Portfolio 2017 _ HJ

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Portfolio by Hye Jin Choi

ABOUT ME Born in South Korea Attracted by architecture and plans thanks to my father who was engineer Moved to Brazil in High school Decided to study Architecture and Urban Planning in University. Learn to be a Workaholic and Coffee Lover Graduated as Architect and Urban planner



Having Fun working as an architect with different projects Start questioning myself about professional and social responsibility Moved to Italy looking for new experiences and personal development

EDUCATION POLITECNICO DI MILANO, MILANO, ITALY (2016 - 2018 ) Master of Science in Architecture (in English)

UNIVERSIDADE PRESB. MACKENZIE, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL (2005 - 2009) Architecture and Urban Planning (5 years cycle) Licensed Architect and Urban Planner by CAU-Brazil


Viale Romagna 62, Milano Italy, 20133 +39 333 9793989 chjseala@hotmail.com

Languages KR

Native in Korean


Native in Portuguese


Fluent in English


Odontology Licensed General Dental Surgeon by CRO-Brazil

WORK EXPERIENCE SENIOR ARCHITECT – FREELANCER, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL (2014 - 2015) Visual merchandising, Display design of Fashion stores Concept design Analysis, Technical and Detail drawings for concept stores and offices Management of construction process, Budget management

SENIOR ARCHITECT – SOLIDWORKS-HQ, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL (2013) Management and Coordination of Design Development of Brand-shop, Mobile Shop, Exposition Booth and Display Furniture Concept Analysis, Scheme drawing, Technical and Detail drawings and Compatibilization Team leader meetings and Client consultations Clients : Samsung Electronics, Cheil Worldwide

ARCHITECT – BATAGLIESI ARCH&DES, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL (2010 - 2012) Elaboration of Architecture and Technical Guideline of Bank Agencies and Fitness center Concept Analysis, Scheme drawing, Technical and Detail drawings and Compatibilization Budget Estimation Clients : Bank Santander, Bank Itau, Bank Bradesco, Companhia Athletica Fitness Center, Bradesco Office building, Bradesco Insurance

FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT – SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOV. (2011 - 2014) International Correspondent Elaboration of report about Urban Design of Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area for Database of Seoul Metropolitan Government Analysis of Urban Planning Policy of Sao Paulo


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Translation of documents for Competition in Korea (Pyongchang-dong Art Complex) Production of physical models Scheme drawings and graphic presentation of panels of office buildings and museum

INTERNSHIP – BIA PRADO ARCH & INTERIOR, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL (2009) Elaboration of Residential Projects Technical and Detail drawing and Compatibilization Interior Design

INTERNSHIP – ADDOR & ASSOCIATED , SAO PAULO, BRAZIL (2007) Technical and Detail drawing of Apartments Units Compatibilization of drawings Integration to Quality Control System ISO60

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Master in Science in Politecnico di Milano

Building Continuum in Imperia

Building Continuum, 2016 Location : Imperia, Liguria, Italy Proposal : Renovation of abandoned ciment factory in multyfunctional building Site Area : 23.546 sqm The renovation project of abandoned factory in Imperia was the main project developed in design studio I. The project was designed in group of 4 people and the important objective of project was the renovation and transformation of abandoned ciment factory in biodiversity activity center with laboratories, research center, offices, formation center for local farmers, vegie garden, 0km market, restaurant and hotel. Also the group purposed optional activities to enjoy the river Impero and the surrounding nature of the building with dynamic pathways parallel to the river edge in front of the building.

Building Continuum in Imperia

Landscape Continuum In particular the project developed deeper study on the relationship between the inlands production along the green corridor of the river Impero. It is recognizable a net of organic farms spreaded across the Prino Valley and the inlands, the aim is to eploit this net of farmers in relationship with the building continuum. The activities inside are thought to serve the inlands and the landscape to provide a development of a sustainable economy of regional agriculture production

River Continuum The starting point to develop the project is to deal with the existing situation of the river. The first problem to be solved about the presence of some polluttants in the water, the second focal point is the fragility of the river banks due to the occasional flash flooding episodes. The project transforms an unihabitable brownfield into a 21km long “living filter� designed to restore a rich and diverse ecosystem, create cohexistence between human activity and wildlife habitat. The manipulation of the section of the river is one of the main strategy to create a series of ponds and wetlands that act as regulator of the flow descouraging the dangerous consequence of the flash floods. The fonds and the wetlends allows the spread of biodiversity. Furthermore the river landscape is enriched with with fauna and flora presence.

Building Continuum To develop a sustainable way to treating the parasite in agriculture, as alternative to the pest management strategies exclusively based on chemical pesticides, was one of important factor to be considered. The aim of insect production is to educate the local farmers to more conscious and innovative way of producing in order to provide a relaunch of Imperia agriculture. At the same time, the resilient wall of the building are intended to be used as a welcoming environment to attract the animals, in fact the idea is to let the nature take the building, in order to make it a machine for the biodiversity spread. The goal of the renovation of the building was to make a proposal for the industries panorama : a regreening of the roofs that help the environment and enrich also the industrial area that are usually grey and sad. The plants that don’t require the regular maintainance were placed as economical and ambiental solution for the roofs.

Building Continuum in Imperia

The project which aims to restabilize the lost relationship between mankind and nature in all possible forms. This abscence of interdependence between man and nature was seen as an opportunity to develop a vision for Imperia and especially for the potential areas already related to the green, as the River Impero and the inlands.

The other crisis with which the project is dealing is the resilient areas that characterized strongly Imperia Panorama. The Italcementi building is seen as container for the landscape maintance with its function, but it also become a landscape. The nature retakes the resilient turning a place that once produced pollution into a machine for the biodiversity spread.

Building Continuum in Imperia Sections with process of resilience by nature and the Vision

Fun City Destination Milan

Fun City, 2017 Location : Milan, Italy Proposal : Development of Masterplan for 6 abandoned railway yards with cablecar system The abandoned Railway Yards in Milan occupy a significant portion of the city, creating a dead space which not only obstruct and fragment the daily transition of the public but is also disrupts the view of the city. Based on statistics of Milan, The occupants of the city, either students or the working class, tend to abandon the city when looking for distractions and different activities in the weekends and holidays. The city of Milan is a very industrial place, which lacks spaces that allows the public to recreate and entertain themselves. “Fun� is the main idea that our design will bring to the city, with this we are looking to create and generate spaces that will allow the public to activate physical, emotional, and mental activities different than the ones from their daily routines. In a way, we want the population of Milan to escape the city of Milan to go into a reconsidered Milan and enjoy a fun experience without having to go far from home. The railway yards create an opportunity to introduce multiple programs of interactive activities, which in turn will help mitigate the idea of a busy and high-paced Milan. To further the idea of escaping the city, we plan to change the landscape of the yards by adding changes in topography such as hills, water, and vegetation. In future developments of this concept and programs, we believe that creating a connecting component will help smooth the transition form the boundaries that have been created from the abandoned yards. We see the yards as seven centers of recreation, that are connected by not a strip of vegetation throughout the city, but by allowing its users to connect them visually through a higher elevation: Playing Cable System (PCS). The idea of the cable car began when analyzing the length of the abandoned area and trying to create a visual and physical connection between all the Yards. To generate a faster solution and more practical one, we decided that adding and elevated system would create a different perspective of the city and of the proposed railway yards design. The system on its own will introduce a new system of transportation, which will help with the expansion of the city. Nowadays, cities tend to grow vertically rather than horizontally, and having a system of transportation that runs above the city helps with this expansion. Milan is a city that feels congested and fast moving, receiving approximately two million tourists each year and others who use it as a port of transition. The design of the yards will introduce diversity of programs, ecotourism, leisure areas, multifunctional buildings, housing and commercial uses. This will be accomplished by taking advantage of the underused existing structures, green areas, and near water corridors Not only will the new design of the yards work as a public space but it will also help prepare Milan for the future climate change to come by the diversity of microclimates that we plan to create. The incorporation of the water masses will help to mitigate flooding; the addition of green areas and trees will generate a welcoming environment which will help exiting biodiversity to survive, and new biodiversity to exist; the hills will increase the probability of permeable soil. Furthermore, the whole recreation system should rely on renewable energy sources, which will also give to the city.

Fun City, Destination Milan Urban Strategies and Playing Cablecar System The Yards work as new epicenter in the external Milan circular line. They interrupt the rigid frame and the frenetic life of the city of Milan in order to attract and welcome people through a new landscape experience. Each Yard has a main vertical volume which functions as a new transportation station. These sort of “fantastic islands” , though, are not isoleted from the context: they are strictly related to the enviromental needs, population typology and urban services around them. The mixeduse towers concentrate the functions required by the pgt plus other main “fun activities” which could help to reactivate the yards. The areas chosen for deeper development are: Farini, Porta Genova - San Cristoforo and finally Rogoredo. They all have diferent scales and they are geographically diverse. Farini touches a very wide context in the north-west of Milan: the area present a quite high flood risk (related to the Seveso canal)

and lack of services and residences especially on the east side, completely into the urban tissue. Moreover it need a direct connection the the Garibaldi hub. Porta Genova - San Cristoforo are presented as a unique system which starts from the very center of the city (Genova station) to the Milanese west edge: the naviglio is the most important landscape element which determines the design practice, beside the linear park requested by the PGT. Here there will be the first enterely public towers in Milan, since no residences are needed. Finally Rogoredo is the yard placed inthe outskits of the city. There’s a main elderly and families population and there’s definetely a lack of services , especially in the touristic sphere. The project finds a relation with both the prehexisting building and the train tracks. Doubleing the groud floor the activities can double as well

Fun City, Destination Milan Scarlo Farini

Fun City, Destination Milan Scarlo Rogoredo

Fun City, Destination Milan Scarlo Rogoredo

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Professional works

Bank Bradesco S.A.

Bank Bradesco, New Prototype, 2012

Locaation : Sao Paulo, Brazil Proposal : Development of new design guideline for Bradesco Corporation Working Position : Architect Junior Job description : Renovation of guideline of Bank Bradesco, Concept design definition, 3D modeling by Sketchup, Development of executive project with Compatibilization of technical drawings of engineer team, Leading team meetings and client consultations Furniture design and development of related technical drawings Creation of new brand design “Bradesco Insurance� and its design guideline

h technical drawings and details

Bank Bradesco S.A. Prototype Unidade Panamericana

Companhia Athletica Fitness Center

Companhia Athletica, 2012 Location : Riberao Preto, Brazil Proposal : Development of Project executive of new unit of Companhia Athletica Total Floor Area : 1500 sqm (1 underground, 1 Mezzanine and 1 plane floor) Working position : Project Architect Job description : Development of concept design and 3D model by Sketchup Development of technical drawings Compatibilization of drawings

Companhia Athletica Fitness Center Unit Riberao Preto

Companhia Athletica, 2012 Companhia Athletica is the one of the biggest group of fitness center owning a lot of units spreaded in Brazil. The studio Batagliesi is the architecture office responsible for development of design and executive drawings for all units of Companhia Athletica inclusive new construction and reform of existent units. As project architect, I developed layout of this fitness center inside the shopping malls and in further, I draw technical drawings for construction site and details. Architecture was responsible by compatibilization between different technical drawings as eletrical, structure, air condition, hidraulic and luminotechnical drawings projected by specific engineers. Also development of specific design for furnitures and special exercise rooms according the requirement of each units. All of design concepts development and presentations to the client were made by Sketchup and Photoshop usually, and after the approval of client, the technical drawings were developed in Autocad.

Samsung Brandshop Recipe Shopping Unit

Samsung Brandshop in Shopping(SIS), 2013 Location : Recipe, Brazil Proposal : Development of Brandshop in shopping recipe with new design concept Total Floor Area : 192 sqm (1 retail floor, 1 technical mezzanine) Working position : Senior Project Architect Job description : Development of adapted concept design (tropicalization) from original design guideline Development of technical drawings of retail area and furnitures Development of design of furnitures to display new Eletrodomestic products Compatibilization of drawings and leading team meetings

Exhibition Booth for Samsung Air Solution FEBRAVA, Air System Expo

Exhibition Booth for Air System Expo 2013 Location : Sao Paulo, Brazil Proposal : Desgin Development and installation of exhibition booth Total Floor Area : 364 sqm Working Position : Senior Project Architect Job description : Development Communication Strategy - Smart Air Solution Development of Concept design, scheme and detail drawing Fiscalization of the vendors for installation of booth Leading meetings with client Febrava is the one of biggest event happens biannualy to exhibit the air system products in different scales. In 2013, during 3 days the event was presented to public in Imigrantes exhibition center in Sao Paulo. As Samsung is the one of the important company in this area, between the others as Dakin, LG, Hitachi, Midea Carrier and so on, it was expremely important to stabilish smart architecture design for booth as a main strategy to attract the clients and buyers.

The main products were displayed as hero on the cental part of main entrance and the other products were divided according their product line and were placed in display modules with detail exhibition mode. This way the clients can touch and self-experiment the products as self-information gathering activities. This self-experiment vision was the one of main design strategy to emphatize the flexibility and efficiency of the the space. In other side of the area, the small kitchens and meeting rooms were placed for support the other spaces and also to help the buyers get more informations from the clients in comportable space. The design was developed carefully according the strategy and client’s requests and later the technical drawings were drawn with a lot of details to increase the quality of the furnitures. The fiscalization of the venders and their production was essential to maintain the quality and design concept. Installation of the booth itself took 3 days, and during the construction of the booth, we kept in mind to construct the best booth among the other companies. The event was considered sucessful and also the team received the compliment from the client.

The communication strategy focused on “Samsung smart air solution” with variability of machines that could be addapted in different requirements of clients.

Samsung Smart Air Solution

Green Energy Solution


Residential Air Solution

Commercial Air Solution

Control Solution





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Booth Program : 1. 4 Stations for Exhibition of Air System product 2. Stage for Showcase 3. Meeting Room 4. Technical Support Room 5. Station for Exhibition of Domestic product 6. Foyer with Kitchen 7. Presentation Room

Hush by Rosana Fashion Stores

Concept Stores Hush by Rosana, 2014-2015

Bubble with Backlight

Location : Sao Paulo, Brazil Proposal : Femail Fashion Store Retail Total Floor Area : 75 sqm(Aimores), 24 sqm(Lombroso) Working Position : Senior Project Architect

The other organic shape was used in main visual merchandising area to attract the clients from the street. The sequence of the circles with different size were placed irregulary on the backpanel are with backlighting system. This panel made by wood and later coverd by laminated composite material with black color, meanwhile the frontal part of circle were covered with acrylic panel for backlighting.

Job description : Development of concept design Technical drawings and detail drawing for furnitures Management of project and construction cost management Fiscalization of construction process The project of two concept stores with unique design strategy were request by client. These stores are located on the fashion district street where are high concentration of female clothes stores with high variability of retail design. The design was developed with three main strategies which are wave sillouets, bubble with backlight and use of mirror on wall.

Use of Mirrors on wall The spaces of each unit have restrictions of the space due to the neighbor stores. So main display are could not closed and separated from the rest of the area. I decieded to use open display platform and applied the mirrors on the walls to simulate perception of expantion of the space by reflected images.

Wave Sillouet for Ceiling The ceiling solution with wave sillouet came from the organic curves of natural element. In project, I tried to represent the dynamic movement and floux of wave to represent the energy of the young female(main target of the store) and the possible sinergy with fashion design. The waves were made by gypsum board cutted in curve according the detail project and later applied plaster and paint.

Hush by Rosana Fashion Stores Concepts Stores

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Plan of Ground floor(left) and 2nd floor(right) of Aimores Unit : 1. Main display area 2. Attending area 3. Consulting Area 4. Cash desk 5. Access to upper levels 6. Storage 7. Pantry 8. Machine room

Transversal Section and Detail of circular panel in section showing the composition of components (left); Photos after conclusion of work : Aimores unit(photos 1, 2 and 3) and Lombroso Unit (photos 4, 5 and 6) (right)

Hush by Rosana Fashion Stores Retails and Visual Merchandising

Summer beach in Hush by Rosana, Summer, 2014

Location : Sao Paulo, Brazil Proposal : Development of small retail reform project for Summer look 2014 Total Floor Area : 15 sqm

Bubble Sea in Hush by Rosana, Summer, 2014

Location : Sao Paulo, Brazil Proposal : Development of small retail reform project for Summer look 2014 Total Floor Area : 24 sqm

Stretch the Limit in Hush by Rosana, Spring, 2015

Location : Sao Paulo, Brazil Proposal : Development of small retail reform project for Spring look 2015 Total Floor Area : 15 sqm

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Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Project Guarapiranga

Project Guarapiranga, 2008 Location : Sao Paulo, Brazil Proposal : Development of Masterplan and design new Social Housings and Institute for Reservoir of Guarapiranga Area for General Intervention : 352 Ha Area for Social Housing : 12.017 sqm Area for Institution : 75.000 sqm The Guarapiranga is one of important reservoir for potable water distribution of Sao Paulo city. In the 4th year of Project Studio, I developed two projects such as new housing system for local population and institute for reservoir. The main characteristic of project proposals are protection of water resources, providing sustainable house for local population, education of rational use of water and providing research support for water quality improvement. Different strategies of interventions were consolidated according the real necessity of each case, but still respecting the original masterplan(of municipality) of the area. The green areas around the stream purposed to be revitalized to recover natural filter capacity of the water. Also the project “Navegar ĂŠ Precisoâ€? of Lars Grael was implented. The green area used as golf activity on the riverfront will receive the public equipment(In-

stitutions and research center for water) and some part of green area was destinated for public sport courts. Beside this courts, the public bath area on the river was purposed. The existent commercial areas on the main boulevard were consolidated and also purposed new areas to organize the activity of local commerce. The old club Santa Paula is the monument protected by law but without appropriate maintain service. Its structure will be used to become a hotel to attract tourist for the area. In some strategic areas were purposed the social housings to attend the request of municipality and also to collect the population who lives in dangerous condition on the frontriver or in favela. Almos all of them are considered as illegal habitat self constructed in forbidden area. Removing them from that risky area to the social housing also could help to renaturalize the destroyed green area and to improve the water quality of reservoir. The building composition was stabilished according the legislation and necessity of each neighborhood. Multicomplex buildings with more than 6 floors were purposed in some areas and consolidated residential blocks less than 6 floors were purposed in other area.

General Purpose for the riverfront area (above) Orientations of Urban Planning Interventions Consolidated areas to preserve Historical monument to be revitalized Detail of intervention of riverfront area (left)

Project Guarapiranga Social Housing for Guarapiranga

Institute for Reservoir of Guarapiranga

Volumetrical Study

Volumetrical Study

1. Definition of horizontal circulation on ground level 2. Place main housing blocks(modulated) in parallel to axis 3. Place cubes integrating the main blocks 4. Place horizontal suspended circulation and pilotis to keep the ground floor free to circulation and ventilation

Typology of apartments

type A (46 sqm), type B (54 sqm), type C (40 sqm), type D (70 sqm), type E (45 sqm) A





Aquarium and Freshwater Research Cen

According to the necessity of the local popu search Center was purposed to offer recreatio population in its innate nature. The project volume leaving a free span to release a pedes made by ETFE material. The second volume


ulation, the Aquarium and Fresh water Reonal equipment to Guarapiranga reservoir consists of 3 main volumes, an L-shaped strian view to the reservoir, and its skin is e follows the axis pre-stabilished according

the masterplan (east-west). It advances until water surface and it will be exclusively used as aquarium. The material of this volume will be the reinforced concrete for structural stability and to give contraction in relation to main volume. The third volume has a diagonal axis that will be used for research laboratories. It will be covered with aluminum panels with variable texture and varied tonality to create a sensation of water wave motion. In addition, the project proposed a water treatment equipment for laboratory use and also for educational purposes of the local population.

Multifunctional Complex for Elderly Final Graduation Project

Multifunctional Complex for Elderly, 2009 Location : Sao Paulo, Brazil Proposal : Development of multifunctional building for elderly population in middle of citycenter Site Area : 12.850 sqm Program : Recreation (Shopping mall, Sports center, Pocket park), Housing (Special housing system for elderly) and Healthcare Service center (Medical clinics) This is final project for graduation(TFG) developed during 1 year. In this project I tried to integrated housing for elderly, health-care equipment and recreation center in one territory and then, enabled a more integration between different generations. It consisted of 3 blocks according to its use, such as housing, health-care and recreation. The block of recreation formed with a shopping mall which has facility to attract general public, besides offering dynamic activities for residence elderly. The health-care volume has charac-

ter semi-public, it means that this part offers support to health care servie of elderly integrated with neighbor hospitals. The housing volume is presented by vertical geometry with habitation units with universal designs for the people who requires a special needs. As a result, the project became a skyscrapper characteristics with mixed uses and with contemporary architecture facade design in the noblest area of the city for the most excluded population. During the process of development, I tried to use technological solutions and modern materials to keep the ellegance of architecture of the region where it is inserted. For this reason, the perforated aluminum panel was purposed on the facade of the housing block. Also, I prospected several forms of insulation to guarantee a comfortable environment for users, the opening on os the panels are placed according the quantity of insolation of the facade and of the floor location to minimize direct sunlight inside the house.

1. Shopping level plan (main entrance from Av. Paulista) 2. Recreation area plan (underground level of shopping) 3.Transversal section 4. Housing building plan adapted for elderly

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