Issue No. 1

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Founder’s Note Rowing is an amazing sport for camaraderie, fitness, accountability, and more. There’s nothing else like it. When you row, you have a great workout and you build deep connections with your crew, but not everyone can easily access rowing and its benefits. We bring the water to everyone. That’s why we built Hydrow.

My name is Bruce Smith. I’ve rowed and trained around the world. Rowing is like no other sport for building community, because when you row with others you are moving in the same rhythm and at the same time, which creates a sense of connection. This kind of synchronous movement can’t help but bond us together as a team and as human beings. We feel more empathy for each other when one person knows what another is experiencing and more empathy means a world where we each feel less alone and have a greater chance of succeeding in our lives.



I first noticed this when I started rowing and experienced it again when I was coaching U.S. crews competing at the World Championships. When I got involved in Community Rowing, Inc. I saw that many people never had a chance to access this powerful sport and had no opportunity to get on the water. I had to figure out how to make it accessible for everyone. Hydrow gives that chance to people who might never experience rowing and what it means to be on a team. Getting fit and being part of a crew transforms lives. I am proud of what we’re building because it leads to whole health — physical, mental, and social.

Our Story Who we are and what we do

02 11 14


Founder’s Note Giving Back Team Highlight

Your Workout Immersive, supportive and efficient

04 06 12 17

About Hydrow Where We Go Programming Hydrow Specs

Our Trainers Competitive athletes and supportive coaches

05 07 08 10

Dani Hani Nick Team Approach

13 16 19

James Christine Adam

Sera Moon



About Hydrow For more details visit

Hydrow is the live outdoor reality™ rower. It connects you with world-class trainers, fellow-athletes, and the outdoors. In our busy lives it can be hard to find time for the things that help us most. Hydrow brings the outdoors to you, so you can exercise, burn off stress, and experience the peace of being on the water. What’s more, the workouts connect you with your own crew as you row at home, so you know you aren’t doing it alone. Every Hydrow workout engages twice the muscles of biking or running and is led by an experienced rower, some of whom are training for the U.S. National Rowing team. This means you can burn up to 400 calories in a 20-minute workout with support, encouragement, your own hard work, and your crew is always with you.



Dani Hani Dani is Hydrow’s Lead Trainer. A paralympic silver medalist and world champion rower, Dani understands how important it is to have someone on your side. “The key thing is someone telling you how good you are and believing you can push yourself harder. Being the best in the world is great, but being the best teammate in the world is even better.” Dani has always been an athlete. A high school competitor in several sports, her passion for rowing led to a scholarship at Division 1 University of Washington. She was injured and on crutches for an entire season but still went to practice, supported her teammates, and learned as much as she could. When Dani came back she was better than ever. In the years following, she competed in several World Championships and the Paralympics, winning medals in all competitions. Her drive for excellence led her to training and to Hydrow. “My training style is high-energy and supportive. I want everyone to be able to find their best self; by giving our users not only a great rowing machine but real coaching, Hydrow makes that possible.”

Where We Go “The crew seemed to be having fun despite the less than ideal conditions.” — Christopher W.

We row because we love to move. We row because we love being on a team. We row because we love being outside and finding new ways to bring the outdoors to you. Our home water in the spring and summer is the Charles River in Boston, a healthy, vibrant, urban waterway. Every time we row there we see new wildlife and more people enjoying the water. In the cooler weather our home water is Indian Creek in Miami Beach. From South Beach to northern tip of Miami Beach, these warm waters keep us energized and moving as we row past beautiful homes, dolphins, and through shimmering water. As important as it is to have home waters, we’re always up for an adventure. Last autumn our trainers went to



Lake Winnipesaukee, the largest lake New Hampshire, to get some strokes in during peak fall foliage. Dani and Adam took it a step further and rowed around the Statue of Liberty in September. The waters were so rough that they had to have James hook them up with an ocean shell! Is there someplace you’ve always wanted to row, some waters you’ve always dreamed of seeing? We’re working on our next adventures and would love your suggestions. These rows and more are waiting for you on the Hydrow, Live Outdoor RealityTM rower.

Nick Nationally-ranked triathlete Nick turned to rowing as an efficient means to reach his training and fitness goals. “I’ve always been competitive. My brother rowed in the 2016 Olympics and he inspired me to pursue rowing. There’s really no better way to get fit.” Nick’s competitive streak has led him to excel in athletics, but that’s not all. In 2012 he and his friends received funding from reality-show Shark Tank to build a surf-inspired fitness company, where he was the director of media and PR. Building the company helped him learn what people like, how they are motivated, and what kinds of barriers they may need to overcome to be fit. This informs his coaching style. “I’m excited to be part of Hydrow, it combines everything I want professionally. This shows when I help people train. You don’t have anything to lose by pushing hard and my job is to make that easier and more effective. I’m right there with you. It’s a combination of intensity and fun.”

Our Team Just like our community of Hydrow rowers, the training team support each other through community, accountability, and a healthy dose of humor! They take turns driving the camera boat during filming and share feedback with each other during weekly film reviews. Each trainer has their own fitness goals, so outside of work they support each other and row together as they work towards their next competition and benchmark.

Pictured left to right: Nick, James, Dani, Adam, Christine (not pictured: Sera)





Sera Moon An internationally ranked rock climber, Sera discovered rowing in college. She found crew empowering and intense. “I am relatively new to the sport, but I am dedicated to training and to supporting my crew. I come from an individual sport where I’m competing against myself, but I love the teamwork of competitive sports, so my approach to training is all about taking steps together, even if each step is in the privacy of your own living room. My job is to make everyone feel comfortable asking questions, and confident that they will work hard to become better athletes.” Sera brings a scientific understanding of physiology and body mechanics to Hydrow. Her academic and athletic interests are leading her to a career as a physician with a focus on sports medicine, training, and nutritional health. “In the gym, most people have no idea how to use a rowing machine or how to use it correctly. Our rower makes it possible for me to help people stay safe, access a great sport, and do it to the best of their ability.”

“Our partnership with touches the heart of our mission at Hydrow: to positively transform lives.” — Bruce Smith, CEO

Think of all the ways water is in your life. Drinking. Bathing. Toilets. Rowing. Now, imagine you and your family don’t have access to safe water in your home and are spending hours each day collecting it or looking for a place to go — the idea of using water for recreation is a world away. All of us at Hydrow know how important it is to have clean water — for hydration, for health, for life. This is why we are committed to supporting, an international nonprofit organization that has positively transformed millions of lives around the world with access to safe water and sanitation.

photo credit:

Clean water is a basic requirement for life, but it’s not guaranteed  1 in 9 people worldwide lack access to water  1 in 3 don’t have access to a toilet  One-third of all schools in the world lack access to basic water and sanitation  Every 2 minutes a child dies because of water and sanitation related disease like dysentery You can make a difference. Row for 60 days and we help empower someone with access to clean water.

With top ratings from both Charity Navigator and CharityWatch, empowers families with access to affordable financing for household water and sanitation solutions that give back time, improve health, and make futures bright. We want to help do even more — and we can’t do it without you. For every sixty days you row, we will donate to and help provide one person in need with access to safe water. It’s as easy as that. Your effort transforms lives worldwide. Hydrow


Programming Bring the soul-enriching exercise of rowing outdoors into your home. Hydrow’s unique Live Outdoor Reality™ rowing will motivate you through challenging and fun workouts with world-class trainers and your own crew.

Hydrow Live Outdoor RealityTM Rower Motivation, Accountability, Better Results:

 Hydrow is an immersive experience where you row with live or ondemand video, putting you out in the world and on the water. Content is constantly updated so there’s always something new.  From beginner to experienced athlete, Hydrow will help you learn more, exercise harder, and work to your full potential.  The rower is a cutting-edge machine controlled by electromagnetic resistance that can be adjusted up to 100 times a second.  The expanded screen displays live and recorded rows from our trainers with four levels of intensity. A live leaderboard and robust stats place you in the community of Hydrow rowers where you push and encourage each other.  Rowing is an efficient workout that engages 86% of your muscles. The rowing content is complemented with other programming to stretch and strengthen your body for optimum physical health.  The Hydrow rower is suitable for all living spaces. Electromagnetic resistance means it’s quiet while the sleek design makes it an attractive addition to any room.



James For some of us at Hydrow, rowing was part of growing up. James’ father was a single sculler in the Olympics, so his childhood was spent at regattas and in boathouses. He loved rowing, but found his own place in running. While at college on a track and field scholarship, James rediscovered rowing on his own terms and never looked back. He trained with some of the top coaches in the world and has competed globally. James’ personal passions are the outdoors and ocean sculling. “When I’m on salt water, I see all kinds of boats, people who love being outside. We’re competing against ourselves and it feels more like a festival than a race. With Hydrow I can share the excitement of being active outdoors.” His training is just as welcoming and enthusiastic. “Rowing is intense mentally and physically. If I can help you embrace the struggle and not shy away from it then I’ve done my job. All of the struggles in a workout remind you that you’re alive and help you operate in world more productively and more at ease.”


Andrea 14


“Andrea makes me feel like a valuable part of a team with common goals of making the experience better.” — Robyn C., beta tester

A college soccer player, Andrea also holds a Master’s degree in exercise science and is working toward an MFA in information design. By day Andrea is the connection at Hydrow for our customers while her spare time is spent playing indoor soccer and taking hikes with her two dogs. Andrea has always been active, so her early career in IT was both satisfying and frustrating. “I loved solving problems and figuring out how to make things work better, but I hated sitting at a desk all the time. I decided to get my degree in exercise science so I could use technology to help people live healthier lives.” Once she had her Master’s, Andrea looked for a company where she could continue being active, solving problems, and using technology to help people. “Hydrow is the right fit for me. I play multiple roles here, from troubleshooting to helping customers to testing equipment. Every day is a good challenge and no two days are the same. I’m busy, my coworkers are great, and I love our mission.”



Christine A multiple world record holder in rowing, Christine represented the USA in the World Rowing Championships 2018 in Bulgaria. She came to rowing when she damaged her knee in high school and had to change her sports focus. “I lived near a boathouse and had always been intrigued by rowing, but assumed that my height would put me at a disadvantage. Because I’m a little shorter than average, I’ve had to prove myself. It’s been worth it. My teams have all been incredible.” When Christine first used Hydrow she was struck by its efficiency, effecitveness, and beauty. Hydrow makes it possible for Christine to share her love of the sport with others. “I want to help people tap into their fire and intensity, help them know that going at your max capacity is not mutually exclusive to having a good time. I love using our rower and developing workouts that take away hurdles to fitness, so it’s easier to exercise with your crew and stick with it.”

Hydrow Specs The Hydrow rower connects you to the outdoors, to the water, and to other athletes, all while getting a powerful workout that engages 86% of your muscles and burns up to 400 calories in a 20-minute workout.

“Stunning. Its smooth edges, silent strokes, and neatly fastened 22-inch screen give it a modern look and feel that is still rooted in the functional foundation of every rowing machine that came before it.” — Chris Cardoza,

Rowing Magazine

An elegant, effective workout that fits into any space.

Hydrow is:  Well-made. Built for full commercial or at-home use. Crafted from an aluminum and steel frame with a flat anthracite polymer body to withstand even the most grueling of workouts. The 22” sweat-anddust resistant touchscreen adjusts 15 degrees for your best viewing angle and folds down for storage. It has 1920 x 1080 full HD so you can see your water in full detail. The high-quality speakers are front facing for a fully-immersive experience.  Adaptable. The rower supports anyone with up to a 36” inseam and holds 375 lbs. The foot stretchers are easy to adjust for correct foot placement and the handle has an ergonomic design for low-stress grip with high-quality webbing for super smooth and quiet operation. The seat is ergonomically designed with an advanced cushioning system and positioned for easy-on/easy-off.  Appropriate to most homes. Designed by Julianna Miller for both functionality and appearance, Hydrow is 85”L x 25”W so it will fit into tight spaces. In its vertically stored position, it is 24” x 33” and 85” high. A floor stabilizer is required for vertical storage. It weighs approximately 130 lbs and comes with soft rubberized feet to protect floors from scratches. Electromagnetic resistance means every row is quiet and you don’t have to worry about waking the kids.  Connected. With both wifi and Bluetooth capability, Hydrow lets you connect to your coach and crew, while also letting you add on most Bluetooth headphones and heart rate monitors. The microphone and camera are integrated into the screen, so your crew can see you rowing along with them. *Labor is covered for one year. The screen, other electronics, and wear items are covered for two years. The frame and other mechanical parts are covered for five years.



Adam Not everyone knows what they want to do when they grow up. While Adam enjoyed sports as a child, it took crew in college to turn him into an athlete. He was drawn not only to the competitive and athletic aspects of the sport, but found the experience of doing something hard and challenging with a team to be deeply empowering. “The best part of college was being a student athlete at UC Santa Barbara. I found my best friends for life through rowing.” From California, Adam came to Boston to continue training and learning. He is now in training in Boston as he vies for a spot on the US National Rowing Team and Hydrow is the perfect match. “I love inspiring people to believe in themselves and do things that they might not think they are capable of. When I train I tell others the same kinds of things I tell myself. It’s a great feeling to think, ‘Wow! Did I just do that?!’”

For more details visit

Join Hydrow “Count me in.”— John B. HYDROW SHIPS SPRING 2019  Find best friends in your living room every day  Be your best self with support and accountability  To put in your pre-order and learn more visit  Follow us on Instagram @hydrow_by_crew and Facebook @crewhydrow



14 Arrow Street, 4th Floor Cambridge, MA 02138


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