1 minute read
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-41400-5 — Level Up Level 4 Student's Book Caroline Nixon , Michael Tomlinson Excerpt More Information
Story: Simple past review: Regular and irregular verbs; ago in context
1.22 Listen and complete. Use two words. Then say the sentence.
Well, we didn’t break anything. We only cut our knees and elbows.

8 Miguel repaired the tent, but he wasn’t pleased with them. The next day, Pablo and I lost a day. We stayed on the beach, and Jim took care of us. Yes, but the other days were great. We saw lots of amazing animals … and some terrifi c kangaroos. No, I’m not surprised.
I was inside my tent. Suddenly, I heard a noise outside, but I didn’t go and tell Miguel. I explored by myself.
Were you OK?
A kangaroo appeared behind a tree, and I ran away from it.

5 6 It was dark when we began to put up the tents.
Pablo was outside, too. Jenny ran into him. They fell down and the tent came down.
Yeah, that wasn’t the problem. Su-Lin found out there was a post off ice in town.

Jim forgot his pajamas, so we had to look for somewhere that sold them.
You got back two days ago, and we don’t know anything about your trip.
Uh, now. We let her, but she spent an hour writing them before she sent them!

She bought stamps and postcards and then she began to write them!
Yes, it took fi ve and a half hours.

Yeah. When are you going to tell us about it?