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SLIDE becomes Directed Study course
By Davis M arks
Student Leaders for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (SLIDE) will be transitioning from meeting during lunch to having an o cial Directed Study course during the 2023-2024 school year. Unlike other student leadership groups like Prefect Council and Community Council, SLIDE does not currently have a scheduled course.
e SLIDE Directed Study will function as a common meeting time for the group’s work, as well as a student leadership development course. e class will be made up of the ve SLIDE cochairs and one leader from each a nity group.
Upper School Visual Arts Teacher and DEI Coordinator Reb Limerick said an o cial SLIDE course will allow leaders to devote more time to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work.
“ is year is the fourth year of SLIDE, which is developing cohesion, momentum and in uence,” Limerick said. “Although student leaders dedicate signicant time and energy to attending SLIDE meetings and planning SLIDE events, SLIDE does not show up on their course list as Prefect Council, Community Council and Peer Support do. e project of shifting this onceper-cycle meeting into an o cial