INDUSTRY NEWS » Trane Technologies Appoints Regnery CEO
Lennox Announces Ultimate Indoor Air Quality System
SWORDS, Ireland — Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator, today announced that Dave Regnery, current president and chief operating officer, has been named chief executive officer and will join the Board of Directors. He succeeds Mike Lamach, who will serve as executive chair of the Board until his planned retirement from the company sometime in the first half of 2022.
DALLAS — Lennox International (NYSE: LII) has introduced the rooftop unit Ultimate Indoor Air Quality system as part of its Building Better Air initiative.
Regnery has been with Trane Technologies for his entire career, beginning in the company’s financial leadership development program, then progressing through financial and commercial leadership and general management roles. Throughout his tenure, Regnery has successfully led all the company’s businesses around the world, including the Commercial HVAC, Residential HVAC and Transport Refrigeration businesses, and taken them to new heights. >>
With the ability to remove 99 percent of the virus that causes COVID-19 from the air, Lennox has developed a rooftop unit that can help commercial businesses improve the health of their building. Using a factory-installed combination of MERV 16 filters and UVC Germicidal lamp, the Ultimate IAQ system has been third-party tested to show a 95 percent single pass efficiency rate with a 70 percent virus reduction rate after five minutes and 99 percent reduction after 30 minutes. >>
Daikin One Cloud Services Launches
“The 60 percent gain reflects stimulus driven demand being compared against a 19 percent sales decline after the April 2020 COVID interruptions,” said HARDI Market Research & Benchmarking Analyst Brian Loftus. “The sales growth is nearly 30 percent versus April 2019 and about 21 percent if adjusted for inflation. Those are still exceptional levels of activity, but they are easier to digest than the distorted month-tomonth growth.”
HOUSTON — Using the newly launched Daikin One Cloud Services, Daikin Comfort Pro contractors can grow their business and connect with their customers using a cloudbased tool that allows them to configure, monitor, diagnose and adjust the performance of Daikin systems remotely, potentially eliminating the need to send a truck and technician to a home. Daikin One Cloud Services – developed by Daikin North America LLC (Daikin), a subsidiary of Daikin Industries, Ltd. (DIL), – brings contactless service to a new level. Using it, Daikin Comfort Pros (DCPs) can literally engage with their customers on visualized comfort issues and then take action. Exclusively available to DCPs, Daikin One Cloud Services is a cloud-based portal for office computers and a mobile web app for smart devices. DCPs who have been given permission by the customer can remotely monitor system data ranging from temperatures, humidity, and indoor air quality to heating and cooling demand, plus critical and minor errors.
HARDI Reports 60.6 Percent Revenue Increase in April COLUMBUS, Ohio — Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) released its monthly TRENDS report, showing the average sales performance by HARDI distributors was an increase of 60.6 percent during April 2021. The average annual sales growth for the 12 months through April 2021 is 13.7 percent.