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K ULEANA and Mālama
The best way for visitors to share their aloha is through two related Hawaiian concepts: kuleana and mālama
Kuleana combines responsibility and privilege into one idea. In an island community where resources are scarce and must be both stewarded and shared, having a responsibility over anything is a great privilege. It is a tremendous privilege to be welcomed as a visitor to Hawai‘i, and it comes with the responsibility to:
• Observe and preserve local customs, from how to safely enjoy the ocean to how to pronounce Hawaiian place names.
• Respect and honor local culture and ways of life, from learning about the concept of kuleana (responsibility; privilege) to avoiding areas you have not been invited into.
• Leave this place better than when you arrived, which can be practiced through myriad forms of mālama, explained below and throughout this guide.
When travelers uphold their kuleana, their experience is enriched and all of Hawai‘i benefits. That is truly regenerative tourism.
Mālama means to care for, to protect, to help, and the entire state is focused on a grand effort to mālama ku‘u home—a mindset and a call to action to protect our beloved home. It can be as simple as picking up trash on the beach, which doesn’t just beautify the space for other beach goers, it protects the ocean and its inhabitants from pollution. Or it can be as magnanimous as getting your hands in the mud, volunteering with local organizations to restore native Hawaiian agricultural and aquacultural systems.
What you may be surprised to discover is that the unique mix of aloha, kuleana and mālama has the power to turn an hour of hard work into a singularly uplifting experience of community with another culture—catapulting you outside of yourself and presenting a unique opportunity for discovery, growth and sometimes life-changing transformation.
Throughout this guide (and throughout your visit) look for opportunities to mind your kuleana and mālama Maui, Moloka‘i and Lāna‘i.