Hybrid Wake Magazine Issue 5

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Flood Hunteorrsd

With Declan Cliff


The New Breed

Quality Control The Camera Test



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3/3/14 3:53 PM

e m o c l e W W

inter has brought with it some of the most extreme weather our islands have ever seen since records began. People have had homes destroyed, entire villages in Somerset are still underwater and the Thames has been taking its own route through Surrey for the last two months. While this unwanted devastation has brought sorrow to many, there have been some that have prospered and enjoyed the spoils of flood waters around the country. In December we saw Jorge Gill and Jack Hammersley all over the news and the papers with some winching in an underground car park in Guildford. The Junction 23 crew hit up a flood drain in Chertsey while Declan Clifford went on the hunt for anything that looked remotely like a spot.


While we respectfully avoid people’s homes and areas that have been affected by the huge amount of water around the country, it is hard not to have a good time when you are faced with so many opportunities to ride in places that have never been available before. Herein lies a fine line of respect and enjoyment. Wakeboarding and wakeskating are sports after all and are in no way going to help anyone suffering from flood damage - in fact they are likely to aggravate those affected. It is here that the issue lies: while we have fun and enjoy ourselves sessioning a spot, some view it with disgust and consider it disrespectful. While this is totally understandable, it must be dealt with in the right way. We must respect those who are still dealing with the damage and problems caused by so much water. It is difficult not to enjoy what Mother Nature has supplied us with, but there is always a fine line between intrusion and access.

In our time collecting content for this issue we have seen, and met, many of those people that have lost everything and are still wading around their homes. For them, wakeboarding is nothing more than another distraction from their recovery: nothing more than a bunch of guys messing around with a loud portable engine and a rope. But, for us, it’s a different story. Winching in some of the spots that have been available has been a great experience. Driving around the country with whole areas underwater has led to some of our most interesting content yet. On the whole the public have been warm and receptive to seeing the sport taken to new areas and involving different types of obstacle. It is here that we can all learn something for future adventures - communicating with spectators, Police or anyone else who comes by to ask what is going on has led to a hassle free experience and no irate homeowners chasing us with mops. Enjoying yourself while others around you are having a nightmare is a hot topic. However, if you are friendly, deal with the situation in the right way (and not trying to winch through someone’s house) there is no reason why you can’t enjoy the fruits of Mother Nature. We encourage all of you to try out some riding away from the norm, get a winch, get a car with a rope on the back, anything, have ago and get discovering. There is a whole world of spots waiting to be tried the floods have given us a good excuse to get out there and try more of them, but they will still be there for months to come along with many others. It can be a daunting experience when starting out winching so start small, find some water and get used to your new pull, then get out there and get exploring. A day travelling around will inevitably lead to some new discoveries and some good times. Give it a try - that back lip you’ve been doing on the fun box at your local cable park will be a whole lot cooler on a ledge or a weir… Enjoy this issue.

Another year, another build, another full size cable coming soon... 81


welcome We are Hybrid: Andrew Eddy, Editor eddy@hybridwakemag.com Richie Hiney, Creative Director richie@hybridwakemag.com Jake Lewis, Staff Photographer jake@hybridwakemag.com Russell Cahill-Smith, Marketing russell@hybridwakemag.com

Our thanks to the contributors this month: COVER: Richie Hiney - Declan Clifford James Mott - Fitness Richie Hiney, Jake Lewis - Declan Clifford Andrew Eddy, Jake Lewis - Camera Test Bryan Sodelrind - Shredtown Edward Wood, Jake Lewis - The Artist Tim Royle, James McKeown - The Filmer Rob Warmisham, Jake Lewis- Making the Winch Thomas Gustafson, Jake Lewis - Limelight Gallery hybridwakemag.com




s t n e t n Co

this month’s menu 16. Inside highlights of the issue 22. social media internet round up 26. Fitness get ready for the season 32. Declan Clifford winching the floods 45. quality control camera testing 58. meet the artist introducing edward wood 66. shredtown a new type of pro

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76. meet the shaper uk wakeboards 84. whitenosugar Tim royle tells all 95. meet the wench hybrid’s very own 103. subscribe get hybrid delivered! 104. limelight gallery shots of wake goodness 112. get stocked Find your stockist 114. fail whoopsie of the issue Hybrid Wake Magazine is published by thurty3 Ltd. Company Registered in England and Wales - Company Number 08357587 Address: Flat 2, 7 Regent Street, Burnham on Sea, Somerset, TA8 1AX Magazine ISSN 2052-076X







S O F E R ’ S




























CK on the w/ NOMAD bindings



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Flood hunting with Declan Clifford... page 32 onwards

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Quality Control: The Camera Test... page 45 onwards

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Could this man be the shaper of things to come?.. page 76 onwards

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cial media o s r u o m o r sf u highlight or, things to like and bringing yo ok out f o l o t s g in h feeds; t o! things to d



The UK’s biggest wakefest is set to return this year even bigger and better than ever. Wakestock have just announced part of thier lineup in time for the opening of the ticket sales via their website.


The official account for Wakeboard UK, if you’re into boat riding or want to follow the competition scene then look no further. Give them a follow to find out team announcements and up to date info on the squad.


With the biggest prize pot ever for a UK competition, the ever -growing park at LWP will play host to an internationally filled roster of riders. Check the page for details on the qualifying event if you fancy a shot.


Follow the official Ronix wakeboards account and get an insight into the people that own and run the brand along with glimpses of the very private Lake Ronix.


An all sport, all music festival covering wake, surf, skate, BMX and more. With Pro and Open comps running this year throughout the event. Tickets and acts are out now!

Don’t forget to check out and like our page:



If you’re into travelling or just want to find out more about wake parks in different countries, this is your one stop shop. Wake Scout have a massive database and are happy to share!

22 hybridwakemag.com

follow us on twitter for all our latest posts and news: @hybridwakemag

a i d e M l Socia

xt re in the ne sts u t a e f d n a d po get involve ake in your w id r b y h # g issue by usin

Looking for a date? not that kind of date. a wake date. not that kind either, a wake event date? go to: hybridwakemag.com/events



Giving us an insight to an American rider travelling in Europe “Even though they cost more than they rewarded financially these were great experiences only really fully understood years later!”


It’s not raining everywhere apparently. Dom shredding under some early season sun with this stale poke.

The Debut - Trailer Two

Coming very soon to the world of wake is The Debut, shot over two years and invlovling some of the biggest names in the sport. Directed by Andy Kolb, with plenty of action from the RED slow motion camera, watch and wait!

Waffletease Too

Pilchard Productions’ full length feature will be with us before we know it! Showcasing three main riders aroound the globe, Wafflehouse is set to be hot property as is premieres for free online this month.


You can rely on Randall Harris to deliver. This #tbt from Axis of the Vandall winning Brostock proves that point.

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The Chertsey Drain

Our very own edit from Issue 4’s “Winch it!” article, we see LDB, CK, Ollie Moore and Matt Crowhurst take some falls and make some solid hit in a Chertsey underpass last December.

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20/02/2014 22:01

s s e n t Fi


The lunge with twist exercise is a great core exercise that also builds lower body strength and balance. Performing a lunge while holding and rotating a medicine ball from right to left engages the quads, glutes, and core, while improving balance and proprioception.



Prepare Yourself

Wakeboarding as most of you know is demanding on the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, whether you’ve just started riding and need to condition your muscles for the demands of Wakeboarding, or you’re an experienced veteran attempting to prevent injury or recover from injury, specific exercises will help train your body effectively.

warm up

You can’t expect to concentrate on the mechanics of a new trick or your technique if you’re out of breath, your legs are burning or forearms and shoulders are screaming. If you’re reading this and it sounds familiar, it’s more than likely your level of strength and conditioning is negatively impinging on your riding to some extent.

dynamic squat

The bodyweight squat is a lower body strengthening exercise that can be performed virtually anywhere with no equipment and limited space. It’s a highly functional movement working all the major muscles of the legs.


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I have spent some time training for strength and power in the following way. Starting with a set of near maximal lift, three to five reps, and then followed immediately by an unloaded, explosive exercise using the same movement pattern for 8-12 reps. Wakeboarding can be extremely taxing on your muscular system. Muscles which are stronger and more resistant to fatigue are going to enable you to have better control and improve your position while on the water. The first exercise we’re going to do is the Back Squat followed immediately by Box Jumps for 3 sets. The squat is a fundamental weight training exercise for building strength, mass, sports performance and long-term health. The Box Jump develops explosive lower body power and increases vertical jump height. To perform the Back Squat safely, please follow these steps:

To perform the Squat safely, please follow these steps: 1. Stand with feet hip width apart or slightly wider if more comfortable. 2. Place your arms directly out in front of you to give you balance. 3. Slowly lower yourself as if you were sitting on a seat. 4. Ideally lower yourself as low as possible whilst maintaining a neutral spine. Aim for at least having your thighs parallel to the floor. 5. Now slowly return to the starting position. 6. Repeat this 8-10 times.

1. Stand upright with your feet hip width apart. 2. Hold a medicine ball (optional) in front of you with elbows bent about 90 degrees. You may want to begin this exercise with no weight and build up your strength over time. (Progression: perform exercise with arms straight) 3. Lunge forward while simultaneously rotating the torso towards the lunging side leg. 4. Maintain a slow and controlled movement throughout the exercise. 5. Push back strongly off the lead foot and return to the starting position. 6. Continue the movement for 8-10 steps alternating between legs.

Main Excercises


You can probably remember your PE Teacher stressing the importance of stretching before exercise, well Wakeboarding is no exception. The main purpose of a warm-up is to increase the body temperature by using all major muscle groups in a controlled rhythmic activity, furthermore increasing blood flow and elasticity of muscle tissue and allowing more oxygen to be transported to the working muscles.

To perform a Lunge with Rotation safely, please follow these steps:

with rotation

1. Set a bar in a rack just below shoulder height and load the weight plates (if you’re new to squatting, start small to get a feel for the exercise) 2. Position yourself under the bar with the bar resting across the upper back (not neck). 3. Create tension, feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider for comfort, brace core and entire upper body maintaining a neutral spine. 4. Lift the bar off the rack by pushing up with the legs and take a step back from the rack. Set your head in line with your spine, keeping eyes forward.

Fitness 5. Once positioned correctly begin the squat by bending at the knees and hips together to lower your body. Keep your heels flat on the floor, toes down, pushing your knees out. 6. Strongly push yourself back up to the starting position mirroring the descent, repeat the movement for 3-5 reps.

workout routine

It’s essential that you maintain thoracic mobility to avoid poor posture, and unsightly rounded shoulders which can eventually lead to back pain or acute injury. However, thoracic mobility is relatively easily to maintain and improve using a foam roller and the thoracic spine extension exercise.

box jump

To perform the Box Jump Safely, please follow these steps: 1. Stand in front of the box with feet directly under the hips and hands by your side. 2. Lower yourself into the squat position by bending at the knees and hips. Keep your head up and back straight. 3. Explosively jump from the squat position whilst swinging the arms. 4. Land softly on the center of the platform absorbing the impact with your legs and stand tall. 5. Return to starting position by either jumping backwards off the box, or by stepping down and repeat the movement for 10-12 reps. 6. A great progression for this exercise would be a single leg variation. Following on from the strength & power exercise, we’re now moving on to an anti-rotation exercise, which is at the foundation of Wakeboarding as it involves stability, balance and core strength. The Pallof Press is a great anti-rotation exercise that was first described by physical therapist John Pallof. The goal of the exercise is to maintain a neutral spine in a fixed position while resisting a rotation stimulus. 1. Connect a standard handle (D-Handle) to a Cable Tower, and position the cable to shoulder height. 2. With your side perpendicular to the cable, grab the handle with one hand and step away from the tower. You should be approximately be at arm’s length away from the pulley, with the tension of the weight on the cable. Align outstretched arm with cable. 3. With your feet positioned hip-width apart, pull the cable into your chest and grab the handle with your other hand. Both hands should be on the handle at this time (Overlapping Grip). 4. Facing forward, press the cable away from your chest. You core should be tight and engaged. 5. Control the cable back towards your chest. 6. Repeat to 8-10 reps for 3 sets. 7. To increase intensity you can either, step further away from Cable Tower or increase weight.

Cool Down

Since the dawn of movement stretching has been a part of living, even animal’s stretch. Whether you have just finished your wakeboard set or workout session, a proper cool-down stretching routine will reduce muscle soreness, decrease your risk of injury and eventually improve your flexibility. When it comes to stretching something as simple as a Foam Roller or Mobility Ball (Tennis/Lacrosse Ball) will help break down knots and adhesions in the muscle and increase blood flow to speed recovery and reduce soreness. A Foam Roller should be essential in every Athlete/Gym Goers kitbag, you can pick them up for roughly £10-£15 from eBay or a specifically engineered oam oller from Trigger 28 hybridwakemag.com

Point Therapy for around £35. It is also a great piece of equipment to consider before a workout as well.

1. Firstly, wrap your arms around your chest and position the roller at the base of your ribcage. 2. From this position, spend as much time as necessary extending over the roller until you feel change in the area. 3. Keeping your arms wrapped tight around your body, sit up as if you were doing a crunch. As you sit up, keep the majority of your weight positioned over the roller, move your butt toward your feet, slide your back the roller, and move on to a new area. 4. Having positioned the roller in the middle of your upper back, arch back and extend over the roller, creating as much extension as possible. 5. As soon as you experience enough change, progress up your spine to the base of your neck. To create additional extension over the roller, squeeze your butt and elevate your hips as you arch back. Have you ever suffered from D Delayed nset Muscle Soreness) either after wakeboarding or after a gym session? The next Stretch/Exercise is designed to reduce Muscle Tightness by loosening the hamstrings and working out any tight areas of muscle. Tight hamstrings are a common problem and it’s a muscle that can be prone to bad tears, eventually lead to lower back pain, poor posture or limit your sporting performance. The hamstring however is one of the easiest to work on for Myofascial Release with a foam roller by performing the Hamstring Roll exercise.

pallof press isometric hold


1. Begin by sitting up, supporting your bodyweight with your hands and the foam roller under your hamstrings. Feet should be straight out in front, and back remains straight. 2. Slowly roll back and forth from glute to knee, pausing on any tight spots in the muscle until the pain is reduced. 3. Move from side-to-side to work the entire hamstrings muscle. The hamstrings have a much larger surface area than other muscles, thus your bodyweight will be more distributed and the foam roller exercise may become less effective. To counter this simply train one leg at a time, supporting one leg on top of another to increase the pressure on one side. Repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Final Note



While this article should provide some ideas for how to structure your gym workouts, I would highly recommend working with a trainer or coach who can tailor a program specifically to your needs. My personal trainer and good friend Kelvin Kapur has been an invaluable asset to my development as an athlete and an instructor. ne of the most important things Kelvin has taught me about gym programming for athletic performance is that we should generally be more focused on big compound movements, than isolating muscles with typical body-builder style workouts. We need our bodies to be highly functional as athletes and so we need to develop our CNS with optimal recruitment patterns – that means more deadlifts, squats, presses, pulls and explosive work - less bicep curls and pec-deck sets! I hope you have found this article both interesting and informative, and that it’s given you a better idea of what sort of exercises are more suited to Wakeboarding.

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stepping outside the box declan is keen to embrace the new wave of winching, we spent a few days with him to see what he would make of the recent oods 34 hybridwakemag.com

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Before this, you hadn’t been winching much, is this something you want to do more of? I guess I’ve been trying to get more into the rail scene recently. Going to the same parks, I just want to try and do a different aspect of wakeboarding - change it up a bit - the cables are closed now. I definitely want to ride still and the floods are a great opportunity to ride on something different. When did it all start, what have you been doing - how did you get involved in it? Hannams boys leant me and wen a winch to go and hit some places near my house. We finally got a winch and we had to take full advantage of it. We went rolling around looking for cool spots and pretty much started hitting it out, see what happened really. You got any other spots you want to hit? Or is it something you’re going to take up more actively or just do when the cable’s closed? I definitely want to try and do some more stuff. I want to try and do stuff that hasn’t been done before. ot hitting stuff like weirs - just weird stuff. I don’t know, it’s hard because there’s not really that many places that are different - you know what I mean Yeah, you want to try and find a new angle on it.. eah, kind of try and be different, but no one’s really found it yet. What we’ve been doing for the last couple of days. The flooded areas were different - not a lot of people have done it like that before. What sort of pushed you more that way instead of the fact the cables are closed? I’ve always been a bit of a cable rat and I can see the way the sport’s going. ou’ve got to go with the change. I always rode a stiff board but now I’m riding a flex board. iding rails is way more fun for me now. Every rail in the UK has kind of been done for me, so it’s fun to try and find something new. It’s like snowboarding - you can rock up and do street stuff and skateboarding you can rock up anywhere. With wakeboarding - just bring your winch with you, find some water, a cool gap or rail and hit it up. 36 hybridwakemag.com

Left: Walking the line for another hit at an underwater park Above: Navigating closed roads and the Police Right: A closed road in Staines delivers Do you think the industry as a whole is moving into a more rail type of riding? Is this more of a direction you want to take? The whole industry is definitely going more towards rails now. I just kind of go with the flow and enjoy what I want to really. I’m not just going to ride rails because that’s what’s cool now. If I’m down with it, I’ll give it a go and get into it. How do you feel about the cable scene as a whole? What’s your view having been around it sometime now? Its definitely a lot different to when I started - everyone wanted big fins. veryone wanted the biggest fins you could get - go massive, as big as you can, pulling off assive inverts and stuff and now it’s more tech stuff on rails, cooler stuff on the kickers. I think you have to grow with the sport. I’m definitely enjoying it because it feels new.. I’ve been wakeboarding for a while but the sport is changing and it’s starting to feel fresh again and I think its good. Wakeboarding is making a name for itself, it’s not just flipping around like trick skiing - its now getting a face for itself. How have you found the park scene in the UK ? Obviously it’s got bigger - how do you think its changed in terms of riders in our ranks compared to a few years ago? ur nglish team and riders used to kill air tricks. We didn’t really have any decent rails, as we do now. We had homemade rails and stuff like that. Now you’ve got companies making specialized rails, like Unit making crazy fun rails and the cable parks are supporting it. The rail scene is getting a lot better and the parks are putting a lot of effort into it. Boxend are constantly building new stuff. I like that you can ride rails in the winter. You don’t want to be falling in all the time - you can go round and hit rails all day - Its a lot more solid and you can spend more time on the water as well. Do you think people will be jumping into the winch scene from the cable scene? Is this something you think we’ll be seeing more of? I think winching is definitely growing. It’s more of a freestyle riding style. Instead of just going to the cable, you can take your winch and go find something cool. hybridwakemag.com 37

another ood, another ďŹ nd. this sunken boat was a gem. 38 hybridwakemag.com

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Another spoil of the floods. A sunken and beached boat serves as the perfect wall ride 40 hybridwakemag.com

What are your plans for the rest of the year? I’m going to try and do every WWA Tour stop. In the past few years I had a few rides at obstacle only events, but I’d really like to ride the whole tour. Filming - last year kind of lost the love a little because I was so competition orientated. I was going to every competition I could and it kind of took the fun out of it. I’m just going to try and have fun. I still want to compete but I want to do winching, filming, photoshoots, all the things that make it fun again. What made you lose the love that made you go do it in the first place? Well, I really enjoyed the WWA side of things because it’s more of a relaxed vibe. You can rock up and ride before the comp and it’s always a real cool hot country. I love it, but the seriousness of a competition takes the fun out of it sometimes. I just want to make sure I have time to enjoy the fun sides more. How did you get on with the comps last year? y best result was probably the ationals. nce I got that, it kind of made me think, ‘yeah, sick’, this is sick, lets do this! It’s been a big contrast this last few days of winching, how did you find it? eah it was sick It was new, different and I didn’t know what we were looking for, but when you see things, its was always like - ‘sick, lets hit it!’. What would be the one thing you’d like to achieve this year? I want to get my rail riding up to scratch, I can see everyone’s going down that direction. I never really got into it before but I’ve really.. Something just clicked and I really enjoy it a lot more now. I was kind of resisting it for a bit. I was like nah, screw rails.. It’s all about inverts.’ But as soon as I got a flex board and gave it a chance I started enjoying it and actually really wanted to try and get more tech on the rails. As I said earlier, to do whole WW pro tour and find out what my rank would be! Well, you’ve definitely had a good start to the year so far, you got a trip coming up? Going to Thailand with Jobe. It’s called the Jobe Warriors. It’s basically Jobe’s three pro models, Liberty, Hero (Maxine) and Conflict Julians . We’re all going to have a team each and do edits, videos, photos and kind and big it all up! How long you going away for? Two weeks - we’re going to Thai Wakepark, Phuket and nthem. We’re going to be filming ourselves doing funny stuff and good times. What’s the deal with the onesie by the way? I’ve just got sponsored by them actually, nepiece are coming into wakeboarding - they’ve got sick clothes and of course.. loads of onsies. We’re going try and do some cool stuff and we’ve got some exciting cool video project in the pipeline. We look forward to it, thanks for your time! hybridwakemag.com 41

Declan tweaks out a solid weir drop 42 hybridwakemag.com

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Quality Control Episode 4: Camera Testing

In the past few years we have seen a revolution in the way we capture our lives. Through social media platforms and the internet the world has grown hungry for ways to capture and share their lives. Alongside this we have seen a new era of technology work its way into the consumer market in many different forms - smart phones, tablets and of course, the mini video cameras attached to every wakeboard or helmet in the park these days. The compact video camera market has exploded as has our lust to capture everything from what we eat to the latest trick we just crashed on. The industry has seen a total overhaul in terms of uality of material being produced and the places we are seeing it used. owadays, average doesn’t uite cut it anymore - you don’t want to go to the trouble of filming, editing and producing an edit for yourself if the footage is rubbish. ou want as good as you can get - well, as good as your wallet will allow. With this in mind Hybrid set about putting our selection of the top cameras to the test. hybridwakemag.com 45

compare the barrel cameras like for like:




While the Garmin is shooting with a 16 megapixel sensor, it clearly has the advantage over the other cameras. Yet with Polaroid’s sensor coming very close in terms of clarity, there isn’t much in it. The Contour suffers somewhat with the super zoom but still holds good colour throughout the shot, this is due to the super wide 170º lens which is deisgned for close-ups more than landscapes. The depth of colour is not as vivid on the Garmin but still provides good clarity at 100% crop as seen here. It’s surprising to see such quality from the Polaroid shot with it being the lowest priced camera on the test. 46 hybridwakemag.com

The Quick Fire Whether you are filming a storm, a band or a night out, at some point you will be out and about and want to do some shooting - that’s why you bought a camera. Things come along out of the blue and you will want to be ready for action, or at least, you will want your camera to be ready. We took this test to a stormy seafront to film the tide and a passing storm to see how the cameras held up to the elements and how well they would capture the passing weather system. ike in any situation, time can be critical when filming and the ability to just hit the record button and capture away is a real blessing. The three barrel design cameras are all one touch record units - slide the button and away you go, it’s that easy. The ro, while it has a screen which is handy for getting the shot lined up, has a very small record icon in the top corner of the screen partly hidden by the case which makes it pretty tricky to see if you are actually recording or what mode you are in - not so great if you are in a rush. The uvi has a lot of features like the Garmin which enable you to capture on motion or via the remote - another big plus - and also, the screen is well laid out so you can see what you are doing. In terms of the cased cameras, the GoPro with its remote makes easy work of recording with the screen on the remote telling you what the camera is doing - no more worries about missing the shot. f course, all the cameras have different perks and when you are shooting on the fly, it is handy to know that you have got the shot and not just a well framed picture of the floor. Things like the laser alignment on the Contour and the slide on record button do help this massively, however seeing it on a screen is a real bonus.

While the ro has a screen, it’s placement in the case is clumsy and the icons can be a little small to the untrained eye, leaving you a little unsure if you are actually recording. This is where the Garmin comes into its own, one touch, screen and sensitive GP sensors that know when you are moving help you capture action and not just the cable line up. ne final element that shows up when the cameras are left to their own devices is the water that sits on the lenses. or wakeboarders, water droplets on the lens can be annoying if not well attended, nothing worse than capturing the perfect shot with a great big water droplet right in the middle of the lens. While you are likely to check for this while shooting, it is handy to have the best possible chance of it not happening. The GoPro Hero 3 has changed to a flat screen from previous domed lens models which the likes of Garmin and Polaroid have adopted much to their success. The domed lens helps disperse any unwanted water. While it is not a perfect system and there will always be issues with water on the lens, it does show that it is a feature well suited to our sport. hybridwakemag.com 47

Clarity and Colour

Want to see those water droplets fly off your board in full colour as you land? We do too! Want your film to look bright and vibrant? We do too! To test this, we set up some coloured balloons filled with food colouring before lining them up and shooting them in front of the cameras. This way we would be able to see like for like colours and definition at high speed. All the cameras are full HD 1080p so there should be no difference right? Wrong! The sensor, which is the part of the camera that captures the light and turns it into a file for you, is the most important part of the camera. While they can have the same output - they can differ massively. Vibrancy and colour balance can be tricky for some of the lower end sensors to pick up and handle well unless they are in a situation with lots of light. Even then, the better sensors will shine through as they are able to handle the light more effectively. As the cameras on test are at slightly different price points, as you would expect, the different sensors vary accordingly. With the Garmin and GoPro being double the price of three cameras on test, it comes as no surprise that they deliver sharp, crisp and vibrant images. The Garmin with a 16 megapixel output is a clear winner here, droplets and colours alike, with the GoPro coming a close second. The Contour, Polaroid and Muvi are all pretty close when it comes to this with very good output from them all. They all deliver fantastic imagery with some good vibrant colourings showing through on the end result. The Fro was not a complete outcast here, it just seemed to lack depth in the colours, especially greens when it came to playback - water is normally blue so might not be too much of an issue but it’s better to be right than close.

48 hybridwakemag.com


full photo

balloon crop

full crop

widest angle: gopro

most vibrant: garmin

best crop: fro

best zoom: muvi

most balanced: contour

best droplets: muvi

Contour ROAM 2

veho muvi hd NPNG

polaroid xs100:

fro systems xp4

garmin virb elite

gopro hero 3+ black

results By far the widest angle of all the cameras in all directions. Great if you are mounting close to the action. Close and direct, this camera captures what it’s pointing at, not the whole world.

The high end sensor shows through here dealing well with both contrast and natural colour. Holding true with a full range of colours throughout the frame.

While the colour is a little cold, the Fro has dealt well with the tight crop leaving an impressive image. Added zoom helps here but the little bits of water don’t lie.

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Fast and Low Two other important aspects are inspected here, with low light situations and high speed action that might be slowed down during editing. All the cameras have their own way of dealing with these issues. or example, the GoPro has an automatic low light mode enabling you to capture those long nights at the bar with ease. Having a separate mode might be all well and good but most of us are unlikely to change modes constantly - we are more likely to pull it out our bag and start shooting. o this is exactly what we did when it came to the darkened fireworks test. howing huge contrast in the subject, from total dark to massive light bursts showed us what the cameras were capable of when being pushed to their limits.

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full photo

100% zoom

200% zoom

Contour ROAM 2

veho muvi hd NPNG

polaroid xs100:

fro systems xp4

garmin virb elite

gopro hero 3+ black

results best bright light: polaroid clearest: garmin/gopro Pushing all the sensors with such intense light shows the full ranges of its capabilities, close call again here.

best low light: muvi

There was very little grain (noise) in the background of the Muvi playback.

It was too close to tell when it came to an overall winner in this low light situation. Both cameras when slowed down still hold up well and give a good foreground exposure while still allowing the fireworks to be clear.

blind operation: contour With the laser alignment and one touch on/record, it doesn’t get any easier than this.

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The Lowdown Choosing a camera isn’t as easy as it may seem, there are many different options to consider. Purpose, other uses, weight, height, size, film quality, photo quality, are among the many choices you will face when looking for a camera. We have stripped the boxes bare and taken a look at the main features each of the six units has to offer.

price and features

overall specifications


mounted height

results winner: polaroid

winner: garmin

winner: muvi

winner: contour

second: contour

second: gopro

second: fro systems

second: garmin

Contour ROAM 2: £169.99 Key features: - One touch record/on - Rotating lens - Durable metal construction - Waterproof without a case - Low profile design - Laser alignment

veho muvi hd NPNG: £219.95 Key features: - Full 1080p @ 30 fps - Noise activation - 1.5 inch viewfinder - Long battery life - Huge range of accessories included - Remote control

polaroid xs100: £119.95 Key features: - Auto rotating sensor - Vibration alerts - Waterproof without a case - On touch record/on - Pro sensor for low light - Multiple photo options

fro systems xp4: £149.99 Key features: - Multiple mounts included - 1.5 inch viewfinder - HDMI HDTV output - Web camera functionality - Waterproof to 30m with case - Small design without case

garmin virb elite: £349.99

Key features: - 1080p @ 30 fps - 1.4 inch Chroma display - High sensitivity GPS and altimeter - Wi-Fi connectivity to free mobile apps - Shoot film and photo simultaneously - Digital stabilization

gopro hero 3+ black: £359.99 Key features: - 1080p @ 30 fps - 12MP Photos - Built in Wi-Fi - Remote control (for up to 50 cameras) - Auto Low Light modes - Waterproof to 40m with case

The lowest price camera in the test by £30, if budget is a big factor this is a contender. Innovative mounting means no extra mounts and no hassle.

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This thing has more built into it than a lunar landing module. Construction is also sturdy and the screen is great. Quality and clarity are to be expected here, and we were not disappointed.

Everything you will ever need to mount this camera to pretty much anything, plus a handy remote. A decent selection of mounts for all occasions, including a suction mount.

With its unique mounting system, there are few as sleek as the ROAM when mounted. Strong adjustable mount system give a customisable low profile.

mounted width

mounted depth

overall weight

function navigation

winner: polaroid

winner: gopro

winner: contour

winner: muvi

second: contour

second: muvi

second: gopro

second: garmin

The barrel design and lower mount give this camera the most slender waterproof profile. Tight uprght mounts and barrel design bring home a close second place.

Board mounting and tight spaces are your friend with less depth, more angle to get the shot. Tight uprght mounts and barrel design bring home a close second place.

Waterproof construction mean no case and lighter camera - despite being made of metal! With only 0.1g in it, its very close,the GoPro does well considering the case.

With a screen, directional pad, plus multiple option buttons it’ hard for it to be any easier Large and easy to navigate menus system with a screen to make life better. hybridwakemag.com 53

The Verdict

What is the best camera?

There is no easy answer to this uestion as the tests have shown, each camera shone in various areas. They are designed this way: that is why they can all exist - the uestion may be better asked Which camera is best suited to me . To find the best camera you have to look at your needs the things you will be filming, how you will be using the footage, how you would like to mount the camera and of course budget.

The Contour ROAM 2

Contour’s mid range camera offers a lot of bang for your buck with a full metal body which is highly durable and likely to withstand even the roughest of treatments, always waterproof and always ready. The operation of the camera is very straightforward with just a couple of small icons on the top of the camera to let you know if your battery is low, record and memory full. The simplicity of the design makes this camera one of the easiest pick up and play units in the test. The mounting system is quite unique on the Contour with a slide on off style bracket on the side of the compact base, which also has a thread for monopods. This design enables the user to side mount on helmets which leads to a more refined, subtle overall look. The rotating lens is also a unique feature that gives you the freedom to mount almost anywhere and still get a straight shot. lignment can be an issue for small super wide angle lenses such as the we see here. This is countered by an inbuilt laser sight that enables you to ensure you are getting what you came for. The battery on the Contour seemed to hold up well throughout the tests and was never the first man down normally the last . This is because there is simply no downtime on this battery, the camera is simply on and recording, or it’s off.

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The first impression you get of the I is Wow, that’s a lot of accessories - the box is rammed full of pretty much every mount ever invented, and not just one of them. There are multiple bases so you can use the camera in different positions or sports without having to buy more sticky pads or plastic. lso included in the bundle is a remote control with a belt clip and wrist strap . t first it looked a little simple, but after using it, you realise that this is a bonus. When you are getting ready or swimming back to the dock, it’s super easy to stop start the unit or take a picture and save precious memory space and battery. The camera has standby, motion and other modes which means that you can leave it on without worrying too much about battery life while the motion sensors can be set to record on movement. ne other feature is direct HD I connectivity right from the camera so you can connect directly to a T for instant playback. The I had the most effective oom in the test and certainly leans towards a very broad spectrum of uses with its many mounts, this however is slightly dampened by the mounted si e which wasn’t the biggest at all - more the orientation of the camera can be restrictive in certain situations. The uality of the footage from the I was consistently good throughout the tests and with its slightly larger si e it was easy to navigate menus and could easily be used in hand for filming thanks to the viewfinder on the back of the camera. Polaroid XS100 Coming in at the cheapest camera in the test and a relative newcomer to this type of camera, it was interesting to see what Polaroid brought to the table. irst look inside the box and you are greeted with a handful of mounts for various applications as you would expect - not as many as some others but still pretty good for the cost, and a pretty kooky looking camera. ooks can be deceptive however. imple one

touch on record with that familiar tube format and an underside monopod thread. All pretty standard. Where this camera comes into its own is the sensor inside the camera lens which they call the G- ensor. It is a self balancing to an extent sensor that recogni es which way is up and gives you that little helping hand to keep things straight. Compatibility is no issue either here with a direct HD I port and the cable to go with it which always helps. s a lower priced unit you would expect some functions to have been eliminated. While they haven’t lost any functionality, as with others, navigation can be tricky without a screen. ne uni ue feature for this camera is the vibration alert it has to indicate that it is on and recording, and when you end filming one for on, two for off . This feature comes in with more help than you first think. When filtering through clips later on you will see what you were shooting right away, not your face looking confused at the camera to check if it’s on then having to scan the clip to find out what happened next! While this camera performed very well for its price and delivered more than expected, it has one slight drawback in terms of its design and that is how it is mounted. ven with its lens, mounting from below only means that if you want to have it on your helmet, you’re going to look a bit like a unicorn. ll round a great camera for the money, and if you’re looking at it that way - you could buy three of these for the same price as the GoPro Hero 3 Black dition FRO Systems XP4 This camera sees itself as a bit of an all rounder. It has a go at being a webcam, a sports camera and a mounted waterproof camera. While it does some of these things well, it does some of them not so well. irst impressions of the camera itself are good, it is very compact, a few buttons but nothing too much, a viewfinder which is always a very welcome addition and generous amount of mounts and accessories.

If you were just looking for a cheap camera to install in the home or for general use then this little camera can work well for you. And if you’ve not got a webcam on your computer, you can use this unit to satisfy your needs. Great! ur first issue with the came when mounting the waterproof case, to anything in the box. In terms of plug and play, this is not it. It’s like a ego set of different toys put in one box with no real discernible use for most of them. The waterproof housing has a snap lock like the others that have cases, except this one you will need to carry a flathead screwdriver to open it. It seals well - too well, with no clear lip to pry the case open with your fingers. We resorted to all sorts to crack this thing open. The rear of the case also has issues, there are mounting brackets for various clips which obscure the view of the screen while it is in the case. It’s not a major issue as things are still visible, just not at all angles. The placement of the tiny record icon in the corner of the screen also falls victim to this unfortunate design. ootage was reasonable throughout. Colours were a little odd at times but the did look pretty good in the low light tests. There just wasn’t an edge over any of the other cameras to make up for the clunky user experience and the most ill fitting and wobbly mounts out there. Garmin VIRB ELITE One of the top end cameras on test: this camera has an almost empty box at first sight, as single style of mount with a pair of sticky mounts and a B cable. ot much ot much until you realise that this camera has more technology in it than a fighter plane. It can tell you pretty much anything you want to know about your filming experience. How far, fast, high, low you went, how uickly you accelerated to that speed and what angle you were at while you did those things. Combined with another Garmin gadget and it will even tell you your body temperature and heart rate as you scorpion hybridwakemag.com 55

The Verdict

yourself trying that new trick you’ve been working on. Not only that, it will also plot you a handy little map of your travels when you get home on its very own software, which is free. The tech doesn’t stop there. It also has built in Wi-Fi so you can connect to your phone or tablet via their (you got it) free app. There’s still more, the sensor is the best in the range with a 16 megapixel capability among other things, making this camera one of the very best. Aside from the quality of the footage and the simultaneous photo taking, the Garmin has everything else you could need, viewfinder along with a great range of other shooting options. The construction feels very sturdy with a soft rubber finish which helps when you’ve got wet hands. It does, however, come in at the heaviest on the test, weighing in at 23.8 grams it is nearly 50% heavier than the metal bodied Contour. With everything there are drawbacks. First was the record button while one touch is great, the sprung switch can easily be knocked in a bag or a pocket to leave the camera on and running down battery life (something we experienced) - something the Polaroid and Contour avoid with a stiffer switch and a lock, respectively. The other more significant issue is with the mounting system. While there may well be other mounts available, those supplied would leave you with the old unicorn head. You would struggle to mount this camera on a board due to the design which can only point upwards at a low angle. There is also no monopod thread on the unit which would mean MacGyvering some sort of attachment to enable you to shoot from a pole or monopod. GoPro The heavyweight returns with the HERO 3+ Black Edition - GoPros latest and flagship model. s the world has come to expect of the brand, this is a great camera in many respects. Its size and versatility have become the benchmark for an entire industry. This camera has all the bells and whistles you need when it comes to functionality which is what you would expect from the most expensive camera 56 hybridwakemag.com

in the test. omething that is not so well reflected in the supplied accessories, with only a single mount and few arm variations the box is a little on the sparse side. Available extras are varied and plentiful but all come at an extra, already mounting cost. The balance of cost and reward is high however, with so many possibilities available for using the GoPro, including control of up to 50 units with a single control! It is in features like this that the camera earns its keep, the remote displays the same information as the front of the camera, finally getting us away from those horrible selfie moments in each clip. Quality of footage is well known with the GoPro, yet it does have its negatives. If you are mounting the camera any more than ten feet away from what you are filming then it is going to look like ten miles. Also, while the camera was consistently strong in the tests, there were times when the colour saturation and depth were outshone by some cameras in totally different price ranges. Summary There is not one camera that is right for everyone and you could certainly make one hell of a camera out of the best bits of all of these. The GoPro’s size with the Contour’s construction and rotating lens, the Polaroid’s G-Sensor combined with the Garmin’s huge sensor could bear great fruit. The usability of the the MUVI and it’s simple remote with the tiny size and screen of the FRO, all thrown together in one sack of accessory filled joy. Then again, some might find the extra bag of tricks that accompany the camera to be cumbersome or annoying. The fact is that each of these cameras will work in all situations, it’s just that some will be better than others obviously. Having looked at the cameras in every way and got to know them and their ways, it’s clear that they all have slightly different angles on the market itself. We have placed them into different categories so you can help identify which one suits you best.

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Edward Wood

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Edward Wood n illustrator with flare and assion tells us about his ourne through the art world. a ing alread seen artworks used in other s orts, wakeboarding could be his ne t ste . How did it all start? y inspiration and love for illustration came from comic books such as Beano, Dandy, arvel comics and I got into the Jessica abbit style characters in Graphic ovels. When I was a kid, I’d draw on everything. I covered my dads boombox, shoes, walls anything in reach of a pen. Why? What drove you to draw so much? Well as I got a little bit older I started getting more into graffiti with my cousins. othing too far out or cool. We bought big boards and were always doing it in the garden. It’s that, that inspired me to start drawing lines and drawing letters. So how did you progress from drawing things for fun into a career? ealising that you can actually make money from doing it - people were buying into what I was doing. I started doing little drawings of people that I used to hang on my wall. few years

down the line I found myself doing a few things for my friends and stuff but then it finally clicked. People were interested in what I’m doing. Then you feel much more motivated to produce much better work. Your style is pretty unique how did this come about? How would you describe it? The typography side of things just came from studying letters in its simplest form. ike doing skateboard decks, the platform is simple and the principle is the same for letters. dapting letters and turning into something else.. It’s just a really simple channel of work, but I’m also really inspired by graphic novel art and tattoo art. I used to always check out the sheets of lash that were on display on the walls of tattoo shops. The interest in those alone have made a profound effect on the way I draw nowadays. What’s the process you take when you’ve got an idea?

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When I was at university I was always taught to draw with a pen because you always want to have a concrete idea - it wasn’t about sketching. It was about getting the idea down. I get inspired by individual things and then combine them together to create something of my own. If I see a figure from somewhere, a pattern or anything I like, then I’ll combine them - creating something fresh from the various different elements.

inspired posters for a Hotel in iami. They realised that people see iami as a kitsch and art deco city, renowned for its beaches, boats and babes. They really wanted to amplify that concept visually for me it was a lot of fun.

part fro the co ic stuff, like the eano, what kind of tattoo stuff inspires you? It’s not necessarily an artist that has inspired me. I’m very into the darker side of tattooing. I guess criminal tattoo art has recently been very inspiring. very simple but effective traditional tattoos.

What kind of work have you done previously aimed towards board sports? I did a couple of small competitions at skate shops where I used to live in West ondon. I used to enter all these design a blank deck’ competitions. Which, in all fairness, were pretty well received. That’s how I got into doing all the skateboard stuff. It’s a great simple platform for illustration. The shape is so simple and easy to work with. I also used to work in a bike shop for a couple of years where I spent a lot of time making custom designs.

Is there any other types of art that you won’t enjoy doing but really appreciate? ine art. brand I used to love as a kid was Powell Peralta. They did bad ass skate decks and designs. The coolest skulls, decaying pin up models and all these hot chicks coming out of flames. s a kid it just blew my mind. n artist that inspires me is a comic artist called rt piegelman who is a very prolific Jewish illustrator who did cabbage patch kids and also did aus - a really important graphic novel about the holocaust. His drawings were always so descriptive and so simple. I’ve always found it inspiring, how you get so much emotion out of a line drawing. It was inspirational to see that you didn’t need to do detailed drawings to convey a message. What’s the most memorable project you’ve done? uite possibly one of my favourite briefs was to do a series of 3 iami ice’ 62 hybridwakemag.com

It’s kind of like you do school work and then a teacher comments on something you do and you’re stoked but for a teacher to pay for it, it was pretty rad.

What’s your opinion about wakeboard designs you’ve seen? I guess, there’s a lot of crossover coming in now. ou see a lot of unexpected designs, that you didn’t see a few years ago. People are taking a lot more care on a wakeboard whereas back in the day it was a really sort of conventional sort of illustration that you might expect to see on an old design. What was your previous work, as you work freelance now? I worked for a hotel group doing all their designs, designing books and magaines...

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What made you move away and move towards freelance? To be my own boss! It’s to do projects that I want to do. It was then that I realised people were coming to me for work. It’s a great feeling knowing that you have a demand and that people enjoy the work you do. ow different is it working for yourself over someone else? I tried a few years ago - it didn’t go well. I was a very different person back then. Now I realise I care so much more about what I do and it would be stupid to waste time not working hard. I’m lucky enough that I love what I do. Why shouldn’t I get up and work hard on what I want to do. It’s so much easier now to motivate myself. Initially it was uite difficult, you uit your job, so you’ve got to make it happen. What are the plus sides of not having to answer to the man? ou can turn off your emails ou can switch it off for a day and pick it up a day later. You know that’s the reality. When someone has work it’s nice to have that choice whether it’s something you’ll enjoy or something you’re not motivated to do. It’s always nice to be chasing your own dream and not your boss’. ow do you feel about the progression of your art over time? When I was younger I used to be obsessed with detail. I used to spend hours on it. But now my work is much simpler in a way, but much more detailed. I can work a lot quicker. I don’t really work in pencil any more, which saves a lot of time. I like black lines and strong shapes, I think there’s a lot skill conveying something in it’s simplest form.

Matchboxes? Its an idea based on old matchboxes designs. Back in the day matchboxes used to be very intricately designed but look quite unusual. I’m sort of fascinated how they spent so much time on such a short lived object. They eventually get discarded after a short time. I want to do drawings on matchboxes but actually do it so you’d want to keep them. ow would you like to see yourself in the future? I’d just love to do art all day every day, getting up and not sitting on the computer. That would be an amazing achievement, to be able to sell and do my illustration and nothing else. In such a digital age, it would be a great achievement. There’s so many mediums now, there’s a real demand for hand done work. Like doing hand painted paintings, skateboards and screen printing illustration. ow do people co e across your work? My website ewgd.co.uk has been a great channel for people to see my work and get in contact, I love getting illustration re uests for weird and wonderful stuff. At the moment it has a lot of Graphic Design on there. Recently I’ve started heading towards making it only an illustration based site.

Your style it is very si ple like in that Miami poster - it is very intricate.. Yeah that’s more of the detailed end of the spectrum which fits into a project that I’m doing which involves match boxes.

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meet the new breed of ros

welcome to shredtown

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welcome to shredtown Photos: Bryan Soderlind

Impossible to ignore, the Shredtown crew have exploded onto the scene with their original style and relentless winching. We caught up with Chris Abadie, Andrew Adams and Davis Griffin to find out more.

irst off, could you give a brief rundown of your crew… or sure, we live in a small town called thens, Texas and grew up riding boat on our home lake: ake thens. f you had to give a title to each e ber of the crew, who would get what and why? ndrew is the dungeon master in the lions den Davis is the bird man dragon slayer Chris is the long haired freaky people Shredtown has been making it’s mark in wakeboarding over the last couple of years but where how when did it first start out? We had been riding boat forever but it really started when ndrew got a winch for Christmas one year. fter that we started finding cool winch spots and started making web videos and a few months later we had a phone call from Jeff ckee, the Team anager at lingshot saying he wanted to fly to Texas and see what we were all about. verything happened really fast. We were no name kids to riding for lingshot in only a matter of months. Where did the name come from and who came up with it? Growing up we had always joked about living in hredtown or hredtown and then in our freshman year of college ndrew made the hredtown logo in his dorm room and it kinda stuck from there... What inspired you as a crew to approach wakeboarding in such an alternative way? It really started with getting that winch. We grew up watching snow and skate videos and had always wanted to take that approach to wakeboarding but never really had the chance until we got that first winch. rom the first day we tested it out we really understood that this is what we wanted to focus on and the direction we wanted to push ourselves. rom the beginning we always got the most stoked trying things that had really had not been tapped into yet in wakeboarding. As a collective you have made a big impact with your web edits, what is next for you? eah. fter basically making a career off web videos we have always known the natural progression would be to film our own full length video. We have

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“You never know how much attention you are going to bring, and if people will love it or hate it.”

always talked about it and pushed for it and finally we were in the right place and right time to really go for it. Its called Drop the Gun and will premiere ay 3 st How was the transition from shooting web edits to a full movie? It was pretty smooth, we were logging clips but the only difference was we were saving the clips instead of making edits. The main difference is to make sure the film gives off the vibe of a full length film instead of a long web edit... ow does it differ in ter s of your approach to each day or trip? We are basically looking for more uni ue spots to hit and really put our time into each thing to make sure they look good and are executed properly. ow are you fil ing the ovie are you on a constant ission or is it being put together over time? eah - it has been a serious mission for last two years It has been an everyday thing: if we are not riding, then we are building rails or finding winch spots and vice versa. Will it be just winching? o, we will each have our own winch part, however there will be a full section of just ystem 2. riding. The ystem really allows us to fabricate obstacles exactly how we want them and ride in a fun, creative way. It should be a great change of pace for the video and really compliment our winch parts. Where do you get your inspiration from for your parts in the movie? We get most of our influence from the street aspect of all the other 70 hybridwakemag.com

extreme sports. nowboarders have been in the streets and had the vision for a while and I hope with our movie we can bring something new to our sport and influence others to winch and see wakeboarding in a new way. Where will you fil the yste . section? We are filming the section at our private ystem park in thens, Texas. ow did you co e about having your own yste . ? We were really just at the right place at the right time and everything fell together about two years ago. I got a call from Pat Panakos at esitec and he mentioned that he wanted us to be a part of the team and give us our own ystem 2. to film edits. bout the same time we found a piece of property that had a small lake on it almost perfect for the ystem. couple of months later we had it installed and were living the dream of having our own private park. ow do you find so any cool spots for your edits and for the fil ? There are a lot of different ways to find winch spots these days. ost of the time we are scoping spots on Google aps or checking Google Images for pictures of spillways and dams of the current city we are in We have also found uite a few spots driving around and seeing something out the window. o you find you attract a lot of attention when you are winching? eah winching is cra y. ou never know how much attention you are going to bring and if people will love it or hate it. sually by the end of a winch session there is everyone, from people walking

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welcome to shredtown

their dogs to homeless people, crowded around cheering us on. It definitely gets pretty hectic sometimes. What is your best method of dealing with unwanted attention from cops or angry people? When someone walks up yelling at us we really just try to explain to them that we are not causing harm to anyone and we are just trying to do our jobs. nce you explain to them what winching is and show them the winch they are ok at that point. Cops are usually pretty cool too - they either ask us to leave or,occasionally, let us get our trick and then pack it up. What is the craziest thing that has happened to you at a winch spot? - It would definitely have to be at a spot in Dallas, Texas while shooting photos for the 2 lingshot Product hoot. We were winching a gap at the entrance of a neighbourhood and had a guy walk up who was head of the homeowners association which never ends up well ... Basically, he completely lost it and ended up stealing one of our boards, put it in his car, and drove away Don’t worry we chased him down and got the board back and also got it all on film which will be in Drop the Gun. ow long does it take fro finding a spot to actually hitting it? It really depends on what kind of spot we are hitting ome spots we pull up to are ready to go and other spots we need to build a kicker or dam it up to get more water at the spot. While filming for Drop the Gun we were winching really uni ue spots so most of the time we were having to at least build or fix something about the spot before it is ready to hit. Are you cautious hitting new spots or do you see and hit? We weren’t for the longest time until ndrew hit his head really bad at a shallow spot up in maha, ebraska. We thought the water was deep until he got hung up off the drop and dove head first into about a foot of water. That was definitely a wake up call and after that we usually check the landings to see how deep it is. ave any of you ever got sick fro riding in dingy, dirty spots? We actually haven’t and are really surprised about that because we have winched in some really sketchy places. I think the worst thing that has happened is an ear infection. Wouldn’t it be easier to go to the cable park and get some shots there? Cable is actually one thing we don’t ride very often. It’s fun to get out and have a few laps with the bros every now and then, but we really only ride cable a few times a year. It’s also a lot harder than you’d think to get uality shots at a cable. The rails are usually not uni ue or custom and have probably been shot filmed on hundreds of occasions so you better do something pretty damn cool to keep the internet haters off your back... How long do we have to wait to see the movie and will there be any premieres over this side of the Atlantic? The movie is live on ay 3 st nd yes, we definitely want to do a urope premiere tour this summer

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THE SHAPER introduction text. Nullam vel nibh et turpis faucibus pellentesque. Nullam suscipit mauris a commodo interdum.

The Hybrid phone will often ring with offers of new stories and happenings from those within the industry. These can be anything from someone releasing a new technology to an entirely new concept to the sport. n this occasion it was the latter. Propaganda Wake Park has been operating out in lovakia for the last year in conjunction with its parent company which runs a snow park in the same area. That parent company also produces snowboards under the same umbrella of Propaganda. wner Paul Wilson has in recent years been producing and distributing boards made in urope for the wider market. This path has taken the company through board design, development and construction. Three things that he is now transferring to wakeboarding. Propaganda have already started producing wakeboards, with the first decks in the country, it was almost a surprise to hear this news without knowing much about the move to launch a 78 hybridwakemag.com

uropean board brand. Designs of their first boards are aimed towards intermediate boat and cable park riders, offering them an alternative to some of the bigger, better known brands. While it is exciting to have another uropean company enter the market, it’s something that we have seen come and go before. We set about finding out what would set this company apart. s it stands, the boards look well made and the design has familiar features for boards of this generation, the channels look about right and the overall feel of the deck is good. The difference is the price, with the company aiming at direct distribution they are looking to cut out the middle man and deliver product direct to the shops and wake parks - making them cheaper. In conjunction with this, they are not set on releasing new models year on year and believe that by keeping the graphics the same on the deck, it will not age the board when new seasons come around. n interesting take and something

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THE SHAPER “It will be an interesting journey for Propaganda and the development of the first full production boards in the UK” that is uite uni ue, it is an unknown in this sport but seems to make sense on some levels. ow comes the interesting bit. The thing that sets this company apart is in the boards that they are going to be releasing later this year, along with the concept of designing your own board. ot just a graphic on their deck but your own, fully custom deck, flex patterns and all. This is where the haper, aka Dave mbler come in. Dave pictured is currently the only snowboard producer and is going to be working with Propaganda on this project. We visited the factory to see what we might be in for in this coming year. While wake production is still in its early stages at the site, the snowboards process was in full swing and we were able to get an idea of how the ’s first full production wakeboards might look like. The snowboard process carries a lot of the same technologies as wakeboards, especially since the evolution of flex boards and the industry’s direction towards that style of

riding. andwich construction is the most common techni ue for flex boards, and that is exactly what we will be looking at for the coming year. The board starts life at its core. irst, the wood planks as milled to make them straight and true, before being glued together under huge pressure to form one big piece of wood. This is then cut into lengths that are over twice the board core thickness, these pieces are then cut in half and glued side by side, the core is now complete and ready for shaping. The template shape of the board is then cut out of our giant wood lollypop stick, the sidewalls are glued and pressed before returning to the machines for some more shaping. The printed top sheet and fibreglass sheets are laid up on the top and the extruded or sintered base is then added to the core to finish the sandwich. ome magical jiggery pokery later and the board is placed in the press, in line with the mould to be

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compressed, driving out any unwanted glue and air. nce more through the shaping mill and some polishing and a board is born. By having full control of the process and it all being produced in-house, the factory at D nowboards is uni ue and is able to produce boards of with the same capabilities as larger operations. It will be an interesting journey for Propaganda and the development of the first full production boards in the , the market for the flex board has never been higher and the market certainly seems to be demanding them more and more. With the scene leaning towards the park and freestyle elements of the sport, this

could mean good things for the scene and seeing any brands like this, such as esthetic Wakeskates, is great for us as a whole. The more competitive the market place, the better it is for the consumers, and lets face it, it’s pretty competitive already We will be keeping a close eye on this project and will be returning to the factory soon, hopefully there will soon be some board testing to be done. I’m sure we will be able to find someone to test it...

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meet tim royle the

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meet tim royle, the man behind the lens of whitenosugar productions. having been an integral part of the scene in the uk from its early days, tim has probably fogotten more than you’ve seen.

Tell us how you get into the scene? Every family holiday was on Lake Windermere - always skiing and using the kneeboard. We got an O’Brien shredder board and rode that behind a proper old school jet ski - an X2. Whenever we could behind a boat. The X2 - Don’t know how we rode behind it seeing as it had no power. It actually got stolen and then we caught lifts on as many boats as we could until my brother could afford an old school Mastercraft Stars and Stripes. I bought a wakeskate and concentrated more on wakeskating. although my brother really got into his wakeboarding. We just rode every summer, no where else. Just Windemere. You were a big part of the Northern Monkey’s crew, how did the scene grow? We met Timmy about 2 years before the ban came in. Myself and my brother went up to a ski shack with Rich Leach, Chris Woodhead, Tim Woodhead and all that lot. It was suggested to film something different, like winching or whatever. As the ban came in, you were making the northern exposure docu entary was that your first step towards winching? 86 hybridwakemag.com

t first I thought I was filming Chris Woodhead, but the more I got speaking to Timmy, he was more and more up for it. I’ve always been conscious that filming wakeboarding would appeal to a bigger market. When we started we didn’t think we’d find places like Abbeystead. Looking back it looks a bit lame when they’re doing backslide 180s over tiny little weirs, but it was part of the process and it told a story of what we were trying to do and I guess the winch works perfectly for that . You can get so many different locations that look very interesting to people who don’t wakeboard and are like shit, that guy just dropped off a ft weir’. When we finished the documentary we wanted to put it out on DVD, The Extreme Channel got hold of it, so it got broadcast and then snowballed from there. I think it still gets played out now on Extreme Channel. When we were in Abu Dhabi it was on TV when we were out there - 4 years after we made it. You also fil outside of wakeboarding tell us about your background with fil ing and where White o ugar co es fro ? I always wanted to be an artist. I started drawing when I was 8 and as I got older I wanted to be an animator and studied it at Uni. After two years I got bored of drawing, so I picked up a super 8

THE filmER camera and started filming with that. I got a camcorder at some point and started filming with a friend. ne of the films was about a cup of tea which we called Whitenosugar. I started filming loads of bike riding, dirt jumpers and mountain bikers. I also did a little documentary on a female downhill mountain biker which got broadcast. I tried to get into the mountain bike scene but it was really a closed door - you couldn’t get in anywhere. At the time there wasn’t anyone in the north filming wakeboarding, so we looked into it and then Northern Exposure came about and it kinda went from there. Timmy left for Alliance. When he wanted some stuff filming I helped. We filmed the ide Guide which was split into four films. We also did some filming in Camden. lliance had im on board taking photographs and filming, I felt I had to up my game and make sure everything was really good. It went down quite well. I also got sent out to Abu Dhabi by Relentless to cover the Wakestock event they had out there. ow has your fil ing developed into your professional career? Day to day, my day job is different to when I film wakeboarding. I’m an assistant director so I direct all the background artists. So when you see people walking around on TV I tell them what to do. I Spend a lot of time working on soaps and dramas. A lot of

that time is on Corrie so I pretty much live in Witherfiled. It’s completely different to when I film wakeboarding because when I film an edit, I’m involved in the whole process. But when it comes to the day job, I’m part of a massive team. With wakeboarding I have more of a creative edge which is great. Where’s the link to where we see Whitenosugar in the tabloids? I thought with the wakeboarding, I needed more of an appearance. I worked on a logo and got a few t-shirts and hooded tops printed. I was wearing a top and a couple of the cast members were like, ‘I like your hooded top, where did you get it from?’ So I knocked up a few and sold them to the cast. Brook and Sasha were papped in it. (They’re like the nations favourite lesbians.) So it kind of went crazy for a month. I was shipping hooded tops out like 8 or so a day for a month. It was like I had a label! It was weird. But what people didn’t realise was Whitenosugar was a film company. It’s strange because printing t-shirts and hooded tops have turned it into more of a brand which sounds kinda nobbish. Whenever I sell a top or t shirt the money goes back into funding White No Sugar, so it just helps in updating the website or buying new equipment. What’s your approach that’s different to others? hybridwakemag.com 87

Owen Pick coach

1OO% Rider Owned - 1OO% Rider Operated Two System 2.O Wake Parks and The UK’s Only Permanent Pool Gap


Terry Hannam owner/coach

O1353 649 683 Located in Stretham, Cambridgeshire

THE filmER hybridwakemag.com 89

THE filmER I guess, a turning point was when we did Abu Dhabi Wakestock. Alliance wanted the videos out the next day, so me and Sim busted out 22 hour days. We were ordering Coco Pops and brandy at like 4 am - editing all night and having it out the next day. It was a really hard thing to do because I was still shooting on tape not a hard drive or cards. We finished Wakestock thinking it was hard work but very doable. Matt Crowhurst got me onboard to do the pro-tour. We had the same principles as before - getting footage out quicker, rather than holding onto it. It appealed to a wider audience than just wakeboarders. I think that’s how it has to go if we want to progress in the media. Obviously you get videos that take a year which look amazing. Like the Si Powell Document which was him winching over the course of a year. It was really hard to hold onto the footage and not to put it out. What progression have you seen in the fil ing side of things in wakeboarding? Techni ue is getting better for filming all the time. oads of people have quadcopters, high speed cameras but then sometimes the really raw films are better because they have character to them they tell a story and make people want to watch them. I don’t think anyone has made a film that has made , , views on ouTube, but that would be amazing. ow was fil ing the i Powell ocu ent? When I filmed Document with i, he’d go out and find the spots.. I’d come down and help him set up and take the footage. After a few hits, he’d land the trick he wanted and it felt good being able to help the rider and get something good out of it. There’s so many unknowns with it, there’s so much that can happen. 90 hybridwakemag.com

What do you love about winching? Because when filming boat stuff, you feel really contained: that you’re always on a lake, but when you film winching it can be in so many different locations. I do love filming winching. Winching is fun, so ething we all agree on, but as a fil er, what’s your main concern at a spot? There are so many unknowns with it - there’s so much that can happen. A part of me is always like, ‘shit what if they hurt themselves? I’m going to have deal with it , like drag them out and help them with their broken legs and shit.’ When we did Abbeystead I don’t know how he landed it. It was a really sketchy landing. In places it could have been 2cm deep. We didn’t have any phone reception and I was really worried that someone would hurt themselves. You think of the worst but you have to put your trust in the fact that these guys are good wakeboarders and wakeskaters and trust what they can do. re there any other riders out there you en oy fil ing? I like filming with att Crowhurst. He has been in the game for so long now.. You can just tell him what shot you want and he’ll go out and do it. He’s so media savvy and is also aware of the bigger picture. Jonty Green, James oung and the whole elentless Pro Series Team are always fun to shoot. ow can we ove forward with the industry to pro ote to the wider audiences? When I filmed ailmasters, at arls Court. I remember turning up and Timmy had made this awesome pool gap. It was such a cool event: one of the first of its kind in the . But there were

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THE filmER no wakeboard companies there, so people came to watch this awesome event but those guys weren’t there. It’s those sorts of events they have to back. I think people watch it and go, ‘Wow that was an awesome event - what was that, wakeboarding?’ It was such a shame Wakestock didn’t have the pool gap this year - it was seriously lacking a bit.

“I have a lot to thank for filming wakeboarding it has been so good for my career.”

What do you think appeals ore? I’ve done a lot of filming with Water ports World previously and we’ve got a lot of ideas. They’re clued up to the fact of what gets viewed more - such as story, character and lifestyle. s there anything out there now, you see aking a difference in the way the sport is portrayed? It’s events like Wake The ine, its such a good event and filmed really well. They pump a lot of money into making it so great. Its events like that, that get people interested in the sport. It’s creating something that’s not boring to watch. When I’m at work and the crew ask what I’m filming they reply, wakeboarding, what’s that?!’ You just sound like a nob when you say its snowboarding on water, which it isn’t. It’s way more than that now, especially with all the wakeparks coming up. It’s somehow trying to show it without people saying that’s shit’ and turning it off. It’s those sort of events that appeal to a much wider target audience. It’d be so good if there were three or four events like that in the , to try and progress things here. ow has fil ing wakeboarding helped progress your career? I have a lot to thank filming wakeboarding for. It has been so good for my career. inding the niche from filming with Timmy, learning how to film stories and storytelling through wakeboarding. Filming these events, doing the quick turn around edits have all helped me to get other work. It goes from a stage of having fun shooting wakeboarding to sitting down doing corporate stuff. But from that it’s just brought me more and more, opening up so many opportunities, shooting a small niche sport. I didn’t think it would happen like that.

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meet our wench

Hybrid’s very own custom winch is ready for action as the season kicks off. We met up with Rob Warmisham, creator of The Wench to see how the finishing touches to our custom model went. Where did The wench come from? I started making winches because I noticed the trend coming back for winching. There was nothing on the market in this country that I thought that was fit for purpose. I took a few ideas off things I’ve seen and spoke to a few people and riders. I got a load of feedback from the likes of you guys. I sent out the first unit which Hybrid tested. It all came back uite positive, after a few tweaks we started putting them on the market.

How have you developed as you’ve progressed with the units you’ve made? Just through feedback back, trial and error. bviously when you make something at first there are some faults and then other stuff works fine. But you just keep the good bits and replace the old. Good ideas come along such as the electric starter version. ou’ve gotta put it into place and see if it works.

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ice and easy What about the portable rails and stuff? It’s a new thing, portable rails are coming at some point this year. We have a couple out at the moment being tested by lads on bmx’s. I’ve had quite a lot of interest off of wakeskaters for them. o we’re going to develop a new one hopefully in the next month. ee where we get with that, send a couple out. If they’re a success we’ll start selling those too. Whats your background in wakeboarding? I started wakeboarding on ake Windermere, with a good friend of mine called ichard each who had a ski school there. We used to go out every night, day and every weekend. I used to go away a lot

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but when I was in the country, I always used to go wakeboarding. When the ban came, things had to start changing. Another good friend; Tim Woodhead, started up Industry Wake Parks, I’ve been highly involved making rails for them. Helping them set up wakeboarding parks all around the . We also do things like Harbour each and obviously Wakestock. ow did you get into the rail aking? That would have been when I started working with Tim, when he was working for lliance. Thats when it all began. When Alliance closed down, Tim opened a esitec dealership in this country and I’ve been helping him with rails ever since. oughly years now, I think.

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“I used to work for a world rally team. Motorsport was a big part of my life”

What about the other side of what you do? s you can see there’s a few cars here.. eah that’s a very busy side of life, I used to work for a world rally team. otorsport was a big part of my life, I was heavily involved, going away to a few different countries every now and then. When its cold here I always like to go somewhere warm. Its good, I like it.I like building rally cars, I like running the cars, I like seeing them go. Its the same with the wakeboarding I like the product side, design, create and cut out, then seeing it being used by people What was the last trip you did with the motorsport? The last place I was in was Argentina at a rally called Dakar, which is uite a gruelling day event. It’s mostly really hot weather. Quite unbearable. We was looking after to ex-Mitsubishi factory cars which are now run by a private team. 16 days sounds pretty intense, it sounds like quite a long time. Makes wakestock feel like a walk in the park! Wakestock is a holiday in comparison, definitely.

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What would you like to see from the use of the winches, so ething that you like to see in different places or being used in a particular way? Or just to get people winching? Get people winching, get out find the freedom that winching can gives to you. If you ask any wakeboarder or wincher. It’s that freedom, it’s that enjoyment you get it out of it. Its not about how good you are, whos the best, its about getting out and doing it. No commercial aspect to it. It’s good because there’s riders out there and its irrelevant of who they or what they’re doing. They’ve always got time to speak to you, always have a smile on their faces and it’s always because of the enjoyment of sport. What would you say to people who want to give winching a try how can they get into it? Well, just speak to any rider you know who’s winched before. r get in contact with you guys Hybrid or myself and once you’ve made up your mind, I’m making them

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Filming for The Debut, Nico and Raph go nose to nose on this twin gap hit - insanity 102 hybridwakemag.com

Photo: Lewis hybridwakemag.com 103

Dan Nott steezing it out with this switch melon off axis 180 104 hybridwakemag.com

Photo: Gustafson hybridwakemag.com 105

Mini enjoying the floods this winter, front board 106 hybridwakemag.com

Photo: Lewis hybridwakemag.com 107

Flying high with this batwing over a dark Chain of Wakes, Jorge Gill 108 hybridwakemag.com

Photo: Gustafson hybridwakemag.com 109

Sam Newton ollies a flooded gate in the Somerset floodst 110 hybridwakemag.com

Photo: Lewis hybridwakemag.com 111

get stocked find a co near ou, or get them to get stocked

featured stockists 1

Loch Lomond Wakeboard, Rowardennan Scotland’s leading boat centre. Call: 07545 561 360


Foxlake Adventures, Dunbar First System 2.0 park in Scotland. Web: foxlake.co.uk


The Edge Watersports, Coleraine One of Ireland’s wake fathers. Call: 028 2766 8999


PH Watersports, Port Haverigg Great boat lake in the north Call: 0774 6539636


Blakpool Wake Park, Weeton The first System 2.0 in the UK. Call: 01253 836543


Just Wake, Tattershall Two 2.0 parks with quarter pipe. Web: justwake.co.uk


South Coast H20, Portsmouth Great spot on the south coast. Web: southcoasth2o.co.uk


Offaxis, Abersoch Home to more than Wakestock. Call: 01758 713 407


Liverpool Wake Park, Liverpool Industry Wake Park’s very own. Call: 0151 230 8247


Glasfryn Wake Parc, Glasfryn Great multi system setup. Call: 01766 810202


Box End Park, Box End Full size cable and boat lake. Call: 01234 846222


Hannam’s Wake Hub, Stretham Progression exemplified. Call: 01353 649683

1 2 3 4




16 6

10 11

13 RIDE Leisure, Wyboston Progression exemplified. Call: 07427 251725



14 JB Ski, Chertsey A hub for cable and boat riders. Call: 01932 579750 15 Liquid Wake Park, Datchet One of the best parks in the UK. Call: 01753 542 500 16 Sheffield Cable, Sheffield Great cable and atmosphere. Call: 0114 251 1717

15 14

17 18


20 19

17 Middlemoor Water Park, Bridgwater The first GoRide park in the UK. Call: 01278 685578 18 Kernow Wake Park, Penryn The South West’s newest park. Call: 07973 703 173 19 New Forest Water Park, Ringwood The UK’s newest full cable. Call: 01425 656868 20 Quayside Wake & Ski, Mytchett Pro coaches and big wakes. Call: 01252 524375

If you would like to stock Hybrid Wake Magazine please call: 01278 785254 or send an email to Russell@HybridWakeMag.com 112 hybridwakemag.com

sheffield cable

club wake park

Situated in the picturesque setting of Rother Valley Country Park in heffield. We are open to all throughout the summer. Call: 0114 251 1717 Web: sheffieldcablewaterski.com

A 240m Lake, System 2.0 park with the advantage of 1 to coaching, our first class obstacle park has something for everyone.

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Call: 01758 713 407 Web: offaxis.co.uk

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Call: 01753 542 500 Web: llski.com

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Call: 01252 524375 Web: quaysidewake.com

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quarry, Kernow Cable, open Spring 2014, is a new addition to Wakeboarding in Cornwall and the South West.

Ride behind the Super Air 210, a perfect wake to practice, perfect and lock down your tricks, beginner packages available.

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levels of riders, two System 2.0 on separate reservoirs, fully loaded with UNIT obstacles. Call: 01353 649683 Web: hannamswakehub.com/‎

the edge watersports Here to provide a simple,

one-stop shop for all your watersports equipment: wakeboard, wakeskate and more. Call: 028 2766 8999 Web: edgewatersports.co.uk

hybridwakemag.com 113


Taking a nose jib a little too far, 1 second away from a back slap, Declan Clifford 114 hybridwakemag.com

monster energy presents

the debut

a film about people who love wakeboarding uk premiere: 8pm, april 5, liquid wake park



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