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B1+ Student’s Book Contents

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Lesson and objectiveLesson and objective GrammarGrammar

Unit 1 Talk

Getting started Talk about communication 1A Talk about friendship and communication

Unit1 Talk

Getting started Talk about communication 1A Talk about friendship and Subject and object communication questions

Subject and object questions

1B 1B Describe experiences in the Describe experiences in the presentpresent 1C 1C Give and respond to opinionsGive and respond to opinions Simple present and Simple present and present continuouspresent continuous

Vocabulary PronunciationVocabulary Pronunciation

Friendship and Friendship and communicationcommunication

Gradable and extreme adjectives

Gradable and Sentence stress: gradable and extreme adjectives extreme adjectives

Sentence stress: gradable and extreme adjectives Word groupsWord groups

1D 1D Write a guideWrite a guide

Everyday EnglishEveryday English

Giving and Giving and responding to responding to opinionsopinions

Review and extension More practiceReview and extension More practice

Unit 2 Modern life

Getting started Talk about the workplace 2A Talk about experiences of work and training

Unit 2 Modern life

Getting started Talk about the workplace 2A Talk about experiences of work Present perfect and and training simple past

Present perfect and simple past

2B 2B Talk about technologyTalk about technology

Present perfect Present perfect and present perfect and present perfect continuouscontinuous 2C 2C Make and respond to suggestionsMake and respond to suggestions

2D 2D Write an email giving newsWrite an email giving news WORDPOWER yourselfWORDPOWER yourself


Present perfect and simple past: Present perfect and simple past: I’ve worked / I workedI’ve worked / I worked Technology Sentence stress: main verb / Technology Sentence stress: main verb / auxiliary verbauxiliary verb

Sentence stressSentence stress Making and Making and responding to responding to suggestionssuggestions

Review and extension More practiceReview and extension More practice WORDPOWER lookWORDPOWER look

Unit 3 RelationshipsUnit 3 Relationships

Getting started Talk about relationshipsGetting started Talk about relationships 3A 3A Talk about a friendshipTalk about a friendship Narrative tenses Relationships Linking sounds Narrative tenses Relationships Linking sounds

3B 3B Talk about familiesTalk about families 3C 3C Tell a storyTell a story

3D 3D Write about someone’s lifeWrite about someone’s life used to, usuallyused to, usually Multi-word verbs Sentence stress: multi-word verbs Multi-word verbs Sentence stress: multi-word verbs Stress in word groups Stress in word groups Telling a storyTelling a story

Review and extension More practiceReview and extension More practice WORDPOWER haveWORDPOWER have

Unit 4 Personality

Getting started Talk about people 4A Describe people and their abilities Modals and phrases of ability

Unit 4 Personality

Getting started Talk about people 4A Describe people and their abilities Modals and phrases of Ability ability Ability Stress with modal verbsStress with modal verbs

4B 4B Describe feelings Describe feelings

4C 4C Offer and ask for helpOffer and ask for help

4D 4D Write an informal online adWrite an informal online ad ArticlesArticles Personality Personality adjectives adjectives

Intonation in question tags Offering and asking Intonation in question tags Offering and asking for helpfor help

Review and extension More practiceReview and extension More practice

Unit 5 The natural worldUnit 5 The natural world

Getting started Talk about endangered animalsGetting started Talk about endangered animals 5A 5A Talk about the futureTalk about the future Future formsFuture forms

5B 5B Talk about if and whenTalk about if and when

5C 5C Give reasons, results, and Give reasons, results, and examplesexamples 5D 5D Write a discussion essayWrite a discussion essay Present and future Present and future real conditionalsreal conditionals WORDPOWER so and suchWORDPOWER so and such

Environmental Environmental issues issues Sound and spelling: Sound and spelling: a a

The natural world Consonant clusters The natural world Consonant clusters

Voiced and unvoiced consonants Giving reasons, Voiced and unvoiced consonants Giving reasons, results, and examplesresults, and examples

Review and extension More practiceReview and extension More practice WORDPOWER problemWORDPOWER problem

ListeningListening ReadingReading SpeakingSpeaking WritingWriting

Three monologues: Online Three monologues: Online friendshipsfriendships

What to cook?What to cook? Article: “But Are They Article: “But Are They Real Friends?”Real Friends?” Things you have done recentlyThings you have done recently

Article: “Can You Really Learn a Language in 22 Hours?”

Article: “Can You Really Learn Learning a foreign language a Language in 22 Hours?” Learning a foreign language

Giving and responding to opinions; Giving and responding to opinions; Using me too / me neitherUsing me too / me neither

Unit Progress TestUnit Progress Test

Conversation: learning vocabulary Article: “What Kind of Learner Are You?”

Conversation: learning vocabulary Article: “What Kind of Learner Ways of learning vocabulary A guide Are You?” Introducing a purpose; Referring pronouns

Ways of learning vocabulary A guide Introducing a purpose; Referring pronouns

Radio show: likeability Radio show: likeability Article: “Not the Best Interview I’ve Ever Had!”

Article: “Not the Best Interview Work and training experiences I’ve Ever Had!” Work and training experiences

Article: “What’s Your Favorite App?”

Article: “What’s Your Favorite Interviewing classmates about App?” technology use

Interviewing classmates about technology use

A problemA problem Making and responding to Making and responding to suggestions; Sounding sympathetic suggestions; Sounding sympathetic or pleasedor pleased

Unit Progress TestUnit Progress Test

Conversation: life changes An email about a new job Life changes Conversation: life changes An email about a new job Life changes An informal emailAn informal email Adding new informationAdding new information

Article: “60 Years and 1,000 Miles: How a Word Game Brought Two Unlikely People Together”

Article: “60 Years and The story of a friendship 1,000 Miles: How a Word Game Brought Two Unlikely People Together” The story of a friendship

Two monologues: being a twin Article: “Twin Tales” Two monologues: being a twin Article: “Twin Tales” Family traditionsFamily traditions

A mistakeA mistake

Conversation: great-grandparents An email about how Conversation: great-grandparents An email about how great-grandparents metgreat-grandparents met Reacting to what people say; Reacting to what people say; Telling a storyTelling a story A member of your familyA member of your family

Unit Progress TestUnit Progress Test A biographyA biography Describing timeDescribing time

Radio show: successful people Article: “What Happens to Talented Children When They Grow Up?”

Radio show: successful people Article: “What Happens to Becoming successful at something Talented Children When They Grow Up?” Becoming successful at something

Two monologues: personality types Article: “Why the World Needs Introverts”

Two monologues: personality types Article: “Why the World Needs Describing a person Introverts” Describing a person

Asking for helpAsking for help

Three monologues: websites Three online ads Three monologues: websites Three online ads Question tags; Offering and asking Question tags; Offering and asking for help for help

Unit Progress TestUnit Progress Test

Using the Internet to buy and Using the Internet to buy and sell thingssell things An informal online adAn informal online ad The language of adsThe language of ads

Conversation: an environmental Conversation: an environmental projectproject Interview: inventions inspired Interview: inventions inspired by natureby nature Web page: The Whitley Fund for Nature

Web page: The Whitley Fund Predictions about the future for Nature Predictions about the future

Article: “Animals Have Adapted to Survive Everywhere”

Article: “Animals Have Adapted The best place to experience to Survive Everywhere” natural beauty

The best place to experience natural beauty

Talking about possible jobsTalking about possible jobs

Reasons, results, and examples; Reasons, results, and examples; Giving yourself time to thinkGiving yourself time to think Monologue: rescuing whales An essay about water pollution A quiz about whales Monologue: rescuing whales An essay about water pollution A quiz about whales

Unit Progress TestUnit Progress Test A discussion essayA discussion essay Organizing an essay;Organizing an essay; Signposting languageSignposting language

Unit 6 Different cultures

Getting started Talk about different cultures 6A Talk about advice and rules Modals of obligation Compound nouns Word stress: compound nouns

6B Describe food

6C Ask for and give recommendations Comparatives and superlatives Describing food Sound and spelling: /ʃ/ and /tʃ/

Sounding interested Asking for and giving recommendations

6D Write a review of a restaurant or café

Review and extension More practice

Unit 7 House and home

Getting started Talk about ideal houses 7A Describe a building

7B Describe a town or city

7C Make offers and ask for permission

7D Write a note with useful information WORDPOWER go

Modals of deduction Buildings

Quantifiers Verbs and prepositions Modal verbs: final /t/ sounds

Sentence stress: verbs and prepositions

Sounding polite Making offers and asking for permission

Review and extension More practice WORDPOWER over

Unit 8 Information

Getting started Talk about an interesting news story 8A Talk about podcasts Reported speech Sharing information Sound and spelling: /g/ and /k/

8B Talk about what other people say Verb patterns Reporting verbs

8C Generalize and be vague

8D Write an email summary of a news story Review and extension More practice

Unit 9 Entertainment

Getting started Talk about street entertainers 9A Talk about movies and TV The passive

9B Give extra information Defining and nondefining relative clauses Sound and spelling: /h/ and /w/ Generalizing and being vague

WORDPOWER in/on + noun

-ed / -ing adjectives Sound and spelling: final -ed in adjectives

Music; Wordbuilding (nouns) Relative clauses: pausing; Word stress

9C Recommend and respond to recommendations 9D Write an article Showing contrast Recommending and responding

Review and extension More practice

Unit 10 Opportunities

Getting started Talk about different kinds of opportunities 10A Talk about new things it would be good to do Present and future unreal conditionals WORDPOWER see, look at, watch, hear, listen to

Sports; Adjectives and prepositions Sentence stress: would

10B Talk about imagined past events Past unreal conditionals Expressions with do, make, and take Sentence stress: would and have

10C Talk about possible problems and reassure someone

10D Write an email with advice Sounding sure and unsure Talking about possible problems and reassuring someone

Review and extension More practice

Communication Plus p. 127

WORDPOWER Easily confused words

Vocabulary Focus p. 133 Grammar Focus p. 144

Three monologues: culture shock Article: “Culture Shock? There’s an App to Deal With That” Describing different cultures

Radio show: vending machines in Japan A special gift Blog: “Hungry Adventures” Describing a special meal

Asking for and giving recommendations; Expressing surprise

Three monologues: special occasions Reviews of a café Places to go out

Unit Progress Test

Two reviews Positive and negative language; Adverbs

Conversation: comparing life in a town and a city

Visiting a friend’s family Web page: “A More Personal Place to Stay” Web page: “Five Reasons Why Small Towns Are Better Than Cities”

Conversation: a vacation in Florida Article: “Top Five Things to Do … in and around Miami” A note Describing buildings

Talking about where you live

Making offers, requests, and asking for permission; Imagining how people feel A recent vacation

Unit Progress Test

A note with useful information Offering choices

Podcast: Pod-on-Pod

Interview: fake reviews

A job interview

Monologue: a news story Article: “Thinking of Making a Podcast? Just Give It a Try!” Article: “The Restaurant That Wasn’t There”

A news story Giving opinions about podcasts

Describing experiences using reporting verbs Generalizing; Being vague

Air travel

Unit Progress Test An email about a news story Summarizing information

Conversation: movie trailers Article: “To Binge or Not to Binge …”

Three monologues: musical experiences Article: “The Three Best Music Festivals You’ve Probably Never Heard Of” Recommending a movie or TV show

A musical experience

Planning an evening out

Recommending and responding; Asking someone to wait Two monologues: live music A blog about staying at home Live vs. recorded music

Unit Progress Test An article about a form of entertainment Contrasting ideas; The structure of an article

Conversation: trying new activities

Asking for a promotion

Monologue: volunteering A web page about volunteering; Emails giving advice Volunteering An email with advice Advising a course of action

Article: “Searching for Serendipity” Taking new opportunities

A past event that made life better

Talking about possible problems and reassuring someone; Changing the subject

Unit Progress Test

Phonemic symbols and Irregular verbs p. 164

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