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MANAGEMENT 3 視野無界,心智無限 Open Your Eyes, Stretch Your Mind 為特殊類書籍 ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價 管理學原理 principles of management 9789869781527 余坤東 管理學 (Robbins/ Management 14e) 14 2020 800 9789576099694 林孟彥 管理學 (Robbins/ Management 12e) 12 2015 780 9789860674415 吳學良 現代管理學 (Robbins/ Fundamentals of Management 11e) 11 2021 740 9789576099908 吳學良 現代管理學 (Robbins/ Fundamentals of Management 9e) 9 2016 720 出版中 吳錦錩 管理學 (Jones/ Essentials of Contemporary Management 10e) 10 2024 未定 9789863414056 吳錦錩 管理學 (Jones/ Essentials of Contemporary Management 8e) 8 2019 680 9789574395835 林建煌 管理學 7 2022 720 9789574395842 林建煌 管理學概論 6 2022 620 9789869362917 黃恆獎 管理學:基礎實務與個案解析 3 2017 640 9789576098437 黃恆獎 管理學概論 2 2012 620 9789576097812 黃恆獎 管理學 2 2010 740 9789861578811 榮泰生 管理學 (Kinicki/ Management: A Practical Introduction 6e) 6 2013 680 9781260570977 Bateman Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World 14 2021 1320 9781266802942 Jones Contemporary Management (2024 Release) 13 2025 1680 9781266272110 Jones Essentials of Contemporary Management 10 2024 1580 9781292340883 Robbins Management 15 2021 1980 9781292307329 Robbins Fundamentals of Management 11 2020 1320 企業概論  introduction to business 9789574399536 林建煌 企業概論 6 2022 560 9789576096778 洪子豪 企業概論:經營理念與實務運作 2 2009 620 9789863415022 鄧旭茹 企業管理 (Nickels/ Understanding Business 13e) 13 2023 590 9789863412915 陳智凱 企業概論 (Nickels/ Understanding Business 11e) 11 2017 540 9789869475792 鄭仁偉 企業概論 (Ebert/ Business Essentials 11e) 11 2017 720 9781292426938 Ebert Business Essentials 13 2023 1400 9781292152240 Ebert Business Essentials 11 2017 1320 9781260565805 Ferrell Business Foundations: A Changing World 12 2020 1280 9781266813016 Nickels Understanding Business (2024 Release) 14 2025 1680 9789814834414 Pride Business with MindTap 1 2019 1340 9781292218199 Solomon Better Business 5 2018 1320 9781292099538 Solomon Better Business 4 2016 1320 組織行為/組織理論/組織發展 organizational behavior / organization theory / organization development 9789869603133 黃家齊 組織行為學精華版 (Robbins/ Organizational Behavior 17e) 17 2018 760 9789869475761 黃家齊 組織行為學 (Robbins/ Organizational Behavior 17e) 17 2017 860 9789576099854 鄭伯壎 組織行為研究在臺灣四十年:深化與展望 1 2015 880 9789865632595 李再長 組織理論與設計 (Daft/ Organization Theory & Design 12e) 12 2016 780 9786269646869 溫金豐 組織理論與管理 6 2023 880 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
MANAGEMENT 4 定價若有異動,均以本公司實際報價為準 華泰網路書店 eShop https://eshop.hwatai.com.tw/ ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價 9789869687171 溫金豐 組織理論與管理 5 2019 860 9789576099601 溫金豐 組織理論與管理 4 2016 800 9789865840938 陳以亨 組織發展與變革 (Cummings/ Organization Development & Change 10e) 10 2016 820 9781265049409 Colquitt Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace 8 2023 1680 9781260570656 McShane Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge, Global Reality 9 2021 1280 9781260092318 McShane M: Organizational Behavior 4 2019 1060 9781259254420 Newstrom Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work 14 2015 1080 9781292450025 Robbins Organizational Behavior 19 2023 1500 9789814922791 Daft Organization Theory and Design 13 2021 1400 9781285866345 Daft Organization Theory and Design 12 2016 精1380 9781285870274 Shafritz Classics of Organization Theory 8 2016 1480 9789814834698 Cummings Organization Development and Change with MindTap 11 2019 1450 人力資源管理 human resource management 9786269513536 方世榮 現代人力資源管理 (Dessler/ Human Resource Management 16e) 16 2021 780 9789863414940 王精文 人力資源管理:全球經驗本土實踐 (Noe/ Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 9e) 9 2023 860 9789863412540 王精文 人力資源管理:全球經驗本土實踐 (Noe/ Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 6e) 6 2016 740 9786269646852 溫金豐 人力資源管理:理論與實務 5 2023 820 9789576099083 吳秉恩 人力資源管理:理論與實務 3 2013 750 9789869781565 溫金豐 人力資源管理:基礎與應用 3 2020 650 9789576098758 吳秉恩 高階人力資源管理:分享式觀點 1 2012 820 9789863412069 黃同圳 人力資源管理:全球思維臺灣觀點 (Byars/ Human Resource Management 11e) 11 2016 690 9789576098253 陳曉萍 跨文化管理 1 2010 550 9789814714303 Byars Human Resource Management 11 2016 1240 9781292309125 Dessler Human Resource Management 16 2020 1360 9789814834629 Mello Strategic Human Resource Management with MindTap 5 2019 1400 9781265064013 Noe Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage 13 2023 1680 9781266813351 Noe Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (2024 Release) 10 2025 1620 9781138489509 Schuler International Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprise 6 2022 1680 訓練與發展/人力資源其他 training & development / human resource others 9786267395288 黃佳純 員工訓練與發展 (Noe/ Employee Training and Development 9e) 9 2024 760 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
MANAGEMENT 5 視野無界,心智無限 Open Your Eyes, Stretch Your Mind 為特殊類書籍 ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價 9789863413707 周瑛琪 員工訓練與發展 (Noe/ Employee Training and Development 7e) 7 2018 740 9789863411468 周瑛琪 管理心理學 2 2015 600 9789576099557 黃佳純 績效管理 (Aguinis/ Performance Management 3e) 3 2015 640 9789576097225 黃怡瑾 彩繪生命的藍圖:生涯規劃 2 2008 520 9781292059365 DuBrin Human Relations: Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills 12 2015 1360 9781292097480 Whetten Developing Management Skills 9 2016 1320 9781260597608 Judge Staffing Organizations 10 2022 1360 9781265079833 Noe Employee Training & Development 9 2023 1680 9789814834605 Werner Human Resource Development: Talent Development with MindTap 7 2019 1420 9781265078423 Gerhart Compensation 14 2023 1680
strategic management
competitive strategy 9786269513505 陳忠仁 策略管理:競爭優勢與經營發展 1 2022 600 9786269793136 朱文儀 策略管理 (Hill/ Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach: Theory & Cases 14e) 14 2024 760 9789579282604 朱文儀 策略管理 (Hill/ Strategic Management: Theory 13e) 13 2020 750 9786260112806 林建煌 策略管理 7 2023 660 9789576097638 陳定國 高階策略管理 1 2009 精 620 9789576096730 楊千 策略管理:理論與實務 1 2007 560 9789869243544 楊景傅 策略管理與競爭優勢 (Barney/ Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage 5e) 5 2016 820 9789576097867 劉恆逸 現代策略管理 (Grant/ Contemporary Strategy Analysis 6e) 6 2010 780 9781292258041 Barney Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases 6 2019 1380 9781260288353 Dess Strategic Management: Text and Cases 9 2019 1360 9789814878296 Hill Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach: Theory 13 2020 1380 9789815160673 Hill Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach: Theory & Cases 14 2024 1580 9781305502277 Hill Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach: Theory & Cases 12 2017 精1480 9789814577373 Pearce Strategic Management: Planning for Domestic and Global Competition 14 2015 1180 9781266191862 Rothaermel Strategic Management: Concepts 6 2024 1680 9781265028244 Thompson Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases 23 2022 1420 9789814636292 Walker Modern Competitive Strategy 4 2016 980 領導/談判 leadership / negotiation 9789576099311 宋秋儀 組織領導學 (Yukl/ Leadership in Organizations 8e) 8 2014 640 9789863414988 鍾從定 談判學 (Lewicki/ Negotiation 7e)(修訂版) 7 2023 720 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW


MANAGEMENT 6 定價若有異動,均以本公司實際報價為準 華泰網路書店 eShop https://eshop.hwatai.com.tw/ ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價 9789815077193 Daft The Leadership Experience 8 2023 1580 9789814624367 Daft The Leadership Experience (CTE) 6 2015 1180 9781265107888 Hughes Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience 10 2022 1200 9781292314402 Yukl Leadership in Organizations 9 2020 1320 9789814577281 Lewicki Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases 7 2015 1150 9781260570458 Lewicki Essentials of Negotiation 7 2021 1140
4 2014 680
國際企業:管理與策略 (Cullen/ Multinational Management: A Strategic Approach 7e) 7 2018 820 9789865840174
國際企業:管理與策略 (Cullen/ Multinational Management: A Strategic Approach 6e) 6 2013 780 9786267395356 許嘉文 國際企業
International Business 14e) 14 2024 未定 9789863414148 許嘉文 國際企業 (Hill/ International Business 12e) 12 2019 750
國際企業:當代理論與實務 (Cavusgil/ International Business: The New Realities 3e) 3 2015 780 9781292303246 Cavusgil International Business: The New Realities 5 2020 1360 9781292152837 Cavusgil International Business: The New Realities 4 2017 1320 9781292403274 Daniels International Business: Environmemt & Operations 17 2022 1380 9781265038540 Hill International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace 14 2023 1680 9781266103148 Hill Global Business Today 12 2022 1320 9781266097904 Luthans International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 12 2024 1680
innovation & IT management / KM 9789576092381 徐作聖 創新管理 (Afuah/ Innovation Management: Strategies, Implementation, and Profits 1e) 1 2000 560 9789869362900 袁建中 科技管理:基礎與應用 2 2017 720 9786269602391 張順教 高科技產業與人工智慧分析 3 2022 700 9789576099434 張順教 高科技產業與策略分析 2 2014 580 9789869897730 陳澤義 科技與創新管理 6 2020 740 9789869243599 陳澤義 科技與創新管理 5 2016 680 9789863415046 李亭林 科技創新管理 (Schilling/ Strategic Management of Technological Innovation 7e) 7 2024 740 9789861579818 李亭林 科技創新管理 (Schilling/ Strategic Management of Technological Innovation 4e) 4 2013 650 9789576095573 洪育忠 知識管理 (Tiwana/ The Knowledge Management Toolkit 2e) 2 2005 520 9789576097133 陳明惠 智慧資本管理實務 (Roos/ Managing Intellectual Capital in Practice 1e) 1 2007 580 9789576097331 周斯畏 知識管理 (Debowski/ Knowledge Management 1e) 1 2008 640 9781265073350 Schilling Strategic Management of Technological Innovation 7 2023 1680 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
international business management 9789576099151
9789869508254 何志峰
9789576099618 彭玉樹

9786269540686 楊政學

9786269737932 李國瑋

9789869436571 李國瑋

創業管理/企業倫理 entrepreneurship / business ethics

企業倫理:倫理決策訂定與案例 (Ferrell/ Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases 13e)

中小企業管理:創業的觀點 (Longenecker/ Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures 20e)

中小企業管理:創業的觀點 (Longenecker/ Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures 18e)

9789576099069 國立高雄第一 科技大學創新 創業中心



創業教學:巴布森學院的實務教學法 (Neck/ Teaching Entrepreneurship:

歐素華 服務創新:跨域複合的商業模式變革

9789869603126 陳澤義 企業診斷與績效評估:策略管理觀點

9789576099724 陳澤義 企業診斷與績效評估:策略管理觀點

9789869687133 周春芳 商業溝通:正向溝通 職能 UP !

9789869941723 周春芳 職場文書與文案企劃:用文字力 UP 職場軟實力

出版中 陳曉萍


9789869687102 陳曉萍 組織與管理研究的實證方法

9789576099212 陳曉萍 組織與管理研究的實證方法

9789576099106 徐淑英 求真求美:徐淑英教授的研究之旅

9786260128937 林建煌 通鑒治道探微:梳理華人古典管理思想

9786269513543 高強 管理績效評估:資料包絡分析法

9789860619706 高強 網路資料包絡分析原理

MANAGEMENT 7 視野無界,心智無限 Open Your Eyes, Stretch Your Mind 為特殊類書籍 ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價
13 2022 690
20 2023 820
18 2017 780
創新與創業 1 2013 520 9789576099991
1 2016 620
1 2010 740 9789869290302
朱沛 創業管理:策略過程動態視角
9789576098154 陳明惠 創業管理
Entrepreneurship 1e)
Practice-Based Approach 1e) 1 2016 640 9780357513361 Ferrell Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases 13 2022 1420 9781260575736 Ghillyer Business Ethics Now 6 2021 1200 9780357718803 Longenecker Small Business Management: Launching & Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures 20 2023 1560 9781265071509 Bamford Entrepreneurship: The Art, Science, and Process for Success 4 2022 1240 9789814577465 Spinelli New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century 10 2015 1200
managerial topics 9789869243513 朱正一 醫務管理:制度、組織與實務 2 2016 600 9786267395233 陳澤義 服務管理 7 2024 760 9789869687157 陳澤義 服務管理 6 2019 750 9789869660228
1 2018 580
5 2018 720
4 2015 680
2 2019 450
1 2021 480
專業管理議題 professional
4 2024 未定
3 2019 920
2 2014 850
1 2013 800
1 2024 690
2 2022 560
1 2021 750
7 2022 1240
Cardon Business Communication: Developing Leaders For a Networked World 5 2024 1680 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
9781264554614 De Janasz Interpersonal Skills in Organizations
MANAGEMENT 8 定價若有異動,均以本公司實際報價為準 華泰網路書店 eShop https://eshop.hwatai.com.tw/ MARKETING ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價 行銷學/行銷管理 marketing / marketing management 9789869531245 李元恕 行銷學 (Armstrong/ Marketing: An Introduction 13e) 13 2017 780 9786260109776 林建煌 行銷管理 9 2023 750 9786260109806 林建煌 行銷學 7 2023 580 9786269646838 楊景傅 行銷管理 (Kotler/ Marketing Management 16e) 16 2023 880 9789863414605 黃延聰 行銷管理 (Perreault/ Essentials of Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach 16e) 16 2021 660 9789861579801 黃延聰 行銷管理 (Perreault/ Essentials of Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach 13e) 13 2013 660 9789576098383 黃俊英 行銷管理:策略性的觀點 4 2011 660 9789576098598 黃俊英 行銷學原理 3 2012 580 9789576099038 鄭孟育 行銷管理概論 (Kotler/ A Framework for Marketing Management 5e) 5 2013 680 9789576099625 謝文雀 行銷管理:亞洲觀點 (Kotler/ Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective 6e) 6 2015 840 9781292433103 Armstrong Marketing: An Introduction 15 2023 1500 9781292294865 Armstrong Marketing: An Introduction 14 2020 1450 9789814595032 Kerin Marketing in Asia 3 2016 1320 9781292404813 Kotler Marketing Management 16 2022 1500 9781292089584 Kotler Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective 7 2018 1420 9781292093147 Kotler A Framework for Marketing Management 6 2016 1300 9781266124983 Perreault Essentials of Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach 18 2024 1780 行銷策略/行銷研究 marketing strategy / marketing research 9789869781541 林呈昱 行銷研究:大數據與傳統行銷工具的結合 1 2019 580 9789576097461 黃俊英 行銷研究:管理與技術 8 2008 680 9789576098796 黃俊英 行銷研究概論 6 2012 580 9789576098390 林隆儀 策略行銷管理:全球觀點 (Aaker/ Strategic Market Management: Global Perspectives 1e) 1 2011 660 9789576096334 蕭富峰 行銷策略 1 2006 680 9781266261503 Hair Essentials of Marketing Research 6 2024 1680 9781292265636 Malhotra Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation 7 2020 1400 9781259010903 Walker Marketing Strategy: A Decision Focused Approach 8 2014 1880 消費者行為 consumer behavior 9789866121524 白滌清 消費者行為 (Blackwell/ Consumer Behavior 1e) 1 2012 800 9789866775116 白滌清 消費者行為 (Blackwell/ Consumer Behavior 10e) 10 2008 760 9789574395859 林建煌 消費者行為 7 2022 740 9789574395866 林建煌 消費者行為概論 6 2022 590 9781266114762 Mothersbaugh Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy 15 2024 1780 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
MANAGEMENT 9 為特殊類書籍 視野無界,心智無限 Open Your Eyes, Stretch Your Mind MARKETING ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價 9789814336918 Blackwell Consumer Behavior 1 2012 1220 9781292318103 Solomon Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being 13 2020 1420 產品管理/品牌管理 products management / brand management 9789863412250 黃延聰 新產品管理 (Crawford/ New Products Management 11e) 11 2016 720 9789863412649 張書文 產品設計與開發 (Ulrich/ Product Design and Development 6e) 6 2016 精 700 9789861578712 張書文 產品設計與開發 (Ulrich/ Product Design and Development 5e) 5 2012 精 680 9789860674484 彭建彰 品牌行銷與管理 3 2022 680 9789869897761 楊景傅 策略品牌管理 (Keller/ Strategic Brand Management 5e) 5 2021 840 9781260575088 Crawford New Products Management 12 2021 1280 9781292314969 Keller Strategic Brand Management 5 2020 1780 9781260566437 Ulrich Product Design and Development 7 2020 1280 服務行銷/產業行銷 service marketing / industrial marketing 9789574389117 林建煌 服務行銷:擬定服務業最佳行銷策略 4 2021 650 9789869687126 曾鼎翔 服務業行銷 (Wirtz/ Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy 8e) 8 2019 820 9789576099021 劉水深 服務行銷管理 1 2015 620 9789576096167 蕭鏡堂 產業行銷學 2 2006 660 9781944659820 Wirtz Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy 9 2022 1380 9781260083521 Zeithaml Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm 7 2018 1240 科技行銷/網路行銷 technology marketing / internet marketing 9789869941778 陳正忠 網路行銷概論 (Frost/ E-Marketing 8e) 8 2021 780 9789576096785 洪育忠 顧客關係管理:資料庫行銷方法之應用 (Kumar/ Customer Relationship Management 1e) 1 2007 580 9781032358017 Frost eMarketing: Digital Marketing Strategy 9 2024 1580 9781292040332 Mohr Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations (PNIE) 3 2014 1120 國際行銷管理 international marketing management 9789574375493 林建煌 國際行銷管理 6 2020 690 9789863414001 簡睿哲 國際行銷學 (Cateora/ International Marketing 17e) 17 2018 740 9781266151637 Cateora International Marketing 19 2024 1780 9780273768685 Keegan Global Marketing Management 8 2014 1200 通路/零售/定價 channels / retailing / pricing 9789576099519 周泰華 零售管理概論 3 2014 620 9789863411918 許英傑 零售管理 (Levy/ Retailing Management 9e) 9 2015 760 9789869290357 蕭仁傑 行銷通路策略 (Palmatier/ Marketing Channel Strategy 8e) 8 2016 700 9789576099243 蕭靜雅 門市服務實務:丙級技能檢定 1 2014 680 NEW NEW


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advertising / mass communication / CRM 9789866121654 施琮仁
Mass Communication Theory 6e) 6 2012 680 9789576096808 張瑞芬 顧客服務管理:CRM 實戰理論與實務 2 2007 420 9789869781572 陳尚永 廣告學 (Moriarty/ Advertising & IMC: Principles and Practice 11e) 11 2020 780 9789576099670 鄭自隆 廣告策略與管理:理論與案例交鋒對話 2 2015 620 9781266090608 Belch Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective 13 2024 1680 9781292262062 Moriarty Advertising & IMC: Principles & Practice 11 2019 1380 9781292056586 Wilcox Public Relations: Strategies & Tactics 11 2015 1360 行銷其他 marketing others 9789815059465 Barker Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach 3 2023 1560 9781305502758 Barker Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach 2 2017 1180 9780132345545 Kotler Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations 7 2008 1140 NEW NEW NEW NEW
大眾傳播理論:基礎、發展與未來 (Baran/
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of Investments 8e) 8 2012 780 9789869362962 吳宗正 投資技術分析 8 2017 780 9789860674422 黃昱程 期貨與選擇權:衍生性金融商品入門經典 5 2021 720 9789869660266 黃泓人 期貨與選擇權市場
of Futures and Options Markets 9e) 9 2019 820 9789869531283 薛立言 債券市場概論 4 2018 650 9789869290364 薛立言 債券市場 4 2017 720 9789869243506 吳俊德 外匯、資金管理、碳權金融暨衍生性金融商品:理論與 實務 7 2016 780 9781266928086 Brueggeman Real Estate Finance and Investments 18 2025 1780 9781266085963 Bodie Investments 13 2024 1820 9789863413776 Bodie Investments (Annotated Edition) 11 2018 1380 9781266885389 Bodie Essentials of Investments 13 2025 未定 9781265450090 Bodie Essentials of Investments 12 2022 1360 9789863412663 Bodie Essentials of Investments (Annotated Edition) 10 2017 1300 9781259010873 Sundaram Derivatives: Principles and Practice 2 2016 1180 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
(Bodie/ Essen
(Hull/ Fundamentals
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6 2021 720 9789576099045 徐璧君 壽險數理實務 4 2013 500 9789869781589 吳瑞雲 保險法:理論與實務(逐條釋義) 8 2020 560 9789869290326 吳瑞雲 保險法:理論與實務(逐條釋義) 7 2016 520 9789576095955 鄧家駒 風險管理 4 2005 640 9781292349749 Rejda Principles of Risk Management and Insurance 14 2022 1680 財務其他 finance others 9789869531207 陳育成 財務個案分析:全球思維與佈局 1 2017 720 9789576098574 林美珍 行為財務學 1 2012 400 9789576092787 沈中華 事件研究法:財務與會計實證研究必備 1 2000 300 9789869531238 林霖 企業財務策略 (Bender/ Corporate Financial Strategy 4e) 4 2018 780 9789863412878 黃弘毅 財務數學 (Brown/ Mathematics of Finance 8e) 8 2017 480 9789576097720 邵靄如 健康保險 1 2009 420 9781260083262 Bruner Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation 8 2018 1280 9780415640411 Bender Corporate Financial Strategy 4 2014 1260 9789811245671 Chan Financial Mathematics for Actuaries 3 2022 1440 9780071276276 Kellison The Theory of Interest 3 2009 1200 NEW NEW NEW NEW
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管理會計/成本會計 management accounting / cost accounting

出版中 李品陞

9789863412038 李品陞

9786269602216 林蕙真

出版中 林蕙真

9789869907750 林蕙真

出版中 林蕙真

9789869907774 林蕙真

成本與管理會計 (Garrison/ Managerial Accounting 18e)

成本與管理會計 (Garrison/ Managerial Accounting 15e)







MANAGEMENT 15 為特殊類書籍 視野無界,心智無限 Open Your Eyes, Stretch Your Mind ACCOUNTING ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價 9781292059341 Beams Advanced Accounting 12 2015 1320 9781305084858 Fischer Advanced Accounting 12 2016 精1360
18 2024 未定
15 2016
6 2022 760
8 2024 未定
7 2021 700
9 2024 未定
8 2021 700 出版中
9 2024 未定 9789869907781 林蕙真
8 2022 700 9789863414803 林文祥 管理會計 (Hilton/ Managerial Accounting 12e) 12 2022 880 9789863411925 林文祥 管理會計 (Hilton/ Managerial Accounting 10e) 10 2015 880 9789812437938 黃金發 成本會計學(增訂 12 版)(Usry/ Cost Accounting 13e) 13 2003 800 9789860674477 林谷峻 Horngren 成本會計學(上)(Datar/ Horngren’s Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis 17e) 17 2022 900 9786269513512 林谷峻 Horngren 成本會計學(下)(Datar/ Horngren’s Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis 17e) 17 2022 780 9789869243537 葉金成 成本會計學(下)(Horngren/ Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis 15e) 15 2016 680 9781260091724 Blocher Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis 8 2019 1350 9781292363073 Datar Horngren’s Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis 17 2021 1480 9781265117702 Lanen Fundamentals of Cost Accounting 7 2023 1680 9781259921285 Lanen Fundamentals of Cost Accounting 5 2017 1280 9789814591317 Carter Cost Accounting: An Asia Edition 1 2015 1240 9781265046798 Hilton Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment 13 2023 1720 9780273790013 Horngren Introduction to Management Accounting 16 2013 1380 9781265117894 Whitecotton Managerial Accounting 5 2023 1680 9781259254987 Whitecotton Managerial Accounting 3 2017 1280 9781265118433 Noreen Managerial Accounting for Managers 6 2023 1680 9781266919312 Brewer Introduction to Managerial Accounting 10 2025 未定 9781266248610 Garrison Managerial Accounting 18 2024 1680 9781292026596 Kaplan Advanced Management Accounting (PNIE) 3 2013 1080 9781260565478 Zimmerman Accounting for Decision Making & Control 10 2020 1380 9781259255007 Zimmerman Accounting for Decision Making & Control 9 2017 1320 審計學 auditing 9789869907798 李宗黎 審計新論(全一冊) 11 2022 980 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
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9789576099892 林柏生

國際經濟學:國際金融 (Krugman/ International Economics: Theory and Policy 10e)

李慧琳 國際貿易理論與政策 (Appleyard/ International


趙捷謙 國際貿易理論與政策

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10 2016 720
3 2016 540 9789863414131
9 2019 660 9789869475716
3 2017 880 9789860674460 蔡緣 國際貿易實務 33 2022 750 9789576099939 蔡緣
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國際金融/國際貿易/經濟成長 international finance / international trade / economics
9789869243575 杜震華 世界經濟導論:全球化的生產與貿易
MANAGEMENT 19 為特殊類書籍 視野無界,心智無限 Open Your Eyes, Stretch Your Mind ECONOMICS ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價 9789863412823 黃智聰 財政學 (Rosen/ Public Finance 10e) 10 2016 780 9789861575599 李秉正 財政學 (Rosen/ Public Finance 8e) 8 2009 690 9789869897778 徐偉初 財政學 5 2021 840 9789576099960 徐偉初 財政學 4 2016 820 9781111526986 Anderson Policy Applications and Principles of Public Finance 2 2012 1280 9780077154691 Rosen Public Finance 10 2014 1200 管理經濟學/產業經濟學/賽局理論 managerial economics / industrial economics / game theory 9789869475785 周治邦 賽局理論 1 2017 520 9789865632908 胡均立 管理經濟學 (McGuigan/ Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategies and Tactics 14e) 14 2017 820 9789866121234 胡均立 管理經濟學 (McGuigan/ Economics for Managers 12e) 12 2011 780 9789869941754 張順教 賽局:個案與談判之應用 2 2021 520 9789576099731 張順教 賽局與策略管理個案分析 1 2015 450 9789576098949 趙捷謙 經濟之旅:高等經濟分析與應用 1 2012 780 9789869660273 劉崇堅 通信產業經濟分析 1 2019 720 9781266071010 Baye Managerial Economics and Business Strategy 10 2022 1320 9780393422207 Dixit Games of Strategy 5 2021 1420 9781305506381 McGuigan Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategies and Tactics 14 2017 精1450 9781260565546 Thomas Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy 13 2020 1280 9781259251078 Thomas Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy 12 2016 1080 9780393920826 Watson Strategy: An Introduction to Game Theory 3 2013 1660 計量經濟學/經濟數量方法 econometrics / quantitative methods 9789579282321 胥愛琦 計量經濟學 (Wooldridge/ Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach 7e) 7 2019 880 9789865632861 胥愛琦 計量經濟學 (Wooldridge/ Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach 6e) 6 2017 760 9789861575391 蔡穎義 數理經濟學 (Chiang/ Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics 4e) 4 2008 740 9789861578095 謝振環 計量經濟學概論 (Gujarati/ Essentials of Econometrics 4e) 4 2012 650 9780071238236 Chiang Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics 4 2005 1200 9781071850398 Gujarati Essentials of Econometrics 5 2022 1620 9780071318518 Hilmer Practical Econometrics: Data Collection, Analysis, and Application 1 2014 1080 9780321442963 Stock Introduction to Econometrics, Brief Edition 1 2008 1080 9781292359281 Sydsaeter Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis 6 2021 1440 9789814866088 Wooldridge Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach 7 2020 1620 9781111534394 Wooldridge Introductory Econometrics 5 2013 1280
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9789576099342 梁德馨 統計學:SPSS 分析導論-生活中的統計應用

9789576099502 梁德馨

9786267395318 陳乃維

統計學:R-Web 分析導論-生活中的統計應用

商用統計學 (Lind/ Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics 19e)

(Lind/ Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics 18e)

MANAGEMENT 21 為特殊類書籍 視野無界,心智無限 Open Your Eyes, Stretch Your Mind STATISTICS MATHEMATICS· SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ISBN-13 作/譯者 書名 版次 年份 定價 統計學 statistics 9786267395363 方世榮 統計學導論 9 2024 未定 9789869660211 方世榮 統計學導論 8 2018 780 9789576099205 方世榮 統計學導論 7 2014 760 9789869897785
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9789576099533 吳淑妃
篇 1 2014 540
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19 2024 820 9789863414681 陳乃維
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物流管理/供應鏈管理 logistics management / supply chain management

供應鏈設計與管理 (Simchi-Levi/ Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies 3e)

9789863410225 何應欽

9789861578590 何應欽

供應鏈設計與管理 全新臺灣案例版 (Simchi-Levi/ Designing and Managing the Supply Chain 3e)

物流與供應鏈管理:理論與實務 (Frazelle/ Logistics and Supply Chain Management 1e)

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破解統計與研究方法的 15 個迷思:組織與社會科學研 究中的謠言與真相

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3 2009 660
3 2014 700
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5 2021 650
4 2011 720 9786269602353 蘇雄義
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Statistical and Methodological
1 2012 760 NEW NEW NEW NEW
Myths and Urban Legends 1e)



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