Result Report HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023: Prayers for End of Wars
Content 1. Purpose and Overview of the Event 2. Representative Prayer 3. Follow-up Event - Relay Prayer Campaign 4. Responses from Religious Leaders
On November 18, 2023, HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Office held ‘2023 HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference: Prayers for End of Wars’, together with religious leaders from around the world. The event was conducted in realtime online at 6:00 and 13:00 UTC, taking into account the attendees from different continents, and was attended by over 640 religious leaders from 73 countries. So far, HWPL has held global interfaith prayer meetings whenever there are global issues, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, other natural disasters, and the Russia-Ukraine war, with the aim of uniting religious people to overcome difficulties together. This prayer meeting also aimed to hope for the end of wars and conflicts being rampant in many parts of the world, including the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, and the world peace. In addition, it was the gathering with a heartfelt wish to halt further pain and loss of life, commemorating the innocent victims of war - civilians, especially women and children. In this event, a total of 11 leaders from various religions came forward in two sessions to conduct representative prayers, with their respective religious cultures. Between the prayers led by the representatives, there was a moment for everyone to pray together. With diverse prayers conducted in different ways, all participants sincerely joined the prayer meeting with a united heart for the cessation of war and the pursuit of peace while respecting each other’s religious cultures. Especially during the dedicated moment to commemorate the victims of war and seek comfort and peace for those left behind, many attendees empathized with the pain, shedding tears in solidarity. 3
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
1. Purpose and Overview of the Event
During the event, an online board was operated in real-time for prayers and wishes for peace. Participants freely shared their prayers and wishes for peace through the provided link. The posts on the board will be further collected to share with more people, and it will show how many individuals wish to stop the war, achieve peace and unite hearts for that purpose.
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
2. Contents of Representative Prayer 1) 06:00 UTC
Almighty and ever-Merciful God, Creator of all beings in the universe, And Loving Father of all Nations, You sent your Son, Jesus the Christ, into the world to proclaim the Gospel of Peace. Through his many signs of healing, forgiveness and reconciliation, He addressed the sufferings and sorrows of our human lives. Through his Passion and Death freely offered on the cross for the life and resurrection of the world, He freed us from the clutches of evil, suffering and eternal death. We ask for your guidance and enlightenment through the Holy Spirit To forge the Solidarity and Human Fraternity of all human beings, Beyond race, creed, ideology or social origin. “Blessed are the Peace-makers,” our Lord taught, “for they shall be called the Children of God.“ Let this also be our calling and task. 5
We mark this year the 60th anniversary of St. Pope John XXIII’s landmark encyclical, “Pacem in Terris” (Peace on Earth), issued in 1963. During that period, a confrontation of world superpowers over an island-nation brought the entire world to the brink of nuclear war. Today, we confront new conflicts over particular countries and regions that threaten to engulf the world into a Third World War. We thus recall the four pillars of Peace that Pope John outlined: TRUTH -- recognizing the dignity of every human person as created in the image of God, and extending to every human community; JUSTICE -- acknowledging the human rights of every person in our relationships with one another, between governments and their citizens, and among all nations; We ask, Lord God, that you help us strengthen these four pillars of Peace -- a gift from above, but also a task for all of us on earth. Without any of these pillars, there can be no lasting peace in the world. We pray for the present-day victims of violence, terrorism and military encounters. We pray that the spirit of dialogue, mutual understanding and reconciliation prevail over the counter-spirits of armed conflict, nationalistic interests, and mutual destruction. We also invoke the intercession of our Blessed Mother, Mary, as Queen of Peace and humble maid servant of the Lord God. May she gather all of us under her maternal mantle for the peace of the world. Amen.
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
ॐ द्यौ: शान्तिरन्तरिक्षँ शान्ति:, पृथ्वी शान्तिराप: शान्तिरोषधय: शान्ति:। वनस्पतय: शान्तिर््वविश्वे दे वा: शान्तिर्बब्रह्म शान्ति:, सर््ववँशान्ति:, शान्तिरे व शान्ति:, सा मा शान्तिरेधि॥ ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति:॥
Om dyauh shanti rantariksham shantih Prithvi shantirapah shantih Oshadhayah shantih Vanaspatayah shantih Vishvedevaah shantih Brahma shantih Sarvam shantih Shantireva shantih Saamaa shantiredhih Om shaantih, shaantih, shaantih! May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere. May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers. May peace flow over the whole universe. May peace be in the Supreme Being Brahman(universe) 7
And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti to us and all beings. Dear divine souls, I hereby pray that power of love for peace supersedes love of power . This way we can make this planet better place to live upon. I also advocate inter country understanding that only creates actual peace. Let’s chirp together full of joy, let’s get rid of pains and agonies, let’s harvest best crops with these wars cease our happiness for the above. Aham eko asmi - in Rigveda it means I am only one, so we must accept honestly full heartedly that WE ARE ONE
With the continuing war, the world is in the state of conflicts, the conflict of Ego, the conflict of supermacy the conflict of Polarisation. People are dying out of the these conflicts. As every big fish in the sea is eating small fish, every big animal in the forest is eating small animal, in humanity this system is now being operated, when one side tries to force the law of sea and forest on human society. This situation leads to jealousy, ego, greed, anger , expansionist interests and materialistic instincts in man that causes war. We forget the universal principal of “Live and Let Live” that leads the whole world to “One Family” As Gurbani Says “ਏਕੁ ਪਿਤਾ ਏਕਸ ਕੇ ਹਮ ਬਾਰਿਕ” We are all children of that one Almighty God. ਅਵਲਿ ਅਲਹ ਨੂਰੁ ਉਪਾਇਆ ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕੇ ਸਭ ਬੰਦੇਏਕ ਨੂਰ ਤੇ ਸਭੁ ਜਗੁ ਉਪਜਿਆ ਕਉਨ ਭਲੇ ਕੋ ਮੰਦੇ. The entire universe was created from one that one eternal light, then who is good, who is bad. Let us create an atmosphere of Universal brotherhood and respect for every human being and his belief. Let us join hands for the world peace. As Edmund Burke says “When bad men combine the good must associate, lest they will fall one by one” In the end let us pray for the world peace as enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji ਸਲੋਕ ਮਃ ੩ ॥ਜਗਤੁ ਜਲੰਦਾ ਰਖਿ ਲੈ ਆਪਣੀ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਧਾਰਿ ॥ਜਿਤੁ ਦੁਆਰੈ ਉਬਰੈ ਤਿਤੈ ਲੈਹੁ ਉਬਾਰਿ ॥ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਸੁਖੁ
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
All the fellow brothers and sisters from all over the world representing different faiths and sections of society, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh. In the name of Almighty Akal Purkh Waheguru I extend my heartiest best wishes to HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Prayers for the end of wars.
ਵੇਖਾਲਿਆ ਸਚਾ ਸਬਦੁ ਬੀਚਾਰਿ ॥ਨਾਨਕ ਅਵਰੁ ਨ ਸੁਝਈ ਹਰਿ ਬਿਨੁ ਬਖਸਣਹਾਰੁ ॥
It means The world is going up in flames, shower it with you mercy and save it save it and deliver it, whatever means, method or via media, it take the true Guru has shown the way to peace contemplating the true word of the Shabad, Nanak knows no other means, but the only Name “Naam” of Almighty Lord can save and forgive. We seek the blessings of Almighty in our daily prayer,“ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮ ਚੜਦੀ ਕਲਾ ਤੇਰੇ ਭਾਣੇ ਸਰਬੱਤ ਦਾ ਭਲਾ” Nanak with your Name we remain in high spirits and with your blessings and Hukam. We seek Welfare of all. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh.
Peaceful Greetings and Compliments to all for being a part of a gesture to Stop the Humanity falling into Pieces… World has been witnessing unprecedented situation of War and Destruction in the recent times. It is not limited to one particular region. It has now become a Global issue. At one point or the other there is a continuing situation of unrest and discord. HWPL has taken up a novel endeavour in organising special session of Peace Prayer by all representatives of respective religions on one platform. This is in hope that if efforts fail and hopes sink; Prayers are the last resort. Allaah Ta’aala says in the Qur’an – And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the Curse of Allah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him (4:93). Elsewhere it is mentioned - Mankind were one community and Allah sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings, and with them He sent the Scripture in truth to judge between people in matters wherein they differed. And only those to whom (the Scripture) was given differed concerning it after clear proofs had come unto them through hatred, one to another. Then Allah by His Leave guided those who believed to the truth of that wherein they differed. And Allah guides whom He wills to a Straight Path (2:213). O Allaah Ta’aala I ask you to protect us from all types of difficulties, hardships, afflictions, injustice and diseases in this World and in the Hereafter. Especially on behalf of our homelands and the rest of countries of believing men and 11
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
In the Name of Allaah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
women; and to reconcile between us in this World; and to relieve the afflicted and distressed. Bless the oppressed and facilitate the matters of the believers and return them to their countries and homes unharmed, contented, winning and rejoicing in hope. Let them be triumphant in what is desired and to pay off the debt of the debtors; and to heal the sick; and to have mercy on the dead; for the sake of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his pious progeny. May Your blessings be upon them all. Allaah Ta’aala is sufficient for us and an excellent disposer of affairs – an excellent Master and Helper. There is no might or strength except Him. Lastly Allaah Ta’aala says in the Qur’an - O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Well-Acquainted with what you do (5:8).
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
1. The Chant of Metta (in Pāli language) (Dhamma Dissemination to the Ten Directions for World Peace) 1. sabbe puratthimāya disāya sattā averā sukhī hontu 2. sabbe puratthimāya anudisāya sattā averā sukhī hontu. 3. sabbe dakkhiṇāya disāya sattā averā sukhī hontu 4. sabbe dakkhiṇāya anudisāya sattā averā sukhī hontu. 5. sabbe pacchimāya disāya sattā averā sukhī hontu 6. sabbe pacchimāya anudisāya sattā averā sukhī hontu. 7. sabbe uttarāya disāya sattā averā sukhī hontu 8. sabbe uttarāya anudisāya sattā averā sukhī hontu. 9. sabbe uparimāya disāya sattā averā sukhī hontu 10. sabbe hiṭṭhimāya anudisāya sattā averā sukhī hontu. sabbe sattā averā hontu sukhitā hontu niddukkhā hontu abyāpajjhā hontu anighā hontu dighāyukā hontu arogā hontu sampattīhi samijjhantu sukhī attānaṃ pariharantu dukkhappattā ca niddukkhā bhayappattā ca nibbhayā sokappattā ca nissokā hontu sabbepi pāṇino.
The Chant of Metta (In English language) 1. All beings are in the eastern direction, may they be free from enmity and danger. 2. All beings are in the southeast direction, may they be free from enmity and danger. 3. All beings are in the south direction, may they be free from enmity and danger. 4. All beings are in the southwest direction, may they be free from enmity and danger. 5. All beings are in the western direction, may they be free from enmity and danger. 6. All beings are in the northwest direction, may they be free from enmity and danger. 7. All beings are in the northern direction, may they be free from enmity and danger. 8. All beings are in the northeast direction, may they be free from enmity and danger. 9. All beings are in the direction above, may they be free from enmity and danger. 10. All beings are in the direction below, may they be free from enmity and danger. May all beings be free from enmity and danger, free from sufferings. May they be free from mental sufferings, May they be free from physical sufferings, May they be long life, May they be free from disease, May they be successful, take care of themselves happily. Those who are suffered, may they are free from sufferings. Those who are fearful, may they are free from fears. Those who are sorrowful, may they are free from sorrow. (Natthi santi param sukham-There is no happiness greater than peace, Buddha) 2. Jaya Paritta (The Victory of Protection) (In Pāli language) Mahā-kāruniko nātho Hitāya sabba-pāninam Puretvā pārami sabbā patto sambodhimuttamam Etena sacca-vajjena hotu te jaya-mangalam. jayanto bodhiyā mūle sakyānaṃ nandivaḍḍhano evaṃ tvaṃ vijayo hohi jayassu jaya-maṅgale. 14
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
aparājitapallaṅke sīse paṭhavipokkhare abhiseke sabbabuddhānaṃ aggappatto pamodati. sunakkhattaṃ sumaṅgalaṃ supabhātaṃ suhuṭṭhitaṃ sukhaṇo sumuhutto ca suyiṭṭhaṃ brahmacārisu. padakkhiṇaṃ kaya-kammaṃ vācā-kammaṃ padakkhiṇaṃ padakkhiṇaṃ mano-kammaṃ paṇīdhī te padakkhiṇā. padakkhiṇāni kattvāna labhantatthe padakkhine. Jaya Paritta (The Victory of Protection) (In English language) (The Buddha) our protector, with great compassion for the welfare of all beings, having fulfilled all the perfections, attained the highest self-awakening. Through the speaking of this truth, may you have a victory blessing. Victorious at the foot of the Boddhi tree, was he who increased the Sakyans’s delight. May you have the same sort of victory. May you win victory blessings. At the head of the lotus leaf of the world on the undefeated seat consecrated by all the Buddhas, he rejoiced in the utmost attainment. A lucky star it is, a lucky blessing, a lucky dawn, a lucky sacrifice, a lucky instant, a lucky moment, a lucky offering. i.e., a rightful bodily act, a rightful verbal act, a rightful mental act, your rightful intentions with regard to those who lead the holy life. Doing these rightful things, your rightful aims are achieved. 15
Maitri Bhavanu Pavitra Zarnu The 12 Bhavnas Jainism puts a significant emphasis on the thought process of a human being. A person’s behaviour and actions are the reflection of their internal thoughts, day in and day out. It is not the action but the intention behind the action that results in the accumulation of Karma. Hence, one should be very careful about his thoughts, how he thinks, and the subject matter of his thought. To make room for pure thoughts, and to drive out the evil ones, Jainism recommends reflecting on the following twelve thoughts or Bhavnas. The twelve Bhavnas are the subject matters of one’s meditation, and how to occupy one’s mind with useful, religious, beneficial, peaceful, harmless, spiritually advancing, karma preventing thoughts. They cover a wide field of teachings of Jainism. They are designed to serve as aids to spiritual progress and lead the aspirants from the realm of desire to the path of renunciation. They are reflections upon the fundamental facts of life, intended to develop purity of thought and sincerity in the practice of religion. 1. Anitya Bhavna – the concept that nothing in this world is permanent. 2. Asarana Bhavna – that no one in this world provides true refuge or protection, and the only way of conquering death, old age and disease is by destroying all karma. 3. Samsara Bhavna - the concept that there are no permanent relationships in the universe, like father, mother, friend or foe. This helps prevent worldly attachments 16
4. Ekatva Bhavna – that the soul is solitary in nature, and the soul will enjoy the fruits, and suffer the bad consequences of its own action alone. 5. Anyatva Bhavna – that the soul is separate from any other objects or living beings of the world, including his physical body. This will prevent being controlled by the desires, greed, and urges of the physical body. 6. Asuci Bhavna – the concept that the body is impure and that the soul is pure and unattached to the body. 7. Asrava Bhavna – being aware that every time we enjoy or suffer through the five senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing), we accumulate more karma. This thought will make us more careful, and will try to stop the influx of karmas. 8. Samvara Bhavna – Under this reflection, one thinks about stopping evil thoughts, and becomes absorbed in achieving spiritual knowledge and meditation. This prevents the influx of karma. 9. Nirjara Bhavna – reflecting on the evil consequences of karma, and striving to destroy the previously acquired karma, by austerity and meditation. 10. Loka Bhavna – the concept that the universe is eternal but transitory, and thus all objects of the world come into existence and perish. This thought helps us understand the true nature of reality. 11. Bodhi-durlabha Bhavna – that it is very difficult to attain right faith, knowledge, and conduct in this world, so the effort to do so must be strengthened. 12. Dharma Bhavna – the concept that the true teacher, religious scriptures, and religion are excellent shelters in this world full of agony. All other things lead to misery and suffering. Four Bhavnas or Virtues Besides the twelve Bhavnas described above Jainism has laid great importance on the following four Bhavnas or virtues. • Amity, love, and friendship - Maitri • Appreciation, respect and joy - Pramoda • Compassion - Karuna • Equanimity and tolerance- Madhyastha I will now sing a song that describes these four bhavnas, and the translation is as 17
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to other living beings.
follows: May the sacred stream of amity Flow forever in my heart. May the universe prosper, Such is my cherished desire. May my heart sing with ecstasy At the sight of the virtuous. May my life be An offering at their feet. May my heart bleed at the sight of The wretched, the cruel, the irreligious. May tears of compassion Flow from my eyes. May I always be there to show the path To the pathless wanderers of life. Yet if they should not hearken to me, May I bide in patience. May the spirit of goodwill Enter all our hearts. May we all sing in chorus The immortal song of human concord. [To be sung]: Maitri Bhavanu Pavitra Zaranu, Muj Haiya Ma Vahya Kare, Shubh Thao Aa Sakal Vishvanu, Evi Bhavana Nitya Rahe. Gunathi Bharela Gunijana Dekhi, Haiyu Maru Nrutya Kare, A Santo Na Charan Kamal Ma, Muj Jivan No Ardhaya Rahe. 18
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Din Krur Ne Dharma Vihona, Dekhi Dilma Dard Rahe, Karuna Bhini Ankho Mathi, Ashruno Shubh Shrot Vahe. Marg Bhulela Jivan Pathik Ne, Marg Chindhava Ubho Rahu, Kare Upexa A Marag Ni, To Ye Samata Chitt Dharu. Chitrabhanuni Dharma Bhavana, Haiye Sau Manav Lave, Ver Zer Na Paap Taji Ne, Mangal Geeto Sau Gave.
2) 13:00 UTC
Al Fatiha [The Opening] 1. Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim 2. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin 3. Al Rahman Al Rahim 4. Maliki Yawmid Din 5. Iyaka na’ budu wa iyaka nasta’in 6. Ihdinas sirat al mustaqim 7. Siratallazina an ‘amta ‘alayhim ghayril maghdubi ‘alayhim walad daalin Auzu’billahi minashaitan nirajeem Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim Revealed at Mecca 1. In the name of Allah, The One Who Acts with Mercy, The Source of Mercy 2. All gratitude and praise belong to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, 3. The One Who Acts with Mercy, The Source of Mercy, 4. The Owner of the Dominion on Judgment Day. 20
6. Guide us to the confirmed and sure path. 7. The path of those on whom You have bestowed Your grace, not of those who deserve Your wrath nor of those who misguide themselves. I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast In the name of Allah, The One Who Acts with Mercy, The Source of Mercy O human beings! Surely, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes and communities so that you may know one another. Know that the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the one who has the most taqwa (i.e., the one who is best in conduct towards Allah and His creation, and is most deeply conscious of Allah). Know that Allah is Alim [All-Knowing] and Khabir [All-Aware] (Qur’an - Al Hujurat; 13) O Allah, make it easy for us to see the truth, and to act with it, and to see that which is false, and to avoid it. O Allah, it is You alone that we worship, and You alone we ask for help. Please help us to help all of humanity who are suffering from the cruelty of war, conflict and oppression in the world. O Allah, the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing, please grant protection and safety for all the people of the world from the evil of shaytan and those who follow him. O Allah, please accept our sincere prayers. Ameen.
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
5. We connect and devote ourselves to You, and we ask for Your help.
One Absolute Manifest; victory belongs to the Wondrous Destroyer of darkness. May the might of the All-powerful help! Ode to the might by the tenth lord. Having first thought of the Almighty’s prowess let us thing of Guru Nanak. Then of Guru Angad, Amardas and Ramdas - May they be our rescuers! Remember then Arjan, Hargobind and Harirai. Meditate then on revered Hari Krishan on seeing whom all suffering vanishes. Think then of Tegh Bahadar, remembrance of whom brings all nine treasures. He comes to rescue everywhere. Then think of the tenth lord, revered Guru Gobind Singh, who comes to rescue everywhere. The embodiment of the light of all ten sovereign lordships, the Guru Granth Sahib - think of the view and reading of it and say, “Waheguru (Wondrous Destroyer of darkness)”. O Lord, the honor of the humble, the strength of the weak, aid unto those who have none to rely on, True Father, Wondrous Destroyer of darkness, we humbly render to you... (ON BEHALF OF WORLD PEACE AND END OF THE WARS AND FOR THOSE AFFECTED BY WAR). O Nanak, may the Naam (Holy) be ever in ascendance! In Thy will may the good of all prevail!
Before we desperately come in Your presence we first want to thank You for being who You are. Thank You for showing us Your divine majesty, glorious will and Your heavenly character. At this moment Your servants throughout the whole world have come before You with a heart that comes in line with Your will. Thank You first and foremost that You have allowed us to give this desire. We pray that when You look down at this very moment, that it may please Your heart. We are desperately praying for the wars to be ceased. You have never intended for this to take place amidst your creation. That is why we pray to you to please help us to achieve this beautiful purpose that will save your creation and innocent children who are our future. Too much innocent blood has been shed.. please may your turn this war that humanity created into peace that You want to create. We believe that this turning point starts with us, and that is why we have the faith that You are the one that has gathered us. Unite our hearts, unite our minds. May our actions reflect Your will and the love among us radiate throughout the whole world. We ask You to please be in the midst of us, may You help us to understand each other, help us to become a true family that wish to achieve unity, peace and love from the bottom of our hearts. 23
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The most high, glorious and almighty Creator of everything seen and unseen.
We trust upon Your plan and give our lives only to You. May You use us that is pleasing according to Your eyes. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen
Oṃ śaṃ no mitraḥ śaṃ varuṇaḥ śaṃ no bhavatv aryamā śaṃ na indro bṛhaspatiḥ śaṃ no viṣṇur urukramaḥ namo brahmaṇe namaste vāyo tvam eva pratyakṣaṃ bhrahmāsi tvām eva pratyakṣam brahma vadiṣyāmi ṝtaṃ vadiṣyāmi satyaṃ vadiṣyāmi
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
Sarve bhavantu Sukhinaha Sarve santu niraamayaha, Sarve bhadraani pashyantu, Ma kaschid dukkha bhav bhaveth. oṃ pūrṇam adaḥ pūrṇam idam pūrṇāt pūrṇam udacyate pūrṇasya pūrṇam ādāya pūrṇam evāvaśiṣyate oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
tan mām avatu tad vaktāram avatu avatu mām avatu vaktāram Oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ Oṃ saha nāv avatu saha nau bhunaktu saha vīryaṃ karavāvahai tejasvi nāv adhītam astu mā vidviṣāvahai Om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ oṃ asato mā sad gamaya tamaso mā jyotir gamaya mṛtyor mā ‘mṛtaṃ gamaya oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ Aum Shanti! Shanti! Shantihi!
May everybody in the world be happy. May everybody be free from disease. Let us see only auspiciousness everywhere May nobody have sorrow.
May He protect me. May He protect the reciter. May He protect me. May He protect the reciter. Om, peace, peace, peace!
Om! That is infinite , and this is infinite. The infinite proceeds from the infinite. taking the infinitude of the infinite, It remains as the infinite alone. Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!
Om! May God protect us both together May God nourish us both together May we work conjointly with great energy May our study be vigorous and effective, and may we not mutually dispute Om! Let there be peace in me! Let there be peace in my environment! Let there be peace in the forces that act on me!
Om May Mitra be blissful to us. May Varuna be blissful to us. May Aryaman be blissful to us. May Indra and Brihaspati be blissful to us. May Vishnu, of long strides, be blissful to us. Salutation to Brahman. Salutation to you, O Vayu. You, indeed, are the immediate Brahman. You alone I shall call the direct Brahman. I shall call you righteousness. I shall call you truth.
Lead us from the unreal to the real Lead us from darkness to light Lead us from death to immortality Om peace, peace, peace!
Peace! Peace! Peace.
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
ASHEM VOHU VAHISHTEM ASTEE USHTA ASTEE USHTA AMHAHEE HYAT ASHAAEE VAHISHTAAEE ASHEM [Meaning in English] ASHE = Righteousness, Holiness, Purity VOHU = is Good, Desirable ASTEE = Righteousness, Holiness, Purity VAHISHTEM = is the Best and Most Highly Desirable ASTEE = Righteousness, Holiness, Purity USHTA = The Highest Purity through righteousness is good. It is the best and most desirable. It is happiness. Happiness comes to him, who is righteously pure for the sake of best holiness. He who is happy through purity and righteousness can make others happy and thus make the people of the world live in Peace and Happiness. 27
(This is the core teaching of the Zoroastrian religion – how to live in Peace and harmony with all the entire good creation of the Almighty Creation A person has to be selfless and should do good for the world, not for his own self. Do good altruistically. This alone is the key to happiness. A man who may be born in any religion, can still follow the message of this prayer and get happiness in both this earth world and the heavenly world) THE ZOROASTRIANS WORLD WIDE NATIONAL SONG Gujarati language wording Chhaye Hamey Zarthoshti Rey Mazdayasnie Nek Kul Jehan Sathey Dosti Rakhye Nibhveye Tek Mutthij Bhar Aa Tolo Sau Eelmno Sangar Rey Bol Bala Bolo Tey Neynj Sau Naari ney Naar This Zoroastrian National song Most appropriately expresses the idea of Peacekeeping between all peoples of different religious backgrounds and cultures. Peacekeeping is in the heart of the enlightened Zoroastrian people, who respect all the wisdom of all the different religious groups in all the countries. English language meaning: We are the Zoroastrian people of the holy and good Mazdayasnie ancestral stock. We maintain and nurture friendship and Peace with all the peoples of all the countries of the world This microscopic handful of people preserves all the Ancient Wisdom of the Cosmos Let us all women and men proclaim the glory and great fame of the Mazdayasnie Daen. Chorus Oh Tokhum Kayani, Oh Jag Mashur Oh Sau Sadgoon ma Saachi Nek Bharpur Kayam Rahi Jalavje Shub Tuj no Jome Aabadi Sathe Tu, Oh Parsi Komm
Oh people of Kayani ancestry who are famous throughout the world For their good qualities of truthfulness and goodness May they eternally preserve these qualities And live in Peace and Happiness with all – Oh Parsi Community. BLESSINGS TO THE GOOD PEOPLE IN WARP KOREA WHO ARE ORGANISING THIS EVENT BLESSINGS TO ALL THE PEOPLE – MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON PLANET EARTH.
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
English language meaning:
3. Follow-up Event - Relay Prayer Campaign
At the end of the event, HWPL proposed the ‘Relay Prayer Campaign’ as a practical action for the end of wars and the realization of peace. The suggestion aimed to emphasize the importance of gathering hearts for peace as a primary step in halting the ongoing conflicts and establishing a foundation for peace. HWPL strongly believes that organizing large and small relay prayer campaigns all over the world will awaken increasing numbers of people to the possibility of ending war and fostering peaceful coexistence, ultimately leading to a world of peace. The host introducing the relay prayer campaign encouraged the attendees with the following: “ I believe that each and every one of you has gathered here to share the same heart and hope. It is said that ‘everything originates from the heart’. If war is a product of hatred and greed, then we must gather even more strongly with the heart of peace and love. In particular, all religious scriptures teach us what is good and evil, and especially instruct us to distance ourselves from evil and to love and live in harmony with one another. When we, as religious individuals, first become united in truth and yearn for peace with a unified heart, the spark of this hope will spread throughout the world, and everyone will agree to put an end to the war of pain and tears. Furthermore, world peace, born from the fundamental love that sets aside selfish desires and considers the well-being of others, will inevitably be realized. Let us confirm together that when we gather with good intentions, we can overcome any evil.” 30
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
The event ended with a commemorative photo of the attendees along with the slogan ‘We are One’.
4. Responses from Religious Leaders Sahibzada Mir Masood Ali Khan, Principal of Indian Patriots Islamic Academy Thank you very much for inviting me to this wonderful prayer conference. Indeed it was very inspiring and I am extremely happy and feel at peace knowing that so many people from various religious backgrounds and communities are United with one another and standing up together for the sake of peace and harmony and love and putting their differences aside. All prayers for extremely beautiful especially when decided in their original languages and the meanings were very inspiring as well. Ven. Nanavamsa, Student of Gautam Buddha University HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference was a vital role in development of peace all over the world. A number of great religious leaders across the world participated in the conference to foster the growth of loving kindness and sympathy towards all beings. Moreover, it is necessary to gather together on one occasion to make peace. I strongly believe that occasionally meeting each other and seeking a practical way can lead to a peaceful world without a long and bitter conflict between any society. Dr. Sri bala Mylavarapu, Gender Studies Dean of Henry Martyn Institute Hyderabad The World Interfaith Prayer Conference was a powerful and moving event that brought together people of all faiths and backgrounds to pray for peace, unity, and understanding. The conference was filled with beautiful prayers, music, and speeches, and it was clear that everyone there was united in their desire to make the world a better place. One of the highlights of the conference was the opportunity to hear from spiritual leaders from all over the world. It was a great opportunity to participate in interfaith prayer services. These services were truly moving experiences, and they helped to foster a sense of connection and community among the participants. Dr. Ayesha Heena, Assistant Professor of Electronics and Instrumentation engineering department of Khaja Bandanawaz University Attending a World Interfaith Prayer Conference can be a profound experience, and sharing my impressions can be a great way to convey its significance. Reflection on Diversity: The diverse range of faiths were represented. Witnessing people from various backgrounds coming together to pray and share their beliefs was a powerful testament to the beauty of diversity. Particularly the prayers offered for peace by participants that left a lasting impression. 32
Atmosphere and Unity: No words to describe the overall atmosphere. Despite differences, there was a sense of unity, respect, and understanding among attendees, creating an environment of peace and harmony. Takeaways and Lessons: Valuable lessons or insights gained from the conference, about tolerance, cooperation, importance of dialogue and understanding in a diverse world. Impact on Community: The conference could potentially impact our community or society at large. It inspired me to initiate such prayers and interfaith dialog which surely will try In Sha Allah I Express my deep sense of gratitude towards the organizers, speakers, and fellow attendees for creating such a meaningful and impactful event. Hope to assure continuing such initiatives. Sher Jagjit Singh, Administration Secretary of International Sikh Confederation Chandigarh We fully agree with the concern of war raised by HWPL and therefore participated in the world peace prayer conference today with our 5 members. We firmly believe that there must be immediate ceasefire in west Asia to stop killing and suffering of innocent civilians. The most influential leaders of the world should exert and endeavor to their best to bring the warring factions to table discussions to end the woes of people and to avoid spreading this conflict into world war. Dr Niraj Bodhi, Head of the Department of Pali-Prakrit and Buddhist Studies in Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University Nagpur Thank you for having me participate in the World Interfaith Prayer Conference. It was a new experience for me. On this occasion, the human values of every religion could be experienced. It was believed that every religion teaches human peace. But the message we gave that all human beings are one seemed more important. Along with that, I liked the soothing music very much. Thank you very much once again for giving me the opportunity to participate. Luqman Lekan Adedeji, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies Education in University of Lagos, Chief Imam of Peace Estate Mosque I was happy to be part of the event, consisting of religious leaders across the globe. It’s a clear demonstration of peace efforts embarked upon by WHPL which is commendable. 33
HWPL World Interfaith Prayer Conference 2023 Result Report
My Personal Insights: Reflected on me after attending the conference impacted my own beliefs or perspectives. Felt blessed after attending prayer conference like one of its own kind.
The fact that each religion was represented gave a sense of equal participation and individual prayers without imposing a particular religion added color to the program. It was beautifully organized and executed with flavors. It has further encouraged me to organize such prayers in my community to achieve global peace. Thank you WHPL for inviting me to be part of the the global peace family. Charles Omollo Owidi, Associate Pastor of Affiliated with International Churches of Christ in Nairobi, Kenya I felt encouraged to have been a part of inter religious prayers organized by HWPL a true reflection of an organization that seeks God’s face. I appreciate HWPL for creating such a precious gathering. There are moments when the hearts of men are both hardened and wicked, at such moments, the only solution to attain world peace when humanity can no longer intervene is to cry to our almighty God, a father of all wisdom in prayers for solution.