19 minute read





A common question, but countless potential solutions. Aidan Severs A common question, but countless potential solutions. Aidan Severs explores how to use time e ectively when a student has fi nished their explores how to use time e ectively when a student has fi nished their work earlier than anticipated. work earlier than anticipated.

By Aidan Severs By Aidan Severs

You all recognise the scene: a line of children stretching from your desk to the classroom door and then You all recognise the scene: a line of children stretching from your desk to the classroom door and then doubling back on itself, snaking its way doubling back on itself, snaking its way between desks and chairs, children between desks and chairs, children waiting patiently (alright, not always waiting patiently (alright, not always patiently) to have their work seen and patiently) to have their work seen and to receive their next instruction. To be to receive their next instruction. To be honest, many of you will have solved honest, many of you will have solved the problem of the eternal queue, but the problem of the eternal queue, but the question remains: the question remains:

What should I do if a child has fi nished What should I do if a child has fi nished their work? their work?

If the child still has If the child still has lesson time left, it is lesson time left, it is totally legitimate for totally legitimate for them to go and do them to go and do something else something else

Perhaps this is a question that is not Perhaps this is a question that is not often asked due to the fact that many often asked due to the fact that many of us have habits and routines, personal of us have habits and routines, personal or written into school policy, that cause or written into school policy, that cause us to act automatically once a child has us to act automatically once a child has fi nished their work. fi nished their work. In reality, there are several viable options In reality, there are several viable options for what a child might do when they for what a child might do when they have completed a task. In order to really have completed a task. In order to really think about what will best serve each think about what will best serve each child who has fi nished, one almost needs child who has fi nished, one almost needs to imagine a fl ow chart of questions to imagine a fl ow chart of questions and answers to help with the decision and answers to help with the decision making. making.


Whenever a child hands over a piece of Whenever a child hands over a piece of work, the fi rst step for you, the teacher, work, the fi rst step for you, the teacher, is to review it. This should be the miniis to review it. This should be the minimum expectation in any feedback policy. mum expectation in any feedback policy. The main reasons for this being: The main reasons for this being:

• it is demoralising for a child to know • it is demoralising for a child to know that no-one has seen the work they’ve that no-one has seen the work they’ve put a lot of e ort into and it could cause put a lot of e ort into and it could cause them to put less e ort in next time them to put less e ort in next time

• without seeing what they have done, • without seeing what they have done, it is di cult for you to plan for future it is di cult for you to plan for future learning learning

There may be no need to do anything There may be no need to do anything more than read through a child’s work, more than read through a child’s work, whatever the subject. However there are whatever the subject. However there are several courses of action which can be several courses of action which can be taken next. It is important to choose the taken next. It is important to choose the right one if you intend to be a responsive right one if you intend to be a responsive teacher who meets the needs of each teacher who meets the needs of each child in your class. child in your class.


If a piece of work that you have reviewed If a piece of work that you have reviewed contains errors, things that a child might contains errors, things that a child might need feedback on, it is essential to work need feedback on, it is essential to work out whether a child has made a mistake out whether a child has made a mistake or is exhibiting a misconception. The or is exhibiting a misconception. The distinction between the two should indistinction between the two should inform the response from you, the teacher. form the response from you, the teacher. If a child has made a mistake, and this If a child has made a mistake, and this is pointed out, it should be easy for is pointed out, it should be easy for them to make a correction because they them to make a correction because they already know what to do. If a child has a already know what to do. If a child has a misconception then they will not simply misconception then they will not simply be able to correct their error. They will be able to correct their error. They will need to be taught or retaught something need to be taught or retaught something to allow them to understand where to allow them to understand where they went wrong, so as not to repeat the they went wrong, so as not to repeat the error. error.


It’s so simple to say that the next step is It’s so simple to say that the next step is to provide children with feedback, but to provide children with feedback, but wrapped up in that one step are so many wrapped up in that one step are so many sub-options. The six ‘question words’ sub-options. The six ‘question words’ that teachers are quite familiar with, that teachers are quite familiar with, come in handy here: who, what, where, come in handy here: who, what, where, why, when and how. Let’s break those why, when and how. Let’s break those down a bit: down a bit: • Why am I giving this feedback? And • Why am I giving this feedback? And who am I doing this for? Am I giving this who am I doing this for? Am I giving this feedback to make my books look good feedback to make my books look good for SLT or Ofsted? Or is this feedback for SLT or Ofsted? Or is this feedback truly for the benefi t of the pupil? When truly for the benefi t of the pupil? When thinking about the purpose of feedback, thinking about the purpose of feedback, it is important also to consider whether it is important also to consider whether the feedback enables a pupil to imthe feedback enables a pupil to improve, or whether it limits them to only prove, or whether it limits them to only improving that particular piece of work. improving that particular piece of work. If it is the latter, it has limited potential: If it is the latter, it has limited potential: correcting an existing piece of work does correcting an existing piece of work does not necessarily mean that their work in not necessarily mean that their work in the future will be any better. In fact it the future will be any better. In fact it may be the case that, even following a may be the case that, even following a piece of work which contains errors, a piece of work which contains errors, a child would be best served by being set child would be best served by being set a brand new task which allows them to a brand new task which allows them to focus on improving. Sometimes another focus on improving. Sometimes another task is needed simply to provide further task is needed simply to provide further opportunities to practice the thing they opportunities to practice the thing they are learning. are learning. • What feedback is needed? When a • What feedback is needed? When a child completes a piece of work there child completes a piece of work there could be many aspects that have the could be many aspects that have the potential to warrant feedback: presentapotential to warrant feedback: presentation, handwriting, spelling, grammar, tion, handwriting, spelling, grammar, punctuation, accuracy, content and so punctuation, accuracy, content and so on. It often helps to know what you on. It often helps to know what you intend to give feedback on before you intend to give feedback on before you get creative with the coloured pens and get creative with the coloured pens and highlighters and leave a child’s work highlighters and leave a child’s work covered in annotations. Less is more covered in annotations. Less is more is a useful general rule. In order to do is a useful general rule. In order to do this, it is worth sticking to the provision this, it is worth sticking to the provision of feedback based on the lesson’s main of feedback based on the lesson’s main objectives, as well as on any non-negotiaobjectives, as well as on any non-negotiables you may have set your class, or any bles you may have set your class, or any personal targets any given child might personal targets any given child might have. But don’t overwhelm children with have. But don’t overwhelm children with feedback if you want them to successfulfeedback if you want them to successfully respond. ly respond. • Who needs this feedback? Is this • Who needs this feedback? Is this feedback only relevant to one child, feedback only relevant to one child, or are there a group of children who or are there a group of children who would benefi t? Perhaps even the whole would benefi t? Perhaps even the whole class needs the same feedback? If you class needs the same feedback? If you recognise that it is more than just one recognise that it is more than just one child who needs it, then it is ine cient child who needs it, then it is ine cient


to provide the same piece of feedback to provide the same piece of feedback multiple times. Save yourself a bit of multiple times. Save yourself a bit of time by keeping your feedback for the time by keeping your feedback for the moment when you can deliver it to as moment when you can deliver it to as many as need it. many as need it.

• Where and how should this feedback • Where and how should this feedback

be given? Should the feedback be given be given? Should the feedback be given as written comments in the child’s book as written comments in the child’s book or should it be given verbally? Typically, or should it be given verbally? Typically, written feedback is time consuming for written feedback is time consuming for the teacher and often isn’t read or unthe teacher and often isn’t read or understood properly by the child. It is also derstood properly by the child. It is also hard to communicate all that is needed hard to communicate all that is needed in a written comment. Some schools use in a written comment. Some schools use codes to show where and how children codes to show where and how children can edit and revise their work, which can edit and revise their work, which are less time-consuming for teachers are less time-consuming for teachers to provide. Verbal feedback has much to provide. Verbal feedback has much greater possibilities but can be di cult greater possibilities but can be di cult to fi nd the time for (see ‘when should I to fi nd the time for (see ‘when should I give feedback?’ for more). The answer give feedback?’ for more). The answer to the ‘who?’ question has implications to the ‘who?’ question has implications too: if a group or the whole class need too: if a group or the whole class need feedback then it is best to give feedback feedback then it is best to give feedback as a group/class input, along with some as a group/class input, along with some further instruction and modelling. further instruction and modelling.

• When should I give this feedback? • When should I give this feedback?

Timing of feedback is often overlooked – Timing of feedback is often overlooked – immediate feedback can allow teachers immediate feedback can allow teachers to catch children in the act of makto catch children in the act of making errors, and these can be put right ing errors, and these can be put right straight away before children embed any straight away before children embed any misconceptions. However, there are benmisconceptions. However, there are benefi ts, and practicalities, in there being efi ts, and practicalities, in there being some lag between a child completing a some lag between a child completing a piece of work and receiving feedback on piece of work and receiving feedback on it. Certainly, a time lag gives teachers it. Certainly, a time lag gives teachers time to consider their response in order time to consider their response in order to provide the correct response and it to provide the correct response and it also gives children a break (even adults also gives children a break (even adults don’t like re-reading and correcting their don’t like re-reading and correcting their work as soon as they’ve completed it). If work as soon as they’ve completed it). If teachers prioritise live reviewing of work teachers prioritise live reviewing of work then they can begin to build a picture then they can begin to build a picture of the class’s needs (ready for a later of the class’s needs (ready for a later lesson), at the same time as addressing lesson), at the same time as addressing the most insidious of misconceptions the most insidious of misconceptions and helping children who are struggling and helping children who are struggling to understand. to understand.


a brand new task which allows chila brand new task which allows chil- step? Something more di cult to push a step? Something more di cult to push a dren further opportunities to practice dren further opportunities to practice child on to? Sometimes we just need to child on to? Sometimes we just need to whatever it is they are learning. All of whatever it is they are learning. All of celebrate a completed piece of work. celebrate a completed piece of work. these choices arise from a teacher having these choices arise from a teacher having reviewed the work that children have reviewed the work that children have If the child still has lesson time left, it If the child still has lesson time left, it done, and making sensible decisions done, and making sensible decisions is totally legitimate for them to go and is totally legitimate for them to go and about their response. about their response. do something else – since when did do something else – since when did we expect all learning episodes to take we expect all learning episodes to take But what about those times when you’ve But what about those times when you’ve exactly 1 hour for each and every child? exactly 1 hour for each and every child? reviewed a child’s work and it just seems reviewed a child’s work and it just seems That extra bit of time could be spent in That extra bit of time could be spent in perfect? First of all, it is absolutely fi ne perfect? First of all, it is absolutely fi ne all manner of productive ways: pursuing all manner of productive ways: pursuing that you might think it is perfect: Well that you might think it is perfect: Well a personal interest, practicing something a personal interest, practicing something done! You did your job teaching and they done! You did your job teaching and they from another lesson, getting stuck into a from another lesson, getting stuck into a did theirs learning – that’s the dream! did theirs learning – that’s the dream! book, doing a bit of tidying and organisbook, doing a bit of tidying and organisDoes there always need to be a next Does there always need to be a next ing – all of these are valuable in di erent ing – all of these are valuable in di erent We’ve already discussed the fact that We’ve already discussed the fact that sometimes no immediate feedback sometimes no immediate feedback needs to be given: sometimes it is best needs to be given: sometimes it is best saved for another day, sometimes it is saved for another day, sometimes it is better to re-teach something to a group better to re-teach something to a group or the whole class in a follow-up lesson. or the whole class in a follow-up lesson. At other times it is more benefi cial to set At other times it is more benefi cial to set

ways, and may just be what the child ways, and may just be what the child needs after putting all their e ort into needs after putting all their e ort into executing a perfect piece of work. executing a perfect piece of work. However, there may be other times However, there may be other times when it is wise to push a child to use and when it is wise to push a child to use and apply their new-found knowledge, and apply their new-found knowledge, and this is widely done. However, beware this is widely done. However, beware the task that is set as a next step which the task that is set as a next step which only a handful of children ever get to only a handful of children ever get to have a go at. Sometimes it is best saving have a go at. Sometimes it is best saving the same task for the following lesson the same task for the following lesson where more children will get a chance at where more children will get a chance at working at a greater depth in any given working at a greater depth in any given subject. subject.


Next time a child comes to you saying Next time a child comes to you saying that they have fi nished their work, take a that they have fi nished their work, take a moment to consider what, for this child, moment to consider what, for this child, at this moment, might be the next best at this moment, might be the next best move. It won’t always be what your school’s move. It won’t always be what your school’s policy dictates and it won’t always be what policy dictates and it won’t always be what your fi rst instinct is. Just as you might your fi rst instinct is. Just as you might set di erent tasks for di erent children, set di erent tasks for di erent children, or support children in di erent ways to or support children in di erent ways to access the same task, so your response to access the same task, so your response to a fi nished piece of work can di er. Try to a fi nished piece of work can di er. Try to take all of the above into consideration as take all of the above into consideration as you think about what a child should do you think about what a child should do once completing a piece of work. once completing a piece of work. If a child has a If a child has a misconception then they misconception then they will not simply be able to will not simply be able to correct their error. They correct their error. They will need to be taught or will need to be taught or retaught something to retaught something to allow them to understand allow them to understand where they went wrong, where they went wrong, so as not to repeat the so as not to repeat the error. error.

Teacher reviews the work Teacher reviews the work (in lesson or after) (in lesson or after)

Mistake Mistake

Will correcting the Will correcting the mistakes help the child mistakes help the child improve? improve?

YesYes NoNo

Ask the Ask the child to child to correct the correct the mistake in mistake in the piece of the piece of work. work.


Would Would the child the child benefi t benefi t from a from a follow-up follow-up activity? activity?


Set an Set an activity that activity that allows the allows the child more child more practice of practice of the object? the object? Consider what Consider what feedback the feedback the child would child would benefi t from, benefi t from, based on the based on the objective objective & personal & personal targets targets Are there errors? Are there errors? NoNo


Is it a mistake or a Is it a mistake or a misconception? misconception?

Misconception Misconception

Is it one child, a group or Is it one child, a group or a whole class who have a whole class who have this misconception? this misconception?

One One Child Child Group Group Whole Whole Class Class

Should it be retaught now Should it be retaught now or in a follow-up lesson? or in a follow-up lesson?

Now Now Later Later

Reteach Reteach

Reteach in the next lesson. Reteach in the next lesson. Think about modelling and Think about modelling and alternative explanations. alternative explanations. Would the child benefi t from another task? Would the child benefi t from another task?

YesYes NoNo

Think about whether Think about whether the task should focus the task should focus on the next step in the on the next step in the sequence, on the same sequence, on the same objective at greater objective at greater depth, or whether depth, or whether they should be using they should be using and applying current and applying current knowledge. knowledge.

What’s the What’s the best use of the best use of the child’s time child’s time now? Reading? now? Reading? Follow-up work Follow-up work from another from another subject? Pursuing subject? Pursuing personal personal interests? interests?

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