Dubai Audio Newsletter

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Don’t play what’s there – play what’s not there. Miles Davis Transform your hi-fi with the new Linn digital stream products. LINN is bringing the future of music to more audiophiles around the world with the launch of its latest digital streaming source, DS. DS is the world’s most flexible high

Avielo by Projection Design

A new leader in high performance home cinema.

performance system, to previously unattainable levels: » Authentic audiophile performance

Fredrikstad, Norway, 7 May 2008 - Lifting

“At the same time, standards of interior

from digital music over a standard

the wraps off the all-new range of high-end

design are also rising very fast. It is not

home network

home cinema video projectors, the avielo

enough merely to offer the very latest tech-

» Format independent with open

series comprises five different models. They

nology – you have to package it in a way

interfaces for streaming and con-

are introduced by Norwegian projector

that suits the aesthetics of the living space,

trol of music

manufacturer, projectiondesign, and use

and complements the end customer’s life-

Texas Instruments DLP® technology for


enthuse all music lovers who seek

the ultimate in image quality and resolu-

The first three models to be released

authentic, audiophile-quality music,

tion. The projectors in the avielo series are

are the avielo prisma, spectra, and optix.

digitally streamed via a standard net-

superbly styled and packaged, continuing

All models were first shown at High End

work connection.

projectiondesign’s tradition for top-level

in Munich, Germany during April and they

DS is format independent and uses

industrial design.

are based on the philosophy of providing

open interfaces for digital streaming

“Customer expectations in the high-end

the best possible image quality and user

and control of music over the network.

home cinema segment are sharper than

experience at their respective price levels.

DS also integrates seamlessly with

ever,” comments Anders Løkke, Internation-

All feature projectiondesign’s exclusive

other Linn components for complete

al Marketing & Communications Manager.

RealColor colour management suite, Texas

control of the entire system through a

“The HD revolution has changed the way

Instruments DLP technology, full 10-bit

wireless touch panel, PC, laptop or IR

consumers perceive TV and movie content,

video processing, and proprietary designed

handset. LINN has always confounded

and people will no longer settle for second

custom optics. Each projector is hand-built

industry perceptions, starting more than


and uniquely characterised and calibrated.

35 years ago.

These breakthrough products will

Shk. Zayed Rd. P.O. Box 32836 +971 4 3431441 TEL


Connect. Stream. Listen. The future of radio begins now.

Boston, MA – When Tivoli Audio CEO Tom

Tivoli Audio-quality sound as a stand-alone

function and design with the ability to deliver

DeVesto and his team of engineers set out

unit, but can be expanded with a stereo

the world of radio broadcasts to home radio

to create the next generation of home audio,

speaker, CD player, or subwoofer. And the

listeners, offering audio networking that

they began with a simple question: What

NetWorks radio builds upon Tivoli Audio’s

sounds as good as it looks.”

would the ideal radio do? The new Tivoli

reputation as a design leader, offering

Accessing AM and FM stations via a

Audio NetWorks radio is the answer to that

a choice of furniture-quality hardwood

Wi-Fi or Ethernet broadband connection,

question. Taking advantage of broadcasting

cabinets. The result is an elegantly simple,

NetWorks connects to thousands of free

over the Internet, NetWorks delivers crystal-

beautifully designed, yet technologically-

radio stations worldwide. It easily searches

clear reception of any radio station, near or

advanced NetWorks that points to the

for stations by country, genre, or a station’s

far, with no need for a computer. NetWorks

future of home audio entertainment.

call letters. It is also one of the first audio

allows listeners to tune in to Italian Opera

“It has been our goal to continually bring

products to be user-upgradeable, so your

from Milan, rock music from New York

the most innovative radios to market with

advanced radio can keep pace with rapidly

City, or any specialty, niche radio station

the quality and high performance that our

changing technology. NetWorks comes

from any location in the world in its native

customers have come to expect from Tivoli

with five pre-sets, but through its exclusive

language, and in real time. It also allows

Audio,” says Tivoli Audio Chairman and

Global Portal can add an unlimited number

access to music stored on PCs from any

CEO Tom DeVesto. “The greatest challenge

of Internet stations that are stored to

room in the house through a wireless or

in designing the NetWorks Global radio

a “Favorites” list. These would include

Ethernet connection. NetWorks features

was in making it simple to use. It combines

continued on page 3 >>

Shk. Zayed Rd. P.O. Box 32836 +971 4 3431441 TEL

VARIETY Loewe “Connect”

Welcome to the age of networked entertainment Loewe Connect Now Available in the Middle East

Tivoli Audio Cont. many HD Multi-cast and DAB stations, previously only available from expensive HD or dedicated DAB receivers. NetWorks is available with or without a digital FM tuner with RDS (where available) to provide continual service when Internet service is unavailable. NetWorks even has the ability to stream music files from a computer via an Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection. NetWorks is compatible with most of today’s popular music formats, including MP3, WMA, and Real Audio. Also included is a USB input to connect a compatible MP3 player or memory stick.

The variety of multimedia applications is in-

from an MP3 player, gaming fun from a

Additional features include a virtual analog

creasing all the time. In the future, the tele-

games console or a cinema treat from an

clock, dual independent alarms with sleep

vision set will be the multimedia focal point

external HD-DVD or Blu-ray player: the new

timer and snooze function, compact remote

in the living room. Loewe is therefore fur-

“Connect” line of LCD TV sets from Loewe

control, and easy-to-read four-line by 16

ther developing the TV into an intelligent,

heralds a new era in digital entertainment.

character back-lighted display.

networked media centre, placing it at the

It enables the perfect, simple connection of

NetWorks employs a full-range 3.5”

core of a multimedia universe. The result of

all kinds of different media.

magnetically shielded driver capable of high

With Loewe Connect, the company wants

quality audio reproduction. For true stereo

Connect features not only a modern de-

to appeal even more to modern, tech-savvy

sound, NetWorks provides a right channel

sign, aimed at younger buyers, but opens

buyers, who express their attitude to life

output for the matching NetWorks Speaker,

up completely new doors in terms of con-

through design as well as function. Today,

sold separately. A matching CD player and

nectivity to mobile devices such as digital

this target group wants to make life as

subwoofer are available. NetWorks system

cameras or MP3 players and even PC net-

comfortable as possible through the mul-

includes stereo headphone, record and

works. What’s more, thanks to the integrat-

timedia use of mobile devices and/or local

subwoofer outputs, and auxiliary and mixing

ed Network Media Player, the new “Con-


inputs for use with other audio equipment

this is “Loewe Connect”.

nect Media” devices can have direct access

That’s why Loewe Connect has an easily-

to photos, images and videos on a PC or

accessible USB interface for conveniently

“In keeping with Tivoli Audio’s design

network storage device – all in high-defini-

connecting USB memory sticks, multi-card-

philosophy, NetWorks is very easy to use

tion picture and sound quality through the

readers, external hard drives or digital

– simply access the internet and start

integrated HDTV receiver.

cameras. An integrated PhotoViewer en-

listening. You don’t have to be a computer

Photos from a digital camera or mobile

ables users to present digital JPEG photos

expert or even need a computer to operate

phone, videos from a camcorder, music

as a slide show – in full HDTV splendour.

it,” adds Mr. DeVesto.

or a computer.

Shk. Zayed Rd. P.O. Box 32836 +971 4 3431441 TEL


GENEVA: Simplicity. Re-Engineered iPod Generation Transforms Home Design Stunningly-finished cabinet delivers studio quality sound in one simple piece With the release of the Geneva™ Sound System the iPod Generation transforms HiFi and home décor with a polished wooden box containing the graceful power of digital audio as used by Grammy artists and Oscar winning professionals. Slip an iPod into the piano-lacquered wood cabinet. Then grip the remote control and be prepare to be blown back as Geneva™ Sound System produces up to 600 watts of astonishing stereo sound. It fills the home with a sonic clarity found only in the mixing rooms of recording studios. The Geneva™ Sound System plays iPod brilliantly and has a built in slot-loading CD and a FM radio with digital tuner presets. It also connects to all regular audio sources like other MP3 players, vinyl, TV or any other audio with line-out. It’s available in three colors: White, Black & Geneva Red. It comes in three sizes, M, L & XL. The M is a 8 inch solid cabinet. The L is a 12 inch solid cabinet with subtle low ends that rise up to 100 watts of high-end digital stereo. The XL is 24 inches of pure visual style, but it’s also a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

speaker hi-fi systems.

a single unit that fit’s into a contemporary

It embraces the listener at low volumes or

“The iPod generation wants music at

home by cutting the clutter of components,

it can power a party by unleashing it’s full

home to be as simple, powerful, elegant as

speakers and cables. On the outside it’s

600 watts of stereo. Unlike plastic desktop

the iPod,” says Jan-Erik Lundberg, founder

high-end home furniture; while on the in-

peripherals for the iPod; Geneva Sound for

of Geneva Lab ( ). “

side it’s the latest all-digital electronics. It

iPod delivers mind-blowing sound more ac-

As the iPod puts all your music into one el-

for the person who likes results without the

curately than high end separates or multi-

egant little device, we transform stereo into


Shk. Zayed Rd. P.O. Box 32836 +971 4 3431441 TEL

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