April 2017 Hyattsville Life & Times

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Local graffiti crew holds gallery event. P. 8


Aftercare, bikeshare programs in FY2018 budget By Ellen Treimel

The Hyattsville City Council and city administrative staff held their second working meeting on the fiscal year (FY) 2018 budget on March 15. City Administrator Tracey Nicholson opened the meeting by presenting accomplishments from FY 2017 and then focusing on highlights and budget priorities for the upcoming year. The total operating budget for FY 2018 is $25 million. Capital improvements are targeted to increase 39 percent, to $9.9 million, and major revenue is expected to increase in FY 2018. This increase will include real property taxes, which are anticipated to be approximately $11.3 million, and an anticipated $2.3 million in city income and operating taxes. The city currently has about $7 million in cash reserves. The Hyattsville Life & Times reached out to city council members and the city’s financial advisor for comments about FY 2017 accomplishments and the FY 2018 budget proposal. When asked about whether the city achieved its FY 2017 goals, Council President Edouard Haba (Ward 4) stated, “Yes, if you look at the overall goals. This is especially true when you look at capital improvement projects. The renovation of our Public Works Department facility is progressing according to timeline. The same goes for road improvements in the University Hills neighborhood. In the Community Services Department, I would say that they went above and beyond to provide quality programming and services.” There are a number of major initiatives introduced by the mayor


Vol. 14 No. 4

Hyattsville’s Community Newspaper

April 2017

Hyattsville one step from sanctuary By Ben Simasek

The city council voted Monday night to make Hyattsville a sanctuary city, declaring that the city’s police force and staff will not intervene in federal immigration matters. In their first vote to formally introduce the measure, councilmembers voted 8-2 in favor of the ordinance. A second vote for final adoption of the ordinance

is scheduled for the April 17 council meeting. Councilmembers Paula Perry (Ward 4) and Ruth Ann Frazier (Ward 5) voted against the ordinance. Perry, who said she was “on the fence” about co-sponsoring the ordinance after being asked, expressed concern about people potentially misunderstanding the limited scope of the legislation, leading to a “false sense of security.” “I don’t want anyone to have any false hopes

that they’re completely protected when they’re not,” Perry said. Council President Edouard Haba (Ward 4) underscored the importance of spreading public awareness about the details of the ordinance. “I invite everyone, even those who SANCTUARY continued on page 13


WHOLE FOODS Riverdale Park opening shines spotlight on new development, Route 1 Corridor By Heather Wright

The first Whole Foods Market in Prince George’s County will open April 12 on Baltimore Avenue in Riverdale Park. The 40,000-square-foot store will be the primary anchor for Riverdale Park Station, the mixed-use development by Calvin Cafritz EnterWHOLE FOODS continued on page 17

BUDGET continued on page 6


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Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017


Policies communicate decisions; budgets should demonstrate choices By Candace B. Hollingsworth

During the past four years, the Hyattsville City Council has done some impressive — and at times, courageous — work to expand democracy, protect its employees, limit outside influence in local elections and strengthen ties between residents and their law enforcement officers. These

A community newspaper chronicling the life and times of Hyattsville Mailing address: PO Box 132, Hyattsville, MD 20781 http://HyattsvilleLife.com http://facebook.com/HyattsvilleLife http://twitter.com/HvilleTimes Hyattsville Life & Times is published monthly by Hyattsville Community Newspaper, Inc., a 501c(3) nonprofit corporation. Editors welcome reader input, tips, articles, letters, opinion pieces and photographs, which may be submitted using the mailing address above or the email addresses below. Managing Editor Maria D. James maria@hyattsvillelife.com Associate Editor Heather Wright heather@hyattsvillelife.com Digital Editor Krissi Humbard krissi@hyattsvillelife.com Web Manager Lindsay Myers lindsay@hyattsvillelife.com Layout & Design Editor Ashley Perks Copy Editor Nancy Welch Advertising advertising@hyattsvillelife.com 301.531.5234 Writers & Contributors Julia Gaspar-Bates, Mark Goodson, Ben Simasek, Ellen Treimel Board of Directors Joseph Gigliotti — President and General Counsel Chris Currie — Vice President Caroline Selle — Secretary Rosanna Landis Weaver, Gretchen Brodtman, Debra Franklin, T. Carter Ross Maria D. James and Krissi Humbard — Ex Officios Circulation: Copies are distributed monthly by U.S. mail to every address in Hyattsville. Additional copies are distributed to libraries, selected businesses, community centers and churches in the city. Total circulation is 9,300. HL&T is a member of the National Newspaper Association.

successes have earned Hyattsville the oft-repeated moniker of being “such a progressive city,” and I’m proud of that. However, progressive policies, programs and services come with an economic cost. The council often evaluates those costs and determines that the value of the good (the policy, program or service) is worth the expense the city will bear for it. Many times, though, we avoid the more difficult task of choosing what we — the city and its residents — will have to do without. This has to change. We need to start making choices among the many things we may want. For the past four years, we have proposed and approved a budget with an operational deficit. Because of a variety of factors — and the recent boom in property taxes — we have been able to end each of the past four years with a surplus. Our general fund balance is healthy and has allowed us to plan for a few significant investments

over the next five years. However, our costs will only increase if we continue at this pace, and eventually our surplus will dry up. The marker of our commitment to progressive ideals is in how well we maintain a demonstrably inclusive community with racial, ethnic, cultural, generational and socioeconomic diversity. Policies, programs or services that are expensive — yet serve only a few people, restrict mobility in and around the city, or arbitrarily discourage density and multifamily units — fly in the face of this objective. We achieve, maintain and expand the diversity we seek by ensuring that our community is truly affordable and accessible. Unlike many cities and towns our size, we have an opportunity to do this right. The costs of government are uniquely tied to affordability in our community, and I am increasingly concerned. We cannot afford to spend or subsidize without being explicitly mindful about the real choices we are making (or not

MY TWO CENTS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR WHY I CAME ‘OFF THE FENCE’ ON SANCTUARY CITIES From The Rev. Stephen G. Price A recent article in the Hyattsville Life & Times quoted my feeling about needing to “draw a line in the sand” regarding becoming a sanctuary city. The article also stated that I had previously been on the fence regarding this issue. While both are true, the article failed to note my reasons for coming “off the fence.” This failure to share the context of my decision is regrettable. I was very clear in my remarks that my reasons were based on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) beginning to target faith-based programs such as the Rising Hope Warm Nights Shelter in Alexandria, Va., which had recently been identified by ICE as a place to pick up Hispanic persons as they left the shelter. The very concepts of sanctuary and asylum are rooted in the faith traditions of Christians, Jews and Muslims. I believe the vi-

olation of those traditions by ICE in their recent practices — something they have purposely avoided in the past — raises the probability of their entering sacred spaces in pursuit of immigrants they wish to arrest. This is what pushed me off the fence and remains a significant concern in my mind. The Rev. Stephen G. Price is the pastor at First Baptist Church Hyattsville. RINGLING BROS. CIRCUS SAYS GOODBYE From Christina Steigerwald After 146 years of performances all over the U.S., Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus shocked many with their announcement in January that 2017 would be their last season. Locally, Maryland and DC residents had the opportunity to catch the circus one last time when it came to the Verizon Center at the end of March through early April.

“I want everyone in the City of Hyattsville to be able to experience the city in the same way, no matter where they live, who they are, where they’re from or who they love. “

making). I include myself in this “we.” This isn’t about rightsizing government. This is about prioritizing what government will do and the resources it will allocate to achieve established goals. I am not saying that progressive policies are the culprit. Nor am I saying that I am opposed to a tax rate increase that supports our work in this area. In fact, I will champion both if necessary. What I am

On the circus’s website, Kenneth Feld, chairman and CEO of Feld Entertainment (the circus’s parent company), stated that the decision to end the circus was largely due to declining ticket sales, which fell further than expected after the elephants were removed from performances. For many animal rights organizations and circus critics of all ages, this is a big deal. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals investigated claims of animal abuse and trainer misdeeds and crusaded against these circuses.

asking is for each and every one of you to help us prioritize. On the council, we may be asking some questions of staff and of each other that may lead to difficult tradeoffs. We may learn that things we have “always done” aren’t yielding the substantial impact we desired. Or maybe we’ll learn that what we thought was a good idea is ultimately not in the best interest of the whole community. Or we may determine that everything we do is necessary and important, and that we need to think harder about how we finance these efforts. Then we may have to consider novel solutions in order to shore up our commitment to being an inclusive city with incredible amenities. Thankfully, by starting this work now, the array of potential choices is vast. My goal as mayor continues to be the same: I want everyone in the City of Hyattsville to be able to experience the city in the same way, no matter where they live, who they are, where they’re from or who they love. The policies we have passed are just the first step. We now have to make sure that the benefits of our progressivism don’t extend only to those who can afford them. Candace B. Hollingsworth is the mayor of the City of Hyattsville.

In a 2009 federal trial, Ringling Bros. acknowledged the standard use of bullhooks to control their elephants; Feld claimed that such force and punishment was necessary to keep workers safe. Ringling Bros.will hold their last show in May 2017. I believe that the closing of this circus is a monumental event that brings inspiration and ease of mind for those who truly care for animals and their well-being. Christina Steigerwald is a senior at Chelsea School.


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Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

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Phil Houle passed away in his sleep on March 7 at his Hyattsville home. He was born on Aug. 29, 1945, in Oberlin, Ohio. Phil moved with his family to Hyattsville in 1984 to accept the position of legal counsel at the Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation in Washington, DC. “Scawt, Phil Hoool heah.” That greeting and Phil’s voice are forever ingrained in my memory. It’s how my friend from Maine, Phil Houle, would announce himself every single time I answered his phone call. It is a happy memory, and I’m grateful I can still hear it in my mind. I first met Phil and his wife, Gail, in the fall of 2000 while canvassing our former Hyattsville neighborhood about a political issue. The weather was unpleasant, and they invited me in to warm up. I stayed for about an hour and left knowing I’d be seeing more of both of them. My wife and I were new to town, and their warm welcome confirmed for me that we had made the right decision in choosing Hyattsville as the place to raise our child. I saw them frequently over the next few years. Some of it was purely social — small talk over dinner — but we would mostly talk about Hyattsville and the current issues at hand. We didn’t always agree, but I sensed that we liked each other. And so a certain trust evolved. A few years after meeting Phil, in the spring of 2003, I decided to make a run for the city council seat representing our ward. The Houle family was one of the first I went to asking for support. Once I convinced the Houles I was serious, I got to see Phil’s dual nature of political strategist and boyishly enthusiastic supporter at work. The weekend before Election Day, I saw Phil driving his old car festooned with my campaign signs and blaring his horn in front of my house. He also had a bullhorn and was going to drive street to street exhorting residents to vote for me.

I didn’t suggest that, and wasn’t comfortable with it. But when I flagged him down, he seemed so proud of supporting me as a candidate. I waved him on, but suggested he tone it down with the bullhorn. I squeaked out a victory in that election, and for weeks afterwards Phil would call or visit me with a myriad of ideas for the city, some of which were simply impractical. But he was so animated, so full of hope and happiness. I would go to bed thinking, “If only Phil’s ideas were doable!” Phil’s mind wasn’t constrained by the legislative process. Phil was too young to be a father figure to me and too old to be an older brother. We certainly weren’t best friends, but we were more than mere acquaintances. Yet there were similarities. Like my own father, he made no mention of his significant career accomplishments. Phil must have been proud of them, but he kept them to himself. Like an older brother, Phil could offer wise counsel one moment and then act ridiculous the next. I fondly remember both sides of him. And like a best friend, he spent many hours with me. We’d tell jokes and regale each other with stories until we were told to knock it off. I will always remember Phil as a bit of father, a bit of a brother and most of all, a friend.


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Scott Wythe, a former resident of Hyattsville, lives in New Hope, Pa. He served as a Hyattsville city councilmember from 2003 to 2005.






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Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

MARK GOODSON Residents check out the @OurHyattsville photo exhibit on its opening night, April 1.

The @OurHyattsville exhibit is resident’s ‘love letter to Hyattsville’ By Mark Goodson

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a thousand pictures is worth at least a million. Bulk was certainly an appealing aspects of the Studio SoHy’s @OurHyattsville Show, which opened on Saturday, April 1. Krissi Humbard, who manages the @OurHyattsville account, approached Bronwyn King with the idea for the show as a celebration of Hyattsville. “I was thinking of printing 100 or so photos and stretching [rows] of maybe three or four around the [Studio SoHy’s] Tiny Hall,” Humbard said.

Hanging 1,000 photos from Hyattsville’s locally shared Instagram handle was King’s idea. King, a local artist and cofounder of Studio SoHy at 4327 Gallatin Street, told Humbard to “go big.” The result is a staggering wall cover of photos from @OurHyattsville’s Instagram feed, representing more than 80 residents over the past 25 months. “It took a lot of time to put up 1,000 photos,” Humbard said. “It was a lot of work, but it has a huge payoff. Seeing my vision come to life was pretty amazing.” The show has an extraordinary visual impact and brings a socialmedia-scroll experience, usually re-

served for digital screens, to real life. Humbard and King approached Aaron Marcavitch, executive director of the Anacostia Trails Heritage Area Inc. (ATHA), to help fund the endeavor. Marcavitch was pleased to have Maryland Milestones sponsor printing the photos, which then allowed Humbard to cover the walls from end to end with moments captured by the people of Hyattsville. “Maryland Milestones/ATHA Inc. is about preserving and promoting the history, art, culture and natural resources of our region,” Marcavitch said. “Showcasing the community and

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If a guest thought the show seemed too saturated with city influence, that guest missed the point. “This show’s opening was an uber-Hyattsville event, and I love that,” said Humbard. “I love so many things about Hyattsville, and clearly other residents feel the same.” “The @OurHyattsville Show is my love letter to Hyattsville,” she said. The @OurHyattsville Show will run at Studio SoHy’s Tiny Hall through the end of May; Humbard and King say they are in no hurry to take it down. You can view the show during Vigilante Coffee Company’s normal business hours. Got pictures from the show? Tag them on Instagram with #OHInstashow.

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the people of that community seemed like a great opportunity. We support activities, programs and grants in all of our partner communities, and we are proud to support this project, too.” In case the photos weren’t enough to imbue a love for the city and its people, Humbard asked Pat Padua, a Hyattsville resident and former @OurHyattsville handler, to create a soundtrack featuring Hyattsville-affiliated artists — from R&B singer and Hyattsville resident George Smallwood, to post-punk’s Dale Jenkins and rockabilly’s Leslee “Bird” Anderson, both of whom recorded tracks at Glasswing Studios on Ager Road. Padua also queued up Baghdad-born Rahim Al-Haj, who recorded an album at Private Ear Studios in Hyattsville. “On his album ‘Little Earth,’ [Al-Haj] even has a song called ‘Morning in Hyattsville,’” said Padua. Another former @OurHyattsville handler, photographer Erika Nizborski, ran a Polaroidstyle photo booth at the show’s opening. Nizborski, who met Humbard through Instagram, wanted to provide “an interactive experience for the guests.” Her service enhanced the socialmedia-comes-alive feel of the show by sharing photos instantaneously. Beverages for the show were provided by Handsome Beer, a “no-brainer,” Humbard said, since co-founder Matt Humbard is a Hyattsville resident and Krissi Humbard’s husband. Matt served Handsome Beer’s Belgian tripel, “Rise Above.” To continue the local theme, El Comalito provided pupusas.

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Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

Page 5







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Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017


continued from page 1

and city council for FY 2018. Cost neutral city-administered school aftercare, introduced by Councilmember Kevin Ward (Ward 1), has been proposed as a pilot program for Edward M. Felegy Elementary School. Another city council priority is

the ongoing implementation of a motion approved on Jan. 4, 2016, titled “Adoption of the President’s Task Force on 21st-Century Policing as a Framework for Community Policing in the City of Hyattsville.” The city police department has been implementing recommendations of the administration’s task force since the motion was approved, and the budget for FY

2018 reflects the city’s ongoing commitment to these efforts. Additional council priorities include conceptual design services to evaluate the layout and use of Magruder Park, a bikeshare network, an AmeriCorps VISTA mentoring program for youth, a feasibility study for a Hyattsville Circulator-Connector bus, several Environmental Committee

initiatives, safety improvements and speed mitigation in Ward 4, and an expanded community survey to better track the needs and interests of city residents. Concerning these initiatives, Haba said, “As it stands, I’m encouraged by the prospect that the FY [20]18 budget might address some major issues including a feasibility study for a circulator bus connecting all corners of the city, making a decision and acting on the current facilities study, a partnership with the City of College Park and Meals on Wheels to provide free meals to some of our senior residents, [and] a low-cost child care pilot program.” The proposed budget increases city employee benefits. City Treasurer Ron Brooks highlighted that the FY 2018 budget would include a 1.5 percent cost of living increase for city employees. The city will enter its second year of offering a paid Family and Medical Leave Act program. Several city employees took advantage of the program in 2017, and it is regarded as a success. The city would expand insurance options for retirees and provide several other fringe benefits. The city has budgeted $12,000 for city employee tuition assistance during FY 2018. A proposed increase in the mayor’s salary, from $7,500 per year to $11,550 per year, is the only major change in the mayor’s office budget. The proposal was based on the Compensation Committee’s study. The city will continue to contract certain services in FY 2018, including a virtual chief information officer and legal and accounting services. The city currently contracts with two accounting firms conducting ongoing audits. The city would like to hire an employee to help with finance

work, which would allow Treasurer Brooks to do more in-house financial management projects. With the new hire in place, the city will discontinue one of its accounting service contracts. The Hyattsville City Police Department (HCPD) made many upgrades and improvements in FY 2017 and plans to continue to build upon that progress in 2018. During FY 2017, the police department outfitted officers with body cameras, upgraded closed circuit television system cameras and connectivity, obtained a Safe Streets Initiative grant from the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention, and filled positions for the department’s captain and a coordinator for the Hyattsville Safe Streets Initiative. The police force also hired four additional officers and held a series of community conversation meetings. During FY 2018, funding will continue for all existing services and programs. Funding has also been earmarked to hire an additional civilian dispatcher; to replace older, high maintenance vehicles; to purchase additional body cameras and video storage; to begin replacement of older firearms; to undergo an assessment by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies; to hire and train officers to fill vacant positions; and to establish a de-escalation training program. The City of Mount Rainier will reimburse Hyattsville $61,000 for shared police dispatch services. According to Police Chief Douglas Holland, 44 patrol positions have been approved and funded by the city, and seven vacancies remain. HCPD plans to fill the vacancies in the upcoming year. The next council budget work session is scheduled for April 12. The final FY 2018 budget will go to a vote on May 15.

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Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

Page 7


2017 ELECTIONS The Hyattsville Life & Times reached out to all candidates registered to run for city council in the city’s 2017 municipal elections. You’ll find their statements below. Candidates are listed by ward in numeric order. Within wards, candidates are listed alphabetically by last name. WARD ONE Ian Herron Age: 30 Day Job: National Special Hiring Authorities, Diversity and Inclusion Programs Manager I want to work for you! I feel a responsibility to improve the livelihood of the citizenry and will develop great relationships with you because of this passion. I will help people looking for better lives help themselves. I will work with the local artist, the new family in the ward and youth to create policy that will make this city even better through quarterly local events like resume writing workshops and art fairs. We are a growing community, and our diversity is the best of what America truly is. Activities like volunteering at the library to tutor English language learners are the perfect opportunity to share ideas on how we can stand strong in support of our status as a sanctuary city where refugees, immigrants and underrepresented communities are treated with dignity and respect. I will cultivate awareness for proactive engagement by leading a diversity committee and hosting monthly events dedicated to improving the quality of each Ward 1 citizen. My experience includes developing workforce planning strategies and managing programs that promote community and recreation. If voted for city council, we will have the opportunity to better address socioeconomic justice issues through special employment and community programs aimed to empower our youth and underemployed. Win or lose, I am grateful for the opportunity to represent the people’s interest. I look forward to full engagement in intensive dis-

cussions and developing a broader community of experts and advocates for interaction focused on addressing issues and providing solutions for our ward and city. Vote for me and I will work to make our ward the best it can be and the best of what America truly is. I welcome any Ward 1 citizen to join me on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:15 a.m. for commuter bike rides from the Hyattsville Courthouse to DC’s RFK Stadium utilizing our wonderful trail system. You are also invited to meet me outside of DeMatha High School for a walk to the Prince George’s County Metro station Wednesdays at 8:15 a.m. We can walk and discuss how to improve public transportation, our parks and the beauty of our ward.

Talib I. Karim

WHERE TO VOTE Early voting will be held at the Magruder Park Recreation Center Saturday, April 22 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; and Saturday, April 29 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Election Day will be Tuesday, May 2, 2017 from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Polling locations can be found below: Ward One City Municipal Building, 1st Floor 4310 Gallatin Street

I ask my neighbors in Ward 1 to elect me to represent them on the Hyattsville City Council. As their representative, Ward 1 residents and businesses could count on me to keep them updated and seek their input on issues impacting our city. Further, I would bring a new voice of reason and respect to City Hall. My family moved to Hyattsville six years ago after my wife discovered a wonderful school for our son — DeMatha. Since then, I have been engaged in numer-

Bart Lawrence

Ward Two Magruder Park Recreation Center, Rear Multipurpose Room 3911 Hamilton Street Ward Three University Christian Church, Sanctuary Room 6800 Adelphi Road Ward Four St. Matthew’s Episcopal/Anglican Church, 36th Avenue Entrance 5901 36th Avenue

Age: 47 Day Job: Attorney and Adjunct Professor at Bowie State University

younger siblings and I that working together is winning together. I look forward to working with everyone in Hyattsville to make our city more safe, grow our business corridors, and improve our sidewalks, roads and parks. By working together, we all win together. Talib I. Karim, #TogetherHyattsville

Ward Five Magruder Park Recreation Center, Front Multipurpose Room 3911 Hamilton Street

ous efforts to better our city, from serving as a judge for the Hyattsville Elementary School science fair to launching a civic association to address the needs of local businesses and residents. On the council, I would bring over 20 years of experience as a lawyer and business owner. My work as a congressional aide overseeing the budgets of the U.S. Departments of Justice and Veterans Affairs also prepares me to help manage our city’s revenues and expenses. As a labor law professor, I would seek to ensure the

laws of our city are sensible and just for all. Additional qualifications: B.S. in mechanical engineering and J.D. from Howard University, advocate for education and vocational training programs, contributing writer to the Hyattsville Life and Times. Over my life, I have made my share of mistakes. Yet I believe that acknowledging and working through them have made me a better person. In closing, I take inspiration from my parents, both of whom died when I was young. They taught my

Age: 44 Day Job: Proposal Manager, ICF Community Involvement: Hyattsville City Council, Ward 1, 2013–present; Hyattsville Aging In Place, volunteer, 2013–present; Hyattsville Middle School PTSO, vice president, 2016– present; secretary, 2015–2016; Hyattsville Elementary School, president, 2010–2014; secretary, 2009–2010; Friends of the Hyattsville Branch of the Prince George’s County Memorial Library System, 2009–2011 Hyattsville is a special community, a place where people with a spectacular variety of backgrounds and interests come together, creating life-long memories and developing strong bonds with their neighbors. And, whether we know each other personally or not, we are all bound to one another through the special compact of our municipal government. It is through this collective arrangement that we discuss and decide upon the policies that affect our lives at the most intimate

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level outside of our homes, issues such as public works, policing and education. These local-level decisions are important, and I take my role as one of 10 voices on the Hyattsville City Council seriously, acting with dedication, thoughtfulness and consideration. Hyattsville is on a positive path. Over the past four years, we’ve welcomed new neighbors, new business and new amenities. We’ve experienced record-low crime rates, infrastructure improvements, school improvements and wonderful civic engagement. But, as it always will, work remains. I am committed to working to ensure sustainable growth, necessary services and responsible stewardship of the city’s (your) resources (funds). The city charter captures in broad terms what I hope to continue to do as your Ward 1 councilmember, which is to ensure the “good governance of the City” and to protect and promote the “health, safety, comfort, convenience, welfare, and happiness of the residents of the City.” In short, as your Ward 1 councilmember, I will continue to work to improve the quality of life for Ward 1 residents and residents throughout the city. I humbly ask for your vote on May 2. Thank you. - Bart

WARD TWO Robert Croslin

Age: 65 Day Job: Goldsmith Community Involvement: Founding member of The Hyattsville Artist Alliance; founding member of Aging in Place (HAP); helped bring ArtSpin to Hyattsville; started the Breaking Bread Conference; started the Bridging Cultural Gaps Book Club; co-chaired the committee to select a police chief; co-chaired a committee to select a former city administrator; former member of the Hyattsville CDC; former member of the planning committee; former member of the Tree Board Neighbors and Friends, For the past four years, I have had the pleasure of serving as your representative on the Hyattsville City Council. Today I am asking for your vote to re-

Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

elect me as your city councilperson on May 2, 2017. Hyattsville today looks nothing like it did when my family moved here 28 years ago. My wife, Dyann, and I watched our children, Chike and Kigen, grow up here, participating in a multitude of community activities and learning lessons that helped make them the adults they are today. We have watched the Hyattsville community evolve from a sleepy suburb into one of the most exciting communities inside the Beltway, and I am proud to have played a part in the evolution as an engaged resident and as a councilmember. I have made a point of maintaining my dedication to our community since becoming your councilperson, and want to continue working for Ward 2 and the rest of Hyattsville over the next four years.

WARD THREE Vinni Anandham

restaurants in the area, we found ourselves in Hyattsville. Immediately, I witnessed a celebration on Jefferson Street — a celebration of diversity and world cuisine. I fell in love with the city and the energy of its people. I then moved to an apartment complex nearby the Mall at Prince Georges and have come to love this community, its businesses, and most of all, my friendly neighbors. I never thought of running for city council until I met the people in this city. Like any great place, Hyattsville is constantly evolving and with that growth, it’s important for everyone’s voices to be heard. I want to be that voice for all Ward 3 residents, along with increasing the representation of young people and improving the community for our children. I want to hear from you, for which I have planned outreach efforts over the next few weeks. Please feel free to get in touch with me through my website https:// www.vinniforward3.com/ Getting elected for city council will not be my victory or success, it will be OUR victory. However, success will come when we work together to take our city to greater heights, which is why I am counting on your vote this May 2nd!

Ayanna Shivers

Age: 23 Day Job: Admissions Counselor Community Involvement: Volunteer for the AVID program (organization that helps promote first generation high school students to attend college), volunteer at the Sri Siva Vishnu Temple (Hindu Temple), member of the Latino Democratic Club of Montgomery County that works with all the chapters in the state of Maryland, co-founder of registered nonprofit in the state of Texas called A New Horizon (which worked to help increase job skills for refugees in Dallas, Texas, so that they could obtain sustainable jobs). As a first generation IndianAmerican, I faced challenges when pursuing higher education. Thankfully, my teachers and counselors came to the rescue and because of their guidance, I was selected for a statefunded early college program that allowed me to earn my associate degree along with my high school diploma. They inspired me to work in higher education, so upon receiving my bachelor’s degree I became an admissions counselor. Last summer I moved from Texas and, after a 22-hour trip, my mother and I were mostly excited about a meal. When searching for

Age: 34 Day Job: DoD Contractor Community Involvement: I am a member of Hyattsville Horticultural Society, Hyattsville Urban Growers, Riverdale Park Bikram Hot Yoga and Prince George’s Hens. I also am a regular at Heurich Dog Park, Hyattsville Farmers Market and

the flea market at Northwestern High School. I have attended city council, Prince George’s zoning and planning meetings. I was recently inspired to run for city council because of my neighbors, a diverse collective that ranges in age, culture and certainly opinions. What I have come to appreciate is the supportive culture built on sharing and working with one another to create a safe, engaged neighborhood. The rich and meaningful relationships I have cultivated in Hyattsville have inspired me to support and represent my community, which is a wonderful mixture of Hyattsville residents who have been here their whole lives, and those like me, who moved here to start careers and families. Admittedly, I have no political experience and, up until now, had not considered running for office. But what I do offer is a willingness to roll up my sleeves to do the work required to assure that the values that we hold together are fairly represented. For more than ten years, I have literally and figuratively planted my roots in Hyattsville. During which much growth has occurred throughout the city. If elected, I will work to make sure that Ward 3’s concerns and interests are considered as we continue to develop. I will work to build stronger connections and provide a platform for Hyattsville residents to voice opinions and be heard. I will make sure that we are informed and fully engaged on issues that matter. “Growing Together Stronger” means celebrating our diversity while building on the things we have in common to shape the future of Hyattsville. I will champion efforts that promote inclusiveness, seek to address real concerns, and foster stronger community involvement. I humbly ask you for your vote. www.ayanna4ward3.com


WOKE IN WARD 1 Dignitas y Respeto

I’m Ian Herron. My family and I have been proud Ward 1 residents since 2012. It is my desire to be a public servant. My work for the Federal Government managing workforce development and diversity and inclusion programs is great, but in these times when so many people are being excluded and Its time for change. forgotten, I am ready to work for you to make Vote for our community the IanHerron4ward1@gmail.com. best that it could be. By Authority of Erica Smith, Treasurer, Ian Herron for Ward 1

Carrianna Suiter

Age: 32 Day Job: Policy Advisor, Universal Services Administrative Company. I help state and local governments expand broadband and telecommunication access in rural and low-income communities. Community Involvement: Hyattsville Moms (Curious Moms); HySwap volunteer; classroom parent at Nobel Learning Communities I live on 41st Avenue with my husband, Jason, and our one-year-old son, Theo. Hyattsville is a wonderful community with amazing people who support each other. As a new mom, I truly appreciate programs like the HySwap, and HNMoms meal deliveries. As someone who cares about environmental sustainability, I appreciate Hyattsville’s innovative pilot programs that provide free rain barrel and composting materials to residents. I am running for city council because I want to expand these programs to benefit more residents and find new and innovative ways to help our community thrive so that Hyattsville continues to be a great place to live and raise a family — with strong schools, safe communities and inclusive local development. I want to make sure that every family has access to affordable recreational programs and afterschool care — services so critical to working parents; that we are attracting the kinds of businesses that bring good jobs, the lifeblood of a strong and vibrant community; and that we continue to wel-

Four Point Plan: Diversity and Inclusion: Cultivating engagement and inclusion through hosting monthly civic awareness and diversity events, endeavoring to ensure every member of our community feels that they are treated with dignity and respect; Individual Entrepreneurship/ Business Growth: Quarterly individual and community economic growthcentered events, (resume writing workshops, artist showcases, and local business spotlight nights) Recreation and Art: Promoting increased volunteerism and community events; (Bike Club for D.C. Commuters, Walking Club to P.G. Plaza Metro, public artistry spaces, after school leadership programs) Safety: Work with local agencies to improve the safety of our residents and children in the community.

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Hyattsville Reporter No. 349 • April 11, 2017

www.hyattsville.org • 301-985-5000

Get Ready for Election Day!

Please note that special parking restrictions will be in effect before and during the parade along the route from Hyattsville Middle School along 42nd Avenue (starting at Oliver Street), Jefferson Street, and Hamilton Street (between Gallatin Street and 40th Place up to 37th Place) until it reaches the reviewing stage at Magruder Park.

toaster ovens, TVs, video games, video consoles, and CD players. Hyattsville Public Works staff will be on-site to answer any questions you may have. Call (301) 985-5000 to learn more. Yuck Old Paint staff will be with us, as well. They will recycle wet paint, in its original container, for $5 per container. Questions? Call (888) 509-YUCK (9825).

Early Voting

Forty UNDER 40

April 22: Come Celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day!

May 2 is less than a month away and we hope you are ready to make your voice heard! The Life & Times has included the candidates running for City Council in each ward and where residents in each Ward can go to vote on the big day. Not sure which ward you live in? No problem! Visit www.hyattsville.org/residencyverification.

The City of Hyattsville will hold Early Voting at the Magruder Park Recreation Center on the following days: Saturday, April 22, 2017, 9 am – 7 pm Saturday, April 29, 2017, 11 am – 7 pm Please note that we’ll be celebrating our 131st Anniversary, April 27 – April 30, at Magruder Park. Due to our parade, Hamilton Street will be closed to traffic between 37th Place and 39th Avenue, and Gallatin Street will be closed between 39th Avenue and 40th Place from 9 a.m. to approximately 1 p.m. If you want to vote early on April 29 and require assistance to get to the building, please contact (301) 985-5000 at least 48 hours in advance to schedule a Call-A-Bus ride to the Magruder Park Recreation Center. The City will also provide a shuttle from the WSSC Parking Lot and will provide temporary handicapped parking spaces in front of the building. For more information, visit www.hyattsville.org/elections. If you have any questions, please contact the Elections Coordinator at (301) 985-5001 or electionboard@ hyattsville.org.

Want to Be an Election Judge?

We’re still hiring election judges for Election Day as well as our two Early Voting Days. Regular judges are paid $150 each day and the chief judge receives $175 each day. Judges must be registered voters in the City of Hyattsville and attend a training prior to serving. Visit www.hyattsville.org/elections to apply and contact our Elections Coordinator at nkonigkramer@hyattsville.org or (301)985-5001 with any questions.

Candidates Forum

The City of Hyattsville wants to congratulate four residents for being recognized by the Prince George’s County Social Innovation Fund in this year’s Forty UNDER 40 Prince George’s, which highlights some of the best and brightest in our county across a range of sectors and categories. They will be celebrated in a ceremony in Mitchellville on May 3. Learn more at www.innovateprincegeorges.org. City residents honored this year are: Lee Cain in Education Tieshena Davis in the Arts & Humanities Wanika Fisher in Public Service and Valerie Fenton in the Arts & Humanities Once again, congratulations!

Join Our Translator Corps

Do you speak English and another language? Are you willing to help your community? There are numerous community groups, schools and others seeking translation assistance, both verbal and written, on a regular basis. Join our Translators Corps and we’ll let you know when there’s an opportunity to help your neighbors. To sign up or get more information, contact Anthony DeSantis at adesantis@hyattsville.org or (301) 985-5020.


The City’s new mobile parking app is free and easy to use. Just download the app and then enter your parking zone number, parking space number, and how long you plan to stay. Need to add more time but don’t want to run back to the parking meter to do it? No problem! Add more time through the app. (Of course, you will still be able to use coins or credit cards, too!) Visit passportinc. com/Hyattsville to park, pay, and be on your way!

The City of Hyattsville’s Teen Advisory Committee and the Hyattsville Life & Times will co-host a Candidates Forum at the City Building, 4310 Gallatin Street, on Wednesday, April 19, from 7 – 9 p.m. Come hear the candidates running for office in your ward talk about the local issues! Can’t make the Forum? No problem! The City will air it on cable (Comcast 71, Verizon 12) and online at www. hyattsville.org/meetings.

You spoke, we listened. Stay tuned for a draft of the City’s Community Sustainability Plan, our vision document for the next five years, to be released in mid-April. Give us your comments on the plan at public meetings on Saturday, April 22, at 1 p.m. in the City Building and on Tuesday, April 25, at 6:30 p.m. at Felegy Elementary. For more information, contact Katie Gerbes at (301) 9855059 or kgerbes@hyattsville.org.

Spring Camp Magruder

There are still spots available for Spring Camp Magruder! We’re open to kids ages 5-10 Monday, April 17, through Friday, April 21, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Registration for the week is $125 for Hyattsville Residents and $150 for Non-Residents. For more information, contact Saarah Abdul-Rauf at (301) 985-5065 or visit www.hyattsville. org/campmagruder.

Spring is here, and the mosquitoes are sure to follow! The City participates in the State of Maryland’s Mosquito Control Program, which begins in June and continues into September. State Mosquito Control staff conduct adult mosquito surveillance and, if certain conditions are met, will conduct spraying operations on Monday evenings. The City will report mosquito issues to the State on a weekly basis. To report a problem in your neighborhood, please call (301) 985-5000 or visit www.hyattsville.org/ pests. You can also request an exemption from adult mosquito control services on the site. Please note that spraying is NOT EFFECTIVE against the Asian Tiger Mosquito, which can be prevalent in the City of Hyattsville. Controlling this pesky pest requires routine community cleanups and emptying and rinsing containers that hold still water on a weekly basis (this includes tires, wading pools, wheelbarrows, canoes, tarps, flower pots, saucers, birdbaths, and gutters).

There will be a public hearing on the composition of City Council on Monday, April 17, and a public hearing about the proposed real property tax rate on Wednesday, April 26. The City proposes continuing the current real property tax rate of $0.63 per $100 of assessment. Both hearings will take place in the Council Chambers of the City Building, 4310 Gallatin, starting at 7:30 p.m. Don’t forget that Council will also be approving the FY2018 Budget in early May. Visit www.hyattsville.org/ budget to learn more.

Police Department Hiring

Help keep the City of Hyattsville safe by applying to be an officer in our Police Department. For more information or to apply, visit www.hyattsville.org.

Hyattsville Anniversary Festival

The City’s Anniversary Carnival will be in Magruder Park from Thursday, April 27, until Sunday, April 30. There’s fun for everyone with food, games, and rides. Be sure to join us on Saturday, April 29, for the main events! The City’s parade will take place that morning, and that evening we’ll have a live go-go show with Vybe Band, great beer, and spectacular fireworks.

More details are at www.hyattsville.org/anniversary

Speak Up About Community Sustainability

Mosquito Control

Public Hearings

Thursday, April 27 (Carnival): 5 – 9 p.m. Friday, April 28 (Carnival): 5 – 10 p.m. Saturday, April 29 (Carnival): 12 Noon – 10 p.m. Saturday, April 29 (Parade): 11 a.m. Saturday, April 29 (Concert & Fireworks): 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 30 (Carnival): 12 Noon – 5 p.m.

Please join the City of Hyattsville in celebrating Earth Day and Arbor Day at the Emerson Street Food Forest (4515 Emerson Street) on Saturday, April 22, 2:30 – 4 p.m. Food Forest Designer Lincoln Smith will be on hand to share more about his craft with you. The City will also honor its designation by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA by planting a Kanza pecan tree. Volunteers are needed to add mulch and additional plantings. Participation can help satisfy the State of Maryland’s Student Service Learning Requirement. For more information, call (301) 985-5057 or email caistis@ hyattsville.org today.

Call-A-Bus Trips

The Call-A-Bus takes seniors and people with disabilities to area stores and outings on a regular basis. Reservations are required by calling (301) 985-5000.

April 15: Recycle Electronics and Old Paint!

Electronics and Paint Recycling Drop Off: Electronics can be dropped off free of charge on Saturday, April 15, 7 a.m. – 1 p.m., at 4633 Arundel Place. This includes batteries, cameras, cell phones, electrical cords, computers, monitors, keyboards, laptops, microwaves, toasters,

Giant: April 24, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Price Rite Nutritional Tour: April 20, 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. Safeway & Aldi: April 27, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Shoppers & Price Rite: April 18, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

City Updates

Did you know you can sign up to receive City updates by email and/or text message? To do so, visit www.hyattsville.org/notifyme.

Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

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Reportero de


No. 349 • 11 de Abril, 2017

¡Prepárense Para La Elección!

¡El 2 de mayo viene en menos de un mes y esperamos que esté listo para hacer que su voz se oiga! El Life & Times ha incluido quiénes están presentándose como candidatos para el Concejo Municipal en cada distrito y dónde los residentes en cada distrito pueden votar cuando llegue el día. ¿No está seguro de en cual distrito vive usted? ¡Ningún problema! Visite www.hyattsville.org/residencyverification.

Votación Temprana

La Ciudad de Hyattsville tendrá votación temprana en el Centro de Recreación de Parque Magruder los días siguientes: Sábado, el 22 de abril de 2017, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sábado, el 29 de abril de 2017, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Favor de tener en cuenta que vamos a celebrar nuestro 131º aniversario desde el 27 de abril hasta el 30 en Parque Magruder. Debido a nuestro desfile, Calle Hamilton se va a cerrar al tráfico entre 37th Place y Calle Gallatin y 40th Place el 29 de abril desde las 9 a.m. hasta la 1 p.m. Si desea votar temprano el 29 de abril y necesita ayuda en llegar al edificio, por favor contacte al (301) 985-5000 con al menos 48 horas de antelación para programar un viaje con el Llama-Un-Bus al Centro de Recreación de Parque Magruder. La Ciudad también le conducirá entre el Estacionamiento del Edificio WSSC y el parque, y proveerá espacios de estacionarse adicionales para los discapacitados delante del edificio. Para más información, visite wee.hyattsville.org/elections. Si tiene otra consulta, por favor contacte a la Coordinadora de Elecciones al (301) 985-5001 o electionboard@hyattsville.org.

¿Quiere Ser un Juez de Elecciones?

Todavía necesitamos jueces para el Día de la Elección además de los días de votación temprana. Jueces regulares reciben $150 cada día y el juez principal recibe $175 cada día. Jueces deben ser votantes registrados en la Ciudad de Hyattsville y tienen que asistir un entrenamiento antes de servir. Visite www.hyattsville.org/elections para solicitar y contacte a nuestra Coordinadora de Elecciones a nkonigkramer@hyattsville.org o al (301)985-5001 con sus preguntas.

Foro de Candidatos

El Comité Asesor de Adolescentes y el Life & Times coorganizarán un Foro de Candidatos en el Edifico Municipal, 4310 Calle Gallatin, para miércoles, el 19 de abril, 7 – 9 p.m. ¡Venga y escuchar los candidatos en su distrito hablar de los temas locales! ¿No se puede unir a nosotros? Ningún problema. La Ciudad transmitirá el Foro por cable (Comcast 71, Verizon 12) y en línea en www.hyattsville.org/meetings.

Audiencias Públicas

Habrá una audiencia pública sobre la composición del Concejo Municipal el lunes, 17 de abril, y una audiencia pública sobre la tasa real de los impuestos de la propiedad el miércoles, 26 de abril. La Ciudad propone que continuemos la tasa vigente de $0.63 por $100 de valoración. Ambas audiencias tendrán lugar en la Cámara del Concejo Municipal en 4310 Gallatin Street, a partir de las 7:30 p.m. No se olvide que el Concejo también va a aprobar el Presupuesto del Años Fiscal 2018 a principios de mayo. Visite www.hyattsville.org/budget para aprender más.

Fiesta del Aniversario de Hyattsville

La Carnaval celebrando el Aniversario de la Ciudad tendrá lugar en Parque Magruder desde el jueves, 27 de abril, hasta el domingo, 30 de abril. Habrá diversión para todos incluyendo comida, juegos y otras atracciones. Únase a nosotros el sábado, 29 de abril, para los eventos principales. El desfile de la Ciudad ocurrirá esa mañana y en la tarde tendremos un show de la banda Vybe, cervezas buenas y fuegos artificiales espectaculares. Jueves, 27 de Abril (Carnaval):5 – 9 p.m. Viernes, 28 de Abril (Carnaval):5 – 10 p.m.

Sábado, 29 de Abril (Carnaval): Mediodía – 10 p.m. Sábado, 29 de Abril (Desfile): 11 a.m. Sábado, 29 de Abril (Concierto & Fireworks): 6:30 p.m. Domingo, 30 de Abril (Carnaval): Mediodía – 5 p.m. Más detalles en www.hyattsville.org/anniversary Por favor tenga en cuenta que restricciones especiales del aparcamiento serán en efecto durante el desfile por la ruta desde Hyattsville Middle School por la Avenida 42 (desde la Calle Oliver), Calle Jefferson y Calle Hamilton (desde Calle Gallatin y 40th hasta 37th Place) hasta que llegue a la plataforma en Parque Magruder.

Cuarenta MÁS JOVEN QUE 40

La Ciudad de Hyattsville quiere felicitar a cuatro residentes que han sido reconocidos por el Prince George’s Social Innovation Fund este año como parte del Forty UNDER 40 Prince George’s, lo que destaca unos de los mejores y más exitosos en nuestro condado por varios sectores y categorías. Van a ser celebrados en una ceremonia en Mitchellville el 3 de mayo. Aprenda más en www. innovativeprincegeorges.org. Los residentes de la Ciudad honrados este año son: Lee Cain en Educación Tieshena Davis en las Artes y Humanidades Wanika Fisher en Servicio Publico y Valerie Fenton en las Artes y Humanidades Otra vez, ¡felicitaciones!

www.hyattsville.org • 301-985-5000

de Maryland. Para más información, llame (301) 9855057 o escriba caistis@hyattsville.org hoy.

Speak Up (Habla Alto) Sobre la Sostenibilidad de la Comunidad

Usted habló, le escuchamos. Mantenga la atención para un borrador del nuestro Plan de Sostenibilidad de la Comunidad, un documento de visión para los próximos cinco años, lo que estará disponible a mediados de abril. Denos sus comentarios sobre el plan en reuniones públicas el sábado, 22 de abril, a la 1 p.m. en el Edificio Municipal y el martes, 25 de abril, a las 6:30 p.m. en Felegy Elementary. Para más información, contacte a Katie Gerbes al (301) 985-5059 o kgerbes@hyattsville.org.

Spring Camp Magruder

¡Todavía hay espacios en Spring Camp Magruder! Estamos abiertos a niños, 5 -10 años de edad, desde lunes, el 17 de abril, hasta viernes, el 21 de abril, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Registración por la semana sale $125 para residentes de Hyattsville y $150 para no residentes. Para más información, contáctese a Saarah Abdul-Rauf al (301) 9855065 o visite www.hyattsville.org/campmagruder.

Únase al Nuestro Cuerpo de Traductores

¿Habla inglés y otro idioma? ¿Quiere ayudar a su comunidad? Hay muchos grupos en la comunidad, incluyendo escuelas y otros, que regularmente necesitan ayuda en traducción, tanto la verbal como la escrita. Únase a nuestro Cuerpo de Traductores y le informaremos cuando haya oportunidades de ayudar a sus vecinos. Para registrarse u obtener más información, contacte a Anthony DeSantis a adesantis@hyattsville.org o al (301) 985-5020.


La Ciudad tiene una aplicación nueva para el estacionamiento que es gratis y fácil de utilizar. Solamente descargue la app e ingrese el número de la zona de estacionamiento, número del lugar de estacionamiento, y cuánto tiempo usted planifica en quedarse. ¿Necesita extender su tiempo per no quiere regresar al parquímetro para hacerlo? ¡Ningún problema! Extiéndalo mediante la app. (¡Todavía tiene la capaz de ocupar monedas y tarjetas de crédito, también!) Visite passportinc.com/Hyattsville para estacionarse, pagar y estar de camino ya!

15 de Abril: Recicle los Electronicos y la Pintura Vieja o Expirada

Se puede dejar sus electrónicos para el reciclaje gratis el sábado, 15 de abril, en 4633 Arundel Place, desde las 7 a.m. hasta la 1 p.m. Esto incluye pilas, cámaras, teléfonos, celulares, cables eléctricos, computadoras, monitores, teclados, computadoras portátiles, microondas, hornos tostadores, televisiones, juegos de video, consolas de video y tocadiscos. Personal del Departamento de Obras Públicas de la Ciudad estarán ahí para responder a sus preguntas. Llame al (301) 985-5000 para aprender más. Empleados de Yuck Old Paint estarán ahí, también. Van a reciclar pinturas mojada en su contenedor original por $5 por contenedor. ¿Preguntas? Llame (888) 509YUCK (9825).

22 de Abril: ¡Venga a Celebrar los Días de la Tierra y del Árbol!

Únase a la Ciudad de Hyattsville en celebrar el Día de la Tierra y el Día del Árbol en el Bosque Alimentario de Calle Emerson (4515 Calle Emerson) el sábado, 22 de abril, 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Lincoln Smith, diseñador de bosques alimentarios, va a estar allí para compartir más sobre su arte con usted. También la Ciudad va a honrar su compromiso de ser un Tree City USA designado por la Fundación del Día del Árbol por plantar un árbol de pecan Kanza. Se necesita voluntarios para añadir mantillo y otras plantas. Participación puede ayudar en cumplir el requisito de Aprendizaje-Servicio de estudiantes en el Estado

Control de los Mosquitos

¡Ha llegado la primavera y es seguro que los mosquitos llegarán pronto! La Ciudad participa en el Programa de Control de Mosquitos del Estado de Maryland, lo cual comienza en junio y se continua hasta septiembre. Personal de Control de Mosquitos monitoriza los mosquitos adultos y, si se cumpla ciertas condiciones, los va a rociar. La Ciudad reportará problemas con los mosquitos al Estado semanalmente. Para reportar un problema en su barrio, por favor llame al (301) 985-5000 o visite www.hyattsville.org/pests. Tambien se puede pedir una exención de los servicios de control de mosquitos en el sitio. Por favor tenga en cuenta que el rociar NO ES EFICAZ contra el mosquito tigre, lo cual suele ser predominante en la Ciudad de Hyattsville. Controlar esta peste se requiere que la comunidad se limpie regularmente, vaciando y enjuagando semanalmente los contenedores que porten agua quieta (se incluyen neumáticos, piscinas, carretillas, canoas, toldos, macetas, platillos, baños para pájaros y canalones).

El Departamento de Policía Está Contratando

Ayude a mantener segura la Ciudad de Hyattsville por medio de solicitar ser un oficial en nuestro Departamento de Policía. Para más información o para solicitar, visite a www.hyattsville.org.

Viajes del Llama-Un-Bus

El Llama-Un-Bus lleva mayores y personas con discapacidades a tiendas y otros eventos. Para reservaciones llame al (301) 985-5000. Giant: 24 de Abril, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Price Rite Nutritional Tour: 20 de Abril, 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. Safeway & Aldi: 27 de Abril, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Shoppers & Price Rite: 18 de Abril, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Noticias de La Ciudad

¿Sabía que usted puede recibir actualizaciones de las noticias de la Ciudad por correo electrónico y/o mensaje de texto? Para hacerlo, Visite a www.hyattsville.org/notifyme.

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Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

come residents of all stripes with open arms. Our community has experienced strong economic growth in recent years; we can do more to ensure all of our residents are benefitting from this development by establishing a summer jobs programs for young people so they can get a head start towards economic and career success. I spent the last decade working for President Obama, most recently at the Department of Labor, where I led the department’s engagement with states and local communities to advance policies that support working families. I want to utilize this knowledge and experience to ensure Hyattsville benefits from all available state and federal resources and pursue programs that have proven successful in other localities across the country. Above all, I want to hear from you. How can we make Hyattsville an even better place to live? Please visit www.votecarrianna.com or email me at votecarrianna@ gmail.com to share your suggestions. Let’s work together to grow our vibrant community.

WARD FOUR Shirley Bender Age: I am 70 years old and proud! Day Job: My employment was with the National Institutes of Health with a total of 36 years of

service and retirement in 2004. Currently employed for the Prince George’s County Board of Elections, and to demonstrate my role as an election judge. Community Involvement: Member of AARP of Maryland and with the foundation where I volunteer in the communities where I engage with health fairs, going to nursing homes to visit and assist the residents, and with Americans 50+ building social connections. I am a resident of Hyattsville, where I lived for a total of 23 years. I take pride in the community, and I value myself as a people person, as a problem solver and for the welfare of the people. I served as a block capital for my neighborhood. When the community was with Ward 3 and at that time in 2009 for the special elections, my neighbors suggested I run for city council and I complied. Since I am a people person, I enjoy engaging in conversations with folks and what they think about the situations that involved the communities. What I am hearing constantly from the residents, “that Ward 4, how it’s being disconnected from the city, and that’s true.” If I am elected city councilmember and as an independent manner. How our resources should be used effectively and efficiently. First all we residents have to find common grounds to improve our neighborhoods and maintain our essential senses in the community to move forward. As a candidate your vote is needed in the Ward 4 city election on May 2. Yours Truly, Shirley Bender ShirleyB.3020@gmail.com

Edouard Haba

Age: 35 Day Job: Mediator Community Involvement: Hyattsville City Council, Hyattsville Aging in Place, Neighborhood Cleanup Team Dear neighbors, Four years ago, I ran on a platform to make our community safer, greener and more inclusive while promoting sustainable development. I would like to seize this opportunity to highlight some of the accomplishments we have achieved: Major progress has been made to bring the city’s financial audits up to date. We’re in the final stages of completing FY ‘15 audit and substantial progress has also been made with FY ‘16 audit. The Police Department is fully funded and has received much needed fleet replacement and upgrades. The Public Works Department site is being renovated for added capacity and more efficiency. We have mapped and created a searchable database of city owned trees, improved stormwater management by installing rain gardens and other bioretention structures, and taken steps to reduce littering. Promoted sustainable developments. Today, with regards to my specific neighborhood, the Kiplinger Development (on East-West Highway, between The Home Depot and Giant) is underway

and we are excited about the prospect of the Riverfront Project at West Hyattsville Metro station. Efforts have been made to make Hyattsville a more inclusive and welcoming community by expanding voting privilege to all residents aged 16 and older, and adopting the Justice Department’s guidelines on Community Policing. Additionally, we are currently moving to establish Hyattsville as a sanctuary city. There is no doubt that progress has been made and that the city is moving in the right direction, with Ward 4 starting to receive the attention it needs and deserves. However, to keep the momentum going, we need councilmembers who care about the community and can effectively work with residents and the rest of the council to foster and defend our interests. This is why I’m running for re-election and ask residents of Ward 4 to vote for me.

WARD FIVE Derrika Durant Age: 29 Day Job: Entrepreneur, Department Coordinator Community Involvement: Created ‘Clean the Streets’ – a campaign to clean up areas

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Talib I. Karim; Winnie Obike, Treasurer

Talib I. Karim — A New Voice for Hyattsville City Council (Ward 1) I believe that elected officials should be stewards and servants of the community. So, I created a survey to get recommendations from businesses, nonprofit institutions, and fellow residents for improving Hyattsville. The majority of those surveyed thus far want: City Council members who are more responsive and respectful to each other and residents alike To develop abandoned storefronts and make our city’s business corridors more vibrant Increased funding for parking, roads, sidewalks, parks and other infrastructure to improve our city’s safety and accessibility

“I ask my neighbors in Ward 1 for their vote and to work together with me on these and — Talib I. Karim, #TogetherHyattsville other ideas to make our city even better.”

https://www.facebook.com/ KarimForCityCouncil @KarimforCouncil

www.KarimforCityCouncil.org Early Voting - Saturday, April 22 & April 29 11AM - 7PM @ Magruder Park Recreation Center Election Day - Tuesday, May 2, 7AM - 8PM @ Hyattsville Municipal Building

5557 Baltimore Ave #500, Hyattsville, MD 20782 202-256-0499

May 2 • Vote Talib I. Karim • Hyattsville City Council • Ward 1

Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

If elected city councilmember for Ward 5, I plan to do the following: Focus on education. Education is the great socioeconomic equalizer. In thriving economies worldwide, a foundation built on strong education is the common denominator. To that end, I plan to focus my efforts on enhancing course curriculum, adding more afterschool programs, improving school-based nutrition and adding college readiness programs in high schools. Lower poverty level. We need to bring jobs back to the City of Hyattsville. According to the United States Department of Labor, effective July 1, 2016, the minimum wage for Maryland and the District of Columbia is $8.75 and $11.50 respectively. Ultimately, congested homes are a direct cause of a lack of jobs, low skill levels and poor wages. Therefore, I plan to make access to adult learning and skills training my priority and work to increase minimum wage. Increase homeowner/homebuyer programs. Further Prince George’s County Department and Community Development and The Maryland Historical Trust initiative to help first-time home buyers become homeowners and provide resources to residents restoring or renovating older homes. Promote diversity and inclusion. Building comradery as a community is crucial. In lieu of discriminatory federal legislation that targets religion, citizenship, women and the LGBTQ community, we need to band together and unite in the midst of oppression. My plans are to work with the City of Hyattsville to combat legislation targeting the aforementioned groups and support legislation such as the sanctuary

city legislation. Moreover, I believe that it is imperative for the City of Hyattsville to fundraise and find alternative funding options if we are penalized by the federal government. Protect our children. I will focus my efforts on increasing neighborhood watch initiatives to decrease crime in our neighborhoods.

Erica Spell Age: 31 Day Job: Federal Government Contractor for the United S t a t e s Agency for International Devel-

opment (USAID) Community Involvement: I’m an educated voter. I have viewed hours of city council meetings to stay informed about issues that affect our community. I contribute to the Hyattsville economy by shopping locally and supporting our businesses. I also attend City of Hyattsville events, particularly those that are family-oriented and allow my 5-year-old daughter and I to explore and learn more about the community we reside in while having fun! As a candidate for Hyattsville City Council (Ward 5), I’m focused on introducing and supporting policy that: 1) Increases economic development and opportunity — we’ve witnessed a lot of development in


ERICA SPELL City Council

I will ELEVATE Hyattsville by supporting and introducing polices that:

Embrace diversity and inclusion

Increase economic development and opportunity Enhance public safety through collective responsibility

Early Voting Saturday, April 22, 2017 Saturday, April 29, 2017 Election Day Tuesday, May 2, 2017 Location Magruder Park Recreation Center 3911 Hamilton Street


Vote Erica Spell for Hyattsville City Council (Ward 5)

By Authority of Erica Spell, Treasurer, Erica Spell for Ward 5

around the West Hyattsville Metro station and the trails nearby; worked with Black Lives Matter activists to lead forums to discuss police brutality in the minority community

Page 11


“Let’s work together to grow our vibrant community.” As your voice for Ward 3, I’ll fight to make our city a place where all families have an equal chance to succeed.

Progress for Hyattsville Families Support Hyattsville’s economic growth, encourage business to hire local residents, and develop a summer youth jobs program. Improve indoor recreation options including a Hyattsville recreation and learning center and year-round indoor pool. Create more affordable childcare options for families through partnerships between school and care providers. Ensure the safety of our commuters on walking and bike paths with improved lighting and more frequent police patrols.

Hyattsville Neighbors Trust Carrianna “Carrianna offers an energy and commitment to finding practical solutions that will help maintain the diverse character of our community and build a dynamic future for Hyattsville.” — The Ankrahs, Longfellow Street “We’ve lived next door to Carrianna and her family for more than two and a half years. We know she’ll use her experience and determination to serve each and every member of our community.” — Kaitlin Lesnick & Wenceslao Almazan-Romero, 41st Avenue “We support Carrianna and know that she’ll bring her expertise and energy to the issues facing Hyattsville. She’s been a great neighbor and she’ll be a great leader for our community.” — Andrew and Alexandria Marder, Oglethorpe Street

CarriannaForHyattsville By authority of Vrithika Anandham, Treasurer, Vinni for Hyattsville City Council


By authority of Kaitlin Lesnick, Treasurer, Carrianna Suiter for City Council Ward 3.

Page 12

Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

the City of Hyattsville, but it has not necessarily been equitable across all wards. For Ward 5, my vision is to see better quality jobs, ensuring current businesses are getting a return on their investment, and as homeowners, we are seeing an increase in the value of our homes; 2) Enhances public safety through

collective responsibility — We are fortunate in Hyattsville to have our own city police force. We need to ensure we are doing all we can to support them by making public safety a primary concern for ALL citizens. 3) Embraces diversity and inclusion — the City of Hyattsville is a

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thriving diverse and vibrant community. Our diversity should be celebrated. As a Spanish speaker, I understand the importance of making sure every voice is heard. As a potential representative, I must be able to communicate and represent the issues of ALL residents of Ward 5. Additional qualifications: Prior to my current position with USAID, I held various roles in business, program and training development at Heifer International, Ray Group International and Creative Associates International. I began my professional career as an intern for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2007 which included (then senators) Vice President Joseph Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and President Barack Obama. I also interned with the State Department at the United States Consulate in Strasbourg, France. I have a bachelor’s degree in political science from Howard University, a master’s degree in public administration from American University, and I am currently pursuing a doctorate in political science at Howard University. To learn more, please visit www.EricaSpellforWard5.com.

Ben Zeitler Age: 37 Day Job: Regional property

manager with extensive experience in managing large apartment communities with an emphasis on excellent customer service. Extremely proficient in reading, interpreting and creating multimillion dollar budgets, profit and loss statements and variance reports. Skilled in managing a staff, increasing productivity, interior and exterior rehab/capital projects, marketing and leasing. Community Involvement: Dad, friend and neighbor who has been a part of our wonderful community participating in meal donations to new parents, supporting and assisting my neighbors and being a generally good steward of our community. Neighbors, I have lived in Hyattsville with my wife, Nicole, and son, Pierce, for four years. I sought to run this year because with the current national political climate, I felt it was the right time to give back to our community and offer my voice to serve my neighbors in Ward 5. With so much divisiveness in our country right now, I think that it is important for our community to stand together as

one. I want to give back in a way that incorporates the voices of all our citizens and focuses our plans and legislation in ways that will improve our community for all. There is much work to be done in Ward 5. The area around the West Hyattsville Metro station is being developed, and I think it is critical that we move forward with this project in a smart, strategic way. The BB&T bank building plan should be completed, and I would support setting it up as a community center/meeting spot. Throughout Hyattsville we need additional sidewalks, a focus on parking relief and strategies to combat speeding. I am ready to tackle these issues on behalf of Ward 5. I am very excited to be your voice on the council, and I believe my professional background in private industry gives me a unique perspective and transferrable set of skills. I understand real estate, budgets, and what goes into putting together and executing development plans and special projects. I currently assist in writing policies and procedures to help my organization be a great place to work. I look forward to using my experience to keep Hyattsville a welcoming city. Please check out my website at benforhyattsville.com or email me at benforhyattsville@ gmail.com. I would love to hear from you.

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w w w. th e d e nt a l g r o u p . c o m

Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017


continued from page 1

oppose it, to help us pass that message of clarity to make sure that everyone knows what this means,” said Haba. In the past few weeks, councilmembers have worked closely with the city’s attorney and the Hyattsville City Police Department (HCPD) to address legal or procedural questions and clarify any ambiguous language. The HCPD underscored the need to collaborate with federal agencies on criminal investigations unrelated to immigration and to defer to federal or state authorities when necessary. This input resulted in important changes to the initial draft legislation. At the council meeting, the city’s attorney and police chief shared the viewpoint that the revised document clearly delineates the responsibilities of local police and federal law enforcement agencies without hindering either from enforcing the laws under their respective jurisdictions. At the conclusion of the meeting, Hyattsville Mayor Candace Hollingsworth thanked the dissenting councilmembers for “tempering their opposition to ordinance 2017-02” but also admonished what she perceived as patronizing and disingenuous statements from dissenting councilmembers. She cited the many community members

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directly impacted by the ordinance who had voiced their concerns at previous meetings, underscoring what they were advocating for. “They were pleading with us to show support and compassion,” Hollingsworth said. “Standing for something requires courage; so does standing against it. For better or for worse, the convictions that people had were abandoned in order to disguise their original intent, and I can say from personal experience that that is lawmaking and policymaking of the most dangerous kind,” Hollingsworth added. “Since this ordinance doesn’t go far enough, I look forward to my colleagues’ full support in making the lives of immigrant residents in this city exponentially better in the ways that they feel this ordinance does not.” While the immigration policies of the new presidential administration have raised fear and uncertainty in communities across the country, large numbers of Hyattsville residents have recently mobilized to send a message of unity and support for families with undocumented members. Although the city’s legislative authority is limited to local government employees, the ordinance affirms that Hyattsville city officials will continue to serve and protect all Hyattsville residents, regardless of immigration status.

KRISSI HUMBARD A group of students from Rosa Parks Elementary School voiced their support for the sanctuary city ordinance at the city council meeting March 20.

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Page 14

Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

CulturalConnections Palestinian resident’s deep ties to her native roots By Julia Gaspar-Bates

Despite not living much of her life in Palestine, Hyattsville resident Mai Abdul Rahman feels a close affinity for her native land. Abdul Rahman spent her formative years at boarding school in Lebanon

while her parents lived in Saudi Arabia because of her father’s oil industry work. Yet her Palestinian roots run deep. “Although my father’s family was poor, they were peasant landowners who relied on their land to survive.” Abdul Rahman’s family suffered

many hardships over the years. “My grandmother picked olives and seeds to be able to send her only son to private school. Everyone worked very hard to make sure that he would have the education he needed. He struggled a lot because he’s a Palestinian.” After Israel became a


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Lugar ¡Por favor únase a la Ciudad de Hyattsville en celebrar el Día de la Tierra y el Día del Árbol en el Bosque Alimentario de Calle Emerson!

Please Join the City of Hyattsville in Celebration of Earth Day & Arbor Day at the Emerson Street Food Forest!

Sábado el 22 de abril de 2017, 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Saturday, April 22, 2017 2:30pm ~ 4:00pm

4515 Calle Emerson

4515 Emerson Street



Volunteers Volunteers are needed to add mulch and additional plantings. Please dress for the elements, long pants, long sleeves and sturdy boots or shoes. A set of safety guidelines, cotton work gloves and all necessary tools will be provided. Volunteers are reminded to bring water & sunscreen. Participation in this event helps to satisfy the State of Maryland Student Service Learning Requirement. For more information, call 301.985.5057 or caistis@hyattsville.org

Julia Gaspar-Bates is a cross-cultural trainer and consultant. “Cultural Connections” is devoted to bringing forth the voices of immigrants and other foreigners who have settled in Hyattsville.

Da y


Food Forest Designer Lincoln Smith will be on hand to discuss the concept of the food forest and offer harvested fruits and nuts from his own food forest. The City will be honoring its commitment as a Tree City USA in accordance to the Arbor Day Foundation with the planting of a Kanza Pecan Tree.

state in 1948, much of her family’s land was seized, and they had to relocate to the West Bank. Abdul Rahman has fond memories of visiting Palestine, where much of her extended family still lives. “The first day of spring is Mother’s Day in Palestine. Called “Silat Al-Rahim” [meaning “womb connection”], it’s a huge day for Palestinians because the maternal connection is sacred. ... It’s a very important value to Palestinians. It connects us to our past and future.” Abdul Rahman also feels sadness when she thinks of her homeland. “I worked as a U.N. consultant in 2008. I would see young Israeli kids with guns and young Palestinian kids trying to cross the checkpoint, and I saw fear in both of their eyes. The occupation does not only exact a price on its victims but also on the young Israelis as well. I hated it. I couldn’t take it.” After graduating from high school in Beirut, Abdul Rahman came to the U.S. in the late 1970s to attend college in Iowa. Her parents moved to Dallas a year later. Despite being well-traveled, she experienced “culture shock beyond imagination.

I had traveled all over the world. I thought I was fairly liberal until I came to the U.S. In college, the drug culture, the sex, all of a sudden I had to decide who I was. ... I wanted to be engaged but didn’t want to do things that were against my beliefs and that wouldn’t add to the quality of my life.” Abdul Rahman headed east to attend graduate school at American University. She eventually met her husband, a photojournalist, while she was covering Congress and the State Department for an Arab publication. After raising their four children in Chevy Chase, where they lived for 27 years, her husband and daughter discovered Hyattsville and fell in love with the arts scene. They relocated to Hyattsville a year ago. “There are so many activists and socially conscious people in Hyattsville. Here I feel a communal sense of belonging. I feel home — it feels really good. There are caring and nice people. The mix of classes and cultures and religions. It’s wonderful to be here.”

Lincoln Smith, diseñador de bosques alimentarios, será disponible para hablar del concepto del bosque alimentario además de ofrecer frutas y nueces cosechados de su propio bosque alimentario. La Ciudad va a honrar su compromiso de ser un Tree City USA según la Fundacion del Dia del Arbol por plantar un árbol de pecan Kanza.

Don’t miss out!!!

Voluntarios Se necesita voluntarios para añadir mantillo y otras plantas. Favor de vestirse para los elementos, pantalones y mangas largos y botas o zapatos resistentes. Se proveerá pautas de seguridad, guantes de algodón y herramientas necesarias. A los voluntarios se les recuerda que lleven agua y bloqueador del sol. Esta actividad puede ayudar en cumplir el Aprendizaje-Servicio requerido de estudiantes en el Estado de Maryland. Para más información, llame 301.985.5057 o escriba caistis@hyattsville.org

¡No se pierda!

Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

Page 15

MissFloribunda Dear Miss Floribunda, The cold snap in March that followed the unusually warm February totally messed up my garden. The huge pink flowers on my tulip magnolia now look like exploded brown footballs. My crocuses croaked. My willow tree snapped off six feet from the base. The forsythia looks like burned scrambled eggs. I went ahead and pruned my roses because the forsythia came out, but all the young leaves were frozen. How bad is the damage? What can be salvaged? Nipped in the Bud on Nicholson Street Dear Nipped, The bad news concerns your willow tree. You’d best just dig it up and replace it. Are you sure it was healthy to start with and that it was in a good spot? A healthy tree would not have been killed by March’s cold weather. Now for the good news. Your tulip magnolia, as well as the various early blooming fruit trees throughout Hyattsville whose blossoms were blasted, is alive and will bloom again next year. If you scrape a branch, you will find that the wood beneath the bark is green. Your bulbs and forsythia are probably already reviving. With the return of warm weather, new buds on the forsythia have formed and bloomed, or else green leaves have pushed out. Even your crocuses may have opened up again. They are certainly not dead. At worst, they do what they always do when they finish blooming. They put their energy back into their underground bulbs and wait for next year to bloom again. Your daffodils, hyacinths

and tulips should bloom on time. However, because your tulip magnolia probably had no more buds to open, you will have to wait for next year to enjoy its beauty. If you optimistically planted pansies or other plants before the cold snap, they might have suffered frost heave. Check to make sure their roots are covered by soil. Tops of pansies, for example, can survive a certain amount of cold, but roots will soon die when exposed to cold, dry air. Tuck them back into the soil and water them well. Now for your roses. Prune them again. The sight of green wood should reassure you, and pruning them sends a signal to put out new leaves. Although the last frost in this area can be as late as April 20, late frost appears not to affect anything but tender new seedlings and the ground temperature. Because I realized I didn’t understand why, I turned to my friend Mr. Meriwether, who is a hands-on gardener, as well as a meteorologist. He explained that there are two kinds of freezes: advective and radiative. This year, after unusual warmth before March, we suffered an advective freeze — a cold polar outbreak with high winds. Of course, wind increases cold and desiccation. (The nice, moist blanket of snow we had probably helped, rather than hurt, the plants.) Advective freeze is dangerous because it damages plant tissue itself. Should such a freeze after a prolonged warmed spell reoccur in the future, Mr. Meriwether advises us to cover shrubs and beds with tarps, cloth blankets or opaque plastic. He warned against clear plastic, which can heat up during the day and cook plant tis-

sue. Abnormally high heat kills just as efficiently as a freeze does. Now in our area, serious advective freezes rarely occur in April, but we can still get what Mr. Meriwether told me are radiative freezes. They can strike even after a very warm afternoon if humidity is low and there is no wind. Leaf surfaces exposed to the night sky can give off more infrared radiation than they receive back, and this causes them to cool to below air temperature. This, in turn, cools the air in contact with them. The frost crystals that form on the leaves do not damage them. However, a thin layer of much colder air forms close to the ground and drains like a liquid into low spots and hollows. To protect your plants’ roots, remove mulch after March 20, and keep them well watered in the absence of April showers for a warm day or two. Although this won’t prevent warm, dry air from causing a radiative freeze, the moisture in the bare, mulch-free soil conducts heat to the plant. Mulch would prevent that heat from radiating out. Mr. Meriwether has observed that new tomato plants mulched with leaves have died during late freezes while unmulched ones have survived. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to put a protective cover on plants if you notice the temperature suddenly dropping.

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To learn more and to participate in a plant exchange, don’t miss the next meeting of the Hyattsville Horticultural Society at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 15. It will take place at the home of Joe Buriel and Dave Roeder, 3909 Longfellow Street.






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Page 16

Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

KRISSI HUMBARD Two girls pose with the V.I.B. — Very Important Bunny — during the Great Magruder Park Egg Hunt, organized by city staff and volunteers, on April 8.

KRISSI HUMBARD Children scramble to grab eggs during the Great Magruder Park Egg Hunt, organized by city staff and volunteers, on April 8.

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Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

WHOLE FOODS continued from page 1

prises that includes 160,000 feet of retail space and 37,000 square feet of office space. Whole Foods is known for carrying a wide selection of organic foods and promoting local produce and products, and has trademarked the label “America’s healthiest grocery store.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture considers Prince George’s County a “food desert” for its lack of access to groceries or fresh food; the store’s opening will create a food oasis. “We’re excited to join Riverdale’s vibrant and growing community,” KRISSI HUMBARD Pia daSilva, the Riverdale store’s team leader, said in a press release. A view of Whole Food Riverdale Park’s health and beauty department “The store will include many new and locally sourced and seasonal Wilson, Whole Foods’ public (CASA)/Prince George’s Counproducts that meet our high qual- relations coordinator for mid- ty will receive 5 percent of all ity standards,” daSilva continued. Atlantic and South regions, said April 19 sales. Art Works was the “Whether you come for the hand- that the majority are from Prince selected beneficiary of suggested tossed pizza, the custom acai bowl George’s County. As part of the $5 donations from the store combar or the six types of cold-pressed hiring process, Whole Foods, munity tours on April 9. With Nickels for Nonprofits, juice on draft, the store will be a with the assistance of Coungreat addition to Riverdale and a cilmember Glaros’ office, part- shoppers can donate their 5-cent new gathering place for the com- nered with the Greater Riverdale bag refunds to local nonprofit ormunity.” Career Empowerment Center to ganizations. The Alice Ferguson Foundation, which works “ to proThe store also features self-serve employ local team members. coffee and espresso, bread made Team leader daSilva said she mote the environmental sustaindaily from scratch, self-serve mo- wanted the new store to be a ability of the Potomac River waterchi ice cream, fish smoked in- “store for the community, by the shed,” will be the first recipient. And through the Whole Kids house and a “real-time feedback community.” “[Being] from the feature” that allows customers to community,” she said, “I definite- Foundation, local schools can aptext concerns and compliments ly feel more of a commitment to ply to receive either a salad bar or a school garden. Wilson said that to Whole Foods Riverdale before the store and its success.” they even leave the store. Riverdale Park Whole Foods has eight schools in Prince George’s already partnered with local com- County have already participated in ‘FOR THE COMMUNITY, panies, including Delectable Cak- this program. BY THE COMMUNITY’ ery and Honey Glow. Delectable Prince George’s County Coun- Cakery, a Hyattsville-based bak- A BROADER PERSPECTIVE cilmember Dannielle Glaros ery, is known for its “DC Sweet Riverdale Park’s Whole Foods en(District 3), whose district in- Potato Cake.” College Park-based tered local debate as early as 2006 cludes Riverdale Park, said in an Honey Glow makes skin and when the Cafritz family, who have email, “I am thrilled to see the personal care products based on owned the 36-acre Riverdale Park Whole Foods store open. Not beeswax and other natural ingre- Station location since 1954, inonly will the store bring quality dients. Riverdale’s Whole Foods troduced the idea in community amenities to the growing Balti- will also carry produce, chocolate, meetings. Whole Foods signed a more Avenue corridor, but it will cheeses and seafood from Mary- lease in May 2011, and developers also bring jobs for our residents land, and will continue to add hoped to open the store in 2015. However, because of the propand opportunities for local en- more local products. trepreneurs to market their lo- Whole Foods has several com- erty’s location along the Route 1 cally sourced products.“ munity programs in place that Corridor, a number of municipaliIn an interview, daSilva — a Mt. daSilva is excited about. One ties and the University of MaryRainier resident and graduate of day each quarter, a local organithe University of Maryland, Col- zation receives 5 percent of the lege Park — said that the store store’s earnings for that day (“5% is opening with 170 team mem- Day”). Wilson said that Court bers. DaSilva and Rachael Dean Appointed Special Advocate

Church of God and Saints of Christ

4203 Farragut Street, Hyattsville, Maryland Pastor: Evangelist Samuel Wade Time of Services: Beginning of the Sabbath: 7:30pm - 9:30pm Sabbath Service (Saturday) 11:00am to Sunset

Happy Holy Days Leviticus 23:3-4 Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings. These are the feasts of the Lord, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.

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land (UMD) had concerns they wanted addressed, such as traffic and public safety, deforestation and the development’s long-term impacts on roads and schools. The development encountered numerous obstacles and delays, including rezoning from residential to mixed-use town center, reconfiguring stormwater management plans, and negotiating utility relocation and bridge construction. There were also questions about whether the area could support new stores without hurting other area establishments. Stuart Eisenberg, executive director of the Hyattsville Community Development Corporation (HCDC), discussed how the HCDC-commissioned Route 1 Communities Retail Market Study (April 2012; Bolan Smart Associates, Inc.) demonstrated that the Riverdale Park Station plans were unlikely to saturate the market. Eisenberg said, “It showed that there was the demand and the money available. We could afford to put things in and not have crippling competition.” The analysis, he said, showed that the area could likely support, for example, both the Safeway (which opened in April 2016) and the Whole Foods Market. Supporters said that the project would attract business, make the area more walkable and boost the local economy. For example, the development is expected to provide more than 460 full-time jobs in retail and food services and bring in county tax revenues of about $5 million annually. A June 2015 Washington Post article focused on the Riverdale Park’s Whole Foods as a symbol of progress for Prince George’s County, indicating that it was attracting young families to the area and boosting home values. The article quoted real estate agent Jean Pirovic as saying, “There’s definitely a Whole Foods effect. It has gotten a lot of people excited about the area.” Stanley Martin Homes is building 119 townhomes in Riverdale Park Station. Brea DePina, Stanley

Martin neighborhood sales manager for Riverdale Park Station, said she has seen a Whole Foods effect: “[Whole Foods] is the one thing every purchaser is initially attracted to about this community.”. DePina said that her selling points for the townhomes were the close proximity to UMD and metro stations, and “the uniqueness of this community being surrounded by a Whole Foods, multiple restaurants and retail.” DePina reported that building one was almost complete and that buildings two and three are underway and should be movein ready this summer. In addition to Whole Foods, Riverdale Park Station will be anchored by Starbucks, Gold’s Gym and Burtons Bar and Grill, according to H&R Retail, who assists with lease negotiations. Other tenants include Bella Beach Spa, District Taco, the Habit Burger Grill, Jersey Mike’s Subs, MOD Pizza, xfinity, Old Line Bank and White Oak Therapy. A 120-room Hyatt House hotel and 850 apartment units are also planned for the project, according to previous reports. Geoffrey Mackler, a leasing agent with H&R Retail, said nine other tenants were under negotiation as of press time. Eisenberg said that there was a lot of excitement for the new development, especially among people who have moved to the area “within the last five to 10 years.“ Overall, it’s great for the local economy,” he said. “There will be a lot of new jobs.” He compared the new Riverdale Park development to the EYA development in Hyattsville in that both were “a shot in the arm to the neighborhood and showed everyone the underlying strength of our community.” Eisenberg said that when people from far away travel to a destination like the Whole Foods, it can help other businesses along the route. “[Hyattsville has] a lot of good, quirky places,” he said. “People love quirky places. The more people who discover them on the way to Whole Foods, the better.”

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Hyattsville Life & Times | April 2017

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