FALL 2013
Welcome First-Years! My colleague, Director of the Abbe Center for Jewish Life and Hillel Advisor Lorinda Weinstock, and I look forward to meeting you during Orientation Weekend and hope that on CHAPLAIN LESLEY ADAMS Sunday afternoon you will join us at the Religious Life Ice Cream Social. The Religious Life office is here to help you celebrate and reflect, and to provide comfort and council. Let us know if you are looking for ways to get involved on campus or in the community. You can contact me via e-mail at LORINDA WEINSTOCK ladams@hws.edu, by phone at (315) 781-3671 or by stopping by the Religious Life Office. I’m sure we can help you find a spiritual homeaway-from-home. — Chaplain Lesley Adams
Religious Affiliation
If you didn’t fill out the Religious Affiliation section on the Biographical Information task of the Orientation website but would like to receive information about your specific tradition or traditions, please e-mail Chaplain Adams (ladams@hws.edu) and she will see that you are added to the e-mail list.
Religious Holidays
Hobart and William Smith Colleges aspire to be a community of “inclusive excellence.” The Colleges’ policy on religious observance includes the following: “The Colleges accept the responsibility of making available to each student who is absent from class because of religious obligations and practices an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirement missed.” Be sure to tell your faculty in advance when you will miss class in order to practice your religious tradition.
Weekly Schedule Fall 2013 Quaker Meeting Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Fisher Center, Demarest Hall Roman Catholic Mass Sundays, 4:30 p.m. St. John’s Chapel House Church Sundays, 5 p.m. Chaplain’s Residence, 630 S. Main Christian Fellowship Sundays, 7:30 p.m. Intercultural Affairs, 288 Pulteney Street Hillel Club TBA Abbe Center for Jewish Life, 764 S. Main Street Buddhist Meditation Mondays, 6:30 p.m. Intercultural Affairs, 288 Pulteney Street Campus Peer Ministers Meeting 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. Chaplain’s Residence Pasta Night Wednesdays, 5 p.m. cooking; 5:30 p.m. eating Chaplain’s Residence, 630 South Main Street World Traditions Discussion Group with Nanci Rose-Ritter Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Chaplain’s Office, St. John’s Chapel CloseKnit Handwork Club Thursdays, 4-5:30 p.m. Chaplain’s Residence, 630 South Main Street Project Nur Thursdays, 8 p.m. Muslim Student Center, 780 S. Main, entrance off Jay St. Kosher Shabbat Dinner Fridays, 6:30 p.m. Abbe Center, 764 South Main Street e-mail shabbat@hws.edu to sign up
High Holiday Information
Through an arrangement between the Religious Life Office of Hobart and William Smith Colleges and Temple Beth-El of Geneva, N.Y., all HWS students receive student membership in the congregation. Free tickets to High Holiday services are available from Lorinda Weinstock (lweinstock@hws.edu) and will also be available for pick-up in the Scandling Campus Center before the holidays. Dates to remember: Wednesday, September 4 • Festive Erev Rosh Hashanah Dinner: 6 p.m., Abbe Center, 764 South Main Street • Erev Rosh Hashanah Service: 7:30 p.m., Temple Beth-El, 755 South Main Street Thursday, September 5 • Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: 9 a.m., Temple Beth-El, 755 South Main Street • Rosh Hashanah Luncheon: 12:30 p.m., Geneva Lakefront Ramada (Free-reservations required) Tashlich: 2 p.m., Geneva Lakefront Park Friday, September 6 • Rosh Hashanah Second Day Morning Study Session: 10 a.m., Temple Beth-El, 755 South Main Street • Midday worship with Shofar: 11:30 a.m., Temple Beth-El, 755 S. Main Street • Seudah: 12:30 p.m., Temple Beth-El • Kosher Shabbat Dinner: 6:30 p.m., Abbe Center, 764 South Main Street Friday, September 13 • Kosher Shabbat & Pre-fast Dinner: 5:30 p.m., Abbe Center, 764 South Main Street • Kol Nidre/Erev Yom Kippur Service: 6:45 p.m., Temple Beth-El, 755 South Main Street Saturday, September 14 • Yom Kippur Morning Services: 9:30 a.m., throughout the day, ending with Community Break Fast: 7 p.m., Temple Beth-El, 755 South Main Street
Reader’s College for Fall 2013
Pasta Night
Want to meet some more people? Come to Pasta Night any Wednesday at the Chaplain’s Residence, 630 South Main Street. We start cooking at 5 p.m.. Supper is usually ready at 5:30. Everyone is welcome! For more info, contact Ryan Mullaney ’16 (Ryan.Mullaney@ hws.edu)
CloseKnit Handwork Group
This club meets weekly at the Chaplain’s Residence. You can learn to knit or crochet, bring your own projects to work on and also help knit preemie and chemo caps, prayer shawls or Linus Project afghans. In addition to our regular meetings, we’ll also have two special events in September: • Knit Out and Crochet Day Sunday September 1, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Scandling Campus Center Café Patio Join us as we raise awareness of crocheting and knitting, learn new techniques and connect with other yarn enthusiasts. • Finger Lakes Fiber Arts Festival Sunday September 22 Hemlock, N.Y. (transportation provided) HWS handwork enthusiasts will enjoy classes, demonstrations, competitions, exhibits and vendors at the 17th annual Fiber Arts Festival.
Join a Reader’s College and meet new friends over great readings. Taught by faculty and staff, Reader’s College courses typically involve reading books, joining in discussions and some writing. Students who satisfy the leader’s requirements receive ½ course credit. Food, Faith and Justice • Meets Thursdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Chaplain’s Residence, 630 S. Main St. We are what and how we eat. Each week, pairs of students will plan, purchase and cook a sustainable meal for the class. As we eat, we will share and discuss our written reflections on the week’s readings. Readings will cover food justice, hospitality, environmental stewardship, health, community, ritual and spiritual practices. The final project will be a personal food manifesto. Limit 12 students.
• Project Nur (Muslim) Contact Tayyab Rashid ’14 and Aifan Morshed ’15 for more information about meetings and events. • Campus Peer Ministry (Interfaith) Contact Molly Naef ’16 or Danielle Mueller ’16 for more information or to sign up for training.
Campus Peer Ministry
Most religious traditions include a version of the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” or “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Campus Peer Ministers learn skills for being “good neighbors.” The training program teaches us to be better listeners, to help others discern solutions to problems, and to include those who do not yet belong. CPM Training begins on Tuesday, Sept. 3 and runs on Tuesday evenings for seven weeks. E-mail Chaplain Adams (ladams@hws.edu) to sign up.
Interfaith Council
Religious Clubs
All of the religious clubs welcome students of other faiths to join and learn! Feel free to e-mail the club chairs for more info or visit them during the on-campus Involvement Expo, Friday, August 30. • Hillel (Jewish) Contact Lisa Ditchek ’15 or Harrison Schutzer ’15 for more information about meetings and events or e-mail hillel@hws.edu. • Christian Fellowship (Evangelical Christian) Contact Lauren Darcy ’15 and Nick Hindle ’15 (Nicholas.hindle@hws.edu) for more information about meetings and events. • Newman Club (Roman Catholic) Contact Melissa Hosek ’14 for more information about meetings and events.
The Interfaith Council will hold an open meeting to plan events for the 2013-2014 academic year on Thursday, Sept. 12, at noon in the Café at Scandling Campus Center.
Music, Meditation and Munchies
Need a break? Join us the first Wednesday of each month for a half hour of music and reflection followed by dessert! MM&M is held in St. John’s Chapel from 12:15-12:45 p.m.. Feel free to bring your lunch. This year’s theme is “Local and Home Grown,” featuring musicians from Geneva and the Colleges.
Used Clothing Bin
When you have clean clothes and shoes in good condition to give away, drop them in the donation bin on the first floor of Demarest Hall next to the soda machine.
Sustainable Saturdays
Interested in learning more about sustainable living? Join us for Sustainable Saturdays. We will take a variety of field trips to local orchards and farms, learn to make and preserve local foods, and have fun in the process. • September 14 Trinity Church, 520 S. Main St. Sign up for an hour or two to help can sauce for Pasta Night from locally grown organic tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic and herbs.
• September 28, 11 a.m. Meet at the Chaplain’s Residence to go apple and grape picking. Come back and bake apple pies for the Geneva Community Lunch Program. (We will eat some too!) • Saturday October 19, 2-3:30 p.m. Learn to make grape jelly at the Chaplain’s residence. Take a jar home to share with your friends and family.