SOCY 100 E222 Final Exam Solution
SOCY 100 E222 Final Exam Solution
UMUC Europe | SOCY 100 E222 | Final exam
Dear Student
The final exam covers material from all weeks and may include information from UMUC readings, E-textbook readings, assignments, class and online discussions. The exam is open notes. You have a 72 hour period in Week 8 to complete the exam, and submit your completed exam to your online assignments folder. In your completed examination document, please provide a complete list of any and all reference sources (including UMUC readings, E-textbook readings, and internet sites and resources) used to prepare your answers to the examination, with appropriate citation format (APA style).
The exam is worth 100 points broken down this way: 45 pts multiple choice (15 Qs 3 pts each); 20 pts short answer (2 Qs 10 pts each); 36 pts essay (3 Qs 12 pts each). 7
Good luck!
Part 1. Multiple choice questions
1.1 A quality of the mind that allows us to understand the relationship between our particular situation in life and what is happening at a societal level is called: 1. sociological imagination. 2. sociological research. 3. sociological theory. 4. sociological understanding.
1.2 Who first applied a theory of evolution and “survival of the fittestâ€? to societies? 1. Charles Darwin 2. Herbert Spencer 3. Karl Marx 4. Émile Durkheim
1.3 The glass escalator effect refers to the: 1. limits on the advancement of women in the workplace. 2. limits on the advancement of men in the workplace. 3. rapid rate of upward mobility for women. 4. rapid rate of upward mobility for men in female-dominated workplaces.
1.4 An industrial worker going back to school to learn how to be a medical assistant would be an example of: 1. an ascribed status. 2. role conflict.
3. resocialization. 4. coprescence.
1.5 An individual’s conscious, reflexive experience of a personal identity separate and distinct from others is called the: 1. self. 2. id. 3. ego. 4. Superego.
1.6 Social stratification is a system that: 1. allows society members to choose their social standing 2. destroys competition between society members 3. ranks society members into categories 4. reflects personal choices of society members
1.7 The behaviors, customs, and norms associated with a class are known as: 1. underclass 2. prestige 3. power 4. class traits
1.8 Ethnicity describes shared: 1. beliefs 2. language 3. religion 4. any of the above
1.9 Amalgamation is represented by the _____________ metaphor. 1. separate but equal 2. Statue of Liberty 3. melting pot 4. salad bowl
1.10 What makes Native Americans unique as a subordinate group in the United States? 1. They are the only group that experienced expulsion. 2. They are the only group that did not come here as immigrants 3. They are the only group that was enslaved. 4. They are the only group that was segregated.
1.11 Sociologists tend to define family in terms of 1. how closely members adhere to social norms 2. the status roles that exist in a family structure 3. the connection of bloodlines 4. how a given society sanctions the relationships of people who are connected through blood, marriage, or adoption
1.12 Same-sex couple households account for _____ percent of American households. 1. 1 2. 10 3. 15 4. 30
1.13 Sociologists using conflict perspective might study what? 1. How social movements develop 2. What motivates inequitably treated people to join a movement 3. What social purposes a movement serves 4. What individuals hope to gain from taking part in a social movement
1.14 Social movements are: 1. the collective action of individuals working together in an attempt to establish new norms beliefs, or values 2. disruptive and chaotic challenges to the government 3. ineffective mass movements 4. the singular activities of a collection of groups working to challenge the status quo
1.15 In addition to social movements, social change is also caused by technology, social institutions, population and ______ . 1. social structure 2. new social movements
3. the environment 4. modernization
Part 2. Short answers
2.1. Based on each picture define keywords the type of intergroup relationship. A.
2.2. Examine the difference between material and nonmaterial culture in your world. Identify ten objects that are part of your regular cultural experience. For each, then identify what aspects of nonmaterial culture (values and beliefs) that these objects represent
Material culture
Nonmaterial culture
Part 3. Open questions (essay)
3.1. Think about a social movement industry dealing with a cause that is important to you. How do the different social movement organizations of this industry seek to engage you? Which techniques do you respond to? Why?
3.2. An increasing number of people come from two or more racial or ethnic groups. What does it means to be brought up in two cultures and which advantages or challenges can appear in “being in between�?
3.3. In the News Feed of our online class room on Leo ( you can see Sociology in Pictures. All eight pictures are related to the themes which we discussed. Please select one of the pictures and reflect on it (sociological concepts, theories, sociological imagination?)