Dec 2013 hagerman valley press

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Hagerman Valley


December 2013 ~One Copy Free ~ Volume 2, No. 12


Bird Festival February 14-16, 2014 During the winter months, Hagerman Valley and surrounding areas play host to tens of thousands of water‐

fowl. In addi�on, bald eagles strike spectacular poses in co�onwood roosts, trumpeter and tundra swans grace‐ fully dot hidden ponds, and there always seems to be a rare bird or two in the area to excite us all. Join us for a weekend of birding fun, educa�on, and camaraderie. Fes�val ac�vi�es will include beginning and advanced bird trips led by experienced birders, interac�ve workshops, youth ac�vi�es, and keynote presenta�ons.

Where: When: Contact: Email: Website: Facebook:

Celebrating the Diversity of Winter Birds

Hagerman, Idaho Date February 14 – 16, 2014 Delores Smith, Festival Coordinator

Registration fee is $50/adult and $25/ child up to 16 years old. Fee includes: Your choices of workshops and eld trips, meals, social and banquet events. (River Boat Birding Trip is an addi�onal fee of $20 per person)

How to register: Go online at; or request a registra�on form by emailing hagermanbirdfes�; or call us at 208‐352‐3175, or write PO Box 503; Hagerman, ID 83301

Photos by Wallace Keck

Hagerman Valley Press

December 2013

Hagerman Valley Press

December 2013

Country Elegance

Volume 2, #12

Evelyn Simon, Editor/Publisher Copyright 2013 Locally owned and operated since 2012


Page 2

Drive Through Window: Coffees and Dairy Products!

The cold temperatures early this month had us outside breaking ice in water troughs, which led us to quickly setting up tank heaters in the various goat and horse pens. The laying hens get a bucket of hot water in the mornings, and they’ll soon have a cozy little heat lamp hanging in the henhouse. I’ve seen what a rooster’s frozen comb looks like, and I don’t want to ‘go there’ again. The twenty-plus Boer does won’t kid until February, which means we may-or may not have to worry about frozen kid ears this winter. The day after Thanksgiving I received a call from a thankful advertiser; Carolyn Bloxham at Bloxham Certified Home here in Hagerman. She wanted to let me know that thanks to her ads in this paper, she has a ‘full house and a waiting list’. The January 2014 Hagerman Valley Press will be mailed to all boxes in the Hagerman and Bliss routes. Ad rates will be higher for this issue to cover the added expense, but we’ve had requests for this service and the value is there. Start thinking now about your January ads and please call or email to reserve a space in our January issue. Here’s wishing one and all a cozy and warm Christmas and holiday season, and a Happy New Year!

The best espresso in town at the best price.

Local wines and foods:

Cold Springs Winery, Snyder Winery, Cloverleaf Dairy, Ballard Cheese, Howling Winds Yak, Simon Boers Goat, Annie’s Lavender and so much more...

Featuring hand-made items by local artisans, antiques, and repurposed items!

Holiday Sip ‘n Shop

Fridays until Christmas: 5-8 pm Wine Sampling & Appetizers featuring Local Products NEW! Indoor Seating with Free Wi-Fi OPEN Monday through Friday 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. OPEN Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Sundays

Congratulations to Hagerman High School senior Kade Kress Kress was named Idaho’s male winner of the Wendy’s High School Heisman award. Kade is on the football team and the basketball team at Hagerman High and he is on the track and field team too.

(208) 837-9055

Call in orders welcome 111 State Street, Hagerman

Coffees proudly made with locally produced Cloverleaf milk! ~Loyalty Cards ~ Pre-paid cards

December Calendar

(208) 837-6116

6: Country Elegance Holiday Sip ‘n Shop 5-8pm 6: First Friday Dinner at the Gooding Basque Center 6-8 pm 6/7: Gooding Holiday Craft Show 7: Annual Craft Show at the Hagerman’s American Legion Hall 7: Pioneer Christmas & 25th Anniversary Celebration at Hagerman Fossil Beds 7: The Art of the Gift - Artists and Authors on the Rim in Twin Falls Art Center 7: Pearl Harbor Day 13: Country Elegance Holiday Sip ‘n Shop 5-8pm 13: Buhl Community Blood Drive 13: SANTA comes to Hagerman City Hall, 4-6pm, Bring cameras. 17: Full Moon 17: Bliss Schools Christmas Concert 18: Hagerman Schools Christmas Concert 20: Country Elegance Holiday Sip ‘n Shop 5-8pm 21: First Day of Winter 24: Christmas Eve 25: Christmas Day 31: New Year’s Eve

We are here to help you with all your real estate needs! In photo, from left:

Mark Bolduc Judy Osborne Suzanne Jensen Cliff Jensen

151 N. State St., Hagerman

FYI: The new website for the Hagerman Valley Chamber of Commerce; is fantastic!

Annual Craft Show at Hagerman Legion Hall Saturday, December 7 9 am to 4 pm Art - Crafts - Jewelry Gifts - Scarves & more Serving lunch: hamburgers, potato bar, beverages, & cookies Hagerman Legion Hall is across from the High School.This event is sponsored by the American Legion Auxilliary. Vendors, please contact Peggy Erwin at 837-4433. Raffle fundraiser- prizes supplied by vendors. Must be present to win. Fundraising efforts go towards go to girls’ state and/or veterans.


In the November 2013 issue of this paper, an article submitted by a reader incorrectly stated that the Gooding Basque Center would be closed for the winter- this is not correct. The Basque Center remains open, and is available to rent for special occasions. The December First Friday dinner is Dec. 6 from 6-8 pm. For more information please call Julie Cortabitarte Gough at (208) 308-5051.


Hagerman Valley Press

Showing Up

December 2013

Page 3

by Christina O’Brien ©2013 The Joy of Rot November, the last fling of autumn, is the perfect month to immerse oneself in rot – or at least the study of it. Gardens are more or less put to bed, most leaves have fallen, and much of the activity of the natural world has shifted to below one’s boots. Even though the landscape may look barren, the soil is teaming with microorganisms breaking down organic matter. Nature may take a thousand years or more to build an inch of topsoil (though I take that oft-quoted statistic with a grain of salt – the rate must vary immensely from flat grass-rich prairie to steep spruce mountainside). Composting takes the same process and speeds it up considerably. It’s possible in southern Idaho in the summer to go from vegetable scraps and grass clippings to finished compost in a month, though things work slower in the winter. Or, if you use the pile-it-and-leave-it method, compost may finish in two or three years. As with many good things in life, the more effort you put in, the quicker the results. A healthy compost pile has the right proportions of ‘ingredients’ (carbon-rich ‘browns’ and nitrogen-rich ‘greens’), the right amount of moisture, and plenty of air spaces to encourage aerobic (oxygen-loving) bacteria and other microscopic decomposers. Done right, the microorganisms will hop to it and in breaking down the pile will generate a lot of heat. A compost pile that’s really cranking can get up to 150 degrees in just a few days. This means that if you want results quickly, you need to pay attention to what you feed your pile, you may need to water it, and you will need to turn it frequently. A couple of years ago, Mike built two compost tumblers from stuff he had lying around. These are supposed to be the most efficient design, as every time you feed one you give it a quick spin, and voila in a month – finished compost. Not. At least not the way we used them. While the full one sat and ‘worked’ all summer, we fed the active one mostly kitchen scraps, didn’t monitor the moisture level in either one, and rarely took the time to spin them. Two weeks ago when I opened the one that had been ‘working’ all summer to spread its lush black finished compost on the garden, I found hard, dry clumps of half-rotted plant residue. Oops. So I dumped it out, dumped the contents from the active pile out, mixed them together with a bunch of leaves, added some chicken manure, and piled everything into one tumbler. This will ‘work’ over winter, as I monitor the moisture and spin it frequently, and theoretically we’ll have real compost next spring. The other tumbler is now the active one. I have a bag of leaves at the ready to mix in every time I add kitchen scraps, and I’m watching its moisture and spinning it every couple of days. Lo and behold - within two days of rebuilding the piles, they were steaming! Now, all I have to do is be diligent all winter. The tumblers are too small to hold all our garden debris and leaves, so I also built a – shall we say rustic – bin out of old pallets and baling twine, and am filling that up with layers of greens and browns as I clean up the garden. This one will probably be a colder pile, as I’m less likely to march out there with a pitchfork and turn it once a week, but it’ll eventually decompose. In addition, we have a worm bin under our kitchen sink, which produces fabulous vermicompost from a handful of coffee grounds, melon rinds, apple cores, etc. once a week. I needed to redo that too, as it had gotten pretty soggy this fall. Last week I extracted about a half bushel of vermicompost and added a gallon or so of shredded newspaper as fresh bedding, and the worms look much happier. All the houseplants look happy too; they’re all set for the winter with a few handsfuls of vermicompost added to their potting soil. Having built up quite a head of steam over the month, I was delighted to nab the last spot in this fall’s Master Composter class run by the county extension service. We’ll get some book-learning, but we’ll also be split into two teams. Each team will build and maintain a compost pile over the winter, and whoever gets finished compost first wins. I can’t wait! Chris is practicing Showing Up from her micro-farm in Boise, and is enjoying showing up in her old Hagerman stomping grounds more often these days.

Buhl Community Blood Drive December 13, 2013 9 am to 3 pm Moose Hall 1101 Main, Buhl

Call Miracle Hot Springs to schedule with Samantha: (208)543-6002


208.308.0554 625 Frogs Landing, Hagerman

8th Street Center for Peace in Buhl, Idaho What a magical time of year! We expect MIRACLES every day around here and if we pay close attention they show up! You are one of them. May this note find you well and moving into the Holiday Season with EASE. So much to celebrate and contemplate during the dark long nights and short days: Tis a season of PEACE and JOY, LOVE and FORGIVENESS, SHARING and CARING and LIGHT! This is what we have to share with you this month: Thursday,Dec. 5th 6:30 pm - GUITAR JAM....with bells, whistles, drums and spoons....come one come all. FREE Tuesday, Dec. 10th - HAPPY HOUR 5-6 pm meet & greet and laughter yoga. FREE Saturday, Dec 14th - Native American DRUM MAKING CLASS with Chuck Greywolf 10:00am - 3:00 pm Space is limited so call today to reserve yours! Call the office, 5435417 0r Chuck 206-245-5033 All materials provided for your very own drum. Cost: $175 Tuesday, Dec 17th, Womens Circle, 6:00pm FREE Friday, Dec 27th, COMMUNITY SUPPER 5-7 pm Serving Beef Stroganoff -Music by Timeless-Pay as you wish or can Thank you and Peaceful Happy Holiday wishes to all!

Come to the Buhl Community Blood drive and donate much-needed blood to the Red Cross. Call Judy Stewart at 543-5238 for details.

Wendell Barber Shop

Walk-in Service

Tuesday through Saturday

Gail Kestle, Barber 208-407-2010 Across from Maverick’s in Wendell 120 W. Main

200 North Eighth, Buhl, Idaho 83316 208-543-5417 email:

Friday, December 27 Community Supper 5-7 pm Music by: Timeless Pay as you wish or can.

Hagerman Valley Press

Getting Fresh in the Kitchen

December 2013

by Jane Deal © 2013 Check out Jane’s blog at and her Facebook page: Plain Jane Cooking

Page 4

Bray Construction

New Construction, Renovate, Repair Jason Bray Licensed Contractor (208) 421-4019 Free estimates

Oh I remember! That was the “Year of the .......

Predicting a title for my Thanksgiving this year seemed pretty farfetched. This was going to be the year we would scale things down a bit for Thanksgiving and a discussion regarding cooking a chicken instead of a turkey occurred. Sandy, my step-mother, mentioned the possibility of staying in our pajamas all day, since it was going to be just the two of us plus Dad. Maybe it would be, “The Pajama-Chicken Party Year”. Alas, I had forgotten the major holiday name-giving rule: Section 1AA.9 of The Holiday Title Rule Book states, “Holidays with any significant independent title can only be identified by title AFTER an incident has occurred during the specific gathering.” Pajamas turned out to be of minor importance when this year’s Thanksgiving came to a close. My father vetoed the proposed chicken idea and our day started off as usual. Sandy was busy making her wonderful jalapeno cranberry sauce. It’s made with fresh cranberries, jalapeno peppers and oranges. It’s always very refreshing and stands up to the richness of the other dishes. I started to work on the dressing so we could stuff the turkey. I persuaded my dad to get our bird in the oven early. He had been working on his “turkey skin treatments”. He sets the turkey out ahead of time and places an electric fan in front of it to dry out the skin. This is his turkey version of “Peking Duck”. The skin is always crunchy and delicious and I have a very hard time keeping my hands off it, hence.... the reason I pushed for an earlier oven entrance. We were about half way through the cooking process with our bird when we decided to baste him for the third time. My dad was having a hard time filling up the turkey baster with enough juice to cover the top of the turkey. So I, Daddy’s little helper, grabbed the baster and filled it to the top with hot drippings from the roasting pan. I pressed on the end and all the boiling juices shot past the pan and directly on to my father’s arm. Things seemed to go into slow motion at that point. I think the word, “Noooooooo!” came out of my mouth as I watched my father’s eyes get bigger and bigger and then a scream came out of as the juices finally hit his skin. We ran to the sink and started running cold water on his arm as we both yelled.... continuing somehow in slow motion. Dad did receive a burn but was kind enough to laugh and re-enact the altercation several times with me that day. We now officially proclaim Thanksgiving 2013 as “The Year Dad was Basted”. Turkey incidents and accidents seemed to be a common occurrence when I talked with friends and family. Alex’s aunt had placed the turkey in the sink and turned her back on it for a moment. Unfortunately, the garbage disposal decided to back-up while the dishwasher was running. She turned around to see her turkey sitting in a sink full of dirty water and food particles, and so that holiday was named “The Year of the Side Dishes”. Stacie told me about her Thanksgiving protest one year when her husband and sons decided to cook the turkey outside. Her family members were present for the interview and seemed to become slightly pale and very chagrined when she described “The Year of the Deep-Fried Turkey”. Stacie threatened to invent a baked turkey candle if her family ever tried this again. I hope your Thanksgiving day was a memorable one but maybe not so memorable it deserved a title of it’s own. Let’s see how Christmas goes....Happy Holidays to all of you and I wish you a Happy New Year!

Join the Discussion: Local Meat Producers Cooperative Efforts are underway to explore possibilities for forming a local meat producers cooperative in our area with a USDA processing facility, and possibly a USDA mobile slaughter unit. A recent workshop in Shoshone, put together by Juliz Oxarango-Ingram, Director of Southern Idaho Rural Development, brought together speakers and several area meat producers (beef, pork, goat, lamb, poultry). Future meetings will also discuss funding opportunities, marketing strategies, best practices, and opportunities to increase revenues. A local USDA plant would enable locally grown meat to be sold by the cut in markets, at restaurants, and from the farm. Currently the only USDA facilities for local ranchers to use are in Nampa and Blackfoot, Idaho, which increases production expenses with added mileage, time, and livestock hauling. One speaker talked about a cooperative in Washington state, and this is from their website: “The CPoW Livestock Processors Cooperative Association is a USDA inspected meat processing facility that is owned by cattle, hog, sheep and goat producers. Local livestock, make healthy meats!” Their co-op has 56 producers. The plant is located in Odessa, Washington. More information about the plant can be found on their Facebook page: Contact Julia at (208)309-3090 or to join the discussion among local meat producers. The next meeting may be held in Hagerman.

FREE home delivery daily to Hagerman!


Just call us to transfer your prescriptions; it is easy and hassle free, and we’ll take care of the rest. Online prescription refills: Compounding services too Located inside Simerly’s @ 280 So. Idaho, Wendell

G&H Ace Hardware Christmas Trees

Fresh cut trees: 4 ft. to 8 ft. Holiday Decorations - Gift Wrap & Ribbon - Christmas Lights


8-5 Mon.-Fri. 8-2 Saturdays 310 South State, Hagerman

Mail Bag Hagerman is a very giving community. Working through Helping Hearts and Hands we will be delivering food baskets to 60+ families in Hagerman. If you would like to help with a donation you can get me a check made out to Helping Hearts and Hands or cash can be dropped off at my office by December 9th. We will be putting the boxes together on Saturday,December 21st at 9:00am at the Valley Baptist Church. We would LOVE your help. Judy Osborne, REALTOR® 1000 Springs Realty, Hagerman (208) 837-6116

Call Automotive Free Winter Checkup

and 10% off any service and repair with this coupon. (Coupon good in December only)


901 Rocky Road, Hagerman U-Haul Dealer

Hagerman Valley Press

December 2013

Page 5

Celebrate a Pioneer Christmas and Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument’s 25th Anniversary Saturday, December 7, 2013 Join us on Saturday, December 7 in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Hagerman Fossil Beds NM, the renovation of our Discovery Center, and a “Pioneer Christmas.” On November 18, 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the legislation creating the national monument. The celebration on December 7 will be the first of 25 different activities to commemorate the paleontological, geological, and Oregon Trail projects since the park’s inception. Coming events include the February Hagerman Bird Festival, renovation of the Snake River Overlook, development of a new coloring book, an artist festival, and lectures. A complete list of the 25 activities will be available in January. Come in and see the changes in our hands-on Discovery Center: a larger selection of animal skins; owl pellets; a reading corner; and additional fossil casts. Boys and girls can try on clothing similar to what kids wore when traveling the Oregon Trail. Visitors can also play games that were popular along the Oregon Trail and throughout the country during the middle of the eighteenth century: buzz saw; ball and cup; jacks; marbles; Jacob’s ladder; and graces. Pioneer craft activities will also be available. You can end your visit with a piece of anniversary cake. For further information contact Carol Ash at 208-933-4125 or or contact the park at 208-933-4127.

Snake River Grill

837-6227 Make Your Holiday Reservations Now! Open 7 am to 9 pm Daily Closed 2 pm Mondays

Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner Frog’s Landing, Hagerman

SEED SCHOOL in BUHL, IDAHO The seed school held at Onsen Farm between Hagerman and Buhl in early November drew interested gardeners and farmers from several states (Montana, Vermont, Minnesota, California, Utah, and Arizona), and Canada too. James and Leslee Reed hosted the week long event for about thirty people at their farm, through the non-profit organization that promotes seed conservation Native Seeds. Students learned how to harvest, clean, prepare for storage and care for seed from a variety of vegetables and greens. One goal was to learn to create their own seed solution model. One instructor demonstrated a small mechanical seed cleaning device, and another showed how to clean the chaff and debris from seeds using a series of hand held shaker trays. About Onsen Farm: Onsen Farm is located in southern Idaho on the Snake river in the beautiful Hagerman Valley, which is renowned for it’s abundant spring water and geothermal resources. With artesian 130 degree water and 58 degree spring water, Onsen Farm’s mission and vision is to create a permaculture based way of living using sustainable and ethical practices to raise healthy food for healthy people. Onsen is now in it’s 5th year of production raising fresh greens and vegetables in 7,000 sq. ft of greenhouses heated with geothermal water. Our hope is to provide winter greens to our local community along with hosting a variety of workshops focused on sustainable agricultural principles.

Hagerman High School Football Team - photo by Mark Kress Hagerman High School Sports Calendar December 2013 Dec. 4th – JV/V BB v Castleford – 6:00pm Dec. 5th – JV/V GB @ Lighthouse – 6:00pm Dec. 6th – JV/V BB/GB @ Carey – 4:30pm Dec. 9th – JH GB @ Raft River – 4:00pm Dec. 10th – JV/V GB v Valley – 6:00pm Dec. 11th – JV/V GB v Castleford – 6:00pm Dec. 12th – JH GB TOURNAMENT @ Hansen Dec. 12th – JV/V BB @ Shoshone – 6:00pm Dec. 17th – JV/V BB/GB @ Raft River – 4:30pm Dec. 19th – JV/V BB/GB v Glenns Ferry – 4:30pm Dec. 20th – JV/V BB v Wendell – 6:00pm Hagerman School District Dates to Remember: DEC 18 - CHRISTMAS CONCERT DEC 23-JAN 3 - WINTER BREAK JAN 6 - SCHOOL RESUMES

Simerly’s Sporting Goods (208) 536-6641 Holiday Sale! Crossman 760 B Air Rifle $24.95 Explorer Triple Burner Stove $129 Two Burner Stove $79 Zero Gravity Lounge Chair $34.95 Big Chief Smoker $86 Nikon Action Binocular 10x50 $79.95 Two Burner Propane Stove $39 50% OFF: Lacrosse Insulated 2 Buckle Boots 50% OFF: ZXT Guardsman Boots Plano Gun Cases: SE Single Rifle Case $14.95 SE Double Scoped Rifle Case $24.95 Heater Buddy $69.95

280 South Idaho Street, Wendell

Hagerman Valley Press

December 2013

Hagerman Public Library Charlotte Rosen, Director The Hagerman Public Library has had a very busy month cataloging all the new books we have received. The Libra grant brought us 62 new youth and children books, my contact with the Library-to-Library foundation netted us another 20 new up to date youth and children books. We also received a large donation of mixed books from the employees of the Caldwell Hospital. I have also received word they have two more boxes for me to pick up. On my recent attendance to a conference in Nampa, I was privileged to have dinner with some great authors and a company out of Meridian, who listened to my plea for help and they just sent us a check for $400. At this month’s City Council meeting, I received approval to send the paperback books, now in storage, that have been removed from circulation at our library, to our service men and women overseas. I did this year’s ago, for the troops, when my daughter was stationed all over the world. At that time we had what we called “adopt a box of books” whereas, people could adopted a box of books, put in a personal note, if they wanted to, and pay the postage to send them. Volunteers and I do all the work of getting the books ready and sent. The price of adopting a box is $15 each and sends an average of 25 books. If you would care to help bring some enjoyment to our service members, please make your cash donation at the library, city hall or send us a check, made out to USPS, at P O Box 330 Hagerman Idaho 83332-0330. I do so want to thank all of our patrons who have donated books, who have volunteered to help and to all of you who keep coming in and checking out books. It is your library and we are here to serve you. Because of this great community support, we will be starting a Saturday morning children-reading program, after Christmas. What I am now putting together is at 11 a.m. on each Saturday, were we will have a special book reading and crafts, plus other activities each week for the youngsters for our area. Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns, ideas, suggestions, or book requests. I can only help you if I know what it is you want. On this note, I want to wish you and yours the very best this holiday season. Be safe, be healthy and remember others.

Hansing Farrier Service Professional Horseshoeing 308-5629 or 326-3327

Lincoln County Chamber to Hold 2nd Annual Lincoln County Festival of Trees December 7 11 a.m. The Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 2nd Annual Lincoln County Festival of Trees on December 7th. The Festival will begin at 11:00am with viewing of the trees inside of the Lincoln County Community Center. There will be appetizers and drinks available throughout the day. A live auction will be held starting at 6:00pm. All donated trees will be auctioned off during the evening. All money raised from the auction goes to the Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund. In the Spring of 2013 the Chamber awarded $500.00 in scholarships to one senior from Dietrich and Shoshone High Schools. The goal of the Chamber is to be able to give out at least one scholarship to each school in Lincoln County. The Chamber is excited to be able to host an event like this and be able to help support higher education endeavors to those in Lincoln County. There is still time to be able to donate a tree or silent auction item. To participate in the Festival of Trees call Salli Hubbs at 316-1003 or the Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce at 886-9811.


Eric Thomas, DDS Monday & Wednesday Steve Dixon, DDS Thursday se habla espanol

620 Frogs Landing, Hagerman

Page 6

DIRTY WORKS Carpet Cleaning

324.7352 734.7352 Canned Food Drive Continues Through December 13th The Hagerman High School canned food drive begins on Monday, Nov. 18th and concludes on Friday, December 13th and will be a class contest. Students will be collecting non-perishable food items to help out local food banks. These foods go right back into our own community. If you don’t have a student in our school and would like to donate, please contact Mrs. Jayo at the high school at 837-4572, or you may drop off your items at the school’s office. Thank you!

Faulkner Planetarium Gala Grand Opening by Evelyn Simon My husband and I enjoyed the gala grand reopening at the newly remodeled Faulkner Planetarium at the College of Southern Idaho’s Herrett Center for Arts and Science last month. Fabulous finger food (little yellow and red roasted peppers, Chicken Satay, a heavenly pastry Brie tartlet) was followed by introductions and a few lifetime pass awards to College of Southern Idaho staff, and then we were treated to a couple of lively and entertaining, and educational shows, ‘Sea Monsters’ and our ‘Violent Universe’. Comfy seats lean back for easy ceiling viewing, and it is truly a unique experience – we felt as if we were under the sea during the first show and then out in space in the second show. This is good fun for the entire family! The evening finished with a viewing of the night sky from dawn to dusk – an entire 360 degree view. Included among the many constellations and planets we saw were Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and the Andromeda Galaxy. Check out the current show schedule at and take the entire family for a fun filled and educational evening.


(208) 543-8229

Open 8-5 M–F 119 S. Broadway, Buhl

O ffice S upplies Printer Inks & Toners S chool S upplies P rinting Don’t drive any further! All your COPY & PRINTING & OFFICE SUPPLIES are right here in Buhl! (Special orders available too)

“Chance favors the prepared mind.”

Louis Pasteur

Hagerman Valley Press

December 2013


of Southern Idaho NORTH SIDE CENTER 202 14th Ave. East, in Gooding, ID 83330

Hagerman Valley


aAdvertising aSubscriptions aMailers aDesktop Publishing aAd Design

Winter isn’t officially here yet, but at the North Side Center, registration for Spring 2014 credit courses is already in progress. As you can see below, we’ve got lots of classes from which to choose.

Same day appointments available! Please call 536-9933 to schedule.

Cultural Anthropology Studio Ceramics Ceramics 1 Ceramics 2 Fundamentals of Oral Communications Principles of Macroeconomics Basic English and Writing Developmental Composition English Composition 2 Introduction to Literature Western Civilization 2 Prealgebra

(208) 837-6523

The Lost N Lava Committee invites you to the 3rd Annual Lost N Lava Community Christmas Potluck on December 6th, at 6:30pm held at the Lincoln County Community Center (201 South Beverly, Shoshone, Idaho). This year Lost N Lava Christmas Committee has been working hard to bring a great program for the family to enjoy with great Cowboy Music and Poetry. There will also a review of the 2013 gathering and all the activities that are being planned for the 2014 gathering. This year at the Christmas Potluck there will be entertainment by Cowboy Singer David Anderson from Roy Utah. David has been a regular performer to the Lost N Lava Cowboy Gathering that is held in September. Also Bryan Dilworth an excellent Cowboy Poet from Bellevue, Idaho will be reciting cowboy poetry during the event. Bryan is one of the many volunteers of Lost N Lava was well he is the Entertainment Chair for the group. Lost N Lava Cowboy Gathering is an allvolunteer organization that hosts a Cowboy Gathering on the 3rd weekend in September. All volunteers work very hard to bring you a quality event for the entire family to enjoy. Bring your favorite side dish and come for a great evening of music, entertainment and some wonderful food. Call (208) 8867787, or find up to date information on our Facebook Page.

The Art of the Gift: Authors and Artists on the Rim The Magic Valley Arts Council and the Full Moon Gallery artists invite you to join them for a special event on Saturday, December 7, 10 – 4 at the Twin Falls Art Center at 195 River Vista Place located on the canyon rim next to the Elevation 486 Restaurant. Meet the authors and artists and find that perfect, unique gift - everything from autographed books to locally-created jewelry, cards, pottery, metal sculpture, painting, and photography. Roy Mason, well-known watercolor artist, will be painting in the lobby and Hagerman author, Janice Urie, will be autographing her nonfiction book, More Than Tears; Lifting the Burden of Grief.

CSI Breakfast With Santa

The College of Southern Idaho Program Board will host its annual Breakfast With Santa from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 14 in the CSI Student Union building. Families with children of all ages from throughout the community are welcome to attend at no charge. Breakfast will be provided by Aramark, the food service at CSI. Kids will get balloon animals, coloring books, and pictures with Santa.

Bliss School District Calendar 3: High School (HS) Basketball (BB), away, at ISDB, 5 pm 4: Junior High (JH) Basketball, away, at Camas, 2 pm 5: HS BB, home game, vs. TFC, 6 pm 9: School Board meeting, 7:30 pm 11: JH BB, home game, vs. Carey, 2 pm 14: ACT testing 17: HS BB, away, Camas 6 pm 17: Winter Concert 18: JH BB, home game, vs Dietrich 2 pm

GOODING HOLIDAY EVENTS Dec. 6—18th Annual Gooding Holiday Craft Show at the Gooding High School from 10 am—6 pm. Sponsored by Gooding Chamber of Commerce to help Helping Hearts and Hands. Santa from 10-3. Bring canned food and coats. Dec. 7—18th Annual Gooding Holiday Craft Show at the Gooding High School from 10 am—4 pm. Sponsored by Gooding Chamber of Commerce to help Helping Hearts and Hands. Santa from 10-3. Bring canned food and coats. Dec. 13 & 14—Christmas Cantata by the Gooding Community Chorale at the Walker Center at 7 pm. Directed by Rick Strickland. Call 208-539-5210. Dec. 14—Gooding Chamber of Commerce Holiday Kickoff on Main Street from 1-4 pm. Visit Santa, have lunch, get your face painted, also planned wagon rides. Dec. 15—Christmas Cantata by the Gooding Community Chorale at the Walker Center 4 pm. Directed by Rick Strickland. Call 208-539-5210. Dec. 22—God Squad Puppet Show at Gooding First Christian Church. Annual Christmas show “More Than a Story”. First performance is 3 pm—4:30 pm. Second performance is 6 pm—7:30 pm.

Hagerman Natural Foods Holds Vegan Nutrition Class 480 S. State St., Hagerman, ID (208)837-9966

Dec 9 & 10 - Vegan Nutrition: Becoming a vegetarian/vegan is much more than just leaving off meat and dairy. In this class we will share info and practical ways to change a “standard American diet” into a healthier, more sustainable one. We’ll also explore why the change will benefit not just your own health, but also the well-being of those around you. The first evening will include a short presentation and a round table discussion, while the second evening will give an opportunity for participants to get their “hands in the dough” with practical demonstrations and recipe preparation. All classes are from 6-9p.m. You can register for these classes by contacting the Community Education department at the College of Southern Idaho.

Group Classes Private Lessons Board & Train Grooming

Beginning Algebra Intermediate Algebra Math in Modern Society College Algebra Brief Calculus General Psychology Basic Reading Building College Vocabulary Reading Development College Study Methods Theatre Appreciation Over 60 and Getting Fit

You may register for classes online at any time or from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at the North Side Center. Please note that CSI will be closed Monday, December 23rd through January 1st, 2014, for the holiday break. The Spring 2014 semester starts Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014. CSI is closed on Monday, Jan. 20 in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Tuition is due no later than Friday, Jan. 24, 2014. For more information, go to, or contact us by calling 934-8678 or e-mailing us at

Lost N Lava to Host 3rd Annual Community Christmas Potluck December 6 6:30 pm

Vicki Brook

Page 7

(208) 316-9239 Reasonable Rates


Hagerman Valley Press

December 2013

Demaray Funeral Service At three locations: Gooding Chapel - Wendell Chapel - Shoshone Chapel Serving all faiths with personalized, caring service

Back Page

AUCTIONS and APPRAISALS Certified ASAA Appraiser

Farm Equipment -Livestock - Equine Appraisals

Real Estate Auctions

Complete Funeral Service - Cremation Service Pre-arrangements - Grave Markers TRUSTED IN THE COMMUNITY Main Office 737 Main Street Gooding, Idaho 83330


Patching-Mending-Hemming Replacing Broken Zippers

Call Kathy in Hagerman: 837-6267 Open daily.

Joe Bennett 37 Years Professional Experience

(208) 837-6523 or 539-0111 Poetry Corner Winter White Noise by Gail Kestle Winter brings a quieting a time to listen slowly observe the world- a brand new stage presented for you solely

A lone bird sings a song for you while perched amid perfection

GREAT GIFT IDEA! Secrets of the Magic Valley & Hagerman’s Horse Only $10 (plus sales tax) at Call Automotive 837-4466 Proceeds help fund community projects through Hagerman IDEA, a non-profit organization.

beauty sees what beauty does it is your own reflection

Late Snow by Gail Kestle

You breathe delight- you see it come clap muffled acclamation feel the reigning of a king- no less connecting you to nation

Footfalls sound a sightful crunch showing shape and forming

While hiking at the Vardis Fisher property in Hagerman in late November, we came across this unusual pair. David Tupper was learning how to scuba dive, courtesy of his friend Karl. As we walked by, we heard David commenting (in a voice that sounded slightly concerned) about the cold water creeping into his suit...from the bottom up. -Ed. Hagerman Valley Senior Center 140 Lake St., Hagerman (208) 837-6120 Open Monday, Wed. & Fri. Lunch served at noon. $5 lunch donation for members, $6 for visitors. For Sale: Team of Norwegian Fjord mares, 16 years old. Ride - Drive - Pack - Parades. Beautiful draft mares, stout, easy keepers. Wagon included. Private treaty. (208) 837 6523 Hagerman Historical Society The Hagerman Historical Society welcomes new members. The museum is located at the SW corner of State Street (US Hwy 30) and Main Street in downtown Hagerman, Idaho. Check them out for holiday gifts, too. Call for hours: (208)837-6288

THREE BEDROOM HOME in Gooding For Sale: Older Gooding home for sale on Michigan Street in nice neighborhood. Three plus bedrooms, office and laundry room. One bathroom. Gas heat, city utilities. Very well insulated, elec. stove, refer, storage shed, big trees, parking. $55,000 Clover Creek Realty (208) 944-0400

Horse Boarding

Pastures - Corrals - Turn Out - Senior Care Acres of pasture. Grass/alfalfa hay Experienced & Caring References Available (208) 837-6523 Hagerman, Idaho Reserve a spot for winter pasture today.

patterns of non-permanence

The snow came late this year not only to claim the attention which rightfully belongs but to remind it will always do what it does

adjust to your performing

Hagerman Valley Press LLC

Subscriptions: $30 per year (includes sales tax) Send a check to: Hagerman Valley Press LLC 882 E 2830 South, Hagerman, ID 83332 208-837-6523 Name: ___________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________ _________________________________________________ Start month: ____________Phone: _____________________

Hagerman Valley


(208) 837- 6523 Copyright 2013 All rights reserved. Published by Hagerman Valley Press LLC Member of Hagerman Valley Chamber of Commerce No part of this publication may be reproduced without publisher’s permission. Subscriptions mailed First Class, U.S., $30 per year. Call or email for ad rates. The publication of any advertisements or articles in this newspaper is not an endorsement of the writers, advertisers, or of the services or products mentioned. Letters to the Editor may be sent to or Hagerman Valley Press, 882E 2830 S, Hagerman, ID 83332. Letters must be written and signed by the author. If space is limited, we reserve the right to edit. Please include full name, address, and phone number for verification. Publisher reserves the right to print, and inappropriate material will be rejected. No materials will be returned unless provided with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. For a free copy of this paper, visit any of these establishments or contact the Hagerman Valley Press: Hagerman: Ace Hardware, Billingsley Creek Lodge, 1000 Springs Realty, Thousand Springs Winery, Thousand Springs Resort, Sawtooth Dental, Associates in Family Practice, Chevron, Shell, Hagerman Library & more. Bliss: Ziggy’s, Stinker Station, Oxbow Cafe. Buhl: Miracle Hot Springs, Avid Sportsman, Buhl Chamber, Buhl Library, Clarity Eyecare, and more. Gooding: Ace Hardware, Cook’s, Gooding Lumber, Gem Vet Clinic, Franklin Lumber, and more. Wendell: Wendell Pharmacy, Valley Country Store, Simerley’s, Farm Hand Restaurant; Shoshone: Ace Hardware, Shell, and more. We’re growing!

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