10 minute read
“Using your memory, shapes your memory”

The problem was though that none of the children knew what ‘neolithic’ meant. So much time had been spent on creating fun activities for the children to complete with links to the unit, that all the children remembered was completing these activities and not the learning behind them. What is important is fi nding a fi ne balance between the two – ensuring that learning is taking place but in a way that is in context for children to use and apply.
This is where knowledge organisers have a place – providing children with the key knowledge behind a unit – for example, what the term neolithic means – and referring to that within learning for this to be remembered.
As stated by Hutchinson, knowledge organisers should be a planning, teaching and assessment guide for teachers as well as pupils and parents. This does require teachers to ‘teach’ pupils how to make the most of these and the consistent referral to the knowledge included within them will help to achieve that. It is not enough to just stick them into books and hope that, by the power of osmosis, the appropriate knowledge will be acquired. Opportunities to assess that learning has taken place comes in the form of retrieval practice tech-niques, including those laid out by Kate Jones in her series of books on the subject. Well-planned multiple choice questions are one way of demonstrating this and demonstrate that, whilst knowledge organisers are a great tool in the retrieval practice arsenal, implemented independently is not enough, but entwined with other forms of retrieval practice is where they really come into their own. As with anything, you will see the greatest benefi ts of something based on the way that it is utilised within the classroom.
As has already been stated (but cannot be overstated), knowledge organisers are a great tool for teachers in the classroom when it comes to planning, teaching and assessment. However, children need to be given the opportunity to engage with them. One way of supporting this outside the classroom is by sharing them with parents. The way that we have done that in my setting is, at the beginning of each term, our knowledge organisers are sent to parents via our school bulletin with a pre-amble as to what they are and how they can be used e ectively to support the learning of the children.
We also state how parents can be supporting the acquiring of key knowledge with their children themselves. What this sharing of knowledge organisers also achieves is a communication with par-ents as to what is being taught in the classroom. It promotes revision techniques as we ask for these to be printed, pinned to the fridge or bedroom wall and it also promotes discussion around the dining table.
In a world dominated by screens and digital media, we see this as a great way for children (and par-ents) to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a unit.
In the next issue, I discuss how I have created knowledge organisers for my school, explaining the process and the thought behind them as well as the ‘dos and don’ts’ regarding their creation, ensuring that the benefi ts of them provide children with the perfect platform to retain and retrieve core knowledge around a subject.

What make s discussion a good discussion? Darren Leslie explores this issue and o ers tactical advice on how to improve the quality of your in-class discussions.
By Darren Leslie


Discussions in my classroom were often a form of disjointed verbal interactions. You could compare them to verbal tennis. I would ask a question, a pupil would respond, I’d ask another, another pupil would respond, and it would go on like that until I was satisfi ed that we had concluded. Over time, I came to realise that this didn’t qualify as a discussion in its fullest sense. Mainly because the ideas presented were not connected to each other.

To dig a little deeper, a hallmark of a discussion is listening, really listening to one another and this key feature was also missing. You could say we were talking past one another as opposed to talking to one another. The comments would have been slightly related but would not really constitute a discussion, rather a set of statements grouped together to make it look like a discussion, mediated by me, the teacher.

So, I resolved to make discussions in my classroom better and this is when I came across “Habits of Discussion” as outlined by Doug Lemov in Teach Like a Champion 3.0. In his book, Lemov writes that ‘a discussion is supposed to be a mutual endeavour by a group of people to develop, refi ne, or contextualise an idea or set of ideas, and that’s di erent from a series of loosely related comments’.

To make the discussions in my classroom stronger I needed to implement a set of tools and behaviours that build belonging, ensure psychological safety, and maximise the potential of my pupils so that they would feel comfortable contributing.

Our pupils often provide us with the most profound thinking, if only we take the steps necessary to allow them to shine.

Habits of Discussion are a powerful set of tools but to set it up requires developing a series of ‘nearly invisible behaviours that are displayed by participants that signal the importance of the endeavour’. These behaviours such as establishing and maintaining eye contact and subtle prosocial behaviours including nodding to show appreciation and understanding are key to building a strong scholarly classroom culture where pupils feel comfortable to both participate and listen attentively.
Listening carefully to the speaker is a fundamental action that participants need to take. Listening with the intent to “follow on” encourages pupils to show the speaker that they care about what they have said.
No one makes profound contributions or shares razorsharp thinking with their peers, if the signals in the room tell them that nobody cares.
Another fundamental action that links directly to listening carefully is maintaining eye contact with the speaker. Not only does this show the speaker that you are keen to hear what they have to say, looking at them while they do and giving them your full concentration will help you to hear more of what they are saying. By looking at the speaker you can also pick up on gestures and facial expressions that add meaning and context to what they are saying.
This is extremely useful, especially if you are the one called upon next to contribute. I recognise that maintaining eye contact is not

suitable for some pupils and it isn’t a guarantee that pupils will listen to one another, but it is a behaviour worth developing for the majority.

These behaviours are important because pupils, and most of society, seek a rmation that their words matter. If after you share an insight no one builds on it or recognises your contribution you soon begin to conclude that it isn’t worth speaking.

Encouraging these behaviours begins slowly but they compound to encourage pupils to share their thoughts safe in the knowing that their peers will listen to them and demonstrate this through sending signals of belonging. This is akin to the same young people who post pictures on Instagram and wait desperately for ‘likes’. This a rmation is powerful and we crave it just as much when we speak, as we do online. By showing that you ‘like’ what a peer has to say through simple hidden cues, it makes it more likely that they will share a fi rst-thought or even a half-developed thought, necessary for a high-quality emerging classroom discussion.
Once the behaviours are in place that signal belonging and pupils feel that they are safe to contribute their thoughts to discussions we now need to provide them with the tools necessary, a framework you could say, for talking to, not past, each other.
First, it is vital that the pupils are armed with the necessary knowledge to take part in a discussion. It is of no use to start a discussion if the pupils lack the prior knowledge necessary to take part in a fact-based and connected discussion. Without being well-informed, discussions could easily result in emotive and argumentative contributions. We want discussions to be rich and connected, this requires a wellinformed group of participants.
Pupils need a framework to help get them started, to teach them how to take part in an academic discussion. To start, I gave them sentence starters that they could use such as ‘I think that...’, ‘I agree with...’ and ‘I disagree with...’. This encouraged the pupils to begin by recognising the previous speaker before o ering their own contributions. It also allows for the teacher to ask questions that don’t demand a correct response immediately.
By asking a pupil what they think you are ensuring that they can kick start a discussion without the fear of wanting to be right. This allows them to start by o ering their thoughts on the matter in hand.
The next pupil that is called upon then as a choice, do they agree or disagree with the previous speaker. This recognition is not only a rming that what you said matters it encourages you to want to speak again.
By beginning your contribution with ‘I agree with Kieran because’ or ‘I disagree with Kieran because’ shows that you were listening. The third pupil that contributes has even more choice, they can agree or disagree with the previous speakers.
This adds even more layers to our fundamental behaviours. The pupils are now looking at one another, using each other’s names in their responses and building on each other contributions. Making it much more of a discussion than the tennis matches we previous embarked upon.