
Page 1

Scope and sequence


Un it 9




Unit 10


Flashcards and games


Unit 11




Unit 12


Unit 1


Unit 13


Unit 2


Unit 14


Unit 3


Unit 15


Unit 4


Review pages answer key


Unit 5


Workbook answer key




MultiROM Listen at home




Photocopy Masters Book notes


Unit 8




All core language is recycled regularly throughout the course.

Starter: ~~




Revision: words to describe people, numbers 1-20, family, colours, toys, days of the week Extra: welcome back, learning, end (v), bump, down, week, white, black

I've got brown hair. This is my cousin. He's got green eyes. Wheres Billy? Is he under the bed? There is .. There are ..

School things

This/Thatis ...


classroom, table, computer, peg, pencil case, board, poster, picture,


These /Those are ..

drawers, cupboard




Extra: whiteboard, Wow!. chis, thar, these, those, what, have a look, work (n), game, {Ouch, knee, feet bright, wall, sir, with, swimming pool


We're / They're happy.

Core: hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, happy, sad, tired, angry, scared, brave

Are they hot?

Extra: babies, twins, cry (v), go to sleep, snore, hug (v), yourself, sramp (v), feelings, feel, sometimes, always, behave, fear, gone, corry on, laugh (v), until, broken, poor, nearly, wake up

Yes, theyare. /No, they aren't.

Outdoor activities

She can / can't ride a bike.

Core: ride a bike, ride a horse, skate, skateboard, play tennis, play foorbaff

Can he play tennis?

Prepositions of place

Yes, he can. / No, he can't.

Core: behind, in front of, next to, between Extra: reach, stop, anywhere, hiding, by, perfect, aged, seat, wheel, children, grass, sand, take, young, skateboard (n), skares (n), outdoor (odj)

Prepositions of place

Revision of vocabulary and structures from Units 1-3

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Have you got a milks hake?

Core: salad, fries, pizza, milkshake, cheese sandwich, chicken

Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

Numbers 20-100

Has he got fries ?

(ore: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred

Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't

Extra: dOn'r worry, naughty, start (v + nJ, easy, if, rry, number, high, done, much, olive, sure, buy School subjects


Core: art, maths, English, science, PE, music

What have we got on Monoay?

School rooms

We've got science.

Core: playground, sports field, art room, computer room

When have we got PEl

Extra: our, their, time, wear, paint, headphones, speak, study, read, primary, lesson, break time, learn

our / their

After-sc hool activities


Core: help my mum, do my homework, visit my grandma, go swimming, have a music lesson, watch rV.listen to music, play with friends, read a book, write an email Extra: how about well, after, a fat, on my own, cook (v), stories, CD, sporr

Revision of vocabulary and structures from Units 1-6


Scope and sequence

I visit my grandma every Tuesday. I go swimming every

Thursday. I don't watch TV




Listening: identifying people from their descriptions (listening for specific information)

Underst anding and respecting differences between people

Spea king: She~ got curly hair. His name's)ames. How many. .. ? What c%ur ... ? (describing

people's appearance; introducing yourself and other people; talking about objects)

Review of t he

Reading : a description (read ing a text describing pictu res; reading for spec ific w ords)

alphabet and in itial

listening: identifying people and objects from their description (numbering items in the correct order)


Spea king: How many .. ? There are .. (asking and answering questions about a picture) Writ ing: capita lizatio n; Workbook - w riti ng about my classroom (guided writing)

Keep your classroom t idy (contributing to keeping t he classroom tidy) Understanding that it is important to look after possess ions and the classroom

ch sh th

Reading: a poem: 'My feelings' (reading and understanding a poem; matching words with informat ion in the poem)

ch: chair teacher

li stening: identifying feelings (numbering pictures of feeli ngs in the correct order)

Let's help each other (fi nding ways to help people when they need it)

sh: shoes fish

Spea king: Is he sad?No, he isn't. He's .. (as king and answering q uestions about how people

Ca ring for ot her people

th: thumb bath


Review of d igraphs:

Writing: long and short forms; Workbook - writing about my feelings (guided writing)

Review of eve

Reading: info rmation on a webpage (readi ng and understa nding info rmatio n on a webpage; choosing t he correct info rmatio n fro m t he text)

Sports and safety (practising sports safely)

a: car van

list en ing: identifying outdoor toys (numbering objects in the correct order)

e:peg bed

Speaking: Where's the skateboard? It's in front of the table. (asking and answering questions about where t hings are)

Encouraging and helping people to be brave

words: a e i

0 U

i: bin fig 0 : mop


Writ ing: using

a / an;Wo rkbook -

w riting about w hat I can and can't do (guided writing)

u: bus jug

Consonant blends:

gr br fr gr: grass grapes br: brush bread rr: frog frisbee

Read ing: a capt ion story (reading and understanding a caption story; finding specific information in a text) listening: identifying which food items are availa ble in

a shop

Speaking: Have you got apples? Yes, we have. (asking and answering questions about what someone has got)

Healthy food (understand ing that so me food s are healthy an d others are unhealthy)

Writing: question marks and full stops; Workbook - writing about my lu nch (guided w rit ing)

Co nsonant blend s:

dr tr cr dr: drum dress

tr: [fuck tree cr: crayon crab

Reading: a description on a webpage (reading and understanding a webpage; finding specific details in a text) Listening: identifying school rooms from t heir descript ions (numbering pictures in the correct order)

Safet y at school (noticing safety hazards in the classroom) Sharing with people at school

Spea king: What have we got in the art room ?We've got .. (aski ng and answering questions abou t different rooms in a schoo l) Writing: capitallerters; Workbook - writi ng about my schoo! subjects (guided w rit ing)

Consonant blends: fl pi bl

Read ing: in formation texts (reading and understanding a class poster; matching children with the ir after-school activities)

f1: flower flat

listening: ident ifying aher-school activit ies (choosing whic h activit ies children take in)

pi: plum plate bl: blanket blue

Help your family (res pecti ng t he needs of others)


Spea king: f read a book. I don'e ride a bike. (talking about which after-school activit ies you

do) Writi ng: verbs; Workbook - writing about what I do after school (guided writing)

Scope and ,equence





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Special days

What do you like?

Core: chocolate, sweets, balloon. preser: • .a:Z2..::::r=" _ 'DOUr, pastries,

I like/ don't like balloons.

nuts, tie Extra: birthday, romorrow.scoredoi ~ ;-:;.r-:_

What does he like?

sky, in half, think about. from, sm· e n

He likes / doesn't like chaco/ate.

Everyday activities

Wh at's the time?

Co re: get up, have breakfast, go to schoo( go home fJovec.r.ner. go to bed

It's seven o'clock.

Times of the day

He gets up at six o'clock.

Core: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.. ar nig"'-r

Extra: brush my teeth, goodnight, time for, get dressed. ~ govy~ so. 9kJne



Where does she work?

Core: hospita', school, airport, police station, fire station, shop, station,

She works in a bank.

zoo, supermarket, bank

Does she work in a shop?

Extra: work (v), fantastic, place, thing, out and about, dark, shopping n o·

Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.

the moment, cute, feed, vegetable,job Revision of vocabu lary and structures f rom Units 1-9



What's the weather like?

Core: raining, windy, hot, cold, snowing, sunny

It's windy/raining / hot.

Weather act ivities

Put on / don't put on your coat.

Core: fly a kite, make a snowman, wear coats, go outside Extra: weather, like (prep), sun hat, catch, quick, key, wet, high up, of/together, news, warm, raincoat, sun, sunglasses, flyaway; be careful, get wet, keep



Present continuous:

Core: skirt, scarf, gloves, jeans, boots, shirt

What are you wearing? / What's he wearing?

Time Core: o'clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to Extra: people, platform, here comes ... , slow, hurry up, coach, pass by; wove (v), get on, sir down, seaside, town

Celebration s


I'm wearing a blue skirt./ He's wearing red trousers.

Present continuous:

Core: wedding, guests, cake, bride, band, invitations

Whac are you/rhey doing?

Getting ready

I'm /We're / They're

Co re: make a cake, wash the car, brush my hair, take photos


Extra: watch (v), video, donee (v), sleep, get ready, by my side, suit (n), excited, can't wait, month, summer, parry, clean (v), letters, think, send, soon

He's / She's eating.

What's he / she doing?

Revision of voca bul ary and st ructures from Units 1- 12


Farm animals

Com paratives:

Co re: cow, goat, horse, sheep, donkey, goose

This cow is bigger than chat cow.

Adj ectives Core: loud, quiet, fast, slow Extra: than, mummy, daddy, ocher, hen, cheep, cluck honk, clop, clip, trot, farm, piece. trip (n), leave, bring, rule, run away, finally, bite, scare, sink (n), friendly

Past simple:


He IShe was happy.

Core: kind, naughty, wet, dry, fridge, photo

p1 04

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P 110

Tidying up

/He/She wasn't naughty.

Core: tidy, untidy, floo r, rubbish

You were kind.

Extra: duck, each, play (n), year, wolf, hClO<t costume. scar rxova. ocr v hard work, brilliant, ready, tidy up

They weren't dry.


Past simple:

Core: man, men, woman, women, child. children

There were some teachers.

Ordinal numbers

There weren't any children.

Core: first, second, third, fourth Extra: prize-giving. prize ... .,... ....of?' 5DfTIe. fairground.roundana ;:)... X ~ec..

Irregular plurals

- - - - -- -

1- 15


Scope and sequence





Consonant blends:

cI 91 51

Reading: instructions on making a card (reading and following instructions; finding specific informat ion in a text)

cI: cfoud clock

Listening: identifying su itable presents (match ing people with the correct present)

Be good at the pa rty! (playing co-operatively and being aware of other people)

gl: gloves glue

Speaking: What does he like? I-Ie likes rennis. (asking question s about li kes and di sli kes)

51: slide slippers

Writing: long and short forms; Workbook - writing about presents (guided writing)

Consonant blends:

Reading: information texts (reading and understa nding a text about someone's daily routine; finding speCific details in a text)

sm sn st sk sm: smile small sn: snow snake st: stairs swr

Listen ing: listening for times and activities (drawing the times when people do certain activities) Speaking: He has breakfast. (ta lking about what someone does at different times of day)

sk: sky skates

Writing: identifying Wh - questions; Workbook - writi ng about my day (g uided w riting)

long vowels: a + magic e.

Listening: listening for details in an interview (choosing the correct information)

Reading: a magazine interview (reading and understanding an interview about someone's job)

lake face

Speaking: What are Perer's favourireanimafs? (asking and answering questions about a job)

gate plane

Writing: using commas with and in lists; Workbook - writing about where my family works (guided writing)

Lo ng vowels:

Reading: a weat her report (reading and understand ing a weather report; matchi ng images with information in a text)


+ magic e

kite line

Listening: identifying the weather at certain times from the weather report (choosing the correct option)


Speaking: It's Monday. What's the weather like?(talking about weather on different days)

bike whife

Personal hygiene (understanding and maintai ning good personal

hygiene) Respecting the needs of other peop le

All jobs are important (understanding that people in a community have different roles)

Let's look after our wo rld (u nderstandi ng what improves and harms the envi ronment) Dressing appropriately to stay healthy outdoors

Writing: verbs and adjectives; Workbook - writing about the weather (guided writing) Readin g: a poem: 'At the coach station' (read ing and understanding a poem; finding specific information in a text)

Long vowels: 0+

magic e

nose bone

Listening: identifying people by their clothing

rope home

Speaking: What's she wearing? She's wearing a red shirt. Who is it? (describing what people are wearing)


Let's take ca re of our things (understanding the importance of looking after personal possessions)

Wri ting: writing the time; Workbook - writing about my clothes (guided writing)

long vowels: u + mag ice

Reading: a descriptive email (reading and understanding questions w ith information from a text)

June rube

Li stening: listening for details lO d istingu ish between photos (n umbering pictures in the correct order)

flute cube

a descriptive email; completing

Let's work together! (working co-operatively with other peop le)

Speaking: What's he doing? He's dancing. (tal ki ng about what people are doing) Writing: present continuous verbs; Workbook - writing about a party (guided w riting)

Long vowels:


tree cheese

Read in g: an informatio n text (reading and understa nd ing a leaflet about a schoo l visit to a farm; find ing specific information in a text)

green feef

Listening: listening for rules (matching pictures to rules)


Speaking: Don't open the gate. (giving positive and negative rules) Writing: using and to connect sentences; Workbook - writing about a farm visit (guided writing)

Short and long

We're all different! (res pecting the sim ila rities and differences between peop le) Respecting animals and the natural world

Let's be kind and good


Reading: a newspaper article (reading and understand ing a school newspape r article; read ing for speCific detai ls)

cub cube

Listen ing : identifyin g people from their descript ions

(sha ring, helping, and playing together)

tap tape

Speaking: He was a lion (in the school play). (talking about what people were in a play that took place in the past)

Understanding the ways people change and develop

pip pipe

Writing: and/ or, Workbook - writing about me and my friends (guided writing)

ng l nk

Rea din g: a fairytale (reading and understanding a fairytale; developing comprehension

Let's remember the va lues

n9: ring king swing


nk: bank sink pink

Listening: identifying act ions and emotions (ordering the events in a story)

(being aware of good and he lpful behaviour)

Speaking : What's Suzy doing? She's .. . 15 she sad?No, she isn't. She's ... (describing what someone I something is dOing; asking and answer ing questions about feel ings)

Co ngratul ating peop le on their ach ievement s

Writi ng: irregula r plurals; Workbook - writing about a school open day (guided writing)

Scope and sequence


Family and Friends is a complete six-level course of English for children in primary schools. It uses a clear grammarbased curriculum alongside parallel syllabi in skills and phonics. In this way, children develop the confidence and competence to communicate effectively in English, as well as understanding and processing information from a wide range of sources. Family and Friends combines the most effective literacy techniques used with native English speakers with proven techniques for teach ing English as a foreig n language to children.

Children have different learning styles. Some learn better by seeing (visual learners), some by listening (auditory learners), some by reading and writin g, and some with movement (kinaesthetic learners). Family and Friends uses all of these approaches to help every child realize his or her potential. Family and Friends also looks beyond th e classroom and promotes th e val ues of family and friendship: co-operation, sharing, helping, and appreciating those who help us.

This level of Family and Friends includes the following: Class Book with Student MultiROM Workbook Teacher's Book iTools (dig ital cla ss resou rces) Audio CDs Readers Teacher's Resource Pack containing: • • • • •

Photocopy Masters Book (PMB) Testing and Evaluation Book Words fiashca rds Phonics cards Story posters

Also available as supplementary material, Grammar Friends is a six-level grammar reference and practice series that matches the syllabus of Family and Friends. The grammar is presented within everyday contexts familiar to children from the other materials they use in class. The course can be used as supplementary support and resource material provid ing practice and reinforcement in class or at home.

Methodology Words and grammar

New words are introduced in relation to each unit's topic or them e. They are presented in the Class Book with su pport from the fiashcards and recordings and are then practised with chants, songs, and motivating classroom games and activities. The children are first exposed to the new grammar items alongside the key words in the unit stories in Lesson I. They then move on to focused grammar presentation, which is reinforced with a range of spoken and written activities. Skills

Each unit of Family and Friends contains two pages dedicated to the development of reading, listening, spea king, and writi ng skills. The four skills are all integrated which means th at there is one topic for each skills spread.



The reading texts in this section expose children to a balance of both familiar and new language_With a range of different text types of increasing complexity, children develop the confidence to recognize and use me language they know in a wid e range of situations_ They develop the skills of reading and listen ing for gist and detail, both of which are esse ntial for complete communicative compe,ence. The listening tasks, which are linked to the core reading text in each unit, provide a variety of naturally occurring situations for children to practise listening for specific information and detail, as well as gist. Speaking practice is usually carried out in pairs_ Since the tasks are also integrated, the children will already have been exposed to a number of ideas and key words to be used, which will give them confidence wh en carrying out the task. The wri ting skills section provides a complete course in Eng lish punctuation, syntax, and text structuring. The syllabus resembles that used with children who are native English speakers. Phonics

Phonics teaches the relationship between letters / letter combinations and the sounds they make. The study of phonics enables chil dren to decode new words, thereby improving reading skills and helping them to grasp spelling and pronunciation patterns quickly. Family and Friends draws on the principles of synthetic phonics, in which sounds and letters are combined to form whole words.

Every unit of Family and Friends contains a phonics lesson. In Level 2, ch ildren learn to pronounce and spell common consonant blends at the beginning and ending of words and then see how vowels are combined to form long vowel sounds. By the end of Level 4, children will be able to identify and spel l all of the most common sounds in th e English language and recognize that many sounds can be spelled in different ways. Stories

Every unit contains a story, which provides a fun and motivating context in which the new language appears. In Level 2, we see more of the amusing adventures of Rosy, her cheeky two-year- old brother Billy, and her cousin Tim, who were first introduced in Levell. The stories also provide ideal scenarios for practising and reviewing language structures and key words in a cycl ica l manner. Songs and chants

Every un it in Family and Friends contains a song where children practise th e new language, as well as vocabulary and phonics chants. Melody and rhythm are an essential aid to memory. By singing, children are able to fo rget fea rs and shyness and practise the language in a joyful way together. They are also fun and motivating and are a good opportunity to add movement to the lessons.

Drama and Total Physical Response (TPR)


Students of any age, especia ll y kinaest hetic learners, benefit from associati ng lang uage wit h movement and actions. The more th e body is invo lved in t he learning process, the more likely t he student is to absorb and retain the information . For th is reason, chi ldren are ta ught series of actions to accompany t he stories and songs in Family and Friends

The handwriting section on pages 117- 119 of the Workbook provides an opportunity for ch ildren to practise writing complete word s. Children can p racti se writing the words after learning num bers 20- 100 in Un it 4, or when they reach t he end of th e cou rse. As with th e Pictu re d ictiona ry, these pages can be used in class or at home.

Th e chi ld ren are also given t he opport un it y to act out the stories wi th simple drama activit ies. One of t he main obstacles to language learning at any age is se lfcon sciousness. Drama, by appealing to the imagina tion, is an excellent way for ch ildren to 'lose themselves' in the story, the reby increasing their communica tive ability. Like other ski lls work, drama helps ch il dren to communicate and be understood. By developing performance ski ll s, they practise and become fl uent in expressin g real -life situatio ns, starting w ith the story in th e class room and then moving on to rea lworld contexts.

Games and optional activities

Values Values, which can also be ca lled civic edu cation, is a key strand in Family and Friends. Teach ing values is important as it foc uses o n children's personal and social development, not just on the ir language skill s. It improves children's aware ness of good behaviour, and how th eir behaviou r and attitudes can impact on t he people around them and thei r envi ronmen t. Areas for values teachi ng include helping children to understand about. • Community, e.g. fo llowing school rule s, understandi ng the needs of people and other living things, understanding wha t improves and harms their environment, contributing to the life of t he class and school.

Garnes p rovide a natural context for language practice and are very popular w it h ch ildren. They promote t he development of wider cogni tive skills such as memory, sequencing, motor ski lls, and deductive skill s. If required, all the games in Family and Friends can take place at the children's desks w ith minim um class room disrupt ion .

• Health and hygiene, e.g. understanding the basics of hea lthy eating, mai ntaining persona l hygiene, ru les for keeping safe around th e house and on the road.

Suggesti ons for option al activities are included in t he teacher's notes for every lesson. They can be used according to th e timing and pace of t he lesson, and their appropriacy to the children in the class.

• Interacting with others, e.g. listeni ng to other people, playing and working co-operat ively, sharing, identifying and respecting the d iffe rences and similari ties between people, helping others in need.

Typically, optional acti vities in Lessons 1- 4 are games and TPR activities that allow ch ild ren to respond to the new vocabu lary and soun ds they are learn ing in a way that is fun and motivat ing. Many of th e garnes used througho ut the course are detailed on th e Flashcards and games pages.

Values are hig hlig hted th ro ughout the course in vario us p laces:

Th e optiona l activities suggested in th e teaching notes for Lessons 5 and 6 concentrate on persona lizatio n, writing practice, posters, and class projects. For acti vities which involve drawing and co louring in, it is suggested that children work in groups to sha re craft materials.

Review units Afte r every th ree un its there is a Review unit. These are shorter unit s of exercises which provide addi t ional practice of the vocabulary, structures, and sounds presented in the three preced ing units. No new material is prese nted or practised in these units. They can be used as a p rogress test to check t ha t ch ild ren have remembered what they have learned . A comp lete answer key can be found on page 116 of t he Teacher's Book.

• In t he 15 Values works heet s in the Photocopy Masters Book (PMB) - o ne per un it. • In the exemplificat ion of good behaviou r throug hout the co urse, in particu lar in th e Class Book sto ries and their cha racters, in the Cla ss Book Skills Time' pages, and in the two class plays in the PMB. • In t he co-opera t ive learn ing activit ies throughou t t he course, which encourage child ren to work together and co-operate in order to comp lete acti vities.

Testing and evaluation Chi ldren's progress can be eva luated thro ugh ongoi ng assessment, self-assessment, and fo rmal test ing. Children can also evaluate their own progress t hrough a simple selfassessment exercise at the end of the Review sections in the Cla ss Book. The Te sting and Evaluation Book offers:

Picture dictionary

• suggestions fo r ongoing classroom eva luation.

A picture dictiona ry is provided on pages 108- 116 of the Wo rkboo k for children to co lour in and then refer to whenever necessa ry. A suitab le point to use t he Pict ure dictionary wou ld be at th e end of Lesson 3 of each un it, afte r ch ild ren have been exposed to all of the vocabulary from the unit. (Where th ere are t wo lexical sets in a unit, notes in the Teac her's Book direct teac hers to t he Picture d ict ionary at t he end of each set.)This co uld be done in class or set for homework.

• an evaluation sheet to keep a record of chi ld ren's p rogress. • suggestions for encou raging ch ild ren to self-eva luate.

• 16 unit tests. • 5 summative tests (for use afte r every th ree units). • 5 skills test s (for use after every t hree un its).

The Test Builder (Family and Friends iTools) The Test Bui lder is part of the Family and Friends iTools disc (see below). It provides ed itable versions of the tests in the



Testing and Eva luation Book, allowing teachers to produce their own tests according to the needs of their class. The Test Builder provides practice task types for Cam bridge and Trinity-style young learner examinations, enabling the teacher to choose task types and create practice materials for these tests. Even if you are not preparing for these examinations, you can still use the tasks to create extra practice and revision tests or worksheets. Further information on testing and evaluation (including the scoring system) can be found in the introduction to the Testing and Evaluation Book.

Book. As in Family and Friends, the everyday activities of the members of an extended family and their friends provide the contexts for the presentation and the practice. The grammar rules are presented very simply, and enable children to build up a picture of the grammatical system step by step. It can be used in clas s or at home. There is a CD-ROM contai ning additional interactive exercises and multiple-choice grammar tests with each Student'S Book. A Teacher's Book for each level con tai ns the answers to the exercises, notes on the units, and tests.

Drama in the classroom Multimedia Student MuitiROM The Student Multi ROM contains: • Listen at home target language, songs, and phonics chants for children to practise at home. They ca n be played on a CD player, or on a computer using the audio player. (A full list of tracks can be found on page 123 ofthe Teacher's Book.) • Computer-based interactive activities which practise the vocabulary, grammar, and phonics from each unit, and karaoke versions of the songs for children to sing along to.

Family and Friends iTools Family and Friends iTools is a CD-ROM which conta ins digital class resources and 'make your own' resources.

All the digital class resources on the iTools can be used interactively, either on an Interactive Whiteboa rd (IWB) or on a projector. These include: • • • • • •

vocabulary presentation and practice. frame-by-frame story presentation . grammar presentation and practice. phonies presentation and practice. ski lls texts and w ri ting skills presentation. karaoke versions of the songs and chants.

Supplementary materials Readers Research shows that the more you read, the bener you become at English. The dedicated Skills Time pages focus on reading shorter texts intenSively, but it is also importan t for students to learn to read extenSively, approaching longer texts at their own pace. Students should read at the right level, with language that is appropriate for thei r abilities and knowledge. The Family and Friends Readers are designed for extensive reading. The stories vary between classic fairytales and modern-day stori es which focus on children's lives today. In Level 2, they contain approximately 700- 800 words in total, and correspond with the vocabula ry and grammar sylla bus of the course. They also contain integrated activities which can be used either in the classroom or for homework.

Grammar Friends The Grammar Friends series can be used alongside Family and Friends as an additional resource to provide more written grammar practice. The words and grammar used in each unit match the words and grammar taught in the Class 8


How to present the stories Each story is spread across two lesson s and has a receptive and a productive stage. In the first lesson (receptive stage), children listen to the story and follow it in their Class Books. In the second lesson (productive stage) th e children recall the story, listen to it again, and act it out.

Acting out the stories There are va rious ways of acting out the stories, depending on the size and nature of your class. Acting in groups The following procedure is suggested in the teaching notes for each unit: • Decid e as a cla ss on actions for each character at each stage of the story (children may suggest actions which are not shown in the pictures). • Divide the class into groups so that there is one ch ild to play each character. To keep disruption to a minimum, children could turn their chairs to work with those behind them and rem ain in their sea ts. • Play the recordi ng. Children practise the story in their groups, saying their character's lines (if they have any) and doing their actions. Pro ps can be used if you wish, or you may prefer objects from the story to remain imaginary. • At the end of the exercise, invite some of the groups to act out their story at the front of the class. Acting as a class As an alternative, you may wish to act out the story as a class: • Decid e togeth er on actions for the story which chi ldren can do at their desks without standing up (e.g. they could 'walk'their fingers to show that the character is wa lking). • Play the reco rding to practise reciting th e lines. Ch ildren mime the actions for each character as they speak. • Play the recording again for children to give their fin al ' performance. Acting with a 'lead group' This is a combination of th e two previous procedu res: • Decide on actions for the story as above. • Divide the class into groups so that there is one child in each group to play each chara cter. Ch ildren should all be faci ng the front of the class, and not the other people in their groups. They won't need to leave their seats. • Ask one of th e groups to come to the fro nt of the cl ass. • Play the recording. The group at the front demonstrate the actions to the class. • Play the record ing again for the rest of th e children to jo in in with the actions.

Class plays The Photocopy Masters Book contains two plays for the whole class to act out, one at the end of each semester. Teaching notes can be found on pages 124- 125 of the Teacher's Book. Preparing the plays will take several lessons: discussing the play and allocating parts; deciding on and organizing props and costumes; and finally, rehearsing. If possible, arrange a performance of the plays for parents.

Classroom management Ch ildren lea rn best when the atmosphere in the classroom is relaxed, happy, and well-ordered. • Success is a great motivator. Try to make every child feel successful and praise their attempts enthusiastically. Children should all be famil iar with expressions such as Good boy/girl, Good work, Well done' Excellent try' You did that very well. • Errors need to be corrected, but use positive and tactful feedback so that children are not afraid of making mistakes. If a child makes a mistake, say Goad try. Try again, then model the correct answer for the child to repeat. Avoid using words such as No or Thots wrong, as these can create negative associations to learning. • Establish a clear and consistent set of classroom rul es and ensure that all the child ren know what to expect. Always praise good behaviou r so that bad behaviour does not become a means of ga ining attention. • Ensure that you are well prepared for every lesson. Read the lesson notes and prepare any materials you will need before the lesson.

Involving parents Learning involves a co-operative relationship between home and school, and it is important to establish clear communication with parents to encourage home support. The following are suggestions about possible ways of doing this: • Keep parents informed about what their chi ldren are lea rn ing and thei r prog ress. Parents might benefit from receiving newsletters listing what chi ldren are now able to do, and what words and phrases they are studying. • Encourage extra practice at home using the MultiROM, especially the Listen at home secti ons. The children can enjoy singing the songs at home and performing the stories and plays to their families and friends. • Show parents the completed Values worksheets from the Photocopy Masters Book. • Show parents the children's completed Evaluation Sheet from the Testing and Evaluation Book at the end of each semester. • Organ ize a concert or parents' afternoon where the ch ild ren can perform the unit stories, plays from the PMB, and the so ngs they have learnt, along with their actions. • Organize an Open Day where parents can come into the classroom with their child ren to see displays of their work and share any feedback or concerns with you in a relaxed envi ronment.



Tour of a unit Lesson One

Words and Story

Lesson 1 teaches and practises the first new vocabu lary set. It also exposes the ch ildren to th e story and grammar points they w ill be studyi ng in Lesson 2.

The children listen and point to the pictures. They then listen again and repeat the words. This is reinforced with jtashcard activities .

The children practise the words with a rhythmic chant.

1,1IIS$(l1f') On.e Words

1 List en, point Ilnd repeat. S..

I The children listen to the story and point to the pictures, using the Story poster. They find key words in the story.

Teaching the words and presenting the story Words • Play the record ing and hold up th e fl ashca rds. The child ren repeat t he words and point to t he correct pictu re in t heir Class Books. • Show the fiashcards randomly and ask th e class to say t he word s. Yo u can hide the ca rds behind your back. • Teach the chant. Yo u ca n ask ch ild ren to perform acti ons that reflect t he mean ing of the words as they chant.

Story • Prepare t he chi ldren for the story. Display the Story poster and ta lk about each frame w ith th e class. Ask simple questions such as Who, this? Where Ofe they? What, this? • Play the recording th e w hole way th ro ugh. Point to th e correspo nding speech bubbles on the poster as the children listen . • Play the record ing aga in. The chi ldren poi nt to th e pictures as they hear t he text. As k some comp rehension questions about the story. • As k t he children to look in t heir Class Books and fi nd and point to t he words from Exercises 1 and 2 that appea r in the story.



2 Liste n ond chant. S ..

3 Listen and read. -& ..

Workbook The ch ildren p ractise recognizing and wr it ing the new words fro m the lesson.

~trl C(f',.$: '~G-~


'p ,. ! "P ill!

Lesson Two


Lesson 2 teac hes and practises the grammar points presented in the story. The children also practise the language by acting out the story.

The chUdren listen. to the story again. and now produce the language by repeating and then acting out the story (see page 8).

Tile children study the grammar structure that was presented in the sto ry.

You con We<l, tllelrdotlle'l.

3 Write.



The chitdren practise writing the grammar structure.

The children practise the unit's words along with the grammar structure in a speaking activity.

4 Point, asle. and (ln$wer. I

.I.'! I





rnalM \',ik~t 1tII~


When ~~yt \'."





science w(gor 0111 ..... ",)"




\Ye"\O; \jOt


.1 • I,


, _

\\~\'('got" .



on " ,

• _,.....


~ 5

Acting out the stories and teaching the grammar

• Use flashcards to substitute ne w words. The ch ild ren will see how the grammar structure works with different words. The child ren repeat the new sentences.

Story • Display the Story poster to see what the ch ildren can remember abou t the story from the previous lesson.

• Do the first question in each exercise with the class, then encourage them to work independently. Ch eck an swe rs with the whole cl ass.

• Play the recording . Pause after each dialogue for th e chil dren to repeat

• Model the dialogue with one of the ch ildren, t hen let the class practise the dialogue in open pairs.

• Play the recording again . This time ask the children to mime actions as they speak (there are suggested actions in the lesson notes). Allow the children to make suggestion s and demonstrate the actions. • Divide the class into groups, with each child having a different rol e in the story. Play the reco rding. Each child says the li nes of his / her assigned character. Encou rage children to perform action s as th ey speak. • Repeat without the recording, encouraging the children to rem ember the sen tences.


Children use th e Student MultiROM at home to practise the new grammar structu res.

Workbook The children practise recognizing and writing the new grammar points from the lesson.

• You could move on to individual practice by calling groups to th e front to act out th e dialogues, w ith or without th e recordings.

Grammar • Teach the grammar through example rather t han explanation.

' ......





... -4<' _




---- ._--- -- ....

• Read the grammar examples. The class repeats chorally. Write them on th e board. Reinforce meaning with actions.



Lesson Three

Words and Song

Lesson 3 teaches a further vocabulary set. Th e unit's core language is t hen practised with a song and Total Physical Response activities.

The children listen and point to the pictu res. They then Hsten again and repeat the words. This is reinforced with flashcard activities.

Lesson Three Son9

1 listen, point olld repeot. S


;:=.;~~:-",. , Sing and do. At our so;hool

The children learn

In the pkIygroond

we hlM loti of fUll,

and sing the song.

w.-:play. W(Ullk, \\'t j"mp. 'VI: run.

The children perform actions as they sing the song .

The children can colour in the new words in the Picture dictionary in the Workbook.

i ~~~

[f ~ ~ I



!1\ \fIj 0 l~-?~ ~ ~ .,01

Teaching songs


• Teach children a further vocabulary set, often an extension of the set from Lesson l. Play games using the Aashcards to consolidate learning.

The children practise recognizing and writing all the new words from the unit, with a particular focus on t he new wo rds fro m this lesson.

• Play the song to the class. The children listen and point to the pictu res to show understanding of the words. • Rec ite t he words of t he song with th e cl ass, w ithout t he m usic. Say each line and ask the ch ildren to repeat.

'-"- -

'---- ...-

._-....... .. ,...

• Now sing the song with the class a num ber of t imes with the recording .






' w .. ..

• Teach actions to accompany the song (see the suggested actions in the lesson notes, or ask t he children to suggest their own). • Sing the song again, this time with the actions. • You could allow some chi ldren to provide accompaniment with drums. shakers, etc.

~ Children use the Student Multi ROM at home to practise the two vocabulary sets an d the song.

Photocopy Masters Book (PMB) There is extra written practice for the vocabul ary and structures from the unit on the PMB Extra w riting worksheet.

- -, ......

. . ....- ,..... ..



,- ~

,:::.:.:..;.. ':::::::.::--





Lesson Four


Lesson 4 teaches phonics: the relationship between a sound, the letters that form it, and words that conta in it.

The children listen to the sound or sounds and polnt to the letters that form them. They read and repeat words that contain the sounds and letters, wlth the help of phonics cards.

Len on Four Phonics 1 listen, point end lepea!. IS"

2 Listencndchant. S" A

lr\I;n "n~





j,lruw ..1thmycnl)Oll'>,


The children see these words in sentences and learn. a chant. The chant provides targeted prol1ul1clation. practice within an engaging context.

Amnlin "fr«. Gel)I'C'Ur(I'IIY'~'



witl1 ,

3 Read the chont (lgoin. Cirde the sounds dr, tt(md (T. 4 List1!n to the sounds and join the letters. ® .. What 005 the boy go!?

The chlldren look at the chant again and ldentify


The chlldren Ilsten and joln the sounds they hear.

Teaching phonics • Introduce the new sounds and the letters that form them on e at a time. Show the class the phonics ca rd and say, for example, Letters c and rmake the sound Ikr/. Model th e sound a number of t imes for children to repeat. • Introduce the new phonics words with the ca rds and recordi ng. • Play the chant to th e class. Talk about the picture to ensure the meaning is clea r


dr cr dr cr dr tr


the letters that create the phonics sounds.

" cr


dr tr tr cr dr

cr tr tr cr dr tr cr

c-._,_ ... " -,



Chi ldren use the Studen t Mu ltiROM at horne to practise phonics exercises.

Workbook I

The children practise recognizi ng an d writing the words containing the phonics sounds and letters.

:;~_ "'''' -:"".:'''

' dr cr , _ .... _ -




• Repeat th e chant, th is time asking the chi ldren to clap their hands (or perform another action) every time they say a wo rd that contain s the target sound. • For Exercise 4, complete the fi rst example as a w hole class activity. Then encourage the children to work independently. Fi na lly, check th e answers with the w hole class.

- -... -'m

• In the Review sections, the children distinguish the new sound s from others they have learned previously.



Lesson Five

Skills Time! Reading

Lessons 5 and 6 provide a focused study of skills. Lesson 5 concentrates on reading comprehens ion, looking at a var iety of text types.

The children look at the reading text and illustrations. They identify key words and

features in the text as preparation Jor reading.

Skills Time! 1 look. at the picture. Whot school subjects wn you $1'1'1 2 listen and read . $ ..

The children read and listen to the text for the first time.

room. We'Ve gol 12 computers In trnI

room , one for (>"Jef!:l pupiL The compul",s hQIIe got headphones, so ItMio PUPIls con USlen ond speck.

In the computer room.1hE! pupils con study £ogtish, mllSic, moths ond ~ ThEl\l do Of! hem too. they con drowond

colour pid:lJIes with tM computer_ The

com puters olso help the pupils 10 rwd (lnd write

In Primary 2. 1he cNldcl)ll came to the computer room every luesda!l ond

The children read the text again, this time looking for details that will enable them to complete the comprehension activity.

Thursday_ Everyooe U~ lhoese lessor'll

3 Read aga in. Circle Ihe folse wo.d and write the COH!'Ct word.

1 2 3 "

We've got a9 computer room. We've gol18 (ompute/s. The pupils elln listen and eat. The (omputers help the pu pils to run a nd write .


S The chHd"~n come eve ry Tuesdoy cnd Wed nesday.

Teaching reading


• Ap proach a new text in three stag es: pre-reading, reading for gist. and reading forderoil. Explai n to the chi ldren that they do not have to understand every word to do th is. By focusing on t he language they do understand, it is possible to guess or use logic to work out the meaning of the rest.

The ch ildren read a re lated text and complete comprehension activities.

• Pre-reading (Exercise 7): This stage is about looking for cl ues to help the children piece together the meaning of the text. Thi s includes looking at the pictures and text style to guess what type of text it is and what it is likely to be about. Ask t he children to give sugg estions about wha t they thi nk th e text will say before they start to read

• Reading for gist (Exercise 2): Play the recording twice while the children follow the text in their books. They do not need to be able to read every word independently, but be abl e to read ca refully enough to understand th e gist. Ask som e simple comprehension questions to ensure t hey have understood the general points.

• Reading for detail (Exercise 3): Go through the comprehension activity with the class so that the children know w hat informati on to look for in the text. Give them ti me to read the text again to find the answers. Have a class feedback session.



,--_ .... __.._-_. , ,...

_""" ,, ~ , _



ft~ "' ''''_'''

~ ~-_

,,...... ,""-....





.. J

Lesson Six

Skills Time! Listening and Speaking (Class Book)

Lesson 6 focuses first on li stening comprehension, and then on speaking and w riting ski lls in the Class Book. The wr iting section is developed fu rth er in the corresponding Workbook page.

1 listen and numbel. \'Sl .,

The children. listen. to a recording and complete a listening comprehension activity.

Th.e ch.ildren. practise speaking in pairs, using a context that is similar to the reading and listening activi~=~~_. __

J 2 Point, (I~k and answer about your school. on the spo rts fie Ld

in the classroom

[footbo Ltnet5

in the ort roo m



What nnw IW got in the art romn)

in the wmputer room wmputers

We'l'e(lO[ ..

- -- - --- --- ---


The children. do exercises to develop their writlng skills. Each unit develops a different aspect of their writin.g. Their writing is then developed in the Workbook in personalized writi n.g activities (see next page).

3 Circle the topitolletters 01 the stort of Ihe doy~ of the week. We've got moths o n \!lue~doy. 1 What have we go t on Wedne,doy? 2 We go to the 3

We ' ~e

compu t ~r

.oom on Thursday.

got ad on MondQy.

4 Hove we go t PE OM Tuesday?

Teaching listening and speaking Listening


• To fo llow a list en ing text, the ch ildren should be aware that they do not need to understand every word. As with reading, they li sten fo r th e words th ey do know, and the n use clues and logic to work out the rest.

• The spea king task aims to develop speech that is clear and Aue nt. The children will also learn to speak exp ressive ly and with co nfidence.

• Pre-listening : Ask the ch ildren to look at the pictu res in the activity and to guess what th e recordi ng will be about. El icit as many relevant words as possible.

• Listening (or gist: Play t he reco rdi ng right thro ugh. Th e childre n li sten and point to th e pictu res in their books.

• Listening for detail: Pl ay the record ing, pausi ng fo r children to comp lete t he act ivity in their books.


Child re n use the Listen at home section of th e Stud ent Mu ltiROM to practise listen ing skills. They can list en to p hrases using the new voca bu la ry and structures t hey have learnt, as we ll as the phonics chant and the song fro m the unit.

• To ma ke th e speaking task more mean ingful, ta lk about the context: What are the people talking about? Where are

they?Why are they talking' • Cal l a volunteer to co me to the front and demonstrate how to ask and answer th e questions using the dialog ue in t he speech bubbles. Use differen t examples from the vocabu lary set. • Ask the children to repeat cho ral ly, emphasizing co rrect intonation in the questio ns and answers. Check t hat the wo rds are flow ing together, w ithou t unnecessary pauses. • The children then carry out t he speaking activi ty in pa irs. Move around the class wh ile they are speaking and give rnodels whe re necessary on how th ey can make the ir speech sound more fluent.



Lesson Six

Skills Time! Writing (Workbook)

In Lesson 6, th e chil dren learn key w rit ing and literacy skills and carry out personalizatio n activities on t he Workbook page.


lenon Six

.... 1 Write the sentences with copitoL lette rs.

The children. practlse producin.g sentences using the target Ilteracy skliL


1 we've got <cie"ce on t uesdoy . Weve got sclente on Tuesday. 1 whot hove we got on t hursday?

3 hove we got moths on monday?

4 we hoven'! got school on satu rday S whot hove we got on wedn esdo y l


6 we've got a rt on wednesday


In preparatlon for the personaHzation actlvlty, the chlldren ldentify words they wHt use in their writing texts .

The chlldren wrlte a slmple text In whlch they apply what they have learnt In the unit to their own lives.

2 Tick. (.I) the school subjects you've got today. Cross ()C) the subjects you

hoven't got.





fnglish O


music O

.... 3 Draw and write about tod llY'S subjects.

We've got English Wive got Wive

We haven' t gOt


w""".... ".., ...... ,..j••"

""' II

Teaching writing • Demonstrate the new writ ing skill by writing one or more of the example sentences from t he Class Book on the board. Circle or underline the target punctuation or word. • Write additional sentences on t he board and call chi ldren to come to the front to circl e or und erline the new punctuation or literacy feature. • Wor k through t he first example as a whole-class activity, then encourage the children to work indepen dently. Move around the cl ass w hile they are worki ng to offer help as required. • Encourage the children to fi nd examples of the w riting skill in the reading text in Lesson 5 or the story in Lesson 1.

Workbook Writing • The children now move from recognizing the new writing skill to producing it. • Do the first example as a whol e-cl ass activity. Encourage the class to com plete th e rest of the activity independently.


• In preparation for the writing task, they tick, circle, or w rite the words in Exercise 2 that are relevant to them. • They then draw a very simple picture of the thi ng they are going to write about. • Ensure that th e child ren understand what type of senten ces they need to p roduce in the writing tas k. Read t he examp le sentence and elicit furt her exa m ple s from the class. Write them on t he boa rd. • When t he ch ildre n have fi nished, ca ll voluntee rs to co me to the front to read their texts to the class and show t heir drawings. • Children could copy their illustrations and writing texts onto clean pieces of paper to be displayed around the classroom.

PMB The PMB Valu es worksheet highlights ways in which chi ldren can take care of th emselves and • their commun ity.

About me!


• Explain to t he child ren t hat they wi ll be w rit ing abou t themselves and t here are no right or wrong answers. Contrast the different answers, emphasizing that as everyone is different, their answers may be different too.

There is a test at th e en d of every unit in the Testing and Evaluation Book to help mon itor the ch ildren's assimilation of the language.


,- ...-jI!:l _ IiOr>. " r6!" - -. "'-+-:1

Classroom language Saying w hat yo u are going to do at the beg inning of a unit, lesson, or activity

Showing ch ildren how to d o something

Today we're going to .. Now we're going to ...

do some listening / speaking / colouring / w riting. listen and point. sing a song. playa game. listen carefully.

We'll.. We can ..

start like this. do it this way point to the ..

I'm going to show you .. Let's do some together first so yo u'll see ..

what I mean. what to do. how to do it.

Giving instructions for movi ng around and helping in class

Everybody, .. Now everyone, .. I want you to .. (name / names), can you .. (name / names), wou ld you ..

stand up, pl ease. com e out here to the front, plea se. stand beside your desks / tabl es. go back to your places. hold th is flashca rd'

Giving encouragement and praise

Well done, (name) .. That's very good, (name) .. Excellent, (name) ..

you're really good at this' you know the first letters of ten word s. your pi cture is really neat.

That's ..

very nice. very neat work. reall y good. fantastic'

Now, who can ..

show me the cat' tell me w hat this is'

Let's see. Can you remember..

w hat Billy says? who / what this is? what happens next? what happened last time'

What's ...

this' his / her name'

Can you ..

do the actions and sing the song' see Tim cli mbing the tree? count the oranges' tell me what Rosy says' help me tel l the story' remember six things?

Quiet everyone, ..

settle / calm down. that's good, (name / s). thank you, (name / s).

Asking for recal l of word s, phrases, and activ ities

Encouraging good behav iour

Setting up pa irs and groups

Ending an activity /

a lesson

Are yo u ready' You're going to do this . . OK, everyone. You're going to work ..

in pairs / in twos. in sma ll groups. in groups of three / four.

We're going to ..

play this together. make four groups. share the colouring pencil s.

OK, ..

we're going to stop now just one more time before we fin ish.

Now let's ..

pick up all our things. put th e flashcards here.



Words flashcards 1 class roo m School th ings 2 table School things 3 computer School things School things 4 peg 5 pencil case School th ings 6 board School things 7 poster School things School th ing s 8 picture 9 d rawers School things 10 cupboard School things 11 hot Feelings 12 cold Feelings 13 hungry Fee lings 14 thirsty Feelings 15 happy Feelings 16 sad Feel ings 17 tired Feelings 18 angry Feelings Feelings 19 scared 20 brave Feelings 21 ride a bike Outdoor activities 22 ride a horse Outdoor activities 23 skate Outdoor activities 24 skateboard Outdoor activities Outdoor activities 25 play tennis 26 play football Outdoor activities 27 behind Prepositions of place 28 in front of Prepositions of place 29 next to Prepositions of place 30 between Prepositions of place 31 salad Food 32 fr ies Food 33 pizza Food 34 milkshake Food 35 cheese sandwich Food 36 chicken Food 37 ten Numbers 38 twenty Numbers 39 thirty Numbers 40 forty Numbers 41 fifty Numbers 42 sixty Numbers 43 seventy Numbers 44 eighty Numbers 45 ninety Numbers 46 one hundred Numbers 47 art School su bjects 48 maths School subjects 49 English School subjects 50 science School subjects 51 PE School subj ects 52 music School subjects 53 playground School rooms 54 sports field School rooms 55 art room School roo ms 56 computer room School rooms 57 help my mum After-school activities 58 do my homework After-school activities


Flashcards and games

59 visit my grandma 60 go swim ming 61 have a music lesson 62 watch TV 63 listen to music 64 play with friends 65 read a book 66 write an ema il 67 chocolate 68 sweets 69 balloon 70 present 71 cake 72 card 73 neighbour 74 pastries 75 nuts 76 tie 77 get up 78 have brea kfast 79 go to school 80 go home 81 have dinner 82 go to bed 83 in the morning 84 in the afternoon 85 in the evening 86 at nig ht 87 hospital 88 school 89 airport 90 police station 91 fi re station 92 shop 93 station 94 zoo 95 supermarket 96 bank 97 rainin g 98 windy 99 hot 100 cold 101 snowing 102 sunny 103 fiya kite 104 make a snowman 105 wear coats 106 go outside 107 skirt 108 scarf 109 gloves 110 jeans 111 boots 112 shirt 113 o'clock 114 quarter past 115 half past 116 qua rter to

After-school activities After-school activities After-school activities

11 7 11 8 11 9 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156

wedd ing guests cake bride band invitation s make a cake wash the car brush my hair take photos cow goat horse sheep donkey goose loud quiet fast slow kind naughty wet dry fridge photo tidy untidy Aoor rubbish man men woman women child child ren first second third fo urth

After-school act ivities After-school activities After-school activities After-school activities After-school activities Special days Special days Special days Specia l days Special days Special days Special days Special days Special days Special days Everyday activities Everyday activi t ies Everyday activities Everyday activities Everyday activities Everyday activi t ies Times of the day Times of the day Times of the day Times olthe day Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Weather Weather Phonics cards Weather 1 ch Weather sh 2 Weather 3 th Weather 4 a Weather activities 5 e Weather activities 6 i Weather activities 7 0 Weather activities 8 u Clothes 9 gr Clothes 10 br Clot hes 11 fr Clothes 12 dr Clothes 13 tr Clothes 14 cr Time 15 fi Time 16 pi Time 17 bl Time

Celebrations Celebrations Celebrations Celebrations Celebrations Celebrations Getting ready Getting ready Gett ing ready Getting ready Farm animals Farm animals Farm animal s Farm animals Farm animals Farm animals Adjectives Adjectives Adjectives Adjectives Memori es Memories Memories Memories Memories Memories Tidying up Tidying up Ti dying up Tidying up People People People People People People Ordinal numbers 路 Ordinal numbers Ordinal numbers Ord inal numbers

cha ir shoes thumb cat peg bin mop bus grass brush frog drum truck crayon fiower plum blan ket

18 cl 19 g l 20 sl 21 sm 22 sn 23 st 24 sk 25 a_e 26 a_e 27 a_e 28 a_e 29 i_e 30 i_e

31 i_e 32 i_e 33 i_e 34 o_e 35 o_e 36 o_e 37 o_e 38 o_e 39 u_e 40 u_e 41 u_e 42 u_e 43 ee 44 ee 45 ee 46 ee 47 ee 48 u 49 a 50 a_e 51 i 52 i_e 53 ng 54 ng 55 nk 56 nk

clo ud gloves slide smi le snow stai rs sky la ke gate fa ce pla ne bike kite nine w hite li ne nose rope

stone bone home June fiu te tu be cube tree green t hree cheese feet cub tap tape pip pipe ring king bank sink

• Poin t to a chi ld. He / She says t he first word in t he seq uence, i.e. table. • Point to another ch ild. He or she says the next word in the sequence, i.e. computer. • Continue w ith each ch ild saying the next word in the sequence, returning to the beg inning when necessary. Option: Remove one fiashcard. Th e class repeats th e sequence, incl ud ing t he missing word. Remove one more flashcard each ti me, until ch ildren are saying the whole sequence from memory.

Jump • Ask the children to stand at th eir desks. • Hold up a flashcard from the vocab ulary set and say a word. • If the wo rd is the same as t he flashca rd, they jump. If it isn't, they keep still. • Alternatively, ask chi ldren to put their hands up if the word you say and the flashca rd are the sa me.

Snap! • Write one of t he items from the vocabulary set on t he board, e.g. happy. Say the word aloud. • Put t he fiashcards in a pile and ho ld them up so tha t the ch ild ren can o nly see the fa cing card. Reveal the cards on e at a time by p utting the front card to the back. When children see th e picture fo r'ha ppy; they shou t Snapl • Re peat w ith th e rest of the words in t he set.

Musical cards • Play lively music, ideally the target unit's song. • Hand the un it fiashcards out to different children aro und the class. They pass the cards to chi ld ren next to t hem around the class w hile th e music is playing. • Stop t he music suddenly. Ask th e chi ldren who are holding fiashcards, What's this? (or anot her appropriate q uestion) to elicit the words. • Play the mus ic and continue in this way.

Warmers, games, and optional activities


The p urpose of warmers is to stimulate th e class at the beginn ing of a lesson and p repare t hem for learning. An interactive activity such as a song or game, especially one involving movement, is ofte n a very successful way of achieving alertness.

• Arrange children into g ro ups of at least six. Show a flashcard to th e first ch ild in each group. This ch ild w hispers th e word to th e chi ld next to him / her.

The lesson notes suggest wa rmers for each lesson. These are often songs or chants learned previously, along with th ei r corres pond ing actions. A second song or chan t can also be chosen for review.

• The fin al ch ild says the word aloud, and the first child holds up the fiashcard to see w hether the word and the fiashcard are th e sa me.

Children also enjoy Tota l Physical Response activi ties, especially wh en t here is a competitive element. These co uld include some of the activities bel ow. Many of th ese games can also be used as optional activities in th e lessons.

• Ch ildren contin ue w hispering th e word to th e child next to them until the word reaches the fi na l ch ild.

Where was it? • Laya number of fiashcards fa ce up on you r tabl e or on the boa rd. Give th e class five seconds to look at th e cards. • Now tu rn all t he flashcards over so that th ey are face down.

Flashcard games

• Ask, e.g. Where, 'snowing'lThe children try to reme m ber th e posi tio n of the 'snowing' flash card.

Word chain

• Give several children an opportunity to g uess. Ask th em to say the word before th ey point to t he ca rd.

• Place four or five flashcards on the board in a given seq uence, e.g. table, computer, peg, board.

Flashcards and games


What have I got?

Find your partner

• Use the fiashca rds to elicit the vocabulary for the game.

• Give phon ics sound cards to individual child ren around th e class. Give th e corres ponding phonics picture cards to different children .

• Hold up one fiashcard so tha t the class can only see t he back of it. • Ask What have Igot? for ch ildren to make guesses. • When the flashcard has been guessed correctly, put it on the board. • Hold up a second fiashcard and repeat the procedure. • Continue until all the flashca rd s are on the board. Variation: To ma ke the game more excit ing, limit chi ld ren

to t hree guesses. If they name the fiashcard within three guesses, the class win the ca rd. If they don't, the teacher wins the card. Put the fl ashcards t he class has won and the flashcards the teacher has won on opposite sides of t he board. At the end of the game add up the scores w ith the class.

What's missing? • Display the flashcards from the vocabulary set on t he board. Point to each one in turn for children to say the words. Give t he class a few seconds to look at them. • Ask children to turn around. Remove a flashca rd. • Display the flashcards again and ask What's missing' • When children have identified the missing fiashcard, shuffle them again and repeat th e procedu re. Option: To make the game harder, add a new fiashcard from a related lexical set each ti me.

Slow reveal • Put a fiashcard on the board and cover it w ith a piece of paper or card. • Very slowly move the paper to reveal the picture, bit by bit. • Ask Whots this? or another appropriate question, such as What does he IikelThe first child to guess co rrectl y comes to the front to choose th e next card. • Continue the game unti l you have practised all of the words from the vocabu lary set.

Order the letters • Show the class a fiashcard and elicit the word . Hide t he card. Write the jumbled -up letters of that word on the board, followed by the correct number of lines for the number of letters. • Call ch ildren to come to the board to write one letter at a time to complete the word.

• The ch ildren with the picture cards listen. If th e sound is in their word, they stand up, show t he card to the class, and say the word.

More games Do it! • You can play th is game w it h any voca bulary set. • Assign each child a word from the vocabulary set you are covering, e.g. blue, green, red, yellow, etc. • Give instructions, e.g. Yellows, jump! Blues, stamp your feet' Children who have that word assigned to t hem do the action . • Any chi ldren who do the action if it is not their word are out of the game.

Freeze • Ask the chi ldren to stand at their desks.

• Give a series of instructions, e.g. wave, run,jump. Children mime the actions. • When you say Freeze l , the chi ld re n must stop w hat th ey are doing and stand sti ll. The children who are slowest to stop are out of the game and have t o sit down. • Continue the game until there is one w inner left standing, or a group of winners if you prefer.

Simon says". • Ask the chi ld ren to stand at the ir desks. • Explain that you are going to give inst ructions. If the in struction begins w ith the words Simon says .. . ,children must do as you ask. If not, they should stand sti ll and wait for t he next instruct ion. Any chi ld who gets th is w rong is out of the game and has to sit down. • Give an instruction that is relevant to the unit's language, e.g. Simon says ... point to your nose; Simon says .. point to

something red; Simon says ... eat an apple. • Intermittently insert an instruction which is not preceded by Simon says .. . to see which chi ld ren are rea ll y paying attention.

• Continue the game unti l there is one winner left standing, or a group of winners if yo u prefer.

Phonics card games

Mime the word

Point to the correct card

• Ask the children to stand at their desks.

• Display some phonics cards on th e board or around the class room, one of which conta in s the target sound. Say the target sound, e.g. Ifrl. The chi ldren point to the card that contains the sound. Elicit t he words from the class.

• Say a word or sentence, e.g . lgo swimming. The child ren repeat and perform a simple action, i.e. chi ldren say Igo swimming and mime swimming for a few seconds.

Phonics matching • Display the phonics sound cards on th e boa rd or around the classroom. Place the phonics picture cards on your t able. Call ch ild ren to come to the front of the class to match th e cards to the correct sou nds o n the board.


• Ask the children with the sound cards to stand up one at a time and say t he sounds o n their cards.

Flashcards and games

Note: This activity is particularly suitable for animal words, job words, act iviti es, and action words (e.g. jump, write, etc.) or any vocabula ry set in which mime is possible.

Smiley face • This game can be played as a whole-class activity, or in teams or pairs. • Think of a word and draw a short line fo r each letter on the board, one next to the other • Ask the children to guess the letters that are in the secret word, one by one. • If a child guesses a letter correctly, write the letter on the correct line. • If a child guesses incorrectly, write the letter on the board with a cross through it, and draw a large ci rcle to represent a face. With each letter that is guessed incorrectly, add another feature to the face (two eyes, a nose, a smile, two ears, a neck, and hair). • The game continues unti l either the word or the face is complete. If the word is completed, the class have won; if the face is completed, the teacher has won.

What's the pictu re? • Invite a child to come to the front of the class and whisper the name of an object he / she has to draw. • The ch ild draws the picture on the board for the rest of the class to guess what it is. • The first child to guess the object correctly comes to the front of the class to draw the next picture. • Repeat unti l all of the target vocabulary has been used.

A long sentence • Say a sentence that ends with a word from the vocabulary set that you want to practise, e.g. In this room there~ a table. • Choose a child to continue the sentence, adding a new word to the end, e.g. In this room there's a table and pegs. Th is child then chooses another child, who says the sentence, adding another word to the end of it. • Continue the game until you have practised all the words fro m the vocabulary set, or until someone fo rget s the words in the chain.

Bingo • Ask the chil dren to draw a grid, three by th ree (or three by two) squares. In each of the squares, they write a different word from the vocabulary set they are studying. • Call out words from the vocabulary set in any order Keep a record of th e words as you say them, so that you don't say the same word twice. The children cross off the words in their grids as they hear them. The first child to complete a line of three shouts Bingol

Forwards and backwards • Make sure the children are in rows so that they can count around the cl ass. • Ask the children to start counting, with each child saying the next number • Before they get to ten, say ChangelThe children then have to start counti ng backwards from whatever number they reached. • Say Change l again and the children start counting forwards agai n.

Flashcards and games


Lesson One W:gl~


repeatthe na mes after yo u., £>:'0'2'0 ,haIIhey will see these characters t he w hole "'-ay "'rougn the cou rse.


Di gita l classroom· St arte r· Song/Story

• Explain that they are going to iSlE to a W elcom e back' song an d then sing it. Play the recording once for chi ld re n to listen and follow t he song in their books. O

fLessqn objectives To recall the main characters from Family and Friends 7

To understand a short story

• Focus attention on the words. Read each line fo r children to repeat after you. • Play the recording again for child ren to sing alon g.

Langua.ge ,,






Recycled: vocabula ry and structures from Family and

Friends 7 Extra: welcome back, learning, end (v) Materials

" u"

2 Sing and do. • Ask child ren to thi nk of sorne actions for the son g (see suggestions below). • Play the song aga in for ch il dren to sing and do t heir actions.


_"W'W"!1"W" ",""",,*I"'''1:!1

CD ~ 01 - 02; Starter story poster

• Repeat (more than once if you wis h). Song actions

Warm er • As children come into the class, smile and say Hello. Encourage ch ildren to say Hello back to yo u. Say It's a new

year Welcome back l • Beg in the clas s with some common g reeting s. Ask and answer t he questions How are you? and Whats your name' w ith individual ch ildren. Children t hen ask and answer the questions in pairs or smal l g ro ups. (They w ill revise greeti ngs further in Lesson 3.) • If t he class did Family and Friends 7, ta lk about t he stolY and characters w it h them . Ask Who is in the story'Write the names child ren can remember on the boa rd . Ask t hem t o t ell you what they can about the d iffere nt characters. Lead -i n • Te ll chi ldren that they are going to begi n the lesson with a song. If t he class did Family and Friends 7, talk aboutthe songs w ith the class. Ask Can you remember any of the

songs from Family and Friends 7' • Enco urage children to tell you (or sing) any lines they can remember from the so ngs. If they remember one of the songs we ll, sing it wi th t he class. If they wa ntto sing but they can't remember any of the songs, wr ite up the words to Sing a rainbow and sing (or chant) it w ith t he class:

Red and yellow, And pink and green, Purple and orange, And blue. I con sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow too.

1 Li sten and sing. ~ 01 • Ask ch ildren to open their Class Books and look at the t hree chi ldren at the top of the page. Poin t to each on e in t urn for children to tell you the ir names. (If it is the first tim e the cl ass have seen these characters, point to t hem in t urn and say the ir names - Rosy, Billy, and Tim. Chi ldren


Starter Unit

Welcome back to all our friends - wave Fun and learning never end! - punch the air Welcome back, it's a happy day - wave and smile A day for learning - mime opening a book A day for play! - jump in the air 3 Liste n and re ad. ~ 02 • Use the Start er story poster to present the story. Point to t he different characte rs for ch ildren to say th e names. Ask th em w hat words they know in the pictures. • Ask Whats happening in the story' Point to each frame in turn fo r the class to talk about them. Encou rage predictions from different members of the class. • Ask ch ildren to look at the poster wh ile you play the recording fo r them to listen . Point t o the differen t speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask the following questions t o chec k compre hension : What is Rosys video about' Whots on Billys bed? Is Billy In his

bedroom? • Play t he recording again for child ren to list en and read the story in th eir Class Books. Optional activity • Describe a cha racter fro m the story for children to guess who it is, e.g. He's two. He's got curly hair. • As k differe nt ch ildren to describe another charact er fo r th e class to g uess.

Optional activity • Ass ig n a character's name t o each member of th e class, so that the re are several Rosies, Tims, and Billies. • Play the record ing again. When child ren hear their 'narnes: they sta nd up and wave.


Further practice Workbook page 4 ~ Student MultiROM • Starter Unit· Song 1

Lesson Two oXford iTools O

2 Circle T (true) or F (false).



D'Iglta . I cIassroom· Starter· Word 5

Lesso,! objectives"



'UN ry

To revise family words To identify people from thei r descriptions To describe people's appearance To act o ut a story

• Read thro ugh t he rest of the sentences w it h the class to chec k understandi ng, but tell children not to say the answers out loud. o

Child ren work in pairs. Allow time for them to read the sentences again and decide whether th ey are true or false.


Go t hrough the answers with the class.

Lan ua e Recycled : family words, appearance words Extra:

Ask chi ld ren to look at the sentences in the book. Ask Has Rosy got brown hair? to establish thatthe fi rst sentence is tru e. Explain t hat the letter T means the sentence is true, and the letter F means it is false. Show chi ldren the ci rcle around the letter Tindicating that the sent ence is true.


1T 2 F 3 F 4T 5 F 6F Materials CD ~ 01 - 03; Starter story ; oster

3 Listen and number. ~ 03 o

Warm er ~0 1 o

Sing the 'Welcome' song from page 4 and do the actions to ene rgize the class.

Lead- in o


Ask chi ld ren if they can remember what happened in the story in the previous lesson . Hold up the Starter story poster to encourage ideas.

has got green eyes' Who has got brown hair? Who is two? Who is Rosy's cousin' Who is 8illy5 sister'


Ask children to turn t o t he story on pa ge 4 of th eir Class Books.


Play th e reco rding, pa using after each line of text for children to repea t


Divide the class into g roups o f three to play the parts of Rosy, Ti m, and Billy


Ask ch ildren to look at the different act ions t hat the people do in the story. As a class, decide on actions for t he story (see suggestion s below). Pl ay the reco rd ing a second t ime for ch ildren to mime the actions as t hey li sten.


Children p racti se acting o ut the st ory in the ir g roups. You may like the class to use some creative 'props: e.g. a pencil case for a video came ra, a piece o f paper for a photograph, and a chair for a bed.

• Monitor the acti vity, checking for correct pronunciation. o

• Ask ind ividual ch ild ren to read th e words in th e word pool. Play the recording the whole way th roug h for chi ld ren to listen and point to people as t hey hear th em men tioned . o

Ask some of the groups to come t o the front of the class to act ou t th e story.

Play the recording again, stopping after th e first item for ch ild ren to point to Rosy's mum. Show them the example

answer ! in their books.

Ask questions about the people in the story, e.g. Who

1 Listen to the story again and rep eat. Act. ~ 02

Tell chi ldren you are going to p laya recording of someone describing the people in Rosy's family Explai n t hat they don't have to understand every wo rd they hear, but they shou ld li sten o ut fo r words they do know


Play the recording th ro ugh t o the end, pa using after each item fo r ch ildren to write th e numbers.


Play the reco rd ing once more for childre n t o chec k t heir answers. Go t hro ugh the answers w ith the class.

Transcript 1 This is Rosy's mum. She's got curly hai r. It's brown. 2 This is Rosy's dad. He's got short, bl ack hai r. 3 This is Rosy's brother. His name's Billy. He's got short, cu rly hair and brow n eyes. 4 This is Rosy. She's Billy's sister. She's got brown hair. It's straight. 5 This is Rosy's grandma . She's got wh ite hair. 6 This is Rosy's grandpa. He's got short, white hair. 7 This is Rosy's aunt. She's got brown hair and green eyes. 8 This is Rosy's uncle. He's got black hair and brown eyes. 9 And th is is Rosy and Billy's cousin. His name's Ti m. He's got short, brown hai r and green eyes.

(clockw ise from left) 2, 1, 6,5,7,8,9,3,4

4 Point and say.

Picture 1: Rosy waves to her video camera .

• Ask t wo chi ld ren to stand up a'nd read th e sentences in th e speech bubbles to t he class. The second child finishes th e second sentence wi th his / her own words. Ask the class to repea t each sentence in chorus .

Picture 2: Rosy holds up th e camera to film Tim. Tim w ave s.


Children wo rk in pa irs. They ta ke t urns to point t o the people in Rosy's fa m ily and describe t hem.

Picture 4: Rosy and Tim w alk into Billy's bedroom, filming.


Picture 5: Tim bend s dow n to look under the bed. Rosy looks around for Bill y, while Billy 'hid es' on t he bed.

Mon itor th e activity, helping wi t h pronu nciation and modelling words whe re necessary.


Go t hrough t he activity with the class . Ask individua l children to te ll you about d ifferen t m embers of the family

St ory actions

Picture 3: Rosy holds the video low to film Billy 's phot ograph.

Picture 6: Bill y jumps up with a big smile. Rosy and Tim are happy and surprised.


Further practice

Workbook page 5 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 108 Starter Unit


Lesson Three Oxford iTools O L,e~sOl~

3 Listen and sing. ~ 04


• Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What can you see' Elicit the actions the children are doing (jumping, waving).

D'Iglta . I cI S S ass room • tarter · entences/Song


" . 7

To greet people and ask questions about them To introduce someone to a friend To say the days of the week



Recycled: days of the week Extra: bump, down, week


Warmer • Play Do it! (see Teacher's Book page 20) with the class to revise fami ly words.

• Play the recordi ng once for children to listen . • Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat after you. • Play the recording again for children to sing along. • Repeat (more than once if you wish).

4 Sing and do. • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures and decide together on what the actions should be (see below for suggestions). • Play the recording for children to listen, sing, and do their actions.

Song actions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jump! - jump in the air Thursday, Friday, down with a bump! - sit down on chairs Saturday, Sunday, let's say 'Hi!' - wave hello

Lead-in • Ask children what they can remember about Rosy's family. Ask Who is Billy I Tim? to elicit He's Rosy's brother I cousin. Ask How old is Billy?

1 Ask and answer. • Ask one of the stronger children to come to the front of the class. Read the dialogue on the page together while the class listens. • Say the dialogue again, pausing after each line for the class to repeat. Encourage children to make the words Row together, avoiding any unnecessary pauses. • Ask children to work in pa irs and say the dialog ue with their partner. Mon itor the activity, mode lling words and phrases where necessary. • If you wish, ask some of the pairs to say their dialogues aloud for the class.

Optional activity • Ask the first question to the person sitting next to you. He I She repli es and asks th e fo llowing question to the person sitting next to hi m I her. Continue in this way around the class.

Optional activity • Tell children that they are going to make their own version of the song. Write the words to the song on the board with the actions missing. • Invite different children to suggest new actions, e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, clap! Thursday, Friday, Touch your head .. • Fill in the gaps on the board. Sing the new song and perform the new actions with the class.

Culture note: Days of the week In Britain, Monday to Friday are days of business, with a large proportion of the workforce working from around nine o'clock until five o'clock, usually with an hour's break for lunch. Apart from in major cities, shops usually stay open only until around six o'clock in the evening. The biggest shopping day is Saturday, but in 1994, after many years of debate, it became lega l for large shops to open for. limited hours on Sundays too.

• Ask a child to stand up and read the sentences in the first speech bubble to the class, pa using after each sentence so that the class can repeat what they hear.

On Saturdays many children attend clubs or classes of different kinds, such as music or sports, and a large number of adults also use Saturday as a day for outdoor activities. Tr.aditionally, a large percentage of the population would attend church on Sundays, and it is still considered a day for relaxati on. Many people meet up with their extended fami ly and have a special meal together on Sundays.

• Divide the class into groups of three. If the class doesn't divide exactly, include some groups of four. Children take turns to'introduce' their friends to each other.

Sunday and Monday are named after. the days of the sun and the moon respectively; Tuesday to Saturday are named after various Norse and Roman gods.

2 Look and say. Introduce a friend . • Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask Whae can you see? Elicit or explain that the children in the pictures are introducing a friend to someone else.

• Monitor th e activity. Help with pron unciation and mod el words and phrases where necessary • If you wish, ask some of the children to stand up and introduce a friend to the class.


Days of the week, let's say 'Goodbye!' - turn around and wave

Starter Unit


Further practice Workbook page 6

I$J Student MultiROM • Starter Unit· Song 2

Lesson Four f¥:~I~


2 Listen and point. Ask and answer. ~ 05


• Ask children to look at the exercise and tell you what they can see (cars) . Tell them they are going to hear a recording of someone sayi ng different numbers. They mu st listen and point to the cars that have the num bers they hear.

Digital classroom· Starter· Sentences/Words

Lesson objectives To ask and answer questions about toys To ask and answer questions about colours To write numbers 10-20 in digit form ,Language Recycled: toys, colours, numbers 10-20


Extra: white

Materials CD~04-05

Warmer ~04 • Sing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jump r from page 6 to energize the class and revise the days of the week. Lead-in • Write the numbers 1-20 on the board in a random order, with plenty of space between each number. Point to the numbers for children to say the words in chorus. Leave the numbers on the board as you will return to them later in the lesson. • Ask questions to practise using nurnbers, e.g. How many tables are there in the room? How many pencils have you got on your desk? How many books have you got in your bag'

• Play the recording for children to listen and point. Repeat. • Ask children to read the colour words in the word pool aloud. Then read them again, pausing after each word forth em to pOintto a car that is that colour and say the number. • Ask children to look at the speech bubbles. Choose a ch ild to read the dialogue with you. He / She must finish the answer by looking at the picture to see what colour car 18 is. • Ask the class to repeat the question and answer in chorus. • Practise further examples with the class. Ask What colour is number 14/12/19' • Ask children to work in pai rs. They take turn s to ask and answer questions about the colour of the cars. • Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words or phrases where necessary.

Transcript ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty 3 Write the numbers.

1 Look. Ask and answer. • Ask children to look at the picture and name the different toys they can see (without counting them). Ask Which toys does the girl like? Which toys does the boy like?

• Ask children to look at the words for numbers in their books. Read through the list together. • Focus attention on the example. Ask children to write the number 10 in the air with their fingers. Call out other numbers from th e list for children to write in the air. • Ask children to look at the rest of the numbers. Allow time for them to write the dig it fo rm next to each word.

• Read the words for toys in the word pool, pausing after each one for children to point to each toy in the picture.

• Go through the answers. Read out the numbers for children to write the digits in the air once more.

• Choose a child to read the example dialogue with you while the class listens. Pause between the question and answer for the class to repeat. Encourage children to make the words flow together, avoidi ng any unnecessary pauses.

ten 10, thirteen 13, seventeen 17 twenty 20, fifteen 15, fourteen 14 eleven 11 , twelve 12, sixteen 16 eighteen 18, nineteen 19

• Practise fu rther examples with the class, e.g. How many dolls / teddies/ bikes are there' • Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to ask and answer questions about how many of each toy there are. • Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases where necessary.


You may need to remind the cl ass that when they talk about more than one of something they need to add an s to the end of the word. Model bike and bikes for children to repeat before they begin doing the exercise.

Optional activity • Talk about toys with the class. Ask What's your favourite toy? What colour is it' What other toys do you like?

Optional activity • If you did the lead-in activity, ask children to look at the list of numbers on the board. • Invite individual children to come to the front of the class and write the words next to each number. • When the words are all on the boa rd, rub out the digits and ask individ ual ch ildren to come and write them next to the words.

Further practice Workbook page 7 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 109 Welcome back! test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 6 ~ Student MultiROM - Starter Unit - Words, Grammar ~ Student MultiROM • Starter Unit -listen at home- Track 1 (Words and phrases), Track 2 (Song), Track 3 (Song)

Starter Unit


Lesson One Pf:~l~



Digital classroom· Un it 1 • Word s/Story

Words Lessor objectives To identify com mon school things To understand a short story


Language Core: classroom , table, computer, peg, pencil case, board Extra: whiteboard, wow

Materials CD ~ 01,06-08; Story posters Starter and 1; School things flashca rds 1-6

Warmer ($l 01 • Energize the class by singing the Welcome' song from page 4. • Ask child ren to tell you wha t they can remember about th e story from the Starter Unit • Use the Starter story poster to retell the story with the class. Ask Whos in Rosys video I Wheres Billyl

Lead-in • Use flashcards 1- 6 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a time and ask Whats this? Model any words that children don't know. Ask children to point to rea l objects in the classroom if possible. • Hold th e flashcards up in a different order and repeat

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 06 • Ask children to look at the pictures of the different school things. • Play the first pa rt of the recording for child ren to listen and point to the pictures. • Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat • Play th e recording all th e way through fo r ch ildren to listen and point and th en repeat the words. • Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words.

Transcript Listen and point. cla ssroom, table, computer, peg, pencil case, board computer, board, table, peg, classroom, pencil case Listen and repea t. classroom, table, com puter, peg, pencil case, board Optional activity • Put the flashcards in different places around the room. Play the recordi ng. Children point to the flashcards as they hear the words, then repeat the words.


Unit 1

2 Listen and chant. ~ 07 • Play the recording and teach th e chant. • Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the words in the gaps in the chant. • Repeat (more than once if necessary). • Ch ildren say the chant as a class, without the recording. Transcript

classroom, classroom, classroom table, table, tabl e computer, computer, computer peg,peg,peg pencil case, pencil case, pencil case board, board, board

3 Listen and read, ~ 08 • Use Story poster 1 to present th e story. Point to each frame in tu rn for the class to talk about them. Encourage predictions about the story from different mem bers of the class. • Ask children to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the recordi ng for th em to listen and point to th e diffe rent speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Whats in the new classroom I Do the children like their new things? Has Rosy got a new teddy I • Ask ch ildren to look at the story again. They find and point to words from Exercise 1.

Optional activity • Playa memory game with th e class. Ask children to close thei r Class Books and then ask them to recall the things in Rosy and Tim's new classroom. • Write the words on the board as children name them. • Allow children to look at the story in their Class Books again to see if they remembered everything.


Further practice

Workbook page 8

Lesson Two Ptotgl~



Digital classroom · Unit 1 • Grammar

Grammar I Lesson objectives To say and write sentences with This is, That is, These are, and Thoseare To act out a story [ Language Core: This I Tharis the new computer These I Those are new

tables. l Materials CD ~ 08; Story poster 1; School things fiashcards 1-6 Warmer • Playa game of Word chain (see Teacher's Book page 19) using fiashcards 1-6, to energize the class and revise the vocabulary from the previous lesson. Lead-in • Ask children if they can remember wh at happened in the story in the previous lesson . Show Story poster 1 to encourage ideas. • Cover the poster and ask child ren which school th ings appeared in the story. 1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act. ~ 08 • Ask children to turn to the story on page 8 of their Class Books. They check how many of the school things they remembered in the lead·in activity. • Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for children to repeat. • Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for t he story (see suggestions below). • Divide the class into groups of three to play the pa rts of Rosy, Tim, and Miss Jones. • Play the recording a second time for children to mime th e actions as they listen. • If you wish, ask children to practise acting out the story in their groups. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation. • Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story. Story actions Picture 1: Rosy and Tim walk into the classroom. Miss Jones points to the tables and chairs. Picture 2: Miss Jones points to pegs. Tim hangs up his coat. Picture 3: Miss Jones points to the new board and computer. Picture 4: The chi ldren clap and put their hands in the air to show th at th ey like the classroom. Picture 5: Miss Jones picks up Rosy's pencil case. Rosy shakes her head, Picture 6: Rosy unzips her pencil case.

2 Look and say. • Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let's learn! box. Ask What can you see' • Read the sentences, pausing after each one for children to point to the picture and repeat. • Write the sentences on the board. Read the sentences again, if possible pointing to real items in your classroom to reinforce meaning. Indicate some tables that are close to you to demonstrate the meaning of these, and some further away to demonstrate those, then do the same with this and that. Children repeat again. • Rub out the school words in each sentence and replace them with fiashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g. This is the new classroom. That is a new pencil case. These are new pegs. Those are new computers. Children repeat the new sentences. • Invite different child ren to come and change the school words to make new sentences. Optional activity • Ask children to look at the story on page 8 again and find examples of the structures from Exercise 2. 3 Write. • Ask the class to look at th e pictures and identify the school thi ngs in each one. • Focus attention on the fi rst sentence and ask wh ich word is missing. Elicit the fu ll sentence and write it on the board. • Ask children to look atthe rest of the sentences and write the missing words. Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go through the answers with the class. Point to the pictures for children to say the sentences in chorus. 1 2 3 4

Those are bags. This is a rul er. These are pencils. That is a computer.

4 Point and say. • Ask a child to read the words in the word pool fo r the class. • Focus attention on the compl ete sentence in the speech bubble. Ask a different child to read it for the class. • Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to make sentences using the structures in the speech bubbles and the words in the word pool. Encourage them to point to those objects in the classroom as they say their sentences. • Go through the activity. Ask children to say sentences about different things in their classroom, pointing to them. Optional activity • Point to objects around the room or on your table and ask different children to make sentences about them sim ilar to those from Exercises 3 and 4.

Further practice


Workbook page 9 Grammarreterence, (lass Book page 108 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 1 • Grammar

Unit 1


Lesson Three Pt:~l~



Optional activity • Give fiashcards 1- 2, 4,and ~ 10 to different children.

Digita l classroom· Unit 1 • Wo rds/Song

• Play the recording, Wile'] a child hears their word mentioned, they hold their card in th e air.


• Give the cards to different children and repeat

[Lesson obTectives ' _ n _ s " : To identify more school things

3 Sing and do.

To use classroom words in the context of a song

• Ask children to look at the pictures and decide toget her on w hatthe actions forthe song shou ld be (see t he suggestions below ).

J anguage


XU i

poster, picture, drawers, cupboard Extra: what, have a look, work (n) Recycled: school things words

• Play the recording for children to listen and do the ir actions.








u, ,,'" _ _ 'w' " . _ ,

Song actions


CD ~ 09· 10; School things fiashcards 1· 2,4,6- 10; PMB page 36 (Cut and make 1) page and materials (see Teacher's Book page 124)

What's in the classroom? - ra ise ha nds as if asking a question Verse 1 - point to posters and pictures on the wa ll and mime opening a book Verse 2 - mime opening a drawer, then a cupboard Verse 3 - point to door and a w indow, then a tab le and chair


Verse 4 - point to pegs and mime hanging up a coat

• Playa game of What's the picture' (see Teacher's Book page 21) to energize the class and practi se the vocabu lary t ha t child ren have learnt so fa r in the unit

Lead-in • Use flashcards 7- 10 to introduce the new vocabula ry. Hold up the cards one at a time and say the wo rds for children t o re peat Point to real items in th e classroom if possible, • Hold up t he cards or point to th e it ems in a different order for children to repeat aga in,

• See instructions on carrying out PMB Cut and make activity 1 on Teacher's Book page 124, • Divide the class into groups. Give each child a copy of t he PMB page and each group some colouring pencils, a g lue stick, and some scissors, Children make t he clas sroom scenes in their groups. • Chi ldren sing the song again usi ng the classroom


1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 09

Optional activity

• Ask children to look at the pict ures in t hei r Class Books. Play the first part of the recording for children t o point to th e pictures and say the wo rds.

• Play A long sentence (see Teacher's Book page 21) to revise all the class roo m object s children know.

• Play the second part of th e recording fo r children to repeat the words. • Play the recording all the way th ro ug h fo r child ren to listen and t hen repeat • Hold up fiashcards 7- 10 one at a ti me for individua l children to say the words.

Transcript Li sten and point. post er, picture, drawers, cup board drawers, poster, cupboa rd, picture Listen and repeat poster, pictu re, drawers, cu pboard

2 Listen and sing.

~ 10

• Ask children to look at the pict ures. Point to t he di fferent t hings and ask Whats this' As k children to p redict what t he song is abou t (a classroom). • Play the song the whole way through once for ch ildren to listen. Then play it again as they fo ll ow t he words in the ir books. • Read each line of the song aloud for chi ldren to repeat after you. • Play t he recording for ch ildren to sing along.


Optional activity


• As k a child What's in the classroom 'The child replies, e.g. A computer. Choose another child and repeat th e questi on, He I She should repeat the first answer and add another object, e.g. A computer and a board. • Continue until all the objects have been named or someone forgets the words in the chain,

Further practice Workbook page 10 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 109 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 2 Cut and make 1, PMB page 36 ~ Student MultiROM , Unit 1 • Words, Song

Lesson Four W~~\~


• Play the second part of the recording for children t o repeat t he sounds.


Digital classroom· Unit 1 • Phonics


• Play the reco rd ing al l the way th rough for children to point and the n repeat.



Listen and point. ~~M~~ffl~MN~MN~~~~~~

To identify upper- and lower-case forms of letters

IfI lsi Itl I AI Ivl Iw l Iksl Ij l Izl

To identify sounds the letters make at the beg inning of

Listen and repeat.


l rel /bl Ikl Idl lei If I Igl Ihl III 1d;,1 Ikl III Iml Inl 101Ipl Ikwl IfI lsi Itl IAI Ivl Iwl Iksl Ij l Izl

Recycled: letters of the alphabet; words from phon ics lessons in Family and Friends I Extra: gam e, touch, knee, feet

'Materl"' al"s- - - - - - - - -.......E






CD ~ 11-13; School things fi ashcards 1-10

Warmer • Ask children if they can remember the alphabet. Recite it as a class. If you like, si ng the alphabet song from Family and Friends I to revise the whole alphabet. • As children say the letters, write them, in cap itals, on the board. • Invite different ch ildren to come to th e boa rd and write the lower-case forms next to each letter • Point t o each letter in turn and ask the class what sound it makes at the beginning of a word .



• Ask children t o look at pict ures and tell you wha t they can see. • Focus attention on the first p icture. As k What is it' (a pen). Then ask Whats the sound? to elici t Ip/. Show them the example circle around the letter p. • Play th e recording for children to liste n to the words and circle the correct sounds. • Play t he recording a secon d time fo r children to complete or check their answers. • Go through t he answers w ith the class.

Tra nscript 1 Ipl pen 2 II! lion 3 Idl dog 5 1",1 apple 6 lsi sofa

l p21

3 d

4 g

S a

4 Igl goat

6 s

Optional activity

Lead-i n • Ask chi ldren to look at the pictures. Poin t to each one and ask child ren what the girl or boy is doing. • Elici t or t each the new words knee, feet, and head. Children p ractise pointing to th eir knees, feet, and heads as you say the words. • Practise t he actions with t he class. Say Touch your head /

feet / knee. Close your eyes. Count to ten.

1 Listen and chant,

3 Listen and circle the correct sound.


• Put School things fiashcards I - lO on the board. Point to the flash cards one at a time for child ren to say the sound that the word begins with in chorus. • Repeat, asking ind ividual ch ildren to say the sounds.

Further practice


Workbook page 11 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 1 • Phonics


• Play t he recording for children to listen and follow the ch an t in their books. • Read the chant line by line for ch ildren to repeat each line

in t urn . • Play th e recording for chi ldren t o join in . • Play t he recording once more. This time ch ildren do the actions as they chant. Repeat.

Optional activity • Playa game of Simon soys ... (see Teacher's Book page 20) using the commands f rom the chant.

2 Listen, point and repeat.



• As k children to look at the letters in t hei r books. Te ll them that t hey are going to hear a recording of the sounds t hat the letters make at the beginni ng of words. • Play the first part of the record ing for children t o listen and point to the lette rs.



Lesson Five !¥~~{~


Opt io nal activity


• Ask children to read the text agai n and find as many classroom words from this unit as they can (classroom, pictures, posters, tablesl, Writ e th e w ords on th e board.

Dig ital classroom· Un it 1 • Read ing

Skills Time!

• Ask them t o tell you (without looking in the ir books) one thi ng about each object, e.g. Peters classroom is

Skil s d~velopment


Reading: read a text describing pict ures; read for specific w ords

3 Read again. Circle t he correct word.

:LanguagE\, __ • ,.

iiiO 'JlTTIE!!F W'if



w itiWl

Recycled : vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: bright, wall, sit, with, swimming pool

Materials ~ ~-""-'--~~;"" ek,



• Write the first question on the board wi th the two possible answers. Ask a chi ld to read it aloud to t he class. As k Is it ups tarrs or downstairs'


CD~lO, 14

Warme r

• Explain to child ren that t hey are going to do an exercise whe re th ey choose the rig ht answ er o ut of two opti ons.


• Energize the class by singing Whats in the classroom' from page 10. • Ask different children to tell you something abou t t heir class room. Encourage as ma ny commen t s as possible, e.g. There are posters. Theres a computer. There are lots of books.

• Ask child ren to find th e part of the t ext tha t gives them the answer (upstairs) . Draw a circle around upstairs o n the board. Show children t he example answ er and t he circle in their books. • Read th ro ugh the rest of the questions w ith the class and check understand ing. • Allow time for children to re-read the text and find t he answer to each question. • Go thro ug h the answers with the cl ass.

Lead-in • Poin t to t he pictu re of t he boy at the top of the text and explain that his name is Peter. • Ask ch ildre n to look at t he pictures. As k what they th ink the t ext is about (Peter is describing his schoo0 . • Encourage childre n to make predictions about Peter's school, e.g. There are pictures In the classroom There are

upsta irs 2 3C 6 Yes, there is.

• Ask children to look at the p ict ures again. They point to the differen t classroom objects and say t he words.

4 Mrs Cooper

5 pict ures

Optional activity • Tell ch ildren that you are going to read some

statements about t he story. Some are tru e and some are false. Children must listen and write Tor F in their notebooks for each statement.

boys and girls in the class.

1 Point to t hings you can see in a school. Say the words.

3 14

• Read the sentences below: Peters classroom is small. (F) His teacher is a man. (F)

There are lots of pictures and posters on the wall. (T) Peter sits next to the teacher. (F)

• If you Wish, ask ch ildren to work in pairs, t aking tu rns to point to the cl assroom objects and say the words.

Culture note: British classrooms classroom, tab les, chairs, board, pictu res, posters, drawers, w indows, book, pupils

2 Liste n and read. ~ 14 • Tell ch ildren that t hey are going to hear a recording. Explain tha t it doesn't maTIer if t hey don't understand every word , but they sho uld look for words t hey do know. • Play the recordi ng for chi ldren to listen and fo ll ow silently in th ei r books. • Play the reco rd ing a second time. Answe r any questions they have. • As k questi ons to check comprehe nsi on, e.g. What school does Peter go to? Whats in the classroom ' What else is in the


Many classrooms in British schools have a whiteboard, which the t eacher w rites on w ith board markers. Most class rooms also have an in t eractive whi t eboard, whe re exercises are created and manipula t ed using a computer. At primary school, chi ldren usually stay in the same cl assroom with the same tea cher for all of their lessons. They each have a drawer t o keep t heir work in and there is usually a row of pegs in t he class room for them to hang their bags and coat s on . At secondary school, children go to a different classroom w ith a di fferent teacher for each subject. They usua ll y have a locker to pu t their books in at th e beginning of the day; they ca n then take out the books t hey need before each lesson and take them t o the classroom.


Further practice

Workbook page 12


Unit 1

Lesson Six Oxford iTools



D'Iglta . I cIassroom · Unit . 1 • W"ntlng

(cl ockwise from left) 5, 4,6, 2, 1, 3

2 Point, ask and answer.

Skills Time! Skills developme nt Listening: identify people and objects from their descriptions Speaking: ask and answer questions about a picture Writing: identify and write capital letters at the start of sentences and names; write about your classroom (Workbook)

Lang uage

• Ask ch ildren to look the pictu re again. Ask How many children / chairs / whiteboards are there? • Ask different children to read the words in the word pool. • Invite a child to come to the front of the class. Read the questions and answers in the speech bubbles together for the class to repeat in chorus. Encourage children to make their words now together, avoiding unnecessary pauses. • Ask children to work in pairs. They practise asking and answering questions using the words in the word pool. • Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary. • Ask some pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.

Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

Optiona l activity Materials


CD ~ 10, 15; School thi ngs flashcards 1-1 0

• Children use the words in the word pool to ask and answer question s about their own classrooms.

• Play Musical cards (see Teacher's Book page 19) using the song from page 10 and School things nashcards 1-10.

3 Underlin e the ca pital lette rs at the start of the sentences. Circle the capital letters at the start of the names.

Lead· in

• Ask children to close their books. Copy the example sentences from the Class Book onto the board.

Warme r ~ 10

• Ask children w hat they can remember about Peter's school from the previous lesson. Ask Wheres Peters classroom? Whats In Peter's schoollEncourage children to describe Peter's school in as much detail as they can. • Allow children to check the pictures and text on page 12 to see how accurate their descriptions were.

• Ask children to look at the picture in Exercise 1 on page 13 and tell you wha t they can about it.

1 Liste n and number. ~ 15 • Tell children tha t they are going to hear a recording of a girl describing the people and things in her classroom. Explain that they don't have to understand every word, but they should concentrate on the words they do know and see if they can guess the meanings of other words. • Play the recordi ng for children to listen and point to the people and things as they hear them mentioned. • Play the reco rding a second time, stopping after item 1. Ask children to tell you which person is described (the blond girn and point out the example answer in the box. Explain that they must number the pictures in the order they hear them described. • Continue the recording, stopping after each item for children to number th e people and th ings. • Play the recording the whole way th rough fo r child ren to complete or check their answers. • Go through the answers with the class.

Transcript Hello. My name is Sally. I go to Parkside School. 1 Can you see me? I've got long hai r. It's blond. 2 Our teacher is Mrs Smith. She's got curly hair. 3 My friend is Will. He's got short, black hair. 4 We've got a big whiteboard in our classroom. S There are two windows in the classroom. 6 There is one door. On the door is a poster. It says Welcome to Primary 2.

• Call a child to com e to the front of the clas s. Ask him / her to look at the first sentence and underline the capital letter at the start of both the sentences. • Call another child to come and circle the capital letter at the start of the name (Mrs (ooper) in the second sentence (make sure that both M and (are circled as there are two parts to the name). • Write some of your own sentences on the board, e.g. This is my classroom. Hello, Aisha. That is Mr Browns book. Invite ind ividual chil dren to come and underline the capital letters at the beginning of the sentences and circle the capital letters at the beginning of the names. • Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow time for them to underline and circle the capital letters in the same way. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary • Go through the answers w ith th e class. 1 My name'seeter. 2 Ihis is my school. 3 Ihank you, (~:;ss (lo nes.

4 Ihis isiRosy's pencil case. S I hose are your pegs. 6 I his is@m.

Optional activity • Ask children to copy three sentences from th e text on page 12. They underline the capital letters at the start of sentences and circle them at the start of names.


Now go to Workbook page 13 for children to practise writing about their classroom.

Further practice Workbook page 13 Values worksheet, PMB page 3 Unit 1 test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 7 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 1 • listen at home· • Track 4 (Words and phrases), Track S (Song), Track 6 (Phonics)

Unit 1


Lesson One W:g~



Optional activity

Digital classroom· Unit 2 . Words/Story

Words , Lesson'o 'jectiveS:



To learn words for feelings and emotions

• Ask children to look at the actions and facia l expressions of the ch ildren in the pictures. Ca ll out different emotions for children to copy the actions and expressions, e.g. for sad children rub their eyes and p retend to cry.

2 Listen and chant. ~ 17

To understand a short story

• Play the recording and teach the cha nt.

Lan ua

e ----

• Play the reco rdi ng a second time for ch ild ren to repeat the words in the gaps in the chant.

Core: hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, happy, sad

• Repeat (more than once if necessary).

Extra: babies, twins, cry Iv)

• Children say th e chant as a class, without the recording.

M<;!teria Is

, "


CD ~ 10, 16-18; Story posters 1 and 2; Feelings flashcards 11 - 16


Warmer ~ 10

hot, hot hot cold, co ld, cold hungry, hungry, hungry th irsty, thi rsty, thirsty

• Sing What's in the ciassroom'from page 10 to warm t he class up.

sad, sad, sad

• Ask children to tell you what they can remember about the story from t he previous unit. • Use Story poster 1 to rete ll the story wi th the class. Ask

What are the new things in the classroom' Do the children like the new things' What is Rosy's new thing?


Optional activity • Divide the class into six groups - one for each feeling or

emotion . • Play the chant again. Children say the wo rds. When they

hear their feeling or emotion mentioned, they mime

Lead-in • Use flashcards 11-16 to el icitthe new vocabu lary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a time and ask children how the people feel. Model any words t hat chi ldren do not know You could als o use m ime to exp ress the meaning of t he new words. • Hold the flashcards up in a d ifferent order and repeat.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 16 • Ask children to look at the pictu res that show the different fee lings and emotions. • Play the first part of the record ing for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture. Hold up the appropriate flashcard as each word is said. • Play the second part of th e recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat. • Play the recording all t he way through for ch ildren to listen and pOi nt and then repeat the words. • Hold up the flashca rds in a random order and ask the class to say the words.

Transcript Listen and pOint. hot, co ld, hu ngry, th irsty, happy, sad hu ngry, sad, cold, thirsty, hot, happy Listen and re peat. hot, cold, hungry, thi rsty, happy, sad


Unit 2

the actions (see the previous optional activity).

3 Listen and read. ~ 18 • Use Story poster 2 to present the story. Talk about each frame in turn with the class. Encourage predictions about the story from different members of the class. • Ask children to look at the story in t heir Class Books. Play the recording for them to liste n and point to the different speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask questions to check compreh en sion, e.g. Are the babies

hotl cold I hungry? 00 the babies eat the apples? 00 they like the apples? • Ask chi ld ren to look at the story again. They find and point to words from Exercise 1.


Further practice

Workbook page 14

Lesson Two w:~~


2 Look and say.


Digital classroom· Unit 2· Grammar

Grammar lesson ob' ectives To make sentences describing people's feelings / emotions To ask questions about people's feel ings / emotions To use the contracted form of are To act out a story

J apguage .. 'ttWD' Core: We're I they're happy. Are they hot? No, they aren't.! Yes, they are. i '


• Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let's learn! box. Ask What can you see' • Read the sentences and questions, pausing after each one for children to point to the picture and repeat. • Write the sentences and questions on the board. Read them again, miming the actions in the pictures to reinforce meaning. Children repeat again. • Rub out the feeling / emotion words in each sentence and replace with flashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g. We're thirsty. They're sad Are they cold' Are they hungry' Ch ild ren repeat th e new sentences. • Invite different child ren to ch ange the feelings words to make new sentences and questions. • Focus attention on the grammar box that shows the contracted versions of We are and They are. Ask children to point to the sentences with the contractions.

Materials CD ~ 18; Story poster 2; Feelings flashcards 11-16

Warmer • Playa game of Slow reveal using flashcards 11 - 16 (see page 20) to revise vocabulary from th e previous lesson.

Lead-in • Ask children if they can remem ber what happened in th e story in the previous lesson. Show Story poster 2 to encou rage ideas. • Cover the poster and ask children which feelings / emotions were mentioned in the story.

1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act. ~ 18 • Ask children to turn to the story on page 14 of their Class Books. They check how many of the feelings / emotions they remembered in the lead-in activity. • Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for children to repeat. • Ask children to look at the different actions the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the acti ons for the story (see suggestions below). • Play the recordi ng a seco nd time fo r children to mi me the actions as they listen. • Divide the class into groups of six to play the part s of Rosy, Tim, Mum, the twins, and the twins' mother. Note that Mum doesn't have a speaking part. • Children practise acting out the story. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation. • If you wish, ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.

Story actions Picture 1: Rosy and Tim wave at the twins. Their mother waves back. Picture 2: The twins start crying. The mother takes off their hats and fans them.

3 Look and match. • Ask children to look at the pictures and the words We're and They're in the boxes above. • Ask children to look at the second picture and ask whether the child ren are talking about themselves or other people. Ask We're or They're? Establish that the correct answer is We're. Show ch ildren the linking line. • Allow time fo r children to look at the rest of the pict ures and draw lin es linki ng them to the correct words. • Go through the answers with the class. Point to each picture for children to call out We're or They're. 1 They're 2 We're

3 We're

4 They're

4 Write, • Ask the class to look at the first picture and identify how the children are feeling (hot). • Focus attention on the first question. Ask the question for children to give the answer. Point out the example answer. • Allow time for chi ldren to read the rest of the questions and choose from th e options in the word pool. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go throug h the answers with th e class. Ask the questions for the class to reply in chorus. 1 2 3 4

Yes, th ey are. No, we aren't. No, they aren't. Yes, we are.

Optional activity • Ask two or three children to come to the front of the class. Show them a flashcard (e.g. cold) for them to mime being cold . Ask the class Are they hot? (No, theyaren't). • Repeat with other children. To practise we are as well as they are, ask some questions directl y to the child ren who are mim ing, e.g. Are you cold' (Yes, we are).

Picture 3: The twins are sti ll crying and kick off their blanket. Picture 4: Rosy offers apples. The babies reach out for them. Picture 5: The twins stop crying and eat the apples. Picture 6: The t wins smile. Rosy and Tim wave goodbye.

Further practice


Workbook page 15 Grammar reference, Class Book page 108 Student MultiROM • Unit 2· Grammar


Unit 2


Lesson Three Pt:~l~



Digi t al clas sroom· Un it 2 • Words/Song

Song [Lesson objectives , To learn more words for feelings and emotions To use words for fee lings in the con t ext of a song

2 Listen and sing. ~ 20 • Ask children to look at the pictu res, Point t o the different expressions and ask how t he children are feeling, • Play the song t he who le way through once for ch ild ren to listen, Then p lay it again as they follow the words in thei r books, • Read each line of the song aloud for children to re peat after you, • Play the record ing for children t o sing along,

3 Sing and do. Core: tired, angry, scared, brave Extra: go to sleep, snore, hug (v), yourself, stamp (v) Recycled: feelings words

• Ask children to look at the pict ures and tell you which action t hey should do for each verse of the song (see suggestions below) , • Play the recording for chi ldren to listen and do thei r act ions.

CD ~ 19- 20; Feelings flashca rds 11 - 20


tired - put head on hands and clo se eyes

• Playa game of Snap! (see page 19) using flashcards 11- 16 t o revise the words chi ld ren have learn t so far in the unit

scared - cross arm s and hug yourself angry - cl ench t eeth and fists and stamp feet


brave - sm ile and hold hands in fist shape

• Use flashcard s 17- 20 to int rod uce t he new vocabu lary Re inforce the meaning by miming the emotions, • Hold up the cards one at a time and say t he words for children to repeat

Optional activity • Ask children to close th eir books, Tell them that they are going to si ng the song again from memory

• Ho ld up t he cards in a d ifferent order for chi ld ren to repeat again,

• Hold up the tired flashcard to prompt the class to recall and sing If you're tired and you know ie " Help chi ldren t o reca ll the rest of the verse, using other clues if necessary,

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 19

• Repeat with t he other ve rses until chi ld ren have sung the whole song,

• Ask children to look at the pictures in th eir Class Books, Play the first part of the record ing for ch ildren to point to the pictures and say the words, • Play the second pa rt of t he recording for chi ld ren to repeat the words , • Play the recording all the way th rough for children to listen and then repea t • Hold up flashca rds 17- 20 one at a time for individual chi ld ren to say the word s,

Transcript Listen and point, t ired, angry, scared, brave sca red, tired, brave, angry

Liste n and repeat. tired, angry, scared, brave

Optional activity • Play an action game with the whole class to revise the words childre n learnt in Lesson 1 and practise the words from this lesson, • Ca ll out feelings and emotions at random fo r th e class t o mime, Start slowly, then start cha ng ing between instructions more and m ore q uickly until children find it ha rd to keep up, • If you Wish, tu rn it into a competition in which the last child to beg in mim ing the new word is out each time,


Song actions

Unit 2

• Alterna tively, teach the original ve rsion of the song for ch ildren to sing (see th e cult ure note below)

Cultu re note: If you're happy and you know it... Ifyou're happy andyou know it", is a trad itio nal chi ld ren's act ion song that young child ren like t o sing, In t he orig inal version of the song, each verse begins wi t h the line If you're happy ond you know ie" followed by a command such as Clap your hands, Stamp your feet, Nod your head, and Shout We arel'The vers ion of the song in Fami/yand Friends has been altered so t hat each verse deals w ith a different emotion,

Further practice Workbook page 16 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 110 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 4 ~ Student MuitiROM • Unit 2· Words, Song


Lesson Four W:~l~


• Play the recording agai n, pau sing after each line for child ren to repeat. Play it again for them to follow in their books.


Digital classroom · Unit 2 · Phonics

Optional activity


• Divide the class into the groups. Assign each group one of the sounds Ilfl, lSI, and l eI.

Lesson objectives To revise sounds made by the combinations ch, sh, and

• Play the chant again. When children hear a word conta ining their sound, they clap their ha nds.

th To differentiate between the sounds Ilfl, lSI. and lei



Core: chair, teacher, shoes, fish, thumb, bath

Materials CD ~ 11, 21-23; Phonics cards 1-3 (ch air, shoes, thumb)

Warmer i§! 11 • Play the CD and say the chant from Class Book page 11 to energize the class and revise the letters of the alphabet.

Lead-i n • Teach the sounds and letters for th is lesson using the phonics ca rds. • Hold up t he first card and say, Letters c and h make the sound I1fI. Say the sou nd for children to repeat several times. Draw the letters ch on t he board. The ch ildren draw them in the air. • Repeat the procedure with the other two phonies cards. • Hold up each ca rd in turn and model the words for children to repeat.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 21 • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Tell them they are going to hear a recording of the different sounds and words. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and poin t to the pictures. • Play the second part of the record ing for children to repeat the sound s. • Play the recording all the way t hrough for children to point and then repeat.

Transcript Listen and point. Ilflchair I1flteacher If lshoes If lfish l el thumb l SI bath Listen and repeat. Ilflchair Ilfl teacher If lshoes If lfish ISl t humb l SI bath

Optional activity • Hold up each of th e phonics cards in turn, showing only the picture. Ask the class to callout the sound and the word. Repeat several ti mes.

3 Read the chant again. Circle the sounds ch, sh and tho • Write the first line of the chant on the board. Ask children to find an example of the letters ch, sh, or tho One child comes to the front to circle the ch in teacher. • Children then look at the chant in their books. Allow time for them to read the rest of the chant and circle the other examples. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go through the answers with the class.


If ch ildren notice the I lfl sound in picture, congratulate them and explain that this is another way of spelling the same sound.

Look at my te@er, Sitting on a@ air. Her@ oes are blue, @ e's got long, black hair. A picture of a ba'ffi, And a picture of a fi§), Look at my te@er. Her name's Miss W@.

4 Listen to the sounds and join the letters i§! 23 • Elicit the four images in the activity (teacher, shoes, chair, thumb). Ask What has the teachergot?Tell children that they can find out by listening. Explai n that they are going to hear different sounds and words from the lesson. They have to follow the sounds and words in the maze and draw a li ne to connect the letters to find out what the teac her has got - shoes, a chair, or a t humb. • Pl ay the beginning of the record ing and fo llow th e blue line that li nks the teacher to the letters th to demonstrate. • Play the record ing for children to listen and link the letters. • Play it again for children to check their answers. Repeat. • Ask What has the teacher got? (a chair). To check thei r answers, ask child re n to look at their mazes and call out the letters they heard in turn as you write them on the board.

Transcript 181 thumb I lfl chair If I shoes Ilfl chair l SI thumb If I shoes Ilfl chair

2 Li sten and chant. i§! 22 • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictu re and tel l you what th ey ca n see. • Play the recording fo r ch ildren to listen to the chant. Say the chant line by line and ask children to repeat after you.

Th e teac her has got a chair.


Further practice

Workbook page 17 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 2· Phonics



Lesson Five l¥:g;~



Digital classroom · Unit 2 . Reading

Skills Time! Skills develo ment Reading: read and understand a poem; match words with information in the poem language Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: feelings, feel, sometimes, always, behave (v), fear, gone, carry on, laugh (v), until Materials CD ~ 20,24, Feelings flashcards I I-20, a cut-up copy of the poem for each group of six ch ildren (optional) Warmer

(SJ 20

• Energ ize the class and revise feel ings words by singing If you're tired and you know it from page 16. Lead-in

2 c

3 a

4 b

5 a

Optional activity • Put flashcards II - 20 on the board in any order. Point to the first one and say, e.g. When I'm hungry, / eat an apple. • Choose a chi ld. Point to the second flashcard for him / her to make a similar sentence beginning with When I'm . .. about th e emoti on shown on the card. • Continue with the rest of the cards until all of th e emotions have been used. • If you wish, start again from the beg inning with other children. Optional activity • Ask children to close their books. Divide the class into groups of six. Give each group a copy of the poem, cut up into two-line sections. • Children work together to put the lines of the poem in the correct order. Point out that they can use the poem's rhyme pattern to help them, and model some of the rhyming words. • When they have fini shed, ask children to open their books and check that their poem is in the correct order.

• Talk about feelings and emotions with the class. Ask What do you do when you're happy / sad / scared?

• Read the poem aloud with the class.

• Ask ch ildren to look at th e text and pred ict what kind of text it is (a poem). Ask them what they can see in the pictures.

Further practice

1 Look at the pictures. How does the boy feel? • Ask children to look at the pictures again. Point to the different pictures and ask wh at feel ings th ey can see. Ask, e.g./s the boy happy/sad / scared? • If you Wish, ask children to work in pairs, taking turns to point to different pictures and say how the boy feel s. Picture I - happy Picture 2 - scared / brave Picture 3 - sad

2 Listen and read, ~ 24 • Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of th e poem. Explain that it doesn't matter if they don't understand every word. • Play the recording for children to listen and follow silently in their books. • Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions that they have. • Ask questions to ch eck comprehension, e.g. What does the boy do when hes happy / scared / sad? Does the boy behave?

3 Read again. Match. • Look at the examp le together. Ask How does the boy feel when he plays? to elicit the answer happy. • Allow time for child ren to re-read the text and match the other actions to th e emotions. Point out that th ere is more than one action for some of th e emotions. • Go through the answers with th e class.


1 a

Unit 2


Workbook page 18


Lesson Six Pf:~;~


(top row) 3, 1, 4

Digital classroom· Unit 2 • Writing

(bottom row) 2, 5, 6

2 Point, ask and answer.

Skills Time! •SkiliSdeveloem~nt

'-" '* on Listening: identify people from descriptions of how they feel


• As k individua l ch ildren to read ou t th e words in the word pooL Invite a child to come to the front. Read t he question and answer in t he speech bubbles together for the class to repeat in chorus. Encourage children to make t heir words flow together, avoiding unnecessa ry pauses.

Speaking: ask and answer questions about how people feel Writing: identify and write long and short forms; write about your feelings (Workbook)

;Laiiguage _a**'v_'_


• Ask childre n to look the pictu res again. Ask quest ions, e.g . Is he / she happy / hungry / scared'


• Ask children to work in pairs. They ta ke tu rns to point to the children in the pictures and ask and answer questions using the words in the word pooL

Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

• Monitor the act ivity and model words where necessary.

Extra: broken, poor, nearly, wake up

• Ask some pa irs to ask and answer questions for the class.

-Materials v

b ._


Optional activity '1"\





CD ~ 25; Feelings flashcards 11~20

Warmer • Call out an emotion from t he unit for chi ldren to mime. • Repeat with several different emotions. Then ask different children to take it in turns to call out the emotions.

Lead-in • Ask chi ldren what they can remember about the poem from the previous lesson. Ask How does the boy feel? What does he do when hes happy / scared / sad' Encourage them to recite any parts of the poem t hey can remember and allow them to check back to the poem on page 18. • As k children to look at t he pictures in Exercise 1 and tell you how t he children feel in each one. Ask t hem to pred ict what they are going to hear in the listening exercise.

1 Liste n and number. ~ 25 • Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of a girl talking about how her friends are fee li ng today. They have to listen and decide which person she is tal king about each time. • Play the recording for child ren to listen and point to the people as they hear them mentioned. • Play the recording again, stopping after the first description for children to fin d the correct pict ure. Show them the example answer I in the box. • Play t he recording the whole way through for children to nu mber the pict ures. Play it again for chi ldren to complete or check their answers. • Go through t he answers w ith t he class.

• Hold up flas hca rds 11~ 20 in t urn and ask t he class questions about the boy / girl in the picture, e.g. 15 he/

she thirsty / hungry / sad' • Give one of the flashca rds to a ch ild. He / She st and s up, chooses a friend and asks a question about the pictu re, e.g. Jose, is he / she angry' • Continue with t he rest of the flashca rd s.

3 Look and write the long form. • Copy the six examples of contracti ons onto the board. Write up the first example sen tence and ask children to tell you the long fo rm (She is). Write the complete sente nce on t he board, next to the shortened one. Show them th e example answer in th eir books. • Write some of your own sen tences on the board, e.g. We're sad You're happy I'm hot Invite individua l children to come to t he front of t he class to underline the contracted words. Ask the class to te ll you th e long form and write the sentences on the board. • Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow time for t hem to identify t he contracted words and w rite th e long forms. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go throug h the answers with the class. 1 She is cold. 2 They are happy. 3 I am hungry.

4 We are thirsty. 5 You are brave. 6 He is sad.

Optional activity • Ask children to look at the poem on page 18 aga in and find th ree examples each of long and con tracted fo rms.

Transcript My name's Kate. 1 I'm very happy today. I've got a big smi le.These are my five best friends: 2 This is George. He's sad today. His rule r is broken. Poor George. 3 This is Susie. She's hung ry. It's nearly lunchtime. That's good for Susie. 4 This is Ha rry. He hasn't got his coat today. He's cold. Poor Harry. 5 This boy is James. James is sca red. Go on, James' Be brave' 6 And this girl is Lu cy. She's very tired today. Wake up, Lu cy '


Now go to Workbook page 19 for ch ildren to practise w riting abou t therr fee lings.

Further practice Workbook page19 Values worksheet, PMB page 5 Unit 2 test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 8 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 2· Listen at home· • Track 7 (Words and phrases), Track 8 (Song), Track 9 (Phonics)

Unit 2


• Lesson One W~gl~


2 Listen and chant. <Sl27


Digital classroom · Unit 3 · Word s/Story


• Repeat (more than once if necessary). • Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.


objectives To identify outdoor activities To understand a short story language Core: ride a bike, ride a horse, skate (v), skateboard (v), play tennis, play football Extra: teach, behind, stop Materials


CD ~ 20,26-28; Story posters 2 and 3; Outdoor activities fiashcards 21-26

Warmer <Sl20 • Sing If you're tired and you know it from page 16 to warm the cla ss up. • Ask children to tell you what they can remember about the story from the previous unit. • Use Story poster 2 to retell the story with the class. Ask Who do Rosy and Tim see in the park? How do the babies feel? What do Rosy and Tim give the babies? Lead-in • Use fiashcards 21 - 26 to elicitthe vocabulary for th is lesson . Hold them up one at a time for children to name the outdoor activi ties. If you wish, reinforce the meaning by miming the activities. Model any words and phrases that children do not know • Hold the fiashca rd s up in a different order and repeat.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 26 • Ask children to look at the pictures of the different outdoor activities.

• Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture. Hold up the appropriate flashcard as each word or ph rase is sa id. • Play th e second part of the recordi ng, pausing after each word or phrase for children to repeat. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words and phrases. • Hold up the flas hcard s in a random order and ask the class to say the words and phrases.

Transcript Listen and point. ride a bike, ride a horse, skate, skateboa rd, play tennis, play football play tennis, ride a horse, skateboard, ride a bike, play football, skate Listen and repeat. ride a bike, ride a horse, skate, skateboard, play tennis, play football



• Play the recording and tea ch the chant. • Play the recording a second time for ch ildren to repeat the words and phrases in the gaps in the chant.

Transcript ride a bike, ride a bike, ride a bike ride a horse, ride a horse, ride a horse skate, skate, skate skateboard, skateboa rd, skateboa rd play tennis, play tenniS, play tennis play football, play football, play football Optional activity • Ask chil dren to th ink of actions for each of th e outdoor activities. • Play the chant again. Children do the actions as they say the words. Optional activity • Play Simon says ... (see page 20). Children have to mime actions for the outdoor activities as you say them. 3 Listen and read. <Sl28 • Use Story poster 310 present the story. Talk about each frame in turn with the class. Ask children what they can see in the pictures. Encourage predictions about the story from different members of the class. • Ask children to look at the story in thei r Class Books. Play t he recordin g for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Can Tim swim I skate I ride a bike? What does Grandpa teach Tim' Does Grandpa stay behind Tim' • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to words fro m Exercise 1.

Further practice


Workbook page 20 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 110

Lesson Two R":gl~



Digital classroom· Unit 3 • Grammar

Grammar Lesson objectives To write sentences with can and can't To ask and answer questions about what people can and can't do To act out a sto ry , Language Core: I can skate. I can't skateboard. Can she play tennis? Yes, she can. / No, she can't. Materials


CD ~ 28; Story poster 3; Outdoor activities flashcards 21-26 Warmer • Play Word chain (see page 19) using flashcards 21-26 to revise the outdoor activities from the previous lesson. Lead-in • Ask chil dren if they can remember what happened in the story in the previous lesson. Show Story poster 3 to encourage ideas. • Cover the poster and ask children wh ich outdoor activities were mentioned in the story.

1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act. ~ 28 • Ask children to tu rn to the story on page 20 of their Class Books. They check how many of the outdoor activities they remembered in the lead-in activity. • Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for children to repeat. • Ask children to look at the different actions Tim and Grandpa do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below). • Divide t he class into pairs to play the parts ofTim and Grandpa. Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen. • Ask children to practise acting out the story in their pairs. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation. • Ask some of the pairs to come to the front of the class to act out the story. St ory actions Picture 1: Tim points to the pictures on the wall, smiling. Picture 2: Tim points to his bike, frowning. Picture 3: Tim gets onto his bike. Grandpa is behind him. Picture 4: Tim pedals his bike, looking scared. Grandpa holds the back of the bike. Picture 5: Tim pedals away, still scared. Grand pa runs after hi m. Picture 6: Tim rides his bike by himself, sm iling now. Grandpa sm iles and waves.

2 Look and say. • Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let's learn' box. Ask What can you see' • Read the sentences and questions. pausing after each one for children to point to the picture and repeat. • Write the sentences and questions on the board. Read them again, miming the actions in the pictures to reinforce meaning. Children repeat again. • Rub out the outdoor activities in each sentence and replace with different flashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g. I can play football. I can't nde a horse. Can she skateboard?Can he play football? Children repeat the new sentences. • Invite different children to change the activities words to make new sentences and questions.

3 Write. • Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to each one for children to tell you what outdoor activity they can see. • Ask children to look at the first picture. Ask He, she, or they' (he): then ask Can orcan't7(can). Draw attention to the example sentence He can ride a bike. • Allow time for children to look at the rest of the pictures and complete the sentences, using He / She / They with can or can't. • Go through the answers with the class. Ask children to read th e sentences in chorus.

'ju..j!J!Jij*' He can ride a bike. He can't ride a horse. They can't play footba ll. She can skate. 5 They can play tenn is. 6 She can't skateboard.

1 2 3 4

4 Point, ask and answer. • Ask children to look at the speech bubbles. Choose a child to read the question and answer with you. The class repeat in chorus. • Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to point to the people in Exercis e 3 and ask question s about them. • Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words or phrases where necessary. • If you wish, ask some of the pairs to ask and answer questions while the class listen. Optional activity • Write can and can't on opposite sides of the board. Invite a child to come to the front and put one flashcard for an outdoor activity that he / she can do next to can, and a different flashcard next to can't. • Ask the class, e.g. Can Halima skate? to elicit the answer Yes, she can or No, she can't. Repeat the activity with different boys, girls, and small groups to practise using he, she. and they.


Further practice Workbook page 21 Grammar reference, ClassBook page 108 iSl Student MultiROM • Unit 3 • Grammar



Lesson Three W:gl~


(B PAGE 11

Digita l classroom· Unit 3 · Words/Song

Song Lesson objectives To identify com mon prepositions To use prepositions in the context of a song

Language Core: behind, in front of, next to, between Extra: anywhere, hiding

Materials CD ~ 29-30; Prepositions of place ftashcards 27-30; a soft toy, e.g. a teddy bear (optional)

2 Listen and sing. ~ 30 • Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the different pictu res and ask what the girl is doing. As k children to predict wha t the song is about (Its about a girl whos looking for something). • Play the song the whole way through once for children to listen. Then play it aga in as they follow the words in their books. • Read each line of the song aloud for ch ildren to repeat after you. • Play the recording for children to sing along. 3 Sing and do. • Ask child ren to look at the pictures and decide on th e actions for each verse (see suggestions below). • Play the recording for children to listen and do their actions.


Song actions

• Before the children come into the classroom, hide the teddy so that just a small part of him can be seen. • Tell the children that you are sad becau se you can't find your teddy bea r. Ask th em to help. • Without leaving their seats, chil dren should look around the classroom for the teddy bear until one of them tells you where it is.

Where is my teddy bear? -look around for teddy bear

I can't find him anywhere - shake head Look behind the bedroom door - open door Look in front of the sofa - stand with hands on hips, looking Look between the bed and the chair - bend down and look from side to side Look next to the big toy box - kneel on the fioor

Lead-in • Use ftashcards 27- 30 to introduce the new vocabulary. Hold up the cards one at a time and say the words and phrases for children to repeat. • Demonstrate the meaning of the words by putting the teddy bear behind, in front of, and next to an object (e.g. a bag), and then between two items (e.g. books). • Hold up the cards in a different order for children to repeat again.

1 Listen, point and repeat, ~ 29 • Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Play the first part of the recording for children to point to the pictures and say the words and phrases. • Play th e second part of the recordi ng for ch ildren to repeat the words and phrases. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat. • Hold up flashca rds 27-30 one at a time for individ ual children to say th e word s and phrases.

Transcript Listen and point. behind, in front of, next to, between next to, behind, between, in front of Listen and repeat. behind, in front of, next to, between

Optional activity • Put the teddy bear on your desk and invite a child to come to th e fro nt of th e cla ss. Give an instruction containing a preposition, e.g. Pu t the teddy bear behind the bag I next to the door/between the books. • Repeat several times with other children. 40


Yes, my teddys hiding there - give the teddy a hug

Optional activity • Ask five children to come to the front of the class. Give four of them a preposition flash ca rd and the fifth child th e teddy bear. • Play the recording. Every time children hea r the word on their flashcard mentioned, they hold the card up; every time the teddy is mentioned, the child holds it up. On the final li ne of th e song, when the girl finds her teddy bear, th e chi ld th rows the teddy up into the air and catches it.

Further practice


Workbook page 22 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 6 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 3 • Words, Song

Lesson Four :¥:~l~



Digital classroom· Unit 3 • Phonics

Phonics Lesson objectives To revise sounds made by the letters Q, e, i, 0, and u To differentiate between the sounds l rel, l ei , III, 10/, and IAI Language Core: cat, van, peg, bed, bin, fig, mop, dog, bus, jug Extra: by Materials CD 1$)22,31-33; Phonics cards 4-8 (cat, peg, bin, mop, bus)

• Play the recording for children to listen to the chant. • Say the chant line by line and ask children to repeat after you. Then play the chant again and pause after each line for them to repeat. • Play the recording again for children to join in. Repeat (more than once if necessary). Optional activity • Divide the class into five groups, one for each of the sounds lrel, lei, Iii , 10/, and I AI. • As k child ren to look at th e chant and find the lines containi ng their sou nds. • Do the chant again. Each group says the lines containing their sound. • Say the chant once more. This time they stamp their feet each time they say a word with their sound. 3 Read the chant again. Circle the middle sounds 0, e, i, 0 and

Warmer 1$)22 • Ask children which sounds they practised in the previous phonics lesson WI, IfI, and IO/). Do the chant from Class Book page 17 to energize the class and revise the sounds from the previous unit. Lead-in • Revise the sounds made by the letters a, e, i, 0, and u. • Elicit the CVC (consonant·vowel-consona nt) words for this lesson using the phonics cards. • Hold up the first card. Ask What are the saunds?to eliCit (c-a-t). Practise the sounds several times together. Then say cat for children to repeat. Do the same with the other cards. 1 Listen, point and repeat. 1$)31 • Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Tell them that they are going to hear a recording ofthe different sounds and words. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the pictures.


• Ask children to look at the chant again. Focus attention on the first line. Ask children what middle sound they can find (Ire/). Children circle the a in the word cat each time. • Allow time for children to read the rest of the chant and circle the other examples of letters a, e, i, 0, and u. • Monitor the activity and help whe re necessary. • Go th rough the answers with the class.

A c@t, c@t, c@t Is in a v@n, v@n, v@n. A p@g, p@g, p@g Is by my b@d, b@d, b@d. A ~g, ~g, ~g Is in the b®n, b®n, b~n. A d@g, d@g, d@g Has got a m@p, m@p, m@p. A m:g)m, m:g)m, m:g)m Is on th e b:g)s, b:g)s, b:g)s.

• Play the second pa rt of the recordi ng for children to repeat the sounds.

4 Listen and circle t he middle sound . iSl33 • Ask chi ldren to look at the pictures and identify the objects. Ask Wh ats the middle sound of 'bed? to elicit l ei . Show child ren th e example circle around the letter e.

• Play the recording all the way through fo r children to point and then repeat.

• Allow time for children to look at the rest of the pictures and circle the letter that represents the middle sound.

Transcript Listen and point. Ik/ lrel It I - cat, Ivl lrel Inl - van, Ipl lei Igl - peg, fbi lei Idl - bed, Ibl I ii I n/ - bin, If I Iii Igl - fig, Iml 101Ipl - mop, Idl 101Igi - dog, fbi I AI lsi - bus, let) I AI Igi - jug Listen and repeat. /kl lrel Itl - cat, Ivl lrel Inl - van, Ipl lei Igi - peg, fbi l ei Id/ - bed, Ibl Iii In/ - bin, If I Iii Igi - fi g, 1m! 101Ipl - mop, Idl 101Igl - dog, fbi IAI l si - bus, 1<131I AI 191- jug

• Go through the answers with the class.

2 Listen and chant. iSl32 • Ask children to look at the picture and tell you what they can see. Explain that they are going to say a chant using the words they have learnt.

Transcript 1 bed lei 2 dog 101 3 van lrel 6 peg lei 1 e


3 a 4 u


4 bus I AI

5 fig III

6 e

Optional activity • Play Phonics matching (see page 20) w ith the cards from this lesson.


Further practice

Workbook page 23 lSI Student MultiROM • Unit 3 • Phonics

Unit 3


Lesson Five W:gl~


• Read th rough the sentences with the class to check comprehension, bu t tell them not to call out the answers.


Digital classroom· Unit 3 • Reading

• Allow time fo r children to re- read the text and tick the correct column for each sentence.

Skills Time!

• Go through the answers with the class.

S~kilrs development


Reading: read and underst and inform ation on web page; find specific information in a text


Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: perfect, aged, sear, wheel, children, grass, sand, rake, young

Materials \



CD ~ 34; a piece of pla in paper for each child; a set of coloured pencils for each g ro up of six chi ldren (optional)


1 2 3 4

1 Look at the pictures. What colour are the bikes? • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures aga in. Point to each b ike and ask What colour is it? • If yo u Wis h, ask child ren to wo rk in pairs, taking turns to poin t to different pictures and say the co lours.

Bike 1 - pink and purple; Bike 2 - black and orange; Bike 3red, yellow, and green

.I .I

• Tell children that you are going to make some more statements about the bikes (see below). They must listen carefu lly and call o ut Bike 112 I 3 after each one. Its for girls. (I)

Its red, yel/ow, blue, and green. (3) It has got big wheels. (2) Its a good bike for children aged 7 to 10. (2) Its fast and fun (I) Its got one big wheel and two small wheels. (3)

Optional activity • Divide the cl ass into g roups. Give each ch il d a piece of pla in paper and each gro up a set of coloured pencils. • Tell children that they are going to desig n the perfect bike. They draw a picture of their bike, sharing the colo ured pencils with the rest of the ir group. Chi ld re n choose a name for the ir bikes. They write t he name of the bike at the top of the paper. • Children ta ke turns to tell the rest of their group about their bikes, e.g. This is Fast Wheels: Its purple and black. Its very fasO Th en asksome of th e chi ldren to tell t he rest of the class about their b ikes. • If you wish, collect in the pictures and display them.

2 Listen and read. ~ 34

Culture note: Outdoor hobbies

• Tell ch ildren that they are going to read and liste n to a text about bikes for chi ldren. Exp lain th at it doesn't matte r if they don't understand every word.

Many children in Bri tain take pa rt in outdoor activitie s in PE lessons at school and in their free time. Local pa rks usually provide a safe p lace for chi ld re n to skate, play te nnis or football, or ride a bike. They can pract ise skateboarding in purpose-bui lt skateboard parks wi th ra mps.

• Play th e recording the whole way throug h for children to listen and fo llow Si lently in the ir books. • Play the recording a second time. Answe r any questions they have. • Ask questions to check compre hen sion, e.g. Who is the

first I second I third bike for? Which bike is for girls? Which bike con you take to the beach '

3 Read again. Tick (,f) . • Explain to chi ldren that they are going to rea d sentences and decide which bike the sentences are talking about. • Ask a child to read th e example sentence aloud. Ask Which bike has got two seots?Chi ldren poin t to the correct bike. Show ch ildren how the column wi th t he pictu re of the pink bike has been t icked.


.I .I

Optional activity


can buy these bikes.


You can ride th is bike at t he beach. You can ride th is bike with a doll.

6 This bike is orange and black.

• Talk abou t bikes with t he class. Ask Can you ride a bike' Have you got a bike? What colour is it'

• Ask children to look at th e pictures and make predictions about t he text, e.g. Its about bikes. They are for children You


This bike has got three w heels.

5 Th is bike is for li ttle children.

• Wa rm up the class by si ngi ng Where is my teddy bear' from page 22.

• Ask ch ildren to look at the text. Ask ch ildren where they wou ld see a text like th is (on a website - it's a webpage) .

A GJI0 ~

Th is bike has got two seats.

Unit 3

Children interested in horse ridi ng usually go to rid ing ce ntres to take lessons. Compared to other sports, t his is q uite expensive, and for this reason is less common. Cycling has always bee n popular with children and bike safety is an important issue. Severa l schemes exist to teac h ch ildren about safety when cycli ng. There are usua lly t wo stages: firstly, chi ldren study the Highway Code to learn th e rules of the roa d; then th ey move on to cycling lessons where they pract ise d ifferent manoeuvres on the roads.


Further practice

Workbook page 24

Lesson Six W:~I~


6 They're red. 7 This one is pink and yell ow. 8 This one is black.


Digital classroom· Un it 3 • Writing

Skills Time! ,?kills (leve!opment

skates - 3, 6; skateboard - 1, 5; child's bike - 2, 7; adult's bike -




4,8 p

Listening: identify outdoor toys from their descriptions Speaking: ask and answer questions about where things are Writing: identify vowels at the start of words; write a o r

'an before nou ns and adjecti ves; write about what you can and can't do (Workbook)

Language Recycl ed: vocabulary and structures seen previ o usly

2 Point, ask and answer. • Ask children to look at the picture. Point to the different objects for children to identify them. • Ask a child to rea d the word s in the word pool. Then invite a ch ild to come to the front of the class. Read the question and answer in the speech bubbles together for the class to repeat in chorus. Encourage child ren to make their words flow together, avoiding unnecessary pauses.

Extra: skateboard (n), skates (n), outdoor (ad))

• Ask children to work in pairs. They ta ke turns to ask and answer questions about where the things are.


• Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary. • Ask some pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.

Warmer • Ask a question about the location of something in the class, e.g. Wheres Aishas bag? • Children must answer the question using th e preposi tion s they learnt in Lesson 3. The fi rst ch ild to answer cor rectly asks another question to the class.

Lead-in • Ask child ren what they can remember about the webpa ge from the previous lesson. Ask How many bikes

are there' What colour are the bikes' Who are they {or' • Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and identify the things they can see. Ask them to predict what they are going to hear.

1 Listen and number. iSl35 • Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of a girl talking about toys. She will say two things about each of the objects in the picture. Children have to w rite num bers next to each toy as they hear it described. • Play the recording the whole way through once for children to point to the objects as they hear them mentioned. • Play the recording again, stopping after the first item. Ask ch ildren which picture she is ta lking about (the skateboard) and show th em the exam ple answer I. • Play the recording again for child ren to number the objects as they hear them described. Play it once more for children to complete their answers. • Go through t he answers w ith the class.

Transcript 1 This is my new outdoor toy. It's got wheels. Now I can skateboard in the park. 2 Th is is my little sister's bike. It's got three whee ls. It's a little bike fo r a little girl. 3 These are my brother's new skates. He can skate very fast with these. 4 I can't ride this bike. It's very big. It's my dad's bike. S This toy is green and oran ge.

3 Read. Circle the vowels at the start of the words. Write a or an. • Copy the two example sentences from the Class Book onto the board. Ask children which letters are vowels (a, e, i,D, and u). Ask w hich words in t he sentences (apart from a and an) beg in with a vowel. Circle the a of apple. • Ask whether a or an comes before a word w ith a vowel (an). Explain that they must circle the vowels and decide wh ether to pu t a or an. • Draw attention to the Remember box to remind ch ildre n of the vowels. Allow time for them to circle the vowels at the start of words and then write a or an in the gaps. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go throu gh the answers. Write the sentences on the board and invite ind ividual ch ildren to come and ci rcle the vowels. Then ask which words go into each of t he gaps.

1 It is an orang e bike. 2 This is a skateboard.

3 She has got an umbrella. 4 I've got a banana.

Optional activity • Ask children look at the Remember box again. Say the rhyme as a chant for children to repeat. They draw the letters in the air as they say them.


Now go to Workbook page 25 for children to practise writing about what they can and can't do.

Review 1



Further practice Workbook page 2S Values worksheet, PMB page 7 Testing and Evaluation Book Unit 3 test, page 9 • Summative test 1, page 10 • Skills test 1, page 12 iSl Student MultiROM . Unit 3 • Listen at home· Track 10 (Words and phrases), Track 11 (Song), Track 12 (Phonics) Unit 3


• Lesson One Oxford iTools



D·Iglta . I cIassroom· U· nit 4 · WordslStory

Words Lesson objectives To identify types of food To understand a short story

Language Core: salad, fries, pizza, milkshake, cheese sandwich, chicken Extra: don't worry, naughty

Transcript salad, salad, salad fries, fries, fries pizza, pizza, pizza milkshake, milkshake, milkshake cheese sandwich, cheese sandwich, cheese sandwich chicken, chicken, chicken


Optional activity

CD ~ 30, 36-38; Story posters 3 and 4; Food flashcards 31 - 36

• Divide the class into six groups, one for each type of food. Tell children that they have that type of food in front of them and they are about to eat (or drink) it. • Play the recording for children to do the chant again. When their food is mentioned, they mime eating or drinking it.

Warmer ~30 • Energize the class by singing Where is my teddy bear? from page 22. • Ask chi ldren to tell you what they can remember about the story from the previous unit • Use Story poster 3 to retell the story with th e class. Ask What can Tim do? Can he ride a bike' Does Grandpa teach him to ride a bike?

Lead-in • Use flashcards 31-36 to elicit the food voca bu lary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a time for children to name the different types of food. Model any words that children do not know. • Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 36 • Ask child ren to look at the pictures of the different kind s of food. • Play the fi rst part of the recording for children to listen and point to the pictures. Hold up the appropriate flashcard as each word is said. • Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words. • Hold up the flashca rds in a random order and ask the class to say the words.

Transcript Listen and point. salad, fries, pizza, milkshake, cheese sandwich, chicken pizza, cheese sandwich, salad, ch icken, fries, milkshake Listen and repeat. salad, fries, pizza, milks hake, cheese sandwich, chicken


2 Li sten and chant. ~ 37 • Play the recording and tea ch the ch ant. • Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the words in the gaps in the chant. • Repeat (more than once if necessary). • Children say the chant as a class, withou t the recording.


3 Listen and read. ~ 38 • Use Story poster 4 to present the story.Talk about each fra me in tu rn with the cl ass. Encourage predictions about the story from different members of the class. • Ask children to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the recording for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as they hea r the words. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Where are Mum, Rosy, and Billy? Does Rosy give Billy a sandwich' Does Billy eat the sandwich' • Ask chi ldren to look at th e story again. They find and point to words from Exercise 1.

Optiona l activity • Playa version of Whats miSSing' (see page 20) with the class, using flashcards 31 -36. • Tell the class that you are going to have a picnic, but th ere are some very hungry birds in the trees. Put the cards on th e board for children to say what you have got in your picnic. • Take the cards down, remove one, and put them back on th e boa rd. Ask the class to tell you what the birds have taken from your picnic.

Further practice


Workbook page 28 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 111

Lesson Two Oxford iTao1s



D'Iglta . I c Iassroom· Unit . 4 • Grammar

Grammar Lesson objectives

2 Look and say, Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let's learn! box. Ask What can you see?Chiidren identify the types of food. Read the questions and answers, pa using after each one for children to point to the picture and repeat. Write the sentences and questions on the board. Read them again, miming the actions in the pictures to reinforce meaning. Children repeat again.




To ask and answer questions about what people have got To write short answers to questions

Rub out the food words in each sentence and replace them with fiashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g. Have you got a cheese sandwich? Have you got chicken? Has he gota salad? Has she got rnilkshake? Ch ildren repeat the new sentences. Invite different children to change the food words to make new sentences and questions.


To act out a story

Language Core: Have you got a milkshake? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. Has he gota sandwich? Yes, he has.lNo, he hasn't.




CD ~ 38; Story poster 4; Food fiashcards 31 -36

Warmer o


Draw the outline of a table on the board. Invite individual children to come to the front of the class and draw different foods on the table. Point to the different foods for children to say them aloud.

Vou could explain that some words (milkshake, cheese sandwich, salad, pizza) have the article a before th em and others (fries, ch icken) don't. Explain that they wi ll learn more about this in later levels.

3 Write. Ask children to look at the picture and tell you what foods the children have got. Children read the answers in the word pool. Read the boy's fi rst question in th e speech bubble for children to give the correct answer from the two options. Allow time for children to read the questions and write the correct answers in the bubbles. Go through the answers with the class. Ask the questions for the class to answer.



Lead-in o


Ask children if they can remember what happened in the story in the previous lesson. Show Story poster 4 to encourage ideas. Cover the poster and ask children which types of food were mentioned in the story.

1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act, ~ 38 o






Ask children to turn to the story on page 28 of th ei r Class Books. Play the recordin g, pausing after each line of text for children to repeat. Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below). Divide the cl ass into groups of three to play th e parts of Mum, Rosy, and Billy. Play the recording a second time for child ren to mime the actions as they listen. Children practise acting out the story in their groups. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation. Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.

Story actions Picture 1: Mum put s down the bag of food and Rosy takes her milkshake.



Yes, I have. 2 No, I haven't.

4 Look, ask and answer. Ask the class to look at the pictures and identify the food the children have got. Focus attention on the first question. Point to the boy and ask Has he got a cheese sandwich? (No, he hasn't.) Allow tim e for children to read the questions and choose th e correct answer from th e word pool. Explain that they wi ll need to use one of th e options more than once. Go through the answers with the class. Ask the questions for the class to reply in chorus.





1 No, he hasn't. 2 Yes, he has. 3 Ves, she has.

Optional activity

Picture 2: Mum looks arou nd for Billy. Rosy poi nts to him. Billy is playing with a toy plane.


Picture 3: Mum holds up a sandwich. Rosy holds up a sa lad.


Picture 4: Rosy gives th e food to Bi lly.


Picture 5: Billy burst s into tears. Mum and Rosy look concerned. Picture 6: Mum pats Billy on the back to reassure him. Rosy sca res away the bird s.

4 No, she hasn't. 5 No, he hasn't.

Give six children a food fiashcard each. Ask them to stand up and show their fiashcards to the class. Ask the class Has he / she got salad / pizza / a milkshake? Give the fiashca rds to six different children. This time ask Have you got fries / a cheese sandwich / a pizza?

Further practice


Workbook pago 29 Grammar roferonce, Class Book page 108 ~Studont MultiROM • Unit 4· Grammar Unit4


Lesson Three Pt:g{~


2 Listen and sing. ~ 40 • Ask children to look at th e pictu res. Point to the numbers for the class to say them aloud. Ask children to tell you what they think the song is about (numbers).


Digital cl assroom· Un it 4 · Words/Song


• Play the recording the whole way through once for children to listen. Then play it again as they follow the words in th eir books.

To learn the nurnbers 10- 100 To use numbers in the context of a song

• Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat after you. • Play the recording again for ch ildren to sing along .

•Langu!lge Core: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred Extra: start (v + n), easy, if, try, number, high, done ,Materials.. " . •• , CD ~ 39--40; Numbers flashca rds 37- 46; PMB page 37 (Cut and make 2) page and materials (see Teacher's Book page 125)

3 Sing and do. • Divide the class into ten groups and give each group one of the flashcards 10-100.

• Play the recording for children to sing and do the actions (see below) . • Swap the cards around and play the song again. Child ren do new actions for their new number Song actions

Warmer • Revise numbers 1- 20 by counting around the class. Start the game yourself Say One, then point to the child nearest you to say Two. The next child says Three, and so on. • When you reach 20, start again. Lead-in • Use flashcards 37- 46 to introduce the new nurnbers. Hold up the card s one at a time and say the words for children to repeat. • Hold up the ca rds in a different order for ch ildren to say th e numbers again. 1 Listen, point and repeat. IS> 39 • Ask children to look at the numbers in their Class Books. Play the first part of the recording for child ren to point to the pictures and say the words. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat. • Hold up flashcards 37- 46 one at a time for individua l children to say the words. Transcript listen and point. ten, twenty, thi rty, forty, fifty, Si xty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred forty, ninety, ten, fifty, twenty, seventy, one hundred, thirty, eighty, Sixty Listen and repeat. ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred Optional activity • Ask ten children to come to the fron t of the class. Give each one a different number fl ashcard and ask them to stand in the correct order. • Say the numbers with the class. As each number is said, the person holding that flashcard takes a step forward and then back again. 46


When children hear th eir number, they follow th e actions in the pictures, e.g. the group with th e flashcard for number 10 hold up one hand as if waving the card; the group wit h nu mber 20 hold the card in front ofthem, etc Optio nal activity • Playa game of Bingo (see page 21) using the numbers from this lesson. Optional activity • See instructi ons on ca rry ing out PMB Cut and make activity 2 on Teacher's Book page 125. • Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a copy of the PMB page, some scissors, glue, and card. Children complete the board and counters for the game in their pairs following the instructions in the PM B t each ing notes, then go on to play the game together.


You may like the class to complete the handwriting pages on Workbook pages 117- 119 after this lesson.

Further practice


Workbook page 30 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 8 (ut and make 2, PMB page 37 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 4· Words, Song

Lesson Four l¥:~l~



• Repeat, and encourage children to follow the cha nt in their books.

Dig ital classroom· Unit 4 · Phonics

Phonics LLesson o bjectives , To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations gr. br. and fr To differentiate between the sounds Igr/, /brl, and Ifrl

Optional activity • On three separate pieces on paper, write the letter combinations gr, br, and fr in large letters. • Stick the pa pers to different walls in th e classroom, making sure everyone can see them. • Play the chant again. Whenever children hear a word beginning with one of the sounds, they point to the appropriate piece of paper.

Language Core: grass, grapes, brush, bread, frog, frisbee

3 Read the chant again. Circle the sounds gr, br and fr,


Warmer ~32

• Ask children to look at the chant again. Write the first line of the cha nt on the board. Ask ch ildren to fi nd examples of the sounds they have looked at in this lesson. Ask a chil d to come to the front and circle the gr in grapes and br in bread.

• Ask children which sounds they looked at in the previous phonics lesson (lrel, l ei, iII, 10/, and 11\1).

• Allow time for children to read the rest of the ch ant and circle the other exa mples in their books.

• Play the CD and say the chant fro m page 23 to energize the class and revise the sounds that a, e, i, 0, and u make in the middle of words.

• Monitor the activity and help where necessa ry. • Go through the answers with the class.


There are@apes and @ead, And juice in a glass. (Biends together, In the @een, @een @ass. Play with a®isbee, Play foot ball. The@iends have fun With a big,@own ball.

CD ~ 32, 41 - 43; Phonics card s 9- 11 (grass, brush, frog); th ree plain pieces of pape r (optiona l)

• Teach the sounds and letters for th is lesson using the phonics cards. • Hold up the first card and say Letters g and r make the sound Igr/. Say the sou nd again for ch ildren to repeat. • Repeat the proced ure with the phonics cards for br and fr • Hold up each card in turn and say the words for children to repeat.

, Listen, point and repeat. iSl41 • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictu res in th ei r Class Books. Tell them that they are going to hear a record ing of th e different sounds. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the pictures. • Play th e second part of the recording for children to repeat th e sounds. • Play the recording all the way through fo r children to point and then repeat.

Transcript Listen and point. I grl grass Igrl grapes /brl brush I brl bread Ifrl frog If rl frisbee Listen and repeat. Igrl grass Igrl gra pes /brl brush Ibrl bread Ifrl frog Ifrl frisbee

Optional activity • Hold up each of the phonies cards in turn, showing only the picture. Ask the cla ss for the sound and the word.

2 Listen and chant, ~ 42 • Play the recording for children to listen to the chant. • Play the chant once more, stopping the CD after each line fo r chi ldren to repeat.

4 Listen and complete t he words. iSl43 • Tell children th at you are going to playa recording. They have to listen and fill in the missing sounds below the words. • Child ren look at th e fi rst picture. Play the recording for them to listen to the first word. Ask Whats the word' (grapes). Draw attention to the example letters gr which com plete th e word. • Play the rest of the record ing for ch ildren to write in the other missing sounds and complete the words. • Play the recording again for chil dren to complete or check their answers. • Go through the answers. Ask chi ldren to say the missing sounds followed by th e words.

Transcript 1 Igrl grapes 2 /b rl brown 5 Ifrl frisbee 6 Ibrl brush 1 grapes 2 brown 6 brush

3 green

3 Igrl green

4 frog

4 If rl frog

5 frisbee

Further practice


Workbook page 31

IS> Student MultiROM· Unit 4· Phonics

Unit 4


Lesson Five i¥:~l~



Digita l cla ssroom· Unit 4· Readi ng

Skills Time! Skills devel0l>ment Reading: read and understand a caption story; find specific information in a text

Language Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: much, olive, sure

Materials CD ~ 44; a large piece of paper and a set of coloured pencils fo r each grou p of six children (optional)

Warmer o

Playa game of Forwards and backwards (see page 21) to warm up the class and revise th e numbers from the previ ous lesson.

Lead-in o

Talk about food with the class. Ask Do you like pizza/ fries / sandwiches' What is your favourite pizza / sandwich? Encourage chil dren to tell you about any unusual pizza toppings or sa ndwich fi llings th ey li ke.


Ask children to look at the pictures in the story and encourage them to make predictions about what they are going to read, e.g. Its a story. A boy is in a pizza shop.


Explain that they are going to read and liste n to a story and find out what happens when a boy goes into a pizza shop to buy some food and drink.

1 Look at the I>ictures and say the food words. Ask children to look at the pictures again and tell you all the different types of food they can see.


pizza, bananas

2 Listen and read. ~ 44 o

Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of the text. They should listen and read carefully.


Play the recording for children to listen and follow silently in their books.


Play the record ing a second time. An swer any questio ns th ey have.


Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Where is the boy' Has the man got a lot offood' Why not' What food does the boy buy' What drink does the boy buy' Whats his favourite pizza?

Ol>tional activity o


Ask children to work in pairs. One child is the boy and the other is the man in the shop. Children practise reading t he dialogue from the story togethe r.


3 Tick (,f) the food they have got. Cross (X) the food they haven't got. Expla in that children are going to read the text aga in and see what foods the man in the shop has got.


• Read the list of words tog ether. Draw attention to the first food. Ask Have they got chicken' (No). Draw attention to th e exa mple cross in the box. Explain that they are going to do the same for the other food s, adding ticks where they have got a kind of food and crosses where they haven't. o Allow time for children to re-read the text to find out which food th ey have I haven't got and tick or cross each box . • Go through the answers with the class. chicken)i bananas./ tomatoes)i pirra./ milkshake./

Ol>tional activity o

Divide th e class into groups of six. Tell children that they are the owners of a pizza or sandwich shop and they are going to design a new menu.

Chi ldren discuss as a group what pizza toppings or sandwich fillings they would like to include. o Give each group a large piece of paper and a set of colouring pencils. Children write their menu and illustrate it w ith pictu res. • Ask a child from each group to show their menu to th e class and read it out. o

Culture note: Takeaway food Most town s in Britain have several takeaway food outlets where you can buy pizzas, burgers, fries, chicken, or sandwiches. The first kind of takeaway food in Britain was fish and chips - portions of fries (often dressed with salt and vinegar) and fish fried in batter, which were wrapped up in paper for people to take home. For a long time fish and chips was the most popular meal in Britain, but as the country has became more exposed to international cuisine, the rnost popular takeaway meal has now become chicken tikka massala (an Indian curry). Many families in Britain regul arly order takeaway mea ls over th e phone and have thern delivered to their homes.

Fries, chil>s and crisl>S In Britain, most people refer to fries as chips. This can be confusing, as in American Eng lish chips are thin slices of potato chips which are fried and sold in bags. The British word for these is crisps.


Further practice

Workbook page 32

Lesson Six


Pf:~{~ 0 Digita l classroom · Unit 4 · Writing

Skills Time! "S1$! ~s development Li stening: identify food items in a shop

5 Assistant An d we've got figs. Do you like figs) Boy Yes, we do. Two, please. 6 Boy Have you got oranges? Assistant Sorry, no, we haven't. Here's your fru it. Boy and girl Thank youl 1 Ves

2 No

3 No

4 Ves

5 Ves

6 No

Speaki ng: ask and answer questions with Have you got ..

2 Point, ask and answer.

Writing: write question marks and full stops; write about your lunch (Workbook)

• Ask ch il dren to look at the pictu re. Ask them to tell you the different kinds of food they can see on the sta ll.

Recycled: vocabulary and structu res seen previously

• Expla in that they are going to practi se asking for fruit in a fruit shop. Focus attention on the example question and answer. Invite a child to come to the front of the class. Read the question and answer in t he speech bubbles together fo r th e class to repeat in chorus.

Extra: buy

Materials ess",



"lli"m """"'%"1""" wn"

Warmer • Child ren write down three types of food from th is unit. • Ch ildren work in pairs. One ch ild is th e customer and the other is the assistant. The customer uses his / her words to ask questions with Have you got. .. !The assistant looks at his / her list of words and answers the questions.

Lead-in • Ask children what they can remember about the story from the previous lesson. Ask What does the boy want? Has rhe man got tomatoes/ chicken/ olives / bananas' What is the boys new favourite pizzo? • Ask child ren to look at the picture in Exercise 1 and tell you what\hey can see (differen t kinds offruit). Ask them to predict wha t they are going to hear.

1 Listen and write Yes or No. ~ 45 • Tell ch ildren that they are going to hear a record ing of a boy and girl buying fruit. They need to listen carefu lly and say w hich fru its th e shop has got and wh ich it hasn't got. • Play the recording for ch ildren to listen and point to the fruit as they hear it mentioned. • Play the recordi ng a second time for children to write Yes for the food the assistant has got and No for the food th e assistant hasn't got. • Play the recording agai n for child ren to complete t heir answers. • Go through the answe rs with th e class.

Transcript Boy I like fruit. Girl So do I. Let's buy fruit. 1 Girl Have you got apples) Assistant Yes, we have. Girl Two apples, please. 2 Boy And have you got bananas) Assistant Sorry, we haven't got any bananas. 3 Girl OK. What abou t grapes) Assistant No, we haven't got any grapes. 4 Assistant But we have got pea rs. Girl OK. Two pea rs, please.

• Ask children to work in pa irs. They take turns to point to th e different fruits in the pictures and ask and answer questions using the words in the box. • Monitor the activity and model the words where

necessary. • Ask some pairs to ask and answer questions fo r the class.

3 Write a question mark or a full stop, • As k child ren to close their Class Books. Copy the two example sen tences onto the board. • Invite two ch ildren to come to the front. Say Where is the question mark? One child points to the question mark. Then say Where is the full stoplThe other child points to the full stop. • Write some of you r own sentences and questions on the boa rd, leaving out the questi on marks and ful l stops, e.g. Can you skate / I like pizzo / He hasn't got a bike / Have you got fries. Invite ind ividual child ren to come to the fron t of th e class to add the question marks and full stops. • As k children to look at the exercise in th eir Class Books. Allow time for them to draw the questi on ma rks and the fu ll stops. Monitor th e activity and help where necessary. • Go through the answers with the class. Has he got an apple? 2 She's got an orange. 3 We like fruit.

4 Do you like figs? 5 Can you ride a bike? 6 I can't ride a horse.

Optional activity • Children work individua lly. They look at the story on page 32 aga in and copy one sentence and one question, leaving out the full stops and question marks. • Ch ildren then swap with a partn er. They read the sentences and questions and complete the punctu at ion.


Now go to Workbook page 33 fo r children to practi se writi ng about their lunch .

Further practice Workbook page 33 Values worksheet, PMB page 9 Unit 4 test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 14 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 4 • listen at home· Track 13 (Words and phrases), Track 14150n9), Track 15lPhonics)



Lesson One R-,::gl~



Digital classroom · Unit 5 • Words/Story

Words Lesson objectives To identify school subjects To understand a short story Language Core: art, moths, English, science, PE, music Extra: our, their, time, wear Materials CD \Sl1 0, 46-48; Story posters 4 and 5; School subjects fiashcards 47-52; items representing the different subjects, e.g. sports clothes for PE, a paintbrush for art, etc. (optional)

Warmer ~ 10 • Energize the class and revise cl assroom words by si nging Whats in the classroom? from page 10. • Ask ch ildren to tell you what they can remember about the story from the previous unit. . • Use Story poster 4 to retell the story with the class. Ask What is Rosy's drink? Where is Billy? What happens to Billys sandwich?

Lead-in • Use fiashcards 47-52 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a time for children to name the school subjects. Model any words that children do not know. • Hold the fiashcards up in a different order and repeat. 1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 46 • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures of th e different school subjects in their books. • Play the first part of the record ing for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture. Hold up the appropriate fiashcard as each word is said. • Play the second part of the recording, pausing aher each word for children to repeat. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words. • Hold up the fiashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words.

Transcript Listen and point. art, maths, English, science, PE, music PE, maths, SCience, art, music, English Listen and repeat. art, maths, English, science, PE, music


Unit 5

Optional activity • Play Whispers (see page 19) to practise the new vocabulary. 2 Listen and chant. ~ 47 • Play the recording and teach the chant. • Play th e recording a second tim e for chi ldren to re peat the words in the gaps in th e cha nt. • Repeat (more than once if necessary). • Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.

Transcript art, art, art

maths, maths, maths English, English, English SCience, science, science PE, PE, PE music, music, music

Optional activity • Thin k of actions for each of the school subjects, e.g. for science child ren look through a magnifying glass; for music they mime playing a trumpet; for maths they open thei r books, etc. • Give each chrld in the class a different school subject so that there are several children for each one. • Ask the class to stand up. Play the recording for them to say the chant again. When they hear their school subject mentioned, they do the action for their subject. 3 Listen and read. ~ 48 • Use Story poster 5 to present the story. Talk about each frame in turn with the class. Encourage predictions about the story from different members of the class. • Ask children to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the recording for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as they hea r the words. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Does Tim like PU 00 Rosy and Tim take their PE bags to school? Has Tim got his PE clothes? • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to words from Exercise 1.

Further practice


Workbook page 34 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 111

Lesson Two R->g~\~


2 look and say.


• Ask children to look at the pictures in the Ask What can you see?

Digital classroom· Unit 5 • Grammar

• Read th e sentences and q uestions, pausi ng afte r each one for children to point to the picture and repeat.

Grammar lesson objectives To write sentences with

Lets/earn rbox.



our an d their


To ask questions about what subjects you have got on different days of the week To act out a story

language our/their; What have we got on Mondayl We've got English. When have we got PE' We've got PE on Thursday.



• Write the sentences and questions on the board. Read them again, miming the actions in the pictures to reinforce meaning. Children repeat aga in. • Reinforce the meaning of our and their by inviting three children to come to the fron t. Stand with one child a little d istan ce from the other children and hold a bag between you. Say ThiS is our bog. Give t he other two chi ldren an item such as a pencil and say That is their pencil. Repeat, using different school items, until the meaning is clear • Ru b o ut th e last w ord in each sentence. Ask chil d ren to suggest other words that could go in the spaces, e.g.

What hove we got on Tuesday? We've got science. We've got art on Thursday These are our pencils. You can wear their hats. Say the new sen tences for ch ild ren to repeat.

CD ~ 48; Story poster 5; School subjects flashcards


• Invite different children to change the words to make new



• Play 00 it' using the school subjects (se e page 20) to revise the vocabulary from the previo us lesson .

3 Write.


• Ask children to look at the pictures and the words their in the word pool.

• As k ch ild ren if th ey can remember w hat happened in th e story in the previous lesson. Show Story poster 5 to encourage ideas.

• Ch ild re n look at t he first p ictu re. Ask Our or their? Establish that the correct answer is our and show chi ldren that it is w ritten in as an example.

• Cover the poster and ask children which school subjects w ere mention ed in the story.

• Allow time for ch ildren to look at the rest of the pictures and w rite the mi ssi ng wo rds.

1 listen to the story again and repeat. Act. ~ 48

• Go through the answers with the class. Ask children to read the complete sentences in chorus.

• Ask ch ildren to turn to the story on page 34 of their Class Books. They check how many of the sch ool subjects they remembered in the lead-in activity. • Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for children to repeat. • As k children to look at the different acti ons that the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below). • Pl ay t he reco rd ing a second t ime for chi ldren to m ime the actions as they listen.

our and

'·UJ.>iWEI*' 1 2 3 4

These are our bags. Those are th eir bags. These are ourT·shirts. Those are their T-shirts.

4 Point, ask and answer. • Ask the class to look at the timetable and read the days of the w eek and th e school subjects aloud.

• Divide the class into groups of six to play the parts of Rosy, Tim, Grandma, the PE teacher, and the two boys.

• Draw attention to the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Ask the questions for him / her to answer while the clas s listens.

• Child ren practi se acting out the story in their groups. (Note that the two boys don't have speaking parts.)

• Ask chi ldren to work in pairs. They take tu rns to ask and answer questions about the other subjects in the timetable.

• Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation.

• Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases whe re necessary.

• As k some of th e g roups to come to th e front of the class to act out the story.

Optional activity Story actions Picture 1: Rosy points to the tim etable on the wa ll. Picture 2: Tim punches the air w ith excitement. Picture 3: Grandma gives Rosy and Tim their PE bags as they leave to catch the bus. Picture 4: The PE teacher holds up a footba ll. Tim looks for his kit in his bag. Picture 5: Tim holds up the T-shirt he finds and frowns. Picture 6: Two boys give Tim their shorts and T-shirts.

• Draw a grid on the board and make your own timetable by putting flas hcards 47-52 into d iffere nt slots. • Ask questions for individual children to reply, e.g. What have we got an Tuesday? Other children then stand up, choose a child, and ask a question about the timetable.

Further practice


Workbook page 3S Grammarreferenee, Class Book page 109 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 5 • Grammar

Unit 5


Lesson Three Pf:~;~



Digital classroom· Unit 5· Words/Song

Song i

Lesson olJjectives .


• Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you which action they should do for each verse of t he song (see below). • Play the record ing fo r children to listen and do their actions.

To identify rooms and areas in a school

Song actions

To use these words in the context of a song

Verse 1: In the playground... jump and run on the spot

Langua e Core: playground, sports field, art room, computer room Extra: paint, headphones

CD ~ 49-50; School subjects ftashcards 47- 52; School rooms flashcards 53- 56 Warmer • Play Jump with the class using flashcards 47- 52 to revis e school subjects. • Talk about school subjects with the class. Ask What have you got today? When have you got art / science / PE' Lead-in • Use ftashcards 53- 56 to introduce the new vocabu lary. Hold up t he cards one at a t ime and say the words for children t o repeat.

Verse 2: On the sports field... kick a footba ll Verse 3: In the art room. .. draw in the air Verse 4: In the computer room ... put on headphones and move a mouse Optional activity • Divide the class into four groups, one for each verse. • Wi t hout playing t he song, hold up t he playg ro und flashca rd. The playground group sings or cha nts t he words from th eir verse in the Class Book. • Repeat wi th the sports field, art room, and computer room flashcards. The whole clas s can sing At our school. .. togeth er each time. • Tell childre n that now they are go ing to sing the song from memory. Ask them to close their books. Play the song again . At the begin ning of each verse, hold up the appropriate flashcard to re mind chi ldren which group is going to si ng.

• Hold up the cards in a different order for children to repeat again.

Optional activity

1 List en, point and repeat. ~ 49

• Play Musical cards (see page 19) using fiashcards 53- 56 and playing t he unit song.

• Ask children to look at t he pictu res in their Class Books. Play the first part of the recording for children to point t o th e pictures and say the words. • Play the second part of the recording for ch ildren to repeat th e words. • Play the recording all th e way through for ch ildren to listen and the n repeat. • Hold up fiashca rds 53- 56 one at a time for individual chi ldren to say the words. • If you have all of these in your school, ask child re n Where do you have PE / art / computers' Transcript Listen and point. playground, sports field, art room, compu ter room art room, playground, computer roo m, sports fiel d Listen and repeat. playground, sports field, art room, computer room 2 List en and sing. ~ 50 • Point to the differe nt pictures for children to te ll you what they can see. See if they can name t he school subjects or say which places they can see. • Play the song th e wh ole way through once fo r children to listen. Then play it again as they follow t he words in thei r books. • Read each line of the song line by line for chi ldren to repeat after you. • Play t he recording for children to sing along.


3 Sing and do.

Unit S


Further practice

Workbook page 36 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 10 ~ Student MultiROM• Unit 5 • Words, Song

Lesson Four ~,::gl~


3 Read the chant again. Circle the sounds dr, tr and cr.


Digital classroom · Unit 5· Phonics

Phonics Lesson objectives


To pronou nce sounds made by the letter combinations dr, tr, and cr To differentiate between the sounds Idr/, Itrl, and Ikrl

• Ask children to look at the chant again. Write the first line on the board. Ask chi ldren to find an example of the letters dr, tr, or cr. Ask a child to come to the front and circle the tr in train and truck. • Allow time for children to read the rest of the chant and circl e the other examples in their books. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go through the answers with the class.

Language Core: drum, dress, fruck, tree, crab, crayon


'CD is) 42, 51-53; Ph-;;;i~; '~;;d~i2~i4(drum, truck, crayon)

Warmer is)42 • Ask children to tell you which sounds they looked at in the previous phonics lesson (/gr/, Ibr/, and Ifr!). Play the CD and say the chant from Class Book page 31 to energize the class and revise the sounds from the previous unit

Lead-in • Teach the new sounds and letters for this lesson using the phonics card s. • Hold up the first card and say Letters d and r make the sound Idr!. Say the sound for children to repeat several ti mes. Repeat th e procedure with th e other phonics cards. • Hold up each card in turn and say the words for children to repeat

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 51 • Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Tell them they are going to hear a recording of the different sounds. • Play the first part of the recording fo r children to listen and point to the pictures. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sou nds and words. • Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat

Transcript Listen and point Idrl drum Idrl dress Itrl truck Itrl tree /krl crayon /krl crab Listen and repeat.

Idrl drum Idrl dress Itrl truck Itrl tree Ikrl crayon I krl crab

2 Listen and chant. is)52 • Ask children to look at the picture and tell you what they ca n see. Play the record ing for them to listen to the chan t • Play the chant once more, stopping the CD after each line for children to repeat • Repeat, and encourage children to follow the chant in their books.

Optional activity • Play Find your partner wi th the class using the phonies

A@ainand a@uck, A@a band a@um. I@awwithmy @ayons, And I have fun. A girl in a@ess, A bird in a@ee. Get your @ayons, And @aw with me.

4 Listen to the sounds and join the letters is)53 • Elicit the four pictures in th e exercise (a boy. a truck, a drum, and a crayon). Explain that you are gOing to playa recording of different sounds and words from the lesson. Children have to follow the sounds and words in the maze to fin d out what the boy has got - a truck, a drum, or a crayon.

• Play the beginning of the recording and follow the blue line that links the boy to the letters tr to demonstrate. • Play the rest of record ing for children to link the remai ni ng letters. • Go through the answers. Ask children to look at their mazes and call out the letters they heard in turn as you write them on the board. Ask What has the boy got l

Transcript Itrl truck Idrl drum Ikrl crayon It rl truck Idrl drum Ih l crayon Itrl truck The boy has got a truck.

Optional activity • Go around the room, assigning the words drum, truck, and crayon to different children, so tha t children representing each word are evenly dispersed. • Tell children you are going to read a list of words beginning with the sounds Idrl.ltr/, and Ikr!. When chi ldren hea r the sounds represented by their words, they bang their dru m, drive th eir truck, or draw w ith their crayon. • Read out the following list (more than once if necessary), pausing between each word: drink, crab,

train, crayon, trousers, dress.

Further practice


Workbook page 37 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 5 • Phonics

cards from the lesson (see page 20).

Unit 5


Lesson Five Pf:~I~


3 Read again. Circle the false word and write t he correct word. • As k ch ildren to close their books. Copy the example


Digital class room· Un it 5 • Reading

sentence from t he Cl ass Book onto the board.

Skills Time! ISkilis development , .



£&£W _ _ WW1M



Reading: read and understand a webpage; find specific details in a text

Recycled: vocabu lary and structures seen previously Extra: speak, srudy, read, primary, lesson


'CD \SI50, 54: a ia~e"~i;~~";T;;;er a~dcolou~~g w pencils for each group of six ch ildren (option al)

Warm er


• As k childre n Is the sentence correct? (No). Ask What word is wrong'lnvite a child to come to the fron t to circle the incorrect word in the sentence (smam. Invite a second child to come and w rite the correct word (big) next to the se ntence. • Ask child ren to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Explain t hat they nee d to find the word that is wrong in each se ntence and circle it. They should t hen pu t the correct word at the end of th e line. • Allow t ime for children to re -read t he text and then find the incorrect words and w rrte the correct words for each sentence. • Go th rough t he answers w it h the class. Read ea ch sentence for children to tell you wh ich word is wrong an d tell you the correct word.

• Sing At our school fro m page 36 to wa rm up the class. • Talk about computers with the class. Ask Do you like computers' Have you got a computer? When have you got

computer lessons?

• Ask child ren to look at th e p ictu re. Encourage children to make predictions about w hat th ey are going to read, e.g. Its about computer lessons in school. The children like computers. Expla in that they are going to read a webpage that some ch ild ren have written about t he computer room in a school.

1 look at the picture. What school subjects can you see? • Ask ch ildren to look at the picture ag ain. Ask them to name the different subjects that ch ildren are studying in the computer room. • If yo u w ish, ask children to work in pa irs, ta krng turns to point to children and say which subjects t hey are studying.

English, maths, music, art, science


• Tell child ren that they are going to hear a reco rding of the text. Play the reco rding for children to listen and follow si lently in t heir books. • Play the recording a second time. Answer any quest ions that t hey have. • Ask questions to check comprehens ion, e.g. Where are the children? What can children do on the computers' How many children can go into the computer room'

Optional activity • Ask th e fo llowing questions for chi ldre n to scan the text and find the answers: Is there a computer for every pupil? (Yes) Can the children use headphones' (Yes) Can children study PE in the computer room? (No) Which class are the children in? (Primary 2)


Unit 5

2 We've got @ computers. (12)

3 The pupils can listen and @ .(speak) 4 The computers help t he children to §

l ead-in

2 listen and read.

1 We've got a ~ computer room. (big)

and write. (read)

5 Th e children come every Tuesday and(~ednesd"YJ. (Thursday)

Optional activity • Divide childre n into groups of six. Give out a large piece of paper and colou ring pencils to each group • Explain t hat they are going to w rite the ir own webpage abou t their favourr te room at school. Encourage the m to deci de which room or place to write about (it could also be a place outside the school buildings such as a sports fie ld). • Chi ldren work in groups to wri te thei r webpage and d raw pictures of the place they have chosen. • Invite groups to come and read their webpage to the class. If yo u Wish, displ ay th e work in the classroom .

Culture note: Computers and education Most schools in t he UK have a separate computer room w here child re n have ICT (Informati on and Communication Technology) lessons. In addition, in many schools children are encouraged to use computers actively during their classes in other subje cts, or in preparing hom ework. A government scheme is cur rently in p lace to help provide compu ters for secondary-age pupils who do not have access to a computer at home. By developing essen tia l skill s in th e use of technology and access to many more means of commu nicati on, t hey are being given t he same opport uniti es as other children t heir age. It is understood t hat this scheme will improve t heir life skills and future prospects sig nificantly.


Further practice

Workbook page 38

Lesson Six W:g~



(top row) 2, 3 (bottom row) 1,4, 5

Digital classroom· Unit 5 · Writing

2 Point, ask and answer about your school.

Skills Time!

• As k ch ildren to read the word s and phrases in th e word pools aloud.

Skills development Listeni ng: identify schoo l rooms from t heir descri ptions

• Focus attention on t he speech bubbles. Ask a chil d to stand up and model the question and answer with you. Children repeat t he question and answer in choru s. Encourage them to make their words fiow together,

Speaking: ask and answer questions about different rooms in a school Writ ing: identify and w rite capital letters in days of the wee k; w rite abo ut your school subjects (Workboo k)

La pguage . ,


'"' _,.

, .'


avoiding unnecessary pau ses.


• Children work in pairs, taking turns to paint, ask and answer questions about what is in the different rooms.

Recycled: vocabu lary and structures seen previou sly

• Mon itor the activity and model words w here necessary.

Extra: break time, learn

• As k some of the pairs to ask and answer questions for the cla ss.

Materials CD~55

Warmer • Play Bingo (see pag e 21) w ith t he w ords children have learnt in this unit.

Lead-in • Ask chi ldren what they can remember abou t the web page from the p revious les son, Ask Whats the room in the picture' How many computers are in the room? What

subjects do children study in the room ' • Allow ch ildren to check the w ebpag e on page 38 of thei r Cl as s Books to see how much they remembered correctly. • As k children to look at the pictu res in Exercise 1 and identify the rooms or area s in each on e. Ask th em to predict what they are going to hear.

1 Listen and number. ~ 55

Optional activity • Ask children to close their Class Books. Write the different rooms on the board. Ask a ch il d to stand up. He / She chooses another child and asks a q uestion about one of the roorns, e.g. What have we got in the art room? • Repeat w ith several more children.

3 Circle the capital letters at the start of the days of the week. • Ask child re n to close their books. Copy the example sentence from the Cla ss Book onto the board. • Ask children to identify the week day. Invite a child to come to the fron t of the class and circle the capital letter at the start of Tuesday. • Write some of your own sentences o n the board, e.g. Today is Monday. Have you got science on Thursdayn've got music on Friday. Invite ind ividual ch ild ren to come and circle the capital letters at the start of the days of the week.

• Tell chi ldren tha t they are going to hear a g irl ta lking abo ut the rooms in her school. They have to listen and wri te the number whe n they hear a room m entioned.

• Ask chi ldren to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow tim e for the m to compl ete the exercise.

• Play the record ing the whole way through for children to listen and point to t he rooms as they hea r them described.

• Go throug h the answers with the class.

• Play th e recording a second t im e, stopping after the first item. Show children th e example answer I in the box. • Co ntinue the recording, stoppin g after each item for ch ildren to number the rooms. • Play the recording again for children to comp lete or check

their answers. • Go through the an swers with the cl ass.

Transcript Hi. My name's Emily. This is my school. 1 This is our room . We come here every day. We've got a board an d twenty tables and cha irs. 2 We come here at breaktime. We can play here and talk to our friends. 3 We do PE here. We can play footba ll and we can run here. 4 Look at this room. We've got paint and paper here and we can do art 5 There are lots of computers here. We can learn with the computers. It's fun .

• Monitor the activity and help where necessary.

1 What have we got on@ednesday?

2 We go to the computer room on (tjhursday. 3 We've got art on@ onday. 4 Have we got PE on muesday?

Optional activity • Write questions on the board for children to co mplete w ith the appropriate days of the week, using ca pital letters, e.g. We've got ort on _ __ . We go to the

computer room on

. We've got English on


Now go to Workbook page 39 for children to practise writing about their school subject s.

Further practice Workbook page 39 Values worksheet, PMB pagell Unit 5 test, Testing and Evaluation Book pagelS ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 5 • Listen at home· • Track 16 (Words and phrases), Track 17 (Song), Track 18 (Phonics)

Unit 5


• Lesson One w;~{~



Digital classroom· Unit 6 · Words/Story

Words Lesson objectives To identify after-school activ:.cit:.:.ie:.:s, -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ To understand a short:..:s:..:to .::.r"y'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Language Core: help my mum, do my homework, visit my grandma,

go swimming, have a music lesson, watch TV Extra: how about, well

Optional activity • Encourage the class to think of actions for each of the after-school activities. • Play Simon says ... (see page 20) to practise the new vocabulary. Children mime the actions as you na me them . (You will have to change the word my to your in phrases that contain possessive pronouns.)

2 Listen and chant. ~ 57 • Play the record ing and teach the chant. • Play the reco rdi ng a second tim e for children to re peat th e phrases in the gaps in the chant. • Repeat (more th an once if necessary). • Children say the chant as a class, without th e recording.

Materials CD ~ 50,56-58; Story posters 5 and 6; After-school activities flashcards 57- 62 ::::.:0='-='=--__ _

Warmer ~50 • Sing At our school from page 36 to warm up the class. • Ask chi ldren to tell you what th ey can remember about the story from the previous unit. • Use Story poster 5 to retell the story with th e cla ss. Ask Whar have Tim and Rosy got on Thursday' Which bag of clothes does Tim have' What does he wear for his PE lesson?

Lead-in • Use flashcards 57-62 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson. Hold th em up one at a tim e for children to name the after-school activities. Model any phrases th at children do not know. • Hold the fl ashcard s up in a different order and repeat.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 56 • Ask chil dren to look at the pictures of the after-school activities in thei r Class Books. • Play the fi rst part of the recording for child ren to listen and point to th e appropriate picture. Hold up th e appropriate flashcard as each phrase is said. • Play the second part of the record ing, pa using after each phrase for children to repeat. • Play the record ing all the way through fo r chil dren to listen and point and then repeat the words.

hel p my mum, help my mum, help my mum do my homework, do my homework, do my homework visit my grandma, visit my grandma, visit my grandma go swimming, go swimming, go swimming have a music lesson, have a music lesson, have a music lesson watch TV, watch TV, watch TV

3 Listen and read. ~ 58 • Use Story poster 6 to present the story. Talk about each frame in turn with the cla ss. Encourage predicti on s about the story from different members of the class. • Ask children to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the record ing for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as they hea r the words.

• Ask questions to check comprehen sion, e.g. Do Rosy and Alice want to play after school? Can they find a day when they can play? What is Mums idea? • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to words from Exerci se 1.

Optional activity • Tell children that they are going to play a memory game. Ask th em to close their books. • Invite a child to come to the front. Ask him / her to ch oose th e Arst activity that is mentioned in the story from flashcards 57-62. He / She puts th e corresponding flash card on the board.

• Hold up th e flashcards in a ran dom order and ask the class to say the phrases.

• Repeat with three more children. They are allowed to correct any mistakes that they th ink the other chil dren have made.


• Invite another ch ild to remove any cards that are not mentioned in the story.

Listen and point. help my mum, do my homework, visit my grandma, go swimm ing, have a music lesson, watch TV have a music lesson, do my homework, wa tch TV, go swimming, visit my grandma, watch TV Listen and repeat. help my mum, do my homework, visit my grandma, go swimming, have a music lesson, watch TV



Unit 6

• Play th e recording for children to check their answers.


Further practice

Workbook page 40

-Lesson Two l¥:~l~


Picture 6: Rosy and Al ice wa lk w ith Mum, smiling, and mime swimm ing.


Dig ita l classroom· Unit 6· Grammar

2 Look and say.

Grammar "Lesson objectives


• Ask ch ildren to look at th e pictures in the Lets learn! box. Ask What can you see' Chi ldren identify the differen t afterschool activi ties.


To make positive and negative sentences about afterschool activities

• Read the sentences, pausing afte r each one for ch ildren to point to the picture and repeat.

To choose verbs for different after,school activities

• Write the sen tences and questions on the board. Read them again, m iming th e actions in the pictures to rei nforce meaning. Children repeat again.


To say what you do on d ifferent days of the week

lan uage Co re: I visit my grandma every Tuesday I go swimming every Th, ""~~" I don't have a music lesson

Materials 7








IS! 58; Story poster 6; After-school activities fiash cards

57- 62

• Rub out the acti vity phrases in each sentence and put fiashcards in the spaces to elici t sentences with the same pattern, e.g. I help my mum every Tuesday. I don't go swimming. I do my homework every Thursday. I don't visit my grandma. Children repeat the new sentences. • Invite diffe rent chi ldre n to change t he activities to make new sentences and questions.

3 Write.

Warmer • Play Freeze (see page 20) to revise vocabulary from th e p revio us lesson, Ch ildren mime the actions for the aft erschool activities th ey practi sed in th e previous lesson ,


• Ask chi ldren to look at the pictures and identify the d ifferen t after-school activities. • Ask a ch ild to read out the words in the word pool. Explain that they are going to choose a verb from the word pool to complete t he sentences. • Ask child ren to loo k at the first picture. Establish t hat the missing verb is have.

• As k ch ildren if they can rem ember what happened in th e story in the previous lesson, Show Story poster 6 to encourage ideas.

• All ow t ime for ch ildren to look at the rest of the pictu res and write the m issing verbs.

• Cover th e poster and ask ch ildren which after-school activi t ies we re mentioned in t he story.

• Go through the answers with the class. Ask ch ildren to read the complete sentences in chorus.

1 listen to the story aga in and repeat. Act.

IS! 58

• Ask children to turn to the story on page 40 of t heir Class Books, They check how many of the after-school activities they remembered in the lead -in activity • Play the record ing, pausing after each line of text for children to repeat • Ask children to look at th e different actions the people do in the story As a class, decide on actions for the story (see suggestions below), • Divide t he class into groups of t hree to play the parts of Rosy, Alice, and Mum

t!U"i!J9*;' 1 I have a music lesson.

2 I do my homework. 3 I go swimming.

4 I watch TV. 5 I help my dad. 6 I vis it my grandma.

Optional activity • Ask children to look at the sentences from Exercise 2 again. Wr ite the first sentence on the boa rd . Rub out the verb and put a cross next to the sentence. • Invite a child to come to the fro nt of the class to make the sentence negative (I don't visit my grandma). • Repea t with the rest of the sentences.

• Play the record ing a second time for chi ldren to m ime the actions as they listen,

4 Point and say.

• If yo u wish, ask children to pract ise acting out the story in their groups, Monitor the activity, checking for correct

• Ask the class to look at the pictures and iden tify the different after-school activities.

pronu nciation. • Ask some of t he groups t o corne to the front of the class to act out the st ory,

Story actions Pict ure 1: Rosy and Al ice sit dow n on the bus and fasten their seat belts, Picture 2: Alice shakes her head and mimes playing the piano. Picture 3: Rosy shakes her head and mimes g reeti ng her grandma. Picture 4: Alice shakes her head and mimes laying the table. Picture 5: Rosy and Alice get off the bus. Mum waves.

• Draw attention to the speech bubbles. Ask a ch ild to stand up. Read the dialogue together for the class t o listen and repeat. • Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to say the days and tell each other what they do and don't do on those days, using the pict ures. • Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model

words and phrases whe re necessary.

Further practice


Workbook page 41 Grammar reterence, ( lass Book page 109 IS! Student MultiROM · Unit 6· Grammar Unit 6


Lesson Three W:gl~


2 Listen and sing. ~ 60 • Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the different pictu res for children to name th e after-school activities. Ask children to predict what the song is about (what children do after school).


Digital classroom · Unit 6· Words/Song

Song Lesson objectives To identify more after-school activities To use phrases for after-school activities in the context of aso,,-g _ __


• Play the record ing for child ren to sing along. II





2 :;


Core: listen to music, play with friends, read a book, write an email -Extra: after, a lot. on my own, cook (v) Recycled: after-school activities words




~D ~ 59-60, After-school activities flas.0ca rds 63-66

3 Sing and do. • Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you which action they should do for each verse of the song (see below). • Play the recording for children to listen and do their actions.

Song actions


Things an my own - point to self

• Playa variation of A long sentence (see page 2') to revise the after-school activities children have learned so far in this unit.

Things with you - point to friend

• Choose a child and say On Monday I visit my grandma. The ch ild has to repeat the sentence and th en add his / her own sentence aboutTuesday, e.g. On Monday I visit my grandma and on Tuesday I go swimming. • Continue until you have used all the activities, or until someone forgets the chain.

• Use flashca rds 63-66 to introduce th e new vocabulary. Hold up the cards one at a ti me and say the phrases for more after-school activities for child ren to repeat. • Hold up t he cards in a different order for children to repeat again.

1 Listen, point and re peat.



• Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Play the first part of the record ing for children to point to t he pictures and say the phrases. • Play the second part of the recording fo r children to repeat the phrases. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat. • Hold up flashcards 63-66 one at a time for individual children to say the phrases.

Transcri pt Listen and paint. listen to music, play with friends, read a book, write an email read a book, listen to music, write an email, play with friends Listen and repeat. listen to music, play with friends, read a book, write an email

Optional activity • Play Mime the word (see page 20) to revise the phrases from Lesson' and practise the new vocabulary from this lesson.


I do my homework - mime writing I help my mum - mime sweeping I write an email - mime typing I read a book - mime turn ing a page I listen to music - tou ch ea rs I help to cook - mime stirring a pot

Optional activity



• Play the song the whole way through once for children to listen. Then play it again as they fo llow the words in their books. • Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat after you.

• Talk about after-school activities wi th th e class. Ask different children Whatdo you do after school? Is it fun?

Further practice


Workbook page 42 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 112 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 12 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 6· Words, Song

Lesson Four Pf:gl~


• Repeat, and encourage chi ldren to follow the chan t in the ir books.


Digita l class room· Unit 6· Phonics

3 Read the chant again . Circle the sounds f1, pi and bl.

Phonics LETss?n, objectives


To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations

Jl.,pl, and bl

_____ _

To differentiate between th e sounds ffll,_.PlIc.ilI1d fb l_ f __ _

• Wri te th e first line of the cha nt on the board. Ask a child to come to the front and find an example of the letters fI, pi, or bl. He I she circles the pi in plums and plate. • Allow tim e for chi ldren to read the rest of th e chant and circ le the other examples. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary.

language '"


• Go through the answers with t he class.

S2rec blanket, blue, flot, flower, plate, plum ,Mil,Serials



CD E'i!l52, 61-63; Phonics cards 15- 17 (flower, plu m,


_, ___,,,__


ums on a@ate,

IPums on a(p[late.


ums on a(eJate.

A@anketon a bed,

Warmer E'i!l52 • Ask children wh ich sounds they looked at in th ei r previous phonics lesson (ldr/, ftr!, and Ikrf) . Play the CD and say the chant from Class Book page 37 to energize the class and rev ise th e sou nds from the previous un it

Lead ' in • Teach th e sounds and letters for th is lesson using the phonics cards. • Hold up th e first card and say Letters fand I make the sound Ifli. Say t he sound for chi ldren to repeat several times. Repeat the procedure with the other phon ics cards. • Hold up each card in turn and say th e words for chi ldren to repeat


Liste n, point and repeat. E'i!l61

• Ask children to look at t he pictu res in t heir Class Books. Tell them that they are going to hear a record ing of the different sounds.

A~anket on a bed.

There's a pretty@ower On the @an keto n the bed.


Listen and complete the words. E'i!l63

• Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures and iden ti fy the things they see. Explain that you are going to playa recording of different sounds and words fro m the lesson. They must listen and complete the words with t he letters that they start with. • Draw attentio n to the example and p lay the beginning of the recording to show that the missing word has been comp leted w ith t he missing letters pl. • Play th e rest of the reco rding for child ren to comp lete the rema in ing words. • Play the reco rding agai n for children to check their answers. • Go thro ug h the answers w ith t he class.


• Play the fi rst pa rt of t he recording for ch ildren to li sten and point to the pict ures.

1 fp lf plate 2 fblf blue 3 ffll fiat 5 IblJ blanket 6 /pV plum

4 IfII flower

• Play the second pa rt of t he record ing for children to repeat the sounds and words.

1 plate

5 blanket

• Play the recording all th e way thro ugh for ch ild re n to point and th en re peat.

Transcript Listen and ffll fiowe r Listen and ffll fiower

point. !fIf fiat fplJ plum fpl! plate fblJ blanket fblJ blue repeat. /fIf fiat fplJ plum fplJ plate fbI! blanket fb lf blue

Optional activity • Play Poin t to the correct card (see page 20) w ith the class . • Put the three phonics cards in different places on the wall around the room. Play the recording again. Child ren point to the sounds as they hear them.

2 blue

3 ftat

4 flower

6 plum

Optional activity • Write th e fol lowing phrases on the boa rd :

Flowers in a flat. A blue and black blanket. Plums, please! Plums, please! • Chant the phrases one by one with the class, increasing t he speed each time. • Point to the phrases in a different order for the class to chant.

Further practice


Workbook page 43

E'i!l Student MultiROM • Unit 6· Phonics

2 Listen and chant. E'i!l62 • Play the record ing for ch il dren to listen to the chant. • Play the cha nt o nce more, stopping the CD after each li ne for ch ildren to repeat.

Unit 6


Lesson Five Pr,::,gl~



Go through the answers with the class. Ask chi ldren to point to the places in the text where they found the answers.


Digital classroom 路 Unit 6路 Reading

Skills Time! Skills development Reading: read and understand a class poster; match children with their after-school activities


1 M 2 J



Extra: stC!!.ies, CO, sport _ o


Warmer ~60 o



Talk about after-school activiti es with the class. Ask What do you do after school on Monday /Tuesday /Wednesday? 00 you listen to music / go swimming / help your mum? Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures. Encourage child ren to make predictions about wha t they thi nk the text is about.

1 look at the pictures. Say what the children do. o


Ask children to look at the pictures again. Ask them which after-school activities they can see in the pictures. If you wish, ask children to work in pairs, taking turns to point to the pictures and name the after-school activities.

tU ..iW4*'

play football, listen to music, draw, skate

2 listen and read. ~ 64 o




Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of the text. Play the recording fo r children to listen and follow si lently in their books. Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions they have. Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Does Max go to the park? Does Julia play tennis' Does Luke listen to music?

3 Read again. Who does each activity? o





Look at the example with the class. Ask children to look back at the text to find where one of the children mentions going to the park. Ask Who is it' (Max). Show children the letter M on the line and explain that M stands for Max. Draw their attention to the list of abbreviations for names. Ask the class Who points pictures/ sings songs/watches TV' Children scan the text to find the information and callou t the answers. Ask children to look at the exercise in th eir books. Allow time for them to re-read the poster and write the correct child's initial next to each activity. Monitor the activity and help where necessary.


5 l

6 L 7 M 8 5

Tell the class that you are going to playa memory game. Ask children to close their books. Ask questions about which child does which activity, e.g. Who plays football / plays tenn is/ does his homework after school? Keep a record of the questions you ask and write the children's answers on the board. Wh en you have fin ished, go through the answers with the cl ass to see how many they remembered correctl y.

Optional activity o

Sing After school from page 42 to warm up the class.


4 J

Optional activity

Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

CD lSi 60, 64; a plain piece of paper for each child; a set of coloured pencils for each group of six children (optional)

3 S



Divide the class into groups of six. Give each child a plain piece of paper and each group a set of coloured pencils. Children draw a picture of their favourite after-school activity, sharing the coloured pencils with the rest of the group. Children take turns to tell each other about the activity, e.g. On Tuesday I go swimming after school. My friend Alexandra comes too.

Culture note: After-school activities The school day in Briti sh primary schools fin ishes at around three o'clock and many children take part in recreational activities after this. Some schools provide activities such as football or music praaice, or art clubs. Many children also go to a sports centre at least once a week, where they might have swimming, karate, judo, ice skating, gymnastics, or dance classes, or play sports such as tennis, dodgeball or basketball. If grandparents live nearby, some children will go to their house after school (especially if both their parents are worki ng) or to a friend's house to play. Computers are very popula r, and most chi ldren use th em fo r playing games, writing emails, or'chatting'to fri ends.


Further practice

Workbook page 44

Lesson Six Pf:~;~


2 Look and say.


• Ask child ren to look at the phrases in t he word pool and read each o ne.

Digita l classroom· Unit 6· Writing

Skills Ti me! Skills Oeve oJ>ment "


Listenin2c!clentify which activi ties children take part in talk about which after-school activities


Writing : identify verbs; write about what you do after school

Lan uage Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen E~evi0LJ:'IL ___ ~

,fVlaterials , IT CD ~ 65; After-school activities fiashcards 57-6~~ __ _

• Ask a ch ild to stand up. Read the d ialogue in the speech bubbles with him ! her for the class to repeat in chorus, indica ting the pictures in Exercise 1 yo u are describing as you speak. Encourage them to ma ke their words flow together, avoid ing unnecessary pauses. • Ask child ren to wo rk in pairs. Explain that they must talk as tho ugh they are the ch ildren from the reco rding. Children ta ke tu rns to call out num bers as they say w hat they do / don't do after school. • Monitor th e activity and model the words where necessary. • Ask some of t he chi ld ren to tell the class about what they do / don't do in the different pictures.

Optional activity Warmer • Give flashcards 57- 66 to ten ch ild ren around the class. • Ask other chi ld ren What do you do after 5chool? • The children wi t h the flas hcards listen carefu lly. When they hear their activity men tioned, they hold their fiashcard up.

Lead-in • Ask children what t hey can remember about the poster from the previous lesson. As k Which activities did the children do after school?

• Ask children to ta lk about t he pictures again, b ut t his time giving information that is true about themselves.

3 Circle the verbs, • As k child ren to close their books. Copy t he two example sentences onto the board. • Invite a child to come to the front of the class and circle the verb in t he first sentence. Invite another child to come and circle the verb in the second sentence.

• Al low ch ildren to check the poster on page 45 of the ir Class Books to see how much t hey remembered.

• Write some of your own sen tences on the board, e.g. I write an email. I help my dad Invite individua l chi ld ren to come and ci rcle the verbs.

• Ask children to look althe pictures in Exercise 1 and identify the after-school activi ties in each one.

• Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow time for t hem to circ le the verb in each sentence.

1 Listen and tick (,f) or cross (X ). ~ 65

• Monitor the activity and help w here necessary. • Go th rough t he answers wit h th e class.

• Te ll ch ildren that t hey are going to hear a recording of different children ta lking about what they do after school. • Play the record ing the whole way th roug h for them to listen and point to the activities as they are mentioned. • Play the reco rdi ng a second time, stopping after the first item. As k ch ildren to look at t he first t wo pictu res and point to the picture that is correct (the book) . • Con tinue p laying the recording line by line for children to tick the activities the chi ldren do after school. • Play the record ing again for ch ildren to complete their

1 l(iJIa0 tennis. 2 I ~ in the park. 3 I ~ a horse.

4 I ~ my cou sin. 5 I~e n) to music. 6 I do my homewo rk.

Opt ional activity • Ask ch ild ren to copy two or three sentences from the text on page 44. They circle the verb in each one. • Ask some of the ch ild ren to read th eir sentences to the class. They say which words are verbs.

answe rs. • Go t hroug h the answers with the cl as s.


Now go to Workbook page 45 for child re n to practi se writing about what they do after school.

Transcript Te ll me what yo u do after school. 1 I like books. Afte r school, I read. I don't ride a bike. I can't ride a bike ' 2 After school, I don't play football. I don't like football. I go swimming. I can swim wel l. 3 After school, I don't have a music lesson. I always do my homework. I've got Eng lish homework today. 4 I don't write ema ils.1 haven't got a computer. I listen to music.

I love music. 1 story book 4 CD player

2 swimming pool

3 school books

Review 2



Further practice Workbook page 45 Values worksheet, PMB page 13 Testing and Evaluation Book Unit 6 test, page 16 • Summativ. te5t2, page 17 • Skills test 2, page 19 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 6 • listen at home· • Track 19 (Words and phrases), Track 20 (Song), Track 21 (Phonics)



Lesson One I¥~gl~



Optional activity • Play Word chain (see page 19) to practise the new vocabulary.

Digital classroom · Unit 7 · Words/Story

Words , Lessol) o,bjectives '" , To identify different party objects To understan~a short story

2 Listen and chant. 1Sl67 • Play the recording and teach the chant • Play the record ing a second tim e for children to repeat the words in the gaps in the chant



• Repeat (more than once if necessary). • Children say the chan t as a class, without the recording.

Language Core: chocolate, sweets, balloon, present, cake, card Extra: birthday, t'!!!!E'!.0w, s'!lred of, asleep, someone Materials ' CD ~ 66':68~S~~ry ~;;ters Starter to U~it'7:' s~;~ial days fiashcards 67-72; real objects from the vocabulary list (optional)


Transcript chocolate, chocolate, chocolate

sweets, sweets, sweets if


Warmer ~40

3 Listen and read, 1Sl68

• Sing Lets count to one hundred from page 30 to warm up the class.

• Use Story poster 7 to present the story. Talk about each frame In tu rn with the class. Encou rage predictions about th e story from different members of the class.

• Ask children to tell you what they can remember about the story from the previous unit. • Use Story poster 6 to retell the story with the class. Ask What does Rosy I Alice do after school? Can Rosy play with Alice after school today? Lead-in • Use flashca rds 67-72 to elicit th e vocabulary for this lesson (or use real objects if you have them). Hold them up one at a time for children to say the words. Model any words that children do not know. • Hold the fiashcatds up in a different order and repeat. 1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 66 • Ask children to look at the pictures of the differe nt party objects. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture or object. Hold up the appropriate fiashcard or object as each word is said. • Play the second patt of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat • Play th e recording all th e way through fo r child ren to listen and point and then repeat th e words. • Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words. Transcript listen and pOint. chocolate, sweets, balloon, present, cake, ca rd balloon, chocolate, ca rd, sweets, presen t, cake listen and repeat. chocolate, sweets, balloon, present, cake, card


balloon, balloon, balloon present, present, present cake, cake, cake card, card, card

Unit 7

• Ask children to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the recordin g for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask questions to check compreh ension, e.g. Whose birthday is it? What does Billy like? Who is in the living room' • Ask ch ildren to look at th e story again. They find and point to words from Exercise 1. Optional activity • Put all the Story posters the class have seen so far on the board in the correct order. Talk about the stories with the class. Point to each poster in turn fo r children to tell you what happened. • Have a class vote to see which is the favourite story so far in the course.


Further practice

Workbook page 48

Lesson Two W:~l~


2 look and say.


Digital classroom· Unit 7· Grammar

Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let'slearn l box. Ask What can you see? Read the sentences and questions, pausing after each one for children to point to the picture and repeat. Write the sentences and questions on the board. Read them again, miming the actions and expressions in the pictures to reinforce meaning. Children repeat again. Rub out the last word in each sentence and replace with flashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g. I like chocola te. I don't like balloons. He likes cards. He doesn't like cakes. Say the sentences fo r children to repeat. Invite child ren to change th e words to make new sentences.



Grammar lesson objectives


To express likes and dislikes To ask and answer questions about what people like o

To act out a story

Ilanguage Core: What do you like' I like/ don't like balloons. Whar does he like? He likes / doesn't like chocolare.


::.:.:::..- - -

Optional activity



CD !Sl68; Story poster 7; Special days fiashcards 67-72

Warmer o

lead-in o



Play What's missing'(see page 20) using fiashcards 67-72 to revise the vocabulary from the previous lesson.

Ask children if they can remember what happened in th e story in the previous lesson. Show Story poster 7 to encourage ideas. Cover the poster and ask ch ildren whi ch party objects were mentioned in the sto ry.

3 Write. Ask individua l children to read the words in the word pool. Ask children to look at the first picture. Ask Does he like sweets'to elicit Yes, he does. Establish that the missing word In the sentence is likes. Allow time for children to look at the rest of the pictures and complete the sentences. Go through the answers with the class. Ask children to read the complete sentences in chorus.

o o


1 listen to the story again and repeat. Act. !Sl68 o







Ask children to turn to the story on page 48 of their Class Books. They check how well they remembered the story. Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for children to repeat. Ask children to look at the different actions the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below). Divide the class into groups of five to play the parts of Rosy, Tim, Bi lly, Mum, and Dad. Play the record ing a second time for chi ldren to mime the actions as they listen . Chi ldren practise acting out the story in thei r groups. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation. Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.


He likes sweets. 2 He doesn't like balloons. 3 I like presents. She likes presents. 4 I don't like cake. She doesn't like cake.

4 Point, ask and answer. Ask the class to look at the speech bubbles. Ask a child to sta nd up. Point to the pictu res and ask the questions fo r him / her to answer whi le the class listens. Ask ch ildren to work in pa irs. They take turn s to point to the pictu res and ask and answer questions about what the children like or don't like. Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases where necessary. If you wish, ask different pairs to ask and answer a question while the class listens.




Story actions Picture 1: Mum and Tim look around the toy shop. Rosy points to the toys on the shelf. Picture 2: Tim picks up a bag of balloons. Mum waves her finger to say no. (Billy mimes crying when a balloon bursts.)


Optional activity o

Picture 3: Tim points to the chocolate and Mum and Rosy sm ile and nod. Picture 4: Rosy and Mum put the presents on the tabl e. Picture 5: Rosy shakes Mum and Dad to wake them up. Picture 6: Billy unwraps his presents. The family look shocked.

Ask a child to stand up. Hold up a fiashcard and ask, e.g. Do you like balloons' to elicit Yes, I like balloons or No, I don't like balloons. Ask the class Does he / she like balloons 'They chorus Yes, he / she likes balloons or No, he / she doesn't like balloons. Repeat wi th other fiashcards.


Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to ask and answer the question What do I don't you like?They record their partner's likes and dislikes. Ask some of the children to tell the class about their partner's likes and dislikes.

Further practice


Workbook page 49 Gramma"eferen,e, Class Book page 109 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 7· Grammar Unit7


Lesson Three W~gl~



Digital classroom· Unit 7 • Words/Song

Song Lesson objectives To identify more words fo::cr- 'g"iftc:s ' --_ _ _ _ _ __ To use these words in the context of a so'-ng "'---_ _ _ __

. Language

• Ask children to look atthe picture. Ask What con you see? Ask them to predict what the song is about (a famify visiting their neighbours). • Play the recording the whole way through once. Read each line of th e song aloud for children to repeat after you. • Play the recording for children to sing along. • Repeat (more than once if you wi sh).

3 Sing and do.

Core: neighbour, pastrie"" s'c.nc::uo;ts,--,"'tie'--_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Extra: or '' - - - Recycled: special days wo__rdccs_ _ _ _ _ _ __

• Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you which action th ey should do for each verse of the song (see below).


• Play the recording for children to listen and do their actions.

CD ~ 69-70; Special days fiashcards 67-76

Warmer • Playa game of Quick flash using fiashcards 67-72. Show each card very quickly and then hide it again; the class have to call out the words. • Use fiashcard 73 to introduce the word neighbour. Say the word for children to repeat Establish that a neighbour is anyone who lives near you, not just the person who lives next door. • Ask Who are your neIghbours' 00 your neighbours ever come to your house? 00 you buy presents for your neighbours?

Lead-in • Use fiashcards 74-76 to introduce the rest of the vocabulary. Hold up the card s one at a time and say the words for children to repeat • Hold up fiashcards 73-76 in a different order for children to repeat again.

1 Li sten, point and repeat. ~ 69 • Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Play the first part of the recording for children to point to the pictures and say the words. • Play the second part of the reco rding for chil dren to repeat the word s. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat • Hold up fiashcards 73-76 one at a time for individual children to say the words.

Transcript Listen and point neighbour, pastries, nuts, tie nuts, neighbour, tie, pastries Listen and repeat neighbour, pastries, nuts, tie

Optional activity • Play Whats the picture? (see page 21) with fia shcards 67-76 to rev ise vocabula ry from Lesson 1 and practise vocabulary from this lesson.


2 Listen and sing. ~ 70

Unit 7

Song actions Our neighbours are very kind - stretch out arms to show 'neighbou rs' on either side Come and have lunch with us - beckon with arm He / She likes pastries/ nuts / [hocolate /fruit / cake - mime eating the foods Or lets buy a tie - mime t ying a tie

Optional activity • Tell children they are going to make a different version of the song - and it's going to be about their teachers l • Children substitute the word teachers for neighbours in Verse 1 and as a class decid e on two teachers for the song. Child ren then decide on three things that thei r teachers like for Verse 2 and 3. • Sing the new song together.

Culture note: Special days in Britain Child ren'S birthdays are big celebrations in Britain. They often have a party in their homes, inviting their friends from schooL There are games and music, followed by a birthday tea (a buffet with sandwiches, crisps, and other snacks) . After thiS, the birthday child blows out the candles on his / her birthday cake and will sometimes 'make a wish' for the coming year. Each child is given a slice of the cake to take home when the party is over. Other special days in Brita in include Christmas Day and Easter Su nday, Mother'S Day and Father'S Day, Hallowe'en, and Bonfire Night Name days are very rarely celebrated in Britain, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland have specific festivals, and many towns or villages have local celebrations to commemorate an important part of their local history.

Further practice


Workbook page 50 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 112 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 14 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 7· Words, Song

Lesson Four

• Repeat, and encourage children to follow the chant in their books.


Pf:~;~ 0 Digital classroom · Unit 7 · Phonics

3 Read the chant again. Circle the sounds c/,91 and 51.

Phonics ,Lesson objectives



To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations cI, gl, and 51 To differentiate between the sounds Ikl!, Igl!, and l sI!


• Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go th rough the answers with th e class.


Core: cloud, clock, gloves, glue, slide, slippers Extra: take off. outside, sky

Materials .,



• Write the first line of the chant on the board. Ask a child to come to the front of the class to find an exa mple of the letters cI, gl, or 5/. He / She circles the 51 in slippers. • Allow time for children to read the rest of the chant and circle the other examples.





% * % % 41

CD ~ 62, 71-73; Phonics ca rds 18-20 (cl oud, gloves, slide); Phonics cards 9- 17 (optional)

Warmer ~62 • Ask ch ildren which sou nds they looked at in the previou s phonics lesson (l flI, Ipl!, and Ibl/). Play the CD and say the chant from Class Book page 43 to energize the class and revise the sounds from the previous unit.

Lead-in • Teach the sounds an d letters for this lesson using the phonics cards. • Hold up the first card and say Letters c and I make the sound Ikl!. Say the sound again for children to repeat several times. Repeat the proced ure with th e other phon ics cards. • Hold up each card in turn and say the words for children to repeat.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ($171 • Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Tell them that they are going to hea r a recording of the different sounds. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and paint to the pictures. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repea t th e sounds and words. • Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.

Transcript Listen and point. Ikll cloud Ikll clock Igil gloves IglI glue Is il slide Is il slippers Listen and repeat. Ikll cloud Ikll clock IglI gloves Igil glue lsI! slide Is lI sl ippers

Optional activity

I take off my €lippers, I go outside. I put on myi@oves, And I play on th e@ide. I look at th e©ock, I see ©ouds in the sky. Time to take off myl§)oves, Time to say,'Goodbye:

Optional activity • Assign each child one of the sounds Ikll, Igll, and lsI! so that there are several children for each sound. • Play the recording aga in . Ch ildren chant the words. When they hear their sound, th ey clap their hands above their heads.

4 Listen to the sounds and join the letters.



• Elicit the four words children can see in the pictures (girl, gloves, slippers, clock). Explain that you are going to playa recording of different sounds and words from the lesson. Children have to follow the sounds and words in the maze to find out what the girl has got - gloves, slippers, or a cl ock. • Play the beginning of the recording and fo llow the blue line that links the girl to the letters gl to demonstrate. • Play the rest of the recording for children to link the remaining letters. • Go th rough the answers. Ask children to look at their mazes and call out the letters they heard in turn as you write them on the board. Ask What has the girl got?

Transcript Is lI sli ppers Igil glove s Ikl l clock Ig11 gloves Is il sli ppers Ikll cl ock Is lI slippers The girl has got slippers.


Further practice

Workbook page 51 ~ Student MuitiROM· Unit 7· Phonics

• Play Findyourpartner(see page 20) with the class, using phonics cards 18-20.

2 Listen and chant. ~ 72 • Play the recording for children to listen to the chant. • Play the chant once more, stopping the CD after each line for child ren to repeat. Unit 7


Lesson Five PT:gl~


3 Read again. Circle the correct word.


• Ask children to close me-' bOOks_ Copy the example sentence from the Class Book onto the board_ • Ask a child to read the sen ence aloud_ Ask Which word is correct' Invite a child to come to the front of the class to circl e the correct word from the two options (card).

Digital classroom · Unit 7 . Reading

Skills Time! Skills devel0l>ment

• Write some of your own sentences on the board, similar to the example, and ask children to choose the correct word s, e.g. Cut a rectangle / circle of card. Draw and colour a picture / word. Write your name / age.

Reading: read and follow instructions on making a card; find specific information in a text

,Language. ~ecycled : v~c~u l ar~n c0tru cture sseen t>reviously


Extra: in half, think about, front, smile In), everything, ~


CD ~ 70, i;~:r~~;a~~le of card for yourself (optional); , a rectangle of card for each child; a set of coloured pencils for each group of six children (optional)

• Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books and complete the sentences. Allow time for ch ild ren to re read the text and circle the correct word in each sentence_ • Go through the answers with the class. Children chorus the sentences, saying the correct word from the two options each time. 1 card

Warmer ~70 • Sing Our neighbours from page 50 to warm up the class and introduce the theme of gifts.

Lead-in • Talk about cards w ith the class. Ask Who do you send cards to' When do you send cards? 00 you make cards or do you buy them? • Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What is the boy making? Point to the pictures for chi ldren to tell you what the boy does at each stage, e.g. He folds the card. He draws a picture.

1 Look at the pictures. Who is the card for? • Ask children to look at the pictures again. Ask Who is the card for? (the boy's mum).

2 Listen and read.

~ 74

• Tell chil dren that they are going to hear a recording of the text They will hear instructions on how to make the card. • Play the recording for chi ldren to listen and follow silently in t heir books. • Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions they have. • Ask questions to ch eck comprehenSion, e.g. What does the boy draw in the card? What does he write' Does his mum like the card'

Optional activity • Tell children that you are going to playa memory game. Ask them to close their books. • Hold up your rectangle of card to the class. Ask What dol do first? Choose a chi ld to give the first instruction (fold the card). Fold the card to demonstrate. • Continue in the same way with the other stages. Mime all of the instructions as they are given.



2 open

3 you

4 write

5 mum

Optional activity • Divide the class into groups of six. Give each child a rectangle of card and each group a set of coloured pencils. • Ask children to make a card fo r their mum (or another person they are close to) following the instructi ons in the text • Children make their ca rds, sharing coloured pencils with the rest of the group.


Further practice

Workbook page 52

Lesson Six w:~{~




Digital classroom · Unit 7· Writing

Skills Time! , Skills development




Listening: match children with the presents they would like Speaking: ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes Writing: write long and short forms; write about prese nts __ _ for your mum (Workbook)

Language Recycled: vocabular~ and structu res seen previously

1 Let's buy a present for Harry. What does he like? / He doesn't like chocolate. He likes sport. He really likes tennis. 2 What about Anna? What does she like? Does she like yo-yos) / No, she doesn't like yo-yos. She likes animals. 3 Peter. What present can we buy for Peter?/ Peter doesn't like sport. He likes art. 4 What about Kim. What does she like) Does she like chocolate) / Yes, she does. She likes sweets and chocolate.



Put flashcards 67-76 on the board. Tell children that it's their birthday / name day next week. They choose the present they wou ld most like and write the word down. Ask a ch ild to stand up. Choose a present for t hem from the boa rd. Say, e.g. Your present from me rs a tie. If th e present is the same as th e one the child wa nted, pu t a tick on th e boa rd. Repeat the activity with children choosing presents for their friends. Count the ticks at the end of the activity.

Ask chi ldren to read the words in the word pool.


Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Point to th e children in Exercise 1 and ask questions for the child to answer. The class repeats in chorus.


Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to point to the children in Exercise 1 and ask and answer questions about what they like.


Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary.


Ask some pa irs to ask and answer questions for the class.

3 Look and write the lo ng form , o

Ask children to cl ose their books. Wri te the two examp le sentence s on the board. Remind ch ild ren of the abbreviati on n'r and as k what it is short for (not).


Copy the first sentence from the Class Book onto the board. Ask children which word has been shortened (doesn't). Rub ou t doesn't and ask a child to come to the front of the class and write the long form (does not) in the gap.


Write some of your own sentences on the boa rd, e.g. I don't like milkshake. She doesn't like computers. Invite individual children to come and replace the contractions with their long forms.



Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow time for th em to fill the gaps with the long forms. Monitor the activi ty and help where necessary.


Go through th e answers with the class.

Lead-in o

Ask children what they can remember about the reading text from the previous lesson. Ask What does the boy make? How does he make it?


Allow children to check the text on page 52 of their Class Books to see how much they remembered.


Ask children to look at the pictures in Exerci se 1 and identify the objects. Ask them to predict what they are going to hear.

4 d


Warmer o

3 a

2 Point, ask and answer,

Materials CD ~ 75; Special days flash"c:.::ac..: rd:.::s-=6-'-7--.-:7..c6c-_ _ _ __

2 c

1 b

1 Listen and match, ~ 75 o

Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of a girl and boy deCiding what they can give their friends as presents. They should listen to the recording and match the people with the presents.


Play the recording the whole way through for children to listen and point to the presents as they hear them mentioned.



Play the recording a second time, stopping after the first item for children to match the person (Harry) to his present (the tennis racquet and bam. Show them the example answer line. Contin ue the record ing for child ren to complete their

answers. o

Play the record ing th rough once more for children to check their answers.


Go through the answers w ith the cl ass.

He does not like sweets. 2 She does not li ke ba lloons. 3 I do not like bananas.

4 He does not like oranges, 5 I do not like snakes, 6 She does not like fish.

Optional activity o

Children work in pairs, taking turns to ask each other questions with Do you like... to find at least one thing that their partners don't like.


Children then write sentences about themselves and their partners using the long forms of don't and doesn't.


Now go to Workbook page 53 for chi ldren to practise w riting about presents fo r thei r murn .

Further practice Workbook page 53 Values worksheet, PMB page 15 Unit 7 test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 21 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 7 • listen at home. Tr4'K 22(Wuruunu(1h/ii/si's/, Trad 2J (Sonq/, Trad24(Phoni"/



Lesson One W:gl~



Digital classroom · Unit 8 · Words/Story

Words , Lesson objectives To identify everyday activities To understand a short story ,Language Core: get up, have breakfast, go to school, go home, have dinner, go to bed Extra: at night

Optional activity • Ask children to close their books. Give ftashcards 77-82 to different children. Ask them to come and pu t the ftashcards on the board in the order that the activities happen in a day. • When they have finished, poin t to each ca rd in turn for the class to chorus the phrases.

2 Listen and chant. ~ 77 • Play the reco rding and teach the chant. • Play the reco rding a second time for children to repeat the phrases in th e gaps in the chant. • Repeat (more than once if necessary). • Children say the chant as a class, without th e record ing.

Materi;lls CD ~ 60,76-78; Story posters 7 and 8; Everyday activities ftashcards 77-82 Warmer ~60 • Sing After school from page 42 to warm up the class. • Ask child ren to tell you what they can remember about the story from the previous unit. • Use Story poster 7 to retell the story wi th the class. Ask Why are Mum, Rosy and Tim shopping? Where do Mum and Rosy put Billy's presenr? What does Billy do? Lead-in • Use fias hcards 77-82 to elicit the vocabu lary for thi s lesson. Hold th em up one at a time for children to name the everyday activities. Model any words that children do not know. • Hold the ftashcards up in a different order and repeat. 1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 76 • Ask ch ild ren to look at the pictures of th e everyday activiti es. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture. Hold up the appropriate ftashcard as each phrase is said. • Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each phrase for children to repeat. • Play the record ing all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the phrases. • Hold up the fiashcards in a ra ndom order and ask the class to say th e phrases. Transcript listen and point. get up, have breakfast, go to school, go home, have dinner, go to bed go to school, have dinner, get up, go home, go to bed, have breakfast listen and repeat. get up, have breakfast, go to school, go home, have dinner, go to bed



Transcript get up, get up, get up have breakfast, have breakfast. have breakfast go to school, go to school, go to school go home, go home, go home have dinner, have dinner, have dinner go to bed, go to bed, go to bed Optional activity • As a class, decide on actions for each of the everyday activities.

• Play the recording again for child ren to do the actions as they cha nt. 3 Listen and read. ~ 78 • Use Story poster 8 to present the story. Talk about each frame in turn wi th the class. Encourage predictions about the story from different members of the class. • Ask children to look atthe story in their Class Books. Play the record ing for them to li sten and poi nt to the differen t speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. What does Altce want to do? Who gets up/has dinner at seven o'clock' Can the girls Itsten to music? • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to phrases from Exercise 1.

Further practice


Workbook page 54 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 113

Lesson Two Pf:~{~ 0

2 Look a nd say.


• Ask ch ild ren to look at the p ictures in the Let's learn' box. Ask What can you see?

Digi tal classroom · Unit 8· Grammar

• Read the sen tences, pa using after each one for chi ld ren to point to the pictu re and repeat.


• Write t he first question and t hen th e sentences on the board. Read t hem agai n, miming the actions in the pictu res to rei nforce mea ning. Children repeat again.

To say what people do at d ifferenttimes of the day To ask and answer the question What's the time? To act ou t a story

,Language ,






Core: What's the time?lt's seven oCiock. He gets up at six


[Mate rias CD ~ 78; Story poster 8; Everyday activities flashcards 77- 82; a toy clock (optional)

• Rub out the act ivity phrases in each sentence and replace with flashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g. He has breakfast at six o'clock. She has dinner at nine o'clock. He goes home at seven o'clock. • Invite d ifferen t ch ild ren to change t he wo rds (and ti mes if

ne cessa ry) to ma ke new sentences.

3 Write. Draw the time on the clocks. • Ask children to look at t he pictures and identify the different activi ties.


• Ask a chi ld to read the example for t he class. Show them the tim e on t he clock next to the pictu re.

• Play Jump using flashcards 77- 82 (see page 19) to revise th e vocabulary fro m t he previous lesson.

• Allow t ime for ch ildren to look at t he pictures, complete the sentences, and draw the times on t he clocks.

Lead-in • Ask child ren if they can remember what happened in t he story in the previous lesson. Show Story poster 8 to encou rage ideas. • Cover the poster and ask chi ld ren wh ich everyday activiti es were mentioned in the st ory.

He gets up at six o'clock.

2 He has breakfast at seven o'clock.

3 He goes to school at eight o'clock. 4 He goes to bed at nine o'clock.

1 liste n to the story again a nd repeat. Act. ~ 78 • Ask children to turn to the story on page 54 of their Class Boo ks. They check how rnany of the everyday activities they rernernbered in th e lead-in activity. • Play t he recording, pausing after each line of text for chi ldren to repeat. • Ask children to look at t he different actions that the peopl e do in t he sto ry. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions bel ow). • Divide the class into groups of five to play t he part s of Rosy, Al ice, Dad, Mum, and Billy. (Note that Billy only appears in the backg round.) • Pl ay th e record ing a second t ime for chi ld ren to mi me the actions as they listen.

Optional activity • Explain that chi ldren are goi ng to show the t imes on t he clocks using t heir arms. Explain t hat one arm needs to be goi ng straight up above t heir heads each time to show o'clock, wh ile the other arm points to the number. • The cl ass read the sente nces from Exercise 3 in chorus and make the times w ith their arms.

4 Point, ask and answer. • Ask t he class to look at t he clocks in t he pict ures. As k a child to stand up. Point to the first clock and ask What's the time? to elicit Its five o'clock. The class repeat in chorus. • Usi ng your toy clock, show other t imes (or draw clocks on t he board). Ask What's the time? for the class to answer.

• As k chi ldren to practise acti ng o ut th e story in th eir groups. Monitor the activity, checki ng for correct pronunciation.

• As k ch ild ren to work in pairs. They ta ke t urns to ask and answer question s abou t t he times shown on th e clocks.

• Ask so me of the groups to come to the fron t of t he class to act out t he sto ry.

• Monitor th e act ivity. Hel p with pronu ncia ti on and model words and phrases where necessary.

Story actions

Optional activity

Picture 1: Alice points to the CD player. Rosy sh akes her head,

• Invite a child to come to the fro nt of t he class. Give him I her th e toy cl ock and wh isper a time. The ch ild moves the hands to the ap propr iate position and asks the class What's rhe time? Repeat with other chi ld re n.

Picture 2: Rosy points upstairs and mimes sleeping. Picture 3: Rosy points to a clock or her w atch, Picture 4: Dad yawns / stretches / rubs his eyes. Picture 5: Alice points to the CD player. Rosy shakes her head. Billy opens his mouth for Mum to feed him. Picture 6: Mum gives headphones to Rosy and Alice, Alice dances.


Further practice

Workbook page 55 Grammarreference, Class Book page 109

~ Student Mult iROM • Unit 8· Grammar

Unit 8


Lesson Three W:gl~


2 listen and sing. ~ 80



Ask chi ldren to look at the pictures. Point to the different pictures for children to name the activities. Ask them to predict whalthe song is about (whatthe boy does at different imes of day).


Play the recording the whole way through once for children to listen. Then play it again as they follow th e word s in their books. Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat after you. Play the recording for child ren to sing along.

Digital classroom · Unit 8 · Words/Song

Song lesson objectives . To identify different times of th e day To use these phrases in th e context of a song

language .



z _










Core: in the morning, in the afternoon, in th e even ing, at night Extra: brush my teeth, goodnight


3 Sing and do. Ask children to look at the pictu res and tell you which action they should do for each verse of the song (see below). Play the recording for child ren to listen and do th eir actions.


Materials ,


CD 79-80; Everyday activities fiashcards 77-82; Times of the day fla shcards 83-86; PMB page 38 (Cut and make 3) page and materials (see Teacher's Book page 125)

Warmer o


Song actions Divide the class into five groups to do actions as fol lows:

Play Slow reveal (see page 20) usi ng fia shcards 77-82 to revise the vocabulary children have learned so far in th is

Group 1: What do you do in the morning / afternoon / evening / at night? - mime a ticking clock with hands


Group 2: I get up - stretch

I have my breakfast - eat with a spoon

lead-in Use fia shcards 83-86 to introduce the new vocabulary. Hold up the card s one at a time and say the phrases for times of the day for children to repeat. Hold up the cards in a different order for children to repeat again .



1 listen, point and repeat. ~ 79 Ask children to look at the pictures in their Cla ss Books. Play the first part of the recording for children to point to th e pictures and say the phrases. Play th e second part of the record ing for child ren to repeat the phrases. Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat. Hold up fiashcards 83-86 one at a time for individual children to say the phrases.





I go to school - walk Group 3: I have my lunch - eat a sa ndwich

I learn at school- open a book I go home - walk Group 4: I do my homework - write

I have my dinner - eat with a knife and fork I play with my toys - push a train Group 5: I say goodnight - wave

I brush my teeth - brush teeth I go to bed - pull covers down

Optional activity o

Transcript listen and point. in the morning, in the ahernoon, in the evening, at night In the evening, in the morning, at night, in the afternoon listen and repeat. in the morning, in the ahernoon, in the evening, at night

Optional activity o


Optional activity o



Put fiashcards 83-86 on the board. Point to each one in tu rn for children to say the times of the day. Give fiashcard s 77- 82 to six different chil dren . They come to the front of the cla ss and put their activity below the appropriate time of the day, e.g. the child with get up puts his / her fia shcard below in the morning. Leave the fiashcards on the board to help child ren with the optional activity later in the lesson.

Talk about daily routines with the class. Ask What do you do in the morning / afternoon / evening / at night' Ch ildren can use the fiashcards on the board and ideas from the song to help them.


See instructions on carrying out PMB Cut and make activi ty 3 on Teacher's Book page 125. Children work in groups to cut out the clocks and ha nds and fix them together. Children can then use their clocks to ask each other questions about their daily routines.


Collect the clocks in althe end of the lesson to use again in later lessons.

Further practice


Workbook page 56 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 16 Cut and make 3, PMB page 38 Student MultiROM • Unit 8· Words, Song




Lesson Four l¥~~{~


2 Listen and chant. ~ 82


• Play th e record ing fo r children to listen to the chant the whole way thro ugh.

Digita l classroom· Un it 8· Phonics

• Play the chan t once more, stopping the CD after each line for childre n to repea t.

Phonics :lesson objectives"

u '

. _

To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations sm, sn, st. and sk To d ifferentiate between the sounds Ism!, Is nl, 1st /, and

Is kl i




smile, small, snow, snake, stairs, star, sky, skates, Extra: time for



CD~ 72, 81 · 83; Phonics cards 21 · 24 (smile, snow, stairs, sky)

3 Read the chant again. Circle the sounds sm, sn, st and sk. • As k ch ildren to look at t he cha nt again. Write the Arst line on the board . Ask children to find an example of the letters sm, sn, st, or sk. One ch ild comes to th e front to circle th e sm and sn in small and snake. • Allow time for children to read the rest of the chant and circle the other examples in their books. • Mon itor the activity and help where necessary. • Go th rough t he answers with the class.

Look at the rSm'lall @ ake

Wa rm er ~72 • Ask children wh ich sounds th ey looked at in thei r last phonics lesson (/k1/, Igl/, and 151/). Do the chant from Class Book page 51 to energ ize the cla ss and revise the sounds from the previous unit.

Lead-in • Teach th e sounds and letters for this lesson using the phonics ca rds. • Hold up the first card and say Letters sand m make the sound Ism!. Say the sound for ch ildren to repeat several times. Repeat th e proced ure with the other phonics cards. • Hold up each card in turn and say the words for children to repea t.

1 Listen, point and repeat.

• Repeat, and encourage child ren to follow th e chant in their books as we ll.

~ 81

• Ask children to look at t he pictures in their Class Books. Tel l them that they are going to hear a recording of th e d ifferent sounds.


A@ ake with a8 i1 e. Watch it go. Look atthe(si )ars In the night@y. It's time for bed,@a ke. Say,'Goodbye:

4 Listen and circle the correct sound. ~ 83 • Ask childre n to look at th e pictures and say what they see in each one. Explain that you are going to playa recording of the different words. Children must listen and circle t he sou nds at th e beginning of each word. • Play th e beginning of the reco rd ing and ask t he class

Whats the sound? • Play the rest of recording for children to circle the rema ini ng sounds. • Play t he recording again for children t o complete their


• Play the fi rst part of the recording for ch ildren to listen and po int to the pictures.

• Go through t he answers w ith the class.

• Play the second part of t he record ing for children to repeat the sounds and wo rds.


• Pl ay the record ing all th e way thro ugh for children to point and then repeat.

51st! star


1 st

Listen and point.

Isml smile Is ml small Is nl snow Isn! snake 1st! stairs 1st! star Is kl sky Iskl skates Li st en and repeat.

Is m! smile Isml small Is nl snow Isnl snake 1st! stairs Ist l star Is k! sky Iskl skates

Optional activity • Play Phonics marching (see page 20) with the phonics cards from this lesson.

l ist! stairs

2 sk

2 Iskl skates

3 Isml smi le

3 sm

5 st

4 sn

4 Is nl snow

Optional activity • Go around the room, assigning the letters sm, sn, sf, and sk to different children, so that children represe nting each letter combinat ion are evenly dispersed. • Play the recording aga in. When children hear their sound, they stand up. If they hear their sound a second time, they sit down agai n.


Further practice

Workbook page 57 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 8· Phonics

Unit 8


Lesson Five W:~l~



Digital classroom路 Un it 8 路 Read ing

Skills Time! Skills development Reading: read and understand information about someone's daily routine; find specific details in a text


,Language Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: get dressed, cereal, go by bus, so


Materials CD ~ 80,84; PMB clocks from Lesson 3 (optional)

Warmer ~8 0 o Energize the class by singing What do you do in the morning ' fro m page 56. o Talk about daily routines with the class. Ask What do you do every day' What time do you get up / have breakfast / go to school? What does your mum / dad do every day' o Children can use the clocks they made in Lesson 3 to talk about th eir daily routi nes. Lead-in o


Draw children's attention to the photo at the top of the reading text. Explain that this is a picture of Ruby. She is writing about herself. Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask them to identify the different activities and ma ke predictions about wh at they are going to read, e.g. Its about a girl and her mum. The girl gets up and goes to school. Her mum goes to work.

1 Look at the pictures. Say what the girl and her mum do. o Ask children to look at the pictures again. Ask What does Ruby do every day? What does Rubys mum do every day' o

If you wish, ask children to work in pairs, ta king turns to point to pictures and say what Ruby / her mum does in each one.

Ruby: gets up, has breakfast, takes the bus to school Ruby's mum: works as a doctor, cooks dinner

2 Listen and read. ~ 84 o




Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of the text. Play the recording for children to listen and follow silently in their books. Play the recording a second ti me. An swer any questions they have. Ask questi ons to check comprehension, e.g. What does Ruby do in the morning' How does she travel to school' What does Rubys mum do in the morning / evening'

Optional activity o Ask the followi ng questions for children to sca n th e text and find the answers: What time does Ruby get up? (seven o'clock) What does she have for breakfast' (cereal, bread and milk) What does she take to school? (her coat, school bag and lunch box) What is her mums job? (Shes a doctor.) Does Ruby see her mum in the morning' (No) What does Rubys mum do after work?(She cooks dinner.) 3 Read again. Circle the fal se word and write the correct word. o Ask child ren to close their books. Copy the exa mple sentence from th e Class Book onto the board. Ask children Is the sentence correct? (No). o Invite a chi ld to come to th e front of th e class to circle the incorrect word in the sentence (eight). Invite a second child to write the correct word (seven) next to the sentence. o Write some of your own sentences on th e board, each containing one incorrect word, and re peat th e process, e.g. She has breakfast - cereal, bread and eggs. She goes to the park at eight o'clock. Her mum starts work at two o'clock. o Ask child ren to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow time for them to re-read the tex!, find the incorrect words and write th e correct words for each sentence. o Go through the answers with the class. Read each sentence for children to tell you whi ch word is w rong and tell you the correct word. Ruby gets up at ~ o'clock. (seven) She goes to school in the (~venin9l. (morning) Her school bus is~, (blue) Ruby's mum is a ~, (doctor) Ruby's mu m goes home atS o'clock, (two)

1 2 3 4 5

Optional activity o Ask ch ildren to work in pairs. They take turns to read the sentences from Exercise 3, completing them with the correct words. Culture note: The school day In Britain, child ren go to school from Monday to Friday. The school day for most children sta rts at around nine o'clock, and fi nishes at arou nd three o'clock. Children usually eat their breakfast at home but some schools have a breakfast club w hich pu pils can go to before the school day beg ins if their parents have to go to work early. Children have an hour for lunch, and an opportu nity to play in th e playground . They usua lly have t he choice of eating a hot meal from the school canteen, or a packed lunch brought from home. Some schools provide optional after-school activities for children, which is particularly helpful if their parents are working and are not able to pick them up immediately.


Further practice

Workbook page 58



Lesson Six l¥:~l~


2 Look and say.


• Ask children to read the phrases in the word pool. • Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Read th e first speech bubble for him / her to respond. Chi ldren repeat the dialogue in chorus.

Digital classroom· Unit 8· Writing

Skills Time! Skills development listening: listen for times when people do activities Speaking: talk about what someone does at different times of the day Writing: identifY and write the question words What, When, and Where; write about your day (Workbook)

Language Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: plane

,.Materials ,_

CD ~ 85; Everyday activities flashca rds 77- 82 (optional); a set of questions and a set of answers from Exercise 3 cut into strips for each group of six children (optional)

• Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to say the times or say what Ruby's dad does. • Monitor the activity, modelling the words and phrases where necessary.

Optional activity • Put fiashcards 77- 82 on the board, one below the other. Draw a blank clock face next to each one. • Call six children to come and draw a time on one of the clock faces to show what time they do the activity. They write their names next to the clocks. • Call out the times for children to tell you what the child does, e.g. It's six o'clock. (Zahra gets up)

3 Circle What and underline When. Draw a square around Where. • Ask children to close their Class Books. Copy the three example questions and answers onto the board.

Warmer • Ask children to stand up, Say It's twelve o'clock. Children show the time by putting both of their hands in the air. • Call out different ti mes for children to show with their hands, Increase the pace until they can no longer keep up.

Lead-in • Ask children what they can remember about Ruby and her mum's day from the previous lesson. Ask Whardoes Ruby do in the morning! afternoon? What does her mum do' • Allow ch ildren to check the text on page 59 of thei r Class Books to see how much they remem bered correctly. • Ask children to look at the pictures of Ruby's dad in Exercise' and to predict what they are going to hear.

1 Listen and draw the time. 1$)85 • Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of Ruby's dad tal king about what he does every day. • Play the recording for children to li sten and point to the pictures as the activities are mentioned. • Play the recording a second time, pausing for children to draw the times on the clocks. • Play the recording again for children to complete their answers. Go through the answers with the class.

Tran script y My dad works at nig ht l Hello. I'm Ruby's dad. I'm a pilot. I fiy big planes. I work at night get up at ten o'clock at night go to work at eleven o'clock at night. 1 go home at six o'clock in the morning and have breakfast with Ruby. 4 I have lunch with Ruby's grandma at twelve o'clock. ; I go to bed at three o'clock in the afternoon.





• Ask three children to come to the front of the class. Ask one to circle What, another to underline When, and the third one to draw a square around Where. • Write up some of your own questions and answers, e.g. Where's Ana' She's in the garden.! When do you go to bed' Igo to bed at six o'clock. Invite individual children to come and identifY What, Where, and When in the questions. • Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow time for them to circle, underline, or draw a square around the question words. • Go through the answers with the class. 1 IWherets my school bag? / It's under the chair. 2 ~ do you do at night?/ I go to bed. 3 ~'s her name?/ Her name's Rosy. 4 When have we got rnaths?I We've got maths on Tuesday. 5 When do you have dinner?I I have dinner at six o'cl ock. 6 IWherers your brother?I He's in his bedroom.

Optional activity • Children work in groups of six. Put question and answer strips from Exercise 3 face down in front of each group. Each child takes a question from one pile and an answer from the other, without letting anyone else see. • Each child reads out his / her question in turn . The child with the correct answer reads it out and then gives it to the person with the question. By the end of the game, everyone should have a matching question and answer.


Now go to Workbook page 59 for children to practise writing about their day.

Further practice Workbook page 59 Values worksheet, PMB page 17 Unit 8 test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 22 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 8 • listen at home· Track 25 (Words and phrases), Track 26 (Song), Track 27 (Phonics) Unit8


Lesson One Pf:gl~


2 Listen and chant. ~ 87


• Play the recording and teach t he chant. Digi tal classroom· Unit 9· Words/Story

• Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the words in the gaps in the chant.


• Repeat (more than once if necessary).

J To identify different places


To understand a short story

Lan uage Core: hospital, school, airport, police station, fire station, shop Extra: work (v), fantastic Materiais t

• Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.

hospital, hospital, hospi tal school, school, school airport, airport, airport

police station, pol ice station, police station fire station, fi re station, fire station shop, shop, shop

Optional activity t1



CD ~ 80, 86-88; Story posters 8 and 9; Places flashcards

87- 92

• Put the nashcards in different places around the room. Play t he record ing again. Ch ildren point to t he flashcards as they hear them.

Warmer ~80 • Energize t he class by singi ng What do you do in the morning' fro m page 56. • Ask chi ldren to te ll you what they can remember about the story from the previous unit. • Use Story poster 8 to retell the story with th e class. Ask Where are Rosy and Alice' Why is Dad in bed' How do the

girls listen to music? Lead-in • Use flashcards 87- 92 to elicit the vocabulary for th is lesson. Hold them up one at a time for chi ld ren to name the places. Model any wo rds t hat children do not know. • Hold th e flashcards up in a different o rder and repeat.

Optional activity • Tell chi ldren t ha t they are going to playa miming game in pairs. • Give flashca rds 87- 92 to six different pairs. Allow a few moments for child ren to think about their m imes. • Invite the first pair to come to t he front of the class. They pretend to be in the place shown on their card for the class to guess, e.g. if they have t he shop ca rd, o ne mig ht be serving t he other at the cash desk. • Continue until all of th e pairs have done their m imes.

3 Listen and read. ~ 88 • Use Story poster 9 to present the story. Ta lk about each frame in turn with the class. Encourage predictions about the story from d ifferent members of the class.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 86 • Ask children to look at the pictures of the different places in their books. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the appropriate p icture. Hold up the flashcard as each word is said. • Play the second part of the reco rding, pausing after each word for ch ildren to repeat. • Play t he record ing all t he way th ro ugh for chi ld ren to listen and point and then repeat the words. • Hold up the flashca rds in a random order and ask the class to say the wo rds.

Transcript Listen and poin t. hospital, school, airport, police station, fire station, shop police station, school, hospital, fi re station, shop, airport Listen and repeat. hospital, school, airport, police station, fire station, shop


Unit 9

• Ask chi ldren to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the recording for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as t hey hear the words. • Ask questions to check comp rehension, e.g. Where are the boys? Does Tims mum work? Where does she work? • Ask chi ldren to look at the story again. They find and point to words from Exercise 1.


Further practice

Workbook page 60

Lesson Two w:~{~



Digita l classroom· Unit 9 · Grammar

Grammar Lesson objectives To and answer questions about where people work To write short answers To act out a story

2 Look and say, Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let's learn! box. Ask What can you see? Read the se ntences and questions, pausing after each one for children to point to the picture and repeat.



• Write the sentences and questions on the board. Read them again, miming the actions in the pictures to reinforce meaning. Children repeat again.

Core: Where does she work? She works in a bank. Does she work in a shop? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.

• Rub out the places in each sentence and replace with fiashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g. He works in a school. Does your mum work in a fire station / hospital' Say the new sentences fo r children to repeat. o Invite different children to change the words to make new sentences.


3 Write,

CD ~ 88; Story poster 9; Places fiashcards 87-92


. Language

Point to the first picture in Exercise 2 again. Ask What can you see' (a policeman). Does he work In a police station' Elicit Yes, he does. Point to the second picture. Ask Does she work in a school. Elicit No, she doesn't.

Warmer o

Play What have Igot l using flashcards 87-92 (see page 20) to revise the vocabulary from the previous lesson.

Lead-in o


Ask children if they can remember what happened in the story in the previous lesson. Show Story poster 9 to encou rage ideas. Cover th e poster and ask ch ildren wh ich places were mentioned in th e story.

1 Listen to the story again and repeat, Act. ~ 88 • Ask children to turn to the story on page 60 of their Class Books to check how well they remembered the story. o Play the reco rdin g, pausing after each line of text for child ren to repeat. o Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below). o Divide the class into groups of five to play the parts of Tim, Tim's friend, his dad, Grandma, and Tim's mum. o Play the recording a second time fo r children to mime the actions as they listen. o Ask children to practise acting out the story in their groups. (Note that Grandma and Tim's friend's dad don't have speaking parts.) o Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation. o Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.

• Ask children to look at Exercise 3. Individual children read the phrases in the word pool aloud. • Look at the first picture together. Elicit what job the man does (he's a policeman). Ask Does he work in a police station' (Yes)/ Does he work in a hospital? (No). Show children the example answer in their books. o Allow time for children to look at the pictures and write answers to the questions.

Go through the answers with the class. Ask the questions for children to say the answers in chorus .


No, he doesn't. 2 No, she doesn't. 3 No, he doesn't.

4 Yes, she does. 5 Yes, he does. 6 No, she doesn't.

4 Point, ask and answer. Ask the class to look at the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Point to people in Exercise 3 and ask the questions for him I her to answer while the class listens. Children repeat in chorus. Ask children to work in pairs. They ta ke turns to ask and answer questions about the people in Exercise 3.



• Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases where necessary. • If you wish, ask different pairs to ask and answer a question while the class listens.

Optional activity Story actions


Picture 1: Tim and his friend are ta lking. Ti m's friend sta nds up tall and straight like a policeman.


Picture 2: Tim's friend points into th e distance (in the direction of the pol ice station). Picture 3: Tim's friend points at Grandma. Tim shakes his head. Picture 4: Tim's mum mimes pressing buttons on a shop till. Picture 5: Tim's mum puts a cake on a plate. Picture 6: Tim's mum offers cakes to the boys.

Hold up fiashcards 87-92 one at a time. Ask individual children, e.g. Does he / she work in a ShOpl Give one of the fiashcards to a child. He I She stands up, chooses another child and asks a question about where the person works. Repeat with the rest of the fiashcards.

Further practice


Workbook page 61 Grammar reference, Class Book page 110 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 9· Grammar

Unit 9


Lesson Three W:gl~


• Read each li ne of the song aloud for children to repeat after you.


Digital classroom· Unit 9· Words/Song

• Play th e recording for children to sing along.

3 Sing and do.


• Ask chi ldren to look at th e pictures and te ll yo u wh ich act ion they should do for each verse of the song (see

[l esson ol:irective~ "_'W> " ' To identilY more words for places


To use place words in the context of a song

• Play the recording for chi ld ren to listen and do the ir actions.

, l~nguage

Core: station, zoo,

supermarket, bank Ext ra : place, thing, out and about, dark, shopping (n) Recycled: places words



"' '' '#$



CD ~ 89- 90; Places flashcards 87- 96

Song actions Tw o children can come to the front to be the boy and his mum and do the follow ing actions for each chorus:

Places to go - walk Things to see - shade eyes as if looking Out and about, my mum and me - hold out arms towa rds each other

Warme r • Play Smiley face

The rest of the children do th e fol low ing acti ons: (see page 21) to revise the vocabulary

from Lesson 1.

lead-in • Use flashcards 93-96 to introduce the new vocabulary. Hold up the ca rds one at a ti me and say the words fo r children to repeat. • Hold up the cards in a different order for ch ildre n to repeat again .

We go to the bank - count money We go to the park - mime sitting on a sw ing We go to the zoo - w ave arm in front of face, li ke a trunk We go to the shops/ Or a supermarket - take objects off a shelf

We put our shopping / In a basket - put objects in a basket We go to the airport / We see some planes - hold out arm s like w ings

1 li st en, point and repeat. ~ 89 • As k ch ildren to look at the pictures in the ir Class Books. Play the fi rst pa rt of the record ing for children to point to the p ictu res and say the words. • Pl ay the second pa rt of the record ing for children to repeat the words. • Play the record ing all the way through for children to listen and then repeat. • Hold up flashcards 93- 96 one at a time for individual ch il dren to say the words.

Transcript Listen and point.

station, zoo, supermarket, bank supermarket, station, bank, zoo Li sten and repeat.

station, zoo, supermarket, bank

Optional activity • Co ntin ue the m iming game from Lesson 1. All ow fo ur different pairs of ch il dren some time to thin k about their mimes fo r each new place they have learnt, and then act them out for the class to guess.

2 listen and sing. ~ 90 • Ask chi ld ren to look at the pictu res. Point to t he diffe rent pictu res for children to name the p laces. Ask children t o predict whatthe song is abou t (places a boy goes to). • Play the recording the whole way through once for ch ildren to listen. Then play it again as they follow the words in t heir books.


Unit 9

We go to the station / And see some trains -

move arms in a circular motion at sides to imitate t rain's w heel s

Optional activity • Play A long sentence (see page 2 1) wi t h the

places children have learned in t his unit. Begin by saying

In my

town theres a hospital ..

Culture note: Places in town Most small towns in Bri t ain have a school, a supermarket, and a high street w ith several shops, banks, cafes, and a post office and li bra ry. La rger tow ns have police stations and lire st ations. Bigger cities usually have shopping ce ntres where there are many different kinds of shop under the same roof. Cities have train stations which connect them to the rest of the co un try, but not all towns have rai l links. Brita in has several airport s, of wh ich the biggest are around London. Other major airport s are close to major cities, and include Edinburgh, Glasgow, Ca rd iff, Manchest er, and Birm ingham .

Further practice


Workbook page 62 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 113 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 18 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 9 • Words, Song

Lesson Four Pr~~{~



• Repeat, and encourage children to follow the chant in the ir books.

Digi tal classroom· Unit 9· Phonics

Optional activity

Phonics Lesson oDjectives

• Play the chant aga in. Every t ime children hear a word w ith the le ll sound made by a magiC e, they click t hei r fingers.


To pronounce the sound l el1 in the middle of words To understand how magic e at the end of words changes the vowel sound





Core: face, gate, lake, plane



3 Read the chant again. Circle the sound a_e. • Write the first line of the chant on the board. Ask a ch ild to come to the front and find an example of t he letters a_e. He / she circles the letters ate. • Allow ti me for children to read the rest of t he chant and circle the other examples.





CD ~ 82,91 - 93; Phonics cards 4 (cat), 25 - 28 (la ke, gate, face, plane)

Warme r ~82 • Ask children which sounds they looked at in their last phonics lesson (isml, Isn/, /st /, and Is k/). Do the chan t from Class Book page 57 to en erg ize th e class and revise the sounds from t he previous unit.

Lead-in • Teach the sounds and letters for this lesson using the phonics ca rds. Hold up phonics card 4 and elicit the word cat. Say What's the sound' (lre /) . Then hold up card 25 and say the word lake and the sound leII for chil d ren to repeat in choru s. • Say cat and lake several times so that child ren can hear t he two d ifferent vowe l sounds. Say Magic e makes the vowel long. Point to the magic e and move your finge r back to the a as you do so.

• Monitor t he activity and help where necessary. • Go thro ugh the answers with the class.

Op en the g@, The g@, g@, g@ .

See th e l ~, The I ~, I ~, Ike . A smile on your fee, Yourf@,f@, f ceo Here isa c~,

A c ~,c~, c ~.

4 Listen and complete the words. ~ 93 • Ask ch ildren to look at t he pictures and identify the things they see. Tell them t hey are going t o hear a recording of the words. Th ey m ust listen and write the missing letters. • Play the beginning of the recording and pause after the Arst word. Show children how the word has been comp leted with t he letters c and k.

• Repeat with the rest of t he cards.

• Play the rest of recording, stopping after each word for chi ldren to complete the letters.

• Hold up each card in turn and say the words for ch ildren to repea t. Then say Magic e makes the vowel/ong. Children repea t in chorus.

• Play the recording th rough again for child ren to complete their answers.

1 Liste n, point and repeat. ~ 91 • Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Tell them that they are going to hea r a record ing of the different sounds. • Play the first part of t he recording for children to listen and point to th e pictures. • Play th e second part of the recording fo r children to repea t the sounds and words. • Play the recording all th e way thro ugh for child ren to point and then repeat.

Tra nscript Listen and point. Magic e makes the vowel long I lell cake leII lake lell gate lell face lel l plane Listen and repeat. lell cake lell lake l ell gate lell face le ll plane

2 List en and chant. ~ 92

• Go th rough t he answers wi th the class.

Transcript 1 cake

2 plane

3 gate

1 cake

2 plane

3 gate

4 lake

4 lake

5 face

5 face

Optional activity • As k ch ild ren to sta nd at the ir desks. Tell them that you are going to wr ite a word on the board. If the word conta ins a magice, they must j ump up and ca ll out Magic ell f the word does not contain a magic e, they stand sti ll . • Call out the fo llowi ng words: face, cat, lake, man, make,

cake, hat, gate, plane, fan.


Further practice

Workbook page 63 ~ Student MultiROM• Unit 9 · Phonics

• Play the reco rdi ng for child ren to listen to the chant. • Play the ch ant once more, stoppi ng the CD after each line for chi ldren to repeat.



Lesson Five R":~l~


• Ask children to look at the exercise in thei r Class Books. Allow time for the m to re-read th e text, fi nd the incorrect word s, and write the correct words for each sentence.


Digital classroom · Unit 9 · Reading

Skills Time! ,Skills development



Reading: read and understand an interview about someone's job; read for specific deta ils

Language Recycl ed: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: at the moment, cute, feed, vegerable, job

• Go t hrough the an swers w ith the class. Read each sentence for child re n to te ll you which word is wrong and tell you th e correct wo rd. , Molly works at a ~tatioij). (zoo) 2 Her favourite animals are th e~iger~. (elephants) 3 There are~ elephants at the zoo. (six) 4 The lions eat~. (meat) S The animals drinkB . (water)

Optional activity Materials CD ~ 94; a plain piece of paper for each child; coloured pen cils for each group of ch ildren (optional)

• Tell chi ld ren that they are going to play a memory game. Ask them to close their books. • Ask the following question s for children to answer:

Does Molly look after giraffes? (Yes) How many baby elephants are there' (two) What time does Molly start work' (seven o'clock) Do the elephants eat vegetables? (Yes) What time does Molly go home' (three o'clock) Does she like her job' (Yes)

Warmer • Warm up the class by singing Places to go from page 62. • Talk about jobs with the class. Ask Does anyone in your family work in a shop / police sration / hospito!l What does

he/she do?

Write ch ildren's answers on th e board.

Lead-in • Ask children to look at the pictures. Encourage children to make predi ctions about what th ey are goi ng to read, e.g.

Irs an interview. Shes at the zoo. She feeds the animals. , Look at the picture, Where does she work? What animals can you see? • Ask children to look at th e pictu res ag ain. As k Where does

sheworkl • Ask children to name the an imals th ey can see. She wo rks at the zoo. Elephants, lions, giraffes.

2 Listen and read. ~ 94 • Tell ch ildren that they are going to hea r a record ing of th e text.

• Play the recording fo r children to listen and follow sil ently in their books. • Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions th ey have. • Ask questions to check comp re hension, e.g. What does

Molly do at the zoo? Which animals does she look after' Does she like herjob' 3 Read again. Circle the false word and write the correct word. • Ask chil dren to close the ir books. Copy the exampl e sentence from t he Class Book onto the board. • Ask ch ildren Is the sentencecorrecr' Invite a child to come to t he front of th e clas s to circle the incorrect word in the sentence (sration). Invite a second child to come and write the co rrect wo rd (zoo) next to the sentence. • Write some of your own sentences on t he board, each containing one incorrect word, and re peat the process, e.g. Molly looks after the little (big) animals. Molly starts work

at eleven (seven) o'clock. Molly is always sad (happy).



• Ask children to look at the tex t in their books and check how many answers they g ot righ t.

Optional activity • Ask child ren to work in groups of six. Give each child a piece of plain paper and each group a set of coloured pencil s. • Children draw a picture of themselves doing their ideal job. They share pen cils with the rest of th e group. • Ch ildren work wit h a partner from their group. They take turns to tell each othe r about their (imagin ary) day at work, e.g. I work in a chocolate shop.lgo to work at

nine o'clock. When I finish work, I eat the chocolate l • If you wish, ask some of the children to hold up th ei r p ictures and tell the class about their jobs.


Further practice

Workbook page 64


Lesson Six I¥:gl~


2 Ask and answer.


• Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Read the questions for him I her to answer. Children repeat the questions and answers in chorus. • Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to ask and answer questions about Peter and his job, using the sentences from Exercise 1.

Digital classroom· Unit 9 · Writing

Skills Time! ,skill s development Listening: listen for specific information in an interview Speaking: ask and answer questions about someone's job Writing: identify and write commas and and in lists; write about where your family works (Workbook) 7


,Language Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

• Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary.




Warmer • Clean the board and tell children This is your zoo. Invite different children to come to the front of the class and draw animals in the zoo. • When the zoo is finished, ask different children to tell you something about it, e.g. The monkeys are little. Lead-in • Ask children what they can remember about the text from the previous lesson. Ask Where does Molly work' What does she do every day' What do the animals eat' • Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and identify the animals. 1 List en and circle the correct word. ~ 95 • Point to the man in the picture. Say This is Peter. He works with Molly at the zoo. • Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of Peter talking to the boy about his job. • Play the recording for children to listen and point to the an imals as they hear them described. • Read the sentences with the class and check comprehension, but tell ch ildren not to say the answers. • Play the recording again. Children choose and circle the correct word in each sentence. • Go through the answers with the class. Ask children to read the sentences in chorus. Transcript Boy This is Peter. He works at the zoo with Molly. 1 Boy He looks afte r the little animals. 2 Peter My favourite animals are the monkeys. They are very funny. 3 Peter We've got 23 monkeys at the zoo at the moment. 4 Boy He also looks after parrots. Peter We've got four parrots at the zoo. SPeter My favourite parrot is called Fred. He is blue and green . 6 Peter Fred can talk. He can say, 'Hello. I'm a pretty parrot!' Everyone loves Fred. 1 little 2 monkeys 6 talk

3 23

4 four

5 blue and green

Optional activity • Ask a ch ild to come to the front of the class. Tell th e class, for example, This is Pablo. He's a fireman. • Invite individual children to ask the child questions about his / her job. 3 Circle the commas. Underline and. • Ask ch ildren to close their books. Copy the example sentence from th e Class Book onto th e board. • Invite a chi ld to come and circle the commas. Invite a second child to come and underline the word and. • Write some of your own sentences on the board, e.g. I like cheese, chicken and bread. My friends are Renata, Eva and Nina. Invite individual children to come and circle the commas and underline the word and in each one. • Ask children to look at the exercise in their books, circling the commas and underlining the and in each sentence. Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go through the answers with the class.

1!1~"i!?44*' 1 2 3 4

For breakfast I eat breadgcheese and yogurt. In my room there is a bedga cupboarcIJ a rug and a cha ir. Ilike lioni,) tigersQ monkeys and zebras. In my lunch box I've got a sa n dwicil~ a drinl{) an apple and a biscuit.

Optional activity • Write four categories on the board: food, school things, school subjects, and places. Ask children for three or four words for each one. Write the words on th e board. • Use the word s to make sentences. Write the sentences on the board, e.g. I've goran apple, an orange and a drink. • Ask children to copy the sentences. They circle the commas and underline the and in each one.


Now go to Workbook page 65 for children to practise writing about where their family works.

Review 3

CB PAGES 66-6'


Further practice Workbook page 65 Values worksheet, PMB page 19 Testing and Evaluation Book Unit 9 test, page 23 • Summative test 3, page 24 • 5kills test 3, page 26 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 9 -listen at home· • Traeli 28 (Words and phrasesl, Traeli 29 (Song), Traeli 30 (Phonics)



Lesson One l¥:~I~



Digital classroom· Unit 10 · Words/Story

Words .Lesson objectives

2 Listen and chant. 1$)97

To identify different types of wea ther To understand a short story

• Play the recording and teach the chant • Play the record ing a second time for children to repeat the words in the gaps in the chant.


• Repeat (more than once if necessary). • Chi ldren say th e chant as a class, without the recording.

Core: raining, windy, hot, cold, snowing, sunny Extra: weather, like (prep), sun hat, catch, quick, key, wet

[Materials CD 1$)90, 96-98; Story posters 9 and 10; Weather fiashcards 97-102

Warmer ~90 • Energize the class by singing Places to go from page 62. • Ask children to tell you what they can remem ber about the story from the previous un it • Use Story poster 9 to retell the story from the previous unit with th e class. Ask Where does Tims friends dad work' Whats in Tims kitchen' Where does Tims mum work?

Lead-in • Use fiashca rd s 97-1 02 to elicit the vocabulary forth is lesson. Hold them up one at a time and ask Whats the weather like? Model any words that child ren do not know. • If you wish, you coul d also mime the different kinds of weather, e.g. wipe your forehead for hot, stand under an imag inary umbrella for raining, etc • Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 96 • Ask children to look at t he pictu res of the different kinds of weather. • Play the first part of the recording for child ren to listen and point to the appropriate pictu re. Hold up the appropriate fla shca rd as each word is sa id. • Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat • Play t he recording all the way through for ch ildren to listen and point and then repeat the words. • Hold up th e flashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words.

Transcript Listen and point. raining, windy, hot, cold, snowing, sunny hot, snowing, rainin g, cold, sunny, wi ndy Listen and repeat raining, windy, hot, cold, snowing, sunny


Optional activity • Play Snopl (see page 19) using the vocabulary from this lesson.

Unit 10

Transcript raining, raining, raining windy, wi ndy, windy hot, hot, hot cold, cold, cold snowing, snowing, snowing sun ny, sunny, sunny

Optional activity • As a class, think of mimes for the different types of weather. Play Mim e the word (see page 20) for children to do their mimes. • Repeat with the other types of weather.

3 Listen and read. ~ 98 • Use Story poster 10 to present the story. Talk about each frame in turn wi th the class. Encou rage predictions about the story from different members of th e class. • Ask child ren to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the recording for them to listen and point to th e differen t speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask questions to check com prehension, e.g. Whats the weather like at the beginning / middle / end of the story' Has Grandpa got the key' Who opens the door' • Ask children to look at the story aga in. They find and pOint to words from Exercise 1.

Further practice


Workbook page 68 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 114

Lesson Two i¥:g{~


2 Look and say.

CB PAGE 69 ,

• Ask child re n to look at t he pictures in t he As k What con you see l

Digita l classroom· Unit 10· Grammar

Lets learn' box.

• Read the sentences and questions, pausing aft er each one for ch ildren to pain t to the picture and repeat.

Grammar : lesson objectives



To ask and answer the question

\ *



Whats the weather like?

To give pos itive and negative commands

• Write the sentences and questions on the board. Read them again, m iming the acti ons in the pictu res to reinforce mean ing. Ch il dren repeat aga in. Rub ou t the weat her or clothes word in each sentence and replace t hem with blanks. Ask ch ildren to suggest other words th at cou ld go in t he spaces, e.g. Its sunny. It's snowing. Put on your socks. Don't put on your shoes. Say the new sentences for ch ildren to repeat.


To act out a story

\ ang\-,age n om '_ Core: Whats the weather like? Its windy / raining/ hot. Put on your hot. Dodt put on your coat 'W'


LMaterials " " _ n UW,, CD e§;! 98; Story poster 10; Weather fiashcards 97- 102


. Warmer • Play Where was itl (see page 19) using fla shcards 97- 102 to revise t he vocabulary from the previous lesson.

Invite children to change the words to make new



3 Write. o

Ask a ch ild to read the words an d ph rases in the word pool for the class.


What con you seel Focus attention on t he first pictu re . Ask Does the teacher want the boy to open the window? Establish that he does. Show children the example instruction Open . Ask children t o look at t he pict ures. Ask


Lead-in • Ask children if they can remember what happened in the story in the previous lesson. Show Story poster 10 to encourage ideas. o Cover the poster an d ask chi ld ren which different types of


Look at the other pictu res in turn and establish what is happening in each picture. Allow time for chi ldren to decide what th e missing words are.


Go t hroug h the answers w ith th e class. Ask children to read t he comp let e se ntences in cho rus.

weather were mentioned in t he story.

1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act. e§;! 98 o

Ask children to turn to the story on page 68 of t heir Class Books. They check which of the different kinds of weather they remembered in the lead-in activity.


Play the record ing, paus ing after each line of text for children to repeat.


Ask children to look at the different actions the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below).


Divide the class into groups of six to p lay the parts of Rosy, Tim, Billy, Grandrna, Grandpa, and Mum .


Play the reco rdi ng a second tirne for ch ildren to mime th e actions as they listen.


If you wish, ask children to practise acting out the story in their groups. (Note t hat Bi lly doesn't have a speaking part.)


Monitor t he acti vity, chec king for correct p ronuncia ti on.


Ask some of the groups to come to th e front of the class to act ou t t he story.

Story actions

1 Open the w indow.

2 Don't put on your coat

3 Don't open the w indow. 4 Put on your hat

Optional activity o Play Simon says ... (see pa ge 20) with comrnands sirnilar to those from Exercise 3, e.g. Simon says put on your socks. Simon says don't open the door 4 Point, ask and answer. o

Ask a chi ld or g roup of ch ildren to read the words in the wo rd pool aloud. Ask t he class to look at the di fferent types of weather show n in the pictures.


Draw attention to th e speech bubbles. Ask a chi ld to stand up. Ask the question and point to the first weather picture for him / her to answe r. Child ren repeat in cho rus .


Ask ch ildren to work in pairs . They take t urns to ask and answer questi ons about the other types of w eathe r.

• Monitor t he activity. Help w ith pronu nciation and model words and phrases where necessary.

Picture 1: Rosy reaches for her coat. Tirn opens the door.

Optional activity

Pictu re 2: Billy puts on his coat. Grandpa hands out hats to the children.


Give flashcards 97- 102 to six children . Ask t he first ch ild to stand up. Ask Whats the weather like ?The chi ld shows the picture to the class and answers the questio n.


Repeat with t he rest of the ch ildren.

Picture 3: Rosy holds onto her hat. Tim tries to catch his hat. Picture 4: Rosy holds out her hand to feel the rain. Billy and Tim put their coats on. Picture 5: Grandpa searches for the key in his pocket. Picture 6: Mum opens the door. Everyone runs in quickl y.

Further practice


Workbook page 69 Grammar reference, Class Book page 110 e§;!Student MultiROM· Unit 10· Grammar

Unit 10


Lesson Three w:~;~



Dig ital classroom· Unit 10· Words/ Song

Song , Lesson objectives To identify diffe rent weath er activities To use weather words in the context of a song






Core: fly a kite, make a snowman, wear coats, go outside Extra: high up Recycled: weather words Materials CD lSi 99- 100; Weather fla shcards 97- 102; Weather activities Aashcards 103- 106 Warmer • Play Word chain (see page 19) using Aashca rds 97-1 02 to revise th e vocabu lary ch ildren have learne d so far in this unit.

2 Listen and sing. lSi 100 • Ask child ren to look at the pictures. Point to the different pictures for children to say what the weather is like and name the activities. Ask children to predict what the song is about (what you can do in different kinds of weather). • Play the recording the whole way th rough once for chi ldren to listen. Then play it again as they fo llow the words in their books. • Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat aher you. • Play the recording for children to Sing along. Optional activity • Play the recording again for children to sing along. When they hear a weather word, they put both hands in the air. When they hear a wea th er activity, they touch th eir knees.

3 Sing and do. • Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you which action th ey should do for each verse of the song (see below). • Play the recording for children to listen and do their actions.

Lead-in • Use Aashcards 103-106 to introduce the new vocabula ry for weather acti vitie s. Hold up the ca rds one at a tim e and say the ph rases for ch ildren to repeat. • Hold up the cards in a different order for children to repeat again . 1 Listen, point and repeat. 1Si 99 • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Play the first part of the recording for children to point to the pictures and say the phrases. • Play the second pa rt of the recordi ng for children to repeat the ph rases. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat. • Hold up fiashca rd s 103-106 one at a time for individua l children to say the phrases. Transcript Listen and pOint Aya kite, make a snowman, wear coats, go outside wear coats, Ay a kite, go outside, make a snowman Listen and repeat fiy a kite, make a snowman, wear coats, go outside Optional activity • Putthe weath er fiashcards 97- 102 in a column on th e left side of th e boa rd and the weather activiti es fi ashca rds 103- 106 in a colu mn on the right side of the board . • Point to the first weather fiashcard. Choose a child and ask, for example What do you do when it's sun nylThe child repl ies, using one of the weather acti vities on the rig ht, e.g.lgo outside.



Song actions

What's the weather... sway from side to side When it's windy ... fill cheeks with air and blow When it's snowing .. . imitate snow fa lling with fin gers When it's sunny .. . point to sun in sky We fly our kite - hold ropes and look up at kite We make a snowman - build a snowman

We play together in the park - throw a frisbee


Further practice Workbook page 70 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 20 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 10· Words, Song

Lesson Four W:~l~


2 Liste n and chant. !§I 102

(B PAGE 7!

• Play the record ing for ch ildren to liste n to the cha nt.

Dig ital classroom· Unit 10 · Phonics

• Play the chant once more, stopping the CD after each line for children to repeat.

Phonics Jesson objectives


• Repeat, and en courage ch ildren to follow th e chant in th eir books.


To pronounce t he sound laIl in the middle of words To understand how magic e at the end of words changes t he vowel sound La!lguage


3 Read th e c hant again. Circl e th e sound


• Wr ite the first line of t he chant on the board. Ask a child to come and find an example of the sound i_e. He / She fi nds and circles ide in ride, ike in bike, and ite in kite.

Core: bike, kite, nine, white, line

• Allow time for children to read the rest of th e chant and circle the other examples.

Extra: all together

• Monitor the activity and help wh ere necessary.

, lIfIaterials


CD !§I 92, 101 - 103; Phonics cards 6 (bin), 29-33 (bike, kite, nine, white, line); Phonics cards 25-28 (for revision), plus eight ot her cards ta ken at random (optional) W a rm e r !§I 92 • As k chi ld ren wh ich sound they looked at in their previous phonics lesson (lel/) . Do the chant from Class Book page 63 to energize the cl ass and revise the soundlell. • Write the words fro m t he lesson (lake, gate. face. an d plane) on th e board . Pointto the e att he end of each word. Ask

What does magic e do? Le ad -in • Tea ch the sou nd and lett ers for th is lesson using the phonics ca rd s. Hold up phonics card 6 and elicit t he wo rd bin. Say Whats the sound 7 (II!). Then hold up ca rd 29 and say the wo rd bike and th e soun d lall for children to repeat in chorus. • Say bin and bike several ti mes so that children can hear t he two different vowel sounds. Remind chi ldren, Magic e makes the vowel long. Point to magic e and move your fi nger back to the i as yo u do so. Say the vowe l sou nd for ch ildren to repeat. • Repeat w ith t he rest of the cards.

1 Li st e n, point and re p eat. !§I 10l • As k ch ild ren to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Te ll them t hat they are going to hear a recording of the different sounds. • Pl ay the first pa rt of t he recording for children to listen and poin t to the pictu res. • Play the second part of the recording for chil dren to repeat the sounds and wo rds. • Play t he reco rd ing all the way th rough for children to point and t hen repeat. Tra n script Li sten and point. laIl bike lall kite lall nine lall w hite lall line Li sten and repeat. lall bike lall kite laIl nine lall w hite laIl line

• Go th rough t he answers w ith the class.

RI@ your b@ . Fly your k@ . The b@ is red. Th e k@ iswh @. Wh@ k@, w h@ k@. Count t he ch ildren in the I@ . All together th ere are n@. N@ in t he I~. N~~ in th e I@ . Optional a ctivity. • Play Nine in a line. Invite nine ch ildren to come to the fron t of the class. Give each child a phon ics ca rd from 25- 33. Children hold their cards in front of t hem. • Call ou t the words in a random order. Child ren call the name of the child holding the ca rd. The child steps forward. Contin ue until all of the ch ildren have stepped forwa rd .

4 Listen and complete th e words. !§I 103 • Ask children to look at th e pictures and iden t ify th e t hings they can see. Tell t hem they are going to hear a record ing of the words. They must list en an d w rite the missing letters. • Play the beg inning of t he record ing and pa use after the first wo rd. Show child ren how the word has been comp leted w ith the letters I and n. • Play t he rest of t he record ing for children to complete th e rema ining words. • Play t he recording again for children to comp lete the ir

answers. • Go t hrough t he answers. Transcript 1 li ne 2 bi ke

3 nine

r.!~ti!.~~ii 1 line 2 bike

3 nine

4 white

4 w hite

S kite S kite

Optiona l act ivity • Play Pointto the correct card (see page 20). Use phonics card s from th is and the previous lesson m ixed w ith other phonics cards taken at random. • Chi ld ren point to the cards that cont ain magic e.


Further practice

Workbook page 71 !§I Student MultiROM· Unit 10· Phonics

Lesson Five l¥:~;~


3 Read again. Match.


Digital classroom· Unit 10· Reading

Skills Time! Skills development Reading: read and understand a weather report; match images with information from the text



Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: news, warm, raincoat, sun, sunglasses, flyaway

Materials CD i§l1 00, 104; a piece of card or paper fo r each child (optional); PMB page 39 (Cut and make 4) page and materials (see Teacher's Book page 125)

Warme r i§l100 • Energize the class by singing What's the weather like today? from page 70.

1 b

2 c 3 d

4 a

Optional activity • See instructions on carrying out PMB Cut and make activity 4 on Teacher's Book page 125 . • Children make the weather cards and use them to describe the weather as if they are giving a weather report.


Culture note: The British weather

• Tal k about the weath er with the class. Ask What's the weather like today? Ask children to predict the weather for this evening / tom orrow. Write the weathe r types on the board as children suggest them. • Ask children to look at the pictures. Encourage them to make guesses about what they are going to read, e.g. Its about the weather The man is on TV

Britain has a temperate climate with warm summers and cool winters. The infiuence of the Gulf Strea m means that Britain's weather is milder than other cou ntries ol t he same lati tude.

1 Look at the pictures. What is the weather like? • Ask children to look at the pictures again. Ask them to name the different types of weather they can see. • If you wish, ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to point to the different pictures and say what the weather is like. cold, ra ining, sunny, windy

2 Listen and read. ~ 104 • Tell children tha t they are going to hear a record ing of the text. • Play the recording for children to listen and follow Silently in their books. • Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions they have. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Whats the weather like in the morning / afternoon? What clothes do you need in the morning / afternoon? What eon you do in the evening?

Optional activity • Play Simon says ... (see pag e 20) with weather words and advice from the text, e.g. Simon says its cold. Puton your coat. / Its windy. Fly your kite.


• Ask children to close their books. Write six o'clock on the board. Ask children to scan the weather report and tell you what the weather is like at six o'clock. • Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Follow the blue line with your finger to show how six dclock is linked to the cold weather symbol. • Point to the other symbols for children to tell you what weather they show. • All ow time for ch ildren to re-read the text and match the times to th e correct weathe r symbols. • Go throu gh the answers with the class.

Unit 10

There are variations in climate across the British Isles, with the south of England experiencing higher summer and winter temperatures than Scotland and the north of England. Southern England experiences relatively little snow, even in the middle of winter. Deep snow is much more likely in the hills further north and in Scotland, where schools are closed for some days most years due to heay,y snowfall. The British weather is often a source of amusement for those from other countries as it reputed ly rains more in Britai n than anywhere else' The truth of this depends upon the region in question: the mountainous regions of Eng land, Scotland and Wales are th e wettest in Europe; however, th e averag e annual rainfall in London is less than that of Rom e, Sydney, or New York.

Further practice


Workbook page 72 Cut and make 4, PMB page 39

Lesson Six I¥~gl~


2 Point, ask and answer,


• Ask a child or a group of children to read the words in th e word pool for th e class. Ask chi ldren to look at the pictu res and say what the weather is like in each one.

Digital classroom· Un it 10· Wr iting

Skills Time!

ISkills development


• Focus attention on t he speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Read t he question for th e ch ild to say the answer. The class repeat the question and answer in chorus.


Listening: identify different types of wea the r from a report Speaking: talk about the weather on different days of the week Writing: identify verbs and adjectives; write about the weather (Workbook)

• Ask ch ild ren to wo rk in pairs. They take turns to ask and answer q uestio ns about the wea t her on the d ifferent days of the wee k. • Moni tor th e activity and model the word s where necessary. • Ask some pa irs to ask and answer questions for the class.

Optional activity ,language

\Wi! f

W f


Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: be careful, get wet, keep





• Extend Exercise 2 by asking children to give each ot her advice about what to wea r I do fo r th e different types of wea the r, e.g. Its Monday. Whats the weather like? Its cold. Wear a coat and keep warm'

u •••

CD ~ 100, 105; Weather IWeather activities fiashcards 97- 106

Warm er ~ 100 • Play Musical cards (see page 19) w ith the song from page 70 and fiashcards 97-1 06.

lead-in • Ask children what they can remembe r about the weather repo rt from the previous lesson . Ask What different kinds of weather does the man talk about' Whats the weather like at six o'clock in the morning I two o'clock in the afternoon? • As k children to look at t he pictures in Exercise 1 and identify th e different types of weathe r they can see. Ask them to predict what t hey are going to hear.

1 listen and tick (.f) the correct picture. ~ 105 • Tell children that t hey are going to hear a weather report for different days of th e week. Explain that they need to choose whethe r the presenter is describing weather a or weather b for each pict ure and tick the correct picture.

3 Circle the verbs. Underline the adjectives. • Ask childre n to close th eir books. Copy the example sentence from the Class Book onto the board. • As k ch ildre n to tell you wha t a verb is (an action or 'doing' word). Invite a ch ild to come to the front of the class to identify and ci rc le the verb (wears). Explai n that wears is t he th ing he is doing. • Read the Remember box with ch ildren to rem ind them w hat an adjective is. Invite a second child to come and underline the adjective in the sentence (big) . Explai n t hat big describes the coat. • Write som e of your own sentences on the board and repeat the exercise, e.g. She goes to school on a blue bus. He swims in the cold sea. • Ask child ren to look at th e exercise in th eir Class Books. Allow time for them to circ le t he verbs and underline the adjectives in each sentence. • Monitor t he activity and help w here necessary. • Go through the answers with t he class.

• Play the recording for chi ldren to listen and point to the different types of weather as t hey hear them described.

SheiQ~ her yellow urnbrella. 2 He eats a hot pizza.

• Play the recording a second time, stopping after t he first item. Show chi ldren the example tick next to picture b.

3 I erin a cold milkshake. 4 We~ in the small playground.

• Continue the record ing, pausing after each item fo r chi ldren to tick the correct type of weat her for each day.

Optiona l activity

• Play t he recording again for child ren to check t heir

• Wrrte t he following gapped sentences on the board: 1_ a nice sandwich . He plays with 0 _ train .

answers. • Go through t he answers with t he class.

Transcript Hello, and here is the weather. 1 It's Monday. It's six o'clock in the morning. It's a sun ny moroing. 2 It's Wednesday at SIX o'cl ock. The wea ther is ve ry windy. Be carefull 3 It's Friday at six o'clock. It's raining. Don't forget your umbrellas. Don't get wet. 4 Sunday rnor ning at six. Here is the weather. It's co ld outside.

Keep wa rm!

'iUF.1MA@i;1 1 b

2 b

3 b

4 a

• Chi ldren copy the sentences, completing th em w ith an appropri ate verb I adjective. • Ch ildren circle the ve rbs and underlin e the adjectives in thei r sen tences.


Now go to Workbook page 73 for children to practise writing about the wea t her.

Further practice Workbook page 73 Values worksheet, PMB page 21 Unit 10 test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 28 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 10 • listen at home · Track 31 (Words and phrases), Track 32 (Song), Track 33 (Phonics) Unit10


Lesson One l¥:g{~



Digital classroom· Unit 11 • Words/Story

Words Lesson objectives To identify differe nt types of clothing To understand a short story

Lan ua e Core: skirt, scarf. gloves, jeans, boots, shirt Extra: people


' CD ~ 100, 106-108; Story posters 10 and 11; Clothes fiashcards 107-112

Warm er ~ 100 • Sing Whats the weather like taday?from page 70 to energize the class. • Ask children to tell you wh at they ca n remember about the story from the previous unit. • Use Story poster 10 to retell the story with the class. Ask Where do the family go' What do they wear? Why is everyone wet'

Lead-in • Use fiashcards 107-112 to elicitthe vocabulary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a time for children to name the clothes. Model any words that children do not know • Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat. • Say the words again. Children repeat and point to any of the clothing items that they are wearing.

1 Listen, point and repeat, ~ 106 • Ask children to look at the pictures of th e different clothes. • Play the fi rst part of the recording for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture. Hold up the appropriate fiashcard as each word is said. • Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words. • Hold up the fiashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words.

Transcript Listen and point. skirt, scarf, gloves, jeans, boots, shirt jeans, sca rf, shirt, gloves, ski rt, boots Listen and repeat. skirt, sca rf, gloves, jeans, boots, shirt


Unit 11

2 Listen and chant. ~ 107 • Play the recording and teach the chant. • Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the words in the gaps in the chant. • Repeat (more than once if necessary). • Children say the cha nt as a class, without the record ing.

Tra nscript sklft, skirt, ski rt scarf. scarf, scarf gloves, gloves, gloves jeans, jeans, jeans boots, boots, boots shirt, shirt, shirt Optional activity • Do the chant again. Children mime putting on the different types of clothes as they are mentioned.

3 Listen and read. ~ 108 • Use Story poster II to present the story. Talk about each frame in turn with the cl ass. Encou rage predictions about the story from differe nt members of the class. • Ask chil dren to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the recording for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Why are Rosy, Tim and Grandma at the station? Can they find Tim's aunt and cousins' What does Grandma do? Establish that the aunt and cousins that Rosy and 11m are waiting for are new characters that the class haven't seen before. • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to words from Exercise 1.

Optional activity • Play the recording again. When chi ldren hear the word for a type of cl othi ng tha t th ey are wearing. they stand up (their cl oth es don't have to be the same colour). • Count how many children are standing by the end of the story.


Further practice

Workbook page 74 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 114

Lesson Two Oxford iTools O

2 Look and say.


• Ask children to look at the pictures in the Lets learn' box. As k What can you see'

D'Iglta . I cIassroom· Unit . 11 · Gram mar

Grammar Lesson obj ectives


Read the question s and answers, pausing after each one for chi ldren to point to the p icture and repeat.


Write the questions and answers on the board. Read them again, miming the actions in the pictu res to reinforce meaning. Chil dren repeat again.

To ask and answer questions about what people are wearing To act out a story , Language


Core: What are you wearing? I'm wearing a blue skirt.

Whats she wearing' Shes wearing red trousers.

• Rub out the clothes words in each sentence and replace them with fiashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g. I'm wearing a blue scarf He's wearing yellow gloves. Shes wearing a red scarf Say the new sentences for children to repeat. Invite chi ldren to change the words to make new



Materials CD 1Sl1 08; Story poster 11; Clothes fiashca rds 107-112 Warmer o

Play Do it' (see pag e 20) to revise th e vocabulary ch ild ren learned in the previous lesson.

Lead- in o


Ask chi ldren if they can remember w hat happened in the story in the p revious lesson. Show Story poster 11 to encourage ideas.


Children may notice that some of these words take an article and others don't. It will be worthwhile drilling the articles with the words so they get used to saying a skirt / a shirt / a scarf and trousers/ jeans / boots wi th no arti cle. If necessary, explain that trousers and jeans are treated as plural nouns in English. You can explai n that they will learn more about words like these later.

3 Match and write. o

Look at the first sentences together. Read t he question and follow the blue line in the book to show children how it links to the correct answer. Read the an swer, pausing at the end for ch ildren to call out the m issing word.


Allow ti me for children to read the rest of the sentences, link them to the correct answers, and complete the sentences with the missing items of cloth ing.


Monitor and help where necessary. Go through the answers with the class.

Put down the poster and ask children wh ich types of clothing were mentioned in the story.

1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act. 1Sl108 o Ask child ren to turn to the story on page 74 of their Class Books. They check how many of the types of clothes they remembered in t he lead-in activity. o

Play the recording, pausing after each li ne of text for children to repeat.



Ask ch ildren to look at the different actions the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below).

1 b, skirt


Divide the class into groups of six to play the parts of Rosy, Tim, Grandma, the aunt, and cousins Milly and Joe.



Play the record ing a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen.


If you wish, ask children to practise acting out the story in their groups. (Note that Milly and Joe don't speak.)


Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation.


Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.

Story actions Picture 1: Tim points to th e train. Picture 2: Tim looks around in confusion. Picture 3: Grandma and the aunt put a hand to their ear like a phone. Pi ctu re 4: Grandma and the aunt are stil l talking on the phon e. The aunt points to Joe. Picture 5: Grandma and th e aunt step backward s into each other.

2 a, jeans

3 e, boots

4 c, shirt

5 d, gloves

4 Ask and answer. Draw attention to the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Ask the question for him / her to answer while the class listen.

• Children wo rk in pairs. They take turns to ask and answer questions about what the people are wearing in Exercise 3. o

Monitor the activi ty. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases where necessary.


If you wish, ask different pairs to ask and answer a question while the class listens. Optional activity o

Ask a child to stand up. Ask the class, e.g. Whats Fatima wearing? Invite individual children to tell you about the different clothes, e.g. She's wearing a brown shirt. / Shes

wearing black boots.

Further practice


Workbook page 75 Grammar reference, Class Book page 110 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 11 • Grammar

Picture 6: Everyone holds up thei r hands to greet each other.



Lesson Three W:gl~



Digital classroom · Unit 11 • Words/Song

Song Lesson objectives To say what time it is To use time words in the context of a song

• Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat after you. • Play the recording again for ch ildren to sing along.


Optional activity

Core: o'clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to Extra: platform, here comes .., slow

• Ask children to look at the clocks again. Point to each one and say the times. Children put out their arms in the correct positions to show the times on the clocks . • Repeat, saying the times in a random order.

Materials CD ~ 109-1 10; Time fl as hcards 113-116; a toy clock or a PMB clock from Unit 8 (optional)

Warmer • Play Mime the word (see page 20) to revise the clothes vocabulary from Lesson 1. Children mime putting on the different clothes.

3 Sing and do. • Ask chil dr.en to look at the pictures and tell you which action they shou ld do for each verse of the song (see below). • Play the r.ecor.ding for chil dr.en to listen and do their.



Song actions

• Use fiashcards 113-116 to introduce the new vocabulary. Hold up the cards one at a time and say the phrases for child ren to repeat

On platform ... / Here comes the train - move arms in a cir.cular motion by sides, imitating the action of a train.

• Hold up the cards in a different order for children to repeat again.

1 Listen, point and repeat.



• Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Play the first part of the recording for children to point to the pictures and say the phrases. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the phrases. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat • Hold up fia shca rds 113-116 one at a time for individual children to say the phrases. • Hold up one of the PMB clocks the class made in Unit 8. Move the big hand and ask chi ldren to tell you whether it's ot/ock, quarter past, half past, or quarter to.

Transcript Listen and point. o'clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to quarter to, quarter past, o'clock, half past Listen and repeat. o'clock, quarter past, half past, qua rter to

Optional activity • Put fiashcards 113- 116 in different places on the board. Call out different times using the exp ressions from this lesson, e.g. quarter to four / half past three / one o'clock. • Children point to the card that represents each expression as they hear it mentioned.


2 Listen and sing. ~ 110 • Ask children to look at th e pictures. Point to the clocks for children to say the times. Ask children to predict what the song is about (trains arriving at a station). • Play the song once through for children to listen. Then play it again as they follow the words in their books.

Unit 11

What's the time? -look (or. mime looking) at watch It's three o'c/ock/ quarter past three, etc. - put arms in t he cor.r.ect positions to show the tim e on the clock.

Culture note: Travel by train and coach In Britain most cities and larger towns are connected by rail. Train stations have timetables displayed on the walls, or people can ca ll an information line before they leave home to And out about the time of th eir train. There are usually several different platforms, and passengers look at screens to And out wh ich platform their train leaves fro m (or arrives at if they are meeting someone). For long journeys, most passengers book a seat on the train before they arrive at the station, as seats sell out quickly. Coach travel is a popular alternative to rail travel in Britain. as it is chea per. The coach station is often situated near to the main train station in a town. The disadvantage of travelling by coach is that it is usually much slower than the t rain.

Further practice


Workbook page 76 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 22 ~ Student MultiROM • Unitll • Words, Song

Lesson Four Oxford iTools



D'Iglta . I cIassroom· Unit . 11 . Ph onlcs .

Phonics Lesson objectives To pronounce the sound " JUI in the middle of words To understand how magic e at the end of words changes the vowel sound Lang uage

2 Listen and chant. lSi 112 • Play the recording for children to listen to the chant. • Play the chant once more, stopping the CD after each line for children to repeat. • Repeat, and encourage children to follow the chant in their books. Optional activity • Tell children that they are all holding a rope. Put your hands in the right position for them to copy you. • Play the chant again. Each time child ren hear a magic e sound, they climb the rope.

Core: nose, rope, stone, bone, home Extra: hurry up

3 Read the chant again. Circle the sound o_ e.


• Ask children to look at the chant again. Write the first line on the board.

CD ~ 102, 111-113; Phonics cards 7 (mop), 34-38 (nose, rope, stone, bone, home); Phonics card 29 (bike) (optional)

• Ask a child to come to the front and find an example of the sound o_e. The chi ld circles the ope in rope.

Warmer \SI102 • Ask children which sound they looked at in their last phonics lesson (la l/). Do the chant from Class Book page 71 to energize the class and revise the sound lall. • Write the words from the lesson (bike, kite, nine, white, and line) on the board. Say the words with the class. Ask What does magic e do? Lead-in • Teach the sound and letters for this lesson using the phonics cards. Hold up phonics card 7 and elicit the word mop. Say Whats the sound? (lo/). Then hold up card 34 and say the word nose and the sound hul for children to repeat in choru s. • Say mop and nose several times so that children can hear the two different vowel sounds. Remind children, Magic e makes the vowel long. Point to magic e and move your finger back to the a as you do so. Say the vowel sound for children to repeat.

• Allow ti me for children to read the rest of the chant and circle the other examples. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary • Go through the answers with the class. The dog has got my r@. The dog is on a s@ . Hu rry up, dog. I want to go h~.

4 Listen and complete the words. ~ 113 • Ask children to look at the pictures and identify the things they see. Tell them they are going to hear a recording of the words. They must listen and write the missing letters. • Play the beginn ing of the record ing and pause after the first word. Show children how the word has been completed with the letters rand p. • Play the rest of recording for children to complete the remaining words.

• Play the recording again for children to complete their


• Repeat with the rest of the cards. 1 Listen, point and repeat . lSi 111 • Ask chi ldren to look at the pictures in t heir Class Books. Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of the different sounds. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the pictures. • Play the second part of the recording for chi ldren to repeat the sou nds and words. • Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat. Transcript Listen and point. I, ul nose h ul rope 19u1stone I,ul bone I,ul home Listen and repeat. I,ul nose I,ul rope hul stone I,ul bone Ioul home

My n@ is cold. Here isa b@ . Hurry up, dog. I want to go h~.

• Go through the answers with the class. Transcript 1 rope 2 nose

3 stone


3 stone 4 home 5 bone

'i.1~~i!~j~il-i rope 2 nose

4 home

5 bone

Optional activity • Put the bone and bike phon ics ca rds at different ends of the board. Tell children that you are going to read a list of magic ewords. Some con tain the sound 10ul as in bone and others contain the sound lall as in bike. • Read the following list aloud: rope, nine, kite, home, line, stone, white. When children hear an Iglli sound, they point to the bone; when they hear an Iml sound, they point to the bike.


Further practice

Workbook page 77 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit" • Phonics



Lesson Five w:~{~


3 Read aga in. Circle t he fal se word a nd write t he correct word.


Digita l classroom· Unit 11 . Reading

Skills Time! F$kills development

Ask ch ildren to close their books. Copy the exam ple sentence from t he Class Book on to t he boa rd .


As k chi ldren Is the sentence correct' (No). Invite a ch ild to come to the front of the cl ass to circle the incorrect word in the sentence (train) . Invite a second child to come and write the correct word (coach) next to the sentence.


Reading: read and understa nd a poem; find specific information in a text


Recycled: vocabulary and struct ures seen previously Extra:


coach, pass by, wave (v), get on, sit down, seaside,


• Write some of your own sentences on th e board, each contain ing one incorrect word, and repeat t he process, e.g. Here comes their cor Some people are short, some are long. They get on the coach and stand up. o

Ask ch ildren to look at the exercise in th eir Class Books. Al low ti me for childre n to re-read t he text, circle the incorrect word in each sen tence, and write the correct word next to it.


Go throug h t he answers with th e class. Read each sen t ence for chi ldren to tell you which word is wrong and then tell you the correct word.

Materials CD 110, 114; a copy of t he poem, cut in to verses, for each group of five ch ildren (optional)

Warmer EiiilllO o Sing Here comes the train' from

page 76 wi t h the class t o prepare fo r th e theme of th e lesson.

Lead-in o

Teach the word coach to the class. Explain that buses only tra vel short dist ances and sto p frequently, whereas coaches take people long dist ances, only stopping a few times. Coaches are usua lly more com fortable t han buses, and th ey often have curta ins, lights above each seat, and possibly sma ll screens so that the passengers can watch fi lms while they are travelling.


Ask Do you travel by coach? Where do you go by coach? Do you like travelling by coach?


Ask ch ildren to look at the pictu res an d make p redictions about what th ey are going to read, e.g. It's about coaches. The boy and girl go on the coach with their mum. Ask them to look althe layou t of th e text on th e page and elicit that it looks like a poem because it is divided into verses.

1 Look at the pictures. What colour is th e coach?

1 They are at the if@iiil station. (coach)

2 It's halfpa st~. (two) 3 The coach is red and@reeli}. (yellow) 4 Some bags are big. Some are~. (small)

5 They go to their@andp]l'sseasidetown. (aunt)

Optional activity o

Write t he following headi ngs on the board: coach, people, bags, and hair.


Ask chi ldren to work in groups of four. They scan the poem and find two or more adjectives that describe each thi ng (coach - red, yellow; people - short, tall;

bags - big, small; hair - long, curly, short).

Optional activity o

Ask ch ild ren to work in groups of five . They close thei r boo ks.


Give each g roup a copy of the poem which has been cut into five verses. Children work tog eth er to pu t the ve rses in the correct order.

What's the time ? o


As k children to look at t he picture. Point to the coach at the end of the row and ask Whotcolour is the coach 'They look at the clock. Ask Whats the time? If you wish , ask fu rther questions about th e picture, e.g.

How many people can you see or the station? What have they got? Whats the girl/the boy I their mum wearing' Th e coach is red and ye llow. Th e time is half past two. 2

Listen and read.


Tell chil d ren that t hey are going t o hear a record ing of the poem .


Play the recordi ng for ch ildren to listen and follow Silen tly in their books .

Eiiil1 14

• Play th e recording a second time. Answer any quest ions th ey have. o


Ask questions to check comprehens ion, e.g. Where are the boy and his family' What does the boy look at? Where does he go on the coach'

Unit 11


Further practice

Workbook page 78

Lesson Six l¥:~;~



(from left to rig ht) 1, 4, 2, 5, 3

Digital classroom · Unit 11 • Writing

2 Poi nt, ask and answer.

Skills Time! . Skills develop!1lent



• Focus attention on th e speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Read the questions for the child to say the answers, referring to the picture in Exercise 1. Child ren repeat the question and answer in chorus.


List en ing: identify people from descriptions of their cl othing

• Ask ch ildren to work in pairs. They take turns to ask and answer questions about the people in the picture.

Speaking: describe what people are wearing Writing: differentiate between to and pose; write about your clothes (Workbook)



• Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary. • Ask some of the pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.


Recycled: vocabulary and structu res seen previously

Materials CD 1Sl115; a toy clock or a PMB clock from Unit 8 (optional)

Warmer • Ask children to callout any clothes words they know from t his unit, previous levels, or th eir own knowledge. Write the word s on the board. • Play Bingo (see page 21) using these clothes words.

Lead-in • Ask children what they can remember about the poem from the previous lesson . Ask Where are rhe people' What colour is the coach ' Where is the family going? • Ask ch ildren to look at th e picture in Exercise 1 and tell you what they can see. Ask them to predict what they are going to hear.

1 Listen and number. 1Sl11S • Tell children that they are going to hear a conversation between a girl and her mother who are looking for their relatives at the statio n. • Play the recording for children to listen and point to the people as they hear them described. • Play the recording a second tim e, stopping after item 1 for chi ldren to locate the correct person. Show them the example answer in their books. Continue, pausing after each item for children to number the people in the order they hea r them. • Play the recording again for them to check their answers. • Go through the answers with the class.

Transcri pt Girl I can't see my family. Where are they7 1 Mum I can see your cousin. She's wearing a pink dress and long, white socks. Girl Oh, yes l I see her! 2 Mum And I can see your aunt. She's wearing a green scarf and brown boots. 3 Girl Oh, yes l Now I can see my uncle. He's wearing a brown hat and he's got blue gloves. 4 Mum There's your cousin, Zack. He's wearing jeans and a red shirt. S Girl And there's my friend Molly. She's wearing an orang e skirt and a blue T·shirt.

Optional activity • Use the toy cl ock (or the clock from the PMB Cut and make activity) to revise the time phrases from Lesson 3 in preparation for Exercise 3. Move the arms to half past three. Ask What tim e is it' Repeat with other times. • Ca ll out other times. Children make the times with their

arms. 3 Circle to and past. Tick (,I") the correct clock. • Children close their books. Copy the example sentence and the clocks from the Class Book onto the board. • Invite a child to com e and circle the word to. Invite a second child to tick th e correct clock. Ask what sentence they would say for the second clock (It's quarter past rhree). • Write some of your own time sentences on th e board, and repeat the process. • Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow time for them to circle to or past and then tick the correct clock. • Monitor the activity and hel p wh ere necessary. • Go through the answers with the class. Children make the correct times with their arms. 1 It's quarter § nine.

3 It's quarter @ fo ur.

2 It's quarter @ seven.

4 It's quarter § eight.

Optional activity • Call a child to come to the front of the class. Give him / her the toy clock. Ask anoth er child to say a time for the child at the front to show on the clock. • Repeat with other children.


Now go to Workbook page 79 fo r children to practise writing about their clothes.

Further practice Workbook page 79 Values worksheet, PMB page 23 Unit 11 test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 29 Student MultiROM· Unit 11 • listen at home· • Track 34 (Words and phrases), Track 3S (Song), Track 36 (Phonics)


Lesson One W:gl~



Optional activity

Digital classroom· Unit 12 • Words/Story

• Play Where was it? (see page 19) using Celebrations Aashcards 117-1 22.

Words Optional activity To identify words related to weddings To understand a short story

2 Li sten and chant. E§ii 117

Language '"_ " Core: wedding, guests, cake,

bride, band, invitation Extra: watch (v), video (n), dance (v), sleep



E§ii 110

• Sing Here comes the train l from page 76 t o energize the class. • Ask children t o tell you what they can remember about the story from the previous unit. • Use St ory poster 11 to retell the stolY w ith th e class. Ask

Where are Rosy, Tim and Grandma 'Can Tim see his aunt and cousins' How does Grandma find them ' Lead - in • Use flashcards 117- 122 to elicit the ce lebrations voca bulary for t his lesson. Hold them up o ne at a time for children to say what th ey see. Mode l any words that child ren do not know. • Ho ld the flashcards up in a different order and repeat 1 Listen, point and r e peat.

• Play the recording and teach the chant • Play the recording a second time for chi ldren to repeat the words in the gaps in the chant. • Repeat (more t han once if necessary).

CD E§ii 110, 116-118; Story posters 11 and 12; Celebrations Aashcards 117-122; a wedding magazine or photos of a wedding (optional) Warmer

• If you have a wedding magazine or phot os of a wedd ing you have been to, you could show children som e of the pictu res and as k wha t th ey can see.

E§ii 116

• Ask child len to look at t he pictures of wedding wo rds. • Play the first part of the recording for child re n to listen and point to the appropriate picture. Hold up t he flashca rd as each word is said. • Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat.

• Child ren say the chant as a class, wi t hout t he recording. Transcri pt wedd ing, we dd ing, wedd ing guests, guests, guests cake, cake, cake bride, bride, bride band,band,band invitat ion, invitation, invitatio n

3 Listen and read. E§ii 118 • Use St ory post er 12 to present the story. Ta lk about each frame in tu rn w ith the class. Encourage predicti ons about the sto ry from d ifferen t membe rs of t he class. • As k ch ildren to look at the st ory in their Class Books. Play the recording for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask question s to check comprehension, e.g. What are Mum and Dad watching' Who is at the wedding? What is

Milly doing' • Ask chi ldren to look at the story again. They fi nd and point to words from Exercise 1. Optional activity • Assign different celebrations words from t he vocabulary set t o each ch ild. • Read the follow ing story, pausing between each sentence:

• Play the recording all the way thro ugh for children to listen and point and then repea t the words. • Hold up the flashca rds in a random order and ask th e class to say t he wo rds. Transcript Listen and point. wedding, guests, cake, bride, band, invitation bride, wedding, cake, invitation, guest s, band Listen and repeat. weddi ng, guests, ca ke, bride, band, invitation


Unit 12

Today there's a wedding in our town. I've got an invitation. The bride is my sister. There are lots of guests. There, a big cake. There, a great band We all dance. • Childre n stand up when they hear thei r words.


Further practice

Workbook page 80 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 115

Lesson Two



2 Look and say.


Grammar [ esson objectives



Ask chi ldren t o look at the pictures in the Ask Whar can you see'


Read t he questions and answers, pausing after each one for ch ild ren to point to the pictu re and repeat.


Wr ite only the answers on the boa rd. Read them again, mim ing t he actions in the pictu res to reinforce meaning. Children repeat again,


Rub ou t the final word in each sentence and ask chil dren to sugge st words to replace them, e,g. I'm dancing with

To ask and answer questions about what people are doing To act out a story

;La pguage 'w


Rosy. We're watching a film, Hes eating pizza. They're singing.


Say t he new sen t ences for chi ldren to repeat.

What are you; they doing' I'm; We"re; They're talking. Whats he; she doing? He; She's eating.




".. ,



CD ~ 118; Story poster 12; Celebrations flashcards

Invite differen t chi ldren to change the words t o make new




Optional activity o

117 :122 w

Warmer o

Play Jump (see page 19) using flashcards 117-1 22 to revise the vocabu lary children learned in the previous unit.

Leadwin o

words were mentioned in the story_

1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act. ~ 118


As k ch ild ren to turn to the st ory on page 80 of t heir Class Books. They check how many of the celebrations words they remembered in the leadwin activity. Play t he record ing, pausing afte r each line of t ext for children to repeat.

o As k ch ildren to look at t he different actions t hat the

people do in the story. As a ciass, decide on t he actions for t he story (see suggest ions below).

Ask children to read the story o n page 80 aga in and find examples of se ntences simi lar to those from Exercise 2.

3 Look and circle. o

Ask ch ildren to look at the p ictu res, Point to each one fo r them to say the wedd ing words.


Look at the first picture again. Ask What has she got' Establish t hat the girl has got an invit ation. Read the two opti ons aloud and ask ch ild re n which is correct (The girl has got an invitation). Show chi ldren how the correct option is circled as an example.


Ask Is she reading or singing' Chi ldren circle the word reading.


Al low ti me for ch il dre n t o read the rest of the sen t ences and circl e the correct words.


Monit or and help where


Go throug h th e answers w ith the class.

As k ch ildren if they can remember wha t happened in t he story in the previous lesson. Show Story post er 12 to encourage ideas.

o Cover the poster and ask child ren which ce lebrations


Let's learn! box,


Digita l classroom· Unit 12 • Grammar

1 an invitation, reading 2 wearing 4 guests, talking


band, playing music 3 bride, 5 wed ding cake, eating

Optional activity

Divide t he class into groups of seven to p lay the parts of Mum, Dad, Rosy, Ti m, Milly, Grandma, and Grandpa .

o Carry ou t an activit y for chi ldren to practise producing


Play t he record ing a second time fo r ch ildren to m ime the act ions as t hey listen.

o Playa m imi ng game. Ask a ch ild to stand up. W hisper an


If you w ish, ask ch il dren to practise acting out the story in th eir groups. (Note that Gra nd ma and Gra ndpa don't have speaki ng parts.)


the new stru ctu re .


action to him / her, e.g. 00 your homework; brush your teeth; eat your lunch. Ask the class Whats he/She doing' Encourage t hem to respond using the structure Hes;Shes .. .ing.

• Monitor t he activity, checking for correct pronunciation.


The first chi ld t o answer cor/ectly does the next mime .

Ask some of t he groups to come to the fro nt of the class t o act out the story


Repeat severa l tim es.


Story actions Picture 1: Rosy points to the TV screen , Pi ct ure 2: (on TV) M um and Dad do a dance,


Further practice

Workbook page 81 Grammarreference, Class Book page 11 1 ~ Student MuitiROM • Unit 12 • Grammar

Picture 3: (on TV) Dad eats a piece of cake, Picture 4: (on TV) Grandpa gestures towards Grandma as he talks, Picture 5: (on TV) M ill y closes her eyes and rests her hands on her chest like a sleeping baby, Picture 6: Rosy and M illy point to the TV screen and laug h,

Unit 12


Lesson Three ~':!'~l~



Digital classroom · Unit 12 • Words/Song

Song J!sson objectiveJ To identify things people do to get ready for a celebration To use these words and phrases in the context of a song

3 Sing and do. • Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you which action to do for each verse of the song (see below) . • Play the recording for children to listen and do their actions.

Song actions I'm wearing a suit/ tie - button up jacket and straighten tie I've got my family by my side - put hands out either side Mum's making cakes - ice a cake


Dad is washing the car- clean the car with a cloth

Core: make a cake, wash the car, brush my hair, take photas Extra: get ready, suit (n), by my side, excited, can't wait

My sister is wearing a big, pink dress - girls show off their dress; boys extend hand as if to show sister I'm brushing my hair - brush ha ir

Materials CD 1Sl119-120; Celebrations fiashcards 117-122; Getting ready fiash card s 123-1 26

My sister is taking lots ofphotos - hold up a camera and press the button

Optional activity Warmer • Play Whats missing' (see page 20) using flashca rds 117-122 to revise the vocabulary that children learned in Lesson 1.

Lead-in • Use fiashcards 123- 126 to introduce the new vocabulary. Hold up the cards one at a time and say the phrases for children to repeat. If you wish, use mime to reinforce the meaning. • Hold up the cards in a different order fo r children to repeat again.

1 Listen, point and repeat. 1Sl1l9 • Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Play the first part of the recording for children to point to the pictures and say the phrases. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the phrases. • Play the recording all the way throug h for child ren to listen and then repeat. • Hold up fiashcards 123-126 one at a time for individual chi ldren to say the ph rases.

Transcript Listen and point. make a cake, wash the car, brush my hair, take photos brush my hair, make a cake, take photos, wash the car Listen and repeat. ma ke a cake, wash the ca r, brush my hair, take photos

Optional activity • Play Whispers (see page 19) with the class using the new phrases.

2 Listen and sing.

~ 120

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to each one for children to tell you what the people are doing. • Play the song through once for children to listen. Then play it again as they follow the words in their books. • Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat. • Play the recording for children to sing along.


Unit 12

• Playa game of Simon says .. . USing the new structure. Before begin ning the ga me, revise th e structure with the class. Write I'm ... ing and We're ... ing on the board. • Play the game using the vocabulary from th e fiashca rds and the song, e.g. Simon says I'm brushing my hair. • Ask individual children to give the instructions, using the structure I'm .. .ing and We're ... ing .

Culture note: Weddings in Britain Couples getting married in Britain can choose between a wide variety of different venues and ceremonies. They can have a religious wedding in a church, or else hold a civil (i.e. non-religious) ceremony in the town ha ll, a hotel, a castle, or even on a football pitch. If it is quite a traditional wedding, it will probably take place in the bride's home town. The guests, th e bridegroom, and his 'best man' (a close friend or relative of the groom) arrive at the ceremony before the bride. When the bride arrives, music is played and she enters with her father, followed by her bridesmaids (one or more of her closest fema le friends or relatives, often young girls). The bride usually wears a w hite or cream col ou red dress, often with a long train. She may also wear a -ceil over her face, which the husband lifts after the couple have sa id their vows. After the wed ding service, guests gather to congratulate the couple and throw fiower petals or confetti (small bits of coloured paper) over them. The wed ding reception us ually consi sts of a meal, followed by speeches by the bride's father, the groom, and the best man. After the speeches, the bride and groom cu t the cake and all of the guests are given a piece . Traditionally, a special kind of long-lasting fruit cake is prepared, and the couple will save a part to eat when they celebrate the birth of their fi rst ch ild. In the evening, there is usually danCing, with music provided either by a DJ or by live music from a band.

Further practice


Workbook page 82 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 24 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 12· Words, Song

Lesson Four !¥:~l~


(B PAGE 83

Digital classroom· Unit 12 . Phonics

2 Listen and chant. ~ 122 Play the recording for children to listen to the chant. Play the chant once more, stopping the CD after each line for ch ildren to repeat. Repeat, and encourage children to follow the chant in their books.



Phonics o

Lesson objectives To pronounce the sound lu:1 in the middle of words To understand how magic e at the end of words changes the vowel sound

Language Core: cube, flute, June, tube Extra: month

3 Read the chant again. Circle the sound


o o

Materials CD ~ 112, 121 ~ 123; Phonics cards 8 (bus), 39-42 (June, flute,.t ube, cube); Phonics ca rds 25~38 (optional)

Warmer ~ 112 o


Ask children which sound they looked at in the previous phonics lesson (I,m/). Play the CD and say the chant from Class Book page 77 to energize the class and revise the sound I~ul. Write the words from the lesson (nose, rope, stone, bone, and home) on the board. Say the words with the class. Ask Wha t does mogicedo!

This month is J@ And it's my birthday! I've got a puzzle o@, I can play all day. I've got a new fi@ For my birthday, And a poster in a What a happy day!

® .

4 Listen and complet e the words, ~ 123 Ask children to look at the four pictures and identify the things they can see. Tell them they are going to hear a recording of the words. They must listen and wri te the missing letters. Play the beginning of the recording and pause after the first word. Show children how the word has been completed with the letters t and b. Play the rest of th e recordin g for chi ldren to complete the remaining word s. Play the recording again for children to complete their


Lead-in o



Teach the sound and letters for this lesson using the phonics cards. Hold up phonics card 8 and elicit the word bus. Say What's the sound? (lA/). Then hold up card 39 and say the word June and the sound lu:1for children to repeat in chorus. Say bus and June several times so that children can hear the two different vowel sounds. Remind children, Magic e makes the vowel long. Point to magic e and move your finger back to the u as you do so. Say the vowel sound for children to repeat. Repeat with the rest of the cards.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 121 o




Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of the different sounds. Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the pictures. Play the second part of the recording for ch ildren to repeat the sounds and words. Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.




answers. Go through the answers with the class.


Transcript 1 tube

2 June

3 ftute 4 cube

1 tube

2 June

3 flute





lu:1June lu:1flute lu:1tube lu:1cube Listen and repeat.

lu:1June lu: /flute lu:/ tube lu:/ cu be

4 cube

Optional activity

Transcript Listen and point.

u~ e,

Write the first line of the chant on the board. Ask a child to come to the fron t and find and circle an example of the sound u~e. He I She circles une in June. All ow time for children to read the rest of the chant in their books and circ le the other examples. Monitor the activity and help where necessary. Go through the answers with the class.



Put all of the magic e phonics cards from Units 9~ 12 on the board so that there is a separate row for each sound. Point to each word in turn for ch ildren to say the sounds. Remove a card frorn each row. Point to the cards again for children to say the words. When they get to a blank space, they say the word that used to be there. Continue until all of the cards have been taken down or until children cannot remember any more words.

Further practice Workbook page 83 ~Stud.nt MultiROM· Unit 12· Phonics

Lesson Five Oxford iTools


Optional act ivity


• Read th e fo llowing sen tences aloud fo r ch ildren to scan t he text and tell you whether they are true or false: It's Bellas birthday (F) Bellas brother is helping with the cooking and cleaning, (T) Bella is choosing party dresses with her sister (F) The invitations are pretty (T) Bella doesn't like the big cake, (F)

D'Iglta . I c Iassroom· Unit. 12 • Rea d'Ing

Skills Time! Sl{llls development

WRY %4






Reading : read and understand a descriptive email; complete questions with information from the text

' language




i t tfit


Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra : summer, party, clean (v), letters, think, send, soon

, Materiqls

,CD ~ 120:~P;;; a hand-drawn pictu re of ~eople d;~~nd different things at a party; a plain piece of paper for each child (optional)

Warme r ~ 120 • Sing We're getting ready for the wedding' from page 82 to warm up the class.

Lead-in • Discuss parties with the class. Ask the class 00 you like partiesI When do you have parties? What do you do to get ready for a party? • Ask children to look at the text and tell you what kind of text it is (an emaiD. Chi ldren look at the first and last lines. Ask who it is to (Hannah) and who it is from (Bella), • Ask children to look at the pictu res and tell you wha t they th ink the text is about (its about getting ready fora party),

3 Read again. Write. • Ask children to close their books. Copy the example question and gapped answer from th e Class Book onto the board. • Ask chil dren to scan the text and find the missi ng words. Write the missing words in the gaps. • Write some of your own sentences and gapped answers on the board, each contain ing one incorrect word, and repeat th e process, e,g. What is Bello getting ready fori She's getting ready for the . What is Bella s family cleaning? They're cleaning the ~~~_ • As k children to look at th e exercise in th eir Class Books, Allow time for child ren to re -read the text and complete the answers to the questions with the correct words. • Go throug h the answers with the clas s. Ask th e questions for individual ch ildren to an swer. Who is Bella helping? She's helping her mum and dad, What is her aunt's name? Her name's Lola. What colour is Bella's party dress? It's green and white, What colour are the invitations?They're yellow and purple. What cakes does Bella's brother like? He likes the little cakes. What cake does Bella like? She likes the big chocolate cake.

2 3 4 S 6

, Look at the pictures. What are they doing? • Playa drawing garne with the cl as s. Give each child a plain piece of paper.

• If you wish, ask child re n to work in pai rs. They take turns to point to the pict ures and ask and answe r questions about wh at the peop le are doing.

• Tell child ren that you have drawn a picture of a party and you are going to describe it to them. Children listen to you r description and draw what they hear.

cleaning the flat, choosing a dress, lookin g at cakes

• Describe the picture to the class, e.g, There are two girls danCing /0 the middle of the room. They are wearing party hats, Behind the girls, there is a table with a big cake on it A boy is eating some of the cake . .

2 Listen and read. ~ 124 • Tell children that they are going to hear a reco rding of Bella reading her email aloud. • Play the recording for child ren to listen and fo llow silently in their books. • Play the recording a second ti me, Answer any questions th ey have. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e,g, What are Bellas family and friends doing to get ready for the party' Whats Bella doing with her aunt' What are Bella and her brother choosing '


Optiona l activity

• Child ren look at the pictu res again. Point to each one and ask What are they doing I Encourage them to respond using the construction They're ... ing.

Unit 12

• When you have finished your description, give children a moment to complete their drawi ngs, Then hold up your picture so that everyone can see it Children compare it with their own versions.


Further practice

Workbook page 84

Lesson Six W~~l~


2 Point, ask and answer.


Digital classroom · Unit' 2· Writing

Skills Time!

• Ask children to read the words in the word pool. • Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Point to the fi rst picture and read the question for the child to answer Children repeat the question and answer in chorus.

Skills development Listening: identify people from their descriptions Speaking: talk about what people are doing Writing: identify and write ing at the end of present continuous verbs; write about a party (Workbook)

Language Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

• Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to point to the pictures and ask and answer questions about what the people are doing. • Monitor the activity and model the word s where necessary. • Ask some of th e pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.

3 Read and circle ing. •



CD IS> '25; Getting ready flashcards' 23- '26

Warmer • Playa version of Freeze (see page 20) with the class. Hold up one of the flashcards' 23-'26 (or alternatively call out the name of the action). Children have to mime the action. When you say Freeze, they stop miming and 'freeze' in that position. • As k children what they can remember about the email from the previous lesson . Ask Whots the email about? Whar does Bello do ro get reody for the party' • Allow children to check the text on page 85 of th eir Class Books to see how much they remembered correctly.

Lead·in • Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise'. Tell them These are the pharos from Bellas party. Ask Whos this' Whots he/she dOing' Ask children to predict what they are going to hear.

1 Listen and number.

IS> 125

• Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of Bella's next ema il to Hannah. In the email, Bella talks about the photos from her party. • Play t he record ing for chi ldren to listen and point to the people as they hear th em described. • Play th e recording a second time for children to number the people in the ord er that they are described. • Play the recording again for children to complete their

answers. • Go through the answers with the class.

Transcript Dear Hannah, Now I've got the photos of our summer party. 1 In this picture, my aunt Lola is eating the chocolate cake. She likes chocolate. 2 Here are my mum and dad. They are singing. They are very happy. 3 This is me. I'm wearing my new green and white dress. 4 Here is my brother. He's eating one of the little cakes. 5 Look at this picture. All the guests are ta lking and laughing.

• Ask children to close their books. Copy the example sentence from the Class Book onto the board. • Invite a child to come to the front of the class to circle the ing in the sen tence. • Write some of your own sentences on the board and repeat the process, e.g. He's eating a cake. I'm cooking the food They're sleeping. • Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow time for them to circle the ing in each sentence. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary • Go through the answers with the class. 1 2 3 4 5

We're sing@songs together. He's tal l€9l to his friend. They're listen@ tothe music. She's watch@ the band. She's wri@ the invi tations.

Optional activity • Ask children to look at the email on page 84 and find three sentences containing ing. They should copy them down and then circl e th e ing in each one.


Now go to Workbook page 85 for children to practi se writing about a party.

Review 4



Further practice Workbook page 85 Values worksheet, PMB page 25 Testing and Evaluation Book Unit 12 test, page 30 • Summative test 4, page 31 • Skills test 4, page 33 I$) Student MultiROM· Unit 12· Listen at home· • Track 37 (Words and phrases), Track 38 (Song), Track 39 (Phonics)

(left to right) 3, 1, 2, 4, 5

Unit 12


Lesson One !¥:~I~


2 Listen and chant. ~ 127

(B PAGE 88

• Play the recording and teach the chant

Digital classroom · Unit 13 • Words/Story

• Play th e recording a second time for children to repeat the words in the gaps in the chant.

Words Lesson

• Repeat (more than once if necessary). ol?jective~ m, " ,

• Children say the chant as a class, without the record ing.

To identify different animals


To understand a short story . Lang l!~g~

cow, cow, cow


Core: cow, goat, horse, sheep, donkey, goose Extra: rhan, mummy, daddy, other




CD ~ 120, 126-128; Story poster~ 12 and=13~ 'F~rm animals ftashcards 127- 132





Warmer ~ 120 • Energize the class by si nging We're getting ready for the wedding' from page 82. • Ask chi ldren to tel l you what they can remember about the story from the previou s unit • Use Story poster 12 to retell the story with the class, Ask What are Mum and Dad doing? What happens in the video?

Lead-in • Use ftashcards 127-132 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson, Hold them up one at a time for children to name the farm animals. Model any words that children do 'not know. • Hold the fiashcards up in a different order and repeat

1 Listen, point and repeat.

~ 126

• Ask children to look atthe pictures of the different farm animals, • Play the first part of th e record ing for chi ldren to listen and point to pictures, Hold up th e appropriate flashcard as each word is said. • Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words, • Hold up the fiashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words,

Transcript Listen and point cow, goat, horse, sheep, donkey, goose horse, goose, cow, sheep, goat, donkey Listen and repeat cow, goat, horse, sheep, donkey, goose


Unit 13

goat, goat, goat horse, horse, horse sheep, sheep, sheep donkey, donkey, donkey goose, goose, goose

Optional activity • Play Whats rhe picture? (see page 21) with the class, One child comes to the front and draws an animal from the vocabulary set The other children try to be the first to guess wh at the animal is,

Optional activity • Play What have I gor' (see page 20) using flashca rds 127-1 32 to practise the farm anima l words.

3 Listen and read. ~ 128 • Use Story poster 13 to present the story. Talk about each frame in turn with the class, Encourage predictions about the story from different members of the class. • Ask children to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the recording for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as they hear the words. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e,g, Where is the family? What animals do they see? Do they see big animals and small animals? • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to word s from Exercise 1.


Further practice

Workbook page 88 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 115

Lesson Two Oxford iTools


Picture 6: The ch ild ren and Grandpa laug h at t he naughty baby goat.


D'Iglta . I cIassroom· Unit. 13 • Grammar

2 Look and say.

Grammar Le~9.!lpbj ect!ves ,

• Ask children to loo k at the pictures in th e Lets learn I box. Ask What can you see'



To compare the size of anima ls and the height of people To write comparative sentences To act out a story

Core: This cow is bigger than that cow. The girl is taller than

the boy Extra: hen

Materials CD C§;l128; Story poster 13; Farm animals fiashcards 127-132

Warmer • Play Order the letters (see page 20) to rev ise the farm animals voca bula ry from the previous lesson.

Lead-in • Ask children if they can remembe r what happened in the story. Show Story poster 13 to encourage ideas. • Cover the poster and ask ch ildren wh ich animals we re men ti oned in t he story.

1 Listen to the story aga in and repeat. Act. C§;l128 • Ask children to turn to th e story on page 88 and check how many of the anima ls they remembered . • Play the recording, pausing after each line of text fo r children to repea t • Ask children to look at the different actions that t he people do in th e story. As a class, decide on th e actions for the story (see suggestions below). • Divide the class into g roups of four to p lay t he parts of Rosy, Tim, Bi lly, and Grandad. If you wou ld like som e of th e children to pretend to be anima ls, add parts for two cows, two sheep, two donkeys and three goats. • Play the record ing a second ti me for child re n to mime th e actions as th ey listen. • Ask chi ldren to practise acting the story in their groups. Mon itor t he activity, checking for cor rec t pronunciation. • As k some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.

Story actions Pictu re ': Gra ndpa points to t he an imals.

• Read the comparative sentences, pausing after each one for children to point to th e pictu re and re peat. • Write the sentences and q uestions on the board. Read t hem aga in, using gestures to show that something is big or sma ll to reinforce mean ing. Children repeat again. • Rub out the animal wo rds in eac h sentence and replace wi th different fa rm animals fiashcards to eli cit sentences wi th the same pattern, e.g. This horse is bigger than that horse. This goose is smaller than that goose. Say the new sente nces for childre n to repeat. • Invi te ch ildren to cha nge th e words to make new

sente nces.

Optional activity • Write the beg innings of comparative sentences on th e board for child ren to suggest different endings, e.g. A cow is bigger than . .. Rosy is taller than .. . A goose is

srnallerthan .. . Billy is shorterthan .. 3 Write. • Ask children to look at the wo rds in the word pool. Read them together. Use gestures to demonst rate the relative sizes. Ask a ta ll and a short child to come to t he front of th e class and say, e.g. Julia is taller than Miranda. Miranda is shorter than Julia. Make sure t hat ch ildren understa nd that we use tall and short for people. • Putthe fiashcards of the horse and the goat on th e board. Ask chi ldren to look at the fi rst sentence. Read the sentence with the class, pointing first to the horse and then to the goa t. Show w ith your arms that t he horse is big and t hat the goat is small. • Allow ti me for children to read t he rest of th e sentences, th en comp lete them with t he correct words. • Monitor and help where necessary. • Go t hrough the answers wit h t he class.

, The horse is bigger than t he goat. 2 The girl is taller t han the boy. 3 The boy is shorter t han the girl. 4 The sheep is smaller th an the cow.

4 Point and say. • Ask the class to look at the pict ures. Elicit t he word hen. Draw atte nt ion to the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up and read th e first sentence to th e class.

Pi cture 2: Bill y leans over t he fe nce and points to the cow. (One cow sta nds proudly ta ller t han th e other cow.)

• Ask ch ildren to work in pairs. They ta ke turns to ma ke comparisons bet ween the girl and t he boy and the goose and th e hen.

Pictu re 3: Bill y points to t he sheep. (The two sheep can pretend to be munch ing on grass.)

• Monitor th e activity and he lp whe re necessary.

Picture 4: Billy points to t he donkey. (Th e two donkeys move the ir heads.) Pi cture 5: Rosy point s to the goat. (Two goats eat grass; another goat stands up ta ll and eat s from the top of a bush.)

Further practice


Workbook page 89

Gram mar reference, (lass Book pag.", C§;l Student MultiROM· Unit 13 • Grammar

Unit 13


Lesson Three Pt:~l~


2 Listen and sing. ~ 130 • Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the animals for children to name them. Ask them to predict what the song is about (animals on a farm) . • Play the song the whole way through once while children listen. Then play it again as they follow th e words in th eir books.


Digital classroom · Unit 13· Words/Song

Song , Lesson objectives To identify adjectives for describing animals To use these adjectives in the context of a song

• Read each line of th e song aloud for children to repeat after you. • Play the recording for children to sing along.

Language Core: loud. quiet, fast, slow Extra: farm, cheep, cluck, honk, clop, clip, trot Recycled : farm animals words .M aterials _., < . ,. CD ~ 129- 130; Adjectives fiashcards 133-136; Farm animals flashcards 127-132 (optional)

3 Sing and do. • Ask children to look at the pictures and think of an action they could do for each verse of the song (see below).


Warmer • Play A long sentence (see page 21) with the farm an imals that child ren have lea rn ed in this unit, and any other animals th ey know in English. Begin by saying On the farm there's a goat. The first child continues On the farm there's a goat and a goose .. etc. Lead-in • Use flashcards 133-136 to introduce the new vocabulary. Use mime to rei nforce the meaning of the words. • Hold up the ca rds one at a tim e and say the words for children to repeat. • Hold up th e cards in a different order for child ren to repeat again.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 129 • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Play the first part of the recording for children to paint to the pictures and say the words. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat. • Hold up flashcards 133-136 one at a time for individual children to say the words. Transcript Listen and point. loud, quiet, fast, slow quiet, loud, slow, fast Listen and repeat. loud, quiet, fast, slow Optional activity • Put flashcards 133-136 on the board. Point to each one in turn for children to say the word. • Point to the fiashca rds again for children to say the words in the way they describe, e.g. they say loud very loudly.


Unit 13

• Play the record ing for children to listen and do their actions . Song actions Divide the class into groups of six, one for each animal. The children do the actions for their animal as shown below: Verse 1 - chicks fiap th eir wings Verse 2 - hens move their necks backwa rd s and forwards Verse 3 - geese open and shut their hands like beaks Verse 4 - cows slowly move their feet up and down Verse 5 - goats spring from foot to foot Verse 6 - horses trot along quickly Optional activity • Give Farm an imals flashcards 127- 132 to six different ch ildren. Put Adjectives flashcards 133-136 on th e board. • Children take turn s to come and put their animal below the adjective that they think describes it best. • Where there are two or more animals below one flashca rd, elicit a comparative sentence, e.g. The horse is foster than the goat Culture note: Farms in Britain Every yea r 900 million farm animals are reared in Britain. The most commonly farmed animals are sheep, cows, chickens, goats, pigs, ducks, and geese. Turkey and rabbit farms can also been found. Different regions of the UK are suited to different animals: for example, in Scotland, Wales, and north-west England, sheep farming is common as sheep can survive the cold winters; south-west England, with its rich grass, is more su itable to dairy farming. Farming is usua lly associated with the countryside, but Britain also has over 60 city farms. The idea behind these is to give children from the city the chance to see what farms are like. Most city farms have a small selection of each of the animals mentioned above for visitors to look at.


Further practice Workbook page 90 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 26 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 13 • Words, Song

Lesson Four Oxford iTools



o·Ig .lta I c Iassroom· Unit. 13 • Ph onlCS .


3 Read the chant again. Circl e th e sound


• Write the first line of the chant on the board. Ask two ch ild ren to com e to the front and each find an example of the ee sound. Children find and circle th e ee in green and


Lesson objectives To pronounce the sound middle of words

li:1at the end and in the

• Allow time for children to read the rest of the chant and circle the other examples in their books. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go through th e answers with the class.

Language Core: cheese,

feet, green, three, tree

Extra: piece Materials CD ~ 122, 131-133; Phonics cards 43-47 (tree, g reen, three, cheese, feet) Warmer ~ 122 • Ask chi ldren wh ich sound they looked at in their last phonics lesson (iu:/). Do the chant fro m Class Book page 83 to energ ize the class and revise the sound lu:i.

Look up at the g@n t@. What can you @ ? Two @ tanda ta il. Count them: one, two, th @ ! What's in th e g~n t~? What's hiding t here? A monkey with a piece of ch@se, That's w hat's hiding th ere!


If child ren notice the li:1sound in monkey and piece, congratulate them and explain that these are other ways of spelling the same sound. They w ill see other spellings for this sound in later levels.

Lead- in • Teach the sound and letters for this lesson using the phonics ca rds. • Hold up phonics card 44 (green) . As k Whotore the sounds' to elicit gr-ee-n. Practise the sounds severa l times together. Then say green for children to repeat. Do the same wi th the other cards. 1 Liste n, point and repeat. ~ 131 • Ask ch ild ren to look at the pictures in thei r Class Books. Tell them t hat they are going to hear a recording of th e d ifferent sounds. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the pictures. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and words. • Play the recording all th e way through for child ren to poi nt and then repea t Transc ript Listen and point li:1tree li:1green Listen and repeat. li:1tree li:1green

4 Listen and complete th e words. ~ 133 • Ask ch ild ren to look at the pictu res and identify th e th ings they ca n see. Te ll them they are going to hear a record ing of the wo rds. They must listen and wri te the missing letters. • Play the beginning of the recording and pause after the first word. Show children how the word has been completed with the letters gr and n. • Play the rest of record ing for child ren to compl ete the rema ining words. • Play the reco rding again for children to compl ete their

answers. • Go through the answers with the class. Tran script 1 green 2 tree

3 feet

M "'¢'i 4*' 1 green 2 tree

3 feet

4 cheese 4 cheese

5 three

5 three

Optional activity

li:1 three li:1cheese li:1feet li:1three li:1cheese li:1feet

• Teach the 'tongue twisters' below to the class and practise them together, one at a time:

Three green trees, three green trees. See the cheese, eat the cheese. t see three green feet.

2 Listen and chant. ~ 132 • Play th e recordin g for children to listen to the chant • Play the cha nt once more, stopping the CD after each li ne for children to repeat. • Repeat, and encourage child ren to follow the chant in their books.

Further practice


Workbook page 91 is) Student MultiROM • Unit 13 • Phonics

Optional activity • Play th e recordin g again. Children chant the words. Every time they hear an li:1soun d, they stamp their feet



Lesson Five f楼:~I~



As k questions to check comprehension, e.g. What must the children wear' What must they bring' What are the rules'


Digital classroom 路 Unit 13 路 Reading

Optional activity

Skills Time!

Ask the q uestions below for children to scan the text and find the answers:


S ~ ills development

Which animals can the children see? (sheep, cows, goats, hens, horses) Which trees can the children see? (figs, oranges, pears) What time does the bus leave? (nine o'clock) Can the children brrng food' (Yes) Can the children touch the animals'!No) Can the children eat th e fruit? (No)

Reading: read and understand an information leafiet; find specific informatio n in a text

,Langu.age Recycled: vocab ula ry and structures seen previou sly Extra: trip (n), leave, bring, rule, run away, finally

Materials CD ~ 130, 134; a piece of plain paper for each child (optional); a set of colou red pencils for each group of six children; PMB page 40 (Cut and make 5) page and materials (see Teacher's Book page 125)

3 Read again. Circle the correct word. o

Ask children to close their books. Copy the example sentence from t he Class Book onto the board.


Invite a child to come to the front of the class to ci rcle t he correct word from the three options.


Write some of your own sentences on the board, each contai ning different options for ch ildren to choose from, e.g. There are elephants / cows / cats. Don't be late for

Warmer ~130 o

Energize the class by singing On the farm from page 90.


Ta lk about farms with the cla ss. Ask What animals live on a

farm' Are there any farms near here' 00 you ever visit farms'

school/lunch / moths. Don't open the gates / windows / doors. Ask ch ildren to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow ti me for t hem to re-read the text and circle the


Lead-in o


Ask children to look at the pictu res and guess w hat kind of text it is (a leaflet about a school trip to a fa rm) .

correct word in each sentence. o

Go th rough th e answers wi th the class. Read each sentence for children to tell you wh ich is the correct word.

1 2 3 4 5 6

The school trip is on Wednesday. Th e trip is to a farm. There are fi g trees. Th ey go to th e fa rm at nine o'clock. They can wear a sun hat. They ca n bring a drink.

Encourage ch ildren to ma ke predictions about what they are going to read about, e.g. It's about a farm. There are

animals and fruit trees.

1 Look at the pictures. Where are the children? What animals can you see? o Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask Where are the children' What animals can you see? Encourage ch ildren to tell you about anything else they can see.


Children may want to use the plurals for the animal names, in wh ich case you may w ish to explain that goose and sheep have irregu lar plu ral s (geese and sheep) wh ich they wi ll have to lea rn. Irreg ular plura ls w ill be studied in more depth later on in Family and Friends.

Optional activity o

Give a piece of plain paper to each ch ild and a set of coloured penci ls to each g roup of six. Ask chi ld ren to draw th eir favourite thing at th e farm, e.g. th e sheep in t he fie ld, t he fig trees, th e picn ic area, etc.


Chi ld ren take turn s to tell each other abou t their pictures, e.g. These are the horses. This horse is black and

Th e childre n are on a school trip to a fa rm. You can see a sheep, a horse, a hen, a cow, and a goat.

2 Listen and read . ~ 134

Optional activity


Tell children thatthey are going to hear a recording of the text in the leafiet.


See instructions on carrying out PMB Cut and make activity S on Teacher's Book page 125.


Play the recording for children to listen and follow Silently in their books.



Teach the word rules. Explain tha t there are rules in many places - at school (e.g. don't run in the corridor, don't speak while the teacher is speaking) , o n th e roads (e.g. always drive on the left / right), at home (e.g. tidy your bedroom before dinnertime), etc. There are also rules at the fa rm .

Children make their masks in small groups. If you wish, you can sing the unit song again, w ith children wearing thei r masks.



this horse is white. They are big and fast.

Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions children have.

Unit 13


Further practice Workbook page 92 Cut and make 5, PMB page 40

Lesson Six r¥:gl~


2 Look and say.


• Ask chi ldren to look at the ru les. Point out the cross at the end of the first ru le. Exp lai n that when they see a cross, t hey shoul d say Don't at the beginning of t he sentence.

Digital classroom· Unit 13 • Wr it ing

Skills Time! Skills develoPllJent,


'n pm",,:,"

Listening: match pictures to rules Speaking: give positive and negative rules Writing: write sentences with or without and; write about a farm visit (Workbook)

,Langu'!ge __,n"_wu"q,.,wy*_U"U_,

• Ask a child to stand up and read the sentence in t he speech bubble. Ch ildren repeat the sentence in chorus. • Ask chi ldren to work in pairs. They take turns to look at the rules, decide w hether or not they need Don't, and say them to their pa rtn er. • Monitor the activity and model the words w here

necessary. • As k some of the pa irs to say the rules for th e class.



Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

Optional activity

Extra: bite (v), scare, friendly, sink (n)

• Copy t he five ru les from the leaflet on page 92 onto the board, leaving o ut th e Don't w hereve r it occurs.


• Put a cross next to each negative ru le and a tick next to the pOSitive rule.


Warmer • Make true / fa lse statements about the anima ls ch ildren ha ve come across, e.g. A cow is faster than a horse. / A goose

is louder than a chick. • If the statement is co rrect, children wave t heir hands. If it isn't, they rema in qu iet

Lead-in • Ask ch il dren what they can remember abou t the leaflet fro m th e previous lesson. Ask Where is the school trip going

to' Which animals are at the farm' What are the farm rules' • Allow children to check the text on page 92 of th eir Class Books to see how much they remembered correct ly • Ask ch ildren to look at the top pict ure in Exercise 1 and tell you wha t t hey can see (a farmer saying something

important) .

1 Listen and number. ~ 135 • Tell children t hat they are going t o hear a recordi ng of a farme r explain ing th e rules for his farm . • Play t he record ing th e who le way throug h for children to listen and point to the pictures as they hear rules about them. • Play the recording, stopping after the first item. Ask which picture the ru le is about (the second picture) and show them the example answer in the box.

• Point to each rule fo r ch ildren to say it in chorus, includ ing Don't where necessary.

3 Write and to connect the sentences. • Ask ch ild re n to close their books. Copy the first two example sentences from the Class Book onto th e board, leaving a small space between t hem . • Invite a ch ild to come to th e fro nt of t he class to rub o ut t he fu ll stop and write and in its place to connect the t wo sen tences. Ask t he child to change t he upper-case T on This in the middle of t he sentence to a lower-case 1, explaining that it is no longer the beginning of a sentence. • Write some of you r own sentences on the board and repeat the process, e.g. This is Amy. This is Toby; I like eggs.

My brother likes apples; Wash your hands. Eat your lunch. • As k child ren to look at th e exercise in the ir Class Books. Allow t ime for them read th e sentences and conn ect them wit h th e word and. • Mon itor the acti vity and help where necessary. • Go th rough the answers wit h the class.

1 I am seven and my sister is nine. 2 There is a sheep and there are chicks. 3 We play football and they go swimming.

Optional activity

• Play once more fo r ch ild ren to check their answers.

• Practise join ing sentences. Ask, What colour is a goose' (A goose is white.) Ask What colour is a sheep? (A sheep is white/ brown.) As k child re n to join the sen tences using and to el icit A goose is white and a sheep is white / brown.

• Go through the answers w ith the class.

• Repeat w ith ot her pairs of q uest ions, e.g. What is Khai

• Play the recording again for children to number th e pictures in th e order that t he ru les are mentioned.

Transcript This is my farm. Please listen to the rules. 1 Don't feed the ch icks. They are not hung ry. 2 Don't touc h th is horse. It's angry today. It ca n bite you. 3 The sheep are scared of chil dren. Don't scare them.

wearing' + What is Madu wearing' Where is the penl + Where is the book?


Now go to Workboo k page 93 for chi ldren to practise w riting about a fa rm visit.

Lesson One Oxford iTools


2 Listen and chant. ($1137


• Play the recording and teach the chant. • Play th e recording a second time for children to repeat the word s in the gaps in the chant.

D'Iglta . I cIassroom · Unit . 14 • Words/Story


• Repeat (more than once if necessary). • Children say th e chant as a class, without the recording.

,l esson objectives __ w, m To identify adjectives for describing people To understand a short story

Transcript kind, kind, kind naughty, naughty, naughty

Language Core: kind, naughty, wet, dry, fridge, photo Extra: just, duck

wet, wet, wet

dry, dry, dry fridge, fridge, fridge photo, photo, photo


,[v1ater!als _m", __ zvm . CD ~ 130, 136-138; Story posters 13 and 14; Memories fiashcards 137-142; four pieces of plain paper (optional)

Warmer ($1130 • Energize the class by Singing On the farm from page 90. • Ask children to tell you what they can remember about the story from the previous unit. • Use Story poster 14 to retell the story with the class. Ask Where do the children go' What different animals do they see' 00 they see a daddy goa[l Lead-in • Use fiashcards 137-142 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a tim e for child ren to say the word s. Model any words tha t ch ildren do not know. • Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat. • Say the words again. Children repeat.

1 Listen, point and repeat . ($1136 • Ask children to look at the pictures. • Play the fi rst part of the reco rdin g for children to li sten and point to th e pictures. Hold up the appropriate fiash card as each word is sa id. • Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words.


Optional activity • Put fi ashcards 137-140 in different places around the room, making sure that everyone can see them. • Play the recording again. Child ren point to the adjectives as they hear them mentioned. Alternatively, they could say wh ere the fiashcard is, e.g. It's next to the door. 3 Listen and read, ($1138 • Use Story poster 14 to present the story. Talk about each frame in turn with the class. Encourage predictions about the story from different members of the class. • Ask children to look at the story in their Class Books. Play the record ing for them to listen and point to the different speech bubbles as they hear th e words. • Ask questions to check comp rehen sion, e.g. Why are the children looking at the fridge? What is Tim/ Mum / Billy doing in the photos' Is Billy naughty now? • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point to words from Exercise 1. Optional activity • Ask children to look at th e story agai n and find fou r more adjectives (sad, hungry, big, good - pictures 2 and 6). ,

Optional activity • Playa memory game. Tell the class that they have to listen carefully and remember what you tell them.

• Hold up th e fiashcards in a ra ndom order and ask the class to say the words. • Ask chi ldren if they can remember what nouns are (things) and what adjectives are (describing words). Ask which four words are adjectives (kind, naughty, wet, dry) and which two words are nouns (fridge, photo).

• Hold up four pieces of plain paper. Say These are my photos.

Transcript Listen and point. kind, na ughty, wet, dry, fridge, photo wet, kind, dry, naughty, photo, fridge Listen and repeat. kind, naughty, wet, dry, fridge, photo

• When you have finished all of the descriptions, ask questions, e.g. Where's the naughry dog' Children point to the correct 'photo'.


• Hold up the fi rst 'photo' and describe it to the class. Say, e.g. This is a photo of 0 nough ty dog. It's black and white. Put the paper on the board. • Continue in this way with the other pieces of paper. Use an adjective from the lesson for each description.


Further practice

Workbook page 94 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 116

Lesson Two oxford O iToo15

Picture 5: (in the photo) Billy cries, pointing to his sandwiches.


D'Iglta . I cIassroom· U' nit 14 . Grammar

Picture 6: Billy measures his height against the wa ll.


2 Look and say. • Ask children to look at the pictures in the Letsleam l box. Ask What can you see'

!'=.e,S,S?p objectives To talk about people in the past

• Read the sentences, pausing after each one for children to point to the picture and repeat.

To use adjectives to describe people To act out a story

J anguage



Core: I was happy. She wasn't. wet. You were kind. They weren't sad.


, '


CD ~ 138; Story poster 14; Memories fiashcards 137-142

• Write the sentences on the board. Read them again, nodding or shaking your head each time to rein force meaning. Children repeat again. • Rub out the adjectives in each sentence and replace them with fiashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g. I was naughty. She wasn't dry. You were wet. They weren't kind. Say the new sentences for children to repeat. • Invite different children to cha nge the words to make new



Optional activity

• Play Slow reveal (see pag e 20) with fiashcards 137-142 to revise the vocabulary children learned in the previous lesson.

• Read the sentences from the box in Exercise 2 in a different order for ch ild ren to listen and poi nt to the correct pictures.


3 Look and circle.

• Ask children if they can remember what happened in the story in the previou s lesson. Show Story poster 14 to

• Look at the first picture togeth er. Ask the class what adjective they think is being described (kind) . Ask She was or She were' (was). Show children how was has been circled.

encourage ideas.

• Cover the poster and ask children which adjectives were used in the story (kind, sad, hungry, wet, dry, naughty, big, good) .

, Listen to the story again and repeat. Act. ~ 138 • Ask children to turn to the story on page 94 of their Class Books. They check how many of the adjectives they remembered in the lead-in activity. • Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for children to repeat. • Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below). • Divide the class into groups of three to play the parts of Rosy, Tim, and Billy. • Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen. • If you wish, ask chil dren to practise acting out the story in th eir groups. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation.

• Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.

Story actions In pictures 2- 5, children act out the scenes in the photos. Picture 1: Rosy points to photos on the fridge. Picture 2: (in the photo) Tim offers some apples to the babies. Picture 3: (in the photo) Tim and Rosy shelter from the rain. Picture 4: (in th e photo) Billy opens his presents.

• Allow time for children to look at the rest of the sentences and circle the correct words. • Monitor and help where necessary. • Go through the answers with the class. 1 She was kind. 2 They weren't wet. 3 He was naughty.

4 You weren't dry. S I was tired. 6 She wasn't cold.

4 Point and say. • Draw attention to th e speech bubbles. Ask a ch ild to stand up. He I She points to the fi rst picture and reads th e sentence. • Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to point to the pictures and the sentences. • Monitor the activity. Help with pro nunciation and model words and ph rases wh ere necessary. • If you wish, ask individual children to say sentences for the class.

Optional activity • Hold up Story poster 14. Point to the pictures one at a time. Say Tell me about Tim, the babies, Billy, etc. Elicit sentences such as He was kind. They were hungry. He was naughty. • Write the sen ten ces on the board and practise saying them together.

Further practice


Workbook page 95 Grammar reference, Class Book page111 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 14· Grammar Unit 14


Lesson Three W:gf~


Optional activity


• Play Musical cards (see page 19) w ith Tid ying up fias hca rds 143- 146.

Digita l classroom· Un it 14 · Words/Song


3 Sing and do,


• Ask children to look at t he pictures and tell you wh ich action t hey should do for each verse of the song (see below).

To iden t ify words fo r describing rooms To use these words in the context of a song

• Play the recording for children to li sten and do thei r actions.

, Langl!age


Core: tidy, untidy, floor, rubbish

Song actions

Extra: each, tidy up

Divide the class into fo ur groups. Each group w ill act out a

Recycled: special days words

different ve rse.


Verse 1 - talk, eat, and dance as if at a party Wi



Verse 2 - point to imaginary balloons, cards and food Verse 3 - tidy things away, and open a door Ve rse 4 - cover eyes then open them, looking happy and

Warme r • Tell the class Today you're having a party. What do you need' Writ e child ren's suggestions on the boa rd as they say t hem. If necessary, use Special days fiashca rds 67- 72 from Unit 7 to help generat e ideas.

Lead-in • Use flashca rds 143- 146 to introduce th e new vocab ulary. Hold up th e cards one at a ti me and say the words for children to re pea t. • Hold up th e cards in a different order for chil dren to repeat aga in.

Optional activity • Draw a simple pictu re of the classroom on t he board. Include the board, you r desk, and some of t he children's cha irs and t ables. • Te ll children that there was a big party in the classroom last nigh t. Exp lain t hat they are going t o help you complete th e picture to show what th e room looked li ke after t he party.

1 Li sten, point and repeat. iSl139

• Give Special days fiashcards 67- 72 to six di fferent children. Say, e.g. The cake was on the flo or. The ch ild w it h th e ca ke flashca rd pu t s It in an appropriate p lace on th e board. Repeat with the rest of t he fiashcards.

• Ask ch il dren t o look at the pictu res in t heir Class Books. Play t he first part of the record ing fo r ch ildren to point to t he pictures and say the words.

• Po int to the different things on t he board fo r th e class to t ell you about them, e.g. The cards were on the tab/e. The sweets were on the chair.

• Play the second part of t he reco rdin g for child ren to repeat the words. • Play the reco rding al l the way t hro ug h for children t o listen and then repeat. • Hold up fl ashca rds 143-146 one at a t ime for indi vidua l children to say t he words.

Transcript Listen and point. tidy, untidy, fioar, rubbis h untidy, tidy, rubbish, fioor Listen and repeat. tidy, untidy, fioor, rubb ish

2 Li sten and sing. iSl140 • Ask chi ldren to look at th e pictures. Po int to the diffe rent t hings for child re n to say the words t hey know. Ask chi ld ren t o p red ict what the song is about (tidying up after

o party). • Play the song t he who le way t hroug h for chi ldren t o list en. Then play it aga in as they fo ll ow the words in th ei r books. • Read each line of t he song alo ud fo r ch ildren to repeat after you . • Play t he recording for chi ld ren to sing along.



Unit 14

Further practice


Workbook page 96 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 28 iSl Student MultiROM • Unit 14· Words, Song

Lesson Four Oxford iTools


• Repeat, and encourage ch ildren to follow the chant in their books.


D'Iglta . I c Iassroom· Unit . 14 · Ph onlcs .

Optional activity


!Lesson objectives

, ,,n " , •

To understand how magic e at the end of words changes the vowel sound

• Divide the class in half down the midd le. Assig n short vowel sounds to t he child ren on the left and long vowel sounds to the chi ld re n on t he right. • Play the chant again. When ch ildren hea r th ei r vowel sound, they stand up an d sit down again.

To recogn ize the sounds of long and short vowels

3 Circle the short vowels. Underline the long vowels. Core: cub, cube, p'p, pipe, tap, tape

• Ask children to tell you w hich five letters of th e alphabet are vowels (a, e, i, 0, and u).


• Explain t ha t words wi t h a magic e are long vowels and words w ithou t a magic e are short vowe ls.


CD 132, 141'- 143; Phonics cards 42, 48- 52 tap, tape, pip, pipe)



(~~ be, cub,


• Do the chant from page 91 w ith the class to revise the l i:1 sound from t he previous lesson. • Tell ch ildren that today's lesson is about long vowels w ith magic e and short vowels with out magic e. Ask ch il dren t o name as many magic e wo rds from previous lessons as they ca n. Write t he words on t he board. • Say the words with t he class. Move your finger back from the magice to the m iddle vowel as you say each one. Ask the class What does magic e do'


• Show ch ild ren how the short vowe l in Tim is circled and th e long vowel in cube is underli ned. • Allow time for child ren to read the rest of the words, circle the short vowels, and underline the long vowels. • Go thro ugh the answers with the class.

1 T®m 8 pipe

2 cllbe

3 t@p

4 p~p

5 til.pe

4 Li sten and circle the correct word.

• Teac h the sounds and letters for this lesson using th e phonics cards. Hold up the cub card and say t he word for ch ildren to repeat. Say 15 this a magic e word? (No) • Next ho ld up the cube card and say the word. Say 15 this a magic e word' (Yes). Say th e sou nd and the wo rd, moving you r finger back from the magic e to t he midd le vowe l as you do so. Children repeat. • Repeat w ith the other phonics cards.

1 Listen, point and repeat.



• Ask child ren to look at th e pictures in their Class Books. Tell them that they are going to hear a reco rd ing of t he different sounds and words. • Play the fi rst part of the reco rding for children to listen and poin t to t he pictu re s. • Play the second part of the recordi ng for children to repeat the sounds and words. • Play th e record ing all the way through for child ren to point and t hen repeat.

Transcript Listen and point. I AI cub lu :1cube hel tap le rl tape It! pip la ll pipe Listen and repeat. II.I cub l u:1cube lreltap leli tape It! pip lall pipe

2 Listen and chant.

• Ask children to look atthe list of words. Pointto the nrst word (Tim) for chil dren to say it aloud. Ask Long vowel or short vowel' (short vowen . Do the same with t he second word (cube - long vowen.


• Play the chan t once more, stopping the CD after each line for ch ild ren to repeat.


7 c~b


• As k chi ldren to look at th e pictu res and identifY the th ings th ey can see. Tell them they are going to hear a reco rd ing of each word. They m ust listen and circle t he co rrect word fro m the two options. • Play th e beg inning of th e recording and pa use after the first word. Show chi ldren how the word cube has been circ led as an example. • Play t he rest of record ing fo r children to comp lete the rema ining words. • Play t he recording again for child ren to comp lete their

answers. • Go through the answers.

Transcript 2 pip

3 tap

4 cub

5 pipe

'i'n·i@*; ' 1 cube 2 pip

3 tap

4 cub

5 pipe

1 cube

Optional activity • Tell child ren that you are going to read a list of words, some conta ining th e magic e sounds that children have looked at in Units 9- 12. When th ey hear a word conta ini ng a magic e, they must raise th eir hands. • Read the following list: cake, bike, cat, flute, fig, cut, white,

stone, stop, tube, lake, big, mon, home.


• Play the record ing for ch il dren to listen to the chant.

6 time


Further practice

Workbook page 97 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 14· Phonics



Lesson Five Pf:~l~

,. 1


• Ask questions to check comprehensio n, e.g. Who was


Katie in the school play? What did she wear? Does she like her English ciass?

Digi t al classroom· Unit 14 · Reading

Skills Time! [Skills development



Reading: read and understand a school newspaper article; read for specific detai ls

LLang!:!2s e





act (v), hard work, brilliant, ready

: U".

• As k child ren to close their books. Copy the example sen tence from t he Class Book onto t he board. • As k child re n Is the sen tence correct?lnvite a child to come to the front of the class to circle the incorrect wo rd . A second ch il d writes the correct word next to the sentence.

Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously Extra: play (n), year, wolf, hood, costume, scary. proud,

3 Read again. Circle the false word and write the correct word.


Warmer • Sing The house was so untidy! from page 96 to warm up the class. • Ta lk about school plays with the class. If you r school or class organizes plays, ask What was the play last term Iyear? Were you in the play? Who were you in the play?

Lead-in • Ask ch ildren what kind of text t hey thin k th is is (a newspaperartic/e, perhaps from a school magazine). Explain that this article was written by a girl called Katie, who is describing he r school play. • Ask children to loo k at the pictures of th e school play. Ask Do you know this story? Ask if they know the name of the story in English (Little Red Riding Hood).

• Write some of your own se ntences on th e board, each contain ing one incorrect word, and repeat the process, e.g. Katie was the wolf The families were kind and proud of

the children. Katie loves acting Spanish stories. • Ask children to look at the exercise in t heir Class Books. Al low time for them t o re-read the text, circle the incorrect word in each sent ence, and write the co rrect word next to it. • Go through t he answers w ith the class. Read each sen tence for children to tel l you which wo rd is wrong and tell you the correct word.

1 The play was on rTuesda . (Thursday) 2 3 4 5 6

The play was in the

Optiona l activity • Read t he sent ences below, pausing for ch ildren to say t he m issing words:

The school play was Little Red Riding . .. (Hood). Katie's costume was a red .. . (coat). Zoe was the .. . (grandma). We love .. (English).

Optional activity • If children know t he story of Little Red Riding Hood, encourage them to te ll you what happens (they do not have to use the past tense). If not, use the cu lture note below and the PMB playscript to tell them the story.

1 Look at the pictures. What are the children wea ring? • Ask child ren to look at t he pictures again. Point to the different children and ask Whats he Ishe wearing? • If you wish, ask ch ildren to point t o the different ch ildren in the pictures and say what they are wea ring.

One girl is wearing a red jumper, skirt, socks, shoes, and coat Another girl is wearing a purpl e dress and green slipp ers. A boy

is wearing a wolf's costume.

2 Li sten and read. ~ 144 • Tell ch ildren that th ey are going to hear a reco rd ing of t he

text. • Play the recording for ch ild ren to listen and fo ll ow silently in the ir books. • Play t he recording a second ti me. Answe r any questions they have.


Unit 14

ornin . (afternoon)

The play was in the -il19foun . (classroom) Sidney was th e@j). (wolf) Katie's costume wa s~. (red) Mrs Hope is the@ tea cher. (English)

Culture note: Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood is a traditional fairy t ale wh ich was passed down o rally from ge neration to generation until it was record ed as Le Petit Chaperon Rouge by the Frenchman Charles Perrault in the 17" century. The best· known vers ion, howeve r, comes from t he Brot hers Grimm tale Rottkdpchen, written (in German) in 1812. Slightly different ve rsions of t he story exist in many different co unt ries. In the sto ry, Little Red Rid ing Hood travels t hrough a wood to visi t her gra ndmother A wolf asks w here she is going and tricks the little girl into stopping to pick flowers, w hile he rus hes t o t he gra ndmot her's house, eats the grand mother, puts o n her clothes and waits for Red Ri di ng Hood to arrive. The wolf's disguise fools Red Riding Hood, bu t she is saved by a woodcutter, who kil ls the wo lf and cuts open its stomach to free the g randmother. A less vio lent vers io n of the story is used as one of th e PMB playscripts.


Further practice

Workbook page 98

Lesson Six OXford iTools O

2 Look and say.

(S PAGE 99

• Children look at the pictu res and name the 'animals'in each one.

D'Iglta . I cIassroom · Unit ' 14 . Wflt " lng

• Read the word s in th e word pool aloud wit h the cla ss.

Skills Time!

,Skills develop!11ent



Li stening: listen for specific detail Speaking: ta lk about people's costumes Writing: identify and write and and or in positive and negative sentences; write about yourself and your friends (Workbook)



Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously



• Ask children to wor k in pairs. They take turns to point to the pictures and ma ke sentences about what t he children w ere in the play. • Monitor the activity and model the word s where necessa ry.


[language ,

• Focus atte ntion on the three speech bubbles. Point to the first pictu re and ask a chi ld to begin the sentence using th e appropriate speech bubble, finish ing it w ith t he correct an imal.


*' &'2"'****$

• Ask ind ividua l children to point to pict ures and say sentences for the clas s.

3 Read. Circle and. Underline or. • Ask ch ildren to close th ei r Class Books. Copy the t wo example senten ces onto the board.

Warmer • Pla y Smiley face (see page 21) using th e new words from t his un it.

Lead-in • Ask chi ldren what th ey can remember about th e text from t he previous lesson. Ask What was the play' Who was in it' What were the costumes? • Allow children to check the article on page 98 of t heir Class Books to see how much they re membered correctly. • Ask child re n to look at the p ictu res of th e child re n in their costu mes in Exercise 1 and tell you what t hey can see. Ask them to predict what th ey are going to hea r.

1 Listen and write T (true) or F (false), ~ 145 • Tell children that they are going to hear a record ing of a girl talking abou t her school play.

• Invite a chi ld to come to th e front of the cla ss to circle th e word and in t he first sentence. • Invite a second child to come and underline th e w ord or in the second sentence. • Ask chi ldren whic h sentence is positive (a 'yes' sentence) and which is negati ve (a 'no'sentence). Expl ain tha t the word and goes with positive sentences, and or goes wit h negative sentences. • Write some of your own sentences on the board, and repeat the process, e.g. I've got a sandwich and a cake. I can't draw or sing. I like music and art. I don't like moths or

science. • As k chi ldren to look at the exe rc ise in their Class Books. Allow ti me fo r them to circle th e word and and underline the word or in each sentence. • Monitor the activity and help wh ere necessary.

• Play th e record ing for chi ldren to listen and point to the p ictu res.

• Go throug h the answers w it h t he class.

• Play th e record ing a second ti me for children to decide whethe r the pictures con tai n the correct information. Ifthey do, childre n write T in the box. If they don't, t hey write F.

I don't like tenn is or footba ll. 2 I like cakes@ bananas. 3 I can't swim ill ri de a bike,

• Stop the record ing after the first sentence. Show chi ldren the first pict ure and ask Is this true? (Yes) . Point out t he letter T in t he box.

5 Today we've got En glish @ maths. 6 We haven't got science ill PE.

• Play the recording again for children to complete their answers. • Go through th e answers w ith the class.

Transcript 1 2 3 4

Our school play wa s on Monday. Our play was about food. I was a cat in the play. My costume was a cat's head. Max and Mi llie were horses. Max was a brown horse and Millie was a white horse. 5 Our fam ilies we re ve ry happy. Thank yo u, teacher. Our play was fun.

1 T

2 F

3 F

4 T

5 T

4 Ican skate@

ride a horse.

Optional activity • Write the fo llowing pa irs of sentences on t he boa rd for chi ldren to copy and link wi t h and or or: I like English. I like PE.I I don't like carrots. I don't like fish.! I can run. I can climb. / I can't fly. I can't sing.


Now go to Workboo k page 99 for child ren to p ractise writ ing about themse lves and their friends.

Further practice Workbook page 99 Values worksheet, PMB page 29 Unit 14 test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 36 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 14· Listen at home· • Track 43 (Wordsand phrases), Track 44 (Song), Track 45 (Phonics)

Lesson One R-~gl~



Li sten and point. Digital classroom· Unit 15 • Wo rds/Story

Words Lesson oDjectives

ma n, men, woma n, women, ch ild, children woman, man, child, men, chi ldren, women Listen an d repeat.

ma n, men, woma n, women, ch ild, children

To use singular and plural forms of man, woman, and

2 Listen and chant, ~ 147


• Pl ay t he record ing and teac h the chant.

To understand a short story

• Play the recording a second time for chi ldren t o repeat the wo rds in the gaps in the chan t.

,Language Core: man, men, woman, women, child, children

Extra: prize-giving, prize, winner, some, any

Materials CD ~ 140, 146- 148; Story posters 8- 15; People fiashca rds 147- 152; magazines (optiona l)

Warmer ~ 140 • Sing The house was so untidy' from page 96 to warm up t he class. • As k children to tell you w hat t hey can remember about the story from the p revious unit. • Use Sto ry post er 14 t o retell th e story w ith the class. Ask

What are the children looking at? Who are the people in the photos? What are they doing?

Lead-i n • Use fi ashcards 147- 152 to elicitthe vocabulary forthis lesson. Ho ld them up one at a time for ch il dren to say th e words for people. Model any words that children do not know.

• Repea t (more tha n once if necessary). • Ch ildren say the chant as a class, without the record ing.

Transcript man, man, man men, men, men

woma n, woman, woman women, women, women chi ld, ch ild, chi ld chi ldren, chi ldren, chi ldren

Optional activity • Play the CD and say the chan t aga in as child re n hold up their ha nds. They w iggle one finger when they hear a singu lar word and wrigg le all ten fingers when they hear a p lura l word.

3 Listen and read. ~ 148 • Use Story poster 15 to present the story. Talk about each frame in turn with the class. Encourage predict ions about the story from different members of t he class.

• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and re peat.

• Ask children t o look at the story in th eir Class Books. Play the record ing fo r them to listen and poi nt to th e different speech bubbles as they hear the words.

• Say the words again.

• Ask questions to chec k compre hension, e.g. Where were


M ake sure that chi ldren understa nd that the words man, woman, and child have irregular plu rals. They need to learn these carefu lly as they w ill use them often in English .

Optional activity • Show children pictu re s of men, women, and children from magazines and ask t hem to say th e g roups.

1 Li sten, point and re peat. ~ 146 • As k ch ildren to look at t he pictu res in their Class Books. • Play the fi rst part of the record ing for ch ildren to listen and point to the pictu res. Hold up the appropriat e flashcard as each wo rd is said. • Play t he second part of t he reco rdi ng, pausing aft er each word fo r children to repeat. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then re peat the words. • Hold up the fi ashca rds in a random order and ask the class to say the words.



Unit 15

Rosy and Tim and their families? Where was the prize-giving ' Who were the winners of the English pnze' • Ask children to look at th e story again. They find and point to words from Exerc ise 1.

Optional activity • If you wish, you cou Id revise the stories from the previous units with the class. • Pu t the Story posters on t he boa rd in the correct order to show th e stories from Units 8 to 15. • Talk about the stories w ith the class. Point to eac h poster in turn for ch ildren to te ll you what happened.


Further practice

Workbook page 100 Picture dictionary, Workbook page 116

Lesson Two Pf:~l~


(6 PAGE101

Digital classroom· Unit 15 · Grammar

Grammar Lesson objectives To talk about situations in the past To use some and any in positive and negative sentences

To ask and answer questions with How many ... To act out a story

Language 'ill" _mE ffl=' "' D q , Core: There were some teachers. There weren't any children. How many men were there? Materials

CD~' i48; Story poster I 5; P';;;~le fi ash;;;;ds 147-152

Picture 3: Tim's mum holds out her hands to show confusion. Picture 4: Billy points to the audience at the prize-giving. Picture 5: The man speaks into a microphone. Picture 6: Rosy and Tim hold up their prize, looking very excited.

2 Look and say. • Ask children to look at the pictures in the Lets/earn r box. Ask What can you see' • Read the sentences, pausing after each one for children to point to the pictures and repeat. • Write the sentences on the board. Read them again, miming the actions in the pictures to reinforce meaning. Children repeat again. • Rub out the last word in each sentence and replace with fiashcards (of plural groups) to elicit sentences with the same pattern, for children to repeat, e.g. There weren't any men There were 50me women.


3 Write.

• Play Snap' (see page 19) using flashcards 147- 152 to revise the vocabulary from the previous lesson.

• Ask children to read the words in the word pool. • Look at the fi rst sentence together. Ask weren't some or weren't any? to elicit any. Read the complete sentence. • Allow time fo r children to read the rest of the sentences and complete each of them with some or any. • Monitor and help where necessary. • Go through th e answers with the class.

Lead-in • Ask chi ldren if they can remember what happened in the story in th e previous lesson. Show Story poster 15 to encourage ideas. • Cover the poster and ask children which fiashcards words were mentioned in the story.

1 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act. ~ 148 • Ask children to turn to the story on page 100 of their Class Books. They check how many of the fiashcards words they remembered in the lead-in activity. • Play the recording, pausing after each line of text for child ren to repeat. • Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below). • Play the recordin g a second time for chil dren to mime the actions as th ey listen. • Divide th e class into groups of nine to play the parts of Grandma, Rosy, Tim, Billy, Rosy's mum and dad, Tim's mum and dad, and the man giving the prizes. • Children practise acting out the story in their groups. Monitor the activity, checking for correct pronunciation. (Note thatTim, Rosy's mum, and Tim's dad don't have spea king parts.) • Ask some of the groups to come to the fro nt of the class to act out the story.


If you wish, the whole class could act out the story together, with nine children playing the character parts and all the remaining children being the audience.

Story actions Picture 1: Grand ma asks Rosy a question. Rosy pu nches the air with happiness. Picture 2: Rosy's dad beckons with his hand. Everyone hurries after him.

1 There weren't any men.

There weren't any children. There were some women.

2 There were some children. There weren't any men. There weren't any women.

Optiona l activity • Read the sentences from Exercise 3 in a random order for chi ldren to point to the correct pictures.

4 Point, ask and answer. • Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you what they can see. • Draw attention to the speech bubbles. Ask a chi ld to sta nd up. Ask the qu estion fo r him / her to answer while the class listens. • Children work in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer questions about how many men / women / children were in the each of the pictures. • Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases where necessary.

Optional activity • Tell children that they are going to playa memory game. Ask them to look at the small picture on page 98. After a few moments, they close their books. • Ask How many men / women / children were there' After ch ildren have answered the questions, allow them to open their books agai n and check their answers.

Further practice


Workbook page 101 Grammarreference, (lass Book page 111 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 15 • Grammar

Unit 15


Lesson Three Pf:~;~



Digital classroom· Unit 15 . Words/Song

Song Lesson objectives To identify ordinal numbers To use ordinal numbers in the context of a song

Language Core: first. second, third, fourth Extra: race, heavy, lose, runner

Materials CD ~ 149-1 50; Ordinal numbers fiashcards 153-156

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Teach the word race, using the pictures on the page. • Ask them to predict what the song is about (children are running in a race) . • Play the recordin g the whole way through for children to listen. Then play it again as they follow the words in their books. • Read each line of th e song aloud for children to repeat after you. • Play the recording for children to sing along.

3 Sing and do. • Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you which action they shou ld do for each verse of the song (see below).


• Play the recording for children to listen and do their action s.

• Revise numbers by playing Forwards and backwards with the class (see page 21).

Song actions

• Draw a circle on the board and write the comparative adjective faster inside it. Around the circle, write the words bus, car, train, bike, and horse. • Point to the words bus and bike and say A bus is faster than a bike. Then point to other combinations of words to elicit more comparative sentences from the class. • Rub out the word in the circle and change it to other comparative adjectives they know, e.g. louder, bigger.

Lead-in • Use flashcards 153-156 to introduce the new vocabulary. Hold up the cards one at a tim e and say the word s for children to repeat. • Hold up the cards in a different order for children to repeat again .

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 149 • Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Play th e first part of the recording for children to point to the pictures and say the words. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat. • Hold up flashcards 15 3-156 one at a time for individual children to say the words.

Transcript Listen and point. first. second, third, fourth third, first. fou rth, second Listen and repeat. first, second, third, fourth

Optional activity • Give flashcards 153-156 to four children . Ask them to come and stand in the correct orde r, holding their fiashcards up so that the class can see them. • Ask Who's the first/second / third / fourth child' Ask the questions again, with the numbers in a different order.


2 Listen and sing. ~ 150

Unit 15

Child ren jog on the spot in the manner of the child described in each verse: Joe jogs very slowly, as if carrying a heavy bag; Emily hops along without one of her shoes; Oscar jogs quite fast; Kim jogs very fast.

Optional activity • Point to the ch ildren in th e picture one after the other for children to tell you about them, e.g. point to the first child to elicit Thats Kim. She was first. She was faster than Oscar.

Culture note: Sports days and school awards Most schools in Britain hold a sports day every year, usually just before the summer break. Children take part in a number of team events. The team s contain a mixture of abilities and sometimes ages. The emphasis is on working as a team. rather than individual competition. Many schools give awards to chil dren for good progress. There is a very strong tendency in schools for chil dren to win awards for effort rather than academic achievement. Thi s usua lly happens du ring school assembly, and can take place throu ghout the year, or in a special event at the end olthe year.

Further practice


Workbook pagel 02 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 30 ~Student MultiROM· Unit 15· Words, Song

Lesson Four l¥:~l~



• Repeat, and encourage children to follow the chant in their books.

Digital classroom· Unit 15 . Phonics

Phonics lesson objectives To pronounce the sounds lui and lukl at the end of words To differentiate between the sounds lUi and IUkl

, language . Core: king, ring, swing, bank, pink, sink Materials CD iSl142, 151-153; Phonics cards 53-56 (ring, king, bank, sink)

Optional activity • Write the letters ng and nk at opposite sides of the board. • Play the chant again. Children point to the appropriate letters as they hea r and chant the sounds.

3 Read the chant again. Circle the sounds ng and nk. • Write the first line of the chant on the boa rd. Ask a ch ild to come to the fro nt and fin d an example of the sou nd ng or nk. He I she circles th e ng in sing and song. • Allow time for children to read the rest of the chant and circle the other examples of ng and nk. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go through the answers with the class.

Warmer iSl142 • Ask children which words they looked at in the previous phonics lesson (cub, cube, tap, tape, pip, and pipe). Write the words on the board. Point to each word for children to say the word and then tell you the vowel sound. • Do the chant from Class Book page 97 to energize the class and revise the sounds.

Lead·in • Teach the sounds and letters fo r thi s lesson using the phonics cards. • Hold up the first card and say, Letters nand 9 make the sound lUi. Say the sound again for chil dren to repeat several times. Repeat with the second phonics card. • Hold up the third card and say, Letters nand k make the sound IUk/. Say the sound again for children to repeat several times. Repeat with the final phonics card. • Hold up the cards again and say the words for children to repeat.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 151 • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Tell them that they are going to hear a recordin g of the different sounds. • Play the first part of the recording for chi ldren to listen and point to the pictu res. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and words. • Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.

Transcript Listen and point. lUi ring 1I)lking lUi swing 1I)k/ bank lI)kl sink 1I)k/ pink Listen and repeat. lUi ring Iuiking 101swi ng IUkl ban k IUkl si nk IUkl pink

2 Listen and chant. iSl 152

Si@) aso§lwhileyou swi§). swi§), swi§). Look at the ki§) with his ri §), ri §), ri §)o Wash your hands at th e si @ si@,si@. Now you're thirsty, have a dri @ dri@,dri@.

4 Listen and complete the words. iSl153 • Ask children to look at the pictures and identify the things they can see. Tell them they are going to hear a recording of the words. They must listen and write the missing letters. • Play the beginning of the recording and pause after the first word. Show children how the word has been completed with the letters ng. • Play the rest of the recording for children to complete the words. • Play the record ing again for children to complete their

answers. • Go throug h th e answers.

Transcript 1 ring

2 bank

3 swing

1 ring

2 bank

3 swing

4 king 4 king

5 pink 5 pink

Optional activity • Playa game of What's the picture? (see page 21) wi th some of the words from this lesson. Each time children guess the word, ask Whats the sound? for children to respond with lUi or IUkl.


Further practice

Workbook page 103 <Sl Student MultiROM • Unit 15· Phonics

• Play the recording for ch ildren to listen to the chant. • Play the chant once more. stopping the CD after each line for children to repeat.

Unit 15


Lesson Five




• Ask questions to check corn prehension, e.g. What does Suzy do every day? Where does she g07 Is she happy in the field?


Digita l classroom· Unit 15 • Reading

Optional activity

Skills Time! Iskillsdevelopment _

= ___




Reading: read and understa nd a fairy tale; develop reading comprehension skills

Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously


Extra : fOlrground, round and round, field, move, hurrah r, real, fresh, miss (v), go back




CD ~ 154; pictures of fairgrounds taken from the Internet (optional)

Warm er • Sing The race from page 102 to warm up the class.

Lead-in • Teach th e word fairground to the class, using pictures of fairgrounds to help. • Talk abou t fa irgro und s togethe r. Ask 00 you evergo to fairgrounds? Who do you go with' What can you do at a fairground? • Teach the word carousel and poin t to th e pictures on th e Class Book page to demonstra te. As k What is on the carousel? (horses). What happens? (You hear music). What do the horses do? (They go round and round). • Ask ch ild ren to loo k at the pictures in their books and make predictions abou t what they are going to read, e.g. It's a story about a fairground. The horse is from a carousel. There is a red, a yellow, and a blue horse

1 Look at the pictures. What is the horse doing? • Ask children to look at th e pictures again. Explain tha t th e horse is ca lled Su zy. Point to each pict ure an d ask What IS Suzydoing? • If you w ish, ask ch ildren to work in pa irs. They take turns to point to the pic tu res and say what t he horse is doi ng in each one. • Extend the activity by asking How does Suzy feel in picture 2' (sad); In pictures 3 and 4' (happy); In picture 5' (sad, lonely); In picture6? (happy).

Picture 2 - she is th inking Picture 3 - she is smiling Picture 4 - she is running

2 Listen and read. ~ 154 • Tell children t hat they are going to hear a record ing of the story about Suzy. • Play the recording for chi ldren to listen and fo llow silently in the ir books. • Play th e recordi ng a seco nd time. Answer any questions they have.


Unit 15

• Read the fo llowing sentences about the story to the class. Chi ld re n li sten and decide whether th ey are true or false. They wr ite the answers in their not ebooks. Wh en t hey have finished. go th rough the answers wi th th e class. Sally is a fairground horse. (F) She goes up and down every day (F) She wants to be a real horse. IT) Suzy runs to the field. IT) She eats sandwiches. (F) At night she is happy (F) She misses the children. (F) She goes back to the fairground IT)

Optional activity • Ask children to read the story again. They copy two sente nces from the story, changing one word in each sentence, e.g. She is behind a red horse and in front of a yellow horse. Th e next day Suzy moves her ears. • Ask children to work in pa irs. They swap sentences with their partners and find the incorrect wo rds in each others' sentences, the n write the correct words.

Culture note: Fairgrounds Many seaside resorts In Bri tain have fa irgrounds that opera te all year round. Some oth er towns have fairs t hat vis it for a few days each year, sometimes as part of a loca l festiva l. There are usua lly stands whe re child ren can win prizes by successfully co m pleting a tas k such as throwing a hoop around the prize, and sta lls whe re people can buy food such as hot dogs and candyfloss. The rides usually include whirlers (where chi ldren sit in compartmen ts that spin rapid ly), dodgems (li tt le cars with big rubber bumpers that chi ldren drive. bumping into other ca rs), and a big w heel. In the story, Suzy is a horse from a carouse l, also known as a merry-go-round Children si t on model horses on top of a platform wh ich rotates as music is played.


Further practice

Workbook page 104

Lesson Six R":g~


(8 PAGE105

Digital classroom· Unit 15 . Writing

Skills Time!

2 Point, ask and answer. Ask children to look at the pictures and the words in both of th e boxes. Ask a chi ld to stand up. Point to picture 1 and ask the question in the fi rst speech bubble for th e chi ld to answer. Child ren repea t the question and answer in chorus. Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns to paint to the top row of pictures (1-3) and ask and answer questions using the words in the first word pool. Point to the first picture in the second row and ask the child the question in th e next speech bubble. Then ask and answer questions about the second row of pictures in the same way, using the words in the second word pool. Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary.



Skills de"Ye opment Listening: put events into chronological order Speaking: describe what something is doing; ask and answer questions about feel ings Writing : differentiate between plural forms 5 and ies; write about a school open day (Workbook)

Language Recycled: vocabulary and structu res seen previously





Ask some of the pa irs to ask and answer questions for the class.


3 Circle the ies end ing s. Underline the s endings. Warmer

Ask ch ildren to close their books. Explain that they are going to look at words ending in y and thatthere are two different spellings for these words when you are talking about more than one of them. Copy the two exa mple sentences from the Class Book onto the board. Invite a child to com e to the front to circle the ies ending. Invite a second child to come and underline the 5 end ing.


Play Freeze with the class using action words from the course (see page 20).


Lead-in Ask ch ildren wha t they can remem ber about the story from the previous lesson. Ask Where does 5uzy live? Wha t does she do? What happens to 5uzy? Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and tell you what they can see in each one. Ask them to predict what they are going to hear (the story about 5uzy).



1 List en and number. ~ 155 Tell children that they are going to hear a short version of th e story about SUlY. They have to number the pictu res in the order th ey hea r them. Play the recording for children to listen and point to the pictures as t hey hear them described. They can compare the pictu res with the story on page 104 to help them. Play the recording a second time, pausing after the first item for children to find the correct picture. Show them the exam ple answer I in th eir books. Continue th e recording, pausi ng after each item fo r ch ildren to number the pictures in the correct order. Play the recording the whole way through once more. Go throu gh the answers with the class.





o o

Transcript 1 SUlY is behind a red horse and in front of a blue horse. 2 SUlYisn't happy. She wants to run In the fields. 3 She can move her head and her tail. Now she is a real horse. 4 SUlY ru ns to the field. She eats and drinks. S SUlY is scared. She's cold and she's wet. 6 Now SUlY is happy. She is with her friends. (left to right) 4, 1,6, 2, 5, 3

Optional activity o

Ask individual children to retell the story from memory. Ask one chil d to stand up and say what happens in the first picture, another child the second picture, and so on, until the story is complete.


Write some of your own sentences on the board, and repeat the process, e.g. There are seven days in a week. How many donkeys are there? Where are the /o//ies' Ask children to look at the exercise in their Class Books. Allow time for them to ci rcle the ies end ings and underline the 5 endings. Mo nitor the activity and help where necessary. Go through the answers with the cla ss.





1 There are lots of toy~ in my bedroom. 2 She likes loll @ . 3 Look atthe funny monkey~.

Optional activity o

Do an exercise wi th the class to practise writing plural forms. Write the following words on the board for children to write the plurals: teacher, lolly, horse, friend, man, monkey, teddy, child, hen, woman, day.


Now go to Workbook page 105 for children to practise writing about a school open day.

Review 5

( 8 PAGES 106- 107


Further practice Workbook page lOS Values worksheet, PMB page 31 Testing and Evaluation Book Unit 1S test, page 37 • Summative test 5, page 38 • Skills test S, page 40 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 1S • listen at home · Track 46 (Words and phrases), Track 47 (Song), Track 48 (Phonics) Unit 1S


Review 1

Review 3

Class Book pages 26-27

Class Book pages 66-67

Circle the odd-one-out. Write. 1 skateboard 2 computer 3 thirsty 5 cupboard

1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write. 1 night 2 shop 3 bank 4 balloon

4 hungry

2 Look and match. Ask and answer. 1 e 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 [

2 Read and circle. 1 like 2 don't like 3 doesn't like 5 likes 6 doesn't like

3 Tick (,I) the picture that contains the sound. l b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b

3 Ask and answer. Children ask and answer questions.

4 Write. 1 ride

4 Look and match. 1 c 2 b 3 d 4 a

2 play

3 ride

4 fiy

5 play

6 ride

5 Tick (,I) or cross (X)

5 nuts


5 Say and point.







l~ "Y~.l



Children talk about the pictures. 6 Look and circle the beginning sound. 1 gl 2 st 3 sl 4 sk 5 cI 6 sn

Review 4



Class Book pages 86-87 ,I


1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write. 1 jeans 2 sunny 3 band 4 scarf

5 ca ke

2 Write. 1 It's quarter to eight. It's cold. 2 It's nine o'clock. It's rainin g.

6 Ask and answer. Children ask and answer questions.

3 It's quarter to nine. It's snowing.

Review 2

4 It's half past eleven. It's windy. 5 It's quarter to four. It's sunny. 6 It's quarter past five. It's hot.

Class Book pages 46-47 1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write. 1 maths 2 sa lad 3 English 4 seventy 2 Look and match. l c 2 f 3 a 4 e

5 b

5 read

Chi ldren ask and answer questi ons.

4 Say the word and circle the correct sound.

6 d

1 bike, i_e 5 kite, i_e

3 Ask and answer. Child ren ask and answer questions. 4 Tick (,I) the two pictures that start with the same sound. Write the letters. 1 grapes, grass (gr) 2 plum, plate (pI) 3 dress, drum (dr) 4 flat, flower (fl) 5 Look and circle. 1 Thursday 2 Tuesday 3 Saturday 5 Tuesday 6 Wednesday

3 Point, ask and answer.

2 flute, u_e

5 Look and match. l c 2 a 3 f 4 b

3 rope, o_e

5 e

4 gate, a_e

6 d

ReviewS Class Book pages 106- 107

4 Friday

1 Circle the odd-one-out. Write. 1 man 2 fridge 3 donkey 4 photo

5 first

2 Look and circle the correct word. 1 taller 2 bigger 3 slower 4 faster 3 Say. Children make comparative sentences.

4 Tick (,I) the picture that contains the sound. 1 fiute 2 bike 3 bus 4 stone 5 bin 6 dog 5 Read and circle the correct word. 1 was 2 weren't 3 were 4 were 6 was 7 we re


Review pages answer key

5 was n't

Starter Unit

Page 10 1 cupboard, picture, poster, drawers 2 1 picture 2 pencil case 3 computer 4 chair S ruler 6 drawers 7 pegs 8 books 9 board 10 cupboard 11 poster

Page4 1 1 Rosy, long, brown 2 Tim, short, green 3 Billy, curly 2 brother, cousin, grandma, mum, grandpa, dad

Page 11

PageS 1 Children's own answers 2 1 This is Rosy's mum. c 2 This is Rosy's dad. b


3 e 4 a

S c


I b


Thi s is my sister. Her name's Jasmin. She's seven. This is my friend. His name's Sam. He's nine.





** *F * * * * * * * * ******** ********* ***







y, S u


u r s












a y








a l y.






Page7 1 1 There are two cars. 2 There is a train. 3 There are three balls. 4 There is a puzzle. S There is a teddy. 6 There are t wo kites. 2 1 11 2 twelve 3 13 4 fourteen S 15 6 sixteen 7 17 8 eighteen 9 19 10 twenty

Unit 1 Page 1 1 3 S 2 1 3





b, (, f, g, h, j, m, n, 0, q, r,


2 k 3 g 4 a S p 6 u 7 t 8 Y 9 s 10 a Bb Ee Gg Hh RrT!


3 Tim is Rosy's cousin. a

2 d




2 table 4 computers pencil cases 6 board classroom 2 table pegs 4 computers S pencil cases 6 board pegs

Page9 l 1 d 2 c3b 4 a 2 That is, This is, Th ese are, Those are 3 1 These are tables and cha irs. 2 Those are pegs. 3 This is a computer. 4 That is a board.



U, V, X,

1 h

Page 13 1 1 This is Layla. 2 Layla's teacher is Miss Green. 3 His name's Tim. 4 Rosy is Tim's cousin. S Billy is her little brother. 6 They're a happy family. 2 Children's own answers 3 Children's own answers

Unit2 Page l 1 2 1 2 3

14 b 2 a 3f He's happy. She's hungry. He'55ad. 4 He's cold. S She's hot. 6 She's thirsty.

4 c

Page 15 1 1 I'm co ld. 2 She's happy. 3 He's thirsty. 4 They're sad. S We're hungry. 2 1 Are, aren't 2 they 4 They're, we're

S e

6 d















**** *











,y. t

















* *




Page 12 1 Children read the t ext. 2 Chi ldren circle the following: table, w hiteboard, computer, poster, picture 3 1 Th e girl's name is@ . (Lay la) 2 She's in class @ . (2A) 3 The tables are or. (long) 4 There's a lackboar . (whiteboard) S There are four computers. (two) 6 Layla's picture is of her ~. (fam il y) 7 The teacher's name is Miss~. (G reen)







1 hungry 2 happy 3 angry 4 scared S brave 6 cold 7 thirsty 8 hot 9 tired 10 sad

Page 17 1 1 shoes 2 teacher 3 thumb 4 fish 2 1 shoes 2 thumb 3 chair 4 teacher S bath 6 fish 3 1 teacher 2 chair 3 shoes 4 bath S fi sh 6 teacher Page 18 1 Children read t he poem. 2 Picture 1: sad, angry, bad Picture 2: happy, brave, good 3 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F ST

6 F

Page 19 1 1 I'm happy. 2 She's tired. 3 They are sad. 4 We're scared. S You are hungry. 6 I'm thirsty. 7 He is cold. 8 They're hot. 2 Children's own answers 3 Children's own answers

Unit 3 Page 20 1 1 ride a horse 2 skate 3 play ten ni s 4 ride a bike S play football 6 skateboard 2 1 ride a bike, skateboard, skate 2 play tennis, play football

3 they're

Page 16 1 1 This boy is tired. d 2 These girls are hungry. c 3 Are they angry? e 4 These boys aren't cold. a S We aren'ttired. b

Page 21 1 1 Yes, he can. 2 No, she can't. 3 Yes, they can. 4 No, they ca n't. S Yes, she can. 6 No, he can't. 2 1 He can ride a bike. 2 She can't skate. 3 Th ey can play tennis. 4 Th ey can't skateboard. S She can swim. 6 He can't ride a horse.

Workbook answer key


Page 22 l 1 a2d 3 e 4 c Sf6 b 2 1 The book is next to the teddy. 2 Th e teddy is on the bed. 3 The bal l is under the chair. 4 The kite is behind the cha ir. S The skate board is in front ofthe bed. 6 The toy box is between the bed and the chair. (clockwise from left) 2, 1, 6, 4,3,5 Page 23 1 1 cat 2 bed 3 fig S bus 2 1 jug 2 cat 3 dog 5 van 6 bin 7 bus 3 1 jug 2 va n 3 peg S bin 6 dog

4 dog 4 fig 8 peg 4 fig

Page 24 1 Children read the text. 2 1 It's got two wheels. 2 It's got one seat. 3 Bike A: It's got ~ wheels. I It's got two wheels. 2 Bike B: It's got a~ wheel. I It's got a big wheel. 3 Bike A:@ peoplecan ride this bike. I Two people can rid e this bike. 4 Bike B: It's got seat. I It's got


one seat. S Bike A: You can sitCfietwee9l. I You can sit behind. 6 Bike B: The man @ ridethis bike. !The man can ride this bike. Page 25 1 1 This is an orange. 2 I've got a bike. 3 He's got a skateboard . 4 This is an umbrella. S It's an apple. 6 She's got an egg. 7 I've got a teddy. 8 My sister's got an ice cream. 2 Children's own answers 3 Children's own answers

Review 1 Pages 26 &27 1 1 This is my bedroom. This is my bed. 2 That is my cupboard. 3 Those are my pictures. 4 And these are my toys. 2 school: computer, board, pegs, posters feelings: hungry, scared, tired, hot toys: bike, skateboard, skates, football 3 1 sh 2 ch 3 th 4 sh


Workbook answer key

4 2 3 4 5 6


No, he isn't. Yes, she is. Yes, he is. No, she isn't. Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

Page 35 1 1 These are our PE bags. 2 Those are their PE bags. 3 Those are their lunch boxes. 4 These are our lunch boxes.


2 1 b

Page 28 1 (clockwise from left) 5, 1, 6, 4, 3, 2 2 1 salad 2 sandwich 3 chicke n 4 milkshake 5 pizza 6 fries Page 29 1 1 Yes, he has. 2 Yes, she has. 3 No, he hasn't. 4 No, she hasn't. 2 1 Have you got a pizza? d 2 They like the sandwiches. c 3 He has got his fries. b 4 I'm not hungry. a Page 30 1 30,50,100,70,20,40,90,80,60 2 ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred 3 21, 22,23, 24,25,26,27,28,29,30 Page 1 1 4 2 1 3 1 4

31 grapes 2 brush 3 frog grass gr 2 br 3 fr 4 fr grapes 2 bread 3 juice grass 5 frisbee 6 friends

Page 32 1 Children read the text.

2 Simon Kate

1 biscuit



2 egg sandwich



3 salad



4 chicken





5 cheese and tomato

sandwich 1 F

2 T



6 yogurt 3

I've got music and science. I I've got English and maths.

3 F

4 F

5 T


Unit 5 Page 34 1 art, maths, English, science, PE, music 2 1 art 2 music 3 PE 4 English 5 maths 6 science

3 a

4 c

We've got English on Tuesday. We've got art on Monday. We've got science on Thursday. We've got maths on Wednesday.

Page 1 1 3 5

36 art room 2 sports field playground 4 computerroom cla ssroom

2 1 b 2 d 3

3 c 4 a 5 e

1 We've got a bin in the playground. 2 We've got computers in the computer room. 3 We've got a ball in the sports field. 4 We've got pictures in the art room. 5 We've got books in the cla ssroom.

Page 37 1 1 tree, truck 2 dress, drum 3 crab, crayon 2 1 tree 2 crab 3 drum 4 dress 5 crayon 6 tru ck 3 1 train 2 truck 3 crab 4 drum 5 crayons 6 dress 7 tree Page 38 1 Children read the text. 2 Children circle: cl imbing frame, bin, squares, ball 3 1 playgrounds 2 big 3 bin 4 squares S ball 6 friends 39 We've got science on Tuesday. What have we got on Thursday? Have we got maths on Monday? We haven't got school on Saturday. 5 What have got on Wednesday? 6 We've got art on Wednesday. Children's own answers Children's own answers

Page 1 1 2 3 4

6 T

Page 33 1 1 Can you skateboard? 2 I've got an apple. 3 Have you got a sa ndwich? 4 No, I haven't. 5 Do you like yogurt? 6 Has he got a pizza? 2 Children's own answers 3 Children's own answers

2 d

1 2 3 4

2 3

Unit6 Page 40 l 1 b 2 d 3 f 4 a5e 6 c 2 1 go swimming 2 watch TV 3 help my mum 4 do my homework 5 visit my grandma

6 have a music lesson Page 41 1 1 I help my mum. c 2 I visit my grandma. a 3 I do my homework. b

4 I don't watch TV. d 2

1 I do my homework. I don't watch TV. 2 I go swimming. I don't visit my grandma. 3 I help my mum. I don't go swimming. 4 I have a music lesson. I don't watch TV.

Page 42 1 1 Aher school, I listen to music. 2 I read a book. 3 I play w ith my fri ends. 4 I w rite an email. 2 I listen to music. 2 I read a book. 3 I watch TV. 4 I wr ite an email. 5 I play w ith my friend. 6 I help my mum. (clockwise from left) 4, 1, 6,5,3,2 Page 43 1

2 3

1 bl 2 II 3 pi 4 pi S fl 1 Plums 2 plate 3 blanket 4 flower

Page 44 1 Children read the text. 2 1 I'm@iiYJ. (Alex) 2 After school, I help my ~ister). (mum) 3 Every Tuesday, I play~ketbaTl). (footba ll) 4 Every @â‚Źdflesd<w, I visit my cousins. (Thursday) 5 Zac and Abby are my<friendiJ. (cousins) 6 I've got :§.0cousins. (two) 7 Zac is@ . (ten) 8 Abby is a@ . (g irl) Page 45 1 1 I IS'lilil my cousi ns. a lootball.d 2 le 3 I ~ mymum.f

4 I ave a music lesson . e

2 3

5 We lay w ith our toys. b 6 We watch' TV. c Children's own answers Child ren's own answers

Review 2


Pages 46 &47 1 1 our 2 their 3 my 4 your 2 numbers: twenty, forty, thirty, eighty food: chicken, salad, fries, pizza subjects: maths, English, science,

Page 54 1 1 have dinner 2 have breakfast 3 go to school 4 get up 5 go to bed 6 go home 2 1 I goto school. 3 2 I go home. 6 3 l getup.4 4 I have dinner. 1 5 I goto bed. S 6 I have breakfast. 2

music 3 4 5

(from left) 81,24,37,79,46 1 What 2 When 3 When 4 What 5 What 6 When 1 Ir 2 dr 3 II 4 br 5 t r 6 cr

Unit7 Page 48 1 cake, balloon, present, chocolate,

sweets, card 2

2 1 c 2 a

1 b, sweets 2 d, balloon 3 a, choco late 4 e, cake 5 c, card 6 f. present


Page 49 1 1 I like chocolate. 2 I don't like sweets. 3 She likes balloons. 4 She doesn't like chocolate. 2 1 Billy likes trains and ca rs. 2 And he likes chocolate. 3 I like these balloons. 4 Billy doesn't like balloons. Page 1 1 4 2 1 4 7

50 pastries 2 nuts 3 tie neighbour card 2 tie 3 neighbour sweets 5 nuts 6 chocolate pastries 8 cake 9 balloon

Page 1 1 4 2 1 6 3 1 4

51 clock 2 cloud 3 glue slide 5 glue gl 2 cl 3 sl 4 cI 5 sl gl slippers 2 gloves 3 slide clock S clouds

Page 52 1 Children read the text. 2 a 6 b 2 c S d l

e 7

Page 55 l I lt's seven o'clock. 2 It's three o'clock. 3 It's ten o'clock. 4 It's six o'clock. S It's one o'clock. 6 It's twelve o'clock.

f 3

9 4 Page 53 1 1 I don't like sweets. 2 He does not like balloons. 3 She doesn't like eggs. 4 I do not like tigers. 5 I don't like snakes. 6 My mum does not like cats. 7 My grandpa doesn't like cake. 2 Children's own answers 3 Children's own answers

1 2 3 4

3 d

4 b

He gets up at six o'clock. He has breakfast at seven o'clock. He goes to school at eight o'clock. He has dinner at six o'clock.

Page l 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3

56 b 2 d 3 a 4 c I have breakfast in the morning. I go to bed at night. I have dinner in the even ing. I have lunch in the ahernoon. I get up in the morning. I play with my toys in the afternoon. Children say the sentences.

Page 57 1 1 sky 2 snow 3 star 4 small S skates 2 1 stairs 2 sm ile 3 snake 4 star 5 sky 6 snow 7 skates 8 small 3 1 snake 2 snow 3 sm ile 4 stars 5 sky Page 58 1 Children read the text. 2 1 D, H 2 H, D 3 D, H 4 D, H 5 D, H Page 59 1 1 What's 4 When 2 Ch ildren's 3 Ch ildren's

2 Where 3 Where S What 6 When own answers own answers

Unit9 Page 1 1 3 5 2 3 5

60 school 2 police station hospital 4 shop airport 6 fire station hospital 2 police station airport 4 fire station shop 6 school

Workbook answer key


Page 61 1 1 He works in a police station. 2 She works in a school. 3 He wo rks in an airport. 4 He works in a fire station. S He works in a shop. 6 She wo rks in a hospi tal.


1 b

2 c

3 a

4 d

Page 62 1 zoo, supermarket, station, bank 2 1 shop 2 police station 3 bank 4 school 5 supermarket 6 station 7 zoo 8 airport 9 hospital 10 fire station Page 63 1 1 face 2 lake 3 plane 4 gate 2 1 gate 2 lake 3 face 4 cake 3 1 There is a cat next to the~. 2 Open th e ~. Here comes a van. 4 a_e: lake, gate a: cat, van Page 64 1 Chi ldren read the text. 2 Children circle: shirt, trousers, tie Chi ldren underlin e: dad, mum, sister 3 1 Jason's dad wo rks in a ~c hooD. (office) 2 He gets up at ine o'clock. (six) 3 He puts on reen trousers. (black) 4 He goes to work by(!rain). (car) S There are pens and ~ in the box. (pencils) 6 He goes home at ~hree) o'clock. (five)


places: school, airport, supermarket, fire station

times: morning, night, afternoon, evening presents: balloons, nuts, sweets


3 1 cat 2 lake 3 gate 4 1 No, he doesn't.

and music.

2 3

4 He likes chicken, pizza and salad. S I get up, have breakfast and go to school. Children's own answers Children's own answers

Review 3 Pages 66&67 1 1 Does your mum work? Yes, she does. 2 Does she wo rk in a bank? No, she doesn't. 3 Does she work in a hospital? Yes, she does. 4 Is she a nurse? No, she isn't. She's a doctor.


Workbook answer key

Break time

1 Don't put on

your (oats.

./ ./

4 Wear your


S Don't put

on your

Page 68 1 1 c 2 a 3 f 2 1 It's w ind y. 2 It's cold. 3 It's snowing. 4 It's hot. S It's sunny. 6 It's raining.

4 d

S e

6 b


1 4 1 2







7 Take your umbrellas.

a w












d I y,

* * * a * ****** c


shorts and T-shirts.

Page 70



tracksuits. 6 Put on your

Page 69 1 1 What's the weathe r like? 2 Put on your sun hats. 3 Don't put on your coat. 4 We haven't got our umbrellas. 5 Don't close th e w indow. 6 Open the door. 2 1 Put on 2 Don't put on 3 Put on 4 Put on 5 Don't put on 6 Don't put on



3 Put on your rain coats.

Unit 10


Home time

2 Don't wear

sun hats.




yo ur hats.

2 Yes, he does. 3 No, he doesn't. 4 Yes, he does.

7 They have Qunch) at seven o'clock. (dinner)

Page 65 1 1 I like apples, grapes and bananas. 2 Th ere are birds, monkeys, lions and tig ers. 3 We've got Eng lish, maths, science

4 hat





w indy 2 sunny 3 raining co ld 5 snowing 6 hot When it's windy, we fly a kite. When it's snowing, we make a

snowman and we wear coats. 3 When it's sunny, we play outside.

Page 71 1 1 bike 2 line 3 whi te 4 kite 5 nine 2 1 bike 2 kite 3 w hite 4 line 5 nine 3 1 H ereare~ ~ina~. 2 Don't put my@ in the bin. 4 i_e: nine, line, kite i: figs, bin Page 72 1 Chi ldren read the text. 2 1 It's (very) hot and sunny. 2 It's hot. 3 It's raining and windy.


Page 73 1 ve rbs: wear, go, ri de, eat, drink adjectives: cold, tired, hungry, thirsty, sunny 2 Children's own answers 3 Children's own answers

Unit 11 Page 74 1 (clockwise from left) 6, 3, 2, 1,5,4 2 1 These are gloves. 2 This is a shirt. 3 Th ese are j eans. 4 This is a scarf. S This is a skirt. 6 These are boots. Page 75 1 1 He's wearing jeans. 2 She's wearing gloves. 3 She's wearing boots. 4 He's wearing a shirt. 5 He's wearing a sca rf. 6 She's wea ring a skirt. 2 What are you weari ng? 2 I'm wear ing a dress. 3 And Jim? What is he weari ng? 4 He's wea ring a T-shirt. Page 76 1 1





/ /1112 1~

'/1 0 ·


, ..A- 3

• ~7, ~



It's quarter past four.

2 It's seven o'clock. 3 It's half past five.

4 It's quarter past eleven. S It's quarter to six. 6 It's quarter pa st six. Page 77 1 1 home 2 nose 3 rope 4 bone S stone 2 1 rope 2 stone 3 home 4 nose S bon e 3 1 A QQg has 9Q! a~. 2 Th ere is a mop in my ~. 4 o_e: bone, home 0: dog, got, mop Page 78 1 Children read the poem. 2 clothes wo rds: skirt, jeans, shirt toy: cow 3 1 station 2 friend 3 Lucy 4 train S cow 6 happy Page 79 l I lt's quarter to seven. 2 It's quarter pastthree. 3 It's quarter past nine. 4 It's quarter to eleven. 5 It's quarter to four. 6 It's quarter past two. 2 Children's own answers 3 Ch ildren's own answers

Unit 12 Page 80 1 wedding, cake, brid e, band, invitation, guests 2 1 cake 2 invitation 3 eat 4 guests 5 wedd ing 6 dance 7 dress 8 bride 9 band 10 sing Page 81 1 1 Are t hey dancing?lYes, they are. 2 Is she singing? 1No, she isn't. 3 Is he eating? I No, he isn't. 4 Is she sleeping? I Yes, she is. S Are they drinking?! No, they aren't. 2 Children point to the pictures and say t he sentences.


Page 84 1 Ch ildren read the letter. 2 1 Hannah likes Beila's ~. (dress) 2 Hannah's aunt has got a new @!). (baby) 3 Th e baby is ve ry@9). (small) 4 The baby is a irl . (boy) S His name is ax. (James) 6 He's got rown eyes. (blue) 7 He's wearing aGc~O. (hat) 8 His boots are@ . (wh ite) Page 85 1 1 He's wearing white boots. 2 We're watching TV. 3 My sister is doing her homework. 4 She's eating her dinner. S We're listening to music. 6 We're looking at cakes. 2 eating, drinking, dancing, listening to music, tal king, singing 3 Children's own answers

Review 4 Pages 86& 87 1 1 I'm wearing jeans and a shirt. 2 I'm wearing boots and a hat. 3 I'm wearing gloves and a scarf. 2 weather: windy, raining, sunny, hot wedding: ca ke, invitation, present, bride clothes: jeans, skirt, boots, scarf 3 1 tube, cube 2 stone, bone 3 line, nine 4 (clockwise from left) 3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 4 1 He's drinking. 2 She's eating. 3 They're ta lking. 4 She's singing. 5 They're dancing. 6 He's playing.

Unit 13

Page 82 l 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c 2 1 Mum is making cakes. 2 Dad is washing the car. 3 My sister is taking lots of photos. 4 I'm brushing my hair.

Page 88 1 (clockWise fro m left) 1, 5, 6, 4, 2, 3 2 1 Th ere's a cow behind the gate. 2 There's a goat next to the gate. 3 There's a horse in fro nt ofthe house. 4 Th ere's a sheep between the horse and th e va n. S Th ere's a donkey behind the tree. 6 There's a goose on the van.

Page 83 1 1 June 2 cube 3 flute 4 tube 2 1 June 2 cube 3 flute 4 tube 3 1 This(mule) can run. 2 I've got a ( flute) and I'm sitting on

Page 89 1 1 bigger than 2 sma ller than 3 shorter than 4 tallerthan 2 bigg er - smailer; taller - shorter

a rug.

1 A horse is bigger than a goose. 1A goose is smaller tha n a horse. 2 Rosy is ta iler t han Billy. I Bil ly is shorterthan Rosy. 3 A pizza is bigger than a sandwich . I A sandwich is smailer than a pizza.

u_e: mule, flute u: run, rug

Page 90 1 fast, loud, quiet, slow 2 1 louder 2 faster 3 slower 4 quieter 3 1 The goose is louderthan the hen. 2 The sheep is faster than the cow. 3 The cow is slower than the sheep. 4 The hen is quieter th an the goose. Page 91 1 1 feet 2 tree 3 three 4 cheese 2 1 tree 2 feet 3 th ree 4 cheese 3 1 This ~i ~. 2 There are ~ monkeys in the

@. 4

3 There is a ~ by my bed. ee: green, three, tree e: pen, peg, bed

Page 92 1 Children read the text. 2 1 carrots, potatoes 2 figs, plums 3 cows, goats 4 t wo 5 four Page 93 1 1 Harry is seven iยง<!) Katie is nine. 1 Harry is seven. Katie is nine. 2 This is a donkey iยง<!) these are hens. I Thi s is a donkey. These are hens. 3 I like bananas iยง<!) he likes apples. I I like bananas. He likes apples. 4 There is a slide iยง<!) there are swings. !There is a slide. There are swings. 2 cow, sheep, donkey, horse, hen, chick, goat, goose 3 Children's own answers

Unit 14 Page 94 1 1 kind 2 wet 3 dry 4 photo 5 naughty 6 fridge 2 1 There are some photos on th e fridge. 2 This boy is kind. 3 Thi s duck is very naughty. 4 Her hands are wet. 5 His hands are dry. Page 9 5 l I The ducks were naughty. 2 This boy was kind. 3 The babies weren't sad.

Workbook answer key



4 S 1 2

Mum was dry. She wasn't wet. Rosy and Tim were in the park. Tim was very kind. The babies weren't cold. They were hungry. 3 It was raining. Rosy and Tim were very wet. Mum wasn't wet. She was dry. 4 The ducks we re very naughty. Th e goat was naughty too. S Bill was a naughty boy. But he's a good boy now.

Page 96 1 floor, untidy, rubbish, tidy 2 1 hungry 2 happy 3 photo 4 party S untidy 6 wet 7 fl oor 8 dry 9 tidy 10 rubbish Page 97 1 1 tape 2 cube 3 pipe 2 1 cube 2 cub 3 pip 4 pipe S tape 6 tap Page 98 1 Children read the text. 2 1 b 2a 3 c 3 1 Robin is in class 2L. 2 Robin and his friends were farm animals. 3 Charles was th e sheep. 4 Nicola's costume was a hen's head and body. S Everyone was very happy. 6 The teacher was proud. Page 1 1 2 3 4 S

99 I've got a teddy and a doll. He hasn't got a kite or a bike. I am cold and tired. She isn't scared or angry. He doesn't like sweets or chocolate. 6 She doesn't play footba ll or tennis. 7 I do my homework and watc h TV. 8 I like apples and pears. 2 Children's own answers 3 Children's own answers

Page 102


1 c

2 d

3 a

4 b

2 first, second, third, fo urth 3 The hen was fourth . The rabbit was third. Th e cow was second. The horse was first. Page 1 1 4 2 1 3 1 4

103 swing pink sink sing ring

2 ring 3 sink S sink 2 king 3 ring 4 bank 2 swing 3 king S sink 6 drink

Page 104 1 a 4 b l c 6 d 2eS f 3 2 1 b 2 d 3 f 4 a Se 6 c 3 1 Suzy is a (horse) 2 She's behind a @ ree ~ horse. (red) 3 She's in front of a blue@ . (horse) 4 She drinks @]BJ in the field. (water) S She eats<[ce crea 6)l in the field. (grass) 6 At night she's Qi0). (cold)

8 .

Page 105 1 1 families 2 boys 3 teddies 4 tu rkey S lollies 6 monkeys 2 Tick: men, women, children, teachers Cross: rabbits, lions, frogs 3 Children's own answ ers

Unit 15

Review 5

Page 100 1 1 child 2 man 3 women 4 wo man S children 6 men 2 1 There are t wo men. 2 There are three ch ildren. 3 There are t wo boys. 4 There is one woman.

Pages 106& 107 1 1 The boy is shorter than t he girl. 2 His coat is sm all er tha n th e girl's

Page 101 1 1 There were some chairs in the

classroom. 2 There weren't any tab les in the playgrou nd. 122


3 Th ere weren't any children in the art room. 4 Th ere we re some teachers on the sports field. 1 It was th e school prize-giving. They we re late. 2 They were in the classroom. The re weren't any children. But there were some teachers. 3 The prize-giving wasn't in the classroom. It wa s in the playground. 4 There was a prize for English. Rosy and Tim were th e winners.

Wo,kbook answe,key

coa t.



3 But he is faster than the girl. 4 And he is louder than the girl. adjectives: naughty, dry, kind, wet animals: cow, goat, horse, sheep numbers: fourth, first, t hird, second women 2 dolls 0 menO children 3



teddies 2 toy ca rs 0 1 Th ere are some wo men. 2 Th ere aren't any dolls. 3 There aren't any men. 4 There are some children. S There are some teddies. 6 There aren't any toy ca rs. Children's own answers

The Student MultiROM includes a Listen at home section conta in ing target lang uage, songs, and phonies chants for ch ildren to practise at home. It can be played on an audio CD player, or on a computer using the audio pl ayer.

Track listing Starter Unit Track 1:

ta rget language

Track 2:

song Welcome back

Track3 :

song Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jump!

Unit8 Track 25: target language Track 26: song What do you do in the morning' Track 27: phonics chant Look at the small snake

Unit9 Track 28: target language

Unit 1 Track 4:

target language

Track 5:

song Whats in the classroom?

Track 6:

phonics chant (the alphabet)

Track 29: song Places to go Track 30: phonics chant Open the gate

Unit 10 Track 31: target language

Unit2 Track 7:

target language

Track 8:

son g Ifyou're tired and you know it ..

Track 9:

phonics chant Look at my teacher

Unit3 Track 10: target langua ge Track 11: song Where is my teddy bear? Track 12: phonics chant A cot, cot, cot ..

Unit4 Track 13: target language Track 14: song Lets count to one hundred! Track 15: phonics chant There are grapes and bread

Unit 5 Track 16: targ et language Track 17: song At our school Track 18: phonics chant A train and a truck

Unit6 Track 19: targ et language Track 20: song After school Track21: phonics chant Plums on a plate

Unit7 Track 22: target language Track 23: song Our neighbours

Track 32: song Whats the weather like today? Track 33: phonics chant Ride your bike

Unit 11 Track 34: target language Track 35: song Here comes the train! Tra ck 36: phonics chant The dog has got my rope

Unit 12 Track 37: ta rget language Track 38: song We're getting ready for the wedding! Tra ck 39: phonics chant This month is June

Unit 13 Track 40: target language Track41: song On the farm Track 42: phonics chant Look up at the green tree

Unit 14 Track 43: target language Track 44: song The house was so untidy! Track 45: phonics chant A lion cub is playing with a cube

Unit 15 Track 46: target language Tra ck 47: song The race Track 48: phonics chant Sing a song

Track 24: phonics chant I take off my slippers

MultiROM Listen at home


Th e Photocopy Masters Book co ntains Extra Writing and Values wo rksh eet s fo r each un it, t w o playscripts of t radit ional children's st o ries, and five Cut and make activities. Th e Extra Writ ing w orks heet s can be used after Less on 3 in each unit, and t he Va lues w orksheet s aft er Lesson 6. Informat ion on th e values elemen t of thi s course can be found in t he Introductio n to thi s Teacher's Bo ok. Th ese pages g ive informat ion o n how t o use the two p lays cri pt s and th e Cut and make activiti es. On e pl ay can be prepared and performed at th e end of each semester. Th ere are directions to th e Cut and make act ivities at th e relevant places in the unit notes.

Playscript 1 Goldilocks and the Three Bears


Synopsis Goldilocks is a young girl with golden hair. One day she wande rs into a forest and finds t he t hree bea rs' house, b ut no-one is at home. She goes inside an d tr ies the porridge, eating all of the porridge in the baby bear's bowl. She the n t ries the three different cha irs and breaks the little one. Finally, she tries all the beds, before falling asleep o n t he sma llest bed. The bears come home and find he r lying asleep.

Setting The play takes place in two sett ings: the forest and a house.

Props • For the forest, a g reen backg round (e.g. curtains o r sheets); some paintings or pict ures of trees • A red cl oak wh ich Little Red Riding Hood wears • A grandma's bonnet, glasses, and shawl (or Similar) • A wo lf's mask o r ou tfit • A basket and some (paper) flowers • A bed (made of rugs or blankets)

Preparing for the performances Read the through the p lay with t he cl ass as a group. Allocate t he character role s to strong er chi ldre n. The rest of the group ta ke part in t he chorus, singing or chanting the narration. Read throug h the play severa l t imes so that the characters and th e chorus get a chance to practise th eir lines. Ask comprehension questions to check that chi ldren understand wha t is happe ning t hroughout. Encourage ch ild ren to take home copies of the pl ayscript to practise t heir lines at home.


Now practise the play in cl ass, with the key characte rs at the fro nt (t he chorus can remain in the ir seats). Practise the play again us ing the props, Wit h the cho rus joini ng th e characters at th e front to add their lines. Do t his as many times as is necessary before t he perform ance for t he parents.

Goldi loc ks, Goldilocks' mum, Goldi locks' dad, Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear, Baby Bear, the Ch orus

You may wish to hand ou t copies of the p layscript to parents at t he performance.

Setting The play takes place in two settings: t he forest and t he bears' house.

Props • For the forest, a green backg ro und (e.g. curtains or sheets); some paintings or pictures of trees • A table w ith a tablecloth

Cut and make 1 (Unit 1) My classroom PMBPAGE J6 Materials One p hotocopy of t he worksheet, a large piece of paper or card, coloured pens or pencils, scissors, and gl ue for each group of four to six ch ild ren

• A pan, t hree bowls, and three spoons

• Three different size chairs


• Three different si ze beds (made of rugs or b lankets)

• Chi ldren co lour t he classroom items on t he sheet, then cut them out.

Playscript 2 Little Red Riding Hood

• Go around th e class aski ng q uestion s, e.g. What colour are the chairs / tables in your classroom'


Synopsis Little Red Rid ing Hood is a you ng girl who set s off through t he forest to visit her g randma, b ut strays from the path to pick fl owers and meet s a wolf. He runs quickly and arrives at Grandmother's house before he r. Grandmoth er fa in ts whe n she sees him, and he disguises himself by wearing her g lasses, bonnet, and shawl. When Li tt le Red Rid ing Hood arrives, she mistakes the wo lf for her g randmother, bu t Just as he is about to eat her, she is saved by a kind woodcutter.

Cast Little Red Riding Hood, Mummy, Grandma, th e wo lf, the woodcutter, the Chorus


Photocopy Masters Book notes

• Chi ldren st ick t heir furn itu re items onto the large piece of paper or card to make their own classroom scene.

Activities • Ask some of the ch ild ren to show thei r pictures to t he class and describe their cl assrooms, e.g. This is my classroom. There are four tables. This table is red, etc. • Ask ch ildren to label the items in the picture and display t hem in the classroom. • Ch ildren can sing the unit song from Class Book page 10 while poin ti ng to the correspond ing items on t heir pictures.

Cut and make 2 (Unit 4) Numbers board game PMBP~~m'

Cut and make 4 (Unit 10) A weather card PMBj'AGEl9



One photocopy of the worksheet, scissors, g lue, and a piece of card for ea ch pair of children

One phot ocopy of the worksheet, a piece of card, and a paper fastener per ch ild; coloured penci ls, SCissors, and glue for each group of six children

Method • Explai n to chi ldren that they are going to make a board game about numbers. Tell them that th ey do not need to add up the sums on the worksheet for now. • Show ch il dren the speech bubbles and explain that th ey must choose and write any number from one to SO in each space. The numbers should not be the answers to th e sums. Th ey can the n cut out the boa rd game.

Method • Children colou r in the weat her symbols and colour the ther mometer from blue at the bottom to red at the top. They cut out the weather symbols and the arrows, then cut out the thermometer along the dotted lines. • Children mount the wea ther circ le on a piece of card. They Ax the longer arrow at the centre with a paper fast ener.

• Next, ch ildren cu t out the two circled numbers. They stick one number to a piece of card, cut around it, and stick the other number to the bac k. This will be t he coin they flip to find out how many spaces they can move.

• Children cut along the line below th e thermometer to make a slit. They put the shorter arrow through the slit, folding it at the end to secure it. Show the ch il dren one you have p repa red earlier as a model.

• Each child cuts anot her shape o ut of the card, e.g. a square or a triangle. This is their counter.



• Name different kinds of weather for children to show on their weather charts and thermomete rs, e.g. Its windy and

• Chi ldren take turns to flip the 'coin' and move around the board. When they land on a speech bubble, th ey say the number inside it. When they land on a rectangle, t hey

work out t he sum and say the a nswer. • If th ey make a mistake, they move back to t heir orig inal position. Th e winner is the first to reach the 'Finish' square. • When everyone has finished, hold up th e game and ask individual pupi ls to say the answers to the sums. Go around

cold. • Ask chi ldren to use their weather cards and thermometers to p resent short weat her reports to their groups. They position the arrows and make sen tences abou t the weather, e.g. Its sunny and hot. / Its cold and it's snowing. • Use th e weather charts with t he un it song from Class Book page 70. As pupils sing each verse, they move the arrows to indicate appropria te weather.

the class and give everyone a chance to say a number.


4,16,9,80, 14,20,8,11,60,13,70, 100

Cut and make 3 (Unit 8) Make a clock PMB PAGE l8 Materials One photocopy of the worksheet and a paper fastener per chi ld; scissors for each group of six children

Method • Children cut out the clock face and the two clock hands and fix them together with the paper fast ener.

Activities • Ask ch ildren to work with a partner. Ch ild A asks Chi ld B questions abou t his / her daily ro utine, e.g. Whottime do

you get up / have breakfost / go to schooi' • Child Bshows the answer by moving the hands of the clock. Child A must say the time on the clock.

Cut and make 5 (Unit 13) An animal mask PMB PAGE 40 Materials One photocopy of the worksheet and a piece of elastic or st ring per child; co loured pencils, scissors, and glue for each group of six ch ildren; card (optional)

Method • Read the instructions on the works heet togethe r. Explain that they are going to choose an animal and make eyes, ea rs, a nose, and hair for it. • Children make their masks, fo llowing the instructions. Use card if you have it to make the mask a little stronger. • Help children to make sma ll holes on the side of the mask and show them how to thread elastic or string throug h and knot it at the ends.

Activities • Sing the unit song from Class Book page 90 and get children to put on their masks at t he appropriate ve rse.

• When children have finished speaking, ask questions to children from different pai rs, e.g. What time does Joaquin have dinner? What times does Adora go to bed? • Alternative ly, ask some pai rs to come to the front and use their clocks to talk about their partner's daily routine.

Photocopy Masters Book notes


Words in bold are words that children will be able to use actively by the end of each unit. The remaining words are those they wi ll have come across in songs and stories, and in rea ding and listening passages.

Starter Unit black Iblrek/ bump IbAmpl down Ida onl end lendl lea rning 1'13:nIlJI week IWI:kl wei corne back I' welkom brekl white Iwalt! Unit 1 board Ibo:dl bright Ibralt! classroom I' klo:sru:m! computer Ikom 'pju:I.1 cupboard l' kAb. dl drawers Idro:zI feet l fi:ti game Igellnl have a look Ihrev 0 'IAkl knee Ini:1 peg Ipegl pencil case I' pensl kelsl picture I' plktJ.(r)1 poster I' poust.(r)1 sit ISIt! swimming pool I'SWIllID pu: 11 table I' telbll that 15ret/ th ese 15r:zI this 151S1 those 15J(jzl touch ItAtfl wall Iwo: 11 what Iwoti whiteboard I' waitbo:dl with IWl51 work (n) IW3:kl

Wow'/ waol Unit 2 always l' o:lwelzi angry IrelJgr I! baby (babies) Iba:bl (lz)1 bath Ibo:81 behave Ibl 'helvl brave Ibrelvl broken I' brookonl


Word list

carryon I' kreri o:n! chair ItJeol cold IkDldl cry Ikrall fear Iflo(r)1 feel Ifl:1I feelings IfJ:!ID zi fish IflJI go to sleep Ig.o to sli:pl gone Igo:nl happy I' hrepi! hot Ihot! hug IhAgl hungry I' hAIJgrI! laugh (v) Ilo:fl nea rly 1'1lI01I! poor Ipo:(r)1 sad Isredl scared Iske.dl shoes IJu:zI snore Ism:(r)1 sometimes /'sAmtalmzJ

stamp (v) Istrempl teacher I' ti:tf.(r)1 thirsty l'03:stil thumb lOAmi tired I' tarodl together Ito 'ge50(r)1 twins Itwmzl until 10n'tllI wake up I'welk Api yourse lf Ijo: 'selfl

Unit 3 activity l rek 'tlvotI! aged leld3dl anywhere l'emweJ(r)1 bed Ibedl be hind Ibl'hamdl between Ibl 'lwi :n! bin /bln! bus IbASI by Iba I! cat Ik",t/ child ren ItIIidronl dog IdDgl fig Ifl9 1 grass Igra: sl hiding !bald lLJI

in front of 1m 'frAnt ovl jug Id3A91 mop Imopl nextto I' nekst tu:1 outdoo r (adj) l'aotdo:(r)1 peg Ipegl perfect l' p3:fikt! play football I' plel f otbo:1I play tennis I'plel temsl ride a bike Irald 0 balkl ride a horse /raId 0 ho:sl sand Isrend seat ISJ:t! skate (v) Iskelt! skateboard (n) I' skelt

naughty I' no:til ninety I' namtil number I' nAmbo(r)1 o live l' olIvl one hundred IWA n 'hAndrodl pizza I' pi:tsol salad I'srelodl seventy I'sev ntil sixty I'sikstil start (v + n) Isto: t! sure IJool ten l Ien! thirty 1' 03:til try Ilrall twenty I' twentil

bo:dl skateboard (v) I' skelt

bo:dl skates (n) Iskeltsl stop Istopl take Iteiki teach Iti:tfl van /wen/

wheel IWI:1I young IjAD91

Unit4 bread Ibredl brush IbrAII buy IbaI! cheese sandwich ItII:z 'srenwltfl chicken l' tJlkinl don't worry /doont 'wAfil done IdAnl easy i'l:zil eighty I' ellil fifty /'flftil forty !'fo:til fries IfraLzi frisbee I'fnzbil frog Ifrog l grapes Igrelpsl grass Igra:sl high Ihall if Ilfl late l lelt! milkshake l 'mTlkJelk/ much ImAtSI

UnitS art lo:t! art room / 'a:t ru:mJ

break ti rne I 'brelk talm! computer room

Ibm 'pju:to ru :ml crab Ikrrebl crayon I' krelonl dress Idresl drum IdfAm.' English I' IDghJI headphones I' hedfoonzl learn 113:nl lesson /'Ies nl maths Imreesl mu sic I'mju:zlkl our l'aoo( r)1 paint Ipell1t! PE Ipl: 1:1 playground I' plel g raondl primary /' prallloril read In:dl science /salans/ speak Is pt:kl sports field I's po:ts fl :ldl study /'slAd il subject l'sA bd3lktl the ir 15eo(r)1 time ItaIm! tree Itn:1 truck ItrAkl wear Iweo(r)1

Unit6 a lot 10 'bot! after l 'a:rta(r)1 blanket l 'blreDkrt! blue Iblu:1 CD I ,sl: 'dl:l cook (v) Ikukl do my homewo rk Idu: mar 'hoomw3:kI fl at mretl flow er }' fl aoo(r)} go swimming Igoo 'swnnlDI have a music lesso n Ihrev o 'mju:zlk lesnl help my mum !help ma l 'mAml how about I' hao obaut! listen to music Ihsn to 'mju: ZIk! on my own / ;):n mal ';}unJ

plate Ipleltl play with fr ie nds Ipler WIO 'frendz! plum IplAm l read a book In:d 0 bu kl sport I'spo:tl stories Is to:ri: z! visit my grandma Ivrsrt mal 'gnenma:1 watch TV Iwotf 1r: 'vr:1 well Iwell write an emai l / ra lt an 'i:meIV

Unit 7 asleep /o 'slr: pl balloon Ibo' lu:nl birthday l' b3:Sdell cake Ikerk! card Iko:dl chocolate I'tf oklot! clock /kl okl cloud Iklaudl everythi ng l'evriSIDI fron f frAnt! g-ve Igivl gloves IgIAVz! glue Iglu :1 in half 1m 'ho:fl neigh bour l' nelbo(r)1 nuts InAtsl or h :(r)1 outside laut'saldl pastries i' pelstrisl present I'prezont!

scared of Iskeod avl sky Iskarl sl ide Islardl sl ippers I'shpo(r)z! smile (n) Ismarl! someone /'sAmwA nl

gate Igert! hospital I' hosprtll job Id30bl lake /lelkl out and about I 'aut n 0 ba ut!

sweets Iswi :tsl take off /' terk ofl

place I plelsl plane Ipleml

think about /'SrDk obautl tie Itarl

police station I' poli:s


/t;) 'm or~ul

Unit 8 at night lot 'nal t! brush my teeth IbrAI ma l 'ti:SI cereal I'srorioll get dressed Iget 'drestl get up Iget 'A pi go by bus Igoo bal 'bAsi go home Igoo 'houm! go to bed Igoo to 'bedl go to school Igoo to 'sku:1I goodnight Igod' na rtl have breakfast Ih",v 'brekfost! ha ve d inner Ihrev 'dmol in the afternoon 1m 00 o:fto'nu:nl in the evening 1m 00 'i: vnIIjI in the morning 1m 00 'm :J:nll)/

plane Iplernl skates Iskertsl sky 15kar/ small l'smo:ll smile Ismarl! snake Isnerkl snow / Sll;::}U/ so Isool stairs Isteoz! star 15to:(r)1 time for I 'tarm fo:1

Unit9 airport i'eopo:t! at the moment 1",1 00 'rna umanU

bank IbreIjkl basket I' bo:skitl cute Ikju: t! dar k Ido:kI face Ifersl fa ntastic I[",n't",stlkl feed l fi:d l fire station I' far or stelIn!

stelfnl school }sku:l} shop IIapl shopping (n) l'JoplI}1 station I'sterfnl su permarket I'su:po ma:klt! thing ISIDI vegetable l 'ved310bl! work (v) IW3:k! zoo Izu:1 Unit 10 all together 101 to'geoo(r)1 be ca reful Ibl: 'keofll bike Ibalkl catch Ikretfl cold Iboldl fl y a kite malO 'kaltl fiyaway /flar owerl get wet Iget 'wet! go outside Igoo aut 'sardl high up Ihar Api hot Ihot! keep Iki:pl key Iki:1 ki te Ikalt! like (prep) Iialki li ne Ilaml make a snowman /melk ;: }

'sneumrenl news Inju:z! ni ne Inaml

quick I kwikl raincoat I 'rernbutl raining i' remrIjI snowing

/'SI1 ;}O II)/

sun fSAn! sun hat l' sAn h",tI sunglasses /'sAog lo:srz! sunn y /'s Aoil warm /wJ:m/

wea r coats Iweo(r) koutsl weather l 'weoo(r)1 wet Iwetl w hite Iwa lt! windy I' wrndil

Unit 11 bone !bounl boots !bu:tsl coach IbutII get on Iget .on! gloves Iglwzl ha lf past I' ha:f po: stl here comes .. Ihlo 'kArnzl home Ihouml hurry up I hvri 'Api jeans Ic5 l:n zJ

nose In,oz! o'clock lo'klok! pass by I' pres bar! people I' pl:pll platform I' plretfo:m! q ua rter past I' kwo:to pa:st! quarter to i' kwo: t, tol rope Iroopl scarf Iska:fl seaside I'sl:sardl shirt If3:t! Sit down /'S lt dau nl skirt Isb: tl slow Isloul stone Ist,onl town Itaon! wave Iwervl

Unit 12 band Ibrendl bride Ibraldl brush my hair IbrAI ma l

'heol by my side Ibal mar 'sardl cake Ikelk/ can't wait I ko:nt 'wert! celebration Isell'brelfnl clea n (v) Ikli:nl cube Ikju :bl dance (v) Ido:n sl excited /Jk'saltldl flute Iflu:t! get ready Iget 'redil guests Igestsl invitation ImvI'telInl June Id3u:nl letters I' leto(r)sl make a cake Imerk 0 'kelkl month ImAnOI party Ipo:tr! send Isendl sleep Ish:pl soon Isu:nl Wordli,!


suit (n) Isu:t! summer l'sAmo(r)1 take photos /teIk 'footo osl t hin k 19Irykl tube /tju:bl video (n) I'vId ioul wash the car Iw oS 0, 'kG:I watch (v) Iw otj'1 wedd ing I'wedlul

hen Ihenl honk IhoUkl horse I ho:sl leave I lI:vl loud Ilaudl mum my /mAmi! oth er I'Aoo(r)1 piece Ipesl quiet I'kwal,t!

Unit 13 bi te (v) Ibalt! bring Ibn ryl cheep I tSI:pl cheese 1tj'I:zI cl ip Ikhpl clop Iklopl cluck IklAki cow Ikaul daddy I' dredil donkey l' dDUkLl farm Ifa:ml fast Ifa:st! feet Ilit! fina lly l'fa m,lil friend ly I'frendlil goat Igout! goose Ig u:sl green Ign:nl

scare Iskeol sheep ISi:pl sink (n) Ismkl slow Is loul t ha n loenl three 19n :1 tree Itn:1 trip (n) Itnpl trot I tmtl

rule Iru:1I

run away IrA11


Unit 14 act (v) lrekt! brillia nt I 'bnhont! costume l 'kDstju:ml cub IkAbl cube Ikju:bl dry Idrall d uck I dAki eac h li:tSI


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Š Oxford University Press 2009

The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2009 2013 2012 2011 2 0 i O 10987654



floor Ifh(r)1 fridge Ifncl31 hard wor k Iha:d 'w3 :kl hood I hodl kind Ikamdl memory j'memgri/ naughty l' no:tJl photo I 'f,utoul pip IPIpl pipe Ipalpl play (n) IpleJ! proud I praudl ready I'redi! rubbish l'rA blSI sca ry I'seeoril tap Itrepl tape Itelpl tidy I'taldil tidy up l'taIdI Api untidy IA n'tmdil wet Iwet! wo lf Iwulf/ year Ijlo(r)1

Un it 15 any I'enil bank Ib"'Ukl chi ld Itj'alldl children l' tSrldroni fai rg rou nd I'fe,grau ndl

fie ld I fI:ld l first If3:st! fourth Ifo:91 fresh IfreSI go back 19'0 'brekl heavy I'hevil hurrah l I h,'ra:1 king IkIDI lose Ilu:zl man Im"'nl men Imenl

miss (v) Imlsl move Imu:vl

pink Ipmkl prize I pralzi prize-giving I'praIz gIVIUI race Irelsl real I n:,ll ring InUI round and ro und I'raund :m raundl runner l'rAn;)/ second /'sekondl sink Ismkl some /sAmi swing IswIUI third 18:dl winner /'WIll;)/ woman J'wumgnl women j'wlmml

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