4 minute read
June, 11am War Memorial Library
Schools Pride Week
Naenae Pop-up Library Treadwell Street Hall Monday 13 June, 3pm-5:30pm
We're kicking off Schools Pride Week with an afternoon of fun for ages 10 and up! Join us for rainbow colouring, games, and Lego challenges. Check out our great range of books and eBooks- talk to us about joining the library if you don't have a card.
Reimaginings Exhibition
War Memorial Library Opening Event: Thursday 16 June, 5pm Floor Talk: Wednesday 22 June, 7pm
Run by the Victoria University of Wellington School of Architecture and our own Council Urban Development team, the exhibition will showcase assessment work created by students consisting of panels of their housing design ideas for the RiverLink project.
Ukulele with DJ Pomare
Koraunui Community Hub Saturday 4, 11 & 18, 1pm-2:30pm Stokeswood Resthome Saturday 25 June, 1pm-2:30pm
Fun, free ukelele sessons for all. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Community Waiata, Karanga & Whaikorero
Wainuiomata Community Hub Mondays, 6pm-7pm
Join Mama Mate for waiata!
Arohanui Strings
Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays & Fridays, 3pm-5pm
Free violin lessons. Ages 6-12. Email: admin@arohanuistrings.org
Adult Music CD Removal
Please note, our adult music CD collection will no longer be available after the end of June 2022. This is due to a decline in use, as customers move to other formats, such as Alexander Street, which is available on library.huttcity.govt.nz
Book Group
Koraunui Community Hub Monday 20 June, 6pm Eastbourne Library Wednesday 1 June, 11am Petone Library Wednesday 15 June, 1:30pm Wainuiomata Community Hub Thursday 9 June, 10:30am
Meet with others who enjoy reading for a fun discussion!
Writers' Table
War Memorial Library Thursday 16 June, 5pm Naenae Pop-up Library Treadwell Street Hall Saturday 4 & 18 June, 2pm-3pm
A regular meeting of writers to share experiences and write in good company.
Book Chat
Eastbourne Library Saturday 25 June, 11am Moera Library Thursday 2 June, 10:30am
Book Talk
Koraunui Community Hub Wednesday 1 June, 1:30pm
Library staff talk about the latest non-fiction. Everyone welcome!
Family History Drop-in
Wainuiomata Community Hub Monday 13 June, 10:30am-12pm Eastbourne Library Thursday 16 June, 1pm Walter Nash Centre Wednesday 15 June, 1pm-2:30pm
A hands-on session with our Family History Specialist.
Local and Family History
Petone Library 7 days a week
Research local and family history at our Heritage Centre with our family history and heritage specialists - just drop in or book a research session by contacting heritage@huttcity.govt.nz
World Wide Knit in Public Day
War Memorial Library Saturday 11 June, 10am-3pm Wainuiomata Community Hub Saturday 11 June, 10am-2pm Naenae Pop-up Library Treadwell Street Hall Saturday 11 June, 1pm-4pm Walter Nash Centre Sunday 12 June, 10am-11:30am
Grab your knitting, crochet, or craft bag and join us in celebrating Knit in Public Day! Some sites will be holding a yarn swap or other special events, so get in contact with your closest library to see what's on!
Craft and Chat Group
Wainuiomata Community Hub Thursdays, 2pm-4pm Naenae Pop-up Library Treadwell Street Hall Fridays, 2pm
Bring along your knitting or crocheting and have fun in a welcoming group.
Wainuiomata Spinners
Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesday 7 & 21 June, 10:30am-1pm
Join the spinners to learn how wool is made into clothing!
Nash Knitters
Walter Nash Centre Fridays, 1:30pm-2:30pm
Bring your own knitting project, or help us work on our yarn bombing in the library. Beginners are welcome!
Creative Sessions
Koraunui Community Hub Sundays, 2pm-4pm
Bring along whatever you are working on, or let us encourage you to try something new!
Artspot for Adults
Wainuiomata Community Hub Wednesdays 1, 5 & 29 June 10:30am-12pm
Creative art & craft activities for adults. All abilities welcome.
Community Clinic
Wainuiomata Community Hub Thursday 30 June, 2pm-3pm
Opportunity for residents to raise issues, concerns, and ideas with the Wainuiomata Community Board.
Wellington City Mission: Social Worker & Financial Mentoring Service
Koraunui Community Hub Wednesdays, 1pm
Practical counselling and help for people accessing WINZ, IRD, ACC and other agencies etc.
Financial Advice
Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays, 10am-12pm
Free advice on budgeting, refinancing, Kiwisaver, etc, from a qualified financial advisor.
Catch Up with Councillor Keri
Wainuiomata Community Hub Tuesday 21 June, 11am-12pm
Bring your questions, issues, views, and ideas to a casual discussion group with Keri.
Addiction Counselling
Wainuiomata Community Hub By appointment only. Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) counselling with Te Paepae Arahi. Contact 564 5262 for an appointment.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Koraunui Community Hub Tuesdays, 10:30am-12:30am
Healthy in the Hutt
Walter Nash Centre Saturday 11 June, 10am-1pm
Free blood pressure checks, health information, community information and lunch. Open to all.