Our Place Cookbook

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OUR PLaCE cOOKBOOK 55 employees, 42 recipes

PREFace People who love to cook and people who love to eat are always looking for new, unique recipes to try. Our Place Cookbook is a collection of recipes from our colleagues here at Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport. The idea came from our Wellbeing Champions, who gather on bi-weekly basis to come up with many ideas and ways to improve the wellbeing of our colleagues. One of the members suggested that it would be great to explore all the cultures through their favorite dishes. What a great idea! Soon after, all hotel team members started to cook, write down and make pictures of their dishes. Which eventually are combined in this cookbook. All these recipes are homemade and many are passed down through the generations. And what a better way to bring everyone together through one common thread - food. I would like to thank everyone who made the book a true success: Wellbeing team (Amber van Raffe, Femke Bravenboer, Bella Anning, Esther Ralte, Daan de Vlieger) for coming up with the idea, Ketija Romanovska for in-house designing and the entire hotel team for sharing their recipes. Now, this heartful book can be shared with all our friends, families, clients and partners! Our Place Cookbook is designed for your cooking and eating pleasure! With kind regards,

Stefan Bloemker General Manager.

CONTENTS Starters Chowder With Smoked Salmon And Corn ....................................................................................................................... Eggplant & Zucchini Sharing ............................................................................................................................................... Fresh Summer Salad ............................................................................................................................................................. Halloumi On Toast .................................................................................................................................................................. Healthy Naan Flatbread ....................................................................................................................................................... Kale Salad ................................................................................................................................................................................ Korean Style Chicken With Peach ...................................................................................................................................... Oxtail Soup ............................................................................................................................................................................... Pork Adobo ............................................................................................................................................................................... Red Lentil Soup ....................................................................................................................................................................... Shredded Beef Tacos .............................................................................................................................................................. Spicy Shrimp (all-time favorite) ........................................................................................................................................... Sweet Potato Cream Soup ....................................................................................................................................................

8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

Mains Apricot Tagine ......................................................................................................................................................................... Asian Style Linguine .............................................................................................................................................................. Chicken Red Pesto Pasta ...................................................................................................................................................... Chicken Tacos .......................................................................................................................................................................... Easy Chicken Wrap ................................................................................................................................................................ Endive Mash With Bacon And Meatballs .......................................................................................................................... Fried Fish Fillet With Tofu ..................................................................................................................................................... Fried Rice with Chicken ........................................................................................................................................................ Lasagne .................................................................................................................................................................................... Minced Beef Porridge ............................................................................................................................................................ Pasta With Filled Bell Pepper ............................................................................................................................................... Pörkölt - a Hungarian Stew .................................................................................................................................................. Rice With Mussels ................................................................................................................................................................... Salmon Harissa ....................................................................................................................................................................... Saoto Soup ............................................................................................................................................................................... Sauerkraut Stew ..................................................................................................................................................................... Silky Mapo Tofu ....................................................................................................................................................................... Spare Ribs ................................................................................................................................................................................ Spicy Kimchi Ramen .............................................................................................................................................................. Spicy King Prawn Curry ....................................................................................................................................................... Stew with Chickpeas ............................................................................................................................................................. Wok Noodles ............................................................................................................................................................................ Wonton Soup ............................................................................................................................................................................

36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80

desserts Apple Pie .................................................................................................................................................................................. Cantuccini ................................................................................................................................................................................ Cornstarch Cookies ................................................................................................................................................................ Debessmanna .......................................................................................................................................................................... Sponge Cake With Sour Cherries ....................................................................................................................................... White Chocolate Mousse ......................................................................................................................................................

84 86 88 90 92 94


Lukasz Lenda Kitchen


chowder with smoked salmon and corn 4 portions

3 hours


From "just a recipe from the internet" to "all-time favorite" at our Place. Lukasz added some magic ingredients and took not only the employee's hearts but also our guest's. Ingredients

1 large leek 30g of butter 4 tsp of mustard, dijon 4 potatoes 1 bay leaf 2 tsp allspice 1 liter of vegetable broth 1 can of corn, small 150g of smoked salmon 1 tbsp of parsley, chopped 1 tbsp of chives, chopped 1/3 cup cream (18% or 30%)

Also needed: hand blender


1. Peel the outer leaves, cut off the greenest ends, leave the white and light green part of the leek. Cut it lengthwise into 4 parts, rinse thoroughly and then cut crosswise into 1/2 cm cubes. 2. Put the butter into a large pot, after melting, add the leeks and simmer them for 15 minutes over low heat, covered, stirring now and then. 3. Add mustard, peeled and diced potatoes, bay leaf, allspice, hot broth, and drained corn. 4. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer for about 15 minutes until the potatoes are tender. 5. Remove bay leaf and mix soup with a hand blender. 6. Cut salmon into pieces and add to the partially blended soup and cook for 2 minutes. Meanwhile, add the parsley, chives, and cream.


savannah levie Revenue


Eggplant & zucchini sharing 4 portions

20 minutes


Whether it's a family dinner or a meal with friends at Savannah's place, eating together can make life better. Let this recipe unite your loved ones around the table for a delicious and exotic flavor meal. Ingredients

1 eggplant 1 zucchini 2 tbsp olive oil 3 figs 200g feta cheese balsamic dressing 2 tbsp honey

Also needed: grill pan (optional)


1. Cut the eggplant and zucchini into thin slices. Cut the feta cheese into small cubes and the figs in quarters. 2. The best would be to use a grill pan, but if you don't have one - a regular pan will do too. Add a bit of olive oil and grill the eggplant and zucchini slices until they get tender. Grill them on both sides. 3. When the vegetables are done, place them on a large plate. Overlap the eggplant and zucchini in circles till the plate is fully covered. 4. Place the quarters of figs over the vegetables and sprinkle the feta cheese over the plate. To finish off, add some balsamic dressing and honey on top of it.


floris-jan könig Sales & Marketing


fresh summer salad 4 portions

30 minutes


When the friends and family have arrived for an ultimate BBQ, Floris makes sure to add this dish to his cookout. Fresh and healthy ingredients make the perfect combination for a nutritious balance. Ingredients


40g lamb's lettuce 1 whole oak leaf lettuce 200g strawberries 100g Prosciutto Crudo ham 3 kiwi's, green 1/2 cantaloupe melon 100g blackberries 2 tbsp green pesto

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Cut the bread into even cubes, press the garlic and mix it all with the olive oil.

For the croutons: 4 slices of white bread 2 garlic cloves 2 tbsp olive oil sea salt, crushed lemon zest (optional)

4. Wash the lettuce.

Also needed: baking paper garlic press

7. Add this on top of the oak leaf lettuce.

2. Place the bread cubes on an oven tray with baking paper and sprinkle with sea salt and lemon zest (optional). Bake for about 10 minutes. 3. Cut the cantaloupe melon, kiwis, and strawberries in chunks.

5. In your salad bowl, put a layer of oak leaf lettuce at the bottom. 6. Mix the lamb’s lettuce with 80% of melon, kiwi, strawberries, and blackberries with the green pesto.

8. Decorate with strips of Prosciutto Crudo ham, croutons and the remaining fruits.


Winnie leung Front Office


Halloumi on toast 2 portions

30 minutes


Having a halloumi is like having a moment for Winnie. Enjoy this perfect dish for breakfast, lunch or brunch. The mix of cherry tomatoes, olives, garlic and cheese will keep you filled for a good while! Ingredients

225g halloumi cheese 10 cherry tomatoes 8 basil leaves 2tsp garlic, minced 3tsp olives, chopped 6 slices sourdough bread 1 tbsp olive oil salt to taste pepper to taste


1. Cut tomatoes into cubes, slice basil leaves and cut halloumi into thin slices. 2. Heat a small pot on medium-high heat, add a drizzle of olive oil. 3. Put the chopped tomatoes, minced olives, and garlic in the pot and let it cook on medium heat, add a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir every few minutes, cook for 10-15 minutes or until tomatoes are soft. Switch off the stove, add basil and mix well. 4. Put sourdough bread in a toaster. 5. Heat the pan in medium-high heat, cook the sliced halloumi cheese on the pan until slightly brown. 6. Place the browned halloumi on top of the toast, and top off with the tomato sauce.


amber van raffe Human Resources


Healthy Naan flatbread 4 portions

1 hour


This simple dish has traveled between friends and family and gathered many different ingredients to make it the perfect fit for Amber and her family. But it still does not stop her from experimenting with additions once in a while. Ingredients

2 pieces of volkoren naan bread 1 cup of cherry tomatoes 2 spring onions hand full cashew nuts 2 chicken fillets olive oil salt to taste pepper to taste For garlic sauce: 5 tbsp quark/yoghurt, low fat 2 tbsp mayonnaise, low fat 1 tsp chive, dried 1 tsp parsley, dried 1 lemon (to juice) 4 garlic cloves Also needed: garlic press


1. Pre-heat the oven according to the package instructions for naan bread. 2. Place the naan bread in the oven, according to package instructions. 3. Press the garlic cloves or cut them into small pieces. 4. Grab a bowl and add the quark and mayonnaise together with the garlic. 5. Juice the lemon and add it to the bowl. Add dried parsley, chives, and pepper, and salt to taste. 6. Cut the chicken into pieces and spring onion small. 7. Fry the chicken in olive oil until almost completely done. Add spring onion and tomatoes. Simmer until soft. 8. Add the chicken to the naan bread and dress with garlic sauce. Cut the naan in half for 4 portions or use a whole for bigger portion. 9. Add cashew nuts to taste.

TIP: Easy to use as a main dish by preparing double portions. You can use falafel for a vegetarian option. 17

Stefan bloemker General Manager


Kale salad 4 portions

30 minutes


This takes us back to the time when boerenkool was served at every family table. Now, a lot more modernized version still allows everyone to join around the table at Stefan's home and enjoy this traditional and delicious dish. Ingredients

For the salad: 50g baby kale, green & red mix 5g red basil 5g coriander leafs 25g beetroot cooked, diced 5g sunflower seeds, roasted eatable flowers (optional) popcorn


1. Slice the lemongrass thinly and add the water. Bring it to boil and set aside. Let it rest for 20 minutes, so the flavor can evolve. 2. Strain the infusion and keep the liquid. Add the lemongrass infusion into a bowl and add the oil, lime juice and agave syrup. 3. Mix well and add salt and pepper.

For the dressing: 75ml water 4. Fill the lemongrass dressing into a squeezing bottle. 1/2 pieces of the lemongrass stalk 30ml sunflower oil 5. Wash the kale thoroughly and dry in a salad spinner. 20ml lime juice 15ml agave syrup 6. Place the salad, herbs and sunflower seeds into a bowl and sea salt to taste mix well. pepper to taste Also needed: squeezing bottle salad spinner

7. Add the dressing and mix lightly. 8. Place the salad on a plate and garnish with the beetroot cubes and eatable flowers (optional).

TIP: The dressing can be kept in the fridge for a few weeks. Any type of salad like Lamb lettuce or Rocca can be used. If you like to give the dressing a twist, you can add some Szechuan pepper while preparing the lemongrass infusion. 19

Lukasz Lenda Kitchen


Korean style chicken with peach 4 portions

1 hour


Fighting with a lot of different ingredient combinations in Lukasz's spare time at home, the sweet peach came across his mind. Making this dish a very unique sweet and savory combination. Ingredients

1kg chicken fillet 800g leek 400g bell pepper 400ml vegetable broth 1 tbsp red paprika powder 600ml heavy cream 1 piece of chili pepper 500g peach with syrup butter (for cooking)


1. In a large skillet, melt butter. Add chili for about 1 minute. 2. Add chicken, cut bell pepper and cut leek to the pan. Cook until leek and bell pepper is soft, and chicken is done for about 15 minutes. 3. Add vegetable stock and bring it to boil. 4. Add heavy cream and cook until the sauce thickens. 5. Sprinkle in paprika powder. 6. Add the peach and the syrup little by little and cook it for 2 - 3 minutes.


randy rienksma Kitchen


oxtail soup 5 portions

6 hours


In Randy's family, dinner isn't complete without a soup to go with it. While in many cultures make soup is made differently, he has found his favorite version, and now it's a true pleasure to make it quite often. Ingredients

1kg oxtail bones 100g tomato paste 2 bay leaves 100ml red wine 6g whole peppercorns 50g carrot 50g celery 2 white onions, large 2l water parsley to garnish salt to taste


1. Roast oxtail bones at 250 degrees in the oven for 30 minutes. 2. In the last 5 minutes add tomato paste. 3. Grab a large skillet, add wine, bay leaves, and peppercorn simmer for about 5 minutes. 4. Add oxtail bones from the oven to the mixture. Add salt and cold water, then bring it to a boil. Skim the foam from the top once in a while. 5. In about 10minutes, add carrot, celery, and onions. Simmer on very low fire for 3 to 5 hours. 6. Strain the soup and keep the oxtail meat. Pull the meat from the bones. 7. Place it back in the soup and serve it with chopped parsley.


edith ibanez Food & Beverage


Pork adobo 4 portions

30 minutes


This protein-rich adobo version is perfect for every occasion, even a picnic. It's a simple but unique summer signature dish in the Philippines, therefore very close to Edith's heart. Ingredients

500g pork belly 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/4 cup white vinegar 5 garlic cloves, minced 5 bay leaves 1 tbsp peppercorn 3 cups water 3 tbsp cooking oil white rice (optional)


1. Wash and slice the pork into cubes. 2. In a large pan add oil and saute the garlic. 3. Add the pork, peppercorn, water, and simmer for about 20 minutes. 4. Prepare rice according to package instructions. 5. Add soy sauce and vinegar to the pork mixture. 6. Let everything cook another 10 minutes until pork is soft and tender. 7. Serve with rice in case you want to make it a main.


liliya tsurikova Housekeeping


red lentil soup 4 portions

2 hours


Nothing tastes better than a dish reminding us of our long left home. This is why the dish that Liliya has made often in Azerbaijan, has now become her tradition here in the Netherlands. Bringing home - home. Ingredients

3 carrots 1 onion, large 5 garlic cloves 300g red lentils, dry fresh parsley or other herbs 1l vegetable broth olive oil 1/2 tsp cumin 3 bay leaves red paprika powder salt to taste pepper to taste lemon cooking cream (optional) Also needed: hand blender


1. Peel and chop carrots, onion, and garlic into small pieces. 2. Warm up the olive oil in a large pot. Add onion and garlic, cook on medium heat for 2 - 3 minutes. Sauté until golden. 3. Add chopped carrots and cook for another 2-3 minutes. 4. Add in the dry red lentils in the pot and cook while stirring for 1-2 minutes. 5. Slowly add broth into the mix. Fill up only 3/4 part of the pot, since lentils will expand in size while cooking. 6. Sprinkle parsley, drop bay leaves and other fresh herbs into the mixture. Bring to boil until carrots and lentils are soft. 7. Remove bay leaves and use a hand blender to make the mixture creamy without any lumps. 8. Squeeze 1/4 of a lemon and add it to the soup. Add salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with a piece of lemon and red paprika powder.

TIP: In case you prefer your soup to be even creamier, add some cooking cream while blending and feel free to adjust the consistency by adding extra water. 27

edellane flanegin Sales & Marketing


shredded beef tacos 5 portions

3 hours


Travelling from Latin America, these rewarding tacos have always been a praise symbol in Edellane's life. Good grades in school - tacos for dinner! Chores are done at home - tacos for lunch! Helping out little brother - more TACOS! Ingredients

2kg beef flank steak 2 onions, cut small 1 tomato, diced 1/4 onion 3 garlic cloves 9 bay leaves 1/2 tbsp basil 1 tbsp oregano 2 tbsp paprika powder 1 tbsp coriander 1/4 tsp of cumin lettuce salt to taste pepper to taste 1 tbsp oil 1l beef stock tortilla wraps sour cream lettuce (optional)


1. Cut the steak into big quarter pieces, cut the fat if necessary. 2. In a big pot, add beef stock, steak, and onion. Add the bay leaves and basil. Let this cook for 2 hours and remove the foam that is on the broth’s surface. Once the meat is cooked and tender, set aside to cool and save 2-3 cups of the broth. 3. When the meat is sufficiently cooled, use two forks to shred the meat into thin ribbons. 4. In one medium saucepan, heat oil and sauté the onions and garlic over medium heat. Once golden, add the diced tomatoes, oregano, paprika, cumin with a dash of salt and pepper, mixed all together. 5. Place the shredded meat into the pan, slowly pour the 2 cups of broth over the meat. Once done, let it all simmer uncovered for 15 minutes at low heat. Meat should be slightly juicy, for more flavor add some broth if it gets too dry. 6. On a plate, place your tortilla wraps with a spread of sour cream, add some chopped lettuce if desired, and add the shredded meat. Sprinkle some coriander on top of the tacos.

TIP: This is a delicious slow cook option, you can use the leftover beef for a nice sandwich lunch, nachos, or served with rice as another main platter. 29

floris-jan könig Sales & Marketing


Spicy shrimps (all-time favorite) 4 portions

2 hours


An all-time favorite is what Floris thinks about this dish. The first try was years ago in Dubai, and since then, this dish has made it on the menu of his wife's restaurant. Ingredients


For the spicy sauce: 3 tbsp mayonnaise 2 tbsp Sriracha sauce 1 tbsp honey 1 tbsp tomato ketchup 1 tsp chili flakes (optional)

1. Mix all the ingredients for the spicy sauce and set aside.

For the crunchy skin: 1 egg 1 coffee cup flour 1 tbsp cornflour 1 cup water, ice cold frying oil

3. Dry the shrimps well and then mix it with soy sauce.

2. Whip the egg and add the ice-cold water to a bowl. Add the flour and whip until you have an even mixture. Ideally thicker than milk, but thinner than yoghurt. (Don't whip too long)

4. Heat your frying pan, chop the chives, and spring onions in small rings. 5. Mix the shrimps in the crunchy skin mixture and fry till they get a nice golden crunchy skin.

For the shrimps: 2 Romaine salad leaves 6. Place them on a paper towel to remove most of the oil. 8 shrimps per person, without tail 1 tbsp soy sauce 7. Mix them with the spicy sauce. crunchy skin 10g chives, fresh 8. Serve in Romaine salad leaves and sprinkle with the 2 spring onions chopped chives and spring onions. Also needed: paper towel


liliya tsurikova Housekeeping


Sweet potato cream soup 4 portions

1 hours


A healthy boost is exactly what this dish is for Liliya. Nothing beats a warm bowl of soup on a chilly winter day. All the savory ingredients compliment the sweet potatoes and create an irresistible bowl of goodness. Ingredients

3 sweet potatoes, large 3 carrots 1 onion, large 5 garlic cloves parsley to garnish 1l vegetable broth olive oil salt to taste pepper to taste Also needed: hand blender


1. Peel and chop carrots, sweet potato, onion, and garlic into small pieces. 2. Warm up the olive oil in a large pot. Add onion and garlic, cook on medium heat for 2 - 3 minutes. Sauté until golden. 3. Add chopped carrots and sweet potato and cook for about 2 - 3 minutes. 4. Add the broth into the mix. 5. Boil until carrots and potatoes are soft. Then add salt, pepper, and steer the soup. Turn the fire off and wait until the soup is cooled down a bit. 6. Use a hand blender to make it creamy without any lumps. 7. Serve it with chopped parsley on top of it.

TIP: In case you prefer your soup to be even creamier, add some cooking cream while blending and feel free to adjust the consistency by adding extra water. 33


Stefan bloemker General Manager


apricot tagine 4 portions

2 hours


Stefan always makes sure to invite a crowd round for a memorable dining experience when he prepares his famous Apricot Tagine. This slowed cooked and deeply aromatic dish is something unique and delicious in one. Ingredients

30ml olive oil 150g onions, chopped 150g apricot, chopped 1g cumin, dried 1g coriander, dried 1g cinnamon, dried 1g ginger, dried 5g smoked paprika powder 2g pepper 3g salt 50g tomato paste 150ml vegetable broth 250g Cannellini beans, conserve 150g apricot, dried For the couscous: 200g pearl couscous 400ml vegetable broth 200g finger carrots 15g almond sticks, roasted Also needed: baking paper hand mixer


1. Peel the finger carrots and cut them in half. Place them on a tray with baking paper and roast for 60 minutes at 150 degrees in the oven. 2. Heat a large pan and roast the almond sticks until golden brown, and set aside. 3. Heat the olive oil in a large high pot. Add the onions and the spices and roast gently. Add the tomato paste and roast again. 4. Add the chopped apricot and add the broth. Simmer for 45 minutes with a lid, stirring from time to time. 5. Puree with a hand mixer and add the sliced apricot. Simmer for 15 minutes. 6. Add the beans and bring to a boil, then rest in a warm place. 7. Boil the pearl couscous with the vegetable broth and simmer until the couscous has absorbed the liquid. Set aside and let it rest for a few minutes with a lid. 8. Serve the Tagine in a bowl, garnish with the carrots and almonds. Place the couscous in a bowl and serve.

TIP: The tagine can be made in advance, but the couscous should be made fresh on demand. Double-check the cooking instruction on the pearl couscous package as it might differ from producer to producer. 37

ervin csato Kitchen


asian style linguine 4 portions

1.5 hours


Filled with traditional Asian flavors - this dish is Ervin's favorite. Whenever he feels like he would like to have some comfort food, this is the dish he will make and serve to friends & family. Ingredients

125g linguine pasta 2 tbsp oil 1/2 onion 1/2 zucchini 1/2 eggplant 1 bell pepper 100ml garlic oil 1 chicken fillet coriander to garnish sesame seeds to garnish 1 garlic clove salt to taste pepper to taste For the sauce: 200ml sweet chili sauce 100ml soy sauce 100ml ketchup 140ml sesame oil


1. Cut the chicken into pieces, and season it with garlic, salt, and peper. 2. Cut the onion, zucchini, eggplant and bell pepper into long thin strips. Mix the vegetables with garlic oil, salt, and pepper. 3. Pre-heat the oven to 185 degrees and roast the vegetables for about 10-15 minutes. 4. Cook the linguine pasta according to the package instructions. 5. On a medium skillet add oil, prepare the chicken until golden. Then add it to the linguine. 6. Prepare the sauce: add all the ingredients together and mix well with a spoon. Then add it to the pasta. 7. Garnish the dish with coriander and sesame seeds.


winnie leung Front Office


Chicken red pesto pasta 4 portions

2 hours


Looking for a quick and simple weeknight recipe? Try Winnie's delicious red pesto pasta with chicken. This full flavor recipe is a healthy option not only for adults but also for the little ones. Ingredients

2 tsp garlic, minced 3 tbsp olives, chopped 200g red pesto 150g heavy cream 200g chicken breast 100g spinach 6 cherry tomatoes, halved 40g parmesan cheese 400g fusilli pasta salt to taste pepper to taste olive oil


1. Season chicken with salt, pepper, and olive oil, set aside for at least 30 minutes before cooking. 2. Cook fusilli pasta according to package instructions. Reserve half a cup of starchy pasta water for use later. 3. Heat a large skillet with a drizzle of olive oil. At medium heat, put minced garlic and chopped olives and stir. 4. Once the garlic turns slightly brown, add the diced seasoned chicken breast and cook for 3-4 minutes or until the chicken turns slightly golden. 5. Add red pesto and heavy cream into the chicken, stirring slightly until pesto and cream is mixed together. If the sauce is too thick, add some starchy pasta water and bring it to medium heat. Cover the skillet with a lid and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes. Be careful when opening the lid. Stir every 5-8 minutes and make sure food does not stick to the bottom. 6. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. 7. Bring to low heat, add tomatoes and spinach into the skillet. Bring it to medium heat and let it cook for 2 minutes. 8. Once the sauce is done, pour into the pot of pasta, mix well. Add a splash of parmesan cheese before serving. 41

hildegard strauss Front Office


chicken tacos 4 portions

2 hours


This is not any traditional Mexican taco recipe! To the classic and simple version, Hildegard has added a little spice - by frying the entire taco. The crunch is impossible to resist! Ingredients

1 garlic clove, chopped 1/2 onion 800g chicken, cooked & shredded 12 corn tortillas 1/2 corn oil (for frying) 3 stalks coriander crème fraîche 1 avocado cheese, shredded salt to taste pepper to taste Also needed: toothpicks paper towel salsa (Verde or Roja)


1. Heat the corn oil and fry the onion and garlic until golden. 2. Add the cooked and shredded chicken and season with salt and pepper. 3. Fill the tortilla with some chicken and proceed to roll the tortilla. 4. Fasten the tortilla with a toothpick. And fry it in the hot oil. 5. When the taco is fried, remove it from the heat and place it on an absorbent paper towel to remove the excess oil. 6. Plate 3 tacos per person. Spread some crème fraîche. Spread some shredded cheese on top. Cut the avocado and place it next to the tacos. To top it off, add the salsa of your choice and cut coriander.


femke Bravenboer Human Resources


Easy Chicken Wrap 4 portions

20 minutes


This simple, but yet healthy recipe for Femke is the perfect lunch solution when running late for work. Sometimes she makes a few more for her partner to grab-and-go. Ingredients

8 wraps 4 tbsp natural cream cheese 1 red bell pepper 1 avocado chicken cold cuts salt to taste pepper to taste lettuce olive oil (optional) pine nuts (optional) Also needed: sticks


1. Cut the bell pepper and avocado into thin strips. 2. Heat the wraps shortly in a pan or in the microwave. 3. Spread the wraps with a thin layer of cream cheese and place the chicken on top. 4. Add some lettuce, bell pepper & avocado. 5. Fold the wrap together and place the stick through the middle for stability.

TIP: Slice chicken breast and fry it in a medium skillet to add a more crispy flavor. Cover the wraps with some cheese and place in the oven for 20 min at 180 degrees for a warm wrap. For extra delicious flavors - add pine nuts. 45

daan de vlieger Sales & Marketing


Endive Mash with bacon and meatballs 4 portions

1.5 hour


This typical Dutch dish is the perfect dish for rainy autumn days for Daan and his partner. A good portion of classic comfort food before getting cozy on the couch. This is, pretty much, as Dutch as you can get. Ingredients

For the endive mash: 1.5kg potatoes 600g endive, sliced 125ml milk 25g butter 200g raw bacon bits salt to taste pepper to taste nutmeg, grinded For the meatballs: 400g minced beef 80g bread crumbs 2 eggs 2 tbsp mustard 2 tbsp Ketjap Manis 1 tsp cayenne pepper 30g butter 1 pot meat fond (380ml) Also needed: stamper


1. Mix beef, bread crumbs, eggs, mustard, Ketjap Manis, and cayenne pepper. Form 4 equal meatballs. 2. Heat a large skillet on medium heat and add butter. Fry the meatballs until they are brown on all sides. Add the fond to the skillet, and cover it with a lid. Simmer it for 45 minutes. Turn the meatballs every 10 minutes. 3. Peel the potatoes and cut them in half. Boil them with a pinch of salt for about 20 minutes or until done. 4. In the meantime, fry the bacon in a skillet until crisp and set aside. 5. Strain the water from the potatoes and mash the potatoes in the pot. Add milk and butter. 6. Mash in the endive & mix until tick and even consistency is reached. You might need to add extra milk and butter. Consistency should be thick but smooth. 7. Add salt, pepper, and nutmeg for flavor. (The bacon is salty as well, so don't over-salt it). Stir until evenly mixed and set aside. 8. Plate the mash first, then the gravy and the meatballs. 47

edith ibanez Food & Beverage


Fried Fish fillet with tofu 4 portions

1 hour


As a pescatarian, this is Edith's ultimate favorite! It's a simple combination of flavor and just the right amount of seasoning. But don't let the the simplicity of this tasty dish fool you! Ingredients

500g fish fillet 500g tofu 1 tbsp garlic, minced salt to taste pepper to taste 2 tbsp brown sugar 1/2 cup mushroom, sliced 2 bell peppers, sliced 1/4 cup soy sauce 1 cup water 1 tbsp cornstarch oil (for frying) rice or bread sesame oil


1. Wash and dry fish fillet, slice it into cubes, season with salt and pepper. Deep fry. 2. Slice tofu into cubes, deep fry till golden brown. 3. Slice mushrooms and bell peppers. 4. Mix soy sauce, water, and cornstarch to make a slurry. 5. In a medium skillet, saute garlic, mushroom, bell pepper, and then add brown sugar. 6. Add the slurry, let it thicken. Put the fried fish and fried tofu, mix and drizzle with sesame oil. 7. Serve with rice or bread.


savannah levie Revenue


fried rice with chicken 4 portions

1 hour


Since Savannah came back from an internship in Kuala Lumpur, she's been trying to recreate a similar dish as she usually ordered at the food court. It took a while but, now, she feels like this recipe is what she has been looking for! Ingredients


400g chicken thigh 7 spring onions 2 bell peppers 2 onions 4 eggs 200g green peas 250g rice 7 tsp olive oil 5 tsp teriyaki sauce 1 tsp fish sauce 6 tsp soy sauce 500ml chicken broth coriander (optional)

1. Cut the chicken and bell pepper into small cubes and the spring onion in small circles. Cut the onions as small as possible and prepare the stock.

Also needed: wok pan

4. The rice should be ready by now. Add the chicken first into the wok pan, and then add the rice. Mix well and add 1 tsp of fish sauce and 6 tsp of soy sauce. Cook on high heat.

2. Put 4 tsp olive oil in a pot and fry the onions till golden. Then add the rice and broth. Cook until fluffy/sticky rice. While the rice is cooking, put the chicken in a skillet and fry in the teriyaki sauce. When the chicken is cooked, set aside. 3. Use 3 tsp olive oil in the same skillet as the chicken was cooked in and scramble the eggs on high heat. Then add the peas, spring onions, and bell pepper and cook till glazed. Vegetables can still be a bit crispy.

TIP: Add some coriander if preferred. 51

femke Bravenboer Human Resources


Lasagne 4 portions

1.5 hours


Not even a restaurant lasagna can compete with a delicious Lasagne recipe of Femke's mom! This spectacular and complicated dish is a nr.1 when Femke is dining with her family. Ingredients

300g lean ground beef 200g mushrooms 100g leek 1 onion 1 garlic clove 1 red bell pepper 2 tomatoes 500ml semi-skimmed milk 125g lasagne sheets 50g mature grated cheese 2 tbsp oil 300ml water salt to taste pepper to taste 1 tbsp oregano 1 tbsp curry powder 1 tbsp paprika powder thyme to taste rosemary to taste basil to garnish parsley to garnish Also needed: garlic press (optional) baking tray


1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and grease the baking dish. Peel and dice the onion. Peel the garlic and slice it into small pieces (or use a garlic press). Dice the mushrooms and bell pepper and leek into small pieces. 2. Mix the ground beef with oregano, curry powder, paprika powder, and salt and pepper. 3. Heat the oil in a skillet and cook the meat. Add the onion, mushrooms, and bell pepper. Bake for 2-3 minutes. Add the leek, garlic, diced tomatoes and stir well for about 3 minutes. 4. Mix the oregano, thyme, rosemary, basil, and parsley. Add salt & pepper. Add milk, water and add the spice mix in one bowl. Add bit by bit to the meat as you do not want the sauce to become runny. Let the sauce boil while stirring. Let it simmer on low heat for about 1 minute. 5. For lasagne: Start with a layer of sauce on the bottom of the baking tray and place the lasagne sheet on top. Repeat until the tray is full (finish with a generous layer of sauce). 6. Cover the top of the dish with grated cheese and place the full baking dish in the preheated oven. Bake the lasagna in the middle of the oven for about 30-40 minutes. 53

esther ralte Sales & Marketing


Minced beef porridge 4 portions

30 minutes


Esther couldn't be more proud to make her version of this popular Indian dish. After many tries, she finally got all the ingredients right. After the meal - guests ask what's her secret, and her reply is - the passion! Ingredients

200g rice 500g minced beef 4 onions, large 1 slice of ginger, minced 2 tomatoes 1 garlic clove 1 tsp garam masala olive oil 500ml water beef broth coriander to garnish bell pepper to garnish


1. In a medium skillet, heat the olive oil. Add chopped onion and stir until golden. 2. Add ginger and garlic for 2 minutes. 3. Add garam masala and tomatoes, stir it all together until the tomato is half cooked. 4. Add the minced beef and stir for 1 minute. 5. Cook rice according to package instructions. Try to make them as sticky as possible. 6. Add rice to the skillet and mix well with the ground beef. 7. Poor water in the skillet (additionally use beef broth) 8. Stir everything until the mixture is not watery. Then add the lid for 2-3 minutes. 9. Serve with coriander and cut bell pepper to garnish.


amber van raffe Human Resources


Pasta with filled bell peppers 4 portions

2 hours


This recipe has come from the hands of Amber's grandma in law. With roots and skills in German Cuisine, this dish has finally been written down. Therefore Amber does not need to make any calls if she feels like making it for dinner anymore. Ingredients

1 cup rice 4 bell peppers, large 1 egg 400g minced meat 500g spaghetti 400ml tomato sauce, sieved 1 vegetable broth cube parsley, dried paprika powder salt to taste pepper to taste olive oil 1 cup water


1. Add uncooked rice to a bowl, then add an egg and minced meat. Add parsley, salt, pepper, and paprika powder to your taste. 2. Mix and kneed with your hands until you have one big ball. 3. Cut the top of the bell peppers, take out all seeds and save the top part of the bell pepper as they will be used later on. 4. Slice of a tiny part of the bottom of the bell pepper without making a hole in the bottom so the bell pepper can stand firmly straight. 5. Fill the bell peppers with the minced meat mixture. Place the top parts on top of the bell peppers. 6. Add a splash of olive oil in a large skillet and place all bell peppers once the oil is heated. 7. Pour the tomato sauce and water, and add 1 broth cube in the skillet. 8. Place a lid over the skillet and let it simmer for about 1 hour to 1,5 hours. 9. Cook the spaghetti until done. Plate the bell pepper and tomato sauce together with the pasta. 57

eszter somogyi Finance


pörkölt - a hungarian stew 4 portions

1 hour


Everyone knows that with being Hungarian - the expectations are pretty high to bring a stew recipe to the table. Therefore, Eszter reveals her way to do it. This healthier and much faster version - won't disappoint! Ingredients

3 onions, small 4 garlic cloves 1 bell pepper 3-4 tbsp sunflower oil 1/2 tbsp grind caraway 3 tbsp paprika powder salt to taste pepper to taste 1 tomato 700ml vegetable broth 1kg chicken breast 2-3 bay leaves sour cream to taste pasta, rice or cooked potato Also needed: hand mixer


1. In a medium skillet, add the chopped onion, chopped garlic, and the bell pepper cubes in the oil for 5-10 minutes, then remove from the heat. 2. Add the caraway and paprika powder, salt and pepper, the diced tomato and pour in the vegetable broth. 3. Let it cook for a while, I usually wait until it is boiling and then blend with a hand blender. This will be the base of the stew. 4. Then add the diced, salted chicken breasts to this sauce with the bay leaves and simmer for 15-20 minutes. 5. Make sure it's salty enough. 6. Add sour cream to taste

TIP: You can eat it with pasta, rice or cooked potato. 59

olaia de diego Finance


Rice with mussels 4 portions

30 minutes


Entire Europe is importing mussels from Rias Baixas. This is also where Olaia is from, therefore it comes without saying, that she is the expert! This family recipe is still something that reminds her of home. Ingredients


1kg mussels 400g rice 3 garlic cloves 6 tbsp olive oil 5 parsley stalks salt to taste

1. Clean the shell of the mussels if needed or in case they are wild.

Also needed: cloth

3. Keep the strained broth and mussels aside. Remove any pieces of shells or sand.

2. Open the mussels in a pot just with the steam. (No need to add water, mussels will release their own). Remove the ones that are broken or in case they do not open with the steam.

4. In a big pot, pour the oil and heat it at medium heat, in the meantime slice the garlic and chop the parsley. Once the oil is hot, add the garlic until golden, then the parsley. Stir for a minute and add the rice and stir frequently for a few more minutes. 5. Mix the broth from the mussels with the water you used to cook the rice, and taste it to check if it's salty enough. Add salt if necessary. 6. When all the water has been almost evaporated, add the mussels and cook for a few more minutes until the rice is completely cooked.

TIP: Rice should “rest” for 5-10 minutes covered with a cloth. 61

Mustapha Bourais Kitchen


salmon harissa 6 portions

4,5 hours


This dish was the first dish that Mustapha made when he joined Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport. He still remembers how juicy and delicious the salmon turned out to be. Since then, it's been one of his favorites to make also at home. Ingredients


6 pieces of salmon 6 tsp Sriracha sauce 1 tsp cumin powder 1/4 fresh coriander 12 tsp of greek yoghurt salad mix

1. Mix the Sriracha sauce, cumin powder, and coriander in the blender until everything makes an even sauce.

Also needed: blender

4. Mix 3/4 of the sauce mix together with greek yoghurt.

2. Marinade the salmon with 1/4 of the sauce. 3. Cool it in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

5. On a medium skillet (preferably non-stick) bake the salmon for about 2-3 minutes. Make sure you don't overcook it. 6. Serve it with a simple salad mix and use the greek yoghurt mix as a dressing.

TIP: The salmon needs to marinate for at least 4 hours. So keep that in mind before committing to this recipe. 63

Mitchel ainoel Engineering


saoto soup 4 portions

45 minutes


Mitchel's grandma always knows how to make him happy. Since he was a child, this soup was waiting for him whenever he came by for a visit. Years passed, but tradition stayed. No matter how full he is - one bowl is never enough! Ingredients

4 - 5 chicken fillets 5l water 6 lemongrass stalks 1 tsp black pepper 6 tbsp laos, grinded 5 bay leaves 6 tsp Maggi seasoning 1 onion; chopped 1/2 chicken broth block eggs (1 per person) celery, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced Vermicelli Soe-Oen noodles 150g potato sticks 125g beansprouts sambal (optional) salt to taste pepper to taste coriander


1. Take a large pot and place in chicken fillets, water, pepper, laos, lemongrass, bay leaves, Maggi seasoning, chopped onion, celery and chicken broth block set on medium heat. 2. When chicken fillets are done, take them out of the soup and let them cool down. 3. Turn the temperature of the soup low and let it simmer for 30 minutes. Sprinkle some salt to taste. 4. Boil eggs hard. 5. Shred the chicken fillets. Prepare a medium skillet with a splash of oil. Saute garlic and then add the shredded chicken for about 5 minutes. 6. Prepare each bowl with chicken, egg, noodles, beansprouts, potato sticks, celery and then cover it with the soup. 7. Garnish with coriander.

TIP: Add sambal for extra spice 65

ashley van hamburg Engineering


sauerkraut stew 4 portions

30 minutes


Ashley loves to experiment and add a twist to the classic sauerkraut stew. By adding pineapple, bacon, and smoked sausage, the regular flavor turns into an exotic one. Even on a cold and rainy day, this dish can always warm you up. Ingredients

520g natural sauerkraut 1 can pineapple cubes; in syrup 1kg potato, floury 250g smoked bacon strips 1 smoked sausage, large 25g butter 125ml milk 3 thyme stalks salt to taste pepper to taste Also needed: stamper


1. Boil the sauerkraut for about 20 minutes according to the package instructions, but use the syrup from the pineapple can instead of water. 2. In a medium skillet, fry the bacon until crispy and golden. 3. Prepare the smoked sausage according to the package instructions. 4. Boil the potatoes in a large pot with lightly salted boiling water. Drain and mash them finely. Make a smooth puree with milk and a bit of butter. Season with salt and pepper. 5. Stir the sauerkraut, pineapple cubes (to taste), half of the bacon, and some thyme leaves from the stalk through the mashed potatoes. Season with additional salt and pepper if necessary. You can add a bit of the juice of bacon, for extra flavor. 6. Serve with the smoked sausage, the remaining bacon, and an extra bowl of pineapple cubes.


Stefan bloemker General Manager


Silky mapo tofu 4 portions

1 hour


After working half a year as a chef in Sichuan, Stefan came across this wonderful, flavorful dish. Now in the Netherlands, this is his favorite dish to make for the entire family. Ingredients

30ml vegetable oil 100g onions, diced 10g garlic, diced 10g ginger, diced 10g chili, chopped 2g Sichuan pepper, crushed 20g tomato paste 20ml rice wine 150ml vegetable broth 15ml soy sauce 20g cornstarch 300g tofu 50g spring onions to garnish water rice (optional) Also needed: wooden spoon


1. Heat oil in a wide pot. Add the onions and garlic and roast slightly. 2. Add the ginger, chili, Sichuan pepper, and roast shortly. 3. Add the tomato paste and roast again. 4. Prepare the vegetable broth and and add it in, followed by soy sauce and rice wine. 5. Simmer everything for about 10 minutes at low heat. 6. Mix the cornstarch with a bit of water and add it to the pot. Let simmer for another 5 minutes. 7. Cut the tofu into 2 x 2cm cubes. Add the tofu to the sauce and keep on low flame for 5 minutes until the tofu heats up in the sauce. 8. Stir gently with a wooden spoon and keep the tofu cubes intact. 9. Transfer to a serving bowl and sprinkle with spring onion. Optional: serve it with rice.

TIP: The sauce can be made in advance and kept up to one week in a fridge, portion freeze, or preserved in a pickle jar. 69

Adrian Czyplis Kitchen


spare ribs 3 portions

3 hours


Whenever Adrian makes his delicious melt-in-your-mouth ribs, all hotel colleagues are running to the kitchen to see if they can have a bite. That's how delicious these fall-off-the-bone ribs are. Ingredients

1.5kg spare ribs 100ml soy sauce 100ml Ketjap Manis 100ml balsamico 200ml ginger syrup parsley, to garnish Also needed: baking tray


1. Mix soy sauce, Ketjap Manis, balsamico, and ginger syrup together. 2. Place the marinade on the baking tray and lay down the ribs. Cover them fully, but leave 1/4 of the marinade aside. 3. Warm up the oven to 110 degrees and place the ribs in. Patience is key. Let them simmer in the marinade for 3 hours in the oven. 4. When done, garnish them with some parsley and the rest of the marinade.


ketija romanovska Sales & Marketing


spicy kimchi ramen 2 portions

2 hours


Asian kitchen is something that Ketija is a big fan of. But good ramen? - that's heaven for her. After a long search, she finally came across a quick and delicious recipe that does not need 2 days to prepare. Ingredients


1kg chicken drumsticks 1kg bone-in chicken thigh 2.5l chicken broth 300g cabbage kimchi, chopped 1 onion 4cm piece ginger, sliced 4 garlic cloves, chopped 2 tbsp gochujang ramen noodles 1 tbsp vegetable oil 2 tbsp soy sauce 2 tsp sesame oil 2 eggs spring onion to garnish Maggi seasoning (optional)

1. Heat the oil in a large pot. Cut the ginger into 3 or 4 large slices. Cook the onion, garlic, and ginger for about 5 minutes until the onion gets golden.

Also needed: aluminum foil baking brush

4. Prepare noodles according to package instructions and boil eggs for a maximum of 8 minutes.

2. Add all the chicken pieces in and cover with chicken broth. Add kimchi with the juice, gochujang, and soy sauce. Bring everything to boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer for about 1.5 hours. 3. Preheat the oven on grill mode about 180 degrees and cover the oven tray with aluminum foil. Remove ginger pieces from the broth, and add Maggi seasoning (optional). Place all the chicken pieces on the oven tray and with baking brush cover them with sesame oil. Grill it for about 10 minutes.

5. Remove chicken pieces from the oven and separate them from the bone with a fork. 6. Cut spring onion and prepare the ramen bowl with broth, chicken on top, spring onions and egg. TIP: Kimchi and gochujang can be found in any Asian grocery store. The more gochujang you add, the spicier the ramen will be. 73

novianti radjinan berkelaar Food & Beverage


spicy king prawn curry 2 portions

30 minutes


Besides traveling and exploring new cultures, curry is Novianti's specialty. She is happy to introduce this to all her friends and family. This curry is the perfect blend of spices. Ingredients

500g king prawns 400g green beans 200ml coconut milk 100g coconut, grated 100g red pepper 15g turmeric, grinded 15g laos, grinded 20g ginger, grinded 3 shallots 2 garlic cloves 1 tbsp vegetable oil 2 kaffir lime leaves 2 bay leaves salt to taste rice or noodles (optional)


1. Press the garlic and dice the shallots. 2. Grab a small bowl and mix red pepper (cut small), turmeric, laos, ginger, shallots, and minced garlic. Set aside. 3. Add oil in the wok pan, simmer kaffir lime leaves and bay leaves for about 5 minutes. 4. Add coconut milk and green beans and cook on slow heat for about 20 minutes. 5. Mix grated coconut with king prawns and add them to the wok pan. Cook for 15 minutes. 6. Serve with rice or noodles (optional).

Also needed: wok pan (optional) garlic press


esther ralte Sales & Marketing


Stew with chickpeas 4 portions

1 hour


Every time whenever Esther looks through a cookbook, she immediately is attracted to plant-based meals. She adores comfort food and a healthy lifestyle. That is why this recipe fits her perfectly. Ingredients

1 can chickpeas 200g spinach 1 onion 1 garlic clove 1 piece of ginger 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp turmeric powder 400ml coconut milk 400ml chicken broth chili flakes 2 potatoes 1 tbsp yoghurt (optional) salt to taste pepper to taste coriander Also needed: garlic press


1. Heat oil in a large skillet. Mince the garlic and ginger and cut the onion into small pieces. Add everything to the skillet. 2. Add salt and pepper and stir everything until the onion gets golden. 3. Add chickpeas, sliced potatoes, and turmeric powder. Stir well until lightly crispy. 4. Add chicken broth and coconut milk. 5. Lower the heat and let everything simmer for about 20 minutes until everything becomes thicker. 6. Add spinach and continue to simmer for a maximum of 5 minutes. 7. Use coriander, yoghurt, chili flakes to garnish the stew.


edith ibanez Food & Beverage


wok noodles with dried onion topping 2 portions

20 minutes


These quick and easy stir-fry noodles are the perfect speedy midweek comfort meal for Edith's household. It's so easy to make something healthy and delicious. You can always choose to add extras: more veggies, meat or keep it vegetarian. Ingredients

1 package wok noodles 1/4 cup soy sauce 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1 carrot, medium 1 bok choy pepper to taste sesame oil dried onions


1. Cook the noodles according to package instructions. 2. Slice the carrot in stripes, then wash and slice the bok choy. 3. Add oil to a medium skillet. Cook the carrots and bok choy for about 3 minutes. 4. Add soy sauce and a pinch of pepper. 5. Stir the noodles and drizzle with sesame oil. 6. Serve with dried onions on top.


edellane flanegin Sales & Marketing


wonton soup 4 portions

1 hour


This delicious homemade Wonton Soup is the best in case you crave something from Chinese cuisine. Loaded up with healthy, vibrant greens - Edellane finds this dish extremely satisfying during the winter months. Ingredients


2 chicken breasts, minced 1. In a large bowl, combine the minced chicken, minced garlic 3 garlic cloves cloves, and onion along with the cabbage. Add salt and 1/2 onion pepper along with garlic powder to the mixture and mix 1/4 chinese cabbage, cut small thoroughly. Add a splash of soy sauce or Maggi seasoning to salt to taste the filling. pepper to taste 1/2 tsp garlic powder 2. Set filling aside and open the Wonton dumpling wraps. soy sauce or Maggi seasoning Place approximately one teaspoon of filling on the wrap. 2 packs Wonton/dumpling wraps Next, pinch the edges of the wonton and close it together like 1/4 cup leek or carrot a small pouch. The formed tail of the Wonton should be 5 cups of water firmly pressed between your index finger and thumb. 1 tsp ginger, grated chili peppers to garnish (optional) 3. Grab a large pot and fill it with water. Add chicken broth and leek to garnish (optional) bring the water to boil. Add the minced garlic cloves, ginger, 1l chicken broth leek/carrot, bok choy, cabbage, and let this cook over bok choy medium heat for 4 minutes.

4. Next, add Wonton dumpling wraps, cover the pot and bring broth to a low heat simmering for 5 minutes to stimulate the flavor. Remove the lid and let the broth simmer over medium heat for about 5 minutes. 5. Add salt and pepper to the broth to the preferred taste and serve Wonton dumpling, vegetables, and broth in a bowl. Optional, add the sliced leek and chili. TIP: Add plain noodles and boil a soft egg in the broth for a more filling meal. If the wonton isn’t properly closed or the wonton is overfilled, the dumpling will break during the cooking process. 81


femke Bravenboer Human Resources


apple pie 10 portions

2 hours


From grandmother's hands to her mother's and now to Femke's! This family tradition is something to never lose. Currently, she is the only one who bakes it. Therefore there is a price to pay. Ingredients


175g butter, unsalted 1. Place the baking tray just under the middle of the oven and 175g white bastard sugar pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees. Use butter to grease the 400g self-rising flour baking tray. 8g vanilla sugar 1 egg 2. Knead the butter, 2/3 of the whipped egg, bastard sugar, 1kg apples (preferably Jonagold) vanilla sugar, self-rising flour, and a pinch of salt by hand to 20g crystal sugar create cohesive dough. 3 tsp. cinnamon salt to taste 3. Use 2/3 of the dough for the bottom and edges of the baking Also needed: baking tray (24cm) whipped cream (optional)


4. Peel, remove the core of the apples and dice them. Mix the crystal sugar and cinnamon with the apples. 5. Sprinkle the kitchen counter with some flour. Shape the remaining dough into thin rolls and flatten them slightly into strips. Place the strips crosswise over the apple mixture. Brush the strips and the edge of the dough with the rest of the whipped egg. 6. Bake the apple pie for 60-75 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees until it is done and golden. 7. Let the apple pie cool down for one hour before removing the baking tray. 8. Serve with whipped cream or plain. 85

hans kruunenberg Engineering


cantuccini 5 portions

40 minutes


When it comes to Italian food, some dishes are way more famous than others. That is why Hans has chosen to share this recipe with you. Perfect combination with your morning coffee boost or simple supper snack. Ingredients

250g sugar 3 eggs 200g flour 200g self-rising flour 100g nuts, blanched 1 lemon 100g chocolate chips Also needed: baking paper


1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees. 2. Rasp a bit of the lemon zest and squeeze half of the lemon. Set everything aside. 3. Mix eggs, sugar and lemon zest. 4. Add the flour and self-rising flour, and mix it through until it makes an even mixture. 5. Finally, add blanched nuts and chocolate chips. Mix well. 6. Roll it in a log shape and place it on baking paper. 7. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown.


kevin kross Engineering


cornstarch cookies 5 portions

30 minutes


Aren't cookies just the most wonderful thing in life? Kevin thinks so too. Especially when they have been passed down to generations. This recipe is the perfect cheat after a well-balanced meal. Ingredients

400g cornstarch 200g butter 200g sugar 2 eggs 16g vanilla sugar disco dip sprinkles for garnish Also needed: baking tray baking paper


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. 2. In a large bowl, beat the eggs and whisk. Add the butter, sugar, and vanilla sugar. 3. Add cornstarch little by little until the mixture starts to look like an even dough. 4. Take a large baking tray and cover with baking paper. 5. Prepare the cookie balls from the dough and press them with a fork horizontal and vertical, making a net. Then sprinkle the disco dip. 6. Place the cookies well apart on the baking paper. And bake for about 15 - 20 minutes or until brown.

TIP: Make sure the butter is room temperature. If the dough is too soft, put it in the fridge for an hour. 89

ketija romanovska Sales & Marketing


debessmanna - fluffy cranberry mousse 4 portions

30 minutes


Most picture-perfect Latvian dessert - fluffy mousse with milk is just the right dish for Ketija to go back in time and remember all the deliciousness from her grandma's cookbook. The best part: you can use any type of berries. Ingredients


1.5 cup cranberries 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup wheat/farina 2 cups milk

1. Squeeze a fresh juice from cranberries.

Also needed: juicer hand mixer basil (optional) to garnish berries (optional) to garnish

3. Whisk in the wheat or farina, and reduce the heat to low heat, whisking constantly until the mixture starts to thicken.

2. Bring the cranberry juice and sugar to boil in a saucepan over medium heat.

4. Transfer the mixture to a bowl and use the hand mixer for about 10 minutes to thicken it. It should get almost double the amount. 5. Add it to a serving bowl and cover it with milk. You can garnish it with anything you like: basil or berries.

TIP: The longer you'll whisk the mixture, the fluffier and lighter the mousse will become. 91

eszter somogyi Finance


sponge cake with sour cherries 4 portions

1 hour


Cake - easy to make in a short period of time? Look no further! Eszter chose this recipe to inspire all the people who don't bake. With very little time, her grandma knew how to make something sweet for her grandchildren any time of the day. Ingredients

6 eggs 120g sugar 10g baking powder 140g flour pinch of salt 350g sour cherries butter powdered sugar (optional) Also needed: baking tray (26cm)


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. 2. Separate the eggs, beat the egg whites until stiff, and whip the yolks with the sugar until they are fluffy and light yellow. 3. Sift the flour and mix with the baking powder and salt. 4. Start mixing the flour mixture into the egg yolks. Add the flour in parts, and then loosen it with the egg whites. Easiest is to first just take 1/3 of the whites, mix it in nicely until it is smooth and then go for the remaining 2/3 of the whites, be very gentle, not to mix it too much, otherwise the cake will not be fluffy. 5. Grease your baking tray with butter and sprinkle a little flour on it, make sure it is even everywhere, and then pour the dough into it. 6. Drain the cherries and throw them in just before the baking process starts. 7. Bake the cake for about 35 minutes.

TIP: Best with powdered sugar on top.


randy rienksma Kitchen


white chocolate mousse 10 portions

1.5 hours


White chocolate and mousse already say enough... This rich dessert has impressed everyone Randy knows! Enjoy this elegant dessert by the spoonful. It's creamy, whipped texture flavor is sure to please. Ingredients

5 eggs 83g sugar 3 gelatine sheets 500ml heavy cream 270g white chocolate 50ml milk mango jam sprinkled chocolate cold water

Also needed: whisker


1. Divide the eggs into 50g egg yolk and 83g whole egg. Set aside. 2. Soak the gelatine sheets in cold water. 3. Melt the chocolate in the milk. 4. Whip the heavy cream until sturdy. While whipping, add egg yolk, whole egg, and sugar. 5. Add the gelatine with the chocolate mix. 6. Add the egg mix together with the chocolate mix. 7. Refrigerate for 1 hour. 8. Serve with mango jam and sprinkled chocolate.


Our place Cookbook “We care for people so they can be their best” As we continue to grow, we don’t lose sight of what’s most important—people. Hyatt is a company that was built by the family. It’s a workplace where coworkers become friends. Care is at the heart of our business, and it’s this distinct guest experience that makes Hyatt one of the world’s best hospitality brands.

Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport employees have decided to come together and create recipes that make each one of them happy. Many hearty international and national dishes are combined in “Our Place Cookbook”. Enjoy!

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