Bios 231 final exam solution

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BIOS 231 Final Exam Solution

BIOS 231 Final Exam Solution 1) ATP is converted into cAMP by which enzyme? 2) According to Ohms law, if the voltage increases, the current decreases. 3) Afferent fibers are fibers that transmit impulses from the receptors to the CNS. 4) These cells cushion the brain 5) Exocytosis is the process in which 6) Threshold of a neuron is reached at how many millivolts? 7) Glands are innervated by the somatic motor system. 8) Saltatory conduction also occurs in post-synaptic fibers. 9) Typically, what is the charge of a neuron at rest? 10) The autonomic nervous system is responsible for maintaining the constancy of the body’s internal environment (homeostasis). 11) These cells form the myelin sheath in the CNS. 12) “J” REPRESENTS THE _____________ 13) The sympathetic division conserves energy and promotes nonemergency functions. 14) ______ and ______ causes depolarization of the post synaptic membrane. (neurotransmitter and ion) (check all that apply) 15) Most multipolar neurons are ____________ 16) Post ganglionic fibers of the autonomic system are non myelinated. 17) WHICH LETTER REPRESENTS THE AXON HILLOCK? 18) What happens during repolarization? (check all that apply) 19) The gaps between schwann cells are called _________ 20) FORMS THE MYELIN SHEATH IN THE PNS 21) According to Ohms law, if voltage increases, resistance decreases. 22) Which type of post synaptic potential causes hyperpolarization. 23) Sympathetic neurons have long pre-ganglionic fibers and short post-ganglionic fibers. 24) The opening of Ca 2+ channels in the axon results in what? 25) Releasing acetylcholine tends to excite an organ 26) The white blood cells of the CNS 27) “C” REPRESENTS THE ___________ 28) The greater the gradient of ions, the greater potential to do work 29) The cAMP second messenger system is an important regulatory of cellular energy during _________ 30) Which is true about the sodium potassium pump? 31) Somatic motor neurons also innervate glandular tissue. 32) WHICH LETTER REPRESENTS THE DENDRITES? 33) The synapse of a neuron is where synaptic vesicles are stored. 34) ____________ is the neurotransmitter that causes a muscle to contract/depolorize. 35) The peripheral nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. 36) Skeletal muscles are innervated by neurons in the motor division. 37) Temporal summation is the summing of several different pre-synaptic neurons.

38) A ganglion is the site where the pre-synaptic neuron synapse with the post-synaptic neuron releasing acetylcholine. 39) Pre-synaptic neurons always secrete acetylcholine. 40) In the peripheral nervous system, the myelin sheath is formed by the ologodendrocytes. 41) The dendrites are the receptive regions of the neuron. 42) SYNAPTIC VESICLES ARE STORED HERE. 43) The G protein stimulates adenylyl cyclase 44) What happens during an action potential? .45) Which structure in the neuron generates the action potential?

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