Pediatric Chest Imaging DOWNLOAD HERE
Chest US.- The Contribution of Nuclear Medicine to Pulmonary Imaging.- Helical-Multidetector Chest CT.High-Resolution CT of the Lung in Children: Part I: Technique, Indications, Anatomy and Features of Lung Disease.- Part II: Clinical Applications.- Pulmonary Malformations Beyond the Neonatal Period.- CT of Acute Pulmonary Infections/Trauma.- Pediatric Tuberculosis.- How to Perform and Interpret MR Sleep Studies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children.- Foreign Body Aspiration: Imaging Aspects.- Imaging Evaluation of the Thymus and Thymic Disorders in Children.- Lymphoma - Controversies in Imaging the Chest.- Chest Tumors Other Than Lymphoma.- Thoracic Manifestations of Systemic Diseases.Radiology of the Chest Wall.- Pediatric Cardiac MRI.- Pediatric Cardiac CT.- Fetal MRI of the Chest.Neonatal Chest Imaging.- Subject Index.- List of Contributors. EAN/ISBN : 9783540326762 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Lucaya, J. - Strife, J.L. - Baert, A.L.
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