Creative Director
Art Director
A collaborative photo zine of the Photography 1 (VCMC - 008) and Digital Design 1 (VCMC - 002) students Philippine Women’s College of Davao Fine Arts Department AY 2021-2022
Timothy Assi Casatañaga John Arthur Andrade Hamad Darkis Jessa Kris Catalan Christine Joy Fiores Trishia Airene Arreola Nasarina Aguanan Rembert Vergara Jr. Jurad Ricablanca Kid Gilgamesh Adi Warhol Milkis Qin Xianglian @jackdaniels_001
As paradoxical as it is, Aloneness is a shared human experience, and this couldn’t be truer during and even in the aftermath of the pandemic. Quoting Freidrich Nietzsche, “if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.” Which alludes to our tendency to internalize our demons whenever we’re confronted with our innermost thoughts. In these photographs taken during social isolation, we are bearing witness to someone else’s life which in a way, is an intrusion to their thoughts. We’re voyeurs to their solitude and melancholia. Taking reference to Pablo Picasso’s Blue Period and the loneliness epidemic, the color blue creates feelings of melancholy and introspection. In this collaborative photo zine, we focus on the art of navel-gazing progressing through the day. Much like “food for thought,” except it’s the overconsumption of talks we have with ourselves.
May this photo zine serve as a ‘note-to-self’ not to identify with your own thoughts