Practical Computing On The Cell Broadband Engine DOWNLOAD HERE
Introducing the Cell Broadband Engine.- Introduction.- The Power Processing Element (PPE).- Element Interconnect Bus.- The Synergistic Processing Element.- A Closer Look at SPU dual-pipeline.- Direct Memory Access (DMA).- MailBox facility.- Foundations for Program Development on CBE.- The development environment.- HelloWorld.- Basic Algorithms.- Graph Theory on the CBEA.- Alternative methods for parallel programming on SPE.- Text hashing.- Text compression.- Text encryption.- Matrix Algorithms and Implementations.- Computational Mathematics on the CBEA.- Line-of-sight Computation .- SPU Overlays and Isolated Execution.- Message Passing Methods.- Structure Determination using PDF.- Solving Equations in a Single Complex Variable.- Polytope Enumeration.- Synthetic Aperture Radar.- Image Processing on the CBEA.- VLSI Design: Design Automation.- Microword Optimization on the SPU.- Scheduling problems in VLSI.- Floorplanning: VLSI and other Applications.- VLSI Placement.VLSI Global Routing .- Power Estimation for VLSI.- Design and Implementation of a Vector Computational Graphics.- on Cell Broadband Engine.- Conclusion Glossary.- Index.- References. EAN/ISBN : 9781441903082 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer US Discussed keywords: Breitband-Netzwerke Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Koranne, Sandeep
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