Concept Validating and Developing

Page 28

Studio 2
MSStrategicDesignandManagement- Integrative


Context Overview Concept Framing Concept Iteration NextSteps 01 02 03 04
Context Concept Forming Concept Iteration NextStep 01 02 03 04



ValueCreationonthisEconomy =



Referstothenewconsumer'sneedsforself-actualizationthehighesttierofMaslow'shierarchyofneeds:Inthe TransformationEconomy,consumersareseekingmorethan justanexperience. SOURCE:










Concept Framing Concept Iteration NextStep 02 03 04

Artificialself-coachingas aconcept.




Ai.lyisauniquesupportsystemthatactsasapositive versionofyourownmind,designedtohelpyou throughthedownsidesofyourpersonaljourneyof transformation.

Itservesasapersonalcoach,mentorandahero, providingguidance,motivation,andsupport isbasedontheideathattransformationisajourney thatrequiresasupportsystem,andthatthemost importantcoachyouhaveisyourownmind.





Empowerment canprovide valuableemotional supportthroughout theprocessof change.







Lackofmotivationand underachievementhasledtothe incrementoflowself-esteem,confidence andmentalhealthissues,preventing self-growthandpersonaldevelopment.

Morethan 25% dropout highas 75% 94%

ofU.S.adultssaythey’re sostressedtheycan’tfunction


Patientswhoaremostlikelytodrop outearlyincludethoseintheir20s.


Millennialsarewillingtospend$300per monthonpersonal-development.

Citation:“TheSelf-ImprovementIndustryIsEstimatedtoGrowto $13.2Billionby2022.”BRANDMINDS.


AnAIcompanionchatinterfacewithvoice recognitionthatusesmotivational interviewingwithpositivepsychologyto developpositivehabitsforlife&learning alongsideyourtherapist.

NextStep 04

Concept Iteration



Personal  Coaches




Tech  Entrepreneurs

Industry  Experts


Transformatio nexperts Regulators

Peopleworking  in  transformation  sector


FDA (forhealthcare  applications)

Data  protection  agencies

Data  protection  agencies

Content  development coach

lifecoach financial  adviser

End User
physical mental sport/gym  trainer therapist
Software  Engineer
Product Tech  Expertise
psychologist linguist AI/MLExpert
Startup  industry  experts Friends/ Family wise Individual
Customer  Support
Venture  capitalists Product  Development Marketing
ADHD experts
Academic  researchers

CompetitorLandscape Competitor 4 Mind body Competitor 8 Local Gyms Competitor 12 HeadSpace Competitor 1 Nike Training Club Fitbit Colleges/ Universities Woebot Competitor 2 Financial Gym Supernatural Youtube Finch Competitor 3 Noom Competitor 7 Coursera Competitor 11 Add text Ifah Pantitanonta Aims to provide users with personalized AI friend that can help them improve their mental health, build self-awareness, and support their emotional well-being. mission to improve the health and happiness of the worl ed meditation and mindfulness tool to create life-changing habits to support health and healthier, happie relax mind, improve focus, and bet better sleep Comprehensive fitness solution that combines expert-designed workouts, personalized training plans, and progress tracking to help users achieve their fitness goals. immediate coping/mitigate mental health Provide response through AI echnolog Machine learning and delivers advice/solutions for each individual use suggestion for user developing progress - itness-inspired approach to coach client to ard meeting their inancial goals. sha Shrivastava Self care pet app that helps you feel prepared and positive, one day at time. care of your pet by ta ing care of yourself dynamics. Start mornings with quic mood chec and energize your pet to go exploring variety of uic mindful habits from goal ing and bullet ournaling to mindful breathing exercises and nd days in moments of gratitude with your self care pet where they be bac from adventures to share stories with you estress, reflect, and recognize your positive moments Personalization epli personality and Limitations the uality and human therapists health, mindfulness and well-being care for Airlines, etc. Provide wide array responded their needs plans and the ability progress, which helps users stay easily accessible and approachable, feel less negative about mental reducing the complication and barriers having educe the complication hip and collaboration ith inancial ma self-care fun activity gamification Accessibility epli AI-powered any time. eliance on echnology be available reliable. simple and easy us graphic interface User experience and simple to follow to enhance its functionality and add new eeping young adult perienced inancial perts provide the trust and friendly mood for user ni ue concept and alue propo ition measurement of your goals while earning rewards, and improve Affordability epli Limited Interaction may not be able to fully ncourages consistenc and longtime practitioners high polish and interact, easy navigation Comprehen approach to planning Provide immediate chat respons individual users aking Tech-free possible resilience, productivity, and gratitude. be display as widget What gives this company unique value? Unique alue propo ition What are the things that provide a leg up? Company ad antage What helped them achieve these advantages Company Strategie Where might drawbacks exist Company di ad antage hrough their identity and communication Their V ion and a umption impact strategies and positioning of similar pro ects cultural regional hi torical or emotional actor How are competitors exploring new challenges and opportunities? 
 What don they co er hat are blank pot or vulnerabilities? Competitor 4 Competitor 5 Competitor 9 Competitor 13 Competitor 6 Competitor 10 Competitor 14 Competitor 14 ed inancial planning and coaching imited Geographic Reach High co High co therapist, only can cope short fall surface level perfectly replicate natural efficiency result People still have doubt about the platform with, the efficiency result from become an ally companion for the user forming the relationship create meaningful mental health growth for Replika improve its AI algorithms and personalization Aims expand reach by partnering with organizations and ision to provide supportive and personalized AI friend Assumptions include that AI technology will health support opportunities the and mental health industries, and may not be suitable for individuals continue learn and recognize the nonalgorithm mental health personalize to user More Natural communication with user based on their age, platform chec ing-in and provide the suggestion which good for ni ue concept and alue propo ition ication ice Competition rom other inancial planning conomic do nturn more advance subscription is uired, free improve health and igh cost subscriptio Assumption the learning progress apply advanced he app uires an internet internet connection. features for non-Ni individuals have the power goals through hard wor have used the app achieve their fitness goals, emphasizing the idea that such as personalized training plans and access top trainers and have different attitudes towards fitness, health, users that region. as climate, infrastructure, and lifestyle, can impact the types wor motivation, confidence, and self-esteem, can impact the way users experiences that are most appealing them. technologies and trends to enhance the functionality and appeal of its app. perceived for some as to overcrowded elements and believe that the play might be what would be the porpuse achieving all these goals mindful with ta ing care self care pet care you Finch helps you hit goals and sustain healthy habits with your honest about how they really feel. yourself you with someone you love your dog. and emotional connection with how this concept realistic way formats Next Jump Noom digital health company that offers personalized weight loss, fitness and wellness plans. hey differentiate themselves from traditional weight loss programs by u ing p ychology ior change techni and AI to help adopt healthier vidence-based approach xpansion into new and employers Personalized coaching Integration with Large user bas with health organizations Limited coverage for Subscription-based he company hey believe that behavior change and technology can play facilitating this change. Noom has strong change and has hey are global company with users in countries, and digital health space are exploring new technologies such effective health comprehensive solution needs, and their focus dependence recurring could be vulnerability Mindbody wellness technology platform that provides tools and services to help wellness and beauty bu manage and gro operation Mindbody provides comprehensive platform for wellness bu to manage their operation from scheduling and appointment boo ings to payments and mar eting. hey offer variety integrations and partnerships with other wellness and technology companies, allowing for a seamless experience for both businesses and and established presence the wellness industry with friendly and intuitive platform for businesses manage to use and benefit from their services payment processing system and wide range of features and reporting vision is help people lead hey believe that technology has the and for consumers Mindbody is the North American wellness mar hey have also Australia, and New Fitbit is leading wearables company that provides consumers with health and fitness ing devices. heir uni ue value proposition their wide range of products, from basic activity ers to smartwatches with advanced health monitoring features, and their user-friendly platform for trac ing and analyzing health and fitness data. reputation the wearables mar levels and needs apps and services empowering people to control of their health and wellness, Competitors the learning to offer more personalized and solution for all health and wellness needs, as its main source of revenue could vulnerability the Supernatural offers highly immersive virtual reality wor out experience that designed to be fun and engaging, while providing users with challenging and effective wor out. he company uni ue value proposition its ability to provide truly interactive and immersive wor out experience that can eep users engaged and Innovative virtual reality wor xpansion virtual reality platform Large library of evelopment new features, such as egular updates and ers, such as Fitbit and Apple Partnership with fitness studios, gyms, in-person wor xpansion into Supernatural vision ma fitness accessible, fun, hey believe that virtual reality technology can common barriers fitness, such as boredom, lac designed appeal wide range users, regardless of cultural, regional, historical, globally and provides out routines and classes multiple languages. Coursera provides comprehensive and accessible platform for online learning, offering wide range courses and certifications from top he company ue value proposition its ability to provide high- uality education from leading institutions to global audience, ma ing accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Andrés Galicia uipment for member to exercise. people may exercise on their own or with the gym trainer for physical health development their own routine Provide variety options, ide range uipment gym trainers help member with wor out Some local gyms has being inspired people and in the local area, easy Safety and contro supervisors trainers Add text elp member build and Assumptio bring in update physical health goal easier and efficiency advancement ma the ing out experience oyable, challenge, and may feel demotivated factor to be demotivated Colleges and universities are institutions of higher education that offer students the opportunity to earn degree or professional certification particular field of study. hese institutions typically provide range of programs, including undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as professional and continuing education courses sha Shrivastava reach wider audience, increase partnerships and collaborations, well as offering study tutoring, and career counseling. igh cost igh ision provide supportive and personalized friend Assumptions include that technology will health support challenges and opportunities the developing new features and services. therapy or counseling and may not be such as suicide. free video sharing website that ma es easy watch online videos, to gi eryone oice and ho them the orld global access digitall multiple onboarding Globally Sense Communit interaction share. Multiple function uired by Googl expand the user accessibility channe User Friendl easy navigate through platform and user interface and experience desig simple and from user experience and develop platform accordingly youtube Free to Low cost star everyone can be the income through advertising more viewer, free there are high volume with of Ad free account, the advertising can be give everyone voice information easy and convenient through its online sharing platform. personalize the relative appropriate everywhere around the glob for ag regulation of content uploading ump provides uni ue value by offering tailored programs to help employees become more productive and successful in the 21st per-resiliency training, Leadership Academy, ing Partners, Situational shops, and the FLO Model as ways to create organic leadership across the entire company he company has been recogni ed by Har creating platform for training, partnering with other companies he four components using Cart echnology its helps employees feel cared for and proud the difficulty of competing with larger companies. ion is create world where people are empowered helping individuals and resiliency training help employees become more prepared Competitor 15 Class pass Competitor 16 revolutionizing the fitness and wellness industry by bringing together the world best classes and experiences into one app. igh number of fitness affiliate studios, xpanding into new ets, creating partnerships with fitness Affordable Pricin tiers of pricing leveraging data and analytics better ange of activitie wide range classes and stay motivate developed mobile app, allowing users to easily classes, view certain countries and regions, and access the service may be restricted ect several lawsuits and customer complaints become the world leading fitness platform and provide users with wide range of classes, that users will able easily select and trac their progress. language, cultural preferences, and local trends, as well as and conditions changes we want subscription Competition from other digital health hey are also exploring and employers reach the digital health space constantly evolving, and Noom may face Mindbody has strong focus on expanding their platform through technology companies hey continue to develop and improve their platform meet Mindbody expanding Some businesses have reported that Mindbody difficult understand. he platform may have Some users have reported technical user-friendly technology better Some competitors are also exploring new Mindbody may not highly customized operations hey may not have hey may face xpansion into new evelopment of new Partnership with its data and technolog xpansion its coaching and support through UI, design and Competition from established tech companies and startNeed to continuously innovate and improve its products stay Potential privacy concerns with the collection and storage hey are also exploring new partnerships and companies expand offerings. Fitbit has strong are accessible and appealing wide range of consumers. hey have global Additionally, the health highly competitors. company may also face privacy concerns with Maybe loo at wearable technology and compatible device Competition from other virtual reality fitness technology, Competitors the virtual reality fitness space are exploring ing, create more immersive and hey are also exploring new partnerships with fitness studios, gyms, hat don they cover Supernatural does hey are vulnerable because their need for limits the potential user base those who have access this technology. Supernatural may face challenges from not be suitable for everyone and may top universities and flexible scheduling option assignments and everyone, anywhere accessible alternative to traditional in-person education and help to Competitors in the online learning space reality, enhance the online learning experience. person education or hands-on learning experiences. computer mobile device vulnerability in-person educatio Competition from other online learning platforms and Need for reliable computer or mobile Potential limitations uality the online learning hey are also exploring new partnerships with Coursera designed regional, historical, emotional factors. he platform multiple languages. he online learning et also highly entrants established competitors. Additionally, the uality and may be perceived as less effective compared to traditional he wellness industry growing awareness the importance of physical and mental he vision of college education can play addressing some by belief in the power nowledge, research, and people around the improve and self-care through companionship by gamefication method

FeaturesAnalysis Competitor4 LocalGyms Competitor12 HeadSpace Competitor1 Nike TrainingClub Colleges/ Universities Woebot Competitor2 FinancialGym Youtube Finch Competitor3 Mindbody Competitor8 Fitbit Supernatural Noom Competitor7 Coursera Competitor11 Isthecompanyfocused onimprovingmental health? MentalHealth Isthecompanyfocusedon improvingphysicalhealth? PhysicalHealth Doesthecompany haveanavatar/ personalized dashboardforits Personalization Isthecompany focusedon improvingfinancial wellbeingofits users? FinancialWellbeing Isthecompanyimproving theskillsetorhelpingthe advancementofcareer Career/skillset development Isthecompetitor dependenton technologyand hardware Technologyandhardware Isthecompetitor dependenton technologyand hardware Artificial ntelligence Doesthecompetitor useAugmented Reality? Augmented Reality Doesthecompetitor use Virtual Reality? Virtual Reality Doesthecompetitor usewearable hardware? WearableHardware Subscription Freeo cost Competitor 5 Competitor 9 Competitor13 Competitor 6 Competitor10 Competitor14 Competitor14 Replika Next Jump Competitor15 Classpass Competitor16 Meditation Practice Mental Health Chatbot VirtualCompanion VirtualCompanion Personalized Program Personalized Program Physical Health T king Measurement Addte Addtext Physical Health Training Physical Health Program Skill Enhancement Skill Enhancement + training Educational Training Skill Enhancement Self-Training B2B-Skill Enhancement Partnerships Doesthecompetitor requireasubscription? Doesthecompetitor provideservicesfree ofcost? Doesthecompetitor collaboartewithdifferent partners/services? Metricsystemto assesprogress Isthereametric systemtoassesthe transformation? Gami icationor Rewardsystem Doesthecompetitor gamifyorreward duringtheprocess? Focusof Transformation Methodology TechnologyAdvancement Facilitation Financial Model Community Building Doesthecompetitorbuild communityorengagement withlikemindedpeople 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 50/50 eaturesanalysis


The problem

An AI companion chat interface with voice recognition that uses motivational intervie w in g w ithpositive psycholo g y to develop positive habits for life & leaning alongside your therapist

morethan 25%

75% dropouthighas

of U.S. adults say they re so stressed they can’t function

Citation: Poll conducted for the American Psychological Association.

Patients who are most likely to drop out early include those in their 20s.

Citation: Poll conductedfor the American Psychological Association.


My purpose

I'm an ally ofyouandyour therapist and I’ll be there for you — frommanaging stress and anxiety to finding balance,confidence, and purpose, put yourself onapathtoahappier, healthieryou.


Iassistyouthe restof the timewith...

(Therapyis essentialandI’m notaclinicaltherapist.)



Guiding you 24/7 between therapy sessions

Easy access by connecting to your smart devices

Voice recognition enabled to have a collaborative conversation

w doIhelp youtomake a chan g e?

Todevelopyourintrinsicmotivation to change ,Iapply O.A.R.S. which is a s k illsbasedmodelofinteractivetechni q ues adaptedfroma client- centered approach, usingmotivationalinterviewing principles.


Open ended Questions toelicit your thoughtsand behaviours

Affirmations to acknowledge and communicate positive regards

Motivational Interviewing

Reflection on your thoughts,feelings andbeahviours.

Summary statements bring together key points to you

I guide you through the Preparation Action Maintenance phases of change with motivational interviewing

Preparation Intent upon taking action

Action Active modification of behaviour

Wheelof behaviour change

Contemplation Aware a problem exists. No commitment to action

Precontemplation No intention of changing behavior


Maintenance Sustained Change new behaviour replaces old

Relapse Fall back into old patterns of behaviour

My researchers are millennials traversing through the adversities of life. Through contextual and q ualitative research with experts and sta k eholders, they identified the value and urgency of behaviour change for personal growth and development.

Myresearchers w ould lovetoconnect w ith you.

Itwouldbegreat help if youcouldbookan slot for a q uick chat andsupportthe pro j ect withyourexpertise using the following link

YourTherapist appointment
“Ai loveyourself”

ConceptTesting Interviews


Psychologist& Coach
Behavioral Changes


& Coach AI-Technology Behavioral Changes Business


JamesBashall EMCCaccredited coach:psychology, positivepsychology andbehavioural economics MeredithKnauer AD/HDCoach, consultant,andtutor. KielySweatt CertifiedLifeCoach anddirectorof innovationatOracle

Highlights&Takeaways TheLineBetween Coachand Therapist

"you know, the risk always is that. You go into the space of therapy and I think you've said that quite clearly in that pitch deck. It's like you're not a therapist and you can't be a therapist. Therapy therapists trained for, I think, eight years to be licensed to start doing what they're doing. And they yeah, I will get there eventually. But we're a long way off that. Whereas coaches, it's a much simpler world. So if you kind of if you draw a line and say therapy is a side and coaching that side, you need to know where that line is and make sure that you never cross it, because then that's there's a lot of harm that can be done"


Asacoach,it's challengingto continuetohelp customersorclients

DemocratizationPrice,more accessibilityto coaching opportunities

Thistoolcanhelpthembe motivatedtodothethingthat theysaid,they'regonnawalk awaydoing,whetherit'slike, writeapost-itnoteof motivationsandbelievein "myselfthisweek"

Allowsmoreaccessibilityto coachingthroughtechnology ofAI,providingcoachingat the lowerprices

Methodology approachis academicproofand tested

PositivePsychologyare academicproofandtested,it’s validatedapproaches.The differentishowit’sbeingused andpositionedinMarketing


Psychologist& Coach AI-Technology Behavioral Changes Business


ParsonsSchoolof designResearcher& Educatorwithfocus inAI,learning,and creativity

MarkRandall AssociateDeanand anAssistant Professorinthe SchoolofDesign StrategiesatParsons SchoolofDesign; Co-teachesDesign withAi

Highlights&Takeaways Reliabilityof informationand datagenerated fromAI

" you could easily start to kind of forget that it was really a machine that you were talking to, and that you if you if you receive the information, and it was really helpful and supportive, it will mean that we just encourage you to keep using it. Yeah. I mean, that's the other thing too, you start when you start to think about these kinds of things, too. There's also kind of like, the liability issues, like what if it gives a vise that's really wrong, you know, those are the kinds of things like you have to think about too, because there's that happens all the time with these AI, you know, programs where they you know, the facts aren't right. They give you the wrong information. It all it all comes across in a way If that makes you feel like, they really know what they're talking about when it's like, because that's the things I did is I, I've been playing with ChatGBT to ask it things that I really knew a lot about. So I could kind of assess, like, how much of this. And sometimes it answered questions really accurately. And then sometimes it was like, Ooh, that's pretty sketchy. "

MarkRandall-AssociateDeanandanAssistantProfessorintheSchoolof DesignStrategiesatParsons;Co-teachesDesignwithAi


Liabilityissues,what ifitgivesavisethat's reallywrong?

Explorethe relationshipbetween humanandAI

Prototype-API-Open source

"Wecreatedthebiased databases,andsothey'reonly generatingbiasedresponses"

Thereareroomsand possibilitiestoexplorelooking intointeractionand relationshipbetweenhuman andAI-Technology

Prototypingcanbetestand throughtheopensourcesAI. Givingthecloserfeeltohow theproductturnouttobe


& Coach AI-Technology Behavioral Change Business


JordanGoldberg FounderattheApplied BehavioralEconomicsGroup andStickk(Theworld'smost powerfulgoal-setting platformcreatedby behavioraleconomistsfrom YaleUniversity).

Highlights&Takeaways Incentiveisthekey

" the incentives is a big component. And incentives can come in various forms, it doesn't have to be financial incentives. It doesn't have to be, you know, rewards and gifts, it could be social recognition is and it's a form of incentive recognition for both good or bad incentives can be, you know, you know, sort of personal consequences that you might that might not get publicized, like, you know, you know, if I don't accomplish this, then you know, I've committed to not going out to dinner, you're not going to have that we're not doing whatever. And so like, you know, have people put something on the line themselves, right. So it doesn't have to be purely financial, because you're taking away you're adding joy to their life. So that's really big. And the other is, within behavioral within behavioral econ, I think what's really important is all the little stuff, right? So when it comes down to the visualization, there's a lot of different things you can deploy."



Theincentiveiswhatdrives peopletokeeptheirworkin progress,eitherbringingthejoy orfearoflosing.(rewardingas gift,oranxiousoflosingthe bet).

Themoreyoupublicizeyour goalandshareyourprogress themorelikelyyouareto succeed.Nudgingthesupport networktogivethemawards andurgency.

Aslongastheydon'tbreakthat linkinthechain,peopleare morelikelytocontinueand comeback.

Incentivesisabig component.itdoesn't havetobesolely financialincentives
Onetomany relationship,there's strengthinnumbers whenitcomesto accountability
Recoupvisually, streaksarereally important


TheLineBetweenCoach andTherapist

Positionourselvesas coachassistant

ReliabilityandBiasedof data-basegeneratedAI

Coachingcontentsand plansprovidingfrom certifiedcoaches

Feedbacksinto theconcept

Academic  researchers Positive phycology ADHD Coach User wealth health Product TechExperts physical mental sport/gym  trainer therapist psychologist linguist AI/MLExpert Software  Engineer Content  development Coaches Investors AngelInvestors Startup  industry  experts wise Individual lifecoach financial  adviser dataengineer Industry  Experts Transformati onexperts Regulators FDA (forhealthcare  applications) Data  protection  agencies Professors Peopleworking  in  transformation  sector Tech  Entrepreneurs Data  protection  agencies Venture  capitalists Marketing Customer  Support Product  Development Expertises Meditate  Coach Nutrition+Diet Skill  enhancement  certifiedcoach



ConceptDetailing Diagrams



Functionalitiesand actionswiththings neededtoprototype

WhatSuccess lookslike?

1 Youhavea goal.


2 Defineand layoutoutthe plan

3 toolskeep youstay motivated

Thisiswherethe happens

4 Goal achieved!


+ BehavioralImpact

+ CommunicationRelationship (PositivePsychology) throughoutdiverse channels

NextStep 04


Motivationalinterviewing techniquestohelpusers overcomeobstaclesand buildpositivehabits.

UseAIandmachine learningalgorithmsto customizetheselected coachingplanaccording totheuser'sinformation andpreferences.

Providepersonalised feedback,remindersand recommendationstohelp usersstayontrackand achievetheirgoals.

Provideuserswith progressmetricssuchas goalcompletionrates, habittracking,and progresssummaries. Behaviourchange,Motivation Customization Metrics,Rewards Reminders,Feedback


Hi-FidelityPlatformthat providesanoverviewof theplatform'sfeatures andfunctionalities







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