Hybrid Circle Press Kit 2013

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Artist name

Hybrid Circle project was born in August 2006. The first demo was releasesd in early 2007, called “Promo 2007”. A piece of Swedish Death Metal contaminated by various musical shadings.


On June 2008 the Hybrid Circle publish their debut Concept album titled “Post-Murder Reflections”. The record, Swedish Melodic/Death/Progressive style, talks about a series of dreams around a woman murder. “Post-Murder Reflections” is self published. The line-up undergoes an hard changes in 2008. Marco Piersanti leaves the line-up after the recording sessions of “Post-Murder Reflections”. On 2009 the Hybrid Circle undergo a strong change on music sort, starting to discover the Death/Math/Progressive Metal, so, after a very little period of study and experimentation, they compose and record the second Album titled “Alien-Nation”.

Hybrid Circle


Album released

2 Demo + 1 Offcial full lenght

Touring Yes



Website and Socials www.hybridcircle.org www.facebook.com/hybridcircleofficial www.soundcloud.com/hybridcircle www.youtube.com/hybridcircle www.twitter.com/hybridcircle www.reverbnation.com/hybridcircle www.instagram.com/hybridcircle hybridcircleofficial.bandpage.com

After a long break of one year (2009-2010) Hybrid Circle renewed the line-up again in order to compose and record their third album “Before History”. The record remains in Progressive/Death/Math style. The lyrics are based on the book “Hybrid Circle: Prima della storia” (written by a part of the members). The narrative style is “sci-fi” and respects the standards of post-apocalyptic scenario. The plot is based on a period prior to when human beings began to record history. This book is only the first of three chapters that will be completed in the next record works. It is currently available only in Italian, while the English translation is still in progress. Hybrid Circle signs with Nadir Music/Buil2Kill in 2012 in order to publish “Before History”. In the beginning of the year 2013 another change in the lineup hits Hybrid circle. The vocalist Stefano Angelucci leaves the band replaced by Antonio Di Campli.

Lineup Vocals

Antonio Di Campli

Discography Post-Murder Reflections


Simone Di Cicco


Alessandro Mitelli


2008 (Self released)


Matteo Mucci


Giuseppe Costantino


Vittorio Del Prete

2009 (Self released)

Before History

2012 (Buil2Kill/dist. Century Media)

Lineup Vocals

Antonio Di Campli


Simone Di Cicco


Alessandro Mitelli


Matteo Mucci


Reviews Quote “Before History” Reviews quote Rock Hard (7/10) The personality unleashed by an emerging reality like Hybrid Circle succeeds in making turn pale more than one of the band already affirmed. Band innovative, courageous and farsighted. Must listen to.

Italia di Metallo (8/10)

Hybrid Circle have qualities for sell and the beatings of “Before History” confirms that!

Stereoinvaders (7/10)

Apocalyptic, industrial and martial, but especially creative. These Italian have, in my opinion, the winnig key to place a monolith of modern metal that will not leave indifferent the listener willing to get beat properly. Valid project that deserves to be followed and supported!

Giornale Metal (8/10)

Hybrid Circle are extraordinary, sensational, amazing. I would say that there are no other words to define a band of these incredible qualities.

Giuseppe Costantino

Hardsounds (82/100)


Eraskor (80/100)

Vittorio Del Prete

A train straight in the face! Ah no, they are Hybrid Circle. So much the better. A powerful war machine. Hybrid Circle. Metal modern, progressive and bastardized by the Swedish death and finishes by cyber-electronic stuff. All this is “Before History”.

Metal Maniac (7,5/10)

A compact album, tight and very good (imagine shots of chainsaw on your teeth), with its beating leaves you the impression of a band in amazing growth. Already a ferocious killer now, probably devastating in the future. Sick minds!

Rock Garage (7/10)

The band expressed itself on very good level with an excellent production. The good arrangements help to bind all then tracks. The Subsequent works will remain for sure on these high levels.

Lineup Gantt

Live apparel Doctor’s white coat

Info Artist name Hybrid Circle

Country Italy

Tour 2011/2012 Before History “Preview shows” 17.08.2011 @ Birreria La Porta Lanciano ITA 07.10.2011 @ Capitan Blood Lanciano ITA 15.12.2011 @ Birreria La Porta Lanciano ITA 30.12.2011 @ RoadBeer Pub Fossacesia ITA

Xelyan Tour 2012

20.01.2012 @ New Bulldog Pub Genova ITA supporting Loudblast

Album released

2 Demo + 1 Official full lenght

Touring Yes



Website and Socials www.hybridcircle.org www.facebook.com/hybridcircleofficial www.soundcloud.com/hybridcircle www.youtube.com/hybridcircle www.twitter.com/hybridcircle www.reverbnation.com/hybridcircle www.instagram.com/hybridcircle hybridcircleofficial.bandpage.com

21.01.2012 @ Hibou Club Chatillon ITA supporting Loudblast

06.04.2012 @ Thema Polycenter Lanciano ITA 09.04.2012 @ Birreria La Porta Lanciano ITA 19.04.2012 @ O'Neills Pub Lanciano ITA 20.04.2012 @ Halloween Pub Ortona ITA 11.08.2012 @ Zona 22 San Vito Marina ITA 17.08.2012 @ Park Of Rock Crecchio ITA 15.09.2012 @ Garage Club Calenzano ITA supporting Grave + Sonne Adam

29.11.2012 @ Birreria La Porta Lanciano ITA 11.10.2012 @ O'Neills Pub Lanciano ITA

Triumvirhate Tour 2012 25.05.2012 @ Bluf Café Heerlen NLD 26.05.2012 @ B52 Club Eenergem BEL 27.05.2012 @ De Rots Anversa BEL

Conquering the East Tour 2012 24.10.2012 @ Churchill’s Kharkov UKR 25.10.2012 @ Baraban Dnepropetrvosk UKR 26.10.2012 @ Fanat Club Mariupol RUS 27.10.2012 @ Oblaka Lipetsk RUS 28.10.2012 @ Marks Volzhsky RUS 29.10.2012 @ Kirpich Tolyatti RUS 30.10.2012 @ Tenebris Samara RUS 31.10.2012 @ Rock & Ko Izhevsk RUS 01.11.2012 @ 28 Street Nizhny Novgorod RUS 02.11.2012 @ Plan B Moscow RUS

“Science Fiction” EP Tracklist 1 - Digi-Christ


2 - The Parallax 3 - Eternity 4 - Science Fiction

Notes This work has to be considered as a draft (sounds, artwork, mix and master), which is part of the new album which is still in the process of composition. The album will be ready in within the summer 2013. This EP contains part of our way of conceiving music, not necessarily tied to a genre in a “closer way”. Giving different shades for each song has always been our prerogative in order to allow the listener to enjoy different “Steps” that we would like to put into a full-leght, all this of course without ever losing sight of the common thread that succeeds to give a full meaning to the whole work.

Artwork by Vincenzo Fioretti. Supervision by Giuseppe Costantino.

Info Recorded, mixed and mastered during the first two weeks of May, 2013. Recorded at “Hybrid Rec. Studio”. Mixed and mastered by Angelo Raffaele De Innocentiis from “Alien Recording Studio”. All photos by Alex Bucci (Drop’n Shoot). Produced by Simone Di Cicco and Alessandro Mitelli.


Info Artist name Hybrid Circle

Last Label Label name Nadir Music/Buil2Kill

Country Italy

Album released

2 Demo + 1 Offcial full lenght

Touring Yes



Website and Socials www.hybridcircle.org www.facebook.com/hybridcircleofficial www.soundcloud.com/hybridcircle www.youtube.com/hybridcircle www.twitter.com/hybridcircle www.reverbnation.com/hybridcircle www.instagram.com/hybridcircle hybridcircleofficial.bandpage.com

Label contacs www.nadirpromotion.com www.nadirmusic.net Nadir Music S.r.l. Via P.D. da Bissone, 1 cr/n 16153 Genoa, Italy VAT 01827600998 Tel. +39 3494327105

Band manager Federico Gasperi info@bui2kill.com f.gasperi@nadirmusic.net

Band press office Trevor Sadist (from band Sadist) trevor@nadirmusic.net

Some distributors Century Media Nuclear Blast Season of Mist Code 7 Audioglobe Masterpiece Twilight Believe Digital (All the main digital distributors)

What we use

Endorsed by http://www.matrixguitaramplification.com


Presskit Updates New Show in 2013 18.09.2013 @ Re:Public Minsk BLR supporting Hypocrisy + Hatesphere

19.09.2013 @ Bingo Club Kiev UKR supporting Hypocrisy + Hatesphere

“Work in progress” shows Tour in the end of February 2014 with Caliban Tour in the end of March 2014 with Soilwork Join the Brutal Assault Festival 2014


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