in Municipal Solid Waste Processing Technologies. Raised to Global standards.
An industry and farmer friendly approach towards MSW processing
in pursuit of excellence
“Hyquip’s focused approach towards energy savings in MSW processing technologies not only helps in sustainability, but also protects environment.”
Forerunner.... r
First Compost plant under JNNURM executed by Hyquip.
Largest number of Compost/RDF installations in the country.
Built the largest MSW recycling plant in Middle East at Jeddah.
First time, “Auto loaders” are introduced to partially replace mobile front end loaders.
First to introduce “Neutrapak” a product made from natural plant oils to neutralise odours, a main hindrant for windrow aerobic composting plants.
First to introduce “in-vessel aerobic composting technology” in India where no odour and zero leachete are contractually guaranteed.
First company to introduce “Data management system” for remote monitoring of Compost/ RDF plant operations.
Plant engineered to save power upto 20%.
THE COMPANY Hyquip was established in the year 1984 to offer solutions to core sectors; cement, steel, power, sugar, paper.... for handling of bulk solids. Hyquip has grown over the years and emerged as a
within the “Tipping fee” received through a competitive
forerunner in Bulk handling, Flow control of bulk solids,
bidding process.
Municipal solid waste processing technologies and Solar power plants. Hyquip’s strength is in its ability to innovate and develop new technologies and adopt latest technologies to meet and exceed customer expectations and in this journey has received many national and international awards. In MSW processing technologies, sustainability is the important factor where the service provider has to sustain
Hyquip’s focused approach over the years has addressed the reliability of machinery, restricting the usage of mobile equipments (whose operational costs are high) shredding of non-biodegredable materials at a lower power cost per ton, as well as drying, to increase the calorific value of the product. With these solutions and added feature of remote data control management of the plant operations, has made Hyquip the forerunner in MSW processing technologies.
WINDROW COMPOSTING Windrow aerobic method of composting is ideal for processing medium to large quantities of waste and requires comparatively lower CAPEX than any other process. The municipal solid waste is suitable for composting because of the presence of high percentage of biodegradable organic matter, acceptable moisture content and C/N ratio in the waste. The windrow row composting is a aerobic process wherein the organic material breaks down into carbon dioxide, water, minerals and stabilized organic material, while carbon dioxide and water are released into the atmosphere, minerals and organic matter gets converted into compost.
In windrow system, waste is formed into long windrows that are turned by mobile machines periodically to maintain a stable temperature and decomposition, where water is sprayed to maintain appropriate moisture content. These simple windrow system where it is turned by machines to aerate can be replaced with a little more sophisticated system, which has a network of pipes that force air into the windrows are called “Aerated windrow systems�.
The success of windrow composting plants depend on the following factors: Reliability of the machinery: Hyquip’s engineering expertise of over 30 years helped in building highly reliable processing machinery, as otherwise the frequent break downs disrupt the process and becomes extremely difficult to handle continuous stream of incoming waste. Reduction in operational costs: The two main factors, power and fuel of mobile equipments contribute 70% of the operations cost of the plant. Hyquip has introduced highly efficient drives (98%) replacing the conventional industry standards which reduces power consumption upto 20%, thereby resulting in savings of Rs. 120/ton of compost produced. For the first time “Auto loaders” are introduced at feeding zones replacing front end loaders which saves approximately Rs. 20/Ton of waste processed. Windrow management: The equipment used for turning determines the size, shape and spacing of the windrows and its effective aeration depends on its porosity. While the large size windrows create aerobic zones in the centre which releases odour when turned and small windrows lose heat quickly and do not achieve temperatures high enough to evaporate moisture and kill pathogens and weed seeds. Hyquip can advice on the optimal configuration of the windrow, turning frequency and selection of equipments. Odour control : Auto Loader at feeding zones
Odours are a typical nuisance and most often result in public outcry and closure of plants. Hyquip for the first time is introducing ‘BioStreme’ an all natural micro nutrient formulation which when sprayed during windrow composting operations suppresses odour producing biological processes while promoting beneficial microbes that aggressively aid in decomposition of organics. Data management system : With Hyquip’s patented software the plant operations data like incoming waste quantity, production of compost and RDF, quantity of inerts sent to scientific landfill can be remotely monitored and controlled.
Trommel for screening non-biodegradables and rejects
AUTO COMPOSTING Hyquip is introducing auto composting technology into the country, designed to compost small to medium amounts of “Source Separated Organics�, where odour free and zero leachete are guaranteed. Hyquip’s auto composting technology is designed to process Source Separated Organics from hotels, institutions, canteens, convention centres, restaurants, resorts and kitchen waste from house holds, sewerage sludge, absorbent hygiene waste and waste from slaughter houses. Hyquip offers a complete integrated solution from waste collection, pre-processing and sorting through to composting and sale of end-product. These plants are completely enclosed and are the only composting systems in the world supplied with a contractual odour free guarantee. This technology is simple to operate, requires minimal
space, low labour, negligible maintenance costs and is leachete free. This makes it a compelling proposition for processing of organic waste, as environmental regulations continue to tighten. The ability to compost organic waste at site and then utilise the compost produced offers organisations like large corporates, farms, universities, zoos, breweries... the ability to truly close-the-loop. The processing capability is from 2 to 12 tons/day of SSO, any configuration to suit the waste generation requirement of the area and can be installed in as small area as 2000 sq.yds. in parks, existing transfer stations without disturbing the neighbour with any odour or leachete.
Sludge Composting: The sludge composting can be seamlessly integrated into the operations of a waste water treatment plant producing a stable odour free organic material, as sludge can cause odour and contains pathogens that can spread disease if not effectively disinfected and handled. On site composting of sludge not only reduces transpotation costs but also avoids land disposal of sludge which is becoming increasingly restricted and costly due to environmental concerns. As most of the WWTPs lack space, Hyquip’s compact auto composting system offers the ideal solution backed by contractual odour free guarantee.
Environmental benefits: For companies and organisations looking to reduce their carbon foot print on site or close to waste generation, composting has shown to reduce GHG emissions by approximately 1.0 ton of CO2 equivalents per ton of organic waste processed, when compared to landfill with gas emission capture. Compost produced can be bought by these large institutions and can be used for gardens and lawns which reduces irrigation and fertilizer needs by as much as 50%.
Compost can also be donated to communities, farmers growing organic crops as a social cause which are becoming increasingly popular in urban areas. Processing waste on-site or close to waste generation reduces movement of trucks thereby helps in reduction of carbon emissions. This composting system eliminates food as a source of odour and nuisance, and waste is processed as it is produced generating a stable product which is environmental friendly.
Multiple processing units
RDF PROCESSING We at Hyquip, are committed to offering solutions for processing of Municipal Solid Waste into useful by products. The non-biodegradable waste like plastics, textiles,
with a unique single pass shredding resulting in the
broken furniture, carpets, old tyres .... have to be
lowest power cost per ton of waste conversion.
processed into refuse derived fluff, which encounters many challenges.
The challenge continuous to removal of moisture content in the refuse derived fuel and screening out fine silica
It starts with separation of plastics to restrict the quantity
(not more than 5%), shredding of different constituents of non-biodegredable waste in the most economical manner to make it a sustainable byproduct in the market.
Hyquip’s existing product line of special screening equipment and rotary dryers are integrated into the system to eliminate silica and to down the moisture from
Hyquip has developed air classifier which separates light
30% to 20% which increases the calorific value to 3000 -
plastic particles from other dense materials, where the
3200 K.cals.
content of plastic allowed can be controlled. This process calls for a heat value of 10,000 kJ/kg to dry Hyquip’s research group with year’s of field trials has
the material which makes it expensive to be carried out at
successfully developed a special shredder to shred the
the MSW processing facility. Hyquip suggests to instal
materials as per customer needs of -40 mm to -100 mm
these systems at the cement plants where waste heat available can be utilized at no much extra cost.
The refuse derived fuel can be used by cement plants as an alternate fuel to coal. It also best fits into as an alternate to Biomass fuels which have become expensive over a period of time, making the Biomass power plants unsustainable with the power tariffs fixed by the government. There are various methods of increasing the calorific value of the refuse derived fuel and Hyquip with its
Refused Derived Fuel
expertise, offers these solutions.
Screw Dryer
RDF FEEDING SYSTEM Hyquip delivers technologically advanced mechanical handling systems to transport RDF upto the cement kilns. Hyquip’s application engineering considers the fact that
After the truck unloading, it is recommended to take
there would be resistance by the cement plant workmen
material samples to check the quality of the fuel supplied
to handle refuse derived fuel from MSW and has designed a
from time to time.
feeding system which is unmanned and remotely controlled.
The installation of handling system for RDF in a cement
The receiving station which can be designed for a storage
existing plants, but Hyquip has the expertise to optimise a
capacity as per client requirement is provided with a Auto
sustainable conveying system upto the feeding point.
plant is challenging as these are mostly upgrades for
loader which is programmed to deliver material at the pre-determined feed rate. The dust during truck unloading can be contained without needing separate dedusting system.
Feeding system to the calciner
RDF Conveying System RDF Receiving Station
For handling RDF within the cement plant over high inclinations and medium range distances Drag chain conveyors, Chain belt conveyors, Shaftless spiral conveyors or High angle conveyors can be employed. Hyquip’s years of experience in manufacture of airlock systems has helped develop a special feeding system of RDF into the calciner. This feeding system improves the burning process by splitting up the material and also avoiding false air entry. Auto Loader
SCIENTIFIC LANDFILL The science of managing waste has come a long way since the days of unlinned “garbage dumps�. Today we are not only working to provide safe and environmentally sound long term waste disposal facilities, but are also continuously improving our technology.
The key elements of a typical municipal solid waste landfill are: r
The residue of windrow composting plants, waste to energy plants, street sweepings and drainage silt are only allowed to go into the landfill.
The landfill area is covered by a geomembrane prior to that a prepared sub grade and a compacted clay layer is formed.
The liner also includes a network of pipes to collect leachete and send it for proper treatment and disposal. Capping of SLF
At the end of the working day, a six inches of cover material is placed over the waste deposited that day. This helps to control litter, odour and also compacts the waste.
Waste is deposited in small portion of a landfill called cells. When one or more cells reach their capacity, an engineered cap system is installed and natural vegetation is planted on top. The cap stabilizes and protects the structure, prevents errosion, keeps precipitation out of the landfill and provides a stable long term cover.
An engineered capping system is installed when a landfill reaches its capacity. This provides a secure, long term cover and includes a drainage layer to prevent excess water from entering the landfill. A SLF converted into a Golf course
EPC CAPABILITIES Hyquip’s EPC capabilities started way back in offering its services of electrical, mechanical and civil to build Coal handling plants, Aggregate Crushing & Screening plants and Bio-mass power plants.
As a “one Stop” solution provider Hyquip offers Compost / RDF plants on turnkey basis right from land development, construction of plant sheds, supply of processing machinery, erection & commissioning and also offer annual maintenance contracts to plant operation. Hyquip’s rich project management experience ensures that all the elements of the project are planned properly which work in tandem to set up a cost effective plant strictly within the time schedules committed to avoid cost overruns.
Group Activities l Flow Control Products l Bulk Material handling Systems l Dust Control Systems l Solar Power Systems 15
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