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Consolidated Financial Information
a) Net income divided by average equity for the year less average accumulated other comprehensive income for the year.
b) Equity divided by the sum of equity, long-term debt, current portion of long-term debt, borrowings and derivative instrument liabilities, less derivative instrument assets and sinking fund.
c) Net income divided by revenue.
d) Sum of income before financial expenses and net investment income divided by interest on debt securities.
e) Cash flows from operating activities less dividend paid, divided by the sum of cash flows from investing activities—excluding acquisitions and disposals of short-term investments and sinking fund securities—and repayment of long-term debt.
Operating Statistics
Operating Statistics (continued)
a) In addition to the generating capacity of its own facilities, Hydro-Québec has access to almost all the output from Churchill Falls generating station (5,428 MW) under a contract with Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation Limited that will remain in effect until 2041. It also purchases all the output from 44 wind farms (3,932 MW) and 56 hydroelectric generating stations (708 MW) and almost all the output from 13 biomass and 5 biogas cogeneration plants (419 MW) operated by independent power producers. Moreover, 554 MW are available under long-term contracts.
b) Total energy requirements consist of kilowatthours delivered within Québec and to neighboring systems.
c) The 2022 figure was valid on February 17, 2023. The values indicated reflect demand at the annual domestic peak for the winter beginning in December, including interruptible power. The 2022–2023 winter peak occurred at 6:00 p.m. on February 3, 2023.
Other Information
a) Excluding Rate L.
b) Excluding employees of subsidiaries and joint ventures.
c) Self-reported members (men and women) of the following groups: Indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, visible minorities and people with disabilities.