, and choreographer) cost: $175 THE LION KING inspired MUSICAL THEATRE CAMP with Whitney Branan For girls and boys entering grades 4-8 Hone musical theatre skills as we explore the space where dance becomes acting and song becomes story. Crafting compelling characters will be the focus as we mount numbers from The Lion King. Camp will culminate in a sharing for family and friends. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 17-21; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Whitney Branan (actor, dancer, and director) cost: $175 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM THEATRE INTENSIVE For girls and boys entering grades 4-8 First performed around 1596, this beloved Shakespeare comic fantasy is a fun entry point into Shakespeare, literary analysis, and theatre. Explore why four teenagers run away from Athens and find themselves bewitched by fairies. Camp will culminate in a sharing for family and friends. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 3-14; 1:00-4:00 pm performance: Friday, June 14; 3:30 pm instructor: Marques Brown (Theater Technical Director, actor, and director) cost: $225 JULIUS CAESAR THEATRE INTENSIVE In Partnership with Tennessee Shakespeare Company For girls and boys entering grades 5-8 Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your thespians! Explore the themes and characters in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Learn how to analyze the script and basic stage combat. This experience will culminate in a performance for family, friends, and middle school faculty members. date/time: Monday-Friday, August 5-9; 9:00 am-noon performance: Friday, August 9; 11:30 am instructor: Carmen Mandley (Tennessee Shakespeare Company Education and Outreach Manager) cost: $175


CHILDREN’S BALLET THEATER: LITTLE BALLERINAS MOANA CAMP For girls and boys entering grades PK-JK (must be potty trained) In this camp, students will learn the unique and beautiful art of Russian and French classical ballet with a fun syllabus designed by Children’s Ballet Theater Director Mary Van Dyke. Each day students have ballet class and learn choreography from everyone’s favorite story Moana. Included in the camp is dress-up/dance time, ballet storytime, play time outside, and arts & crafts. The camp ends with a performance on stage for parents. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am-noon performance: Friday, August 2; 11:30 am instructor: Anna Palazola (Children’s Ballet Theater) cost: $175 MEMPHIS YOUTH MUSICAL THEATER ANNIE JR KIDS CAMP For girls and boys entering grades JK-1 Memphis Youth Musical Theater’s (MYMT) highly acclaimed Annie is back and our youngest performers will be part of it too! Kids will be coached and perform in scenes as part of Annie JR with full costumes on stage! Songs/scenes featured include “I Don’t Know Anything” and “Tomorrow.” Includes outdoor play time. For more information on MYMT visit date/time: Monday–Friday, June 24-28; Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am-noon and Friday, June 28; 12:00 pm-3:00 pm performance: Friday, June 28; 2:00 pm instructors: Mary Van Dyke (Director), Alyssa Abbas Lucero (MYMT staff) & Myra Brindley (vocal coach) cost: $175 MEMPHIS YOUTH MUSICAL THEATER ANNIE JR IN A WEEK For girls and boys entering grades 2-8 Memphis Youth Musical Theater’s (MYMT) highly acclaimed performance is back! In just one fun-filled week, performers will be coached and perform Annie JR with full costumes on stage! Everyone gets a part, and performers can audition for major roles such as Annie, orphans, Daddy Warbucks, maids, and more. Songs/scenes featured include “Hard Knock Life,” “Never Fully Dressed,” “Maybe,” and more. Please prepare the song “Maybe” and “Never Fully Dressed” for auditions. For more information on MYMT visit date/time: Monday-Friday, June 24-28; 9:00 am-3:00 pm performance: Friday, June 28; 2:00 pm instructors: Mary Van Dyke (Director), Alyssa Abbas Lucero (MYMT staff) & Myra Brindley (vocal coach) cost: $230

CHILDREN’S BALLET THEATER (CBT) and TENNESSEE BALLET THEATER (TBT) BALLET AND CONTEMPORARY DANCE CAMP For girls and boys entering grades 2-12 and college students Learn the elegant art of Russian and French classical ballet that emphasizes beautiful hands, arms, and posture in this fun and unique dance workshop. Included daily are ballet and contemporary dance classes. Dancers have the choice to attend one or both camp sessions that will each culminate in final performances. The performances will feature new classical and contemporary dances including Romeo and Juliet and Mary Poppins choreography as well as Clara’s solo, Columbine Doll, Snow Queen, and more from the CBT Nutcracker at the GPAC. Upper level students will also train en pointe, take partnering classes, and choreograph their own contemporary dance pieces for the performances. There is a talent show in the second session for those that want to do a solo or group piece in dance, singing, or instrument. For more information visit www. or email date/time: Session I: Monday-Friday, June 17-21; 9:00 am-3:00 pm Session I performance: Friday, June 21; 2:00 pm Session II: Monday-Friday, July 29-August 2; 9:00 am-3:00 pm Talent Show (Session 2 only): Thursday, August 1; 2:00 pm Session II performance: Friday, August 2; 2:00 pm instructors: CBT & TBT faculty: Mary Van Dyke (Artistic Director and former ballerina) with Cami Curran, Alyssa Abbas Lucero, Nora Curran & Erin Walter cost: $250 each or $475 for both

COLLAGE DANCE COLLECTIVE SUMMER INTENSIVE For girls and boys ages 8–20 Hutchison will host Collage Dance Collective Summer Intensive again this year. To sign up, please check the Collage website at date/time: Monday–Saturday, July 8-20; 8:30 am-4:30 pm COMPANY d INTERNSHIP For Hutchison girls entering grades 9-12 Space is limited. Assist dancers and theatre artists with workshops for Company d dancers. This is a great opportunity to learn the non-profit industry and gain experience teaching in the arts. For more information, email Lunch provided. date/time: Monday-Fridays, July 22-August 2; 8:00 am-4:30 pm instructor: Darlene Winters (Founder/Artistic Director Company d) cost: free

FASHION AND COSTUME DESIGN For girls and boys entering grades 5-8 Learn the basics of patterning and sewing. Design an article of clothing for yourself and costumes for theatre. date/time: Monday-Friday; 9:00 am-noon Session One: June 10-14, A Midsummer Night’s Dream Session Two: June 17-21, The Lion King instructor: Alex Perel (fashion designer) cost: $200 ACTING AND STAGECRAFT SUMMER THEATRE INTENSIVE For Hutchison girls entering grades 9-12 This opportunity has two different strands, credit and non-credit. Hutchison girls needing a .5 fine art credit may take this advanced course and help mount Julius Caesar this summer. Girls will design, direct, and act in this production that will tour to area schools and regional competitions. Girls focusing on performance technique must commit to touring with the production in October to the Tennessee Theatre Association and in January to Thespian Conference. Dates will be shared as soon as they are published. Girls taking this course for credit will have additional study and projects over the two weeks of the course. Lunch included. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 29-August 9; 9:30 am-3:30 pm and Wednesday-Friday, August 14-16; 3:45-5:00 pm performance: Friday, August 16; 6:00 pm instructor: Marques Brown (Theater Technical Director and upper school theatre teacher) & Tracey Zerwig Ford (theatre teacher and director) cost: $985 for .5 fine arts credit class

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MUS IC TINY TALES AND TUNES For girls and boys entering grades PK-JK Enjoy a fun–filled musical experience putting songs into children’s literature with Orff instrumentation. date/time: Monday–Friday, August 5-9; 9:00–10:30 am instructor: Hannah Good Crowley (music and theatre instructor) cost: $125 GROUP PIANO For girls and boys entering grades 2-8 Beginning students will learn the basics of an instrument. An hour of combined theory and history will be a fun interactive session with both levels together. Music theory and history will expand students’ knowledge of art form. Both groups will learn pieces to perform at end of camp. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 10-14 Beginner: 9:00-11:00 am Intermediate: 10:00 am-12:30 pm instructor: Dr. Sheryl Lane (music and orchestra teacher) cost: $125 ORCHESTRA INNOVATIONS For girls and boys entering grades 2-8 Beginning strings players, students having studied one to two years, will continue exploring basics of instrumentation. Intermediate players, students with three or more years, will rehearse classic string ensemble repertory. Music theory and history will expand students’ knowledge of art form. Both groups will learn pieces to perform at end of camp. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 10-14 Beginner: 1:00-3:00 pm Intermediate: 2:00-5:30 pm instructor: Dr. Sheryl Lane (music and orchestra teacher) cost: $125 MUSICAL TRIBUTE TO ARETHA FRANKLIN In partnership with Perfecting Gifts, Inc For girls and boys entering grades 2-10 Learn acting, dance, and vocal performance in this arts camp. Explore music genres of gospel, rhythm and blues, and soul as we tell Aretha Franklin’s story through her own music. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 3-28; 9:00-3:00 pm matinee performance: Friday, June 28; 12:30 pm final performance: Friday, June 28; 5:30 pm instructors: Perfecting Gifts Inc. staff and guest artists cost: $375 PERFECTING GIFTS INTERNSHIP For girls and boys entering grades 11-12 Space is limited. Assist performing arts professionals in mounting a tribute to Aretha Franklin. Interns will need to attend training. For more information, email date/time: Monday-Friday, June 3-28; 8:30-3:30 pm performances: Friday, June 28; 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm instructors: Perfecting Gifts Inc. staff and guest artists cost: free 19

DELTA GIRLS ROCK CAMP (DGRC) For girls entering grades 3-8 & 9-12 interns/band managers Learn the basics of an instrument and practice with a small group that you will perform with during a full production showcase at the end of the week. Bring original song ideas to develop and collaborate as a group. Wrap up your writing sessions by learning to record your own songs in an on-campus studio. Topics will include the introduction to studio gear, microphone placement, performing in a studio, volume levels, using faders for recording and mixing, using EQ settings, overlaying tracks, and using effects. DGRC Showcase will take place on July 26 at 4:00 pm on Hutchison’s Courtyard Stage as part of our This Summer Rocks! event. Enjoy hot dogs, popsicles, a fishing rodeo, and family farm fun. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 22-26; 9:00 am-4:00 pm showcase: Friday, July 26; 4:00 pm instructors: DGRC Staff and guest artists cost: $200, lunch included ADVANCED VOCAL TECHNIQUE For girls and boys entering grades 6-12 Study vocal technique for opera, musical theatre, and pop music with an emphasis on prepping for auditions. date/time: Monday–Friday, July 15-19; 1:00–3:00 pm instructor: Hannah Good Crowley (music and theatre instructor) cost: $150

V IS UA L A RTS MOSAIC TILE ART For girls and boys entering grades K-4 Space is limited. date/time: Monday-Friday, August 5-9; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Kristi Duckworth (ceramist and painter) cost: $200 POTTERY INTENSIVE For girls and boys entering grades 1-4 & 5-8 who have taken two semesters of pottery This two-week course includes hand building and throwing on the wheel. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 3-14 Grades 1-4: 9:00 am-noon Grades 5-8: 9:00 am-4:00 pm instructor: Kristi Duckworth (ceramist and painter) cost: Grades 1-4: $375 Grades 5-8: $625 DRAWING AND PAINTING For girls and boys entering grades 1–4 & 5-8 Sharpen art-making skills of drawing in pencil and oil pastels. Learn advanced techniques in printmaking, collage, watercolor, and acrylic painting. Create a wall hanging stick and wire sculpture. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 17-28 Grades 1-4: 9:00 am-noon Grades 5-8: 1:00-4:00 pm instructor: Dana Harris (painter and teaching artist) cost: $250 (two weeks)


PORTRAITS For girls and boys entering grades 5-8 Focusing on capturing personality, drawing from photography, and with acrylic painting techniques, this fast-paced camp will use pets and people as subjects to “draw” inspiration. date/time: Monday-Friday, August 5-9; 1:00-4:00 pm instructor: Kristi Duckworth (ceramist and painter) cost: $200

JOURNALISM AND BROADCASTING INTENSIVE For girls and boys entering grades 7-10 Gain an interest in composing articles for publishing and copy for broadcasting. Learn interviewing techniques and in-and behind-camera skills. date/time: Tuesday-Thursday, June 4-6; 10:00 am-3:00 pm instructor: Nick Simpson (media arts and film teacher) cost: $175

ADVANCED DRAWING INTENSIVE For girls and boys entering grades 7-12 Drawing from life, learn various mediums, including charcoal, pastel, ink, collage, and paint. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 24-28; 9:00 am-3:30 pm instructor: Jeanette Leake (middle and upper school art teacher and painter) cost: $500

MEMPHIS COOKBOOK CREATIONS For girls and boys entering grades 3-6 Collaborate on a cookbook of Memphis recipes. Photograph food for the book and set the layout. Each student will receive one of the cookbooks they design. date/time: Monday-Friday, July 8-12; 1:00-4:00 pm instructor: Brianna Lofton (CFE Manager and photographer) cost: $200

FASHION AND COSTUME DESIGN For girls and boys entering grades 5-8 Learn the basics of patterning and sewing. Design an article of clothing for yourself and costumes for theatre. date/time: Monday-Friday; 9:00 am-noon Session One: June 10-14, A Midsummer Night’s Dream Session Two: June 17-21, The Lion King instructor: Alex Perel (fashion designer) cost: $200





GENERA L GYMNASTICS For girls and boys entering grades PK–4 date/time: Monday–Friday, July 8-12; 9:00 am–noon instructors: Gymstars staff cost: $225 TUMBLING For girls and boys entering grades 4-8 date/time: Monday–Friday, June 3-7; 9:00 am-noon instructors: Gymstars staff cost: $225 NINJA ZONE For girls and boys entering grades 1-4 Campers will learn transferrable core skills by fusing elements of martial arts, gymnastics, obstacle training, and freestyle movement. date/time: Monday–Friday, July 15-19. 9:00 am–noon instructors: Gymstars staff cost: $225 CHEERLEADING For girls entering grades JK-1 Learn cheers, sidelines, jumps and kicks, building stunts, and a short dance. Build confidence and teamwork! Parent Observation Day is the last 15 minutes of camp on Friday. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 10-14; 9:00 am-noon instructor: Ashlee Marshall (CFE staff & former varsity cheerleader) cost: $175 BEE SPORTY For girls entering grades 3-5 Ready? Set. Go! Have a ball at this fun-filled all sports camp. We will focus on learning skills in soccer, volleyball, cross country, basketball, lacrosse, tennis, track, and more. Play agility and coordination games that help develop skills, technique, and a gritty mentality. Come ready to have a great time as we learn what it means to be a teammate and play hard. date/time: Monday–Friday, June 10-14; 8:30-11:30 am instructors: Jill Allen (PE teacher and athletics coach) cost: $175 QUICKSTART TENNIS For girls and boys entering grades JK-1 date/time: Monday–Thursday, 9:00–10:15 am Session I: June 3-7 Session II: June 24-28 Session III: July 15-19 instructor: Jay Horne (middle school tennis coach) cost: $130 per session

SOCCER SHOTS: CELEBRATE THE CUP, FRANCE FEVER For girls and boys entering grades PK–JK and K-2 Imaginative games, crafts, and activities celebrating the women’s cup in France! Let’s take a journey while learning basic soccer skills like dribbling, passing, and shooting. date/time: Monday–Friday, 9:00 am-noon PK-JK: June 17-21 K-2: July 22-26 instructors: Soccer Shots Coaches cost: $200 ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE TRAINING For Hutchison girls entering grades 5-8 Experts agree that speed and agility exercises can be part of any athlete’s training to increase long-term athleticism, regardless of age. We will introduce drills that focus on technique and form to ensure that each girl develops good habits to reduce the risk of injury and improve performance. We will teach our young athletes proper running and jumping techniques and then create situations for them to explore these new movements through play. Our goal is to develop confident girls who are equipped to succeed in athletics. This training is designed for the committed athlete seeking to improve her performance in her respective sport. Space is limited. date/time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00-11:00 am June 4-June 20 and July 9-July 18 instructor: Eryka Jenkins, CSCS (Hutchison Fitness Specialist) cost: $15/week BOOT CAMP FUN For Hutchison girls entering grades 5-8 Studies show that regular exercise with children promotes self-efficacy with regard to health and body image. Growing girls benefit from exercise promoting strong bones and muscles as they move through puberty. We want to encourage our girls to participate in physical activity while they’re young as it decreases symptoms of depression and anxiety and enhances self confidence. Our goal is to develop strong, confident girls who are prepared to succeed in life. Space is limited date/time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00-10:40 am June 3-June 19 and July 8-July 17 instructor: Eryka Jenkins, CSCS (Hutchison Fitness Specialist) cost: free HIGH SCHOOL HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) For Hutchison girls entering grades 9-12 Classes combine resistance training (weights), high intensity plyometrics, flexibility, and cardio. Every 60-minute session is strategically planned to give you the opportunity to get your heart rate up, build strength for functional movements, and challenge yourself in fresh, new ways. The Tabata format is conducive to all fitness levels because it allows each individual to work to her maximum capacity during the allotted time frame. For those who are dealing with injuries or sensitive joints, modifications are easily made within the class structure. date/time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00 am-noon June 4-June 20 and July 9-July 18 instructor: Eryka Jenkins, CSCS (Hutchison Fitness Specialist) cost: free


C LIN I C S BASKETBALL SKILLS & DRILLS For girls entering grades 1-5 and 6-8 date/time: Thursday and Friday, May 30-31 Grades 1-5: 8:30–10:30 am Grades 6-8: 10:45 am–12:45 pm instructor: Thomas Jones (varsity basketball coach, AAU coach & basketball trainer) cost: $25 per day BASKETBALL CLINIC For girls entering grades 5-8 date/time: Monday–Friday, July 22-26; 10:00 am–noon instructor: Thomas Jones (varsity basketball coach, AAU coach & basketball trainer ) cost: $150 or $30 per day VOLLEYBALL CLINIC For girls entering grades 5-8 date/time: Monday–Friday, July 8-12; 9:00 am–noon instructor: Hutchison Athletics staff cost: $175 FUTSAL CLINICS For girls entering grades 3-5 and 6-8 date/time: Monday–Friday, 9:00 am–noon Grades 6-8: June 24-28 Grades 3-5: July 15-19 instructor: Rafa Rodriguez (futsal coach) cost: $175 LACROSSE CLINIC For girls entering grades 3-5 and 6-8 date/time: Monday–Wednesday, June 3-5; 8:30-11:30 am instructors: Jill Allen (assistant varsity lacrosse coach) and Hutchison lacrosse staff cost: $175


SWIM LESSONS WITH JILL ALLEN For girls and boys Jill Allen is teaching swim lessons in the Hutchison swimming pool. Each skill-level session is limited to six students. Coach Allen would like to talk with you before she places your child in a lesson time appropriate to their abilities. For more information and to discuss placement level, please call Jill at 901.949.1645. Level 1 (non-swimmers) Children who have never had lessons and/or cannot yet swim on their own. This level is about water adjustment as well as learning how to jump in, get out, and hold their breath when their face goes in the water. They will also learn how to kick and basic arm movements as well as how to float on their back (supported). These children are usually ages 3-5 years old. Swimmers must be potty trained. Level 2 (beginning swimmers) This level builds on the first level. These children are able to swim a short distance on their own. They will learn how to blow bubbles instead of holding their breath. They will learn how to take breaths while swimming a beginner stroke. They will learn how to jump in the deep end. They will also learn how to roll from their front to their back, and back to front, as well as float on their back while kicking. Level 3 (developing swimmers) This level helps swimmers to learn various strokes (ex. freestyle, backstroke). Swimmers will learn how to take breaths to the side while swimming freestyle. They will become more proficient in their strokes as well as learn how to tread water and dive. date/time: Monday-Friday, June 3-7 and June 10-14 Level 3: 3:00-3:45 pm Level 1: 4:00-4:45 pm Level 2: 5:00-5:45 pm instructors: Jill Allen (certified swim coach) cost: $135

Learn More & Register Online




W EEK T I MES INSTRUCTOR COST ACA D E M Y E NTE R I NG G R A D E S WEEK 1 May 30-31 Basketball Skills & Drills (TH-F) 8:30-10:30 am Jones $25/day Sports 1-5 Basketball Skills & Drills (TH-F) 10:45 am-12:45 pm Jones $25/day Sports 6-8

WEEK 2 June 3-7 Lacrosse Clinic (M-W)

8:30-11:30 am

Allen & Hutchison lacrosse



3-5 & 6-8

Center for Excellence Internship 8:30 am-4:30 pm CFE free All 9-12 Books and Ballet 9:00 am-noon Koeppel $175 Arts JK-K Tea Time 9:00 am-noon Fontana $175 Leadership JK-K Quickstart Tennis: Session I (M-TH) 9:00-10:15 am Horne $130 Sports JK-1 We Do LEGO Robotics 9:00 am-noon Wesson $175 Scholars K-2 Pottery Intensive (Week One)

9:00 am-noon





Musical Tribute to Aretha Franklin (Week One)

9:00 am-3:00 pm

Perfecting Gifts Inc.




Perfecting Gifts Aretha Franklin Internship

8:30 am-3:30 pm

Perfecting Gifts Inc.




Tumbling 9:00 am-noon Gymstars $225 Sports 4-8 Pottery Intensive (Week One)

9:00 am-4:00 pm





Boot Camp Fun (M & W) 10:00-10:40 am Jenkins free Sports 5-8 Athletic Performance Training (T & TH)

10:00-11:00 am





High School HIIT (T & TH) 11:00 am-noon Jenkins free Sports 9-12 ACT Test Prep 10:00 am-noon Test prep instructor $400 Scholars 10-12 Camp Crisis (T-TH)

10:00 am-3:00 pm

Jasper, Faulkner & Ware




Journalism and Broadcasting (T-TH) 10:00 am-3:00 pm Simpson $175 Arts 7-10 Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre Int. (Week One) 1:00-4:00 pm





Swim Lessons Level 3 3:00-3:45 pm Allen $135 Sports Developing swimmer Swim Lessons Level 1 4:00-4:45 pm Allen $135 Sports Non-swimmer Swim Lessons Level 2 5:00-5:45 pm Allen $135 Sports Beginning swimmer 25

W EEK T I MES INSTRUCTOR COST ACA D E M Y E NTE R I NG G R A D E S WEEK 3 June 10-14 Bee Sporty (M-F) 8:30-11:30 am Allen $175 Sports 3-5 Center for Excellence Internship 8:30 am-4:30 pm CFE free All 9-12 Inch Worms and Book Worms 9:00 am-noon Fontana $175 Scholars PK-JK Cheerleading 9:00 am-noon Marshall $175 Sports JK-1 Pottery Intensive (Week Two)

9:00 am-noon





Group Piano Beginner 9:00-11:00 am Lane $125 Arts 2-8 Musical Tribute to Aretha Franklin (Week Two)

9:00 am-3:00 pm

Perfecting Gifts Inc.




Perfecting Gifts Aretha Franklin Internship

8:30 am-3:30 pm

Perfecting Gifts Inc.




Fashion and Costume Design I 9:00 am-noon Perel $200 Arts 5-8 Pottery Intensive (Week Two)

9:00 am-4:00 pm





Boot Camp Fun (M & W) 10:00-10:40 am Jenkins free Sports 5-8 Athletic Performance Training (T & TH)

10:00-11:00 am





High School HIIT (T & TH) 11:00 am-noon Jenkins free Sports 9-12 Group Piano Intermediate 10:00 am-12:30 pm Lane $125 Arts 2-8 Midsummer Night’s Dream Theatre Int. (Week Two) 1:00-4:00 pm





Fairy Ballet 1:00-4:00 pm Stanfield $175 Arts 1-4 Orchestra Innovations Beginner 1:00-3:00 pm Lane $125 Arts 2-8 Orchestra Innovations Intermediate 2:00-5:30 pm Lane $125 Arts 2-8 Swim Lessons Level 3 3:00-3:45 pm Allen $135 Sports Developing swimmer Swim Lessons Level 1 4:00-4:45 pm Allen $135 Sports Non-swimmer Swim Lessons Level 2 5:00-5:45 pm Allen $135 Sports Beginning swimmer

Learn More & Register Online


W EEK T I MES INSTRUCTOR COST ACA D E M Y E NTE R I NG G R A D E S WEEK 4 June 17-21 Center for Excellence Internship 8:30 am-4:30 pm CFE free All 9-12 Soccer Shots: France Fever PK-JK

9:00 am-noon

Soccer Shots




Drawing and Painting (Week One) 9:00 am-noon Harris $250 Arts 1-4 Hogwarts at Hutchison 9:00 am-noon Kent & Wesson $175 Scholars 2-5 Musical Tribute to Aretha Franklin (Week Three)

9:00 am-3:00 pm

Perfecting Gifts Inc.




Perfecting Gifts Aretha Franklin Internship

8:30 am-3:30 pm

Perfecting Gifts Inc.




CBT Ballet and Contemporary Dance: Session I

9:00 am-3:00 pm




2-12 & College

The Lion King Musical Camp 9:00 am-noon Branan $175 Arts 4-8 Steaming Through Memphis (T-TH) 9:00 am-noon Deehr $200 Scholars 4-7 Happy Birthday, Memphis (M-W)

9:00 am-3:00 pm





Fashion and Costume Design II 9:00 am-noon Perel $200 Arts 5-8 Project Management (T) 9:30 am-2:30 pm LITE staff $75 Leadership 9-12 Branding 101 (W) 9:30 am-2:30 pm LITE staff $75 Leadership 9-12 Boot Camp Fun (M & W) 10:00-10:40 am Jenkins free Sports 5-8 Athletic Performance Training (T & TH)

10:00-11:00 am





High School HIIT (T & TH) 11:00 am-noon Jenkins free Sports 9-12 Drawing and Painting (Week One) 1:00-4:00 pm Harris $250 Arts 5-8 Planning for Profitability (T) 2:30-4:30 pm LITE staff free Leadership 9-12

WEEK 5 June 24-28 SAT Writing, Language, and Reading (T) 8:00 am-noon Williams free Scholars 9-12 SAT Math (TH) 8:00 am-noon Williams free Scholars 9-12 Center for Excellence Internship 8:30 am-4:30 pm CFE free All 9-12 Itty Bitty Zoo Crew 9:00-10:30 am Guard $100 Scholars PK-JK Annie JR Kids 9:00 am-noon MYMT teaching artists $175 Arts JK-1 Quickstart Tennis: Session II (M-TH) 9:00-10:15 am Horne $130 Sports JK-1 Fairy Adventures 9:00 am-noon Fontana $175 Scholars K-2 Drawing and Painting (Week Two) 9:00 am-noon Harris $250 Arts 1-4 Bugs and Birds 9:00 am-noon Wesson $175 Scholars 1-4 Musical Tribute to Aretha Franklin (Week Four)

9:00 am-3:00 pm

Perfecting Gifts Inc.




Perfecting Gifts Aretha Franklin internship

8:30 am-3:30 pm

Perfecting Gifts Inc.




Citizen Scientist 9:00 am-noon Riddle $175 Scholars 4-8 Girls Guide To Middle School (T-W) 9:00 am-noon Saunders free Scholars 5-6 Futsal Clinic 9:00 am-noon

Rodriguez $175

Sports 6-8

Advanced Drawing Intensive 9:00 am-3:30 pm Leake $500 Arts 7-12 Annie JR 9:00 am-3:00 pm MYMT teaching artists $230 Arts 2-8 Zoo Crew 1:00-4:00 pm Guard $175 Scholars K-2 27

Drawing and Painting (Week Two) 1:00-4:00 pm Harris $250 Arts 5-8

W EEK T I MES INSTRUCTOR COST ACA D E M Y E NTE R I NG G R A D E S WEEK 7 July 8-12 ACT Review for English and Reading (M)

8:00 am-noon





ACT Review for Math and Science (W)

8:00 am-noon





Center for Excellence Internship 8:30 am-4:30 pm CFE free All 9-12 Collage Dance Collective (M-SA) (Week One)

8:30 am-4:30 pm

Collage Dance Co.


Ages 8-20

Gymnastics 9:00 am-noon Gymstars $225 Sports PK-4 Fancy Nancy Camp Magnifique! 9:00 am-noon Winchester $175 Scholars JK-4 Flower Art and Design 9:00 am-noon Riddle $175 Scholars 3-6 Board Game Design 9:00 am-noon Guard $175 Scholars 2-4 Flavors of Memphis Cooking Class 9:00 am-noon Killen $175 Scholars 3-6 Volleyball Clinic 9:00 am-noon Hutchison Athletics staff $175 Sports 5-8 Boot Camp Fun (M & W) 10:00-10:40 am Jenkins free Sports 5-8 Athletic Performance Training (T & TH)

10:00-11:00 am





High School HIIT (T & TH) 11:00 am-noon Jenkins free Sports 9-12 Kindness is Contagious 1:00-4:00 pm WInchester $175 Leadership 2-6 Cookbook Creations 1:00-4:00 pm Lofton $200 Scholars 3-6

WEEK 8 July 15-19 Center for Excellence Internship 8:30 am-4:30 pm CFE free All 9-12 Collage Dance Collective (M-SA) (Week Two)

8:30 am-4:30 pm

Collage Dance Co.


Ages 8-20

Girl Sprouts 9:00-10:30 am Riddle $135 Leadership PK-JK Quickstart Tennis: Session III (M-TH) 9:00-10:15 am Horne $130 Sports JK-1 Ninja Zone 9:00 am-noon Gymstars staff $225 Sports 1-4 Passport to Spanish 9:00 am-noon Chelsoi $175 Scholars 2-5 Unicorn Robotics 9:00 am-noon Killen $175 Scholars 3-5 Futsal Clinic 9:00 am-noon Rodriguez $175 Sports 3-5 Creative Writing: Designing a Mystery (T-TH)

9:00 am-1:00 pm





Creative History: Mystery Party Dinner Guest (TH) 10:30 am-1:00 pm





Boot Camp Fun (M & W) 10:00-10:40 am Jenkins free Sports 5-8 Athletic Performance Training (T & TH)

10:00-11:00 am





High School HIIT (T & TH) 11:00 am-noon Jenkins free Sports 9-12 Swing Into Senior Division (T-W) 9:00 am-noon Ligon free Scholars 7-8 Study Strategies 1:00-3:00 pm Middle School staff $125 Scholars 5-6 Advanced Vocal Technique 1:00-3:00 pm Crowley $150 Arts 6-12


W EEK T I MES INSTRUCTOR COST ACA D E M Y E NTE R I NG G R A D E S WEEK 9 July 22-26 Center for Excellence Internship 8:30 am-4:30 pm CFE free All 9-12 Company d Internship 8:00 am-4:30 pm Company d free Leadership 9-12 Soccer Shots: France Fever K-2 9:00 am-noon Soccer Shots $200 Sports K-2 Delta Girls Rock Camp

9:00 am-4:00 pm

DGRC staff




Delta Girls Rock Camp Interns/Band Managers

8:30 am-4:30 pm

DGRC staff




Woodworking 9:00 am-noon Brown $175 Leadership 3-10 Basketball Clinic 10:00 am-noon Jones $150 or $30/day Sports 5-8 Hutch Pops 1:00-4:00 pm Riddle $175 Leadership 1-4 Family Fishing Rodeo (F) 4:00-6:00 pm Hutchison staff free Scholars Families

WEEK 10 July 29-August 2 Company d Internship 8:00 am-4:30 pm Company d free Leadership 9-12 Center for Excellence Internship 8:30 am-4:30 pm CFE free All 9-12 Kids Connection 9:00 am-noon Erickson $175 Scholars PK Jump Into JK 9:00 am-noon Crump $175 Scholars JK CBT Moana Camp 9:00 am-noon Palazola (CBT) $175 Arts PK-JK Sail Into Kindergarten 9:00 am-noon Fontana $175 Scholars K Flip Into First Grade 9:00 am-noon Winchester $175 Scholars 1 Cruisin’ Into Second Grade 9:00 am-noon Stanford $175 Scholars 2 CBT Ballet and Contemporary Dance: Session II

9:00 am-3:00 pm




2-12 & College

Take Off for Third Grade 9:00 am-noon Haire $175 Scholars 3 Fly Into Fourth Grade 9:00 am-noon Fields $175 Scholars 4 Acting and Stagecraft (Week One)

9:30 am-3:30 pm

Brown & Ford


Arts for credit


Building Math Skills K 1:00-2:30 pm Fontana $135 Scholars K Building Math Skills 1-2 1:00-2:30 pm Stanford $135 Scholars 1-2 Mad Math Skills 3-4 1:00-3:30 pm Fields $150 Scholars 3-4 Mad Math Skills 5-6 1:00-3:30 pm Prewitt $150 Scholars 5-6

WEEK 11 August 5-9 Tiny Tales and Tunes 9:00-10:30 am Crowley $125 Arts PK-JK Mosaic Tile Art 9:00 am-noon Duckworth $200 Arts K-4 Julius Caesar Theatre Intensive

9:00 am-noon Mandley (TSC) $175 Arts 5-8

Babysitting Basics (W)

9:30 am-2:30 pm

Farm & Marshall




Acting and Stagecraft (Week Two) 9:30 am-3:30 pm Brown & Ford $985 Arts for credit 9-12 Portraits 1:00-4:00 pm Duckworth $200 Arts 5-8




Center for Excellence Registration Information All Center for Excellence registrations must be made through our online enrollment site. Just follow these easy steps to create a family profile: 1. Go to the Center for Excellence home page,, in your browser. 2. Click on the Registration link at the top of the page. 3. On the login page, click the appropriate link to create a new family profile or log in to an existing family profile. 4. If you are creating a profile, once you complete the profile information, you will receive a temporary password by e-mail. Use that password to reset to a permanent password in the My Account section of your parent dashboard. 5. Now you are all set to enroll! Use the Enrollment tab to see available camps and workshops. Select all events for which you wish to enroll, scroll to the bottom of the page, and proceed to checkout. Payment is due at the time of registration. We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, and e-checks through the online system.

SPARK Registration Information All SPARK Summer Camp registrations must be made online. In order to register, please visit Click the “Register Now� button to create an account or to sign in to your existing account. You can register for all 11 summer camp sessions in one place. You may pay in full at time of registration or submit a $25 non-refundable deposit per session with the balance(s) due no later than the Monday morning of each session. Payments can be made by VISA, MasterCard, or check made payable to Hutchison School.




Registration: Registration is required for each Center for Excellence or SPARK offering. Sessions are filled on a first-come basis. Please enroll early. Any registrations received after a class or camp that has reached capacity will be returned with a full refund. All Center for Excellence and SPARK registrations are made online. Please see the Registration Information for instructions on how to use the online registration systems. Once a registration has been received and processed, a confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address listed in the registration profile. Please note that registrations are not accepted without the appropriate payment. Admission is granted to qualified students in the order in which completed registration forms with payments/deposits are received. Hutchison welcomes qualified students of any race, color, religion, or ethnic origin to summer program activities. Payment and fees: Center for Excellence fees include all activities and supplies unless otherwise noted. Payments for Center for Excellence sessions are due in full at the time of registration. SPARK Day Camp fees are $225 per one-week session ($180 for sessions 1 and 6) and include all camp activities, morning and afternoon snacks, lunch, and a camp t-shirt. Families registering for SPARK Day Camp may pay in full at the time of registration or submit a $25 nonrefundable deposit per session with the balance(s) due no later than the Monday morning of each session. SPARK Multi-Session Discount: Register for four or more sessions of SPARK Day Camp and take advantage of the multi-session discount. SPARK Sibling Discount: $10 off camp fee per additional sibling. SPARK Camp and CFE Crossover: If a student attends a Center for Excellence camp for three hours or longer and attends SPARK Day Camp for the remainder of the camp day that week, he or she will receive half off the SPARK Day Camp fee. Meals: Lunch is included for SPARK campers. If a camper chooses to participate in a Center for Excellence program in addition to SPARK, he or she will eat with a counselor in the dining hall between activities. Select Center for Excellence camps will include lunch and will be noted in the camp description. Refund Policy: Center for Excellence and SPARK fees (including the SPARK deposit) are refunded in full when the session for which an enrollment was submitted is at capacity or the session is cancelled by Hutchison. Except in the cases of illness or emergency that are disclosed to the Center for Excellence or SPARK office prior to the start of an activity, refunds will not be given after a session begins. For Center for Excellence classes, a withdrawal request that occurs at least five (5) business days prior to the first class meeting will result in a refund/credit of fees. After five (5) days prior to the first class meeting, there will be no refund of fees.


Transportation and Supervision: Students should arrive on time and be picked up promptly at the end of each class or camp. For the safety and security of all participants, girls and boys who have not been picked up after camp sessions end will be escorted to SPARK Extended Care. Parents will be charged $18 each day. An additional charge of $5 per minute will be assessed for all SPARK campers remaining on campus after 6:05 pm. This fee must be paid at the time of pick up. Attendance: Hutchison will not contact parents when a student is not in attendance. No refunds will be given for students who choose not to attend classes or activities. Discontinuation: Students are expected to adhere to the policies and procedures of the school, as well as the Center for Excellence and SPARK programs. Hutchison reserves the right to dismiss any student whose behavior poses a discipline problem. No refunds will be issued for students who are asked to withdraw. Personal Items: Hutchison is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Students should not bring valuable items. All personal items should be clearly marked with the student’s name. What to Bring to SPARK: Each day, campers should wear comfortable play clothes and bring a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, water shoes, and water bottle. PK-K campers also need to bring a blanket or mat cover (i.e. happi nappi) for rest time. All personal items, including clothing, should be clearly marked with the camper’s first and last name. Location: Hutchison is conveniently located on a 52-acre naturally wooded campus in East Memphis at 1740 Ridgeway Road. Campus maps may be obtained at the front gate. The Center for Excellence office is located on the first floor in the Dobbs Center. The SPARK program office is located in the Abston Early Childhood Center.

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IMAGINE... Hands-on Learning in Every Classroom, Studio, and Across Every Subject When learning begins at Hutchison, there is no limit to where a girl can go. In our all-girl learning environment, we focus on each girl’s unique talents. Her voice matters. Her ideas are valued.

Connect the Dots Teachers make connections across subjects so that the engineering principles of bridge-building are connected to balance in ballet. And harvesting vegetables from the on-campus farm for a science class results in a vocabulary lesson on farm-to-table cuisine in Chinese class.

AP Biology AND AP Sculpture? No Problem! Hutchison girls develop their minds, bodies, and spirits through meaningful academic, leadership, athletic, and artistic experiences. Our faculty and staff support each girl’s journey of self discovery as she explores varied interests and hones her skills and talents.

If You Can Imagine It, You Can Do it at Hutchison Learn more about the Hutchison experience and why a girl’s school is your daughter’s best opportunity to excel. Visit us online at or call 901.762.6672 to schedule your personal tour.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Center for Excellence 901.507.2460

SPARK Day Camp 901.762.6674



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Day Camp © Hutchison School 2019 Hutchison accepts qualified female students regardless of race, color, religion, or national origin.

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